Cole B'aniilies
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EARLY GENEOLOGIES OF THE COLE B'ANIILIES IN AMERICA. (Including COLES and COWLES.) WITH SOME ACCOUNT OF THE DESCENDANTS OF JAMES COLE, OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. 1635-1652, AND OF THOMAS COLE, OF SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS, 1649-1672. FRANK T. COLE. COLUMBUS, 0.: 1887. PRINTED BY HANN & ADAIR, COLUMBUS, OHIO, I'OR THE AUTHOR. TO MY FATHER, THEODORE COLE, Under whose encouragement I began this work, and in whose memory I have finished it, I dedicate this book. PAGE. Preface . 9 The Hartford Family . 13 The Henry Cole Br3nch. 49 The Plyµiouth Family. • . 53 The Eastham Family . 66 The Charleston Family of Isaac Cole. 74 The Charleston Family of Rice Co1e . 78 The Coles Family . .. 89 The Cowles Family. 99 The Salem Family ............................. ; ........ 114 Appendix. The York County, Maine, Family . 292 Bridgewater, Massachusetts . 296 Rockland, Maine. ........ .-·. 299 Freetown, Massachusetts ....·. 301 Notes . 303 List of Subscribers. 307 LISI' OF POR1'R~t\I1'S. Cole, Asa .................................. facing page 172 Benjamin James . ...................... '' ' ' 215 David G . ............................. ' I " 237 ,, Frank T . ............................. ' ' 249 Gilbert L. ............ 'I '' 256 Heber ............................... ' ' '' 148 Heber Bennett . ....................... ' ' ' ' 210 Oscar C . ............... ' ' '' 280 Richard Goldsmith .................... ' ' ' ' 1~3 Seth B . .............................. ' ' ' ' 44 Theodore ................... , ........ ' . ' ' 183 Handy, Mehitable (Cole) ...... ............... ' ' '' 238 Sperry, C. W. ............................ ' ' '' 226 Whitcomb, John Elihu . ..................... ' ' ' ' 181 PREFACE. 'ffiH IS work was begun in 1871, but after some fifteen months of labor, ~ was laid aside because of the pressure of other duties. In January, 1886, it was again taken up, and the work done thus far is here presented. Following the tradition of my family, that Connecticut was the early home of my ancestors, investigation was made in that direction, and a large amount of material gathered, when the unreliability of the tradition became evident. A study of the first four generations of al I tlie various fam i I ies of the name then followed, and the right line found. It seemed that the results of that study might be of use to some future student, if they were placed in an accessible form. The hope that this might be the case is the excuse for the first hundred pages of the text. It is only too evident that many lines in the Salem family have been dropped. This has been from inability to trace them in the time allotted for the work. It seemed that the book must be published this spring or not for several years. This mu~~ be the excuse for the incompleteness. It is the expectation to pub I ish some time in the future, an enlarged and revised history of the Salem family of Thomas Cole, and in anticipation thereof cor respondence is solicited, with a view to making the work complete. It may not come for five years, nor for twenty-five, but if time and strength and length of days are granted, it will come. The published matter relating to the families has been heely used, and in most cases credit given. The list of those who have aided in gathering material, and who have helped with encouraging words, is too long for insertion. Thanks are given to them all. Those who might have supplied information, but neglected to answer the letters of inquiry, are not aware how much disappointment they have caused us. We ask better treatment for the next genealogist who writes to them. The list of those who have encouraged us by their subscriptions will be found at the close of the volume. Columbus, 0., May 21, 1887. FRANK T. COLE. INDEX No. I. Index to those bearing the name of Cole (those dying in childhood omitted) A. Pages A. Clark ......................................................... 145, 203 Abbie . 213 Abel . ...... 123, 131, 160, 161, 227 Abi ................................ ·....... ....................... 39 Abial . 289 Abigail ............... ·. 13, 15, 17, 28, 49, 63, 77, 86, I 16, 121, 135, 152, 155, 195 Abijah . 119, 123, 124, 131, 134, 135, 162: 167 Ahner.............................. 72 Abraham ... ·............................................... 75, 76, 114, 116 • Adah . • . 236 Addie . • . • . • . • . • • . 245 Ad.dine..... • . • • • • . • . • . • . • . • . • • . 228 Adelaide . • . 301 Adelbert ......... ·. .. • 23 7, 285 Adele ................................ ~ . 245 Adelia.... 301 Adeline ....................~:. 145, 202 Adolphus ................................................ 141, 168, 189, 239 Alexander . 304 Alfred.............. 146, 206 Alfonzo . .. 146, 208 Alice . 238, 24 3, 2 58 Aljarman. 196, 246, 268, 290 Allen . ......................... 65, 168, 240 Alma . 161 Almen a . • • . • . • • . • . • . • . • . • • . • . • • • • • • . • . • . • . I 75, 244 Almerette . 208 Almira................ 36 r\lon 1.0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 148, 209 Alson . .. • . 146, 208 Al varaclo . 146, 207 Alvin .......................................... _.......... 196, 268, 299 Alvord ........................................................... 141, 190 Amanda . 36, 224 A 1na~.a . • . • . I 26 Amos ............................................................ 157, 218 Vl INDEX. Page!> Angelina . 204 Ann ..........................' .............. 13, 15, 16, 21, 50, 84, 85. 86, 29'3 Anna .................................................. 35, 59, 115, 131, 299 Annie..... ................................... 236, 261 Anson ............................................................ 161, 227 Arathusa . 139 Arminela.... 146 Arnold ............................................................ 145, 203 Arthur ................................. 46, 180, 212, 247, 264, 274, 280, 304 Asa, 125, 128, 135, 136, 137, 141, 145, 150, 156, 157, 163, 172, 190, 217, 218, . 242 Aurelia............................................................. 40, 158 B. Barker 15 Bathsheba . 143 Beli11da . 214 Benjamin ........... 85, 120, 128, 138, 152, 155, 157, 174, 215, 220, 294, 295 Benoni . • . .............. 141, 189 · Bertha ......· ..... , . 27 4 Bertie. 237 Bethia ...................• ·.................................... 120 Betsy ......-. 36, 38, 120, 128, 138, 152, 155, 157, 174, 215, 220, 222, 294, 295 Blanche . 274 Buckman .............. ·.. 164, 238 Byron . 197, 270 C. Caleb ................................................... 28, 33, 130, 159, 220 Carlisle. ..