Lety-:-\ and a Fro»R Christian
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II noon at the 6f Mrt Charlaa R. Alexander 4 W«t( Fifty-eigfeth CHRISTIAN . SOCIAL CALENDAR. CHURCH Ball treet. Lad) Dean Paul. daucMfr. Cupid's kno%n of the violinist. Wienlawaki Today. at a uftder name of WAS1HINGTON Congressional Club, rcccption compoaer the SOC fekt. will oa the WORKS FOR Pol6o* ap< k pott. » for Vice President and Mr*. Mar- To Aid YOUNG, choir lETY-:-\ and a fro»r Christian. Col. and Mrs. Italy Verlaine. selected ,1 Marshall. shall. Carlton for benefit of the Southern .-i............t Col. and Mrs. Moreno, Gen. and Mr* Stonewall Jackson Chapter, U- Col. and Mrs. Industrial Association feflaa PASTOR DECLARES Mclntyre, Woloott. D. C. ball at Rauscher's. Over Fifty Society Young Beat.' Crawford has been rho*enKathleen ... Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Quevcdo. Col. and ladies at George Harding Congressional * queen and MaJ John D Harrison Mrs. Townsend. Dt. and Mrs. Crowe. Washington Inn. at home. Folk to The Hon. and Mrs. Hon. Form Band of will be the kin* Am on* other* Rev. Reginald Ayrcs. and Mrs! The benjamin Franklin Night who will la the Foster, Mrs. Carolyn Cole. Mr. tand and dance of the Penn- appear varipu* In New York reception at Benefit. troupe am: lira Thomas Robiaa. Jr. Mrs/ Tom Panaiey. Hon. and Mrs sylvania Society at the New Wil- Gypsies Speaks at N. Y.RowlandAve. .,. Mtsa Molly Van R. Cogswell. Mm Porter. Senator and Mrs. Robinson. lard. Hon. and Mrs. J. Betty Merchant. Mas Carolyn F*r Services. Goes to Meet Wife of DeVeyra. the JMr. and Mrs. George T. Marve. NEW YORK. Jan. 30..Of* of the rlday. Miss Mary Trimble. Miaa Maud Night Sen-\ Miases Campbell. Miss Garrett. the a dinner. » Misses Lazaro, Miss Mi*s special features at Cupid's Ball, to Ellin*er. Maj R ramha 11 the Pn» The Mansflefd, Miss Florence Schofleld. at eta Church belongs to yoath and ator Nina Gore. Mis* Le Fevre. Miss home. be given tomorrow night In the Pat reciment. R ob^ri To anaend youth belongs to the Church, said Margaret Rippy. the Misses Delia Robbia room of the and Mrs Georre Vavgkal the Rev. Reginald Rowland, Miss Kendrlck, Miss DorothySutherland.' In aid of the Free MilkVan4erbiltfar The fourth of the bchola Can- « pastor of New York assistant Frelinghuysen. fund will be a band -of ffypale*. torum senoe of lectvre-musicalea Avehue Miss Anna Italy Mondell. Evans. Miss will be held neat Church, who prcached laat night In Prlscllla Husted. Miss Iris Mrs. Nathan L. Strong, Mrp. Henry over fifty young m*n and women of Thursday after- Place of the pastor, the Rev. Dr. By EVELYN C. HUNT. Miss .Elisabeth Italian-American families, all the 8chola Cantorum will ainf i H Major. Hawley,Miss W. Temple. Mrs. William S. Vare, Mra Cornelius Yaaderbilt will R»dcliffe. Mrs. Warren G. Harding went to II md Manona Riddlck, Miss Nina White Mrs. A. H. .Walters and Mr^r John gorgeous costumes Amongwearing In connection with the ther features will he dances rive a dance tomorrow niffhi at dier observance New York yesterday morning, Miss Rebecca Dial, Mis* Allcc H. Wilson special li* s Miss Ruth Hazleton. KoslofT and heme, fifth avenue. Preabyterian Y4ung People Day. by Mrs Edward B accompanied Paige. Miss Dorothy Dennet. Mist by Mrs Albert Sterner will the the Misses Mortnna. and at De Wolf ffiv*--*- [ 'jl«brat«d throughout country They Joined Mrs. Joseph FreMcLean. Cathryn Hays, Ayres ART ll> F0RE(.K01 KD IA midnight talk on the Junior Art Patrons **>" ^raabyterians yesterday, he said of Miss Miss Hopper will tell a number of stories of',4 that tnghuysen. wife Senator Townsend, Emma Mn«. KI.MOTT'S TALK. America, a new society »he is or- Chriatianity was essentially In New York. They are Strong. Miss Ruth Foster. Mis? Princess Francesco Rospigliosi. Mrs. the of Frelinghuysen On Mrs. Edward V ranislng. at a tea to be held next religion youth. % Staying at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Dorothy Yates. Miss Isabel Wednesday afternoon John A. Drake. Mrs. ' "Jesus Thuradav afternoon at the Oaa'r Himself. ga\# Himself up Miss Eleanor Beckham.Crawford.Mist* John Elliott, of Newport, daughter Rreitung. Mrs. William H. Hirst IS *o God and the the A brilliant Mrs. Club. Haat Fort> fifth street Church at age of company will attend Florence Curry. Ml»s Margaret of Julia Ward Howe, brought art Mrs. Rutherford Rlngham. *2. His first recorded words were the opening in Washington of the Sterling:. Miss lone Kitchin Miss Orestes Ferrara. Mrs. Allen < rert f»r Relief. that He must be about His Father's film. 'Way Down East." this Mary Sewltftwick. Miss Margaret into the foreground iti a beautiful Wellman. Mrs. RichmondGouverncur A concert for the benefit of the, business. This was the age at Among those who haveeveningsig-. Doirs. Miss Margaret Pon. Mr. address on the art colony at New- Smith. Captain Francesco European Relief Council, of which hich Moses their | and Samuel both gave j nlfled Intention of attending Sanchez. Joseph Crowe, J. E. Le port, delivered at the league elub- Henry Marshall Rae Guard#bassi.and J. Herbert Hoover is chairman, wilt b* themaelvea to God. are the Belgian Ambassador and Fevre, John j Hartley Manners ar« member* of McOraw. Mr. Zabola. house, where she whs entertained of the HoteT "Christianity is » young man's Baroness de Cartier. the l^awrente Hunt. Gen Mr the entertainment committee. held in the ballroom ) Argentine Pershing, as the honor | and a young woman's religion, no Ambassador and Mme. Le Breton Herrera. Laurltz Haugen. Arthur guest at the regular Th» patronensea include Mra. Majestic on the niffht of January 31. matter what their physical years the Brazilian Ambassador, Gronna. William Mondell. Lowell weekly reception. The guests wer« Philip D. Armour. Mr?. Thomas G. Mrs. Owen KHaaire will be in may be. It is the religion of youth, of Agriculture and Mrs. SecretaryE. T. Fess. Paxton Howard. Donald presented by Mrs William Atherton London. Mrs Francis J. Murray charge and will have the aasiatrm » a Mrs. of several muaician* bounding pulsating youth, eternal Meredith with party; Postmaster Joseph Byrns. Jr.. Louis Phelan.Little.Du Puy, national president of George I*eary, Mrs. Enrico throughout the years. Once admit General and Mrs. A. S. Burlsaon and Worth Daniels, Mr. Egan. Mr. Mrs. I>- Emmet Holt. Mr*.Caruso.J. Mrs. Robert Cirier Monroe will Christ to your heart and you have daughter. Miss Sydney Burleson Dr. Alfredo Bon. GradyWilloughby. Mrs. Evelyn C. Hunt serveatinleague.Henry l^ncashtre. Mrs I>ewis fcive a tea tomorrow afternoon at the secret of youth eternal.'* secretary of War and Jack Paden. tea. assisted Mrs. Marie Moore Morris. Mrs. Theodore p. her home. I!i Ea*t bixty-flrat street, Mrs. Baker Miller. George Ward. by Gouvorneur K in Preceding the sermon all young l«o guests; to the Richardson McPherson, Mrs. Shonts. Mr*. Herbert L Satterlee. for Mr? <'harlea Farnum Secretary George Forrest, Virginia King Frye. with the Serbian Child fr£Opl>Vg societies of the church held President Joseph Tumulty and wife Mr. Blanton, E PetersonMrPheraon.Mrs. B Mrs. John I». Ryan. Mrs. William R connection * fcnion service with Nellie Fealy. Miss Ada and Aa»o laiion. responsive and four guests; Alan Graves and T Cantrlll. Bill Sewithwlck. Joe Thompson Mrs. John Aspcrgren. madeWelfare and music led the Harold Sims of the * Finley. Mrs. Grace Duffle Boylan Announcement ha* brfn ofS by British Taylor. Mr. Burroughs, George *«ril (*raa Ball. of teach of wmmm C F. C Miss Marshall. the engagement Miss Kalhnrtn*# orchorus.society Undersecretary State Embassy;and Strong:. Currf. jr.. Leonard Geldert, Arc-ley About in of John F gave account of its methods, Mrs Norman Davis attd two Curry. Dr Bonnett, Lieut. Dettil sixty young people T. Galvin. daughter guests Among the guests wHere Mrs. George will take p»»rt in the pageant.societyvin. formerly president of the board a. benevolencesmeetmiaalonariand Gen. Peyton C. March and guests. and Henry B Sullivan. C. g?neral city work At 8 o'clock all Gen and John A. Thorpe, whom Mrs. Elliott is "Romance." devised by Mi*s Bell of water aupply. and Mr* Galvin. [ ^Irs Lejeune. J. this week: Mrs. Gibson which will drive. to « In the usual worship *ie secretary of PinDI K ASHO< UTION visitintrKinney, precede the of 241 Riverside M#J public Lagerberg. the' MISS to whom Mrs. Elliott willFahnextock.go dancing at the Mardi <»ras hall to Parker C. Kalloch. U. I*. A., Hl^TiFFKR SAYS SCENE Swedish Legation; Col. Charles W CHARLOTTE MACDOUGALL, TO HOLD lilMCHKOK, few, for the first week in February: Mrs. be given on February S at the Ritr stationed at West Point. < HAVB9D WITH VIEWPOINT. Rut*. Mr. and Mrs. W. B Daughter of Capt. and Mrs. William D. MacDougall, who made The local Purdue Alumni Walter Turkerman; Mrs. Virginia and their wives, namely!OliverSenators" will hold its regular "Unknown. ^ret well-known." II W. hfr debut this season with her sister, Miss Zilla but AssociationWhite Speel; Miss Martha Codman; Cor.. 0.6, was the text of the Henry Keves, William S. MacDougall, luncheon at the PickwickmonthlyInn. Assistant Secretary of the Navy and by the Rev. Dr. Henry Allensermon Joseph E. Ransdell. WilliamKenyon. who. is a student,.at college and was first presented to society in 1653 Pennsylvania avenue, at 12:30 Mrs. 'Gordon Woodbury and Miss at l"h"rles B Henderson. m. 2. ft Tupper the First Baptist Church, , London. , p. Wednesday. February Woodbury, and many others from yesterday Robert U Owen. Reed Smoot. Joseph the interested circles in (r morning. T. Robinson and William E.