63 (2): 219 – 239 2013 © Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, 2013 Two new genera of Lathrobiina from the East Palaearctic region (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae) With 80 figures and 2 maps Volker Assing 1 1 Gabelsbergerstraße 2, 30163 Hannover, Germany. –
[email protected] Published on 2013-12-20 Summary Two genera of Lathrobiina are described, illustrated, and distinguished from Lathrobium Gravenhorst, 1802 and allied genera: Elytrobium gen. n. (type species: Lathrobium monilicorne Sharp, 1889) and Sinlathrobium gen. n. (type species: Lathrobium lobrathiforme Assing, 2012). Elytrobium is distributed in the southeast of the East Palaearctic region and includes six species: E. monilicorne (Sharp, 1889), comb. n. (Japan); E. gongganum sp. n. (China: Gongga Shan); E. qinlinganum sp. n. (China: Qinling Shan); E. seminitidum sp. n. (China: Shaanxi); E. scindens sp. n. (China: Daba Shan); E. alesianum sp. n. (Taiwan). Sinlathrobium comprises four species from China: S. lobrathiforme (Assing, 2012), comb. n. (Yunnan); S. lobrathioides (Assing, 2012), comb. n. (transferred from Lathrobium) (Chongqing); S. densepunctatum sp. n. (Sichuan); S. iniquum sp. n. (Yunnan). Keys to the species of both genera are provided, and their distributions are mapped. Although all the species of both genera appear to be fully winged, four of the six Elytro- bium and all the Sinlathrobium species have been recorded from only a single locality each. Three Elytrobium and three Sinlathrobium species are currently represented only by their respective holotypes. Key words Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae, Lathrobiina, Elytrobium, Sinlathrobium, Lathrobium, Lobrathium, Tetartopeus, East Palaearctic region, China, Taiwan, Japan, taxonomy, new genera, new species, new combinations, key to species, distribution maps Zusammenfassung Zwei Gattungen aus der Subtribus Lathrobiina werden beschrieben, abgebildet und von Lathrobium Gravenhorst, 1802 und verwandten Gattungen unterschieden: Elytrobium gen.