The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS Nominees Announced (Page 3) Athletic Profits (Pase 4) Laetare Medalist (Page 5) ' Spring Football (Page 7) Commencement (Page 32) Lourdes Grotto at Notre Dame Vol. 19 APRIL. 1941 No. 6 The 18th %lniversal iNotre Qiame S^ght Monday, April 21 93 Local Alumni Clubs in Universal, Simultaneous Meetings. A National radio program, NBC Blue Network, 8-8:30 P. M. CST, emanating from the Notre Dame Oub of Chicago's meeting in the Palmer House, featuring: Most Rev. Samuel A. Stritch, D.D., Archbishop of Chicago Very Rev. Hugh O'Donnell. C.S.C.', '16, Ph.D., President of Notre Dame Hon. Frank C. Walker, '09, Postmaster General of the United States Mr. Frank Leahy, '31, Director of Athletics of the University of Notre Dame Mr. Clarence E. "Pat" Manion, '22, professor of law of the University The University of Notre Dame Glee Club Speakers from the campus, appearing in many of the leading Clubs. Local alumni of prominence honored by their Local Qubs Notre Dame's part In National Defense stressed. Notre Dame's Centennial discussed. Notre Dame's distinguished alumni eulogized. Programs of die Clubs expanded and projected for the ensuing year. Notre Dame's contribution to international good will emphasized in meetings outside die United States. Notre Dame's teachings and dieir conformity widi sound American principles reviewed. Notre Dame leadership recc^nized and stimulated. Notre Dame men in the Service uniting under new conditions, and under the qriiitual guidance of die Mili tary Delegate, former president of Notre Dame, Most Rev.