Deal Cut on Blackwater Canyon
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~QN'§ GREETllNGr§ WVHc Past-President I(. A ,.II( f?~VL.. <+- \l(,.rf.? ) NON-PROm ORG. HC 78 BOX 227 I U.S. POSTAGE PAID ROCK CAVE WV 26~9738 PERMIT NO. 2831 CHAS., WV 25301 Published by West Virginia Highlands Con~·ervancy Vol. 30, No.8- December 1997 DEAL CUT ON BLACKWATER WEST VIRGINIA DEP CALLS FOR CANYON CUTS IN POTOMAC POLLUTION By John McFerrin Poultry Growers, Farmers Would Reduce - Governor Underwood, bumped north of the river at Emissions into Six Streams in Watershed Senator Rockefeller, and one point, near Big RWl, where (excerpted from the Charleston Gazette) Appalachian Wood Products Allegheny Wood will keep have announced an exchange of ownership of one tract of land. Poultry growers and Bill Brannon. assistant land in the Blackwater Canyon A 21 0-acre tract other farmers in the Potomac chief of the DEP Office of for land "of equal value" in the on the south side of the canyon Valley would have to cut Water Resources. said much of Monongahela National Forest. from roughly the state park to pollution runoff from their the pollution reduction will As a part of the deal. Lindy Run. This area does not Appalachian Wood Products include Lindy Point, a popular frelcb hv as much as 50 percent ha' e to come from commercial under proposal um eiled pouJlr) operations. '"That v.ill exchange approximatel) O\-erlook that is included on ~ 7SO of the 3.000 11aes it owns ~~...... ~~~~a~n~~!.~p~~~.!~~ .. --~_._.._ 1 Protc:ctiPn . In three complex •·PouiO)• is impacting equal value·· in Tucker Allegheny \Vood Prod~ts streams aod Presaoa Counties which is officials said they don't plan to reports. DEP officials conceded to some degree. We don't that currently a part of the provide public access to the know how much. The Monongahela National Forest , point, which was open to the the area's growing poultry documents don't say it but public under previous owners. industry is the major producer common sense tells you it is," The deal was of manure that contaminates he said. Brannon said there· A 3 3 7 -acre tract announced at a press the South Branch and its are no current plans by DEP to on the north side of the canyon conference on Monday, tributaries. The agency called take enforcement action or along the North Fork of the December l. Because there for runoff reductions ranging move toward mandatory Blackwater. were no copies of maps or of from 36 perc-ent to more than regulation of poultry farmers. the memorandum of 50 percent along six streams Currently, the state relies on a Allegheny Wood understanding which sets out that currently contain unsafe good-faith effort by poultry Products would also turn over the deal available at the press levels of fecal coliform growers to protect the to the government its rights to conference, the details are not bacteria. The streams are the environment. Federal reports use 77 acres of land for a readily available. South Branch, Lunice Creek, power line, and to build a dam Mill Creek. North Fork, on part of the river. Although See POLLUTION on The land to be traded Anderson Run and the South the right to dam the river was page3 includes: A 128-acre strip that Fork. included in a turn of the fUllS the length of the canyon century conveyance of land in illong the north side of the river the Canyon, under present Jaw along the bottom of the it would be difficult, if not canyon. This strip has become impossible, to build a dam in Admin Asst Ad ....•.......•..•.•......• 3 popular as a biking and hiking Enviro conf in WV .••...•.......••.• 6 this location. The company trail and would be maintained Blackwater Canyon - Forest Roundtable .•............•... 8 would also provide public as such by the Forest Service. need activists ......................... 12 Logging, WV regs .................. 10 access from the Canaan Loop This strip is made up largely of Blackwater Canyon - Letter ........................................ 7 Road and to several trails that steep terrain. Because of its current status...................... 1 McFerrin Column .................. 2 have been blocked off for steepness and the proximity to Calendar ................•..•........... 12 Potomac pollution .................. 1 months. Blackwater State Park, logging Editorial .................................. 4 Solid waste, interim report .....• 9 on this strip would have been See DEAL on page 3 difficult at best. The strip is Page 2 November 1997 The Highlands Voice Roster of Officers, Board Members ---- and Committee Chairs BOARD OF DIRECTORS ~tk~~tie~ PRESIDENT: John Mcfenin By John Mcferrin I 14 Beckley Ave., Beckley, WV 2580 1 252-8733 SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT: Frank Young Rt. I , Box 108, Ripley, WV 25271 372-9329 Compromise or Cave In? VICE PRESIDENT FOR STATE AFFAIRS: Norm Steenstra 1324 Virginia St E., Charleston. WV 25301 W- 346-5891 H-344-0150 VICE PRESIDENT FOR FEDERAL AFFFAIRS: Vacant Senator Rockefeller, Governor Underwood, and SECRETARY: Jacqueline A. Hallinan John Crites, President, Allegheny Wood Products, recently 1120 Swan Rd., Charleston, WV 25314 345-3718 announced a "compromise" that would, in their view at TREASURER: Tom Michael least, resolve the current controversy over Blackwater Rt. 2, Box 217. Lost Creek. WV 26385 623-3447 Canyon. In exchange for unidentified land "of equal value" PAST PRESIDEl\'T: Cindy Rank within the Monongahela National Forest, Allegheny Wood HC 78. Box 227. Rock Cave. WV 26234 924-5802 Products would convey to the Monongahela National Forest approximately 750 of the 3,000 acres it currently DIRECTORS-AT- LARGE owns in Blackwater Canyon. It also surrenders any right it (Terms expire October I 998) may have had to dam the Blackwater River and build William P. McNeel, I 118 Second Ave., Marlinton, WV 24954 799-4369 Andrew Maier, Rt I, Box 27. Hinton, WV 25952 466-3864 power lines. Mary Pill .Peck, 36 Meade St., Buckhannon, WV 2620 I 472-3049 There are two ways to look at this. Considered from Joe Marshall. I 08 3,.. St.. Elkins, WV 2624 I 636-9555 a the-glass-is-half-full (or, in this case, one quarter full) Hugh Rogers. Moon Run, Kerens, WV 26276 636-2662 perspective, it is a good start. Before this deal, none of the Canyon was In public ownership. If the deal goes through, DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE one quarter will be in public ownership. That is progress. (Terms -expire October 1997) Senator Rockefeller's comments also give reason Sayre Rodman. 32 Cl)stal Dr.. Oakmont, PA 15 139 (412) 828-8983 for hope. He explicitly said that he had instructed his staff CarroiiJca.RLI,Box2l,Sherman. WV26173 273-5247 to move as much of Blackwater Canyon into public Don Garvin. PO Box 436, Buckhannon. WV 26201 472-8716. ownership as possible. He referred to the Canyon as a Carter Zerbe. !6 Arlington Ct., ~leston, WV 2530 I 343-3 I 75 Bob Marshall, 201 Virginia St. W., Chru:lcston, WV 25302 345-5518 "recreational area." If we take these comments at face value, it appears that he recognizes the value of the ORGANIZATIONAL DIRECTORS Canyon for recreation and Utat protection of the e ntire ~_,~~~ NAi , o. \L PELEOLOGICAL <;OCIETY· Virginia Region -Judy Fisher Canyon is a worthwhile goal. PO Box 276, Berkeley Springs. WV'!6411 2~974 ~~~,~~--'i!~ie. That Senator Rockefeller is even involved is a PITISBURGH cuMBERS: Jean Rodman I "" positive step. His presence indicates that there is at least 32 Crystal Dr.• Oakmont. PI\ 15139 (412) 828-8983 somebody with the power to do something who has an WEST VIRGINIA MOUNTAIN STREAM MONITORS: Jason Huber interest in protecting Blackwater Canyon. Without him we 105 Capitol St.. Charle5ton. wv 25301 1·800-377-2878 would be left with West Virginia Division of Forestry chief BROOKS BIRD CLUB: Mary Moore Riffenburger 1 253 2 241 36 4 Bill Maxey ranting about the spreading "cancer" of public Rt. • Box • Elkins. wv 6 6 • 559 MOUNTAINEER CHAPTER TROUT UNLIMITED: Phil Rossano land ownership and Governor Underwood sitting in the Rt. 2, Box 375• Buckhannon, wv 26201 472•0942 corner muttering about private property and free WEST VIRGIN IA RIVERS COALITION: Pam Moe-Merritt enterprise while the Canyon was stripped of its trees. At 49 w. Main st., Buckhannon, wv 26201 472-0025 least Senator Rockefeller is interested in doing something. DOWNSTREAM ALLIANCE: Joan Sims Considered from a the-glass-is-three-quarters- Rt. 5. Box31<l_:_ll2. Morl!antown. wv 26505 296-8860 empty perspective, this deal is at best a pitiful excuse for a VlRGINlANS FOR WILDERNESS Bob Mueller. Rt. 1. Box 250 compromise and at worst a corporate welfare scam. Staunton. VA 24401 hnp.// See MCFERRIN on page 5 COMMITTEE CHAIRS MTNlNG COMMITTEE: Cindy Rank HC 78. Box 227. Rock Cave, WV 26234 924-5802 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES PUBLIC LANDS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: Sayre Rodman Administrative Assistant: Richard diPretoro Voice Editor: Bill Reed 32 Crystal Dr.• Oakmont, PA 15 139 (4 I 2) 828-8983 I 157 UptegrafSt. 350 Bucks Branch Bill Ragene·, 144 Trace Fork Rd., Culloden, WV 25510 824-3571 Pittsburgh. PA 152(8-1 133 Beckley, WV 25801 PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE: Judy Rodd 1-888-201-6252 {toll free) 934-5828 Rt. I , Box 178, Moatsville, WV 26405 265-0018 email: Richard diPretorod.\ [email protected] ENDOWMENT FUND COMMITTEE: David Elkinton 609 Farms Or., Fairmont, WV 26554 366-5906 RIVERS COMMITIEE: Mary Pat Peck is published monthly by the West Virginia Highlands The Highlands Voice 49 W. Mai n St., Buckhannon, WV 2620 I 4 72-0025 Conservancy, PO Box 306, Charleston, WV 25321. Articles, letters to the editor, HIGHWAYS COMMITTEE: Hugh Rogers graphics, photos, poetry or other information for publication should be sent to the 1 Moon Run.