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Societ y of the Divine Savior

ear Salvatorian Co-worker, SALVATORIANS D Apostles for our Times W hen you make a generous gift to the Society of the Divine Savior, you become a friend not only Founded more than 130 years ago by to us, but a benefactor to the many individuals and families whose lives are touched through our Father Francis Jordan, the Society ministries. This is why we call you a “Salvatorian of the Divine Savior is a co-worker.” religious community of Priests, T here are basically two kinds of gifts that you Brothers, and lay people working may offer. One is a gift you make for now, also hat all known as a current gift. The other is a gift you to share the love and mercy of our T make for later, which many people refer to as a Savior, Christ, through all dditional deferred gift. n n That all may know the possible means. A For further information, please contact our ways to iven That all may know the Savior planned giving department. G avior Society of the Divine Savior n That all may know then ThatSavior all may know the Savior That all mayn That know all God bless you for your goodness and friendship SALVATORIANS S n n n n to our Salvatorian ministries. n 1303 That Milwaukee all may Drive know theThat Savior all may know theThat Savior all may know theThat Savior all may That know all may theThat knowSavior all the may Savior know Salvatorian Center, WI 53062 n n That all may1-800-254-4902 know the Savior n That all may know then That Savior all may know then That Savior all may know then That Savior all Sincerely in our Savior, That all may know the Savior may know the Savior n That all may know the Savior That all mayn That know all themay Savior know then That Savior all may know then ThatSavior all may know then That Savior all may known the Savior n n That all may know the Savior That all mayn That know all themay Savior know then That Savior all may know theThat Savior all may know the Savior n Father Gregory, S.D.S. That all may may know the Savior That all may know the Savior n n n That all may know theThat Savior all may know theThat Savior all may know the Savior That alln mayThat knowall may the know Savior the the Savior That all may know the Savior n n n That all may know theThat Savior all may know theThat Savior all may known Thatthe Savior all may known theThat Savior all may That know all maythen That Saviorknow all maythe Saviorknow then That Savior all may That may know the Savior n That all may know the Savior n n n That all may know the Savior the Savior That all may know theThat Savior all may know the Savior 5-6-132 P141158 www.salvatoriancenter.orgn That all may know the Saviorvv That all may know the Savior That all nmay That know all may the knowSavior then That Savior all may know the Savior know the Savior That all may know the Savior n That all may know the Savior Savior That all may know then That Savior all may know the Savior all may know the Savior n That all may know the Savior know the Savior a d d i ti onal wa y s y ou m a y gi v e

Be qu e sts, Wi lls, a nd Tru sts – The most A Gi ft of Prop e rty – Gi ft Annu i ti e s – When you make a gift to 1 common way to remember the Society of the 3 You may choose to 6 the Society of the Divine Savior through a Dear Fr. Gregory, Divine Savior is with a bequest made through one’s give a home, a farm, or charitable gift annuity, you secure a fixed income I am considering including Society of the Will or other estate planning document. You may vacation property to the for life – for yourself and/or for another individual Divine Savior in my estate plan. Please send wish to leave a designated dollar amount, a specific Society of the Divine Savior, whom you designate. Because a charitable gift me additional information about leaving a property or account, or a percentage of your estate. either as an outright gift or annuity entitles you to a charitable deduction in charitable bequest or other planned gift. Or you may elect to make a gift of “what’s left” as a gift made through your estate plan. Such the year the gift annuity is established, it may also after all other bequests have been satisfied. Please property may be used to fund a charitable gift help to reduce the income taxes you pay. Moreover, I have already included the Society of the inform us if you have included the Society of the annuity, too. With a life estate contract, you may a portion of the income you receive from your gift Divine Savior in my will. Divine Savior in your Will or other final estate deed property to the Society of the Divine Savior annuity will be tax-free. The Society of the Divine Savior follows the rates set forth by the American plan. and still live in or otherwise make use of it for the Please send me your FREE booklet “How to remainder of your lifetime. You may also receive a Council on Gift Annuities. Francis Jordan League – Make a Will That Works.” Benefactors who let us know that current income tax deduction. Please always be sure to consult your attorney or I would like someone to contact me to answer they have remembered the Society other tax professional before making a gift of real A Gi ft of Se cu ri ti e s – Do you own stocks, of the Divine Savior in their Wills or property. my questions. 4 bonds, or mutual funds that have increased other estate plans are immediately or decreased in value? Either way, they may offer Name ______enrolled in our Perpetual Mass an excellent way to help share in the work of the Me m ori al Gi fts – We all know special Association. They are assured a daily remembrance Salvatorians and offer generous charitable tax 7 people who have brought joy to our lives. Address ______in the Masses and prayers of all Salvatorians, incentives. A gift of appreciated securities may You may be looking for a way to give honor to including a special Mass celebrated each day at our ______also be used to fund a charitable gift annuity. these special individuals, whether they may be Salvatorian motherhouse in . living or departed. And one way for you to Email ______show your love and your abiding respect for A Gi ft of Li fe IRAs and Matching Gifts – Naming Society Phone ______2 Insu ra nce – 5 of the Divine Savior as a beneficiary of your them is with a memorial gift to the Society of the You can give a paid-up IRA is a wonderful way to make the Salvatorians Please call me. The best time to reach me is: policy or even a policy on a part of your legacy. Even better, your IRA funds Divine Savior. morning afternoon evening which you are still paying are never affected during your lifetime. A gift of cash or any of the premiums by irrevocably For those benefactors still in the workforce, you plans of giving presented designating Society of the Divine Savior as may wish to check with your employer to see if in this brochure may be Please be assured that there is no obligation and that all information about charitable owner and beneficiary to receive all or a portion your company provides matching gifts to charitable appropriate for making of the policy. And there may be tax advantages gifts and bequests will be held in the strictest organizations. If so, you may be able to double or a memorial gift. For further information, please confidence. associated with such a gift as well. even triple the amount of your gift to the Society of contact our planned giving department. the Divine Savior!