91 Years Old 10 CENTS : ■ ...and NEW PER COPY Every Thursday vol. xcvii m . ie NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE; NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 20,1972 Jim Thorpe Remerttbered Snyder-Van Dyke “On the Banks of the Old Raritan” New Jersey Scholarship Grants Troth Aimounced For Forty-Two Area Students NEWTOWN SQUARE, PA.-Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Snyder, bf New­ TRENTON - Twenty-one students William S. King, 41 Bidgc Placc; town! Square,; Pa., ahnbvmcse the en­ in Neptune, nine from Neptune City, Betty L. and Richard F. Matson, 74 gagement. of tbefe daughter,- Miss /iv:: from Ocean Grove and seven from Laird Ave.; Marcclla Strigus,. 111 Nancy. Jane Snyder, to': Mr. •; Slea Woodland Ave., and John C. Wesley', m "■ 4 IIS Bradley Beach were among’ the 5,000 Thoropsoa Van Dyjie, son of Mr. and m m 70 Lincoln Ave., all of Neptune City. Mrs. Paisl Clothier Van Dyke of Rad­ i." , New Jersey h ig h . school seniors and nor, Pa. ,!.: ■ ■ college freshmen who qualified for Neptune grantees arc Amos C. Bames, 202 Atkins Ave.; Annette st3te scholarship awards. Binet, 813 Wakefield Rd.; Patricia A. They are Joanne S. Gondek, 89 Bunting, 14 Valley Drive; Clifford R. Franklin Ave,; Robert S. McEwan, 140 Chapman, 710 Fletcher Dr.; Frederic Webb Ave.j Louisann Murphy, 136 Denbigh, 36 Pincwood Dr.; Janicc Mt. Tabor Way; Susan L. Twidle, 88 Edmonds, 30 Ridge Ave.; Sherisa Ed­ t i i i i Mt. Zion Way, and Linda A. Zayas, h RT* wards, 30 Ridge Apt. 57; Norman 108 Mt. Carmel Way, all of Ocean Epting, 811 Ruth Drive; Carol J. m m ' ,\i Grove. '■ . • Hancock, 708 Green Grove Rd.; Geof­ jEileen M. Aldino, 319 Fifth Ave.; frey L. Irons, 26 Maplccrest Dr.; Karen Karen G. Bouton, 1102 Madison Ave.; L, Kircher, 111 T he Plaza; Thomas R. Gary E. Detore, 301 M ain St.; Anna Knapp, 209 Elm Dr.; Kathleen G. Leh­ GRINNING WITH DtlLIGHT that girls will strut on the Rutgers M. Lee, 104 Brinley Ave.; Eleanor Y. University campus this-Fall are Jantes G. Haridford (left), president mann, 2609 Cotlics Ave.; Jennie Luna, of the Rutgers Alumdi Club of Monmouth County, and Dr. Edward Mohead, 600 Fifth Ave.; John G. Pet- I I 18 Fordham Rd.-, Joy A. Matthews, Bloustein, president of thc. University. Dr. Bloustein told the county illo, 411 Newark' Ave., and William 18 Hemlock Dr.; William E. Rochelle, Miss Nancy Jean Snyder club that.coed academics will begin there in September. Mr. Hand- M. Schatzow, 201 Lake Terrace, all of 103 Elm Dr.; Judy Smith, 1516 Mon­ fortjf, owner of the Ocfean Grove N ursing Home, is also president of Miss Snyder is > graduate of Marple- the Ocean Grave Business Men, Inc. Straying from his “women’s lib” Bradley. Beach.:' roe Ave.; Phyllis S. Sylvester, 315 Newt0wi^;£ligh School and is a mem­ topic. Dr. Bloustein ventured into thc athletic field. Saying he will Josephine.A. Baiario; 26 Myron'Ave., Stokes Ave.; Linda E. Tlwmas, 1911 ber of th'ej'ilass of 1973 at the Moore assist in strengthening this phase of thc Rutgers program. Betty S. Bennett, • 52 . Bradley St.; Greenwood Ave.; Greta M. Wilson,' College of . Art in Philadelphia. James R. Branigan,-22. Oak Terrace; 5J5 Myrtle Ave. and Maxine Wide- Mr. Van Dyke is a graduate of Debbie A. Huber, .1818 . Sixth Ave.; man, 1610 Stratford Ave. Radnor High School and Eastern Col­ Township Hires lege, Sr. Davids, Pa, He is presently Antiques »iiow a teacher of mathematics and music at Lecture April 24 7 New Policemen Resolution jMrs. Arthur'Dietz Chestnut Hill Academy, Philadelphia, and organist and choir director at the Elected President" ■ OCEAN ; GROVE — The N EPTU N E TW P. _ Seven nev. NEPTUNE TWP. — A copy of m l , Messiah Lutheran Church in New­ j „ Historical Society :iof Ocean policemen were added to the the following Resolution was pic- C ljt. \V 0111311 S LIUD town Square. Grove will conduct ;a regular township force Tuesday night by scnted to Frank Smith, Worship- ________ Mr. Van Dyke is the grandson of nieeting* on Mendayj-,April 24, action of the municipal committee. ful Master of Occan Grove Lodge , Mrs. Edmund L. Thompson, Broad­ at 8 . P.M. in the . Mcthodist They are: No. 238 F. & A.M., at the meet- 10OCEf.N . ~Zr f way, Ocean Grove, and the late Burt . Home aisditoriuev1.’” Stockton Robert J. Kopp, 32 Beach Ave., ing of the township committee “ « eetin£ of ^ ^m an’s Club Tuesday night: *>f Ocean Grove the foUow.ng slate Woolsey Thompson, and Mrs. Carl Ave. The program‘will feature Ocean Grove; Kerry E. Duke, 26 Van Dyke, and the late Cad Van an antique show planked by the Lake Ave.; Ocean Grove; Donald WHEREAS, Ocean Grove Lodge was elected; P ^en t, Dyke' formerly of Bradley Bcacb. Committee. A. Waddell, 20 Lakewood Road; No. 238; F.&A;M. was granted a I J?3'. ,Artth“r ’“ J™ charter by the Grand Lodge of. ^es.dent, Mrs. Robert. Woyshner; --- M ts. Patrica Pierce, an au­ Ernest S.' Napolitano, 425 Lake- thority on antiques & a mem­ wiood Road; W illiam A. Itobbins, New Jersey on April 20, 1972; and .Treasurer Mrs. Albert Miller; Workers Listed ber of the Ameriawi Apprais­ 700 Prospect Place; Eugene V WHEREAS, th e original 0ffi-iCorresP°nd,n<? Secretary, Mrs- B. DONALD STERNER, chairman of the Monmouth County Planning Otto. Stoll, Jr.; Trustee for Emmons, 930% Fourth Ave., and cers were insftalled by the Grand Board and a 1917 football team-male of the1.'famed Indian athlete For Cancer Drive al Association will .lecture and years, Mrs. Ernest D. Sparks. Jim Thorpe, poses beside Thorpe’s Olympic trophy which he re-dls- render professional opinion Edward Green, 1600 Springwood Master and his staff on May 5, 1922; and ■ The following delegates were covered al the International Olympic Museum at Lausanne, Switzer­ on items brought t o r the meet­ Ave. OCEAN GROVE — Local Chair­ appointed to represent the Club land. The trophy, a likeness of Klnfcrj.Gtjstav;-.of Sweden presented ing for display. Members are The. appointments were announc­ WHEREAS, the said Lodge has at the 1912 Olympics, was among the matix-&ward&4&Jien from Thorpe man Mrs. Dortha W. Shaller an­ ; invited to bring tlieir antiques ed by Committeeman Herman S. been an 'integral ‘-.art of' *hei:it the New Jers£y State Pedwa* after he was charged with proressionaliani./).'};}!; r:r tion Convention in Atlantic City nounces that volunteer workers for for discussion and appraisal. Johnson, director' of public safety. Township of Neptune for the past I •Vi'■ The American Cancer Society drive on May 9-12: Mrs. Arthur H. FRtpHOLD — Aftet- a three- Oilers- \Many players of tCie era For further information, The men are wn probationary sta­ fifty years wifJi many of the citi­ this year arc Mrs. Wm. Schcte- Dietz, Mrs, Robert Woyshner, Mrs. year search through Europe, E. wore no shoulder pads, and some please telephone ' Mrs- Anne tus and will attend the State Police zens of the Township of Neptune lich, Mrs. Elizabeth. Temel, Mrs. John Sheppard and Mrs. Joseph Donald Sterner of Colts Neck has . helmets. ,. < Forrester, 775-083#. !,i. Training Center at Sea Girt. being active members; and Charlotte Sutphen, M r s. George Cetrulc. Alternates are: SSr* Er­ found "the bronze • trophy awarded OTpewa-V their- big* attraction . sw arded a one-year co.i- WHEREAS, rtJie said lodge has Ogden' ' Mrs. Ralph MocLairghliti,'. nest D Sparks, Mrs. William E. at the 1912 Olympics to his for­ with his great open field running1, tract to "iEerxmmxmity- Dog'Con­ supported many cotanamity proj­ Mrs. Lawrence Michak, Mrs. Mil­ SchlaKinan, M!rs. Frederick W- mer football team-mate, the im­ his 50 and 60 - yard average on trol, Howell Townsfcap, a t a cost ects throughout the years; and dred Davis, Miss Lucile Dunn, Auxiliary Nets' Herbst and Mrs. William T. Fol- mortal Jim Thorpe. punts, and his drop locking of 50- of ?7,000. Mayor Joseph Wardell : WHEREAS, the said : ■ Ocean Mrs. Fred Antes, Mrs. Jackie We­ Grove Lodge No. 238 F.&A.M. will ley. " . Mr. Sterner, chairman today of yard field goals.” I13D for Hospital emphasized that all dogs mast be Mr. Sterner notes t h a t in 1920 ber, Mrs. Lois Weller,’ Mrs. James licensed.; Stray canines are a, nuis­ celebrate its 50th Anniversary this A most informative talk was tho Monmouth County Planning Muraay, Mrs. Ann Forrester, Mrs. NEPTUNE — The Occan Grove m onth; given by Mrs. S. Allen Grove orf Board, played tackle on Thorpe’s Thorpe was made president of the ance to the community and will be first organized professional foot­ Carol Evans. ' Auxiliary to Jersey Shore Medical picked up, he added. THEREFORE, I, Joseph War­ Farmlngdale on the Indians of Canton Bulldogs when tihe Ohio Also, M ts. Eva Sadler, Mrs. ball league, “quite a tribute to that Center Spring Dessert Card i^r- Howard L. Ely, of the Ely Funer- den; of the Township of Neptune, Neew Jersey. Especially interest­ team was coached by Pop Warner Howard Boughy, M rs. Clara Mc­ old Sac and Fox Indian from Car­ ty was held in the fori Auditor- al Home, 316 Corlies Avenue, and do hereby proclaim April 20, 1972, ing were the great number of au­ to 1917 national professional cham­ Leod,'Mrs. LeRoy Ward, Miss Ann thentic artificats used by the Len- lisle." ium on Saturday - afterabon, nsal- William H. Myers, 505 Lakewood as the appropriate occasion for the pionship. O’Reilly, Mrs.' K e n n e th Del- Today, Pote Calac is tie only izing about |138 towasd the hos­ Road, were named to vacant seats citizens of the Township of Nep­ ni-Lenape' Indians who once lived The statue, a 200-ponud bronze lett, Mrs.
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