Jim Thorpe Remerttbered “On the Banks of the Old Raritan”
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91 Years Old 10 CENTS : ■ ...and NEW PER COPY Every Thursday vol. xcvii m . ie NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE; NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 20,1972 Jim Thorpe Remerttbered Snyder-Van Dyke “On the Banks of the Old Raritan” New Jersey Scholarship Grants Troth Aimounced For Forty-Two Area Students NEWTOWN SQUARE, PA.-Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Snyder, bf New TRENTON - Twenty-one students William S. King, 41 Bidgc Placc; town! Square,; Pa., ahnbvmcse the en in Neptune, nine from Neptune City, Betty L. and Richard F. Matson, 74 gagement. of tbefe daughter,- Miss /iv:: from Ocean Grove and seven from Laird Ave.; Marcclla Strigus,. 111 Nancy. Jane Snyder, to': Mr. •; Slea Woodland Ave., and John C. Wesley', m "■ 4 IIS Bradley Beach were among’ the 5,000 Thoropsoa Van Dyjie, son of Mr. and m m 70 Lincoln Ave., all of Neptune City. Mrs. Paisl Clothier Van Dyke of Rad i." , New Jersey h ig h . school seniors and nor, Pa. ,!.: ■ ■ college freshmen who qualified for Neptune grantees arc Amos C. Bames, 202 Atkins Ave.; Annette st3te scholarship awards. Binet, 813 Wakefield Rd.; Patricia A. They are Joanne S. Gondek, 89 Bunting, 14 Valley Drive; Clifford R. Franklin Ave,; Robert S. McEwan, 140 Chapman, 710 Fletcher Dr.; Frederic Webb Ave.j Louisann Murphy, 136 Denbigh, 36 Pincwood Dr.; Janicc Mt. Tabor Way; Susan L. Twidle, 88 Edmonds, 30 Ridge Ave.; Sherisa Ed t i i i i Mt. Zion Way, and Linda A. Zayas, h RT* wards, 30 Ridge Apt. 57; Norman 108 Mt. Carmel Way, all of Ocean Epting, 811 Ruth Drive; Carol J. m m ' ,\i Grove. '■ . • Hancock, 708 Green Grove Rd.; Geof jEileen M. Aldino, 319 Fifth Ave.; frey L. Irons, 26 Maplccrest Dr.; Karen Karen G. Bouton, 1102 Madison Ave.; L, Kircher, 111 T he Plaza; Thomas R. Gary E. Detore, 301 M ain St.; Anna Knapp, 209 Elm Dr.; Kathleen G. Leh GRINNING WITH DtlLIGHT that girls will strut on the Rutgers M. Lee, 104 Brinley Ave.; Eleanor Y. University campus this-Fall are Jantes G. Haridford (left), president mann, 2609 Cotlics Ave.; Jennie Luna, of the Rutgers Alumdi Club of Monmouth County, and Dr. Edward Mohead, 600 Fifth Ave.; John G. Pet- I I 18 Fordham Rd.-, Joy A. Matthews, Bloustein, president of thc. University. Dr. Bloustein told the county illo, 411 Newark' Ave., and William 18 Hemlock Dr.; William E. Rochelle, Miss Nancy Jean Snyder club that.coed academics will begin there in September. Mr. Hand- M. Schatzow, 201 Lake Terrace, all of 103 Elm Dr.; Judy Smith, 1516 Mon fortjf, owner of the Ocfean Grove N ursing Home, is also president of Miss Snyder is > graduate of Marple- the Ocean Grave Business Men, Inc. Straying from his “women’s lib” Bradley. Beach.:' roe Ave.; Phyllis S. Sylvester, 315 Newt0wi^;£ligh School and is a mem topic. Dr. Bloustein ventured into thc athletic field. Saying he will Josephine.A. Baiario; 26 Myron'Ave., Stokes Ave.; Linda E. Tlwmas, 1911 ber of th'ej'ilass of 1973 at the Moore assist in strengthening this phase of thc Rutgers program. Betty S. Bennett, • 52 . Bradley St.; Greenwood Ave.; Greta M. Wilson,' College of . Art in Philadelphia. James R. Branigan,-22. Oak Terrace; 5J5 Myrtle Ave. and Maxine Wide- Mr. Van Dyke is a graduate of Debbie A. Huber, .1818 . Sixth Ave.; man, 1610 Stratford Ave. Radnor High School and Eastern Col Township Hires lege, Sr. Davids, Pa, He is presently Antiques »iiow a teacher of mathematics and music at Lecture April 24 7 New Policemen Resolution jMrs. Arthur'Dietz Chestnut Hill Academy, Philadelphia, and organist and choir director at the Elected President" ■ OCEAN ; GROVE — The N EPTU N E TW P. _ Seven nev. NEPTUNE TWP. — A copy of m l , Messiah Lutheran Church in New j „ Historical Society :iof Ocean policemen were added to the the following Resolution was pic- C ljt. \V 0111311 S LIUD town Square. Grove will conduct ;a regular township force Tuesday night by scnted to Frank Smith, Worship- ________ Mr. Van Dyke is the grandson of nieeting* on Mendayj-,April 24, action of the municipal committee. ful Master of Occan Grove Lodge , Mrs. Edmund L. Thompson, Broad at 8 . P.M. in the . Mcthodist They are: No. 238 F. & A.M., at the meet- 10OCEf.N . ~Zr f way, Ocean Grove, and the late Burt . Home aisditoriuev1.’” Stockton Robert J. Kopp, 32 Beach Ave., ing of the township committee “ « eetin£ of ^ ^m an’s Club Tuesday night: *>f Ocean Grove the foUow.ng slate Woolsey Thompson, and Mrs. Carl Ave. The program‘will feature Ocean Grove; Kerry E. Duke, 26 Van Dyke, and the late Cad Van an antique show planked by the Lake Ave.; Ocean Grove; Donald WHEREAS, Ocean Grove Lodge was elected; P ^en t, Dyke' formerly of Bradley Bcacb. Committee. A. Waddell, 20 Lakewood Road; No. 238; F.&A;M. was granted a I J?3'. ,Artth“r ’“ J™ charter by the Grand Lodge of. ^es.dent, Mrs. Robert. Woyshner; --- M ts. Patrica Pierce, an au Ernest S.' Napolitano, 425 Lake- thority on antiques & a mem wiood Road; W illiam A. Itobbins, New Jersey on April 20, 1972; and .Treasurer Mrs. Albert Miller; Workers Listed ber of the Ameriawi Apprais 700 Prospect Place; Eugene V WHEREAS, th e original 0ffi-iCorresP°nd,n<? Secretary, Mrs- B. DONALD STERNER, chairman of the Monmouth County Planning Otto. Stoll, Jr.; Trustee for Emmons, 930% Fourth Ave., and cers were insftalled by the Grand Board and a 1917 football team-male of the1.'famed Indian athlete For Cancer Drive al Association will .lecture and years, Mrs. Ernest D. Sparks. Jim Thorpe, poses beside Thorpe’s Olympic trophy which he re-dls- render professional opinion Edward Green, 1600 Springwood Master and his staff on May 5, 1922; and ■ The following delegates were covered al the International Olympic Museum at Lausanne, Switzer on items brought t o r the meet Ave. OCEAN GROVE — Local Chair appointed to represent the Club land. The trophy, a likeness of Klnfcrj.Gtjstav;-.of Sweden presented ing for display. Members are The. appointments were announc WHEREAS, the said Lodge has at the 1912 Olympics, was among the matix-&ward&4&Jien from Thorpe man Mrs. Dortha W. Shaller an ; invited to bring tlieir antiques ed by Committeeman Herman S. been an 'integral ‘-.art of' *hei:it the New Jers£y State Pedwa* after he was charged with proressionaliani./).'};}!; r:r tion Convention in Atlantic City nounces that volunteer workers for for discussion and appraisal. Johnson, director' of public safety. Township of Neptune for the past I •Vi'■ The American Cancer Society drive on May 9-12: Mrs. Arthur H. FRtpHOLD — Aftet- a three- Oilers- \Many players of tCie era For further information, The men are wn probationary sta fifty years wifJi many of the citi this year arc Mrs. Wm. Schcte- Dietz, Mrs, Robert Woyshner, Mrs. year search through Europe, E. wore no shoulder pads, and some please telephone ' Mrs- Anne tus and will attend the State Police zens of the Township of Neptune lich, Mrs. Elizabeth. Temel, Mrs. John Sheppard and Mrs. Joseph Donald Sterner of Colts Neck has . helmets. ,. < Forrester, 775-083#. !,i. Training Center at Sea Girt. being active members; and Charlotte Sutphen, M r s. George Cetrulc. Alternates are: SSr* Er found "the bronze • trophy awarded OTpewa-V their- big* attraction . sw arded a one-year co.i- WHEREAS, rtJie said lodge has Ogden' ' Mrs. Ralph MocLairghliti,'. nest D Sparks, Mrs. William E. at the 1912 Olympics to his for with his great open field running1, tract to "iEerxmmxmity- Dog'Con supported many cotanamity proj Mrs. Lawrence Michak, Mrs. Mil SchlaKinan, M!rs. Frederick W- mer football team-mate, the im his 50 and 60 - yard average on trol, Howell Townsfcap, a t a cost ects throughout the years; and dred Davis, Miss Lucile Dunn, Auxiliary Nets' Herbst and Mrs. William T. Fol- mortal Jim Thorpe. punts, and his drop locking of 50- of ?7,000. Mayor Joseph Wardell : WHEREAS, the said : ■ Ocean Mrs. Fred Antes, Mrs. Jackie We Grove Lodge No. 238 F.&A.M. will ley. " . Mr. Sterner, chairman today of yard field goals.” I13D for Hospital emphasized that all dogs mast be Mr. Sterner notes t h a t in 1920 ber, Mrs. Lois Weller,’ Mrs. James licensed.; Stray canines are a, nuis celebrate its 50th Anniversary this A most informative talk was tho Monmouth County Planning Muraay, Mrs. Ann Forrester, Mrs. NEPTUNE — The Occan Grove m onth; given by Mrs. S. Allen Grove orf Board, played tackle on Thorpe’s Thorpe was made president of the ance to the community and will be first organized professional foot Carol Evans. ' Auxiliary to Jersey Shore Medical picked up, he added. THEREFORE, I, Joseph War Farmlngdale on the Indians of Canton Bulldogs when tihe Ohio Also, M ts. Eva Sadler, Mrs. ball league, “quite a tribute to that Center Spring Dessert Card i^r- Howard L. Ely, of the Ely Funer- den; of the Township of Neptune, Neew Jersey. Especially interest team was coached by Pop Warner Howard Boughy, M rs. Clara Mc old Sac and Fox Indian from Car ty was held in the fori Auditor- al Home, 316 Corlies Avenue, and do hereby proclaim April 20, 1972, ing were the great number of au to 1917 national professional cham Leod,'Mrs. LeRoy Ward, Miss Ann thentic artificats used by the Len- lisle." ium on Saturday - afterabon, nsal- William H. Myers, 505 Lakewood as the appropriate occasion for the pionship. O’Reilly, Mrs.' K e n n e th Del- Today, Pote Calac is tie only izing about |138 towasd the hos Road, were named to vacant seats citizens of the Township of Nep ni-Lenape' Indians who once lived The statue, a 200-ponud bronze lett, Mrs.