______ _______ /\ ___\ ____ ____ ____ /\__ __\ \ \ \__/ / __ \ / __ \ / __\ \/_ \ \_/ \ \ \ /\ \_\ \ /\ \_\ \ /\__ \ \ \ \ \ \ \____ \ \____/ \ \___,_\ \/\____/ \ \_\ \ \_____\ \/___/ \/__/__/ \/___/ \/_/ \/_____/ _______ The /\__ __\ ____ Issue GLENN \/_ \ \_/ / __ \ #32 HUGHES \ \ \ /\ \_\ \ February 5 Electronic \ \_\ \ \____/ 1998 Fanzine \/_/ \/___/ ______ _______ /\ ___\ ____ ____ ____ /\__ __\ \ \ \__/ / __ \ / __ \ / __\ \/_ \ \_/ \ \ \ /\ \_\ \ /\ \_\ \ /\__ \ \ \ \ \ \ \____ \ \____/ \ \___,_\ \/\____/ \ \_\ \ \_____\ \/___/ \/__/__/ \/___/ \/_/ \/_____/ ############################################################################### INTRODUCTION ############################################################################### Hi Everybody! Welcome to the first installment of COAST TO COAST for 1998. I even remembered to put 1998 in the template. :) As you all know, Glenn has had a number of recent appearances, and they are reviewed in this issue. Plus, we have more news from Lennart, more transcriptions from Damien, stuff from Bill, and of course, submissions from all our other members. Hopefully, this will be a great issue! It is certainly a big issue, clocking in around 90k or so. Also, the poll responses are at the bottom, so you can look to see what other readers felt were the best albums of 1997! Finally, I have a slightly new look inside the issue. I made my section headers 79 characters wide, and I created them with the ##### symbols instead of =====. Also, the dividers (between individual submissions) have been switched from "-END-" to the ##### symbols. I think this makes each individual item more distinct from the others. Tell me what you think! Well, here we go again, with COAST TO COAST #32. Take care! Lewis ############################################################################### SUBMISSIONS ############################################################################### From: Lennart Hedenstrom <
[email protected]> Subject: CTC: News roundup Hey all, There is not a lot of news to report this time.