Annapolis Summit 2014 1

Marijuana’s time as an illegal substance ...... 2 has run its course For the past decade, the General Assembly Legalizing marijuana will harm children, families ...... 3 has not started its legislative year without the state’s top three elected officials answering questions posed by Attention: There is no tax on rain ...... 4 Marc Steiner. The radio veteran has hosted the Annapolis Summit You cannot have a new tax every time ...... 5 event, where this year Gov. Martin O’Malley, Sen. you want to fix something President Thomas V. Mike Miller and House Speaker Michael Busch will be in the hot seat during the in - Dominic was the victim ...... 8 depth discussion of state issues. The event has become not only an Annapolis tradition Facts do not support dog-breed specific legislation ...... 9 but a must -see for Maryland’s most connected business people and in -the -know politicos. A case for revenge porn legislation ...... 10 This year, for the first time, The Daily Record is becoming part of the tradition and co -hosting the Criminalizing ‘revenge porn’ could infringe ...... 11 event with The Marc Steiner Show. The Daily Record on First Amendment rights is deeply committed to coverage of state politics and the Maryland General Assembly and is proud to offer Lawmakers to watch for in 2014 ...... 12 this publication as a guide to the upcoming 2014 legislative session. Election-year changes in store for General Assembly ...... 16 Inside, readers will find news analysis on the major players in Annapolis, as well as handy guides to Expect the unexpected in 2014 ...... 18 identifying and contacting lawmakers and lobbyists. We hope you enjoy it, as well as this year’s Annapolis 2014 Maryland State Senators ...... 20 Summit event. 2014 Maryland Delegates ...... 22 Maryland lobbyists ...... 27 Sponsor profiles ...... 36

Suzanne E. Fischer-Huettner ...... Publisher Maria Kelly ...... Comptroller Tracy Bumba ...... Audience Development Director Justin Carson ...... Advertising Manager Morgan Cook ...... Advertising & Events Coordinator Clare M. Sheehan ...... Operations & Events Assistant Peter Meredith ...... Managing Editor Erin Cunningham ...... Special Products Editor Matthew Standerfer ...... Digital Manager Maximilian Franz ...... Senior Photographer Suzanne Fischer-Huettner Marc Steiner Bryan P. Sears ...... Government Reporter Publisher, The Daily Record Host, The Marc Steiner Show Cover photo by Maximilian Franz 2 Annapolis Summit 2014 PRO Marijuana’s time as an illegal substance has run its course When Colorado and Washington voters approved marijuana legalization in 2012, the two successful ballot initiatives charted a new course for our country’s marijuana policy. Suddenly two states in our country had some of the least strict marijuana laws in the world. But considering the surge in public support over the past few years – support has grown from 44 percent to 58 percent of Americans since 2010 – the 2012 election results are hardly out of place. If anything, it is our elected officials who are behind the times. But as a gubernatorial candidate, my decision to propose marijuana legalization, regulation, and taxation in Maryland comes from a place of fiscal and moral responsibility. The excessive criminalization of marijuana has ruined lives, made our communities less safe, and wasted valuable law enforcement resources. This is why I stand with a majority of Americans in calling for an end to our failed marijuana laws. Marijuana legalization will make our communities safer. In 2010, Maryland arrested over 23,000 people for marijuana possession. That is the equivalent of locking up nearly the entire undergraduate population at the University of Maryland, College Park. As a result, law enforcement has less time to focus on more serious, violent crime. In 2011, just 57 percent of violent crime in Maryland resulted in arrests. Our failed marijuana laws cost us dearly. Total resources spent across government to criminalize marijuana add up to over $280 million per year – roughly the same amount our state spends on school meals for children. And that’s not even accounting for the new revenue that would be generated from taxing the newly legalized substance. Under my proposal, we would bring in as much as $157.5 million annually in additional taxes that would be dedicated to funding a universal pre -k program for all of Maryland’s children. By Heather Mizeur But the moral cost is even greater than the fiscal cost. Under our current criminal justice system, a first - Special to The Daily Record time offender can be subject to as much as a year in jail for possession of a small amount of marijuana for personal use. The criminal charge results in prohibition from public housing, makes job searches near impossible, and affects one’s ability to receive student loans. Our laws ruin lives and obliterate any chance of redemption. Of even greater moral concern, while usage rates are equal among black and white populations in Maryland, African Americans are almost three times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. Marijuana reform is a matter of equality and basic fairness. We have waited far too long to address this injustice. Marijuana legalization will likely require executive leadership to pass in our state – a mandate the Mizeur -Coates administration will have after this electio n— but decriminalization cannot wait until 2015. Under Senator Bobby Zirkin’s leadership, the progress on decriminalization has made great advances. I will introduce similar legislation in the House in this upcoming legislative session to decriminalize possession of small quantities of marijuana. I won’t let politics get in the way of correcting injustices in our criminal justice system, especially when such a measure is supported by 68 percent of Marylanders. Marijuana's time as an illegal substance has run its course. Marijuana criminalization costs our state hundreds of millions of dollars every year without making us any safer. A Maryland with legalized, regulated, and taxed marijuana will mean safer communities, universal early childhood education, and fewer citizens unnecessarily exposed to our criminal justice system. Maryland has the opportunity to lead on marijuana reform – an opportunity we simply cannot afford, fiscally or morally, to waste.

Del. Heather Mizeur is a Democrat representing Maryland District 20 in Montgomery County. She is a candidate for governor running in the 2014 primary. Annapolis Summit 2014 3 CON Legalizing marijuana will harm children, families My name is Mike Gimbel. I am a recovering drug addict who just celebrated 41 years of being clean and sober. I have been in the field of substance abuse prevention, education and treatment for nearly 35 years, including serving as the Baltimore County government’s first and only “drug czar” for 24 years. I am totally against the legalization of marijuana for personal use, at all levels. My first argument against legalizing marijuana or any other drug is very simple. Currently the three drugs that kill more Americans are cigarettes, alcohol and prescription drugs. All of them legal – with restrictions and with age limits to keep them out of the hands of our children. I think it’s safe to say that we have failed at keeping any of those drugs out of the hands of our children. We are a society that craves drugs and we have watched thousands of our citizens die from tobacco, alcohol and prescription drug abuse. Given our obvious inability to control these legal drugs, why in the world would we ever want to legalize another potentially addictive and dangerous drug like marijuana? It doesn’t make any sense, and like tobacco and alcohol, our kids will be the ones who suffer the most if marijuana is legalized. But the movement to legalize marijuana is not about our children. It’s also not about reducing crime or raising tax revenue. It’s about the baby boomers in our country who got high on pot as teenagers, stopped getting high to raise families. Now that their kids are gone, they want to smoke pot again and they don’t want to get into trouble. That’s the unspoken truth and since baby boomers are the largest population and control most legislatures, they can push through these dangerous bills to make pot legal. And the public will support them since they are baby boomers as well. By Mike Gimbel When I talk with kids in the schools about the legalization of marijuana, I ask them a few simple questions. Special to The Daily Record First, what is the goal of smoking marijuana? Obviously the answer is to get “high” or “stoned.” If you smoke marijuana and you don’t get high, you may want your money back! And if you get really high, that is even better and the comment is “that’s some good dope.” The follow -up question I ask the kids is, now that you admitted that smoking pot gets you high or stoned, what is your level of impairment? Can you drive a car, fly a plane, concentrate on your job, pay attention in school, or make quick decisions in a dangerous situation? I ask the kids, if you are getting on an air plane and the pilot and co -pilot are smoking a joint, would you be comfortable flying on that plane? The answer is always no! The kids know the truth about the effect of getting high on pot. It’s the adults who are in denial. Finally, there is no doubt that if marijuana were legalized, more people, especially kids, would consume it. We saw it with tobacco products, and we see it every day with alcohol. This means that more people will experience problems due to their marijuana use, thus needing counseling and treatment. Currently the state of Maryland cannot meet the current demand for substance abuse treatment. And please don’t think for one minute that we will tax marijuana and use the money for treatment. We just raised the tobacco and alcohol tax and there are no new publicly funded treatment programs in Maryland. We will also see a dramatic increase in people driving under the influence of marijuana. A recent report from the Washington State Police showed that in the first six months of 2013, 745 drivers were charged with driving under the influence of marijuana. In all of last year 1,000 drivers were charged. We will see the same increase in Maryland, thus creating a danger on the highways and increased police involvement since you need a blood test to measure the effect of marijuana on driving. Do we really want to legalize marijuana, just so some people can get high and not get into trouble? It’s not worth it.

Mike Gimbel is president of Mike Gimbel Associates LLC, a nationally recognized substance abuse consulting company based in Timonium. 4 Annapolis Summit 2014 PRO Attention: There is no tax on rain As we built our cities and towns, we paved over green spaces, removed trees, and significantly reduced the earth’s natural ability to absorb and filter rain when it hits the ground. Baltimore City sits right on the Inner Harbor and the Patapsco River, and nearly half of the city (45 percent) is covered in hard or paved surfaces. Rainwater rushes off these surfaces straight into our streams, in the form of polluted runoff that contains harmful contaminants like pet waste, pesticides, trash, heavy metals and toxics from car exhaust, brake linings, gasoline and oil. Because of broken pipes and failing underground infrastructure, polluted runoff also gets into our wastewater system. When this happens, stormwater can overwhelm sewage treatment plants and cause them to discharge raw sewage directly into Baltimore Harbor, or any of our urban/suburban rivers. It turns out that paving paradise to put up a parking lot has consequences. To reduce polluted runoff – the only source of Chesapeake Bay pollution that is increasing – Baltimore City and Maryland’s nine most populous counties are adopting programs to build and maintain projects that capture runoff and reduce flooding. These projects are funded by a fee on hard surfaces like rooftops and pavement. Opponents of the programs, particularly those seeking headlines ahead of next year’s election, have labeled the new fee a “rain tax” and think they have discovered political gold. To be clear: there is no tax on rain. This is a user fee through which we invest in stormwater controls and get clean water in return. This is not a new strategy – more than 1,300 jurisdictions across the country have successful, dedicated stormwater fee programs, including large cities like Philadelphia, Houston and Atlanta. By Halle Van der Gaag Like putting off a root canal or fixing your roof, delay will ultimately just make matters more complicated Special to The Daily Record and more expensive. Frankly, we have been avoiding our stormwater problem for decades. Finally, in April 2012, state legislators decided to take action and required jurisdictions with federal clean water permits to reduce their polluted runoff. As a result, most jurisdictions now have reasonable programs in place, which include credits, incentives, and grant opportunities. Fees are collected by each county (or Baltimore City) and the revenue gets reinvested right back into those communities. This local control ensures the money stays local, is traceable and doesn’t go into a general fund. We will all benefit: residents, communities, and businesses. Polluted runoff isn’t just a public health or environmental problem – it’s also bad for business. Baltimore Harbor is a centerpiece for commerce and tourism, bringing millions of visitors a year to Maryland. Restaurants, marinas and pleasure boat traffic all suffer when there are offensive fish kills and raw sewage in the Inner Harbor. Downtown businesses and tourists routinely complain about the trash that ends up downstream after a rainstorm. Last year’s 2012 Star -Spangled Sailabration event took place after a large sewage spill in the harbor, leaving our leaders in the embarrassing position of celebrating a major historic milestone next to a fetid harbor. Children and adults regularly swim, sail, kayak and fish in our rivers, creeks, and even Baltimore Harbor. They can come in contact with contaminated water that leads to infections, intestinal issues and other public health concerns. These same contaminants end up in the seafood we eat from the bay. The “rain tax” moniker is clever but phony. For Baltimore City – and for all of Maryland – the smart move is to tackle real problems with real solutions. Our stormwater fees are about cleaning up pollution that comes off the land every time it rains. Clean water is good for business and good for our health. Let’s concentrate on fixing our polluted runoff problem, rather than deceptive political rhetoric.

Halle Van der Gaag is the executive director of Blue Water Baltimore. Annapolis Summit 2014 5 CON You cannot have a new tax every time you want to fix something

Recently, I was invited on a national business show to discuss Maryland’s so -called rain tax. The producer said when they were looking at how states fared with this government -imposed tax, my name came up numerous times in opposition of it. That’s true. Since taking office 10 months ago, there is not a day that goes by that I am not questioned about Maryland’s rain tax. Some are OK with the tax, but an overwhelming number, like me, are against it. Our citizens want to know, “How did this happen?” In short, the Watershed Protection and Restoration Program was mandated by the state legislature, forcing the 10 largest jurisdictions in Maryland, including Anne Arundel County, to adopt and implement local laws and an interminable, dedicated revenue source to clean and maintain the Chesapeake Bay. Residents and property owners are assessed “fees” based on the amount of impervious surface on their land and in Anne Arundel County that can range anywhere from $34 to $170 a year for residents and $1,300 per impervious acre a year for businesses. Arundel Mills Mall, for example, is assessed at more than $70,000 per year and the cost goes up from there for business owners with multiple holdings.

Consumers pay twice On its face, a fee to restore the bay seems like a noble cause. A $34 assessment a year seems like a small price to pay for homeowners who think they are supporting a worthwhile cause. But for local businesses who have to now pay additional costs, they have to make it up somehow. The costs are most likely passed on to consumers in the price of goods and services: everything from dry cleaning, milk and eggs to pizza and the cost of a haircut. They pay. You pay twice. I am opposed to the way these taxes were assessed. It doesn’t matter what we call it, it is still another tax. Over the last half dozen years, Maryland residents have had to endure 40 new tax increases. Taxes - By Laura Neuman are necessary; we want police to show up when we need them and we want good roads, but we should Special to The Daily Record challenge new ones and be willing to eliminate taxes that are no longer relevant. You can’t have a new tax every time you want to fix something. The rain tax unfairly burdens Anne Arundel County citizens.

Treating the bay like the national treasure it is When I was appointed County Executive, our Department of Public Works showed me photos of eroding streams and collapsing storm drains all leading to, and polluting, the bay. Candidly, something must be done about the problem, but it is not an Anne Arundel County issue alone. This is a regional issue and it is a national issue. The burden of restoring the bay cannot be placed on the backs of our residents. The bay is a national treasure worthy of national attention, no different from the federal response to restoring the Great Lakes or Florida’s Everglades. All citizens have contributed to those cleanup efforts, much more so than to the Chesapeake Bay. It is a shared resource and it should be a shared responsibility.

Making tough decisions When I took office, work was already underway to carry out this state -mandated law. The simplest thing for me to do would have been to absolve myself of this issue and say, “This was before my time.” That’s the easy way out and that’s not how I think Anne Arundel County should be led. Stand by your conscience and convictions. I had a lot to lose by vetoing this bill, but I had to do it. Because of my outspokenness on this stormwater issue, in addition to discussing this issue on a national stage, I have also been asked to testify before Congress. With this national exposure, I hope to urge our legislators on the national level to think more about the shared responsibility of protecting the national treasure in our backyard, or perhaps increase the level of commitment to its restoration. While the legislature continues to look at this law, the one thing I have control over is how this money is spent. I will make certain that the hard -earned dollars our taxpayers pay will be used only for the purpose for which it was intended.

Laura Neuman is the county executive of Anne Arundel County. Your lobbyists for life!

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Dominic Solesky was nearly killed in a pit bull attack. As a result of my representation of that 10 -year - old boy, who was brutally mauled by a neighbor’s pit bull dog, I was thrust into a heated and, at times, toxic public debate concerning the dangerousness of certain breeds of dogs. This debate has been particularly frustrating because the two sides do not actually disagree about the important parts. If we as a society are interested in preventing serious injuries or death and adequately compensating victims, the dialogue has to change. On April 28, 2007, 10 -year -old Dominic Solesky was attacked by a neighbor’s pit bull dog behind his family’s East Towson home. The dog bit Dominic many times, but finally bit deeply into Dominic's groin, and severed his femoral artery. Ordinarily, such an injury is fatal within minutes. If not for the heroic efforts of neighbors, EMT responders and Johns Hopkins physicians, Dominic would not have survived the attack. Instead, Dominic spent 17 days at the pediatric ICU and a year of rehabilitation for his injuries. Dominic’s story is one of too many in the United States, in which the tremendous personal and financial costs are imposed on innocent families. The Solesky family hired me to represent them, and I brought suit against the owner of the pit bull dog and the owner’s landlord. The pit bull’s owner promptly filed for bankruptcy, and the suit went forward against only the landlord. The landlord’s insurance carrier hired attorneys who initially tried to blame Dominic for the attack. When this proved unsuccessful, the landlord sought protection under a Maryland rule that required a victim to prove that the landlord or owner had actual knowledge of the viciousness of a dog before the landlord could be held liable. The landlord had explicitly permitted two pit bulls on the leased property and the landlord also attempted in that lease to disclaim any responsibility for attacks By Kevin A. Dunne by the pit bulls. If the landlord had been successful, the Soleskys would have no recovery. Special to The Daily Record The case went before the Maryland Court of Appeals, and on April 26, 2012 that court issued an opinion changing the Maryland common law. If a pit bull attacks and injures, owners (and landlords) are responsible. (In the law, this is called strict liability). Because the opinion concerned only pit bulls and not all breeds of dogs, the opinion unleashed a firestorm of public debate. Many Marylanders took issue with the court’s opinion, which they viewed as “discrimination.” Some even likened it to racism (an argument that really trivializes race relations in this country). From my perspective, these arguments fall flat. My primary concern remains, as I believe it should remain for everyone, that catastrophic accidents should be avoided and that victims should be compensated for their injuries. Others took issue with the statistical data on which the court’s decision was based. Studies have shown that pit bull dogs are responsible for 60 percent of U.S. fatalities caused by dogs. The dangerousness of this breed was recently confirmed by University of Texas trauma physicians, Dr. Bini and Dr. Cohn, in Annals of Surgery, Volume 253, April 2011, where they concluded that pit bulls present an unacceptable actuarial risk for humans and are, in fact, an inherently dangerous breed. A certain segment of the population will simply not be convinced of this until they observe it themselves. (Google the name “Darla Napora” for a particularly sad and gruesome example). Strangely, however, the two sides of this debate largely do not disagree when the issue is framed in terms of personal responsibility. No one in the debate (excluding the insurance companies) seems to oppose a rule extending strict liability to all dog owners. From a victims’ rights perspective, that would be a reasonable outcome. I am hard pressed to understand how any legislator can now propose legislation which will again exonerate a dog owner from legal responsibility for its dog’s acts. There is no personal responsibility in such a law; there would be no fairness to the victim of a dog mauling. I maintain my belief that victims’ rights should be paramount. This needs to be understood – this debate should never have been about the dogs. My clients did not bring suit because they hate pit bulls. They brought suit because their son was nearly killed and the responsible parties should be accountable. I can only hope that their effort is vindicated, and out of this debate a law emerges that ensures justice is done for the victims.

Kevin A. Dunne is a shareholder at Ober|Kaler in Baltimore and represented the Soleskys. Annapolis Summit 2014 9 CON Facts do not support dog-breed specific legislation The late Daniel Patrick Moynihan was fond of saying that everyone is entitled to his own opinions but not his own facts. I asked the redoubtable Warren Deschenaux of the Department of Legislative Services to conduct an investigation of dog bites in Maryland and other states. Here are the facts. If you refer to the chart, you will see that you are 246 times more likely to be admitted to a hospital suffering from the adverse effects of medical drugs than you are to be admitted to a hospital because of an injury from a dog: 223 times more likely to be admitted to a hospital due to injuries suffered from the adverse effects of medical care than to be admitted to a hospital for injuries from a dog: 124 times more likely to be admitted to a hospital for injuries sustained from a slip and fall than to be admitted to the hospital from injuries due to a dog: 28 times more likely to be admitted to a hospital for injuries due to a motor vehicle accident than to be admitted to a hospital for injuries due to a dog. Injuries caused by dog bites are less than .2 percent of the total number of injuries resulting from all other external causes and a tiny proportion of the injuries requiring hospitalization. The study concludes that dog bite injuries were a relatively small proportion of the injuries in emergency rooms from 2005 to 2011 and that since 2005 dog bite injuries do not appear to increase over time. Finally, since 2005 there has been one death in Maryland due to a dog bite injury compared to almost 5,000 fatalities during the same period due to motor vehicle accidents. The facts are an antidote to the epidemic of disinformation and factoids about dog bites and the histrionics that have accompanied it. Why the campaign to impose strict liability, i.e., liability without fault on the owner of a dog that may cause personal injury? The argument is that an “innocent” person should be entitled to compensation from a person regardless of whether that person was negligent in some way in causing or contributing to By Del. Luiz Simmons the injury. This is an extraordinary departure from the principles of our law and from common sense and Special to The Daily Record experience. Let’s examine it. If “innocence” and not negligence is the basis for compensation than what about the infinitely more people including children who are innocent and injured by motor vehicle accidents, slip and falls and the adverse effects of medical drugs and medical care. For example, in 2010, 25,381 people were hospitalized for slip and falls and 204 people for dog bites. If we are to impose strict liability without negligence for the owner of a dog that may create damage why shouldn’t we impose strict liability without negligence on homeowners, businesses and city, county and state governments who own or control sidewalks, parks, your living room and restaurants where an “innocent” person may slip and fall. Why impose strict liability on the owners of dogs while allowing physicians, hospitals and a multitude of others to escape the same treatment? There is an undeniable odor of class prejudice. The owners of dogs are generally unorganized and not a wealthy group. They cannot afford to hire influential lobbyists to protect themselves from the private agendas that plague Annapolis. If you were going to impose strict liability anywhere it would not be a dog bite case but in the far more numerous cases involving medical treatment where people cannot afford to pay $100,000 in costs to prosecute an action. It is far easier to prosecute a dog bite case than a medical malpractice case. In Woody Allen’s 1971 film “Bananas,” Allan’s protagonist – one Fielding Mellish – weighs the strength of the prosecution’s case against him and delivers an indictment of the prosecutor and the case – which applies with equal force to the hapless case to impose liability without fault on the owners of dogs and those who are prosecuting it. “This case is a travesty. It’s a travesty of a mockery, of a sham, of a mockery, of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham.” Indeed.

Del. Luiz R. S. Simmons is a Democrat representing Ratio of Injury to Dog Bites Ratio of Injury to Dog Bites Injury Type Treat and Release Hospital Admissions Maryland’s District 17 in Montgomery County Cases for Treat and Release for Hospital Admissions Dog Bite 4,880 1.00 204 1.00 Motor Vehicle Traffic 90,906 16.58 5,815 28.50 Falls 147,771 30.28 25,381 124.42 Adverse Effect of Medical Drug 13,361 2.74 50,272 246.43 Adverse Effect 9,111 1.87 45,633 223.69 of Medical Care 10 Annapolis Summit 2014 PRO A case for revenge porn legislation

In 2010 I was a victim of revenge porn (nonconsensual pornography). After a relationship -ending fight, my ex -boyfriend made a promise: I will destroy you. The painful irony was that the very medium, Facebook, that brought us together after a 19 -year separation was used as a weapon against me. He created an auction on eBay and attempted to sell a CD of 88 nude images of me. To publicize the auction and destroy my professional and social standing, he posted links to the auction on the Facebook pages of the college where I teach and many other pages. In 2011 he struck again, this time posting the images to a pornographic website along with my full name, city and state where I live and the name of the college where I teach. Both times I sought help from law enforcement officials. Every officer I spoke with dismissed me with a shake of the head and the phrase I’ve grown to loathe, “Nothing I can do. No crime has been committed.” I was lucky. Both times, my employers, while less -than -compassionate, didn’t fire me. However, many other victims aren’t as lucky. Crimes of a sexual nature come with heaping doses of victim blaming. At the least the victim is pummeled with questions like, “What were you thinking? Are you stupid? Why would you do that?” At its worst, victims are shunned by family, ostracized from social circles, fired from jobs and even kicked out of college. But what about the perpetrators? What happens to them? Nothing. They get to carry on with their lives, smug in the knowledge that they got the revenge they sought. Perpetrators of revenge porn have the support of the states in which they reside because their behavior By Annmarie Chiarini is not considered criminal. Legislators give these beasts the golden ticket to ruin lives while scorning Special to The Daily Record victims for being stupid. Del. Jon Cardin has targeted revenge porn posters with a bill he aims to get passed in the upcoming General Assembly session. It would criminalize the nonconsensual disclosure of explicit images. “This law will allow our law enforcement officials to stay one step ahead – to intervene in nonconsensual pornography before anyone is forced to carry the emotional scars of sexual harassment for the rest of their life,” said Cardin in a prepared statement Oct. 30. “It’s a critical step towards protecting our citizens from online bullies and predators.” After my ex posted the nude images of me in 2011, I attempted suicide. Had I been successful, my perpetrator would have been charged with a crime. Cardin’s bill, co -authored by University of Maryland law professor Danielle Keats Citron, states that “a person may not intentionally disclose a sexually explicit image of another, identifiable person whose intimate parts are exposed or who is engaged in a sexual act ... knowing that the other person has not consented to the disclosure.” The crime would be a felony punishable by up to five years in prison or a fine not to exceed $25,000. “This bill is a huge step forward for the protection of privacy, especially for individuals who consensually shared personal photos during a relationship of trust and whose trust was breached,” Citron said in a statement. To address issues of a potential First Amendment violation, Citron wrote in an article for Slate, “Free speech advocates worry that revenge porn laws are too broad and vague, and thus risk chilling protected speech. Is there a collision here with the First Amendment? These concerns are real, but not insurmountable. Careful and precise drafting is the key. Revenge porn laws can and should make clear that it is a crime to distribute someone’s sexually explicit images without consent if those images do not concern matters of public importance.” Del Cardin invited me to provide input and testify in support of this new revenge porn bill that is being introduced into the 2014 legislative session. Had this bill been in place in 2010, my perpetrator would have been convicted of a felony, and I would have peace that he would not exact such punishment on me or any other women. Since I don’t have that peace, I still face some of the fears I did the day I first brought my case to law enforcement, but I have embraced my role as the voice for those who have not yet found their voices. And I will speak up.

Annmarie Chiarini is a professor of English at a Maryland college and a victim advocate for the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative. Annapolis Summit 2014 11 CON Criminalizing ‘revenge porn’ could infringe on First Amendment rights Internet technology – and the new ways humans can use it to harm each other – is developing at warp speed. This session legislators will introduce bills to criminalize “revenge porn,” the act of publicly sharing intimate images acquired during a relationship as a way of hurting an ex lover. While the pain and humiliation felt by victims of such conduct is undeniable, legislators need to tread carefully to avoid constitutional problems – criminalizing unintended swaths of people, infringing on the rights of a free press and giving influential people a powerful tool to suppress embarrassing facts. Because criminal laws addressing this phenomenon target the sharing of lawful images – expression protected by the First Amendment – they must be carefully crafted to avoid chilling lawful and everyday Internet activity and narrowly targeted to the particular harm that is intended to be addressed. In order to pass constitutional muster, five principles must be adhered to. First, the law must require proof of an intent to cause harm. Second, the law must require that actual harm be caused. Third, the law must apply only to the person in the relationship who violated an understanding of confidentiality regarding the images, not third party recipients who further disseminate the images. Fourth, the statute must clearly and narrowly define what images will create criminal liability. Fifth, there must be an exception for depictions related to matters of public concern. A hypothetical elucidates the importance of the first two elements: you have a college -aged niece and a son. Worried, your son shows you a racy photo of your niece that’s popped up on the Internet. You send the scandalous photo to your sister to alert her. She shares it with her husband and together they address the issue. Your son, you and your sister have transferred this photo without your niece’s consent. If there were not requirements for intent to harm and for actual harm to have been caused, you would all be criminals. By Toni Holness, Esq. Limiting liability to the person who breached an objectively reasonable expectation of confidentiality is Special to The Daily Record also critical. When former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner sent the embarrassing photographs to women online that helped derail his congressional career he may not have thought they would become public, but he had no objectively reasonable basis for that belief. Under too broad a bill, the women who shared those photos could be criminalized. Further, any law that would criminalize the many news outlets that published the photographs of Weiner shared by the women would clearly violate the First Amendment. The Supreme Court repeatedly has held that third parties may not constitutionally be barred from publishing even illegally acquired information, as long as the publisher had no hand in the illegal acquisition. In other words, a criminal law can likely target the person responsible for breaching the reasonable expectation of privacy, but cannot target all subsequent persons who receive and share the photograph, who made no such promise, and as to whom there is no reasonable expectation of privacy. Finally, a law limiting the sharing of information necessarily touches on the First Amendment. In order to preserve the marketplace of ideas, especially as it concerns public issues and public figures, the law must include an exception for issues of public concern. Prominent officials who are caught in embarrassing photographs, like Anthony Wiener (though he is certainly not the only one), should not be able to wield the law as a cudgel to censor the images that provide the clearest proof of their questionable conduct. In sum, the ACLU acknowledges the real harms caused by revenge porn and values privacy in the real and digital worlds. But, in the hurry to create new laws to match rapidly developing technology, Maryland legislators need to ensure these laws are drawn carefully so they actually target revenge pornography, and nothing more.

Toni Holness, Esq., is a public policy associate for the ACLU of Maryland. 12 Annapolis Summit 2014 Lawmakers to Watch For in 2014 The Daily Record consulted reporters, editors and some insiders to compile a list of members of the Maryland General Assembly and other elected officials who are expected to do big things during the 2014 session. These lawmakers truly are the ones to watch this year.

Aspirational lawmakers: At least a dozen members of the General Assembly will be making headlines this year for how they do their jobs as they aspire to even bigger jobs. They include the members vying for governor, attorney general, county executive and more in 2014. As they reach for new offices, they’ll be looking to make headlines. Already the gubernatorial race has seen proposals to legalize marijuana and use the revenue to fund education, give iPads to inmates and a short -lived controversy over one candidate’s attendance at an underage drinking party. Among those running for higher office are Del. Heather R. Mizeur (D -Montgomery) and Del. Ronald A. George (R -Anne Arundel), who are vying for governor. The democratic primary ballot will also include Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown and Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler. Gansler’s running mate is Del. Jolene Ivey (D - Prince George’s). And Republican gubernatorial candidate David Craig , Harford County Executive, has named Del. Jeannie Haddaway -Riccio as his running mate.

The field for attorney general includes Del. Aisha N. Braveboy (D -Prince George’s), Del. Jon S. Cardin (D -Baltimore County), Del. Bill Frick (D -Montgomery) and Sen. Brian E. Frosh (D - Montgomery). A few other lawmakers are making a play for county executive, including Sen. Allan H. Kittleman (R -Howard) and Sen. Barry Glassman (R - Howard), who are both vying for Howard county executive. Sen. David R. Brinkley of Frederick will serve his second term as Senate Republican leader, a job he last held in 2008. Recognizing that Republicans are heavily outnumbered in the 47 -member Senate, Brinkley has said publicly that he will be looking to compromise, but also is ready for a fight. One area where he already is drawing a line in the sand is on the minimum wage, saying that Republicans will oppose efforts to raise Maryland’s rate of $7.25 per hour. Brinkley will replace Sen. E.J. Pipkin of Cecil County, who abruptly resigned in August and moved to Texas.

Republicans in the House of Delegates also voted over the summer to shake up their leadership, voting for Del. Nic Kipke, R-Pasadena, to replace Del. Tony O’Donnell, who had served as the House Minority Leader since 2007. Third time was the charm for Kipke who had tried twice before to unseat O’Donnell. Kipke will be in the spotlight in his inaugural year as Minority Leader, as lawmakers – and the general public – look to see what he will do differently and what actions he will take to stop was is expected to be a loss of Republican seats in 2014 due to newly redrawn electoral lines.

Sen. Jim Brochin (D -Baltimore County) is entering the election year representing a dramatically redrawn district. When the lines were redrawn in 2012, Brochin’s district, which previously included Towson and areas north of Baltimore city, stretched further north, touching the border of Carroll County on the west and Harford County on the east – garnering him a more conservative constituency. It will be interesting to see what he does to court his new area in 2014. 14 Annapolis Summit 2014

Del. Melony G. Griffith (D -Prince George’s) will be looking to make headlines in her bid to unseat long -time lawmaker Sen. Ulysses Currie (D -Prince George’s). Currie, former chairman of the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee, was censured last year by the state Senate after standing trial in federal court in 2011 on corruption charges stemming from payments he took from a grocery store chain. Currie ultimately was acquitted. Del. Luiz R.S.Simmons also is planning to vacate his seat to run for the state Senate, representing the 17th legislative district – a seat currently held by Sen. Jennie M. Forehand.

Sen. Catherine E. Pugh (D -Baltimore City) has said she is eying a potential run for mayor of Baltimore, an aspiration that could make her one to watch in 2014. Pugh was the second -highest vote -getter behind Stephanie Rawlings -Blake, the city’s current mayor, in 2011. Pugh, a member of the state legislature since 2005, previously served on the city council from 1999 -2004.

With Sen. Brian Frosh pursuing a run for Maryland attorney general, his chairmanship of the prestigious Judicial Proceedings Committee will be vacated. Frosh has held the chairmanship since 2003. Waiting in the wings, however, is Sen. Jamie B. Raskin (D -Montgomery), who has served on the committee since 2007 when he joined the Senate and in that time has been a vocal advocate for Constitutional rights. It will be interesting to see what moves Raskin makes this year as he eyes the potential chairmanship. Annapolis Summit 2014 15

Del. Joseph F. Vallario Jr. (D -Calvert and Prince George’s counties) has chaired the House of Delegates Judiciary Committee since 1993 – in large part shaping much of the state’s stance toward crime and punishment. A member of the legislative body since 1975, this year’s election stands to be perhaps the toughest of his political career. Redistricting – which affected a number of Maryland lawmakers this year – has redefined the boundaries of his district so that half of it now includes Bowie – an area where he has not been active over his career.

It’s possible that no other lawmaker had as rocky an off -season as Del. Don H. Dwyer Jr., a Republican representing Anne Arundel County. Fresh off a drunk boating accident that involved children over the summer, Dwyer was charged with drunk driving, and in October was sentenced to serve 60 days in jail to be served on the weekends. What this means is that during this year’s session, Dwyer will be locked up while other members go home for the weekend. He also was required to seek treatment for alcohol use and was threatened with further action if he violates the terms. It will be interesting to see how this changes the typically media -friendly Tea Party conservative known for taking strong stands against issues such as same -sex marriage and limits on gun ownership. 16 Annapolis Summit 2014

Election-year changes By Bryan P. Sears in store for [email protected] Maryland’s General Assembly is about to undergo a dramatic make -over. As many as one -third of the state’s 188 -member legislature – 141 delegates and General 47 senators – are expected to turn over in the 2014 primary and general elections. As many as 50 of those new members could come from the House of Delegates alone. Assembly The most dramatic changes will likely be felt in 2015 but some say some could be seen and felt in the coming weeks. “It’s definitely going to affect legislative operations,” said Bruce C. Bereano, a long -time lobbyist. “If you have a 50 -to -60 member turnover, and I think you could, that’s a lot of brand new legislators that are going to take one to two sessions to get used to the process and get comfortable.” Driving the change is a perfect storm of retirements, redistricting and legislators stepping up to run for other offices. Perhaps no county is as affected by the changes as Howard County. Sens. Jim Robey and Allan H. Kittleman are giving up essentially safe seats. Robey, a Democrat, is retiring after two terms. Kittleman, a Republican, is giving up the seat he was appointed to in 2004 to run for Howard County executive. Annapolis Summit 2014 17

The departures and redistricting have touched off a domino effect of legislators such as Dels. Gail H. Bates and Guy J. Guzzone, a Republican and Democrat respectively, stepping up to run for Kittleman’s seat. Redistricting also has led Baltimore County Democratic Dels. Jim Malone and Steve DeBoy not to seek re -election. Both have cited concerns that the legislature is becoming more liberal. “You’ll lose a lot of institutional knowledge and leadership,” Bereano said. One such loss is Sen. Norman Stone, D -Baltimore County, who is retiring after 50 years in the General Assembly. “I don’t think we’ve ever seen anything like this since I’ve been in office,” said Stone, who was first elected to the House of Delegates in 1962 and then to the Senate in 1966. Some believe the changes will affect how leadership in both houses conduct business in the coming year. “I think it will really affect the speaker of the House and Senate president and committee chairs, who will have to learn their new members and where the votes are,” said Jennifer Bevan -Dangel, executive director of Common Cause Maryland. But the effects of the coming changes may be felt in this session. Some State House insiders say the dynamics could change after the filing deadline for running passes on Feb. 24. While many legislators are expected not to run, the exact number will only be known once that deadline passes. Those legislators, so -called “zombies,” will be simply running out the end of their last sessions. Insiders say it could change how those legislators are treated by their colleagues. The change could also embolden some outgoing lawmakers to cast votes – for and against bills – that they never would cast if they had to worry about running for re -election. 18 Annapolis Summit 2014

Expect the unexpected in 2014 By Bryan P. Sears [email protected] They may not garner the headlines, but lawmakers are sure to quietly introduce – and even pass – a number of bills in 2014 that will change life in Maryland. In 2013, senators and delegates introduced 2,610 bills and passed just 765 – about 29 percent. Bills likely to be introduced this year will cover every possible facet of life in Maryland from social policies, business laws, school and transportation funding – and yes, even taxes. Here's a look at some of the issues that will likely come up this year and could make it through the 90 -day session and into law. • Legislators come back to Annapolis with an unwelcome surprise in the form of a budget deficit not only in 2015 fiscal year but a ballooning structural deficit in fiscal 2014. In October, Warren Deschenaux, director of the state Office of Policy Analysis, told lawmakers of an $87 million shortfall in fiscal 2014 budget. By mid -December, that deepened by another nearly $102 million -driven by declines in personal and corporate income and sales taxes. • Lawmakers will likely spend time on legislation that would require landlords to accept tenants who receive public housing subsidies including federal Section 8 money. Advocates say the bill would allow low -income families to move out of poorer neighborhoods and allow them to live in areas with better schools and other resources. The bill was sent back to committee last year after three days of debate in the Senate. Proponents and opponents alike say they do not want to see another extended debate on the issue this year. • With a possible increase in the minimum wage looming, legislators may be looking to balance the equation with some sort of business -friendly legislation. One possibility could involve some easing of the state inheritance tax. Maryland, which exempts the first $1 million in assets and is one of 14 states that levy a so -called death tax. Delaware’s exemption is higher, and Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia have no inheritance tax. In 2002, the state decoupled from the federal exemption, which currently stands at $5.25 million. Legislators may not be comfortable going back to the federal exemptions but some believe an increase to $2 million isn’t out of the question. • In July the state Court of Appeals sent the issue of contributory negligence back to the legislature. The 166 -year -old doctrine, which some legislators point out was created by the courts in the first place, will likely be tough to change in the legislature where things change slowly. • Finding more money for school construction and renovation projects will also likely play a role in the upcoming session. In 2004, the Kopp Commission, a blue ribbon panel lead by state Treasurer Nancy K. Kopp, issued a report that the state needed to spend $250 million annually to address critical needs for school construction and renovation. Despite hundreds of millions in state spending annually since then, many counties say their respective needs persist. Last year the state entered into an agreement Annapolis Summit 2014 19

with the city to combine to spend $60 million annually for 10 years. That money would allow city officials to leverage $1.1 billion in bonds. Montgomery and Prince George’s counties each plan to ask the legislature for similar arrangements. Baltimore County, which has the second oldest school stock in the state, does not plan to ask for a deal similar to Baltimore City's but officials say they do plan to press for the needs of the county during the coming session. • With minimum wage on the table, lawmakers will also revisit legislation mandating employers provide sick leave for employees. A bill requiring one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked failed last year, but it likely to return in 2014. Opponents say the bill is problematic because policies regarding sick leave vary from company to company and legislation could cause problems for those that offer more than what the bill requires. • Last year the legislature passed the gas tax, and this year local jurisdictions, including the state’s 159 municipalities, will come to Annapolis looking for restoration of their transportation trust fund money from the state. In 2008, the state sent $45 million to incorporated towns in Maryland, but that figure dropped to $1.6 million just two years later. Last year, Gov. Martin O’Malley and the legislature increased the amount but leaders with the Maryland Municipal League said the amount is still only about one -third of what it had been and they want to return to the levels in 2008. Maryland’s counties will also be seeking their share, too. Since 2008, counties have seen state highways aid cut by about 90 percent. • At least three legislators – including two Democratic attorney general candidates —will seek to criminalize revenge porn – the practice of publishing intimate pictures of former lovers on the internet as a means of harassing and bullying victims who are primarily women. A handful of states have passed or are considering passing similar laws, but opponents, such as the American Civil Liberties Union, say such legislation could potentially violate the First Amendment. • Supporters of combined reporting for corporate income taxes have hopes that the bill will pass this year after it failed to get out of the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee on a 7 -6 vote in the previous session. The bill would affect national companies that incorporate in other states as a way of avoiding paying taxes in Maryland. Passage of such a bill could bring in $50 million, according to some legislative estimates. Sen. Ed Kasemeyer, who voted against the bill in committee, said he believes if the bill got out of his committee it would be passed by the full Senate. • Health care advocates will come back this year seeking to increase the state’s tobacco tax. Vincent DeMarco, president of Maryland Citizens Health Initiative, said a coalition of groups would like to see another $1 added to the current $2 per pack tax and to increase the tax on other tobacco products to 95 percent of wholesale cost. The tax was last raised by $1 per pack in 2008. 20 Annapolis Summit 2014 Maryland State Senate

THOMAS V. MIKE MILLER, JR. ULYSSES CURRIE BRIAN E. FROSH President of the Senate Democrat, District 25, Prince George’s County Democrat, District 16, Montgomery County Democrat, District 27, Prince George’s 201 James Senate Office Building Miller Senate Building, 2 East Wing and Calvert counties Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 H-107 State House 410 -841 -3127 410 -841 -3124 Annapolis, MD 21401 [email protected] [email protected] 410 -841 -3700 [email protected] JAMES E. (ED) DeGRANGE, SR. JOSEPH M. GETTY Democrat, District 32, Anne Arundel County Republican, District 5, Baltimore and JOHN C. ASTLE 101 James Senate Office Building Carroll counties Democrat, District 30, Anne Arundel County Annapolis, MD 21401 401 James Senate Office Building 123 James Senate Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3593 410 841 3683 410 841 3578 [email protected] - - - - [email protected] [email protected] ROY P. DYSON Democrat, District 29, Calvert, Charles & St. LISA A. GLADDEN JOANNE C. BENSON Democrat, District 41, Baltimore City Democrat, District 24, Prince Mary's counties Miller Senate Building, 2 East Wing George’s County 102 James Senate Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 214 James Senate Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3697 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3673 - - - - [email protected] 410 -841 -3148 [email protected] [email protected] BARRY GLASSMAN GEORGE C. EDWARDS Republican, District 35, Harford County DAVID R. BRINKLEY Republican, District 1, Garrett, Allegany, Republican, District 4, Frederick and 320, James Senate Office Building and Washington counties Carroll counties Annapolis, MD 322 James Senate Office Building 420 James Senate Office Building 410 -841 -3603 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 [email protected] 410 841 3565 or 410 -841 -3704 - - [email protected] [email protected] STEPHEN S. HERSHEY, JR. Republican, District 36, Kent, Queen Anne’s, JAMES BROCHIN BRIAN J. FELDMAN Cecil, and Caroline counties Democrat, District 42, Baltimore County Democrat, District 15, Montgomery County 416, James Senate Office Building 221 James Senate Office Building 104 James Senate Office Building Annapolis, MD Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 - 3639 [email protected] 410 -841 -3648 410 -841 -3169 [email protected]. [email protected] NANCY JACOBS RICHARD F. COLBURN Republican, District 34, Harford and Republican, District 37, Caroline, Dorchester, BILL FERGUSON Cecil counties Democrat, District 46, Baltimore City Talbot, and Wicomico counties 323 James Senate Office Building Miller Senate Building, 2 West Wing 315 James Senate Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3158 410 841 3600 410 841 3590 - - [email protected] - - [email protected]. [email protected] J. B. JENNINGS JOAN CARTER CONWAY JENNIE M. FOREHAND Republican, District 7, Baltimore and Democrat, District 43, Baltimore City Democrat, District 17, Montgomery County Harford counties 2 West Wing, Miller Senate Building 223 James Senate Office Building 403 James Senate Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3145 301 -858 -3134 410 -841 -3706 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Annapolis Summit 2014 21 VERNA L. JONES-RODWELL NATHANIEL J. MCFADDEN EDWARD R. REILLY Democrat, District 44, Baltimore City Democrat, District 45, Baltimore City Republican, District 33, Anne 420 Miller Senate Office Building 422 Miller Senate Building Arundel County Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 321 James Senate Office Building 410 841 3612 410 841 3165 - - - - Annapolis, MD 21401 [email protected] [email protected] 410 -841 -3568 EDWARD J. KASEMEYER THOMAS M. MIDDLETON [email protected] Democrat, District 12, Baltimore and Democrat, District 28, Charles County Howard counties Miller Senate Building, 3 East Wing JAMES N. ROBEY Miller Senate Building, 3 West Wing Annapolis, MD 21401 Democrat, District 13, Howard County Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3616 120 James Senate Office Building 410 -841 -3653 [email protected] Annapolis, MD 21401 [email protected] 410 -841 -3572 KAREN S. MONTGOMERY [email protected] DELORES G. KELLEY Democrat, District 14, Montgomery County Democrat, District 10, Baltimore County 202 James Senate Office Building 302 James Senate Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 JAMES C. ROSAPEPE Annapolis, MD 21401 Democrat, District 21, Prince George’s 410 -841 -3625 410 -841 -3606 [email protected] and Anne Arundel counties [email protected] 314 James Senate Office Building C. ANTHONY MUSE Annapolis, MD 21401 NANCY J. KING 410 841 3141 Democrat, District 39, Montgomery County Democrat, District 26, Prince George’s County - - [email protected] 222 James Senate Office Building 304 James Senate Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3092 410 -841 -3686 - - CHRISTOPHER B. SHANK [email protected] [email protected] Republican, District 2, Washington County 402 James Senate Office Building ALLAN H. KITTLEMAN DOUGLAS J. J. PETERS 410 -841 -3903 Republican, District 9, Carroll and Democrat, District 23, Prince George’s County [email protected] Howard counties 121 James Senate Office Building 423 James Senate Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 BRYAN W. SIMONAIRE Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3631 - - Republican, District 31, Anne 410 -841 -3671 [email protected] [email protected] Arundel County 414 James Senate Office Building PAUL G. PINSKY KATHERINE A. KLAUSMEIER Democrat, District 22, Prince George’s County Annapolis, MD 21401 Democrat, District 8, Baltimore County 220 James Senate Office Building 410 -841 -3658 103 James Senate Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 [email protected] Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3155 410 -841 -3620 [email protected] [email protected] NORMAN R. STONE, JR. Democrat, District 6, Baltimore County RICHARD S. MADALENO, JR. CATHERINE E. PUGH 216 James Senate Office Building Democrat, District 18, Montgomery County Democrat, District 40, Baltimore City Annapolis, MD 21401 203 James Senate Office Building Miller Senate Office, 3 East Wing 410 -841 -3587 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 [email protected] 410 -841 -3137 410 -841 -3656 [email protected] [email protected] RONALD N. YOUNG Democrat, District 3, Washington and ROGER MANNO VICTOR R. RAMIREZ Frederick counties Democrat, District 19, Montgomery County Democrat, District 47, Prince George’s County 316 James Senate Office Building 3 West Miller Senate Building 303 James Senate Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3151 410 841 3575 - - 410 -841 -3745 - - [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

JAMES N. MATHIAS, JR. BOBBY A. ZIRKIN Democrat, District 38, Somerset, Wicomico JAMIE RASKIN Democrat, District 20, Montgomery County Democrat, District 11, Baltimore County and Worcester counties 301 James Senate Office Building 401 Miller Senate Building 122 James Senate Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3634 410 841 3131 410 -841 -3645 - - - - [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 22 Annapolis Summit 2014 Maryland House of Delegates MICHAEL E. BUSCH KUMAR P. BARVE AISHA N. BRAVEBOY LUKE H. CLIPPINGER Speaker of the House Democrat, District 17, Democrat, District 25, Democrat, District 46, Baltimore City Democrat, District 30, Anne Montgomery County Prince George’s County 316 House Office Building Arundel County 361 House Office Building 209 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 -1912 H-101 State House Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3303 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3464 410 -841 -3707 [email protected] 410 -841 -3800 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] JOHN W. E. CLUSTER, JR. GAIL H. BATES ERIC M. BROMWELL Republican, District 8, Democrat, District 8, KATHY AFZALI Republican, District 9A, Baltimore County. Republican, District 4A, Baltimore County Howard County 308 House Office Building Frederick County 415 House Office Building 202 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 319 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3766 410 -841 -3526 410 -841 -3556 - - [email protected] 410 -841 -3288 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PAMELA G. BEIDLE EMMETT C. BURNS, JR. FRANK M. CONAWAY, JR. CURT ANDERSON Democrat, District 32, Anne Democrat, District 10, Democrat, District 40, Baltimore City Democrat, District 43, Baltimore City Arundel County Baltimore County 314 House Office Building 309 House Office Building 314 House Office Building 161 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3189 410 841 3352 410 -841 -3291 410 841 3370 - - [email protected] [email protected] - - [email protected] [email protected] NORMAN H. CONWAY STEVEN J. ARENTZ RUDOLPH C. CANE Democrat, District 38B, Worcester Republican, District 36, Caroline, WENDELL R. BEITZEL Democrat, District 37A, Dorchester Republican, District 1A, Garrett and Wicomico counties Cecil, Kent & Queen Anne's counties and Wicomico counties and Allegany counties 121 House Office Building 308 House Office Building 364 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410B House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3407 410 -841 -3543 410 -841 -3427 [email protected] [email protected] 410 -841 -3435 [email protected] [email protected] ROBERT A. COSTA SAM ARORA JON S. CARDIN Republican, District 33B, Democrat, District 19, ELIZABETH BOBO Democrat, District 11, Democrat, District 12B, Anne Arundel County Montgomery County Baltimore County Howard County 159 House Office Building 224 House Office Building 304 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 214 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3551 410 -841 -3528 410 -841 -3833 [email protected] [email protected] 410 -841 -3205 [email protected] [email protected] BONNIE L. CULLISON SUSAN L. M. AUMANN ALFRED C. CARR, JR. Democrat, District 19, Republican, District 42, JOHN L. BOHANAN, JR. Democrat, District 18, Democrat, District 29B, Montgomery County Baltimore County Montgomery County St. Mary’s County 220 House Office Building 303 House Office Building 222 House Office Building 350 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3258 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -858 -3883 - - 410 -841 -3638 [email protected] [email protected] 410 -841 -3227 [email protected] [email protected] CHARLES E. BARKLEY DERECK E. DAVIS Democrat, District 39, JOSEPH C. BOTELER III JILL P. CARTER Democrat, District 25, Montgomery County Republican, District 8, Democrat, District 41, Baltimore City Prince George’s County 223 House Office Building Baltimore County 317 House Office Building 231 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 325 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3268 410 841 3519 410 -841 -3001 Annapolis, MD 21401 - - - - [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 410 -841 -3365 [email protected] BEN BARNES GALEN R. CLAGETT STEVEN J. DeBOY, SR. Democrat, District 21, Prince TALMADGE BRANCH Democrat, District 3A, Democrat, District 12A, Baltimore George’s and Anne Arundel counties Democrat, District 45, Baltimore City Frederick County and Howard counties 151 House Office Building 151 House Office Building 405 House Office Building 306 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3046 410 841 3436 410 841 3328 - - 410 -841 -3398 - - - - [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] JOHN P. DONOGHUE BARBARA A. FRUSH JEANNIE HADDAWAY-RICCIO CAROLYN J. B. HOWARD Democrat, District 2C, Democrat, District 21, Anne Arundel Republican, District 37B, Caroline, Democrat, District 24, Washington County & Prince George's counties Dorchester, Talbot and Wicomico Prince George’s County 425 House Office Building 160 House Office Building counties 301 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 320 House Office Building, Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3114 410 -841 -3125 - - Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3919 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 410 -841 -3429 [email protected] KATHLEEN M. DUMAIS TAWANNA P. GAINES JAMES W. HUBBARD Democrat, District 15, Democrat, District 22, Democrat, District 23A, Montgomery County Prince George’s County PETER A. HAMMEN Prince George’s County 416 House Office Building Democrat, District 46, Baltimore City 101 House Office Building 363 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 214012 Annapolis, MD 21401 241 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3058 410 841 3052 - - Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3103 - - [email protected] - - [email protected] 410 -841 -3772 [email protected] [email protected] RON GEORGE DON H. DWYER, JR. Republican, District 30, Republican, District 31, Anne Arundel County. NINA R. HARPER Democrat, District 20, Anne Arundel County 163 House Office Building Democrat, District 45, Baltimore City Montgomery County 216 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 317 House Office Building 210 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3439 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3047 - - [email protected] 410 -841 -3486 410 -841 -3474 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] JIM GILCHRIST ADELAIDE C. ECKARDT Democrat, District 17, RICK IMPALLARIA Republican, District 37B, Caroline, KEITH E. HAYNES Montgomery County Democrat, District 44, Baltimore City Republican, District 7, Baltimore Dorchester, Talbot and Wicomico 221 House Office Building 424 House Office Building and Harford counties counties Annapolis, MD 21401 310 House Office Building 320 House Office Building 410 841 3744 Annapolis, MD 21401 - - 410 841 3801 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 [email protected] - - 410 841 3289 [email protected] - - 410 -841 -3343 [email protected] [email protected] GLEN GLA SS Republican, District 34A, Harford ANNE HEALEY Democrat, District 22, JOLENE IVEY DONALD B. ELLIOTT and Cecil Counties Prince George’s County. Democrat, District 47, Republican, District 4B, Carroll 325 House Office Building Prince George’s County and Frederick counties 131 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 207 House Office Building 311 House Office Building 410 841 3280 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 - - 410 -841 -3469 [email protected] [email protected] 410 -841 -3478 410 -841 -3118 [email protected] [email protected] CHERYL D. GLENN SHEILA ELLIS HIXSON Democrat, District 45, Baltimore City Democrat, District 20, JAY A. JACOBS MARK N. FISHER Montgomery County Republican, District 36, Kent, Queen Republican, District 27B, 413 House Office Building House Office Building, Room 131 Anne’s, Cecil and Caroline counties Calvert County Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 321 House Office Building 217 House Office Building 410 841 3257 - - 410 -841 -3469 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 [email protected] [email protected] 410 841 3449 410 841 3231 - - - - (scheduling & appointments) [email protected] [email protected] MELONY G. GRIFFITH [email protected]. (constituent services) Democrat, District 25, MARY-DULANY JAMES WILLIAM J. FRANK Prince George’s County Democrat, District 34A, Harford Republican, District 42, 307 House Office Building PATRICK N. HOGAN Baltimore County Republican, District 3A, and Cecil counties Annapolis, MD 21401 404 House Office Building 213 House Office Building 410 841 3557 Frederick County Annapolis, MD 21401 - - 324 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 = [email protected] 410 841 3793 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3331 - - [email protected] [email protected] 410 -841 -3240 ANA SOL GUTIÉRREZ [email protected] DAVID FRASER-HIDALGO Democrat, District 18, SALLY Y. JAMESON Democrat, District 15, Montgomery County MARVIN E. HOLMES, JR. Democrat, District 28, Democrat, District 23B, Montgomery County 220 House Office Building Charles County Prince George’s County House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 427 House Office Building 313 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 = 410 -841 -3181 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3337 410 -841 -3186 [email protected] - - 410 -841 -3310 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] GUY J. GUZZONE C. WILLIAM FRICK Democrat, District 13, MICHAEL J. HOUGH ADRIENNE A. JONES Democrat, District 16, Democrat, District 10, Howard County Republican, District 3B, Frederick and Montgomery County Washington Counties Baltimore County 219 House Office Building 206 House Office Building, 312 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 213 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 = Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3471 410 841 3391 410 -841 -3454 410 -841 -3472 - - [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 24 Annapolis Summit 2014 A. WADE KACH MARY ANN LOVE ARUNA MILLER DOYLE L. NIEMANN Republican, District 5B, Democrat, District 32, Democrat, District 15, Democrat, District 47, Baltimore County Anne Arundel County Montgomery County Prince George’s County. 201 House Office Building 165 House Office Building 225 House Office Building 203 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3511 410 -841 -3359 - - 410 -841 -3090 410 -841 -3326 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ERIC G. LUEDTKE ANNE R. KAISER Democrat, District 14, WARREN E. MILLER H. WAYNE NORMAN, JR. Democrat, District 14, Montgomery County Republican, District 9A, Republican, District 35A, Montgomery County 222 House Office Building Howard County Harford County 151 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 202 House Office Building 326 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3110 Annapolis, Maryland 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3036 [email protected] - - 410 -841 -3582 410 -841 -3284 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] JAMES E. MALONE, JR. Democrat, District 12A, ARIANA B. KELLY Baltimore and Howard counties JOSEPH J. “SONNY” MINNICK Democrat, District 16, NATHANIEL T. OAKS 251 House Office Building Democrat, District 6, Democrat, District 41, Baltimore City Montgomery County Annapolis, MD 21401 Baltimore County 411 House Office Building 210 House Office Building 410 841 3378 403 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 - - [email protected] Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3283 410 -841 -3642 410 -841 -3332 [email protected] [email protected] MAGGIE McINTOSH [email protected] Democrat, District 43, Baltimore City KEVIN KELLY 251 House Office Building ANTHONY J. O’DONNELL Annapolis, MD 21401 KEIFFER J. MITCHELL, JR. Republican, District 29C, Calvert Democrat, District 1B, Democrat, District 44, Baltimore City Allegany County 410 -841 -3990 and St. Mary’s counties [email protected] 316 House Office Building 217 House Office Building 410A House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3802 410 841 3404 SUSAN K. McCOMAS 410 -841 -3314 - - Republican, District 35B, [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Harford County 319 House Office Building HEATHER R. MIZEUR NICHOLAUS R. KIPKE Annapolis, MD 21401 Democrat, District 20, JOHN A. OLSZEWSKI, JR. Democrat, District 6, Republican, District 31, 410 -841 -3272 Montgomery County Baltimore County Anne Arundel County [email protected] 429 House Office Building 305 House Office Building 217 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 TONY McCONKEY 410 841 3493 - - 410 841 3458 410 -841 -3421 Republican, District 33A, [email protected] - - [email protected] Anne Arundel County [email protected] 216 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 DAN K. MORHAIM BENJAMIN F. KRAMER 410 841 3406 Democrat, District 11, CHARLES J. OTTO - - Republican, District 38A, Somerset Democrat, District 19, [email protected] Baltimore County and Wicomico counties Montgomery County 362 House Office Building 321 House Office Building 226 House Office Building MIKE McDERMOTT Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Republican, District 38B, Wicomico 410 841 3054 - - 410 841 3433 410 -841 -3485 and Worcester counties [email protected] - - [email protected] 323 House Office Building [email protected] Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3431 PETER F. MURPHY SUSAN W. KREBS Democrat, District 28, NEIL C. PARROTT [email protected] Republican, District 2B, Republican, District 9B, Charles County Washington County Carroll County 426 House Office Building PAT McDONOUGH 213 House Office Building 311 House Office Building Republican, District 7, Baltimore Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 and Harford counties 410 841 3247 - - 410 841 3636 410 -841 -3200 310 House Office Building [email protected] - - [email protected] Annapolis, MD 21401 [email protected] 410 -841 -3334 [email protected] LeROY E. MYERS, JR. STEPHEN W. LAFFERTY Republican, District 1C, Allegany JOSELINE A. PEÑA-MELNYK Democrat, District 42, Democrat, District 21, Prince and Washington Counties Baltimore County BRIAN K. McHALE George’s and Anne Arundel counties. 215 House Office Building 306 House Office Building Democrat, District 46, Baltimore City 157 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 350 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3321 410 841 3487 Annapolis, MD 21401 - - 410 841 3502 - - [email protected] - - [email protected] 410 -841 -3319 [email protected] [email protected] SUSAN C. LEE SHIRLEY NATHAN-PULLIAM SHANE E. PENDERGRASS HERB McMILLAN Democrat, District 10, Democrat, District 16, Republican, District 30, Anne Democrat, District 13, Baltimore County Montgomery County Arundel County Howard County 414 House Office Building 217 House Office Building 309 House Office Building 241 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3358 410 -841 -3649 410 -841 -3211 - - 410 -841 -3139 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Annapolis Summit 2014 25 JAMES E. PROCTOR, JR. ANDREW A. SERAFINI DARREN M. SWAIN CATHY VITALE Democrat, District 27A, Prince Republican, District 2A, Democrat, District 24, Republican, District 33A, George’s and Calvert counties Washington County Prince George’s County Anne Arundel County 121 House Office Building 215 House Office Building 204 House Office Building 154 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3083 410 -841 -3447 410 -841 -3692 410 -841 -3510 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

JUSTIN D. READY LUIZ R. S. SIMMONS KATHY SZELIGA JEFFREY D. WALDSTREICHER Republican, District 5A, Democrat, District 17, Republican, District 7, Baltimore Democrat, District 18, Carroll County Montgomery County and Harford counties Montgomery County 322 House Office Building 226 House Office Building 303 House Office Building 221 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3698 410 841 3130 410 -841 -3070 410 -841 -3037 - - - - [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

MICHAEL D. SMIGIEL, SR. SHAWN Z. TARRANT JAY WALKER KIRILL REZNIK Democrat, District 26, Democrat, District 39, Republican, District 36, Kent, Queen Democrat, District 40, Baltimore City Prince George’s County Montgomery County Anne’s, Cecil, and Caroline counties 151 House Office Building, Annapolis, MD 21401 430 House Office Building 225 House Office Building 162 House Office Building 410 841 3545 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 - - 410 -841 -3372 [email protected] 410 -841 -3581 410 -841 -3039 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] FRANK S. TURNER THEODORE J. SOPHOCLEUS Democrat, District 13, ALONZO T. WASHINGTON A. SHANE ROBINSON Democrat, District 32, Howard County Democrat, District 22, Democrat, District 39, Anne Arundel County 206 House Office Building Prince George’s County Montgomery County House Office Building, Room 162 Annapolis, MD 21401 204B House Office Building 223 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3246 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 - - 410 -841 -3372 [email protected] 410 -841 -3652 410 -841 -3021 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] VERONICA L. TURNER DANA M. STEIN Democrat, District 26, MARY L. WASHINGTON BARBARA A. ROBINSON Democrat, District 11, Prince George’s County. Democrat, District 43, Baltimore City Democrat, District 40, Baltimore City Baltimore County 205 House Office Building 315 House Office Building 315 House Office Building, 304 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3210 410 -841 -3476 410 -841 -3520 410 -841 -3527 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] KRISELDA VALDERRAMA MICHAEL H. WEIR, JR. SAMUEL I. ROSENBERG DONNA M. STIFLER Democrat, District 26, Democrat, District 6, Democrat, District 41, Baltimore City Republican, District 35A, Prince George's County Baltimore County 365 House Office Building Harford County House Office Building, Room 205 305 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 326 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3297 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3210 410 -841 -3328 [email protected] 410 -841 -3278 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] DAVID D. RUDOLPH GERALDINE VALENTINO-SMITH C. T. WILSON Democrat, District 34B, Cecil County NANCY R. STOCKSDALE Democrat, District 23A, Democrat, District 28, 231 House Office Building Republican, District 5A, Prince George’s County Charles County Annapolis, MD 21401 Carroll County 209 House Office Building 152 House Office Building 322 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3444 [email protected] Annapolis, MD 21401 410 -841 -3101 410 -841 -3325 410 -841 -3077 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] STEVEN R. SCHUH Republican, District 31, JOSEPH F. VALLARIO, JR. JOHN F. WOOD, JR. Democrat, District 27A, Calvert Anne Arundel County. MELVIN L. STUKES Democrat, District 29A, St. Mary’s and Prince George’s counties 156 House Office Building Democrat, District 44, Baltimore City and Charles counties 412 House Office Building 101 House Office Building 422 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3206 - - 410 841 3544 410 841 3488 410 841 3170 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

KELLY SCHULZ MICHAEL G. SUMMERS MICHAEL L. VAUGHN CRAIG ZUCKER Republican, District 4A, Democrat, District 47, Democrat, District 24, Democrat, District 14, Frederick County Prince George’s County Prince George’s County. Montgomery County 324 House Office Building 203 House Office Building 423 House Office Building 224 House Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410 841 3080 - - 410 -841 -3340 410 -841 -3691 410 -841 -3380 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] STRONGSTRONG SCHOOLS STRONG MARYLAND

WeWe musmustt continuecontinue H:ere’s how ResourcesResourceses to movemove MarylandMaryland studentsst udents to invesest in the students, forwardforward and closclosee aachievementchievement ggaps aps In the operating budgetett,, MSEA supports full educators, programs, and funding of Thornton education fformormulas and of the updated geographic cost of education index (GCEI). servicserviceess that have made Additionallyy,, we suupporpport new investments to expand pre-kindergarttenen so that more students are ready to MMaryland’aryland’s public school learn and excel. In the capital budget, MSEA supports expanded school coonstrnstruction funding to address the $3 billion in building and improving safe, modern systeemm a nationaltional leader. ffaacilities across the state. Keeping our schools at the top requires a commmitmitment at the state and local level. Accordinglyy,, wwe will oppose efffororts to water down the maintenance of effforort improvements from 2012 that protected the delicate partnershiptnership between the state and local governments to fund our schools.

PreparingPreparing forfoorr the neeneedsds and ininvestmentsvestmentsestments ooff the ffutureuture It is time to create the Thhorntornton 2 Commission to ensureure that there is adequate and equitable funding fforoorr studentstu s across the state. Whilehile the Bridge to Excellence and original Thornton commmissionmission has become a national modelel fforor public school financing, it is now 12 years old and it is time to review and establish the funding needs necessarryy to take our students and schools to even higher levels of achievementchievement.

EEnsuringnsuring eeducationducattionion rreformseforms supporsupportt tteachingeaching and learning Poorly planned implementation of new curriculum,m, student assessments, educator evaluations,tions, and school accountability systems are all hittingting at one time. This tsunami of education refformorms threatenten the pillars of our world-classorld-class schools. While accountability and student acchievementhievement are important goals, we cannot let unproven and unreliable testing and evaluation systems punish our teachers and principals, unffairlairly label our students and schools, and usurp local school systemss’’ abilities to make policy decisions that work fforor their commmmunities.

140 Main StreetStreet | Annapolis, MarylandMaryland 21401 800800/448-6782/448-6782 | @MSEAMSEAeducatorseducators Annapolis Summit 2014 27 Maryland Lobbyists This reference includes contact information for every lobbyist registered with the State Ethics Commission as of the most recent filing. The commission lists both lobbyists for hire and lobbyists who work entirely for their own organizations. Our list does not differentiate between them. If a listing is incomplete, it is because the lobbyist did not provide the missing information to the commission.

KARALYN AANENSON JOHN ALLEN B JENNIFER BEVAN-DANGEL MELISSA CHALMERS BROOME Community Law in Action Pepco Holdings, Inc. 1000 Friends of Maryland Job Opportunities Task Force ASHLIE BAGWELL 520 West Fayette Street 140 EP1202 701 Ninth St., N.W 1209 N. Calvert St. 111 Water St. Suite 201 Baltimore, MD 21201 Washington, DC 20068 Alexander & Cleaver, P.A. Baltimore, MD 21202 54 State Cir. Baltimore, MD 21202 Annapolis, MD 21401 TABB J. BISHOP GERALD ABBAN PERCEL ALSTON JAMES A. BROWN Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC 410-974-9000 Verizon Alston Connections 1680 Capital One Dr. 82 Devonshire St. 7210 Aquinas Ave. 1 E. Pratt St., 8N Boston, MA 02109 Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 ASHLIE T. BAGWELL Baltimore, MD 21202 McLean, VA 22102 Harris Jones & Malone LLC 410-393-4178 2423 Maryland Avenue Suite 100 RICK ABBRUZZESE AMERICAN COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING JAMES R. BROWN, III Rifkin, Livingston, Levitan & Silver LLC Baltimore, MD 21218 TINA M. BJAREKULL Law Offices of Brown & Brown COMPANIES/MARYLAND MD. Independent College 225 Duke of Gloucester St. 312 N. Charles St., Suite 200 8501 LaSalle Rd., Suite 212 Annapolis, MD 21401 THOMAS M. BALLENTINE, JR. & University Assoc. Baltimore, MD 21201 National Association of Industrial and 60 West St., Suite 201 Towson, MD 21286 410-269-5066 Office Properties, Maryland Annapolis, MD 21401 410-296-2000 AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY, INC. P.O. Box 16280 ARTHUR C. ABRAMSON 2111 Wilson Blvd., Suite 350 Baltimore, MD 21210 CAROLYN BLANCHARD COOK TAMERA ANITA BROWN Baltimore Jewish Council Arlington, VA 22201 cbcConsulting Merck, Sharp & Dohme Corp 5750 Park Heights Ave. 410-977-2053 4300 Crab Orchard Road PO Box 6255 Baltimore, MD 21215 Glen Arm, MD 21057 MAHLON G. ANDERSON KAREN PAIKIN BARALL Washington, DC 20015 410-542-4850 AAA Mid-Atlantic Jewish Community Relations Council of KIRK BLOODSWORTH 1405 G St., NW Greater Washington ERIC L. BRYANT EARL ADAMS, JR. Washington, DC 20005 6101 Montrose Rd. Suite 205 Marylanders for Restorative Justice, Inc. DLA Piper LLP (US) Rockville, MD 20852 3800A 34th St. Rifkin, Livingston, Levitan & Silver, LLC 6225 Smith Ave. VIRGINIA (PENNY) HUGHES ANDERSON 301-770-0881 Mt. Rainier, MD 20712 225 Duke of Gloucester St. Baltimore, MD 21209-3600 Maryland Dental Action Coalition Annapolis, MD 21401 410-580-4188 HENRY W. BOGDAN 6410 Dobbin Rd. Suite G KAREN PECORA BARBOUR Maryland Association of Nonprofit 410-269-5066 Columbia, MD 21045 Coalition for Contracting Fairness GAYLE J. ADAMS Organizations 410-884-8294 20 Liberty St., Suite 2D 1500 Union Avenue Suite 2500 JOSEPH C BRYCE Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Westminster, MD 21157 Manis Canning & Associates 4940 Eastern Avenue Baltimore, MD 21211 Baltimore, MD 21224-2780 BENJAMIN F. GUY ANDES 12 Francis St. G.S. Proctor & Associates, Inc. J. KENNETH BATTLE DOREEN BOLGER Annapolis, MD 21401 29 Francis St. Alexander & Cleaver, P.A. Baltimore Museum of Art SHAILA R. AERY Annapolis, MD 21401 54 State Cir. 10 Art Museum TODD BUCKNER The Artemis Group, LLC 410-280-5088 Annapolis, MD 21401 Baltimore, MD 21218 Bricklayers & Alied Craftworkers Local 1 59 Franklin St. 443-573-1700 MD, VA & DC Annapolis, MD 21401 DAVID EDWARD BAUER 5879 Allentown Rd. 410-295-9550 JOHN A. ANDRYSZAK Popham & Andryszak, P.A The Association of Global Automakers BRENT BOLIN Camp Springs, MD 20746 191 Main St. Suite 200 1050 K St. NW Anacostia Watershed Society JEFFREY T. AGNOR Washington, DC 20001 4302 Baltimore Ave. DAVID F. BUFTER Davis, Agnor, Rapaport & Skalny, LLC Annapolis, MD 21401 410-268-6871 202-650-5565 Bladensburg, MD 20710 Science Applications International 10211 Wincopin Circle Suite 500 Corporation (SAIC) Columbia, MD 21044 CATHERINE BEAR JOSEPH ANSON SCOTT BOOS NCI-Frederick PO Box B 3800 Powell Lane #207 Alliance for American Manufacturing Frederick, MD 21702-1201 JORGE AGUILAR Joseph Anson Falls Church, VA 22041 711 D Street NW 3rd Floor Food & Water Watch 10 Applewood Dr. ROBERT W. BURDON 1616 P. St., NW, Suite 300 Rexford, NY 12148 DAVID BEARD Washington, DC 20004 Annapolis & Anne Arundel County Washington, DC 20036 Advocates for Children and Youth Chamber of Commerce ERIN APPEL 8 Market Place, Suite 500 FRANK D. BOSTON, III 49 Old Solomons Island Rd, Suite 204 ADEBOWALE OYESHOLA AJAYI Capitol Strategies, LLC Baltimore, MD 21202 2002 Clipper Park Rd. Suite 108 Annapolis, MD 21401 CASA de Maryland, Inc. 1 State Cir. 410-547-9200 410-266-3960 Annapolis, MD 21401 Baltimore, MD 21211 8151 15th Avenue 410-323-7090 Langley Park, MD 20783 410-268-3099 ROBERT P. BEHLKE GENE L. BURNER Choptank Electric Cooperative, Inc. MPPA, Inc. MARK FRANCIS ALAGNA STEVEN ARABIA P.O. Box 430 JASON BOTEL 19 Fairway Island UPS NRG Energy Denton, MD 21629 MarylandCan Grasonville, MD 21638 316 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Suite 300 1866 River Rd. 410-479-8553 1112 16th Street NW Suite 240 410-279-1264 Washington, DC 20003 Middletown, CT 06457 Washington, DC 20036 DAVID BELISLE JAN BURRUS, R.PH. 202-675-4232 Glaxo Smith Kline THE ARC PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, INC. Teamsters Joint Council No. 62 RAY BOURLAND 1401 Mc Cormick Dr. 1030 S. Dukeland St. 227 N. Royal St. THOMAS L. ALBERT Pepco Holdings, Inc. Alexandria, VA 22314 Feld Entertainment, Inc. Largo, MD 20774 Baltimore, MD 21223 301-925-7050 701 Ninth St., NW 8607 Westwood Center Dr. CHRIS BUSCH Vienna, VA 22182 LORENZO M. BELLAMY Washington, DC 20068 MICHELE M. ARNOLD Alexander & Cleaver, P.A. Allagash Group 54 State Cir. 10480 Little Patuxent Parkway, #400 LYNN H. ALBIZO, Esq. Independent Insurance Agents of KIMBERLY MICHELLE GOLDEN BRANDT Maryland Annapolis, MD 21401 Columbia, MD 21044 11869 Bright Passage 410-974-9000 1000 Friends of Maryland Phone: 410-740-8767 Columbia, MD 21044 2408 Peppermill Dr., Unit A Glen Burnie, MD 21061 1209 North Calvert Street 410-733-1098 DANIEL BELLINGHAM Baltimore, MD 21202 TIMOTHY JOSEPH BUTERA Mid-Atlantic Laborers' Cooperation Trust MICHAEL ARRINGTON Healthcare Distribution Management SALLIANN ALBORN Association 6650 Belair Road Suite 200 Capital Legislative Solutions LLC GERARD BRANKA Baltimore, MD 21206 Maryland Community Health System 6507 Grainger Terrace 901 N. Glebe Rd. Suite 1000 802 Cromwell Park Dr. Suite V Arlington, VA 22203 Pyramis Global Advisors Holding Corp. Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 900 Salem St. OT3N1 BRANDON SCOTT BUTLER Glen Burnie, MD 21061 301-440-5068 DERIECE PATE BENNETT Smithfield , RI 02917 Greenwill Consulting Group, LLC DALE ALDRICH Maryland Chamber of Commerce 121 Cathedral Street Suite 1C JOSEPH L. ASKEW Annapolis, MD 21401 121 Misty Mountain Lane Verizon 60 West St., Suite 100 TAMELA ELIZABETH BRESNAHAN Little Mountain, SC 29075 12 West St. Annapolis, MD 21401 AARP Maryland 410-269-0642 RUSSELL P. BUTLER Annapolis, MD 21401 200 St. Paul St. 25th Floor Md. Crime Victims’ Resource Center, Inc. ALEXANDER & CLEAVER, P.A. 202-515-2447 54 State Cir. BRUCE C. BEREANO Baltimore, MD 21202 1001 Prince Georges Blvd. Suite 750 410-895-7613 Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 Annapolis, MD 21401 ASSOCIATION OF HOME APPLIANCE 191 Duke of Gloucester St. 301-952-0063 410-974-9000 MANUFACTURERS Annapolis, MD 21401 1111 19th St., NW 410-267-0410 BARBARA M BROCATO C GARY R. ALEXANDER Washington, DC 20036 Barbara Marx Brocato & Associates Alexander & Cleaver, P.A. NEIL LOUIS BERGSMAN ARDATH M. CADE 54 State Cir. KEVIN ATTICKS Md. Assoc. of Nonprofit Organizations 18 Pinkney St. The Cade Mason Group Annapolis, MD 21401 Maryland Wineries Association 1500 Union Avenue Suite 2500 Annapolis, MD 21401 78 Riverside Dr. 410-974-9000 1940 Greenspring Dr. Suite E Baltimore, MD 21211 410-269-1503 Severna Park, MD 21146 Timonium, MD 21093 410-647-7882 HERBERT BERRY, JR. JEN BROCK-CANCELLIERI SHANNON ALFORD RAGINA COOPER AVERELLA Maryland Correctional Law EILEEN CAHILL National Rifle Association of America AAA Mid-Atlantic Enforcement Union Maryland League of Conservation Voters Holy Cross Hospital of Silver Spring, Inc. 11250 Waples Mill Rd. c/o NRA General 8600 LaSalle Rd., Oxford Building 2519 N. Calvert St. 86 Maryland Ave. 1500 Forest Glen Rd. Counsel Suite 639 Baltimore, MD 21218 Annapolis, MD 21401 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Fairfax, VA 22030 Towson, MD 21286 410-235-8540 410-280-9855 301-754-7881 FRANK CALIVA III MATTHEW CELENTANO CARVILLE B COLLINS D FRANCES P. DOHERTY Strategic Communications, LLC Maryland Citizen’s Health Initiative DLA Piper LLP (US) The Doherty Group, LLC 1012 14th St. NW Suite 1106 2600 St. Paul St. 6225 Smith Ave. SHARON A. DABOIN P.O. Box 668 Washington, DC 20005 Baltimore, MD 21218 Baltimore, MD 21209 CSX Transportation New Market, MD 21774 202-506-1657 410-235-9000 410-580-4125 4724 Hollins Ferry Rd. 301-865-2214 Baltimore , MD 21227 F. HAMER CAMPBELL, JR. CENTER STAGE ASSOCIATES, INC. ERIN COLLINS PATRICK DONOHO Maryland National Capital 700 N. Calvert St. National Association of Mutual MICHAEL DAMERON Maryland Retailers Association Building Industry Baltimore, MD 21202 Insurance Companies 1470 Ritchie Highway 1738 Elton Rd., Suite 200 3601 Vincennes Road 171 Conduit St. Arnold, MD 21012 Annapolis, MD 21401 Silver Spring, MD 20903 TODD R. CHASON Indianapolis, IN 46268 Gordon, Feinblatt, Rothman, Hoffberger LOUIS CAMPION VALERIE T. CONNELLY SUSAN GAZAWAY DANTONI MARGERY F. DONOHUE Maryland Motor Truck Association & Hollander, LLC. Maryland Farm Bureau, Inc. Montgomery County Medical Society 3000 Washington Blvd. 233 E. Redwood St. 8930 Liberty Road 15855 Crabbs Branch Way 115 E. 23rd St. 3rd Floor Baltimore, MD 21144 Baltimore, MD 21202-3332 Randallstown, MD 21133 Rockville, MD 20855 New York, NY 10018 410-644-4600 410-576-4069 410-922-3426 MICHAEL W DAVIS DEVIN J. DOOLAN MICHAEL F. CANNING DR. MARVIN LOUIS CHEATHAM, SR. SCOTT CORBITT Davis, Agnor, Rapaport & Skalny, LLC Furey, Doolan & Abell, LLP MD State Conference of NAACP Branches Anheuser-Busch Companies Manis Canning & Associates 10211 Wincopin Circle Suite 600 8401 Connecticut Ave., Suite 1100 1620 N. Appleton Street 700 Schrock Road 12 Francis St. Columbia, MD 21044 Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Annapolis, MD 21401 Baltimore, MD 21217-1114 Columbus, OH 43229 614-847-6250 301-652-6880 410-263-7882 STEVEN DELBIANCO CHESAPEAKE BAY FOUNDATION, INC NetChoice ASHLEY DOOT ELEANOR M. CAREY 6 Herndon Ave. MARJORIE A. CORWIN Gordon, Feinblatt, Rothman, Hoffberger 1401 K St. NW Suite 502 The Artemis Group, LLC Synergies Consulting Group Annapolis, MD 21403 59 Franklin St. 15 W. Barre St. & Hollander, LLC Washington, DC 20005-3417 233 E. Redwood St. 202-420-7482 Annapolis, MD 21401 Baltimore, MD 21201 CHESAPEAKE CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK Baltimore, MD 21202 6930 Carroll Ave. Suite 720 PAUL DORSEY SUSAN B. CARGILL Takoma Park, MD 20912 VINCENT DEMARCO Advanced Gaming Associates CHRISTOPHER COSTELLO Maryland Citizens Health Initative International Business Machines Public Sector Consulting Group 223 Pratt Street Corporation (“IBM”) EDWARD M. CHESTON 6400 Baltimore National Pike #102 Education Fund, Inc. Hammonton, NJ 08037 800 N. Frederick Ave. Edward Cheston Baltimore, MD 21228 2600 St. Paul St. Gaithersburg, MD 20879 61 Spa Rd. 410-947-4726 Baltimore, MD 21218 KEVIN THOMAS DOUGHERTY 410-235-9000 National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Annapolis, MD 21401 National Capital Chapter THOMAS CARLSON 443-812-0866 DOMINIC C. COTTONE Chesapeake Climate Action Network International Business Machines CYNTHIA M. DEMAREST 1800 M St., N.W. Suite 750 South 6839 Eastern Ave. Corporation (“IBM”) Schaller Anderson of Arizona, LLC Washington, DC 20036 Takoma Park, MD 20912 ALLEN CHEW 202-375-5606 DIRECTV, Inc. 100 E. Pratt St., 3rd Floor 509 Progress Dr. 240-396-2035 Baltimore, MD 21202 901 F St., NW Suite 600 Linthicum, MD 21090 MICHELE DOUGLAS 410-401-9570 J. DARRELL CARRINGTON Washington, DC 20004 DOYLE EVANS COX Public Policy Partners Carrington & Associates Maryland State Firemen's Association 48 Maryland Ave., Suite 304 6007 Hillmeade Rd. ANN CHURCH 17 State Circle JOSEPH DEMATTOS, JR. Annapolis, MD 21401 American Society for the Prevention Health Facilities Association of Maryland Bowie, MD 20720 Annapolis, MD 21401 ROBERT C. DOUGLAS 732-763-7398 of Cruelty to Animals 7135 Minstrel Way Suite 101 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #450 Columbia, MD 21045 DLA Piper LLP (US) CARMELA COYLE 6225 Smith Ave. DAVID H. CARROLL, JR. Washington, DC 20003 Maryland Hospital Association 410-290-5132 Baltimore, MD 21209 Capitol Strategies, LLC 6820 Deerpath Rd. 410-580-4141 1 State Cir. ANN T. CIEKOT Elkridge, MD 21075 KATHRYN E. DEMPSEY Annapolis, MD 21401 Public Policy Partners 410-379-6200 MD Catholic Conference JAMES J. DOYLE, III 410-268-3099 48 Maryland Ave., Suite 304 10 Francis St. Law offices of James J. Doyle, LLC Annapolis, MD 21401 WILLIAM R. CRAIGLE 212 Duke of Gloucester Street Sprint Nextel Annapolis, MD 21401 DENNIS CARROLL 410-268-0990 410-269-1155 Annapolis, MD 21401 Chesapeake Employers' Insurance 8 Airline Dr. Colonie, NY 12205 Company PATRICIA LYNN CIOTTA LOREEN K. DOYLE 8722 Loch Raven Blvd. 919-612-4557 CATHY ABRAMS DEMEROTO CBH Community Behavioral Health Assn. CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Food Research and Action Center dba Towson, MD 21286 10455 Mill Run Cir. 18 Egges Lane HERBERT S. CROMWELL Maryland Hunger Solutions Catonsville, MD 21228 Owings Mills, MD 21117 CHARLY CARTER Community Behavioral Health Association 2002 Clipper Park Drive, Suite 310 Of Maryland Baltimore, MD 21211 ERIK DUMONT Progressive Advocates CITIZENS IN CHARGE 3 Church Cir. Suite 134 18 Egges Lane Chesapeake Climate Action Network Annapolis, MD 21401 2050 Old Bridge Road Suite 103 Catonsville, MD 21228 MARY E. DEMPSEY 6930 Carroll Ave Suite 720 443-333-8235 Lake Ridge, VA 22192 Schwartz, Metz & Wise Takoma Park, MD 20912 MEGAN CRONIN 20 West Street LYDIA B. CLARK DENIS P. DUNN CINDY CARTER Environment Maryland Annapolis, MD 21401 Maryland Affordable Housing Coalition 3121 St. Paul St. #26 AT&T Cancer Support Foundation, Inc. 1133 21 St., NW Suite 900 8268 Academy Rd. 500 E. Pratt St. Baltimore, MD 21218 Baltimore, MD 21202 AMY DEMPSTER Washington, DC 20036 Ellicott City, MD 21043 1919 6th Street NW 410-964-9563 443-758-6270 PHILIP CRONIN Harris Jones & Malone, LLC Washington, DC 20001 E LINDA C. CARTER COASTAL CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION 2423 Maryland Avenue, Suite 100 RION DENNIS KATELYNN ECKERT Meyers, Rodbell, and Rosenbaum, P.A. MARYLAND Baltimore, MD 21218 1155 16th St. NW 6801 Kenilworth Ave Suite 400 PO Box 309 410-366-1500 NAACP Washington, DC 20036 Riverdale Park, MD 20737 Annapolis, MD 21401 4805 Mt. Hope Drive JOHN CRUMBLISS Baltimore, MD 21215 W. MINOR CARTER Cornerstone Government Affairs, LLC Maryland State and DC AFL-CIO VanScoyoc Associates, Inc. LEIGH COBB 300 Independence Ave., SE Advocates for Children and Youth, Inc. THOMAS M. DENNISON 7 School St. 39 Southgate Ave. Washington, DC 20003 Annapolis, MD 21401 8 Market Place, Suite 500 Southern Maryland Electric Annapolis, MD 21401 Cooperative, Inc. 410-269-1940 410-269-7954 Baltimore, MD 21202 CTIA-THE WIRELESS ASSOCIATION 410-547-9200 1400 16th St. NW Suite 600 15035 Burnt Store Rd. Hughesville, MD 20637 DOUGLAS EARL EDWARDS HEATHER CASCONE Washington, DC 20036 Mission of Love Charities, Inc. Express Scripts DREW P. COBBS 202-736-3200 6180 Old Central Ave. 100 Parsons Pond Dr., F3-22 Maryland Petroleum Council JOANNA LEIGH DIAMOND Capitol Heights, MD 20743 Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 60 West St., #403 JAMES W. CUMMINGS American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland 301-333-4440 Annapolis, MD 21401 Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. 3600 Clipper Mill Road Suite 350 6 Herndon Ave. SARAH ELFRETH MATTHEW BRUCE CASSILLY 410-269-1850 Baltimore, MD 21211 153 Masons Crossing Court Annapolis, MD 21403 National Aquarium in Baltimore Severna Park, MD 21146 Pier 3/501 East Pratt Street KIM COBLE CHRISTOPHER V. DIPIETRO Baltimore, MD 21202 CHARLES CUNNINGHAM Cdi Consulting Services, LLC WILLIAM A. CASTELLI Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. National Rifle Association of America 6 Herndon Ave. 4411 Sedgwick Road ROBYN S. ELLIOTT Maryland Association of Realtors, Inc. 11250 Waples Mill Rd. C/o NRA General Public Policy Partners 200 Harry S Truman Parkway Suite 200 Annapolis, MD 21403 Counsel Baltimore, MD 21210 410-243-5782 48 Maryland Ave., Suite 304 Annapolis, MD 21401 Fairfax, VA 22030 Annapolis, MD 21401 MARK ANTHONY COLES 410-268-0990 TERRENCE JAMES CAVANAGH Washington D.C. Building and OTIS W CUTLER DANIEL T. DOHERTY, JR. SEIU Maryland / DC State Council Construction Trades Council Greenwill Consulting Group The Doherty Group, LLC ADRIENNE ELLIS 15 School St., 3rd Floor 16220 Pennsbury Drive 121 Cathedral St. Suite 1C P.O. Box 668 Mental Health Association of Maryland Annapolis, MD 21401 Bowie, MD 20716 Annapolis, MD 21401 New Market, MD 21774 711 W. 40th St. #460 410-368-9070 301-899-8134 410-490-1309 301-865-2214 Baltimore, MD 21211 ERIC ELLMAN JODI FINKELSTEIN KURT H. FUCHS MICHAEL A. GRAZIANO SCOTT HENDERSON Consumer Date Industry Association NARAL Pro-Choice MD Maryland Farm Bureau, Inc. Prince George’s County Association of 717 SE 12th Court, #7 1090 Vermont Ave., NW, Suite 200 1320 Fenwick Lane Suite 301 8930 Liberty Rd. Realtors Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 Washington, DC 20005-4905 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Randallstown, MD 21133 9200 Basil Court, Suite 400 202-408-7407 301-565-4154 410-922-3426 Largo, MD 20774 CHRISTINE HILL 301-306-7900 Sierra Club D. ROBERT ENTEN MARIA FIRVIDA MARGARET A FUNK 7338 Baltimore Ave. #111 Gordon, Feinblatt, Rothman, Hoffberger & AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP Maryland Pharmacists Association JOSEPH C. GREEN, JR. College Park, MD 20740 Hollander, LLC 701 Pennsylvania Ave., NW G.S. Proctor & Associates, Inc. 233 E. Redwood St. 1800 Washington Blvd., Suite 333 DENISE O. HILL Suite 500 Baltimore, MD 21230 29 Francis St. Baltimore, MD 21202 Annapolis, MD 21401 3914 Jenifer St., NW 410-576-4114 Washington, DC 20004 Washington, DC 20015 G 410-280-5088 DANIEL S. FLORES KURT G. ERICKSON KURT GALLAGHER AARON J. GREENFIELD NANCY H. HILL Washington Regional Alcohol Program Greater Washington Board of Trade Greenfield & Kress, P.A. Nancy H. Hill Consulting Services 1420 Spring Hill Rd., Suite 250 2101 L St., NW Suite 300 Pet Food Institute P.O. Box 6603 2025 M Street, NW, Suite 800 150 South St., Suite 103 McLean, VA 22102 Washington, DC 20037 Baltimore, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 703-893-0461 Washington, DC 20036 301-807-6573 DORIAN FLYNN ANDREW E. GALLI SARAH GUERRIERI WILLIAM E. ERSKINE Maryland Association of Nonpublic Children’s National Medical Center LARRY E. HINTON Offit Kurman, P.A. Special Education Facilities Clean Water Action GEICO 8171 Maple Lawn Boulevard Suite 200 111 Michigan Ave. NW P.O. Box 6815 711 W. 40th St., Suite 209 Washington, DC 20010 One Geico Plaza Maple Lawn, MD 20759 6501 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21211 Washington, DC 20076 443-738-1563 Baltimore, MD 21285 JEFF GUIDO 301-986-2081 ERIC GALLY SUSAN ESTY Maryland State Pipe Trades Association JEFFREY D. FOLKS Gally Public Affairs, Inc. 7050 Oakland Mills Road, Suite 180 ROY A. HOAGLAND AFSCME Maryland 219-A Duke of Gloucester St. HOPE Impacts LLC 190 W. Ostend St. UnitedHealth Group Columbia, MD 21046 Annapolis, MD 21401 410-290-3890 14507 Sailview Court Baltimore, MD 21230 6095 Marshalee Dr. Suite 200 Midlothian, VA 23112 410-547-1515 Elkridge, MD 21075 410-990-0069 JOANNA GUY BARBARA A. HOFFMAN CARRIE L. EVANS LYLE FOWLKES DAVON GARDNER Maryland PIRG 3121 St. Paul St., Suite 26 The Artemis Group, LLC Equality Maryland Inc. Alexander & Cleaver, P.A. Frank D. Boston, III Attorney at Law 59 Franklin St. 1201 S. Sharp St. Suite 109 54 State Cir. 2002 Clipper Park Road Suite 108 Baltimore, MD 21218 Annapolis, MD 21401 Baltimore, MD 21230 Annapolis, MD 21401 Baltimore, MD 21211 410-467-9389 410-295-9550 410-974-9000 GERARD EVANS JULIE GARNER H ROBERT LOUIS HOFMANN Gerard E. Evans, Ltd. JULIA FOXWELL MedImmune RONALD JOSEPH HALBER Maryland Works, Inc. 191 Main St. Suite 210 Capitol Strategies, LLC 1023 Covington St. JCRC of Greater Washington 10270 Old Columbia Road, Suite 100 Annapolis, MD 21401 1 State Circle Baltimore, MD 21230 6101 Montrose Rd. Suite 205 Columbia, MD 21046 410-990-1521 Annapolis, MD 21401 Rockville, MD 20852 410-268-3099 SCOTT GARVIN (301)770-0881 LYNNE C. HOOT HAYLEY EVANS Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local 1 Maryland Agricultural Associates Gerard E. Evans, Ltd. MD, VA & DC DIANE HAMPTON 53 Slama Rd. 191 Main St., Suite 210 MATTHEW FRALING 5879 Allentown Rd. Maryland Independent College and Edgewater, MD 21037 Annapolis, MD 21401 Harris Jones & Malone, LLC Camp Springs, MD 20746 University Association 410-956-5771 410-990-1521 2423 Maryland Ave. Suite 100 60 West St., Suite 201 Baltimore, MD 21218 ANN GEDDES Annapolis, MD 21401 D’JUAN HOPEWELL MELISSA A. EVANS 410-366-1500 MD. Coalition of Familes for Share Our Strength Alexander & Cleaver, P.A. MATTHEW HANSON 2305 N. Charles St. Children’s Mental Health Baltimore, MD 21218 54 State Circle FRANN G. FRANCIS 10632 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 234 5132 Baltimore Ave 201A Annapolis, MD 21401 Hyattsville, MD 20781 Apartment & Office Building Association of Columbia , MD 21044 F. PETER HORRIGAN 410-974-9000 Metropolitan Washington 410-730-8267 MARINA TAFT HARDY MAPDA 1050 17th St., NW, #300 550 M Ritchie Highway PMB 283 F Washington, DC 20036 Clear Channel Outdoor GIL GENN 9590 Lynn Buff Court Severna Park, MD 21146 KATHRYN S. FARINHOLT Capitol Hill Strategic Advocates, LLC Laurel, MD 20723 NAMI Maryland SHELLEY DAVIS FRANKLIN 3 Church Cir. Suite 301 301-617-2600 DAN HORTON 10630 Little Patuxent Pkwy, 305 Linden Shade Court Annapolis, MD 21401 Exxon Mobil Corporation Ste. 475 Millersville, MD 21108 301-367-3191 HARFORD COUNTY CHAMBER OF c/o Nielsen, Merksamer, et al. Columbia, MD 21044 COMMERCE 2350 Kerner Blvd., Suite 250 CRAIG A. GILL 108 S. Bond St. San Rafael, CA 94901 ANTONIA KIVELLE FASANELLI BRIAN FRAZEE Pfizer Inc. Bel Air, MD 21014 Homeless Persons Representation Project, MD Association of Community Services c/o 2350 Kerner Blvd., Suite 250 MICHAEL HOUSER Inc. 8835 Columbia 100 Parkway San Rafael, CA 94901 LUKE MICHAEL HARMS Fidelity Brokerage Services, LLC 201 N. Charles Street Suite 1104 Unit P Whirlpool Corporation 245 Summer St. V6A Baltimore, MD 21201 Columbia, MD 21045 ANDRE J. GINGLES 701 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Suite 750 Boston, MA 02210 Gingles, LLC Washington, DC 20004 ERIN P. FAVAZZA RICHARD E. FREDRICKS 11785 Beltsville Dr., Suite 1350 FRANK HOWARD, JR. WILLIE R. HARRIS Howard Consulting Group 803 Stonehurst Court Silver Trident International, Inc. Calverton, MD 20705 Harris Public interest Consulting LLC PO Box 307 1990 M St. NW Suite 310 Annapolis, MD 21409 5804 Berkeley Ave. Washington, DC 20036 Annapolis, MD 21404 ALAN GIRARD Baltimore, MD 21215 410-544-5248 Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. JOHN F. FAVAZZA 410-367-0220 KATHERINE K. HOWARD Manis Canning & Associates 6 Herndon Ave. Annapolis, MD 21403 Regional Management, Inc. 12 Francis St. HOWARD FREEDLANDER MICHAEL LANGSTON HARRISON 11 E. Fayette St. Annapolis, MD 21401 The Artemis Group, LLC Home Builders Association of Maryland Baltimore, MD 21202 410-263-7882 59 Franklin St. MICHAEL U. GISRIEL 6030 Daybreak Circle #A150 PMB 362 410-539-2370 Annapolis, MD 21401 Michael Gisriel, LLC Clarksville, MD 21029 410-295-9550 29 W. Susquehanna Avenue, Suite 500 M. KIM HOWARD MICHAELINE R. FEDDER Towson, MD 21204 MARTA HARTING American Heart Association Maryland Correctional Law Venable LLP Enforcement Union 415 N. Charles St. DAVID D. FREISHTAT FRANCES HUGHES GLENDENING 750 E. Pratt St. Suite 900 Baltimore, MD 21201 2519 N. Calvert St. Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy Maryland Association of Boards of Baltimore, MD 21035 Baltimore, MD 21218 & Ecker, P.A Education 410-244-7542 11921 Rockville Pike, Third Floor MARK FEINROTH 621 Ridgely Avenue Suite 300 LAURA HOWELL Maryland Association of Realtors Rockville, MD 20852 Annapolis, MD 21401 JOSHUA ANDREW HASTINGS MD Association of Community Services 200 Harry S. Truman Parkway Suite 200 410-841-5414 Eastern Shore Land Conservancy 8835 Columbia 100 Parkway Suite P Annapolis, MD 21401-7348 DONALD C. FRY 118 Wye Narrows Dr. Columbia, MD 21045 Greater Baltimore Committee ROBERT MERRITT GLIDEWELL Queenstown, MD 21658 KATHRYN L. FIALKOWSKI 111 S. Calvert St., Suite 1700 Washington Gas MARIANN HUGHES 101 Constitution Ave., NW 3rd Floor TERESA MARIE HEALEY-CONWAY The Arc of Maryland, Inc. Baltimore, MD 21202 AFSCME, AFL-CIO Maryland Catholic Conference, LLC 49 Old Solomons Island Rd., Suite 205 410-727-2820 Washington, DC 20080 48 Maryland Ave, Suite 201 10 Francis St. Annapolis, MD 21401 202-624-6451 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-1155 KIMBERLY FRY RONALD S. GOLDBLATT MITI FIGUEREDO Kimberly Fry Consulting CAROLINE L HECKER Association of Independent Maryland Rosenberg Martin Greenberg, LLP HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN Chevy Chase Land Company Services, Inc. & DC Schools 1640 Rhode Island Ave., NW 8401 Connecticut Avenue Penthouse 200 McKendree Avenue 25 S. Charles Street, 21st Floor 890 Airport Park Rd. Suite 103 Baltimore, MD 21201 Washington, DC 20036 Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Annapolis, MD 21401 Glen Burnie, MD 21061 410-761-3700 JANE HENDERSON DIANE HUTCHINS STANLEY S. FINE NEELY T. FRYE Maryland Citizens Against State Maryland Zoo in Baltimore Rosenberg Martin Greenberg, LLP Novartis Pharmaceuticals THOMAS H. GRAHAM Executions 1876 Mansion House Dr. 25 S Charles St. Suite 2115 939 Parish Place Potomac Electric Power Company 3800 A 34th St. Baltimore, MD 21217 Baltimore, MD 21201 Hummelstown, PA 17036 701 Ninth St., NW Mt. Rainier, MD 20712 443-552-5265 410-727-6600 Washington, DC 20068 301-779-5230 JAY HUTCHINS GARY R. JONES Greater Baltimore Committee Baxter, Baker, Sidle, Conn & Jones, 111 S. Calvert St. P.A . Baltimore, MD 21202 120 E. Baltimore St., Suite 2100 410-727-2820 Baltimore, MD 21202 410-385-8004 ALAN J. HYATT &RQQHFW PPE Casino Resorts Maryland, LLC MITCH JONES c/o The Cordish Company Food & Water Watch 601 E. Pratt St., 6th Floor 1616 P St. NW Suite 300 Baltimore , MD 21202 Washington, DC 20036 %H,QIRUPHG J TIM T. JONES Children’s National Medical Center JOSEPH R. JACKSON 111 Michigan Ave., NW Northrop Grumman Systems Washington, DC 20010 Corporation 202-471-4802 /HDG 1580A W. Nursery Rd. MS A275 gbc Baltimore, MD 21090 LISAE C. JORDAN Law Office of Lisae C. Jordan DONNA L. JACOBS 638 5th St., NE University of Maryland Medical Washington, DC 20002 System 443-995-5544 250 W. Pratt Stret, 24th Floor 7KHUHJLRQ·V¶*R7R·DGYRFDWHIRUFRPSHWLWLYHQHVV Baltimore, MD 21201 WILHELM H. JOSEPH, JR. Legal Aid Bureau, Inc. JONAS A. JACOBSON 500 E. Lexington St. Baltimore area executives rely on one private-sector Gordon, Feinblatt, Rothman, Baltimore, MD 21202 Hoffberger & Hollander, LLC 410-951-7680 membership organization - the Greater Baltimore 126 Locust Lane Annapolis, MD 21403 K Committee - to connect them to corporate, civic and JULIE JANOVSKY LAUREN KALLINS The Pew Charitable Trusts Maryland Disability Law Center political leaders, and to be the voice for a competitive 901 E Street NW, 10th Floor 1500 Union Ave. Suite 2000 Washington, DC 20004 Baltimore, MD 21211-1982 410-727-6352 climate for business growth. NICOLE S. JEFFERSON Baker & Hostetler, LLP JODY L. KALLIS 1050 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite Maryland Association of 1100 Community Colleges *5($7(5%$/7,025( Washington, DC 20036 60 West St., Suite 200 JEF Annapolis, MD 21401 &200,77(( JUDY JENKINS Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, LAWRENCE E. KASECAMP 5HJLRQDOEXVLQHVVOHDGHUVFUHDWLQJDEHWWHUWRPRUURZWRGD\ Inc. United Transportation Union 12305 Harbour Circle 11505 Caboose Road, SW, Suite 1A )RUPHPEHUVKLSLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFW/L]3HWWHQJLOODWOLVEHWKS#JEFRUJ Fort Washington, MD 20744 Frostburg, MD 21532 ZZZJEFRUJ TERESA JENNINGS PAMELA M KASEMEYER Reed Elsevier Inc. Schwartz, Metz & Wise, P.A. 1150 18th St., NW Suite 600 20 West St. Washington, DC 20036 Annapolis, MD 21401 ROBERT JEPSON DANNA L KAUFFMAN Adventist Health Care, Inc. 1801 Research Boulevard, #400 Mid-Atlantic LifeSpan Rockville, MD 20850 10280 Columbia Road, Suite 220 Columbia, MD 21046 MICHAEL V. JOHANSEN 410-381-1176 Rifkin, Livingston, Levitan & Silver, LLC JOHN A. KELLY 225 Duke of Gloucester St. Perdue Farms, Inc. Annapolis, MD 21401 925 15th St. NW, Suite 500 410-269-5066 Washington, DC 20005 ANGELA C. JOHNESE KUNAL KHOSLA Advocates for Children & Youth, Inc. Howard Consulting Group 8 Market Place, Suite 500 1990 M St., NW Suite 310 Baltimore , MD 21202 Washington, DC 20036 DERON A. JOHNSON JOHN P. KITZMILLER 305 Stable View Court Maryland Automobile Dealers Parkton, MD 21120 Association 7 State Circle, Suite 301 KATHRYN JOHNSON Annapolis, MD 21401 Christian Science Committee on 410-269-1710 Publication for Maryland P.O. Box 1585 MARGERY DAVIS KNIGHT Annapolis, MD 21404 Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of Maryland ROBERT G. JOHNSON c/o Unitarian Universalist Church Capitol Strategies, LLC of Annapolis 1 State Cir. 333 Dubois Rd. Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 410-268-3099 VIRGINIA KNOWLTON SEAN JOHNSON Maryland Disability Law Center Maryland State Education 1500 Union Ave. Suite 2000 Association Baltimore, MD 21211-1982 140 Main St. 410-727-6352 Annapolis, MD 21401 JANIS ANNE KRAMER ERIC L. JOHNSTON, III Janis A. Kramer Strategic Solutions Center, LLC 684 Santa Maria Lane 8181 Professional Place, Suite 202 Davidsonville, MD 21035 Landover, MD 20785 410-956-6168 ANDREW JOSEPH KRAUS ROBERT JOHNSTON Howard County Chamber of Anne Arundel County Association Commerce of Realtors 5560 Sterrett Place 1521 Ritchie Highway Suite 300 Columbia, MD 21044 Arnold, MD 21012 410-730-4111 410-544-4554 SUSAN KING KREHBIEL DELMAN LEBEL SARA NORRIS LOVE SARA MARTIN CHAMPE C. MCCULLOCH Presbytery of Baltimore Allergan, Inc. ACLU of Maryland 5 Cormac Court Maryland AGC 5400 Loch Raven Blvd. c/o Nielsen Merksamer, et al. 3600 Clipper Mill Road Reisterstown, MD 21136 1301 York Rd., Suite 202 Baltimore, MD 21239 2350 Kerner Blvd, Suite 250 Baltimore, MD 21211 Lutherville, MD 21093-6005 410-433-2012 San Rafael, CA 94901 410-889-8550 TRAVIS MARTZ Maryland Automobile Dealers Association TOM MCDONALD WILLIAM ALLEN KRESS MARK SCOTT LEDFORD LORI ANN LOVGREN Baker & Hostetler LLP Greenfield & Kress PA The Rasmussen Group LLC NCCI Holdings, Inc. 7 State Circle, Suite 301 1050 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 1100 150 South St., Suite 103 306 West Chesapeake 901 Peninsula Corporate Circle Annapolis, MD 21401 Washington, DC 20036 Annapolis, MD 21401 Towson, MD 21204 Boca Raton, FL 33487 410-269-1710 443-321-9988 CAITLIN E. MCDONOUGH MIRIAM LEHMAN DAN LUCAS TRAVIS JOHN MARTZ Harris Jones & Malone LARS B. KRISTIANSEN Maryland Bankers Association LIUNA MAROC Law Office of Travis J. Martz, P.A. 2423 Maryland Ave., Suite 100 Nationwide Insurance 186 Duke of Gloucester St. 12355 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 550 311 Chesapeake Ave. Baltimore, MD 21218 7125 Columbia Gateway Dr. Suite 350 Annapolis, MD 21041 Reston, VA 20191 Annapolis, MD 21403 410-366-1500 Columbia, MD 21046 410-269-5977 443-837-5181 443-994-4319 LEONARD L. LUCCHI AMES STEPHEN MCGARRY DOROTHY J. LENNIG O’Malley, Miles, Nylen & Gilmore, P.A. MARYLAND AGRICULTURE COUNCIL, INC. Chesapeake Climate Action Network CHARLES JOSEPH KRUFT House of Ruth Maryland 11785 Beltsville Drive 10th Floor 12221 Fingerboard Road P.O. Box 11138 FirstEnergy 2201 Argonne Dr. Calverton, MD 20770 Monrovia, MD 21770 Takoma Park, MD 20913 Baltimore, MD 21218 301-865-1045 240-396-1983 111 S. Calvert St., Suite 2700 410-554-8460 Baltimore, MD 21202 MEGAN LUCY ROBIN MCKINNEY 410-385-5308 Advocates for Children and Youth MARYLAND GOVERNMENT RELATIONS JENNY LEVIN ASSOCIATION Maryland CASH Campaign/Job Maryland PIRG 8 Market Place, Suite 500 Opportunities Task Force Baltimore, MD 21202 Box 95 LAURIE KUIPER 3121 Saint Paul St. #26 Annapolis, MD 21404 217 E. Redwood Street, Suite 1500 Kaiser Permanente Baltimore, MD 21218 Baltimore, MD 21202 2101 East Jefferson St. 410-467-9389 ELAINE LUTZ MARYLAND LEAGUE OF CONSERVATION Rockville, MD 20852 Chesapeake Bay Foundation VOTERS EDUCATION FUND JENNIFER MCLAUGHLIN BRIAN LEVINE 6 Herndon Drive 86 Maryland Ave. Perry, White, Ross & Jacobson RUSSEL JAMES KUJAN Tech Council of Maryland Annapolis, MD 21403 Annapolis, MD 21401 126 Locust Lane Baltimore County Medical Association 9210 Corporate Blvd., Suite 470 Annapolis, MD 21202 1211 Cathedral St. Rockville, MD 20850 M MARYLAND LEGISLATIVE AGENDA FOR 410-271-6939 Baltimore, MD 21201 WOMEN (MLAW) LAURENCE LEVITAN MARK A. MACDOUGALL c/o 305 W. Chesapeake Ave., Suite 201 JEFFREY C. MCMANUS PETER KURDOCK Rifkin, Livingston, Levitan & Silver, LLC Southern Maryland Electric Towson, MD 21204 Atlantic Wind Connection Advocates For Highway & Auto Safety 225 Duke of Gloucester St. Cooperative, Inc. 443-519-1005 4445 Willard Ave., Suite 1050 750 First St. NE, Suite 901 Annapolis, MD 21401 P.O. Box 1937 Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Washington, DC 20002 410-269-5066 Hughesville, MD 20637 MARYLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 240-396-0337 202-408-1711 Maryland Library Association JENNIFER LEVY SHEILA MACKERTICH 1401 Hollins St. MD WOMEN’S COALITION FOR HEALTH L The Joseph E. Shaner Company HealthCare Access of Maryland Baltimore, MD 21223 CARE REFORM 720 Light St. 201 E. Baltimore St. 10th Floor P.O. Box 59202 TRACI LA VALLE Baltimore, MD 21230 Baltimore, MD 21202 CHERYL F. MATRICCIANI Potomac, MD 20854 Maryland Hospital Association Medical Mutual Liability Insurance 6820 Deerpath Road MURRAY LEVY CHARLES D. MACLEOD Society of Maryland RICHARD MEIDLINGER Elkridge, MD 21075 Alexander & Cleaver, P.A. Funk & Bolton, PA 225 International Circle Johnson & Johnson Health Care Systems 410-379-6200 54 State Circle 210 South Cross St., Suite101 Hunt Valley, MD 21030 126 Seneca Ridge Drive Annapolis, MD 21401 Chestertown, MD 21620 410-785-0050 Sterling, VA 20164 TODD LAMB 301-970-1959 Lamb Government Solutions DENISE M. MATRICCIANI CECILIA MEISNER CLINTON MACSHERRY Baltimore Museum of Art 106 Tucker St. MARCIA VERPLOEGEN LEWIS Maryland Family Network Maryland Hospital Association Annapolis, MD 21401 Gally Public Affairs, Inc. 6820 Deerpath Road 10 Art Museum Drive 1001 Eastern Ave. Baltimore, MD 21218 219-A Duke of Gloucester St. Baltimore, MD 21202 Elkridge, MD 21075 MARTIN S. LAMPNER Annapolis, MD 21401 410-379-6200 443-573-1700 The Chimes, Inc. SEAN R. MALONE JEFFREY D. MEISTER 4815 Seton Drive CYNTHIA M. LIFSON Harris Jones & Malone, LLC CHRISTOPHER J. MCCABE 2969 Heartstone Road Maryland Right to Life Baltimore, MD 21215 Law Offices of Cynthia M. Lifson 2423 Maryland Ave. Suite 100 420 Chinquapin Round Road, Suite 2-I 10440 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 300 Baltimore, MD 21218 Ellicott City, MD 21042 443-285-3434 Annapolis, MD 21401 TOMMY A. LANDERS Columbia , MD 21044 410-366-1500 410-269-6397 Environment Maryland 410-531-1619 3121 St. Paul #26 AMY ELLEN MALONEY LISA VOLPE MCCABE Satellite Broadcasting MICHELE MERKEL Baltimore, MD 21218 ANNE M. LINDNER Maryland State Education Association Food & Water Watch Exelon Corporation & Communications Association 140 Main St. 1100 17th St. NW, Suite 1150 1616 P Street, N.W, Suite 300 IVAN V. LANIER 10 S. Dearborn St. Annapolis, MD 21401 Washington, DC 20036 Greenwill Consulting Group Chicago, IL 60603 Washington, DC 20036 202-349-3640 320 W. Prospect Bay Drive 410-470-4540 KATHLEEN M. MALONEY ISAAC MEYER Grasonville, MD 21638 Maloney and Associates SHERRY MCCAMMON Alexander & Cleaver, P.A. 410-827-5446 BRETT STEWART LININGER 121 Cathedral St., Suite 2A, Office 2 54 State Circle Semmes, Bowen & Semmes American Cancer Society Cancer Annapolis, MD 21401 Action Network Annapolis, MD 21401 STEVE LANNING 25 S. Charles St., Suite 1400 410-263-0070 410-974-9000 Laborers’ M.A.R.O.C. Baltimore, MD 21201 8219 Town Center Drive 12355 Sunrise Valley Dr., Suite 550 Baltimore, MD 21236 410-576-4815 GEORGE N. MANIS 410-933-5146 RANDAL L. MICKENS Reston, VA 20191 Manis Canning & Associates Maryland State Teachers Association PATRICIA JANE LIPPOLD 12 Francis St. NICOLE MCCANN 140 Main St. ANGEL LAVIN 1199SEIU United Health Care Workers Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Venable, LLP Johns Hopkins Institutions East 410-263-7882 901 S. Bond St., Suite 540 750 E. Pratt St., Suite 900 611 North Eutaw St. AMERICAN JOE MIEDUSIEWSKI Baltimore, MD 21202 Baltimore, MD 21231 Baltimore , MD 21224 NICHOLAS G. MANIS Semmes, Bowen & Semmes Suite 1400 25 S. Charles St. KATHRYN LAVRIHA Manis Canning & Associates HAROLD K. MCCAULEY ROY E. LITTLEFIELD III 12 Francis St. WMDA Service Station & Baltimore, MD 21201 111 Stormhaven Court WMDA Service Station & Automotive 410-576-4768 Stevensville, MD 21666 Annapolis, MD 21401 Automotive Repair Association Repair Association 410-263-7882 1532 Pointer Ridge Place, Suite E 1532 Pointer Ridge Place, Suite E Bowie, MD 20716 WILLIAM R. MILES TIMOTHY LAWRENCE Bowie, MD 20716 301-390-0900 P.O. Box 251 PennQuarter Partners EILEEN M. MANNION 301-390-0900 Verizon Communications Huntingtown, MD 20639 1101 K Street NW, Suite 310 STEPHANIE MCCLELLAN 410-414-2515 Washington, DC 20005 12 West St. CAILEY LOCKLAIR Annapolis, MD 21401 Atlantic Wind Connection Baltimore Jewish Council 4445 Willard Ave. BEVERLY L. MILLER JULIE LAWSON 5750 Park Heights Ave. Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Maryland Hospital Association Anacostia Watershed Society MARIJUANA POLICY PROJECT Baltimore, MD 21215 236 Massachusetts Ave. NE, Suite 400 240-396-0350 6820 Deerpath Rd. 4302 Baltimore Ave. 410-542-4850 Elkridge, MD 21075 Bladensburg, MD 20710 Washington, DC 20002 202-905-2026 JAMES P. MCCOMB 410-379-6200 SEAN M. LOONEY McComb Consulting and GEORGE LAYFIELD Government Relations PAUL MILLER Comcast Cable ANDREW MARTIN Chesapeake Employers' Insurance 27 Francis St. 1832 St Mary's Road Astellas Pharma US, Inc. Company The Martin Network Chester, MD 21619 6282 Empire Ave. Annapolis, MD 21401 11007 Greenock Court 8722 Loch Raven Blvd. 443-949-8134 410-598-4440 Schenectady, NY 12303 Towson, MD 21286 Louisville, KY 40243 DENNIS C. MCCOY A BRADLEY MIMS KATHLEEN G. LOUGHRAN Mims III LLC DONNA L. LEAMAN G. DAN MARTIN Government Affairs-Maryland, Inc. Amerigroup Maryland, Inc. 220 Prince George St. 10007 Welshire Drive USAA Government Relations 857 Elkridge Landing Rd., Suite 300 Mental Health Association of Maryland PO Box 2941 711 W. 40th St., Suite 460 Annapolis, MD 21401 Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 Linthicum, MD 21090 410-269-5980 301-599-8989 Reston, VA 20195 410-981-4095 Baltimore, MD 21211 410-235-1178 ROBERT L. MITCHELL ALICE J .NEILY MUTCH MARTHA ORZECHOWSKI TIMOTHY A. PERRY ALISON HOOPER PROST Atlantic Wind Connection Capital Consultants of Maryland GlaxoSmithKline Perry, White, Ross & Jacobson Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. 4445 Willard Ave. Suite 1050 212 Duke of Gloucester St. 2230 George C. Marshall Drive #502 126 Locust Lane 6 Herndon Ave. Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Annapolis, MD 21401 Falls Church, VA 22043 Annapolis, MD 21403 Annapolis, MD 21403 240-396-0337 410-269-5018 443-739-9346 EMILY OSTER I. VANESSA PURNELL SUSAN MITCHELL JOHN NETHERCUT Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. ADAM PESHEK MedStar Health Maryland Association of Realtors Public Justice Center 1201 Maryland Ave. SW, Suite 850 Excellence in Education National, Inc. 9 State Circle, Suite 303 200 Harry S. Truman 1 N. Charles St., Suite 200 Washington, DC 20024 215 S. Monroe St., Suite 420 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Baltimore, MD 21201 Tallahassee, FL 32301 410-216-6205 JIM OTRADOVEC 850-391-4090 VAN T. MITCHELL DANIHEL KABUGI NGANGA American Council of Engineering Q Manis Canning & Associates Danihel,Stephanos and Associates LP Companies/Maryland THE PEW CHARITABLE TRUSTS 12 Francis St. 3317 East Fayette Street 312 N. Charles St., Suite 200 901 E St., NW 10th Floor SALLY YUANYUAN QIN Annapolis, MD 21401 Baltimore, MD 21224 Baltimore, MD 21201 Washington, DC 20004 Baker & Hostetler LLP 410-263-7882 410-537-5800 1050 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 1100 05/09/2013 - 10/31/2013 ADRIENNE OTTAVIANI Washington, DC 20036 Autotech Centre WILLIAM SHAUN PHARR RICHARD A. MONTGOMERY III 3317 East Fayette Street PO Box 171 Apartment & Office Building Association of Maryland State Bar Association, Inc. Baltimore, MD 21224 Cumberland, MD 21501 Metropolitan Washington BRIAN M. QUINN P.O. Box 49 1050 17th St., NW Suite 300 Venable, LLP Annapolis, MD 21404 PETER PRZEMYSLAW NICEWICZ VALERIE SHEARER OVERTON Washington, DC 20036 750 E. Pratt St., Suite 900 Catholic Charities Maryland Hospital Association Baltimore, MD 21202 SEAN ROBERT MOORE 228 W. Lexington St. Suite 220 6820 Deerpath Rd. THOMAS PHELAN 410-244-7466 The Consumer Specialty Products Baltimore, MD 21201 Elkridge, MD 21075 Chesapeake Employers Insurance Association 410-261-6783 410-379-6200 Company JACK QUINN 1667 K Street NW, Suite 300 8722 Loch Raven Blvd. inVentiv Health Washington, DC 20006 ANDREW NICKLAS KIMBERLY MPRENGO OWUSUKOKO Towson, MD 21286 2350 Kerner Blvd., Ste. 250 2002 Clipper Park Rd. Suite 108 Holy Cross Hospital of Silver Spring, San Rafael, CA 94901 BRYAN MOORHOUSE Baltimore, MD 21211 Incorporated Pepco Holdings, Inc. JOHN A. PICA 301-639-7726 1500 Forest Glen Road Harris Jones & Malone, LLC 701 Ninth St., NW Silver Spring, MD 20910 R Washington, DC 20068 ERIC A. NIELSEN 2423 Maryland Ave., Suite 100 301-754-7843 Baltimore, MD 21218 PAUL WILLIAM RADENSKY Association of Maryland Pilots McDermott, Will & Emery LLP STEPHEN H. MORGAN 3720 Dillon St. 410-366-1500 The Arc of Baltimore Baltimore, MD 21224 P 500 North Capitol St., NW 7215 York Rd. RICARDO JAVIER PINERES Washington, DC 20001 MATHEW J. PALMER Maryland & DC Credit Union Association 202-756-8794 Baltimore, MD 21212 DIANE D. NIERHAUS Maryland Chamber of Commerce 410-296-2272 Gordon, Feinblatt, Rothman, Hoffberger & 8975 Guilford Road, Suite 190 Hollander, LLC 60 West St., Suite 100 Columbia, MD 21046 DOROTHY J. RAFF 233 E. Redwood St. Annapolis, MD 21401 Maryland Retired School MARY S. MORIN 410-269-0642 714 B&A Blvd. Baltimore , MD 21202 J. WILLIAM PITCHER Personnel Association Severna Park, MD 21146 Law Office of J. William Pitcher 8379 Piney Orchard Parkway Suite A 410-544-0312 ALEXANDER G. NUNEZ NANCY E. PALTELL 27 Maryland Ave. Odenton, MD 21113 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company Maryland Catholic Conference, LLC Annapolis, MD 21401 CAROLYN J. MOSS 110 West Fayette St., Suite #2 10 Francis St. 410-268-0842 JOHN S. RAINEY, JR. Dominion Resource Services, Inc. Baltimore, MD 21201 Annapolis, MD 21401 Altria Client Services Inc., and its 1800 Old Meadow Rd. No. 417 410-269-1155 SUSAN J. PITCHER Affiliates – Philip Morris USA Inc., McLean, VA 22102 O Law Office of J. William Pitcher John Middleton Co., and U.S. Smokeless EMILY PASSINI 27 Maryland Ave. Tobacco Co. LORELEI MOTTESE CARA O'BRIEN Howard Consulting Group 6601 W. Broad St. Law Offices of Evan K. Thalenberg, P.A. Annapolis, MD 21401 33 Northfield Ave. 1990 M St., NW Suite 310 410-268-0842 Richmond, VA 23230 216 East Lexington St. Washington, DC 20036 Edison, NJ 08818 Baltimore, MD 21202 732-906-5153 410-625-9100 VIRGINIA PLAZA ODETTE TERESA RAMOS JERRY PASTERNAK Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Strategic Management Consulting, LLC BROOKE MUELLER KEVIN O’KEEFFE Potomac Electric Power Company 777 Scudders Mill Road, Building 3 34 E 27th St. 701 8th St. Suite 200 Meringer, Zois & Quigg, LLC 701 Ninth St., NW, Suite 9212 4th floor Baltimore, MD 21218 Washington, DC 20001 320 N. Charles St. Washington, DC 20068 Plainsboro, NJ 08536 Baltimore, MD 21201 EDWARD M. RANIER KATHLEEN M. MURPHY LAWRENCE NOEL PATTERSON, JR. ASHLEY ALEXANDRA PODOLAK 411 Ivy Church Rd. Maryland Bankers Association MICHAEL B. O'SULLIVAN Allstate Insurance Company Health Facilities Association of Maryland Timonium, MD 21093 186 Duke of Gloucester St. College Board 15000 Conference Center Drive, 7135 Minstrel Way, Suite 104 410-967-1812 Annapolis, MD 21401 1233 20th St. Suite 400 Columbia, MD 21045 410-269-5977 Washington, DC 20036 Chantilly, VA 20151 410-290-5132 ROBERT RANKIN, SR. Maryland State Education Association PATRICK H. MURRAY CATHRYN OAKLEY TYLER C. PATTON CHRISTOPHER D. POMEROY 140 Main St. Johns Hopkins Human Rights Campaign Annapolis, MD 21401 901 S. Bond St. Suite 540 1640 Rhode Island Avenue NW Maryland Broadband Cooperative AquaLaw PLC Baltimore, MD 21231 Washington, DC 20036 60 West St. Suite 103 6 S. 5th St. Annapolis, MD 21401 Richmond, VA 23219 GENE M. RANSOM, III LAURA MUTH CLAY C. OPARA 410-341-6322 Medical & Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland MaryPIRG Citizen Lobby Opara & Opara BRYSON F. POPHAM (MedChi) 3121 St. Paul St., Suite 26 13A W. Biddle St. BONITA MARIA PENNINO Popham & Andryszak, P.A 1211 Cathedral St. Baltimore, MD 21218 Baltimore, MD 21201 American Cancer Society Cancer 191 Main St. Suite 200 Baltimore, MD 21201 410-467-9389 410-685-0900 Action Network Annapolis, MD 21401 800-492-1056 801 Roeder Rd. Suite 800 410-268-6871 DOUG MYERS CHANTEL R. ORNSTEIN Silver Spring, MD 20910 ANN LOUISE Chesapeake Bay Foundation Scientific Games International, Inc. 301-562-3621 MICHAEL C. POWELL RASENBERGER 6 Herndon Ave. 1800 Washington Blvd Suite 145 Gordon, Feinblatt, Rothman, Planned Parenthood of Maryland Baltimore, MD 21230 Annapolis, MD 21403 PEPCO HOLDINGS, INC. Hoffberger & Hollander, LLC. 330 N. Howard St. 233 E. Redwood St. Baltimore, MD 21043 BENJAMIN ORR c/o Kenneth Parker 701 Ninth St., NW N Washington, DC 20068 Baltimore, MD 21202 Maryland Nonprofits 410-576-4175 DENNIS F. RASMUSSEN NAACP 1500 Union Ave., Suite 2500 Baltimore, MD 21211 PAUL PEREIRA The Rasmussen Group, L.L.C. 4805 Mt. Hope Drive POTOMAC ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY 306 W. Chesapeake Ave. Baltimore, MD 21215 100 Parsons Lane MARY GLENN ORR West Kinston, RI 02892 701 Ninth St., NW Towson, MD 21204 Schwartz, Metz & Wise, P.A 401-585-5404 Washington, DC 20068 410-821-4445 NAACP - NATIONAL VOTER FUND 20 West St. 1200 G Street NW, Suite 800 Annapolis, MD 21401 HANNAH J. POWERS Washington, DC 20005 LAWRENCE A. PEREZ DAVID REEL UFCW Local 400 Alexander & Cleaver, P.A. Maryland Hotel and Lodging Association JOHN R. ORRICK 54 State Cir. MARTHA D. NATHANSON 4301 Garden City Drive, Suite 400 1205 Stonewood Court Linowes and Blocher LLP Landover, MD 20785 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21409 Lifebridge Health 7200 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 800 410-974-9000 2401 W. Belvedere Ave. 301-459-3400 Bethesda, MD 20814 RICHARD W. REEVES Baltimore, MD 21215 GREGORY S. PROCTOR, JR. GEORGE A. ORTIZ CHRISTINA PERISCH UnitedHealth Group G.S. Proctor & Associates, Inc. 6095 Marshalee Drive, Suite 200 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INDUSTRIAL National Council on Compensation Maryland State Child Care Association 29 Francis St. AND OFFICE PROPERTIES - MARYLAND Insurance, Inc. (NCCI) 409 David Court Elkridge, MD 21075 PO Box 16280 Annapolis, MD 21401 111 River St., Suite 1202 Bel Air, MD 21015 410-280-5088 Baltimore, MD 21210 Hoboken, NJ 07030 410-820-9196 NANCY P. REGELIN 410-977-2053 Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy JEANETTE ORTIZ KIMBERLEY PROPEACK JASON PERKINS-COHEN CASA de Maryland & Ecker, PA JOHN B. NEIL Greenwill Consutling Group, LLC Job Opportunities Task Force 12505 Park Potomac Ave., Sixth Floor Jack Neil & Associates, LLC 121 Cathedral St., Suite 1C 8151 15th Ave. 111 Water St., Suite 201 Langley Park, MD 20783 Potomac, MD 20854 One Church Circle, PO 864 Annapolis, MD 21401 Baltimore, MD 21202 301-230-5200 Annapolis, MD 21404-0864 410-703-5352 240-491-5729 410-349-4646 KATHERINE BETH REILLY ADAM CRAIG ROSENBERG JOHN WILLIAM SATTERFIELD JAI MITRA SEUNARINE CHANA SIFF Baltimore Washington Conference of the Baltimore Child Abuse Center Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc. Jai Medical Systems Baltimore Jewish Council United Methodist Church 2300 North Charles St., Suite 401 16686 County Seat Highway 5010 York Road 5750 Park Heights Ave. 11711 E. Market Place Baltimore, MD 21218 Georgetown, DE 19947-4881 Baltimore, MD 21212 Baltimore, MD 21215 302-856-9037 410-433-2200 Fulton, MD 20759 410-542-4850 MARC E. ROSENDORF ERIK WILLIAM RETTIG DAVID SATZ SFAAMD ASSOCIATION, INC. Rosendorf Group - Law Offices CAROL SILLDORFF Maryland Business of Marc Rosendorf 8 Andover Drive 844 Sunny Chapel Road P.O. Box 466 1914 Bishops Castle Drive North Caldwell, NJ 07006 Odenton, MD 21113 Bike Maryland Frederick , MD 21705 410-695-0474 1209 N. Calvert St. Olney, MD 20832 EMILY SCARR 240-423-0094 Baltimore, MD 21202 DONALD BRUCE REYNOLDS, JR. Maryland PIRG CHARLES SHAFFER 3121 St. Paul St., Suite 26 Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC CHRISTOPHER M. ROSS Credit Suisse Asset Management, LLC MANDEE SIMMONS Suite 300 1700 K St., N.W. Baltimore, MD 21218 One Madison Ave. Maryland Catholic Conference LLC 410-467-9389 Baltimore Jewish Council Washington, DC 20006 10 Francis St. New York, NY 10010 5750 Park Heights Ave. Annapolis, MD 21401 Baltimore, MD 21215 PATRICK THOMAS REYNOLDS STEPHANIE SCHARPF Jai Medical Systems ROBIN F SHAIVITZ 410-542-4850 AFT-Maryland JUSTIN ROSS 5010 York Road Alexander & Cleaver, P.A. 5800 Metro Dr., Suite 100 Baltimore, MD 21212 54 State Circle LARRY SIMNS Baltimore, MD 21215 Perry, White, Ross & Jacobson 126 Locust Lane 410-433-2200 Annapolis, MD 21401 Maryland Waterman’s Association 410-974-9000 1805 A Virginia St. DERRICK L. RICHARDSON Annapolis, MD 21403 410-271-6939 PATRICIA SCHIAVONE Annapolis, MD 21401 NAMI Maryland The Artemis Group, LLC THOMAS C. SHANER 10630 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 475 SHERRIE S. SIMS JOEL D. ROZNER 59 Franklin St. The Joseph E. Shaner Company Columbia, MD 21044 Annapolis, MD 21401 720 Light St. G.S. Proctor & Associates, Inc. Rifkin, Livingston, Levitan & Silver, LLC 29 Francis St. 225 Duke of Gloucester St. Baltimore, MD 21230 LAWRENCE ANTHONY RICHARDSON, JR. HOWARD R. SCHIFF 410-752-3318 Annapolis, MD 21401 State Farm Mutual Automobile Annapolis, MD 21401 Maryland Pharmacists Association 410-280-5088 410-269-5066 Insurance Company 1800 Washington Blvd., Suite 333 KELLEY SHANNON 2107 Laurel Bush Road, Suite B Baltimore, MD 21230 KAREN SISSON Belair, MD 21015 JAMES A RUSS Jai Medical Systems 5010 York Road Walgreen Co. 410-569-6823 Maryland Transportation Builders and ERIC SCHIPPERS 104 Wilmot Road MS #1444 Materials Association (MTBMA) Penn National Gaming, Inc. Baltimore, MD 21212 410-433-2200 Deerfield, IL 60015 MAJOR F. RIDDICK 2408 Peppermill Drive, Suite F 825 Berkshire Blvd. 224-723-2633 Strategic Solutions Center Glen Burnie , MD 21061 Wyomissing, PA 19464 8181 Professional Place Suite 202 410-760-9505 DANIEL SHATTUCK MARIN MICHAEL SKOKANDIC Landover, MD 20785 DRUSILLA SCHMIDT-PERKINS Barbara Marx Brocato & Associates G.S. Proctor & Associates MARY ELLEN RUSSELL 1000 Friends of Maryland 18 Pinkney St. 47 Southgate Ave. GARY L. RIDDLE Maryland Catholic Conference, LLC 1209 N. Calvert St. Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Eisai, Inc. 10 Francis St. Baltimore, MD 21202 410-269-1503 7 Willway Ave. Annapolis, MD 21401 MELISSA SLIZEWSKI Richmond, VA 23226 410-269-1155 ADAM F. SCHNEIDER National MS Society Health Care for the Homeless, Inc. BERNARD H. SHAW 2219 York Road, Suite 302 RIFKIN, LIVINGSTON, LEVITAN 421 Fallsway 1600 Shield Road Timonium, MD 21093 LAURENCE ANN RUTH Baltimore, MD 21202 & SILVER, LLC Women’s Law Center of Maryland Inc. Fallston, MD 21047 443-641-1205 225 Duke of Gloucester St. 410-653-3885 305 W. Chesapeake Ave., Suite 201 FRANZ SCHNEIDERMAN J.T. SMITH Annapolis, MD 21401 Towson, MD 21204 410-269-5066 Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition Brewers Association of Maryland 410-321-8761 1209 N. Calvert St. ALEXANDER SHEKHDAR PO Box 493 Magellan Health Services DEBORAH R. RIVKIN Baltimore, MD 21202 Frederick, MD 21705 CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield S 55 Nod Road 202-246-8967 10455 Mill Run Circle SANDRA SCHRADER Avon, CT 06001 Owings Mills, MD 21117 JONATHAN SACHS The Artemis Group, LLC VELMA M SMITH 410-528-7054 Adventist HealthCare 59 Franklin St. SARAH SHEPPARD The Pew Charitable Trusts 820 W. Diamond Ave., Suite 600 Annapolis, MD 21401 901 E Street NW, 10th Floor 410-295-9550 Funk & Bolton, P.A. Washington, DC 20004 JOHN RIXEY Gaithersburg, MD 20878 200 Duke of Gloucester St. 744 Harness Creek View Drive JOHN A. SCHRATWIESER Annapolis, MD 21401 SNAP-TITE Annapolis, MD 21403 BERNARD SADUSKY Maryland Association of Maryland Citizens for the Arts 410-269-1554 PO Box 4545 Community Colleges 3600 Clipper Mill Rd., Suite 205 926 Baxter Ave. MIKE ROBBINS Baltimore, MD 21211 Louisville, KY 40204 Maryland Hospital Association 60 West St., Suite 200 BRIAN SHEPTER Annapolis, MD 21401 Harris Jones & Malone, LLC 6820 Deerpath Rd. BRET ALLAN SCHREIBER KATHLEEN T. SNYDER Elkridge, MD 21075 Maryland Independent College and 2423 Maryland Ave., Suite 100 Maryland Chamber of Commerce 410-379-6200 ARIEL DAVID SADWIN University Association Baltimore, MD 21218 60 West St., Suite 100 Agudath Israel of Maryland 60 West St., Suite 201 410-366-1500 Annapolis, MD 21401 CARL D. ROBERTS 1517 Reisterstown Rd. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-0642 Baltimore, MD 21208 Public School Superintendents LORI LEE SHERWOOD 410-484-3632 KRISTEN SOLIS Association of Maryland TODD SCHULER Kissinger & Fellman, P.C. Kahn, Smith & Collins Maryland Chamber of Commerce 1641 Ingleside Ave. DELORA R. SANCHEZ 8403 Colesville Road, Suite 1100 Perryville, MD 21903 201 N. Charles St. 60 West St., Suite 100 Johns Hopkins Institutions Baltimore, MD 21201 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Annapolis, MD 21401 901 S. Bond St., Suite 540 (410)244-1010 410-269-0642 KIMBERLY Y. ROBINSON Baltimore, MD 21231 Funk & Bolton, P.A WILLIAM M. SHIPP JOSEPH A. SCHWARTZ, III O’Malley, Miles, Nylen & Gilmore, P.A. RONALD L. SOUDERS 36 S. Charles St., 12th Floor TAMARA STEWART SANTELLI Schwartz, Metz & Wise, P.A. Funk & Bolton, P.A Baltimore, MD 21201 The Humane Society of the United States 11785 Beltsville Drive, 10th Floor 210 S. Cross St., Suite 101 20 West St. Calverton, MD 20705 410-659-7700 700 Professional Dr. Annapolis, MD 21401 Chestertown , MD 21620 Gaithersburg, MD 20879 410-810-5485 MELISSA S. ROCK 240-731-7862 SCHWARTZ, METZ & WISE P.A. PATRICK SHOMO Advocates for Children and Youth 20 West St. 645 Solomon's Island Road, #630 SOUTHERN MARYLAND ASSOCIATION 8 Market Place, Suite 500 FREDERICK M. SANTIAGO Annapolis, MD 21401 Prince Frederick, MD 20678 OF REALTORS Baltimore, MD 21202 Funk & Bolton, P.A 410-244-7000 8440 Old Leonardtown Rd. 36 S. Charles St., 12th Floor Hughesville, MD 20637 Baltimore, MD 21201 LAWRENCE A. SHULMAN 301-274-4406 PATRICK H. RODDY SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker Rifkin, Livingston, Levitan & Silver, LLC 410-669-7700 CORPORATION (SAIC) 12505 Park Potomic Ave., 6th Floor BONNITA SPIKES 225 Duke of Gloucester St. 1710 SAIC Drive Marylanders for Restorative Justice Annapolis, MD 21401 CHRIS SANTO McLean, VA 22102 Potomac, MD 20852 Maryland Catholic Conference 3800A 34th St. 410-269-5066 Mount Rainier, MD 20712 10 Francis St. CHARLES E. SCOTT SUSHANT SIDH Annapolis, MD 21401 KELLY RODGERS Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Capitol Strategies, LLC DELESE SPRIGGS Wells Fargo & Company Authority 1 State Circle Maryland State Education Association DIANA K. SAQUELLA 600 Fifth St., NW 140 Main St. 111 Congress Ave., 3rd Floor Greenwood Consulting Washington, DC 20001 Annapolis, MD 21401 MAC T7044-030 15 Greenwood Shoals 410-268-3099 Annapolis, MD 21401 Austin, TX 78701 Grasonville, MD 21638 CORNEILIUS W. SCOTT III NICOLE STALLINGS Farmers Group Inc. DEBORAH SIEBERT MARTIN GUY ROHLING Maryland Hospital Association THOMAS S. SAQUELLA 309 International Circle, Suite 140 Siebert Consulting LLC 6820 Deerpath Road Albers & Company 15 Greenwood Shoals Hunt Valley, MD 21030 229 Wardour Drive Elkridge, MD 21075 1655 N. Fort Myer Drive, Suite 700 Grasonville, MD 21638 443-622-2356 410-379-6200 Arlington, VA 22209 Annapolis, MD 21401 703-358-9100 CHRISTINE A. SATTERFIELD DESMOND SERRETTE BLAISE STANICIC Office of Bruce Bereano Desmond Serrette SIERRA CLUB, MARYLAND CHAPTER Capitol Strategies, LLC BRIAN S. ROSEN 191 Duke of Gloucester St. 611 N. Eutaw Street Baltimore, MD 21201 7338 Baltimore Ave. #111 1 State Circle 2365 Kensington Dr. Annapolis, MD 21401 01/22/2013 - 04/08/2013 College Park, MD 20740 Annapolis, MD 21401 Columbus, OH 43221 410-267-0410 1199 SEIU 301-277-7111 410-268-3099 611 N. Eutaw Street Baltimore, MD 21201 ALVERTA M. STEINWEDEL PAUL A. TIBURZI UPPER CHESAPEAKE HEALTH JOY WEBER J. STEVEN WISE Maryland Society of Accountants, Inc. DLA Piper LLP (US) SYSTEM, INC. Rifkin, Livingston, Levitan & Silver, LLC Schwartz, Metz & Wise, P.A. 92 York St. 6225 Smith Ave. 520 Upper Chesapeake Drive, Suite 405 225 Duke of Gloucester St. 20 West St. Taneytown, MD 21787 Bel Air, MD 21014 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 Baltimore, MD 21209 410-269-5066 DAMON STEWART 410-580-4273 JENNIFER M WITTEN DIRECTV, Inc. V MEREDITH R. WEISEL American Heart Association 90 State St., Suite 700 MIKE TIDWELL CURTIS CHAVIS VALENTINE Weisel Government Relations, LLC 415 N. Charles St. Albany, NY 12207 Chesapeake Climate Action Network 11767 Owens Glen Way North Baltimore, MD 21201 Potomac, MD 20878 6930 Carroll Ave., Suite 720 115 E. 23rd St. 3rd Floor 410-637-4537 ROBERT A. STEWART New York, NY 10010 301-437-2554 Takoma Park, MD 20912 Municipal & County Government 646-710-4170 PAUL G. WOOD ELIZABETH WELLER Employees Organization UFCW #1994 SHELLEY TINNEY Harris Jones & Malone, LLC ELLEN VALENTINO-BENITEZ Maryland State Education Association 2423 Maryland Ave. Suite 100 600 S. Frederick Ave., Suite 200 Maryland Association of Resources 140 Main St. Gaithersburg, MD 20877 VBA, Inc. Baltimore, MD 21218 for Families and Youth 30 Pinkney St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-366-1500 301-977-2447 7164 Columbia Gateway Drive, Suite 210 Annapolis, MD 21401 Columbia, MD 21046 JOSH WHITE JOHN R. WOOLUMS JOHN R. STIERHOFF REGAN K. VAUGHAN Rifkin, Livingston, Levitan & Silver, LLC 225 Duke of Gloucester St. Maryland Association of Boards of Venable, LLP DANIEL PAUL TOMPKINS Catholic Charities Education 750 E. Pratt St., Suite 900 FirstEnergy 228 W. Lexington St., Suite 220 Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-5066 621 Ridgely Ave., Suite 300 Baltimore, MD 21202 68 State Circle Baltimore, MD 21201-3432 Annapolis, MD 21401 410-244-7833 Annapolis, MD 21401 410-261-5874 410-841-5414 410-268-0858 MARCELINE WHITE Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition ROBERT G. SWEENEY MIKAILA VENTRUDO JULIA P. WORCESTER JOHN B. TOWNSEND II 191 Duke of Gloucester St. 1209 N. Calvert St. Citigroup Management Corp. Baltimore, MD 21202 Law Office of J. William Pitcher AAA Mid-Atlantic Annapolis, MD 21401 27 Maryland Ave. 1101 Pennsylvania Ave., NW #1000 1405 G St., NW 410-267-0410 410-624-8980 Washington, DC 20004 Annapolis, MD 21401 Washington, DC 20005 410-268-0842 202-879-6877 BEBE VERDERY PETER B. WHITE 3720 Dillon St. KEITH TOWNSEND ACLU of Maryland Baltimore, MD 21224 WORKING FAMILIES ORGANIZATION KAREN T. SYRYLO AOBA Alliance, Inc. 3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 350 2 Novins St. Maryland Chamber of Commerce 1050 17th St., NW Suite 300 Baltimore, MD 21211 KELLY WHITLEY Brooklyn, NY 11217 60 West St., Suite 100 Washington, DC 20036 Bank of America Corporation Annapolis, MD 21401 W 1100 N. King St. DE5-001-02-07 KATIE WUNDERLICH PEGEEN A. TOWNSEND Wilmington, DE 19884 Maryland Hospital Association CARL M. SZABO MedStar Health REBECCA WAGNER 6820 Deerpath Road 5565 Sterrett Place, 5th Floor NetChoice Advocates for Children and Youth JUDITH WIBLE Elkridge, MD 21075 Columbia, MD 21044 8 Market Place, Suite 500 Popham & Andryszak, P.A. 410-379-6200 1401 K St. NW Suite 502 410-772-6687 Baltimore, MD 21202 191 Main St., Suite 200 Washington, DC 20005-3417 410-547-9200 Annapolis, MD 21401 JOSEPH R. WYATT 202-420-7485 H. WALTER TOWNSHEND III 410-268-6871 JRW Associates Baltimore/Washington Corridor Chamber JASON WAGONER 801 Cromwell Park Drive, Suite 100 NICHOLAS ADAM SZOKOLY of Commerce Fidelity Investments Institutional Services JUSTIN WILEY Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Law Offices of Evan K. Thalenberg 312 Marshall Ave., Suite 104 Company, Inc. International Code Council 410-684-2101 500 Salem St. 216 E. Lexington St. Laurel, MD 20707 500 New Jersey Ave. NW Fl 6 Smithfield, RI 02917 Washington, DC 20001-2070 Baltimore, MD 21202 301-725-4000 Y GERARD M. WAITES TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE BARBARA J. WILKINS O'Donoghue & O'Donoghue Holland & Knight LLP CARYN C.M. YORK T NOW, INC 4748 Wisconsin Ave., NW Job Opportunities Task Force 111 South Calvert St., Suite 2820 222 Prince George St., Suite 106 CASPER R. TAYLOR, JR. Washington, DC 20016 Annapolis, MD 21401 111 Water St., Suite 202 Alexander & Cleaver, P.A. Baltimore, MD 21202 202-362-0041 410-263-0349 Baltimore, MD 21202 54 State Circle Annapolis, MD 21401 STANLEY W. TUCKER JANE A. WALKER ANN MARIE WILLIAMS 410-974-9000 Meridian Management Group, Inc. Maryland Coalition of Families for Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Z 826 E. Baltimore St. Children’s Mental Health 3208 St. Stephens Way 10632 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 119 KATJA ZASTROW PAMELA LYNN TENEMAZA Baltimore, MD 21202 Midlothian, VA 23113 410-333-2548 Columbia, MD 21044 Anheuser-Busch Companies Public Policy Partners 804-897-1564 1401 I St., NW, Suite 200 48 Maryland Ave., Suite 304 NAN A. WARANCH Washington, DC 20005 Annapolis, MD 21401 REN L. TUNDERMANN JEFFREY WORCESTER WILLIAMS 202-721-9626 Funk & Bolton, P.A. Allagash Group 410-268-0990 10480 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 400 Allstate Insurance Company 12th Floor, 36 S. Charles St. 444 North Capitol St., NW, Suite 828 SUSAN ZELLERS Baltimore, MD 21201 Columbia, MD 21044 JENNIFER THAYER 410-740-8761 Washington, DC 20001 Marine Trades Association of Maryland Popham & Andryszak, P.A. 410-659-7700 P.O. Box 3148 191 Main St., Suite 200 SARAH WARBELOW LISA B. WILLIAMS Annapolis, MD 21403 Annapolis, MD 21401 LORENA G. TURNER Human Rights Campaign Baltimore City Medical Society 410-269-0741 410-268-6871 T-Mobile USA, Inc. 1640 Rhode Island Ave., NW 1211 Cathedral St. One Ravinia Drive, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036 Baltimore, MD 21201 JEFFRIE ZELLMER MARTIN THOMAS Atlanta, GA 30346 Maryland Retailers Association Service Employees International Union, 678-690-3575 CHARLES WASHINGTON MARGARET E. WILLIAMS 171 Conduit St. Local 32BJ Pepco Holdings, Inc. Maryland Family Network Annapolis, MD 21401 25 West 18th St., 5th Floor RALPH S. TYLER, ESQUIRE 701 Ninth St., NW, EP1202 1001 Eastern Ave., Second Floor 410-269-1440 New York, NY 10011 Venable LLP Washington, DC 20068 Baltimore, MD 21202 750 E. Pratt St., Suite 900 410-659-7701 ROBERT M. ZINSMEISTER MELVIN R. THOMPSON Baltimore, MD 21202 MARK L. WASSERMAN Associated Builders & Contractors, Metro 410-244-7436 University of Maryland MARK WILLIS Restaurant Association of Maryland Medical System Wash. 6301 Hillside Court 100 SAS Campus Drive 4061 Powder Mill Rd., #120 250 W. Pratt St., Suite 830 Cary, NC 27513 Columbia, MD 21046 U Baltimore, MD 21201 Calverton, MD 20705 410-290-6800 301-595-9711 BARRY DAVID UDOFF RONALD WAYNE WINEHOLT Maryland Bail Bond Association KATHLEEN PLANCO WAYBRIGHT FRANK EDWARDS THORNTON Apartment & Office Building Association SUSAN ZUHOWSKI 214 E. Lexington St. Progressive Maryland of Metropolitan Washington AFSCME Maryland PO Box 2181 O’Malley, Miles, Nylen & Gilmore, P.A 190 W. Ostend St. Baltimore, MD 21202 86 State Circle, Second Floor 410-625-0800 Silver Spring, MD 20915 11785 Beltsville Drive, 10th Floor Baltimore , MD 21230 Annapolis, MD 21401 Calverton, MD 20705 410-547-1515 301-261-1460 Annapolis Summit 2014 35

Presenting Sponsor For more than 60 years, Stevenson University has played a critical role in bringing traditional and adult students and employers together. Founded in 1947 as Villa Julie College, Stevenson is the third -largest independent university in Maryland, drawing students from 36 states and 41 countries. With a growing reputation as a national leader in career education, the University offers more than 30 undergraduate degree programs as well as online and onsite master’s and bachelor’s degrees tailored for working adults and professionals. Kevin J. Manning, Ph.D., has served as president of Stevenson since 2000 and has guided the University through the most rapid period of expansion in its history. Since 2000, Stevenson has grown from nearly 1,700 full -time undergraduates to more than 3,400 today, and has opened a second campus in Owings Mills in 2004 that now houses more than 2,000 undergraduate resident students. Today’s Stevenson students enjoy a full spectrum of academic, athletic, and social activities as well as a focus on career development that puts them on a path to successful employment after graduation. In 2009, the Owings Mills campus celebrated the opening of the Howard S. Brown School of Business and Leadership, which houses the university’s state -of -the -art mock trial courtroom. To complement the campus’ academic and residence facilities, a 35,000 -square -foot gymnasium followed in fall 2010 and a 3,500 -seat stadium opened in fall 2011 for the inaugural season of Stevenson football. In September 2013, Stevenson celebrated the opening of the new home for the its School of Design, which moved from the Greenspring campus to the new Owings Mills North campus. The university’s educational programs continue to evolve in order to prepare students for success after graduation. Stevenson is the only university in the United States to offer Career Architecture SM , a process whereby students design a strategic plan for their futures by discovering their personal core values and aligning them with their major selection and career goals. Building on Career Architecture, Stevenson challenges students to expand their educational horizons and bring their experience back to the classroom through opportunities such as study abroad, service learning, leadership experiences, internships, and independent study. For working adults and professionals, Stevenson’s School of Graduate and Professional Studies offers online, onsite, and accelerated master’s and bachelor’s programs. Accelerated bachelor’s programs include Business Administration, Business Communication, Business and Computer Information Systems, Criminal Justice, Interdisciplinary Studies, Nursing RN to BS, and Paralegal Studies. Master’s programs include Business and Technology Management, Cyber Forensics, Forensic Science, Forensic Studies, Healthcare Management, and Nursing with a focus on leadership/management or nursing education. In addition, Stevenson University now offers the only secondary Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program in the State of Maryland with a targeted science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) focus. The online program will help those in STEM careers transition their knowledge and skills into teaching in order to prepare the next generation of STEM professionals. Outside of the classroom, Stevenson boasts more than 23 NCAA Division III men’s and women’s sports— including the 2013 national champion men’s lacrosse team—plus a growing number of campus clubs and activities that include visiting artists, musicians, comedians, performers, and authors. As a home for the visual and performing arts, Stevenson boasts two art galleries, theatrical productions, and seasonal concerts by the Greenspring Valley Orchestra. Stevenson’s Baltimore Speakers Series—now in its 7th season— brings diverse political leaders, authors, and opinion -makers—such as President Bill Clinton, Steve Wozniak, former South African President F. W. DeKlerk, Michelle Rhee, and Doris Kearns Goodwin—to the broader Maryland community to enrich our perspectives on national issues and world affairs. After more than six decades, Stevenson University stays true to its tagline—“Imagine your future. Design your career.”—and remains a dynamic institution where students expand their knowledge and discover their paths to personal and professional success. Watch us grow. 36 Annapolis Summit 2014 Title Sponsors

Government Relations to Accomplish Your Objectives If you need help with issues before the 2014 General Assembly, call us today at 410-974-9000! Achieving your goals set forth on your agenda is not always a smooth process. You may need the assistance of a skilled government relations professional to draft documents, handle marketing procedures, help you out of potentially critical situations and navigate any other bumps along the road. A lobbyist from the law firm of Alexander & Cleaver will help you successfully achieve your desired outcome. Areas of Focus You will benefit from our team’s statewide experience on a vast number of issues. Legislation and Public Policy Our lobbyists can assist you with: •Drafting legislation or amendments to solve a particular challenge or thwart other legislative action •Budgeting — capital and operating and drafting budget language •Developing bond bills for capital budget •Key subject matter areas include health care, information technology, gaming, education energy, environment, public safety, tax and non -profits. Procurement Our legal and government relations teams combine to assist clients throughout all phases of state, county and local procurement matters. We can provide guidance with:

•RFP/RFQ/RFIs •Government bond funds •Contract negotiation and formation •Ethics provisions and regulations compliance •Protests/Appeals •Interface with the Board of Public Works •Minority Business Enterprise/Maryland Minority Certification Our multidisciplinary teams of attorneys and government relations consultants craft and implement strategy together. Whether your matter involves procurement, marketing and corporate image -building or complicated legislative issues and regulations, our lawyers and government relations professionals have the experience and skill to help you succeed. The law firm of Alexander & Cleaver, P.A. is ready to help you at one of our six offices in Annapolis, Fort Washington, La Plata, Cumberland, Rockville and Alexandria, Virginia. Our firm includes attorneys who are licensed to practice in Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, New York and New Jersey. We are available 24 hours a day to handle your most urgent needs. Call us today at 301 -292 -3300, 410 -974 -9000 or contact us online. We look forward to speaking with you. See more at: http://www.alexander

Since 1865, the Maryland State Education Association (MSEA), formerly known as the Maryland State Teachers Association, has been the state's leading voice for public education. Whether we're lobbying for school funding in Annapolis, fighting for civil rights, or making sure that every student receives the attention they need, our association has been a successful and powerful force for progress in Maryland. Our members are teachers, education support professionals, administrators, certificated specialists, higher education faculty, and student and retired members whose mission is to create great public schools for every child in Maryland. Maryland educators and school employees are on the front line every day doing what they do best—educating, nurturing, and encouraging students in public schools in communities across the state. Their jobs are fulfilling—and demanding—with ever -changing school and student needs and professional expectations. MSEA helps student educators jump start their careers, advocates for quality schools and professional support for active educators and school employees, and works to protect pension benefits and maintain career and community connections for retired members. We help educators improve student achievement by advocating for school funding, small class sizes, better working conditions, quality professional development, fair, transparent evaluations, competitive salaries and benefits, and other keys to school and student success. Learn more at