Circular Mailei

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Circular Mailei .- MORNING ENTERPRISEr -- :WEDNESDAYr JTmE25rl913- HONOR MEMORY OF BEECHER his life, the principal public observ- this year.- - After six months . of dry ances were held, but there was scarce- weather, however, the change is a A Plea of Guilty. "RED ROUND-U- P" crops NEW YORK, June 24. The univer- ly a Congregational church or society welcome one. All are in the memory - of in this section which did not devote best of condition and little damage is rellowship m A GRAFTED sal regard in which the head- Henry Ward Beecher is held was giv- some time to the memory of the man expected from floods. Grea t IS BIG SUCCESS en expression hroughout this section whose sermons and writings touched way is being made by the lumbermen - TREE country today by the common heart of humanity. who are taking full advantage of the Advertisement of the exercises swollen streams to get mahogany and commemorating the one hundredth other logs on their way to the ports. Merchants and manufacturers anniversary o fthe famous preacher's Heavy Rains in Guatemala. year Connecticut, the ancestral The cut of precious woods this have certain articles they wi3h The last meeting of the Congrega- By ELIZABETH WEED birth. In is very heavy. to sell. In ordsr to sell them tion Brotherhood,- - which took the home of the Beecher family, and in GUATEMALA CITY, June 24. Un- Round-up,- " Brooklyn, where Mr. Beecher spent so usually heavy downpours have mark- they advertise. form of a "Red given in - years- -- season Enterprise classified ads pay. 7'That is their business," you the church parlors Tuesday evening, Farmer Perks was very proud of an many of the most important of ed the opening of the rainy say; "they are doing it to bene- was one of most enjoyable gather- apple tree grew beside front ' the that the fit themselves. ings held this year by the organiza- door of his house. The apples it bore , True, they are advertising were the tion. Ladies of the church were greenings, and there was usual- primarily for their own profit. guests of the brotherhood at a supper your honor, y The Accused Why, I But there is more to present-da- served before the meeting, and took ly a bountiful crop. Perks' son, Abel, raisea tnem cnicKens tnyseii. advertising than that. It has a prominent part in the later program. was engaged to Amanda Squeers, who His Honor Just so. The complaint .created a spirit of confidence Decoration were in red and, scarlet, was a very thrifty nd a very shrewd Bays you lifted them. I see no conflict and friendliness between - the exceptionally attractive. In girl. old be- and were The man was a widower, In the evidence. New York Globe. seller and the buyer that has keeping with this scheme the dinner with no other children except Abel, and come so much a part of our was a sort of sanguinary affair, daily lives lhat we hardly real- itself when the father died the son would f the chief dishes being grillled salmon, inherit all his property. But Perks ize it unless we stop to think. and strawber- LOCAL BRIEPS you ever made a pur- oold ham, tomato salad wouldn't either die or give Abel enough Have ries. There were about 115 present chase in the Orient? If so, you service, by on which to be married. how you enter- to enjoy the meal, and the Sam Wilson, of Canby, was in the remember have of brotherhood wa3 One day the farmer brought home a .a shop and after poking members the city on Tuesday. ed above reproach. bougtrof an apple tree and grafted it through confused heaps of arti- pres- on to a limb of his apple tree . Joseph Armstrong, of Sunset, was Col. Robert A. Miller, the first favorite cles you hava found something directly in the city Tuesday. that struck your fancy. You ident of the brotherhood, was the that pointed toward his house. chief speaker of the evening. G. B. Not long after this a man named Watch forBigDoiible W. Matton. of Estacada, was in the 'asked the price and were told it Field Secre couit; .? seat Tuesday. was worth, perhaps, the equival- Moores, of Portland, and Schmitt came to settle an account with ent of a dollar. Then ensued tary Goodell. of the industrial Y. M. the farmer that had been of long 7,7. A. Dimick made a business trip al to Woodburn Tuesday. haggling, haranguing, threats, C. A. work in the Northwest, were standing. The man had put in a cul- county imprecation, until finally at the so among the speakers. Aside from vert for Perks which had been washed B. Franks, of Albany, was a of interesting" talks Tuesday. end of half and hour you trium- this a number away, and Perks, who had been obliged seat visitor phantly emerged from the shop, were made by the women guests. To- Page Mailei visiting to have the work done over by another Circular Miss Myrtle Stevens is 50 of the evening City the article in your hand and wards the close to pay bill present- friends in Dayton, Ore. cents gone from your pocket. Engineer Noble urged that the ladies mason, refused the Wm. Shear, of Twilight, was in When you looked again at your of the church interest themselves in ed by the first. - The creditor came aft- Oregon City Tuesday. purchase your good common obtaining a public playground, and er supper in the evening and remain- Tom Evany, of Canby, was a visit- sense told you it was worth Mrs. David Caufield, Mrs. C. H. Dye, ed arguing with and threatening Perks or in the city Tuesday. about 10 cents. Mrs. L. Adams, Mrs. W. A. White and with a lawsuit till 10 o'clock. Perks You Announcing the Closing W. R. Dallas, of Damascus, made a Contrast such an experience Mrs. C. D. Latourette were appointed was not well, and the controversy oc trip to this city Tuesday. with shopping here to-da- You a committee of five to take the mat- curred in his bedroom Tn the second will appreciate as nevsr before . ter up with the council. story. Abel was in the house, but at Thomas F. Lerre, of Portland, was of the value THE ENTERPRISE As a token of their appreciation of 10 went Out of Stock of D. C. in the county seat Tuesday. advertisements, which laed you o'clock he to bed In another Entire the attendance of the ladies, members part of the house and was soon sound W. Williamson, of Salem, was a to firms known for their honest of the brotherhood presented tha asleep. : county seat visitor Tuesday. goods and their fair dealings. guests of the evening with nine dozen Mitcheal Storey will leave for the silver knives and forks. The presen- When in the morning he went into v his room old man was Ely by ELLIOTT BR0J5., his Columbia river Wednesday. tation e also served to solve father's the Wm. McCord, of Twilight, visited the souvenir question. dead. There was evidence that he had in county seat Tuesday. Wm. Jones, a prominent merchant been struck on the head wih some the ' H. Smith, of Portland, was a visitor of Beaver Creek, was in the county hn rd instrument like a poker, Abel In the county seat Tuesday. seat on business Tuesday. ' called in the neighbors and told them Successors H. Van Dyje, of Salem, was a visit- Mfiss Helen E. Bollinger , of Port- NEW FIRM OPENS the facts. Schmitt was arrested. But or in the county seat Tuesday. land, is visiting at the home of Mr. he had evidently prepared himself for and Mrs. Charles Bollinger. E. H. Bailey, of Oakland, Cal., was the ordeal awaiting him. for he denied a county seat visitor Tuesday. Mortimer Sumner has returned to STORE UPON HILL having been at Perks' house at all. this city from McMinnville, where he Indeed, he said he had spent the even- H. Richards, of Eugene, was in the has been attending school. county seat on business Tuesday. ing with a man ten miles from Perks' Charles Phillips, of Chicago, who is talking some work both were to G. Larsen, of Portland, was in the visiting with friends in this city, made about county seat on business Tuesday. a trip to Forest Grove Sunday. Elliott Brothers, who for years have do together. The. man corroborated -- conducting special sales through Why did so Wm. Karlman, of Manitorvue, Wis., L. L. Reist, of Boston, Mass., was been Schmitt's statement. he was a visitor in this city Tuesday. out the Northwest, and who have beau was never known. But 1t was sup- in the city looking over real estate in particularly forunale in building up . wife were vis- posed Schmitt made a confidant W. A. Williams and this vicinity the early part of the dealing, pur- that iting friends in this city Tuesday. a reputation for fair have of him and either worked on his feel- week. chased the building, ground and stock John McCullock, of Eugene, was in Rev. Walter A. Duff, of Internation of D. C. Ely, on Seventh street, an'i ings or paid him to save him. Oregon City on business Tuesday. al Falls, Minn., a graduate of the will close out the present stock at Suspicion then fell on Abel, who In- A. B. Pollard, of Portland, was a Glascow Bible college, is visiting in surprising values. herited his father's estate. He was visitor in the county seat Tuesday.
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