Town Clerk: John Millard 39 Gorseinon Road, , , SA4 9AE Tel: 01792 895690 [email protected]

Council Summons You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of GORSEINON TOWN COUNCIL to be held at the Ty Newydd Centre, 17 West St. Gorseinon on Wednesday 5th February 2020 at 7pm. 1. Apologies for Absence

2. Mr Marcus Thomas applicant for vacant Gorseinon east ward position on Council

3. Disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests.

4. To approve & sign the Minutes of the previous meeting on Jan 8th 2020. To approve & sign the Minutes of the Finance meeting on Jan 15th 2020.

5. To receive a report on Police Matters within Gorseinon and Penyrheol. 6. Town announcements & events attended in January. 7. Presentation by Lee Matthews – Gorseinon Athletic football club. 8. Public Questions – max 10 minute 9. To receive reports on Local Matters from Town and County Councillors 10. Clerks Matters

a) Grants applications received from community 2019/20 (schedule enclosed) b) Library/District Housing relocation meeting 22 Jan 2pm/5th Feb - feedback Future of bus station toilets) Historical archives from Library – storage in Ty Newydd c) Web site upgrade 2020 d) Potential Freedom of the town designation rules e ) Approved Application to Woodland Trust for 840 tree saplings ( Nov delivery) f) New Hall bookings- "Swansea versus Arthritis", 1st Saturday month 11-1pm Teaching kids to cook (school holidays), patients forum. Breath Councilling forum g) Wildflower planting scheme Swansea Council (closing date end Feb for orders) Hanging basket scheme 2020 h) Swansea Lighting dept response re Lamp standards Lower High Street.

11.. To receive reports from the Council’s Representatives on Outside Bodies/upcoming meetings a) One Voice area meeting Jan 20 2020 b) Planning Aid Wales meeting Jan 22nd c) Meeting Library staff re merger with Housing dept Jan 22nd 2-4pm d) One Voice Wales larger council meeting Feb 5th e). Swansea Council forum was to be held on March 16th 2020 Guildhall 5pm

12. Correspondence ;

13. To receive Accounts report from Clerk.

Signed Clerk to the Council Feb1 2020


Town Clerk: John Millard 39 Gorseinon Road, Penllergaer, Swansea, SA4 9AE Tel: 01792 895690 [email protected]

Council summons

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE of the GORSEINON TOWN COUNCIL to be held at the Ty Newydd Community Centre, 17 West St. Gorseinon on Wednesday 5th February 2020 at 6.30pm, for the transaction of the following business;

Note; All Councillors sit on Planning Committee. Plans are on display from 5.30pm

1. Apologies and declarations of interest.

2. Approval of the Minutes of the Planning Committee held on 8th January 2020 3. To consider and make recommendations on the following planning applications received from Swansea City and County Council as the Local Planning Authority;

2019/2905 708 dwellings. amended PP land N & E of Garden Village Persimmon Homes( in Llwchwr TC ) 2019/2926 Rear extension part 2 and part 1 storey, Firs 11 Spring Gardens, Gorseinon 2020/0024 1st floor side extension/balcony, Gorseinon rugby and cricket club. Lime st Gorseinon 2020/0055 Parc Y Werin, New primary school.(amendment to pp 2015/2074) for the betterment of groundworks design to the eastern boundary to create a larger buffer to the base of adjoining trees. 2020/0114 Rear extension, front/rear dormers/raise ridge line, 36 Rufus Lewis Ave. Gorseinon 2020/007 Pre application, Detached bungalow 100 Frampton rd Penyrheol

4. Notification of Approvals by Local Planning Authority 2019/1955 Replacement garage Penrhyn Penybanc Penyrheol 2019/2652 Side/rear extension/hardstanding 9 Bryneinon rd Gorseinon 2019/2670 Side garage/rear extension/side extension 14 Saron Close Penyrheol

5. Notification of Refusals by Local Planning Authority; 2019/2755 Single storey rear extension with accommodation in roof space , Rosehaven , rd 2019/2790 Digital advert hoarding , 59 High street Gorseinon

6. Notification of Appeals by Local Planning Authority;

7. Enforcement matters.

Signed Clerk to the Council Feb1 2020