BEFSR11 BEFSR41 Use this guide to install the following products: Cable/DSL BEFSRU3 1 v


e Instant Br e r . r . 2

2 oadband

EtherFast EtherFas EtherFast t ® ® Cable/DSL with USB Port and 3-Port Switch ®

Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Swit ®

1-Port Cable/DSL Router Series Routers User Guide c h COPYRIGHT & TRADEMARKS Copyright © 2003 Linksys, All Rights Reserved. Instant Broadband, EtherFast, Linksys, and the Linksys logo are registered trademarks of Linksys Group, Inc. , Windows, and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and brand names are the property of their respective proprietors.

FCC STATEMENT The Instant Broadband EtherFast Cable/DSL Router has been tested and complies with the specifications for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio fre- quency energy and, if not installed and used according to the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that inter- ference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which is found by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna • Increase the separation between the equipment or devices • Connect the equipment to an outlet other than the receiver’s • Consult a dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for assistance

EC Declaration of Conformity (Europe)

In compliance with the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC, and Amendment Directive 93/68/EEC, this product meets the requirements of the following standards:

• EN55022 Emission • EN55024 Immunity

UG-BEFSR11ver.2_41ver.2U31-EU-021122NC JL otDies20 16 Drivers Port 12 Installing the BEFSRU31’s USB Chapter 6: 9 Router Connect the Chapter 5: 6 Router EtherFast Cable/DSL Getting to Know the 3-Port Chapter 4: Router EtherFast Cable/DSL 1 Getting to Know the 1-Port Chapter 3: Router EtherFast Cable/DSL Getting to Know the 4-Port Chapter 2: Introduction Chapter 1: Table of Contents

ntligteWnosX rvr31 16 25 20 29 Installing the Windows XP Driver Installing the Windows Millennium Driver 19 Installing the Windows 2000 Driver Installing the Driver 17 Uplinking: Connecting More Devices to the Router Connecting Your Booting Up Hardware Together and Overview S optblt 13 12 14 9 10 2 1 6 The 3-Port Router’s Front Panel LEDs Compatibility USB 8 4 The 3-Port Router’s Rear Panel The 1-Port Router’s Front Panel LEDs The 1-Port Router’s Rear Panel 2 The 4-Port Router’s Front Panel LEDs 1 The 4-Port Router’s Rear Panel Network Setup Overview Addresses IP An Introduction to LANs and WANs Features The Linksys EtherFast Cable/DSL Router

Instant Broadband


Series e drse 103 90 73 Web Addresses How to Ping Your ISP’s E-mail & Appendix C: Appendix B: Glossary Appendix A: Troubleshooting 45 40 33 Web-based Utility Router’s Chapter 9: The Cable/DSL Configure the Router Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Configure the PCs EtherFast

vriw33 38 36 34 WindowsConfiguring XP PCs WindowsConfiguring 2000 PCs WindowsConfiguring 95, 98, and Millennium PCs Overview

M ot71 86 72 69 73 61 68 57 63 54 53 52 45 FrequentlyQuestions Asked Common Problems and Solutions Clone MAC Address DMZ Host Static Routing Dynamic Routing Port Range Forwarding 45 IP Filtering Advanced 60 Help 59 Security Log 56 DHCP Status Password Setup 46 Quick and Easy Router Administration Overview

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL pedxL otc nomto 121 120 Contact Information Appendix L: 119 Warranty Information Appendix K: 114 118 Router Specifications 3-Port Appendix J: 117 Router Specifications Appendix I: 1-Port Router Specifications Appendix H: 4-Port 110 108 Broadband Cable & DSL Appendix G: Setting Up AOL Address for Your Adapter Ethernet Address and IP Finding the MAC Appendix F: 106 Twisted-Pair Cabling Appendix E: Protocol Installing the TCP/IP Appendix D: -otEvrnetlSeiiain 119 118 116 117 114 3-Port Environmental Specifications 1-Port Environmental Specifications 4-Port Environmental Specifications 109 AOL Broadband via DSL AOL Broadband via Cable Crimping Your Own Network Cables


Instant Broadband

® Series

Features Router The Linksys EtherFast Cable/DSL • • • • • • • • • you ever thought possible. networkand share internal data. Link them all together and network than faster Now all of your PCs can enjoy connections broadband Internet lightning-fast such as videoconferencing and gaming—making the Router a snap to use. the Router for various applications, Internet XP to automatically configure Universalthe Router supports Plug and Play (UPnP), which allows Windows ing, as well as to play games, videoconference, and much more. Plus, Internet with IP filter- access to the Internet to blockusers’ internal also be configured users. All incoming data packetsThe Router can are monitored and filtered. protecting your , network’sNAT PCs from being accessed by external visible network device on the Internet. as yourThe Router also serves Internet for your as a DHCP server network,bone. Configurable the Router is only network connection and to an Ethernet a high-speed broadband Internet back- Linksys! The Router is the perfect solution for connecting a network of PCs to on the purchase of EtherFastCongratulations Cable/DSL Router from EtherFast The Linksys EtherFast Chapter 1:

Configurable as a DHCP Server on as a DHCP Server Configurable Your Network Multimedia Experience (BEFSRU31 & BEFSR41 ver. 2 only) 3- or 4-Port, 10/100 Mbps, Built-in Switch Speeds Up Your Gaming and Filtering, and DMZ Hosting Advanced Security Management Functions for Port Filtering, MAC Address the Router RemotelyAdminister and Upgrade over the Internet through a EasilyWeb Configurable Browser—Locally and over the Internet Networking IPSec and PPTP Pass-Through (VPN)—Supports Access Your Network Remotely over through the Internet Virtual Private UPnP for Easy NetworkSupports Configuration Set Up Your Computers and Router Easily Using Linksys Setup Wizard File, and Printer Sharing Connects Your Cable or DSL Modem to Multiple Computers for Internet,

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL Introduction ® Cable/DSL Router 1 2 PAddresses IP An Introduction to LANs and WANs up of your private Think of the Router as a network device side is made with two sides: the first between these two networks. is, the Internet. The Router processes and regulates the data that travels group of PCs in your home or office, to the of PCs in your group home or office, In this instance, the Router connects your Simply put, a port(s) and the Internet and the Internet port(s) Remember that the Router’s connect to two ports sides: your 10/100 packet to the appropriate PC on LAN side. ftp server, applications, and, or other Internet if allowed, it will forward the like the web services the LAN port. port server,The Router inspects Internet et coming in through the WAN destination on before delivery port to the final remains private. The Router protects your network pack- by inspecting the first side cannot “see” your lic, Internet PCs. This is how your LAN, or network, The Router’s (NAT) firewall protects your network of PCs so users on the pub- office. or the is the Internet, monly used with network devices PCs or print servers. such as server have that same IP address until you change it. Static IP addresses are com- disable it, other device on the network. Since a static IP address remains valid until you A Addresses Static IP There are two ways of assigning an IP address to your network devices. nections. tion,” or address, on the network. This applies to both the WAN and LAN con- ing PCs, print servers, and routers, requires an ing PCs, print servers, IP What’s an IP Address? 10 Mbps. or 100 Mbps, whereas the broadband port, WAN transmits data at port, static IP address stands for Internet Protocol. Every device Protocol. Every stands for Internet on an IP-based network, includ- static IP addressing router (LAN) is a fixed IP address that you assign manuallyis a fixed to a PC or is a network device that connects two networks together. Wide Area Network (WAN) AN WA port. port. transmit data at 10 Mbps The LAN port(s) ensures that the device assigned it will always Local Area Network (LAN) Wide Area Network (WAN) IP address of PCs. The other, public side

, outside of your home or Instant Broadband

to identify its “loca- ®

, or the Series


, that A Addresses Dynamic IP from your get the information ISP. the Router.If so, you will need that static IP address when configuring You can address to your account. out if they haveyour ISP to find assigned a static IP connection, contact Internet If you use the Router to share your cable or DSL EtherFast addresses manually every time a new user is added to your network. address is called the DHCP client. frees you from having to assign IP IP address by a PCs and other network devices using dynamic IP addressing are assigned a new Servers DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) IP address to establish a connection to the Internet. establishing a connection. PPPoE also will provide the Router with a dynamic similar to a dial-up connection, but PPPoE does not dial a phone number when nection type called Point to Point Protocol over (PPPoE). Ethernet PPPoE is password to gain access the Internet. This is a dedicated, high-speed con- For DSL users, many ISPs may require you to log on with a user name and it a new dynamic IP address. and its dynamic IP address has expired,Internet) the time period, they expire and may change. If a PC logs onto the network (or the because they are only such as PCs and print servers. These IP addresses are called “dynamic” dynamic IP address

h al/S Router’s Web-basedThe Cable/DSL Utility.” Filtering in “Chapter 9: Blocking WAN Requests description under IP that the Router and network seem invisible the to the Internet—see However, even this WAN IP address for the Router can be blocked, so address. for your can be seen from the Internet network is the Router’s WAN IP address that security (NAT),Since the Router has firewall the only IP the “LAN IP address.” In this User Guide, you’ll see references to the “WAN IP address” and two IP addresses—one for the LAN side, and one WAN side. Note:

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL Since the Router is a device that connects two networks, it needs DHCP server temporarily is automatically assigned to a device on the network, . The PC or network device obtaining an IP assigned to the PC or device. After a certain DHCP server will assign 3 4 Network Setup Overview have on your running network, a DHCP server you side) is enabled on the Router. If you already (LAN a DHCP server By default, client. work device, such as the Router. the Router’s By default, WAN setting is DHCP can either be a designated PC on the networkA DHCP server or another net- • • • need to use the following chapters: (Chapter 2, 3, or 4, depending on which Router you have), most users will only After going through the appropriate “Getting to Know the Router” chapter This user guide covers the basic steps for setting up a network with a router. Router’s Web-basedUtility.” DHCP on the Router, see the DHCP section in “Chapter 9: The Cable/DSL will experience network such as conflicting IP addresses. errors, To disable on your If youmore than one DHCP server DHCP servers. network, run you settings provided by your ISP. and the Router’s web-based utility. You the Router using will configure the Router using yourThis chapter explains howweb browser to configure the Router Chapter 8: Configure nection, if the network settings are not already set to DHCP. youyour This chapter instructs on howPC(s) for a DHCP con- to configure the PCs Chapter 7: Configure Router and connect the PC(s) to Router. you This chapter instructs on how to connect the cable or DSL modem to the Connect the Router Chapter 5: refer to “Appendix A: Troubleshooting.” to provideIf the dynamic IP addressing fails a dynamic IP address, Address. IP range of the LAN is not within the DHCP address still use DHCP’s dynamic IP addressing, as long the static Note: Even if you assign a static IP address to PC, other PCs can

must Instant Broadband

disable one of the two



and other settings to enable online gaming. alter the Router’s for example, you settings further; can adjust security features Internet. through the Router,After the PC(s) can access Internet you can When you’re with the basic steps, then you are ready to connect the finished EtherFast

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL WAN Cable or DSL Modem Figure 1-4 al/S Router Cable/DSL Notebook with Ethernet with Ethernet Adapter Notebook PC with Ethernet with Ethernet Adapter PC LAN 5 6 The 4-Port Router’sThe 4-Port Rear Panel Router Power Uplink Ports 1-4 N WA panel of the Router, as shown in Figure 2-1. The Router’s where ports, network cables are connected, are located on the rear 4-Port EtherFast Getting to Know the Chapter 2: power adapter. The work. If the more on uplinking. Connecting More Devices to the Router” section for to the other device.port See the “Uplinking: switch or a hub, simply a cable run from the connecting to another switch or hub. To uplink to a The haveports internally shared wiring. Uplink and remote hard drives. If Port nect to network devices, such as PCs, print servers, These four work from any other port. cable. Ethernet connect your cable or DSL modem through an The Uplink AN WA Power Uplink Figure 2-1 port will not workport because these two shared (Wide Area Network) is where port you LAN ® port is used to expand yourport network by port is where port you will connect the port is being used,port Port 1 will not Cable/DSL Your modem connection will not

(Local Area Network) con- ports Instant Broadband 1

is being used, the ®

Uplink Series

The 4-Port Router’sThe 4-Port Front Panel LEDs

Power EtherFast 100 Full/Col Link/Act

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL 10 Mbps. If this LED does not light up, then your connection speed is port. connection is made through the corresponding Green Orange encounter this problem. Troubleshooting” if you your connection. See “Appendix A: If this LED flickers too often, there may be a problem with Infrequent collisions are normal. flickers, the connection is experiencing collisions. LED in Full Duplex mode. If the is running port corresponding is lit up continuously, the connection made through LED Green data over Port that port. 1 is lit when using the Uplink port. is flickering, the Router is actively sending or receiving LED ( port device through the corresponding is continuously lit, the Router is successfully connected to a Green on. . The . The . The . The Power Link/Act Full/Col 100 Figure 2-2 LED lights up when a successful 100Mbps E lights up when the Router is powered LED LED also serves twoLED also serves If this purposes. LED serves twoLED serves If the LED purposes. 1 , 2 , 3 or 4 ). If the 7 8 Act Link Indicators The WAN Diag * The ing settings such as IP addresses or a new password. and clear all of the Router’s defaults This will restore factory settings, includ- If you are experiencing extreme problems with the Router and have tried all 2. If the Router is having problemspress the connecting to the Internet, 1. The The Reset Button Port Router and the 1-Port Router. until the red other troubleshooting measures, press the to reboot it. jammed connections, and is similar to pressing the button for just a moment with paper clip or pencil tip. This clears up any Reset Reset Button is located on the front panel of 4-Port Router, and the rear panels of 3- button can be used in one of two ways. Diag rce o“hpe :Connect the Router.” Proceed to “Chapter 5: receiving data over the Green modem or network. tion is made between the Router and your cable or DSL Green e Apni :Troubleshooting.”see “Appendix A: stays on for an abnormally long period of time, If this LED upon successful completion of the diagnosis. its self-diagnosis mode during everyoff boot-up. It will turn Red LED on the front panel turns on and offLED on the front panel turns completely. . The . The . The * Diag Act Link LED lights up when the Router goes through E flickers when the Router is sending or LED E lights up when a successful connec- LED AN WA Reset port (to the Internet). port

Button and hold it down Instant Broadband Reset

button on your PC

® Reset Series

The 1-Port Router’sThe 1-Port Rear Panel

Power LAN N WA shown in Figure 3-1. the Router’sare made, and where you can reset or configure The rear panel of the Router is where all of the Router’s cabling connections Router 1-Port Getting to Know the Chapter 3: EtherFast

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL EtherFast Cable/DSL power adapter. The that hub or switch. switch to the Router, and then connect your PCs to have hub or more than one PC, connect an Ethernet connect the Router to a PC, hub, or switch. If you The work from any other port. cable. Ethernet connect your cable or DSL modem through an The AN WA LAN Power Figure 3-1 (Local Area Network) is where port you (Wide Area Network) is where port you port is where port you will connect the Your modem connection will not LAN port, as port, 9 10 The 1-Port Router’sThe 1-Port Front Panel LEDs Power Port 1- The are crossover ports. and uplink ports are straight-through ports, Standard ports (uplink port). port network cableand the other end into a crossover into a straight-through port, such as a hub and switch, When “uplinking,” or connecting two pieces of network hardware together, The Crossover Switch The Reset Button Switches Buttons & position of the Crossover Switch. tion to a hub or switch by using the settings above, change the only. network Every is different. If you do not make a connec- Important: powered on. Green . The al/S Router.” Cable/DSL “Chapter 2: Getting to Know the 4-Port EtherFast Details on the The chart in Figure The chart 3-2 is for reference purposes a Power general Figure 3-3 Figure 3-2 LED lights up green when lights up green the Router is LED rule of thumb Reset

button are found in the Instant Broadband

is to plug one end of a



Act Link Indicators The WAN EtherFast Diag 10/100 Full/Col Link/Act

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL rce o“hpe :Connect the Router.” Proceed to “Chapter 5: receiving data over the Green or network. tion is made between the Router and your broadband device Green not light up. at 10 Mbps, the If a connection is running port. 100 Mbps connection is made through the corresponding e Apni :Troubleshooting.”see “Appendix A: stays on for an abnormally long period of time, If this LED completion of the diagnosis. offits self-diagnostic mode. It will turn upon successful Red Orange encounter this problem. Troubleshooting” if you your connection. See “Appendix A: If this LED flickers too often, there may be a problem with encing collisions. Infrequent collisions are normal. flickers, the connection is experi- ly maintained. If the LED connection is being successful- port remains lit, a LAN LED Green port. Router is actively sending or receiving data through the device through the is continuously lit, the Router is successfully connected to a Green . The . The . The . The . The . The Diag Link/Act Act Link Full/Col 10/100 LED lights up when the Router goes through E flickers when the Router is sending or LED E lights up when a successful connec- LED LAN LED also serves twoLED also serves If this purposes. LED serves twoLED serves If the LED purposes. LED lights up when a successful AN WA ot fteLDis flickering, the If the LED port. port. 10/100 LED will LAN 11 12 The 3-Port Router’sThe 3-Port Rear Panel USB Power N WA Uplink Ports 1-3 Router 3-Port EtherFast Cable/DSL Getting to Know the Chapter 4: for your network devices. Since the expansion whenfor port out of open ports you run Windows 98, 2000, Millennium, or XP. To work your with USB ports, PC must be running out even adapter for your installing an Ethernet PC. enjoy an immediate, plug-and-play connection with- USB-ready PC or a USB hub. This allows you to (TypeThe USB port B - slave) can connect to a power adapter. The work from any other port. cable. Ethernet connect your cable or DSL modem through an The you can only use one of the two at a time. ports wiring, right next to it share internal the standard port The port. Ethernet switches, or any print servers, other devices with an These three Uplink AN WA Power Figure 4-1 (Wide Area Network) is where port you LAN port connects to another hub or switch port port is where port you will connect the Your modem connection will not

ports connect to your ports PCs, hubs, Instant Broadband Uplink

port and port


Series The Reset Button EtherFast nects to the USB port on the rear panel of Router.nects to the USB port your PC’s USB port. Type B, the slave connector, resembles a square and con- nectors. Type A, the master connector, is shaped like a rectangle and plugs into The 3-Port Router comes with a USB cable that has two different types of con- or connector.of a USB port This USB icon, shown in Figure 4-2, denotes the presence S Compatibility USB guide for instructions. guide for instructions. install a USB-ready card at your local computer store. See your PC’s user Other motherboards have but no ports. USB interfaces, You can purchase and USB port. be jumpers on the motherboard or a menu option in BIOS to enable a PC’s have a disabledIf yourdoesn’t USB port. port seem to be working, there may Also, your PC must have installed and enabled. a USB port Some PCs may NT environment. Millennium, or XP installed on yourin a PC. USB cannot run Windows 95 or To on the 3-Port use the USB port Router, you must have Windows 98, 2000,

Note ® al/S Routers Cable/DSL USB Type A : USB ports do not work: USB ports on PCs running Windows 95 or NT. Details on the al/S Router.” Cable/DSL Getting to Know the 4-Port EtherFast “Chapter 2: Figure 4-3 Reset USB Type B button are found in the Figure 4-2 13 14 The 3-Port Router’sThe 3-Port Front Panel LEDs Link/Act Power USB 100 Full/Col Green powered on. Green The 10 Mbps. LED does not light up, then your connection speed is If this port. connection is made through the corresponding Orange have problems. Troubleshooting” if you your connection. See “Appendix A: If this LED flickers too often, there may be a problem with Infrequent collisions are normal. is flickering, the connection is experiencing collisions. LED in Full Duplex mode. If the is running port corresponding is continuously lit, the connection made through LED Green Port 3 will be lit. to and from the network. is in use, then When the Uplink port is sending or receivingthe LED flickers, then that port data ( RJ-45 port device through the corresponding is continuously lit, the Router is successfully connected to a connected to a USB-ready PC or USB hub. USB . The . The . The . The LED lights up whenis successfully the USB port Power Full/Col Link/Act 100 Figure 4-4 LED lights up when a successful 100 Mbps LED lights up green when lights up green the Router is LED LED also serves twoLED also serves If this purposes.

LED serves twoLED serves If the LED purposes. Instant Broadband 1 , 2

, or ®

3 Series

). If

Diag Act Link The WAN Indicators EtherFast

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL rce o“hpe :Connect the Router.” Proceed to “Chapter 5: Red receiving data over the broadband Green or network. tion is made between the Router and your broadband device Green e Apni :Troubleshooting.”see “Appendix A: stays on for an abnormally long period of time, If this LED completion of the diagnosis. offits self-diagnostic mode. It will turn upon successful . The . The . The Diag Act Link LED lights up when the Router goes through E flickers when the Router is sending or LED E lights up when a successful connec- LED AN WA port. 15 16 Overview oncin o a ei ntlainadstpo h Router. connection, you can begin installation and setup of the Once you have type of Internet you the setup information need for your specific your ISP to request the data. tion with you after installing your broadband connection. If not, you can call The installation technician from your ISP should have left the setup informa- Provider Service Internet (ISP). you the Router with setting(s) provided will also have by to configure your PCs to accept the IP addresses that Router assigns them (if applicable), and simply plugging hardware together. You your will have networked to configure Router’s setup consists of more than Unlike a hub or switch, the Cable/DSL the Router Chapter 5:Connect WAN Cable or DSL Modem Figure 5-1 al/S Router Cable/DSL Notebook with Ethernet with Ethernet Adapter Notebook

PC with Ethernet with Ethernet Adapter PC Instant Broadband


® Series

Connecting Your Hardware Together and Booting Up 2. 2. If you have the 4-Port Router, go to step 2.A. If you have the 1-Port Router,2. Before you begin, make sure that all of your hardware is powered off, includ- 1. EtherFast 2.

and access the Router without even installing any adapter cards. Ethernet instantly to any USB-ready PC or USB hub. This allows you to connect The 3-Port Router features one USB plug-and-play that connects port on a PC, hub, switch, adapter port or other networkEthernet device. Ethernet cable Ethernet from the Router’s (labeled LAN ports If you have the 3-Port Cable/DSL Router C. Figure 5-2 when setting the Crossover switch. are connecting the Router to a hub or switch,shown refer to the chart in cable(labeled Ethernet to one of the LAN ports If you have the 4-Port Cable/DSL Router A. go to step 2.B. If you have the 3-Port Router, go to step 2.C. modem. ing the Router, PCs, hubs, switches, and cable or DSL nect to a PC, set the Crossover switch to straight-through mode ( work device, e.g., a PC, hub, or switch. If you are using the LAN Port to con- on the back of Router,the LAN port on a net- and the other end to a port If you have the 1-Port Router B. Repeat the above step to connect more PCs or network devices to the Router. details on network cabling. PC, print server, hub, or switch. See “Appendix E: Twisted-Pair Cabling” for the Router, on a network and the other end to a standard port device, e.g., a

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL the Uplink port on the Router.the Uplink port It is a straight-through port. Note : A standard port Figure 5-2 is any other than the port WAN and port , connect one end of an Ethernet cable , connect one end of an Ethernet to 1 , , connect one end of an , connect one end of an 2 , 3 , or 1 4 , ) on the back of 2 , or || 3 ). If you ) to an 17 18 .Press the 6. modem. Power on the cable or DSL 5. • • Connect the power adapter to the Power on the rear panel of Router, port 4. cable Connect the Ethernet from your cable or DSL modem to the 3. complete. off will turn when the self-test is through its self-diagnostic test. This LED The adapter is connected properly. The cil. Hold the button in until will restore the Router’s settings. default factory and then plug the power adapter into a power outlet. modem connection. on the Router’s rear panel. This is the only that will work port for your Power Diag Router. on properly. Verify that the modem is plugged into WAN on the port cables are securely plugged in, and that all of your hardware is powered If all of your nections and the Have you Have The Router’s hardware installation is now complete. adapter into a surge protecting power strip. Note: Reset LED will light up red for a few seconds when the Router goes LED on the front panel will light up green as soon the powerLED on the front panel will light up green You should always plug the Router’s power button on the Router’s front panel with a paper clip or pen- checked that the Link Link LEDs are not lighting up, make sure that all your LED for your WAN connection light up? Diag Link/Act LED lights up and then turns off. lights up and then turns This LED

LEDs for all your LAN con- Instant Broadband


® Series port

pikn:Connecting More Devices to the Router Uplinking: uct lines of 10/100 Mbps hubs and switches. See your nearest Linksys retailer or visit and so on. you out of ports, run If your new hub or switch also has an ports can only use one of these twoare called at a time; these ports ports Since the on the newport hub or switch. the 3- and 4-Port Routers), disconnect that PC/device and plug it into an open EtherFast If you have a PC/device right next to the connected to the port you can add more PCs and/or network devices. or switch. This leaves you with new, on the hub or switch, open ports to which To do so, use the Router’s connect, connect a hub or switchcable. to the Router using an Ethernet If the Router’s hnpoedt h etpg,“hpe :Installing the BEFSRU31’s “Chapter 6: then proceed to the next page, If you have a 3-Port Router with USB and you are using its USB port, .

USB Port Drivers.” Otherwise, go to “Chapter 7: Configure Configure go to “Chapter 7: USB Port Drivers.” Otherwise, ®

Uplink al/S Routers Cable/DSL LAN port shares internal wiring with the port right next to it, you wiring with the port shares internal port ports are all full and you ports still have PCs and/or devices to Uplink the PCs.” port to connect to a standard port on a hub to connect a standard port port Uplink port, it too can be uplinked whenport, for complete prod- Uplink port (on port shared 19 20 Installing the Windows 98 Driver .Windows will notify you that it has detected new hardware, as shown in 2. With using a port the Router powered up and connected to your PC’s1. USB USB-ready PCs, such as a USB hub using cable. You can also connect the Router’s to other USB devices USB port besides • • tions below to enable your PC’s USB connection to the Router: need for youadapter on that PC. Just follow to install an Ethernet the direc- adapter for your connection acts as an Ethernet PC, there’s no Since your USB must enable the PC that will connect to Router through its USB port. Now port. that all of the Router’s hardware is connected together, USB you connects to your PC’s while USB port, the Type B end connects to the Router’s Use the enclosed USB cable to connect your PC to the Router; Type A end BEFSRU31’s USB Port Drivers Installing the Chapter 6: in this chapter as listed the Table of Contents. For other Windows operating systems, please refer to the appropriate section If you are running Windows 98, continue to the section below on this page. Figure 6-1. Click the disk available. USB cable,up your start PC in Windows 98, and have the Router’s driver Apni :Isaln h C/PProtocol.” Installing the TCP/IP “Appendix D: installed on your PC(s). For on installing instructions TCP/IP, see Note : After you finish this configuration, make sure that TCP/IP is this configuration, After you finish : Next button.

Figure 6-1

Instant Broadband


Series .Select 3. EtherFast 4. Insert the driver Insert disk into the floppy drive, and select 4.

in Figure 6-2. Click the your driver. only, as shown in Figure 6-3. Click the

® Search for the best driver for your device (Recommended) al/S Routers Cable/DSL Next button. Figure 6-3 Figure 6-2 Next button to start the search for button to start Floppy disk drives , shown 21 22 .The Hardware Wizard will search the floppy, and a new window5. will appear .Windows to your will begin PC, as shown copying the files in Figure 6-5. 6. best driver for this device. Click the (shown in Figure 6-4), notifying you that Windows is now ready to install the Do not click the or e.g, direct your PC to the location of those files, If Windows asks for your Windows before copying, files D:\Win98 i D stelte fyu DRMdrive). (if “D” is the letter of your CD-ROM Cancel button or press the Figure 6-5 Figure 6-4 Next button to continue. Esc key during this process.


Instant Broadband

® Series

, .Windows will ask you if you want your to restart PC. Click the 8. EtherFast .Windows will notify you that it has completed copying to the driver files 7. so your new installation will take effect. your PC. Click the

select If it does not ask youyour to restart computer, click the

Shut Down ® al/S Routers Cable/DSL . Then select . Then Finish button to complete the USB driver installation. Figure 6-7 Figure 6-6 Restart and click the OK Start button. button, and Yes button 23 24 9. When your PC has finished restarting, click the restarting, When your PC has finished 9. tions. Protocol” for installation instruc- Installing the TCP/IP go to “Appendix D: is not installed, default, please Windows 98 has TCP/IP installed. If TCP/IP TCP/IP is installed on your PC, as shown on the screen in Figure 6-8. By Settings and Your USB driver installation is now complete. oto Panel Control Go to “Chapter 7: Configure the PCs.” Configure Go to “Chapter 7: . Double-click Figure 6-8

Network Instant Broadband Start . Make sure that

button, and select

® Series

Installing the Windows 2000 Driver .Select 2. With using a port the Router powered up and connected to your PC’s1. USB EtherFast

shown in Figure 6-10, and click the button. on your installing the driverPC, as shown files in Figure 6-9. Click the Hardware WizardThe will then notify you that it is ready to start Windows’ disk available. Windows will notify you that the PC has found new hardware. USB cable,up your start PC in Windows 2000, and have the Router’s driver ®

Search for a suitable driver for my device (Recommended) al/S Routers Cable/DSL Figure 6-10 Figure 6-9 Next button. Next , as 25 26 3. Insert the driver Insert disk into the floppy drive, and when Windows asks you 3. .Windows will notify you(See Figure that it has found the driver6-12.) files. 4. where select to search for driver files, Click the Figure 6-11. Click the Next button. Next button. Figure 6-12 Figure 6-11

Floppy disk drives Instant Broadband

only, as shown in


Series .Click the 6. When the Digital Signature Not Found screen appears, as shown in Figure 6- 5. EtherFast Windows to copy to your the driverPC. files s Ye 13, Windows will ask you if you want to continue the installation. Click


® al/S Routers Cable/DSL Next button from the screen shown in Figure 6-14 to allow Figure 6-14 Figure 6-13 27 28 .Go to the 8. Windows on installing the driver will notify youfiles that it has finished 7. in Figure 6-16. Highlight Connection Network and Dial-up Connections bana Paddress automatically Obtain an IP 6-16, and click the USB driver installation. your PC, as shown in Figure 6-15. Click the Start Your USB driver installation is now complete. icon. Click the Go to “Chapter 7: Configure the PCs.” Configure Go to “Chapter 7: button, and select the Properties Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Figure 6-16 Figure 6-15 button. Make sure that TCP/IP is set to . option, and click the button to display the screen shown Settings

Finish Instant Broadband option. Then select the button to complete the , as shown in Figure

Local Area

® Series

Installing the Windows Millennium Driver .Windows will notify you that new hardware has been detected (see Figure 2. With using a port the Router powered up and connected to your PC’s1. USB EtherFast .Windows on installing the driver will notify youfiles that it has finished 3.

(Recommended) the driver6-17). Insert disk. Select USB cable,up your start PC in Windows Millennium. your PC, as shown in Figure 6-19. Click the

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL , and click the Figure 6-19 Figure 6-18 Figure 6-17 Next Automatic search for a better drive button (see Figure 6-18). Finish button. 29 30 5. When your PC has finished restarting, click the restarting, When your PC has finished 5. Windows will ask youyour to restart PC, as shown in Figure 6-20. Click the 4. es Ye tion. on installa- Protocol” for instructions Installing the TCP/IP “Appendix D: is not installed, please go to installed. If TCP/IP Millennium has TCP/IP installed for your PC, as shown in Figure 6-21. By default, Windows screen similar to that shown in Figure 6-21. Make sure that TCP/IP is Settings button. and Your USB driver installation is now complete. oto Panel Control Go to “Chapter 7: Configure the PCs.” Configure Go to “Chapter 7: . Double-click Figure 6-21 Figure 6-20

Network Instant Broadband Start and you will see a

button, and select

® Series

Installing the Windows XP Driver 3. Insert the driver Insert disk into the floppy drive, and select 3. EtherFast .Windows will notify you that new hardware has been detected (shown in 2. cable, start using a USB port With the Router connected to your PC’s USB 1.

running running Windows Click the interface). XP with the default (See Figure 6-24.) All other options must be unchecked (assuming you are and enter driver in these locations and click the Figure 6-22). Select up your PC in Windows XP.

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL A:\ Next in the location field (if “A”in the location field is the letter of your floppy drive). button (see Figure 6-23). Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)Install from a list or specific . Then select Figure 6-24 Figure 6-23 Figure 6-22 Include this location in the search: Search for the best Next button. , 31 32 .Click the 6. Windows on installing the driver will notify youfiles that it has finished 5. When the Hardware Installation screen appears shown in Figure 6-25, click 4. user guide to install TCP/IP. is not installed, please refer to your Windows XP TCP/IP installed. If TCP/IP make sure that TCP/IP is installed on your PC. By default, Windows XP has USB driver installation. your PC, as shown in Figure 6-26. Click the Continue Anyway Connection Connections Start . Click Your USB driver installation is now complete. and then button and then Go to “Chapter 7: Configure the PCs.” Configure Go to “Chapter 7: . Properties Network Connections Figure 6-26 Figure 6-25 . Check for Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Finish . Click

. Double-click Instant Broadband Network and Internet button to complete the

Local Area

® Series to


option, you’re running Windows XP. Click the EtherFast then double-click the button and then going to the ating system your computer is running. You out by clicking the can find 95, 98, Millennium, NT 4.0, 2000, or XP. You will need to know which oper- Find out which operating system yoursuch as computer is running, Windows communicate with each other across a network or the Internet. TCP/IP) address automatically (called DHCP). Computers use IP addresses to To your PC’s do this, you need to configure network settings to obtain an IP (or ers to be able to communicate with the Router. each of your comput- in this chapter will help you The instructions configure Chapter 7: Configure the PCs tinue to “Chapter 8: Configure the Router.” Configure tinue to “Chapter 8: and cable). using the USB port Once you’ve your computers, con- configured (the only exception is the PC you will configure connect to the 3-Port Router card or adapter has been successfullythat an Ethernet installed in each PC you tings based on the type of Windows operating system you are using. Make sure The next few pages tell you, step by your step, hownetwork to configure set- You may need to do this for each computer you are connecting to the Router.

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL TCP/IP installed and set to obtain an IP address automatically. Windows manual. By default Windows 98, 2000, Me, and XP has XP machines. For TCP/IP setup under Windows NT, see your Windows 98, Windows Millennium, Windows 2000, or Windows Important: System These instructions applyThese instructions only to Windows 95, Settings icon. If yourmenu doesn’t Start have a Settings option. Then click option. Then Cancel button when done. Control Panel Start , and 33 34 Configuring Windows 95, 98, and Millennium PCs 2. On the Configuration tab, select the On the Configuration 2. Go to the Network screen by clicking the 1. srgiet ntl C/Pnow.) Click the user guide to install TCP/IP Protocol” or youradapter’s Ethernet Installing the TCP/IP “Appendix D: appears by itself, select that line. (If there is no TCP/IP line listed, refer to whose name mentions DUN, PPPoE, VPN, or AOL. If the word adapter,Ethernet as shown in Figure 7-1. Do not choose a TCP/IP entry then Control Panel . From there, double-click the Figure 7-1 TCP/IP line Start Properties

button. Click Instant Broadband Network for the applicable button. icon. Settings


® Series

and . Now click the 4. 3. Click the EtherFast . Windows may ask youyour to restart PC. Click the 6. 5. Click the

as shown in Figure 7-2. does not ask you to restart, restart your does not ask yourestart computer anyway. to restart, c:\windows\options\cabs, etc. (if “D” is the letter of your CD-ROM drive). location, e.g., D:\win98, D:\win9x, file the correct Windows Supply them by pointing to installation disk or additional files. blank. Click the

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL IP Address OK Go to “Chapter 8: Configure the Router.” Configure Go to “Chapter 8: Gateway button again. Windows may ask you for the original OK button. tab and select tab to ensure that the Installed Gateway is left field Figure 7-2 Obtain an IP address automatically es Ye button. If Windows , 35 36 Configuring Windows 2000 PCs . Go to the Network screen by clicking the 1. . The Local Area Connection Status screen will appear, as shown in Figure 7- 3. 2. Select the then 3. Click the Connections click the whose entry name mentions DUN, PPPoE, VPN, or AOL. Double-TCP/IP Local (usuallyArea Connection listed). Do not choose a it is the first Control Panel Local Area Connection Local Area Local Area Connection Local Area Properties icon. . From there, double-click the button. Figure 7-3 . icon for the applicableadapter Ethernet Start

button. Click Instant Broadband Network and Dial-up


® Series

and 6. Restart your Restart computer. 6. EtherFast 5. Select 4. Select

to complete the PC configuration. the new window appears, click the Properties ®

Obtain an IP address automatically Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Routers Cable/DSL button. Go to “Chapter 8: Configure the Router.” Configure Go to “Chapter 8: Figure 7-5 Figure 7-4 OK , as shown in Figure 7-4, and click the button. Click the , as shown in Figure 7-5. Once OK button again 37 38 Configuring Windows XP PCs 2. Select the . The Local Area Connection Status screen will appear, as shown in Figure 7- 3. . Click to the Network screen by clicking the 1. Windows 2000. menus look like previous Windows versions), please follow for the instructions If you interface. (wheredefault are using the Classic interface the icons and The following assume you instructions are running Windows XP with the 6. Click the Connection Local Area Local (usuallyArea Connection listed). Double-click it is the first the then the Panel . From there, click the Network Connections Local Area Connection Local Area Properties button. . Network and Internet Connections Figure 7-6 icon. icon for the applicableadapter Ethernet

Start Instant Broadband button and then icon and



Series 6. Restart your Restart computer. 6. EtherFast 5. Select 4. Select

figuration. (or the the new window appears, click the Properties ®

Obtain an IP address automatically Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Routers Cable/DSL Close button. Go to “Chapter 8: Configure the Router.” Configure Go to “Chapter 8: button if any settings were changed) to complete the PC con- Figure 7-8 Figure 7-7 OK , as shown in Figure 7-7, and click the button. Click the , as shown in Figure 7-8. Once OK button again 39 40 .An Enter Network Password window, shown in Figure 8-2, will appear 2. .Open your web browser. message at this (It is all right if you get an error 1. computer you set up. instead of your PC. You the Router once using first only need to configure the Router several computers, youto configure will use the setup information access. Because you are now access among using the Router to share Internet from your The instructions ISP tell you how to set up your PC for Internet have please contact your this information, ISP before proceeding. by your ISP. Connection Type on the Router’s provided Setup tab based on the information the use of a Host Name and Domain Name. Further, you will set the WAN Router’s Web-based The Cable/DSL Utility.” “Chapter 9: Your ISP may require (ISP). Detailed description of the Router’s Web-based Utility can be found in work Provider through yourService and gain access to the Internet This chapter will show youthe Router to function in your hownet- to configure Configure the Router Chapter 8: 8-3). Leave the User Name field empty,8-3). Leave the User Name field and enter (Windows XP users will see a Connect to window, shown in Figure the Password ( field press the Address field, as shown in Figure 8-1, and Enter point. Continue following these directions.) additional assistance, follow the steps in this chapter. installation of the Router and for setting up additional computers. For Note: You will need the setup information from your ISP. Enter Figure 8-2 Linksys recommends using the Setup time Wizard CD for first key. admin in the web browser’s is the default password).is the default Then, click the

admin Instant Broadband Figure 8-3 in lowercase letters in Figure 8-1 If you do not

OK ®


Series 3. The Router configuration screen will appear with the Setup tab selected. The Router configuration 3. EtherFast .TeRue uprsfv oncintps DHCP (obtain an IP automati- connection types: five The Router supports 4. eieI Address Device IP If requested by your ISP (usually cable ISPs), complete these two fields. name and domain for the Router. are usually left blank. These fields Host Name following information. from your Based on the setup instructions ISP, you may need to provide the the drop-down menu for the Address, RAS, and PPTP. cally), PPPoE,These types are listed in Static IP Leave these settings alone. Address and for the Subnet Mask. is for the IP Address and Subnet Mask are shown on the Setup screen. valueThe default are using. When you are finished with the Setup tab, proceed to step 5. are using. When you are finished tion type youfor the connection select. Proceed to the instructions screen and available features will differ depending on what kind of connec-

IMPORTANT: • If youNetscape Navigator, are running click Wingate, ICS, and Sygate. To disable yoursoftware: Internet-sharing softwareSome examplesLanBridge, of Internet-sharing are Internet software • If you are running Internet Explorer 5.x or higher,• If youInternet are running click ZoneAlarm and ZoneAlarm Watchdog) on all of your PCs. Winpoet 300) and any or Enternet Also, you must disable any ® al/S Routers Cable/DSL >> Settings Internet >> the LAN Settings OK Advanced and button to continue. . >> Domain Name Control Panel and If you have previously enabled any >> . Remove checkmarks from all three boxes. Click Subnet Mask Proxies on any of your PCs, you must disable it now. A Connection Type WAN : These fields allow: you These fields to provide a host Internet log-on software >> . Click Internet Options : The values for the Router’s IP firewall software Direct Connection to the Edit setting. Each Setup Internet-sharing >> >> (such as Ivasion Connections Preferences Start Start (such as >> 41 42 .Select A. these steps: from your ISP, perform address or a dynamic IP connecting through DHCP If your ISP says that you are Obtain an IP Address AutomaticallyDHCP or .Enter the B. Select A. these steps: perform IP address from your ISP,fixed connecting through a static or If your ISP says that you are Specify an IP Address Address or Static IP Click the B. .Click the F. Enter the E. Enter the D. Enter the C. in Figure 8-5. Connection Type, as shown over. When you are finished, then proceed to step 5. to save the setting., or click as shown in Figure 8-4. Connection Type, WAN automatically DNS address. 5. over.clear the settings and start When you are finished, then proceed to step Static IP bana IP an Obtain PAddress IP Gateway Address Subnet Mask Apply DNS Apply in the 1, 2, and/or 3 fields. in the 1, 2, and/or 3 fields. You need to enter at least one as the WAN as the button to save the settings, or click button . . . Cancel button to clear the setting and start Figure 8-4

Figure 8-5 Instant Broadband Cancel

button to


Series .Select A. steps: these perform Internet, and password to access the normally enter a user name through PPPoE or if you that you are connecting If your DSL provider says PPPoE EtherFast .Enter the B. .Click the D. Enter the C. .When you are finished, click the E. 5. the Setup tab, proceed to step with When you are finished information. setup ISP for the necessary connection, check with your only. If you are using a RAS used in Singapore a service RAS (shown in Figure 8-7) is RAS

as shown in Figure 8-6. Connection Type, WAN the settings and start over.the settings and start button to start the connection. button to start

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL PPPoE Apply User Name Password utnt aetestig. rclick the to savebutton the settings., or as the . . Proceed to step 5. Status tab, and then click the Figure 8-6 Figure 8-7 Cancel button to clear Connect 43 44 .If you haven’t already done so, click the 5. Setup tab, proceed to step 5. with the When you are finished mation. setup infor- for the necessary nection, check with your ISP If you are using a PPTP con- used in Europe only.a service PPTP (shown in Figure 8-8) is PPTP 7. Restart your Restart computers so that they can obtain the Router’s new settings. 7. Reset the power on your cable or DSL modem. 6. rce o“hpe :TeCbeDLRouter’s Web-based The Cable/DSL Utility” for Proceed to “Chapter 9: :Troubleshooting.” A: section or refer to “Appendix review what you did in this website, you may want to If you are unable to reach our by opening your web browser from any computer and entering Congratulations! You’ve the Router. successfully configured Test the setup Router’s Web-basedCable/DSL website Utility” or the Linksys support at The If you need advanced please refer to “Chapter 9: setting information, settings. Close the web browser. more details and advanced settings information. . , as shown in Figure 8-9. Apply Figure 8-8 Figure 8-9

button to save your Setup

Instant Broadband

® Series

Quick and Easy Router Administration Overview h drs field, as shown in Figure 9-1, and press the Address EtherFast esaeNvgtr n ne h otrsdfutI address, Netscape Navigator, and enter the Router’s IP default To access the web-based utility of the Router, Explorer or launch Internet Address Clone. Static Routing, DMZ Host, and MAC to access these screens: IP Filtering, Port Range Forwarding, Dynamic Routing, setup of the Router. For advanced setup of the Router, click the Advanced tab The Status, DHCP, Log, Security, and Help tabs are also available for basic the utility: For a basic network setup, most users only have to use the following screens of nected with a USB cableof the 3-Port to the USB port Router). cable a computer connected with an Ethernet to the Router (or con- Explorer or Netscape Navigatoraccessed via Microsoft Internet through use of chapter will explain all of the functions in this utility. The utility can be For your convenience, use the Router’s web-based utility to administer it. This Router’s Web-based Utility Chapter 9: Password • Setup •

change the Password from its default. ®

Enter the settings provided by your ISP. al/S Routers Cable/DSL The Router’s password default is The Cable/DSL Figure 9-1 admin Enter . To secure the Router, . , in 45 46 Setup User Name field blank, and enter User Name field will see a Connect to window, shown in Figure 9-3). Leave the A password request page, shown in Figure 9-2 will pop up. (Windows XP users cancel any values you’ve entered on any page, click the To apply any of the settings you change on a page, click the each page’s key functions. In this section, you’llbrief descriptions of each web page in the Utility and find OK seen this screen and properly configured all of the screen’sseen this screen and properly configured values. utility. If you have already installed and set up the Router, you have already screen you see when you The Setup screen is the first access web-based Firmware Version • Domain Name • Host Name & available for download on the Linksys website at you are using. Future versions of the Router’s will be posted and firmware blank will work.leaving these fields with a host and domain name. In most cases, has been configured service tion. You to see if your broadband Internet may have to check with your ISP domain name for the Router. Some ISPs require these names as identifica- button. Router Administration Figure 9-2 This entry showsThis entry the version and date of the firmware admin These fields allow you These fields to supply a host and in the Password Then click the field. Instant Broadband Figure 9-3 Cancel Apply button. button. To



Series EtherFast WAN Connection Type• Device IP Address and Subnet Mask •

will differ depending on what kind of connection type you select. PPPoE, Static IP, PPTP, and RAS. Each Setup screen available features Mask. for the Device IP Address and for the Subnet Address and Subnet Mask are shown here. valuesThe default are Continue to the “Password” section. To cancel any values you’ve entered on any page, click the To apply any of the settings you change on a page, click the DHCP.supports matically, as shown in Figure 9-4, and it should be used only if your ISP the Router’sBy default, Connection Type WAN is set to Obtain an IP auto- DHCP ®

connecting to the Internet. Note: al/S Routers Cable/DSL You by successfully can test and see if the settings are correct The Router supports five connection types: DHCP, five The Router supports Figure 9-4 The values for the Router’s IP Cancel Apply button. button. 47 48 Continue to the “Password” section. To cancel any values you’ve entered on any page, click the To apply any of the settings you change on a page, click the Period is 30 seconds. User Name and Password enable it, as shown in Figure 9-5. you will have to PPPoE. If they do, see if they use with your ISP to DSL line, check through a Internet connected to the users. If you are nections for end- con- lish Internet to estab- Ethernet) Protocol over (Point-to-Point ISPs use PPPoE Some DSL-based PPPoE Keep Alive Option and Redial Period disconnects. the number of minutes you want to have elapsed before youraccess Internet remain on at all times, enter Demand, click the radio button. If you want yourconnection to Internet you again. If attempt to access the Internet wish activate Connect on enables the Router to automatically re-establish your connection as soon Time). If you have been disconnected due to inactivity, Connect on Demand period of time (Max Idle cut your connection with your ISP after a specified Connect on Demand and Max Idle Time by your ISP. use this option, click the radio button next to enabled access connected indefinitely, Internet even when it sits idle. To PPPoE applications that are already installed on any of your PCs. choose Important: PPPoE For DSL users, if you need to enable PPPoE support, . If you do enable PPPoE, remember to remove any Enter the 0 in the Max Idle Otherwise, enter Time field. User Name This option keeps your PPPoE- Figure 9-5 You the Router to can configure

Keep Alive Instant Broadband and Password . Redial The default Cancel Apply

provided ®

button. button.

Series EtherFast

Continue to the “Password” section. To cancel any values you’ve entered on any page, click the To apply any of the settings you change on a page, click the Address. IP Server Name System) (Required) DNS Gateway Address. Default Gateway Address Subnet Mask. (including your on the Internet ISP). Your ISP will provide you with the Subnet Mask Address you need to specify here. seen from the WAN, or the Internet. Your ISP will provide you with the IP Address IP Specify WAN shown in Figure 9-6. fyuaerqie oueapraetI address, then select If youIP are required to use a permanent Static IP

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL This is the Router’s Subnet Mask, as seen by users external Your ISP will provide you with at least one DNS (Domain hsi h Paddress that the Router has, when This is the IP Your ISP will provide you with the Default Figure 9-6 Cancel Apply Static IP button. button. , as 49 50 Continue to the “Password” section. To cancel any values you’ve entered on any page, click the To apply any of the settings you change on a page, click the Period is 30 seconds. use this option, click the radio button next to enabled access connected indefinitely, Internet even when it sits idle. To Keep Alive Option and Redial Period disconnects. the number of minutes you want to have elapsed before youraccess Internet remain on at all times, enter Demand, click the radio button. If you want yourconnection to Internet you again. If attempt to access the Internet wish activate Connect on enables the Router to automatically re-establish your connection as soon Time). If you have been disconnected due to inactivity, Connect on Demand period of time (Max Idle cut your connection with your ISP after a specified Connect on Demand and Max Idle Time Gateway Address. Default Gateway Address Subnet Mask. (including your on the Internet ISP). Your ISP will provide you with the Subnet Mask here. you need to specify with the IP Address will provide you YourInternet. ISP WAN, or the seen from the Router has, when address that the IP Address IP Specify WAN Europe only. to connections in that applies service Figure 9-7) is a (PPTP) (shown in Tunneling Protocol Point to Point PPTP This is the This is the Router’s Subnet Mask, as seen by users external 0 Your ISP will provide you with the Default in the Max Idle Otherwise, enter Time field. This option keeps your PPPoE- Figure 9-7 You the Router to can configure

Keep Alive Instant Broadband . Redial The default Cancel

Apply ®

button. button.

Series EtherFast

Continue to the “Password” section. To cancel any values you’ve entered on any page, click the To apply any of the settings you change on a page, click the Period is 30 seconds. remain on at all times, enter Demand, click the radio button. If you want yourconnection to Internet you again. If attempt to access the Internet wish activate Connect on enables the Router to automatically re-establish your connection as soon Time). If you have been disconnected due to inactivity, Connect on Demand period of time (Max Idle cut your connection with your ISP after a specified Connect on Demand and Max Idle Time A Plan RAS by Singtel. User Name and Password RAS. on information Singtel for check with in Singapore, only. For users Singapore nections in applies to con- that a service Figure 9-8) is (shown in (RAS) Service Access Remote RAS use this option, click the radio button next to enabled access connected indefinitely, Internet even when it sits idle. To Keep Alive Option and Redial Period disconnects. the number of minutes you want to have elapsed before youraccess Internet

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL Select the type of plan you have. Enter the 0 in the Max Idle Otherwise, enter Time field. User Name Figure 9-8 This option keeps your PPPoE- You the Router to can configure Keep Alive and . Redial The default Password Cancel Apply supplied button. button. 51 52 Password cancel any values you’ve entered on any page, click the To apply any of the settings you change on a page, click the is reset, you will have data. to re-enter all of your configuration Router and have exhausted all other troubleshooting measures. Once the Router unless you defaults are havingwith the Do not restore the factory difficulties you will clear all of the Router’s settings. If you select the Restore Factory option and click the Default Disable ferencing. Click the radio button next to ure the Router for various applications, such as gaming and videocon- Internet Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) allows Windows XP to automatically config- passwordaccess the Router using default If you don’t change the password, all users on your network will be able to Password tab, shown in Figure 9-9. passwordThe default is You should always have a password set for the Router. This is done through the to disable UPnP Services. Figure 9-9 Enable admin to enableor UPnP Services,

. Instant Broadband Cancel admin Apply Apply button. .

button. To ®

button, Series

Status select the Setup tab. providedAll of the information on this screen is read-only. To make changes, data and selections you’ve entered using the Setup screen. The Status tab, shown in Figure 9-10, displays the Router’s status; it reflects the EtherFast Login • LAN • Firmware Version • Host Name •

RAS, or PPTP. For PPPoE, RAS, or PPTP only, there is a Versionfirmware. dates are slightly more accurate than version numbers. enabled or disabled. shows the status of Router’s function, which DHCP server is either Router, as seen by users on your local area network. field The DHCP Server to click if you are disconnected and want to re-establish a connection. for some ISPs. sary ® These fields display IP the current These fields Address and Subnet Mask of the

This indicates if you are using a dial-up style connection like PPPoE, al/S Routers Cable/DSL vary depending on the Router’s settings. Note: This field shows the name of Router.This field is neces- This entry The information providedThe information and buttons available may This field shows the installed version and date of the This field Figure 9-10 Connect button 53 54 DHCP it is highly recommended that you leave the Router enabled as a DHCP server. an IP address to each PC on your network for you. Unless you already have one, automatically Protocol (DHCP) server assigns A Dynamic Host Configuration DHCP DHCP Server • HPClients Table DHCP • HPRenew DHCP • Release DHCP • •WAN have on your a DHCP server network, set the Router’s DHCP option to fPsta eegvnI addresses by the Router. of PCs that were given IP address. address—of the device connected to the Router’s WAN a new port—with IP address of the device connected to the Router’s WAN port. used. availableIP settings are common. In most cases, the first is DNS entry used bythe IP address(es) of DNS currently the Router. Multiple DNS on the Internet. showThe DNS (Domain Name System) IP Address fields WAN Gateway Default IP Address of the Router, as seen by users external These fields display the These fields WAN IP Address, WAN Subnet Mask, and DHCP is already enabled If you default. by already factory Click the Click the Click the HPRenew DHCP HPRelease DHCP Figure 9-11 HPClients Table DHCP button to replace the current IP button to replace the current

button to release the current IP button to release the current Instant Broadband

button to view the list


Series To apply any of the settings you change on a page, click the EtherFast cancel any values you’ve entered on any page, click the DHCP Clients Table • • WINS • DNS • Client Lease Time • Number of DHCP Users • Starting IP • Starting Address

changes periodically.) and memory DHCP Client data. (This data is stored in temporary current PAddress IP If you interaction with the Internet. use a WINS server, enter that ofntoigDSservers. to functioning DNS Addresses here. The Router will use these for quicker access IP Server DNS another, type that Address. If you wish to use IP Server provide you with at least one DNS domain or website addresses or URLs. names into Internet Your ISP will hsdnmcI address. this dynamic IP address. Enter the amount of time, in minutes, that user will be “leased” user will be allowed dynamic IP connection to the Router with their current to as showndefault, in Figure 9-11, add 100 to 50, and the range is users. By address (e.g., 100) to the number of DHCP IP add the starting Address range, the DHCP IP than 253. In order to determine not be greater that you want to assign IP addresses to. the DHCP server This number can- the default IP address for the Router is the default issuing IP addresses. This value must be 192.168.1. 2 or greater, because a static IP address to the Router. Disable

® The Domain Name System (DNS) is how translates the Internet Routers Cable/DSL Click the . The Windows (WINS) manages each PC’s Naming Service Internet here. Otherwise, left this blank. PAddress IP Apply The Client Lease Time is the amount of time a network Enter a valuewith when to start for the DHCP server Click the button. If you disable DHCP, remember to assign (Optional) Enter the maximum number of PCs in one of these fields. in one of these fields. You can type up to three HPClients Table DHCP . Cancel button to show the Apply button. button. To server’s 55 56 Log from the Log screen by clicking either the manent record, using the Logviewer software. Temporary logs can be accessed With logging enabled, you can choose to view logs temporary or have a per- tion can be disabled by clicking the To access activity logs, select the outgoing URLs or IP addresses for yourconnection. Internet The Log tab, shown in Figure 9-12, provides you with a log of all incoming and PC’s hard drive. In the Logviewer on your saves all incoming and outgoing activity file as a permanent software is downloadable from the Linksys website, For record of these logs, a permanent Logviewer software must be used. This sites that users on your addresses of Internet network have accessed. while the Outgoing traffic ing Internet Access Log lists all the URLs and IP Access Log button. information. To apply any settings you’ve altered on any page, click the To clear any values you’ve entered on any page, click PC. the Logviewerrunning software. The Router will now send updated logs to that utn The Incoming Access Log gives you a log of all the incom- button. Send Log to Figure 9-12 Enable field, enter the fixed IP address of the PC field, enter the fixed Disable option next to Access Log. This func- Incoming Access Log Incoming Access

radio button. Instant Broadband Cancel or and re-enter

Outgoing ®

Apply Series

. The

client software. Click the radio button next to Address cloning, and will disableaccess, except when all Internet using AOL ture. Enabling this will disable all options under the Advanced tab except MAC Click on the radio button next to AOL Parental Controls to provide parental controls. The Security tab, as shown of the Router in Figure 9-13, enables configuration EtherFast this feature.


® al/S Routers Cable/DSL oALcustomers in the United States only. to AOL Note: AOL Parental Controls are available Figure 9-13 Enable to use AOL’s “Parental Controls” fea- Disable if you don’t want to use 57 58

install the AOL 7.0 software on your computers. the Setup must run Wizard CD and select Setup Additional Computer(s) to cancel any values you’ve entered on a page, click the To apply the settings that you change on a page, click the If at any time you enable the AOL Parental Controls feature in the Router, you Instant Broadband Cancel Apply button.

button. To

® Series


New firmware versions are posted at New firmware Router’s firmware. the documentation, including the application that upgrades support internal Under the Help tab, shown in Figure 9-14, you’lllinks to all of the Utility’s find EtherFast upgrades. upgrades. Filtering” section for directions on how to enable remote firmware See the “IP speed or the quality of your connection speed. onto the Router does not enhance want to use. Loading new firmware load a newer version, unless that version has a new firmware feature that you already,for free. If the Router can access Internet there’s no need to down-

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL Figure 9-14 and can be downloaded 59 60 Advanced • • • • able to set up these features. There are six additional tabs available. When you click the require special configuration. Advanced tab, you will be The following are for advanced instructions users or whose setup needs 3. Click the 2. Click • • 4. Double-click the 1. Select the To the Router’s upgrade firmware: M Host - Allows for use of spe- one local user to be exposed to the Internet DMZ A Address Cloning - Allows you to “clone” youradapter’s Ethernet MAC MAC Dynamic Routing - Sets up the Router so it will automatically adjust to phys- Static Routing - Sets up static routes needed when network must information Forwarding - Sets up publicon your services network. Filters - Filters block specific internal users from Internet access and enable users from Internet Filters internal - Filters block specific ical changes in the network’s layout. Virtual Private Network (VPN) sessions. cial-purpose services such as online gaming or videoconferencing. services cial-purpose host or to a specific address onto the Router. Upgrade loaded from the Linksys website and then extracted. configuration settings. configuration Note: Upgrade Firmware By upgrading the Router’sBy upgrading you may firmware, lose the Router’s Browse button, and follow there. the instructions Help tab (see Figure 9-14). firmware file button to find the firmware upgrade file that you down- file upgrade the firmware button to find to display a new window (see Figure 9-15). Figure 9-15

you downloaded and extracted. Click the

Instant Broadband

® Series

PFiltering IP • Setting Up Filters ports). numbers (or a range of port using IP addresses or network sions. You by can set up filters Private Network (VPN) ses- and enable Internet Virtual users from accessing the internal block specific IP filters EtherFast • Filter Setting Editing MAC • • To check your Ethernet adapter’s MAC address, run To address, run check youradapter’s Ethernet MAC hsfaueflesteEhre dpe’ pcfcMCaddress from going adapter’s the Ethernet This feature filters MAC specific access any number listed there. port Users connected to the Router will no longer be able to numbers fields. in the port range of networknumbers you Enter the port want ports. to filter button when you’re done. 5 the PC with IP address of, enter instance, if you wish to filter Forvalue into both fields. addresses, enter the same instead of a range IP one IP address want to filter at all. If you Internet only will not be able to access the who IP addresses have filtered Users in the IP address fields. IP addresses you wish to filter addresses, enter the range of To users by network number, filter port enter a network number or a port PAddress for Your IP Ethernet Adapter.” Address and Finding the MAC obtaining a MAC address, go to “Appendix F: out to the Internet. ter. Click the address you want to fil- at the MAC number prompt, enter the 12-digit MAC When a second window appears, select the range in drop-down box, and click the filter, are using. To set the MAC the command prompt, depending on which Windows operating system you To using IP set up a filter

into both fields on one line: 192.168.1. into both fields

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL Apply button, before closing the window. For on information 5 dtMCFilter Setting Edit MAC ~ 192.168.1. Figure 9-16 winipcfg 5 . Click the or ipconfig button. Apply in 61 62 • Using Remote Upgrade • • Using Remote Management • Requests Blocking WAN • • Using PPTP Pass Through • • Using IPSec Pass Through • • Using Multicast Pass Through This feature allows youthe Router’s to upgrade from a remote loca- firmware This feature lets you use IPSec Pass Through. To use this feature, click the Click the yealn h lc A Request feature, you can prevent your By enablingnetwork the Block WAN cult for outside users to work their way into your network. feature make it more diffi- Request Both functions of the Block ports. WAN Request feature also reinforces your network security by hiding your network from being “pinged,” or detected, by users. other Internet The Block WAN This feature allows for multiple transmissions to specific recipients at the This feature allows for multiple transmissions to specific IPSec Pass Through is enabled by default. To disable IPSec Pass Through, PPTP Pass Through is enabled by default. To disable this feature, click on Router from a remote location. button. Remote Management must be activated before you can manage the tion. To enableclick on Remote Upgrade, number in place of the wordAddress>, and enter the port port.) port. Address>: ton. If you wish to use this feature on the browser, enter To disable Remote Management, click on from a remote location. Remote Management must be activated before you can manage the Router you want to use when accessing the Router remotely. Click the Internet. To enable this feature, click on This feature allows you to manage the Router from a remote location, via Disable Through sessions. To enable this feature, click the click on Enable Router from multicasting. same time. Select Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol is the method used to enable VPN button next to next to Disable , and click the Apply PPTP Pass Through utnto save your changes. button Etryu pcfcWNI drs npaeo WNIP Address in place of

button next to and enter the port number and enter the port , and click the , and then click the Instant Broadband Apply Disable Apply button. tp\


Apply ® button.

Apply Series but-

Port Range Forwarding Port drs a hnewe sn h HPserver. address may change when using the DHCP and the Router must be assigned a new static LAN IP address because the Forwarding, the Router’s DHCP function must be disabled under the DHCP tab Router will forward those requests to the appropriate PC. Before using When users send this type of request to your network the via the Internet, applications mayonline gaming. Some Internet not require any forwarding.) functions such as videoconferencing or access to perform that use Internet applications are any applications. (Specialized Internet applications Internet network, such as web or other specialized e-mail servers, ftp servers, servers, Port Range Forwarding (shown in Figure 9-17) sets up publicon your services EtherFast • Using MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) This feature specifies the largest for network packet size permitted transmis- This feature specifies

mended to use the value users, it is recom- leave this value in the 1200 to 1500 range. For most DSL sion. Select

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL Enable and enter the value desired. It is recommended that you 1492 B eal,MUis set at MTU . By default, Figure 9-17 1500 when disabled. 63 64 • They include the following: The Preset Applications are among the most widely applications. used Internet for other applications. settings as well services as options for customization of port The UPnP Forwarding screen, shown in Figure 9-18, displays preset application Forwarding UPnP 1. Enter the To using Port add a server Range Forwarding: If you need to forward to one PC, see the “DMZ” section. all ports 6. Configure as many up to 10 ranges of entries as needed—the Router supports Configure 6. On the same line, select protocol 3. . Next to the name of application, enter 2. 5. Check the 4. Enter the preceded by ftp://. transfers can also be initiated from within a web browser by entering the URL such as interface under a graphical Windows.or via an FTP utility running FTP byFTP operations can be performed typing commands at a command prompt It can also convertcopy between files. the ASCII and EBCDIC character codes. using FTP. FTP includes functions to log onto the network, list directories, and for a website on a local machine, they are typically uploaded to the web server network UNIX, etc.). For (Internet, example, after developing the HTML pages FTP ports. Click the ports. disabled (unchecked) by default. mation. application softwareCheck with the Internet documentation for more infor- used byapplication in the Ext. Port nal port(s) or Internet column. the server field. field. Forwarding will not function if the Address for Your Address and IP Ethernet Adapter.” Finding the MAC address, go to “Appendix F: to access. To the IP find (File Transfer over Protocol) A protocol used to transfer files a TCP/IP name IP address Enable of the application in appropriate Customized Applications Apply box to enableyou Port the services have Range defined. of the server that youof the server want users to be able the Internet button when you are done. Enable UDP or button is left unchecked. This is TCP number

, or select both protocols. Instant Broadband or range

of the exter-


Series • • • • • EtherFast user@domain address. to be available.for the information Fingering requires entering the full on the system in order must have placed his or her profile being “fingered” loggedcurrently on, and the last time user was logged on. The person user,tion about a particular such as a telephone number, whether the user is Finger or passwordcol that has no directory capability. TFTP address. easy-to-remember “handle” for an Internet addresses. A domain name is a meaningful and located and translated into IP DNS the mail. stores and forwards agent (MTA), which message transfer and the sage format the mes- that defines protocol a TCP/IP It is on the Internet. dard e-mail protocol Protocol) The stan- Mail Transfer SMTP a program. run a remote device and computer to log onto or user at a terminal works. It allows a TCP/IP-based net- and Internet commonly used on emulation protocol Telnet

(Domain Name System) The way domain names are that Internet ®

(Trivial File Transfer Protocol) A version of the TCP/IP FTP proto- A UNIX command widely used on the Internet to find out informa- A UNIX command widely to find used on the Internet Routers Cable/DSL A terminal (Simple Figure 9-18 65 66 . On the same line, select protocol 3. Next to the name of application, enter 2. 1. Enter the To using UPnP Forwarding: add a server You must check the • • • • 4. Enter the etc.). is obtainable from the device and whatoff, can be controlled (turned on, what Base), whichthat defines (Management Information is a data structure the network. contained in a MIB information The agents return device (hub, router, bridge, etc.) to the workstation console used to oversee are hardware and/or software activity processes reporting in each network monitoring and control protocol. Data is passed from SNMP agents, which SNMP tocol. Usenet newsreaders the NNTP pro- on the Internet. support Usenet groups NNTP POP3 uses the SMTP messaging protocol. All pending messages and attachments are downloaded at the same time. users log on and download it. POP3 is a simple system with little selectivity. It providesthe Internet. a message store that holds incoming e-mail until POP3 client web browser. establish a connection with web and transmit HTML pages to the server on the to connect servers World Wide Web. function is to Its primary HTTP cation software documentation for more information. used by in the Ext. Portappli- the server column. Check with the Internet field. information. application softwareumn. Check with the Internet documentation for more (Post Protocol 3) Office commonlyA standard mail server used on (HyperText Transport Protocol) The communications protocol used (Network News Transfer Protocol) The protocol used to connect (Simple Network Management Protocol) A widely used network number name Enable of the application in appropriate Application Name of the internal port used by port in the Int. Port the server of the internal col- box to enable the applications you have defined. UDP or


number Instant Broadband .

of the external port of the external


Series Triggering From the Port Range Forwarding screen, shown in Figure 9-19, click the 6. Check the that you Enter the IP address of server want users to be able the Internet 5. EtherFast 2. Enter the 1. Enter the mapping rules. port address and Router, the data is pulled back to proper computer by way of IP remembered by the Router, so that whenthrough the the requested data returns address of the computer that sends matching data is numbers. The IP .Enter the 3. .Click the 4. Port Triggering

drs n PAddress for Your Address and IP Ethernet Adapter.” Finding the MAC address, go to “Appendix F: to access. To the IP find disabled (unchecked) by default. Forwarding will not function if the Internet application for the port number needed. application for the port Internet Internet application for the port number needed. application for the port Internet

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL button to allow port the Router to watch outgoing data for specific Application Name Apply Incoming Port Range Trigger Port Range Enable button. box to enableyou UPnP the services have defined. Figure 9-19 of the trigger. used by the application. Check with used by the application. Check with Enable button is left unchecked. This is Port 67 68 .Choose a 2. Choose the correct 1. Dynamic Routing: ly to other routers on the network. broadcasts routing information To set up ber of hops between the source and destination. The RIP protocol regular- route based on the fewest num- the network protocol, determines packets’ RIP cally adjust to physical changes in the network’s layout. The Router, using the With Dynamic Routing (Figure 9-20) you can enable the Router to automati- Click the help on this tab, click the these changes, or click the making your changes on this tab, click the When finished routed through your LAN. Dynamic Routing Gateway. unless you connect to the Internet have another router function as the Router Mode, any computer connected to the Router will not be able to exists on a network with other routers. In should be selected if the Router is hosting your network’s connection to the Internet. Router or reception (RX:) of network data. Show Routing Table Dynamic Routing path protocol Working Mode Help Cancel button. button to open a chart displayingbutton to open a chart how data is Figure 9-20 button to undo your changes. For further . Gateway Mode

for either transmission (TX:) Instant Broadband should be used if the Apply Router Mode

button to save

® Series

Static Routing 1. Select a To create a static route entry: static routing configuration. ton to view the current Static Routing tab, as shown in Figure 9-21, click the network host or network. must travel information From to reach a specific the up a static route between them. pathwayA static route is a pre-determined that If the Router is connected to more than one network, it may to set be necessary EtherFast

entry To delete a Static Routing entry, select an up to 20 static route entries. ®

button. al/S Routers Cable/DSL Static Route Entry from the drop-down list. The Router supports Figure 9-21 entry , and click the Show Routing Table Delete this but- 69 70 3. When finished making your changes on this tab, click the When finished 3. . Enter the following data to create a new static route. 2. save these changes, or click the route’s destination. final interface: work, routers, etc. such as PCs, print servers, work nodes that data packets will travel. A node is any device on the net- Hop Count: or host. and the remote network device that allows for contact between the Router Default Gateway: network, while the last digit (from 1 to 254) identifies the specific host. network, the specific while the last digit (from 1 to 254) identifies address identify this particular three numbers of a network IP that the first Subnet Mask is (byThis determines using the values 255) is the host portion. portion Take, for example, a network in which the address is the network and which portion, mines whichof an IP portion Subnet Mask: entire network, rather than just to the Router. to route the Router’s address if you wanted work. Therefore you would enter the IP place on the net- the Router’s 192.168.1, with the last digit determining is Based on this address, the address of routed network is address standard IP address is set to 0. For example, the Router’s of the IP are building a route to an entire network, be sure that the network portion address network or host to which you want to assign a static route. Enter the Destination LAN IP: of the host for which you wish to create a static route here. If you Select This determines the maximum number of steps betweenThis determines net- The Subnet Mask (also known as the Network Mask) deter- LAN hsI drs hudb h Paddress of the gateway address should be the IP This IP h etnto A Pis the address of remote The Destination LAN IP or AN WA Cancel , depending on the location of static

button to undo your changes. Instant Broadband Apply

button to

® Series IP

M Host DMZ Cancel When finished, click the • • DMZ hosting forwards for one PC at the same time. ports, all the ports Whereas Port Range Forwarding can only forward a maximum of 10 ranges gaming and videoconferencing. such as Internet service for use of a special-purpose exposed to the Internet The DMZ Hosting feature, shown in Figure 9-22, allows one local user to be EtherFast Deactivate DMZ by entering a for YourAdapter.” Ethernet Address Finding the MAC Address and IP computer, refer to “Appendix F: To expose one PC, enter the computer’s address of a IP address. To get the IP

button to undo changes made on this screen.

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL Apply button to save the settings. Otherwise, click 0 Figure 9-22 in the field. in the field. 71 72 A Address Clone MAC these changes, or click the making your changes on this tab, click the When finished address to the Router’s MAC address. Router, so you do NOT have to call your ISP to change the registered MAC Figure 9-23). This “clones” your network adapter’s MAC address onto the Enter the 12 digits of your adapter’s (see MAC address in the on-screen fields Your Ethernet Adapter.” Address for Address and IP in “Appendixinstructions F: Finding the MAC yourMAC adapter’s address registration, find MAC address by following the like a social security number.hardware for identification, If your ISP requires The Router’s MAC address Figure 9-23 Cancel is a 12-digit code assigned to unique piece of

button to undo your changes. Instant Broadband Apply into this field. Card/Adapter for your Network MAC Address Please enter the sample Note: button to save

This is a

screen. ® Series

Common Problems and Solutions .Click the F. EtherFast .Click the E. G. Restart the computer when Restart asked. G. .Click the D. .In the C. can’t find an answercan’t here, check the Linksys website find at here, the problem should be solved by solution. If you applying the corresponding regarding the installation and operation of Router. If your situation is described “Frequently Asked Questions.” Provided are possible solutions to problems “Common Problems and Solutions” This appendix consists of two parts: Appendix A: .Click A. and Me: 98, For Windows 95, address to a PC by the following performing steps: Windows message. will generate an IP conflict error You can assign a static IP address to identify itself in a network. If the IP address is not unique to a network, Each PC or network device that uses TCP/IP must have a unique can only use the ranges to and on the Router. using the DHCP server To set a static IP address, you The Router, by assigns an IP address range of to default, address on a PC. 1. I need to set a static IP .In B. Enter the the for the information. DNS IP address, contact youror go to its website ISP to get that information the entry. which IP address of the Router. is the default Click the OK work device. Make sure that each IP address is unique for PC or net- in the ranges to and puter on the network connected to the Router. address You can only use an IP an IP address adapter. Highlight it and click the installed, you will only see one TCP/IP line with no association to an Ethernet associated with youradapter. Ethernet If you only have adapter one Ethernet The following network components are installed Host

button for the Network window. ®

Start TCP/IP properties al/S Routers Cable/DSL OK DNS DNS entry and Gateway , Settings button in the . Enter a unique Domain tab, and make sure the tab, and in the , and provided by your ISP. If your ISP has not provided the names (e.g., John for Host and home Domain). window, select the Troubleshooting Control Panel TCP/IP properties IP address Properties New Gateway DNS Enabled . Double-click that is not used by any other com- IP address window, and click button. prompt, enter box, select the option is selected. Enter tab, and select Add Network button to accept Close . TCP/IP-> . Specify or the , 73 74 .In the C. .Enter the Subnet Mask, E. Enter a unique D. .Toward the bottom of window, select G. Gateway, Enter the Default F. .Right-click the B. Click A. For2000: Windows .Click the H. .Click the B. Click A. For Windows NT 4.0: the computer if asked. Restart I. I. Restart the computer if asked. Restart I. Click the H. Select D. When the window appears, make sure you have selected the correct C. .Enter the Subnet Mask, E. .Click the G. Gateway, Enter the Default F. ranges to and network connected to the Router. address in the You can only use an IP the following IP address Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) addresses adapter you are using, and select the Dial-Up Connections the information. server and click the the the ISP. Add Search Order,Host and home for Domain). Under DNS Service click the Adapter to address in the ranges to and can only use an IP used by any other computer on the network connected to the Router. You Close Add button. Enter the Start Start Specify an IP address (provided by your ISP). Contact your ISP or go on its website to find Components checked are used by this connection utn eetti cinfralDSI addresses given by your button. Repeat this action for all DNS IP for youradapter. Ethernet OK Protocol OK DNS , and enter the button in the , , Settings OK Settings button in the button in the Local Area Connection Local Area tab, and enter the IP address button in the tab, and double-click , and . , and DNS IP address Network option. Control Panel Preferred DNS server Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties TCP/IP Protocol Properties that is not used by any other computer on the , and click the Control Panel , and enter a unique Local Area Connection Properties window. Host Properties . . and (Router’s IP address). default (Router’s IP address). default that is associated with the Ethernet in the DNS Server field, and click in the DNS Server TCP/IP Protocol . Double-click the Use the following DNS server Domain . Double-click Properties

option. Instant Broadband and IP address names (e.g., John for button. Select window, and click Alternative DNS . Network box, highlight Network and that is not



® Series icon.

Use .Toward the bottom of window, select H. Click A. like previous Windows versions), please follow for the instructions Windows 2000. If youinterface. (where are using the Classic interface the icons and menus look The following assume you instructions are running Windows XP with the default ForXP: Windows EtherFast .Check your TCP/IP settings. A. 2. I want connection. to test my Internet Click the I. G. Enter the Default Gateway, Enter the Default G. Right-click the C. Click the B. .Enter a unique E. .Enter the Subnet Mask, F. In the D. addresses For2000: Windows is selected in the settings. the PCs” for details. Make sure Configure Protocol” and “Chapter 7: Installing the TCP/IP Refer to “Appendix D: and Me: 98, For Windows 95, Click the mation. (provided by your the infor- ISP). Contact your ISP or go on its website to find adapter you are using, and select the Connections to and work connected to the Router. address in the ranges You can only use an IP Protocol (TCP/IP) • In the • Click • Right-click the

automatically that adapter you are using, and select the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Up Connections ® Start

Obtain an IP address automatically al/S Routers Cable/DSL This connection uses the following items Start OK , and enter the OK Network and Internet Connections Components checked are used by this connection and icon. , button in the Settings button in the IP address Local Area Connection Local Area Control Panel are selected. Local Area Connection Local Area . Click the . , and Preferred DNS server that is not used by any other computer on the net- Local Area Connection Properties Control Panel Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Properties . , and click the Properties . Properties (Router’s IP address). default that is associated with the Ethernet button. that is associated with the Ethernet Obtain IP address automatically . Double-click Use the following DNS server and Properties option. and Obtain DNS server address icon and then the option. Alternative DNS server box, highlight Network and Dial- button. Make sure window. box, highlight Network Internet window. 75 76 .Open a command prompt. B. For Windows NT 4.0 for Windows2000. menus look like previous Windows versions), please follow the instructions If you interface. (wheredefault are using the Classic interface the icons and The following assume you instructions are running Windows XP with the Windows XP: For • Click the • Click • When the window appears, make sure you have selected the correct the computer if asked. • Restart • In the • Right-click the • For • Click the • Click the Click the • • Click the computer if asked. • Restart • Click the • For the computer if asked. • Restart icon. automatically Obtain an IP address automatically adapter you Ethernet are using, and select the from a DHCP server Adapter window. Protocol (TCP/IP) Network Connections Open field, type click the dow, and click the window. dow, and click the field, type in idw 5 98, Windows 95, idw T 2000, Windows NT, Start Start This connection uses the following items Close for youradapter and set it Ethernet Protocol OK OK OK Network and Internet Connections , and command Settings button in the button in the are selected. button in the button in the Control Panel cmd Local Area Connection Local Area OK OK : tab, and double-click on , and click the . Press the . , and and icon. . Press the button in the button in the Local Area Connection Properties Me and Control Panel Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Network TCP/IP Protocol Properties , please click XP . Enter Enter , please click Properties Local Area Connection Properties window. and key or click the key or click the Obtain DNS server address . Double-click the Start that is associated with the TCP/IP Protocol

Properties Instant Broadband button. Make sure that box, highlight Start Obtain an IP address and icon and then the Run and OK OK option. . In the Open window, and Run button. button. . Network


. In the ® Series

win- win- .In the command prompt, type C. EtherFast .In the command prompt, type D. .Make sure the cable connecting from your cable or DSL modem is con- E. Make sure you have the right cable. Check to see if the WAN column has a D. Make sure you are using the right WAN settings. Contact your ISP to see if C. If you need to register the MAC address of youradapter with Ethernet B. Refer to “Problem #2, I want to test my connection” to verify that Internet A. address on the WAN connection. with my Internet 3. I am not getting an IP .In the command prompt, type E. would enter of the Router.face For example, if your WAN IP address is, you press the web shows interface a valid IP address from your ISP. nected to the Router’s WAN port. Verify that the Status page of Router’s solidly lit Link LED. on WANsettings. VPN Router’s Web-based The Cable/DSL Utility” for details “Chapter 6: monly used by DSL consumers). Please refer to the Setup section of your WAN Address, or PPPoE (com- connection type is DHCP, Static IP VPN Router’s Web-based The Cable/DSL Utility” for details. “Chapter 6: adapter onto the Router,Ethernet see the MAC Address Clone section of Your address of your Ethernet Adapter.” If you need to clone the MAC ISP, please see “Appendix F: Finding the MAC address and IP Address for you have connectivity. key. • If you do NOT get a reply, there may be a problem with the connection. • If you get a reply, If you the computer is connected to Internet. can- • If you do NOT get a reply, please check the cable, and make sure • If you get a reply, the computer is communicating with Router. • If you do NOT get a reply, the ping command from a different try com- • If you get a reply, the computer is connected to Router.

Ethernet adapter.Ethernet an IP address automatically inal computer is not the cause of problem. Try the ping command from a different computer to verify that your orig- verify that your original computer is not the cause of problem. not open a webpage, the ping command from a different try computer to puter to verify that your original computer is not the cause of problem.

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL Enter ping key. The WAN IP Address can be found in the web inter- and press the ping ping ping is selected in the TCP/IP settings for your olwdb orWNIP addressfollowed by your WAN Enter key. and press the and press the Enter Obtain Enter key. and 77 78 address Access the Router’s web by interface going to 5. I can’t get my Virtual Private Network (VPN) working through the Router. Refer to “Problem #10: I need to remove the proxy settings or the dial-up D. Set a static IP address on your system; refer to “Problem #1: I need to set a C. Refer to “Appendix F: Finding the MAC Address and IP address for Your B. Refer to “Problem #2, I want to test my connection” to verify that Internet A. 4. I am not able to access the Router’s web interface Setup page. modem. Wait Turn 30 seconds, off the computer, Router, and cable/DSL F. must be unique within the network. address 192.168.2.Y (Y being any number from 1 to 254). Note that each IP work device on the network, you need to change its IP address accordingly to of the web If you interface. assigned a static IP address to any computer or net- address through the Setup tab should solve the problem. Change the Router’s IP the right location. If you change the Router’s IP address to, that to address), the Router will have routing information difficulties the VPN IP and your local LAN IP address is 192.168.1.X (X the same number used in assigns an IP address 192.168.1.X (X is a number from 1 to 254) VPN server between the VPN IP address and your local IP address. For example, if your Change the IP address for Router to another subnet avoid a conflict patibility with the NAT standard. are incompatible with the Router. AH has limitations due to occasional incom- VPNs that use IPSec and AH (Authentication Header known as protocol 51) of your depending on the specifics VPNs. through the Router; however, simultaneous IPSec sessions protocol 50) authentication will workAt least one IPSec session will work fine. VPNs that use IPSec with the ESP (Encapsulation Security Payload known as have IPsec pass-through and/or PPTP enabled. o-pwno frPPEusers).” pop-up window (for PPPoE address.” static IP Mask, Gateway, and DNS. Ethernet Adapter” to verify that your computer has an IP Address, Subnet your computer is properly connected to the Router. address. Status tab of the Router’s web-based utility to see if you get an IP on the Router,and then turn cable/DSL modem, and computer. Check the of the Router, and go to the Advanced => Filter Instant Broadband tab. Make sure you may be possible,

or the

® Series

IP T evr2 o2 9.6..0 X X X X Enable X X X X IP Address X X X UDP When you click the have completed the configuration, TCP 110 to 21 to POP3 (incoming) 25 to 80 to SMTP (outgoing) FTP server Ext. Port Web server Application Customized Check the F. Enter the E. Check the D. Enter the C. EtherFast .Access the Router’s web-based utility by going to A. will be setting up web, ftp, and mail servers. forwardingthese steps to set up port through the Router’s web-based utility. We by viewing the documentation provided you with the server installed. Follow (POP3 incoming) are used for the mail server. You can get more information 21 (FTP) is used for FTP,port 110 25 (SMTP outgoing) and port and port numbers they are using. Forport 80 (HTTP) is used for web; example, port To like use a server a web, ftp, or mail server, you need to know the respective behind my Router.6. I need to set up a server Check the Linksys website at for more information applications” for details. game hosting or use other Internet is connecting to the IPSec server. Refer to “Problem #7, I need to set up online Your VPN may 500/UDP packets to be passed the computer that require port .Enter any B.

example below: address. Adapter” for details on getting an IP Address for Your Finding the MAC Address and IP Ethernet “Appendix F: is, youprovided. would Check enter 100 in the field to go to. Forserver example, if the web server’s adapter IP address Ethernet have a web server, you would enter the range 80 to 80. IP address

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL x.Port range Ext. IP address name Enable protocol of the Router. Go to the you want to use for the Customized Application. option for the port services you services wantoption for the port to use. Consider the you will be using, TCP and/or UDP. of the PC or network device that you want the port of the service you of the service are using. For example, if you Advanced => Forwarding Apply button. tab. . or the 79 80 .Access the Router’s web by interface going to A. application: Internet game hosting or use a certain online game or application you want to use. Follow these steps to set up online to use is go the website on whatservices of the to get the information port puter. applications you This also applies to the Internet are using. The best way you com- to set up the Router deliver incoming packets or data to a specific you want application. to host an online game or Internet This would require without doing any forwarding port or DMZ hosting. There may be cases when If you want to play applications, most will work online games or use Internet applications. 7. I need to set up online game hosting or use other Internet .Enter the C. Enter any B. .Enter the E. Check the D. P PE 0 o50X1218110X X X X X Enable X X X IP Address X UDP X When you click the have completed the configuration, 7777 to 27900 500 to 27015 to TCP 5631 to VPN IPSEC PC Anywhere Halflife Ext. Port UT Application Customized Check the F. address 27900. want to host Unreal Tournament (UT), you would enter the range 7777 to example below: address. Adapter” for details on getting an IP Address for Your Finding the MAC Address and IP Ethernet “Appendix F: is, youprovided. would Check enter 100 in the field to go to. Forserver example, if the web server’s adapter IP address Ethernet of the Router. Go to the x.Port range Ext. IP address name Enable protocol you want to use for the Customized Application. option for the port services you services wantoption for the port to use. Consider the you will be using, TCP and/or UDP. of the PC or network device that you want the port of the service you of the service are using. For example, if you Advanced => Forwarding Instant Broadband Apply button. tab.

or the

® Series

IP .Enter a B. Access the Router’s web by interface going to A. the followinging settings, then perform steps: and then releasing it. If you are still getting prompted for a password when sav- by default pressing the Reset the Router to factory tings to the Router. or the password prompt always appears when saving set- 9. I forgot my password, click the Once completed with the configuration, EtherFast .Click the C. D. Enter the Ethernet adapter’s Enter the Ethernet D. Access the Router’s web-based utility by going to A. you set for DMZ hosting.) Follow these steps to set DMZ hosting: warding, then the Router will send data to whichever PC or network device number that the data enters from does not havesettings. If the port for- port byother words, the forwarding data that enters the Router will be checked first fully use DMZ hosting, since forwarding has priority over DMZ hosting. (In use. Make sure you disable all the forwarding entries if you want to success- tion requires too many or when ports youto are not sure whichservices port DeMilitarized Zone (DMZ) hosting. This option is available when an applica- to function properly, using consider exposing one PC to the Internet If you are havinggetting any game, server, Internet difficulties or application or application to work. server, game, 8. I can’t get the Internet .Click the C. Disable or remove the entries you have entered for forwarding. Keep this B.

Ethernet Ethernet Adapter” for details on getting an IP address. Address for Your Address and IP Finding the MAC refer to “Appendix F: to the Internet. This will bypass the NAT for that computer. firewall Please same password in the second field to confirm the password. same passwordto confirm in the second field Password address IP address information in case you information want to use it at a later time.

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL different password of the Router. password Enter the default Apply DMZ Host tab. of the Router. Go to the button. tab. IP address in the Router Password field, and enter the Advanced => Forwarding of the computer you want exposed Apply Reset admin button for 30 seconds button. , and click the tab. or the or the IP 81 82 .Make sure you have B. Click the B. Hold the default. I need to set the Router factory 11. To start over, Close all the windows to finish. C. Start A. Netscape 4.7 or higher For Click the D. Click the C. .Click A. For Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher is set to connect directly to the LAN. to verify that you do not have any proxy settings and that the browser you use does not need any proxy settings to gain access. Please follow these directions Because the Router is gateway connection, the computer for the Internet If you have proxy settings, you need to disable these on your computer. up window. and I need to remove the proxy settings or dial-up pop- 10. I am a PPPoE user, .To follow the steps in Help section found the firmware, upgrade B. Go to the Linksys website at A. these steps: Linksys website at and download the latest firmware with the latest features, you need to go the the firmware In order to upgrade 12. I need to upgrade the firmware. configuration. settings. In other words,default the Router will revert to its original factory the password, forwarding, and other settings on the Router to factory Click the option E. screen. Proxies pop-ups for PPPoE users. Catr9 The Cable/DSL Router’s Web-based“Chapter 9: Utility.” latest firmware. Reset Netscape Navigator Start . Connections OK LAN settings , button for up to 30 seconds and then release it. This will return Settings button to go back the previous screen. Never dial a connection , and Direct connection to the Internet tab. button and remove anything that is checked. : Control Panel , and click Edit . Double-click . This will remove any dial-up ,

: Preferences Instant Broadband Internet Options and download the , selected on this Advanced

. Follow

® Series , and

. A. If the firmware upgrade failed, upgrade use the If the firmware A. and/or make the Diag LED stop flashing: the firmware upgrade could haveThe upgrade for a number of reasons. Follow failed these steps to and/or the Diag LED is flashing. 13. The firmware upgrade failed, EtherFast .In the Setup tab, select option C. .Enter the B. Set a B. .To connect to the Router, go to the web browser, and enter A. tion periodically. nection. This may not always work, so you may need to re-establish connec- up connection to the Internet. There is a setup option to “keep alive” the con- after a period of inactivity,disconnect the service phone dial- just like a normal PPPoE is not actually a dedicated or always-on connection. The DSL ISP can 14. My DSL service’s PPPoE is always disconnecting. Performusing the the upgrade TFTP program or the Router’s web-based C. If the connection is lost again, follow steps E to G re-establish connection. .Click the G. Click the E. .Click the D. .You may see the login status display as F. firmware and TFTP program, firmware and follow the pdf’s instructions. Open the pdf that was downloadedalong with the firmware). along with the utility through its Help tab. are using: address.” Use the following IP address settings for the computer you ic IP option at refresh the screen, until you see the login status display as

Gateway: Subnet Mask: IP Address: static IP address ® al/S Routers Cable/DSL 20 password Apply Status Apply (seconds). button to continue. button. tab, and click the or the , if asked.password (The default is on the PC; refer to “Problem #1, I need to set a stat- Paddress IP Connect Keep Alive of the Router. TFTP Connecting button. program (it was downloaded , and set the . Press the admin Connected Redial Period .) F5 key to . 83 84 .Enter the E. Enter any D. .Enter the F. .Click the C. Enter the password, if asked.password (The default is B. To connect to the Router, go to the web browser, and enter A. uses. Follow these steps: application depending on whichan Internet port, port Router to open a specific used and will trigger the Port services triggering looks at the outgoing port 16. I need to use port triggering. values, one value at a time, in this order, until your problem is solved: continue, change the If your difficulties Click the E. Look for the MTU option, and select D. Click the C. Enter the password, if asked.password (The default is B. To connect to the Router, go to the web browser, and enter A. lowing steps: mended to use MTU 1492. If youthe fol- are havingperform some difficulties, the MTU is set at 1500. Fordefault, most DSL users, it is strongly recom- The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) setting may need to be adjusted. By Internet. or I am getting corrupted data from the or VPN, web, 15. I can't access my email, provider it is using. on whichservices for more information outgoing port required by application. the Internet provider are on whichservices for more information incoming port 1300 1362 1400 1462 Advanced => Forwarding Apply Advanced => Filter name Incoming Port Range Triggered Port Range you want to use for the Application Name. button to continue. or the or the Paddress IP address IP tab. . Check with your Internet Application . Check with yourapplication Internet Size tab, and click the of the Router. of the Router. Enable to different values. Try this list of

. In the Size field, enter Instant Broadband Port Trigger admin admin

.) .) ®

button. Series 1492

. 19. The Full/Col LED keeps flickering continuously. EtherFast 17. The Diag LED stays lit continuously. 8 hnIetraULo Pades I get a time-out error or am prompted to retry. 18. When I enter a URL or IP address, • Make sure that your browser is set to connect directly and that any dial- address provided by your the • ManuallyTCP/IP with a DNS configure correctly,• If the Router is configured check yourconnection Internet correctly,• If the PCs are configured but still not working, check the • Check if other PCs work. If they do, ensure that your workstation’s IP set- • There may be interference with other network devices. Try removing cable 5 Ethernet and its RJ-45 connectors. • Check the Category • poweredThe Diag LED lights up when the device is first up. Meantime, Address: and Subnet Mask: following settings, IP address to the computer,Try the firmware. using the and then upgrade working properly. by assigning a static IP Try to flash the firmware If the LED remains lit after this time, deviceis working is not fine. offishing the checking procedure, LED turns to show that the system the system will boot up itself and check for proper operation. After fin-

dial a connection then the each network device the cause. one at a time to determine other PCs or network devices to see if the problem persists. Eliminate Direct connection to the Internet Advanced up is disabled. For Explorer, Internet click ISP. the Router to verify a direct connection. (DSL/cable modem, etc.) to see if it is working correctly. You can remove tions.) settings. (If you cannot connect to it, check the LAN and power connec- Router. Ensure that it is connected and ON. Connect to it and check its the computer that is havingRestart a problem. (IP tings are correct Gateway,Address, Subnet Mask, Default and DNS).

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL Connection , and Proxy . For Netscape Navigator, click tab. Explorer is set to Make sure that Internet . Make sure that Netscape Navigator is set to . Tools , Internet Options Edit , Preferences Never , and , 85 86 Frequently Asked Questions osteRue upr n prtn ytmohrta idw 5 Windows Does the Router support any operating system other than Windows 95, What is Does the WAN connection of the Router support 100 Mbps Ethernet? connection of the Router support 100 Mbps Ethernet? Does the WAN Does the Router support IPX or AppleTalk? Where is the Router installed on network? Is IPSec Pass-Through supported by the Router? What is the maximum number of IP addresses that the Router will support? I’m an AOL member and I need more information. 8 idw 00 idw T or Windows XP? Windows NT, Windows 2000, 98, behind this single address provided by the ISP. address is provided by the ISP. The user may have many private addresses accounts, such as DSL or cable Internet modems, when only one TCP/IP NAT Furthermore, on the Internet. allows the Router to be used with low cost since the address of a PC connected to private LAN is never transmitted public address that is sent out to the Internet. This adds a level of security Translation (NAT) translates multiple IP addresses on the private LAN to one ing of any non-Windows operating systems. or troubleshoot- this time, provide for setup, configuration technical support on the LAN side of Router. 100 Mbps overcourse, support the auto-sensing Fast 10/100 switch Ethernet on its hardware 10 Mbps Ethernet WAN design supports It does, of port. connections, the Router’sthe speed limitations of broadband Internet current but those protocols cannot connect from WAN to LAN. Apple and Macintosh networks, can be used for LAN to connections, one node to another, and AppleTalk, a communications protocol used on IPX, a NetWare communications protocol used only to route messages from and has become the global standard for communications. dard for the Internet Router into the cable/DSL modem’s port. Ethernet Router is installed between the cable/DSL modem and the LAN. Plug the found at AOL Keyword: Linksys Setup. the Router automatically enables. Router will support up to 253 IP addresses. Router will support Network Address Translation and what is it used for? No. TCP/IP is the only protocol stan- Yes, it is a built-in feature that In a typical environment, the Additional information can be Additional information

Yes, but Linksys does not, at Instant Broadband Network Address

Because of

® Series

The How do I get and play simultaneously Can multiple gamers on the LAN get one game server but others on the LAN cannot join. What do I set up an Unreal Tournament Server, EtherFast h e aehns onod r orp,or nothing but junk characters are The web page hangs; downloads are corrupt, Does the Router support ICQ send file? How can I block corrupted FTP downloads? multi-login with one public IP. youkind of game server are using. For example, Unreal Tournament supports with just one public IP address? Router from your ISP. above)match the mapped port to the IP assigned and ServerName [UWeb.WebServer] set the ListenPort section of the server.ini to 8080 (to file, for remote admin. You may have to disable this.), and then in the UT Server Admin, forward (8080 usually another port works well but is used forwardingcan also use a port range of 7777 ~ 27900. If you want to use the 7777, 7778, 7779, 7780, 7781, and 27900 to the IP address of server. You need to create a static IP for each of the LAN computers and forward ports I need to do? to a user behind the Router.ting. user can then send a file The Internet site at Make sure that your proxy setting is disabled in the browser. Check our web- Network Control Panel in youradapter’s Ethernet Advanced tab.) Properties measure. (Please look at the feature of youradapter as a temporary Ethernet offadapter to 10Mbps or half duplex mode, and turn the “Auto-negotiate” being displayed on the screen. What do I need to do? when youwith yourusing another FTP program. downloadFTP client, try a file wall or proxy menu -> preference -> connections tab-> DMZ. Just forward port 27015 to the local IP address of the server computer.DMZ. Just forward 27015 to the local IP address of server port does not need to be in the as hosting games, the HL server As far key connect at the same time, even if on the same LAN (not a problem with One problem: 6, 7, 8, and on up. This lets multiple computers connect to the same server. command line; the x would 2700x” added to the HL shortcut be “+clientport for Half-Life is 27005. port The computers on your LAN need to have


al/S Routers Cable/DSL afLf:Team Fortress Half-Life: If you have a dedicated Unreal Tournament you running, server . time-out to Then set the firewall Version won’t let multiple computers with the same CD for more information. It depends on which network game or what to work with the Router? Yes, click with the following fix: If you are experiencing corrupted files If you are experiencing corrupted , and check 80 seconds in the firewall set- seconds in the firewall I am behind a fire- Force your Ethernet The default client The default ICQ 87 88 fales al nteisalto,what can I do? If all else fails in the installation, How will I be notified of new Router firmware upgrades? I am not able to get the web configuration screen for the Router. What can I do? fDZHsigi sd does the exposed user share the public IP with Router? If DMZ Hosting is used, What is DMZ Hosting? Will the Router function in a Macintosh environment? release that is readily availablethe latest firmware on the Linksys website, cable or DSL modem by powering the unit off and then on. Obtain flash down the reset button until Diag LED fully on and off. turns Reset your nection Connection Proxy are posted on the Linksys websiteupgrades at abled. For Explorer, Internet click sure that your browser is set to connect directly and that any dial-up is dis- your browser is set to connect directly and that any dial-up is disabled. Make your browser. Check with your browser documentation, and make sure that Netscape Navigator Explorer. or Internet Or remove the dial-up settings on You may have to remove the proxy settings on yourbrowser, Internet e.g., Navigator 4.0 or higher for Macintosh. pages are accessible only Explorer 4.0 or Netscape through Internet No. Adapter.” Address for Your Address and IP Ethernet Finding the MAC “Appendix F: address, see IP a static IP if you want to use DMZ Hosting. To get the LAN to be open. It is recommended that you TCP/IP ports set your computer with Some applications require multiple puter) to be exposed to the Internet. Internet nection, and may connection stability. your disrupt current will not enhance the quality or speed of yourcon- Internet of Router firmware new features that you would like to use. Downloading version a more current no need to download a newer version, unless that version contains firmware TFTP programs. If the Router’s connection is working Internet well, there is can be downloaded for free. The Router’s with can be upgraded firmware . Make sure that Netscape Navigator is set to . For Netscape Navigator, click . tab. Explorer is set to Make sure that Internet . Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) allows one IP address (com- Tools Edit , Internet Options , Preferences Reset the Router by holding Yes, but the Router’s setup

Direct connection to the Instant Broadband All Linksys firmware Never dial a con- , Advanced , and then the

, where they

® Series

, and How do I get mIRC to work with the Router? EtherFast How can I check whether I have static or DHCP IP Addresses? buffer on the Router? How big is the memory Is the Router cross-platform compatible? Is the Router cross-platform What is the maximum number of VPN sessions allowed by the Router? What are the advanced features of the Router? Which modems are compatible with the Router? Does the Router replace a modem? Is there a cable or DSL modem in the Router? How many ports can be simultaneously forwarded? Does the Router pass PPTP packets or actively route PPTP sessions? tab, set port forwardingtab, set port to 113 for the PC on which you are using mIRC. to obtain this information. possible, depending on the specifics of your possible, depending on the specifics VPNs. allows PPTP packets to pass through. will work through the Router; however, simultaneous IPSec sessions The maximum number depends on many factors. At least one IPSec session Routing, DMZ hosting, and MAC Address Cloning. include IP Filtering, Port Range Forwarding, Dynamic Routing, Static virtually any cableEthernet. or DSL modem that supports modem. No, this version of the Router must work in conjunction with a cable or DSL of ports. establish 520 sessions at the same time, but you can only forward 10 ranges and TCP/IP is compatible with the Router.

fyu usin r o drse ee refer to the Linksys website, If your questions are not addressed here,

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL Any platform that supports Ethernet Any that supports platform Under the Port Range Forwarding 1MB buffer and 512KB flash. The Router’s advanced features The Router is compatible with . Theoretically, the Router can Consult your ISP The Router may be 89 90 to access a single node, often a server node, at once. to access a single node, often server Bottleneck control to it. on startup. search for the operating system, load it, and pass These instructions in a ROMers contain built-in instructions chip that are automatically executed Boot of data. Also, the smallest form Bit per second (bps). amount of time; expressed in bits can transmit in a fixed much data the facility Bandwidth works together and handles the most data. Backbone connected to and adjust their transmission rate accordingly. cards, hubs, and switchesthe highest speed of node they are can determine often used with communications and networking. For 10/100 example, Ethernet Auto-negotiate and/or Internet. is the typical adapter that allows to connect the intranet the PC or server nectivity to a PC. In networked environment, a network card (NIC) interface Adapter - domain. cabling standard. Only one CSMA/CD repeater will be allowed in a collision 5 link lengths are limited to 100 meters byCategory the ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-A Topology for 1000BASE-T rules are the same as those used for 100BASE-T. by over service Ethernet 5 links as defined Category ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-A. 1000BASE-T - 5 UTP or STP wire. Category 100BaseTX 10BaseT Appendix B: Glossary – digit. A binary The value—0 numbering system. or 1—used in the binary – To executing cause the computer to start Personal instructions. comput- - standard that uses twisted wire pairs. An Ethernet Printed circuit board that plugs into a PC to add capabilities or con- – of a networkThe part that connects most of the systems and net- – slowdownA traffic that results when too many network nodes try - The transmission capacity of a given facility, of how in terms - IEEE physical for 100 Mbps over layer specification two pairs of

Provides half-duplex (CSMA/CD) and full-duplex 1000 Mbps - To settings. automatically is the correct The term determine

Instant Broadband


Series same wire pair. tions on the same wire pair; that is, both transmit and receive pair occupy the is bi-directional—signals are transmitted simultaneouslyEthernet in both direc- are transmitted in one direction on a single wire pair. In contrast, Gigabit mentation. 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX signaling is unidirectional—signals 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX are related to differences in the signaling imple- for for 1000BASE-T and not specified end crosstalk (FEXT) specified CAT 5e usually utilized for 100BaseTX networks. they can sustain. CAT 5 cable has a maximum throughput of 100 Mbps and is cabling of the data rates that systems (wires, junctions, and connectors) in terms “categories” to as “CAT”) (the singular is commonly referred of twisted pair Industries Association) Standard 568 is one of several standards that specify CAT 5 usually utilized for 10BaseT networks. they can sustain. CAT 3 cable has a maximum throughput of 16 Mbps and is cabling of the data rates that systems (wires, junctions, and connectors) in terms “categories” to as “CAT”) (the singular is commonly referred of twisted pair Industries Association) Standard 568 is one of several standards that specify CAT 3 Internet). computer), and from 200 Kbps to 2 Mbps upstream (from the computer metric transfer rates: around 36 Mbps downstream to the (from the Internet users have Cable a continuous connection to the Internet. modems feature asym- work, Once connected, whichconnects to the Internet. in turn cable modem Cable Modem that let youinterfaces online. browse text files “browser” seems to have originated prior to the Web for user as a generic term on the and interact with all the information World Wide Web or PC. The word Browser deliver dozens of channels over one cable. signals over a single medium. Cable television uses broadband techniques to bandwidth of a medium. This allows the transmission of voice, data, and video EtherFast Broadband Bridge - A device that interconnects different networks together.

- loss and far- The additional cablingparameters of return performance ®

- ANSI/EIA (American National Standards Institute/Electronic - ANSI/EIA (American National Standards Institute/Electronic - A browser is an application program that provides a way to look at al/S Routers Cable/DSL - A data-transmission scheme in which multiple signals share the - A device that connects a computer to the cable television net- 91 92 which there are more computers than available IP addresses. ly. networks leases, DHCP can dynamically in short Using very reconfigure cially useful in education and other environments where users change frequent- location. It’suser is likely connection at a particular to require the Internet espe- will be valid for a computer. The lease time can vary depending on how long a DHCP uses the concept of a “lease” or amount time that given IP address computer is plugged into a different place in the network. addresses from a central point and automatically sends a new IP address when a be entered. DHCP lets a network and distribute IP administrator supervise move of the network, to another location in part a new IP address must the IP address must be entered manually at each computer and, if computers an IP address must be assigned to each machine. to the Internet, Without DHCP, IP address. When an organization sets up its computer users with a connection needs a unique protocol (TCP/IP), each machine that can connect to the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses in an organization's network. Using the Internet’s set of administrators centrally manage and automate the assignment of Internet DHCP addressed to a station within the local subnet. Default Gateway packet can be from 64 to 1518 bytesan Ethernet in length. cations is based on dividing the transmitted message into packets. For example, Data Packet tents can easily be accessed, managed, and updated. Database device, then to the second,to the first and so on. Daisy Chain before retrying. collision is detected, they both back off and each waits a random amount of time devices access the line at exactly the same time, their signals collide. When the waits If the network a random amount of time before retrying. is quiet and two work, it checks to see if the network If it is not, is quiet (senses the carrier). access method used in Ethernet. When a device wants to gain access the net- CSMA/CD called the “processor,” it is made up of the control unit and ALU. CPU ( C ( D entral ynamic - A database is a collection of data that organized so that its con- ( C - One frame in a packet-switched message. Most data communi- - Connected in series, one after the other. Transmitted signals go arrier arrier P rocessing H - The routing device that is not used to forward all traffic ost S ense C onfiguration onfiguration U M nit) - of the computer.The computing part Also ultiple A P ccess/ rotocol) - A protocol that lets network C

ollision Instant Broadband D

etection) - The LAN


Series yai PAddress Dynamic IP band receivers. appears as low power wideband noise and is rejected (ignored) by most narrow- data without the need for retransmission. To an unintended receiver, DSSS mission, statistical techniques embedded in the radio can recover the original can be recovered. Even if one or more bits in the chip are damaged during trans- ping code). the probability that original data The longer the chip, greater for each bit to be transmitted. pattern is called a chip (or chip- This bit pattern DMZ IP address. a permanent static addresses for computers containing DHCP supports Web that need servers EtherFast static routing, which uses a fixed forwardingstatic routing, which path. uses a fixed can adjust for overloaded lines and is much more flexible or failing than traffic conditions of the communications circuits. Forbased on the current example, it Dynamic Routing addresses. and printers, are usually multiple users, such as servers serve assigned static IP station in a TCP/IP network, typically by a DHCP server. Network devices that DNS to use DMZ Hosting. is recommended that you set your computer with a static IP address if you want Some applications require multiple to the Internet. to be open. It TCP/IP ports DSSS tial installation of a network-compatible operating system. client or server NIC, and is installed during the ini- in the computer; it is designed for a specific between a network card and the upper-layer interface protocol software running Driver session, download means receive, and upload means transmit. Download and security.formance control of one security database. Dividing LANs into domains improves per- Domain address. is a meaningful and easy-to-remember “handle” for an Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. are located and translated into Internet A domain name - The Domain Name System (DNS) is the way domain names that Internet - ( ( D - A workstation software or server module that provides an interface

D - A subnetwork under the of clients and servers comprised of a group ® irect-

e al/S Routers Cable/DSL - To transmitted over receive a file network. In a communications M ilitarized S equence - The ability for a router to forward data via a different route - An IP address that is automatically assigned to a client Z one) allows one IP address (or computer) to be exposed S pread- S pectrum) - DSSS generates a redundant bit pectrum) 93 94 overhead of encoding and decoding the data. “attached,” directly and does not add the files FTP is designed to handle binary haveUnlike e-mail programsto be in whichand program files graphics with ftp://. can also be initiated from within a Web browser by entering the URL preceded such as interface Windows. under a graphical FTP utility running FTP transfers byations can be performed typing commands at a command prompt or via an It can also convert between the ASCII and EBCDIC character codes. FTP oper- FTP includes functions to log onto the network, list directories, and copy files. using FTP. for a website on a local machine, they are typically uploaded to the Web server network UNIX, etc.). For (Internet, example, after developing the HTML pages FTP network the original size of packet. medium that cannot support Fragmentation ry, of a computing device. part thus becoming a permanent Firmware whetherpacket to determine forward it toward its destination. Basically, working a firewall, closely with a router, examines each network access. resources and for controlling what outside resources to which its own users have to preventinstalls a firewall outsiders from accessing its own private data with an intranet that allowsenterprise its workers access to the wider Internet also implies the security policy that is used with the programs.) (The term An server, that protects the resources of a network from users other networks. Firewall CSMA/CD network access method. Fast Ethernet tocols, including TCP/IP and XNS. Mbps. Forms the underlying vehicle used by transport several upper-level pro- and retrieved from a common transmission medium. Has transfer rate of 10 Ethernet ( F ile - is a set of related programs, located at a networkA firewall gateway - IEEE standard network protocol that specifies how- IEEE standard network data is placed on protocol that specifies T - Programming that is inserted into programmable- Programming that is inserted read-only memo- ransfer - A 100 Mbps technology based on the 10Base-T Ethernet - Breaking a packet into smaller units when transmitting over a P

rotocol) - A protocol used to transfer files overrotocol) - A protocol used to transfer files a TCP/IP

Instant Broadband


Series can respond by sending another message using the IP address it received. ient can see the IP address of Web page requestor or the e-mail sender and ed or in the e-mail address you're sending a note to. At the other end, the recip- by Resource Locator you looking up the domain name in Uniform request- ets if more than one is required) and sends it to the IP address that obtained TCP/IP includes your IP address in the message (actually, in each of the pack- of When youProtocol part request an HTML page or send e-mail, the Internet sender or receiver that is sent in packets across the Internet. of information Protocol) today, each digit number that identifies an IP address is a 32-binary Address IP IEEE Computer Society. many local chapters, and has several large societies in special areas, such as the standards. international The organization publisheshas a number of journals, The IEEE fosters the development of standards that often become national and of our members.” of humanity,the benefit the advancement of the profession, and well-being ing the development and application of electrotechnology and allied sciences for describes itself as “the world's largest technical professional society—promot- IEEE cable that connects to a workstation. active, where the hubs are used like repeaters to provide an extension of the workstations. Can be passive,of the signals; or where there is no amplification Hub as the software. the program you put in it to make it do things. The program came to be known guish the “box”and components of a computer from and the electronic circuitry technologyand other information devices. arose as a wayThe term to distin- Hardware line, but only one direction at a time. Half Duplex communications protocols. Gateway both directions. Full Duplex EtherFast - The device as the central location for attaching wires from that serves

- The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The IEEE ®

– A device that interconnects networks with different, incompatible al/S Routers Cable/DSL - Hardware is the physical aspect of computers, telecommunications, - In the most widely installed level Protocol (Internet of the Internet - The ability of a device or line to transmit data simultaneously in - Data transmission that can occur in two directions over a single 95 96 and the other is outside. known within another network. One network is designated the inside network Protocol address (IP address) used within one network to a different IP address NAT contains the computer’s and components. basic circuitry Motherboard and listing, joining, leavingging onto IRC servers channels. mIRC ment for data transmission. Mbps work adapter, that allows the network to identify it at the hardware level. assigned by to any networking the manufacturer Ethernet device, such as a net- Address MAC the last bit is forwarded. Latency building). example, within an office within a small geographic resources of a single processor or server area (for devices that share a common communications line and typically share the LAN hosting. building and virtual such as website and other related services and companies access to the Internet ISP Except for PCI devices, two devices cannot use the same line. lines used to signal the CPU that a peripheral event or terminated. has started IRQ ing changes to individual user computers. can be handled without requir- advantage of IPSec is that security arrangements at the network or packet processing layer of network communication. A big IPSec networks with static IP addresses. 2000, for configuring addresses within a network. A commonly used utility, under Windows NT and IPCONFIG - provider) service An ISP (Internet is a company that provides individuals ( - NAT (Network Address Translation) is the translation of an Internet - A local area network of computers and associated (LAN) is a group I - IPSec ( ( - mIRC runs under - mIRC runs Windows and provides for log- interface a graphical nterrupt nterrupt M - The time delay bit of a packet between is received when and the first ega - and managing IP A utility that provides defining for querying, B its - A motherboard is the physicalin a computer that arrangement I - The MAC (Media Access Control) address is a unique number R nternet nternet P e Q er uest) - on a PC. A hardware interrupt There are 16 IRQ S econd) - One million bits per second; unit of measure- P rotocol Sec

urity) is a developing standard for security

Instant Broadband


Series address or range of addresses or its type (e-mail, file transfer, etc.). address or range of addresses its type (e-mail, file Packet Filtering ness. puter, typically weighs pounds and is three inches or less in thick- less than five and at meetings. offices, A notebook computer, sometimes called a laptop com- in libraries, at temporary niently spaces such as on airplanes, used in temporary er generally smaller than a briefcase that can easily and conve- be transported Notebook (PC) puter system. Also called an adapter. ly a PC, to provide network communication capabilities to and from that com- EtherFast NIC Network Mask between users. Network tion until broken. It guarantees delivery of messages up to 64KB long. is lost. ing for messages, the datagram The Session mode establishes a connec- receive name, usually limited to 512 bytes. If the recipient device is not listen- does not guarantee delivery. It uses a self-contained packet with send and There are two NetBIOS modes. mode, but mode is the fastest The Datagram or a WINS server.LMHOSTS file in an into IP addresses via manual configuration NetBIOS names are turned work so that Network Neighborhood can catalog them. For TCP/IP networks, machines (NetBIOS machines) periodically broadcast their names over the net- by a unique 15-character name, and WindowsNetBIOS computers are identified not routable, or over TCP/IP and IPX/SPX, which are routable protocols. layer (layer 5). NetBIOS can ride over NetBEUI, its native which transport, is NetBIOS today provides for applications at the session a programming interface Although originally layer combined with its transport protocol (NetBEUI), NetBIOS TCP/IP, and IPX/SPX protocols. that was over later separated. NetBIOS sessions can be transported NetBEUI, NetBIOS. NetBIOS and NetBEUI were originally of a single protocol suite part NetBEUI ( N

etwork ® - A system that transmits any combination of voice, video, and/or data

- The native networking protocol in DOS and Windows networks. al/S Routers Cable/DSL ( NetB I nterface nterface - also known as the “Subnet Mask.” - A notebook computer is a battery-powered personal comput- - Discarding unwanted network based on its originating traffic IOS E xtended C ard) - A board installed in a computer system, usual- U ser I nterface) - nterface) layerThe transport for 97 98 Ping usually a notebook or laptop computer. or I/O device into a personal computer,credit card-size memory that would fit organized in 1989 to promote standards for a group Association) is an industry PCMCIA IRQs, as all can be shared. only machine, there cannot be insufficient devices were given their required IRQs, all PCI devices could share it. In a PCI- available on a PC. For example, if there were only one IRQ left over after ISA PCI allows IRQs to be shared, which helps to solve the problem of limited IRQs use by ISA cards. PCI takes care of the rest. erally which required is to indicate in the CMOS memory IRQs are already cards at startup. When PCI is used with the ISA bus, only thing that is gen- PCI provides “plug and play” capability, the PCI automatically configuring known as a “local bus.” a mix of PCI and ISA slots or EISA slots. Early on, the PCI bus was three or four PCI slots on the motherboard. In a Pentium PC, there is generally CPU and peripheral devices (video, disk, network, etc.). There are typically appeared on PCs in late 1993. PCI provides a high-speed data path between the PCs, Macintoshes and workstations. It was designed primarily by Intel and first packet can be studied. as a diag- A network mirroring administrator uses port of a networkoutgoing packet from one port switchwhere to another port the method of monitoring network that forwards a copy traffic of each incoming and Port Mirroring printers. socketsputer are external for plugging in communications lines, modems, and switch or router. For on a personal com- example, the serial and parallel ports Port system during installation. boards and other devices automatically off without requiring the user to turn the Plug-and-Play out a packet and waiting for a response. IP address is online. It used to test and debug a networkparticular by sending PCI Partitioning ( - A pathway into and out of the computer or a network device such as a ( P P eripheral acket - The PCMCIA (Personal Card International Computer Memory - To divide a resource or application into smaller pieces. IN - The ability of a computer system to configure expansion- The ability of a computer system to configure ternet ternet C - Port mirroring, also known- Port mirroring, as a roving analysis is a port, omponent G roper) - whether utility used to determine a An Internet I

nterconnect) - A peripheral bus commonly used in

Instant Broadband


Series RJ-11 patible versions of RIP. bandwidth. AppleTalk, DECnet, TCP/IP, NetWare, and VINES all use incom- to its neighboring routers and is knownbroadcasts routing information to waste between source and destination. RIP is a distance vector protocol that routinely the a route based on the smallest hop count TCP/IP protocol suite. It determines EtherFast files, printing, communications, and other services. printing, communications, and other services. files, Server rates than bridges. works; they introduce longer delays and typically have much lower throughput Routers are useful in breaking down large a very network into smaller subnet- Router devices.wires, used for connecting Ethernet RJ-45 The RJ-11 is the common connector used to plug a telephone into wall. RIP in the network. PrintServer (VPN). networks. This kind of interconnection is known private as a virtual network lease its own lines for wide-area communication but can securely use the public area network as a single large local area network. A company no longer needs to private “tunnels” over the publicEffectively, Internet. uses a wide- a corporation that allows to extendrules) their own network corporations corporate through PPTP quicker access. access. It is similar to how a dial-up connection works but at higher speeds and providers for connecting personal computers to a broadband modem Internet PPPoE if necessary. can be managed locally Port or remotely. mirroring enables the administrator to keep close track of switchand alter it performance nostic tool or debugging feature, especially when fending off an attack. It ( R ( ( - A connector similar to a telephone that holds up eight - Any computer whose function in a network is to provide user access to outing P R ( P

- Protocol-dependent device that connects subnetworks together. ® oint-to- egistered

oint to al/S Routers Cable/DSL - A hardware device that enables a printer to be located anywhere I nformation nformation P P oint oint J ack- T P unneling rotocol 11 ) - A telephone connector that holds up to six wires. P rotocol) o ver P rotocol) - A protocol (set of communication E - thernet) - thernet) A method used mostly by DSL A simple routing protocol that is part of A simple routing protocol that is part 99 100 through the Internet. through the Internet. units of data (called packets)routing that a message is divided into for efficient actual delivery of the data, TCP takes care of keeping track of the individual units between computers over the Internet. While IP takes care of handling the of message Protocol) to send data in the form Protocol (Internet the Internet TCP making, breaking, or changing the connections in an electrical circuit. ing a large number of devices 2. to share a limited number of ports. A device for Switch restoring it back to the original when required. Swapping for subnets. into a field of the host ID address field part address to turn or subnets. that is matched up with the IP groups, pattern The mask is a binary Subnet Mask interference. to eliminate external SOHO hardware how to process the data. A common misconception is that software is data. It not. Software tells the user. tem (DBMS). Application software is any program that processes data for the control programs such as the operating system and database management sys- “system software” and “application software.” System software is made up of task is called a “program.”a particular The two major categories of software are Software STP Storage cannot adjust to changing line conditions as can dynamic routing. Static Routing TCP/IP network. Address Static IP work at home or in small offices. ( ( S T hielded – 1. A data switch connects computing devices to host computers, allow- ( ransmission - holding place for digital data. or permanent The semi-permanent S - Instructions for the computer.- Instructions that performs A series of instructions mall - Replacing one segmentwith another and of a program in memory - The method used for splitting IP networks into a series of sub- T O - Forwarding data in a network path. Static routing via a fixed wisted ffice/ - IP address that is assigned to a node in A permanent C ontrol H P ome air) - Telephone wire that is wrapped in a metal sheath P O rotocol) - A method (protocol) used along with

ffice) - Market segment of professionals whoffice)

Instant Broadband


Series sion, upload means transmit, and download means receive. Upload Upgrade do) may prefer UDP to TCP. small data units to exchange little message reassembling (and therefore very to Network applications that want to save processing time because they have very to make sure that the entire message has arrived and is in the right order. arrives in. This means that the application program that uses UDP must be able end. Specifically, UDP doesn't provide sequencing of the packets that the data dividing and reassembling a message into packets (datagrams) it at the other puter to another. Unlike TCP, however, UDP does not provide of the service Protocol to actually from one com- Internet get a data unit (called datagram) to as UDP/IP.referred Like the Transmission Control Protocol, UDP uses the the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and, together with IP, is sometimes puters in a network Protocol (IP). UDP is an alternative that uses the Internet to offers when a limited amount of service messages are exchanged between com- EtherFast TFTP from also has a copysend messages to or get information of TCP/IP. ed with a copy of the TCP/IP program just as every other computer that you may When youyour are set up with direct access to the Internet, computer is provid- communications protocol in a private network (either an intranet or extranet). It can also be used as a communication language or protocol of the Internet. TCP/IP UDP TX Rate include edge connections, backbone and wide-area connections. networks contain several levels of which of interconnection, the most important mon network devices include hubs, switches, routers, and gateways. Most large on the network are connected and the distances between them. The most com- Topology er in a given time period. Throughput or passwordthat has no directory capability. ( U ( T - To transmitted over send a file network. In a communications ses-

- Transmission Protocol (TCP/IP) is the basic Control Protocol/Internet ser ® rivial – Transmission Rate. – Transmission

- To with a newer replace existing software or firmware version.

- A network’s topology is a logical characterization of how the devices al/S Routers Cable/DSL D - The amount of data moved successfully from one place to anoth- atagram atagram F ile T ransfer P rotocol) - A communications method (protocol) that P rotocol) - A version of the TCP/IP FTP protocol 101 102 VLAN pair is sometimes installed in two or more pairs, all within a single cable. some telephone sets or desktop locations require multiple connections, twisted ed around each other. Each signal on twisted pair requires both wires. Since magnetic induction between pairs of wires, two insulated copper wires are twist- business computers to the telephone company. To reduce crosstalk or electro- wiring. Twisted copper wire that connects home and many pair is the ordinary UTP vide the hypertext links to other pages. access Web pages, and URLs are embedded within the pages themselves to pro- on the Web or any facility. other Internet URLs are typed into the browser to URL Workgroup networks with static IP addresses. ity for configuring and managing IP addresses within a network. defining, A commonly used util- WINIPCFG bit shared key algorithm, as described in the IEEE 802.11 standard. WEP a state or country. N WA sional to remotely power on a computer or to wake it up from Wake-on-LAN image, to the operating system or for network administration. Virtual Server of the network.physical configuration as if they were physically connected to a single LAN, independent of the actual - Unshielded twisted pair is the most common kind of copper telephone ( - A communications network that covers a wide geographic area, such as ( U W ( V niform niform ired irtual irtual - Two and databases. or more individuals that share files - Configuration utility based on the Win32- Configuration API for querying, E R quivalent LAN - Wake on LAN is a technology that allows a network profes- - Multiple servers that appear as one server,- Multiple servers or one system esource ) - A logical association that allows users to communicate P L

rivacy) - A data privacy mechanism based on a 64-

ocator) - The address that defines the route to a file ocator) - The address that defines Instant Broadband

sleep mode

® Series

. with wordsVirtually or characters (e.g., addresses are configured all Internet ISP’s E-mail & Appendix C: EtherFast home with single wordsmail and web ( addresses are configured server web If your browserISP’s or e-mail configurations. e- or codes on their users’ addresses to single words their server ISPs will shorten Because of this, certain IP and web addresses, however, can sometimes be long and hard to remember. Name System (DNS). address; this is called Domain that translate the URL to an IP There are servers your web browser and you will wind up at the Linksys home page every time. ForInternet. example, addresses, whichaddresses on the are the true addresses are assigned to IP pnig them. “pinging” words. addresses of your ISP’sYou by servers the IP and web can determine web the true addresses behind yourThe solution is to determine ISPs code to accept their abbreviated addresses. server by yourInternet. ISP This happens because the Router has not been configured Router may have problems sending or receiving mail and accessing the ,


® al/S Routers Cable/DSL t. ahrta hl nentadesso Paddresses, the , etc.) rather than wholeaddresses or IP Internet steps addresses, you Important , prior If you don’t have your ISP’s: web and e-mail IP ocnetn orCbeDLRouter to your network. to connecting your Cable/DSL must How to Ping Your either get them from your ISP or follow these Web Addresses , etc.) In actuality, however, these Internet is actually Type it into www , e-mail , 103 104 3. 2. 1. address. ping its IP your step to determining ISP’sThe first web address is to and e-mail server Address Pinging an IP Step One: 4. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Ping statistics for Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128 Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128 Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128 Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128 Pinging mail [] with 32 bytes of data: C:\>ping mail Press as address is configured tion for which you’re an IP to find trying At the DOS command prompt window. Start Click set bynetwork your ISP if you configuration have since changed it. Power on the computer and cable or DSL modem server server address of the address is the actual IP This IP example above: Write down the IP address returned by the ping command loss), Microsoft Network’s e-mail server, will be displayed. Minimum = 0ms, Maximum Average 0ms Packets: Sent = 4, Received Lost 0 (0% Enter mail , or any other word or value you have pinged. , then . Information such as the following. Information data, taken from a ping of Run, and type Figure C-1 , type command ping mail

. This will bring up the DOS Instant Broadband (assuming that the loca- , and restore the

. (In the

® mail Series

). application. the Router should have no problemthrough that Internet accessing the Internet Once you have address, server address with the true replaced the brief server 3. 2. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Ping statistics for Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=127 Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=127 Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=127 Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=127 Pinging [] with C:\>ping -a 1. just pinged. address you the web below address assigned to the IP the instructions to find your system with web addresses rather than IP addresses. Followconfiguring ever, usually don’t. Because of this, you’re likely to have fewer problems by addresses change all the time. Web addresses, how- it may IP not be permanent. above address returned would work as your address, e-mail server While the IP a Web Address for Pinging Step Two: EtherFast application, etc.). application (web Internet browser,address in the corresponding e-mail Replace your ISP’s abbreviated server address that this web address will not. address of pinged. While the IP address you just This web address is the web address assigned to the IP example in Figure C-2: Write down the web address returned by the ping command loss), 32 bytes of data: will be displayed. address yousuch as the following just pinged. Information data is the IP command prompt At the DOS

Minimum = 0ms, Maximum Average 0ms Packets: Sent = 4, Received Lost 0 (0%

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL Figure C-2 , type mail could conceivably change, it is likely ping -a with this extended web is the web address). , where (In the 105 106 5. Highlight 4. Double-click on 3. Click the . Double-click on the 2. 1. Click the the Help feature. setup under Windows NT, 2000, and XP, see your Windows documentation or are for instructions Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me. For TCP/IP after a network card has been successfully installed inside the PC. These protocol on one of your PCs Follow to install the these instructions TCP/IP Protocol TCP/IP the Installing Appendix D: Select the Add Start Microsoft Configuration button button. Choose Protocol under the list of manufacturers. . Network . tab, as shown in Figure D-1. Figure D-1 Settings icon to bring up your Network window.

and then Instant Broadband Control Panel


® Series

only 8. Click the After a few seconds, the main Network window will appear. The TCP/IP 7. EtherFast . Find and double-click 6. . Windows will ask youthe PC. Click to restart 9.

Protocol should now be listed, as shown in Figure D-3. D:\win95. Supply them as needed,files. e.g., c:\windows\options\cabs, D:\win98,

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL OK h C/Pinstallation is now complete. The TCP/IP button. Windows may ask for original Windows installation TCP/IP Figure D-3 Figure D-2 in the list to right (see Figure D-2). es Ye button. 107 108 instead). allows you to link or connect hubs together with a straight-through cable exception: some hubs have that is crossed internally; this a built-in uplink port hub. Crossover cables are used for connecting a hub to another (there is an ond choice. Straight-through cables are used for connecting computers to a is the most reliable and most highly 3 is a good sec- recommended. Category There are different or “categories,” grades, of twisted-pair cabling. 5 Category Cabling Twisted-Pair Appendix E: the copper side, wire 1 will be on the far left. the copper side, wire 1 will be on far will now be parallel to the floor). When looking down on clip down up (the springy clip so that the copper side faces away is facing into a wall jack first) from you. Face the that goes so that the end of plastic RJ-45 tip (the part To which determine wire is number 1, hold the cable Figure E-1

becomes 6. See Figures E-3 and E-4 other: wire 1 becomes 3, and 2 wires change from one end to the a crossover cable, the order of wires 1, 2, 3, and 6 at the other end. In and 6 at one end of the cable are also straight-through cable, wires 1, 2, 3, the other. All eight wires are used. In a from one end of the cable that run to are eight thin, color-coded wires inside crossover. 5 cable Inside a Category crimped as either straight-through or 5 cablesCategory can be purchased or cables, or cut and crimp your own. You 5 can buy pre-made Category Instant Broadband and crossover cabling. tion on straight-through more detailed informa- on the next page for

Figure E-2

® Series • •

Crimping Your Own Network Cables EtherFast

Straight-Through Cabling

Cross-Over Cabling

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL Figure E-4 Figure E-3 109 110 2. When the IP Configuration window adapter appears, select the Ethernet When the IP Configuration 2. 1. Click on and Me: 98, For Windows 95, 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, and XP. address for your adapter in Windows the MAC address or IP appendix to find forwarding, and DMZ. Followaddress is used for filtering, the steps in this You the IP address of your computer’s can also find adapter. Ethernet The IP to do either MAC Filtering or MAC Address Cloning for the Router and ISP. the MACThis section describes how address for youradapter to find Ethernet Ethernet Adapter Address and IP Finding the MAC Appendix F: in Figure F-2. you are using to connect the Router via a CAT cable, 5 Ethernet as shown Figure F-1. Then press the Start and Run . In the Open field, enter Enter Figure F-2 Figure F-1 Address for Your key or the OK

button. Instant Broadband winipcfg

, as shown in


Series 1. Click on IP address for youradapter. Ethernet address and The following steps show an alternative way of obtaining the MAC and XP: For 2000, Windows NT, Write down the Adapter Address as shown on your computer screen (see 3. EtherFast

F-4. Press the as Your computer may show something different. The example in Figure F-3 shows the IP address of youradapter Ethernet Cloning or MAC Filtering. address/Adapter Address is what you will use for MAC Address The MAC shown as a series of numbers and letters. Figure F-3). This is the MAC address for youradapter and will be Ethernet

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL Start Start Address. Note Enter and h A address is also called the Adapter The MAC : Run key or click the . In the Open field, enter Figure F-4 Figure F-3 OK button. cmd , as shown in Figure 111 112 . In the command prompt, enter 2. . Write down the Physical Address as shown on your computer screen 3. as Your computer may show something different. The example in Figure F-5 shows the IP address of youradapter Ethernet Cloning or MAC Filtering. address/Physical Address is what you will use for MAC The MAC Address appear as a series of letters and numbers. (Figure F-5); it is the MAC address for youradapter. Ethernet This will Address. Note h A address is also called the Physical The MAC : Figure F-5 ipconfig /all ipconfig

. Then press the Instant Broadband




Series type the using the Router’sWhen entering the information web-based utility, you will EtherFast address for MACWhen entering information Address Cloning, type the the hyphens

(see Figure F-7).

12-digit MAC address

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL for MAC Filtering. See Figure F-6. in this format, XXXXXXXXXXXX in this format, Figure F-7 Figure F-6 12-digit MAC without 113 114 .A password request page, shown in Figure G-2 will appear. (Windows XP 2. Open your web browser. Enter 1. you have. for belowAOL to configure Broadband for the type of broadband connection tomers in the US only. Please follow in the appropriate section the instructions nection. This Router's AOL Parental Controls feature is available for AOL cus- con- version 1.43 or above to work with AOL Broadband via a Cable or DSL This document provides for setting up the Router using firmware instructions DSL Broadband Cable & Appendix G: Setting Up AOL AOL Broadband via Cable field. Then click the field. shown). blank, Leave and enter the User Name field users will see a Connect to window slightly different from that Figure G-1, and press the browser’s Address field, as shown in than what appears on your screen. Note Keyword: Linksys Setup. Services. Those with earlier versions of details at AOLAOL can find Note : Some of the screens in this section may look slightly different : You must install AOL 7.0 or above to all computers using AOL OK in the web Enter button. Figure G-2 key.

Ro Instant Broadband Figure G-1 admin in the Password



Series .Select 4. EtherFast .From the 3. to close it. the window right side of on the top the tings. Click these set- ton to save the Then, click Address cloning. except MAC that appears. Enabling this will disable all options under the Advanced tab click the ton. Then, Apply click the changed, setting you To apply the down menu. Type drop- Connection the WAN ically automat- IP Obtain an select Figure G-3, shown in that appears, Setup Figure G-4, and click the X

OK ® button

screen Enable al/S Routers Cable/DSL from but- but- Security o O Parental Controls from the for AOL oALcustomers in the Unites States Only. to AOL Note: tab. AOL Parental Controls are available Apply button. Click the Figure G-3 Figure G-4 OK Security button on the screen tab, shown in 115 116 .From the 3. .A password request page, shown in 2. Open your web browser. Enter 1. AOL Broadband via DSL button on the top right side of window to close it. Keep these settings and click the for the User Name. In password field, multiple asterisks will appear. Connection Typefrom the WAN drop-down menu. Enter OK the Password Then click the field. Name field blank, and enter Name field from that shown). Leave the User window slightly different users will see a Connect to Figure G-6 will appear. (Windows XP Figure G-5, and press the browser’s Address field, as shown in button. Setup screen that appears, shown in Figure G-7, select in the web Enter admin Figure G-7 key. Apply in

button to save them. Click the Instant Broadband Figure G-5 Figure G-6

america online


PPPoE Series X

4-Port Environmental 4-Port Specifications Storage Humidity Operating Humidity Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Certifications Power Input Unit Weight Dimensions LED Indicators Topology Cabling Type Speed Ports Protocol Standards Model Number Specifications 4-Port Router Appendix H: EtherFast


LAN: 100BaseTX: 10BaseT: LAN: LAN:

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL %t 0,Non-condensing 5% to 90%, Non-condensing 10% to 85%, -20°C to 70°C (-4°F 158°F) 0°C to 40°C (32°F 104°F) CE Mark FCC Class B, 1 Amp 9V AC, External, 0.42 kg (13.4 oz. ) x 1.88") x 6.16" (7.31" 186 mm x 154 48 Diag Act, Link, 100 Full/Col, Link/Act, Power Star 5 or better UTP Category 3 or better UTP Category 10Mbps 10/100Mbps or DSL modem RJ-45 port for the cable One 10Base-T Ethernet uplink) Four 10/100 RJ-45 switched ports (and shared CSMA/CD IEEE 802.3u (100BaseTX) IEEE 802.3 (10BaseT), BEFSR41 ver. 2 117 118 1-Port Environmental 1-Port Specifications Specifications 1-Port Router Appendix I: Storage Humidity Operating Humidity Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Certifications Power Input Unit Weight Dimensions LED Indicators Topology Cabling Type Speed Ports Protocol Standards Model Number Router Specifications 1-Port WAN: LAN: WAN: WAN: LAN: 100BaseTX: 10BaseT: LAN:

100Mbps (100BaseTX Fast Ethernet) or 10Mbps (10BaseT Ethernet) One10BaseT Broadband Uplink port

%t 0,Non-condensing 5% to 90%, Non-condensing 10% to 85%, -20°C to 70°C (-4°F 158°F) 0°C to 40°C (32°F 104°F) CE Mark FCC Class B, 700 mA 7.5V DC, External, 0.35 kg (12.6 oz.) x 1.88") x 6.16" (7.31" 186 mm x 154 48 Diag Act, Link, 100 Full/Col, Link/Act, Power Star 5 or better UTP Category 3 or better UTP Category 10Mbps (10BaseT Ethernet) One 10BaseT/100BaseTX RJ-45 port CSMA/CD IEEE 802.3u (100BaseTX) IEEE 802.3 (10BaseT), BEFSR11 ver. 2

Instant Broadband

® Series

3-Port Environmental 3-Port Specifications Specifications 3-Port Router Appendix J: EtherFast Storage Humidity Operating Humidity Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Certifications Power Input Unit Weight Dimensions LED Indicators Topology Cabling Type Speed Ports Protocol Standards Model Number S:Sadr S cable Standard USB USB:

WAN: WAN (Ethernet): WAN:

USB: LAN: 100BaseTX: 10BaseT: USB: LAN (Ethernet): LAN:

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL %t 0,Non-condensing 5% to 90%, Non-condensing 10% to 85%, -20°C to 70°C (-4°F 158°F) 0°C to 40°C (32°F 104°F) CE Mark FCC Class B, 1 Amp 9V AC, External, 0.42 kg (13.4 oz.) (7.31" x 6.16" 1.88" ) 186 mm x 154 48 USB Diag Act, Link, 100 Full/Col, Link/Act, Power Star 5 or better UTP Category 3 or better UTP Category Up to 12Mbps 10Mbps 10/100Mbps or DSL modem RJ-45 port for the cable One 10Base-T Ethernet One USB port uplink), Three 10/100 RJ-45 Switched ports (and shared CSMA/CD Specification 1.0 & 1.1 USB IEEE 802.3u (100BaseTX), IEEE 802.3 (10BaseT), BEFSRU31 119 120 U.S.A. 92623 Irvine, California P.O. Box 18558 Linksys Please direct all inquiries to the address listed below or contact Technical Support: ucts, software, or documentation without obligation to notify any individual entity. purpose. Linksys reserves fitness for any particular the right to revise or update its prod- panying software, and specifically disclaims its quality, merchantability, performance, or with respect to its products or the contents use of this documentation and all accom- UCTS. Linksys makes no warranty or representation, expressed, implied, or statutory, WARE, OR ITS DOCUMENTATION. LINKSYS OFFERS NO REFUNDS FOR ITS PROD- AGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF PRODUCT, ITS ACCOMPANYING SOFT- UCT FROM DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAM- IN NO EVENT SHALL LINKSYS’ LIABILITY EXCEED THE PRICE PAID FOR THE PROD- REQUESTS CANNOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT PROOF OF PURCHASE. SUPPORT. RETURN OF PURCHASE ON HAND WHEN CONTACTING TECHNICAL tion where the product was purchased (if applicable). BE SURE TO HAVE YOUR PROOF order Merchandise to obtain a Return Authorization (RMA) number or contact the loca- product is defective during the warranty period, contact Linksys Technical in Support in the Specifications section of this User Guide. If you suspect in the limits set forth Latin America only, other regions may have a different warranty period), when used with- in material and workmanship for two years from the date of purchase (Africa, Europe and Router is free from physical defects EtherFast Cable/DSL Linksys guarantees that every LIMITED WARRANTY Information Appendix K:


Instant Broadband



[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Web website below: For please visit the unlisted regions or the most up-to-date contact information, [email protected] U.S. and Canada Latin America United Kingdom & Ireland Europe E-mail addresses below: or one of the Internet insert Technical at one of the phone numbers listed on Support Technical Support For help with the installation or operation of this product, contact Linksys Appendix L: EtherFast

® al/S Routers Cable/DSL Contact Information 121

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