Thinking Intersectionally About Women, Race, and Social Control Kimberlé W
From Private Violence to Mass Incarceration: Thinking Intersectionally About Women, Race, and Social Control Kimberlé W. Crenshaw ABSTRACT UCLA LAW REVIEW UCLA LAW The structural and political dimensions of gender violence and mass incarceration are linked in multiple ways. The myriad causes and consequences of mass incarceration discussed herein call for increased attention to the interface between the dynamics that constitute race, gender, and class power, as well as to the way these dynamics converge and rearticulate themselves within institutional settings to manufacture social punishment and human suffering. Beyond addressing the convergences between private and public power that constitute the intersectional dimensions of social control, this Article addresses political failures within the antiracism and antiviolence movements that may contribute to the legitimacy of the contemporary punishment culture, both ideologically and materially. AUTHOR Kimberlé W. Crenshaw is Professor of Law at UCLA and Columbia Law Schools. I have benefited tremendously from the comments, suggestions, and helpful insights of Luke Charles Harris, Devon Carbado, George Lipsitz, Barbara Tomlinson, Gary Peller, Joseph Doherty, Stephanie Bush-Baskette, Monique Morris, and the participants of the African American Policy Forum’s Social Justice Writers Workshop. Allen Secretov, Scott Dewey, Ezra Corral, and Stephanie Plotin provided excellent research assistance. I would also like to express my gratitude to the UCLA Law Review for sponsoring this symposium, to the participants who shared their work and insights, and to my colleagues in the Critical Race Studies Program who contributed to the symposium’s success. Lastly, I would like to thank my faculty co-leads on this symposium, Jyoti Nanda and Priscilla Ocen, who worked tirelessly to see this important symposium come to fruition.
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