Inclusion in Letter of Resignation

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Inclusion in Letter of Resignation RESIGNATIONS Ch. 37 § 4 the State of New York, as re- as a State Governor or city quired by State law.(3) Mayor,(6) to accept an appoint- ment as a Federal(7) or State(8) judge, to create a vacancy and run for the vacant seat, in the case of ( ) § 4. Reason for Resigna- a change in party affiliation 9 or a contested election,(10) to serve a tion; Inclusion in Letter jail sentence on conviction of a of Resignation crime,(11) and, in the case of a Senator, to create a vacancy to be When a Member resigns as a filled by appointment by a State Representative, the basis of, or Governor.(12) reasons for, the Member’s resigna- tion may or may not be included f in the Member’s letter of resigna- Service in the Armed Forces tion. In recent years, the general practice has been for a Member § 4.1 A Member resigned, stat- resigning from the House to in- ing in his letter to the Speak- clude in the Member’s letter of er his intention to serve in resignation the reasons for the the Armed Forces. Member’s termination of service (1) in the House. On Nov. 14, 1944, Speaker Among the reasons for which Sam Rayburn, of Texas, laid be- fore the House a letter from a Members have resigned have been Member stating that he had sub- to serve in the Armed Forces,(1) to mitted to the Governor of his accept an appointment as a cabi- State his resignation as a Member net secretary or in another Execu- (2) of the House and that the reason tive branch position, to assume for the resignation was to serve in office as a Member of the Sen- the Armed Forces. ate,(3) to accept an appointment as a member of the United States OCTOBER 19, 1944. delegation to the United Na- tions,(4) or as an ambassador to 6. See § 4.7, infra. another nation,(5) to assume office 7. See § 4.8, infra. 8. See § 4.9, infra. 3. See § 3.9, supra. 9. See § 4.10, infra. 1. See § 4.1, infra. 10. See § 4.11, infra. 2. See § 4.2, infra. 11. See § 4.12, infra. 3. See §§ 4.3, 4.4, infra. 12. See §§ 4.13, 4.14, infra. 4. See § 4.5, infra. 1. 90 CONG. REC. 8163, 78th Cong. 2d 5. See § 4.6, infra. Sess. 373 VerDate 0ct 09 2002 14:45 Jan 25, 2011 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00385 Fmt 8875 Sfmt 8875 F:\PRECEDIT\VOL17\17COMP~1 27-2A Ch. 37 § 4 DESCHLER-BROWN-JOHNSON PRECEDENTS Hon. SAM RAYBURN, tion from the House of Representa- Speaker of the House, tives: Congress of the United States, CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Washington, D. C. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Washington, DC, July 29, 2005. Y EAR R PEAKER M D M . S : Effective Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, this date, I have submitted to the Hon- Speaker of the House, orable Spessard L. Holland, Governor The Capitol, Washington, DC. of Florida, my resignation as a Mem- ber of the Seventy-eighth Congress DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Today, the U.S. from the Third District of Florida. Senate voted to confirm me for the po- I take this step in order to serve in sition of Chairman of the Securities the armed forces of my country. and Exchange Commission. As a re- With personal regards, and with sult, I must submit to you herewith my genuine appreciation for the uniform resignation as a Member of the U.S. cooperation and splendid leadership House of Representatives, effective as which you have given me, I am, of 6 p.m. pdt on Tuesday, August 2, Sincerely, 2005. I have also written to Governor BOB SIKES. Schwarzenegger to advise him of my resignation. Service in the Executive Mr. Speaker, even more significant than the privilege of serving for 17 Branch years in the House of Representatives has been the opportunity to serve with § 4.2 Members have resigned you in the elected Majority Leadership their seats in the House to for the last 10 years. Thank you, serve in Executive branch again, for your friendship, your cour- positions. age under fire, your wisdom, and your sterling example over so many years. On Sept. 2, 2005,(1) the Speaker ( ) I very much look forward to con- pro tempore 2 laid before the tinuing to work with you and serving House a letter from a Member ad- the Nation in my new position. vising of his resignation. The let- Sincerely, ter was accompanied by a copy of CHRISTOPHER COX, the actual letter of resignation U.S. Representative. that the Member submitted to the State official concerned. The pro- CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, ceedings were as follows: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Washington, DC, July 29, 2005. RESIGNATION FROM THE Hon. ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Governor, State of California, State The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Capitol Building, Sacramento, CA. fore the House the following resigna- DEAR GOVERNOR SCHWARZENEGGER: Today, I have been confirmed by the 1. 151 CONG. REC. 19424, 109th Cong. U.S. Senate for the position of Chair- 1st Sess. man of the Securities and Exchange 2. Tom DeLay (TX). Commission. 374 VerDate 0ct 09 2002 14:45 Jan 25, 2011 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00386 Fmt 8875 Sfmt 8875 F:\PRECEDIT\VOL17\17COMP~1 27-2A RESIGNATIONS Ch. 37 § 4 Accordingly, I am writing to inform tion from the House of Representa- you that, effective as of 6 p.m. pdt on tives:(5) Tuesday, August 2, 2005, I will resign CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, my seat as the Representative of the Washington, DC, April 29, 2005. 48th District of California in the U.S. House of Representatives. I have also Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, written to House Speaker Hastert to Speaker, House of Representatives, inform him of the timing of my res- The Capitol, Washington, DC. ignation. DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I have been For the past 17 years, I have had the nominated by President Bush and con- great privilege and honor of rep- resenting the people of Orange County, firmed by the United States Senate for California in the House of Representa- the position of United States Trade tives. My service in the Congress has Representative. Therefore, I have sub- been a truly rewarding experience, and mitted my resignation as a Member of I am grateful to Orange County’s citi- the U.S. House of Representatives, ef- zens for putting their trust and faith in fective 12 noon, April 29, 2005. I am me. As a member of the elected Major- forwarding to you a copy of my letter ity Leadership and Chairman of three House committees, I have been espe- of resignation to Ohio Governor Bob cially privileged to have had the oppor- Taft. tunity to work closely with you and our Mr. Speaker, it has been a high other elected California leaders on so honor to represent the Second Congres- many shared priorities. sional District of Ohio for the past Thank you, again, for your friend- twelve years, and to serve with the dis- ship and support. I look forward to tinguished men and women of the continuing to work with you, and to serve California and the Nation in my House of Representatives. I look for- new position. ward to working with the Members of the House and serving the Nation in Sincerely, CHRISTOPHER COX, my new position. U.S. Representative. Sincerely, On May 2, 2005,(3) the Speaker ROB PORTMAN, pro tempore(4) laid before the Representative. House a letter of resignation from CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, a Member, accompanied by a copy Washington, DC, April 29, 2005. of the letter of resignation that Hon. ROBERT TAFT, the Member submitted to the Governor, State of Ohio, State official concerned: Columbus, Ohio. RESIGNATION FROM THE DEAR GOVERNOR TAFT: I have been HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nominated by President Bush and con- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- firmed by the United States Senate for fore the House the following resigna- the position of United States Trade 3. 151 CONG. REC. 8388, 109th Cong. 5. Parliamentarian’s Note: Representa- 1st Sess. tive Portman resigned to become the 4. Tim Murphy (PA). United States Trade Representative. 375 VerDate 0ct 09 2002 14:45 Jan 25, 2011 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00387 Fmt 8875 Sfmt 8875 F:\PRECEDIT\VOL17\17COMP~1 27-2A Ch. 37 § 4 DESCHLER-BROWN-JOHNSON PRECEDENTS Representative. Therefore, I hereby re- Sincerely, sign as a Member of the U.S. House of ASA HUTCHINSON. Representatives, effective 12 noon, April 29, 2005. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES It has been a honor to represent the Washington, DC, August 3, 2001. Second Congressional District of Ohio Governor MIKE HUCKABEE, for the past twelve years, and an honor State Capitol Building, to work with you and the Ohio delega- Little Rock, AR. tion. I look forward to working with you and serving Ohio and the Nation DEAR GOVERNOR HUCKABEE: Please in my new position. accept this letter as notice that my res- ignation from the U.S. House of Rep- Sincerely, resentatives shall be effective at the ROB PORTMAN, 2400 hours on Monday, August 6, Representative. 2001. (6) On Sept. 5, 2001, the Speaker Sincerely, laid before the House a commu- ASA HUTCHINSON. nication from a Member resigning On Jan. 25, 1993,(7) the Speaker his seat in the House effective laid before the House a commu- Aug. 6, 2001, to become the Ad- nication from a Member resigning ministrator of the Drug Enforce- his seat in the House to become ment Agency.
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