THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND ALUMNI MAGAZINE | AUTUMN 2017 VISION FOR CHANGE GRAFFITI CRIMES Creativity with street cred HAPPINESS How can we have more of it? ALUMNI PROFILE Ingenio The University of Auckland Alumni magazine Autumn 2017 ISSN 1176-211X Editor: Judy Wilford Contributing editor: Helen Borne IN THIS ISSUE Art Direction and Design: Mike Crozier Advertising manager: Don Wilson Proofreading: Rupert Alchin, Tess Redgrave, Julianne Evans Editorial 3 Writers: Tess Redgrave, Julianne Evans, 8 Margo White, Judy Wilford, Suzi Phillips, Letters 4 Vaughan Yarwood University news 4 Editorial contact details Ingenio FEATURES Communications and Marketing The University of Auckland Because of who they are 8 Private Bag 92019 Auckland 1142, New Zealand The fabulous Hunter brothers 14 Level 10, Fisher Building 18 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland Sharp minds, business savvy 20 Telephone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 83257 14 Facsimile: +64 9 373 7047 Graffiti crimes 24 Email:
[email protected] Creating new realities 28 Audited by Digital doctor in the house 30 How alumni keep in touch Heartening news 32 To ensure that you continue to receive Ingenio, and to subscribe to @auckland, Ways of giving 36 the University’s email newsletter for alumni and friends, please update your details at: REGULAR SECTIONS 27 Poem by an alumnus 6 Alumni Relations Office The University of Auckland Opinion 13 19A Princes Street, Private Bag 92019 Auckland 1142, New Zealand Taking Issue 18 Telephone: +64 9 923 4653 Email:
[email protected] Research in brief 22 Around the globe 26 Copyright Alumni networks 34 Articles reflect personal opinions and are not 28 those of the University of Auckland.