
Review Bisindole from the Alstonia : Recent Isolation, Bioactivity, , and Synthesis †

Kamal P. Pandey 1, Md Toufiqur Rahman 2 and James M. Cook 1,*

1 Department of and , University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53211, USA; [email protected] 2 RTI International, Center for , Research Triangle Park, Durham, NC 27709, USA; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-414-614-0919 † This review is dedicated to Professor Samuel J. Danishefsky for his outstanding contributions to and as a whole.

Abstract: Bisindoles are structurally complex dimers and are intriguing targets for partial and total synthesis. They exhibit stronger biological activity than their corresponding monomeric units. Alka- loids, including those containing C-19 methyl-substitution in their monomeric units, their synthetic derivatives, and their mismatched pairs can be attractive targets for synthesis and may unlock better drug targets. We herein discuss the isolation of bisindoles from various Alstonia species, their bioac- tivity, putative biosynthesis, and synthesis. The total synthesis of macralstonidine, macralstonine, O-acetylmacralstonine, and dispegatrine, as well as the partial synthesis of alstonisidine, villalstonine,

 and macrocarpamine are also discussed in this review. The completion of the total synthesis of  pleiocarpamine by Sato et al. completes the formal synthesis of the latter two bisindoles.

Citation: Pandey, K.P.; Rahman, M.T.; Cook, J.M. Bisindole Alkaloids Keywords: bisindole synthesis; biosynthesis; bioactivity; Alstonia; ; sarpagine; macroline; from the Alstonia Species: Recent ajmaline; pleiocarpamine; partial; biomimetic or total synthesis Isolation, Bioactivity, Biosynthesis, and Synthesis. Molecules 2021, 26, 3459. https://doi.org/10.3390/ molecules26113459 1. Introduction has been a substantial and sustainable pool of biologically active compounds. Academic Editor: Maria José Since ancient times natural extracts (in crude form) have been used in traditional U. Ferreira and folk in many countries. In modern times pure (isolated) natural products and their derivatives play an important role in drug discovery, as indicated by their prevalence Received: 29 April 2021 in approved drugs for clinical use. Out of the 1881 newly FDA-approved drugs over the last Accepted: 27 May 2021 four decades (1 January 1981 to 30 September 2019), a significant portion comprising 506 Published: 7 June 2021 (26.9%) were either natural products or derived from or inspired by natural products [1]. It is expected that the advent of modern and innovative technologies such as computational Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral software, , artificial intelligence, automation, and quantum computing will with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affil- further boost -based drug discovery. A synergy among these technological iations. milestones would accelerate to clinic pathways of drug discovery, and natural products are expected to remain an important source [2]. Moreover, pharmacophores and their unique stereochemical interactions with natural products may stimulate more demanding targets such as –protein interactions in the near future and open up a new avenue in modern drug discovery [3]. The majority of biologically active natural Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. products are produced in , known traditionally as medicinal plants. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Alstonia, a major in the Apocynaceae family of plants, has nearly 155 species This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and and is found all over the world [4]. Robert Brown named it in 1811 in honor of Charles conditions of the Creative Commons Alston (1685–1760), an eminent botanist at the University of Edinburgh [4]. The Alstonia Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// genus’ trees and are prevalent in the tropical and subtropical parts of , Asia, creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ and [5]. They contribute significant pharmacological activity, including anti- 4.0/). cancer, antileishmanial, antimalarial, antitussive, antiviral, antiarthritic, and antibacterial

Molecules 2021, 26, 3459. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26113459 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/molecules Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 2 of 47

activities [4–9]. Several parts of the plants including , twigs, and have been traditionally used to treat diseases. Their useful biological activity has aroused profound interest, as indicated by the increasing number of publications and each year. To date, more than 300 patents have been filed under the Alstonia genus with various formula- tions [4]. Notably, 157 different monoterpenoid alkaloids have been isolated from this genus between 2010 to 2020 [10]. Alkaloids, the most important class of natural products with structural diversity and significant pharmacological effects, are mainly found in higher plants such as the Apocynaceae, Ranunculaceae, Papaveraceae, and Leguminosae families [11]. These nat- ural products, along with flavonoids, fatty acids, etc., are the major classes of secondary that are believed to be parts of the plants’ defense mechanism. To date, many monoterpenoid indole and bisindole alkaloids have been found in the Alstonia genus [4]. Modern clinical application of many of these alkaloids are similar to their traditional or folklore applications; for example, and were used as anesthetics while and were used as stimulants [12]. Recently, Fielding et al. illustrated that several anti-coronavirus alkaloids showed potential therapeutic value against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) in their in silico studies [9]. The indole motif is present in many naturally occurring and biologically active com- pounds. Some of them have been used in the clinic. In addition, there are numerous examples of synthetic compounds with useful medicinal properties that bear the indole moiety. Consequently, the indole scaffold is one of the few “privileged structures” in modern and drug discovery [13,14]. The prevalence of bioactivity of indole-containing molecules may be attributed to their similarity to the essential , as well as important such as tryptamine and . Many extracts, which likely include alkaloids, have been used from time immemorial in folk medicines for fever, general weakness, dysentery, pain, liver diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, and cancer [15]. Currently, there are many indole -based marketed drugs such as sumatriptan for the treatment of migraine; vincristine and vinblastine for the treatment of various cancers, including leukemia and lung cancer; as well as reserpine for the treatment of hypertension and to decrease severe agitation in patients with mental disorders [16]. Bisindole alkaloids are naturally occurring alkaloids containing two indole nuclei. These bisindoles are the products of late-stage biosynthetic processes in higher plants by combining two monomeric units. Depending on the monomeric units involved, bisindoles can be a homo- or heterodimer. As a result, bisindole alkaloids comprise much higher structural complexity than both of the monomeric units that comprise them. As mentioned, bioactive bisindoles are usually more potent than the monomeric units that comprise them, although the is not known [6]. More structural diversity can be achieved via bisindole-based drug discovery by changing both monomeric units to furnish unnatural and pseudo-natural alkaloids. As such, bisindole alkaloids offer a large pool of natural, semi-natural, and chimeric drug candidates that have greater drug-like characteristics. As a result, due to their important biological applications and complex structural features, bisindole alkaloids have engendered the profound interest of synthetic organic and medicinal , computational chemists, and chemical biologists. Com- pared to the previously published review [6] from this group, the most recent and updated reports on the isolation, important bioactivity, biosynthetic studies, and synthesis of bisin- dole alkaloids isolated from Alstonia containing either sarpagine, macroline, ajmaline, or pleiocarpamine units form the basis of this review. Moreover, the recent total synthesis of rac-pleiocarpamine (a monomeric unit present in several bisindoles) by Sato et al. [17], which resulted in the formal total synthesis of villalstonine and macrocarpamine, the bioactive C-19 methyl-substituted sarpagine/macroline/ajmaline indole alkaloids, their unnatural enantiomers, and mismatched pairs to form potential bisindoles alkaloids, is also discussed in this review. Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 3 of 47

2. Occurrence and Isolation of Bisindoles from Alstonia Species A list of representative families to which the monomeric indole-based units belong, which comprise bisindole alkaloids from Alstonia, is shown in Table1. In some cases, a monomeric unit itself occurs as an alkaloid, i.e., has been isolated separately and is known by its trivial or given name. Bisindole alkaloids that contain the illustrated monomeric bases are listed in Table2. Among various species of the Alstonia genus, A. macrophylla and A. angustifolia are the two major sources of bisindole alkaloids discussed herein (vide infra, Table3). (+)-Alstomacroline 1, a bisindole alkaloid consisting of a macroline and an ajmaline unit, was isolated from the bark of A. macrophylla [18] and the leaves, stem- bark, and root-bark extracts of A. scholaris, A. glaucescens, and A. macrophylla [19,20]. (+)- Alstomacrophylline 2 (macroline–macroline-type) was isolated from the bark of A. macro- phylla [18] and the leaves, stem-bark, and root-bark extracts of A. scholaris, A. glaucescens, and A. macrophylla [20]. (-) Alstonisidine 3, which contains a quebrachidine 4 and a macroline 5 unit, was isolated from the bark of A. muelleriana [21,22]. The structure of (-)-alstonisidine 3 was confirmed by X-ray crystallographic data [23]. Yeap et al. recently isolated seven novel bisindoles from the methanol extract of the stem-bark of Malayan A. penangiana [5]. This includes (-)-angustilongine E 6, (-)-angustilongine F 7, (+)-angustilongine G 8, (+)- angustilongine H 9, (+)-angustilongine J 10, (+)-angustilongine K 11, and (-)-angustilongine L 12 (macroline–pleiocarpamine type). (+)-Angustilongine K 11 was converted into (+)-di- O-acetylangustilongine K 13 by stirring it with 10 equivalents of pyridine and 15 equiv- alents of for 6 h at room temperature in 95% yield [5]. Among those, angustilongine G 8 and angustilongine H 9 are C-19 methyl substituted [24] bisindoles. The structures of the angustilongines were confirmed by various spectroscopic data, in- cluding 1H NMR, 13C NMR, 2D NMR, IR, and HRMS by Yeap et al. [5]. Angustilongine E 6, angustilongine F 7, angustilongine G 8, angustilongine H 9, angustilongine J 10, and angustilongine K 11 are macroline–sarpagine coupled bisindoles. Angustilongine G 8 and angustilongine H 9 differ in only at the C-20 position. Two macroline units are contained in (-)-lumusidine A 14, (-)-lumusidine B 15, (-)- lumusidine C 16, and (-)-lumusidine D 17 bisindoles. They were isolated from the stem- bark of A. macrophylla and the structures were confirmed via NMR , , UV spectroscopy, and X-ray [18]. After isolation, the group of Kam et al. converted oily (-)-lumusidine A 14, (-)-lumusidine B 15, and (-)-lumusidine D 17 into the corresponding crystalline dimethyl diiodide salts (structures not shown) by treatment with an excess of iodomethane for 24 h. The crystalline salts were employed to obtain X-ray crystallographic data to elucidate the exact stereochemical confirmation [18]. (-)-Lumusidine D 17 is also known as thungfaine [25]. (+)-Lumutinine A 18, (-)-lumutinine B 19, (+)-lumutinine C 20, and (+)-lumutinine D 21 are linearly fused bisindoles isolated from the stem-bark of A. macrophylla as a light yellowish oil [26]. (+)-Lumutinine A 18 and (-)-lumutinine B 19 are macroline–macroline-type bisindoles, while (+)-lumutinine C 20, (+)-lumutinine D 21, and (+)-lumutinine E 22 are macroline–sarpagine-type bisindoles. The structures of the lumutinines were elucidated using spectroscopic means including 1D and 2D NMR, IR, as well as mass spectrometric analysis [26]. The structure of (+)- lumutinine D 21 was confirmed by X-ray crystallographic data [27]. (+)-Lumutinine E 22, a macroline–sarpagine-type bisindole, was isolated from the stem-bark of A. angustifolia [28]. (+)-Macralstonidine 23 (macroline–sarpagine-type) was isolated from the bark of A. macrophylla [29,30], as well as from A. somersentenis [29] and A. spectabilis [31]. (+)- Macralstonine 24 was isolated from the leaves, stem-bark, and root-bark extracts of A. scholaris, A. glaucescens, and A. macrophylla extracts [20], A. macrophylla [29,30,32–34], A. muelleriana [35], A. angustifolia [36], as well as from A. glabriflora [31]. The structure of (+)-macralstonine 24 was confirmed by various NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrom- etry, and X-ray crystallography [33]. The (+)-macralstonine 24-related bisindole, (+)-O- acetylmacralstonine 25, was isolated from the leaves, stem-bark, and root-bark extracts of A. scholaris, A. glaucescens, and A. macrophylla [20]. Also, (+)-O-methylmacralstonine 26 was isolated from the leaves, stem-bark, and root-bark of A. scholaris, A. glaucescens, and Molecules 2021, 26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 49

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bark, and root-bark of A. scholaris, A. glaucescens, and A. macrophylla extracts [20]. (-)-Anhy- dromacralstonine 27 was isolated from the stem-bark of A. angustiloba [28] and contains (-)- alstophyllinebark,bark,bark, andand and root-barkroot-bark root-bark 28 and ofof (+)-macroline of A.A. A. scholaris,scholaris, scholaris, A.A. 5 A. glaucescens,glaucescens,as glaucescens, monomeric andand and A.units.A. A. macrophyllamacrophylla macrophylla Another extractsextracts (-)-alstophyllineextracts [20].[20]. [20]. (-)-Anhy-(-)-Anhy- (-)-Anhy- 28 and (+)-macrolinedromacralstoninedromacralstoninedromacralstonine 5 monomeric 2727 27 waswas was isolatedisolated isolatedbisindole, fromfrom from (+)- thethe theDes-N’a stem-barkstem-bark stem-bark-methylanhydromacralstonine ofof of A.A. A. angustilobaangustiloba angustiloba [28][28] [28] andand and containscontains contains 30, was (-)-(-)- (-)- iso- latedalstophyllinealstophyllinealstophylline from the 28 28bark 28 andand and of (+)-macroline(+)-macroline A. (+)-macroline muelleriana 55 as5as[20,35], as monomericmonomeric monomeric the stem-bark units.units. units. AnotherAnother Anotherof A. angustifolia (-)-alstophylline(-)-alstophylline (-)-alstophylline [33], and 2828 28 andand A. and gla- briflora(+)-macroline(+)-macroline(+)-macroline [31]. (+)-Macrocarpamine 55 monomeric monomeric5 monomeric bisindole,bisindole, bisindole, 31, (+)- (+)-a (+)- hetero-dimericDes-N’aDes-N’aDes-N’a-methylanhydromacralstonine-methylanhydromacralstonine-methylanhydromacralstonine bisindole containing 30,a30, 30,(+)-pleiocar- waswas was iso-iso- iso- paminelatedlatedlated fromfrom 32from and thethe the barkbark(-)-anhydromacrosalhinemethine bark ofof of A.A. A. muellerianamuelleriana muelleriana [20,35],[20,35], [20,35], thethe the stem-barkstem-bark stem-bark 33 monomeric ofof of A.A. A. angustifoliaangustifolia angustifolia unit was [33],[33], isolated [33], andand and A. A.from A. gla-gla- gla- the leaves,briflorabriflorabriflora stem-bark, [31].[31]. [31]. (+)-Macrocarpamine(+)-Macrocarpamine (+)-Macrocarpamine and root-bark of 3131 A.31,, aa ,scholaris, hetero-dimericahetero-dimeric hetero-dimeric A. glaucescens, bisindolebisindole bisindole and containingcontaining A.containing macrophylla aa (+)-pleiocar-a(+)-pleiocar- (+)-pleiocar- [20], as well aspaminepamine paminethe stem-bark 3232 32 andand and (-)-anhydromacrosalhinemethine(-)-anhydromacrosalhinemethine (-)-anhydromacrosalhinemethineof A. angustifolia [28]. 10-Methoxymacrocarpamine 3333 33 monomericmonomeric monomeric unitunit unit waswas was 34 isolatedisolated isolatedand 10-methoxy- fromfrom from thethe the leaves, stem-bark, and root-bark of A. scholaris, A. glaucescens, and A. macrophylla [20], as well macrocarpamineleaves,leaves, stem-bark, stem-bark, N4 and ′and-oxide root-bark root-bark 35 are of of structurallyA. A. scholaris, scholaris, A. related A. glaucescens, glaucescens, bisindoles. and and A. A.These macrophylla macrophylla bisindoles [20], [20], as were as well well iso- asas the the stem-bark stem-bark of ofA. A. angustifolia angustifolia [28]. [28]. 10-Methoxymacrocarpamine 10-Methoxymacrocarpamine 34 34 and and 10-methoxy- 10-methoxy- latedasas the fromthe stem-bark stem-bark A. angustifolia of of A. A. angustifolia leavesangustifolia [36]. [28]. [28]. 10-Methoxymacrocarpamine 10-Methoxymacrocarpamine 34 34 and and 10-methoxy- 10-methoxy- macrocarpaminemacrocarpaminemacrocarpamine N4N4 N4′′-oxide-oxide′-oxide 3535 35 areare are structurallystructurally structurally relatedrelated related bisindoles.bisindoles. bisindoles. TheseThese These bisindolesbisindoles bisindoles werewere were iso-iso- iso- macrocarpamineLim et al. [33] N4reported′-oxide the35 are isolation structurally of new related macroline–macroline-type bisindoles. These bisindoles bisindoles, were iso- (- latedlatedlated fromfrom from A.A. A. angustifoliaangustifolia angustifolia leavesleaves leaves [36].[36]. [36]. )-perhentidine A 36, (-)-perhentidine B 37, and (-)-perhentidine C 38 from the ethanolic LimLimLim etet et al.al. al. [33][33] [33] reportedreported reported thethe the isolationisolation isolation ofof of newnew new macroline–macroline-typemacroline–macroline-type macroline–macroline-type bisindoles,bisindoles, bisindoles, (-(- (- extract of the stem-bark of Malayan A. macrophylla and A. angustifolia. The structurally )-perhentidine)-perhentidine)-perhentidine AA A3636 36,, (-)-perhentidine(-)-perhentidine, (-)-perhentidine BB B3737 37,, andand, and (-)-perhentidine(-)-perhentidine (-)-perhentidine CC C3838 38 fromfrom from thethe the ethanolicethanolic ethanolic related bisindole, (-)-perhentinine 39 (macroline–macroline-type), was isolated from the extractextractextract ofof of thethe the stem-barkstem-bark stem-bark ofof of MalayanMalayan Malayan A.A. A. macrophyllamacrophylla macrophylla andand and A.A. A. angustifolia.angustifolia. angustifolia. TheThe The structurallystructurally structurally stem-barkrelatedrelatedrelated bisindole,bisindole, bisindole,and leaves (-)-perhentinine(-)-perhentinine (-)-perhentinine of A. macrophylla 3939 39 (macroline–macroline-type),(macroline–macroline-type), (macroline–macroline-type), and the leaves of A. angustifolia waswas was isolatedisolated isolated [18]. fromfrom fromThe thethe exactthe Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 4 of 47 structurestem-barkstem-barkstem-bark of and and(-)-perhentinine and leavesleaves leaves ofof of A.A. A. macrophylla39macrophylla macrophylla was confirmed andand and thethe theby leavesleaves X-rayleaves of ofcrystallography, of A.A. A. angustifoliaangustifolia angustifolia [18]. [18].converting [18]. TheThe The exactexact exact it into thestructurestructurestructure dimethyl ofof of (-)-perhentinine(-)-perhentinine diiodide (-)-perhentinine salt by 3939 treating 39 waswas was confirmedconfirmed confirmed it with an byby by excessX-rayX-ray X-ray crystallography,crystallography, of crystallography, iodomethane. convertingconverting Theconverting X-ray itit crystal-intoitinto into lographicthethethe dimethyldimethyl dimethyl data diiodidediiodide of diiodide (-)-perhentinine saltsalt salt byby by treatingtreating treating 39 alsoitit withitwith with helped anan an excessexcess excessin the ofof ofstructural iodomethane.iodomethane. iodomethane. characterizations TheThe The X-rayX-ray X-ray crystal-crystal- crystal- of per- hentidines A–C (36–38) [33]. Tan et al. isolated three macroline–sarpagine-type bisindoles: A. macrophyllalographiclographiclographic extractsdatadata data ofof of (-)-perhentinine(-)-perhentinine [ 20(-)-perhentinine]. (-)-Anhydromacralstonine 3939 39 alsoalso also helpedhelped helped inin in thethe27 the structuralwasstructural structural isolated characterizationscharacterizations characterizations from the stem-bark ofof of per-per- per- hentidines A–C (36–38) [33]. Tan et al. isolated three macroline–sarpagine-type bisindoles: of A.(+)-perhentisinehentidines angustilobahentidines A–C[ A–C28] (A36–38 and ( 36–3840, contains(-)-perhentisine) [33].) [33]. Tan Tan (-)-alstophylline et et al. al. isolated B isolated 41, and three three28 (+)-perhentisine andmacroline–sarpagine-type macroline–sarpagine-type (+)-macroline C 425 fromas monomeric thebisindoles: bisindoles: stem-bark (+)-perhentisine A 40, (-)-perhentisine B 41, and (+)-perhentisine C 42 from the stem-bark units.of(+)-perhentisine AnotherA.(+)-perhentisine angustifolia (-)-alstophylline asA Aa40 light40, (-)-perhentisine, (-)-perhentisine yellow-colored28 and (+)-macroline B B41 oil41, and, togetherand (+)-perhentisine (+)-perhentisine5 monomeric with other C bisindole, bisindoles C42 42 from from the (+)- [28].the stem-barkDes-N’a stem-bark The struc-- of ofA. A. angustifolia angustifolia as as a light a light yellow-colored yellow-colored oil oil together together with with other other bisindoles bisindoles [28]. [28]. The The struc- struc- methylanhydromacralstonineturesofof A. A.of angustifolia angustifoliathese bisindoles as as a lighta light were yellow-colored30, yellow-colored alsowas elucidat isolated oil oiled fromtogether togetherusing the variouswith bark with other of other NMRA. bisindoles muelleriana bisindoles and MS [28]. techniques[28].[20 The,35 The], struc- thestruc- [28]. turestures of ofthese these bisindoles bisindoles were were also also elucidat elucidateded using using various various NMR NMR and and MS MS techniques techniques [28]. [28]. stem-bark(+)-Villastonineturestures of of of theseA. these angustifolia bisindoles bisindoles43, a macroline–pleiocarpamine-type [were33 were], and also also A.elucidat elucidat glabrifloraeded using using[31]. various (+)-Macrocarpaminevarious bi sindole,NMR NMR and and was MS MS techniquesisolated techniques31, a hetero- from [28]. [28]. the (+)-Villastonine(+)-Villastonine(+)-Villastonine 4343 43,, aa, amacroline–pleiocarpamine-typemacroline–pleiocarpamine-type macroline–pleiocarpamine-type bibi sindole,bisindole,sindole, waswas was isolatedisolated isolated fromfrom from thethe the dimericstem-bark,(+)-Villastonine bisindole root-bark, containing 43, anda macroline–pleiocarpamine-type a (+)-pleiocarpamineleaves of various Alstonia32 and (-)-anhydromacrosalhinemethinespecies, bisindole, including was isolated A. spectabilis from the[29] stem-bark,stem-bark,stem-bark, root-bark,root-bark, root-bark, andand and leavesleaves leaves ofof of variousvarious various AlstoniaAlstonia Alstonia species,species, species, includingincluding including A.A. A. spectabilisspectabilis spectabilis [29][29] [29] 33 monomericand A. muelleriana unit was [37] isolated by LeQuesne from the leaves,et al., A. stem-bark, macrophylla and [30,32,38], root-bark and of A. A. scholaris, angustifolia andandand A.A. A. muellerianamuelleriana muelleriana [37][37] [37] byby by LeQuesneLeQuesne LeQuesne etet et al.al. al.,, A.A., A. macrophyllamacrophylla macrophylla [30,32,38],[30,32,38], [30,32,38], andand and A.A. A. angustifoliaangustifolia angustifolia A. glaucescens,[36,39]. Schmid and A. et macrophylla al. elucidated[20], the as wellstructure as the of stem-bark (+)-villalstonine of A. angustifolia 43 by spectroscopic[28]. 10- [36,39][36,39][36,39].. SchmidSchmid. Schmid etet et al.al. al. elucidatedelucidated elucidated thethe the structurestructure structure ofof of (+)-villalstonine(+)-villalstonine (+)-villalstonine 4343 43 byby by spectroscopicspectroscopic spectroscopic Methoxymacrocarpaminemeans, accompanied by34 anddegradation, 10-methoxymacrocarpamine and Nordman et al.N4 confirmed0-oxide 35 theare structurallystructure by X- means,means,means, accompaniedaccompanied accompanied byby by degradation,degradation, degradation, andand and NordmanNordman Nordman etet et al.al. al. confirmedconfirmed confirmed thethe the structurestructure structure byby by X-X- X- relatedray bisindoles.crystallography These [38,40]. bisindoles were isolated from A. angustifolia leaves [36]. rayrayray crystallographycrystallography crystallography [38,40].[38,40]. [38,40]. TableTable 1. Indole 1. Indole alkaloids alkaloids (monomeric (monomeric units) units) in bisindoles in bisindoles from fromAlstonia Alstoniaspecies species that arethat reviewed are reviewed herein. herein. TableTableTable 1.1. 1.IndoleIndole Indole alkaloidsalkaloids alkaloids (monomeric(monomeric (monomeric units)units) units) inin in bisindolesbisindoles bisindoles fromfrom from AlstoniaAlstonia Alstonia speciesspecies species thatthat that areare are reviewedreviewed reviewed herein.herein. herein. Types Indole Alkaloids TypesTypesTypesTypes IndoleIndole IndoleIndole AlkaloidsAlkaloids Alkaloids Alkaloids

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Table 2. Bisindoles from Alstonia species that are reviewed herein. Bisindole Alkaloids Reviewed Herein Table 2. Bisindoles from Alstonia species that are reviewed herein. Table 2. Bisindoles fromMacroline-macroline Alstonia species that are reviewed herein. Bisindole Alkaloids Reviewed Herein Macroline-macroline

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Table 2. Bisindoles from Alstonia species that are reviewed herein. TableTableTable 2. 2. 2. Bisindoles Bisindoles Bisindoles from from from Alstonia Alstonia Alstonia species species species that that that are are are reviewed reviewed reviewed herein. herein. herein. BisindoleBisindoleBisindoleBisindole Alkaloids AlkaloidsAlkaloids Alkaloids Reviewed ReviewedReviewed Reviewed HereinHerein HereinHerein Macroline-macrolineMacroline-macrolineMacroline-macrolineMacroline-macroline

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(-)-thungfaine(-)-thungfaine = = lumusidine lumusidine D D1717 (-)-thungfaine = lumusidine D 17

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MeNMeNMeN HHH MeOCMeOC HHH MeMe MeOC NNN Me HHH HH Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 OOO H 6 of 47

(-)-thungfaine(-)-thungfaine = = lumusidine lumusidine D D1717 (-)-thungfaine = lumusidine D 17 Table 2. Cont.

Bisindole Alkaloids Reviewed Herein

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Table 2. Cont.

Bisindole Alkaloids Reviewed Herein

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Table 2. Cont.

Bisindole Alkaloids Reviewed Herein

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Table 2. Cont.

Bisindole Alkaloids Reviewed Herein

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MacrolineMacroline--ajmalineajmaline Me O HO O O


Me H

N Me

(+)-alstomacroline 1 (+)-alstomacroline 1 Macroline-pleiocarpamine

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Table 2. Cont.

(+)-alstomacroline(+)-alstomacroline11 Bisindole Alkaloids Reviewed Herein (+)-alstomacroline 1 MacrolineMacrolineMacrolineMacroline--pleiocarpamine-pleiocarpaminepleiocarpamine-pleiocarpamine

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TableTable 3. 3. IsolationIsolation Isolation andand and plantplant plant morphologymorphology morphology ofof of bisindolebisindole bisindole alkaloidsalkaloids alkaloids fromfrom from Alstonia Alstonia species.species. species. TypesTypes of of Monomeric Monomeric Units Units AlstoniaAlstonia MorphologyMorphology BisindolesBisindoles PresentPresent in in Bisindoles Bisindoles SpeciesSpecies andand References References A.A. scholaris, scholaris, A. A. Leaves,Leaves, stem- stem- glaucescens,glaucescens, and and A.A. A. bark,bark, and and root- root- (+)-Alstomacroline(+)-Alstomacroline(+)-Alstomacroline 1 1 Macroline-sarpagineMacroline-sarpagineMacroline-sarpagine macrophyllamacrophylla extractsextracts extracts barkbark [19,20] [19,20] A.A. macrophylla macrophylla BarkBark [18] [18] (+)-Alstomacrophylline(+)-Alstomacrophylline(+)-Alstomacrophylline 22 2 Macroline-macrolineMacroline-macrolineMacroline-macroline A.A. macrophylla macrophylla BarkBark [19] [19] A.A. scholaris, scholaris, A. A. Leaves,Leaves, stem- stem- glaucescens,glaucescens, and and A.A. A. bark,bark, and and root- root- macrophyllamacrophylla extractsextracts extracts barkbark [20] [20] ((−(−)) ) AlstonisidineAlstonisidine Alstonisidine 3 3 Ajmaline-macrolineAjmaline-macrolineAjmaline-macroline A.A. muelleriana muelleriana BarkBark [21,22] [21,22] ((−(−)-Angustilongine)-Angustilongine)-Angustilongine EE E 6 6 Macroline-sarpagineMacroline-sarpagineMacroline-sarpagine A.A. penangiana penangiana Stem-barkStem-bark [5] [5] ((−(−)-Angustilongine)-Angustilongine)-Angustilongine FF F 7 7 Macroline-sarpagineMacroline-sarpagineMacroline-sarpagine A.A. penangiana penangiana Stem-barkStem-bark [5] [5] (+)-Angustilongine(+)-Angustilongine(+)-Angustilongine GG G 8 8 Macroline-sarpagineMacroline-sarpagineMacroline-sarpagine A.A. penangiana penangiana Stem-barkStem-bark [5] [5] (+)-Angustilongine(+)-Angustilongine(+)-Angustilongine HH H 9 9 Macroline-sarpagineMacroline-sarpagineMacroline-sarpagine AA.. .penangianapenangiana penangiana Stem-barkStem-bark [5] [5] (+)-Angustilongine(+)-Angustilongine(+)-Angustilongine JJ J 10 10 Macroline-sarpagineMacroline-sarpagineMacroline-sarpagine A.A. penangiana penangiana Stem-barkStem-bark [5] [5]

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Table 2. Cont.

Bisindole Alkaloids Reviewed Herein

Table 3. Isolation and plant morphology of bisindole alkaloids from Alstonia species. Lim et al. [33] reported the isolation of new macroline–macroline-type bisindoles, (-)- perhentidineTypes A 36, (-)-perhentidine of Monomeric B 37 Units, and (-)-perhentidineAlstonia C 38 from theMorphology ethanolic extract Bisindoles of the stem-barkPresent of Malayan in BisindolesA. macrophylla and A. angustifolia.Species The structurallyand References related bisindole, (-)-perhentinine 39 (macroline–macroline-type),A. scholaris, was isolated A. fromLeaves, the stem-bark stem- and leaves of A. macrophylla and the leaves of A. angustifolia [18]. The exact structure of glaucescens, and A. bark, and root- (+)-Alstomacroline 1 (-)-perhentinine 39Macroline-sarpaginewas confirmed by X-ray crystallography, converting it into the dimethyl macrophylla extracts bark [19,20] diiodide salt by treating it with an excess of iodomethane. The X-ray crystallographic A. macrophylla Bark [18] data of (-)-perhentinine 39 also helped in the structural characterizations of perhentidines (+)-AlstomacrophyllineA–C 2 (36–38)[33].Macroline-macroline Tan et al. isolated three macroline–sarpagine-typeA. macrophylla bisindoles:Bark [19] (+)- perhentisine A 40, (-)-perhentisine B 41, and (+)-perhentisineA. scholaris, C 42A. from theLeaves, stem-bark stem- of A. angustifolia as a light yellow-colored oil together withglaucescens, other bisindoles and A. [28bark,]. The and structures root- of these bisindoles were also elucidated using variousmacrophylla NMR andextracts MS techniquesbark [20] [28]. (+)- (−) Alstonisidine 3 Villastonine 43, a macroline–pleiocarpamine-typeAjmaline-macroline bisindole,A. muelleriana was isolatedBark from [21,22] the stem- (−)-Angustilongine E 6bark, root-bark, andMacroline-sarpagine leaves of various Alstonia species,A. penangiana including A. spectabilisStem-bark[29 ][5] and (−)-Angustilongine F 7A. muelleriana [37]Macroline-sarpagine by LeQuesne et al., A. macrophyllaA.[30 penangiana,32,38], and A. angustifoliaStem-bark[36 [5],39 ]. 43 (+)-Angustilongine G 8Schmid et al. elucidatedMacroline-sarpagine the structure of (+)-villalstonineA. penangianaby spectroscopicStem-bark means, [5] accompanied by degradation, and Nordman et al. confirmed the structure by X-ray (+)-Angustilongine H 9 Macroline-sarpagine A. penangiana Stem-bark [5] crystallography [38,40]. (+)-Angustilongine J 10 VillalstonineMacroline-sarpagineN(4)-oxide 44 was isolated from theA. stem-barkpenangiana of A. angustifoliaStem-bark[28 [5]]. It was also isolated from the leaves, stem-bark, and root-bark of A. scholaris, A. glaucescens, and A. macrophylla extracts [20]. Moreover, two villalstonine 44-related bisindoles, (+)-10- methoxy villalstonine 45 and 10-methoxy villalstonine N(4)-oxide 46, were isolated from the leaves of A. angustifolia [41]. Villalstonidine A 47, villalstonidine B 48, villalstonidine C 49, villalstonidine D 50, villalstonidine E 51, (+)-villalstonidine F 52, and villalstonine N(4)-oxide 44 are macroline–pleiocarpamine-type bisindoles and are close in structure to villalstonine 43. Villalstonidines A–D (47–50) were isolated from the stem-bark of A. angus- tifolia [28]. Additionally, (+)-villalstonidine F 52 {N(1)-demethylderivative of villalstonine 43} and (+)-villalstonidine B 48 were isolated from the stem-bark of A. macrophylla [27]. Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 12 of 47

Table 3. Isolation and plant morphology of bisindole alkaloids from Alstonia species.

Types of Monomeric Units Alstonia Morphology and Bisindoles Present in Bisindoles Species References A. scholaris, A. glaucescens, and Leaves, stem-bark, and (+)-Alstomacroline 1 Macroline-sarpagine A. macrophylla extracts root-bark [19,20] A. macrophylla Bark [18] A. macrophylla Bark [19] (+)-Alstomacrophylline 2 Macroline-macroline A. scholaris, A. glaucescens, and Leaves, stem-bark, and A. macrophylla extracts root-bark [20] (−) Alstonisidine 3 Ajmaline-macroline A. muelleriana Bark [21,22] (−)-Angustilongine E 6 Macroline-sarpagine A. penangiana Stem-bark [5] (−)-Angustilongine F 7 Macroline-sarpagine A. penangiana Stem-bark [5] (+)-Angustilongine G 8 Macroline-sarpagine A. penangiana Stem-bark [5] (+)-Angustilongine H 9 Macroline-sarpagine A. penangiana Stem-bark [5] (+)-Angustilongine J 10 Macroline-sarpagine A. penangiana Stem-bark [5] (+)-Angustilongine K 11 Macroline-sarpagine A. penangiana Stem-bark [5] (−)-Angustilongine L 12 Macroline-pleiocarpamine A. penangiana Stem-bark [5] (−)-Anhydromacralstonine 27 Macroline-macroline A. angustifolia Stem-bark [28] A. muelleriana Bark [20] (+)-Des-N’a- A. angustifolia Stem-bark [33] Macroline-macroline Methylanhydromacralstonine 30 Leaves, stem-bark and A. muelleriana root-bark [20,35] (−)-Lumusidine A 14 Macroline-macroline A. macrophylla Stem-bark [18] (−)-Lumusidine B 15 Macroline-macroline A. macrophylla Stem-bark [18] (−)-Lumusidine C 16 Macroline-macroline A. macrophylla Stem-bark [18] (−)-Lumusidine D 17 Macroline-macroline A. macrophylla Stem-bark [18] (+)-Lumutinine A 18 Macroline-macroline A. macrophylla Stem-bark [26] (−)-Lumutinine B 19 Macroline-macroline A. macrophylla Stem-bark [26] (+)-Lumutinine C 20 Macroline-sarpagine A. macrophylla Stem-bark [26] (+)-Lumutinine D 19 Macroline-sarpagine A. macrophylla Stem-bark [26] (+)-Lumutinine E 21 Macroline-sarpagine A. angustifolia Stem-bark [28] A. macrophylla Bark [29,30] (+)-Macralstonidine 23 Macroline-sarpagine A. somersentenis Bark [29] A. spectabilis Bark [31] A. scholaris, A. glaucescens, and Leaves, stem-bark and A. macrophylla extracts root-bark [19] A. macrophylla [29,30,32–34] 24 (+)-Macralstonine Macroline-macroline A. angustifolia [36] A. muelleriana [35] A. glabriflora Mgf. [31] A. scholaris, A. glaucescens, and (+)-O-Acetylmacralstonine 25 Macroline-macroline [20] A. macrophylla extracts A. scholaris, A. glaucescens, and (+)-O-Methylmacralstonine 26 Macroline-macroline [20] A. macrophylla extracts Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 13 of 47

Table 3. Cont.

Types of Monomeric Units Alstonia Morphology and Bisindoles Present in Bisindoles Species References A. scholaris, A. glaucescens, and Leaves, stem-bark, and (+)-Macrocarpamine 31 Macroline-pleiocarpamine A. macrophylla extracts root-bark [20] A. angustifolia Stem-bark [28] 10-Methoxy macrocarpamine 34 Macroline-pleiocarpamine A. angustifolia Leaves [41] 10-Methoxy macrocarpamine Macroline-pleiocarpamine A. angustifolia Leaves [41] 40-N-oxide 35 A. macrophylla and (−)-Perhentidine A 36 Macroline-macroline Stem-bark [28,33] A. angustifolia A. macrophylla and (−)-Perhentidine B 37 Macroline-macroline Stem-bark [33] A. angustifolia A. macrophylla and (−)-Perhentidine C 38 Macroline-macroline Stem-bark [28,33] A. angustifolia A. macrophylla Stem-bark [18] (−)-Perhentinine 39 Macroline-macroline A. angustifolia Leaves [18] A. macrophylla Leaves [18] (+)-Perhentisine A 40 Macroline-sarpagine A. angustifolia Stem-bark [28] (−)-Perhentisine B 41 Macroline-sarpagine A. angustifolia Stem-bark [28] A. angustifolia Stem-bark [28] (+)-Perhentisine C 42 Macroline-sarpagine Leaves and stem-bark A. muelleriana [37] (+)-Villalstonidine A 47 Macroline-pleiocarpamine A. angustifolia Stem-bark [28] A. angustifolia Stem-bark [28] (+)-Villalstonidine B 48 Macroline-pleiocarpamine A. macrophylla Stem-bark [27] (+)-Villalstonidine C 49 Macroline-pleiocarpamine A. angustifolia Stem-bark [28] (+)-Villalstonidine D 50 Macroline-pleiocarpamine A. angustifolia Stem-bark [28] (+)-Villalstonidine E 51 Macroline-pleiocarpamine A. angustifolia Stem-bark [28] (+)-Villalstonidine F 52 Macroline-pleiocarpamine A. macrophylla Stem-bark [27] Leaves and stem-bark A. angustifolia [28,36,39,41] A. macrophylla [41] (+)-Villalstonine 43 Macroline-pleiocarpamine A. villosa [41] A. verticillosa [41] A. somersentensis [41] A. angustifolia Stem-bark [28] Villalstonine N(4)-oxide 44 Macroline-pleiocarpamine A. scholaris, A. glaucescens, and Leaves, stem-bark, and A. macrophylla extracts root-bark [20,30,32,38] (+)-10-Methoxy villalstonine 45 Macroline-pleiocarpamine A. angustifolia Leaves [41] 10-Methoxy villalstonine Macroline-pleiocarpamine A. angustifolia Leaves [41] 40-N-oxide 46

3. Bioactivity of Bisindole Alkaloids from Alstonia Species Studies from various groups have shown that bisindoles have anticancer activity in different lines, including HT-29 and vincristine-resistant KB/VJ300 cells. Bisindoles are also reported to have other biological activities, including antiprotozoal activity against Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 14 of 47

Plasmodium falciparum and antileishmanial activity against promastigotes of Entamoeba his- tolytica. The reported biological activity of bisindoles from various Alstonia species includ- ing the semi-synthetic derivatives reviewed herein are listed in Table4 . (+)-Alstomacroline 1 and (+)-alstomacrophylline 2 bisindoles were active against the K1 (multi-drug resis- tant) strain of P. falciparum with an IC50 1.12 ± 0.35 µM and IC50 1.10 ± 0.30 µM, respec- tively [42]. Newly isolated macroline-sarpagine-type bisindoles, (−)-angustilongines E 6, (-)-angustilongine F 7, (+)-angustilongine G 8, (+)-angustilongine H 9, (+)-angustilongine J 10, and (+)-angustilongine K 11 showed in vitro growth inhibitory activity against human cancer cell lines, inclusive of KB, vincristine-resistant strains of KB, HCCT 116, PC-3, MDA- MB-231, LNCaP, MCF7, HT-29, and A549 cells with IC50 values ranging from 0.02 to 9.0 µM in the study from the group of Kam [5]. Kam et al. [18] also reported the anticancer activity of (−)-lumusidine A 14,(−)-lumusidine B 15,(−)-lumusidine C 16, and (−)-lumusidine D 17. These bisindoles were cytotoxic against KB/VJ300 cells ranging from IC50 0.16 to 5.03 µg/mL (µM) values with 0.12 µM vincristine added [18]. Lumutinine A 18, lumutinine B 19, lumutinine C 20, lumutinine D 21, and lumutinine E 22 exhibited moderate anticancer activity against KB/VJ300 cells ranging in IC50 value from 0.10 to 4.61 µg/mL (µM) again with 0.12 µM vincristine added in the studies from the same group (Kam) [18].

Table 4. Bioactivity of bisindole alkaloids (including semisynthetic derivatives) from Alstonia species.

Bisindoles Bioactivity References Antimalarial, with IC values of 1.12 ± 0.35 and 10.0 ± 0.4 µM against (+)-Alstomacroline 1 50 [20] the K1 strain and T9-96 strain of P. falciparum, respectively. Antimalarial, with an IC value of 1.10 ± 0.30 µM against the K1 strain (+)-Alstomacrophylline 2 50 [20] of P. falciparum. Anticancer, cytotoxic against various human cancer cell lines including Angustilongines E, F, G, H, J, KB, vincristine-resistant KB, HCCT 116, PC-3, MDA-MB-231, LNCaP, [5] and K (6–11) MCF7, HT-29, and A549 cells with IC50 values ranging from 0.02 to 9.0 µM.

Anticancer, moderately cytotoxic in KB/VJ300 cells with IC50 values of (−)-Lumusidine A, B, and C (14–16) 0.16, 0.70, and 1.19 µg/mL (µM), respectively. The with 0.12 µM [18] added vincristine did not influence KB/VJ300 . Anticancer, cytotoxic in KB/VJ300 cells with an (−)-Lumusidine D 17 IC50 value of 5.03 µg/mL (µM). The assay with 0.12 µM added [18] vincristine did not influence KB/VJ300 cell growth. Anticancer, moderately cytotoxic in KB/VJ300 cells with IC 0.21, 0.10, Lumutinine A, B, C, D, and E 50 4.61, 3.93, and 2.74 µg/mL (µM) values, respectively. The assay with 0.12 [18] (18–22) µM added vincristine did not influence KB/VJ300 cell growth.

Anticancer, strongly cytotoxic in KB/VJ300 cells with an IC50 1.71 µg/mL (µM) value. The assay with 0.12 µM added vincristine did not influence [18] KB/VJ300 cell growth. (+)-Macralstonine 24 Antimalarial, active against the K1 strain of P. falciparum with an IC 50 [20] 8.92 ± 2.95 µM value. Anticancer, moderately cytotoxic in KB/VJ300 cells with (−)-Anhydromacralstonine 27 an IC50 value of 0.44 µg/mL (µM). The assay with 0.12 µM added [18] vincristine did not influence KB/VJ300 cell growth. Antimalarial, with IC values 0.53 ± 0.09 and 12.4 ± 1.6 (µM) against (+)-O-Acetyl macralstonine 25 50 [20] the K1 strain and T9-96 strain of P. falciparum, respectively. Antimalarial, active against the K1 strain of P. falciparum with an IC (+)-O-Methyl macralstonine 26 50 [20] 0.85 ± 0.20 µM value.

Anticancer, strongly cytotoxic in KB/VJ300 cells with an IC50 value of O-Acetyl-E-seco-macralstonine 53 0.27 µg/mL (µM). The assay with 0.12 µM added vincristine did not [18] influence KB/VJ300 cell growth. Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 15 of 47

Table 4. Cont.

Bisindoles Bioactivity References Anticancer, strongly cytotoxic in KB/VJ300 cells with IC values of 2.29 (−)-Perhentidine A 36 and 50 and 0.84 µg/mL (µM), respectively. The assay with 0.12 µM added [18] (-)-perhentidine B 37 vincristine did not influence KB/VJ300 cell growth. Anticancer, strongly cytotoxic in KB/VJ300 cells with IC 0.36 and 0.28 (−)-O-Acetylperhentidine A 54 and 50 µg/mL (µM) values, respectively. The assay with 0.12 µM added [18] (-)-O-Acetylperhentidine B 55 vincristine did not influence KB/VJ300 cell growth. Anticancer, cytotoxic in KB/VJ300 cells with (−)-Perhentinine 39 and IC values of 0.52 and 0.30 µg/mL (µM), respectively. The assay with [18] O-Acetylperhentinine 56 50 0.12 µM added vincristine did not influence KB/VJ300 cell growth.

Anticancer, moderately cytotoxic in KB/VJ300 cells with an IC50 value of (+)-Macralstonidine 23 0.13 µg/mL (µM). The assay with 0.12 µM added vincristine did not [18] influence KB/VJ300 cell growth.

Anticancer, strongly cytotoxic in KB/VJ300 cells with an IC50 value of 0.53 µg/mL (µM). The assay with 0.12 µM added vincristine did not [18] influence KB/VJ300 cell growth. Strong antimalarial activity against the K1 strain of P. falciparum with an (+)-Macrocarpamine 21 IC50 value of 0.36 ± 0.06 µM. [20] Active against the T9-96 strain of P. falciparum with an IC50 >39 µM value. Strong antiprotozoal activity in vitro against E. histolytica and P. falciparum with ED50 8.12 (95% C.I.) µM and ED50 9.36 (95% C.I.) µM [43] values, respectively.

Anticancer, cytotoxic in KB/VJ300 cells with an IC50 value of 0.42 µg/mL (µM). The assay with 0.12 µM added vincristine did not influence [18] KB/VJ300 cell growth. Anticancer, cytotoxic against the HT-29 cell line with an ED 8.0 µM 50 [39] (+)-Villalstonine 43 value ( was used as the positive control). Antimalarial, with IC values of 0.27 ± 0.06 and 0.94 ± 0.07 µM against 50 [20] the K1 strain and T9-96 strain of P. falciparum, respectively.

Antiamoebic activity against E. histolytica with an ED50 of 2.04 µM. [43] Antileishmanial activity against promastigotes of L. mexicana with an [39] IC50 value of 80.3 µM ( was used as the positive control). Villalstonine N(4)-oxide 44 Antimalarial, active against the K1 strain of P. falciparum with an IC 50 [20] 10.7 ± 1.9 (µM) value. Anticancer, strongly cytotoxic in KB/VJ300 cells with IC values of 0.35 (+)-Villalstonidine B 48 and 50 and 5.64 µg/mL (µM), respectively. The assay with 0.12 µM added [18] (+)-villalstonidine F 52 vincristine did not influence KB/VJ300 cell growth. Antileishmanial, active against promastigotes of L. mexicana with an IC (+)-Villalstodinine D 50 50 [39] value of 120.4 µM (amphotericin B was used as the positive control). Anticancer, cytotoxic against HT-29 cell lines with an ED 6.5 µM value 50 [39] (paclitaxel was used as the positive control). (+)-Villalstonidine E 51 Antileishmanial against promastigotes of L. mexicana with an IC 78 µM 50 [39] value (amphotericin B was used as the positive control).

(+)-Macralstonine 24 was active against the K1 strain of P.falciparum (IC50 8.92 ± 2.95 µM). Notably, the derivatives of (+)-macralstonine 24 were more active than (+)-macralstonine 24 itself. (+)-O-methyl macralstonine 26 and (+)-O-acetyl macralstonine 25 demonstrated more potent activity against the K1 strain of P. falciparum with IC50 values of 0.85 ± 0.20 µM and IC50 0.53 ± 0.09 µM, respectively [20]. Likely, the functionalization facilitated the trans- portation of these bisindoles through the cell membranes of parasites and red blood cells, which would have enhanced the activity as lipophilicity rose [20]. (+)-O-acetyl macralsto- Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 16 of 47

nine 25 and (+)-alstomacroline 1 were also somewhat active against the T9-96 strain of P. falciparum with IC50 values of 12.4 and 10.2 µM, respectively [20]. Heterodimeric alkaloid (−)-anhydromacralstonine 27 showed moderate (IC50 value of 0.44 µg/mL (µM) in KB/VJ300 cells with 0.12 µM of vincristine added [18]). Another semisynthetic analog of macralstonine 24, the related O-acetyl-E-seco-macralstonine 53, showed strong anticancer activity. It was prepared by the reaction of macralstonine 24 with acetic anhy- dride/pyridine in DCM [18]. It demonstrated potent activity against vincristine-resistant KB/VJ300 cells with an IC50 value of 0.27 µg/mL (µM), with 0.12 µM of vincristine added to the assay [18]. (+)-Macralstonidine 23 was found to exhibit moderately active anticancer activity. It was active against KB/VJ300 cells with an IC50 value of 0.13 µg/mL (µM) [18]. (−)-Macrocarpamine 31 exhibited antiprotozoal and anticancer activity in various studies. It showed significant antiprotozoal activity in vitro in studies from Wright et al. against E. histolytica and P. falciparum with ED50 values of 8.12 (95% C.I.) µM and 9.36 (95% C.I.) µM, respectively [43]. Keawpradub et al. reported significant activity of (−)- macrocarpamine 31 against the K1 strain of P. falciparum with an IC50 value of 0.36 µM[20]. Furthermore, (−)-macrocarpamine 31 showed antimalarial activity against the T9-96 strain of P. falciparum with an IC50 > 39 µM. The ancient folklore use of the extracts from A. an- gustifolia in Malaya for treatment of malaria and dysentery is supported by these in vitro studies [44]. (−)-Macrocarpamine 31 was strongly cytotoxic in KB/VJ300 cells with an IC50 value of 0.53 µg/mL (µM) [18]. (−)-Perhentidine A 36 and (−)-perhentidine B 37 showed strong cytotoxicity against KB/VJ300 cells with IC50 values of 2.29 and 0.84 µg/mL (µM), respectively [18]. O-Acetylperhentidine A 54 and O-acetylperhentidine B 55 also exhib- ited strong cytotoxicity against KB/VJ300 cells with IC50 values of 0.36 and 0.28 µg/mL (µM), respectively [18]. (−)-Perhentidine A 36 and (−)-perhentidine B 37 were treated individually by dropwise addition of acetic anhydride in a py/DCM solution, followed by stirring at room temperature for 2 h to furnish the semisynthetic (−)-O-acetylperhentidine A 54, and (−)-O-acetylperhentidine B 55, respectively [18]. (−)-Perhentinine 39 and O- acetylperhentinine 56 were cytotoxic against KB/VJ300 cells with IC50 values of 0.52 and 0.30 µg/mL (µM), respectively, in the studies by Kam et al. [18]. (+)-Villalstonine 43 has demonstrated various biological activities including anticancer, antimalarial, and antiamoebic activity. (+)-Villastonine 43 was 1/15th as potent as chloro- quine (antimalarial drug) against malaria [45]. It exhibited potent antiplasmodial activity against the multidrug-resistant K1 strain of P. falciparum with an IC50 value of 0.27 µM[20]. Wright et al. tested this compound for antiamoebic activity against E. histolytica [43]. (+)- Villalstonine 43 showed six times less activity (ED50 11.8 µM) than the antiamoebic drug emetine (ED50 2.04 µM). These results also concur with the use of various parts of the A. angustifolia plant from ancient times to treat malaria and amoebic dysentery [43]. More- over, (+)-villalstonine 43 was cytotoxic against KB cells with an ED50 value of 11.6 µM[43]. (+)-Villalstonine 43 was also potent against the T9-96 strain of P. falciparum with an IC50 value of 0.94 µM. It also showed anticancer activity against the HT-29 cell line with an ED50 value of 8.0 µM (paclitaxel was the positive control). Also, it was cytotoxic against vincristine-resistant KB/VJ300 cells with an IC50 value of 0.42 µg/mL (µM) [18]. On the other hand, the derivative of (+)-villalstonine 43, villalstonine N(4)-oxide 44 was less potent (IC50 10.7 ± 1.9) than (+)-villalstonine 43 itself. The increase in the ionic charge (decrease in lipophilicity) might have reduced the ability of villalstonine N(4)-oxide 44 to cross through the cell membranes of red blood cells or the parasites, which if correct, would explain the weaker activity [20]. Villalstonine N(4)-oxide 44 is also an antileishmanial bisindole. It was active against promastigotes of Leishmania mexicana with an IC50 value of 80.3 µM[39]. (+)-Villalstonine 43-related alkaloids (+)-villalstonidine B 48 and (+)-villalstonidine F 52 were found to be strongly cytotoxic against KB/VJ300 cells with IC50 values of 0.35 and 5.64 µg/mL (µM), respectively [18]. (+)-Villalstonidine D 50 exhibited antileishmanial activity. It was active against promastigotes of L. mexicana with an IC50 value of 120.4 µM in a study from Pan et al. [39]. Another (+)-villalstonine 43-related alkaloid, (+)-villalstonidine E 51, demonstrated anticancer and antimalarial activity. It was cytotoxic against the HT-29 Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 17 of 47

cell lines with an ED50 value of 6.5 µM and was active against promastigotes of L. mexicana with an IC50 value of 78 µM in the study from the same group [39]. Many bisindoles are yet to be screened for their activity because of the paucity of material; however, their significant role in future drug discovery should be considered.

4. Biosynthesis 4.1. Proposed Biogenetic Pathway toward Angustilongines (6–9) Yeap et al. put forward a plausible biogenetic pathway to the angustilongines [5]. The nucleophilic C-110 of 10-methoxyaffinisine 57 undergoes conjugate addition onto C-21 of the hypothetical macroline unit 5 to give (+)-angustilongine K 11 and 58 (Figure1). The (+)-angustilongine K 11 and 58, after the E-ring closes to the hemiacetal, would give (+)-angustilongine G 8 and (+)-angustilongine H 9, respectively. Since methanol was used during the extraction of the alkaloids, there could be the possible formation of bisindoles 8 and 9 as artifacts [5]. Similarly, nucleophilic addition of C-90 of 10-methoxyaffinisine 57 by conjugate addition (Michael reaction) onto C-21 of the macroline unit 5 would give angustilongine J 10. The E-ring closure of 10 gives angustilongine F 7 (Figure2). The 10-methoxyaffinisine 57 through its nucleophilic C-110 carbon addition to the C-19 of an E-seco-talcarpine derivative 59 results in angustilongine E 6 via hydroxy 60 [5]. Another likely mechanism is a Friedel–Crafts alkylation of the oxonium of corre- sponding macroline units (cyclization followed by loss of water) to the respective sarpagine units as suggested by Fukuyama to furnish angustilongines (mechanism not shown for angustilongines 6–11 see Section 4.4 with representative examples of (+)-macralstonine 24 and (+)-lumutinine A 18)[6].

4.2. Plausible Biogenetic Pathway to (-)-Lumusidines A-D (14–17) The conjugate addition of the C-100 carbon atom of alstophylline 28 by a Michael reaction onto the α, β unsaturated aldehyde 59 (E-ring opened talcarpine derivative) could potentially give hydroxy ketone bisindole alkaloid 61 (Figure3). 61 on subsequent closing of the E-ring to form a hemiacetal gives (-)-lumusidine B 15, which after dehydration gives (-)-lumusidine A 14. Similarly, the C-120 carbon atom of alstophylline 28 could add to the α, β unsaturated macroline counterpart 5 to furnish a hydroxy ketone (not shown). The cyclization of the hydroxy ketone in a similar way to give a hemiacetal 62 would follow. Subsequently, the dehydration of hemiacetal 62 would likely form lumusidine D 17. The lumusidine C 16 is assumed to be an artifact formed from hemiacetal 63 (a closed form of (-)-perhentinine 39) as was used during the extraction [18]. However, again this biosynthetic pathway could occur just as likely via a Friedel–Crafts alkylation of the oxonium ion of 59 (cyclization followed by loss of water) to the olefin of 28 (see Section 4.4 with representative examples of (+)-macralstonine 24 and (+)-lumutinine A 18)[6].

4.3. Proposed Biogenetic Pathway to Lumutinines A–D (16–19) The hydroxy ketone 64 could be formed by Michael addition of the C-10’ carbon atom of alstophylline 65 onto the olefinic moiety of macroline 5 (Figure4)[ 26]. The cyclization of the hydroxy ketone would give the hemiketal 66, which on ketalization furnishes (+)-lumutinine A 18. Likewise, Michael addition by C-12’ of 67, C-9’ of 68, and C-11’ of 69 (Figure4) onto macroline 5 yields (-)-lumutinine B 19, (+)-lumutinine C 20, and (+)-lumutinine D 21, respectively [26]. Again, the Friedel–Crafts alkylation of the oxonium ion of 65 (cyclization followed by loss of water) is just as likely (see Section 4.4 with representative examples of (+)-macralstonine 24 and (+)-lumutinine A 18)[6]. Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 18 of 47 Molecules 2021, 26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 49

FigureFigure 1. Proposed 1. Proposed biogenetic biogenetic pathway pathway to to (+)-angustilongine G G8 and8 and (+)-angustilongine (+)-angustilongine H 9. H 9.

4.4. Possible Alternative Mechanism of Bisindole Formation of (+)-Lumutinine A 16 and (+)-Macralstonine 24 as Representative Examples via a Friedel–Crafts Alkylation Process as Suggested by Fukuyama In addition to the Michael addition process described above, there is another potential mechanism for the coupling of ring-A oxygenated macroline-type alkaloids with macroline 5 that involves a Friedel–Crafts alkylation process stabilized by an oxonium ion [6]. As shown in the figure below (Figure5), an acid-catalyzed intramolecular cyclization of macroline 5 by nucleophilic attack of the C-19 hydroxyl function onto the carbonyl carbon atom in 1, 2-addition fashion would furnish the cyclic hemiacetal 70. The loss of a water would generate an oxonium ion species (71a or 71b). At this stage, an electrophilic attack of the electron-rich aromatic ring of 11-methoxy macroline 67 via the C-10 carbon atom onto the olefin in 71a would generate a cyclic enol ether 72. This cyclic hemiacetal could undergo isomerization, generating an oxonium ion intermediate 73 only to be attacked by water to generate the cyclic ether (as in macralstonine 24). Alternatively, the phenolic at the C-10 carbon atom in 10-hydroxy macroline (see 74) could attack the oxonium ion to form a cyclic ketal (as in lumutinine A 16). This type

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Molecules 2021, 26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 49 of mechanism was suggested by Fukuyama for some bisindoles isolated from Alstonia species [6].

FigureFigure 2. 2.ProposedProposed biogenetic biogenetic pathway pathway to to (− ()-angustilongine−)-angustilongine E 6 E, (6−,()-angustilongine−)-angustilongine F 7, F and7, and (+)-angustilongine (+)-angustilongine J 10 J. 10. Plausible Proposed Biogenetic Path Pathwayway to (-)-Lumusidines (-)-Macrocarpamine A-D31 (14–17) The(-)-Macrocarpamine conjugate addition31 ,of a the bisindole C-10′ carbon alkaloid atom comprised of alstophylline of two Alstonia 28 by a monomericMichael re- actionunits (+)-pleiocarpamineonto the α, β unsaturated32 and aldehyde (-)-anhydromacrosalhine-methine 59 (E-ring opened talcarpine33, derivative)was proposed could to potentiallyoriginate from give (-)-anhydromacrosalhine-methine hydroxy ketone bisindole alkaloid33 61and (Figure (+)-pleiocarpamine 3). Alcohol 61 on32 subsequentby Hesse, closingSchmid of et the al. E-ring [46]. (-)-Anhydromacrosalhine-methine to form a hemiacetal gives (-)-lumusidine33 and B (+)-pleiocarpamine 15, which after dehydra-32 are tionthe degradationgives (-)-lumusidine products A of 14 (-)-macrocarpamine. Similarly, the C-12′ 31carbon. (-)-Anhydromacrosalhine-methine atom of alstophylline monomer 2833 couldwas also add obtained to the α, byβ unsaturated dehydration macroline of (+)-macrosalhine counterpart 755 toin furnish the study a hydroxy by Khan ketone et al. (not(Figure shown).6)[6,47 The]. cyclization of the hydroxy ketone in a similar way to give a hemiacetal 62 would follow. Subsequently, the dehydration of hemiacetal 62 would likely form lu- musidine D 17. The lumusidine C 16 is assumed to be an artifact formed from hemiacetal 63 (a closed form of (-)-perhentinine 39) as ethanol was used during the extraction [18]. However, again this biosynthetic pathway could occur just as likely via a Friedel–Crafts alkylation of the oxonium ion of 59 (cyclization followed by loss of water) to the olefin of precursor 28 (see Section 4.4 with representative examples of (+)-macralstonine 24 and (+)- lumutinine A 18) [6].

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Figure 3. Putative biogenetic pathway to (-)-lumusidines A–D (1414–17–17).).

4.3. Proposed Biogenetic Pathway to Lumutinines A–D (16–19) The hydroxy ketone 64 could be formed by Michael addition of the C-10’ carbon atom of alstophylline 65 onto the olefinic moiety of macroline 5 (Figure 4) [26]. The cyclization of the hydroxy ketone would give the hemiketal 66, which on ketalization furnishes (+)- lumutinine A 18. Likewise, Michael addition by C-12’ of 67, C-9’ of 68, and C-11’ of 69 (Figure 4) onto macroline 5 yields (-)-lumutinine B 19, (+)-lumutinine C 20, and (+)-lumu- tinine D 21, respectively [26]. Again, the Friedel–Crafts alkylation of the oxonium ion of 65 (cyclization followed by loss of water) is just as likely (see Section 4.4 with representa- tive examples of (+)-macralstonine 24 and (+)-lumutinine A 18) [6].

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Figure 4. Putative biogenetic pathway to lumutinines A–D (16–19). Figure 4. Putative biogenetic pathway to lumutinines A–D (16–19). 4.4. Possible Alternative Mechanism of Bisindole Formation of (+)-Lumutinine A 16 and (+)- Macralstonine 24 as Representative Examples via a Friedel–Crafts Alkylation Process as Suggested by Fukuyama In addition to the Michael addition process described above, there is another potential mechanism for the coupling of ring-A oxygenated macroline-type alkaloids with macroline 5 that involves a Friedel–Crafts alkylation process stabilized by an oxonium ion [6]. As shown in the figure below (Figure 5), an acid-catalyzed intramolecular cyclization of mac- roline 5 by nucleophilic attack of the C-19 hydroxyl function onto the carbonyl carbon atom in 1, 2-addition fashion would furnish the cyclic hemiacetal 70. The loss of a water molecule would generate an oxonium ion species (71a or 71b). At this stage, an electrophilic attack of the electron-rich aromatic ring of 11-methoxy macroline 67 via the C-10 carbon atom onto the olefin in 71a would generate a cyclic enol ether 72. This cyclic hemiacetal could undergo isomerization, generating an oxonium ion intermediate 73 only to be attacked by water to generate the cyclic ether (as in macralstonine 24). Alternatively, the phenolic hydroxy group at the C-10 carbon atom in 10-hydroxy macroline (see 74) could attack the oxonium ion to form a cyclic ketal (as in lumutinine A 16). This type of mechanism was suggested by Fuku- yama for some bisindoles isolated from Alstonia species [6].

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Figure 5.5. PossiblePossible alternative alternative mechanism mechanism of of bisindole bisindole formation formation via avi Friedel–Craftsa a Friedel–Crafts alkylation alkylation process process for (+)-macralstonine for (+)-macral- stonine 24 and (+)-lumutinine A 18, respectively, as representative examples. 24 and (+)-lumutinine A 18, respectively, as representative examples. 4.5. Proposed Biogenetic Pathway to (-)-Macrocarpamine 31 (-)-Macrocarpamine 31, a bisindole alkaloid comprised of two Alstonia monomeric units (+)-pleiocarpamine 32 and (-)-anhydromacrosalhine-methine 33, was proposed to originate from (-)-anhydromacrosalhine-methine 33 and (+)-pleiocarpamine 32 by Hesse, Schmid et al. [46]. (-)-Anhydromacrosalhine-methine 33 and (+)-pleiocarpamine 32 are the degradation products of (-)-macrocarpamine 31. (-)-Anhydromacrosalhine-methine 33 was also obtained by dehydration of (+)-macrosalhine 75 in the study by Khan et al. (Fig- ure 6) [6,47].

Figure 6. PyrolysisPyrolysis of (-)-macrocarpamine 31 and macrosalhine 75 to generate key olefinolefin 3333..

5. Synthesis of Representative Monomeric Units of Bisindole Alkaloids from Alstonia Species Discussed Herein, Required for Bisindole Synthesis 5.1. The Total Synthesis of (±)-Pleiocarpamine 32 (+)-Pleiocarpamine 32 has been isolated from various species of Alstonia [6,32,36,48– 51]. The unprecedented (+)-bipleiophylline (not shown) was found to contain two pleio- carpamine 32 units connected by utilizing an aromatic spacer (pyrocatechuic acid). The homo-dimer (+) bipleiophylline was potentially active against drug-sensitive, vincristine- resistant human KB and Jurkat cells, while its monomeric precursor (+)-pleiocarpamine 32 was not very active [52]. These findings again demonstrate the increased activity of dimeric alkaloids as compared to their monomeric counterparts. The (+)-pleiocarpamine 32 was thought to be formed biosynthetically by a ring-closing reaction between N1 and C16 of geissoschizine 76 [17]. Recently Sato et al. reported the total synthesis of the C-mavacurine type indole alkaloid, (±)-pleocarpamine 32 via a [17]. A critical step, the direct cyclization between N1 and C16, was thought to be challenging because of the strain generated in the corynanthe pentacyclic framework. This may likely be the reason for the time it took to achieve the total synthesis of pleiocarpamine 32 by many groups since its isolation. In fact, (±)-2,7-dihydropleiocarpamine (not shown) was synthesized in 1993 by Jiménez et al. [53]. However, Sato et al. successfully cyclized the strained structure of 77 by a carbene N-H insertion reaction between the N1 and C16 bonds (Scheme 1) [17]. The ester 78, was prepared in four steps from tryptamine 79 in 29% overall yield [17,54]. The subsequent reductive cyclization of ester 78 onto cis-ester 80 was carried out using Ni(cod)2. However, at this step, the desired cyclized cis-ester 80 was formed as a minor product (31%) with the undesired trans-ester 80 (55%) predominating [17]. The un- desired trans-ester 80 was first treated with tert-butyl and triethylamine at – 20 °C to obtain intermediate 81, which on further reaction with hydrochloric acid in meth- anol at room temperature furnished iminium intermediate 82 [17]. Sato et al. screened several reducing agents and reaction conditions to reduce the iminium intermediate 82 into the cis-ester 80. The optimized condition for the reduction of the iminium intermedi- ate employed by Sato et al. was a Noyori catalyst and formic acid/triethylamine (5:2) mix- ture with titanium tetra-isopropoxide (at 30 °C) to yield the desired cis-ester 80 as a major product (cis/trans ratio 5:3.1) [17]. The cis-ester 83 was converted into (±)-geissoschizine 76 in 80% yield using an excess of lithium diisopropylamine and methyl formate. The treat- ment of (±)-geissoschizine 79 with tosyl azide and triethylamine furnished diazo com- pound 77 in 60% yield [17].

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5. Synthesis of Representative Monomeric Units of Bisindole Alkaloids from Alstonia Species Discussed Herein, Required for Bisindole Synthesis 5.1. The Total Synthesis of (±)-Pleiocarpamine 32 (+)-Pleiocarpamine 32 has been isolated from various species of Alstonia [6,32,36,48–51]. The unprecedented (+)-bipleiophylline (not shown) was found to contain two pleio- carpamine 32 units connected by utilizing an aromatic spacer (pyrocatechuic acid). The homo-dimer (+) bipleiophylline was potentially active against drug-sensitive, vincristine- resistant human KB and Jurkat cells, while its monomeric precursor (+)-pleiocarpamine 32 was not very active [52]. These findings again demonstrate the increased activity of dimeric alkaloids as compared to their monomeric counterparts. The (+)-pleiocarpamine 32 was thought to be formed biosynthetically by a ring-closing reaction between N1 and C16 of geissoschizine 76 [17]. Recently Sato et al. reported the total synthesis of the C-mavacurine type indole alkaloid, (±)-pleocarpamine 32 via a biomimetic synthesis [17]. A critical step, the direct cyclization between N1 and C16, was thought to be challenging because of the strain generated in the corynanthe pentacyclic framework. This may likely be the reason for the time it took to achieve the total synthesis of pleiocarpamine 32 by many groups since its isolation. In fact, (±)-2,7-dihydropleiocarpamine (not shown) was synthesized in 1993 by Jiménez et al. [53]. However, Sato et al. successfully cyclized the strained structure of 77 by a carbene N-H insertion reaction between the N1 and C16 bonds (Scheme1)[17]. The ester 78, was prepared in four steps from tryptamine 79 in 29% overall yield [17,54]. The subsequent reductive cyclization of ester 78 onto cis-ester 80 was carried out using Ni(cod)2. However, at this step, the desired cyclized cis-ester 80 was formed as a minor product (31%) with the undesired trans-ester 80 (55%) predominating [17]. The undesired trans-ester 80 was first treated with tert-butyl hypochlorite and triethylamine at –20 ◦C to obtain intermediate 81, which on further reaction with hydrochloric acid in methanol at room temperature furnished iminium intermediate 82 [17]. Sato et al. screened several reducing agents and reaction conditions to reduce the iminium intermediate 82 into the cis- ester 80. The optimized condition for the reduction of the iminium intermediate employed by Sato et al. was a Noyori catalyst and formic acid/triethylamine (5:2) mixture with titanium tetra-isopropoxide (at 30 ◦C) to yield the desired cis-ester 80 as a major product (cis/trans ratio 5:3.1) [17]. The cis-ester 83 was converted into (±)-geissoschizine 76 in 80% yield using an excess of lithium diisopropylamine and methyl formate. The treatment of (±)-geissoschizine 79 with tosyl azide and triethylamine furnished diazo compound 77 in 60% yield [17]. While exploring a suitable catalyst for the carbenoid cyclization reaction, the Rh2(cap)4 and Rh2(esp)2 catalyzed reactions lead to decomposition of 77 [17]. Only Rh2(OAc)4 furnished the distinguishable but unanticipated product (not shown) via a D-ring expansion reaction [17]. At room temperature, no reaction happened while employing the rhodium complex (PPh3)3RhCl or the copper catalyst Cu(MeCN).BF4 [17]. Moreover, the use of the JohnPhosAu(MeCN)SbF6 catalyst was also unsuccessful because it formed the D-ring expanded product (not shown) with β-hydride elimination (not shown) [17]. Sato et al. predicted that a modification of the lone pair on the N(4) of the compound 77 would form a cis-quinolizidine ring making cyclization more favorable by decreasing the distance between N1 and C16. This was the key to the first total synthesis of (±)-pleiocarpamine 32. Thus, substrate 77 was modified to borane salt 83 by using the BH3– THF complex to react at the Nb nitrogen atom [17]. Finally, cyclization via a carbene N–H insertion was accomplished by treatment of cyclization precursor 83 with Rh2(cap)4 (20 mol %) at room temperature, and the products so obtained were an inseparable diastereomeric mixture 84 at C16 (ca,7:1) in 55% yield [17]. To remove the borane protecting group, the diastereomeric mixture 84 was refluxed with trimethylamine N-oxide in methanol, which furnished (±)-pleiocarpamine 32 and epi-pleiocarpamine 85 [17]. Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 24 of 47 Molecules 2021, 26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 24 of 49

Scheme 1.1. Synthesis of racrac-pleiocarpamine-pleiocarpamine 3232 andand 16-16-epepi-pleiocarpaminei-pleiocarpamine 8585 byby SatoSato etet al.al.

5.2. BiosyntheticWhile exploring Relations a suitable among thecatalyst Sarpagine/Macroline/Ajmaline for the metal carbenoid Family cyclization of Alkaloids reaction, the Rh2(cap)Sarpagine,4 and Rh macroline,2(esp)2 catalyzed and ajmaline reactions indole lead alkaloids to decomposition are biosynthetically of substrate and 77 struc- [17]. turallyOnly Rh related2(OAc) (Figure4 furnished7)[ 13 the]. We distinguishable herein follow thebut biogeneticunanticipated numbering product system (not shown) of LeMen via anda D-ring Taylor expansion to discuss reaction their potential [17]. At room formation temperature, [55]. The no sarpagine reaction happened series consists while of em- at- tachmentploying the of therhodium C-21 carboncomplex atom (PPh to3) the3RhClN(4) or bond, the copper while thecatalyst macroline Cu(MeCN).BF series lack4 [17]. this bond.Moreover, The stereocentersthe use of the inJohnPhosAu(MeCN)SbF the sarpagine alkaloids6 catalyst at C-3 ( Swas), C-5 also (R unsuccessful), C-15 (R), and because C-16 it formed the D-ring expanded product (not shown) with β-hydride elimination (not

Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 25 of 47

(R) are identical to the macroline series at the respective carbon . The ajmaline series also contain a C-7 and C-17 carbon atom linkage. In comparison with the ajmaline series, the sarpagine family at C-16 is R but antipodal in the ajmaline series. Both the sarpagine and the ajmaline series consist of the characteristic quinuclidine ring and the C-5 and C-16 carbon atom linkage. Sarpagine and ajmaline alkaloids both contain the characteristic C-21 and N(4) bond [13,56]. Stöckigt et al. reported the conversion of 16-epi-vellosimine 86 (sarpagine) into the vinorine 87 (ajmaline) structure (Figure7) by employing the acetyl CoA-dependent vinorine synthase [57–60]. The macroline and sarpagine alka- loids are biosynthetically related, as shown in Figure7. Either of the β-keto quaternary ammonium intermediates 88 or 89 can be furnished by 1, 4 Michael addition of the N(4) nitrogen atom of macroline onto the α, β-unsaturated carbonyl system 5 or 90 at C-21. Similarly, α-hydroxy quaternary ammonium compounds 91 and 92 can be formed by direct 1, 2 addition of the N(4) nitrogen atom to the C-19 carbonyl carbon of 5 and 90 [13]. In contrast, the retro-Michael reaction of TBS protected intermediate 89, followed by removal of the silyl protecting group converted sarpagine 89 into the macroline unit 5 in the stud- ies from LeQuesne et al. [61] and Cook et al. [62]. The sarpagine/macroline/ajmaline group of indole alkaloids have been isolated principally from higher plants, including the Apocynaceae family and the genera Alstonia and Rauwolfia [13]. The intriguing molecular complexity, interconversions, and their divergent biological activity prompted the success- ful syntheses of several of these indole alkaloids [7,63] and bisindole alkaloids [45,64,65] as mentioned earlier.

5.3. Synthesis of Monomeric Macroline Units Employed for the Synthesis of Bisindole Alkaloids 5.3.1. An Improved Total Synthesis of (-)-Alstophylline 28 Liao et al. [66] improved the synthesis of (-)-Alstophylline 28 which, has been isolated from various Alstonia species including A. angustifolia [36], A. glabriflora Mgf. [31], and A. macrophylla [30,67,68]. Liu et al. accomplished a large-scale enantiospecific total synthesis of intermediates, which later resulted in the total synthesis of (-)-alstophylline 28 [69]. Later, Liao et al. improved the total synthesis of (-)-alstophylline 28 employing modified Wacker reaction conditions, which provided a faster route for synthesis of macroline-related indole alkaloids (Scheme2)[ 66]. The 6-methoxy tetracyclic ketone 94 was synthesized employing the method using the published procedures [69–71], which later was converted into the Nb-BH3 adduct 95 using the method developed by Liu et al. earlier [69]. The Nb-BH3 adduct 95 so formed was refluxed with sodium bicarbonate in methanol overnight to get alcohol 96 in 92% yield. One equivalent of the 2-iodozybenzoic acid (IBX) converted (at high temperature) the alcohol in 96 into the ketone 97 in 85% yield. The addition of three more equivalents of IBX at reflux permitted the formation of the new alkaloid 6-oxoalstophylline 98. The Nb-quaternization of ketone 97 was carried out using MeI/THF, which was followed by a retro-Michael reaction in the presence of K2CO3/THF to furnish α,β-unsaturated ketone 99 in 90% yield. Finally, the (-)-alstophylline 28 was obtained using the Wacker-related process (Pd II) modified by Tsuji et al. [72] and Cook et al. [66] from ketone 99 in 55% yield. Importantly, the modified Wacker-related process is also an improved route to several indole alkaloids with the enone system including alstonerine 100 [6]. In addition, the key oxidation reaction provides a shorter route from 97 to 6-oxoalstophylline 98. Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 26 of 47 Molecules 2021, 26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 26 of 49

Figure 7. Abbreviated chemical and biosynthetic relations among the sarpagine/macroline/ajmaline family of alkaloids. Figure 7. Abbreviated chemical and biosynthetic relations among the sarpagine/macroline/ajmaline family of alkaloids. 5.3. Synthesis of Monomeric Macroline Units Employed for the Synthesis of Bisindole Alkaloids 5.3.2. Enantiospecific Total Synthesis of (-)-Anhydromacrosalhine-methine 33 via the 5.3.1.Asymmetric An Improved Pictet–Spengler Total Synthesis Reaction of (-)-Alstophylline 28 LiaoIn a partialet al. [66] synthesis, improved Gan the et synthesis al. [73] prepared of (-)-Alstophylline (-)-anhydromacrosalhine-methine 28 which, has been isolated33 via fromdegradation various of Alstonia natural species (+)-ajmaline including by following A. angustifolia the improved [36], A. procedureglabriflora Mgf. of Sakai [31] et, and al. [73 A.]. macrophyllaIn addition [30,67,68]. to the Liu et al. accomplished of (-)-anhydromacrosalhine-methine a large-scale enantiospecific33 for total comparison synthesis ofpurposes, intermediates, Gan et al.which also accomplishedlater resulted thein the total total synthesis synthesis of 33 ofstarting (-)-alstophylline from D-tryptophan 28 [69]. Later,101 via Liao the et asymmetric al. improved Pictet–Spengler the total synthesis reaction of (-)-alstophylline (>98% ee) (Scheme 28 employing3)[ 44]. The modified enone Wackerether 102 reactionwas synthesized conditions, employing which provided the procedures a faster developedroute for synthesis in Milwaukee of macroline-re- [74,75]. The latedβ-dicarbonyl indole alkaloids compound (Scheme103 was 2) [66]. prepared The 6-methoxy in 66% yield tetracyclic from a stereoselectiveketone 94 was synthe- (α-face) sizedClaisen employing rearrangement the method of olefin using102 theat publis highhed temperature procedures (175 [69–71],◦C) [44 which]. The later reduction was con- of vertedthe β-dicarbonyl into the Nb compound-BH3 adduct103 95that using resulted the method with NaBH developed4 provided by Liu the et diol al. (notearlier shown), [69]. Thewhich Nb-BH subsequently3 adduct 95 underwent so formed a was stereospecific refluxed with hydroboration–oxidation sodium bicarbonate in reaction methanol and over- was nightconverted to get into alcohol triol 104 96 .in (-)-Alstonerine 92% yield. One100 equivalentwas furnished of the by the2-iodozybenzoic regioselective cyclizationacid (IBX) converted (at high temperature) the alcohol functional group in 96 into the ketone 97 in

Molecules 2021, 26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 27 of 49

85% yield. The addition of three more equivalents of IBX at reflux permitted the formation Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 of the new alkaloid 6-oxoalstophylline 98. The Nb-quaternization of ketone 97 was carried27 of 47 out using MeI/THF, which was followed by a retro-Michael reaction in the presence of K2CO3/THF to furnish α,β-unsaturated ketone 99 in 90% yield. Finally, the (-)-alstophyl- line 28 was obtained using the Wacker-related process (Pd II) modified by Tsuji et al. [72] reaction of the monotosylate of triol 104, which was followed by the improved Swern and Cook et al. [66] from ketone 99 in 55% yield. Importantly, the modified Wacker-re- oxidation in 51% yield, accompanied by dihydroalstonerine 105 (not shown in Scheme3 ) lated process is also an improved route to several indole alkaloids with the enone system in 31% yield [44,75]. (-)-Alstonerine 100, upon reduction with NaBH , furnished allylic including alstonerine 100 [6]. In addition, the key oxidation reaction 4provides a shorter alcohol 106 in 90% yield, which later was dehydrated in the presence of p-toluenesulfonic route from 97 to 6-oxoalstophylline 98. acid to afford (-)-anhydromacrosalhine-methine 33 in 92% yield [44].

Scheme 2. An improved total synthesis of (-)-alstophylline 28 using modified Wacker (Pd II) conditions. Scheme 2. An improved total synthesis of (-)-alstophylline 28 using modified Wacker (Pd II) conditions. Enantiospecific Improved Synthesis Total ofSynthesis (+)-Macroline of (-)-Anhydromacrosalhine-methine5 33 via the AsymmetricAlkaloids Pictet–Spengler such as (-)-alstonerine Reaction 100, (+)-alstonisidine 3, and (-)-alstophylline 28 are believedIn a partial to originatesynthesis, from Gan (+)-macrolineet al. [73] prepared5 astheir (-)-anhydromacrosalhine-methine biogenetic precursor unit; how- 33 viaever, degradation the isolation of natural of (+)-macroline (+)-ajmaline5 hasby fo notllowing yet been the improved reported [procedure6]. The synthesis of Sakai ofet al.(+)-macroline [73]. In addition 5 was to improved the semisynthesis by Liao et of al. (-)-anhydromacrosalhine-methine [76], whereas the first biomimetic synthesis33 for com- of 5 parison(+)-macroline purposes,was Gan carried et al. outalso by accomplished LeQuesne et the al. intotal 1980 synthesis [61], following of 33 starting the procedure from D- of Gorman et al. [77]. Neukomm et al. elucidated the absolute configuration of macroline tryptophan 101 via the asymmetric Pictet–Spengler reaction (>98% ee) (Scheme 3) [44]. 5 with X-ray crystallographic data [78]. Bi et al. accomplished the enantiospecific total The enone ether 102 was synthesized employing the procedures developed in Milwaukee synthesis of (+)-macroline 5 [79], which was indistinguishable from the spectral data com- pared to the natural one [80]. The formal synthesis of (+)-macroline 5 was also reported by Kwon utilizing a phosphine-catalyzed annulation process (not shown) [81].

Molecules 2021, 26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 28 of 49

[74,75]. The β-dicarbonyl compound 103 was prepared in 66% yield from a stereoselective (α-face) of olefin 102 at high temperature (175 °C) [44]. The reduc- tion of the β-dicarbonyl compound 103 that resulted with NaBH4 provided the diol (not shown), which subsequently underwent a stereospecific hydroboration–oxidation reac- tion and was converted into triol 104. (-)-Alstonerine 100 was furnished by the regioselec- tive cyclization reaction of the monotosylate of triol 104, which was followed by the im- proved Swern oxidation in 51% yield, accompanied by dihydroalstonerine 105 (not shown Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 in Scheme 3) in 31% yield [44,75]. (-)-Alstonerine 100, upon reduction with NaBH284, offur- 47 nished allylic alcohol 106 in 90% yield, which later was dehydrated in the presence of p- toluenesulfonic acid to afford (-)-anhydromacrosalhine-methine 33 in 92% yield [44].

Scheme 3. 3. EnantiospecificEnantiospecific total totalsynthesis synthesis of (-)-anhydromacrosalhine-methine of (-)-anhydromacrosalhine-methine 33 via the33 asymmetricvia the asymmetric Pictet–Spengler Pictet– re- Spengleraction. reaction.

5.3.3.Later, Improved Liao etSynthesis al. improved of (+)-Macroline the total synthesis 5 of (+)-macroline 5 in higher overall yield and fewer steps. The tetracyclic ketone 107, obtained on the large scale by following the Alkaloids such as (-)-alstonerine 100, (+)-alstonisidine 3, and (-)-alstophylline 28 are procedure developed in Milwaukee, which underwent Nb-alkylation with (Z)-1-bromo- believed2-iodo-2-butene to originate (not from shown), (+)-macroline was followed 5 as their by a biogenetic palladium precursor catalyzed unit; stereospecific however, theα- isolationvinylation ofto (+)-macroline provide pentacyclic 5 has not ketone yet been108 reported(Scheme [6].4)[ The76]. synthesis The ketone of 108(+)-macrolineunderwent 5 wasthe usualimproved one-carbon by Liao homologationet al. [76], whereas via a th Wittige first olefination,biomimetic andsynthesis this was of (+)-macroline followed by 5acidic was hydrolysiscarried out to by obtain LeQuesne the pentacyclic et al. in 1980 aldehyde [61], following109. The aldehydethe procedure functional of Gorman group inet 109al. [77].was Neukomm reduced using et al. sodium elucidated borohydride the absolute to provide configuration the first of enantiospecific macroline 5 with synthesis X-ray of (+)-affinisine (not shown) in 90% yield. Then triisopropylsilyl (TIPS) triflate and 2,6- lutidine were used to protect the primary alcohol of (+)-affinisine as a TIPS ether 110 in 90% yield. The TIPS ether 110 was employed for the hydroboration–oxidation reaction, which furnished the desired secondary alcohol 111 in 86% yield. The alcohol 111, so formed, was oxidized to a ketone 112 using the Dess-Martin periodinane in 82% yield. The ketone 112 was quaternized at the Nb-nitrogen atom by treatment with iodomethane in THF at 0 ◦C. The stable macroline equivalent 113 was obtained after treatment of Nb-methyl iodide salt with potassium tert-butoxide in ethanol, after which it was treated with tetrabutylammonium fluoride to furnish macroline 5 in 86% yield (99% ee) after removal of the TIPS group [76]. Molecules 2021, 26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 29 of 49

crystallographic data [78]. Bi et al. accomplished the enantiospecific total synthesis of (+)- macroline 5 [79], which was indistinguishable from the spectral data compared to the nat- ural one [80]. The formal synthesis of (+)-macroline 5 was also reported by Kwon utilizing a phosphine-catalyzed annulation process (not shown) [81]. Later, Liao et al. improved the total synthesis of (+)-macroline 5 in higher overall yield and fewer steps. The tetracyclic ketone 107, obtained on the large scale by following the procedure developed in Milwaukee, which underwent Nb-alkylation with (Z)-1-bromo-2- iodo-2-butene (not shown), was followed by a palladium catalyzed stereospecific α-vinyl- ation to provide pentacyclic ketone 108 (Scheme 4) [76]. The ketone 108 underwent the usual one-carbon homologation via a Wittig olefination, and this was followed by acidic to obtain the pentacyclic aldehyde 109. The aldehyde functional group in 109 was reduced using sodium borohydride to provide the first enantiospecific synthesis of (+)-affinisine (not shown) in 90% yield. Then triisopropylsilyl (TIPS) triflate and 2,6- lutidine were used to protect the primary alcohol of (+)-affinisine as a TIPS ether 110 in 90% yield. The TIPS ether 110 was employed for the hydroboration–oxidation reaction, which furnished the desired secondary alcohol 111 in 86% yield. The alcohol 111, so formed, was oxidized to a ketone 112 using the Dess-Martin periodinane reagent in 82% yield. The ketone 112 was quaternized at the Nb-nitrogen atom by treatment with iodo- methane in THF at 0 °C. The stable macroline equivalent 113 was obtained after treatment Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 of Nb-methyl iodide salt with potassium tert-butoxide in ethanol, after which it was treated29 of 47 with tetrabutylammonium fluoride to furnish macroline 5 in 86% yield (99% ee) after re- moval of the TIPS group [76].

Scheme 4. Improved synthesis of (+)-macroline 5.

5.3.4. Stereospecific Access to the Macroline Core 5 Recently, Kadam et al. developed another route to the pentacyclic core of macro- line 5-related alkaloids. Starting from commercially available L-tryptophan (not shown), the core architecture of macroline 5 was accessed via an Ireland–Claisen rearrangement (ICR)/Pictet–Spengler cyclization protocol (Scheme5)[ 82]. The L-tryptophan derivative 114 was subjected to Arndt–Eistert conditions to implement a one-carbon homologation to furnish acid 115. The acid 115 was subsequently coupled with allylic alcohol 116 under standard coupling conditions to furnish the allylic ester 117, the substrate for the Ireland–Claisen rearrangement. The allylic ester 117 produced the corresponding car- boxylic acids (not shown) under ICR as an inseparable mixture that was converted into the corresponding esters 118A/A’ by treating the ICR mixture. The esters were isolated in a 9:1 ratio of diastereomers that was separable. The ester function in 118A was reduced by DIBAL-H, and the so formed primary alcohol was protected with a TBS group to provide silyl ether 119. The olefin 119 was subjected to a hydroboration–oxidation sequence and this was followed by oxidation of the so formed alcohol with Dess-Martin periodinane to furnish aldehyde 120. Upon desilylation with TBAF, the alcohol reacted intramolecularly with the proximate aldehyde function forming the corresponding hemiacetal (not shown). Subsequent tetra-propylammonium perruthenate (TPAP)/N-methylmorpholine N-oxide (NMO) mediated oxidation of the hemiacetal furnished δ-lactone 121. Deprotection of the Boc protecting group and hydrolysis of the acetal was done under acidic conditions with TFA setting up the conditions for an intramolecular Pictet–Spengler cyclization that furnished the pentacyclic core structure 122 of the macroline alkaloids. The exomethylene was introduced by reacting 122 with the formaldehyde equivalent in the presence of 1,8-di- Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 30 of 47

azabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (DBU). This was followed by the addition of MeLi to furnish Molecules 2021, 26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 31 of 49 macroline 5. On the other hand, alstomicine 123 was achieved by treating the lactone 122 with MeLi [82].

SchemeScheme 5. 5.Stereoselective Stereoselective totaltotal synthesissynthesis of macroline 55 andand alstomicine alstomicine 123.123 .

5.3.5. Enantiomeric Total Synthesis of (+)-Na-Methylsarpagine 124. 5.3.5. Enantiomeric Total Synthesis of (+)-Na-Methylsarpagine 124 The alkaloid (+)-Na-methylsarpagine 124 was isolated from the bark of A. spectabilis The alkaloid (+)-Na-methylsarpagine 124 was isolated from the bark of A. spectabilis [31,41], which[31,41], is presentwhich is as present a monomeric as a monomeric unit in the unit (+)-macralstonidine in the (+)-macralstonidine23 bisindole. 23 bisindole. The first The total first total synthesis of (+)-Na-methylsarpagine 124 was accomplished by Zhao et al. [83,84]. synthesis of (+)-Na-methylsarpagine 124 was accomplished by Zhao et al. [83,84]. The 5- The 5-methoxy-Na-methyl D-(+)-tryptophan ethyl ester 125 was prepared on a large scale methoxy-Na-methyl D-(+)-tryptophan ethyl ester 125 was prepared on a large scale starting starting from commercially available p-anisidine 126 (Scheme 6). The 5-methoxy tetracy- from commercially available p-anisidine 126 (Scheme6). The 5-methoxy tetracyclic ketone clic ketone 127 was furnished in high overall yield from ester 125 employing chemical 127 was furnished in high overall yield from ester 125 employing chemical conversions such conversions such as, Nb-benzylation, the asymmetric Pictet–Spengler reaction, diastereo- as, N -benzylation, the asymmetric Pictet–Spengler reaction, diastereospecific Dieckmann specificb Dieckmann cyclization, reaction, and catalytic debenzylation cyclization, decarboxylation reaction, and catalytic debenzylation [6,83]. Furthermore, 5- [6,83]. Furthermore, 5-methoxy tetracyclic ketone 127 upon further usual transformations methoxy tetracyclic ketone 127 upon further usual transformations including Nb-alkylation, including Nb-alkylation, the Wittig olefination, hydrolysis/epimerization gave majvinine the128 Wittig in 98% olefination, ee [83,84]. hydrolysis/epimerizationThe 10-hydroxy indole 129 gavewas furnished majvinine after128 inthe 98% treatment ee [83, 84of]. C- The 10-hydroxy indole 129 was furnished after the treatment of C-10 methoxy intermediate 10 methoxy intermediate (+)-majvinine 128 employing six equivalents of BBr3 in DCM at

Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 31 of 47 Molecules 2021, 26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 32 of 49

◦ (+)-majvinine−78 °C. The subsequent128 employing reduction six equivalents of the aldehyde of BBr group3 in DCM in intermediate at −78 C. 129 The was subsequent effec- reductiontively carried of the out aldehyde using sodium group borohydride in intermediate in ethanol129 towas furnish effectively (+)-Na-methylsarpagine carried out using sodium124 in 90% borohydride yield [83].in ethanol to furnish (+)-Na-methylsarpagine 124 in 90% yield [83].

SchemeScheme 6. 6.Enantiomeric Enantiomeric total total synthesis synthesis ofof (+)-majvinine(+)-majvinine 128128 andand (+)- (+)-NNa-methylsarpaginea-methylsarpagine 124.124 .

6.6. The The Synthesis Synthesis ofof Bisindole Alkaloids Alkaloids Biomimetic Biomimetic PartialPartial SynthesisSynthesis of of (-)-Alstonisidine (-)-Alstonisidine 3.3 (-)-Alstonisidine(-)-Alstonisidine 33 containscontains a (+)-quebrachidine (+)-quebrachidine 4 4(ajmaline-type)(ajmaline-type) and and a (+)-macroline a (+)-macroline 55piece piece as as monomeric monomeric units.units. Both monomeric monomeric alkaloids alkaloids were were employed employed in inthe the biomimetic biomimetic partialpartial synthesis synthesis of of (-)-alstonisidine (-)-alstonisidine3 3by by LeQuesne, LeQuesne, Burke, Burke,and andCook Cook[ [85].85]. TheThe (+)-macroline(+)-macro- 5lineused 5 inused this in partial this partial synthesis synthesis wasobtained was obtained after theafter degradation the degradation of villamine of villamine (not shown)(not byshown) the method by the ofmethod Schmid of etSchmid al. [80 et]. al. [80]. The hemiketal 130 was formed after the Michael reaction between the Na-H function The hemiketal 130 was formed after the Michael reaction between the Na-H function ofof a a (+)-quebrachidine (+)-quebrachidine 44 andand (+)-macroline (+)-macroline 5 in5 inthe the presence presence of 0.2 of 0.2N HClN HCl at 20 at °C 20 for◦C 3 for days (Scheme 7). The hemiketal 130 underwent an electrophilic substitution reaction (ortho 3 days (Scheme7). The hemiketal 130 underwent an electrophilic substitution reaction to the amino group of (+)-quebrachidine 4) after the treatment with BF3 etherate at low (ortho to the amino group of (+)-quebrachidine 4) after the treatment with BF etherate at temperature (0 °C) to furnish (-)-alstonisidine 3. The spectral data of (-)-alstonisidine3 3 low temperature (0 ◦C) to furnish (-)-alstonisidine 3. The spectral data of (-)-alstonisidine were identical to those of naturally isolated (-)-alstonisidine 3 [37,51]. 3 were identical to those of naturally isolated (-)-alstonisidine 3 [37,51].

6.2. Biomimetic Partial Synthesis of (+)-Dispegatrine 131 Although the focus of this review is bisindoles from Alstonia species, dispegatrine 131, a hypotensive bisindole, is comprised of two sarpagine units. It is discussed here because some of the such as sarpagine are commonly found in many Alstonia species. In the biomimetic partial synthesis of (+)-dispegatrine 131 by Yu et al., the monomer spegatrine 132 was subjected to an oxidative phenolic coupling (Scheme8). Although the yield of this coupling was very poor, it served as proof of the concept that dispegatrine 131 may actually originate biosynthetically via oxidative phenolic coupling, although the chemical yield was 0.25%. This partial synthesis confirmed the structure of (+)-dispegatrine 131 [86]. However, no other diastereomer was observed, and the axial across C9-C90 could not be confirmed. In addition, due to the lack of X-ray crystals, the isolation chemists could not assign the important axial chirality at C9-C90 [86].

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Scheme 7. Biomimetic partial synthesis of (-)-alstonisidine 3

6.2. Biomimetic Partial Synthesis of (+)-Dispegatrine 131 Although the focus of this review is bisindoles from Alstonia species, dispegatrine 131, a hypotensive bisindole, is comprised of two sarpagine units. It is discussed here be- cause some of the monomers such as sarpagine are commonly found in many Alstonia species. In the biomimetic partial synthesis of (+)-dispegatrine 131 by Yu et al., the mono- mer spegatrine 132 was subjected to an oxidative phenolic coupling (Scheme 8). Although the yield of this coupling was very poor, it served as proof of the concept that dispegatrine 131 may actually originate biosynthetically via oxidative phenolic coupling, although the chemical yield was 0.25%. This partial synthesis confirmed the structure of (+)-dispega- trine 131 [86]. However, no other diastereomer was observed, and the axial chirality across C9-C9′ could not be confirmed. In addition, due to the lack of X-ray crystals, the isolation chemistsSchemeScheme could 7.7. BiomimeticBiomimetic not assign partialpartial the synthesisimportantsynthesis ofof axial (-)-alstonisidine(-)-alstonisidine chirality at3 3. C9-C9′ [86].

6.2. Biomimetic Partial Synthesis of (+)-Dispegatrine 131 Although the focus of this review is bisindoles from Alstonia species, dispegatrine 131, a hypotensive bisindole, is comprised of two sarpagine units. It is discussed here be- cause some of the monomers such as sarpagine are commonly found in many Alstonia species. In the biomimetic partial synthesis of (+)-dispegatrine 131 by Yu et al., the mono- mer spegatrine 132 was subjected to an oxidative phenolic coupling (Scheme 8). Although the yield of this coupling was very poor, it served as proof of the concept that dispegatrine 131 may actually originate biosynthetically via oxidative phenolic coupling, although the chemical yield was 0.25%. This partial synthesis confirmed the structure of (+)-dispega- trine 131 [86]. However, no other diastereomer was observed, and the axial chirality across C9-C9′ could not be confirmed. In addition, due to the lack of X-ray crystals, the isolation chemists could not assign the important axial chirality at C9-C9′ [86].

Scheme 8. Biomimetic partial synthesis of (+)-dispegatrine 131131 byby oxidative phenolic coupling by Yu et al. [[86].86].

EnantiospecificEnantiospecific Total Synthesis of (+)-dispegatrine 131 in >98% ee ee ItIt was suggestedsuggested that that internal internal chiral chiral induction induction was was responsible responsible for thefor atroposelectivity,the atroposelec- tivity,which which was exploited was exploited as an advantageas an advantage in the in first the enantiospecific first enantiospecific and convergentand convergent total totalsynthesis synthesis of (+)-dispegatrine of (+)-dispegatrine131 from 131 from spegatrine spegatrine132 by 132 Edwankar by Edwankar et al. et [87 al.,88 [87,88].]. Thetotal The totalsynthesis synthesis of dispegatrine of dispegatrine131 131required required the the 5-methoxy 5-methoxy tryptophan tryptophan unit unit133 133,, whichwhich was accessed viavia thethe generalgeneral strategy strategy for for the the synthesis synthesis of ring-Aof ring-A oxygenated oxygenated D-tryptophan D-tryptophan unit 134 previously developed in Milwaukee (Scheme9). L- 135 served as the source of chirality in the Schöllkopf chiral auxiliary 136 and was employed in a large-scale reaction (500 g). After obtaining the required chiral starting material, D-tryptophan ethyl ester 133 (which could also be obtained from the Boc protected 5-methoxy indole 137 (Scheme9)), the large-scale Pictet–Spengler/Dieckmann protocol developed in Milwaukee was employed Scheme 8. Biomimeticto partial gain synthesis access to of the (+)-dispegatrine key tetracyclic 131 ketone by oxidative138 in phenolic excellent coupling yield andby Yu >98% et al. enantiomeric[86]. excess. This tetracyclic ketone 138 furnished the sarpagine system 139 after Nb-alkylation andEnantiospecificα-vinylation, Total both Synthesis of which of could (+)-dispegatrine also be performed 131 in >98% on large ee scales. The pentacyclic ketoneIt was139 containingsuggested thethat sarpagine internal chiral architecture induction was was further responsible functionalized. for the A atroposelec- one-carbon homologationtivity, which was via exploited a Wittigolefination, as an advantage followed in the by first hydrolysis enantiospecific under acidic and conditions,convergent furnishedtotal synthesis 10-methoxy of (+)-dispegatrine vellosimine 131140 fromfor the spegatrine first time 132 (>98% by Edwankar ee). Reduction et al. [87,88]. of the C-16 The formyltotal synthesis function of with dispegatrine NaBH4 furnished 131 required (+)-lochnerine the 5-methoxy141 in tryptophan excellent yield. unit A133 thallium, which (III)-was mediatedaccessed via oxidative the general coupling strategy facilitated for the by synt boranehesis trifluoride of ring-A diethyl oxygenated etherate D-tryptophan as the Lewis

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acid provided the dimerized lochnerine 142 as the P(S)-atropodiastereomer. The absolute configuration was confirmed by X-ray analysis with a MoKα source at low temperature. At the conclusion of this total synthesis, the final assault, demethylation of the two methoxy groups followed by quaternization of the Nb-nitrogen atoms was performed. Treatment of the lochnerine dimer 142 with boron tribromide etherate furnished the bis-phenolic dimer (not shown) in 80% yield. Quaternization was executed by treating the tertiary functions with excess iodomethane, and this was followed by exchange of iodide with chloride as the counter anion with the help of a AgCl additive. This furnished the first and Molecules 2021, 26, x FOR PEER REVIEWbiomimetic total synthesis of the antihypertensive bisindole, the P(S)-atropodiastereomer35 of 49

of (+)-dispegatrine 131 [87,88].

Scheme Scheme9. The biomimetic 9. The biomimetic total synt totalhesis synthesis of the natural of the P( naturalS)-atropodiastereomer P(S)-atropodiastereomer of (+)-dispegatrine of (+)-dispegatrine 131. 131.

6.3. Biomimetic Total Synthesis of (+)-Macralstonidine 23

(+)-Macralstonidine 23 is composed of a macroline 5 and a Na-methyl sarpagine 124 unit. (+)-Na-Methyl sarpagine 124 (sarpagine unit) was isolated from A. spectabilis [31] and its total synthesis was accomplished by Zhao et al., as discussed earlier [83,84]. In a chem- ical sense, (+)-macralstonidine 23 should arise from the acid-mediated condensation of macroline 5 with (+)-Na-methyl sarpagine 124. When macroline 5 was stirred with (+)-Na- methyl sarpagine 124 under mildly acidic conditions, the so formed cyclic ketal was iden- tical to the authentic sample of macralstonidine 23 [31]. In this case too, the condensation followed by cyclic ketal formation can be explained by two different mechanisms. The straightforward Michael-type cyclization, which was discussed previously, is shown be- low (Scheme 10). On the other hand, the Friedel–Crafts alkylation-type mechanism that involved stabilization of the macroline enone with an oxonium anion is somewhat more

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6.3. Biomimetic Total Synthesis of (+)-Macralstonidine 23

(+)-Macralstonidine 23 is composed of a macroline 5 and a Na-methyl sarpagine 124 unit. (+)-Na-Methyl sarpagine 124 (sarpagine unit) was isolated from A. spectabilis [31] and its total synthesis was accomplished by Zhao et al., as discussed earlier [83,84]. In a chemical sense, (+)-macralstonidine 23 should arise from the acid-mediated conden- sation of macroline 5 with (+)-Na-methyl sarpagine 124. When macroline 5 was stirred with (+)-Na-methyl sarpagine 124 under mildly acidic conditions, the so formed cyclic ketal was identical to the authentic sample of macralstonidine 23 [31]. In this case too, the condensation followed by cyclic ketal formation can be explained by two different mechanisms. The straightforward Michael-type cyclization, which was discussed previ- ously, is shown below (Scheme 10). On the other hand, the Friedel–Crafts alkylation-type mechanism that involved stabilization of the macroline enone with an oxonium anion is somewhat more probable from a chemical sense. As shown in Scheme 10, after initial intramolecular reaction of the C-17 hydroxyl function with the macroline ketone 5, followed by acid-catalyzed dehydration, this process produced the oxonium species, which existed in two resonance stabilized forms (71a and 71b). The electron-rich phenolic sarpagine 124 carbon atom could attack this electrophile from the C-9 position, which was ortho to the phenolic group. No alkylation at the C-11 position was observed. The so formed enol ether underwent acid-mediated rearrangement forming an oxonium intermediate 143, which made it susceptible to nucleophilic attack by the phenolic oxygen atom furnishing the cyclic ketal present in macralstonidine 23. Since macroline 5 and Na-methyl sarpagine 124 have both been synthesized in Milwaukee, this constitutes an enantiospecific total synthesis of (+)-macralstonidine 23 [76,79].

6.4. Biomimetic Total Synthesis of (+)-Macralstonine 24 LeQuesne et al. [89] coupled natural (-)-alstophylline 28 and an excess of (+)-macroline 5 in aqueous 0.2N HCl solution at 20 ◦C for 120 h. The bisindole, (+)-macralstonine 24, was obtained in 40% yield as a mixture of C-20 epimers, which later was converted into O-acetyl macralstonine 25 as the sole product after the treatment with acetic anhydride and pyridine [89]. LeQuesne et al. [89] confirmed the biosynthetic route (Scheme 11) of macralstonine 24 proposed by Schmid et al.; however the Friedel–Crafts alkylation process, as discussed above (Figure5) is possible as well. Since the total synthesis of both macroline 5 and alstophylline 28 were accomplished by Liao et al., this constitutes the total synthesis of macralstonine 24, and O-acetylmacaralstonine 25 by LeQuesne, Liao, Burke, and Cook et al. [76,89].

6.5. Partial Synthesis of (-)-Macrocarpamine 31 Gan et al. accomplished the partial synthesis of (-)-macrocarpamine 31 in stereospecific and enantiospecific fashion via the coupling reaction between the protonated natural (+)- pleiocarpamine 32 and synthetic (-)-anhydromacrosalhine-methine 33 (Scheme 12)[44]. The portion-wise addition of six equivalents of (-)-anhydromacrosalhine-methine 33 to (+)-pleiocarpamine 32 in 0.2 N dry HCl/THF, followed by basic workup (10% NH4OH), furnished (-)-macrocarpamine 31 in 75% yield [65]. It is important to stir pleiocarpamine 32 in acid to form the iminium ion first and then add (-)-33 to it. Initial treatment of (-)-anhydromacrosalhine-methine 33 and (+)-pleiocarpamine 32 in aqueous and mild acidic conditions (0.2 N HCl) converted enol 33 into its hydrated product, inhibiting the desired product 144 formation. This was reported to be the first coupling reaction between an iminium ion and vinylogous enol ether of such type (33) and the first proton-mediated coupling reaction to obtain a bisindole via the coupling of two monomeric units from the Alstonia genus [65]. The total synthesis of (-)-macrocarpamine 31 has not been reported yet. Since the total synthesis of both of its monomeric units are now successfully completed, the formal total synthesis of (-)-macrocarpamine 31 is completed [17,44]. Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 35 of 47 Molecules 2021, 26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 37 of 49

Scheme 10. Biomimetic total synthesis of macralstonidine 23 by the condensation of macroline 5 with Na-methyl sarpagine Scheme 10. Biomimetic total synthesis of macralstonidine 23 by the condensation of macroline 5 with Na-methyl sarpagine 124 via two possible mechanisms.

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Scheme 11. The biomimetic total synthesis of macralstonine 2424,, andand OO-acetylmacralstonine-acetylmacralstonine 2525..

SchemeScheme 12.12. PartialPartial synthesissynthesis ofof (-)-macrocarpamine(-)-macrocarpamine 3131.

6.6. Partial Partial Synthesis Synthesis of (+)-Villalstonine 4343 Schmid et al. described the de degradationgradation of (+)-villalstonine 4343 intointointo twotwo two monomericmonomeric monomeric in-in- dole alkaloids, (+)-pleiocarpamine 3232 andand the the macroline macroline base base 55 [[38].[38].38]. Furthermore,Furthermore, SchmidSchmid anticipated forming forming a a new new acetal–amino acetal–amino acetal acetal function function in in(+)-villalstonine (+)-villalstonine 43 43byby byelectro-electro- elec- philictrophilic addition addition of the of theenone enone function function of macroline of macroline 5 toto the5theto (+)-pleiocarpamine(+)-pleiocarpamine the (+)-pleiocarpamine 32,, followedfollowed32, fol- bylowed ring by closure. ring closure. The formal The formaltotal synthesis total synthesis of (+)-villalstonine of (+)-villalstonine 43 hashas recentlyrecently43 has recently beenbeen accom-accom- been plished,accomplished, since Sato since et al. Sato [17] et completed al. [17] completed the total synthesis the total of synthesis racrac-pleiocarpamine-pleiocarpamine of rac-pleiocarpamine 32 andand Liao,Liao, Bi,32 and Zhang Liao, Bi, prepared and Zhang macroline prepared 5 [45,90,91].[45,90,91]. macroline Initially,Initially,5 [45 , LeQuesne,LeQuesne,90,91]. Initially, BurkeBurkeLeQuesne, andand CookCook accom-accom- Burke plishedand Cook the accomplished partial synthesis the of partial (+)-villalstonine synthesis of 43 (+)-villalstonine byby aa biomimetic-typbiomimetic-typ43 bye acoupling biomimetic-type reaction, whichcoupling was reaction, reported which as the first was among reported bisindole as the firstalkaloids among from bisindole the Alstonia alkaloids genusgenus from (Scheme(Scheme the 13Alstonia [51]. LeQuesnegenus (Scheme et al. treated 13[ 51]. (+)-pleiocarpamine LeQuesne et al. treated 32 withwith (+)-pleiocarpamine (+)-macroline(+)-macroline 5 inin thethe32 withpresencepresence (+)- ◦ ofmacroline 0.2 N aqueousaqueous5 in the hydrochlorichydrochloric presence of acidacid 0.2 N atataqueous 2020 °C°C forfor hydrochloric 1818 hh toto furnishfurnish acid (+)-villalstonine(+)-villalstonine at 20 C for 18 43 h asas to a furnisha singlesingle product(+)-villalstonine on TLC [51].43 as The a single macroline product 5 hashas on aa limited TLClimited [51 shelfshelf]. The lifelife macroline becausebecause itit5 cyclizescyclizeshas a limited intramolec-intramolec- shelf ularlylife because to give it the cyclizes more stable intramolecularly dihydroalstonerine to give 105 the (Scheme(Scheme more stable 14)14) [6].[6]. dihydroalstonerine 105 (SchemeThe 14biomimetic)[6]. synthesiss ofof (+)-villalstonine(+)-villalstonine 43 isis thoughtthought toto beginbegin viavia electrophilicelectrophilic ad-ad- dition of the macroline enone 5 ontoonto pleiocarpaminepleiocarpamine 32 fromfrom thethe α-face-face (less(less hinderhindered) to give thethe intermediateintermediate 145 (Scheme(Scheme 13)13) [51].[51]. TheThe intermediateintermediate 145 thenthen formsforms aa hemiacetal,hemiacetal, afterafter

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Molecules 2021, 26, 3459 37 of 47 whichwhich thethe newlynewly formedformed acetalacetal sequentiallysequentially attaattackscks thethe iminiumiminium ionion ofof thethe indolineindoline fromfrom thethe lessless hinderedhindered sideside toto furnishfurnish thethe acetal–aacetal–aminomino acetalacetal functionfunction inin (+)-villalstonine(+)-villalstonine 4343 [51].[51].

SchemeScheme 13.13.13. BiomimeticBiomimetic partialpartial synthesissynthesis ofof (+)-villalstonine(+)-villalstonine 4343.

SchemeScheme 14. 14. IntramolecularIntramolecular cyclizationcyclization of of macroline macroline 55 intointo dihydroalstonerine dihydroalstonerinedihydroalstonerine 105105.. The biomimetic synthesis of (+)-villalstonine 43 is thought to begin via electrophilic ImprovedImproved PartialPartial SyntSynthesishesis ofof (+)-Villalstonine(+)-Villalstonine 4343 addition of the macroline enone 5 onto pleiocarpamine 32 from the α-face (less hindered) to giveBecauseBecause the intermediate macrolinemacroline145 55 (Scheme underunder acidicacidic 13)[51 conditionsconditions]. The intermediate formsforms partpart145 ofofthen thethe forms veryvery astablestable hemiacetal, dihy-dihy- droalstonerinedroalstonerineafter which the 105105 newly (Scheme(Scheme formed 14),14), acetal thethe processprocess sequentially waswas laterlater attacks momodified thedified iminium byby usingusing ion thethe of themoremore indoline stablestable macrolinemacrolinefrom the less equivalentequivalent hindered 146146 side [45].[45]. to furnishTheThe alcoholalcohol the acetal–amino functionalfunctional groupgroup acetal inin function thethe macrolinemacroline in (+)-villalstonine equivalentequivalent 55 waswas43 [51 protectedprotected]. asas itsits TBDMSTBDMS etherether 146146 [79].[79]. TheThe naturalnatural (+)-pleiocarpamine(+)-pleiocarpamine 3232 waswas receivedreceived fromfrom ProfessorProfessor LeQuesneLeQuesne andand thenthen treatedtreated wiwithth thethe moremore stablestable macrolinemacroline equivalentequivalent 146146 inin6.7. thethe Improved presencepresence Partial ofof 0.20.2 Synthesis NN aqueousaqueous of (+)-Villalstonine hydrochlorichydrochloric acidacid43 andand fluoridefluoride ionion ((terttert-butylammonium-butylammonium fluoride)fluoride)Because forfor 2424 macroline hh atat 2222 °C°C5 under (Scheme(Scheme acidic 15).15). conditions ThisThis procedureprocedure forms waswas part followedfollowed of the very byby stable aa basicbasic dihydroal- workupworkup withwithstonerine aqueousaqueous105 (SchemeNHNH44OHOH 14toto), obtainobtain the process (+)-villalstonine(+)-villalstonine was later modified 4343 asas anan by oiloilusing inin 60%60% the condensationcondensation more stable macro- yield.yield. TracesTracesline equivalent ofof (+)-pleiocarpamine(+)-pleiocarpamine146 [45]. The alcohol3232 remainedremained functional onon TLC.TLC. group TheThe in desilylationdesilylation the macroline mightmight equivalent occuroccur beforebefore5 was condensationcondensationprotected as its toto TBDMSgivegive macrolinemacroline ether 146 146,146,[79 oror]. thethe The condensationcondensation natural (+)-pleiocarpamine maymay taketake placeplace firstfirst32 was asas shownshown received inin SchemeSchemefrom Professor 1515 [6].[6]. TheThe LeQuesne spectroscopicspectroscopic and then data,data, treated includingincluding with the IRIR moreandand NMR,NMR, stable TLC,TLC, macroline andand massmass equivalent spectrom-spectrom-146 etryetryin the ofof presence syntheticsynthetic of (+)-villalstonine(+)-villalstonine 0.2 N aqueous hydrochloric43,43, werewere identicalidentical acid andwhenwhen fluoride comparedcompared ion ( tototert thethe-butylammonium authenticauthentic sam-sam- pleplefluoride) separatelyseparately for 24 isolatedisolated h at 22 from◦fromC (Scheme A.A. muellerianamuelleriana 15). This byby procedure LeQuesneLeQuesne was andand followed SchmidSchmid et byet al.al. a basic[38,51].[38,51]. workup SinceSince thewiththe totaltotal aqueous synthesissynthesis NH4 ofOHof bothboth to obtain ofof itsits (+)-villalstoninemonomerimonomericc unitsunits43 areareas now annow oil successfullysuccessfully in 60% condensation completed,completed, yield. thethe formalformalTraces total oftotal (+)-pleiocarpamine synthesissynthesis ofof (+)-villalstonine(+)-villalstonine32 remained 4343 onisis completedcompleted TLC. The desilylation[47,78].[47,78]. might occur before condensation to give macroline 146, or the condensation may take place first as shown in Scheme 15[ 6]. The spectroscopic data, including IR and NMR, TLC, and mass spectrometry of synthetic (+)-villalstonine 43, were identical when compared to the authentic sample separately isolated from A. muelleriana by LeQuesne and Schmid et al. [38,51]. Since the

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total synthesis of both of its monomeric units are now successfully completed, the formal total synthesis of (+)-villalstonine 43 is completed [47,78].

SchemeScheme 15.15. ImprovedImproved partialpartial synthesissynthesis ofof (+)-villalstonine(+)-villalstonine 4343.

7. C-19 Methyl-Substituted Sarpag Sarpagine/Macroline/Ajmalineine/Macroline/Ajmaline Alkaloids The C-19C-19 methyl-substitutedmethyl-substituted sarpagine/macroline/ajmaline-typesarpagine/macroline/ajmaline-type alkaloids alkaloids are an emerging group group of of structurally structurally and and biosynthetically biosynthetically related related alkaloids. alkaloids. To date, To date, more more than 70than monomeric 70 monomeric indole indole alkaloids alkaloids that belong that belong to this to sub-family this sub-family have been have isolated. been isolated. In addi- In tionaddition to the to monomeric the monomeric bases, bases, several several bisindol bisindolee alkaloids alkaloids consisting consisting of at least of at one least mono- one mericmonomeric unit with unit a with C-19 a methyl C-19 group as their as theirobligate obligate constituent constituent have havebeen beenfound found in var- in variousious medicinal medicinal plants plants worldwide worldwide (vide (vide infra, infra, Table Table 2).2). Bioactive Bioactive C-19 methyl-substitutedmethyl-substituted sarpagine/macroline bases bases and and related related alkaloids alkaloids occur occur in invarious various AlstoniaAlstonia species.species. The The re- portedreported bioactivity bioactivity of of representa representativetive examples examples is is listed listed herein herein (vide (vide infra, infra, Figure 8 8).). ItIt cancan be seen in Figure8 8 that that thesethese alkaloidsalkaloids containcontain aa stereogenicstereogenic methylmethyl functionfunction atat thethe C-19C-19 position and presumably originate from common or similar biosyntheticbiosynthetic precursors.precursors. As a result, some common intermediates or core architecture should enableenable thethe totaltotal synthesissynthesis of these alkaloids. As illustrated earlier in Figure 77,, macroline,macroline, sarpagine,sarpagine, andand ajmalineajmaline alkaloids are essentially biosynthetic relatives, and they contain the azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane alkaloids are essentially biosynthetic relatives, and they contain the azabicyclo[3.3.1]non- core 93 present in their structures. Thus, any effective and divergent synthetic strategy ane core 93 present in their structures. Thus, any effective and divergent synthetic strategy should involve robust access to the common intermediates, preferably containing the should involve robust access to the common intermediates, preferably containing the azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane core system 93. The total synthesis of bisindoles containing the azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane core system 93. The total synthesis of bisindoles containing the C-19 methyl function has not previously been reported. On the other hand, there has been C-19 methyl function has not previously been reported. On the other hand, there has been notable progress in developing synthetic strategies for practical access to this important notable progress in developing synthetic strategies for practical access to this important class of bioactive indole alkaloids [7,62]. class of bioactive indole alkaloids [7,62]. Enantiospecific Total Synthesis of C-19 Methyl-Substituted Sarpagine/Macroline Alkaloids via the General Strategy Developed in Milwaukee During the development of an improved and shorter access to the tetracyclic ketone containing the azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane core architecture, Rahman et al. developed an ambidextrous Pictet–Spengler (P-S)/Dieckmann protocol that provided efficient stereospe- cific access to the desired common intermediates towards the C-19 methyl-substituted sarpagine/macroline-type monomeric indole alkaloids [92]. The key tetracyclic inter- mediates for access to both the C-19 (S) or (R)-methyl-substituted alkaloids can now be synthesized either from D- or from L-tryptophan, at will, albeit at improved yield and in a route two steps shorter than the former strategy (Scheme 16). Further studies in this vein resulted in an illustration of the applicability of the so developed ambidextrous P-S strategy by accessing both enantiomers (individually) of the azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane core structures, while starting from the same tryptophan auxiliary. One of the impor-

Figure 8. Representative examples of C-19 methyl-substituted monomeric sarpagine/macroline-related alkaloids from Al- stonia species and their bioactivity.

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tant implications of this ambidextrous P-S/Dieckmann protocol is that not only are the natural alkaloids containing both (S) and (R) C-19 methyl-containing alkaloids available but their enantiomers (unnatural alkaloids) can also be accessed using this strategy from the same chiral auxiliary (Scheme 17). To date, this unified general strategy has been illustrated in the total synthesis of more than a dozen alkaloids from this sub-family (Figure9)[7,56,62,93–95]. A detailed discussion of the reported total synthesis of the indi- vidual monomeric alkaloids from this sub-family is out of the scope of this review. The enan- tiospecific total synthesis of the first example of sarpagine-type alkaloids isolated from the root-culture of R. serpentina that belong to this group was reported by Edwakar et al. [94]. TheseScheme two 15. monoterpenoid Improved partial sarpagine synthesis alkaloids, of (+)-villalstonine 19(S),20( R43)-dihydroperaksine-17-al 147 and 19(S),20(R)-dihydroperaksine 148 (Figure9 ) represented a novel subgroup of sarpagine 7.alkaloids, C-19 Methyl-Substituted identified by Stöckigt Sarpag et al.ine/Macroline/Ajmaline [96]. Afterwards, several Alkaloids other alkaloids including peraksineThe C-19149, macrosalhine-Nmethyl-substitutedb-oxide sarpagine/ma150, and talcarpinecroline/ajmaline-type151 (formal synthesis) alkaloids from are thisan emerginggroup were group reported of structurally by employing and the biosynthetically general strategy related developed alkaloids. in Milwaukee To date, more [93]. Later, than 70as amonomeric result of continued indole alkaloids studies that in this belong vein, to Rahman this sub-family et al. employed have been an isolated. efficient In copper- addi- tionmediated to the enolate-drivenmonomeric bases, cross-coupling several bisindol processe alkaloids that replaced consisting the of previous at least palladium-one mono- mericcatalyzed unit couplingwith a C-19 to gainmethyl an group improved as their access obligate to the constituent core architecture have been of this found subgroup in var- iousof alkaloids medicinal and plants illustrated worldwide the process (vide infra, in the Table total 2). synthesis Bioactive of C-19 two monomericmethyl-substituted macro- sarpagine/macrolineline alkaloids, macrocarpines bases and D related152 and alkaloids E 153 [ 62occur]. In in 2018, various Rahman Alstonia et al.species. reported The re- an portedimproved bioactivity strategy of for representa a two-steptive shorter examples and higheris listed overall herein yield (vide to infra, achieve Figure access 8). toIt can the bekey seen tetracyclic in Figure ketone 8 that intermediates. these alkaloids The contain total a synthesis stereogenic of amethyl number function of sarpagine at the C-19 and positionmacroline and alkaloids, presumably including originate talcarpine from common151, N4-methyl- or similarN4 biosynthetic,21-secotalpinine precursors.154, macro- As a result,carpines some A–C common (155–157 intermediates), dihydroperaksine or core 148architecture, and deoxyperaksine should enable158, thewas total completed synthesis ofand these reported alkaloids. in the As same illustrated paper. Thisearlier also in correctedFigure 7, themacroline, reported sarpagine, optical rotations and ajmaline of N4- alkaloidsmethyl-N are4,21-secotalpinine essentially biosynthetic154 and macrocarpine relatives, and A they155 contain[7]. Afterwards, the azabicyclo[3.3.1]non- the focus turned anetoward core the 93 present development in their of structures. the ambidextrous Thus, any Pictet–Spengler effective and approachdivergent forsynthetic accessing strategy natu- shouldral alkaloids involve either robust from access D- or L-tryptophan,to the common at intermediates, will. Besides, both preferably natural containing and unnatural the azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonaneenantiomers would be accessiblecore system from 93. theThe same total chiralsynthesis starting of bi material.sindoles containing Several more the 159 C-19alkaloids methyl from function this subgroup, has not previously including the been potent reported. NF-kB On inhibitor the other N4 -methyltalpininehand, there has been, anticancer alkaloids talpinine 160 and O-acetyl talpinine 161, as well as the macrocarpines notable progress in developing synthetic strategies for practical access to this important F-G (162–163), have been synthesized and will be reported in due course (Figure9)[97]. class of bioactive indole alkaloids [7,62].

Figure 8. RepresentativeRepresentative examples examples of of C-19 C-19 methyl-substituted methyl-substituted monomeric monomeric sarpagine/macroline-related sarpagine/macroline-related alkaloids alkaloids from from Al- Alstoniastonia speciesspecies and and their their bioactivity. bioactivity.

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Scheme 16. Improved general strategy toward the tetracyclic ketone intermediates of C-19 methyl-substituted alkaloids. Scheme 16. Improved general strategy toward the tetracyclic ketone intermediates of C-19 methyl-substituted alkaloids.

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TIPS H O S R N S N H (S,S,R)-series natural H

TIPS H (R,R,S)-series unnatural O R N RSN H H Me

D-trp-OMe L-trp-OMe

TIPS H O R N R N R H Me H (R,R,R)-series unnatural TIPS H (S,S,S)-series natural O S S N S N H H Scheme 17. Access to both natural and unnatural enantiomers of C-19 methyl-substituted sarpagine/macroline indole Scheme 17. Access to both natural and unnatural enantiomers of C-19 methyl-substituted alkaloids from the same chiral tryptophan. sarpagine/macroline indole alkaloids from the same chiral tryptophan.

Any member of this group would be accessible employing this general strategy, albeit most of these alkaloids await their total synthesis. In addition, no bisindole alkaloid from this group has been synthesized, to date, but the building blocks are now in place. The important bioactivity of a number of alkaloids from this group or their unnatural enantiomers (both monomeric and bisindole) by combining different bioactive monomeric units might result in novel chemical entities, which are unavailable in normal biosynthetic processes. In this respect, the enantiomers of the bioactive monomeric C-19 methylated alkaloids would also be available from either of the tryptophan esters at will. Enantiomers may have similar or even better properties depending on their , and this holds true for bisindoles, as well as their mismatched pairs.

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FigureFigure 9.9. ExamplesExamples ofof C-19C-19 methylatedmethylated alkaloidsalkaloids synthesizedsynthesized employingemploying thethe generalgeneral strategystrategy developeddeveloped herein.herein

8. Unnatural (Enantiomers or Synthetic Derivatives) Alkaloids in Drug Discovery Natural molecules or compounds are usually chiral molecules that are thethe secondarysecondary metabolites used used in in plants plants or or organisms, organisms, perh perhapsaps as as defense defense mechanisms. mechanisms. The The plants plants or or- or organismsganisms have have evolved evolved to toproduce produce only only particular particular enantiomers, enantiomers, which which results results in the in theisolation isola- tionand screening and screening of only of onlyparticular particular enantiomers, enantiomers, i.e., the i.e., natural the natural enantiomers. enantiomers. Optically Optically pure puredrugs drugs from natural from natural sources sources exhibit exhibit desired desired biological biological activity activityusually usuallyin particular in particular enantio- enantiomericmeric forms, for forms, example, for example,morphine morphine and reserp andine [98]. reserpine Anticipated [98]. Anticipatedpharmacological pharmaco- effects can be achieved by applying absolute stereochemistry or enantioselectivity of compounds

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logical effects can be achieved by applying absolute stereochemistry or enantioselectivity of compounds in many enzymatic reactions [98]. Logically, the unnatural enantiomers might be as good as the natural enantiomers or even better in activity and profile, depending on the metabolism. For example, a drug in WHO’s essential list, lamivudine, an unnatural deoxycytidine analog, has saved millions of after its approval by the FDA in 1995 [99]. The unnatural L-nucleoside-based drug, emtricitabine, exhibited 100 times greater and longer duration of action than its natural D-nucleoside ana- log [92,99,100]. Among 185 novel small molecules approved by the FDA since 1981 for treatment of cancer, 120 (64.9%) are from a natural source, natural product mimetic, or natural product pharmacophore-inspired synthetic drug [1]. Notably, several C’-20 derivates of the robust clinical drug vinblastine are reported to be 10–200 times more active than the natural vinblastine analogs themselves against various human tumor cell lines [101]. When compared to the original compound, unnatural/synthetic drug candi- dates such as analogs of bryostatin, vincristine, and vinblastine might exhibit excellent biological activity [102–104]. The modified vinca alkaloids (fluorine substitution at C100) 100-fluorovinblastine and 100-fluorovincristine exhibited substantially stronger activity than the natural microtubule inhibitors vinblastine and vincristine against the sensitive and vinblastine-resistant tumor cell lines, in the study from the Boger group [105]. Thus, it is crucial to discover the pharmacological effects of derivatives and unnatural enantiomers of natural products.

9. Conclusions Natural products and nature-inspired molecules are expected to continue playing an indispensable role in modern drug discovery. Compared to their monomeric units, bisindoles are more potent in many cases. Bisindole alkaloids including semisynthetic derivatives have been found to possess significant bioactivity, including anticancer, an- tileishmanial, and antimalarial properties, and thus are promising leads for nature-inspired drug discovery and development. Unnatural medicinal compounds formed by combining bioactive mismatched monomeric units can furnish novel medicinal compounds. Incorpo- rating unnatural enantiomers of monomeric alkaloids into bisindoles can provide access to novel and unnatural bioactive compounds that may have better activity and in vivo stability depending on their metabolism.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization: J.M.C., M.T.R. and K.P.P.; Writing—original draft: K.P.P.; Writing—review and editing: K.P.P., M.T.R. and J.M.C.; Supervision: J.M.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: We wish to acknowledge the NIH-NIDA (R21-AA14617) and NIDA (DA043204) for generous financial support. We also thank the Milwaukee Institute for Drug Discovery and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Shimadzu Laboratory for Advanced and Applied for help with spectroscopy and the National Science Foundation, Division of Chemistry [CHE-1625735]. Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable. Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable. Data Availability Statement: Not applicable. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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