Annex C List of Press Articles

Date Media Headline of Press Article

19.11.2003 Ming Pao Daily News Public consultation on HK2030 unfolds next week - Conditioned opening up of frontier closed area adjacent to Lok Ma Chau Loop proposed

22.11.2003 Ming Pao Daily News NWNT targeted for University Town – Government lays eyes on ten hectares of land and overseas professionals

22.11.2003 Suggestions for Hong Kong’s future mapped out

22.11.2003 Ming Pao Daily News Loop Area boosts development potentials - Government picks three sites in frontier closed area

23.11.2003 Oriental Daily News Lok Ma Chau Loop trade expo floated

25.11.2003 Hong Kong Economic Times Government hatches a Lok Ma Chau Loop special economic node

25.11.2003 Hong Kong Economic Journal HK2030 slashes domestic plot ratio to 5

25.11.2003 Hong Kong Daily News Lok Ma Chau Loop trade expo floated

25.11.2003 News Lok Ma Chau Loop trade expo floated

25.11.2003 Hong Kong Commercial Daily Lok Ma Chau Loop trade expo mooted

25.11.2003 Government brews on Lok Ma Chau Loop trade expo

26.11.2003 Hong Kong Economic Times Government revenue set to shrink – Urban plot ratios may drop from 8 to 5 for quality living

26.11.2003 Sing Tao Daily News Plot ratios attuned to population plateauing in 2030 - HK2030 suggests plot ratios be reduced to 5

xi Annex C

Date Media Headline of Press Article

26.11.2003 Sing Pao Daily News Big cut on residential intensity for 9.2 million residents – Government unfolds the 2030 blueprint

26.11.2003 Ta Kung Pao Lower plot ratios ease pent-up property supply

26.11.2003 Hong Kong Commercial Daily Property tycoons subscribe to lower plot ratios

26.11.2003 Ta Kung Pao Blanket cut on plot ratios unwise

26.11.2003 Ming Pao Daily News Population tipped to reach 9.2 million in 2030

26.11.2003 Sing Tao Daily News Jobs falling short of 9.2 million populace in 2030

26.11.2003 Ming Pao Daily News Editorial - Redraft welfare policies to honour population questions

Hong Kong morphs into a better living 26.11.2003 place - HK2030 sketches a trade expo and a university town in Lok Ma Chau Loop

26.11.2003 South China Morning Post Visa-free trade expo foreseen at the border

26.11.2003 Ming Pao Daily News Visa-free trade expo proposal held in derision - Local businessmen and town planners nail their colours to Shenzhen

26.11.2003 Ta Kung Pao Quality urban design enshrined in 2030 blueprint

26.11.2003 Sing Pao Daily News Lok Ma Chau Loop morphs into a trade expo

26.11.2003 The Standard Population boom

xii Annex C

Date Media Headline of Press Article

26.11.2003 The Standard Delta blues

26.11.2003 Apple Daily Lin Ma Hang opted for another cross- boundary crossing

26.11.2003 Oriental Daily News Living environment makeover – HK2030 takes on a three-pronged approach

26.11.2003 Hong Kong Daily News Public consultation on long-term town planning begins – Lok Ma Chau trade expo craves a niche for Hong Kong in its role as China’s trade springboard

26.11.2003 Metropolis Daily Hong Kong may lower land plot ratio to ease crowding

26.11.2003 Wen Wei Po Public consultation on town planning options kicked off

26.11.2003 Hong Kong Economic Times Lok Ma Chau Loop trade expo floated

26.11.2003 Hong Kong Daily News NWNT targeted for university town

26.11.2003 Va Kio Daily Consultation report on long-term town planning unfolded - HK2030 sketches a trade expo and a University Town in Lok Ma Chau Loop

26.11.2003 Hong Kong Economic Journal Local population tipped to top 9.2 million

26.11.2003 Metropolis Daily Hong Kong may lower plot ratios to ease crowding

26.11.2003 Hong Kong Commercial Daily HK2030 kicks off third stage consultation - Lok Ma Chau Loop trade expo looks thorny

26.11.2003 South China Morning Post More space, fewer people in Hong Kong’s future view

xiii Annex C

Date Media Headline of Press Article

26.11.2003 Hong Kong Economic Journal Editorial - Why make gobbledygook when we can make hay

26.11.2003 Hong Kong Economic Journal Lok Ma Chau Loop trade expo mooted in HK2030

26.11.2003 Hong Kong Economic Journal Plot ratio reduction a juggernaut, say developers

26.11.2003 Hong Kong Commercial Daily Two options for future development floated

26.11.2003 Oriental Daily News Mixed blessings for villagers

26.11.2003 Ming Pao Daily News Green group: Long Valley debacle may repeat in Loop

26.11.2003 Hong Kong Daily News A hell built in heaven’s disguise

26.11.2003 Hong Kong Daily News Loop development plan called into question

26.11.2003 Hong Kong Commercial Daily Manufacturers hesitates on three fronts

26.11.2003 Sing Tao Daily News Editorial – Town planning vision loses sight of Delta

26.11.2003 The Sun Government plans to reduce development intensity – 40% drop in long-term residential unit supply and twenty seven thousands less in Kowloon are foreseen

26.11.2003 The Sun Saving private properties in Tseung Kwan O – Developments are halted and density lowered

26.11.2003 The Sun Aging worsens as population reaches 9.2 million in 2030

xiv Annex C

Date Media Headline of Press Article

26.11.2003 South China Morning Post College town idea is questioned

26.11.2003 South China Morning Post By 2030, tourists visiting Hong Kong may reach 70 million

26.11.2003 The Standard Builders ‘to fight’ lower plot ratio

26.11.2003 Hong Kong Daily News Plot ratios slashed to 5 as population plateaus – Concrete jungle has run its course

26.11.2003 Hong Kong Daily News Property sector espouses lower building intensity

26.11.2003 Apple Daily Lower urban plot ratios bear on public coffer

26.11.2003 Wen Wei Po Public consultation on town planning options begins

26.11.2003 Ta Kung Pao Lok Ma Chau Loop trade expo floated

26.11.2003 Wen Wei Po Domestic plot ratio may drop to 3

26.11.2003 Sing Tao Daily News Loop to become prime visitor and trader ghetto – Government proposes a trade expo in Lok Ma Chau Loop for Hong Kong’s and Shenzhen’s sake

26.11.2003 Sing Pao Daily News Editorial - HK2030 must take the town planning high ground

26.11.2003 Sing Pao Daily News Logistics sector says Container Terminal 10 not brought to head

26.11.2003 Wen Wei Po LegCo councillor criticized future planning lacks details

26.11.2003 Oriental Daily News Container Terminal 10 not necessary

xv Annex C

Date Media Headline of Press Article

27.11.2003 South China Morning Post Editorial – Population projection raises many questions

27.11.2003 The Standard University town idea ‘worth exploring’

27.11.2003 The Standard Editorial – A good idea

27.11.2003 South China Morning Post Expats needed to plug gap in population forecasts

27.11.2003 Ta Kung Pao Wharf rattles through submission for Kowloon Godown redevelopment

28.11.2003 Hong Kong Economic Journal Long-term planning fixated on plot ratio reduction

28.11.2003 Ming Pao Daily News Vision vs. microscope

29.11.2003 Sing Pao Daily News Lok Ma Chau Loop business node sounded out

29.11.2003 Hong Kong Economic Times Lok Ma Chau Loop a booster for cross-boundary interactions

29.11.2003 Oriental Daily News Loop development proposal is in doubt

29.11.2003 Radio Television Hong Kong Letter to Hong Kong

29.11.2003 Ming Pao Weekly No man’s land between Shenzhen and Lok Ma Chau?

30.11.2003 Sing Tao Daily News Lower population density for better living environment - Government’s proposal could cost the public coffer 3500 million over a revised North Point redevelopment

30.11.2003 Sing Tao Daily News San Po Kong factory buildings ripe for museum use

xvi Annex C

Date Media Headline of Press Article

30.11.2003 Sing Pao Daily News Turning San Po Kong factory buildings into fashion schools

30.11.2003 Ming Pao Daily News Loop development may brace for private participation

30.11.2003 Oriental Daily News Private participation in Loop development embraced

1.12.2003 South China Morning Post A dream city for bureaucrats

1.12.2003 Sing Pao Daily News Comments on “Planning Vision and Strategy”

1.12.2003 Hong Kong Economic Times Henderson’s Lam doubts Loop development as industrial building supply aplenty

1.12.2003 Hong Kong Economic Times HK2030 adviser: time unripe for commenting on viability as Loop development awaits details

1.12.2003 Hong Kong Economic Times HK2030 adviser: supply and pricing levels have no direct bearing on urban plot ratio reduction

2.12.2003 Ming Pao Daily News HK2030 puts forward lower plot ratios – 1.3 billion dollars will be lost over the North Point redevelopment site

2.12.2003 Hong Kong Economic Journal Henderson boss says Lok Ma Chau Loop industrial zone unsuitable

2.12.2003 Hong Kong Commercial Daily Current industrial buildings supply aplenty

2.12.2003 The Sun Frontier special industrial zone a long shot

xvii Annex C

Date Media Headline of Press Article

3.12.2003 Oriental Daily News Loop development sounds thorny to academic

3.12.2003 Hong Kong Daily News Loop trade expo needs public sanction

3.12.2003 Sing Tao Daily News Loop planning option requires public sanction

3.12.2003 Sing Pao Daily News Maven urges verdict on Loop development options

3.12.2003 The Sun Pull socks up

3.12.2003 Ming Pao Daily News CPU – Loop development a springboard to western China

3.12.2003 Ming Pao Daily News Government: costly dredging works may foil Loop development

3.12.2003 Ming Pao Daily News Urban plot ratio reduction impractical – Town planners call for building design improvements

3.12.2003 Oriental Daily News Town planning body urges improvements over building designs

3.12.2003 Hong Kong Daily News Plot ratio reduction hampers old area renewal

3.12.2003 Hong Kong Economic Times Developers advised to improve building airflow

3.12.2003 Sing Pao Daily News Town planners urges improvements over building airflow

3.12.2003 Sing Tao Daily News Town planning body says plot ratios rigid

xviii Annex C

Date Media Headline of Press Article

3.12.2003 The Sun Urban renewal bound to slow down

3.12.2003 The Standard New World Development against decrease in plot ratio

3.12.2003 South China Morning Post Key role for old factories

5.12.2003 Apple Daily Illusional town planning vision

5.12.2003 Ming Pao Daily News Opening up frontier closed area not boundary

5.12.2003 Hong Kong Economic Journal Town planning body unimpressed by plot ratio reduction

5.12.2003 Hong Kong Economic Journal Impaired vision

5.12.2003 Hong Kong Economic Journal Shot in the arm for exhibition sector

5.12.2003 Ming Pao Daily News Buildable floor areas diminish under proposed plot ratio reduction – Developers lose appetite for old building redevelopment

5.12.2003 Hong Kong Commercial Daily Loop trade expo not preferable

5.12.2003 Wen Wei Po Major parties call for Loop industrial zone

5.12.2003 The Sun Factors ravelling over Loop development options

5.12.2003 Ta Kung Pao Loop suitable for high-tech development centre - New role will help leverage local restructuring, as well as Hong Kong’s and Shenzhen’s strengths

5.12.2003 Hong Kong Economic Times Councillors call for frontier textile and watches manufacturing zone

xix Annex C

Date Media Headline of Press Article

6.12.2003 Hong Kong Economic Journal HK2030 proposes an eastern trans-boundary corridor

6.12.2003 Sing Pao Daily News Is Lok Ma Chau Loop trade expo really viable?

6.12.2003 South China Morning Post Lawmaker approve funds to study bridge project

6.12.2003 Hong Kong Economic Times 58.9 million approved for bridge project study

6.12.2003 Sing Pao Daily News Trade expo a mirage for Hong Kong

8.12.2003 Hong Kong Economic Journal Three sites selected for local port development study

9.12.2003 Ming Pao Daily News Government rezones sites to open space use – Concrete jungle stands no chance on the commercial and residential sites in Tseung Kwan O

9.12.2003 Wen Wei Po Woo Chia-Wei proposed to launch science education in the Loop

9.12.2003 Wen Wei Po Experts of Shenzhen urged integration with Hong Kong

11.12.2003 Ming Pao Daily News 2030 population projection overestimated

12.12.2003 Ming Pao Daily News Column – Enhance population quality, face future challenges

12.12.2003 Hong Kong Commercial Daily Converting industrial buildings to loft financial return unattractive

12.12.2003 The Standard A futile exercise

xx Annex C

Date Media Headline of Press Article

15.12.2003 Apple Daily Far-fetched town planning strategy

16.12.2003 Hong Kong Economic Journal HK2030 sounds out cruise terminal plan

20.12.2003 Ming Pao Daily News HK2030 devoid of maxims

20.12.2003 Hong Kong Economic Times Science park chief opposes factories in Lok Ma Chau Loop

21.12.2003 Oriental Daily News Hong Kong loses momentum in Lok Ma Chau Loop development – Macau rides before Hong Kong to boost industrial sector

22.12.2003 South China Morning Post New Territories business centre on government drawing board

22.12.2003 Metropolis Daily Town planning vision lost in delirium

24.12.2003 South China Morning Post Building on solid information

25.12.2003 South China Morning Post Letter – Needed: a regional plan

31.12.2003 Wen Wei Po Frontier industrial zone warrants priority

31.12.2003 South China Morning Post Shake-up urged for land lease system

31.12.2003 The Standard Editorial - Answer to urban renewal

31.12.2003 Oriental Daily News Arm-chaired town planning officials

5.1.2004 South China Morning Post Expert calls for railway line on Delta bridge

5.1.2004 South China Morning Post Cross-border flow tipped to top 1 million a day by 2030

xxi Annex C

Date Media Headline of Press Article

5.1.2004 The Sun Hong Kong sitting out global competition over freight services unwise

5.1.2004 The Sun Overhaul in planning a booster for port competitiveness

5.1.2004 The Sun Daily cross-boundary flow tipped to reach 1 million in 2030

5.1.2004 Ming Pao Daily News Railway line on Delta bridge needed, says academic – Government gauges daily cross-boundary traffic to reach 0.16 million vehicles in 2020

7.1.2004 The Sun Review: A glimpse of N.T. Land Strategy from Tung Chung River issue

13.1.2004 Hong Kong Economic Journal Expert sees trade hub a long-term niche for Hong Kong

14.1.2004 South China Morning Post Column: A load of croc, say Working Paper No 32

14.1.2004 Spike Unfinished Business – Preaching the conversion: Cathy Holcombe, Spike Business Editor

28.1.2004 Hong Kong Economic Times Commentary: A grand city in a metropolitan NWNT

2.3.2004 Hong Kong Economic Journal Planning shall attune to a plateauing population

29.3.2004 South China Morning Post Consultation rejects trade zone near Lok Ma Chau

29.3.2004 South China Morning Post Hong Kong doesn’t need another white elephant
