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Min 30º Max 44º FREE NO: 16630- Friday, September 4, 2015 Diplomatic row Iran-linked terror cell

Page 2 Local FRIDAY, SEOTEMBER 4, 2015 Foreign Ministry slams Iranian embassy over public statements on Iran-linked terror cell ‘Families claim detainees have been tortured’

By Mesha’al Al Enezi & B Izzak

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Foreign Ministry hit back at the Iranian embassy in Kuwait yesterday after the embassy issued a press statement criticizing the government for its handling of information sur- rounding the uncover of alleged Iran-linked ter- ror cell. In a statement published on its website yester- day afternoon, the Foreign Ministry said that the Iranian action violated diplomatic norms, “a coun- try’s wish to officially access information concern- ing certain issues should be done through proper channels,” it noted in reference to an earlier state- ment issued by the Iranian Embassy in Kuwait. The Foreign Ministry said that the Iranian embassy’s statement to the media “disregarded Kuwait’s declared official attitude towards this particular case in the form of the highly responsi- ble statement issued by the Cabinet, which was keen not to jump to conclusions before the hon- est Kuwaiti judiciary made its final judgment in the related case.”

Iranian embassy statement Earlier in the day, the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Kuwait sent a statement to all Kuwait media “expressing dissatisfaction with what it described as pushing Iran into a Kuwaiti domestic concern.” The embassy statement stressed that since the case details, including the alleged arrest of an Iranian citizen, were not yet announced and since KUWAIT: These images released by the Interior Ministry on Aug 13, 2015 shows a cache of weapons, explosives and ammunition local media dealt with the whole issue without found at a farm in Abdaly. notifying official Iranian bodies through proper diplomatic channels, the embassy would, there- of being members with Hezbollah and others of they saw evidence of torture when they visited diplomatic ties with Iran while MP Mubarak Al- by, point the following: receiving training on the use of weapons and the men at Kuwait Central Prison. They claim to Harees renewed calls for classifying Hezbollah as 1. The embassy was not, so far, notified about the ammunition to carry out the attacks. have seen evidence of electrocution on the men’s a terrorist organization. identity of the allegedly arrested Iranian, as On August 13, the Interior Ministry arrested bodies. They also noticed burns, said the men MP Hamdan also called for reducing the num- per the public prosecution statement, his three citizens after uncovering a huge arms cache claim to have been hung upside down, beaten, ber of Iranians in Kuwait gradually to stop their alleged role in the charges pressed against at farmhouses in Al-Abdali near the border with threatened that their wives and sisters would be recruitment. Around 50,000-60,000 Iranians live him nor the details of his arrest. Thus, the Iraq. The cache included 19,000 kg of ammuni- raped and dragged on the ground. The families and work in Kuwait. embassy urges Kuwaiti authorities to officially tion, 144 kg of explosives, 68 weapons, and 204 also said their sons were denied access to The lawmaker also called for working to classi- notify it with any related information and grenades were seized from three properties near lawyers. fy Hezbollah as a terrorist organization on gulf, facilitate contact with the accused. the Iraqi border, the Interior Ministry said. “Such practices against detainees violate the Arab, Islamic and international levels in coordina- 2. The Islamic Republic of Iran express deep Additional arrests were made and houses UN’s Convention Against Torture, the simplest tion with other partners in the Gulf Cooperation regrets that some Kuwaiti media continue to searched in Adan and other areas. Human rights and Kuwait’s citizenship right, Council (GCC) states. negatively affect both countries’ bilateral rela- A trial of the suspected terror cell will start which calls for immediate action and dispatching Hamdan said that if the weapons seized with tion through accusing Iran with false accusa- September 15. Several lawmakers this week a UNCHR envoy to visit the detainees and investi- the cell were allowed to spread in Kuwait, it tions that have not so far been verified by the called for a downgrading of diplomatic ties with gate reports about torturing them by security would have turned the country into another judiciary. Iran and the labeling of the Lebanese militia and state security forces, medically examine Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya. He urged the interi- 3. Kuwaiti-Iranian relations cannot take such Hezbollah as a terrorist organization in response them by forensic medicine, urge the Kuwaiti gov- or ministry to follow up with the sympathizers of accusations, the Islamic Republic of Iran does to the discovery of the cell. ernment to respect prisoners’ treatment princi- Hezbollah in Kuwait and forms a committee to stress its keenness on the security of the Gulf ples and rights and not to fabricate accusations initiate dialogue with them. region’ states and on constructively working Families of those arrested against them”, Safa added. MP Hamdan however insisted that not all on enhancing regional security and stability. Meanwhile, families of those arrested filed a Kuwaiti Shiites should be blamed for what the The statements came a day after Kuwait’s complaint to the United Nations through the Lawmakers react cell has done. MP Abdullah Al-Turaiji rejected public prosecution charged 24 men for spying for Khiam Rehabilitation Center for victims of torture Kuwaiti MPs however continued their strong what he described as the provocative statement Iran and Hezbollah and plotting “aggressive acts” (KRC), said its chair, Mohammed Safa. criticism of Iran with Islamist MP Humoud Al- by the Iranian embassy, saying its content was against Kuwait. It also accused a number of them Quoting the detainees’ families, Safa said that Hamdan calling on the government to cut off away from diplomacy.

Local FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 The importance of art in education

By Nawara Fattahova KT: In this highly technology-drive age, what are the challenges you face in teach- KUWAIT: Maha Al-Essa, is a young Kuwaiti ing art? designer, artist and fashion/lifestyle blogger Al-Essa: The challenge is to develop a dif- who expresses herself and her passion for ferent lesson for each class that is relevant to teaching young minds through art. As a the students and can satisfy all the teaching docent and educator at the Dar al-Athar al- objectives. Actually this is what makes the Islamiyyah, she teaches children creativity class interesting, we always explore new and critical thinking skills along with knowl- ideas. In this way the development takes edge on color, shapes and lines. place on both ends, the student’s and the In a conversation with Kuwait Times, Ms instructor making the program alive, grow- Al-Essa, also known as ‘MeemAlEssa’ on ing organically with the student’s progres- Instagram discusses the role of art in chil- sion. dren’s education, the methods she employs to engage children in the process of art and KT: Are you satisfied with the results? thinking about art and the challenges she Al-Essa: Yes I’m satisfied with the results, faces as an educator in Kuwait. children are engaged and responsive to the topics discussed, each and every one of KT: Explain the focus of your workshops. them is able to produce a unique result as Al-Essa: I provide art workshops for chil- well as developing other skills like critical dren to introduce concepts, vocabulary, and thinking and presentation. Through the techniques through the use of art to devel- workshops they are encouraged to invest in op ideas, creativity and problem solving the thought process by answering specially skills while exploring concepts and utilizing designed questions, delivering arguments the knowledge in creating a variety of and defending their developed ideas. applied art projects that are part of everyday The challenge is to develop a different lesson life. KT: Where do you provide your lessons or for each class that is relevant to the students classes? KT: Which students do you teach? And in Al-Essa: I provide classes with two organ- which languages? and can satisfy all the teaching objectives... izations, Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah and Al-Essa: Primarily classes are designed to Nuqat. With Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah the teach about artists, styles and techniques, the development takes place on both ends, workshop starts on October 3, every but the way lessons are executed there is Saturday at Amricani Cultural Center also emphasis on history, analysis, problem the student’s and the instructor making the throughout the cultural season till May 2016. solving and creativity. The workshops are With Nuqat the workshops are subject designed for students from ages 6 to 12. I program alive, growing organically. specific, currently providing Art in Practice teach in both Arabic and English. workshop at Studio Almakan and will be announcing soon the workshops schedule Local FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 for the next cultural season through Nuqat website KT: How did you get interested in art? What is your background? Al-Essa: I’ve studied Industrial and Management System Engineering, Masters in Strategic Business Administration and various art courses and specialized education pro- grams, with a focus on Museum Based Education and Interactive strategies for engaging with art through Museum of Modern Art (MOMA).

KT: What do you design? And when did you start? Al-Essa: I design the lesson plans making sure that the lessons are connected with life and culture reflecting daily applications of art in our lives. I’ve started as a docent in Dar al- Athar al-Islamiyyah in 2011 assisting in the education program, currently I’m providing art workshop throughout the cultural season for Children Art Workshop program.

KT: Do you sell your art? Al-Essa: I don’t sell the art pieces pro- duced through the workshops, in fact the children participating in the workshop and I have had the pleasure to take part in the “Wall of Dreams” an installation by artist Ik- Joong Kang that works closely with children’s art to produce magnificent art installations around the world, where he would collect drawings created by children depicting their dreams and would create from the gathered dreams large scale murals

KT: What do you think is the role/importance of art in children’s education? Al-Essa: Around the world right now there is a trend that focuses on improving education methods. Finland, for example, just launched a whole reform program for its educa- tion system. What is interesting is the inte- gration and utilization of art for education. Just last year, a study was released concen- trating on the impact of using art on students achievements in school, having that in mind for designing art classes that tap into topics of skills development on a larger scale to seize the full potential of a learning experience.

A conversation with ‘Meem’ Friday 04 September 2015 Local

Walking in the shoes of our music teachers

By Aakash Bakaya

usic has been an integral part of education in Kuwait since the country’s earliest days. Though often thought of as irreligious, music in the region in fact stems from the country’s tribal and maritime heritage and the music taught in schools here reflects this. Now with schools opening across the country this week, we thought it Mwould be a perfect occasion to look at the individuals responsible for instilling the love and passion for music in our children. There is an abundance of music teach- ers in the country from all walks of life and Kuwait Times got in touch with three such instructors from very unique backgrounds.

Study after study has shown that music helps children succeed academically, improves confidence and memory and encourages creativity. For example, a longitudinal study by researchers at the German Institute for Economic Research demonstrated that musi- cal study “improves cognitive and non-cognitive skills more than twice as much as sports, theater or dance.” Earlier studies includ- ing a 1999 UCLA report shows that children who study music will have higher grades, better test scores, better attendance and stronger engagement with their communities. Music in the schools Vijay Crupa has been teaching music in Al-Amal Indian School for more than 10 years now. A graduate of one of England’s top music institutes, he insists that from the moment he came to Kuwait, there was nothing else he wanted to do than to teach music. “I’ve grown up in a musical family” he says, “having both a pas- sion for teaching and music; I had no doubt that becoming a music teacher would be a very fulfilling career. At school, I solely teach the younger kids basic instruments and even vocals if they are interested in singing.” I asked how important he thought music was as a subject in school, to which he replied “the top music students perform dur- ing school events and functions and this gives them a tremendous boost of confidence. Performing on stage and doing well does wonders for a child’s self-belief. Music classes also do not have any exams or tests as such, so it allows students to relax and really gauges their interests in a more natural way.” Music on the side Looking at the other side of the spectrum, there are some music teachers that don’t teach in schools. Kalum is a young Sri Lankan- born real estate agent who teaches music in his spare time. Make no mistake, even though he holds two jobs, his music classes have become quite popular. “After working for a few months here, I knew I wanted to do more with my time in Kuwait. A few friends knew of my musical Friday 04 September 2015 Local

Teaching children music helps them academi- cally, socially and creatively. It also encourages stronger community engagement and develops personal confidence and self worth.

talents and helped push me into teaching music here. At first, I advertised myself by going door to door in my neighborhood and gained a handful of students by doing so. After a while though, things started to pick up very quickly. I got a number of positive responses from my students and soon I had no place to teach my growing classroom. So now I rent a small hall where I hold my classes.” When asked how his experience has been so far, he says “I absolutely love it. After two years of teaching, I’m glad that not only have I done well for myself, but more importantly, many of my students have continued to improve their musical talents.” Music as therapy Another popular music teacher is Carol Souki, who apart from teaching in schools, she is also a certified ‘Music Therapist’. I asked her what her goals when teaching music to a child are, she says “as a music therapist, my aim is to a child’s developmental, social, emotional, physical and educational needs in a musical environment. Therefore I don’t refer to it as a music class but rather a space for expression and learning through music. For example, when working with a child that needs to work on turn taking skills, I would ask him to choose an instrument of his choice but we could only play it if we take turns on it while I sing a famil- iar song with him on guitar or piano. This way through repetition the child begins to understand social concept of turn taking skills, builds eye contact and a relationship with the therapist, increases their attention, and enhances their self-expression through play- ing and singing along.” Apart from musical instruments, she has other ways of teaching children how to appreciate music. “I teach students how to play and identify various percussive and melodic instruments. I encour- age and work with students to create sounds and beats with their body and focus on their own rhythm like their own heartbeat and breath or sometimes I ask them to tap a body part and create vocal beats to imitate an instrument.” She too has had a very positive experience with her classes in Kuwait. “It has been a rewarding experience seeing children develop their musical skills as well as parents’ enthusiasm and support for music” she said. Regardless of background, I found out that each of the music teachers I spoke to have had an unmistakable passion for the art and joys of music. And rather than keeping their talents locked away, they decided to push themselves and infuse this passion in others so that they maybe one day, their students will pass on the same gift. Local FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

Stamps, coins collectors society celebrates 10th anniversary

KUWAIT: Since its inception in 2005, Kuwait society for stamps and coins collectors had been the official haven for those seeking to gather these historical significant items. Stamps and coins col- lecting had been thriving in Kuwait since the 1940s, mainly gar- nering the attention of “intellectual types and history buffs”. Our group aims at preserving these hobbies for future gener- ations, said Mohammad Abdelhadi Jamal, head of the society. The hobby that we carry out is of utmost historical significance, said Jamal, noting that stamp and coin collections could relay stories of nations around the globe, including Kuwait. Stamps and coins, when issued, usually contain imagery and art co-related the historical event happening at the time, said Jamal, noting that the society coordinates with other state enti- ties to hold exhibitions and galleries in Kuwait and abroad to showcase collections. Through the society’s first exhibition in 2007, it had continued on to represent Kuwait at numerous events, said Jamal. The society also, as a token of gratitude, hon- ored those who worked at Kuwait post office in 1904, a branch of the Indian postal service, said Jamal, adding that grandchildren of these employees were honored events organized his group. He said that the Kuwaiti society also took a step to join the Asian and International federations for stamps and coins collec- tors in 2007-08, as a further gesture of dedication. He revealed that as part of the 10th anniversary celebration, the society is working on a documentary film to showcase the history of stamp and coin collection in Kuwait, adding that the National Council for Culture, Arts, and Letters were coordinating with the society to trace back the history of collecting these items in Kuwait. To further showcase the society’s commitment, a seasonal maga- KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received National Assembly Speaker zine is issued since May of 2006 showcasing stamps and coin col- Marzouq Ali Al-Ghanim. — KUNA lections, said Jamal. — KUNA Kharafi Center celebrates ‘67 minutes of giving’

By Nawara Fattahova

KUWAIT: The Al Kharafi Activity Kids Center con- cluded its summer festivity with celebrating ‘67 Minutes of Giving’. The event included a number of educational and entertaining activities for kids and children with disabilities. The celebration was an expression of the con- tinuity of the volunteering work and commemo- rated Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa who spent 67 years in the service of humanity. The event also highlighted the rights of children with disabilities in Kuwait and the importance of giving back to the community. The summer schedule for 2015 of the Al Kharafi Center was successful due to the active cooperation of the Unite Nations Development Program and the Embassy of South Africa, and the sponsorship of the Ahli Bank of Kuwait. It was (From left) Dr Mubashar Riaz Sheikh, Mzolisa Bona, Mona Burisli, also supported by McDonald’s, the Meat co, Some of the volunteers from the event. and Fawzi Al-Thunayan. Boushahri Group (Eva & Rauch), Fantasy World and the participation of volunteers from different groups. This program focused on encouraging individuals and institutions to spend 67 minutes of their time in giving or volunteering to help the disabled. Mona Burisli, Vice Chairperson of Sanad Kuwaiti Foundation for Disabled Children said that Al Kharafi Center is the first center of its kind in the Gulf region and the Middle East. It gives an opportunity for disabled children to learn within a fun and safe environment. The event was also attended by Dr Mubashar Riaz Sheikh, UN Resident Coordinator UNDP Resident Representative Kuwait, Fawzi Al-Thunayan, General Manager/Board Affairs of Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait and other officials. During the celebration the sponsors were given awards, followed by an African folk perform- ance, illusion theatre presented by the disabled children, various compactions for both children and adults and a handcrafts exhibition present- ed by volunteers. KUWAIT: Children enjoy on stage during the ‘67 Minutes of Giving’ celebration. — Photo by Joseph Shagra Local FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 Crime Report Spousal abuse on the rise

KUWAIT: A female citizen accused her husband of assaulting her for going out with her mother and sisters without notify- ing him, said security sources noting that the woman went to Riqqa police station with a medical report about a skull wound and several bruises all over a case was filed and the husband is being summoned for further investigations. In another incident, a 22 year old female citizen recently filed a report with Mubarak Al-Kabeer police accusing her 45 year husband of assaulting her. She also reported that he forced her to drink a brownish beverage that caused her to miscarry her pregnancy. The woman said that her husband first tried to make her drink to ‘help end up the relation’, as she put it, referring to his desire for her to abort the baby, but when she refused he beat her and forced her to. She claimed that shortly afterwards, she hemorrhaged and was rushed to hospital where she aborted her pregnancy. A case was filed and further investigations are in progress. Cases of spousal abuse have been on the rise in Kuwait in KUWAIT: Ambassadors and delegates pose for a photo after the awareness campaign for human trafficking. — Photo by recent years, according to anecdotal evidence though no Joseph Shagra government statistics are reported on the matter. The Interior Ministry recently launched a hotline for Kuwaiti women fac- ing spousal abuse (the service does not extend to support of The Avenues mall holds awareness expatriate wives facing spousal abuse). campaign for human trafficking

By Faten Omar

KUWAIT: Under the Auspices of his Excellency Sheikh Salman Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, Minister of Information and Minister of State for Youth Affairs, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) held an opening ceremony for its awareness campaign aimed at combating trafficking in persons yesterday at The Avenues mall. During her opening speech, Iman Erekat, IOM Kuwait mission chairwoman said that the campaign was the first of its kind in the Arab region. She noted that human traffick- ing is a global issue that the entire world is Liquor factory busted suffering from, which is the crime of traffick- Two Asians were arrested for running a home-made liquor ing in persons and how to hold true partner- factory in Ahmadi. When security sources raided the loca- ships between the countries to combat this expressed his happiness to participate in this Europe at the moment but their crisis is tion, they found 1020 filled bottles, 83 full liquor barrels, 8 crime. campaign “it is very important initiative, actually the impact that the European coun- full brewing barrels, 10 cooking gas cylinders, 60 packs of Erekat praised the Kuwait’s recently Trafficking in persons is a global challenge, tries that facing because of troubles within yeast and 45 sugar sacks. A case was filed and the sus- passed domestic workers’ law and noted there are 36 million people who suffer from North Africa and the Middle East, those who pects were referred to relevant authorities. that it will serve to help reduce trafficking in this, I’m happy that Kuwaiti government, are behind the criminal gangs who are take Kuwait. “Many people over the world have United Nations and the IOM are taking this money from people and putting them at risk no idea about the meaning of the human initiative very serious, and they have our full as we saw in international media, United Mubarak hospital death not negligence trafficking which is mean the recruitment, support and we will do anything we can do Kingdom we have a responsible to this com- High-raking medical sources recently denied social media sto- transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt because It has to be international efforts to munity, so we are taking this challenge very ries claiming that the death of citizen Abdullah Thamer Al- of persons, by mean od the threat or use of control it and it is a human cause.” He said. seriously as we can in terms of addressing Amer at Mubarak hospital was due to medical error and force or other forms of coercion, of abduc- About the hundreds dead Syrians in the media problem of refugees and those explained that he died from a lung clot. The sources tion, of fraud, or of the giving or receiving of Europe, Lodge said “There is a crisis in the who are trafficking them.” explained that the patient had been hospitalized to undergo payments which happened with the Syrians a sleeve gastric surgery after which he was in ICU for seven refugees now,” Erekat explained. days before he improved and moved to a normal hospital She added that the campaign came in Educational tablets bed. The sources added that the fatal lung clot was not relat- line with the first anniversary of the United ed to the surgery. Nations honoring of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah arrive at warehouse and giving him the title of “humanitarian 15 year old kidnapped, raped leader.” Sheikha Intisar Salem Al Ali Al Sabah, By Mesh’al Al-Enezi Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs, A Jahra police patrol recently suspected a 15 year old girl founder of the Al-Nowair initiative said that Sheikh Mohammed Al-Abdullah standing outside a shopping mall and on approaching shed light on the problem, such as traffick- KUWAIT: MOE yesterday announced the stressed the state’s keenness on taking her, the girl just burst into tears. The girl reported that ing in persons is a very important thing to arrival of tablets to the ministry’s ware- care of the youth and the future asset four people, including one she identified, had kidnapped do particularly since the advanced countries houses in Sabhan. The tablets are to be and leaders. Speaking on a special cere- and taken her to a desert area were they took turns rap- of the world has fought its advanced steps distributed to high school students by mony held on concluding KISR’s 38th ing her. The girl provided the police with a description of adding that the launch of Kuwait is an excel- the beginning of the school year. Summer Training Course (Alternative the person she knew and his vehicle. A case was filed and lent step for the rest of the developing world Notably, the warehouses have received Energy), Al-Abdullah highlighted the further investigations are in progress to indentify the sus- to be dealing with this phenomenon. 10,000 tablets pending the arrival of the significance of supporting youth and pects and arrest them. Al Sabah showed that everything is remaining ones to add up the total num- utilizing their potentials. changing, and this awareness campaigns are ber of tablets which are 81,151. very helpful in understanding the term of Lawyer to prosecute Maid beaten by sponsor Evacuation drill at Jaber Stadium Lawyer, Nawaf Al-Mutairi stressed An Asian house cleaner recently reported being assaulted by trafficking in persons that is unknown to In collaboration between the interior that he would prosecute the irresponsi- her sponsor and his wife while accompanying them abroad to many people and IOM is help them to deal ministry, KFSD and Kuwait Football ble policemen who killed officer Al-Marri a neighboring country, said security sources. The maid, who with this phenomenon, especially since Federation a memo of cooperation was and a relative of his during an arrest. He was escorted by an official from her country’s embassy, told Kuwait has always initiative on the humani- signed and a date was set to carry on an also said that he would prove that they Sabah Al-Salem policemen that she preferred to wait until tarian level. Meanwhile, the British evacuation drill at Jaber Stadium. killed them on purpose. returning to Kuwait to file a case against her sponsors. Ambassador to Kuwait Matthew Lodge FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 Obama to press Image of dead boy Turkey skeptical Saudi King on piles pressure Bangkok bomb ME 11conflicts on13 Cameron suspects18 are Turks

BUDAPEST: A migrant holds a crying boy out of a local train coming from Budapest and heading to the Austrian border, that has been stopped in Bicske, west of the Hungarian capital yesterday. — AFP Hungary blasts EU amid refugee chaos at train station Migrants scuffle as police try to break human gridlock

BUDAPEST: Hungary’s leader railed yesterday at camp!” in Arabic, some tried to flee on foot down terday in Brussels at a meeting between would be warned of what was to come. Germany and EU leaders for lacking urgency in the tracks, and one family sat down beside the European Union leaders and Hungary’s anti- Hungary’s parliament is expected to vote on dealing with Europe’s migrant crisis as chaos tracks and appealed to journalists for help. When immigrant prime minister, Viktor Orban. Hungary, Orban’s security and immigration reform meas- reigned back home, where migrants by the thou- police told the media to move off the tracks and which for months had done little to prevent asy- ures today. Lazar urged Germany to help ease the sands surged into Budapest’s main train station the family to move inside, the husband in appar- lum applicants from heading west, now says it situation at the Keleti train station, where an esti- after police ended their two-day blockade of its ent desperation lost emotional control. He threw won’t let more migrants deeper into Europe. mated 3,000 people have camped for days. entrance. his own wife and infant child onto the tracks, sat “We Hungarians are full of fear. People in Conditions have grown increasingly squalid In a swirl of confusion, excited migrants piled down beside them and started hitting himself in Europe are full of fear, because we see that despite the efforts of volunteers distributing into a newly arrived train at Keleti in the the head as he bemoaned Hungary’s unwilling- European leaders, among them the prime minis- water, food, medicine and disinfectants. Hungarian capital despite announcements in ness to let them travel west. ters, are not capable of controlling the situation,” Yesterday, an AP reporter saw one infant boy Hungarian and English that all services from the Police in helmets and body armor surrounded Orban said. Orban principally blamed Germany as beside his sleeping parents crawling onto the station to Western Europe had been canceled. A the prone family and lifted the man off of his wife he confirmed his government’s plan to send at pavement to eat breadcrumbs from the floor. statement on the main departures board said no and child. Officers handcuffed him as he whim- least 3,000 troops to Hungary’s southern border Nearby, an unattended toddler walked to a pile of more trains to Austria or Germany would depart pered, his chest down on the pavement, and car- with Serbia, where police patrols, razor-wire coils garbage, picking at discarded wrappers in search “due to safety reasons until further notice!” ried him away. The woman and infant were and a 13-foot (4-meter) fence already seek to of candy. “We would like Germany, where the Many migrants, who couldn’t understand escorted off the tracks but not detained. Other deter new arrivals. Orban’s top aide, Janos Lazar, migrants want to go, to pull its own weight,” either language and were receiving no advice migrants scuffled with police and forced their said 160,000 migrants had reached Hungary this Lazar said, suggesting the migrants go to the from Hungarian officials, piled aboard in a stand- way back on to the train’s carriages, where an year, nearly 90,000 of them since July 6. German Embassy in Budapest and apply for a ing-room-only crush and hoped for the best. hours-long standoff in the sweltering sun began. Orban said Hungary’s problem with migrants German entry visa. “We believe this is primarily an Instead, the train soon stopped northwest of Police delivered water to the migrants, but many was really “a German problem. Nobody would immigration crisis, not a refugee crisis, and in this Budapest in the town of Bicske, where dozens of tossed the bottles back, expressing fears that like to stay in Hungary. All of them would like to situation Europe can’t renounce defending its riot police stood waiting to escort the human car- police might have drugged the water and want- go to Germany.” borders,” Lazar told reporters in Parliament. go to one of the country’s major camps for asy- ed to sedate them. He vowed that Hungary would defend its bor- On Wednesday, migrants had threatened to lum seekers - an overcrowded, open-door facility ders by fingerprinting, photographing and walk the 105 miles (170 kilometers) to the that many of the migrants already had left days Human gridlock screening all migrants that cross into its territory. Austrian border if police wouldn’t let them board before. The question of how to defuse the human Once the proposed measures are passed in par- trains to their desired destinations in Austria and Disappointed migrants started chanting “No gridlock in Hungary was being hotly debated yes- liament, he said, migrants and smugglers alike Germany. — AP International11 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

IS claims Yemen mosque attack that killed 28

SANAA: A suicide bombing of a Shiite Sanaa. The militants said a bomb-laden vehi- that control Sanaa. Radical Sunni Muslim nearly 1.5 million have been driven from their mosque claimed by the Islamic State group cle parked nearby also exploded as medics group IS considers Shiites to be heretics and homes in the five-month war. killed at least 28 people in the Yemeni capital arrived on the scene, bringing the death toll has claimed similar bombings of other Shiite Wednesday, ratcheting up tensions ahead of to at least 28 people and wounding some 75 mosques in Sanaa as well as in Kuwait and ICRC staff ‘brutally’ killed the first White House summit between the more, according to medical officials. Saudi Arabia. Sunni power Saudi Arabia is Earlier on Wednesday, the International US and regional power Saudi Arabia. The An AFP reporter heard two loud explo- leading a coalition that has been bombing Committee of the Red Cross said a gunman bombing, the latest in a wave of killings sions followed by many sirens as ambulances the Iran-backed Huthis, which has driven the killed two of its employees in an “appalling” claimed by the militant Sunni group, came rushed to the scene. Body parts were blown rebels out of Yemen’s second city Aden and and “brutal” attack. The pair had been travel- hours after the Red Cross said a gunman several metres (yards) away from the scene four other southern provinces and is now ling north of Sanaa with two other colleagues killed two of its Yemeni employees in the and nearby buildings were damaged, wit- fighting for control of the third city of Taez. in vehicles “clearly” marked with the Red Cross war-torn country’s rebel-held north in a nesses said, adding that Huthi gunmen were US President Barack Obama is expected to emblem, said the Geneva-based ICRC. “deliberate” attack. deployed after the attack to set up new raise the campaign at the first, long-delayed “Sadly, two of our staff were brutally killed IS said a man identified as Qusai Al- checkpoints across the capital. The attack White House summit with Saudi Arabia’s King on their way back from Saada to Sanaa,” Sanaani blew himself up after sunset prayers was to “avenge Muslims against the Rafidah Salman today, particularly concerns over the spokeswoman Rima Kamal said. Saada is the inside the Al-Muayad mosque in the north- (Shiites),” IS said in a statement on Twitter. Its impact the bombing has had on civilians. northern stronghold of the Huthis, who are at ern Jarraf district, home to many senior fig- account was confirmed by, the Already 80 percent of Yemen’s population of war with loyalists of exiled President ures from the Shiite Huthi rebels that control website of the Iran-backed Shiite Huthi rebels 26 million are in desperate need of aid and Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi. — AFP

War stops 13m from going to school in Mideast, N Africa: UN

BEIRUT: Conflicts across the Middle East and North Africa are pre- venting more than 13 million children from attending school, leav- ing their hopes and futures shattered, the United Nations Children’s Fund said in a report issued yesterday. The UNICEF report “Education Under Fire” looked at the impact of violence on schoolchildren in nine territories, including Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya where a generation is growing up outside of the education system. “It’s no coincidence in that what we see in terms of our TV pictures, the tragic pictures of people crossing on boats to Greece and Italy, very much comes back to the Syrian conflict and (to) the Iraqi conflict to a lesser extent,” UNICEF regional director Peter Salama said. Refugees often say the education of their children is their top priority, he said, and many countries in the region simply are not able to provide that basic human right. The study also looked at Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey - countries neighbouring Syria and hosting large numbers of refugees, as well as Sudan and the Palestinian Territories. Attacks on schools are one of the main reasons why many children cannot go to classes while many such buildings are now being used to shelter displaced fami- lies or are used as bases for combatants, UNICEF said. In Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya alone, nearly 9,000 schools are unable to be used for education, the report said. Thousands of teachers across the region have abandoned their posts in fear, which has also stopped WASHINGTON: US Secretary of State John Kerry (right) gestures as he meets with Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Adel parents from sending their children to school, it added. Countries Al-Jubeir at the State Department in Washington on Wednesday. —AP hosting refugees are struggling to get children into schools because their education systems were never created to absorb such num- bers, Salama said. “Everyone is basically straining at the seams in terms of dealing Obama to press Saudi King with this massive crisis, which is not surprising given that it is the biggest population movement since World War Two,” he said. Children out of school can end up working illegally, often being on conflicts in Syria, Yemen breadwinners for their family. They are vulnerable to exploitation and can be more easily recruited into armed groups, he said. UNICEF’s research shows children are increasingly becoming Salman’s inaugural visit to US as King crucial combatants from a younger age, Salama said, while students and teachers have been killed, kidnapped and arrested. WASHINGTON: US President Barack equates to turning a blind eye to Iran’s Both Washington and Riyadh would like “We’re on the verge of losing an entire generation of children in Obama will host Saudi Arabia’s King Salman activities. These meetings normally end in to see an end to Syria’s brutal civil war and the Middle East and North Africa. We must step up, otherwise it will in their first and long-delayed White House “some kind of public statement that puts as see leader Bashar al-Assad pushed from be irreversible and long-term damage we’ve collectively inflicted summit today, with clashing views on positive a spin as possible on the meeting,” power. But Saudi Arabia’s backing for upon the children of this region.” — Reuters Middle Eastern crises coming to the fore. said Anthony Cordesman of the Center for opposition groups like Jaysh al-Islam, an Salman’s inaugural visit as king-originally Strategic and International Studies. amalgam of factions that include hardline scheduled for May and cancelled by This meeting “is unlikely to be an excep- Islamists, has concerned the White House. Riyadh-has been billed as a way of reinforc- tion,” he said. “Both nations are close strate- Riyadh views Sunni fighters as a coun- ing US-Saudi relations. gic partners in spite of their differences and terbalance to the Iranian-backed Shia mili- But behind public statements of part- both states need each other.” Differences tias helping prop up Assad. “The Kingdom nership, the meeting looks likely to be over Iran have exacerbated tensions sees the conflict against the Iranian-sup- dominated by disagreements on Syria and between the United States and Saudi ported Assad regime as an extension of the Yemen as well as lingering doubts about Arabia over the crises in Syria and Yemen. wider Persian-Arab rivalry” said Simon the nuclear deal with Iran. Saudi Arabia Henderson of the Washington Institute for publicly voiced tepid support for the Iran Common view Near East Policy. That rivalry is also manifest deal, but privately expressed grave misgiv- In Syria, the White House wants to make in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia began ings that the nuclear agreement may legit- sure both countries “have a common view” bombing soon after Salman and his son imize their arch-foe Iran. Obama has now on which Syrian opposition groups get sup- and defense minister, Crown Prince won enough votes to push the deal port, according to senior Obama foreign Muhammad, came to power. The United through Congress, easing the need for pub- policy aide Ben Rhodes. “We are looking to States has supported the effort to oust lic Saudi endorsement. isolate more extremist elements of the Iranian-backed rebels, but has repeatedly SANAA: Smoke rises after an airstrike by the Saudi-led But the White House would still like to opposition, that’s been an ongoing conver- warned about the impact the fighting has coalition in Sanaa yesterday. —AP assuage Saudi concerns that the deal sation with Saudi Arabia,” he said. had on civilians.— AFP International FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

Europe ‘cannot just get emotional:’ Italian PM

ROME: Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi a little boy lying face down in the sand near deal with vast numbers of fresh arrivals in the asylum seekers, with the number expected to said yesterday that Europe could not just lim- Bodrum, one of Turkey’s prime tourist resorts, Mediterranean, Germany-Europe’s biggest quadruple to 800,000 this year. Interior it itself to an emotional reaction to pictures of before being picked up by a police officer. economy-has become the top destination for Minister Thomas de Maiziere has said asylum-seekers dying, but had to act. “Europe The hashtag “KiyiyaVuranInsanlik” refugees. Germany can cope with such a surge this year cannot just get emotional,” Renzi said in a (“Humanity washed ashore”) made it to European Union President Donald Tusk but not in the longer term. press conference with Maltese counterpart Twitter’s top world trending topics after the urged member states yesterday to take in at The poll on the “Fears of the Germans” Joseph Muscat, after a photograph of a tod- image was widely shared. “Today it’s every- least 100,000 refugees to ease the pressure. for R+V insurance firm was conducted dler’s lifeless body washed ashore on a one’s problem and we appeal for people to But EU leaders have already rejected manda- before that drastically revised forecast Turkish beach shocked the continent. be rational. The emergency can only be man- tory quotas way below 100,000, agreeing became public so the number of Germans “Faced with these images which tear and aged with a strategic vision,” Renzi said. Italy only at a summit in June to the voluntary harboring concerns about the refugee crisis move the hearts of every father, we must be has joined Germany and France in calling for relocation of 32,000 from Syria and Eritrea, would probably have been far higher had it aware that we need a global strategy and an overhaul of laws on the right to asylum short even of the target of 40,000 set by the been conducted later, political scientist Europe cannot lose face”, he said. ahead of an informal meeting of EU foreign European Commission in May. Half of Manfred Schmidt said. “We have had many European leaders ministers in Luxembourg on Friday and Germans are concerned the surging number Germans in the former Communist who have been moved emotionally. It is Saturday. Rome has long urged an EU immi- of asylum seekers in the country is over- east, where unemployment is generally good that the world’s attention is drawn to gration policy and the creation of an EU asy- whelming them and authorities, a survey higher than in the west and the far-right what we are living through. But it’s not our lum law-something that would require the showed yesterday, underlining widespread has a stronger grip, are more worried duty to react with emotion, but to solve prob- reform of existing legislation to ease the bur- unease about the country’s ability to cope that Germany will be overburdened than lems”, he insisted. The Italian PM was speak- den on countries on the front-line of the cri- with an unprecedented influx. Germany is their western counterparts, the poll ing a day after the release of images showing sis. While Italy and Greece are struggling to the European Union’s biggest recipient of showed. — Agencies NATO opens military center in Lithuania amid Ukraine crisis

VILNIUS, Lithuania: Fighter jets roaring overhead, NATO yesterday inaugurated a military center in the Lithuanian capital amid growing concerns in the Baltic countries over Russia’s military presence. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, who joined Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite for the opening ceremony, described the new unit as a “big step forward toward greater solidarity, greater strength and greater readiness.” The NATO force integration unit in Vilnius is one of six small head- quarters - manned by some 40 staff each - that opened this month in Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Romania, as part of the alliance’s biggest reinforcement of collective defense since the end of the Cold War. Grybauskaite welcomed the new units, saying they would ensure the quick and effective movement of troops. “And they help send a very clear message - no NATO ally stands alone,” she said, PARIS: Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny (left) meets French President Francois Hollande (right), at the Elysee presidential pointing to Russian aggression in Ukraine as threatening the security Palace in Paris yesterday.— AFP of Europe. “This is why we have decided to bolster our security.” Lithuania and its Baltic neighbors, Latvia and Estonia, were occu- pied for nearly five decades by the Soviet Union. After regaining Shooting exposes holes at independence in 1991 they joined the European Union and NATO in 2004, but continue to be suspicious of Moscow’s intentions. Earlier this year, Lithuania distributed wartime survival manuals to heart of N Ireland peace deal schools across the country a 98-page booklet with advice on building basement shelters to handling hostage dramas and evacuating from fighting zones. It also organized survival camps for families, teaching IRA-linked shooting sparks political stand-off them to shoot and how to survive in war zones and threatening situ- ations. In February, the government restored compulsory military BELFAST: When masked gunmen linked violence paved the way for a power-shar- after the 1998 peace deal, the compulsory service for men aged 19 to 27, but is reconsidering the measure after to the Irish Republican Army (IRA) opened ing government. coalition of bitter rivals that took a decade a flood of applications from volunteers wanting to serve in the armed fire on a former member outside his The junior pro-British party, the Ulster to establish any sort of a stable devolved forces, expected to reach 3,000 by the end of the year. —AP Belfast home last month, they blew a hole Unionists said it could no longer work with government has not moved on with the in the already tattered agreement holding Sinn Fein, and quit. The larger Democratic same speed. the British province together. The 1998 Unionist Party threatened to follow and is Since 2012 disagreements over power-sharing deal ended three decades currently in talks about starting formal parades, flags and social welfare reform of tit-for-tat killings between Catholic Irish talks. Analysts say an admission by Sinn have created stalemate, forcing the nationalists who want the province to Fein that a demilitarized IRA exists or the repeated intervention of international unite with Ireland and their Protestant creation of an independent monitoring mediators and the British and Irish govern- rivals that killed 3,600, but the forced coali- group might defuse the stand-off. But fail- ments. “It just lurches from one crisis to tion has struggled amid intensifying sec- ure would result in the collapse of the another without providing much real gov- tarian bickering in recent years. executive, forcing a return to direct rule ernance,” said Maire Braniff, a lecturer at The police said the gun attack showed from London that Sinn Fein Deputy Leader the University of Ulster. On Tuesday, that the IRA, responsible for around half of Martin McGuinness says would “create a Cameron was asked by the DUP to sus- those deaths, was still active, infuriating vacuum that would be exploited by vio- pend parliament for a month to facilitate one pro-British party which pulled out of lent elements on all sides.” talks to solve the latest impasse. the grand coalition. The other is threaten- Commentators say there appears little But Catholics living in the Short Strand ing to follow even though Sinn Fein, the appetite among either side for a return to and Protestants on the union-jack lined political party associated with the IRA, says violence, but analysts say it is unlikely streets that surround it were less than the IRA has “left the stage”. British Prime Minster David Cameron or enthused at the prospect of a new round “The situation has been deteriorating Irish counterpart Enda Kenny would take of crisis talks. since 2012. Something has to change,” the risk. While some of a dozen people inter- said Neil Jarman director of the Institute “Neither government has displayed a viewed voiced anger at politicians from for Conflict Research, a Belfast-based think great deal of interest, but this may concen- rival communities, most said more funda- tank. “Things were barely working before trate minds,” said Margaret O’Callaghan, mental change was needed. “It’s not that I this killing.” The latest crisis began when Senior Lecturer in Politics at Queens want to be ruled by Westminster... but I’ve former IRA member Kevin McGuigan was University in Belfast. “Neither government yet to meet anyone who would speak well VILNIUS: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) shot dead at his house in the Irish national- can afford to let it fail.” of Stormont (Belfast’s parliament), that General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg (left) and Lithuanian ist Short Strand estate in east Belfast. would miss it if it was to go,” said Eamon, a President Dalia Grybauskaite attend the opening ceremo- The attack forced police to admit to an “FROM ONE CRISIS TO ANOTHER” 63-year-old Catholic council worker in the ny of the NATO Force Integration Unit (NFIU) in Vilnius open secret that the IRA still exists in some While only a sporadic campaign of vio- Short Strand, who declined to give his sur- yesterday. — AFP form a decade after their relinquishing of lence by small splinter groups remains name. — Reuters International FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

Family of drowned Image of dead boy piles Syrian boy wanted to come to Canada pressure on Cameron LONDON: British Prime Minister David OTTAWA: The family of a Syrian boy whose dead body Cameron came under pressure yesterday washed up on a Turkish beach had been trying to emigrate to to take in more refugees after the image of Canada, a report said yesterday. a dead Syrian toddler washed up on a The bleak image of the lifeless toddler lying face down in Turkish beach raised the emotional tem- the sand has become a poignant image of the plight of Syrian perature of the debate. Cameron said on refugees and quickly went viral Wednesday. He was believed Wednesday that he did not think the to be one of at least 12 migrants answer was to take more and more who died trying to reach Greece refugees but to bring peace and stability when their boats sank in Turkish to the Middle East, a response widely per- waters. ceived as inadequate in the face of the The Ottawa Citizen reported unfolding tragedy. that the sister of the boy’s “Mr Cameron, summer is over ... Now father-reportedly the only sur- deal with the biggest crisis facing Europe vivor of the family of four-were since WW2,” read a headline on the front the “subject of a ‘G5’ privately page of the Sun, Britain’s highest-selling sponsored refugee application” newspaper, above the image of the lifeless that Canada’s immigration boy being carried away. The change of authorities rejected in June. tone from a newspaper criticized by the United Nations rights chief in April after “I was trying to sponsor one of its columnists compared migrants them and I have my friends and to “cockroaches”, was a mark of the emo- my neighbors who helped me tional impact of the images of human suf- with the bank deposits, but we fering across Europe. Nicola Blackwood MUGLA: Abdullah Kurdi, couldn’t get them out, and that was among several members of parlia- 40, father of Syrian boys is why they went in the boat,” ment from Cameron’s Conservative Party Aylan, 3, and Galip, 5, the newspaper quoted Teema who spoke out in favor of a more compas- who were washed up Kurdi, a Vancouver hairdresser, sionate stance from the government. LONDON: The front pages of some of Britain’s daily newspapers showing an drowned on a beach as saying. “I was even paying “We cannot be the generation that fails image of the body of Syrian three-year-old boy Aylan are pictured in London, near Turkish resort of rent for them in Turkey, but it is this test of humanity. We must do all we yesterday. — AFP Bodrum on Wednesday, horrible the way they treat can,” she tweeted. Her colleague Nadhim waits for the of Syrians there.” Zahawi also took to Twitter to express his European countries have taken in Syrians was very distressed when I saw it myself their bodies outside a Kurdi emigrated to Canada feelings about the dead Syrian boy: “Pic in greater numbers. this morning, that poor boy lying dead on morgue in Mugla, more than 20 years ago, should make us all ashamed. We have the beach,” Osborne said. Turkey, yesterday. —AP according to the paper. Ahead failed in Syria. I am sorry little angel, RIP.” “CAN AND MUST DO MORE” “What we need to do to help those des- of October 19 elections, the Britain has granted asylum to about As the outpouring of emotion over the perate families is break up the criminal struggle of Syrian refugees took center stage on the 5,000 Syrians who were able to reach the dead toddler put the government on the gangs who traffick in people and led to Canadian campaign trail Wednesday, with Prime Minister country by their own means since the start defensive, Chancellor George Osborne that boy’s death, beat ISIS which is the Stephen Harper insisting he would do more if his Tories are of the Syrian war. In addition, it has taken appeared on television to express sympa- thing they’re fleeing, we’ve got to make re-elected. —AFP 216 people under a UN-backed relocation thy and defend what he called Britain’s sure the aid is going there to help those scheme for vulnerable Syrians. Several “leading role” in responding to the crisis. “I families.” —Reuters International14 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

Pondering campaign, Biden sticks close to Obama

MIAMI: Vice President Joe Biden is present- Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton donors who attended the event. The donors, Biden said, citing the courage of older stu- ing himself as a natural heir to President and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose who spoke on condition of anonymity to dis- dents who go back to school to learn new Barack Obama’s policies, previewing his message emphasizing the need to redress cuss Biden’s remarks at the private fundraiser, skills and pursue advanced degrees. Biden is potential pitch to voters as explores a possi- growing economic inequality has been draw- said the vice president spoke of the need to expected to make a decision within a month. ble presidential run during a trip to Florida. ing large crowds to campaign events. elect more Democrats to the Senate and Democrats close to the vice president have Biden planned to outline the Obama admin- Clinton has locked up much of the offered a lengthy defense of the Obama said his recent discussions have focused on istration’s role in brokering a nuclear agree- Democratic establishment and few expected administration’s nuclear deal with Iran. whether his family would be ready to pursue ment with Iran during a meeting with Jewish Biden to enter the race. But Clinton’s recent a third presidential campaign only months leaders on Thursday morning. It would follow slide in primary polls and questions sur- Interpretation after the death of the vice president’s son, a robust defense of Obama’s work to address rounding her use of a private email account Earlier, Biden brushed off shouted ques- former Delaware Attorney General Beau middle-class economics and college afford- and server while at the State Department tions from reporters on whether he plans to Biden. The preparations have also centered ability during a Wednesday stop at a Miami have prompted Biden’s deliberations. In seek the presidency, but offered up one on whether Biden might have a plausible community college. As Biden considers a late Miami, Biden raised money for the Senate piece of advice at Miami Dade College that path to victory after Clinton and Sanders entry into the Democratic primaries, he faces Democrats’ campaign arm but did not was ripe for interpretation. “People who have been campaigning and raising money a field that has been dominated by former address his 2016 plans, according to two aren’t willing to risk failing never succeed,” since last spring. — AP

Obama uses Arctic voyage to call attention to climate change

KOTZEBUE, Alaska: President Barack Obama closed out his Alaska tour with a trip Wednesday to the tiny town of Kotzebue, becoming the first sitting US president to set foot in the Alaska Arctic - part of a wider effort to command attention to the issue of climate change. But Obama had to walk a fine line in a state that’s deeply depend- ent on energy revenues and wary of his efforts to keep its oil and gas in the ground. “I’ve been trying to make the rest of the country more aware of a changing climate, but you’re already living it,” Obama told some 1,000 Alaskans in this rough-and-tumble town 26 miles (40 kilometers) north of the Arctic Circle. The three-day trip to Alaska marked Obama’s most concerted campaign yet to call attention to climate change and build pressure on individuals and leaders to do something about it. Just three months from now, Obama and world leaders hope to finalize a global climate treaty in Paris that Obama hopes will be a crowning achievement for his environmental legacy. Yet Obama’s previous calls to action on climate change have fallen short of winning over many of his critics, including energy advocates who say his sweeping new emissions limits on power plants are neither necessary nor economi- cally viable. His search for executive steps to cut emissions has reflect- ed the political reality that Congress has no appetite for new laws to cut emissions. On this trip, as in the past, the White House put a partic- ular emphasis on trying to get Obama’s message across to audiences who don’t follow the news through traditional means.

Natural wonders BOSTON: A billboard proclaims the teachings of Islam near the Massachusetts Avenue Exit of I-93 north in Boston. — AP As he crisscrossed the state, every stop was elaborately staged to showcase the president in front of picture-perfect natural wonders, as the White House sought to attract as much media attention as possi- US Muslims hope billboards ble. Obama seemed willing to use himself almost as a prop, in hopes that his message on global warming might break through in ways that speeches and policy proposals don’t. In Seward, he trekked up to the reclaim Islam’s message famed Exit Glacier, lamenting how the expansive river of ice had reced- ed by hundreds of feet in recent years as it melts under warmer tem- peratures. He boarded a boat for a three-hour tour of Resurrection Bay NY-based body erects 100 billboards over summer in the Kenai Peninsula, where the White House arranged for photogra- phers and reporters to pull up alongside him in a separate boat, cap- BOSTON: Dozens of billboards with Muslim The perpetrators wrongfully understood unteers for ICNA in Boston, said some callers turing stirring images of the president gazing out wistfully from the themes are sprouting nationwide, proclaim- the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad vent and “spew hatred.” But after speaking to deck at serene waters and lush mountain vistas. — AP ing what organizers say is the true message (PBUH), Baig said, and the American Muslim a knowledgeable person on the hotline, of Islam and its prophet Muhammad (PBUH): community wanted to reclaim the message. “oftentimes their approach becomes softer Peace and justice, not extremism and vio- As for whether the campaign would face a and they’re more keen to learn more,” he lent jihad. The New York-based Islamic Circle tougher audience in Boston, with the 2013 said. Wilherm Edward, a non-Muslim who of North America has erected 100 billboards Boston Marathon bombings still fresh in works at an auto parts store situated near one over the summer that feature statements many people’s minds, Baig said: “That’s the of the three Boston billboards, said he thinks such as: “Muhammad believed in peace, whole point of the campaign; there are the campaign is a great idea. Edward’s line of social justice, women’s rights” and extremists in all communities.” Muslim broth- work, he said, exposes him to people from all “Muhammad always taught love, not hate; ers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev carried walks of life, including Muslims. peace, not violence.” Also listed are a web- out the attack at the marathon finish line that “All the ones I’ve seen, they’re all good site and a phone number people can call for killed three people and wounded more than people,” he said. While praising the billboard more information. 260 others. Prosecutors said the bombings campaign as a “laudable effort,” the leader of They are in cities including Boston; New were intended to punish the US for its wars in Boston’s biggest mosque said his institution York; Phoenix; San Diego; El Paso and Austin, Muslim countries. prefers to take a different approach. “We feel Texas; Memphis, Tennessee; Cleveland; Las “As a Muslim, it hurts me when I see our actions speak louder than words,” said Vegas; Milwaukee; North Bergen, New someone abusing my faith, abusing the Yusufi Vali, executive director of the Islamic ; Portland, Oregon; Harrisburg, teachings of the prophet,” Baig said. He sees Society of Boston Cultural Center. The group Pennsylvania; Denver; and Calgary, Alberta. those who resort to violence “as people who aims to live the faith’s values through its food The group’s president, Naeem Baig, said the are lost, who have no direction in their life, pantry and its work on affordable housing KOTZEBUE: US President Barack Obama holds a puppy idea for the campaign arose after January people who have their own challenges in and criminal justice, Vali said. “People appre- while visiting musher John Baker (right) and his family in attacks in Paris by Islamist militants on the their life, who are using faith as an excuse.” ciate your being real a lot more than the mes- Kotzebue, Alaska on Wednesday. Obama blazed a new French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo and a saging and marketing,” Vali added. “I think trail as US leader, becoming the first to head above the kosher grocery store killed 17 people, plus Great idea the way we change people’s hearts is Arctic circle, to urge US citizens to take swift action the three attackers. Bilal Siddiqui, a college student who vol- through our actions and deeds.” — AP against climate change. — AFP International15 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

Vigil held for Illinois police officer nearing retirement

FOX LAKE, Ill: Charles Joseph Gliniewicz was was her “best friend, my hero, the love of my on the brink of retiring after a 30-year career life for the last 26 and half years.” in law enforcement. At 52, the tattooed A minister, Mike Johnson, said Gliniewicz police officer with a shaved head could still died serving the community and was about be tough and intimidating if the job called for helping others. He asked the crowd who it. But he also had a sweet side that endeared among them would replace him. him to the suburban Chicago village he had Earlier Wednesday, longtime friend served for decades, a place where he was a Tammy Rivette wiped away tears as she constant presence at community events and remembered the father of four sons who was a role model. Now the people of Fox Lake are “always helping people” and “always fair.” mourning the officer known affectionately as “Even the criminals liked him,” she said. “G.I. Joe” after he detoured on his way to Mayor Donny Schmit, a close friend for three work to pursue three suspicious men into a decades, recalled how when Gliniewicz swamp. He ended up with a fatal gunshot would respond after being told something: wound and died Tuesday. “Roger that.” Hundreds of people gathered at a Fox “Every morning he said he was vertical Lake park late Wednesday for a vigil in mem- and caffeinated. These are the things about FOX LAKE, ILL: Residents and police from Fox Lake and surrounding com- ory of Gliniewicz. Joe I’m going to miss,” the mayor said. munities line the street as the family of slain Fox Lake police officer Lt Joe The officer’s widow, Melanie Gliniewicz, Rivette once sought help when someone Gliniewicz leave a vigil held in his honor on September 2, 2015 in Fox Lake, took to a stage in Lakefront Park surrounded appeared to be stalking her niece. Gliniewicz Illinois. — AFP by her sons. She thanked the people attend- contacted the man and “had a nice long chat ing the vigil and those offering their support with him,” she remembered. officer sometime after he radioed that he had still in the area. There were other tributes and prayers. “My world got a little bit smaller “And it ended right there,” she said. On started a foot pursuit. Authorities broadened across Fox Lake, a village of 10,000 people with his passing, and he will truly be missed Wednesday, police continued searching for the search even as they acknowledged that encircled by lakes and forest preserves about by all of us,” she said, adding her husband the three suspects believed to have shot the they had no indication the assailants were 55 miles north of Chicago. — AP

No charges against officer in Washington police shooting Guatemala president quits

OLYMPIA, Washington: A prosecutor won’t seek criminal charges against a police officer in Washington state who shot and injured two amid corruption probe men accused of repeatedly threatening the officer during a late night encounter. The two men are being charged with assault. At a news con- ference Wednesday, Thurston County Prosecutor Jon Tunheim said Decision after judge orders Molina’s arrest Officer Ryan Donald “had an actual, good faith fear that he was being assaulted and that he could suffer serious injury as a result of that GUATEMALA CITY: Guatemalan President ing a comedian with no political experience, a investigation under way into the president’s assault” during the May 21 encounter on a dark Olmpia street. Otto Perez Molina has resigned in the face of a former first lady and the daughter of an ex-dic- possible involvement in the fraud ring. The “I don’t find any evidence at all that he had a malicious intent or an corruption scandal that has brought his gov- tator accused of genocide. If none of the can- president’s attorney, Cesar Calderon, told The unlawful intent at the time that he used this force,” he said. Tunheim’s ernment to the brink, a spokesman said early didates reaches 50 percent, a runoff will be Associated Press that Perez Molina will decision comes following the completion of an investigation of the yesterday. held Oct. 25. The country’s reaction was initial- appear voluntarily as soon as they have con- shooting conducted by a team of detectives from several agencies. Spokesman Jorge Ortega said Perez Molina ly quiet as the news played out in the middle firmed the order was issued. Perez Molina Donald has been on administrative leave since the shooting that submitted his resignation at midnight of the night. The order to detain Perez Molina was already under order not to leave the injured Bryson Chaplin, 21, and Andre Thompson, 24. “But for the hos- Wednesday local time after a judge issued an is not for his arrest, rather to for him to declare country, and on Tuesday congress lifted his tile acts of Mr Chaplin and Mr Thompson, these shootings would not order to detain him in the customs fraud case, before Judge Miguel Angel Galvea, who grant- immunity from prosecution. The corruption have occurred,” Tunheim said. The men will appear in court Sept. 22. which already has led to the jailing of his vice ed the request Wednesday from Attorney scandal, uncovered by prosecutors and a UN Chaplin has been charged with two counts of felony assault against president, and the resignation of several cabi- General Thelma Aldana. The president will commission probing criminal networks in Donald, and one count of misdemeanor assault against a Safeway clerk net ministers who withdrew their support for have to appear on accusations of illicit associa- Guatemala, involved a scheme known as “La he is accused of throwing beer at. Thompson has been charged with the president. His resignation, the first by a tion, fraud and receiving bribe money. Linea,” or “The Line,” in which businesspeople two counts of felony assault against Donald. Guatemalan president, is not effective until No formal charges have been filed, paid bribes to avoid import duties through The men’s attorney, David Beninger, has previously said Chaplin is Congress accepts it and names a new presi- though Aldana said there is a preliminary the customs agency. — Reuters currently paralyzed from the waist down. Beninger did not immediately dent. They were to convene early yesterday respond to an email seeking comment about the charges against his morning to do so. clients. Donald, who is white, encountered the two men, brothers who A growing protest movement had brought Judge may set murder trial in are both black, after being called in on a report of an attempt to together Guatemalans from all walks of life beer from a grocery store by two men carrying skateboards. Police offi- demanding that Perez Molina step down. San Francisco pier shooting cials have said race was not a factor, but the shooting set off a series of Business leaders and even Catholic church offi- protests in Olympia, the state capital. Saxon Rodgers, an attorney for cials had called for Perez Molina to resign in SAN FRANCISCO: A San Francisco judge is debate over US immigration policy and the Donald, said his client was elated by the news, but he’s upset that he’s recent weeks as the investigation of the cus- deciding whether to schedule a murder trial so-called “sanctuary city” policies of hun- been portrayed as a racist. “He shot these people because they toms fraud ring has grown wider and hit more for a Mexican national deported from the dreds of municipalities across the country. attacked him,” Rodgers said. — AP officials. Perez Molina was steadfast in his plan United States five times before shooting a The San Francisco Sheriff’s Department to stay until the judge’s unprecedented order, young woman - a death that became the released Lopez-Sanchez from jail after local dealing the most serious blow yet to focus of the national immigration debate. A prosecutors dropped a 20-year-old marijua- entrenched political corruption in the Central preliminary hearing on the matter was na possession charge. Lopez-Sanchez, 45, American country. Ortega told reporters that scheduled to resume in San Francisco. A was released despite a federal request to in the end, Perez Molina submitted his resigna- judge could also decide to schedule a mur- detain him further so immigration officials tion “to maintain the institution of the presi- der trial. could decide whether to start deportation dency and resolve on his own the legal pro- Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez has plead- proceedings for the sixth time. ceedings leveled against him.” ed not guilty to murder charges, though he San Francisco and some 300 other cities Perez Molina, 64, has maintained his inno- admits to firing the shot that killed Kathryn and counties have passed local laws of non- cence. Vice President Alejandro Maldonado is Steinle, while she was on an evening stroll cooperation with federal immigration offi- constitutionally in line to assume the presiden- with her father. Lopez-Sanchez said the cials seeking to detain jail inmates suspected cy. Maldonado, a conservative lawyer and for- shooting was an accident. He said he found to be in the country illegally. mer Constitutional Court judge, was chosen to a .40 caliber semiautomatic pistol under a San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi said replace former Vice President Roxana Baldetti, bench on San Francisco’s Pier 14. He said the he was following city law when the jail who resigned May 8 because of the same gun accidentally fired when he picked it up. released Lopez-Sanchez. Kathryn Steinle’s scandal and is now jailed and facing charges. Ballistics experts testified last week that family and their attorneys filed three sepa- She too maintains her innocence. the shot ricocheted off the concrete walk- rate legal claims seeking unspecified dam- way and fatally struck Steinle in the back. ages from the BLM, San Francisco Sheriff’s WASHINGTON: Protesters chant and hold signs outside Maldonado would likely remain in office until the winner of upcoming elections is inau- The gun was stolen from a Bureau of Land Department and the US Department of Olympia City Hall on Wednesday, after the release of an Management ranger when his car was bur- Homeland Security. The three agencies investigation earlier in the day into the shooting of two gurated Jan. 14, 2016. The first round is on Sunday, pitting a wealthy businessman and glarized in downtown San Francisco in June. declined to comment on the claims, which black men earlier this year in Olympia by a white police The incident touched off an international are precursors to lawsuits. — AP officer that found the shootings to be justified. — AP politician against 13 other candidates, includ- International16 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 Tamil named open leader in Sri Lanka

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka’s parliament yes- first ethnic minority opposition leader parliament in his debut speech as probe alleged war crimes during the terday named an ethnic minority Tamil since 1983, when Tamil legislators opposition leader. “We will support the final phase of the war. The UN last year politician as the main opposition resigned en masse to protest against a government on all issues, where such passed a resolution calling for an inter- leader for the first time in 32 years, a law that compelled them to denounce support is justified.” Sampanthan is a national probe on the alleged human sign of growing reconciliation in the separatism. Parliament’s speaker lawyer who was first elected to the par- rights abuses. The outcome of the UN nation following the end of a bloody accepted Sampanthan as the main liament in 1977. His party, the former investigation will be released at the UN civil war. The majority of the nation’s opposition leader after loyalists to for- political proxy of the Tamil Tiger insur- Human Rights Council session later this population belongs to the Sinhalese mer president Mahinda Rajapaksa were gents, backed Maithripala Sirisena in month. The new Sri Lankan govern- community and the minority Tamils divided on whether they should sup- the January presidential elections ment has agreed to a domestic war have alleged persecution by the gov- port the government or be in opposi- defeating Rajapaksa, who ordered a crimes probe and the US, which spon- ernment since the uprising of Tamil tion. bloody offensive that ended the Tamil sored three successive UN resolutions Tiger separatists three decades ago. “We will oppose the government on insurgency in 2009. against Sri Lanka, last week said it Rajavarothiam Sampanthan, 83, the all issues, where it is in the national The previous government refused would support a domestic process if it head of Tamil National Alliance, is the interest to do so,” Sampanthan told to acknowledge Tamils’ request to is credible. — Reuters India’s top ‘sexpert’ still telling it straight at 91 More women seeking his daily dose of advice

MUMBAI: A 91-year-old Indian “sexpert” instead of common euphemisms, has ‘It’s Normal!’ whose popular tabloid column has helped fill a void in a country where sex But the nonagenarian has remained drawn both fans and critics with its education is controversial and often undeterred. “People who read it are more straight-talking approach, provides a non-existent. knowledgeable about sex, which is very lifeline to readers in what remains a con- “There are many states in India which wise because you can get into a lot of servative society bereft of proper sex don’t have sex education in schools so trouble,” Watsa said, referring to the risk education. And although most of his young people are left all on their own of unwanted pregnancies or sexually queries still come from men, Mahinder and there is a lot of confusion,” Watsa transmitted diseases. He takes a caring Watsa told AFP that more women are explained. “The point is, where do peo- tone with women’s concerns but is now seeking his daily dose of advice in ple get their knowledge from? Even renowned for his witty and sometimes the Mumbai Mirror. today most doctors in India are not very sarcastic replies to certain readers’ “When I first started writing ‘Ask the experienced in dealing with sexuality queries. Sexpert’, almost none of the letters I problems.” He also doesn’t hesitate to give short received were from women but now it’s Watsa pioneered the teaching of sex shrift to some, particularly men asking MUMBAI: In this photograph taken on March 15, around 30 percent,” said Watsa, India’s education through his work with the how they can prove a wife-to-be has not 2012, Indo-Canadian Bollywood actress Sunny Leone leading sexologist, who gets about 80 Family Planning Association of India had sex before. “My family is demanding attends the ‘Global Indian Film and TV Honors queries a day. “At the beginning women before starting his column, but has faced that I get married. How can I ascertain if Awards 2012’. — AFP weren’t so frank but now they are opposition from conservative elements the girl is a virgin?” read one question. expressing themselves in ways that they in the country. He said he had encoun- Watsa replied: “I suggest you don’t get Rape comment over never used to. Women are becoming tered “resistance” to his workshops in married. Unless you appoint detectives, there is no way to find out. Spare any advert sparks anger poor girl of your suspicious mind.” “Sometimes you have to be a little harsh NEW DELHI: An Indian politician came under fire yesterday for in how you say it and make them feel a lit- saying a condom advert starring a well-known porn star would tle angry with you,” Watsa explained. trigger a hike in rapes, in the latest controversial remark over sexu- “When they feel angry they start think- al violence. Atul Kumar Anjan, Communist Party of India national ing and when they start thinking they secretary, told a rally on Tuesday the adverts featuring Indo- start to improve.” The majority of the Canadian Sunny Leone should be banned for “developing sexuali- emails that Watsa receives are from men ty and ruining sensibilities”. expressing concerns about masturbation- “If condom ads like this are shown on Indian television and in whether it leads to hair loss is a common newspapers, then rape incidents will rise,” Anjan told the crowd in theme — and how to stop premature northern Uttar Pradesh state. “This must be stopped,” he said. ejaculation. Some letters are bizarre, such Women’s groups slammed the comments as ignorant as a back- as the man who asked if it was okay to lash against Anjan spiraled on social media in India. cheat on his wife with his pet goat, but Although the communist party plays a minor role in national Watsa insists the handful that are printed politics, the comments fuel concerns of a lack of awareness in the newspaper every day are genuine. among politicians on causes of sexual violence against scores of “A lot of people think it’s made up but women. “Comrade - rape is caused by men’s sense of entitlement I tell them that I can’t even think of some and lack of concern for women’s autonomy and consent. Not by of the questions that come in,” he told pornography, naked women or any other ‘provocation’,” AFP. “I’ve been doing this for a long time, women’s activist Kavita Krishnan posted on her Facebook page. so I can tell pretty quickly whether some- The fatal gang-rape of a student on a moving bus in New Delhi one is trying to pull my leg.” The sex ther- in December 2012 sparked a massive public outcry and led to apist has just released a book entitled “It’s tougher laws for sexual offenders. But India’s politicians have also Normal!” and is something of a celebrity been accused of trivializing such crimes. A former chief minister of MUMBAI: In this photo taken on July 24, 2015, Indian ‘sex columnist” in Mumbai with his own Facebook fan northern Uttar Pradesh state, Mulayam Singh, triggered outrage Mahinder Watsa talks to AFP during an interview. — AFP page, but he’s unperturbed by the fame. during the national election last year over comments about rape “Nobody dislikes recognition and when in which he said “boys make mistakes” and “boys will be boys”. more open and saying, ‘Well if men can the early years of his career. “In the people comment on the column it’s nice, The central Madhya Pradesh state government’s home minis- have fun, why can’t we also’,” he added. beginning people would get very upset but I’m too old to get carried away,” said ter also said last year that rapes were “sometimes right, some- Watsa, an obstetrician and gynaecol- when I put up a slide of a penis showing the sprightly Watsa, who turns 92 in times wrong”. Several politicians have also sought to blame tight ogist by profession, has enlightened and it diagrammatically. But then they start- February and has no plans to slow down. jeans, short skirts and other Western influences for the country’s entertained readers in India’s financial ed to get used to it.” Watsa added that a “They say the column has a big following rise in rapes, while the head of a village council pointed to chow capital for over a decade with his words couple of complaints had been made to and sells the paper so I’ll continue for as mein which he claimed led to hormone imbalances among men. of wisdom, which are often funny as well the police about the Mirror column, long as the paper wants me to, unless I Leone, 34, a porn star turned Bollywood actress, was drawn into a as informative. His matter-of-fact claiming that “children had been read- get Alzheimer’s or something,” he added, debate in 2013 on whether to ban porn outright in India following approach, including sexual words ing it and getting wrong ideas”. smiling. — AFP a series of brutal rapes. — AFP International17 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 China shows off rising power in military parade Event commemorates the WWII defeat of Japan

BEIJING: With fighter jets roaring overhead, China’s Chinese-made Red Flag limousine. Standing in the leader presided yesterday over a massive parade of sunroof with four microphones mounted in front of tanks, missiles and troops that displayed growing mili- him, he called out “Greetings, Comrades” every few tary might, but also pledged to reduce the army by moments before the troops started their marching. 300,000 troops in a bid to show that his country poses The event involved more than 12,000 troops, 500 no expansionist threat. The spectacle through the pieces of military hardware and 200 aircraft of various heart of Beijing commemorated Japan’s World War II types, representing what military officials say is the defeat seven decades ago, with helicopters zooming Chinese military’s most cutting-edge technology. The across the sky in an array forming the number 70, but parade is part of commemorations packaged to bol- the event also underlined President Xi Jinping’s deter- ster the ruling Communist Party’s self-declared role as mination to make China the pre-eminent Asian power. the driving force behind Japan’s defeat 70 years ago Xi kicked off the proceedings with a speech from and savior of the nation, though historians say the atop iconic Tiananmen Gate, flanked by Chinese lead- rival Nationalists did most of the fighting. The events ers past and present along with foreign dignitaries also minimize the role of the US, Britain and others, including Russian leader Vladimir Putin, South Korean although Beijing has attempted to stress the support President Park Geun-hye and UN Secretary-General it has received from a wide spectrum of foreign Ban Ki-moon. “The experience of war makes people nations. value peace even more,” Xi said. “Regardless of the progress of events, China will never seek hegemony, Prickly strain of nationalism China will never seek to expand and will never inflict Most leading democracies kept high-level repre- the tragedies it suffered in the past upon others.” sentatives away, reflecting concerns over the parade’s anti-Japanese tone and China’s recent assertive Technological capabilities moves to press territorial claims. The US sent only its To underline that point, Xi said the 2.3 million- ambassador to observe. In Washington, US Defense BEIJING: Military vehicles carry DF-10 ship launched cruise missiles drive past Tiananmen Gate during a military parade at Tiananmen Square. — AFP photos

Philippine outposts near the country’s shores and “Rather than focusing excessively on the unfortu- constructed whole islands from reefs, topping them nate history of the past, we hope that China will with airstrips and other military infrastructure. address the common challenges facing the interna- China usually holds lavish military parades only tional community in a future-oriented manner,” Suga every 10 years to mark the anniversary of the found- said. Resistance to Japan remains a core component ing of the Communist People’s Republic in 1949. By of the Chinese ruling party’s foundational myth and is holding an additional one now, Xi ensures that he’ll used as a key source of legitimacy in the absence of a preside over at least two of the prestigious events dur- popular mandate derived from free elections. ing his decade-long tenure in power ending in 2023. TV stations this week were filled with wartime dra- The parade panders to a prickly strain of nationalism mas highlighting the role of Communist soldiers, and in a Chinese public constantly reminded by state at a news conference in the lead-up to the parade, top propaganda of China’s past humiliations at the hands party historian Gao Yongzhong said it has long been of foreign powers, especially Japan, which is widely established that “the Communist Party was the linch- despised for its perceived failure to properly atone for pin in the victory.” “The Chinese Communist Party is invading China. While a hit at home, such sentiments trying to take credit for a war it didn’t win and in fact in heighten fears abroad about China’s intended uses of which it did very little fighting,” said June Teufel its newfound power, frustrating Beijing’s attempts to Dreyer, a China historian at the University of Miami. market itself as a responsible member of international Foreign observers were watching the parade for any society committed to the common good. indications of new military capabilities, although there appeared to be few surprises. China’s latest model Controversy for Japan Type 99A2 tanks led the armored contingents, fol- “In domestic terms, it’s certainly a plus for Xi. But in lowed by self-propelled artillery, anti-aircraft systems foreign policy terms, it’s controversial. It doesn’t and a variety of short, intermediate and long-range Chinese soldiers salute a band. enhance China’s soft power. It doesn’t help China’s missiles. Unmanned aerial vehicles were loaded image as a force for peace, stability and develop- aboard trucks, while aircraft including China’s domes- member People’s Liberation Army would cut 300,000 Department spokesman Bill Urban said the US main- ment,” said Joseph Cheng, a retired academic and tically developed J-10 fighters and H6 bombers flew troops. However, it will still remain the world’s largest tains such commemorations should be about recon- political analyst in Hong Kong. In Tokyo, Japanese overhead streaming trails of colored smoke. Of special standing military and the reduction comes at a time ciliation and that a “large military display would not Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said it was interest was the appearance of the DF-21D anti-ship when growing technological capabilities reduce the appear to be consistent with this theme.” Under Xi, regrettable that there was no mention of any China- ballistic missile, potentially capable of sinking a US need for large numbers of troops. Wearing a grey who took power as party leader in late 2012, Beijing Japan reconciliation in Xi’s speech. Nimitz-class aircraft carrier in a single strike. — AP high-buttoned suit of the sort worn by past Chinese has sent ships to confront Japan’s coast guard near leaders, Xi then drove past the assembled troops in a disputed islands in the East China Sea, challenged

A military vehicle carries DF-21D missile past a display screen featuring an image A Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force KJ-2000 airborne early warning and of the Great Wall of China. control aircraft (center) flies in formation with Chengdu J-10 multirole fighter aircraft. International FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

At least 14 killed as migrant boat sinks

KUALA LUMPUR: An overloaded wooden boat believed to be carrying dozens of Indonesian illegal immigrants sank off the coast of Malaysia yesterday, killing at least 14 people, among them 13 women, maritime officials said. The boat, which mar- itime officials estimated had about 70 people aboard, had left Sabak Bernam in Malaysia’s western state of Selangor for Sumatra in neighboring Indonesia when the accident happened. Initial conversations with survivors led officials to believe the passengers were Indonesian, said Muhammad Aliyas Hamdan, an official of the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA). “If they are legal, they would not leave (the country) that way,” Muhammad said, when asked if the peo- ple were illegal migrants. The boat sank due to overloading and bad weather, he added. Thousands of migrants from Indonesia work at construc- tion sites, on palm plantations, in factories and domestic serv- ice across Malaysia, some without legal employment docu- ments. The number of survivors stood at 19, the agency’s director of search and rescue operations, Robert Teh Geok Chuan, told Reuters, including 15 rescued by fishermen earlier, though the death toll could rise. “We fear the casualty numbers will rise as it’s been several hours since the boat sank,” he added. Search operations would continue through the night, Teh said, with ships, boats and a helicopter deployed in the hunt for survivors. BANGKOK: A visitor places a candle as an offering for Phra Phrom, the Thai interpretation of the Hindu god Brahma, at Indonesia’s search and rescue agency said it was on standby the Erawan Shrine. — AP photos to assist its Malaysian counterpart. Southeast Asia faced a huge migrant crisis after Thailand cracked down on people-smuggling gangs in May, with more Turkey skeptical Bangkok than 4,000 people landing in , Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand. Hundreds are believed to have drowned. A fresh surge of refugees and migrants from bomb suspects are Turks Myanmar and Bangladesh is expected to set out in boats for Southeast Asia when the monsoon season ends in about a month, the United Nations has said. Yesterday’s accident hap- BANGKOK: Turkey expressed skepti- unauthorized explosives. Police said ficking ring with a grudge against pened as Europe faces its biggest refugee crisis since World cism yesterday over reports that its they found his fingerprints on a bottle of Thailand. However, Thai Prime Minister War Two, and has yet to find a common response. Thousands nationals were involved in the Aug. 17 bomb-making material recovered from Prayuth Chan-ocha, known for his out- of people from the Middle East, Asia and Africa have died bombing of a Bangkok landmark that an apartment that was raided over the spokenness, has stretched the theory to making the journey across the Mediterranean and on land in killed 20 people, saying it had not weekend. The other suspects include a acknowledge it could have been a gang Europe. — Reuters received any official notification from Thai woman said to be married to a involved in smuggling Uighurs out of Thailand. The Turkish Embassy said in a Turkish man. Both are being sought by China. The embassy statement high- statement that it has not received con- Thai police. lighted the confusion surrounding the China and Vietnam firmation from Thai authorities about In interviews with Thai media, the ongoing investigation. It quoted the the nationalities of the suspects. Thai woman said she was innocent. She also Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman in agree to ‘properly authorities have suggested that at least said she was living in Turkey. Thai Ankara pointing out Thai press reports two of the eight suspects are possibly authorities have been careful not to saying that Meeraili, who was detained handle’ disputes Turkish. The Turkish connection has boosted a theory the suspects may be part of a BEIJING: The leaders of China and Vietnam agreed yesterday to group seeking to avenge Thailand’s “properly handle” their disputes, China’s official Xinhua news forced repatriation of more than 100 agency reported, amid tension over a territorial spat in the South ethnic Uighurs to China in July. Thailand China Sea. China’s increasingly assertive moves to press sover- is believed to be a transit stop for eignty claims in regional waters have rattled its neighbors and aroused concern in the United States, though Beijing says it has Chinese Uighurs attempting to go to no hostile intent. Turkey. Uighurs (pronounced WEE-gurs) China’s deployment of an oil rig last year, in what Vietnam are related to Turks, and Turkey is home called its exclusive economic zone and on its continental shelf, to a large Uighur community. The about 120 nautical miles off its coast, led to the worst breakdown bombed site, the Erawan Shrine, is espe- in relations since a brief border war in 1979. “We are in favor of cially popular with Chinese tourists, properly handling disputes between both sides through dialogue, feeding the speculation that it could and expanding cooperation and common interests,” Chinese have been targeted by people who President Xi Jinping told Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang, believe the Uighurs are oppressed by Xinhua said. Both are socialist countries led by communist par- China’s government. ties, and it “is a requirement for the two countries to enhance China has alleged that among the strategic coordination, exchanges and cooperation”, Xi added. Uighurs who were repatriated were Sang is in Beijing to attend a military parade marking 70 years some who intended to join Islamic State since the end of World War Two in Asia. “Vietnam hopes to fighters in Syria. In another finding that BANGKOK: This image released by the Royal Thai Police shows a man who was strengthen political trust and personnel exchanges with China, could support a link to Uighurs, police arrested at an apartment. properly handle differences and enhance win-win cooperation,” said yesterday that a man arrested Sang said, according to Xinhua. China has overlapping claims Tuesday who is considered a main sus- state publicly that the case may be near the Thai-Cambodian border, had a with Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei in the pect in the bombing was carrying a linked to the Uighurs. They have said Chinese passport and that the first sus- South China Sea, through which $5 trillion in ship-borne trade Chinese passport. The passport indicat- that such speculation could affect inter- pect, arrested in the raid on the Bangkok passes every year. Washington has taken advantage of the row to ed he was from the western region of national relations and hurt tourism. “We apartment, had a fake Turkish passport. ramp up diplomacy with Hanoi. Xinjiang, but Thai authorities had not have agreed already that I won’t men- “There is no clear information on the China has looked on with suspicion at what it sees as US yet verified its authenticity, said national tion the name of a country, the name of issue,” the spokesman was quoted as moves to “provoke” tension by supporting its regional allies, such police spokesman Prawut Thavornsiri. a group or their religion. Please allow saying, urging Thai authorities to “pro- as the Philippines, besides Vietnam. me to say that it is a network, and let’s vide clear and correct information.” China and Vietnam have sought to patch up ties since the row, and Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli, a member of the ruling Bomb-making material wait and see which group it is,” Thai While suggesting that Thai officials have communist party’s elite Politburo Standing Committee, visited The region of Xinjiang in western national police spokesman Prawut been providing little or no response to Vietnam in mid-July. Trade between the two countries has China is the home of the Turkish-speak- Thavornsiri said yesterday, when asked Turkish diplomatic queries, the state- swelled to $50 billion annually, but Vietnam has long been suspi- ing Uighurs. Authorities yesterday iden- if the case was linked to Uighurs. ment acknowledges that each country’s cious of its giant neighbor. — Reuters tified the suspect as Jusufu Meeraili, and Thai security officials have suggested embassy has been in touch with its host said he faces charges of possessing the suspects are part of a human traf- country’s foreign officials. — AP


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Model Alessandra Ambrosio takes a selfie photograph during a photo call at the 72nd edition of the Venice Film Festival in Venice, Italy, yesterday. — AFP Lifestyle FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

Venice Film Review ‘Looking for Grace’ ow we make sense of the mess of our lives and what it all means,” is how an official synopsis describes the “Hsubject of fragmented Australian family drama “Looking for Grace.” That’s a tall order for any film, surely, not least one as modestly scaled as Sue Brooks’ diverting but slightly disap- pointing fifth feature. Reprising some of the gentle existential con- cerns raised in her outstanding broken-backed romance “Japanese Story,” Brooks’ latest begins in a promisingly melancholic key, as the teenaged Grace of the title retreats into the Outback after mys- teriously leaving home. As the splintered, overlapping narrative expands to include the interior crises of her parents, however, “Grace” morphs less confidently into a brittle suburban satire. The film’s tone-to say nothing of what it all means-remains elusive to the end. Hollywood casts uncomfortable Thanks to a Cannes Un Certain Regard slot and the relative name casting of a peak-form Toni Collette, “Japanese Story” became the most widely distributed film of Brooks’ career in 2003 — though that exposure counted for little when it came to the Church abuse helmer’s 2009 follow-up “Subdivision,” a lightweight comedy that Spotlight on didn’t surface outside its homeland. Following its not-entirely- ope Francis still has to prove the Church is serious about “I think there is awareness,” the director said. “But do I think expected inclusion in the Venice competish, “Looking for Grace” addressing sex abuse by priests, according to the director the problem is fixed? No. Do I think the church has properly should fall somewhere in between: It’s attractive and accessible, Pof a major new film about how the damaging scandal was addressed it? No, not yet.” Speaking to AFP TV, McCarthy added: but too circuitously low-key for widespread arthouse attention. exposed in the United States. Tom McCarthy’s “Spotlight”, a “I like what Pope Francis is starting to say and how he’s talking, I While Radha Mitchell is always a welcome presence in a leading newsroom drama that focuses on how the Boston Globe broke a think he is a fascinating, interesting man and I’m hopeful, but role, the pic doesn’t afford her (or any of her hard-working co stars) local story that was to become a global crisis for the Church, had we’ll see. Time will tell.” a Collette-scale showcase. its premiere yesterday at the Venice Film Festival. Starring In a structural conceit that doesn’t feel completely realized, the Michael Keaton, Mark Ruffalo and Rachel McAdams as key mem- An authentic hero narrative is divided into separate but intersecting “stories” belong- bers of the Globe’s investigations team, the film recounts the Since becoming Pope in 2013, Francis has initiated a series of ing to different characters-each one granted an onscreen chapter paper’s pursuit of evidence of how the local Catholic hierarchy, reforms related to abusive priests, including making cover-ups heading, even as they vary considerably in length and consequen- headed by Cardinal Bernard Law, systematically and, at times, punishable under Church law and the appointment of an expert tiality. (One character’s chapter lasts but a couple of minutes; oth- cynically, covered up for abusive priests in their midst. panel of advisors that includes some victims. But critics say the ers constitute entire dramatic acts.) In theory, their conflicting per- By the time the Globe’s team had earned their Pulitzer Prize it Church retains a tendency to want to deal with the issues in- spectives color and complicate each other with hindsight; in prac- had become clear that the Church in the Boston area had, for house, rather than turning abusers over to civil authorities. And in tice, certain characters’ points of view are so opaque that they can’t years, harbored more than 70 predatory paedophiles, shuffling an issue which is aired in Spotlight’s nuanced script, few in the exactly be opened up through others’ eyes. As in “Japanese Story,” them from parish to parish when the rumors got too loud and Catholic hierarchy have shown any inclination to address whether events are driven by a certain wistful sense of fatalism, buffeted by acting swiftly to ensure any legal suits were settled silently and the enforced celibacy of priests might be one of the root causes acts of unforeseeable chance, though the cumulative emotional secretly. After the story went to press in early 2002, the number of of the problem. Ruffalo, who plays the role of Globe reporter payoff of these delicately dangling strands is wry rather than victims willing to testify to having been abused rose to a total of Michael Rezendes, says the film also has an important point to wrenching. nearly 1,500, lifting the lid on the scale of a scourge the Church make about the importance of properly resourced, digging jour- had spent decades dismissing as limited to a few rotten apples. nalism, describing his quirky, driven character as an authentic Gooseberry status The revelations of what had been happening in Boston were hero. “I had never played anything quite like it and I also liked First up, Grace’s story reps by far the film’s most intriguing, sen- to be repeated across much of the industrialized world, dealing a how quirky he was, he’s not initially who you would imagine to be sually evocative stretch, introducing smart, adventurous high- blow to the standing of the Church in places like Ireland from a hero, as we see them in movies you know, but a hero nonethe- schooler Grace (Odessa Young, a bright ensemble standout) and which it may never recover. More than a decade later, the line less.” McCarthy agrees. “These guys were operating in some pret- her more reticent best friend Sappho (Kenya Pearson) on a long- from the Vatican is that lessons have been learned and new sys- ty dark waters,” he said. —AFP distance bus trip through flattest Western Australia. It gradually tems put in place to ensure history does not repeat itself. emerges that they’re on the run, having just escaped their respec- McCarthy believes Pope Francis, who is due to visit the United tive comfortable homes with a large sum of money stolen from the States later his month, is sincere in his efforts to promote reform safe of Grace’s parents. On the journey, they meet cute, charismatic but sees more that can be done. Jamie (Harry Richardson), with whom Grace strikes an instant romantic spark. All too aware of her gooseberry status, Sappho decides to head home; Grace’s own path takes an unexpected kink, meanwhile, leaving her adrift in the back of beyond. The girls claim they’re running away to a see a beloved rock ‘Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s fight for freedom’ band perform in a distant town, though there seems a more deep- seated, heartsick reason behind their uncharacteristically reckless he 2014 Ukrainian revolution that ousted president Viktor united will never be defeated” p.o.v. Getting swept up in the decision. We get an indirect sense of what that may be as we pass Yanukovych receives straightforward coverage via the immediate excitement is entirely understandable, but ignoring through the stories of Grace’s parents Denise (Mitchell) and Dan Tsights and sounds of people on the ground in Evgeny the less savory elements, such as ultra-nationalist rhetoric, is (Richard Roxburgh), two bored, disconsolate suburbanites who Afineevsky’s “Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom.” Taking problematic at best. Backing by Netflix will markedly boost expo- appear to pay more attention to the steam-cleaning of their couch a more traditional history-in-the-making approach than Sergei sure, especially if marketed as a Ukrainian version of popular docu than the psychological well-being of their daughter.—Reuters Loznitsa’s “Maidan,” the docu corrals an impressive amount of “The Square.” video footage but is hamstrung by its rose-tinted “the people Russian-Israeli director Afineevsky (“Oy Vey! My Son is Gay!!”) was on the ground throughout the popular uprising, coordinat- ing a large team of cameramen and women (28 are credited) who covered various locations throughout the difficult, at times fright- eningly violent three-plus months. To ensure the broadest inter- national viewership, Afineevsky then wooed noted editor Angus Wall to board as one of the producers; Wall re-envisioned the docu’s approach “to create a more compelling narrative” that would be readily comprehensible to all. The resulting film is cer- tainly easy to follow-arranged by day, with helpful maps pin- pointing the various flare-ups. In addition, the docu more or less sticks to one viewpoint: The people of Ukraine were furious that Yanukovych went behind their backs to forge closer alliances with Putin’s Russia, when what they really wanted was firmer ties to Europe. As an underlying narrative for the capital Kiev, the account is true, yet it ignores large parts of the country’s Eastern provinces, some of which are currently fighting for either greater Australian director Sue Brooks, Australian actress Radha independence or Russian annexation. —Reuters Mitchell and actress Odessa Young pose during the photocall of the movie ‘Looking For Grace’ presented in competition at Musician Edvin Marton and his wife pose during the pho- the 72nd Venice International Film Festival yesterday at tocall of the movie “Winter of Fire”. Venice Lido. — AFP Lifestyle FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 Evans makes directorial debut in ‘Before We Go’

ollywood actor Chris Evans has swapped his “Captain HAmerica” shield for the direc- tor’s chair in “Before We Go”, a romantic drama he also stars in along with British actress Alice Eve. Evans makes his directorial debut with the movie about two strangers who meet in New York one night, and whose initial acquaintance turns into a more trusting relation- ship. Speaking at the film’s screen- ing in Los Angeles on Wednesday Taylor Swift accepts the award for video of the year for “Bad Blood” at night, Evans said he was “just get- the MTV Video Music Awards at the Microsoft Theater. — AP ting my feet wet” directing his first feature film. “It was kind of a new kid at the first day of school, it was understood Director defends Swift’s that I had no formal training so it’s a matter of trying to not make a fool Chris Evans attends the LA Premiere of “Before We Go” held at out of yourself,” Evans told Reuters. ArcLight Cinemas. — AP music video of whitewashing “But I was surrounded by a lot of Richard Linklater’s romantic drama him then that’s a great achievement good people and I had a lot of good trilogy “Before Sunrise”, “Before for Chris,” Eve said when asked he director of Taylor Swift’s an actress who falls in love with her advice from a lot of talented depart- Sunset” and “Before Midnight”. about the similarities between the new music video is defending co-star on the set. Black actors are ments.” The movie has drawn com- “Richard Linklater is a phenomenal films. “Before We Go” opens in US Tthe singer after some claimed seen in some of the clips from a dis- parisons to award-winning director director and if this is a homage to cinemas today. — Reuters she whitewashed her video based in tance. “The reality is not only were Africa. Joseph Kahn said that the there people of color in the video, video for “Wildest Dreams” includes but the key creatives who worked black people and was produced by a on this video are people of color. Amanda Peterson died of drug overdose black woman and edited by a black ...We cast and edited this video. We an’t Buy Me Love” star Amanda Peterson died man. “This is not a video about colo- collectively decided it would have ‘Cfrom an accidental overdose of a deadly combi- nialism but a love story on the set of been historically inaccurate to load nation of multiple drugs, including morphine, a period film crew in Africa, 1950,” the crew with more black actors as according to a coroner’s report obtained by TMZ. Khan said in a statement the video would have been accused The “morphine effect” caused respiratory failure, Wednesday. “There are black of rewriting history,” Khan said. leading to her death, according to the report. The Africans in the video in a number of “This video is set in the past by a former actress’ body was discovered in her Colorado shots, but I rarely cut to crew faces crew set in the present and we are apartment on July 5, two days after her death. She outside of the director as the vast all proud of our work,” he added. was 43. majority of screentime is Taylor and Swift is donating all of the proceeds According to the Weld County Coroner in (actor) Scott (Eastwood).” from the “Wildest Dreams” video to Colorado, Peterson had a variety of prescription Kahn, who directed Swift’s “Blank the African Parks Foundation. The drugs in her system, including anti-anxiety medica- Space” and “Bad Blood,” is Asian. song is the fifth single from her best- tion, anti-psychotic medication, opiates and marijua- This undated file photo provided by Disney “Wildest Dreams” portrays Swift as selling “1989” album. — AP na. One of the pain medications in her system was at shows actress Amanda Peterson in “Can’t Buy Me six times the normal level. More to come. — Reuters Love.” — AP Blanchett to star in Hanks, Cholodenko to be honored by outfest Ball biopic from Sorkin ate Blanchett will star as will oversee development of utfest will honor Tom Hanks and Lisa Lucille Ball in a biopic that’s the project at Sony-based Escape Cholodenko at ceremonies on Nov 5 at Vibiana Cbeing produced by her two Artists. No director or other cast is Oin downtown Los Angeles. Hanks will be hon- children-Lucie Arnaz and Desi attached yet. Blanchett has won ored with the Trailblazer Award in recognition of his Arnaz Jr-and Escape Artists. Aaron Academy Awards for “The Aviator” Oscar-winning performance in 1993’s “Philadelphia.” Sorkin is in talks to write the script, and “Blue Jasmine.” Outfest noted that it was the first major studio film to which will center on Ball’s 20-year She’s starring in Todd Haynes’ sympathetically portray characters with HIV/AIDS. marriage to Desi Arnaz. She romance “Carol,” which premiered Cholodenko is receiving the Visionary Award, which eloped with the Cuban band- at Cannes, and will be seen with recognizes artistic and creative contributions to LGBT leader in 1940, and the two creat- Robert Redford in the Dan Rather media visibility, for a body of work that includes “The ed the massively successful sitcom drama “Truth,” which premieres at Kids Are All Right.” “I Love Lucy” in 1951 through their the Toronto Film Festival. Sorkin “More than two decades later, Tom Hanks’ per- Desilu Productions. She wrote “Steve Jobs,” which Universal won four Emmys for opens Oct 9, and recently turned in formance as a gay man with AIDS in ‘Philadelphia’ the role. Ball also the script for Sony’s “Molly’s stands as a landmark example of a risk well taken,” gave birth to her Game.” Escape Artists pro- says Outfest Board Co-President and Legacy Awards daughter in 1951 duced Jake Gyllenhaal’s box- Tom Hanks and Lisa Cholodenko Event Co-Chair Ari Karpel. “And his Oscar acceptance and to her son in ing drama “Southpaw.” speech, in which he eloquently honored two gay men as joyful, complicated and challenging as straight par- 1953. Ball and Blanchett is represented who were influential in his life, sent an essential mes- enting.” Previous Legacy Award winners include Arnaz divorced by CAA and RGM Artists. sage during a time of crisis.” Armistead Maupin (“Tales of the City”), Hilary Swank in 1960, and Ball WME represents “When Lisa Cholodenko burst onto the independ- (“Boys Don’t Cry”), Lee Daniels (“Empire”), Craig Zadan began running Sorkin. The news was ent film scene with ‘High Art’, we were thrilled by her and Neil Meron (“Chicago”), Adam Shankman (“Rock Desilu first reported by commitment to depicting a lesbian relationship with of Ages”), Roland Emmerich (“Stonewall”), Alan Poul Productions in the Wrap. such unwavering veracity,” says Christopher Racster, (“The Newsroom”), Bruce Cohen (“Silver Linings 1962. She — Reuters interim executive director of Outfest. “However, it was Playbook”) and Paris Barclay (“Glee”). Outfest was died in 1989. ‘The Kids Are All Right’ that has made the biggest founded in 1982 to support LGBT stories on the Jenna impact, showing the world that LGBT parenting is just screen. — Reuters FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 Lifestyle National parks seeing huge spikes in visitation this summer

isitors heading to the Grand Canyon lately to the parks. Several anniversaries are drawing know they are going to get two things bigger crowds to war memorials in Washington, Vwhen they arrive: Breathtaking views and D.C., and Lake Mead National Recreation Area in long waits, whether it is to get into the national Nevada and Arizona is getting more visitors park itself or to find a parking spot inside. A few despite record-low lake levels. frustrated tourists have even turned around and Another campaign promises to bring more left. tourists: Fourth-graders and their families are The crowds haven’t just been coming to the being encouraged to go to national parks with a Grand Canyon, where a sign ahead of the free, yearlong pass for them, starting this week. entrance gates warns of limited parking. The Visitation at the Grand Canyon is approaching a throngs of tourists have been showing up in big 30 percent rise over last year through August, numbers at other national parks, including although exact numbers aren’t known yet Yellowstone in Wyoming, Yosemite in California because officials still are trying to gather data and Zion in Utah, driven by good weather, cheap from new traffic counters, said Marlon Avantyr, gas and marketing campaigns ahead of next the park’s revenue and fee business manager. year’s National Park Service centennial. One benefit is the crowds are bringing in With the busy Labor Day weekend still ahead, more money to the Grand Canyon, which the Park Service already has recorded 5 million increased entrance fees this summer. more visitors from this time last year. The result Other parks are seeing double-digit percent- has been the very traffic congestion that many age increases. Park Service stats show Joshua families and tourists alike hope to escape when Tree National Park with a nearly 30 percent they embark on trips to the parks. Many tourists increase so far in 2015 over the same time last are taking the crowds in stride. “It comes with year, going from about 920,500 visitors to more the deal,” said David Stonecypher of Duarte, than 1.2 million. California, who was visiting with his wife Jetta mid-week to avoid overcrowding. Several measures More than 2.2 million people visited Zion Entrance gates between January-July this year, a nearly 16 per- Officials at the parks say they are making do cent increase over about 1.9 million during the with the resources they have, including encour- same period last year. Yellowstone reported aging visitors to use shuttles to cut down on the going from 2.5 million to 2.9 million, a 14 per- number of vehicles within parks and paying cent increase; Yosemite from 2.1 million to near- overtime to keep as many entrance gates open ly 2.4 million, an 11 percent increase. as possible. “It has definitely been a struggle. Officials at the Grand Canyon have taken sev- And there hasn’t been an increase in base fund- eral measures to deal with the crowds. To cut ing to help compensate for the crowds,” said Aly down on a line of vehicles that stretched two Baltrus, spokeswoman at Zion, where officials miles to the nearest town over the July Fourth say search and rescue calls have doubled this holiday, they dedicated an entrance gate to peo- year as more people veer off established paths. ple who already had a park pass. Police had to shut down the road into Arches Some people frustrated by not finding park- National Park in Utah over the Memorial Day hol- ing among the roughly 2,000 spots have turned iday because so many people wanted to get in. around and left, Avantyr said. The increase in visitors is due partly to the Park A triage desk outside the visitors’ center helps Service’s “Find Your Park” campaign, which answer the two most common questions so a launched earlier this year to reintroduce people long line doesn’t form inside: Where exactly is

In this Sunday, Sept 6, 2009 file photo, throngs of hikers make their way to Wall Street from the A long line of hikers head out of the Grand Canyon along the Bright Angel Trail at Grand switchbacks at Sunset Point Sunday, Sept, 6, 2009, in Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah. Canyon National Park. — AP photos FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 Lifestyle

The busy Bright Angel Trail is crowded with hikers headed down into the Grand Canyon Monday at Grand Canyon National Park, Ariz. the canyon and where are the restrooms? visitors’ center and a transfer spot to Hermit’s For the first time this summer, the commer- Rest, the most popular scenic route. cial bus lot filled up. Months earlier in December, The Grand Canyon has no plans to increase the visitors’ center had 10,000 people come staff to deal with the larger crowds. Instead, it’s through in one day. That’s thousands more than trying to promote the use of shuttles and put up the average 6,000 per day, although it’s hard to more messaging around the canyon and on say what’s typical these days, said supervisory social media. Marie Puirier of Montepellier, park ranger AJ Lapre. France, spent about 15 minutes looking for a At shuttle bus lines, visitors jockey for a posi- parking spot but did not see it as a hassle and tion for what can be up to an hour wait while expected to wait for a shuttle. She recently made employees try to help them figure out what her third visit to the park. “Everybody knows,” route gets them to their destination fastest. An she said. “We come here because it’s a place in express route was added this year between the the world that’s unique.”— AP

In this photo taken Aug 2, 2015, Tourists Joseph Lin, Ning Chao, center, and Linda Wang, left, pose for a selfie along the south rim at Grand Canyon National Park, Ariz. Throngs of hikers trek through the Virgin River along The Narrows in Zion National Park, Utah.

A long line of cars wait to enter the southern entrance to Zion National Park Friday, in Zion National Park, Utah. FRIDAY 4 September , 2015

Prawn recipes from around the globe

Ingredients Preparation 36 uncooked king prawns Soak 18 bamboo skewers in water for 1 hour. Shell and devein prawns, leaving 3 medium zucchini, chopped tails intact. Thread prawns and zucchini onto skewers. Combine the remaining 35 g taco seasoning mix ingredients in a medium bowl. Place kebabs in single layer in medium dish, top 1?4 cup lemon juice with the juice mixture. Cover, refrigerate for several hours, turning occasionally. 1 tablespoon vegetable oil Remove kebabs from juice mixture, reserving juice mixture. Grill or BBQ kebabs 2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives until prawns are cooked through, brushing occasionally with reserved juice mix- ture. FRIDAY 4 September , 2015

Ingredients 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 teaspoon butter 1 small onion (finely chopped) 4 garlic cloves (crushed) Chili flakes (to taste) 400 g chopped tomatoes 400 g green prawns (peeled) salt and pepper (to taste) 1 teaspoon ground paprika 1 pinch sugar fresh parsley (to garnish)

Preparation Heat the olive oil and butter over a high heat. Add the onion, garlic and chili flakes, Cook until softened, for about 5 minutes. Add the can of tomatoes, lower the heat and simmer for 30 minutes uncovered, to reduce the sauce. Turn the heat up to medi- um, Add the prawns and cook only until they change color. Season to taste and add paprika and sugar. Serve in small individual bowls with crusty bread, garnish with parsley as an entree or stir through hot cooked pasta and serve as a main course.

Ingredients 500 g green shrimp, deveined and peeled Preparation 2 tablespoons soy sauce Place prawns in a large bowl with soy, lime, chili and butter. 1 lime, juice of Mix well. Allow to marinate for at least 30 minutes. Heat wok 2 slices limes until extremely hot. Toss in prawns. Stir fry 2-3 minutes until 2 teaspoons sugar they change color. Serve on a bed of snow peas and garnish 1 teaspoon chopped chili with shallots. 60 g butter, melted 100 g snow peas 4 shallots, diced FRIDAY 4 SEPTEMBER, 2015

ways your tech might be spying on you

he adage “if you are not paying for it, you’re not the customer; you’re the product being sold” was coined in 2010, a lifetime ago in web terms, but it’s as true today as it always has been. What’s changed now, though, is the number of ways companies are discovering to make sharing our data with them not something we grudgingly Taccept, but enthusiastically embrace. Sure, they tell us, you can turn it off. But do you really want to?

1. Facebook’s ‘like’ button Even if you don’t use Facebook, you will have seen the company’s “like” button springing up in more and more places around the internet, like a nasty case of chicken pox. If you click on it, you can like the page of a company, person or brand, all without leaving the website you’re on. And then there’s Facebook share buttons (like the one at the top of this page) and Facebook comments, both of which hook in to the company’s servers to provide their own features. But it’s a two-way relationship: the price you pay for being able to interact with Facebook even without going to their website is that they can see the other websites you’re on, following you around the internet and using that information to better target ads and content to you back on the mothership. How to stop it: if you log out of Facebook when you’re done, the site’s ability to track your browsing is severely hampered. Of course, equally hampered is your ability to like things and comment on posts. Are you happy making that trade-off?

2. Smartphone location services If you have an iPhone, try this: click on settings, then privacy, then location servic- es, system services and frequent locations. You’ll notice a list of all the cities you’re in regularly. Click on any specific city, and you’ll find that your phone knows all the locations you frequently visit. For me, that includes my home, local tube station and office, but also the pub I play Netrunner in, the house of one of my best friends and the comics shop I frequent. Don’t feel smug if you use Android instead: Google keeps just as copious notes on your location and, unlike Apple, it is stored in the cloud, where it can theoretically be subpoenaed by law enforcement or accessed by a suspicious partner who happens to know your password. How to turn it off:both companies let you turn off location histories from the same pages you can look at yours. But if you do that, they’ll get a lot worse at giving you accurate and useful location suggestions. There’s that pesky trade-off again.

3. Uber Perhaps it’s no surprise that a company that sells you cheap cabs through a slick app keeps data on your journeys. And that data is well-used by Uber to reassure customers that their journey is safe: the company will show you your ride history as well as information about your driver which can be crucial for solving disputes or, if the worst happens, ensuring justice. But Uber hasn’t got the best history of using that data well. The company has had to apolo- gise before for accessing a journalist’s journey details in order to make rhetorical points, as well as remove a piece of “data journalism” looking at ride histories in aggregate to find out how many of their customers were using the service for one-night stands. They titled the post “rides of glory”.

How to turn it off:the best way would be not to use Uber. But there’s that trade-off again: old-school taxis, whether hailed from the street or called from a dispatch office, are going to end up charging you a lot more for your newly anonymous journey. FRIDAY Technology 4 SEPTEMBER, 2015

4. Mobile phone networks Your mobile phone works by sending encrypted communications to and from masts, known as “cells”. Of course, especially in a built-up area, there’s likely to be more than one cell in range of your phone at any given time, and things would get confusing if they were all trying to run the call at the same time. So your phone pairs with one particular cell, and “hands off” to a new one when you move around (the annoying clicks you get if you leave a phone next to an unshielded speaker is your phone checking in with a cell, to confirm it’s still alive). If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll realise what this means: your mobile phone network has a record of where you’ve been, accurate to at least the range of the closest phone tower. In practice, it’s probably quite a bit more accurate than that, as they can triangulate in using information from other towers in your area. How to turn it off: stop using a mobile phone. Seriously, this one isn’t going away. If you’ve got a removable battery, you can try taking that out when you don’t want to be tracked, but whenever you turn your phone back on, your mobile phone network is going to know where you are.

5. Exif data in your pictures Did you know that digital photographs con- tain information about the picture? Known as Exif data, the standard was created to hold stuff that photographers might find useful to know alongside the image, such as the focal length and aperture they used while taking it. It’s used by professionals to embed contact information and copyright details, as well. Of course, as with most standards, there’s been a bit of feature-creep, and these days, Exif data can contain a whole lot more information. In fact, if you’ve taken a picture with a smartphone, or even a mod- ern digital camera, there’s a good chance that the picture records where it was taken using the built-in GPS. That’s great for build- ing maps of your holidays, but not so good if you’re trading snaps with strangers. How to turn it off: most cameras let you disable embedding location data in the files, but the good news is that social net- works are one step ahead of you - and this time, they’re on your side. Facebook and Twitter both strip the metadata from images uploaded to the site, causing a headache for users who need the extra information but protecting those who don’t know that they’re uploading potentially sensitive data.

6. Facial recognition Have you ever used Facebook’s tag suggest feature? The social network can scan through your uploaded pictures to find ones with friends in who haven’t been tagged, and offer you suggestions for who to add. It’s a wonderful time-saver over doing it the manual way, even if careless use can lead to some social faux pas (try to avoid tagging someone you don’t like just because they’re in the background of another picture). But Facebook, and Google - which offers a similar feature - can only do that because it’s been running facial- recognition software on photos uploaded to the site for years. In September 2012, Facebook was even forced to disable the feature after the Irish data protection commissioner scolded it for doing so without permission. How to turn it off: try to avoid being in photos or having friends. Easy! — FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 Travel


Few people are in a hurry in Rio de Janeiro - after all, it’s a city widely known around Brazil for its carefree attitude and beach-centric lifestyle. It’s here where the jovial words, ‘Boa praia!’ (‘Have a good beach!’) are as commonly heard on Monday as a Saturday. Usually, tourists like to do as locals do as well - milking the city’s sun-soaked atmos- phere for all its worth. If you find yourself with a 24-hourstopover in the cidade maravilhosa, there’s no shortage of dis- tractions. So drop your bags at left luggage (guarda-volumes) - your perfect day in Rio starts here.

Morning 112, Ipanema) is one of the city’s best. Forest to the Cristo Redentor, one of the most and inspiring, leaving you with a far better Head straight for the Zona Sul, home to impressive monuments and urban views on sense of the intricate socioeconomic strug- many of Rio’s upscale neighborhoods and the Afternoon earth. So impressive in fact, that is was voted gles of Rio’s complicated urban fabric. bulk of its famous beaches, including Reserve your afternoon for sightseeing, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. Marcelo Armstrong’s Favela Tours is a pio- Copacabana, Ipanema and Leblon. First order when the sun can become relentless on the Afterwards, gauge your mood: feeling neer. The latter should book a tour through of business: caffeine! Do as Brazilians do and beach anyway. Make your way to Cosmo edgy or artsy? The former should book a historic Santa Teresa, Rio’s hillside bohemian pair a cafezinho (little espresso) with a p„o de Velho, where the slightly unnerving cog train favela tour. No, it’s not dangerous. Yes, it’s neighborhood, full of historic mansions, inter- queijo (cheese bread). There’s an excellent to the 710m-high peak known as Corcovado absolutely fascinating. A tour through Rio’s esting museums and artsy shops and gal- cafe in Leblon called CafeÌna to do just that. ascends through protected Tijuca National notorious shantytowns is both eye-opening leries. Viator offers fascinating walking tours. Amped and refreshed, it’s time to stake your spot on Rio’s postcard-perfect sands, but do so carefully. Rio’s Zona Sul beaches are lined with lifeguard posts, each known for the specific microclimate it attracts. The best beaches are Ipanema and Leblon. Here posto (post) 9 is where you’ll find Rio’s mauricinhos and patricinhas (the rich, bronzed and beautiful), with a section in front of Rua Farme de Amoedo that draws the GLBT crowd; and pos- to 11 is for families. Choose accordingly and let the beach caipirinhas (Brazil’s national drink, with cachaÁa, limes and sugar) commence. Until lunch, it’s all sizzle, sun and samba.

Lunch Once hunger sets in, there are a few don’t misses nearby, depending on your mood. A favorite beach day lunch is aÁaÌ, the purple, iron-and-antioxidant-rich berry that’s usually blended with honey, granola, bananas and guaran·, a natural Amazonian relative of caf- feine, into a refreshing, ¸ber-Brazilian treat. There’s no better than Polis Sucos’. Alternatively, a quick and scenic taxi ride down Av. Atl‚ntica - one of the world’s most famous beachfront thoroughfares - lands you at Cervantes, a Copacabana institution famous for its filet mignon, cheese and pineapple sandwiches. Lastly, for those with deeper pockets and bigger appetites, a visit to one of Brazil’s all-you-can-eat churascarias (steakhouses) is in order. Here an endless onslaught of perfectly-grilled meats is brought to your table until you cry uncle. Churrascaria Carret,o (Rua Visconde de Piraja, Travel


Evening in the last decade, resurrecting a dilap- Scenarium. Rio Scenarium is the most They say New York is the city that idated district into Rio’s most interest- touristy but with the biggest wow fac- never sleeps, but Rio doesn’t get much ing option for cultural nightlife. Both tor - each of its three cinematic floors shut-eye either. Begin your evening amateur and professional samba is lavishly decorated with some 10,000 with Brazilian-slanted tapas and cre- bands turn up here nightly, offering movie set props and abundant antique ative cocktails at Botofogo hotspot hip-shaking samba to a wildly mixed furniture. Go ahead, take a load off on Meza Bar before heading to Lapa, Rio’s crowd. It’s ridiculously good fun. The that 18th-century Victorian divan. You gritty but excellent nightlife district. A three best spots are Carioca Da Gema, need some rest. lot of samba clubs have opened here Clube dos Democraticos and Rio — (

Cervante’s famous filet mignon, cheese and pineapple sandwiches Leisure FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

WORD SEARCH PUZZLE 66. A river in central Italy rising in the Apennines and flowing through CROSSWORD 1012 Florence and Pisa to the Ligurian Sea. 68. A cloth covering (a legging) that provides covering for the instep and ankles. 70. Type genus of the Alcidae comprising solely the razorbill. 74. The French-speaking capital of the province of Quebec. 76. Any plant of the genus Erica. 78. A river in north central Switzerland that runs northeast into the Rhine. 79. The United Nations agency concerned with civil aviation. 80. A tricycle (usually propelled by pedalling). 82. An agency of the United Nations affiliated with the World Bank. 83. A dissolute man in fashionable society. 84. A state in the southeastern United States on the Gulf of Mexico. 85. A young woman making her debut into society.

DOWN 1. Any of numerous local fertility and nature deities worshipped by ancient Semitic peoples. 2. Belonging to some prior time. 3. French filmmaker (1908-1982). 4. A dry scab formed on the skin following a burn or cauterization of the skin. 5. 100 puls equal 1 afghani. 6. (Islam) The man who leads prayers in a mosque. 7. Thin fibrous bark of the paper mulberry and Pipturus albidus. 8. A nucleotide derived from adenosine that occurs in muscle tissue. 9. A short introductory essay preceding the text of a book. ACROSS 10. Swift timid long-eared mammal larger than a rabbit having a divided 1. Botfly larva. upper lip and long hind legs. 4. An inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the person 11. Marked by smartness in dress and manners. buried there. 12. Concerning those not members of the clergy. 11. Work doggedly or persistently. 13. An organization of countries formed in 1961 to agree on a common 15. (Irish) Mother of the ancient Irish gods. policy for the sale of petroleum. 16. A mountainous island in western Indonesia. 14. Offering fun and gaiety. 17. An informal term for a father. 22. The local time at the 0 meridian passing through Greenwich, 18. A legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a commit- England. tee or society or legislative body. 25. 1 species. 19. Someone who applauds. Yesterday’s Solution 27. The capital of Morocco. 20. The basic unit of money in Cambodia. 28. Popular music originating in the West Indies. 21. English film actress (1913-1967). 31. (biology) Having or resembling wings. 23. Being or moving higher in position or greater in some value. 32. A person who is abnormally small. 24. A fast narrow sailing ship of the Mediterranean. 35. Covered with dense cottony hairs or hairlike filaments. 26. An inland sea in northwestern Turkey. 36. A segment of DNA containing adjacent genes including structural 29. A radioactive element of the actinide series. genes and an operator gene and a regulatory gene. 30. (Hinduism or Buddhism) A sacred word or syllable repeated in prayer 37. Having been taken in marriage. or meditation. 40. Title for a civil or military leader (especially in Turkey). 33. An international organization of European countries formed after 43. Any orchid of the genus Disa. World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation 44. A Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad. among its members. 45. A member of the Wakashan people living on Vancouver Island and in 34. In or to a place that is lower. the Cape Flattery region of northwestern Washington. 38. A flat wing-shaped process or winglike part of an organism. 39. An emblem (a small piece of plastic or cloth or metal) that signifies 48. A city in western Lithuania on the Baltic Sea. your status (rank or membership or affiliation etc.). 51. How long something has existed. 41. Any of various primates with short tails or no tail at all. 55. Before noon. 42. A bag used for carrying money and small personal items or acces- 57. A hard gray lustrous metallic element that is highly corrosion-resis- sories (especially by women). tant. 46. Wild sheep of northern Africa. 59. Annual to perennial herbs of the Mediterranean region. 47. The basic unit of money in Bangladesh. 60. Marked by quiet and caution and secrecy. 49. On a ship, train, plane or other vehicle. 63. A member of an American Indian peoples of NE South America and 52. Being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the the Lesser Antilles. west when facing north. 64. A city in central New York. 53. A member of the Siouan people inhabiting the valleys of the Platte 67. A slender double-reed instrument. and Missouri rivers in Nebraska. 69. A fraudulent business scheme. 54. Small terrestrial lizard of warm regions of the Old World. 71. Set down according to a plan. 56. Be present at (meetings, church services, university), etc.. 72. (of a young animal) Abandoned by its mother and raised by hand. 58. A city in north central Morocco. 73. An Arabic speaking person who lives in Arabia or North Africa. 61. The square of a body of any size of type. 75. An accountant certified by the state. 62. A hospital unit staffed and equipped to provide intensive care. 77. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth. 65. A state in northwestern North America. 81. Angular distance above the horizon (especially of a celestial object).

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution Yesterday’s Solution TV listings FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

14:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 02:25 Innovation Nation 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 20:00 How To Get Away With Murder 14:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 02:55 Earth From Space 18:00 Baby Daddy 21:00 Revenge 15:00 Man Fire Food 04:45 Hacking The System 18:30 Last Man Standing 22:00 The Strain 15:30 Man Fire Food 05:10 Hacking The System 19:00 Melissa & Joey 23:00 The Americans 16:00 Chopped 05:40 Dangerous Encounters 19:30 Melissa & Joey 00:20 Fast N’ Loud 17:00 The Kitchen 06:35 Classified: Secret Service Files 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring 00:00 The Soup 01:10 Fire In The Hole 18:00 Easy Chinese: San Francisco 07:30 The Truth Behind Jimmy Fallon 00:30 The Comment Section 02:00 Fast N’ Loud: Demolition 18:30 Easy Chinese: San Francisco 08:25 World’s Weirdest 21:00 Black-Ish 00:55 Sex With Brody Theater 19:00 Chopped 09:20 Hacking The System 21:30 The Nightly Show With Larry 01:25 Keeping Up With The 02:50 American Muscle 20:00 Food Network Challenge 09:45 Hacking The System Wilmore Kardashians 00:00 22 Bullets 03:40 Auction Hunters: Pawn Shop 21:00 Follow Donal... To Vietnam 10:15 Locked Up Abroad 22:00 Web Therapy 02:20 E! News 02:00 The Town That Dreaded Edition 21:30 Follow Donal... To Vietnam 11:10 Planet XXL 22:30 Web Therapy 03:15 Giuliana & Bill Sundown 04:05 Storage Wars Canada 22:00 Chopped 12:05 Traveler’s Guide To The 23:00 South Park 04:10 THS 03:45 The Core 04:30 Savage Family Diggers 23:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives Planets 23:30 Late Night With Seth Meyers 05:05 THS 06:00 I, Frankenstein 05:00 What Happened Next? 23:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 13:00 World’s Weirdest 06:00 Keeping Up With The 08:00 Justice League: War 05:30 How Do They Do It? 14:00 Alien Invasion Kardashians 10:00 The Numbers Station 06:00 Troy 15:00 Classified: CIA Confidential 06:55 Keeping Up With The 11:45 The Core 06:50 Man vs Expert 16:00 Locked Up Abroad Kardashians 14:00 I, Frankenstein 07:40 Deadly Dilemmas 17:00 Million Dollar Moon Rock Heist 08:05 Deadly Dilemmas 07:50 Style Star 16:00 Terminal Velocity 18:00 Taboo 00:00 Grimm 08:30 World’s Worst... 08:20 E! News 18:00 The Day The Earth Stood Still 19:00 Classified: CIA Confidential 01:00 The Flash 09:20 The Island With Bear Grylls 09:15 Giuliana & Bill 20:00 The Numbers Station 00:10 The Chase 20:00 Locked Up Abroad 02:00 Empire 10:10 Dual Survival 10:15 Giuliana & Bill 22:00 Empire State 01:05 Who’s Doing The Dishes? 20:50 Million Dollar Moon Rock Heist 03:00 Mistresses 11:00 Fire In The Hole 11:10 The Grace Helbig Show 02:00 Emmerdale 21:40 Taboo 04:00 Parenthood 11:50 Fast N’ Loud: Demolition 11:35 The Grace Helbig Show 02:25 Come Dine With Me Ireland 22:30 Classified: CIA Confidential 05:00 Covert Affairs Theater 12:05 E! News 02:55 Coronation Street 23:20 Dangerous Encounters 06:00 Once Upon A Time 12:40 American Muscle 13:05 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 03:25 Autopsy: The Last Hours Of... 07:00 Graceland 13:30 Fast N’ Loud 14:05 Keeping Up With The 04:20 Come Date With Me Australia 08:00 Castle 14:20 Extreme Car Hoarders Kardashians 05:15 Murdoch Mysteries 09:00 Parenthood 00:00 The Town That Dreaded 15:10 Mythbusters 15:00 Keeping Up With The 06:10 Who’s Doing The Dishes? 10:00 Once Upon A Time Sundown-18 16:00 Mythbusters Kardashians 07:05 Coronation Street 11:00 The Flash 01:45 The Core-PG15 16:50 Mythbusters 16:00 Stewarts And Hamiltons 07:30 Autopsy: The Last Hours Of... 12:00 Emmerdale 04:00 I, Frankenstein-PG15 17:40 Mythbusters 17:00 Stewarts And Hamiltons 08:25 Come Date With Me Australia 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 06:00 Justice League: War-PG15 18:30 Mythbusters 18:00 E! News 00:30 Black-Ish 09:20 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 14:00 Castle 08:00 The Numbers Station-PG15 19:20 Mythbusters 19:00 Hollywood Cycle 01:00 The Nightly Show With Larry 10:15 Come Dine With Me Ireland 15:00 Once Upon A Time 09:45 The Core-PG15 20:10 Junkyard Empire 20:00 WAGs Wilmore 10:40 The Chase 16:00 Emmerdale 12:00 I, Frankenstein-PG15 21:00 Fast N’ Loud 21:00 Fashion Bloggers 01:30 Big Time In Hollywood Fl 11:35 Who’s Doing The Dishes? 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:00 Terminal Velocity-PG15 21:50 Extreme Car Hoarders 21:30 Fashion Bloggers 02:00 The League 12:30 Murdoch Mysteries 18:00 Castle 16:00 The Day The Earth Stood Still 22:40 Street Outlaws 22:00 E! News 02:30 South Park 13:25 Emmerdale 19:00 The Astronaut Wives Club 18:00 The Numbers Station-PG15 23:30 Inside The Gangsters’ Code 23:00 House Of DVF 03:00 The Simpsons 13:50 Emmerdale 21:00 Sleepy Hollow 20:00 Empire State-PG15 14:15 Coronation Street 03:30 Last Man Standing 22:00 Punisher: War Zone-18 04:00 My Boys 22:00 Empire 14:40 The Chase 23:00 Devious Maids 15:35 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 16:30 The Trials Of Jimmy Rose Jimmy Fallon 17:25 Come Date With Me Australia 05:30 Til Death 17:45 Come Date With Me Australia 06:00 My Name Is Earl 00:00 Chopped 18:20 Murdoch Mysteries 06:30 Wilfred 00:00 Violetta 01:00 The Freshman Class 19:10 Coronation Street 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 00:00 Keith Lemon: The Film 00:45 The Hive 01:30 The Freshman Class 19:35 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 08:00 My Boys 02:00 The Last Shot 04:00 The Life Aquatic With Steve 00:50 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 02:00 Australian Food Adventures 20:30 The Trials Of Jimmy Rose 08:30 Til Death 00:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show Zissou Witch With Matt Moran 21:25 Come Date With Me Australia 09:00 The Simpsons 03:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 09:30 Modern Family 01:00 Good Morning America 06:00 Wallace & Gromit: The Curse 01:15 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 21:50 Come Date With Me Australia 03:00 The Strain 03:30 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 22:20 Coronation Street 10:00 Modern Family Of The Were-Rabbit Witch 04:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 10:30 Wilfred 04:00 The Americans 08:00 Foodfight! 01:40 Wolfblood 22:50 Emmerdale 05:00 Good Morning America 04:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 23:15 Emmerdale 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 10:00 The Life Aquatic With Steve 02:05 Wolfblood 07:00 Emmerdale 05:00 Chopped 23:45 Murdoch Mysteries Jimmy Fallon Zissou 02:30 Violetta 06:00 Food Network Challenge 12:00 My Name Is Earl 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 12:00 The Last Shot 03:15 The Hive 07:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 12:30 My Boys 09:00 Chicago Fire 14:00 Raising Helen 03:20 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 07:30 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 13:00 Til Death 10:00 Emmerdale 16:00 Foodfight! 11:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show Witch 08:00 Chopped 13:30 Wilfred 18:00 Last Vegas 12:00 How To Get Away With Murder 03:45 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 09:00 Guy’s Grocery Games 14:00 Last Man Standing 20:00 High Road 10:00 The Kitchen 14:30 Modern Family 13:00 Revenge 22:00 Fired Up! Witch 14:00 Live Good Morning America 04:10 Wolfblood 11:00 Easy Chinese: San Francisco 15:00 Modern Family 11:30 Easy Chinese: San Francisco 15:30 Black-Ish 16:00 Chicago Fire 04:35 Wolfblood 00:10 Megastructures 12:00 Chopped 16:00 The Nightly Show With Larry 17:00 How To Get Away With Murder 05:00 Violetta 01:00 Mega Factories 18:00 Revenge 13:00 Guy’s Big Bite 02:00 Innovation Nation Wilmore 05:45 The Hive 13:30 Guy’s Big Bite 16:30 My Name Is Earl 19:00 Chicago Fire 05:50 Mouk 01:00 Kon-Tiki-PG15 06:00 Lolirock 03:00 Lockout-PG15 06:25 Hank Zipzer 05:00 Pawn-PG15 06:50 Girl Meets World 07:00 Belle-PG15 07:15 H2O: Just Add Water 09:00 Blancanieves-PG15 07:40 Jessie 11:00 Pawn-PG15 08:05 Wizards Of Waverly Place 13:00 Lockout-PG15 08:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 15:00 Stand Off-PG15 08:55 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 17:00 Blancanieves-PG15 Witch 19:00 Capital-PG15 09:20 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 21:00 Zulu-PG15 Witch 23:00 End Of Watch-18 09:45 Austin & Ally 10:10 Austin & Ally 10:35 Wizards Of Waverly Place 11:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 11:25 Jessie 01:15 Solo Para Dos 11:50 Jessie 03:15 Men Of Honor 12:15 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 05:30 There Be Dragons Witch 07:15 Metallica: Through The Never 12:40 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 09:00 Grand Piano Witch 11:00 Solo Para Dos 13:05 Good Luck Charlie 13:00 Next Goal Wins 13:30 Good Luck Charlie 15:00 The Secret Life Of Bees 13:55 Dog With A Blog 17:00 Grand Piano 14:20 H2O: Just Add Water 19:00 Buried 14:50 Lolirock 21:00 Boyhood 15:15 Liv And Maddie 23:45 The Motel Life 15:40 Jessie 16:10 I Didn’t Do It 16:35 Austin & Ally 17:00 Camp Rock 01:00 Brick Mansions-PG15 19:30 Lolirock 03:00 Heaven Is For Real-PG 19:55 Hank Zipzer 05:00 A Gift Of Miracles-PG15 20:20 High School Musical 07:00 Mr. Peabody & Sherman-FAM 22:00 Binny And The Ghost 09:00 When The Game Stands Tall- PG15 22:25 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 11:00 Need For Speed-PG15 Witch 13:15 Bears-PG 22:50 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 15:00 Planes: Fire And Rescue-PG Witch 17:00 When The Game Stands Tall 23:10 Wolfblood 19:00 Snowpiercer-PG15 23:35 Wolfblood THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL ON OSN MOVIES ACTION HD 21:00 Edge Of Tomorrow-PG15 23:00 About Last Night-18 TV listings FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

05:00 Phineas And Ferb 05:25 Mighty Med 05:50 Lab Rats 06:15 Supa Strikas 06:40 Kirby Buckets 01:15 Zarafa 07:05 Kickin’ It 02:45 Vampire Dog 07:30 Super Matrak 04:30 Marvel’s Ultimate Avengers I 08:00 Boyster 06:00 Sir Billi 08:25 Mini Ninjas 08:00 Pim And Pom: The Big 08:50 The 7D Adventure 09:15 Mighty Med 10:00 The Adventurer: The Curse Of 09:45 Lab Rats The Midas Box 10:10 Phineas And Ferb 11:45 Imaginum 10:35 Phineas And Ferb 13:15 Vampire Dog 11:00 Boyster 15:00 Asterix: The Mansions Of The 11:25 Kickin’ It Gods 11:50 Zeke & Luther 16:30 The Secret Of NIMH 12:20 Camp Lakebottom 18:00 The Adventurer: The Curse Of 12:50 Cars Toons The Midas Box 12:55 Ultimate Spider-Man: Web 20:00 Moshi Monsters: The Movie Warriors 22:00 Asterix: The Mansions Of The 13:20 Lab Rats Gods 13:45 Mini Ninjas 23:45 The Secret Of NIMH 14:10 The 7D 14:35 Kirby Buckets 15:00 Mighty Med 15:25 Supa Strikas 15:55 Kickin’ It 16:20 Lab Rats 00:00 A Single Shot-18 16:45 Kirby Buckets 02:00 Last Passenger-PG15 17:10 Phineas And Ferb 04:00 Appleseed: Alpha-PG15 17:40 Japaneezi Going Going 06:00 Police Story-PG15 Gong 08:00 Until She Came Along-PG15 18:05 Super Matrak 10:00 Avengers Confidential: Black 18:30 Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Widow & Punisher-PG15 EMPIRE STATE ON OSN MOVIES ACTION HD Warriors 12:00 Temptation: Confessions Of A 19:00 Lab Rats Marriage Counselor-PG15 Island The Island 04:15 Loopdidoo 19:25 Kickin’ It 14:00 Bully-PG15 02:50 Teen Titans Go! 22:20 Total Drama: Revenge Of 04:35 Art Attack 19:50 Mighty Med 16:00 Until She Came Along-PG15 03:00 Teen Titans Go! The Island 05:00 Calimero 20:10 Phineas And Ferb 18:00 Snitch-PG15 03:10 Grojband 22:40 Grojband 05:10 Zou 20:20 Boyster 20:00 Sabotage-PG15 00:00 Alaska Off-Road Warriors 03:35 Grojband 23:05 Grojband 05:25 Jake And The Neverland 21:00 Programmes Start At 22:00 Outlaw Prophet: Warren Jeffs 01:00 Lost In Transmission 04:00 Regular Show 23:25 Transformers: Robots In Pirates 6:00am KSA 02:00 Counting Cars 04:11 Regular Show Disguise 05:55 Sofia The First 02:30 Counting Cars 04:25 Regular Show 23:50 Regular Show 06:20 Doc McStuffins 03:00 The World Wars 04:36 Regular Show 00:35 Johnny Test 06:45 Loopdidoo 04:00 Ultimate Wheels 04:50 Uncle Grandpa Discovery Science HD 07:00 Limon And Oli 05:00 American Pickers 05:00 Uncle Grandpa 01:29 Curiosity: Devil’s Triangle 07:10 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 06:00 American Restoration 05:10 Adventure Time 02:16 Joe Rogan Questions 07:35 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 06:30 American Restoration 05:21 Adventure Time Everything 08:00 Sofia The First 01:00 Last Orders 07:00 Big Rig Bounty Hunters 05:35 Steven Universe 03:03 Mythbusters 08:30 Doc McStuffins 01:45 Why Sharks Attack 03:00 Struck By Lightning 07:30 Big Rig Bounty Hunters 05:46 Steven Universe 03:50 Science Of The Movies 08:55 Miles From Tomorrow 02:40 World’s Deadliest GPU 04:30 The Nines 08:00 Swamp People 06:00 The Amazing World Of 04:37 How It’s Made 09:25 Jake And The Never Land 03:35 I, Predator 06:15 Chimpanzee 09:00 Lost In Transmission Gumball 05:00 How It’s Made Pirates 04:30 Dragon’s Feast 06:11 The Amazing World Of 05:23 Mythbusters 09:55 Loopdidoo 07:45 Biutiful 10:00 American Restoration 05:25 Why Sharks Attack 10:30 American Restoration Gumball 06:08 Science Of The Movies 10:10 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 06:20 The Eagles 10:15 Struck By Lightning 06:20 Ben 10 06:53 Moon Machines 10:35 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 07:15 World’s Deadliest 11:45 All’s Faire In Love 11:00 Counting Cars 11:30 Counting Cars 07:10 Ninjago: Masters Of 07:38 Food Factory 11:00 Sofia The First 08:10 Real Angry Birds 13:30 Last Orders 12:00 American Pickers Spinjitzu 08:01 Food Factory 11:30 Loopdidoo 09:05 Ragged Tooth 15:15 02:22 13:00 Storage Wars 07:30 Regular Show 08:23 Curiosity: Devil’s Triangle 11:45 Limon And Oli 10:00 Monster Fish 17:00 All Hat 13:30 Storage Wars 07:41 Regular Show 09:08 Joe Rogan Questions 11:55 Jake And The Never Land 10:55 Planet Carnivore 18:30 Speak 14:00 Pawn Stars 07:55 Dreamworks Dragons: Everything Pirates 11:50 Hippo vs Croc 20:00 The American 14:30 Pawn Stars Riders Of Berk 09:53 How Do They Do It? 12:20 Miles From Tomorrow 12:45 World’s Weirdest 21:45 Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever 15:00 Shipping Wars 08:20 Total Drama: Pahkitew 10:16 How Do They Do It? 12:45 Messages From Miles 13:40 Wild 24 Island 10:38 Science Of The Movies 12:50 Doc McStuffins 14:35 World’s Deadliest 23:15 In Hell 15:30 Shipping Wars 16:00 Lost In Transmission 08:40 Johnny Test 11:23 Moon Machines 13:15 Sofia The First 15:30 Original Fight Club 17:00 Counting Cars 08:52 Johnny Test 12:10 How It’s Made 13:45 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 16:25 World’s Deadliest Snakes 17:30 Counting Cars 09:05 Johnny Test 12:34 How It’s Made 14:10 Lilo & Stitch 17:20 World’s Weirdest 18:00 American Pickers 09:17 Johnny Test 12:57 Curiosity: Devil’s Triangle 14:40 Adventures Of The Gummi 18:10 Wild 24 19:00 Storage Wars 09:30 Steven Universe 13:44 Joe Rogan Questions Bears 19:00 World’s Deadliest 19:30 Storage Wars 09:40 Steven Universe Everything 15:05 Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers 19:50 Original Fight Club 20:00 The Curse Of Oak Island 09:50 Uncle Grandpa 14:31 Science Of The Movies 15:35 Ducktales 20:40 World’s Deadliest Snakes 21:00 Pawn Stars 10:02 Uncle Grandpa 15:18 Mythbusters 16:00 Miles From Tomorrow 21:30 Monster Fish 00:00 American Idol 21:30 Pawn Stars 10:15 Teen Titans Go! 16:05 Through The Wormhole 16:25 Messages From Miles 22:20 Planet Carnivore 01:00 MasterChef - The 22:00 Storage Wars: New York 10:27 Teen Titans Go! With Morgan Freeman 16:30 Sofia The First 23:10 Hippo vs Croc Professionals 22:30 Storage Wars: New York 10:40 Regular Show 16:52 How Do They Do It? 16:55 Doc McStuffins 00:00 Dangerous Encounters 02:00 The Listener 23:00 Storage Wars: Texas 10:51 Regular Show 17:16 How Do They Do It? 17:15 Jake And The Never Land 00:50 Night Stalkers 23:30 Pawn Stars 11:02 Regular Show 17:39 Food Factory Pirates 03:00 The Listener 11:13 Regular Show 18:02 Food Factory 17:35 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 04:00 Castle 11:25 Adventure Time 18:25 Weird Or What? 18:05 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 05:00 Happy Endings 11:35 Adventure Time 19:13 Weird Or What? 18:35 Sofia The First 05:30 Happy Endings 11:50 Adventure Time 20:00 Through The Wormhole 19:00 Adventures Of The Gummi 06:00 The Simpsons 12:10 Steven Universe With Morgan Freeman Bears 01:40 What Not To Wear 06:30 The Simpsons 12:21 Steven Universe 20:45 The Science Of Fear And 19:25 Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers 02:30 Jon & Kate Plus 8 07:00 Lost 01:35 Double Impact 12:35 Total Drama World Tour Lust 19:55 Ducktales 03:00 Little People, Big World 08:00 American Idol 03:25 George Washington 13:00 Ben 10: Omniverse 21:34 Weird Or What? 20:20 Lilo & Stitch 03:30 Cake Boss 04:55 The Honey Pot 13:20 Ben 10: Omniverse 22:21 Weird Or What? 20:50 Zou 04:00 Say Yes To The Dress 09:00 MasterChef - The 13:45 Ninjago: Masters Of 23:08 How It’s Made 21:05 Henry Hugglemonster Professionals 07:05 Innocent 04:25 Cake Boss 08:35 Separate Tables Spinjitzu 23:32 How It’s Made 21:20 Calimero 04:50 Cake Boss 10:00 The Listener 10:15 A Guy Thing 14:10 Matt Hatter Chronicles 23:55 Mythbusters 21:35 Zou 05:15 Cake Boss 11:00 The Listener 12:00 Big Screen 14:30 Teen Titans Go! 00:42 The Science Of Fear And 21:50 Loopdidoo 05:40 Cake Boss 12:00 Castle 12:15 Saved! 15:20 Uncle Grandpa Lust 22:05 Art Attack 06:05 The Face UK 13:00 Happy Endings 13:45 The Tender 15:31 Uncle Grandpa 22:30 Henry Hugglemonster 06:55 The Face UK 13:30 Happy Endings 15:15 Hackers 15:40 Regular Show 22:45 Calimero 07:45 Toddlers & Tiaras 14:00 The Simpsons 17:00 A Guy Thing 15:51 Regular Show 23:00 Zou 08:35 Toddlers & Tiaras 18:45 Big Screen 16:02 Regular Show 23:15 Loopdidoo 09:25 Say Yes To The Dress 14:30 The Simpsons 16:13 Regular Show 23:30 Art Attack 15:00 Lost 19:00 A Dangerous Woman 09:50 Say Yes To The Dress 20:45 Phantoms 16:30 Adventure Time 23:55 Henry Hugglemonster 10:15 Say Yes To The Dress 16:00 MasterChef Australia 22:20 Piranha 16:50 The Amazing World Of 00:05 Calimero 10:40 Say Yes To The Dress 17:00 Cougar Town 23:55 Phantoms Gumball 01:10 Henry Hugglemonster 00:20 Zou 11:05 Say Yes To The Dress 17:30 According To Jim 17:15 Uncle Grandpa 01:20 Calimero 00:30 Loopdidoo 11:30 Oprah: Where Are They 18:00 Low Winter Sun 17:40 Steven Universe 01:35 Zou 00:45 Art Attack Now? 19:00 Lone Star Legend 18:00 Teen Titans Go! 01:45 Loopdidoo 12:20 Oprah’s Master Class 19:30 Lone Star Legend 18:50 Ben 10: Omniverse 02:00 Art Attack 13:10 Little People, Big World 19:15 Ben 10: Omniverse 02:25 Henry Hugglemonster 13:35 Little People, Big World 20:00 The Hero 19:40 Adventure Time 21:00 Cougar Town 02:35 Calimero 14:00 Little People, Big World 19:51 Adventure Time 14:25 Little People, Big World 21:30 According To Jim 02:50 Zou 01:20 Grojband 20:02 Adventure Time 03:00 Loopdidoo 14:50 Little People, Big World 22:00 MasterChef - The 01:42 Grojband 20:13 Adventure Time 03:15 Art Attack 04:00 The 7D 15:15 Randy’s Wedding Rescue Professionals 02:05 Total Drama: Pahkitew 20:25 Johnny Test 03:35 Henry Hugglemonster 04:10 Randy Cunningham: 9th 16:05 New Body, New Style 23:00 MasterChef - The Island 21:10 Regular Show 03:50 Calimero Grade Ninja 16:55 Cake Boss Professionals 02:27 Total Drama: Pahkitew 21:55 Total Drama: Revenge Of 04:00 Zou 04:35 Mini Ninjas 17:20 Six Little Mcghees Stars FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

Aries (March 21-April 19) COUNTRY CODES Libra (September 23-October 22) Afghanistan 0093 Lithuania 00370 People seem more even-keeled today with Mercury’s You are busy attempting to uphold your reputa- Albania 00355 Luxembourg 00352 presence in your 7th House of Others, but they might have hid- Algeria 00213 Macau 00853 den agendas that you can’t decipher. Nevertheless, there’s magic tion as the peacemaker of the group today. However, arbi- Andorra 00376 Macedonia 00389 trating a conflict requires you to know exactly where every- Angola 00244 Madagascar 00261 in the air and it’s up to you to discern what is real and what is Anguilla 001264 Majorca 0034 not. You like to take folks at face value but you grow more skepti- one stands on the issues at hand. But the problem is other people’s positions remain a complete mystery to you now. If Antiga 001268 Malawi 00265 cal as the layers fall away to reveal more mystery the deeper you Argentina 0054 Malaysia 0060 go. Don’t be concerned if you discover you jumped to a wrong you stop to reassess all the variables, it’s apparent you can’t Armenia 00374 Maldives 00960 conclusion. Never judge a book by its cover. The outcome could solve every dilemma. Honestly, there are more riddles in life Australia 0061 Mali 00223 than answers. Austria 0043 Malta 00356 surpass your imagination if you’re willing to readjust your expec- Bahamas 001242 Marshall Islands 00692 tations and move on. Bahrain 00973 Martinique 00596 Bangladesh 00880 Mauritania 00222 Barbados 001246 Mauritius 00230 Belarus 00375 Mayotte 00269 Belgium 0032 Mexico 0052 Belize 00501 Micronesia 00691 Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Benin 00229 Moldova 00373 Bermuda 001441 Monaco 00377 The more you try to make sense out of a power Bhutan 00975 Mongolia 00976 struggle today, the more complicated the plot grows. You Although you might find yourself to be more Bolivia 00591 001664 comfortable in the imaginary realms today, steering clear of Bosnia 00387 Morocco 00212 assume that gathering additional information will empower you Botswana 00267 Mozambique 00258 to come out on the winning end. However, you’re not going to real-world commitments can be particularly tricky. Whatever you do, keep your loyal fan base in the loop. You can count Brazil 0055 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 get to the bottom of the story now, no matter how many ques- Brunei 00673 Namibia 00264 tions you ask. Stop chasing the facts and just follow your intu- on your allies to support your creative pursuits any time you Bulgaria 00359 Nepal 00977 ask, so don’t leave your friends in the dark when it comes to Burkina 00226 Netherlands 0031 ition. Paradoxically, letting your imagination take the wheel is Burundi 00257 Netherlands Antilles 00599 your best way to stay on the road. your latest inspiration. The more involved they feel in your process now, the happier everyone will be with your success Cambodia 00855 New Caledonia 00687 Cameroon 00237 New Zealand 0064 in the long run. Canada 001 Nicaragua 00505 Cape Verde 00238 Nigar 00227 Cayman Islands 001345 Nigeria 00234 Central African 00236 Niue 00683 Chad 00235 Norfolk Island 00672 Chile 0056 N. Ireland (UK) 0044 Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) China 0086 North Korea 00850 Colombia 0057 Norway 0047 Your responsibilities weigh heavily on your shoul- So many people are vying for your attention Comoros 00269 Oman 00968 Congo 00242 Pakistan 0092 ders today, but adopting an unconventional strategy enables today that you don’t know where to begin. Or, perhaps, your Cook Islands 00682 Palau 00680 you to get everything finished on time. However, your creative avoidance of details is making someone else climb the walls. Costa Rica 00506 Panama 00507 approach may be nearly impossible for others to comprehend. Either way, you need to get back to basics when it comes to Croatia 00385 Papua New Guinea 00675 Even if you produce something special, your colleagues can’t see your daily routine. Don’t add any more complications to Cuba 0053 Paraguay 00595 Cyprus 00357 Peru 0051 how your current artistic pursuits help you fulfill your previous your day; you already have too many distractions on your Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 Philippines 0063 commitments. Instead of waiting for the approval of anyone else calendar. In the meantime, choose the simplest solution at Czech Republic 00420 Poland 0048 now, set your intentions and get down to work. The proof is in every junction along the way. Denmark 0045 Portugal 00351 the pudding. Diego Garcia 00246 Puerto Rico 001787 Djibouti 00253 Qatar 00974 Dominica 001767 Romania 0040 Dominican Republic 001809 Russian Federation 007 Ecuador 00593 Rwanda 00250 Egypt 0020 Saint Helena 00290 El Salvador 00503 Saint Kitts 001869 Cancer (June 21-July 22) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) England (UK) 0044 Saint Lucia 001758 Equatorial Guinea 00240 Saint Pierre 00508 Eritrea 00291 Saint Vincent 001784 You are such a pro at turning your home into a safe The sooner you set aside your goals for the day, Estonia 00372 Samoa US 00684 haven that you can keep the complications of the world at bay. the quicker you’ll find personal satisfaction. As much as you Ethiopia 00251 Samoa West 00685 But focusing your energy on your personal space is not about enjoy climbing the ladder of success, you’re not going to Falkland Islands 00500 San Marino 00378 isolating yourself from others. Create a comfortable place where make much progress today. Relaxing your expectations Faroe Islands 00298 Sao Tone 00239 Fiji 00679 Saudi Arabia 00966 people drop by simply because they know they’ll receive your allows you to let down your hair and kick up your heels. Finland 00358 Scotland (UK) 0044 tender loving care. Welcoming others into your sanctuary acts as Choosing a radical course of action fuels your excitement to France 0033 Senegal 00221 an elixir for your soul today. But stick to safe topics of conversa- get an early start on a pleasant weekend. Take fun as serious- French Guiana 00594 Seychelles 00284 tion to cultivate a nurturing and peaceful environment. Home is ly as you do your work and you will have the time of your life. French Polynesia 00689 Sierra Leone 00232 Gabon 00241 Singapore 0065 where your heart is. Gambia 00220 Slovakia 00421 Georgia 00995 Slovenia 00386 Germany 0049 Solomon Islands 00677 Ghana 00233 Somalia 00252 Gibraltar 00350 South Africa 0027 Greece 0030 South Korea 0082 Leo (July 23-August 22) Greenland 00299 Spain 0034 Aquarius (January 20- February 18) Grenada 001473 Sri Lanka 0094 Guadeloupe 00590 Sudan 00249 It feels as if you’re putting out fires everywhere you You are on the hunt for someone who is willing to Guam 001671 Suriname 00597 go these days. It’s perfectly understandable if you grow weary view your photos and hear your tales of your last great adven- Guatemala 00502 Swaziland 00268 of handling one complication after another since the crises nev- ture. Or you’re searching for a friend who will listen to you Guinea 00224 Sweden 0046 er seem to end. You might believe you can step back and let Guyana 00592 Switzerland 0041 expound on your plans for the next trip of a lifetime. However, Haiti 00509 Syria 00963 someone else run the show now, but others aren’t as quick to there’s no need to feel disappointment if others aren’t giving you Holland (Netherlands) 0031 Serbia 00381 let you recede into the sidelines. Just to be fair, do your part the attention you desire today. Once you realize that everyone Honduras 00504 Taiwan 00886 Hong Kong 00852 Tanzania 00255 plus a little more and then walk away. Setting clear boundaries else is also caught up in their own worlds now, you won’t be so Thailand 0066 is the only way out of this mess. Hungary 0036 fast to judge them or expect more. Live and let live; sometimes, Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Toga 00228 your best dreaming is done alone. Iceland 00354 Tonga 00676 India 0091 Tokelau 00690 Trinidad 001868 Indian Ocean 00873 Tunisia 00216 Indonesia 0062 Turkey 0090 Iran 0098 Tuvalu 00688 Iraq 00964 Uganda 00256 Ireland 00353 Ukraine 00380 Virgo (August 23-September 22) Pisces (February 19-March 20) Italy 0039 United Arab Emirates 00976 Ivory Coast 00225 United Kingdom 0044 You crave to be free of obligations so you can You can feel the unspoken conflict between your col- Jamaica 001876 Uruguay 00598 explore fascinating new ideas but people appear to misread orful imagination and other people’s sensible agendas today. Japan 0081 USA 001 Jordan 00962 Uzbekistan 00998 your signals today. They might act weirdly because they feel Your friends or relatives may already have big plans for the week- Kazakhstan 007 Vanuatu 00678 rejected or abandoned by you — but that’s not your intention end and are happy to have you play along. But you feel like stick- Kenya 00254 Venezuela 00582 at all. Happily, you’re just chasing your own personal pursuit ing to your own idea of fun for a change. Although this is not a Kiribati 00686 Vietnam 0084 of happiness. Instead of focusing on everyone else’s reactions, Kuwait 00965 Virgin Islands UK 001284 great time to issue ultimatums, it’s not wise to just give in, either. Kyrgyzstan 00996 Virgin Islands US 001340 be straightforward about your motives now. No one can find Instead of the nice fish that swims with the school, be prepared Laos 00856 Wales (UK) 0044 fault in your actions if you’re honest about what matters the to dart off in your own direction in order to follow the whims of Latvia 00371 Yemen 00967 most to you. your heart. Lebanon 00961 Yugoslavia 00381 Liberia 00231 Zambia 00260 Libya 00218 Zimbabwe 00263 Health FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 Use behavioral ‘nudging’ to tackle gender, health challenges

LONDON: Many of the world’s biggest chal- cents for a deworming pill will scrape together Harvard University. Changing so deep rooted a lenges, such as encouraging people to buy large amounts of money for acute urgent custom is not something laws alone are likely life-saving drugs or unpicking deeply rooted healthcare needs,” said Glennerster. “This to achieve, she said. Social norms need to sexism, can be tackled by using subtle psycho- behavior is really quite hard to explain under change. In one study in India, giving women logical cues to change the way people behave, standard economic models.” There are rational authority and control of significant amounts of according to experts in London. Behavioral reasons why people may not buy cheap life- money changed social gender norms in economics, also known as “nudging”, is about saving pills, such as a lack of access to finance observable and lasting ways, though appoint- making people more likely to make desirable or information, but these factors cannot ing women to the boards of short-term proj- decisions without directly forcing them to, by explain the results, which are “surprising to the ects did not, she said. MANILA: Filipino children stand in front of a mural at the incorporating evidence of how people actually point of incredulity,” said Glennerster. Asking for demographic information at the school courtyard as they wait for their afternoon classes in behave into policy, advocates told a confer- Sending people persuasively worded SMS start of a job application can encourage peo- Manila yesterday. — AFP ence on the subject on Wednesday. reminders increased the number who took ple to subconsciously play up to negative Philippine children stunted by For example, the Behavioral Insights Team, medicine, as did subsidizing deworming pills, stereotypes, such as women being less or “Nudge Unit”, set up by the British govern- which people are less likely to see the benefits assertive, or black people being less suited to malnutrition: welfare report ment in 2010, found that letters encouraging of, rather than subsidizing things people do the police force, something behavioral econo- people to pay their taxes had vastly different buy, like acute care. mists call “stereotype threat”. Though “nudg- MANILA: Children in the Philippines suffer from “sub-Saharan levels” response rates depending on how they were ing” alone is unlikely to be able to stop sex- of malnutrition that stunts growth in a people who have traditionally worded. Including a note saying most of the Changing norms, not laws selective abortion, combining behavioral tech- been considered short because of genetics, a campaign group said recipient’s neighbors had paid their taxes on Glennerster said “nudging” can seem niques with laws may be the way to solve such yesterday. Although economic growth has surged in recent years, time, or that taxes are used to fund vital public paternalistic, and warned policymakers to be difficult problems, she said. chronic malnutrition means the country has more stunted children services, had a bigger impact than plain careful when they were not overwhelmingly than Ethiopia or the Republic of Congo, the Save the Children Fund demands. Similar letters sent out in confident of the benefits of an action, as they Role models said in a new report. “The assumption has always been that Filipinos Guatemala also had positive results. Much of can be with certain medical interventions. When the British government wanted to are just genetically short but what we actually see now are genera- modern social science, rather than observing “Sometimes ordinary people understand get more women on corporate boards, it tried tions of stunted and malnourished children,” said Amado Parawan, how people actually behave, mistakenly something that we, the experts, don’t,” she two separate strategies after rejecting the the group’s health and nutrition adviser. About one in three children assumes “rationality”: that people weigh up told the conference. The idea of nudging, idea of using quotas, Bohnet said. The first under five years of age is suffers from stunting said the charity. costs and benefits carefully before making based on the research of economists including was to tell firms only 17 percent of board “Sometimes, the families may hide such children out of shame that decisions, said British Cabinet Office Minister Richard Thaler and Daniel Kahneman, who members of top companies were women. they cannot feed them,” Parawan said. “Because ‘shortness’ is con- Matthew Hancock. both spoke in London, gained traction after This did not work well. But when the govern- sidered a racial trait, it is not seen as a serious concern (but) stunting the global financial crisis, when governments ment told firms that 94 percent of companies is more than just being short, it impacts children’s future because it Irrational behavior wanted to achieve more but spend less. had at least one woman on the board, the hinders physical and mental growth,” Parawan told a news confer- Millions of people die each year from easily The US and Australian governments also response was much better. Humans have a ence. Data collated by Save the Children showed Filipino men were preventable diseases which can be stopped by have behavioral insight units, which use natural behavioral instinct to want to do what on average five feet, three inches (1.6 metres) tall, one of the shortest simple and cheap measures like malaria nets, methodical “randomized controlled trials” to others are doing, so focusing on the positives, in Southeast Asia, he said. vaccines and deworming pills, said Rachel test different interventions, observing human even when using exactly the same underlying Men in the 10-member Association fo Southeast Asia bloc are, on Glennerster of J-PAL, a global health charity. behavior before recommending a particular data, is more likely to get people to change average, an inch taller, with Singaporean and Thai males the tallest She estimates deworming pills have a lifetime policy. Sex selective abortions, especially com- their actions, she said. “Reciprocity” is another at about five feet, seven inches, Parawan said. The global average for benefit of $142 in increased earnings and bet- mon in Asia, are responsible for between 100 key insight from behavioral economics. men is five feet six inches, he said. International studies have showed ter health. But many people will not buy them, million and 160 million “missing girls” globally, People are more likely to give something up if the Philippines has the ninth largest proportion of stunted children, even when they are extremely cheap. around the same as the number of women liv- the other party has also given something up, the group said. India is the world’s worst affected nation. — AFP “The same people who will not pay 40 ing in the United States, said Iris Bohnet of however small. — Reuters FRIDAY, SEOTEMBER 4, 2015



FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 Low inflation back Saudi non-oil business growth boosted by high oil output in focus at ECB policy meeting PAGE 38 Page 39

CIXI:Workers building a car on the Geely Motors assembly line in Cixi, 50km from Ningbo in China’s Zhejiang province. Foreign carmakers that raced into China to profit from what has become the world’s biggest automobile market by volume have no intention of backing out despite slowing sales as the Chinese economy shifts down. —AFP China, plunging oil threaten world economy: IMF G20 seeks to smooth economic shock waves from China

WASHINGTON/PARIS: China’s slowdown, volatile financial “China’s transition to a lower growth, while broadly in line on state investment and exports to increased domestic con- markets and tumbling raw-materials prices have raised the with forecasts, appears to have larger-than-previously-envis- sumer spending should be sufficient to risks to economic growth around the world, the International aged cross-border repercussions, reflected in weakening com- overcome its current troubles. “The Monetary Fund on Wednesday. In an assessment of threats modity prices and stock prices,” the International Monetary Chinese economy has the means to confront its economic published as top finance ministers and central bankers meet Fund warned in a report on policy challenges facing the G20. slowing in the near-term,” said a Western governmental this week in Turkey, the IMF warned that the problems could “The expected boost in economic activity from lower oil source, who acknowledged the “real question is the one of lead to “a much weaker outlook” for global growth. prices has not materialized, and lower energy costs are keeping switching to a more sustainable development model”. It urged wealthy countries to continue easy-money policies inflation low. Hence, monetary policy must stay accommoda- Andrew Kenningham, senior economist at Capital and “growth friendly” tax and spending programs. Some tive to prevent real interest rates from rising prematurely,” it Economics in London, says some of the reaction to China’s emerging-market countries, meanwhile, should let their cur- said. slowing has been over-blown anyway. rencies fall substantially to support their exporters and eco- The Fund cautioned policymakers at the US Federal “For China we don’t think the outlook is nearly as bad as nomic growth, while also enacting reforms to make their Reserve, who meet September 16-17, to make their decision on many people are suggesting. We could even see some re- economies more efficient, it added. interest rates dependant on the economic and financial data, acceleration of growth in the second half of this year, partly The Chinese economic slowdown, though long anticipated, noting “little evidence of meaningful wage and price pres- because of policy stimulus,” he said. “If you look forward China “appears to have larger-than-previously-envisaged” repercus- sures”. is then likely to continue slowing but at a relatively gradual sions in other countries, the IMF said. China’s troubles have It urged the European Central Bank, which was meeting pace and a pace that should not cause too many problems for sent the prices of raw materials such as oil and copper into a Thursday, to extend its 60-billion-euro ($68 billion)-a-month the rest of the world.” freefall, pinching Brazil, Russia and other commodity exporters. sovereign bond buying program if inflation fails to meet its Not all observers are as optimistic, however, and calls have Meanwhile, world finance ministers and central bankers medium-term target of just under two percent. The IMF told multiplied for Beijing to step up efforts to address the panic. gather in Turkey this weekend to grapple with the fallout of the Bank of Japan it “should stand ready for further easing”. The United States has appealed to China to be more trans- slowing growth in China, tanking emerging economies and This week IMF managing director Christine Lagarde conceded panicked global stock markets. global economic growth will likely be weaker in 2015 than the parent to financial markets, especially concerning the “actions Signs that China’s economy-the world’s second-largest-is 3.3 percent estimate the IMF made just two months ago, due in and objectives” of its economic policies, a senior official with slowing more than expected have panicked stock markets, part to fallout from China’s slowdown. Whether China can the US Treasury said.“It’s important for communication to be pushed commodity prices to fresh lows, sparked a rout in manage a soft landing after years of explosive economic clear and effective across a range of issues, be they related to emerging market currencies and thrown into question a US growth will be at the heart of G20 talks. growth, financial markets and so forth.” interest rate rise previously expected in September. But China isn’t alone in encountering problems. The The potential chilling impact of a new cycle of US interest China in focus United States has produced mixed economic data, French rate hikes fed uncertainty and concern ahead of the meeting of One Western government official said China’s enormous growth has again stalled, and both Canada and Brazil have the Group of 20 top advanced and emerging economies. reserves and determination to ease its economy from reliance entered recession as commodity prices slide. — Agencies Business38 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 Saudi non-oil business growth News boosted by high oil output in brief Kuwaiti oil barrel drops UAE non-oil sector grows to six-month high $2.47 to $44.86 KUWAIT: The price of Kuwaiti oil barrel plunged $2.76 to $44.86 DUBAI: Growth in Saudi Arabia’s non-oil pri- price, which should continue to underpin July,” said Khatija Haque, head of regional on Wednesday, compared to $47.62 on Tuesday, said Kuwait vate sector rose to a five-month high in activity in the non-oil sectors through the research at Emirates NBD. The Muslim holy Petroleum Corporation (KPC) yesterday. Prices had risen in interna- August, buoyed by the impact of increasing rest of this year,” she said. month of Ramadan, when some business tra- tional oil markets yesterday backed by the gains made by the US oil production, a survey of businesses Output growth in the PMI survey acceler- ditionally slows, fell in June and July this year. stock markets. Brent crude contracts rose by $1 to $50.56 per bar- showed yesterday. ated to 65.8 points in August from 65.1 in Output growth surged to 63.1 points in rel, while the US crude oil contracts climbed by $1.36 to $46.77 pb. The seasonally adjusted Emirates NBD July, while new order growth picked up to August from 60.0 in July, while new orders Saudi Arabia Purchasing Managers’ Index 64.8 from 63.1. Employment growth rose rose to 61.3 from 60.2. Growth in new export climbed to 58.7 points last month from 57.7 sharply to 53.3 points. Output prices fell for orders, however, slowed sharply to 54.4 US dollar steady in July. The 50-point level separates expan- the first time in four months, with the index points. sion from contraction. Saudi Arabia has hitting 49.7 points, while input price inflation “Encouragingly, new orders and output against Kuwaiti dinar raised its oil output to record highs in the last was positive but slowed. Business activity growth readings remain high, suggesting few months to protect its market share, growth in the United Arab Emirates’ non-oil strong domestic demand. Slower growth in KUWAIT: US dollar stabilized vis-@-vis the Kuwaiti dinar, although global oil prices plunged to six-year private sector accelerated in August to a six- export orders last month may reflect the trading at KD 0.302 while the euro dropped to KD 0.338 yes- lows in August. Khatija Haque, head of month high, a corporate survey showed yes- impact of currency appreciation relative to terday compared to Wednesday’s trading, the Central Bank regional research at Emirates NBD, said the terday. The seasonally adjusted Emirates other emerging markets,” Haque said. The of Kuwait said. The sterling pound remained firm at KD 0.462, oil price slide since June did not seem to be NBD UAE Purchasing Managers’ Index, which UAE dirham is pegged to the US dollar, but the Swiss franc, dropped to KD 311, and the Japanese hurting non-oil business activity in the coun- covers manufacturing and services, rose to which has been strong. Employment growth yen remained unchanged at KD 0.002. try, while higher oil production had appar- 57.1 points last month from 55.8 in July. A slowed slightly but remained positive. ently boosted activity in related manufactur- level above 50 indicates expansion. Output prices fell for the second month in a Egyptian pound steady ing sectors that were included in the PMI sur- “The sharp rise in the UAE PMI in August row, with the index at 49.2 points, but input vey. “We expect Saudi Arabia to maintain confirms our view that Ramadan likely con- price inflation was positive and picked up at dollar sale high levels of oil output regardless of the tributed to the softer readings in June and slightly. — Reuters CAIRO: Egypt’s central bank kept the pound steady at a dollar sale yesterday, selling $37.8 million at a cut-off price of 7.7301 pounds per dollar, unchanged from Tuesday. The central bank had kept the pound at 7.5301 for five months until July, when it allowed it to slide to 7.6301. On July 5 the bank let it slip a further 0.10 pounds. Allowing the pound to weaken in a controlled way could boost exports and attract further investment but it also raises Egypt’s already large bill for imported fuel and food staples. Egypt has sought to tame a once-thriving currency black market with measures such as a cap on dollar-denominated bank deposits. The central bank gave permission in January to trade dollars up to 0.10 pounds above or below the official rate, with currency exchange bureaux allowed to trade at 0.15 pounds above or below the official rate. One trader at an exchange bureau said the pound was changing hands at 8.02 pounds per dollar and another trader said it was changing at 8.03 pounds per dollar, little changed from Tuesday’s rates.

Egypt’s GASC receives offers in wheat tender

HAMBURG: The lowest offer in a wheat purchase tender by state Egyptian buyer GASC which closed yesterday was $174.74 a ton free on board (FOB) for French wheat, traders said. The offer was made for 60,000 tons, they said. No purchase has yet been made and results are expected later yesterday, traders said. GASC is seeking shipment from Oct. 11 to 20. Black Sea wheat has domi- nated recent purchases by GASC. But Paris wheat futures touched contract lows on Wednesday and Thursday, partly on fears that French wheat was uncompetitive in export markets. Along with French wheat, offers were made of Ukrainian, Russian and Romanian wheat, traders said. There were no offers of US TOKYO: A man looks at an electronic stock board of a securities firm in Tokyo yesterday. Asian stocks rose wheat, they said. Traders said these offers were submitted to yesterday after Wall Street rebounded from a sharp sell-off and as a holiday in China gave investors a break GASC in the first round of the tender yesterday in dollars a ton. from its torrid markets. —AP Oil range-bound as equity rally offsets inventory rise

LONDON: Crude prices traded in a narrow Olivier Jakob, managing director of to a 6-1/2-year low of $37.75 a barrel ear- by hopes of further intervention by cen- range yesterday as optimism over equity PetroMatrix, said the market was qui- ly last week. tral banks. Short term, this is bullish for markets helped offset a surprise increase etening down after extreme moves, with Brent has been similarly erratic, gain- crude, but that optimism could fade in US oil inventory levels and a firm US holidays in the two largest oil consuming ing 28 percent over the last week in quickly as investors are reminded of the dollar. A respite from bearish economic countries - the United States and China - August before dipping back to as low as fundamentals.” US dollar strength that news in China, where markets are closed helping temper the appetite for risk tak- $47.74 a barrel on Wednesday. A makes oil more expensive for the holders for public holidays for the rest of the ing. “We’re probably starting to stabilise” European Central Bank meeting later, in of other currencies and stock builds in the week, also helped hold oil prices range- after several days of flat price volatility, which the bank is expected to lower its United States, forestalled any sustained bound after weeks of huge swings. Brent Jakob said, adding that the US Labor Day growth and inflation forecasts, boosted price gains. US crude stocks gained 4.7 slipped 15 cents to $50.35 a barrel by long weekend would “lessen a little bit investor hopes that global monetary poli- million barrels to 455.4 million in the week 1126 GMT, having gained 94 cents in the the appetite” for taking positions in the cy will be kept looser for longer. US payroll to Aug. 28, the biggest one-week rise previous session. US crude fell 2 cents to market. US crude has see-sawed, climb- data on Friday is also on the horizon. since April, data from the US Energy $46.23 a barrel, up from the day’s low of ing 27.5 percent over three trading ses- “We’ve cooled off slightly” in terms of oil Information Administration showed. $45.65 and after settling 84 cents higher sions to Monday’s close - its biggest such volatility, said Kash Kamal, analyst with Analysts had expected inventories to on Wednesday. gain since August 1990 - after plunging Sucden. “This seems to be driven largely remain unchanged. — Reuters Business FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 UK growth set to slow

LONDON: Businesses in Britain’s services sector recorded their slowest growth in more than two years last month, mirroring signs of economic weakness in the United States and China, a closely watched survey showed yesterday. Financial data company Markit, which compiled the figures, said Britain’s overall economic growth rate was likely to slow to 0.5 percent in the three months to September from an above-average 0.7 percent in the second quar- ter. “Even after allowing for usual seasonal influences, August saw an unexpectedly sharp slowing in the pace of economic growth,” Markit’s chief economist Chris Williamson said. The Markit/CIPS Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) for Britain’s services industry- which does not cover retailers or the public sector-dropped in August to its lowest since May 2013 at 55.6, down from 57.4 in July. That was below all forecasts by economists in a Reuters poll that had predicted a modest rise, and sterling briefly fell. BNP Paribas economist Dominic Bryant, who had predicted a small decline, said he expected the PMI to recover slightly in the FRANKFURT: The headquarter of the European Central Bank (ECB) is pictured in Frankfurt Main, western Germany, yesterday. next couple of months, but not to return its previous level. The ECB holds key refi rate steady at 0.05 percent, they announced after their governing council policy meeting. — AFP “In 2016 ... a combination of fiscal tightening and modest global growth is likely to see growth slow further,” he said. Uncertainty about the scale of China’s slowdown has caused share prices to Euro-zone business growth slump in recent weeks, and has triggered broader worries about world growth which may delay the United States’ first increase in interest rates since the financial crisis. Many economists think the US Federal Reserve could move as Speeds up to four-year high soon as next week, though figures on Tuesday showed the weak- est growth for more than two years at Chinese and US factories, as Firms raise prices for first time in over three years well as a softening in China’s services sector. The Bank of England is also considering when to start to raise interest rates although LONDON: Euro-zone business activity accelerated at its fastest pace dipped to 52.3 from 52.4. In another positive sign for the ECB, firms financial markets do not expect it to act until next year. in more than four years last month, according to surveys that high- increased prices last month-although only barely-for the first time British inflation is barely above zero and yesterday’s survey sug- lighted an ongoing divergence between laggard France and the oth- since early 2012. The composite output price sub index climbed to gested it was unlikely to rise fast, with the second-smallest rise in er big economies in the currency bloc. A generally upbeat set of sur- 50.1 from July’s 49.8. The ECB began pumping 60 billion euros a input costs for British services companies since 2009. “The inflation veys will provide some welcome news for the European Central Bank, month of fresh cash into the economy about half a year ago through outlook is benign and is therefore likely to help tip the argument although they still only point to modest third-quarter GDP growth bond purchases with the aim to boost inflation. But official data towards postponing any rate hikes until the wider global economic considering near-zero interest rates and the ECB’s massive stimulus showed prices rose just 0.2 percent in the bloc last month. To meet picture becomes clearer,” Williamson said. A broader Markit index- program. The data, which come as official numbers showed retail the upturn in demand, service firms took on staff at the second fastest which wraps in construction firms and factories-also fell to its low- sales rose less than expected in July, point to growth of about 0.4 per- rate since May 2011. Unemployment surprisingly fell to a more than est since May 2013, and pointed to a return to more average annu- cent in July-September, survey compiler Markit said. That rate is likely three-year low of 10.9 percent in July. — Reuters al rates of growth of around 2 percent after a rapid expansion in to be sustained in coming quarters, according to a Reuters poll on the 2014 and early 2015. Markit did not mention China’s troubles, but long-term outlook a few weeks ago. Britain’s main manufacturers’ lobby said on Sunday that almost “The upwards momentum that the euro-zone economy had has ECB lowers euro-zone half its members feared they would be hit by a sharp slowdown in started to fizzle out, growth no longer seems to be accelerating,” said the economy of the Asian powerhouse. — Reuters Nick Kounis, head of macro and markets research at ABN AMRO. growth forecasts “There is a significant and rising risk that the ECB takes further action, maybe as early as today’s meeting.” Although most economists expect no policy change at the ECB’s meeting later on Thursday, FRANKFURT: The European Central Bank has cut its projections many see a growing chance its trillion euro asset purchase program for inflation and economic growth in the 19 countries that will be eventually be extended beyond a planned completion date of share the euro currency. The bank trimmed its outlook for annual price increases this year to 0.1 percent from 0.3 percent September 2016. Markit’s final August Composite Purchasing previously, and for next year to 1.1 percent from 1.5 percent. Managers’ Index (PMI) beat an earlier estimate of 54.1, settling at 54.3 Inflation figures are important for the bank’s conduct of its 1.1 — its highest level since May 2011. In July it registered 53.9 and has trillion euro ($1.2 billion) program to stimulate the euro-zone now been above 50, which denotes expansion, since July 2013. Italian economy. firms had their best performance since early 2011 and German The bank is trying to raise weak inflation from an annual 0.2 growth strengthened. Spain’s PMI also soared but it was a different percent toward its goal of just under 2 percent. It is doing that story in France, the bloc’s second biggest economy, where the com- by printing money and pushing it into the economy through posite PMI slumped to its lowest since the start of the year. monthly purchases of government and corporate bonds. Retail sales rose 0.4 percent across the 19 nations using the euro in The ECB has also trimmed its growth forecasts for the euro- July, Eurostat said earlier, less than the 0.6 percent pick-up predicted zone due to a slowdown in developing economies. It trimmed in a Reuters poll. Markets have see-sawed in recent days but were rel- its forecast for this year to 1.4 percent from 1.5 percent previ- atively calm on Thursday ahead of the ECB meeting and U.S. jobs data ously and next year’s to 1.7 percent from 1.9 percent. due on Friday which could be a major factor in determining whether The European Central Bank may have to consider fresh poli- the Federal Reserve raises interest rates later this month. cy measures to prevent deflation in the single currency area, but will not move at its meeting yesterday, analysts said. AUGUST “NOT A PRETTY MONTH” “After all the Greek excitement over the summer, the ECB Britain’s services sector recorded its weakest growth in more than had probably been hoping for a very ordinary and dull meeting two years last month, mirroring signs of economic weakness in the this week,” said ING DiBa economist Carsten Brzeski. United States and China and just as the Bank of England is consider- “Unfortunately... latest market turmoil and, above all, the ing when to start to raise interest rates. Inflation in Britain, which does- plunge in commodity prices should revive the deflation debate n’t use the euro, is barely above zero and yesterday’s survey suggest- within the ECB’s governing council,” he said. ed it was unlikely to increase fast, with the second-smallest rise in UniCredit economist Marco Valli agreed. Draghi “is likely to input costs for British services companies since 2009. The Markit/CIPS sound more dovish than he did in July,” Valli said. “We do not PMI for Britain’s services industry-which does not cover retailers or the expect any explicit hint that the ECB is reconsidering its policy public sector-dropped in August to its lowest since May 2013. stance at this stage, but the door for further stimulus remains “Let’s face it; August was not a pretty month and a number of wide open,” Valli said. The International Monetary Fund on downside events will have weighed down on business sentiment and Wednesday insisted that global central banks must ensure activity,” said Kallum Pickering at Berenberg Bank. that monetary conditions remain “accommodative to prevent VLADIVOSTOK: Participants attend Russia’s first ever “This data suggests that recent events are showing up a little soon- real interest rates from rising prematurely.” And addressing Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in Vladivostok yesterday, er than expected but that despite these risks, the on-going expansion the ECB directly, it said the QE program had “improved confi- aimed at improving relations between the international is robust and can withstand external shocks.” The PMI for the euro dence and financial conditions, and raised inflation expecta- investment community, Russian business, and Federal zone’s dominant service industry rose to 54.4 from July’s 54.0. The tions initially. —Agencies and local governments. — AFP flash estimate was 54.3. The manufacturing PMI, released on Tuesday, Business FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

LEPHALALE: A member of the capture unit holds a tranquillized wild beast in Lephalale, South Africa. The animal (right) was captured for relocation after being sold dur- ing the Ekim Game Breeders’ first annual game auction earlier in June. — AFP Black South African shakes up white preserve of game farming New breeders making their mark, vowing to upend the status quo

LEPHALALE, South Africa: The game breeding trous economic consequences. In contrast, Other game breeders—the majority white talks with the government to organize a collabo- industry in South Africa is the epitome of white, Gcabo—who made his money as a mining con- and speaking exclusively in Afrikaans—helped ration with black farmers who have won a land khaki-clad Afrikaner life—just the sort of busi- sultant and later served in government—is Gcabo carefully load a black impala worth over claim or have purchased government land to ness that black entrepreneur Mike Gcabo loves upbeat about the future and keen to share his $24,000 into an army green trailer to be taken to run game breeding businesses. to break into. expertise and enthusiasm. Each year, an elite its new owner. “It went well, it’s just that there is “This is the future of the game industry, we Game breeding—when prized animals are group of farm owners spend tens of millions of always a moment of tension,” said Gcabo, flash- should all get together and make this happen,” bred, bought and sold—has been dominated by dollars on animals at auctions held across the ing a smile after the impala was safely on board. said Peter Lamprecht, a game breeder who white farmers as a result of the country’s country where the breeders display their finest The ethnic bias in the game breeding business works with Gcabo. apartheid regime which restricted black owner- specimens. makes the industry a target for reform. Just 15 “This is not a white man industry, it’s an ship of land. out of the 1,500 farm owners who belong to industry for anybody that has a belief that this But today, new breeders like Gcabo are mak- Status symbol Wildlife Ranching South Africa, the national business has got a future.” Already, Gcabo has ing their mark, vowing to upend the status quo Some animals are used for trophy hunting, association of game breeders, are black. become a role model in the field. His nephew, in a lucrative and glamorous sector. with hunters willing to pay a premium to hunt a “Obviously with democracy, there were a few Lesego, attended the game capture, dashing “I have a number of black investors who special animal, whether it is a black impala, a newcomers,” said Peter Oberem, the associa- around the trucks and trailers taking photos of have invested their money with me and I set out golden wildebeest, or a buffalo with massive tion’s president. “The best known of all would the animals. to deliberately bring them into the fold,” said horns. But the best are kept to be admired, be Cyril Ramaphosa.” “If it was up to me, I would start tomorrow,” 48-year-old Gcabo, who has a goatee and wears shown off as status symbols and used for breed- said Lesego, a bookish 24-year-old. “I’m trying to a black baseball cap. “If I don’t do that, who else ing—in what farmers describe as a better invest- $2 million buffalo gain more knowledge about what this really is.” would?” ment than property or stocks. “I’m working with Ramaphosa, South Africa’s deputy president Gcabo knows that the financial barriers to His collaborative approach is unusual in a number of communities to help them start and a multi-millionaire businessman, has the industry are too high for many in South South Africa, where land ownership is a fraught breeding. We provide a ram, they provide the embraced game breeding with a passion. But he Africa, where the average black household earns issue. One political party, the populist Economic ewe,” Gcabo said, adding that he allows some was forced to apologise when he spent a cool $2 approximately $7,500 a year. Freedom Fighters, is pushing for the expropria- people keep their animals on his land. million on a single buffalo in 2012 — a purchase But he’s optimistic that he can make a dif- tion of land without compensation. Some On a sunny day on his farm in the Kalahari that sparked public outrage given the country’s ference. “If we continue to bring in new whites fear that South Africa could eventually desert, Gcabo rounded up some of his finest grim poverty levels. Oberem acknowledges that entrants, as I’m on a real drive to do, I see this suffer a similar fate as Zimbabwe, where land impala and wildebeest that were already sold at for the industry to thrive it needs to do more to industry growing in leaps and bounds,” he said. was seized from white-owned farms with disas- his first-ever auction a few months ago. diversify and broaden its public interest. He is in “It makes business sense.” — AFP Rousseff says Brazil will try to get out of first budget deficit BRASILIA: After presenting Brazil’s first posed budget to Congress Monday pre- economies. Analysts believe the high inter- modity prices and political crisis. ever budget deficit, President Dilma dicting a primary deficit amounting to 0.5 est rate will gradually bring down price ris- Rousseff’s popularity, with the economy Rousseff promised Wednesday that her percent of GDP, or 30.5 billion reais ($8.4 es, but that a new hike could be risky. The so weak and major corruption scandals government will work hard to get back in billion). real has lost more than a quarter of its value swirling, has skidded to single digits. the black. “We are being straightforward. This was the first time a Brazilian gov- against the US dollar this year and there are The largest scandal, at the state oil giant And we are showing, clearly, that there is a ernment has unveiled a plan that would fears for Brazil’s investment grade credit Petrobras, has launched a flurry off investi- problem,” she said at a news briefing. mean government spending outstrips rev- rating after the government on Monday gations and prosecutions are getting in Rousseff made her vow to get her enue. A primary budget reflects the gov- presented a 2016 budget that for the first gear. The alleged scheme skimmed billions nation’s budget under control as Brazil’s ernment’s ability to manage savings and time projects operating in the red. of dollars from the state oil giant and sent Central Bank kept its key interest rate at debt. The worry for Brazil now is that its Amid the tough economic climate, infla- the money to political parties, and people’s 14.25 percent Wednesday, breaking with a debt load will lead to a loss of its invest- tion also is high at 9.56 percent and unem- private accounts. Rousseff herself has not string of seven consecutive hikes aimed at ment-grade credit rating, which would be a ployment has risen to 7.5 percent. been accused, but she chaired the board at holding back soaring inflation. serious blow to the economy. In addition to the macroeconomic trou- Petrobras between 2003 and 2010, when Brazil just last week acknowledged that “We want to meet the goal that we set,” bles, Brazil is being shaken by a political cri- much of the alleged corruption was flour- its battered economy-the world’s seventh Rousseff told reporters. “So we are going to sis with Rousseff facing calls for her ishing. Prosecutors estimate that $2.1 bil- largest-has slipped into recession, hard-hit get that deficit down.” impeachment. Brazil saw boom years peak- lion in bribes were paid as part of the by plummeting oil and commodity prices. ing with 7.5 percent economic growth in scheme. Her predecessor, Luiz Inacio Lula Inflation also is high at 9.56 percent and Tough outlook 2010. But Latin America’s biggest country- da Silva Lula is being investigated in an unemployment has risen to 7.5 percent. The 14.25 percent interest rate is the host of next year’s Summer Olympics- unrelated influence-peddling probe, but Rousseff’s government delivered the pro- already one of the highest in big has been brought down by plunging com- has not been charged. — AFP Business FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

Calculating the cost of corruption in Guatemala

GUATEMALA CITY: Guatemalan politics has the country, across the board. In a back-of-the- year civil war and is torn by violence, poverty extremely low-about 10.5 percent of gross been upended by a corruption scandal that envelope calculation, the humanitarian group and inequality. domestic product, against an average of 34.1 has President Otto Perez backed against the Oxfam and the Central American Institute for Half a billion dollars adds up to about percent among the 34 countries of the ropes but just how much money has been Fiscal Studies (ICEFI) came up with a ballpark three-fourths of the annual public health care Organization for Economic Cooperation and stolen? figure of half a billion dollars a year. budget, school lunches for 3.5 million children Development. It is, by definition, impossible to answer the They arrived at that number by studying and 5,000 scholarships, they said. “Guatemala doesn’t have the capacity, in question precisely: There is no accounting how much of the government’s budget is “vul- All are badly needed in the country of 15 terms of government revenues, to have quali- process for government funds that corrupt nerable to corruption” because of a lack of million people, 53.7 percent of whom live in ty public services,” said economist Mynor officials skim, stash, misspend or otherwise oversight, transparency or sound legislation, poverty. To look at another government proj- Cabrera of the Economic Foundation for plunder. Investigators have not yet said exact- said ICEFI’s executive director, Jonathan ect, the vanished money would fund access to Development in Guatemala. ly how much they believe Perez stole as the Menkos. Then they took an educated guess at violence prevention programs for 800,000 Government dysfunction is one of the alleged mastermind of a scheme in which how much of the “vulnerable” cash is actually Guatemalan teens, in a country where young issues fueling protesters’ anger with Perez, businesses paid bribes to dodge taxes on their being filched. people are “cannon fodder” for drug gangs, who on Tuesday became the first president in imports. Prosecutors have charged his former said Menkos. Guatemalan history to be stripped of his vice president, Roxana Baldetti, with taking a What’s $500m worth? Guatemala’s ultra-violent gangs are immunity by Congress. 50-percent cut on the bribes, for a total of “If 20 percent is being lost to corruption- responsible for most of the country’s 6,000 In fact, graft and shoddy public services go some $3.8 million between May 2014 and the minimum amount observed in the rest of murders a year, one of the highest homicide hand in hand, said Manfredo Marroquin, the April 2015. the world-we would have losses of around 4.2 rates in the world. head of Citizen Action, the local branch of But that may be just the tip of the iceberg. billion quetzals, or $500 million,” Menkos said. anti-corruption watchdog Transparency Investigators from a special United Nations That, he said, “represents four times the ‘Eating away the state’ International. commission tasked with fighting high-level current budget of the attorney general’s Despite the corruption, the Guatemalan He bemoans 50-year-old schools without graft in Guatemala have also uncovered sepa- office, the people in charge of fighting corrup- economy is faring rather well at the moment. roofs or desks and hospitals that ask patients rate corruption schemes implicating the top tion.” To hammer the message home, the It has registered growth of three to four per- to bring their own cotton, scissors and other officials of the central bank and social security researchers figured out what else half a billion cent per year in recent years one of the best basic supplies. “Nearly all our public services administration. It is difficult to estimate just dollars could buy in the Central American rates in Central America. GDP in 2014 was have collapsed,” he said. “Corruption has eat- how much public money vanishes each year in country, which is still recovering from a 36- $58.7 billion. But government revenues are en away the state.” — AFP Tractors clog Paris roads to protest plunging incomes Farmers union says govt measures inadequate

PARIS: More than 1,000 tractors rolled into Paris on Thursday as farmers attempted to clog up the capital’s roads in protest at their plummeting incomes. Tractors were lined up at the busy Nation roundabout in the east of the city, but Parisians heeded calls to avoid using KUALA LUMPUR: A man is silhouetted as he monitors the their cars and traffic was less congested trading boards at a brokerage firm in Kuala Lumpur, than normal during the morning rush hour. Malaysia yesterday. — AP Farmers on their tractors have been descending-slowly-on the capital from all World stocks gain corners of France, angry over the falling prices for their farm produce which they amid China blame on foreign competition, Russian sanctions, and a raw deal from local super- holiday, ECB in focus markets and distributors. Agriculture has been struggling across LONDON: World stocks rose yesterday as a holiday in China gave Europe, and protests are also expected in investors a break from its torrid markets and the European Central Brussels ahead of an EU meeting on the Bank was expected to confirm its willingness to provide more stimu- subject on Monday. It has taken many of lus to the euro-zone, if needed. them a week to reach the capital, travelling KEEPING SCORE: In Europe, France’s CAC 40 was up 1.2 percent at an average speed of 35 kilometres (22 to 4,608.24 and Germany’s DAX added 1.5 percent to 10,195.17. miles) an hour. Britain’s FTSE 100 gained 1.5 percent to 6,171.81. Futures augured “What we’re asking for today is three or more gains on Wall Street after the previous day’s from four centimes more on a burger,” said sharp losses. Dow and S&P 500 futures both rose 0.3 percent. Xavier Beulin, head of France’s leading CENTRAL BANKS: Attention is turning to the European Central farmers’ union FNSEA, told iTele. PARIS: French police escorts tractors, one with a sign that reads “ Stop the con- Bank’s meeting yesterday as weak commodity prices and slowing The first tractors to arrive came from trols, taxes and surcharges on French products” as they roll along a street in global growth work against its efforts to stimulate inflation and eco- the northwestern region of Brittany, a Paris making their way to the French National Assembly (Assemblee nationale) nomic growth. Some analysts think the ECB might need to expand its yesterday. — AFP 1.1 trillion euro ($1.2 trillion) of stimulus to stoke inflation but most major producer of milk and pork, flying aren’t expecting any tweaks to that policy to be announced immi- banners with slogans such “No food with- down prices for staples like beef, pork and spokesman for the traffic information cen- nently. The US Federal Reserve, which has been inching toward its out agriculture” and “Don’t abandon your milk. “The prices are low. There are more tre. During the summer, protesting farmers first rate hike since the 2008 financial crisis, is also flashing on the farmers”. FNSEA said they were expecting and more rules. Rules are necessary but the dumped manure in cities around the coun- radar of investors as its policy meeting set for Sept. 16-17 approach- 1,733 tractors as well as dozens of cars and prices don’t follow the extra costs,” said try, blocked access to roads and motor- es. Market expectations for a September rate hike have diminished buses. Police said they had counted more Mathieu, a 20-year-old dairy farmer from ways and prevented tourists from reaching because of signs of weakening global growth and the turbulent sell- than 1,300 tractors on the roads into Paris. the northern region of Picardie. the popular Mont St-Michel in northern off in Chinese stock markets. “Milk has dropped to 320 euros per ton A delegation of some 100 farmers will France. Farmers’ unions have been negoti- THE QUOTE: “Market pricing for a rate hike at the Fed’s from 340 euros last year, and it’s still go to France’s lower house of parliament, ating with the government, which September meeting is steadily being unwound: it now sits at 30 per- falling,” said Christian Ribet, who had the National Assembly, Thursday to hand unveiled an emergency package worth 600 cent,” said Angus Nicholson, market analyst at IG in Melbourne, arrived on a tractor from Brittany. “We sell over to lawmakers “the demands and million euros ($680 million) in tax relief and Australia. “This may see an ebbing of strength in the US dollar,” he at a loss even though it’s supposed to be grievances of an agricultural and rural loan guarantees in July. said in a market commentary. “However, all bets are off for what will against the law.” world that is on the brink of exploding and But they say this is woefully inadequate, happen on Monday with the reopening of China’s stock markets.” that expects a lot from its national repre- as tales of farms going under-and in the EUROZONE DATA: European markets were also buoyed by upbeat Prices pushed down sentatives”, a union representative said. most extreme cases of suicides-hit the economic figures. The purchasing managers index, a broad gauge for A combination of factors, including business activity, rose for the 19-country to a four-year high in August. Many commuters took the advice of the news. The agriculture minister has estimat- changing dietary habits, slowing Chinese police and used public transport instead of ed that around 10 percent of farms in Retail sales, meanwhile, grew 0.4 percent in July, more than making up demand and a Russian embargo on for a 0.2 percent drop in June. The reports together show the euro- their cars on Thursday morning. France-approximately 22,000 sites-are on zone held up against the uncertainty over China’s economic slowdown Western products in response to sanctions “There are not many traffic jams caused the brink of bankruptcy with a combined and benefited from a decrease in concerns over Greece. —AP over the Ukraine conflict, has pushed by the protesters. It’s limited,” said a debt of one billion euros. — AFP Sports FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 42

Los Angeles bid is ‘new start’ for all, says LA mayor

BERLIN: Los Angeles’ 2024 summer with the International Olympic and Hungarian capital Budapest have so infrastructure investment as well as its Olympics bid will be a new start for the Committee President Thomas Bach at far also announced their candidacies. financial clout along with its diverse United States as it attempts to land the the Olympic body’s headquarters in The deadline for bids is Sept. 15. The population where “over 200 languages first summer Games since 1996 and put Lausanne yesterday. The meeting took United States have bid before with are spoken” as bid assets. “Everyone can the disappointment of Boston’s failed place less than 48 hours after Garcetti’s Chicago and New York failing in previ- feel at home. Every athlete has a home effort behind it, the city’s mayor said announcement in Los Angeles of the ous attempts before the latest Boston advantage,” Garcetti said following the yesterday. candidacy to bring the Games back to debacle. Garcetti said the short prepara- meeting which also included USOC chief The United States Olympic the sprawling Californian metropolis on tion time after Boston’s surprise with- Larry Probst and CEO Scott Blackmun. Committee (USOC), which had picked the Pacific ocean for a third time after drawal on July 28, had not affected “We had the chance to express the Boston over Los Angeles, San Francisco 1932 and 1984. “It was important for us plans for the bid. excitement and enthusiasm of being the and Washington earlier this year, was to show that Los Angeles, at the begin- “LA is not our first dance. We under- official U.S. bid city for 2024. Los Angeles under mounting pressure to deliver an ning of this contest, has thought our bid stand not only how to compete and win has benefited greatly from our involve- American bid after the Massachusetts through,” Garcetti said. “Any campaign the Olympics but also how to run them,” ment with the Olympic movement and capital pulled out in late July over finan- is about relationships,” he added, prefer- he said, adding the city had some 85 vice versa,” said Garcetti. “I think it’s time cial concerns. ring a “face-to-face” meeting with the percent of the venues ready or under for America to bring the Olympics back “This is a brand new start for every- IOC President, whose organisation will planned construction regardless of the home. The United States love the body,” Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti elect the winner in 2017. Games. Olympics and the Olympics loves the told a conference call after a meeting Rome, Paris, Germany’s Hamburg He also highlighted the city’s current United states.” — Reuters

Wales mix things up for final World Cup warm-up

LONDON: Wales coach Warren Gatland has mixed up his team for their final World Cup warm up against Italy in Cardiff tomorrow, with Sam Warburton returning to captain the side as part of a new-look back row. Warburton, who sat out last week’s victory over Ireland in Dublin with a shoulder injury, is back at number seven alongside James King and number eight Taulupe Faletau. Jake Ball and Dominic Day start in the second row, with the front row of Gethin Jenkins, Ken Owens and Tomas Francis unchanged from Dublin. Halfbacks Rhys Webb and Dan Biggar continue their partnership while there is a new look midfield with Scott Williams lining up alongside Cory Allen. The back-three from Dublin also remains unchanged with George North and Alex Cuthbert on the wings and Leigh Halfpenny at fullback. “With our opening Rugby World Cup fixture just two MONZA: Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel of Germany, left, is flanked by Mercedes driver Nico Rosberg of Germany during a weeks away, this weekend is an important run-out news conference at the Monza racetrack, in Monza, Italy, yesterday. The Formula one race will be held on Sunday. — AP and an opportunity for fine tuning, said Gatland. “We were happy with the performance away Vettel puts Pirelli row from home in Ireland last weekend, but there are plenty of things we need to work on from that vic- tory so we will be looking to put those in place on Saturday. behind him, for now “We’ve made a couple of changes to try a few new combinations and ensure players get some MONZA: Sebastian Vettel put his row with questions during a pre-race news conference tions made by the tyre supplier for the Italian more game time under their belts.” Pirelli behind him, at least for now, yesterday ahead of this weekend’s Italian Grand Prix, the GP and for the remainder of the season.” Wales kick off their World Cup campaign against after the Italian rubber company released the fastest race of the season. “I said in Belgium Uruguay in Cardiff on Sept. 20. findings of its investigation into the cause of that it was not acceptable to have a blow-out Demanding his high-speed tyre failure during last month’s at that speed just out of the blue,” said Vettel, Pirelli said: “Tests have shown that the fail- Wales team: Belgian Grand Prix. The four-time world cham- who was running third when he suffered his ures at Spa were down to the exceptional com- 15-Leigh Halfpenny (Toulon), 14-Alex Cuthbert pion, who suffered a spectacular puncture on puncture. “But this is on-going and now the bined effect of debris on the track and pro- (Cardiff Blues), 13-Cory Allen (Cardiff Blues), 12- the penultimate lap as he tried to exploit most important thing is to make progress. longed tyre usage on a circuit that is particularly Scott Williams (Scarlets), 11-George North Ferrari’s one-stop strategy, said Pirelli had Pirelli have been very professional and taken demanding.” It added: “Since the start of 2015, (Northampton), 10-Dan Biggar (Ospreys), 9-Rhys done a very professional job, adding that he great care and this is going the right way.” He 13,748 slick tyres have been used, including on Webb (Ospreys); 8-Taulupe Faletau (Newport was satisfied and it was now time “to move added that after discussions with Pirelli he was especially severe tracks like Sepang, Barcelona Gwent Dragons).7-Sam Warburton (Cardiff Blues, forward”. Fellow-German Nico Rosberg of expecting to run with reduced tyre pressure and Silverstone. No problems have ever been Mercedes, who also suffered a high-speed and a change to the camber of his tyres in this discovered, underlining the fundamental solidi- captain), 6-James King (Ospreys), 5-Dominic Day puncture, said he was confident that Pirelli had weekend’s event. ty of the product.” Pirelli added that due to the (Bath), 4-Jake Ball (Scarlets), 3-Tomas Francis (Exeter done what was necessary. “This has been “It’s one thing, this is for the short-term,” he “the exceptional number of cuts to the tyres” Chiefs), 2-Ken Owens (Scarlets), 1-Gethin Jenkins done with extreme precision and a lot of ener- explained. “But I think that long-term, we really found after qualifying, in Belgium, it asked for (Cardiff Blues). gy has gone into it,” he said. need to understand what has happened.” the circuit to be cleaned and now proposes “a Replacements: 16-Kristian Dacey (Cardiff Blues), Pirelli said the spate of tyre failures was due Both the sport’s ruling body, the International study to evaluate the way in which circuits can 17-Paul James (Ospreys), 18-Aaron Jarvis to “exceptional circumstances” and said it had Motoring Federation (FIA) and Pirelli issued be cleaned most effectively.” It added, in a pas- (Ospreys), 19-Luke Charteris (Racing Metro), 20- recorded 63 cuts in tyres at Spa- statements yesterday as the F1 circus gathered sage that pointed to Ferrari’s risky strategy, also Ross Moriarty (Gloucester), 21-Gareth Davies Francorchamps, compared to an average of in a crowded paddock at Monza. The FIA said it that Vettel had only 30 per cent of his tread (Scarlets), 22-Rhys Priestland (Bath), 23Matthew 1.2 cuts per circuit at the previous 15 events. was “satisfied with the thoroughness” of the remaining on his tyre at the time of his punc- Morgan (Bristol). — Reuters Both drivers maintained their position, with Pirelli probe and the conclusions and that it “is ture, “making it more susceptible to damage some reservations, when answering a series of willing to consider any safety recommenda- from small pieces of debris.” — AFP Sports FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

Mayweather ready to hang up gloves as ‘the best ever’

LOS ANGELES: Floyd Mayweather Jr. plans “My health is more important. Anything number of times, this will be his last fight,” nents while building his impressive resume. to go out unbeaten and on his own terms, as can happen (in boxing). I am not really wor- Leonard Ellerbe, CEO of Mayweather Asked what he regarded as the greatest ‘The Best Ever’, when he ends his boxing ried about losing. You can make a lot of Promotions, said on Wednesday’s confer- achievement of his career, he replied: “Every career in Las Vegas next week with his wel- money but you still won’t be able to talk, ence call. “Why can’t a man go out when he fight played a major key ... and number 49 is terweight title defence against fellow walk and have a sharp mind. has had an illustrious career, accomplished going to be important also. But my career’s American Andre Berto. “Of course, it’s always about self-preser- everything that he needed to accomplish not over yet.” Berto, a twice former welter- Should Mayweather win, as is widely vation. I come first but I appreciate the fans. I and be done? And he has done it his way. weight world champion, will step into the expected, he would match the 49-0 record of do. The only thing I can do is believe in “Over the last week, I have received three ring as a heavy underdog after losing three former heavyweight great Rocky Marciano myself. I’m going to be TBE (The Best Ever) major movie offers. We fully expect Floyd to of his last six fights but Mayweather is wary but says he would not be tempted to come until the day I die.” Many pundits have be heavily, heavily involved in the entertain- of underestimating his opponent. out of retirement for a 50th fight. doubted Mayweather’s claim that he will end ment industry because this is what he does “When you’ve got a guy that’s put in a sit- “Forty-nine is my last fight,” the five-divi- his career after the Sept. 12 bout, pointing to right now ... that is going to occupy a lot of uation with nothing to lose, it makes him sion world champion, aged 38, told reporters the American’s U-turn when he came back his time.” Mayweather, whose 48-0 record work that much harder,” said Mayweather. on a conference call on Wednesday before from a 21-month retirement to fight Mexican includes 26 knockouts, is renowned for his “He has a chance to be one of the top guys in saying that self-preservation in the ring had Juan Manuel Marquez in September 2009. brilliant defence in the ring though he has the sport when I am through. You never always been a top priority. “Like I have said and Floyd has said a often been criticized for selecting easy oppo- overlook anyone.” — Reuters

France hopes to retain title with Tony Parker back in team

FRANKFURT: Tony Parker is back and France will be looking to retain the title at the European Basketball Championship that starts over the weekend in four cities across the continent. Originally scheduled to be held in Ukraine, the competition was moved because of the unrest in the east European country and will be spread around before the medal round in France. Group stages will be held in Montpellier, France; Berlin; Zagreb, Croatia; and Riga, Latvia, with the opening round on Saturday. Four teams from each of the six-team groups will advance to the knockout stage in Lille, France, which will host the final on Sept. 20. The finalists will qualify for next year’s Rio de Janeiro Olympics. Here is a look at the four groups: Group A, in Montpellier: While France is the overwhelming favorite, it will be a close bat- tle for the other teams in the group - Russia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Finland, Poland and Israel. France can also count on the NBA experience of Nicolas Batum, Nando de Colo, Boris Diaw and Mickael Gelabale. Russia is rebuild- ing, while Bosnia is without its Phoenix Suns shooter Mirza Teletovic and Denver Nuggets center Jusuf Nurkic. Omri Casspi of the Sacramento Kings leads a balanced Israeli team. Veteran Petteri Koponen and shooter Sasu Salin pace Finland, while center Marcit Gortan of the is the key player for Poland. Group B, in Berlin: Easily the toughest group, with the excep- tion of underdog Iceland. Nowitzki is 37 and wants to go to Rio. HONG KONG: (L to R) Dart players Isen Veljic, Royden Lam, , Phil Taylor, Andy Hamilton and Stephen Dennis Schroeder of the Atlanta Hawks may be the playmaker Bunting pose during a press conference ahead of the dart masters competition in Hong Kong yesterday. The Hong Kong Germany has been looking for. Masters 2015 final will place September 5, 2015. Darts legend Phil “The Power” Taylor has promised “never” to Gasol leads an experienced Spain team that opens its campaign stop playing as he gains a new lease of life from spearheading the pub sport’s ambitious push into Asia. — AFP against unpredictable Serbia, which unexpectedly finished as run- ner-up to the United States at the World Cup last year. The versatile Nemanja Bjelica, newly signed by Minnesota Timberwolves, is the Legend Taylor gets new player to watch. Pau Gasol’s brother Mark and Ricky Rubio are absent. Danilo Gallinari of the Denver Nuggets, Brooklyn Nets cen- ter Andrea Bargnani and of the Sacramento Kings, plus former Detroit Pistons and Boston Celtics player Luigi Datome, ‘Power’ from Asian push headline a powerful Italy squad. Forward Ersan Ilyasova of the may not be enough to get Turkey into the knock- out stage. HONG KONG: Darts legend Phil “The ranked players and three local players in a don’t just want to sit in a bar and eat and Group C, in Zagreb: Greece guard Vassilis Spanoulis is consid- Power” Taylor has promised “never” to stop marquee erected on the city’s harbourfront drink, they want to play games. Darts fills ered as one of the top players in Europe despite a quiet stint in the playing as he gains a new lease of life from on Friday and Saturday. that niche perfectly.” NBA. He and Giannis Antetokounmpo of the Milwaukee Bucks spearheading the pub sport’s ambitious Organisers are hoping to sell out 1,250 In “soft-tipped” darts, players can be should guarantee Greece a place in the top four of the group. push into Asia. tickets each night and Taylor was sure there linked over the Internet, meaning a player Croatia has one of the most talented teams in years. Dario Saric, The 16-time world champion is at the would be great crowds in a sport renowned in Hong Kong can have a game against drafted by the , and Mario Hezonja, headed to forefront of the fast-expanding World for raucous fans and a party atmosphere. someone in another country. the , plus Bojan Bogdanovic of the Brooklyn Nets, Series of Darts, which has broken new “Most people coming will know about Taylor said it was a fantastic innovation make Croatia a medal contender. Without its American-born guard ground this year with top players travelling darts,” said Taylor, adding that he had been for the sport. “I did an exhibition last night,” Bo McCalebb, Macedonia will find it hard to advance. Georgia relies to Yokohama, Perth, Sydney and Auckland. pleasantly surprised by the response of fans he said. “I loved it.” “You press a button and on the center Zaza Pachulia, while the Netherlands And the 55-year-old told AFP that taking in Asia. “We weren’t too sure about Japan, play somebody in another bar. You’re is an unknown quantity. Slovenia could run into problems without darts to new frontiers is a huge motivation but they were probably one of the best there, you’re waving to them on camera. Miami Heat shooter Goran Dragic. ahead of the inaugural Hong Kong Darts crowds we’ve ever had. They all got They could be in Germany, France, Group D, in Riga: The Toronto Raptors center Jonas Masters which, if successful on debut, will involved,” said Taylor. Thailand, wherever-honest to God it’s bril- Valanciunas is the star of Lithuania, which has a well-balanced join the World Series next year. liant. “I did a nine-darter as well,” added squad that could be another medal contender. The group is also a contest for Baltic bragging rights since Latvia and Estonia are in the “I love very minute of it. I’ll never stop. Bullseye Taylor, referring to the minimum number same bracket. But they don’t have Lithuania’s depth. Never,” said Taylor. “At my age I don’t get Hong Kong’s Scott Mackenzie, who has darts in which a player can complete a tra- Ukraine’s biggest worry, apart from the situation at home, could excited much any more but I am actually played in three PDC world championships, ditional game starting on 501 and finishing be the loss of American coach Mike Fratello and the bulk of the excited. I’ve been away from home for four agreed with Taylor. on a double. team that reached the quarterfinals two years ago. Recently natu- weeks now and I’ve loved every minute of “Darts is booming in Asia,” said the 43- “In the early days we could never have ralized American-born Jerome Randle will be leading it. The game’s just grown and grown.” year-old Mackenzie, referring to the hugely imagined this in a million years.” Taylor has the youngest team in the tournament. The Czech Republic features Taylor is in Hong Kong along with five- popular, magnetic-tipped electronic darts hit a record 10 nine-dart finishes in tele- former NBA center-forward Jan Vesely and Barcelona point guard times world champion Raymond Van games which are found across the conti- vised events, including, uniquely, two in Tomas Satoransky, while Belgium will be hoping for an upset. — AP Barneveld, to face off against three other nent. “There are a million registered players one match against James Wade as he won Professional Darts Corporation (PDC) world- in Japan. People in this part of the world the 2010 Premier League. —AFP Sports FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 Nationals end losing run with 4-3 win at Cardinals

ST LOUIS: Washington’s Ryan Zimmerman homered twice and doubled home the tiebreaking run in the eighth inning to lift the Nationals to a 4-3 win at St. Louis on Wednesday, ending an alarming nine-game losing sequence. The Nationals had loomed as one of the main competitors to the Cardinals for the National League title until the sudden slide, which left them 6-1/2 games off the pace in the NL East division and eight games off the wild card berth, with only 30 games left to play.

Dodgers 2, Giants 1 Chase Utley homered, and Clayton Kershaw threw a complete game and tied his career high with 15 strikeouts, guiding the Los Angeles Dodgers to a 2-1 victory over the San Francisco Giants at Dodger Stadium on Wednesday. The National League West- leading Dodgers earned their eighth win in nine games and completed a home sweep of the Giants for the first time since 2013.They increased their margin over second-place San Francisco in the division to 6 1/2 games. The Giants dropped their fifth game in a row.

Mets 9, Phillies 4 Ruben Tejada collected two hits, includ- ing an inside-the-park home run, and four RBIs as the New York Mets beat the Philadelphia Phillies 9-4 at Citi Field on Wednesday. Tejada hit a two-run homer to cap a three-run second inning, had an RBI grounder in the fifth and laced a run-scoring single in the seventh to complete the Mets’ scoring. He finished one RBI shy of his career high set Sept. 5, 2010.

Blue Jays 5, Indians 1 ST LOUIS: Ryan Zimmerman #11 of the Washington Nationals hits the game-wing double against the St. Louis Cardinals in the eighth Dickey pitched a complete game, Josh inning at Busch Stadium yesterday in St. Louis, Missouri. — AFP Donaldson had three RBIs and Toronto defeated Cleveland. the second inning off Sonny Gray. Pujols has eight-run second inning for the Yankees. Twins 3, White Sox 0 Dickey allowed four hits, no walks and hit at least 35 homers 10 times in his first 15 Stephen Drew and shortstop Didi Gregorius Tommy Milone pitched seven strong one run to win his seventh straight decision major-league seasons, one of just four play- also homered in support of Masahiro Tanaka. innings and Miguel Sano continued his torrid in the rubber match of a three-game series. ers in major league history to accomplish the pace at the plate as Minnesota defeated He struck out six in his second complete feat. Marlins 7, Braves 3 Chicago. Milone’s seven shutout innings game of the season. Christian Yelich had four hits, including were his best since he threw 7 2/3 scoreless Yankees 13, Red Sox 8 two doubles, and Marcell Ozuna homered as innings against the White Sox in his first start Orioles 7, Rays 6 (11 innings) New York hammered five home runs in Miami handed Atlanta its eighth straight of the season on April 10. Chris Davis hit two home runs, including the first five innings and built a 12-1 lead loss. The Braves, who were 42-42 on July 8, the winner in the 11th inning, and Baltimore before holding off Boston. Greg Bird and have lost 15 of 16 games and 30 of the past Brewers 9, Pirates 4 snapped a six-game losing streak. Davis led John Ryan Murphy hit back-to-back homers 49. It is the first time they have been 25 Jonathan Lucroy drove in three runs and off the 11th with a towering shot to center and Carlos Beltran connected during an games below .500 since 1990. Adam Lind hit his 18th home run of the sea- off Matt Andriese for his 38th homer of the son as Milwaukee downed Pittsburgh season. Jonathan Schoop hit a two-run MLB results/standings Starling Marte and Aramis Ramirez had two homer off Brad Boxberger in the ninth to hits each, including Ramirez’s second home force extra innings. Miami 7, Atlanta 3; Cincinnati 7, Chicago Cubs 4; LA Angels 9, Oakland 4; NY Yankees 13, run in as many days, but Pittsburgh man- aged just two hits off Milwaukee’s bullpen. Reds 7, Cubs 4 Boston 8; Baltimore 7, Tampa Bay 6 (11 innings); Toronto 5, Cleveland 1; NY Mets 9, Joey Votto went 2-for-5 with a three-run, Philadelphia 4; Milwaukee 9, Pittsburgh 4; Minnesota 3, Chicago White Sox 0; Kansas City 12, Detroit 1; Seattle 8, Houston 3; Washington 4, St. Louis 3; Colorado 9, Arizona 4; LA Dodgers Mariners 8, Astros 3 ninth-inning homer and Cincinnati beat Logan Morrison sparked a late-inning rally Chicago. Votto’s 27th home run of the sea- 2, San Francisco 1; Texas 4, San Diego 3 (10 innings). for a second consecutive game and Seattle son drove in Jason Bourgeois and Jay Bruce American League National League beat Houston. as the Reds took the series from the Cubs. Eastern Division Eastern Division Morrison hit a three-run homer, his 15th Hector Rondon gave up the two-out shot W L PCT GB NY Mets 74 59 .556 - this season, off Josh Fields to end the drama and suffered the loss, the Cubs’ sixth in their Toronto 76 57 .571 - Washington 67 65 .508 6.5 in the top of the ninth. last eight games. NY Yankees 74 58 .561 1.5 Miami 55 79 .410 19.5 Tampa Bay 66 67 .496 10 Royals 12, Tigers 1 Atlanta 54 79 .406 20 Rockies 9, Diamondbacks 4 Baltimore 64 69 .481 12 Philadelphia 53 81 .396 21.5 Carlos Gonzalez hit two homers, including Yordano Ventura won his fourth straight Boston 61 72 .459 15 decision and Cheslor Cuthbert hit his first big Central Division a go-ahead grand slam and drove in a Central Division St. Louis 86 47 .647 - career-high seven runs as Colorado beat league home run and drove in four runs as Kansas City 81 51 .614 - Pittsburgh 79 52 .603 6 Arizona. The victory gave the Rockies a split Kansas City crushed Detroit. Ventura struck Minnesota 69 63 .523 12 Chicago Cubs 75 57 .568 10.5 of the four-game series and sent the out 11, matching his career high set in his Cleveland 64 68 .485 17 previous start, and allowed one run and five Milwaukee 57 75 .432 28.5 Diamondbacks to their eighth loss in the Chicago White Sox 61 70 .466 19.5 past 11 games. hits in seven innings. He is 4-0 with a 1.13 Detroit 61 71 .462 20 Cincinnati 55 77 .417 30.5 ERA in his past five starts. Western Division Western Division LA Dodgers 75 57 .568 - Rangers 4, Padres 3 (10 innings) Houston 73 61 .545 - Mitch Moreland’s 10th-inning double Angels 9, A’s 4 San Francisco 69 64 .519 6.5 Texas 70 62 .530 2 lifted Texas over San Diego. Elvis Andrus Albert Pujols hit his 35th home run of the Arizona 65 69 .485 11 LA Angels 67 66 .504 5.5 hit a one-out single and Moreland fol- year and Andrew Heaney allowed three runs San Diego 64 69 .481 11.5 Seattle 63 71 .470 10 lowed with the winning hit to right off in seven innings to lead Los Angeles over Oakland 58 76 .433 15 Colorado 54 78 .409 21 Oakland. Pujols lined a two-run homer in Bud Norris (1-1). — Reuters Sports45 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

Warne tells Kyrgios ‘you’re testing our patience mate’

SYDNEY: Australian great Shane disrespectful while others view as good for & yourself.” Kyrgios was criticised for his “No shame in losing, but show us you Warne told tennis bad boy Nick Kyrgios yes- a sport in need of characters. audacious shot selection during his loss to will never give up, that you will give it terday respect was more important than Warne, no stranger to controversy him- Murray and Warne said learning from his everything to be the best you can be, being liked and warned him “you’re testing self, offered his fellow Australian some atti- mistakes was a demonstration of true char- respect is earned not given! I believe in you our patience mate”. Showman Kyrgios has tude tips, and urged him not to waste his acter. “We all make mistakes, but it’s how & know you can do it, but now’s the time been making headlines for all the wrong talent. “We all realise you’re only 20 & have we learn from them & the way we conduct my friend.” Kyrgios was slapped with a 28- reasons, with his sex slur at Stan Wawrinka a lot to learn buddy. But please don’t waste ourselves when we lose that shows true day ban and US$25,000 fine over his verbal last month sparking stinging criticism from your talent, everyone in the world, especial- character,” he said. abuse of Wawrinka at the Rogers Cup in fellow players. He lost at the US Open ly us Australians want to respect u,” he “You’re testing our patience mate, show Montreal. But both punishments will be Tuesday to Andy Murray before jousting wrote on his Facebook page. “Remember us what you’re made of & how hungry you waived if he avoids any fines for verbal or with the media over his reputation and respect is way more important than being are to be the best in the world, it’s time to physical abuse at ATP events over the next behaviour, which some see as petulant and liked, u need to respect the game of tennis step up & start winning, no excuses. six months. — AFP

Venus seeks sisterly advice to take down Swiss teenager

NEW YORK: Venus Williams earned a shot at a little family revenge by outlasting American compatriot Irina Falconi 6-3 6- 7(2) 6-2 to set up an intriguing US Open third round clash with Swiss teenager Belinda Bencic on Wednesday. Venus will seek out a scouting report from little sister and world number one Serena (50-2), who has only lost two matches this season, one of those to the 18-year-old Swiss prospect in Toronto last month. More significantly, Bencic, who rallied for a 5-7 7-6(3) 6-3 win over Japan’s Misaki Doi, stands in the way of a potential all- Williams quarter-final clash that would see Venus attempting to end Serena’s bid for the rare calendar-year Grand Slam. “We always give each other advice, especially if one of us has played the other opponent recently,” said Venus, who played first U.S. Open in 1997, the same year Bencic was born. “So, yeah, we always are there for encouragement and advice. She’ll probably give me some pointers like tomorrow or Friday. She’s got pretty sage advice.” Neither Bencic nor Venus impressed in their second round encounters. Venus squandered two match points in the second set as Falconi forced a tiebreak which she easily won 7-2. But the two- time US Open champion showed her experience in the third, recovering to clinch a tense victory. By contrast, Bencic’s nerves betrayed her as she unraveled in a second set meltdown that left her sobbing in frustration as Doi rallied from 5-2 down to force a tiebreak. The 12th seeded Swiss would eventually gather her NEW YORK: Serena Williams chases down a shot from Kiki Bertens, of the Netherlands, during the second round of the emotions and go on to take the match in the third set but her US Open tennis tournament, Wednesday, in New York. — AP inexperience had been exposed. “I was really mad. I was just so frustrated today,” explained Bencic. “I think we all have not-so- Serena, Djokovic, Nadal good days, but I was very frustrated for the line calls and the ref- eree. “I know I shouldn’t have behaved like that. “For sure I know that but sometimes I just can’t control myself right now. I for sure have to be working on that, but I think I’m not the only one reach US Open third round who would freak out like this.” Having taken one Williams scalp, Bencic believes she is ready NEW YORK: The Serena Williams show contin- Bencic, one of only two players to beat Serena as the Argentine saw his record against top 10 to take another. “Obviously I never won against her (Venus) yet,” ued at the US Open as the world number one this season. Born in 1997, the same year Venus opponents drop to 0-6. Djokovic, a five-time US Bencic added. “I played my first WTA match against her, which moved a step closer to a calendar Grand Slam made her U.S. Open debut, Bencic survived a Open finalist but winning it all just once in was a great experience. “Now I really want to win. I feel like I can on Wednesday, while Mardy Fish took a final second set meltdown that left her sobbing and 2011, has been in imperious form strolling into have a good plan when I go on the court. “If I will feel good, I Flushing Meadows bow as the curtain came a determined Misaki Doi of Japan to claim a the third round with a clinical 6-4 6-1 6-2 win think it can be a very interesting match. I mean, of course, she’s a down on the American’s career. nervy 5-7 7-6(3) 6-3 victory. over Austrian Andreas Haider-Mauer. great player. She hits the ball very hard. “It will be very difficult for Defending men’s champion Marin Cilic and “I think we all have not-so-good days,” said After a first round littered with upsets, sec- me, but we will see.” — Reuters two-time winner Rafa Nadal and world number Bencic. “I know I shouldn’t have behaved like ond round action went largely according to one Novak Djokovic also eased into the third that.” After playing his opening match on an script as Spanish seventh seed David Ferrer round with straight sets wins as the tempera- outside court, Cilic took his U.S. Open title beat Serb Filip Krajinovic 7-5 7-5 7-6(4) and tures and stakes continue to rise at the year’s defence back to a sweltering Arthur Ashe Canadian 10th seed Milos Raonic fought off final grand slam. Bidding to become just the Stadium and looked right at home, storming back pain to beat Spain’s Fernando Verdasco 6- fourth woman to win all four slams in the same into the third round with a 6-2 6-3 7-5 win over 2 6-4 6-7(5) 7-6(1). It was the end of road, how- year, no one has more riding on the Flushing Russian qualifier Evgeny Donskoy. ever, for Fish, who announced earlier this year Meadows fortnight than Williams, who contin- During last year’s magical run Cilic was that he would retire after playing his 13th US ued her quest with an error-strewn 7-6(5) 6-3 invincible on the main court, sweeping past Open. Following an 18-month layoff, Fish, who victory over Dutchwoman Kiki Bertens. The Tomas Berdych in the quarters, taking out suffers from a severe anxiety disorder, returned 110th-ranked Bertens put up a valiant fight and Roger Federer in three sets in the semi-finals to the ATP Tour in March and went down had Williams, who struggled with her serve fir- and Kei Nishikori in a one-sided final. swinging in his Flushing Meadows farewell, ing 10 double faults, on the ropes in the open- “This court is very special for me, brings stretching out his final match as long as he ing set. However, the 33-year-old American’s back special memories,” the ninth seeded Cilic could before falling 2-6 6-3 1-6 7-5 6-3 to 18th class shone through in the second set as she said. “It’s sort of unreal. I was working all my life seeded Feliciano Lopez. broke Bertens three-times to seal her 23rd con- to win a grand slam and now I’m in position to “I have got a lot of great memories; I’ve secutive US Open victory. defend one.” got a lot of good wins out here,” Fish said. “I “I never stop. I keep going and give the best probably would have chosen this one as my effort that I can,” Williams said after raising her Few upsets last one regardless if I didn’t have any issues 2015 match record to 50-2. Williams was joined Two-time champion Nadal got his second with my health in the past couple of years, NEW YORK: Dominika Cibulkova, of Slovakia, returns a in the third round by sister Venus who outlast- round contest off to a sluggish start but the just because this is the biggest one and the shot against Jessica Pegula in the second round of the US ed Irina Falconi 6-3 6-7(2) 6-2 to set up an eighth seeded Spaniard was quickly in control, most fun and the one that you want to go Open tennis tournament, Wednesday, in New York. — AP intriguing clash with Swiss teenager Belinda dispatching Diego Schwartzman 7-6(5) 6-3 7-5 out on.” -—Reuters Sports FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

Waugh backs Ponting, Holding call to dump Test toss

SYDNEY: Steve Waugh has backed calls such a bad thing,” Australian Associated no more tosses,” he said in a column for visiting captain should be allowed to decide from fellow former Australia captain Ricky Press quoted him as saying late Wednesday. Wisden India last week. what he wants to do after inspecting the Ponting and West Indies great Michael “At the end of the day I think there’s proba- “The minor setback there in my opinion, pitch.” Despite backing Ponting, Waugh said Holding for cricket chiefs to rid of bly too much emphasis placed on the toss is that tosses are big for television. It makes losing the toss was not entirely to blame for the toss. Under Ponting’s proposal, suggest- and the conditions away from home. I don’t for good tension, everyone is focused on Australia’s Ashes series defeat, rather their ed during the recent Ashes series in England, mind the authorities looking at some other that coin when it’s in the air and the winning failure to adapt to English conditions had the away side would choose who bats first in options.” Holding also favours change after captain’s decision and so on. “But that isn’t cost them dearly. order to counteract any advantage the hosts suggestions during the Ashes that grounds- relevant now, times have changed and inter- “They played poorly. Their tech- may gain from preparing a pitch that suits men had been told to prepare deliberately est is waning in Test match cricket. What you nique was astray from players of that cali- them best. flat pitches in order to neuter Australia’s need to do now is to make sure you have bre,” Waugh said, adding that modern crick- Waugh said he was open to the radical pace attack. “The concerned authorities even contests between bat and ball. eters should be able to perform in any condi- idea. “I don’t mind that, I think that’s not must look at what Ricky Ponting suggested- “For that, there should be no toss and the tions. — AFP

Johnson, Hazlewood may miss Bangladesh Tests

SYDNEY: Australian pace bowlers Mitchell Johnson and Josh Hazlewood could miss next month’s Test series in Bangladesh so they can rest ahead of a busy summer schedule. The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday said Cricket Australia was intent on care- fully managing their key quicks with a home series against New Zealand and the West Indies to come from November. Australia also play a one-day series against India and two more Tests in New Zealand in the new year with selectors meeting to discuss the tour of Bangladesh within the next few weeks. “There’s some important consideration that needs to be given to managing our fast bowlers, not just in Bangladesh, but the full 10-Test season, and that will be part of the discussion,” CA’s team performance manager Pat Howard told the newspaper. “Mitchell Johnson and Josh Hazlewood are two players that have had heavy workloads and need to be managed carefully if we are to give them the best chance of success throughout that entire period. “Neither player has had a pre-season to prepare for the Australian summer and we think that’s particularly important.” If Johnson and Hazlewood are rested it would open the door for Peter Siddle to continue his renaissance after impressively in the final Ashes Test against England at The Oval last month. It could also see the recall of either Pat Cummins or CHICAGO: This is a Wednesday, July 29, 2015 file photo of Manchester United’s goalkeeper David de Gea as he warms up to partner , although the selection of two spinners is before an International Champions Cup soccer match against Paris Saint-Germain in Chicago. In a surreal ending to the possible given sub-continental conditions. The first Test against Monday transfer window in Spain, the much-anticipated move of Manchester United goalkeeper David de Gea to Real Bangladesh starts in on October 9, with the second in Madrid never materialized. — AP Mirpur from October 17. — AFP

England a magnet for players S Lanka coach quits as clubs flex financial muscle after losing Tests

LONDON: For the final months of 2015, clubs GERMANY (Newcastle) and Dimitri Payet (West Ham), Lyon COLOMBO: Sri Lanka’s coach has quit in continental Europe can relax: English clubs The figure for QPR compares with around sold Clinton Njie (Tottenham) and Paris Saint- following the team’s defeat by India which recorded its cannot plunder their top talent until January. $80 million that Bayern Munich, which has won Germain sold Yohan Cabaye (Crystal Palace). first Test series win on the island after 22 years, it was By the time the summer transfer window the last three German titles, expects to earn in Highly-rated Caen midfielder N’Golo Kante announced yestersday. closed on Tuesday, English topflight clubs had Bundesliga TV cash this season. “It will be very also crossed the English Channel to join Atapattu, 44, the seventh Sri Lanka head coach in the blown 870 million pounds ($1.3 billion) on difficult, apart from Bayern Munich, to compete Leicester for $9 million. “I would have been past five years, had tendered his resignation which was players - more than double any other with the Premier League in the future,” pleased to see him continue his career in accepted, the cricket board said in a statement. “Sri Lanka European league. And 585 million pounds Wolfsburg sporting director Klaus Allofs said. France,” Caen president Jean Francois Fortin Cricket thanks Mr. Atapattu for his efforts as Head Coach ($896 million) of that lavish English outlay was Wolfsburg has just received around $75 mil- said. “But for economic reasons it’s not possible. and Batting Coach of the Sri Lanka cricket team, and we to entice foreign clubs to part with valued lion by selling Kevin de Bruyne to Manchester French clubs obviously don’t have the same wish him every success in all his future endeavours,” the assets, according to accountancy firm City, a $50 million-plus profit on the midfielder financial means as their English counterparts.” statement said. It did not say why he resigned four weeks Deloitte. “Without a doubt England has who spent barely a year at the German club, before his one-year contract was due to expire. Atapattu become the place to be playing,” Bobby which is owned by carmaker Volkswagen. BEYOND THE PREMIER LEAGUE was also not immediately available for comment. His resig- Barnes, European president of international Although the Wolfsburg bank balance has The League Championship is also now an nation followed India’s 2-1 win of a Test series in Colombo players’ union FIFPro, told The Associated been fattened by City’s Abu Dhabi ownership, increasingly attractive financial option for play- on Monday. India’s last series success in Sri Lanka came Press on Wednesday. “The biggest transfer keeping De Bruyne would have strengthened ers wanting to come to England and willing to under Mohammad Azharuddin’s captaincy in 1993 when fees and the biggest salaries are being paid in its quest to topple the mighty Munich and drop into a second-tier league, albeit one that is they won 1-0. England so the top players will try to come.” repeat its only Bundesliga title success in 2009. the fourth-best attended in Europe. Just look at Atapattu took over the team as its coach in September In the last Deloitte ranking of teams by Discussing players being attracted to the Championship game between former last year after Englishman Paul Farbrace abruptly quit revenue, all 20 Premier League clubs were in English clubs, Volkswagen chairman Martin Premier League teams Sheffield Wednesday months earlier to become deputy coach of England. the top 40 globally - such is the gulf in the Winterkorn, a Wolfsburg board member, said: and Middlesbrough last week. Middlesbrough’s Atapattu was the latest addition in a succession of price of showing English matches on televi- “We will have to consider what we can do here goals in its 3-1 win were scored by an Italian coaches for Sri Lanka since 2010, following , sion compared with their European counter- in Germany to prevent a sell-out.” (Diego Fabbrini), Uruguayan (Christian Stuani) Stuart Law, Rumesh Ratnayake, Geoff Marsh, Graham Ford parts. As a result, even finishing bottom of and only one Englishman (Adam Reach). The and Farbrace. He was asked to prepare the national team the Premier League earned Queens Park FRANCE Wednesday goal was scored by Marco Matias, to face the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand, but Rangers around $100 million from the The talent drain to English clubs extends who joined for $2 million in the offseason from Atapattu later blamed lack of fitness and poor form for the Premier League last season and that figure beyond the Premier League elite. And French Portuguese club Nacional. The 26-year-old team’s failure to progress beyond the quarter finals. A pro- could soar by a third when the new TV deals clubs in particular are tempted by lucrative winger was not just a squad player at home. lific right-hander, Atapattu scored 5,502 runs from 90 Tests, starts next year. Relegated clubs are also enti- transfer packages from English clubs who aren’t With 17 goals in 33 games, he was the fourth including six double-hundreds, after making his debut tled to four years of so-called “parachute pay- used to winning titles. highest scorer in the Portuguese league. against India in 1990. His 8,529 one-day runs included 11 ments” to soften the hard landing of relega- For fees of between $15 million and $20 mil- Wednesday is also managed by former hundreds. — AFP tion to the second tier. lion per player, Marseille sold Florian Thauvin Portuguese defender Carlos Carvalhal. — AP Sports FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

Chelsea ties up with India’s Wipro in fan engagement drive

MUMBAI: Reigning English Premier League champions Chelsea FC will team up with Indian IT services group Wipro Ltd to help improve its digital media strategy, the two said a day after rival Manchester United made a simi- lar announcement. Wipro will work to improve fan engagement on game days and at other times and Chelsea Managing director Christian Purslow said the deal could also help the club build on its popularity in India, “where we have over 50 million passionate supporters and where there is great potential to further our fan base”. No financial details were given. On Wednesday Manchester United said it signed a partnership deal with Indian IT firm HCL Technologies to improve its website and app, helping design and build digital platforms capable of better engaging with fans. Indian IT companies have been investing heavily in building their digital services abilities, leaning on technolo- gies like cloud computing, social media and mobile phones as their clients move towards these platforms. — Reuters

Germany aim to settle Poland score in qualifier SEOUL: FIFA vice president Chung Mong-Joon bows following a press conference in Seoul yesterday. South Korean FIFA presidential candidate Chung Mong-Joon accused the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) of breaking the world govern- ing body of football’s rules to favour rival candidate Michel Platini. — AFP BERLIN: World champions Germany take on Poland in today’s key Euro 2016 qualifier with the hosts out to avenge last year’s historic defeat to their neighbours and go top of Group D. S Korea’s Chung accuses AFC The Germans have a score to settle in Frankfurt in the first of their two qualifiers before playing Scotland in Glasgow next Monday. Joachim Loew’s side find themselves in the usual posi- of ‘undermining’ FIFA election tion of being second in the table, just a point behind leaders Poland, who beat them 2-0 in the corresponding fixture in Warsaw last October, while Scotland are third. The Germans are SEOUL: South Korean FIFA presidential candi- account for almost half the 209 members that pendently and with no influence from third making no secret of their desire to take six points from their two date Chung Mong-joon has accused the Asian will decide the next boss of soccer’s embattled parties.” Chung said he had notified the FIFA games to wrest back control of the group from neighbours Football Confederation (AFC) of sending unso- world governing body, with Asia holding 46 Ad-hoc Electoral Committee and the FIFA Poland. licited letters to its members urging them to votes and Africa 54. “Given that the Ethics Committee about the letters and asked “It’s business time now,” said Germany forward Thomas support his rival Michel Platini at next year’s Confederations exercise tremendous influence for an investigation. “We also requested the Mueller, with Germany set to name a near full-strength side. “This election. over its member associations in organizing Ad-hoc Electoral Committee to promptly insti- is no friendly - we’re getting straight into it with what is suppos- In a statement released yesterday and read football tournaments and through administra- tute remedies sufficient to address the preju- edly the hardest game. “After losing 2-0 last time, we have a score out at a news conference in Seoul, Chung said tive oversight, it is clear that the fairness of the dice and harm already sustained by other to settle against Poland, and that should tell you everything. “And the letters asked members to sign a form FIFA presidential election has been seriously potential candidates,” Chung said. after that, the away game in Scotland - it doesn’t get much more pledging their support for Platini, the head of compromised,” Chung said. “This includes the nullification of any ‘sup- interesting.” “They are first, we are second, of course, we want to European soccer’s governing body UEFA. “According to FIFA Statutes, only the mem- port’ for the candidature of Mr Platini received pass them in the table, but it’s going to be tough work, we know Chung said the letters were in breach of ber associations possess the right to propose through the form letters sent by the AFC, the that. “We need to play the sort of football again which we haven’t FIFA’s election guidelines and threatened to candidates for the office of FIFA President, and Senior Official of CAF and/or any other seen for a while.” “undermine the fairness” of the poll, which will each member should make its decision inde- Confederation.” — Reuters be held on Feb. 26, 2016 to decide the succes- Under pressure sor to outgoing incumbent Sepp Blatter. Germany suffered a blow yesterday when Borussia Dortmund “Sheikh Salman, President of the Asian winger Marco Reus withdrew with a toe injury as the 26-year-old’s Football Confederation (AFC), has publicly sup- bad luck continues having missed six of their last 10 internation- ported Michel Platini, President of the UEFA,” als-plus last year’s World Cup-with ailments. the statement said. “We have learned that the As German daily Die Welt pointed out, a poll of Germans sug- AFC has sent unsolicited letters to almost gest the euphoria of the Brazil triumph has faded with only 13 every AFC member association. Most of the percent believing their side will win the Euro 2016 title in France. AFC member countries including China, Japan, The top two teams from each group qualify automatically, but Mongolia, India, and Singapore received this Germany will want to make sure they finish in their accustomed letter. South Korea and Jordan, however, did top spot. Having suffered a post-Brazil hangover, Loew’s side not.” Chung, the 63-year-old billionaire scion want to rediscover the form that carried them to last year’s World of South Korea’s Hyundai industrial conglom- Cup triumph. Poland arrive in Frankfurt looking to complete the erate, formally announced last month that he double over their neighbours to stay top of the group before they was running for the FIFA presidency. Jordan’s play bottom side Gibraltar in Warsaw next Monday, having Prince Ali bin Hussein is also among the poten- mauled the minnows 7-0 away in September last year. tial candidates. Mueller’s Bayern team-mate Robert Lewandowski will lead Platini has long been the bookmakers’ Poland’s attack and the hotshot striker says Germany will be favourite to succeed Blatter and Sheikh showing his side a lot more respect than they did when the teams Salman has publicly declared his support for last met. “My team-mates from Bayern told me after the first the Frenchman. There was no immediate match they would do everything to take revenge in the second response from the AFC yesterday relating to game,” said Lewandowski. “I live in Germany and I can tell nobody Chung’s statement about the letters. A is even contemplating missing out on the Euro finals. “The only spokesman for the FIFA electoral committee question is whether they will finish top of the group or runners- declined to comment. Chung, who has been a up. “Germany look at us differently now”. “They respect us. I don’t vocal critic of both Blatter and Platini, said a think they will swarm all over us from the beginning as they similar letter was circulated among African know we could hit them on the counterattack.” members but the Confederation of African Poland will be without defender Michal Pazdan, who has an Football (CAF) intervened and “deemed its elbow injury, while Karol Linetty is struggling after a knock to the behavior highly improper and took measures head in training. As defender Kamil Glik put it: “We have nothing to rectify the situation”. SAITAMA: Japan’s forward Keisuke Honda (L) controls the ball in front of to lose in Frankfurt. We want to confirm our qualities.” — AFP Although there has never been an Asian or Cambodia’s forward Kouch Sokumpheak (R) during their 2018 FIFA World Cup African FIFA president, the two regions qualifying football match in Saitama yesterday. — AFP


NEW YORK: Novak Djokovic, of Serbia, applauds the crowd after defeating Andreas Haider-Maurer, of Austria, 6- 4, 6-1, 6-2, at the U.S. Open tennis tournament in New York, Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2015. — AP Serena,Serena, Djokovic,Djokovic, NadalNadal reachreach USUS OpenOpen thirdthird roundround Page 45