Congressional Record—Senate S7852
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S7852 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 19, 2018 back there. She was a more junior distinguished names and will live on of military installations; secondly, the Member. She knew that voting to bring just as long. defense industries—again, Arizona is the Dreamers home—a pathway to citi- CLAIRE, we are going to miss you so. the home to many important defense zenship and living here in America— I will, the Senate will, Missouri will, industries serving all of our branches could mean the end of her election. She and America will. I wish you and Joe of the military; and finally, the com- said that to me. But she said: I cannot and your wonderful family all the hap- munities that support both of those vote against them. And we walked piness in your next endeavors. elements of our establishment. down the aisle together, tears stream- I yield the floor. As a result, I had the opportunity to ing down her cheeks, and, of course, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- meet throughout the State with the she voted yes. ator from Arizona. groups that Senator McCain had helped The Senate has its fair share of f to nurture and to create—in particular, dealmakers. It has its fair share of a group in Tucson and Southern Ari- principled fighters as well. But rarely, LETTER OF RESIGNATION zona, including Yuma, called the rarely, rarely is a Senator so adept at Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I am in- Southern Arizona Defense Alliance; in both. That is our CLAIRE MCCASKILL. formed that it is necessary for me to Flagstaff and Northern Arizona, the We will miss far more, of course, insert into the RECORD of the pro- Northern Arizona Military Affairs than CLAIRE the Senator. So many of ceedings the resignation letter that I Council; and in Central Arizona, Mari- us will miss CLAIRE the person. When sent to Governor Doug Ducey of Ari- copa County and the Phoenix environs, she has something to say to you, she zona on December 12, 2018; therefore, I the Mesa Industry and Defense Council. does not hold back. Believe me—I ask unanimous consent that this letter Meeting with the representatives of know. I have been called just about be printed in the RECORD at this point. all three components of our military every name in the book by CLAIRE There being no objection, the mate- society and hearing about the suc- MCCASKILL, and each time, it rang rial was ordered to be printed in the cesses they had in working with each true, but I didn’t mind it because I RECORD, as follows: other and in providing a real synergy that benefited them all just reminded know it was done with both affection U.S. SENATE, and a desire to make me better and do December 12, 2018. me again of how important Senator a better job. And I can say this: What- Hon. DOUG DUCEY, McCain’s leadership was to the State of ever job I am doing here as leader is in Governor of the State of Arizona, Arizona and to our national security. I wanted to mention that today and significant part because of CLAIRE Phoenix, Arizona. DEAR GOVERNOR DUCEY: Thank you again to let everyone know that I will be MCCASKILL’s loving but pointed criti- for appointing me to the U.S. Senate to fill passing on to my successor the advice cisms. I will miss them so much. the vacancy created by John McCain’s death. She is amazing. I am not the only that these councils continue to need to It has been an honor and a privilege to again be supported and nurtured by the Sen- one she criticized, and I am not the serve the people of Arizona. only one she criticized using the words ators from the State of Arizona, as well When I accepted your appointment, I as the Members of the House of Rep- that came right to her mouth. They agreed to complete the work of the 115th say they used to keep a swear jar on Congress and then reevaluate continuing to resentatives. A second thing that John McCain her desk in the Missouri Legislature. I serve. I have concluded that it would be best was involved in as part of his activities would be surprised if they didn’t keep a if I resign so that your new appointee can as chairman of the Senate Armed Serv- few lined up along the whole desk. begin the new term with all other Senators in January 2019 and can serve a full two (po- ices Committee was the creation—a But as much as CLAIRE can some- tentially four) years. couple years ago—in the Defense au- times criticize you in a pointed way, Therefore, I will resign from the U.S. Sen- thorization bill of a national commis- she can also make you laugh. She said ate effective 11:59 pm EST December 31, 2018. sion to advise the Secretary of Defense her father insisted on two things: that Respectfully, on the strategy for the United States she learn the rules of football and how JON KYL, and to report back to Congress—and to tell a good joke. That, she did. And United States Senator. specifically the Armed Services Com- more than that, she can tell a good f mittee—on their conclusions. joke at her own expense. That is just REMEMBERING JOHN MCCAIN This bill created the National De- one of many reasons she was so well fense Strategy Commission, comprised Mr. KYL. Mr. President, the other liked in this Chamber by Democrats of 12 members, 3 of whom were ap- thing I would like to do this afternoon and Republicans. pointed by the chairman and the rank- is to very briefly report to my col- It is rare you can find someone who ing member—each—of the Senate leagues and to constituents back home speaks her mind so directly and yet be Armed Services Committee and the on some things which my predecessor, so loved. That is one of the many House Armed Services Committee. uniquenesses of this wonderful lady, Senator McCain, was working on at the I was privileged to have been ap- CLAIRE MCCASKILL. And I am not the time of his untimely death and which pointed by Senator McCain to serve on only one who felt that way. After a his staff and I have continued to work that Commission, and I did for approxi- farewell address in this Chamber, the on and, in several cases, have brought mately a year. My service there ended line of Senators to say a few words to successful conclusion. I want people as we finished our report. Before it was about CLAIRE was long, and it wasn’t to know about these items and what we signed, while it was still being edited, just on our side of the aisle. have been able to accomplish. he passed away, and I was appointed to I could go on about Senator MCCAS- I first want to thank the members of serve in his stead. So I have had the KILL for quite a while, but I am sure his staff who wanted to stay in the unique opportunity to both help write she is already telling me that I am get- service of the government and the the report and then be a member of the ting longwinded. So let me close with State of Arizona and were willing to Armed Services Committee, on which this: When CLAIRE was 9 years old, her take a position in my office, as a result he sat, to receive the report and to father took her to the annual Jackson of which, we were able to really have a question the cochairmen of that Com- Day dinner in Springfield, MO, to hear seamless transition from some of the mission, Ambassador Eric Edelman and the big political speeches on offer that things Senator McCain was working on ADM Gary Roughead, Retired. year. After all, this was a famous and my ability to continue to do so. I think the importance of this Com- venue that had hosted the giants of One of the first things of which I was mission report reflects what Senator American politics—William Jennings aware but not really aware of the depth McCain hoped to achieve, and that is a Bryan, Harry Truman, JFK. that he had taken it is a new relation- bipartisan consensus, a unanimous re- Well, guess who delivered the closing ship in the State of Arizona among the port which provides advice to the Sec- address at the Jackson Day dinner this three pillars representing the defense retary of Defense and will provide ad- year. CLAIRE MCCASKILL, whose impact establishment in our country and spe- vice to both the House and the Senate. on her State and her country, as well cifically in the State of Arizona. These As I said, there has already been a as on the Senate and on so many of us, are, first of all, our military installa- hearing before the Senate Armed Serv- belongs in the same category as those tions—Arizona is blessed to have a lot ices Committee, and I know the House VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:25 Dec 20, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19DE6.050 S19DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE December 19, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7853 committee is going to invite members perimeter of the property to show me for this short period.