II noon at the 6f Mrt Charlaa R. Alexander 4 W«t( Fifty-eigfeth CHRISTIAN . SOCIAL CALENDAR. CHURCH Ball treet. Lad) Dean Paul. daucMfr. Cupid's kno%n of the violinist. Wienlawaki Today. at a uftder name of WAS1HINGTON Congressional Club, rcccption compoaer the SOC fekt. will oa the WORKS FOR Pol6o* ap< k pott. » for Vice President and Mr*. Mar- To Aid YOUNG, choir lETY-:-\ and a fro»r Christian. Col. and Mrs. Italy Verlaine. selected ,1 Marshall. shall. Carlton for benefit of the Southern .-i...... t Col. and Mrs. Moreno, Gen. and Mr* Stonewall Jackson Chapter, U- Col. and Mrs. Industrial Association feflaa PASTOR DECLARES Mclntyre, Woloott. D. C. ball at Rauscher's. Over Fifty Society Young Beat.' Crawford has been rho*enKathleen ... Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Quevcdo. Col. and ladies at George Harding Congressional * queen and MaJ John D Harrison Mrs. Townsend. Dt. and Mrs. Crowe. Washington Inn. at home. Folk to The Hon. and Mrs. Hon. Form Band of will be the kin* Am on* other* Rev. Reginald Ayrcs. and Mrs! The benjamin Franklin Night who will la the Foster, Mrs. Carolyn Cole. Mr. tand and dance of the Penn- appear varipu* In New York reception at Benefit. troupe am: lira Thomas Robiaa. Jr. Mrs/ Tom Panaiey. Hon. and Mrs sylvania Society at the New Wil- Gypsies Speaks at N. Y.RowlandAve. .,. Mtsa Molly Van R. Cogswell. Mm Porter. Senator and Mrs. Robinson. lard. Hon. and Mrs. J. Betty Merchant. Mas Carolyn F*r Services. Goes to Meet Wife of DeVeyra. the JMr. and Mrs. George T. Marve. NEW YORK. Jan. 30..Of* of the rlday. Miss Mary Trimble. Miaa Maud Night Sen-\ Miases Campbell. Miss Garrett. the a dinner. » Misses Lazaro, Miss Mi*s special features at Cupid's Ball, to Ellin*er. Maj R ramha 11 the Pn» The Mansflefd, Miss Florence Schofleld. at eta Church belongs to yoath and ator Nina Gore. Mis* Le Fevre. Miss home. be given tomorrow night In the Pat reciment. R ob^ri To anaend youth belongs to the Church, said Margaret Rippy. the Misses Delia Robbia room of the and Mrs Georre Vavgkal the Rev. Reginald Rowland, Miss Kendrlck, Miss DorothySutherland.' In aid of the Free MilkVan4erbiltfar The fourth of the bchola Can- « pastor of New York assistant Frelinghuysen. fund will be a band -of ffypale*. torum senoe of lectvre-musicalea Avehue Miss Anna Italy Mondell. Evans. Miss will be held neat Church, who prcached laat night In Prlscllla Husted. Miss Iris Mrs. Nathan L. Strong, Mrp. Henry over fifty young m*n and women of Thursday after- Place of the pastor, the Rev. Dr. By EVELYN C. HUNT. Miss .Elisabeth Italian-American families, all the 8chola Cantorum will ainf i H Major. Hawley,Miss W. Temple. Mrs. William S. Vare, Mra Cornelius Yaaderbilt will R»dcliffe. Mrs. Warren G. Harding went to II md Manona Riddlck, Miss Nina White Mrs. A. H. .Walters and Mr^r John gorgeous costumes Amongwearing In connection with the ther features will he dances rive a dance tomorrow niffhi at dier observance New York yesterday morning, Miss Rebecca Dial, Mis* Allcc H. Wilson special li* s Miss Ruth Hazleton. KoslofT and heme, fifth avenue. Preabyterian Y4ung People Day. by Mrs Edward B accompanied Paige. Miss Dorothy Dennet. Mist by Mrs Albert Sterner will the the Misses Mortnna. and at De Wolf ffiv*--*- [ 'jl«brat«d throughout country They Joined Mrs. Joseph FreMcLean. Cathryn Hays, Ayres ART ll> F0RE(.K01 KD IA midnight talk on the Junior Art Patrons **>" ^raabyterians yesterday, he said of Miss Miss Hopper will tell a number of stories of',4 that tnghuysen. wife Senator Townsend, Emma Mn«. KI.MOTT'S TALK. America, a new society »he is or- Chriatianity was essentially In New York. They are Strong. Miss Ruth Foster. Mis? Princess Francesco Rospigliosi. Mrs. the of Frelinghuysen On Mrs. Edward V ranislng. at a tea to be held next religion youth. % Staying at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Dorothy Yates. Miss Isabel Wednesday afternoon John A. Drake. Mrs. ' "Jesus Thuradav afternoon at the Oaa'r Himself. ga\# Himself up Miss Eleanor Beckham.Crawford.Mist* John Elliott, of Newport, daughter Rreitung. Mrs. William H. Hirst IS *o God and the the A brilliant Mrs. Club. Haat Fort> fifth street Church at age of company will attend Florence Curry. Ml»s Margaret of Julia Ward Howe, brought art Mrs. Rutherford Rlngham. *2. His first recorded words were the opening in Washington of the Sterling:. Miss lone Kitchin Miss Orestes Ferrara. Mrs. Allen < rert f»r Relief. that He must be about His Father's film. 'Way Down East." this Mary Sewltftwick. Miss Margaret into the foreground iti a beautiful Wellman. Mrs. RichmondGouverncur A concert for the benefit of the, business. This was the age at Among those who haveeveningsig-. Doirs. Miss Margaret Pon. Mr. address on the art colony at New- Smith. Captain Francesco European Relief Council, of which hich Moses their | and Samuel both gave j nlfled Intention of attending Sanchez. Joseph Crowe, J. E. Le port, delivered at the league elub- Henry Marshall Rae Guard#bassi.and J. Herbert Hoover is chairman, wilt b* themaelvea to God. are the Belgian Ambassador and Fevre, John j Hartley Manners ar« member* of McOraw. Mr. Zabola. house, where she whs entertained of the HoteT "Christianity is » young man's Baroness de Cartier. the l^awrente Hunt. Gen Mr the entertainment committee. held in the ballroom ) Argentine Pershing, as the honor | and a young woman's religion, no Ambassador and Mme. Le Breton Herrera. Laurltz Haugen. Arthur guest at the regular Th» patronensea include Mra. Majestic on the niffht of January 31. matter what their physical years the Brazilian Ambassador, Gronna. William Mondell. Lowell weekly reception. The guests wer« Philip D. Armour. Mr?. Thomas G. Mrs. Owen KHaaire will be in may be. It is the religion of youth, of Agriculture and Mrs. SecretaryE. T. Fess. Paxton Howard. Donald presented by Mrs William Atherton London. Mrs Francis J. Murray charge and will have the aasiatrm » a Mrs. of several muaician* bounding pulsating youth, eternal Meredith with party; Postmaster Joseph Byrns. Jr.. Louis Phelan.Little.Du Puy, national president of George I*eary, Mrs. Enrico throughout the years. Once admit General and Mrs. A. S. Burlsaon and Worth Daniels, Mr. Egan. Mr. Mrs. I>- Emmet Holt. Mr*.Caruso.J. Mrs. Robert Cirier Monroe will Christ to your heart and you have daughter. Miss Sydney Burleson Dr. Alfredo Bon. GradyWilloughby. Mrs. Evelyn C. Hunt serveatinleague.Henry l^ncashtre. Mrs I>ewis fcive a tea tomorrow afternoon at the secret of youth eternal.'* secretary of War and Jack Paden. tea. assisted Mrs. Marie Moore Morris. Mrs. Theodore p. her home. I!i Ea*t bixty-flrat street, Mrs. Baker Miller. George Ward. by Gouvorneur K in Preceding the sermon all young l«o guests; to the Richardson McPherson, Mrs. Shonts. Mr*. Herbert L Satterlee. for Mr? <'harlea Farnum Secretary George Forrest, Virginia King Frye. with the Serbian Child fr£Opl>Vg societies of the church held President Joseph Tumulty and wife Mr. Blanton, E PetersonMrPheraon.Mrs. B Mrs. John I». Ryan. Mrs. William R connection * fcnion service with Nellie Fealy. Miss Ada and Aa»o laiion. responsive and four guests; Alan Graves and T Cantrlll. Bill Sewithwlck. Joe Thompson Mrs. John Aspcrgren. madeWelfare and music led the Harold Sims of the * Finley. Mrs. Grace Duffle Boylan Announcement ha* brfn ofS by British Taylor. Mr. Burroughs, George *«ril (*raa Ball. of teach of wmmm C F. C Miss Marshall. the engagement Miss Kalhnrtn*# orchorus.society Undersecretary State Embassy;and Strong:. Currf. jr.. Leonard Geldert, Arc-ley About in of John F gave account of its methods, Mrs Norman Davis attd two Curry. Dr Bonnett, Lieut. Dettil sixty young people T. Galvin. daughter guests Among the guests wHere Mrs. George will take p»»rt in the pageant.societyvin. formerly president of the board a. benevolencesmeetmiaalonariand Gen. Peyton C. March and guests. and Henry B Sullivan. C. g?neral city work At 8 o'clock all Gen and John A. Thorpe, whom Mrs. Elliott is "Romance." devised by Mi*s Bell of water aupply. and Mr* Galvin. [ ^Irs Lejeune. J. this week: Mrs. Gibson which will drive. to « In the usual worship *ie secretary of PinDI K ASHO< UTION visitintrKinney, precede the of 241 Riverside M#J public Lagerberg. the' MISS to whom Mrs. Elliott willFahnextock.go dancing at the Mardi <»ras hall to Parker C. Kalloch. U. I*. A., Hl^TiFFKR SAYS SCENE Swedish Legation; Col. Charles W CHARLOTTE MACDOUGALL, TO HOLD lilMCHKOK, few, for the first week in February: Mrs. be given on February S at the Ritr stationed at West Point. < HAVB9D WITH VIEWPOINT. Rut*. Mr. and Mrs. W. B Daughter of Capt. and Mrs. William D. MacDougall, who made The local Purdue Alumni Walter Turkerman; Mrs. Virginia and their wives, namely!OliverSenators" will hold its regular "Unknown. ^ret well-known." II W. hfr debut this season with her sister, Miss Zilla but AssociationWhite Speel; Miss Martha Codman; Cor.. 0.6, was the text of the Henry Keves, William S. MacDougall, luncheon at the PickwickmonthlyInn. Assistant Secretary of the Navy and by the Rev. Dr. Henry Allensermon Joseph E. Ransdell. WilliamKenyon. who. is a student,.at college and was first presented to society in 1653 Pennsylvania avenue, at 12:30 Mrs. 'Gordon Woodbury and Miss at l"h"rles B Henderson. m. 2. ft Tupper the First Baptist Church, , London. , p. Wednesday. February Woodbury, and many others from yesterday Robert U Owen. Reed Smoot. Joseph the interested circles in (r morning. T. Robinson and William E. Dr. Tupper said in part: "In our Borah Mrs. Malcolm King, wife of Lieut. Washington. estimate of much Representatives.Speaker and Mrs' the Serbian minister to France, after urged to attend. Those who are Comdr. King, assistant naval On Saturday evening the anything, depends F us I'pon rederick Glllett. Mr. and Mrs c' six weeks with the was as a S.Smm the Mfn- are asked to the of the British will open usual, with Sot angle at which we view it. passing coming call up Embassy, attache olubhouse Frank Reavis. Mr and Mrs. (Uomjrang Some months ago. from a in Frank ister of the Serbs. Croats and Slo- club. Main 3683. and leave their be at home from 4 to 6 o'clock this social gathering of the P^n *th jrsan valley Mondell. (i. Cannon and TKE eusY^coaNtR POM a^uiat northern Belgium. I looked upon a Joseph guest venes and Mme. Slavko Grouitch. in acceptance with Miss Gertrude Van afternoon and next Monday «nd their guests, with cardsWomen landscape of wondrous beauty. A Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mann Mr Washington, will go to New York Hoesen. The club dinner is always at 11 East Bradley lane, and included officers attached The Tuesday Morning committee o. Carter. Mrs Champ Clark. Mrs. Postmaster General of the Ecor report; riches or unknown or to the British. French. Japanese; of the Washington Club.Mrs. Wal- William E. Mrs Richard N. States and negotiator of the first iomy poverty; well Cleary. K now n and Belgian embassies and to the lace Radcliffe. president.has tnvit- Elliott. Mrs. Scott Ferris. Mrs. treaties of the United States with In developing his subject. Dr. offices of the Directors of Military Nance O'Neil to address the club thony J Griffin. Mrs LindleyAnedH. Great Britain and France, will be Tupper elaborated and illustrated and .Naval Intelligence and Chief at noon tomorrow, immediately fol- Hadley, Mrs.* William W. Hastings, paid by Hon Gifford Pinchot. ih^^e propositions: of the Air Service. lowing the club meeting; only club Mrs. Carl Hayden. Mrs. Benjamin G. chief forester of the Unitedformer ^'First: The world's worthiest book Among the guests of honor were members and honorary members Humphreys. Mrs. Niels Juul. Mrs. States and now commissioner of is unrecorded and unknown. the Italian charg de affaires and will be admitted. The subject will William F. Kirby. Mrs. Fritz G. forestry in Pennsylvania His theme "Second; The world's worthiest Mme. Brambllla and the first be 'The Drama." I.anham. Mrs. Clarence F. I>ea. Mrs. will be "Putting Franklin's Maxims rs axe of the Italian Embassy secretaryMr Miss O'Neil Is starring in "The D Into Practice Today." ^.unrk unappreciated. Mariani. I John McDufflr. Mrs. Torn Mc "Third: The world's worthiest Passion Flower. a Spanish play Keown. Mrs William K. Mason. Mrs. William T. Plerson. composer of D; work and worker will fully be dramatised from the Nobel prize- Karl c. Michener. Mrs. John F several war songs which won The AsHistant Military Attache of novel written by Jacinto reputation, will sing his own ay recorded and rewardedremembered. w< Mrs. Fred S. Purnell. Mrs. Chas.Milwinning national in the Silent the Italian Embassy and Mr?. Carlo Benevente. compositions, and Mrs. Melville D. Land."' Huntington have gone to New York H. Randall. Mrs. Daniel A Reed. I OVE OF' <.OI> DES< COLLEGIATE AM MNAK TO Mrs. Joseph T. Robinson. Mrs. Lindsay will sing, accompanied on R IBE1) for the hall which will be given OPEN HOI SE. MilHOLDthe violin by her husband. After Over 100 Lots of Worthy and 15 SCIENTIST READING. th*» ton Romjue, Mrs. John M Rose. at Hotel Vanderbilt fortonight the one of the best jazz Thr benefit of the free The women from all of the col- Mrs. Arthur B. Rouse. Mrs. Thomas program everlasting love of God whs J milk for Italy orchestras in the city will render the keynote of the fund. | leges and universities in Illinois. I.. Rubey. Mrs. I/enore Sherwood. Seasonable Goc>ds Priced Christian Scifem*** Rockford. Knox. Lake Forest, Uni- Mrs. A. K. B. Stephens. Mrs. Charles music for dancing reading in the First Chur-h of Comdr. W R. Furlong of the U. S. Th. military attache of the Italian versity of Illinois. University of Chi- Swindall. Mrs. Edward T. Taylor, . hrist Scientist vesterday morning, will introduce the guests to sat with Bunker Embassy. Col Marquis di Bernezzo. cago. Northwestern, and others. Mrs. John N. Tillman. Mrs. J. N. navy ionally Lo> for Today as Sen\ Fred first reader IS in New York for the free are especially invited to attend trie Tincher. Mrs. William W. Venable. the reception committee which will and Mrs. Hitchcock seeond reader. milk, he of the following: Mrs. "The love of God is for Italy ball at the Hote: regular weekly tea on Wednesday, Mrs. Albert H. Vestal Mrs. composed everlasting, bilt tonight. 4 to 6. at the clubhouse of the H. Walters. Mrs LorenAnderfromE Howard S. Reeside. chairman; Mrs. Janu;iry 31st, Only. said Bunker, from son Monday. reading "Science Vandcr| National Association of Collegiate Mrs. William and Mitchell Palmer. Mrs. Clifford and Health" by Mary Baker Eddy. Wheeler. R. Wood The Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Folk Alumnae. 1607 H street northwest Mrs. William C. Wright. They will Mrs. Joseph E. Thropp. Mrs.Pinchot. Keep blowing your strongest proof ..f this love ot' * at a small luncheon bp assisted Miss Bland. Miss Joseph B Showalter. Mrs. Virginia God for man is that He gave His entertained by horn only Son. in honor of former Gov". yesterday*Cox women from the universities ter. Miss Collier. Miss Ferris. CarTheMiss White Speel. Mri Guius M. You cannot afford to miss these begotten sending Him and Mrs. Jamet- M Cox. of Minnesota. Wisconsin, Foreman. Miss Miss Mrs. T. Lincoln Townsend, great into the world that v/e mi^ht live Illinois, Hastings. Brumbaugh, About Bond Bread. through Hina Missouri. Nebraska. Texas, son and Miss Vestal. MaIowa,Mrs. Edwin A. Niess. Miss ®''olk wil1 b« at home today Kansas. Oklahoma and North Da- Mrs. Carrie J. and the Remeimbcr, for "This is love. Not that we loved Gury. Bingaman, bargains. though, at ."in Woodland drive from 4 to 6 kota are invited to an or- fJo»i but that He lov. d us. attend Mrs. Arthur Powell Davis following ladies of the Pennsylvania sending at at dinner His Son to be the propitiation for meeting the clubhouse tained Saturday enterganizationnight delegation in Congress: Mrs. Thomas Ambassador of Peru, F. A. Pezet of the National Association of Col- the Rev. Brown, S. Butler. Mrs. E. ONE DAY onlv. our sins. The love of God is all will to Olympia president. Guy Campbell. go Springfield. Ill , on l«igiate Alumnae Friday, at 8 p. m. and the officers of the Federal Mrs. Thomas S. Crago. Mrs. pervading and all it is 12 a George embracing; for brief dtay. February who wish to dine there and frage Association. SufThoseP. Darrow. Mrs. Benjamin K. Focht. rjjal. omnipresent, infinite. better "And as God loved get acquainted are urged to Mrs Willis J. Hunlings, Mrs. Evan us. even so MR*. RROHWELL HOSTESS call up the club and leave One of the most social should we love one their enjoyable J. Jones. Mrs. M. Clyde Kelly. Mrs. another. No TO YEW YORK (;VESTS. names for Miss events of the week was the dance jbwb Van Hoe- man has seen God a I Gertrude Samuel A. Kendall, Mrs. Edgar ac.y one time, Mrs- Charles S. Bromwell was! sen. Main 3683. given at the Congressional Club we . Kiess, Mrs. Aaron S. but if love one anotner God Kreider, Mrs .. will nostess at luncheon in .. Cordova ; Capita! and Surplu* $200,000 00 within us. yesterday Monday evening by Judge Louis T McFadden. Mrs John M dwoll sanctifying and honor of Mr. and Mrr. Preston The of Davila. Resident Commissioner from our lives He. Himself,ennoblingis University Chicago women Morin. Mrs. Harry C. Ransley, Mrs .I Resource* Over $1,500.000 00 of New York, who Satterwhite.are will meet informally for dinner at Porto Rico, and Mrs. Davila in in us. God is John Reber. Mrs. Milton W. Shreve, 3re4X&-J . ^perfected Spirit, God * guests of Mrs. Cromwell Brooks for 6 o'clock tonight at the clubhouse honor of their sister, Miss Alice . ia a is love. irala superlatively EXQUISITE AND POTO Swaggers $8.95 $19.00 Arm Bags average exceed an inch and a Milton and Missofflemv NANTLY ENCHAINING THING THAT I I DIRE( At one the average went as Richards were .the honor guestsAcadRTeh'a^Hat a ^ HAVE EVER $15.00 Swaggers $9.95 $21.00 Arm Bags $12.95 I JAMES H Him quarter.luncheon of SEEN IN MY LIFE. BADftN. WILLIAM H. JOHNSTON low as seventy-eight-hundredths of twelve course, given h» I $16 00 Arm $15.95 W 11,1.1 AM R ft A I'M db. b r kosh an inch. W'fe of C»"<- remember seeing Duse in this country many years ago Swaggers $10.95 $30.00 Bags ALBERT J BERRES henry c. MOSKP ofThTv when I imagine she must have been at the height of her R C. DAVIBON WILLIAM MrSHLEIdEN Bron'ngk.7 Madame Bernhardt.and for sheer powers.also l>R J. RYAN DEVEREt X h. <;lbnn phm.px mj \lis8 W ilson to Speak and technical R. «.OLDE>? DONALDSON OSCAR J RICBBTT* W|l| great emotional projection, done with AN brilliancyAT . Velvett B. F C.ILMORE db j tow nrkm1 riasbi.i Centers Bags HARRY W. HAHN cait w. h sb On Community on The MOST UNCANNY SIMPLICITY AND SINCERITY of 8tatton Danger Spots on the Man is $4.00 now $2.00 $10.00 now $5.00 WALTER J. HARRISON col (hah cowlib tkkkr method it great fun and a great stimulant see Bags Bags Miss Margaret Wilson, daughter AMERICAN to AN SAM PEL J HENRY a. e rnt.erbr the President, will address a ARTIST IF NOT SURPASS THE $5.75 Bags now $3.00 $12.00 Bags now $6.00 FRED HE WIT! h * walcott of FINEST TRADITIONSEQUAL,OF | ntx1nc.er meeting of the National Woman's THE THEATER. $7.50 Bags now $3.75 $15.00 now $7.50 Party convention here on February I am not in the habit of writing letters of this character Bags | to an announcement and It is a rare now now 17. according f- only very experience that could impel it $8.00 Bags $4.00 $20.00 Bags $10.00 I 5 to 8.30 and made from the party headquarters o. DRAMATIC CLIU I wonder if would Open Every Saturday Evening |D| HOSTS TO ALABAMANS, you be good enough to thank Miss vasterday. Miss Wilson will speak C.ish from all of us who are to All Others Up to $'70.00 at Half Price 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. rr,i. Today and Tomorrow the work of Community Center trying do the best we know Department how in the theater. Believe me, , Organization, of which she is a mem- mat?* ClubrP°*to,t,cewill- entertain the DramaticAla " ber of the board of directors. Thursday evening 'i Yours very sincerely, ' 15% t.o40% In accepting the invitation of the 8?horH wlt" "On (Signed) JOHN BARRYMORE. party to address the convention, Parirx-arie Francaise Ici. Tho*» MOUNT VERNON I Miss Wilson said: "I shall be very will participate in the play are J (Thus speaks one who has PROVEN his bv Reduction on Entire Stock nueh interested in bringing to the M. Scranage, Mr. Hlnkle ul u achievements that have authority women raised him to the position of the Mention of the of the Mrs. Mel ine. Mrs. Doing.' Miss Owen of *he SAVINGS BANK 1 -> the work of the CommunitycounI and Miss Kirsch. All Al.'.-T!" R.r.e,atcs~ artist English-speaking stage, concerning We Carry a Fall Line eif Hartman, Indestructo is of are Way Down East, now at POLI'S Organisation, which, I feel. Cen|,r cordially Invited to attend. THEATER.) Cor an d Mm Art *ry great importance to tha wel and Other Popular Wardrobes tre and of the nation." Miss ' prospetfty Votft Veanltch. daughter of , .a I