Bats & Spiders Literacy Centers For 2nd & 3rd Grades

FREE from The Curriculum Corner facts opinions

Spiders and Bats can . are creepy.

Bats are the most Bats are . interesting animal we’ve learned about.

Bats are the only I think we should have more books about bats in mammals that can fly. our library. © Most bats eat Bats are cute. insects or .

Most bats are Bats are my nocturnal. favorite .

Bats are mammals. Bats are the scariest mammal.

Bats are the only Seeing bats in a cave is mammals that can fly. the coolest sight.

© Spiders have Spiders are ugly. eight legs.

Spiders live on every Spiders can scare continent but Antarctica. anyone.

Only a few spiders species Spiders are disgusting of spiders are dangerous eight-legged creatures. to humans.

Arachnophobia is a fear Spiders are more of spiders. interesting than bats.

© Name: ______

1 Fact About My Animal Is:

1 Opinion About My Animal Is: My animal is:

© Name: ______

1 Fact About My Animal Is:

1 Opinion About My Animal Is: My animal is:

© the time just dusk before night

locating objects echolocation by sound

frugivore a fruit eater

an animal that eats insects an animal that sleeps nocturnal during the day and is active at night

warm-blooded animals that are vertebrates, have hair on their mammal bodies, and make milk to feed their babies

an animal that feeds on hematophagous blood

the natural home of an habitat animal or plant arachnophobia a fear of spiders

an animal that has eight arachnid legs and a body with two parts

poison that is produced by venom an animal and used to kill or injure another animal

a new made from silk web threads woven together by a spider Vocabulary Task #1 Vocabulary Task #2 Sort your Put your words words by the in ABC order. number of syllables.

Vocabulary Task #3 Vocabulary Task #4

Use each word Practice reading in a complete each word aloud. sentence. Spider Adaptations

only mammals sleep upside who can fly down use echolocation to very light hunt for food skeleton

nocturnal good night vision animals strong sense of strong hearing smell

sticky webs venom camouflage coloring to help them blend quick movement into their due to having 8 surroundings or legs bright colors to scare off predators

adhesive hairs their 8 legs beneath their each have two claws to help or three small them climb claws Name: ______

1 My Animal Has:

This Adaptation Helps My Animal By: My animal is:

© Spiders are animals with eight legs that breath air and have a segmented body.

You can find spiders all over the world! Spiders live on every continent except Antarctica.

Did you know that spiders are not insects? They are different from insects because they do not have antennae.

Spiders have six glands called spinnerets that produce silk. These glands make them able to spin webs. Almost all spiders are predators. They eat insects and other spiders.

Spiders have fangs to help them inject venom. Only a few species have venom that is dangerous to humans.

Eek! The spiders and bats I saw scared me!

Did you know that bats are the only mammals that can really fly? I learned that bats that eat fruit are called frugivores and bats that eat insects are called .

Bats might be creepy but they have an important job! Bats pollinate flowers and spread fruit seeds. They also eat many insects that are pests.

You can find bats in most parts of the world! The only places they do not live are the Arctic and the Antarctic.

Many bats are nocturnal which means that they hunt at night and sleep during the day. Name: ______

The book I read is:

The author is:

3 facts I learned are:

My animal is:

© Name: ______

The book I read is:

The author is:

2 facts I learned are:

My animal is:

I think I wonder is:

© Name: ______My animal is: The book I read is:

The author is:

3 supporting details are: The main idea is:

© Name: ______Spiders

are look like

eat live

© Name: ______Bats are look like

eat live

© ©

My 1 animal Habitat Diet interesting is: fact Name: ______

My animal is:

Directions: Write the name of your animal in the center. In the web surrounding, write facts you have learned. ©