1988 Volume 46 Issue 1
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BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN PENSTIJvK:N SCXJEfY Penstemon albomarginatus No. 47-1 July 1988 N£RlCAN IIENSl'BO S:;X:lm The N£RlCAN IIENSl'BO !D:lm is a n:n profit, U'lin::orporated plCl1t society dedicated to the ac:Mrament of knlwledQe abcutPenstEllD'lS, their introd.r;ticn into cul tivaticn, an:! the develtplB'lt of new an:! iJqJl'Olllld varieties. ELECTIVE OFFICES PRESIDENT. • • • • • • • Q,jen ICelaidis, 1410 Eu:bra st. DerM!r, 00 8l22O VICE PRESIDENT • ••• .0rvH le M. sta.ard, P.O. Box 35, Pl)flD.lth, VT (5(li6 IeIlERSIIIP SECRETARY .Am W. Bartlett, 1569 S. Hollan:! Ct., Lakewcod, 00 Ill226 DIN CXXH>INATtR ••••••••Betty DavIrp:lrt, 4138 W4th st. YUIB, AI 85364 TREASlJ9. • • • • • • • Mr Ted B.IIactta, P.O. Box 600, Ve9Jita, 1ft 8m2 IeIIERS-AT-1.AR(£ OF TIE ElCEQJTII4: IDIRD: Frecrlc:it W. case, 7Zl5 ~ La-e, Saginew, Ml I.a603 Dara E'mery, 517 west .k.nipero st. ill, SIinta Barbara, CA 93105 Barrie Portaua, 15 Bril1WlXl!Cf 8l~., 1W,I ii!5, Agin::art, O'ltario, ca'lIIda MlV lEI APPOINTIVE ~ EDITtR •••••••• George L. Yirglirg, YR Ole.lterhan Dr., Oaytcn, at 4S459 ASSOCIATE EDITtR. • • • • • • .Q,jen .lCelaidis, 1410 Eu:bra St.DerM!r, 00 8l22O DIRECTtR OF SEED EXCt/ANIE •••• Mrs. Bette Petersal, I,(J3 S. 218 st., Seattle, ~ 98198 LlIIRAR IAN • • • • • • • Mrs. Eli z.abeth 8olerder, %Cox. ArI:xlretun, SJlrifV:loro Pike,Oaytcn, at 45449 IllSTIDIAN OF SLIDE al.LECTIOI. • • • • • • .James Taylor, 52 Eastwood, ItJtchil'1SQ'\, ICS 675(2 REGISTRAR OF twEl VARIETIES ••••Mark~, 30 Mt.LEtlr:nn' st., PeJprell, MA 01465 Ilt£S IN~TIOI REa.uR IEMIERSIIIP: 510.00 for sirgle or IUIberd an:! wife MRSEAS IEMIERSIIIP: $10.00 (Q.1erseas RIIi l sent ai mai l for rapid del iwry) LIFE foBIIERSHIP: S2OO.oo sirgle or IUIberd an:! wife Make checks payable to N£RICAN IIENSl'BO !D:IETY, Serd dJes to: ANN W. BARTLETT, 1569 S. ID.LAND CX1RT, 1.AICBaO, 00 Ill226 CONTENTS ~SP(N)ENCE CIRCl..ES (DINS) All) TtEIR DIRECTCRS .IV No. COLOR SLIDE COLLECTION ... PENSTEMON FIELD IDENTIFIER. .IV 1 EXEWTlVE ••••• Q.ien Kelaidis, 1410 Eu:tn St. Denter, (Xl 8l22O PENSTEMON NOMENCLATURE. .IV 2 Plmoow>HY ••• Betty L. ~, 4138 West 4TH St. YUIB, AZ 85364 MATERIAL IN OUR LIBRARY V 3 CRCSS Ol..M'RY.Mrs. L8\/efTle HeitJlEn, RT. 1, Box 77, Hardy, til ~ 4 9lJTIftoEST ••• Mrs Ellen Wilde, 110 Calle Pin:nera, Salta Fe, tf!I 875(lj PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE I 6 CRCSS Ol..M'RY.~. Clark rirrell, 561 McntIl'B Ave. LCJ.t'ell, WY 82431 7 \,EST~& EDITOR'S COMMENTS 2 CANADA •••••••• Betty L. ~, 4138 West 4TH St., YlIIB, Az 85364 9 HYBRIDIZATI()I & DUES INCREASE . 3 SELECTI()I ••••• Jares E. Taylor, 52 Eastwxx:l, IUtchirsa1, KS 67502 10 9lJTIftoEST ••• Mrs Ellen Wilde, 110 Calle Pin:nera, Salta Fe, tf!I 875(lj 4 11 CRCSS IXl.NTRY.Betty L. DavErport, 4138 West 4TH St., YUIB, AZ 85364 SOUTHWEST CHAPTER FIELD TRIP. 13 DIRECTCR'S ••••Betty L. ~, 4138 West 4TH st., YUIB, Az 85364 5 14 CRCSS !Xl.NTRY.RImnI 0Sb.m, MIDWEST REGION MEETING. 1325 WBgon Trail Dr., Jack:sorNille, CR 97530 7 15 CRCSS Ol..M'RY. PENSTEMON ALBOMARGINATUS. 16 CRCSS <XlMTRY.Mrs Shirley BacIaTm, 1335 Hebe Road, Reno, NV !J1.i03 PENSTEMON GLOBOSUS. 8 20 \,EST ~ •••• Thelrre Otatfield, 2403 gw 122n:1 Pl, Seattle, ~ lie146 9 There are openings in the Cross Country, CORRECTION .... Photography, Southwest and West Coast robins. A 9 request has been made for a restart of the Rock PENSTEMON JAMESII Garden robin. If you are interested in any of 10 these robins or have an idea for a robin write THE WORKINGS OF A SCREE (Claude Barr) Betty Davenport. The robins listed above are almost full and directors are needed to start HOW TO SUCCEED WITH PLAINS PENSTEMONS 11 other robins. Claude, Barr , SAND BEDS (Claude Barr) . 12 Recently, ErmaPilz, Lillian McBride and Rose 13 Sigurdson found it necessary to resign as GROWING IN SCREE (Charles Thurman). directors of their robins. All have given long 14 service to the Society and the Robins will miss SEED PLANTING & GERMINATION (Fred Case) their assistance. I want to thank each for keeping their robin moving over the years. They DYING OUT OF SPECIES (Fred Case) also took the time to send in reports from their 15 robins for use in the Bulletin. MAINTAINING SHORT-LIVED PENSTEMONS. Fred Case 18 Betty Davenport, Director EXPERIMENTS WITH SAND BEDS (Ramona Osburn). COW MANURE. 22 ii iii MATERIAL IN OUR LIBRARY COLOR SLIDE COLLECTION The Society has a library for use by its members. The Society has two excellent collections of color The librarian is: Mrs. Elizabeth Bolender, % Cox slides for loan to its members and to garden clubs Arboretum, 6733 Springboro Pike, Dayton, OH 45449: at no cost except postage one way and safe Attention, Penstemon Library. Material may be delivery insurance. The t>ostage to you will be borrowed under the following conditions: paid by the Society; the return postage by the borrower. One set of slides was assembled NUMBER THAT MAY BE TAKEN AT A TIME principally to fit the needs of garden clubs and other organizations. The other set is for people Bulletins of the Society and Penstemons Studies, who wish to learn to know the different species of one at a time Penstemonsand is designed especially to show the botanical points relied on for identification. TIME THAT MATERIAL MAY BE KEPT: Two weeks free. The third and fourth weeks, 10¢ per week. Limit APPLY TO THE CUSTODIAN: MR. JAMES E. TAYLOR, four weeks. 52 EASTWOOD, HUTCHINSON, KS 67501 EXPENSES: The Society will pay the expense to you. You pay the postage and 'insurance charge to return the material. PENSTEMON FIELD IDENTIFIER FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF MATERIAL THAT CAN BE We still have all sections available. Prices are BORROWED: $1.50 per section, the set for $12.00 postpaid for US and Canada, Overseas $15.00. Checks should be Bulletins of the Society from the first one, made payable to KENNETH LODEWICK. Checks made to 1946 to date. Studies in Penstemons No 1 the Society will be returned. (Habroanthus), No 2 (Dasanthera), No 3 (Eastern Species), No 4 (Anularius), PENSTEMON NOMENCLATURE No 5 (Auratpr). (All of these were prepared by Ralph Bennett) Price: U.S. and Canadian, $4.00 History of the American Penstemon Society. Overseas, $4.50 Manual for Beginners With Penstemon The California Penstemons by Percy C. Everett, . Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden. ORDER FROM: KENNETH LODEWICK, 2526 UNIVERSITY ST., Bulletin of the American Rock Garden SOCiety EUGENE, OR 97403 special Penstemon number Penstemon in Your Garden by Glenn Viebmeyer. The National Horticulture Magazine, special number on Penstemons, Jan. 1951. Taxonomy in Simple Language, by Ralph Bennett. The Scrophulariacea of Eastern Temperate North America, by Francis W. Pennell, Nov. 1935. iv v PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE EDITOR'S COMMENTS Dear Penstemon Friends: With the terribly dry conditions across the country, I decided to pluck articles dealing with The main bloom season for Penstemons is over this situation out of old BULLETINS, and have in the lowlands, with, the alpine species like added an up-to-date one by Ramona Osburn. I have just in their prime. Each year Penstemon hallii done this at the risk of an "over kill." I feel privileged to see new species blooming in Claude Barr is known to many of the older their native habitat, and to grow new species at members and was a superb plantsman. He wrote a home. This year's wild excitement included book, Jewels or the Plains which each of you Penstemon cleburnei, a near relative of Penstemon should own. He also had a seed company for many eriantherus, in the northeastern corner of Utah, years before his death a few tears ago. blooming on Memorial Day. The prizes of the Fred Case is on our board of directors and is cultivated year were the germination of Penstemon well known to ARGS and APS members. He has had grahamii and Penstemon petiolatus, and having five many years of experience with plants of all kinds. species of the Caespitosi section simultaneously Take particular note of his comments on in bloom in our yard. maintaining the short-lived Penstemons. He The work and interest of many people make our mentions adding a shpvel ofl:.f.tLrit to the crowns of new adventures with Penstemons possible. The Penstemons in the summer to increase life. I have Intermountain Flora, of Cronquist, Holmgren, et done this successfully. a1. , and the new Utah Flora of Stan Welsh and Specifically, I have had trouble keeping P. company make identifying Penstemons in the wild so barbatus. Several years ago I worked a loose mix. much easier. And the efforts of knowledgeable of soil around the crown of one plant. I have people to collect and distribute seed make the done that every year since. The clump is now growing anQ. l;ituciy of these plants in the home approximately three-feet across and doing well. I garden pos~ible. lllere' s never been a better time will divide it now into many new plants. to grow Penstemo~~ I hope you are all growing Dale Lindgren at North Platte has used this many species an(Lelljoying them as much as I. If method in developing 'Schooly's Yellow' from you are privU,&ed. to have the opportunity to selected clumps of yellow barbatus. collect seed this year, wild or home-grown, for This issue has been printed on a laser our Exchange, I hope you will. Please share your printer to which I have limited access in experiences with US by writing a short article for connection with a smalltechnicaiwriting contract the Bulletin, or by joining one of the letter I have.