December 1938
The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS Drop down dew, ye heavens, from above and let the clouds rain the Just. — Isaias 43 : 8. •^ And she brought forth her first bom Son and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and'laid Him in a manger. — Luke 2 : 7. iHerrp Ctnsittnag ocgiri;ga«igagJ!i'8!Ja-gJSgJ!asj!ac«»<J!a«gSgj^ "^ol. 17 ©Ecemfjer, 1938 ^0.3 To the Coaches and the Team of 1938 Notre Dame men, through the ALUMNUS, take this opportunity to extend congratulations to head coach Elmer Layden, '25, his assistants, and the varsity squad of 1938. An alumni-coached team in an alumni-administered college must always advance alumni interest and enthusiasm. When it is accompanied by victories, as in the 1938 season, naturally both are intensified. And when, in defeat, as in the ultimate reversal at Southern California, appear those things deeper than victory, which Notre Dame has always taught, and which informed American sportsmanship under the leadership of Knute K. Rockne, '14, then alumni everywhere rejoice. The football season of 1938 has produced—and nothing more complimentary could be said—another company of Notre Dame men who take their places with '88, '03, '09, '24, '29, '30,, and other Notre Dame immortals beloved but less sung. VARSITV SQUAD, 1938 Top Row, left to rif/lit — Gripe, Liirkin, Rechtold, J. F. Kelly, Leonard, land, Harrington, Jack Sullivan, Cronin, Sitko, Kennedy, Kelleher, Mclntyre, Theisen, HoUendoner, McDoiiough, Matthews, Adamonis, Stevenson, Piopul, Phil Sheridan, Plain, Frost, Guhanich, Williams, Saffa, Bossu, Karr, Broscoe, Rassas, Simoiiich, Mizerski, Barber, Broiinaii, Harvey, Kerr, Brew, Finnernii, Coach Boland, Coach Cerney.
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