Secure Systems Editor: S.W. Smith,
[email protected] How to Win an Evolutionary Arms Race ust about every computer user today is engaged in an McAfee makes a mistake with a virus signature, it could disable or even evolutionary arms race with virus writers, spam dis- delete legitimate users’ applications (legitimate applications have already tributors, organized criminals, and other individuals been disabled by virus scanners; see attempting to co-opt the Internet for their own pur- -5361660.html). If Microsoft makes J a mistake, numerous machines poses. These adversaries are numerous, adaptable, persistent, and might no longer even boot. The time between vulnerability disclo- ANIL SOMAYAJI unscrupulous. They’re creating in- able way to communicate and col- sure and exploit distribution is some- Carleton dependent agents—mobile pro- laborate, we must adopt another, times only a few days. If software de- University grams—that, once released, take on perhaps radically different, model for velopers haven’t been previously lives of their own. Their attacks are securing our computers. notified, there’s little chance that becoming more sophisticated every To better understand this conclu- they can release a well-tested fix in day, and the situation will likely be- sion, we should first re-examine why this time frame. Further, with fast- come much worse unless we, as de- developers and users are embracing propagating worms and viruses, fenders, take drastic steps. automated update systems. antivirus developers must play catch- We can’t hope to completely de- up: Malware can infect thousands of feat all our attackers.