In His Footsteps
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Ralph and Myrene Steele of Valparaiso, organizers of the pilgrimage. Before takeoff, Bishop White took the microphone to call the travelers to prayer, asking that God might use the event to "change forever" the hearts of those about to venture into the land where Jesus introduced his revolutionary insights about God's loving nature; and where he brought the miraculous healing and the hope of resurrection that continue to bless human kind today because this man from Galilee lived. The 11-hour flight arrived at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv as a cool, grey and rainy morning was dawning. Some of the highlights and insights of the days that followed are described and pictured in the special eight-page section inside this issue: SHALOM - Lessons from the Fifth Gospel, Israel, pages 11 -18 HUM NEWS PHOTO BY LYNNE OEMCHELE Hoosier pilgrims stroll Into the ancient temple at Capernaum, the site where Jesus began his ministry. This limestone and marble synagogue was built In the 3rd or 4th Where Jesus taught century on top of the basalt rock ruins of the original temple structure where Jesus taught. It was one of the first stops of last month's Holy Land pilgrimage. V V \ \ \ [Hotel Hoosler United Methodist 2 NEWS March 1994 Hc/s\i^drtS^dMethodists*jfc SHARING THE FAITH . Do you^elieve in angels? If so, who or what are they? John Pattison Esther Ross John Brittain Ralph Austin Sailie Rowland Pastor, Member, Chaplain, Pastor, Ames Chapel, Member, St. Luke's UMC, Van Buren UMC Fifth Avenue UMC, Gary University of Evansville Bloomington District Indianapolis I believe in them, yes. There Do I believe in angels? Oh — I've got a sermon in Yes, I certainly do. They're Good heavens, what an have been those experiences when Guardian angels, you mean? the barrel on that. just a little higher than man and interesting question. I felt an angel has been with me, a Sure. They're a manifestation of I believe there are heavenly a little lower than God. The good I know some people that couple of times. God's love. beings of another dimension — Lord sends them to watch out for qualify, in the lives they lead, the Once 1 felt a presence very There are people walking one thing thaf s made clear in the us and help us. attitudes they exhibit. They're strongly, and my wife confirmed around that you just have an Scriptures is that God is I kind of started believing more caring and thoughtful than that she felt it, too. It could have immediate kinship with. They ontologically different than in angels 24 years ago when I the norm. There aren't a whole been an angel or the Lord Himself. just step right into your life when human beings. There is an was run over by a freight train. It lot of them; but some are extraor- I didn't see a vision. But I felt the you need something, when times "other" dimension of reality of just threw me and my truck out dinary. presence. are particularly hard. They're which we have little knowledge. of the way. I went through the Are there guardian angels? The other time it was sort of there to help lessen the load. In campus Bible Study now windshield and it cut my ear off. I don't know. Sometimes I flunk a personal matter, after my I've tried to do this for we're studying the Book of They sewed it back on and I was there's somebody out there, teenage daughter's death. I heard other people, I hope and pray I Revelations. It talks about angels out of the hospital in two or three looking out for you. In the sense a voice saying, "She's in His care have been successful. I've had as visions, making things known. days. of [the classic movie] "It's a < and it's all right; someday you will many opportunities to try. I It's important to remember that I've been in medical work Wonderful Life," I don't hear any understand this." It gave mc the teach high school students [to angels aren't just like us. They for 17 years and I've been around bells ringing. hope and assurance that Jesus is become certified nursing assis- bring messages both positive and hospitals a lot. I've felt the But that's not to say that with us. tants]. Sometimes it's just negative. Contrary to some presence of the Holy Spirit. there aren't any. Just as it says in John 14, the hugging people, or bringing in current popular ideas, they're I believe in angels, yes. Lord is going to prepare a place some special little treat to the not warm, fuzzy agents of light. for each of us. That helps me have nursing homes. Or being of that assurance of life, and life after assistance to the doctors. It's a death — including my own. The wonderful experience. Resurrection, you know. NEWS DEADLINE: Items must be received by the 15th of the One Great Hour of Sharing month in order to be considered for publishing the following month. Send to: HUM News, 1100 W. 42nd St., Indianapolis, IN to be observed Mar. 13 46208; FAX: (317) 924-4859; or call (317) 924-1321. One Great Hour of Shar- Gifts collected further pro- Hoosier United Methodist NEWS ing is a special day when offer- vide emergency relief and reha- "Speaking the truth in love" Ephesians 4:15 ings are taken, celebrated the bilitation to victims of flooding, fourth Sunday of Lent. It pro- (ISSN 1056-4624) Published monthly except SUBSCRIPTIONS (with home doltv- earthquakes, and tornados. August by Indiana Araa United Methodist ery) are $12 par year, $20 tor two vides major support for the When civil strife and unrest Communications, an agency ol tha United years. 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Circulation/Advertising Manager, SUBMISSIONS Including news, Offerings collected Writer- Susan Hobba correspondence, subscrlpllons and Critical funds also go to Production Aaslatant - Heather Ottinger address changes should bo mailed to on that day will help UMCOR's work in relief, re- Contributing Editor - Mary Matt Hoothr tWfad Mthodbt NEWS 1100 provide tools and seeds, Araa Committee on Communlcatlone: W. 42nd 61. Indianapolis, IN 46206. ONE habilitation, ministries with DEADLINE for alt roullna news Rev. Chaster Mayflower (chairman), Jack Arm- health care for mothers refugees, and alleviation of strong, Rev. Robert Colemen, Rev. Jellrey Kama: 16th of tha month preceding and children, nutrition hunger. Dodge, Rev. Dean Fager, Rev. Jim Gentry, Bob publication. education, clean water, GREAT GUdea, Sue Granger. Dorothea Green, Rev. Member Hoosier State Press Assn. 1993 Steve Homer, Rev. Robert Miller. Ex ofllclo: Member and literacy and in- Bishop Woodle W. White, Rev. Mark BlaWng. Aseoctaled creased job skills for HOUR OF ConsuRants:Phy Bremen, Rod Hargo, Stan Solars FT Church people and entire PHONE: (317)924-1321 1*93 Hntsdonen communities over- recycled peper FAX: (317)924-4859 seas. SHARING POSTMASTER: Send chanoes ot address to the Hoosier United Math- I Qrfs>wavSj100W.42ndSt.i^lanaootls.4e20B. mm? Hoceier United Methodist March 1994 NEWS 3 Lay speakers: Much more than 'pastoral wanna-be's' Metro Ministries challenged to 'transform' itself: Bishop By Mary Lou Howey trict and conference levels. They must and beyond, but lay speaker training Hoosier UM Neivs correspondent take at least one advanced lay speaking and certification helps them discern and By Lynne DeMlchele course every three years to maintain their strengthen their gifts for ministry, Heim Hoosier UM News Editor What is a lay speaker? certification. A variety of advanced said. The traditional thinking might be courses are offered each year throughout "Our hope is to inspire people to INDIANAPOLIS - "We need to see greater possibilities for ministry and look at Indianapolis in more missional that a lay speaker is a frustrated preacher the conference. More information about encourage our laity to consider becoming terms.