2015 Annual ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law Proceedings May 19th, 11:45 AM An Empirical Comparison of Widely Adopted Hash Functions in Digital Forensics: Does the Programming Language and Operating System Make a Difference? Satyendra Gurjar Cyber Forensics Research and Education Group (UNHcFREG), Tagliatela College of Engineering, ECECS Department, University of New Haven,
[email protected] Ibrahim Baggili Cyber Forensics Research and Education Group (UNHcFREG), Tagliatela College of Engineering, ECECS Department, University of New Haven Frank Breitinger CyberFollow F thisorensics and additional Research worksand Education at: https:/ Gr/commons.eroup (UNHcFREG),au.edu/adfsl Tagliatela College of Engineering, ECECS Depar Partment,t of the Univ Aviationersity ofSaf Newety and Hav Securityen Commons, Computer Law Commons, Defense and Security AliceStudies Fischer Commons , Forensic Science and Technology Commons, Information Security Commons, CyberNational For Securityensics Resear Law Commonsch and Education, OS and GrNetworksoup (UNHcFREG), Commons T, Otheragliatela Computer College Sciences of Engineering, Commons ECECS, and theDepar Socialtment, Contr Univol,ersity Law , ofCrime, New andHav enDe,viance AFischer@newha Commons ven.edu Scholarly Commons Citation Gurjar, Satyendra; Baggili, Ibrahim; Breitinger, Frank; and Fischer, Alice, "An Empirical Comparison of Widely Adopted Hash Functions in Digital Forensics: Does the Programming Language and Operating System Make a Difference?" (2015). Annual ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law. 6. https://commons.erau.edu/adfsl/2015/tuesday/6 This Peer Reviewed Paper is brought to you for free and open access by the Conferences at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Annual ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law by an (c)ADFSL authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons.