Byzantine Coadjutor Archbishop Installed at Cathedral Reflection
Byzantine coadjutor archbishop installed at Cathedral By REBECCA C. M ERTZ I'm com ing back to m y home in Pennsylvania, Before a congregation of some 1800 persons. m arked another milestone in the history of the PITTSBURGH - In am elaborate ceremony where I have so many friends and where I've Archbishop Dolinay, 66, was welcomed into his faith of Byzantine Catholics. Tuesday at St. Paul Cathedral, Byzantine Bishop spent so m uch of m y life," Archbishop Dolinay position w ith the traditional gifts of hospitality, "Today we extend our heartfelt congratula Thom as V. Dolinay of the Van Nuys, Calif., said at the close of the cerem ony. bread, salt and the key. tions to Bishop Dolinay," Archbishop Kocisko Diocese was installed as coadjutor archbishop of As coadjutor. Archbishop Dolinay will have the The papal "bulla" appointing Archbishop said, "as we chart the course of the archdiocese the Byzantine Metropolitan Archdiocese of Pitt right of succession to Archbishop Kocisko. The Dolinay was read, and Archbishop Kocisko through the next m illenium .” sburgh. with Archbishop Stephen J. Kocisko, new archbishop, a native of Uniontown, was or recited the prayer of installation, and led A r During the liturgy that followed the installa the present leader of the Pittsburgh Archdiocese, dained to the episcopate in 1976. Before serving chbishop Dolinay to the throne. tion ceremony, Bishop Daniel Kucera, OSB, a officiating. in California, he was first auxiliary bishop of the In his welcom ing serm on. Archbishop Kocisko form er classmate of Archbishop Dolinay's at St. “I'm overjoyed in this appointment because Passaic, N .J.
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