Stewardship Office Resource Library DVD’s / VHS Videos / Audio CD’s / Manuals or Books

Stewardship Resources

The following is a list of Stewardship Resources that are available from the Catholic Centre;

Stewardship Office Resource Library

DVD’s / VHS Videos / Audio CD’s / Manuals or Books

DVD’s Available for Purchase or to Borrow

International Catholic Stewardship Council (ICSC) Annual Conference & other DVD’s & VHS Videos

2008 ICSC Conference – October 12-15, , IL

Opening Keynote Address - Eucharist and Kingdom: the Dynamic of Discipleship Time: 60 min. DVD Speaker: The Reverend Frank DeSiano, CSP The Paulist Fathers Jamaica Estates, New York

The interactive quality of the Eucharist that we celebrate gives clues about what God asks of us. By responding at the Eucharist, and living our response, we orient ourselves to the Kingdom of God by committing ourselves to be disciples. The Offertory of the Mass, one of the key points of response and commitment, is poorly appropriated by Catholics. The dynamic of the Mass, as well, gives important direction for how a parish itself lives its mission of self-offering.

Closing Keynote Address – From Attitude to Action Time: 55 min. DVD Speaker: The Reverend John Lanzrath Director, Office of Stewardship Diocese of Wichita,

Jesus Christ invites each of us by name to follow Him. Stewardship is a life-long response of a grateful disciple to follow Christ, to imitate Christ, to be formed in the heart of Christ, to bring others to Christ. This presentation is founded in the words that St. Paul shares with the Philippians, “Have among yourselves the same attitude that is also yours in Christ Jesus” (Phil 2:5)

2007 ICSC Conference – September 23 -26, Miami, FL

Opening Keynote Address – Stewardship, A Disciple’s Response Time: 45 min. DVD Speaker: Dr. Pedro J. Greer, Jr., M.D. Founder/Medical Director St. John Bosco Clinic Miami, FL

Dr. Greer takes his Hippocratic Oath seriously, and his concern for those without access to health care have fueled his passion and allowed the creation of various free clinics for the homeless, undocumented, migrant and poor of Miami. In 1984, as an intern, he founded the Camillus Health Concern which now serves over 10,000 homeless patients a year. His story of stewardship gives hope to all who hear it and is very inspiring to us in our stewardship journey.

2006 ICSC Conference – September 23 -26, Miami, FL

Opening Keynote Address – The Holy Eucharist, Source and Nourishment of Christian Stewardship Time: 55 min. DVD Speaker: His Eminence Francis Cardinal Arinze Prefect, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments Vatican City

Cardinal Arinze was born on November 1, 1932 in Eziowelle, Nigeria. In 1955 he began to take courses on theology at the Pontifical Urban University. He was ordained to the priesthood in Rome on November 23, 1958. On August 29, 1965 he was consecrated bishop. He reminds us in his talk that if we are too live generously as disciples and stewards then the Holy Eucharist is absolutely necessary.

2005 ICSC Conference – October 2-5, San Francisco, CA

Opening Keynote Address - “Eucharist, Discipleship and the Call to Christian Stewardship” Time: 55min DVD Speaker: Patricia Cooney-Hathaway, Ph.D. Professor of Spirituality and Systematic Theology School of Theology, Sacred Heart Major Seminary Detroit, Michigan

Dr. Cooney-Hathaway begins, “As I begin the words of Hafiz, a Persian poet and mystic of the 14th century, describe the mood and the energy that I have experienced since my arrival, ‘God has shouted a very luminous movement!’ A renewed understanding of stewardship as described in the US Bishop’s Pastoral Letter is certainly a luminous moment and a luminous movement in the history of our Church.”

Closing Keynote Address - “Why Catholics Don’t Give… And What Can Be Done About It?” Time: 60min DVD Speaker: Charles Zech, Ph. D. Professor of Economics College of Finance and Commerce Villanova University Villanova, Pennsylvania

Catholics contribute less to their church than nearly every other denomination. In fact, the rule of thumb is that the typical Catholic household contributes about half as much to their parish as does the typical Protestant household. This session uncovers the reasons for low Catholic giving, and presents practical solutions to increase Catholic giving.

2004 ICSC Conference – October 2-5, San Francisco, CA

Closing Keynote Address – “Dead Man Walking: The Journey Continues” Time: 70min DVD Speaker: Sister Helen Prejean, CSJ Sisters of Saint Joseph of Medaille New Orleans, Louisiana

Sr. Helen is a southern story teller. She talks about how she got involved in prison ministry by working with poor people. Her book Dead Man Walking has become an acclaimed Hollywood movie, an opera and is now a play. Sister’s story is truly remarkable, and she tells it with passion while at the same time injecting bits of humor.

2002 ICSC Conference – October 27-30, Toronto, ON

Opening Keynote Address - Stewardship in the Liturgy Time: 55min DVD Speaker: Fr. J. Glenn Murray, SJ Director of Liturgy Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio

Fr. J. Glenn Murray opened the conference with his powerful speaking . The ‘wow!’ factor in this presentation is very high. A must see for anyone involved in promoting the stewardship way of life.

Monday Plenary Luncheon Speaker – An Athlete’s Story Time: 58min DVD Speaker: Billy Mills Olympic Gold Medalist

A must see, this inspiring true story of Billy Mills, and his unlikely victory in the 10,000 meter run at the 1964 Olympics. Billy was not even predicted to make the final let alone win the gold medal. Billy is a Lakota Native American. He is a beautiful example of how a person can use the gifts given to them by God even in the face of huge obstacles, including discrimination. His story, made into a Hollywood movie, “Running Brave” staring Robbie Benson, is inspiring and gives hope to the possibilities in our lives.

2009 Western Canadian Catholic Stewardship Conference (WCCSC) Speakers

The 2009 WCCSC – 2 Keynote DVD’s plus 11 Breakout Session DVD’s.

The 2009 WCCSC held in Regina from June 12-14 was, by all accounts, a huge success. The conference breakout sessions were divided into 4 distinct tracks, each of which is described in the graphic below.

Track #1 Track #2 Track # 3 Track #4 A New Way of Planting, Cultivating & Fueling the Fire “It is good for us to be Seeing Harvesting here!” A New Way of Seeing will The Planting, Cultivating Track #3 is specifically Building communities explore the spirituality of & Harvesting track is designed for experienced that are welcoming and stewardship. Rooted in directed at parishes that are stewardship leaders. You’ve give people a sense of conversion; stewardship just getting started in had a parish stewardship belonging is fundamental invites us to look at who creating a greater team for a number of to our faith. It’s hard to we are, and all that we awareness of stewardship. years... what’s next? How convert people if the have in a new way. This Sessions offer practical do you integrate pews are empty! Here the new way of seeing leads to tools to aid you in your stewardship into all of speakers will explore the stewardship as a way of parish stewardship parish life? This track is all vital role that hospitality life. The sessions are education and formation about keeping stewardship plays in building designed to inspire you efforts. How do we bring alive. Ideas to take stewardship as a way of and enrich your faith people to this ‘new way of stewardship beyond Time, life that is both individual journey. seeing’? When the seeds of Talent & Treasure will be and communal. stewardship are properly offered. planted and nurtured they will bear much fruit.

The following is a list of the keynote and breakout sessions talks that are available on DVD. These may be borrowed from the Catholic Centre at the Archdiocese of Winnipeg

Friday Evening Keynote Address – James Weisgerber, Archdiocese of Winnipeg

Sunday Morning Keynote Address – Archbishop Daniel Bohan, Archdiocese of Regina

Breakout Sessions by Track:

Track #1 – A New Way of Seeing

Session # 5 Stewardship of Our God Story Sr. Eva Solomon Assembly of Western Catholic Bishops, Inter-culturation of Faith Coordinator

Sr. Eva is an Ojibway from Northern Ontario. Aboriginal Peoples have a beautiful and unique spirituality. Sr. Eva will explore the importance of how the Aboriginal Peoples, and we as Church, honour, integrate, and preserve their ‘God Story’.

Session # 9 The Conversion Journey Continues Dan & Lynn Potvin St. Augustine’s, Brandon, MB

Embracing the stewardship lifestyle takes practice and patience and is the work of a life time. The stewardship way of life begins in conversion. Dan & Lynn will share how they practically live out the values of stewardship in their day-to-day living, and that the conversion is ongoing.

Track #2 – Planting, Cultivating & Harvesting

Session # 2 Forming Stewards in all 3 – Time – Talent – Treasure Dan Potvin, Director of Stewardship the Archdiocese of Winnipeg, MB

Serving as Director of Stewardship in the Archdiocese since 1999 Dan has gained many valuable insights. He will share some practical approaches to creating a greater awareness of stewardship as a way of life in our faith communities.

Session # 6 Stewardship & the Annual Diocesan Appeal Fr. Ken Beck, Diocese of Saskatoon, SK

Stewardship and Fundraising… is there a link… what is the link? Fr. Beck will demonstrate how the Annual Appeal serves more purposes than just raising money for the diocesan budget.

Session # 10 Parish Stories – A Panel 1.St. Theresa’s, Edmonton AB 2.Archdiocese of Regina Stewardship Committee 3.St. Gianna’s, Winnipeg, MB

Real life stories of how parish & diocesan leaders are creating a greater awareness of stewardship in dioceses, parishes and people’s lives will be shared by this panel.

Track # 3 – Fueling the Fire

Session # 3 Stewardship & Liturgy Bishop Albert LeGatt Diocese of Saskatoon, SK

Bishop Legatt is one of Saskatchewan’s leading authorities on Liturgy having a Master of Arts degree majoring in Pastoral Liturgy. The session will explore how Liturgy and Stewardship can work more effectively in fulfilling the mission of the church.

Session # 7 Stewardship – Vocations & Mission Bishop Albert Thévenot Diocese of Prince Albert, SK

This session will look at the guiding principles of good Stewardship and how they can be directed toward the enhancement of vocations and the mission of the Church in promoting vocations.

Session # 11 Prayer Shawl Ministry Brian Beaubien & Jean Kozlowski St. Vital School and Parish Battleford, SK

There are as many ways to practice good stewardship as there are disciples. The presenters will offer a unique and practical example of stewardship in action! Track # 4 – “It is Good for us to be here!”

Session #4 Hospitality – The Foundation of Stewardship Success Rick Fersch, Director of Stewardship & Development, Archdiocese of Seattle, WA

How can we create good stewards if the pews are empty? Rick will expound on why being a welcoming parish has an extremely positive influence in people’s lives as stewards of the church.

Session # 8 The Bottomless Cup of Hospitality Dr. Simone Brosig Director of Stewardship, Diocese of Calgary, AB

Simone will juxtapose the common idea of hospitality as entertainment with the moral dimension of Christian hospitality. The point being that hospitality is more than coffee Sunday.

Session # 12 Building a Faith Community – What Does That Mean? Lawrent Fournier Director of Stewardship & Development, Diocese of Prince Albert, SK

We often hear terms like “building community”. Mr. Fournier explores what it means to “be a community” and how a better understanding of this leads to exciting possibilities.

Other DVD’s

“Archbishop Thomas Murphy – What Do I Own… and What Owns Me?” Time: 25min DVD

Archbishop Murphy served on the NCCB ad hoc committee that wrote the 1992 Pastoral Letter on Stewardship. This is a short yet impassioned reflection on the meaning and purpose of the letter – to position stewardship as a ‘way of life’.

VHS Videos

"The Heart of Stewardship – Sacrificial Giving” Time: 20min VHS Video

Monsignor Joseph Champlin, and Francis and Barbara Schotlz host this realistic yet at the same time motivational explanation of Sacrificial Giving. This 20-minute video integrates the four fundamental principles of Sacrificial Giving with the concepts of the US Bishops’ 1993 Pastoral Letter Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response. There is included witnessing from lay people who have experienced the joy of Sacrificial Giving in their lives. The video also contains an edited six-minute version for use at Mass or in similar special circumstances. "Stewardship: A 3-D Way of Life" The Money-Back Guarantee Time: 25min VHS Video

Putting Scripture into action. This program presents Stewardship as an ongoing process of a pilgrim people on their journey to God. A paradox of stewardship is that those who give will themselves be provided for; Fr. Thomas McGread refers to this as the “money-back guarantee”. Despite this offer, that has stood for more than 35 years, no parishioner has ever asked for their donation back if they are unable to meet their own needs after embracing the stewardship way of life.

“Stewardship in the Liturgy” – Fr. J. Glenn Murray Time: 55min VHS Video

Recorded at the 2002 International Catholic Stewardship Conference in Toronto, Fr. J. Glenn Murray opened the conference with his powerful speaking style. The ‘wow!’ factor in this presentation is very high. A must see for anyone involved in promoting the stewardship way of life.

“Archbishop Thomas Murphy – What Do I Own… and What Owns Me?” Time: 25min VHS Video

Archbishop Murphy served on the NCCB ad hoc committee that wrote the 1993 Pastoral Letter on Stewardship. This is a short yet impassioned reflection on the meaning and purpose of the letter – to position stewardship as a ‘way of life’.

“Stewardship: A Bishop’s Response” – A look at the Bishop’s Pastoral Letter Time: 40min VHS Video

Recorded at the 2003 ICSC International Conference. The speaker Bishop Eugene Gerber is a much sought after speaker across North America.

“Stewardship: A Bishop’s Journey” Time: 40min VHS Video

Recorded at the 2004 ICSC International Conference. The speaker Bishop Eugene Gerber shares his personal journey in stewardship.

“Stewardship: Not for Adults Only” Time: 25min VHS Video

Stewardship is not a matter of giving a little more; rather, it is a way of life. Youth are called to be formed in this spirit from and early age.

“An Athlete’s Story – Billy Mills, Olympic Champion” Time: 50min VHS Video

Recorded at the 2002 ICSC Toronto Conference, Billy, a Native American, tells his inspiring story of becoming an Olympic Gold Medalist.

Audio CD’s

2007 ICSC Conference – September 23 -26, Miami, FL

CD’s 1 of 2 Track # Title (length min.)

1. Introducing Stewardship - Selecting, Forming And Nurturing Your Stewardship Committee - (59:18) 2. Organizing The Parish In Circles Of Stewardship - (64:32) 3. Eucharistic Stewardship - (60:42) 4. Stewardship In A Cluster - (55:25) 5. Diocesan Stewardship Days - (43:58) 6. Annual Appeal Best Practices - (57:20) 7. Introduciendo la Corresponsibilidad Cristiana en la Diocese - (48:58) 8. Gratitude As The Foundation Of Stewardship - (59:33) 9. Becoming Disciples And Stewards Of The Lord - (60:05) 10. Lay Witness In The Workplace - (59:02) 11. Establishing Stewardship For Children And Youth - (57:18) 12. Planned Giving - (58:15) 13. A Blended Approach To Rank And Rate Prospects Through Research Best Practice - (64:05) 14. La Carta Pastoral de los Obispos-Bishop's Pastoral Letter - (62:22) 15. Stewardship What Really Works - (64:34) 16. Returning To The Lord With Increase - Practical Tools To Foster the Stewardship Of Treasure - (61:28) 17. Living The Simple Life - A Counter Cultural Lifestyle In This Age Of Anxiety - (47:02) 18. The Keys To True Financial Freedom - (51:57) 19. Annual Appeal - (61:14) 20. Alternate Giving Techniques - (58:25) 21. Como Organizar la Oficina de la Corresponsabilidad en la Parroquia Diocesana - (61:15) 22. The Spirituality Of Stewardship - (54:22) 23. An Introduction To Living Your Strengths In Your Parish - (60:47) 24. Reflections On Accountability In One's Personal Life And In The Parish - (48:54) 25. Nurturing Stewardship Through The Spiritual Exercises - (55:55) 26. Stages Of Development - (61:34) 27. Building Consensus Of Mission With Pastors - (60:04) 28. Poner en Practica la Corresponsabilidad Cristian a Nivel Parroquil - la Experiencia del Pastor - (59:41) 29. 2007 ICSC Keynote-Dr. Pedro Jose Greer, Jr., MD - (46:56)

CD’s 2 of 2 Track# Title (length min.)

1. Promoting The Gifts Of Time And Talent - (53:27) 2. Establishing The Parish As A House Of Prayer - (60:44) 3. Using Intergenerational Catechesis To Promote An Understanding Of Stewardship - (45:12) 4. Comforting The Afflicted And Afflicting The Comforted - (62:51) 5. Cultivating, Soliciting And Stewardship Leadership And Gifts - (60:32) 6. Stewardship As A Foundation To All Development - (31:23) 7. Cultivando y Descubriendo Los Talentos En La Parroquia - Promoviendo La Participacion: - (60:48) 8. Characteristics Of A Stewardship Parish - (60:27) 9. Hospitality In The Parish - The Foundation Of Stewardship Success - (60:46) 10. What's My line - Every Vocation Is A Call To Discipleship - (60:02) 11. Effective Stewardship Practices - (54:25) 12. Developing Comprehensive Communications Plan - (63:07) 13. Infusing Stewardship Within Other Diocesan Departments - (48:18) 14. El Papel Del Comite De La Corresponsabilidad Cristiana De La Parroquia - Funciones Y Actividades - (60:48) 15. Parish Communications - A Vital Part Of Stewardship - (67:40) 16. ICSC Blue Ribbon Stewardship Parish Of Excellence - How To Become One Too - (42:20) 17. Who Is My Neighbor - Promoting Tolerance Through Understanding - (56:46) 18. Blending Multiple Cultures In A Parish - (57:59) 19. Taking Development To The Next Level - (60:00) 20. Staffing A Comprehensive Development Office - (62:09) 21. Feria De parroquias - Feria De Ministerios - Parish Fair - Ministry Fair - (51:36) 22. Keys To Lay Witnessing - (41:52) 23. Archbishop Thomas J Murphy Award Winner Presentation - (58:33) 24. The spirituality And Theology Of Environmental Stewardship - (58:45) 25. Getting The Word Out Without Losing Your Mind Or Wrecking Your Budget - (54:55) 26. Managing Relationships - (59:01) 27. Comprehensive Advanced Planned Giving Techniques - (57:45) 28. Cultivando El Don Del Tesoro - Cultivating The Gifts Of Treasure - (57:25) 29. Thomas J Murphy awards luncheon - (43:19) 30. The Church In The Modern World - Stewardship Evangelization And Communication - (52:24)

Manuals or Books

"Stewardship: A Disciples Response" A Pastoral Letter on Stewardship

This is the quintessential document on Stewardship. Published by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops as a recommendation made by the NCCB Ad Hoc Committee on Stewardship, this Pastoral Letter clearly positions Stewardship as A Way of Life.

"Leading the Team-based Church" Author - George Cladis

"I really like the way (Cladis) ties the Trinity to teams. His unique approach - explaining the role of teams through the eyes of the Holy Trinity - offers a new way of understanding how teams can function in the Church." - Bill Easum, president, 21st Century Strategies Inc.

"Sixty Second Stewardship Sermons" - Charles Cloughen, The Liturgical Press

From the Foreword "…a practical resource to be used by pastors for the communication of Stewardship at any time and all times of the year." Most Rev. Archbishop James Patrick Keleher

"Creating a Stewardship Council" - Marilyn Judd, The Liturgical Press

The first step in the process is establishing a Stewardship Team of lay leaders. Their responsibility is to initiate and sustain the process of Stewardship Education & Formation. This booklet is a wonderful asset in recruiting your Parish Stewardship Team.

"Sharing the Ministry" A Practical Guide for Transforming Volunteers into Ministers

"Sharing the Ministry" is a gift to churches. The author balances theory and practice to help churches achieve effective, gift-based shared ministry…I use the manual as a desk reference, along with the dictionary, Bible, and a few favorite organizational management books." - Diana Rohlfsen, Director of Shared Ministry, Pax Christi Catholic Community