What is a Protease?

Proteases (or peptidases) are secreted by animals for a number of physiological processes, among which is the Dr. Rolando A. Valientes of feed . Regional Category Manager- Animals normally secrete suffi - Eubiotics / RONOZYME ProAct cient amount of enzymes to ade - Asia Pacific, DSM quately digest enough of their [email protected] feed so that they grow and remain healthy under normal conditions, such as those found in the wild. Any increased needs for protein (amino ) for more rapid growth due to improved genetics has been traditionally met by adding more protein (or synthetic amino acids) into the feed. This was facilitated by a relative low cost for most protein-rich ingredi - Dr. Katrine Pontoppidan ents, such as meal, and Research Scientist synthetic amino acids, such as Novozymes L-lysine HCL. Thus, an exogenous [email protected] protease (as a feed supplement) was not considered essential; that is, until recently. size, the rate of passage of feed Today we face not only the prob - through the digestive tract, the lem of feeding animals of continu - age of the animal, and its physio - ously increasing genetic potential logical/health condition. All of (this requires diets increasingly these variables are rather difficult richer in amino acids), but also an to control, but supplementing unprecedented rise in ingredient animal feeds with extra enzymes prices, leaving very small (if any) is rather easy if it can be done in a margin for profitability. Thus, it profitable way. has been deemed essential to seek ways to improve the nutritive Up until recently, any protease value of existing ingredients activity in commercial reducing feed cost. Naturally, cocktails was part of unavoidable protein, being the second most by-products from the production expensive feed com ponent, has of other enzymes. Fortunately in received considerable attention 2008, DSM launched a pure worldwide. This has been aided (mono-component) protease ® by the negative public image of (RONOZYME ProAct) that can be animal residues, which if rich in used with any protein source and (basic component of all in any type of formulation, even ) constitute a potential with low-protein diets! Results environmental hazard. based on a number of scientific papers indicated that this pro - Here it should be noted that tease enhances protein digestion natural feed proteins are never by about 4% (depending on the 100% digested by any animal. For specific amino under ques - monogastric species, protein in tion this number can be higher or soybean meal is about 87% lower). Empirical data from com - digestible, whereas protein in mercial broiler farms has shown maize is only 81% digestible; the that the use of this enzyme in rest reaches the environment. 'protein reduced' diets can Thus, there is a significant part of improve profitability by feed protein that is clearly being 2 euro-cents per broiler (after wasted, instead of being used for taking into account the cost of the production of , eggs, and enzyme)! Benefits from reducing milk. The reasons for this ineffi - the emission of ammonia into the ciency are varied and include (but environment further enhance the are not limited to) feed particle value of this protease.
