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[email protected] www.DataLadder.com SuȂ$eld, CT 06708 ReadTable( Prepares to read data from the data source. ReaderConfigura�on Opens connec�ons, creates required structures, etc. configuration, Boolean toDetermineFields) configuration - Se�ngs that contain informa�on about the data source toDetermineFields - If true, informa�on about columns will be refreshed from the data source while it is read. If false, column informa�on from ReaderConfigura�on se�ngs will be used returns - true if successful Disconnect() Releases resources (closes connec�ons to DB, flushes files, closes file streams, etc.) ReaderToVariableTableConvertor class Namespace: dataladder.Data Assemblies: DataMatch.Api.dll This class is used to copy data from ISimpleReader to a table stored in either a hard disk drive or in memory. C# public class ReaderToVariableTableConvertor Remarks This class contains a single sta�c method, Copy(…), that loads data from any data source in internal storage. Methods: Copy(IReader reader, Loads data from a data source which is wrapped by String path, IReader into file storage (OnDriveTable). String name, IReader can represent different source types: Excel, SQL out String error, DB, CSV, etc. Cancella�onToken cancel, ProgressDelegate progress = null, reader - ISimpleReader that can wrap various data Int32 toRow = Int32.MaxValue, source types String fileNameBase = null, path - specifies file path where the file storage will be Opera�onModes operationMode created or opened from = Opera�onModes.Disk, name - First half of file storage name (second half will MinSpaceReachedDelegate be the GUID) onMinSpaceReached = null) error - Error display message that should be returned cancel - Cancella�on token to cancel job progress - Callback func�on to show import progress toRow - Number of rows to load from data source to file fileNameBase - Name of file storage.