Copyright 2020 By Obua JP All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without the express permission of the Author.


LOVE CHRONICLES 02 Continues the endless journey of love of the poet persona, J.O SPENCER as he continues to traverse the universe in search of true love. He embarks on a journey of self-discovery and his reality appears more an illusion than anything else.

The first installment of this poetry collection was a massive success and was downloaded more than 15,000 times in over 18 countries around the world. The poet persona, J.O SPENCER, won numerous awards during the spell of the first collection, “Love Chronicles 01”. This current book however, has all the necessary ingredients to surpass the feats of the last collection published in 2018.

J.O SPENCER is ranked no.2 in poet writers’ list world-wide and has numerous other publications and poetry collections to his name, including the wildly successful collection, “Tears in the rain” which also garnered him several other accolades on the world stage.

SPENCER is a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria and a full time Criminal and Corporate affairs litigator

“Running never stops”

The running never stops

The streets smell blood, my blood

Nothing begets my happiness

I time travel to our past as I try to right the wrongs

No cherries were popped, no songs were sung

All is somber as your mezzo soprano voice awakens

My senses and renews my focus

The soft ache that represents my pain

I just survived the Greco-Persian war with Cyrus the Great

Placing a bounty on my head

The sickening sight of bones crushed in warfare

Leaves me permanently scarred

While at the frontlines of battle, Marta! Oh Marta breaks bread with the enemy

As their lovemaking was reminiscent of the

Ominous booming of the guns in Athens

The welcome alas I was to expect made me

Lose my senses with many mad mates

Unbeknownst, Marta is with child!

And like Brutus, she kisses me full on

The lips as her guilt and betrayal strayed me

Offside and into oblivion

Alas! The running never stops as the streets

Filled with blood are indeed mine!

No cause to live anymore


Freewheeling into the present

Nothing makes sense anymore

The force of the first speech

Fire ignited when you took your seat

Sparking the entire planet with your electric current

Truly nothing makes sense anymore

The years passed by quickly as torrential thunderstorms

From nearby rainforests with reckless abandon

The attitude that eventually forced me to preach

Nothing baffles anymore as my soul you did heal

My existence was a byproduct of your very essence

Swiftly turning a worthless art piece to a priceless sculpture

You are unforgettable You restored parity to my wobbly future

That smile that exposed my feelings for you like a snitch

Water freezes at your silent steps

Soft kisses and the memories that remain

No rhyming scheme can be sustained talking about your ambience


“Growing up”

I look up from a high mountain

And I remember those magical memories

Of childhood and growing up

Seeing a rose blossom in the sky

And children laughing in the sun

Burned my heart with tears of joy

Through granites which titanic saw

And no shouts reached them from underground

Children innocently play in the moon

Growing up was such fun especially

After the wildest things in the world

Which lies not calm in the mind nor nurtured hearts

But mocks the steady running of time

Oh! Have you seen my childhood? It was very fascinating

I wish I could relive it again

It seems only yesterday

“You make me smile”

It’s almost 3am in the wee hours of morning

I have never seen sapphires dancing in the rain

You effortlessly outshine nature with your mien

The wind sets in your sails as your hair billows majestically

All asymmetric all intentional class

Describing your ambience leads me on a one way train

From Genesis to Malachi!

You came into my life in a blur and ever since you have

Become the rainbow that lights up my existence

Your natural position is in the spotlights

No rhyme and scheme will be enough to paint

A perfect picture of how much you mean to me

I sit up all night crafting a masterpiece befitting

Yet I fall short! You are a goddess to me, nothing slightly terrestrial

Will suffice as you are extraordinary Continue glittering as a thousand stars have nothing on you

“Déjà vu”

The familiar touch that enveloped me

Wearing the very same dress from the botched

Party in high school or could it really be it?

The disarming smile that only managed to arm my memories

With the reality of your presence

What ever happened to Charles?? Married with kids??

I certainly will not pretend to be happy for or with you

You left me in the lurch when I needed you most

The travel certainly didn’t help as your feelings for me

Travelled along with the winds in your sails

Bitter sweet, but my life remained static ever since

I remain a loveless soul hanging on the edge of insanity

Our “Dangerous game” whispers despair In the background as nothing was the same after you

I wear my feelings for you like a fancy dress

This is no time to be bougee; I want you to stay this time!

My ego aside, I never stopped loving you

10000 letters lay stacked on my shelves

It’s not what I didn’t feel; it’s what I didn’t show

I finally flash you a smile that represents a passport

Back to my heart, not like you ever left!

But you hurt me last time, made my soul swing

Right to left with reckless abandon

Am I ready for another rendezvous with you??

Or should we just allow Déjà vu remain Déjà vu

“Mystery lady”

So mystery lady made my socks literally peel

Her smile could literally heal

Then she wakes me up with her certain swagger

I may not see her for another century, she informs with ginger

Then she sleepy, I cannot lay a finger

Technically mystery lady tell I need not bother

To find out what lay in her hearts under

Be it little fires or golden thunder

It remains cold outside, I shudder

I like her mystery

I like the fact she acts like from the catholic monastery

I like she feels she may soul/sole me up in purgatory


I awake and alas still asleep

That hardened grit, that sultry feel

All I do is smile, smile, smile

Waking up to your bright eyes

Nothing beats the happiness in my heart

All I do is smile, smile, smile

You turn my tears to happy cheers

The last remnants of pain in me you tear with you, all I do is smile, smile, smile


I wear my uncertainties like a fancy dress

Such love that cures the entire universe of stress

You remain an enigma to me

With you I lose myself

Without you I find myself wanting to be lost again

Crossing the seas of the earth, your love sets fire to rain

Wantonly the volcanoes cry out at my plight

Bottomless pits I enter, creeping to and fro

My heart an expression of love that confounds Romeo

The tales we will both share will spark envy from Juliet

Unscathed, the moon and your love my only companion

The breezy smile that sculpts wonderful artworks in my soul I close my eyes peacefully to the thought that I stole a goddess

The gods of Olympus still chase me for my sheer audacity

But the inspiration to keep on loving you surpasses any fiction!

I look out from the window and see the birds

Singing in an epiphany or rather a spiritual rendition

I see the trees swinging in a bizarre ascendancy

Look up to the sky and see undiluted hopes for

Tomorrow, promise of a brighter future

What is the essence of life for a orphan

Who barely eats three square meals daily

Who is mocked by the sun for lack of shelter

I neither care nor think about my predicament

All I think about is my future which surely is bright

“An Angel”

She approaches gently

With the gait of a beauty

My heart leaps with joy and ecstasy

Even when others think it’s just a fallacy

Fluttery feelings like butterfly wings

Envelope me when she sings

To envious ones, her speech

Might sound like a screech

But restores unto me peace and tranquility

After series of trouble and calamity

Her smile dazzles

Like the sun sparkles

All her body jingles To the sound of an earthly tingle

She looks rather radiolescent

Even under the brightness of a fluorescent


Oh my! Where am I?

Trees singing in unison as strain I my ears to listen

And trees they seem hum these tunes verbatim

“Joe, she is the one, Mary her name it seems, listen to your heart”

Alarmed, I run faster than Usain Bolt

Still panting, my heart romps faster like a young goat


Though clueless, memory fails me not

That Persian beauty that makest me feel safe in the violence of her words??

Could it be, oh! The trees must lie

Or else spine I lack to see the facts

That lie beside me and seduce me all day

“My last words”

Our eyes hold themselves spell bound in suspense

It has always been my fear if life is ever lived to the fullest

The wavy breeze nods in understanding of my fears

Working my trodden path to attaining love draws sneers

No gainsaying, God has shown himself a romantic

Why else will the sun melt and the stars become static

At the wondrous nature of your love that threatens

The royal foundations of physics

All stories about our love tales become epic

Oh! Take me in your arms and never let go

In my incompleteness, your smile completes me

In all these visual effects, my eyesight fails me

With my hands raised in the air in adoration

The sharp thoughts of your royal blood draws a mist “How will the oil on my skin mix with the blue of your blood?”

Maybe historians were correct to declare love inadequate

Regardless, I will hold the sky spell bound as that’s the only way

You are my religion and all I worship

God blessed me for no reason with you

You are that string that keeps playing beautiful melodies

In my hearts guitar, play on goddess, please play on

Our heart beat surges faster than Hurricane Katrina

Earthly obstructions from the throne only embolden me

Death cannot kill a dead man or can it??

Whisking you away from my grasp passed my death sentence

If only the world knows that alone I am dead, with you I live

Where will I find solace?

Since you left, I stopped living

Prison is horrible my queen

Even their attempts to starve me to death fail

Your thoughts feed me day and night and I am well nourished They pierce blades into my spine as I bleed for love

Stubbornly the melodies in my head keep playing

In reality, I am gradually turning to a living carcass

Only bones stick conspicuously out of my skin

My body is weakened but my resolve resolute it remains

Nothing a cause nobler than staking my worthless life for a worthy cause

A cause that defines destiny! Our love my sole cause

Lovely sceneries we created together haunt my dreams

My dreams represent the only venue where I am alive

And painfully that venue is about to be taken from me

Poison they do my water, slowly I live but to die

Hurry my queen! Only you possess the antidote

Hurry my love! As blood splatters from my lips

The toxins begin to take its toll on my body

Hurry sweetheart, as the next time my eyes close

Maybe its last! Feeble my hands have become

Hurry… hurr…. Hurr……. ………………………………………………………………


“My Avant-garde”

It will be pensive to write my biography

As no stories in my life make any sense without you in them

The greatest mantelpiece in my life as nothing happens without you

Scheming through a thousand books in order to make the perfect line

I remain suspended in the air as your love propels me sky high

Impossible to beat the fire my soul feels when you smile my way

Swishing past like a runway model, your confidence leaves the world in disarray

Despite atavistic tendencies, your beauty turns the devil to a Jehovah ’s Witness

Only a supernatural being would have crafted such perfection

Your tender voice leaves snowflakes in the hot city of Kano

My heart has continually skipped its beat somewhat surprisingly

I intend to retire from my craft until your touch inspires a rebirth

Playing skillfully with the keys to my heart in ways that Mozart would envy

The words at this point have seized completely as I lie helpless

The custody of your love and affection too beautiful, I stay prisoner!

Adrenaline pumping from my veins enough to rival any nuclear weapon

I stare Kim Jon Oun straight in the eye and ask for his very worst!

The irrational things I do all in the name of love

Truth be told, to be rational in this moment would rob it of magic

Clinging to the last sinews of strength as my eyes fail me

Appear you do to give me sight and refill me as is your exclusive


Dittering lines overthrow my crime

Spluttering, my words fail me, and so does my spine

Wriggling round the pent house gasping

For breath, such beauty I left my mouth gaping

Be winters all mine, that solemn talk that

Straightens even the most crooked lines

As skillfully she plays on my heart with darts

That causes me to cross 3rd mainland bridge overlooking danger signs

The roaring cologne, that spicy trace of a smile

Or was it a smile?? Oh! Your voice ever smooth

Causes forth a volcanic eruption from Jordan to River Nile

I ceaselessly wonder at all ways to get in your groove


This is the beginning of the end. Love Chronicles and its unique journey continues in the next poetry collection where the trilogy will officially be over.

Copyright @ObuaJP