Vol. 128 No. 43 Davisclipper.com Friday, June 19, 2020


Story on page 3 Dads! roger v> Tuttle 2 Friday, June 19, 2020 NEWS the davis clipper The Davis Clipper News Friday, June 19, 2020 3 fathers among ‘most helpful’ during quarantine

During the school closures and nearly 83% of dads said they are work from home mandates over the relieved the school year is over 78% of dads said they have past few months, the focus has often because of the constant homeschool turned to the parenting burden on and homework struggles it caused. a newfound appreciation mothers, but fathers are also step- ping up in a big way when it comes FAMILY MAN for their kids’ teachers” to things like child care, household Roughly 57% of dads said they “ duties, and homework help. And have finally at least somewhat Utah fathers are among the top five adjusted to “new normal” of in the nation for increasing their pandemic parenting, and 56% said household duties. they are experiencing less stress The online learning platform than they did at the beginning of Brainly surveyed 800 U.S. dads to quarantine. find out how the coronavirus has changed their work and family life. LENDING A HELPING HAND Approximately 57% of dads said APPRECIATION NATION they have increased the amount Roughly 79% of dads said being of time they spend helping with at home more has helped them household chores since the pan- realize and appreciate everything demic began. their spouse handles at home. In The top 5 states where the addition, 78% of dads said they have majority of dads have increased a newfound appreciation for their their household duties are: kids’ teachers after having to help their child homeschool during the 1. Wisconsin closures. 2. Utah 3. Texas A FULL-TIME JOB 4. North Carolina Nationwide 41% of dads said 5. Indiana their work productivity has been negatively impacted by working Eric Oldfield, Brainly’s from home, and 54% said they have Chief Business Officer, had a work call or video confer- H eLPING at has been working ence interrupted by one of their home, father from home during kids. Bryan Beach the pandemic with orchestrates breakfast his wife and two GLASS HALF FULL with oldest child Milli daughters, ages 7 (16) while Phoebe (10) Perhaps the most and Hazel (7) watch and 10, at their New touching finding in excitement. York City residence. from the survey? Oldfield says: Over 69% of “These survey dads said results the biggest are proof silver lining that this during the pandemic pandemic is chang- for them ing nearly has been every getting aspect of to spend families’ more time lives, not with their just for families. mothers but In addition, also for fathers. 56% of dads As we slide said they feel even into the summer closer to their families roger v. Tuttle months and families than before (and not just celebrate dads across the physically). nation this Father’s Day, only time will tell if dads will keep up this HOMEWORK STRUGGLES ‘new normal’ of helping out more No shocker here: 68% of dads with the kids and household duties. reported helping their kids with I know I will be!” homework more amidst COVID than they did previously. In addition, [email protected]. 4 Friday, June 19, 2020 NEWS the davis clipper

The Davis Oopini n Clipper Ai dm nistration To the Editor R. Gail Stahle Defunding the police not an option Publisher [email protected] ext. 114 Time to open up The opinions stated in this article are enforcement officer. A man with a death solely those of the author and not of wish and a gun is a threat to everyone Lorie Matern Off ice Manager Utah’s primary The Davis Clipper. around, not just himself. Yes, a shrink might [email protected] elections be able to diffuse the situation, but an even ext. 115 mid the legitimate protests for better bet would be to deploy a trained Dear Editor: A dvertising police reform come the shrill cries police officer who had a background in Former Governor Jon Huntsman for defunding police, a call from a psychology. Brad Roghaar is running ads urging non-Repub- smallA majority of the public that should Defunding a police department because S ales Representative licans to register as Republicans to fuel a broad backlash among sober, seri- it contains a few bad apples is similar to [email protected] ous-minded voters. folding up a National Basketball Association ext. 135 vote in the upcoming Republican primary. What Huntsman is doing There is no single definition for the franchise because it employs a shooting Richard Stahle points out an unpleasant fact for defunding of the police idea. For a small guard who gets into bar room fights and S ales Representative majority of the protestors, it means a power forward arrested for shoplifting. [email protected] voters in Utah: Most voters cannot ext. 137 vote for governor in this primary eliminating the Some of the election. Yet, all of us will pay for the police entirely. I players should Editorial election. That policy needs to end. don’t label those be disciplined Since the Republican primary voicing this and others Tom Haraldsen M anaging Editor for governor will be open only view as problem should be [email protected] to registered Republicans, a solvers; I simply suspended and ext. 126 majority of Utah voters will be call them imbe- Cyclops fired, but the ciles. For others NBA owner Becky Ginos disenfranchised. Fifty-six percent A ssociate Editor the defunding of Utah voters are not registered by Bryan GRAY doesn’t shut [email protected] Republicans – the vast majority of concept means down the ext. 118 those voters do not affiliate with cutting law C oLUMNIST organization. L ayout/Design any . Yet, those who enforcement Undoubtedly, are not Republicans will be paying budgets and handing the money to mental there are police officers who see their role Devin Christ approximately $3 million for an health professionals and social workers. as warriors rather than public servants. C reative Director election we cannot participate in. These folks are not imbeciles; they are There are some who enjoy humiliating [email protected] Moreover, county election merely dreamers with an idealized view of people suspected of a crime. For too long, Rebecca Jamieson offices are sending out notices to reality. these bullies have been protected by police C lassifieds/legals We need police officers – and if you unions which celebrate “brotherhood” [email protected] voters right now telling them they ext. 124 need to register as Republicans think you’ll get a more over the public good, in order to vote in the primary professional class of and police chiefs and C irculation election for governor. Although law enforcements If a woman mayors who have often this may be defended as a way to recruits by cutting turned a blind eye to Cindi Scott is raped [email protected] encourage people to participate wages you probably this overreach. ext. 119 in the electoral process, in fact cannot tell a cantaloupe One answer is to it is a recruitment campaign for from a corn dog. or beaten keep a public record If a woman is raped “ of complaints logged Clipper Publishing Co., Inc. Republicans – and one conducted by a heroin- Circulation Dept. at taxpayer expense. or beaten by a hero- against individual 801-295-2251 ext 119 or 120 The use of taxpayer funds to in-addicted boyfriend, officers similar to Volume 128 Number 43 addicted Friday, June 19, 2020 pay for an internal Republican Party who is she going to a record of alleged call? The neighborhood malpractice by phy- THE DAVIS CLIPPER election (and to encourage people boyfriend, who (ISSN 1061-1223) is published to register as Republicans) is a mis- plumber? sicians. Another is for once weekly, on Friday, for $35 If a drunken driver a police chief to take per year by Clipper Publishing use of precious government funds. is she going Co., 1370 South 500 West, Btfl, is weaving in and out of swift action against UT 84010-8141. Periodicals It is no surprise this is happening, Postage Paid at Bountiful, UT however, given that nearly all lanes on a busy freeway, to call? The wayward officers and at additional mailing offi what do we do? Ram the instead of sweeping ces. POSTMASTER: Send address county clerks are Republicans. And, changes to The Davis Clipper, of course, the state elections office vehicle broadside with neighborhood problems under the Circulation Dept. P.O. Box No. our own truck to force 267, Bountiful, UT 84011-0267. is run by Republicans. bureaucratic table There are two possible solutions the drunk off the road? plumber?” and giving offenders a to this issue of taxpayer money If a sexual predator temporary desk job. 1370 S 500 W assaults your young child, who do you Bountiful, UT 84010 being used to fund an election most When good cops – and that’s the true Ph: 801-295-2251 of us cannot participate in. One is report it to? The appliance salesman who is majority – see abusive policing will not be to open primary elections to allow your church companion? tolerated, the tone will change. When bad all voters to participate, regardless If you spot a burglar rummaging around behavior is not propped up, trust in law on the cover: Bryan of the party. Other parties have your basement, what do you do? Call your enforcements will increase. Beach reaches for the mom and say, “We’ve got big problems here flour as his children (L open primary elections in Utah. The There are solutions – and then there to R) Greta (12), Milli (16), Democrats have done so for some in River City?” is silliness. Defunding the police is firmly Liam (15), Agnes (3), Hazel And the same goes for those suggesting lodged in the latter category, and progres- (&) and Phoebe (10) (far a suicidal man with a gun should be sive Democrats shouldn’t give the concept right) watch. see primary elections » 13 approached by a psychologist, not a law even five seconds of their time. The Davis Clipper News Friday, June 19, 2020 5 Oopini n Thought of the Week from the desk of R. Gail Stahle, publisher “If you need a helping hand, Businesses must embrace the you’ll find one at the end of your arm.” digital age to survive COVID-19 » Sam Levenson

by Brent Messenger employees, but there would be "fewer furloughs community engagement at Fiverr in our digital business . . . so we can continue to serve our customers online." he coronavirus pandemic has triggered Of course, people are primarily transacting massive changes in consumer behavior. online because they can't leave their homes, but Demand for online grocery shopping these new customers won't all disappear once hasT more than doubled. At-home fitness gear is the virus subsides. flying off the virtual shelves. And e-commerce Consider the workout industry. The average platforms of all types are recording unprece- gym membership costs nearly $700 per year in dented traffic. Online sales jumped about 50 the . It's far cheaper -- and more percent in April following the beginning of convenient -- to subscribe to a virtual fitness shelter-in-place orders. program and buy a set of weights. In an attempt to return to normalcy, states Or consider meal delivery kits. Folks may across the nation are lifting shelter-in-place initially sign up for Blue Apron or Hello Fresh to orders and removing social distancing avoid visiting the supermarket, but some requirements. But things won't ever be people will discover they enjoy cooking the same. The pandemic has profoundly / their own pre-packaged dinners and altered the way we do business, and Op become lifelong subscribers. some of these behavioral changes are Florida may reopen its beaches, Texas permanent. If businesses don't prepare might allow residents back into restau- for this new digital reality, they won't Ed rants, and Georgia may open up its gyms. survive the pandemic or its aftermath. But even with social distancing measures E-commerce has boomed since the outbreak in place, there will still be untold numbers of began. Compared to their 2019 figures, retailers people who are afraid to even leave their homes. that have both brick-and-mortar and online Millions of high-risk people who suffer from presences reported a 52 percent increase in chronic conditions will be particularly wary of online sales between late-January and February, venturing into busy stores and public places. according to analytics firm Quantum Metric. If businesses want to survive in the new Much of this business comes from new cus- reality, they'll need to significantly expand their tomers. A recent survey found that more than 40 online presence. percent of people shopping online for groceries My company, Fiverr, has worked quickly to were doing so for the first time. adapt to the new ways that Americans are living Hiring patterns reflect this new wave of and working. When the pandemic began, we online demand. Businesses nationwide have laid opened several new categories on our website off millions of Americans. Yet in March, Amazon -- including online coding classes and music and Walmart announced that they planned to lessons -- to meet the demand for virtual hire a combined 250,000 additional workers to assistance. Now, we're working with businesses fulfill and deliver e-commerce orders. Macy's recently stated that it would furlough most of its see digital age » 13 6 Friday, June 19, 2020 NEWS the davis clipper Kenny Akers is working to ‘link two unfamiliars’ by Tom Haraldsen Kearns and now lives in North Salt elevated his status as a spokesperson appeared on Good Things Utah on [email protected] Lake. “But I could see by watching for the importance of the Black Lives ABC4, has been featured in TV and the TV coverage that most of these Matter movement in Utah. newspaper interviews, and has been NORTH SALT LAKE — It’s proba- folks were missing the message—that “I didn’t appreciate the fact that a guest on several podcasts. He bly safe to say that May 30, 2020, is a doing damage was not the answer, so these people were running around participated in a peaceful protest held day that Kenny Akers will never forget. I felt compelled to go down there and and causing damage in North Salt Lake a week Nor will most of us who witnessed try to do something.” in the name of Black ago, and spoke to the something we’d never seen before in As many now know, it was Akers Lives Matter,” he said. “I city council on Tuesday Utah—an uprising in downtown Salt who intervened when some protes- didn’t want a message night. He hasn’t reaching Lake City that led to a police car being tors began damaging and looting a conveyed that the leaders out for fame or notoriety, overturned and lit on fire, and hun- convenience store on 400 South, near of Black Lives Matter had but said, “I truly believe dreds of protesters causing damage Library Square. When he saw an angry in any way condoned or everything happens for a at both the Utah State Capitol and mob of people coming towards the encouraged this type of reason. My journey and around Library Square in downtown store and starting to break windows, destruction. That’s not my life have led up to SLC. “my adrenalin kicked in and I what the movement or this point. I’ve had Kenny training to respond Akers to situations like that day in SLC. What life hasn’t prepared me Courtesy photo for is the overwhelming love and compassion of people who want to, or have heard, the story of that day.” Yes, he’s seen discrimination. Yes, he’s experienced racism in his life. But he doesn’t stand here “with hate or animosity towards anyone. I want to make it loud and clear that as a black man, I want the same things everyone wants—good jobs, good neighbors, safety for my family. I’m a patriot and a proud American, and I want

Roger V. Tuttle to bridge the gaps so that diversity Aersk , third from left, participated in North Salt Lake's peaceful demonstration last week. and misunderstandings can be worked out. I’m already seeing some The events of that afternoon responded. I saw what was happening the message is about. I was in the US differences happening in just the past transported Akers into a prominent to our beautiful state, and wanted Navy for 20 years and I’m probably a couple of weeks, and if anything we position in media coverage of the to be there to stop a situation where little more cautious when it comes to can do individually helps just one protest that elevated him into the role someone could be hurt or a business confrontation, but I could see I needed other person, we’ve made a huge of peacemaker in the community. vandalized.” He did, calmly talking to to take a command presence at the difference.” “A few of my friends texted me that protestors at the store and stopping 7-11, and that’s what I did. And once He views his role, and his gift to afternoon about what was happening further damage and looting. that happened, others began to stand communicate, quite simply. at the Capitol, with the Black Lives His actions were caught on TV up as well. It wasn’t just me—others “I genuinely try to link two unfa- Matter demonstration, and I had no cameras, and he was subsequently helped. And that was the beauty of miliars—so we can all come together plans to go down to it,” said Akers, interviewed extensively that day it—seeing others also take a stand.” to find solutions. I think that’s the who was born in Utah, raised in and on several days since. It has also Since May 30, Kenny Akers has reason we live.” The Davis Clipper News Friday, June 19, 2020 7

Chad E mergency Services ready to act Monroe prepares a possible by Becky Ginos or if hospitals are at capacity. “With patients if necessary.” alternative care site. [email protected] any communicable disease there is A great deal goes into setting up always the possibility patients would these facilities, he said. “Cleaning, FARMINGTON — Chad Monroe need to quarantine or isolate,” said services, hygiene, clothing, feeding took over as Emergency Services Melton Sales. “Quarantine is when them, waste removal, medical and Manager for Davis County at the end they’ve come in contact with an pharmaceutical needs and if they of February – then everything turned infected person or isolate if they have the virus and they’re sick how upside down. First the pandemic, have the disease to slow the spread. we help them. Luckily here in Davis then an earthquake, talk about In most cases they can quarantine County we’ve had an overwhelming baptism by fire. at home. That’s preferred because response to just do good in the “It was an extremely steep that is where their support system community.” learning curve,” said Monroe. “But I is, usually they can stay in one room It’s a very tiresome job for am surrounded by people who are and one bathroom. But there are these guys, said Trevor Warner, prepared and think outside the box. some circumstances they can’t do it Communication Manager for the They don’t just talk about it but they at home such as an immunocompro- Davis County Health Department. act.” mised family member.” “This is a role that’s not going to The Emergency Operations A lot of employees at the health go away anytime soon. Now we’re Center (EOC) is housed in the Davis department have changed roles such moving into fire season and we’re becky ginos going to see a fire pop up that we’re In the meantime, it’s important going to have to battle and figure out to be vigilant, she said. “There’s some how to keep firefighters safe.” fatigue that sets in. People are tired. The Davis Conference Center and We have to do what we can to stay the Clearfield Aquatics Center are strong and stay the course.” ready to go as alternate care sites “There’s only so much we can do if needed, Monroe said. “They could as a health department,” said Warner. house a significant amount of people “We have all the plans in place if we or treat patients on a large scale. The need to deploy but we’d rather not. other eight are smaller sites.” We’re in this for the long haul. We “We’re set up but haven’t had to need to be on the same team and utilize them,” said Melton Sales. “But take measures to protect ourselves, if we had to set up quickly we could.” our loved ones and the community.”

Tevish Da Conference Center could be used in the event becky ginos hospitals are at County Sheriff’s Office but capacity. as actively monitoring the it is for the entire county. coronavirus so they didn’t “Our primary role is to prepare have their usual amount of plans and procedures for natural people, she said. “We contacted the disasters or emergencies,” he said. EOC for support.” “We work with officials, cities and “When the health department other agencies to pull together in reached out we tried to figure out response.” all the possibilities of what could The EOC supports anybody at any happen such as people testing given time, said Community Health positive like first responders, nurses Services Division Director Ivy Melton and hospital staff,” said Monroe. Sales. “Right now we’re focused on “Different circumstances and ways the pandemic but anything can we could house people. Accordingly pop up at any time. When cities, we looked at partnering cities and law enforcement, hospitals or any decided to put as many into play entities need a bigger response we’re as we could to meet the needs of the common link between state whatever was thrown our way.” agencies. The state EOC can give Monroe said they did a good job additional resources or if it’s more finding places. “All the agencies were than the state can handle they’re the willing to help in the response. We connection to FEMA.” have eight facilities for quarantine, Several facilities have been set up we had cities and some private busi- as quarantine locations to accom- nesses wanting to help. Ultimately modate those who can’t stay at home we had 10 at one point to house 8 Friday, June 19, 2020 NEWS the davis clipper Clipper wins honors at UPA competition by Tom Haraldsen “Washington Elementary closure.” She also [email protected] won third place awards for Best General News Story (“Ash Wednesday”), Best The Davis Clipper, now in its 128th year of publication, continued to win awards in this year’s Utah Press Association annual Better Newspaper Contest. In all, the Clipper took home 11 awards, including two first place titles. The two other publications of Clipper Publishing were also honored, including Iron County Today from Cedar City, which for the third straight year won the General Excellence Award for all newspapers in Group 2 (weekly newspapers with circula- tions over 5,000—the same category as the Davis Clipper). And Morgan County News, which is in Group 1 (the smallest weekly newspaper group), took home six awards, including a first place award. For the Clipper, first place awards went to Roger V. Tuttle in Best Sports Photograph for “Girls Soccer Underway,” and to Tom Haraldsen in Best Sports Story for coverage of the Tour of Utah. Tuttle and Haraldsen also combined, along with writers Catherine Garrett and Josh McFadden and art director Anna Pro, for a second place award for Best Sports Pages, and Tuttle won a second place award in Best News Feature Story (“Crime Lab”) and Best Education Photograph for “Vet Laid to Rest” and a third Story (“Split Classes”). place award in Best Feature Photograph for Also winning awards were columnist Peri “Antelope Island.” Kinder, third place in Best Editorial for “The Assistant editor Becky Ginos was hon- Sound of Silence,” and art director Anna Pro, ored with a total of four awards. She took a Roger V. Tuttle third place in Best In-House Self Promotion second place award in Best News Series for for “Free Classifieds.” Software companies come together to host coding competition

by Becky Ginos “I thought I’d get blown out intimidated if it had been in Weber State University in engineering about seven [email protected] of the water. It was held person.” Computer Science with years ago. She works for the online. I would have been too Johnson graduated from an emphasis in software IRS. “I know that’s not a very KAYSVILLE — When popular place,” she laughed. someone mentions software Dvelope Ogden executive Casey Elliott “But nothing happens companies, Silicon Slopes presents the $1,000 prize to Olivia Johnson. without the money flowing.” and Utah Valley come to They kicked off the mind. But Develop Ogden competition through a and Reading Horizons are Zoom call, she said. “I saw trying to break the mold two guys I’d gone to school by bringing more of those with and knew how good companies north of Salt Lake they were so I was sweating City. As part of the effort, bullets. We had 60 minutes they partnered together to answer 10 questions. I to host a software coding looked at the questions and competition last month. they were really hard. I only “I got an email from got through a few. I was so Develop Ogden through embarrassed I didn’t want the alumni association that them to post my score. I they were having a coding spent the last 20 minutes competition,” said Olivia just trying to get the ones I’d Johnson who won in the Senior Developer division. becky ginos see coding » 13 The Davis Clipper News Friday, June 19, 2020 9 Don’t delay seeking emergency medical attention out of fear

by Becky Ginos until the absolute last minute to call. “Then they’re [email protected] in so much pain from a heart attack. We can handle the day to day emergencies that people are BOUNTIFUL — The overwhelming message experiencing.” since the pandemic started has been “stay home.” Even before COVID the department took However, hospitals and emergency services are extreme measures to sanitize their equipment, he concerned that patients are taking that too far and said. “Since COVID we’ve enhanced that. Once a not seeking the medical treatment they need for week Servpro does deep disinfecting. They’re doing other conditions. it as a free service to the fire department. That’s Lakeview Hospital, Davis Hospital and Medical been a huge resource for them to donate their staff Center and South Davis Metro Fire (SDMF) are and time to keep us safe. Even though the state has trying to get the word out that it’s safe to call 911 or changed to yellow, we've stayed at a high level.” come into the Emergency Room for heart attacks, “We are safe and taking all precautions,” said strokes, diabetes and other care. Diane Townsend, marketing director for Davis “The ER has received a lot of calls asking for becky ginos Hospital and Medical Center. “It’s more concerning L aKEVIEW Hospital has seen a decline in visits to advice on certain ailments and the patient ends the Emergency Room. that people don’t come in. Every minute matters. their questions with, ‘I know we can’t come in to Yes, we see COVID patients but we’re following all be seen right now,’” said Ben Sprauge, director of much started thinking they can’t go in either from protocols. It’s an unfortunate side effect.” Emergency Services at Lakeview. “This is a danger- fear or that we’re overrun. We are absolutely not Because they are at a high level, fire stations are ous misconception. While we remain diligent in overrun and neither are the hospitals.” still closed to the public, Bassett said. “But it’s safe to the fight against COVID-19, we know that people Patients should not delay care in these emer- call. We’re here to serve our great citizens in a safe are facing other critical medical issues as well. We gencies, he said. “People can call 911 and know that manner for those in need and for our employees.” want to assure our community that our clinicians, it is safe. The resources that are coming are safe. Bassett said he’s had several people tell him caregivers and support teams are committed to We might look different because we’re wearing a they assumed they were busy and so they shouldn’t protecting everyone who comes into our hospital.” gown, mask or other medical PPE that the public call. “I think the pendulum has just swung too far. SDMF Chief Jeff Bassett said their call volumes isn’t used to seeing. But it’s not because there’s a We don’t want someone to pass away or have a life have decreased as well for heart attacks, seizures problem we’re doing it to keep the public safe and altering event because they were scared to call 911. I and diabetes. “These are things we go out on every ourselves safe. It came down from the state that we would encourage anyone experiencing any medical day. It’s a concern. These things don’t just go away. should be wearing this.” or fire emergency to call. We have the proper When the focus shifted to COVID, patients pretty Bassett said sometimes people have waited resources to take care of them.” 10 Friday, June 19, 2020 NEWS the davis clipper Use caution when Free Shred Day online dating by Becky Ginos Carie Comstock, Debbie’s daughter [email protected] has done some online dating and some dates have gone well and others BOUNTIFUL — Online dating is haven’t. becoming the norm among many “I’ve tried it a few times,” she singles but after the recent murder of said. “The good experiences are a young woman in Layton, the Davis when they’re completely honest County Domestic Violence Coalition is with their picture and what they say warning women to take precautions about themselves. Going to dinner or to stay safe. bowling, the conversation is good and “Do a simple Google search the interest is normal.” before meeting your date,” said board With some of the bad experiences member Debbie Comstock. “That just their profile was vague, she said. “No means you have at least some idea as real red flags but looking back being to who the person is before you meet vague could be a red flag. The date them. Look beyond Instagram and wasn’t very much fun or entertaining. Facebook. Copy the profile picture It seemed like they were pushing their of a potential match into the Google own agenda rather than trying to get Images search bar. Google will search to know me. They were more physical for that image using facial recognition, and pushy. I never felt unsafe or had to landmark identi- get out of a situation fication and photo but not knowing Becky Ginos binary data.” if their profiles are Mrissaa Black with the State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) and Senior Get a Google accurate, you never Medicare Patrol (SMP) and John Cowan, Outreach and Advocacy Bureau Manager Voice phone number, know.” for Davis County Senior Services unload documents during a free shred day at the South Davis Senior Center. “We want to help prevent fraud and scams,” said Karen she said. “That way The coalition’s Henderson, South Davis Senior Center manager. “People have been stuck home going without giving out research led them to through things and we don’t want them to throw away sensitive documents.” your real number a SafeDate app that you can check calls, Carie downloaded to voicemails and see how it works. “It messages. It is also seems pretty cool,” possible to block she said. “It doesn’t someone that you give out any infor- don’t want to have mation about the contact with again.” date or where you Potential dates are unless you’re in are likely to run your trouble then an alert name through an courtesy photo goes out. There’s not Internet search as A sHLYN Black was killed by a necessarily a button well, said Comstock. man she met on Tinder. you push, it's more if “They may find you haven’t checked your office location on Linkedin, your in your friends will know you’re not address tagged in an Instagram post, safe.” or your phone number linked to a Carie said she’s made it a habit to Craigslist ad. Never post any identi- only go somewhere public on a first fying details on your profile. Set your date. “I go to neighborhoods I know or security settings to the maxim level areas that I know how to get there and on all your social media accounts and how to get back. I never go home on never authorize an app to post your the first date. I’ve always told a friend location.” I was going out and we assigned an A chat by phone is a good idea emoji to use if I ever needed help.” before a first date, she said. “When It’s alright to continue a conversa- you talk on the phone you hear the tion and not jump straight into a date individual in a way that lets you pick too, she said. “If you’re not comfortable up on verbal cues that are not as about it you can keep talking. Listen apparent in text or instant messages.” to your instincts. If you don’t feel Comstock also recommends good about it it’s OK to walk away. driving yourself or taking public You’re not committed to anybody but transportation. “That way where you yourself.” live remains private and you are in For more information about control over where you go and when dating safety visit: www.safety. you leave.” com/10-online-dating-safety-tips/ The Davis Clipper News Friday, June 19, 2020 11 Stevenson gets key endorsements in First Congressional District Race

Davis County Commissioner Bob First District, deserve leaders who Stevenson has received the support have a history of honesty and princi- and endorsement of former First pled leadership. For that reason, Bob Congressional District candidates Stevenson is my choice.” Tina Cannon and Mark Shepherd for Both Cannon and Shepherd the ongoing Republican primary. said they appreciate “After independently vetting and C ongRESSIONAL Stevenson’s transportation then together conversing regarding candidate Bob and infrastructure experi- the remaining four candidates in Stevenson has ence. “Economic develop- the Republican race for the First been endorsed by ment, for both the urban and two of his former Congressional District, we have both competitors. rural portions of the district, determined Bob is our choice to will only be achieved as if represent us, as well as the people we keep an eye toward smart and families of our district,” stated growth and development of neces- Cannon. sary and adequate infrastructure. We Citing his dedication to protect must build a balanced infrastructure Hill Air Force Base, Shepherd that will meet the demands for good commended Stevenson’s long and paying jobs, affordable housing, successful involvement in defending quality education and dependable the base as Mayor of Layton and as transportation and water. Bob Davis County Commissioner. understands these issues and is “HAFB plays a huge role in Utah’s courtesy photo committed to helping all sectors of economy by providing 30,000+ jobs of consistent involvement with strengthen Hill.” the district prosper,” Cannon said. and $3.7B annually into the state’s the base. He also has established Cannon, a lifelong resident in “I’ve worked with Bob, both in his economy,” said Shepherd. “Bob’s connections through the Air Force Utah’s First District, stated; “Honest capacity as Mayor of Layton, Davis in-depth understanding of Hill Air Civic Leader Program. Air Force and ethical leadership is my number County Commissioner, Chairman of Force Base, its mission, and most Civic Leaders are unpaid advisers, one criterion in vetting candidates. the Wasatch Front Regional Council, importantly its impact on Utah’s key communicators and advocates Politics is divisive by nature. and as Chairman of the Davis economy, clearly sets him apart as for the Air Force. Stevenson’s work Standing despite opposition takes County Council of Governments” the individual we need to represent in this program will become a major guts and courage. If you haven't done stated Shepherd. “Bob works to us in Washington. As we considered asset as a Congressman. He is better it -– Washington, D.C. isn't the time bring people together in identifying the candidates, Bob is the only prepared than the other remaining or place to learn it. America, Utah, challenges, developing solutions, and one with a proven track record candidates to protect and help and particularly the citizens of the implementing strategies for success.”

Roger V. Tuttle Tish photo was taken one year ago during the Summer Solstice that begins the first day of summer. The solstice happens this Saturday at 3:44 p.m. Mountain Time. 12 Friday, June 19, 2020 NEWS the davis clipper Station Park’s Community of Bookings The following is a list of bookings with total fines and/or bail Caring Day benefits local causes exceeding $1,000. Mon, June 8 by Becky Ginos giving 100 $50 gift cards and they’re In addition to the gift cards, Santorini’s Shannon Leonard, 38, donating $3,000 worth of Old Navy gift gave out tickets for a free meal to anyone Clearfield PD, assault, [email protected] family offenses, cards so they can get clothes.” who donated in any way that day. “We intimidation. FARMINGTON — Safe Harbor Crisis We do a lot of collaboration with want to help the community as much as Dexter Trujillo, 29, DCSO, Center shelters survivors of domestic Siegfried & Jensen, he said. “We’ve we can,” he said. “We feel like if we put the burglary. violence, but they’re often in need of basic donated 1,000 meals and 100,000 pairs good out there it’ll come back to us.” supplies. Last week, two local businesses of medical gloves to the Davis County ARUP’s mobile blood vehicle was also Tues, June 9 stepped forward to help fill that gap by Sheriff’s Office, Farmington Police and fire there collecting blood donations to serve Cesar Huerta-Velasquez, 38, Clearfield PD, assault, donating $8,000 worth of gift cards to department. We like to keep a good cause Shriners Hospital for Children, University family offenses. the center at Station Park’s Community going and do good for Safe Harbor.” of Utah Hospitals and Huntsman Cancer Amy Green, 49, Prisoner Caring Day. Dehghani said business has been Institute. Young Automotive sponsored Transport Service, family a booth to support their Young Caring offenses. for Our Young Foundation by collecting James Alvalle, 33, school supplies and gift cards for Bountiful PD, forgery. children. Joseph Whyte, 59, Woods Cross PD, aggravated “Initially we had a food drive event assault weapon. for Safe Harbor and that was such a Jeremy Deighton, 44, success we thought, ‘let’s make it a bigger DCSO, traffic offense, event,’” said Station Park Marketing marijuana possession. Manager Tammy Montoya. “The blood Mikel Sims, 21, Clearfield drive was already booked and Young PD, aggravated assault. Automotive is a major sponsor so we Wed, June 10 created Community Caring Day with the Jorge Tinoco, 25, Clearfield main theme that everything would be PD, traffic offense. local donations. We try to do things that Jared Parker, 38, Layton benefit the community, not just shopping. PD, false police report, no proof of insurance. The beautiful part is it’s all going back to Alysandra Marconi, the community.” 29, DCSO, controlled Glady Larsen, director of development substances, prostitution. at Safe Harbor is very grateful for the Emmett Stamp, 69, Layton PD, assault. Becky Ginos donations. “It’s huge,” she said. “It does Danielle Vaughn, 31, North and Sean Dehghani, owner of Santorini’s make a difference. The first thing ever J erEMY Hendricks of Siegfried & Jensen (left) Salt Lake PD, assault. Greek Grill present gift cards to Glady Larsen with Safe Harbor. taken away from survivors is choice. We Lavaughn Allen Jackson, can empower them with these cards to 28, Layton PD, marijuana “My company is donating gift cards down due to COVID-19. “Thankfully every get their basic needs and get a few other possession. to Safe Harbor so their clients can pick week we’re seeing an increase with more items that will build their confidence up lunch or dinner,” said Sean Dehghani, people dining in. We’re grateful to get in themselves so they can get out into Thurs, June 11 owner of Santorini’s Greek Grill. “We’ve guests back in the lobby and get things society and empower them to get out of Juan Reyes, 36, Layton PD, partnered with Siegfried & Jensen. We’re somewhat back to normal.” the cycle of violence.” assault. Local restaurants benefitted by Zions Bank program

BOUNTIFUL — As restaurants cardholders in Utah spent more than reopen in May. to COVID-19 and about half of reeled from the Coronavirus $4.1 million eating out, supporting The effort also put extra dollars the state’s restaurants had to pandemic, Zions Bank credit card both national chains and mom and in the pockets of consumers. Over temporarily close, according to the holders in Davis County forked pops. Purchases were made on gift the course of the campaign, the bank National Restaurant Association. In over nearly $420,000 at local eating February 2020, before the effects establishments, from Sill’s Café of the pandemic were felt, Utah’s to The Mandarin, between March An estimated 68,000 109,500 restaurant and foodservice 27-May 31. employees made up 8% of the state’s In response to the COVID-19 restaurant workers in Utah workforce. crisis, Zions Bank worked to encour- Along with sustaining indi- age diners to support eating estab- lost jobs related to COVID-19” vidual establishments, restaurant lishments by offering a 10% cash “ purchases have a multiplier effect back incentive. Each time customers in the economy. Every dollar used their Zions Bank credit card at cards; drive-thru and carry-out paid restaurant patrons $410,000 in spent at a Utah restaurant infuses a restaurant or catering company, orders; and delivery services like the form of cash back bonuses. nearly $2 into the state’s economy, they received the bonus. DoorDash and Uber Eats before An estimated 68,000 restaurant according to the National Restaurant During the nine-week promotion, restaurant dining rooms began to workers in Utah lost jobs related Association. The Davis Clipper News Friday, June 19, 2020 13 primary elections coding « Continued from page 4 « Continued from page 8 time. The United Utah Party does as well. done perfect and used it as a But the state cannot force the Republicans to learning experience.” open their . According to the U.S. When they posted the scores Supreme Court, a state cannot mandate what a she’d come out on top. “I was party does in terms of opening or closing its primary shocked,” said Johnson. “I real- elections. Clearly, a call to the Republicans to open ized it was hard for everybody their primaries themselves would fall on deaf ears. else. In the tech world women That is why the other solution is the only one don’t have as much confidence citizens might be able to achieve. That is to call on as they should have.” the legislature to act. Beginning in 2022, the state “It’s awesome that she legislature should refuse to budget funding for a won,” said Tyson Smith, CEO of primary election that not all voters can participate Reading Horizons. “To have a in. If Republicans want to hold a primary election female win is historic. In these for themselves, that is fine. But they should not industries it’s hard to find expect taxpayers to foot the bill. Any closed women who want to participate primary election would have to be conducted by in a traditionally male role.” the Republican Party at their own expense, not the Reading Horizons is based Courtesy photo taxpayers. in Kaysville and has been in R eADING Horizons’ software is being used worldwide. Can the state refuse to run a primary election? business for 36 years. “We Yes, Utah has done it before. In 2004, the state publish materials to teach good foundation.” be able to offer people a job in a legislature declined to fund presidential primary people how to read,” said Smith. Smith said they were field that is amazing.” elections. Since President George W. Bush was “It’s for teachers, students, older approached by Develop Ogden Johnson is happy she got to the presumed nominee, Republican legislators kids all the way to adults.” with the opportunity to jump participate in the coding com- refused to fund an election just for Democrats. The software has wide on board and promote northern petition and hopes there will The Democrats had to run their own election application, he said. “The Utah in IT with the coding be more opportunities in the and it was an expensive proposition for the Davis County Jail is using it competition. “There are great future. “It was a nice confidence party. If Republicans faced the dilemma, they and it’s used internationally jobs in Davis and Weber County. boost,” she said, “to know I’m would quickly change their policies about closed for students studying a new We want people to work as a in the right career and I have primaries. language or learning English. developer in this area and not a place at the table in a male Citizens should demand their legislators refuse It’s structured systematically have to move to Utah County. dominated industry. I’m excited to fund an election most voters are excluded from. so students learn the rules that People have been raised in this for any further competitions – This call should come not only from non-Repub- govern English and give them a wonderful place. We’re proud to I’d throw my hat in the ring.” lican voters (including those who are unaffiliated or belong to other parties), but also from Republicans who object to the disenfranchisement of other voters just because they don’t belong to their political party. It is time for disenfranchised voters to speak up and object to being denied the opportunity to participate in an election they have to pay for. Richard Davis Chairman, United Utah Party digital age « Continued from page 5 to help them digitally transform their offerings -- whether that's creating a website, helping with e-commerce, or optimizing social media channels. We're not alone. Shopify, an e-commerce company, is offering an extended 90-day free trial to new customers who are looking to take their retail stores online. The coronavirus pandemic has ushered in a new digital-first age, one that'll last long after the virus fades. Businesses of all sizes will have no choice but to adapt.

Brent Messenger is vice president of public policy & community engagement at Fiverr. This piece originally ran in the International Business Times. 14 Friday, June 19, 2020 Community r& Pe sonal Interest in Life oDavis C unty Five frugal s Day giftfor Faideasther’

The best gifts in the world are not in the “ material objects one can buy from the store, but in the memories we make with the people we love.” » Amanda Boyarshinov

courtesy photo by Andrea Schmutz Two to consider are Father's Day i.e., go for a hike, have a movie night, want to learn about a new piece of Uah t StATE University Extension Questionnaire and Dad I Mustache cook his favorite dinner, bake his technology, complete a landscaping You a Question. favorite treat, vacuum his car, etc. project, clean out the garage or Father’s Day gifts don’t have to be You could even make a card to go complete other tasks that are complicated or expensive. Simple but Vintage pop bottles with a with the coupons, such as the shirt permanently on the “I haven’t gotten meaningful gift ideas that are easy retro-inspired soda label and tie card found on East Coast around to it” list? Pick something on the budget and fun for kids often For a yummy treat for dads, buy Mommy’s blog. on his list and help him tackle the mean the most to fathers and grand- retro-looking soda bottles and add job. He’ll be grateful to mark it off fathers. Here are five frugal gift ideas your own label. One free printable Fun Father’s Day photo his list, and you’ll create wonderful for the father figure(s) in your life: label at delightfullynotedblog. Dress the kids up in dad’s clothes, memories as you work together to com says, “Pops, you are one suh- such as his shoes, tie, ballcap or get the job done. “All About Dad/Grandpa” weet dude!” Many others are avail- whatever reminds them of him, and questionnaire able, or you could make your own! take pictures to give to him. This is a Remember, you don’t have to This can be fun for kids, dads fun way for kids and dads to connect. spend a lot of money to show love and grandpas alike. It is entertaining Coupon booklet and appreciation and create priceless to hear children’s answers, and a Think about the things that make Procrastination project memories. Choose something from great opportunity to understand dad happy, and give him coupons to Does dad have something he this list, or think of your own ideas their perceptions. There are many use throughout the year. The cou- keeps saying he wants to do, but to recognize the men in your life this free, online printable questionnaires. pons can be for activities or services, never quite gets it done? Does he Father’s Day. The Davis Clipper life Friday, June 19, 2020 15 Hate never solves anything obituaries ome of the nicest people I've known have those police officers videotaped killing Floyd in Larue Holbrook Argyle been police officers from county to state Minneapolis, were filled with hate and released it to city cops. I have some dear friends who on Floyd. LaRue Holbrook Argyle passed away peacefully June 16, 2020 at wearS badges and they are good people. The On May 24 someone hung an effigy of the home of her daughter Susan police officers who killed George Floyd on May Governor Andy Beshear to a tree in front of the Merrill. She was 92. LaRue was born 25th in Minneapolis at that moment and time Governor's mansion in Frankfort, Kentucky. The on December 24, 1927 in West Point, were not good people. I would never say they scene took place at what was supposed to be a Davis County, Utah to Sarah McFerson and Clifford Joseph Holbrook. haven't been good people or have the potential peaceful Second Amendment rally. Someone in She attended school in California to be good people but what they did the crowd upset by the act immedi- and Utah and graduated from Davis that day was an act of hate and evil. ately cut the effigy down but the act High School in Kaysville, Utah. After There was nothing good about that itself was evil and hate filled. This is graduation she attended Utah State scene of a defenseless man being not what free speech is about. Free University and from there went to work for the genealogy department choked to death. speech does not promote or encourage of the church. In 1947 she worked for The police were called because an assassination of an elected official. Mountain Bell Telephone Company. Floyd was suspected of trying to use I did not vote for Andy Beshear but we On April 13, 1950 she married Dean Corbett Argyle in the Salt forged documents at a deli. If true it are to support and respect our elected Lake Temple. She is the mother of six children, four daughters and two sons. was criminal but also implies he was officials as much as possible. They have LaRue was a devoted church member. She served in the hungry. His actions did not deserve a tough jobs and have to face too much Primary and the Relief Society for many years. With her husband death sentence. Floyd was obviously garbage like what was displayed in they served a full time mission to Adelaide, Australia as Public going nowhere. He was surrounded by De r. Gl nn Frankfort in front of the house where Relations Missionaries. She worked in the Salt Lake, Bountiful, and the police. He was on the ground. Why Mollette the Governor's family lives. This type of Idaho Falls temples for 22 years. LaRue with her husband Dean served in the Presidency of the LDS Family History Center from kill him? He wasn't a threat. Sadly, we columnist hate is dangerous, reckless and leads 1995 – 1998. They also served for two and a half years as hosting have watched scenes on television to people getting hurt or killed. missionaries for the Public Affairs Department of the church. where police and citizens have acted like Find some way to deal with your hate. Go to LaRue is survived by her six children: Susan (James) Merrill, terrorists and members of ISIS. We horrifically the gym and hit a punching bag. Get a job bust- Beverly (Eric) Yarger, Von, Scott, Lori (Kevin) Packard and Nancy Argyle. Her posterity includes 20 grandchildren and 50 great watched Eric Garner's death as he was arrested ing rocks. Push a lawn mower. Try prayer. Ask grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband Dean, in New York City in 2014. How many times has God to change your heart toward others. Yell and her parents and three brothers. this happened that have not been videotaped? scream if you have to. Vote. Work for positive Graveside services will be held for LaRue at 1:00 p.m. on We've watched too many scenes on television change. Don't be an American terrorist. If you are Saturday, June 20, 2020 at the Bountiful Cemetery at 2224 S. 200 where members of ISIS cruelly tortured and suddenly in a position to hurt someone of afflict W. in Bountiful, Utah. Condolences may be sent to the family online at wilksfuneralhome.com. killed journalists and others they had captured pain then take the high road and don't. Use the and rendered helpless. Are Americans any better opportunity to try to help others if and when than ISIS terrorists when human beings are you can. Hate will never make you feel better, Scott D Christensen rendered helpless and then killed? Let's face it, solve a problem or bring about positive change. Scott D Christensen, age 58, passed away unexpectedly on Saturday, June 6, 2020 at home in West Bountiful, Utah. He was born July 13, 1961 in Delta, Utah. People He was the son of Merlin Deloy and Martha Catherine Bishop Christensen. Scott graduated from Delta High School in 1979. He went on to serve in the London England Mission for The th th Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day 70 90 Saints. He attended Snow College, then obtained his Bachelors Degree in Anniversary birthday Elementary Education from Southern Utah University in 1988. Duane & Eula Price Robert Bair Scott married Monica Cox in the Salt Lake City LDS Temple on Congratulations to Duane and Robert Bair made it March 20, 1987. They were later divorced in 2005. Scott loved life, Eula Price who are cele- to a healthy 90 years sports, his children and family. He spent hours thinking about brating their 70th wedding of age. He was born them and how to best serve them. anniversary. They were June 17, 1930. He, after Scott devoted 30 years to working with disabled children at married June 16, 1950 in the serving in the Navy the Davis School District and had just recently celebrated his Salt Lake Temple. They are during the Korean retirement. He loved watching his students grow and reach their the parents of eight children: War, migrated from potential. He also loved music and played the trumpet, and Arlene and Todd Carlile, Deb- Pennsylvania to Utah, played the bass guitar in a dance band for several years. bie and Gale Mair, Keith and where he married Scott was passionate and funny. He loved hearing the laugh- Jenny Price, Teri and Steve Helma Kossin and ter of others and would often do Donald Duck impersonations. Burgin, Gary and Julie Price, they were happily He had a gentle, kind, heart and loved to talk about his family, Brent and Tina Price, Douglas married for 53 years. life and Heavenly Father. Scott, you are loved, you are special and Tracie Price, and Daryl She has previously and you will be missed. and Laurel Price. They have 34 grandchildren and 52 great- passed on to her He was preceded in death by his parents, his brothers: Ken grandchildren. They were both born in the Uintah Basin Heavenly Father after many years of service in The Deloy and Don Merlin Christensen, and brother-in-law: Gary Roper. area. Duane served in the US Navy during World War II. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with her He is survived by his children: Sydnee Nicole and Nicholas Scott When he returned he served a mission in the North Central husband. They had five children, 12 grandchildren, Christensen; his siblings and their spouses: Shirley Roper, Ray States Mission. Duane and Eula served missions together and four great-grandchildren. He enjoys outdoors, (Rinda) Christensen, Kay (Linda) Christensen, Marilyn Oliver, Ann in England, South Africa, and Hawaii and served in the gardening and having a beautiful home and yard. (Hal) Schmid and Jerry (Christina) Christensen. Family Funeral presidency of the Mt. Timpanogas Temple. In addition, they He is extremely proud of his family and their services were held on Monday, June 15, at 11a.m., at the West have been active in civic and school affairs wherever they accomplishments. Bountiful 1st Ward LDS Chapel. Burial was in the Delta, Utah City have lived. Duane served on the Centerville City Council. We Cemetery. Online condolences and a link to recorded Video of the are very proud of you Dad and Mom! We love you. Funeral Service is available at www.nicklemortuary.com 16 Friday, June 19, 2020 life The Davis Clipper obituaries

Richard Owen Williams Jr. John Darvel Miller Gae Miller Frasier 1950-2020 June 18, 1921 1929-2020 Richard Owen Williams Jr. passed -June 13, 2020 Our loving mother, away on June 11, 2020 at his home in Our loving husband, father, grandmother, and Farmington. He was born in Salida, grandfather, and great grandfather great-grandmother, Gae CO on Feb. 24, 1950 to Richard Owen passed away peacefully at home on Frasier, passed away Williams Sr. and Willie Elizabeth June 13, 2020, just five days before his at home surrounded by (Dolly) Williams. 99th birthday. family on June 10, 2020, He met and married LaVerne Reed He was loved and admired by all in Bountiful, at 90 years Williams of Sanford, CO on April who knew him. His good example, of age. Born Dec. 10, 30, 1971. Richard retired from Hill love of family, generosity, and 1929, in Salina, to Henry Air Force Base in Clearfield, in 2008 faithfulness was an inspiration to all. Lamont and Iris Golden where he worked as a boiler operator. Jack was a devoted member of The Miller. Richard could draw anything just by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Gae graduated from looking at it, which was a trait that Saints. He served in many callings Davis High School where none of his four children received. throughout his life, including serving she met her husband, Frank Frasier, in orchestra class. They His heart was bigger than his fuse as a bishop in his early 80s. He loved were married Aug. 28, 1947, in the Salt Lake LDS Temple and and that’s one thing that we loved serving in the temple and served as made their home in Bountiful. about him. an ordinance worker for over 20 years Gae was a wonderful homemaker and accomplished Richard was an avid fisherman and in the San Diego Temple. Genealogy seamstress. She was a multi-state Vanda Beauty counselor for was always there for his kids and was one of his passions and he spent over 10 years. She loved ice skating and other winter sports, willing to do anything for anyone. He many hours preparing names to take gardening and landscaping, listened to music daily, and made always placed service before self. to the temple. A highlight in his sure her children and grandchildren were involved with uplifting He is survived by LaVerne Williams later years was when his extended music and church videos. She held many positions in church (wife), older sister Shirley Crews, Joe family gathered annually at the San and loved working with children, especially the boys in Blazer Crews (nephew), younger brother Diego Temple to perform baptisms and Cub Scouts. She made birthdays and holidays special for Willard (Pam) (Vicky) (brother), Lori, and confirmations for the hundreds of everyone. Gae always reached out to family members and was a Bryan, Kyle, Jason (niece and nephew). names he had prepared. caregiver for both her parents and her mother-in-law. Richard's children are Karri (Shannon) Jack was born on June 18, 1921 in Gae is survived by five children, Connie (Don) Roat, Dennis Brazel, Blaine Williams, Troy (Loni) Williams, Brandon (Colleen) Clearfield. He was the second oldest child born to Ira Darvel (Jean), Christy (Michael) Cardon, Cynthia Plumb, and Steven Williams. Richard has 10 grandchildren Gavin, Hunter, Connor Miller and LeNora Scoffield Miller. He graduated from Davis (Cherilee), 31 grandchildren and 74 great-grandchildren, a brother Williams, Makenna Brazel, Keara, Raychel Williams, Nash, High School where he excelled and lettered in track and field. and two sisters-in-law. Preceded in death by her husband, her Wren, Heston Williams. Richard is preceded in death by Harold Jack served in the Air Force as a navigator in World War II. He parents, four brothers, son Kelly, daughter Stephanie, and three Williams (brother), Stormy Williams (granddaughter), Kelly Crews attended the University of Utah and graduated with a master’s grandsons. (nephew), Alan Crews (brother-in-law), Richard Williams Sr. degree in chemical engineering. He worked for Standard Oil Funeral services were held on Wednesday, June 17, 2020, at (father), Willie Elizabeth (Dolly) Williams (mother). One of his (Chevron) in Taft and Bakersfield, CA for 41 years; never missing 11:30 a.m. with a viewing from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m., at The Church of famous lines was “Dammnit LaVerne, the level doesn't lie.” and one day of work. Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, North Canyon 7th Ward, 3350 S. “Touchdown Denver” (as the box of cereal hits the kitchen floor). He met and fell in love with Dorothy Donetta Bennett. They 100 East, Bountiful. Burial in Bountiful City Cemetery. Forever in our hearts, we will always love you and miss you, Dad. were married in the Salt Lake Temple on Nov. 4, 1942. They had A special thanks to Dawn, Tina, Olena, Elaine, Wyanne and Services were held Thursday, June 18 at 10 a.m. at Farmington five children, 18 grandchildren, and 42 great-grandchildren. Their Brynn for their compassionate care of Gae. City Cemetery. family was the center of their lives, where they spent many happy years teaching their children to work hard and serve others. After 34 years of Janalee Plaizier marriage, Dorothy preceded him in death on February 25, 1971-2020 1976. Janalee Plaizier, 49, passed away Jack married Nadine Tuesday, June 9, 2020, with her McLaughlin in the Salt Lake husband and two of her children by Temple on June 18, 1977 and her side in Nampa, Idaho. adopted her daughter, Mandy Jana was born to Velle and Venita McLaughlin. Jack and Nadine Anderson on January 12, 1971, in were married 43 years. They Murray. She was the second of five traveled extensively, served children. She spent most of her together in the San Diego childhood in Bluffdale. She had many Temple, and fulfilled two fond memories of family trips in their service missions for the camper. As a teenager she partici- church. pated in beauty pageants and enjoyed Preceding him in death are home economic classes. his parents; siblings; his first She graduated from Bingham High School and then attended wife Dorothy, his daughter, Heritage Beauty College where she received her beautician’s JoAnne (Miller) Taylor; license. son-in-law, David Taylor; and She was married to John Plaizier on May 24, 1996, in the his granddaughter, Lora Lynn Bountiful Temple. They have three children. Together the five of McIntosh. Jack is survived them moved to Idaho in 2006. Her greatest joy in life came from by his wife, Nadine Miller; being a stay at home mom. She loved her family more than any- his children; Judy Lynn Kelly thing in the world. Whether it was working in the yard, hiking, or (David), John Miller (Cydnee), playing tennis, she loved spending time with her family. Robert Miller, (Judith), Gary She was a faithful member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Miller (Kathy), and Mandy Latter-day Saints and found joy in serving and ministering to Miller. others. A graveside service will She is survived by her husband, John; three children: Derek, be held at Kaysville City Brandon, and Lindsay; parents Velle and Venita; and siblings: Cemetery. For more infor- Vellene, Teresa, Russell and Chad. mation contact Judy Kelly at Private family services will be held. Condolences may be [email protected]. expressed at ZeyerFuneralChapel.com. 208-467-7300. The Davis Clipper life Friday, June 19, 2020 17 tele vision guide

WEEKDAY MORNINGS SATURDAY MORNING JUNE 20, 2020 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 ^ KUTV 2News CBS This Morning Let’s Make a Deal Young & Restless The Price Is Right ^ KUTV CBS This Morning 2News Lucky Innova Mission Pet Vet Hope- Kds TBA Outlaws $ KTVX Good Morning Utah Good Morning America Good Things Utah The View ABC4 News $ KTVX Good Morning Good Morning Hanna Ocean Hearts of Rock- Feel Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. % KSL KSL 5 News Today Today Today 3rd Hour Today-Hoda Brooke Walker % KSL Earth Earth Horse Racing Royal Ascot. (N) ’ (Live) Premier Premier League Soccer _ KUED Hero Molly Xavier Go Luna Tiger Tiger Varied Programs Dinosaur Cat in Sesame Pink _ KUED Pink Molly Xavier Go Luna Old House Woods. Simply 100 Days Milk Kevin Jamie ) KUEN Varied Programs Newsline Varied Programs Be Fit Varied Programs Beyond Number ) KUEN Quilt Art Quilting Knit Sew Trails Journeys Saman Fishing Airpower Autoline Find It, Fix It ` KSTU News News News Fox13 News: Kelly and Ryan News ` KSTU Space Good Good Day Utah Weekend Edition Feel DIY Sci Greatest Games: MLB (N) ’ . KJZZ 2News This 2News This 2 News at 8 Dateline Access Daily Jerry Jerry . KJZZ Healthy MyDest. 2News Big Rescue Think Holly Sports Dog Tale Heart Healthy 0 KUPX Listener Varied Listener Varied Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order 0 KUPX Paid Prg. LifeLock Paid Prg. LifeLock Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU 8 KPNZ Venga la Varied Ya Cayó Renovado Hechos AM Así en el 8 KPNZ Venga la alegría Ya Cayó Renovado El Súper El Súper El Súper Tu Salud H engarzadas Dificil de Fútbol > KUWB King Paid Prg. Minute Minute King Paid Prg. Jerry Springer Mel Robbins Tamron Hall > KUWB Tummy House oh baby! oh baby! Into Wild Into Wild Into Wild This Old Animal Invention Larry Paid Prg. P KBYW BYU Dv. Devo Highway to Heaven Lark Rise Heartland BYU Sports Nation Movie Varied P KBYW Bryan Food Deadly Adven. DIY Sci Tricked Show Studio C Dinner Takes All Inspec Inspec A&E Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Joyce M. First 48 Varied Programs The First 48 The First 48 A&E Makeup! Hempva Chess Paid Prg. Flipping Vegas ’ Flipping Vegas ’ Zombie Flip Zombie Flip AMC Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs AMC (5:33) ››› “Zombieland” Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men DISC Varied Programs DISC Retriever Martin The Di Sport Auction UnWater The Chasin’ Deadliest Catch “Mayday Mayday” ’ DISN Bunk’d Big City Mickey Mickey Puppy Puppy Puppy Mira T.O.T.S. T.O.T.S. Ladybug Ladybug DISN Bunk’d Big City Ladybug Ladybug “Freaky Friday” (2018) ‘NR’ “High School Musical” (2006) “High School 2” ESPN Baseball Get Up Varied First Take Varied SportCtr Varied Programs ESPN SportsCenter (N) Outside the Lines SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) Weightlifting Cornhole FREE Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Melissa Melissa Melissa Melissa Melissa 700 Club The 700 Club FREE Paid Prg. Larry Paid Prg. Paid Prg. ››‡ “Liar Liar” (1997) Jim Carrey. “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” (1996) FX Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Movie Varied Programs Mike Movie Varied FX Paid Prg. BISSELL Total Paid Prg. Mike Mike ›››‡ “The Post” (2017) Meryl Streep. ’ Martian HBO Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied HBO (5:33) “Storks” ’ Sesame Sesame (7:57) ›› “Eragon” (2006) (9:45) ›› “Planet of the Apes” (2001) Recruit LIFE King King King King King King King King King King King King LIFE Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Hempva Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Married-Sight “Psycho Yoga Instructor” (2020) NICK Bubble Bubble Blue PAW PAW PAW PAW Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. NICK PAW PAW Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. PARMT Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue PARMT “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” (2008) (8:50) ›››› “Raiders of the Lost Ark” (1981) IndianaJ PLEX Movie Varied Movie Varied Programs PLEX “Adventures-Rocky & Bullw.” “Quest-Camelot” (9:15) ››‡ “Mystery Men” (1999) Hank Azaria. MajrPayn ROOT Varied Programs Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Tennis Classics ROOT Paid Prg. Outdoor Chess Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. MagBlue Larry Sporting Rod. SHOW Movie Varied Programs SHOW “Paradise Hills” ’ ›‡ “Leap Year” (2010) ’ (8:45) “Ode to Joy” (2019) ’ ‘R’ ›››› “Almost Famous” STARZ Movie Varied Programs (11:05) Movie STARZ (5:48) ›‡ “Max Payne” ’ ››‡ “White Boy Rick” (2018) ’ “(500) Days of Summer” ’ “Beautiful Day” TNT Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural TNT NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans “Disturbia” (2007) USA Varied Programs CSI: Crime Scene NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS Varied Programs Law & Order: SVU USA Dateline CSI: Crime Scene Paid Prg. Relief Paid Prg. Total Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ WTBS Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends WTBS Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond ›‡ “Red Dawn” (2012) (DVS) ››› “Ready Player One” (2018)

WEEKDAY AFTERNOONS SATURDAY EVENING JUNE 20, 2020 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 ^ KUTV 2 News at Noon Fresh Bold The Talk Ellen DeGeneres News News 2 News CBS ^ KUTV Paid Prg. Paid Prg. NCIS: Los Angeles 48 Hours ’ 48 Hours (N) News Spo Hooked ROH $ KTVX GMA3: What General Hospital Tamron Hall The Doctors News News News ABC $ KTVX Paid Prg. HairClub The Last Dance ’ The Last Dance ’ (9:02) The Rookie News Leisure County Holly % KSL KSL 5 News Hot Hot Rachael Ray Kelly Clarkson Dr. Phil News News % KSL Sports Outdoors Dateline NBC ’ Sat. Night Live News (10:29) Saturday Night Live _ KUED Hero Go Luna Nature Wild Molly Xavier Odd Arthur Splash Peg Cyber News _ KUED Antique Roadshow Death in Paradise The Bletchley Shakespea Grantchester Austin City Limits ) KUEN Box Varied Programs Biz Kid$ Varied Programs ) KUEN Discov Outside Report Museum Toward the Source They Were Our On Story Film-Mak Between Poetry ` KSTU News The Friends The Dr. Oz Show Jdg Judy Jdg Judy News News News News ` KSTU Simpson Mod 24 Hours-Hell LEGO Masters ’ FOX13 News Mod Ultimate Tag ’ Simpson . KJZZ The People’s Court Judge Mathis Divorce Court Paternity Fresh 25 Funny FamFeud FamFeud . KJZZ Wheel Jeopardy Ent. Tonight Dateline “Toxic” Dateline ’ Fam Guy Fam Guy Burgers Crime 0 KUPX Law & Order Varied Programs 0 KUPX Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU 8 KPNZ Ventaneando Venga la alegría Lo que callamos Lo que callamos 8 KPNZ Escape perfecto Al Extremo: Fin Corazón grupero Ponle de noche “Gran Mentiroso” > KUWB Protec Protec Justice Justice Jerry Springer The Doctors Gold Gold Last Man Last Man > KUWB Big Bang Big Bang Gold Gold Mom ’ Mom ’ Two Men Two Men Last Man Last Man Raw King L KBYU Movie Varied Food Inspec Hway. Varied Heart Heart (4:15) Heartland Varied Programs P KBYU Pride & Prejudice “Her Best Move” (2007) Leah Pipes. ’ ››› “The Borrowers” ’ Tricked “Her Best Move” A&E The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 A&E (5:00) Live Rescue Live Rescue “Live Rescue -- 11.04.19” Live Rescue “Live Rescue -- 01.20.20” Live Rescue AMC Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs AMC (6:15) ››› “Ocean’s Thirteen” (2007) George Clooney. Line of Duty (10:25) “Ocean’s Thirteen” DISC Varied Programs DISC Dirty Jobs ’ Dirty Jobs ’ Dirty Jobs ’ Dirty Jobs ’ Dirty Jobs ’ Dirty Jobs ’ DISN Big City Amphibia Big City Gabby Raven Raven Sydney Sydney Bunk’d Big City Big City Big City DISN Zombies “Zombies 2” (2020) ‘NR’ (8:05) “Descendants 2” (2017) ‘NR’ (10:05) “Descendants 3” (2019) ’ ‘NR’ ESPN NFL Live The Varied Programs SportCtr Varied SportsCenter Varied Programs ESPN UFC Fight Night: Blaydes vs. Volkov (N) (Live) Boxing Top Rank: Main Card. (N Same-day Tape) FREE Movie Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Simpson Simpson FREE “Despicable Me 2” (7:15) ››‡ “Hotel Transylvania” (2012) ’ (9:20) ›››‡ “Coco” (2017, Children’s) ’ FX Movie Varied Programs FX “Neighbors 2” ›› “Daddy’s Home” (2015) Will Ferrell. ›› “Transformers: Age of Extinction” (2014) ’ HBO Movie Varied Programs HBO ›››‡ “Ford v Ferrari” (2019) Matt Damon. I Know This Much Is True ’ I May ›››‡ “A Star Is Born” LIFE King King King King King King King King King King Varied Programs LIFE “Birthmother’s Betrayal” (2020) (8:03) “The Au Pair Nightmare” (2020) (10:01) “Birthmother’s Betrayal” (2020) NICK Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Loud Loud Casa Loud Sponge. Sponge. NICK Dylan Group Sponge. Sponge. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Mom ’ Mom ’ PARMT Mom Mom Mom Mom Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men PARMT “Raiders of the Lost Ark” ’ ›››‡ “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” (1989) ’ “Indiana Jones” PLEX Movie Movie Varied Programs (4:17) Movie PLEX ››‡ “The Best of Times” (7:45) ›› “Major Payne” (1995) ’ (9:23) “Head Over Heels” ’ “Three Clock” ROOT Tennis Classics Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Varied Programs College Basketball Varied ROOT Rockies Run MLB Baseball Rockies Rockies Rockies The Ten SHOW Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs SHOW “Almost Famous” ›››‡ “Boogie Nights” (1997) Mark Wahlberg. Best in Sex: AVN Awards Billions ’ STARZ Movie Varied Programs (2:29) Movie Varied Programs STARZ Master “Beautiful Day” (8:13) ›‡ “Miss Bala” (2019) ’ Hightown ’ “Spider-Man” TNT Supernatural Varied Programs TNT ››› “Wonder Woman” (2017) Gal Gadot. (DVS) ›› “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” (2016, Action) USA Law & Order: SVU Varied Programs Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Varied Programs Law & Order: SVU USA Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ WTBS Friends Friends Friends Friends Amer. Amer. Amer. Amer. Fam Guy Fam Guy Big Bang Big Bang WTBS ›››‡ “Black Panther” (2018) Chadwick Boseman. Full “Alice Through the Looking Glass” Incrd

FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 19, 2020 SUNDAY EVENING JUNE 21, 2020 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 ^ KUTV News ET All Rise ’ MacGyver ’ Magnum P.I. News Late Show-Colbert Corden ^ KUTV 60 Minutes (N) ’ United We Sing-Grammy Tribute NCIS: New Orleans News Talkin’ Sports (N) America $ KTVX News Inside Shark Tank ’ (8:01) 20/20 (N) ’ News Kimmel Nightline Kimmel $ KTVX Celebrity Fam John Legend ABC-J. Bolton Match Game ’ News Real Inside Paid Prg. % KSL News News World of Dance ’ The Wall ’ Dateline NBC (N) News Tonight Show Meyers % KSL Game Night The Titan Games America’s Got Talent “Auditions 4” ’ News News Sports Elmntry _ KUED PBS NewsHour (N) Wash Utah Ins Great Performances “Ann” (N) ’ Keep Up R. Unforgotten _ KUED Father Brown Royal Myths Grantchester Beecham House Last Tango American Masters ) KUEN Roadtrip Start Up News Asia Medical Ageless ›››› “The Third Man” (1949) ’ McLaug. Blacka ) KUEN Darley Two Art Con Articu The Art Detectives Song of Mountains GZERO Closer Over Asia ` KSTU Simpson Mod WWE Friday Night SmackDown ’ News Mod Seinfeld Seinfeld Simpson ` KSTU Last Man Duncan Simpson Bless Burgers Fam Guy FOX13 News Sports Seinfeld Seinfeld Carbon . KJZZ Wheel Jeopardy 2 News FamFeud FamFeud Jeopardy 2 News DailyMail Fam Guy Fam Guy Burgers Burgers . KJZZ FamFeud FamFeud Extra (N) ’ Dateline ’ Dateline ’ Fam Guy Fam Guy Burgers Crime 0 KUPX NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles 0 KUPX NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ 8 KPNZ Mi pareja puede Dificil de Hechos Escape perfecto No es normal Al extremo Mujeres rompiendo 8 KPNZ Mi pareja puede Al Extremo: Fin “Comando terrorista” (1993, Acción) Contacto Ponle de noche > KUWB Big Bang Big Bang Masters Masters Whose? Whose? News Big Bang Two Men Two Men Mom ’ Mom ’ > KUWB Big Bang Big Bang DC’s Stargirl Supergirl ’ Two Men Two Men Mother Mother Edition King P KBYU ›› “Like Mike” (2002) Lil’ Bow Wow. Inspec Inspec ›› “Like Mike” (2002) Lil’ Bow Wow. Heart Heart P KBYU Hetty Holly H. ››› “Hoosiers” (1986, Drama) ’ Pride & Prejudice The Fixers ’ Welcome The A&E (5:00) Live Rescue Live Rescue “Live Rescue -- 10.28.19” Live Rescue “Live Rescue -- 10.21.19” Live Rescue A&E “Pelham 123” ›‡ “What Happens in Vegas” (2008) ››› “Knocked Up” (2007) Seth Rogen. ’ Court AMC To Be Announced Showcase Hip Hop-Songs To Be Announced AMC “National Lamp. Christmas” NOS4A2 (9:06) NOS4A2 “National Lamp. Christmas” DISC Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Dino Hunters Homestead Rescue DISC Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Naked and Afraid Why We Hate: Reckoning (N) ’ DISN Jessie Jessie Jessie Raven Raven Sydney Sydney (9:45) Jessie Bunk’d Bunk’d Gabby DISN Raven Raven Raven Bunk’d Bunk’d Bunk’d Bunk’d Fam Jam Sydney Bunk’d Bunk’d Gabby ESPN “Rookie-Year” ESPN Original Documentaries SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN Countdown The 2020 ESPYS (N) SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter FREE Simpson Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy ››‡ “Jumanji” (1995) Robin Williams. FREE “Hotel Trans” (7:10) ›››‡ “Coco” (2017, Children’s) ’ (9:40) ››› “The Parent Trap” (1998) ’ FX ›››‡ “The Martian” (2015) Matt Damon. ’ ››‡ “The Greatest Showman” ’ “Greatest Show” FX “Daddy’s Home” ›› “Daddy’s Home 2” (2017) ’ ››› “Blockers” (2018) Leslie Mann. ››› “Blockers” HBO To Be Announced Real, Bill Maher I Know This Much Is True ’ Real, Bill Maher Bully. HBO “Ford v Ferrari” ’ Perry Mason Perry Mason Last Perry Mason Last Yvonne Orji LIFE ››‡ “It’s Complicated” (2009) Meryl Streep. “A Mother Knows Worst” (10:01) ››‡ “It’s Complicated” LIFE “His Double Life” (2016, Suspense) (8:03) “My Stepfather’s Secret” (2019) (10:01) “His Double Life” (2016) NICK Danger Danger Dylan Dylan Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends NICK ›› “Tooth Fairy” (2010) Dwayne Johnson. ’ Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Mom ’ Mom ’ PARMT Two Men Two Men Yellowstone Yellowstone ›› “Deep Impact” (1998) Robert Duvall. ’ Deep PARMT “Jack Reacher” Yellowstone Yellowstone (8:57) Yellowstone (9:57) ››‡ “Jack Reacher” (2012) PLEX ››› “School Ties” (1992) ’ (7:49) ›› “The Stepfather” (9:32) ››‡ “Flash of Genius” (2008) Mystery PLEX “Joe Versus the Volcano” ’ (7:44) ››› “Honeymoon in Vegas” (9:22) ››‡ “Airport ’77” (1977) Flash ROOT Rockies Rockies MLB Baseball From Sept. 17, 2016. Rockies Rockies United Fight ROOT World Poker Tour MLB Baseball Nolan Arenado’s walk-off cycle. From June 18, 2017. Rockies Sports Sports SHOW “Clear-Danger” Billions ’ Boxing ’ Boxing ’ Billions ’ Penny SHOW VICE ’ VICE ’ The Chi ’ Penny Dreadful The Chi ’ Penny Dreadful The Chi ’ STARZ “After Wedding” (6:57) ›› “The Equalizer 2” (2018) ’ “Spider-Man: Far From Home” (2019) (11:12) Hightown STARZ (5:49) “Spider-Man: Far From Home” ’ Hightown ’ Hightown (N) Hightown ’ Hightown ’ TNT ››‡ “The Accountant” (2016) Ben Affleck. ›› “Walking Tall” (2004) “Braven” (2018) Jason Momoa. TNT “Wonder Woman” Snowpiercer (N) Snowpiercer ›› “Pain & Gain” (2013, Action) Mark Wahlberg. Hercules USA Law & Order: SVU Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod USA Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU WTBS (5:00) “Red Dawn” ››› “Ready Player One” (2018) Tye Sheridan. Premiere. Super Punch “Red Dawn” (1984) WTBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Laughs Laughs ››› “Father of the Bride” (1991) 18 Friday, June 19, 2020 life The Davis Clipper

I was looking through my old “Never Broken” organization, time phenomenon with host Regis I loved the TV show “The CDs and found one by Jewel. I JewelNeverBroken.com. Philbin. It later became a hit weekday Americans” about Russian spies. usedQ: to play it over and over. I realized To answer your question, certainly game show up until 2019, when it was AreQ: the series’ stars going to be in that I haven’t heard anything new during all this time in isolation her canceled. anything new soon? -- B.B. from her in a long time. Is she still creativity has been sparked, so I The anniversary episodes that Real-life couple Keri Russell and recording albums? -- S.T. wouldn’t be surprised if she released a aired recently on ABC were actually Matthew Rhys starred in the Jewel is a Grammy-nominated new album in the near future. filmed without an audience. Each FXA: drama “The Americans” as KGB singer-songwriter (and fantastic *** celebrity contestant was allowed one officers living in Virginia during the yodeler)A: from Alaska whose 1995 I’ve been friend or family mem- Cold War. The show ended after six debut album, “Pieces of You,” has gone enjoying seeing ber to sit behind them seasons, but both have gone on to multi-platinum. She’s still recording, theQ: special episodes on camera, assisting acquire new projects separately. with her most recent album, “Picking of “Who Wants to Be them with answers. Rhys is starring in the new “Perry Up the Pieces,” released in 2015. a Millionaire” in prime Their winnings Mason” series (yes, THAT Perry During the pandemic Jewel time with host Jimmy benefitted a charity Mason) on HBO, which takes place performed in an online concert Kimmel. Will it be of their choice. I think during the defense attorney’s career called “Live From San Quarantine.” returning to syndica- Kimmel (who hosts in 1930s Los Angeles. Last year, Rhys She was recently profiled on “CBS tion weekdays? -- G.Y. the late-night “Jimmy starred alongside Tom Hanks in the Sunday Morning,” where she said Right before Kimmel Live!” on ABC) wonderful “A Beautiful Day in the something quite profound: “One thing California issued its stay-at- did a great job as the “Millionaire” Neighborhood” film about Mr. Rogers. I’ve really learned in my life is the homeA: orders, Jimmy Kimmel hosted host, so if we're lucky he’ll preside As for Russell, she recently darkest of times are the most fertile a special series of “Who Wants to Be over some special editions in the appeared in the blockbuster motion opportunities.” a Millionaire.” Nine episodes were future. Unfortunately, there are no picture “Star Wars: The Rise of She’s done a lot to raise money filmed celebrating the 20th anni- plans at this time to syndicate the Skywalker” as Zorii, and in the horror for troubled youth through versary of the popular game show game show weekdays. film “Antlers,” alongside Jesse Plemons InspiringChildren.net and her that originally started out as a prime *** (“Fargo”).

MONDAY EVENING JUNE 22, 2020 WEDNESDAY EVENING JUNE 24, 2020 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 ^ KUTV News ET Neighbor Bob All Rise ’ Bull ’ News Late Show-Colbert Corden ^ KUTV News ET Game On! (N) SEAL Team S.W.A.T. “Vice” ’ News Late Show-Colbert Corden $ KTVX News Corona The Bachelor: The Greatest Seasons -- Ever! “Ben Higgins” News Kimmel Nightline Kimmel $ KTVX News Inside Gold House Mod Mod S.H.I.E.L.D. News Kimmel Nightline Kimmel % KSL News News The Titan Games The Wall (N) Dateline NBC News Tonight Show Meyers % KSL News News Chicago Med ’ Chicago Fire ’ Chicago P.D. ’ News Tonight Show Meyers _ KUED PBS NewsHour (N) Antique Roadshow Antique Roadshow Real Rail Adv Time/By R. Utah Outdoor _ KUED PBS NewsHour (N) The National Parks: America’s Best Idea ’ Prehistoric-Trip R. Last Tango ) KUEN Roadtrip Start Up News Newsline SciTech BrainWk Can You Fix Scully Kamla Mind Story ) KUEN Roadtrip Start Up News Newsline Recon Soldier Babe Ruth-Sing America SciTech Global Travel ` KSTU Simpson Mod 9-1-1 “Monsters” 9-1-1: Lone Star ’ News Mod Seinfeld Seinfeld Simpson ` KSTU Simpson Mod MasterChef Ultimate Tag (N) ’ News Mod Seinfeld Seinfeld Simpson . KJZZ Wheel Jeopardy 2 News FamFeud FamFeud Jeopardy 2 News DailyMail Fam Guy Fam Guy Burgers Burgers . KJZZ Wheel Jeopardy 2 News FamFeud FamFeud Jeopardy 2 News DailyMail Fam Guy Fam Guy Burgers Burgers 0 KUPX Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ 0 KUPX Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order 8 KPNZ Mi pareja puede Dificil de Hechos Escape perfecto L Al extremo Mujeres rompiendo 8 KPNZ Mi pareja puede Dificil de Hechos Escape perfecto Extranormal Al extremo Mujeres rompiendo > KUWB Big Bang Big Bang Whose? Whose? Penn & Teller News Big Bang Two Men Two Men Mom ’ Mom ’ > KUWB Big Bang Big Bang The 100 “Nakara” Bulletproof (N) ’ News Big Bang Two Men Two Men Mom ’ Mom ’ P KBYU Studio C Show Show Tricked Ran. Studio C Studio C Show Show Tricked Heart Heart P KBYU Ran. Making Wiz.- Kindness Pride & Prejudice Ran. Making Wiz.- Kindness Heart Heart A&E Murder-Laci Murder-Laci Murder-Laci Murder-Laci The Murder of Laci Peterson Murder A&E The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 AMC ›› “White House Down” (2013) Channing Tatum. ››‡ “Man on Fire” (2004) Denzel Washington. AMC ››‡ “The Day After Tomorrow” (2004) ››‡ “The Day After Tomorrow” (2004) NOS4A2 DISC Street-Memphis Street-Memphis Street-Memphis Street Outlaws: Memphis (N) ’ Diesel Brothers (N) DISC Expedition Un. Expedition Un. Expedition Expedition Expedition Un. Mysteries of Deep DISN Jessie Jessie Jessie Raven Raven Raven Raven Bunk’d Big City Bunk’d Bunk’d Gabby DISN Jessie Jessie Jessie Raven “Zombies” (2018) ‘NR’ (9:45) “Zombies 2” (2020) ’ Gabby Duran ESPN The 2020 ESPYS 30 for 30 SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN (5:00) ESPN Original Documentaries SportsCenter SportsC. FREE ››› “Ice Age” (2002) ’ ››› “Matilda” (1996) Mara Wilson. ’ ›››‡ “Shrek” (2001) ’ FREE ››› “Despicable Me” (2010) ’ ››› “Despicable Me 2” (2013) ’ ››› “Puss in Boots” (2011) ’ FX ›› “The Dark Tower” (2017) ’ ››‡ “Maze Runner: The Death Cure” (2018) ’ “Maze Runner” FX Gone ›› “Pacific Rim Uprising” (2018) John Boyega. ›› “Transformers: The Last Knight” (2017) Mark Wahlberg. HBO (4:35) “Aquaman” I May Perry Mason I May Axios (N) Last I May Axios ’ ››› “Hanna” ’ HBO “Downton Abbey” “Transhood” (2020) ‘NR’ (8:45) ››› “Ready or Not” (2019) ‘R’ I May “Lucy in the Sky” LIFE Grey’s Anatomy ’ Grey’s Anatomy ’ Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy ’ Grey’s Anatomy ’ LIFE Married-Sight Married at First Married at First Married-Sight Married-Sight Married at First NICK Dylan Group Sponge. Sponge. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends NICK Dylan Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends PARMT ››‡ “The Karate Kid” (2010) Jaden Smith. ’ (8:45) ›››‡ “Creed” (2015) Michael B. Jordan. “The Karate Kid” PARMT ››› “Catch Me if You Can” (2002) Leonardo DiCaprio. ’ ›› “Taken 2” (2012) Liam Neeson. ’ “Catch Me-Can” PLEX ›› “I’m Not Rappaport” (1996) Walter Matthau. (8:17) › “Beautiful” (2000) (10:11) ›› “The Stepfather” (2009) ’ PLEX ››‡ “She’s Having a Baby” (1988) (7:47) ››‡ “The Express” (2008) ’ (9:58) ››‡ “Effie Gray” (2014) ’ ROOT Rockies Rockies Colorado Rockies Classics From Aug. 10, 2009. Rockies Rockies Fight Sports MMA ROOT Rockies Rockies Colorado Rockies Classics From July 31, 2010. Rockies Rockies Rockies World Poker SHOW Dexter “Born Free” Penny Dreadful The Chi ’ VICE ’ ›››‡ “Hustlers” (2019) ’ ‘R’ Fear ‘R’ SHOW The Affair “110” The Chi ’ ›››‡ “Boogie Nights” (1997) Mark Wahlberg. Best in Sex: AVN Awards STARZ “No Good Deed” (7:15) “Once Upon a Time in Mexico” (8:58) Hightown ’ (9:58) ›› “Colombiana” (2011) ’ STARZ (6:14) ››‡ “Green Zone” (2010) ’ (8:11) ›› “The Wood” (1999) ’ ›‡ “The Intruder” (2019) Whole 9 TNT ››‡ “Rampage” (2018) Premiere. ››‡ “Rampage” (2018) (DVS) ››‡ “Non-Stop” (2014) (DVS) TNT All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (N) ››› “Rush Hour” (1998) Jackie Chan. ›› “Rush Hour 2” (2001) Jackie Chan. USA Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ WWE Monday Night RAW (N Same-day Tape) ’ USA NCIS (DVS) NCIS “Fallout” ’ NCIS (DVS) WWE NXT (N Same-day Tape) ’ Law & Order: SVU WTBS Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. Amer. Conan Laughs Conan Jokers Jokers WTBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Conan Full Seinfeld Conan Broke Broke

TUESDAY EVENING JUNE 23, 2020 THURSDAY EVENING JUNE 25, 2020 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 ^ KUTV News ET NCIS (DVS) FBI “Crossroads” FBI: Most Wanted News Late Show-Colbert Corden ^ KUTV News ET Sheldon Unicorn Mom ’ Broke ’ S.W.A.T. ’ News Late Show-Colbert Corden $ KTVX News Inside Conners Conners black-ish mixed- Genetic Detect. News Kimmel Nightline Kimmel $ KTVX News Inside Holey Moley (N) ’ Don’t (N) ’ To Tell the Truth News Kimmel Nightline Kimmel % KSL News News America’s Got Talent “Auditions 5” (N) World of Dance (N) News Tonight Show Meyers % KSL News News Council of Dads (N) Blindspot “Awl In” Law & Order: SVU News Tonight Show Meyers _ KUED PBS NewsHour (N) American Masters “Toni Morrison” (N) Frontline (N) Time/By R. Independent Lens _ KUED PBS NewsHour (N) Japan with Sue Midsomer Murders Murder Upstart Time/By R. Beecham House ) KUEN Roadtrip Start Up News Newsline IQ Food 50 Turn the Page ’ To Dine Art Con Focus Canada ) KUEN Roadtrip Start Up News Newsline Roadtrip-Life 108 Degrees Canada Roadtrip Euromx Wars ` KSTU Simpson Mod Hell’s Kitchen ’ 24 Hours-Hell News Mod Seinfeld Seinfeld Simpson ` KSTU Simpson Mod Celeb. Watch Labor of Love (N) News Mod Seinfeld Seinfeld Simpson . KJZZ Wheel Jeopardy 2 News FamFeud FamFeud Jeopardy 2 News DailyMail Fam Guy Fam Guy Burgers Burgers . KJZZ Wheel Jeopardy 2 News FamFeud FamFeud Jeopardy 2 News DailyMail Fam Guy Fam Guy Burgers Burgers 0 KUPX Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ 0 KUPX Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ 8 KPNZ Mi pareja puede Dificil de Hechos Escape perfecto Furia en la ciudad Al extremo Mujeres rompiendo 8 KPNZ Mi pareja puede Dificil de Hechos Escape perfecto Maldiciones... El Al extremo Mujeres rompiendo > KUWB Big Bang Big Bang DC’s Stargirl (N) ’ Big Underwear News Big Bang Two Men Two Men Mom ’ Mom ’ > KUWB Big Bang Big Bang Burden of Truth (N) In the Dark (N) ’ News Big Bang Two Men Two Men Mom ’ Mom ’ P KBYU Best Step Up Game Battle Dinner Takes All Best Step Up Game Battle Heart Heart P KBYU Itch “Rock ’n’ Roll” Wonderful World Dwight Dwight Itch ’ Holly H. Wonderful World Heart Heart A&E The First 48 “Chain of Death” ’ The First 48 The First 48 The First 48: Killer The First 48 A&E The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 First 48-Haunts AMC ›››‡ “Gladiator” (2000) Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix. ››› “Star Trek” (2009) Chris Pine. AMC “National Lamp.” ›‡ “Vegas Vacation” (1997) “National-European” “Longest Yard” DISC Deadliest Catch ’ Deadliest Catch ’ Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch (N) All on the Line (N) Street Outlaws (N) DISC Man vs. Wild Treasure Island Treasure Island Treasure Island Naked and Afraid “Second Chances” DISN Jessie Jessie Jessie Raven Raven Sydney Sydney Coop Coop Bunk’d Bunk’d Gabby DISN Jessie Jessie Jessie Raven Raven Bunk’d Bunk’d ’ Raven Bunk’d Bunk’d Gabby ESPN Boxing Andrew Moloney vs. Joshua Franco. SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN Boxing Top Rank Main Card: Moloney vs. Nagrete. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter SportsCenter FREE ›››‡ “Shrek” (2001) ’ ››› “Despicable Me” (2010) ’ ››› “Despicable Me 2” (2013) ’ FREE ››› “Wedding Crashers” (2005) Owen Wilson. ›› “How to Be Single” (2016) Dakota Johnson. The Bold Type (N) FX Tower ››› “Spy” (2015) Melissa McCarthy. ’ ››› “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle” (2017) Jumanji FX (4:30) “Transformers: The Last Knight” ››› “Kingsman: The Secret Service” (2014) Colin Firth. “Kingsman-Gold” HBO (5:25) ›››‡ “Ford v Ferrari” (2019) REAL Sports Perry Mason I May Axios ’ REAL Sports HBO Perry Mason (7:05) ››‡ “It: Chapter Two” (2019) Jessica Chastain. ‘R’ I May ››› “Punch-Drunk Love” LIFE Grey’s Anatomy ’ Grey’s Anatomy ’ Grey’s Anatomy ’ Grey’s Anatomy ’ Grey’s Anatomy ’ Grey’s Anatomy ’ LIFE Married at First Married at First Power of Women (9:03) ›‡ “What Happens in Vegas” Married at First NICK Dylan Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends NICK ››‡ “Dr. Seuss’ the Lorax” (2012) Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends PARMT ››› “Megamind” (2010) Premiere. ’ ››‡ “Addams Family Values” ’ ››› “Megamind” (2010) ’ PARMT ›‡ “Dirty Grandpa” (2016) Robert De Niro. ’ ›‡ “Dirty Grandpa” (2016) Robert De Niro. ’ “Hot Tub Mach.” PLEX › “Cannonball Run II” (1984) (7:50) “Laws of Attraction” “Joe Versus the Volcano” ’ “The Haunting” ’ PLEX ›› “Beethoven” (1992) (7:28) “Beethoven’s 2nd” ’ (8:58) “Beethoven’s 3rd” ’ (10:38) “Beethoven’s 4th” ’ ROOT Rockies Run MLB Baseball From Sept. 30, 2018. Rockies Rockies United Fight ROOT Rockies Rockies Colorado Rockies Classics Rockies Rockies World Poker SHOW Ray Donovan City on a Hill The Loudest Voice ›› “Drive Angry” (2011) ‘R’ Penny Dreadful J. Trejo SHOW Shameless Becoming God VICE ’ Californ. “Mob Town” (2019) ‘R’ ›› “Mile 22” (2018) ‘R’ STARZ (5:29) ›› “Colombiana” ’ (7:19) Hightown ’ (8:19) “Drag Me to Hell” ’ Hightown ’ “Meet Fockers” STARZ Superfly (6:38) “Nutty Professor II: The Klumps” (8:27) › “Jack and Jill” ’ “Spider-Man: Far From Home” (2019) TNT ›› “Fast & Furious” (2009) Vin Diesel. ››‡ “Non-Stop” (2014) (DVS) ››‡ “Red Dawn” (1984, Action) TNT ››› “Rush Hour” (1998) Jackie Chan. ›› “Rush Hour 2” (2001) Jackie Chan. ›‡ “Rush Hour 3” (2007) (DVS) USA Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Dirty John (N) USA Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Chicago P.D. ’ WTBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Celebrity Show-Off Conan Celebrity Show-Off Conan Brooklyn Brooklyn WTBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Misery Conan Misery Seinfeld Conan New Girl New Girl Friday, June 19, 2020 19 Scores & Recaps from Davis County Competition S ports Sports Shorts Compiled by Tom Haraldsen Play Ball! [email protected] GATORADE SOCCER PLAYER OF YEAR Layton High’s Eli Nixon was named Gatorade Utah Boys Soccer Player of the Year on Monday, even after a very short- ened season due to coronavirus. Nixon, a senior who will play at Utah Valley University next year before departing on a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, had a stellar year last season, scoring 13 goals and adding four assists for the Lancers’ trip to the state 6A quarterfinals. The Lancers played just three games in 2020 before sports came to a halt due to W hILE baseball COVID-19. Nixon is the first Layton High fans can look player to ever win the award. forward to a renewed baseball season, Mac FORMER BRAVES COACH Feller of the Astros takes a called strike during Little HEADING TO PATRIOTS League play this week in Tyler Hughes, who coached football at Bountiful. It's a good sign Bountiful High for two seasons, has for summer! been hired as a coaching assistant by roger V. Tuttle the New England Patriots. He was head coach at Bountiful for two years, finish- ing with a record of 9-13 before leaving the post at the end of last season. Bountiful’s final game in 2019 was a 24-7 loss to Salem Hills in the second round Local Fishing Reports of the 5A state playoffs. Hughes was head coach at both Snow Bountiful Lake:  small channel catfish. He had fished the day before and College and Minot State. At Snow, he was caught a few rainbow trout. named Western States Football League Fishing is good for bullhead catfish. Anglers recently Coach of the Year in 2012. He played at East caught 3 bullhead catfish and another group caught 4. Ogden River:  High and Snow College before finishing Try using a worm or other traditional bites. is collegiate career at Utah State. He also Fishing is fair. An angler caught some rainbow trout, worked as an assistant at Ohio State under  he was using a panther martin. former University of Utah coach Urban East Canyon Reservoir & State Park: Meyer. He joins two other new coaches Fishing is fair to good. A group of anglers caught 3 Pineview Reservoir:  hired this off season by the Patriots. rainbow trout while trolling from a boat. Another group also caught 3 rainbow trout while fishing from a boat, Fishing is fair to good. An angler recently caught a KORN FERRY TOUR BACK they were using a pop gear and a worm. good-sized smallmouth bass. Another angler caught a IN FARMINGTON SANS largemouth bass! Echo Reservoir:  SPECTATORS Weber River:  The Utah Championship golf tournament, Fishing is fair to good. Fishing has slowed down part of the Korn Ferry Tour, returns to from previous weeks. Anglers fishing from shore were Fishing is fair to good. An angler recently caught 1 Oakridge Country Club in Farmington unsuccessful catching fish. A group of anglers fishing brown trout. Another angler caught 2 brown trout using starting next Thursday. But unlike the from a boat caught 3 20-inch long rainbow trout. They a wooly bugger with a down rig and an elk caddis fly on past three years, spectators will not be the bottom. allowed to attend due to the coronavirus were using a squid and spoon. pandemic.  Farmington Pond:  Willard Bay Reservoir: A total of 156 golfers will be competing Fishing is slow. Anglers caught 1 walleye while in this, the Korn Ferry Tour’s third event Fishing is fair to good. A group of anglers recently since resuming play. Though public caught 8 rainbow trout using a worm. Another angler fishing from a boat. Other anglers in the North Marina admission is closed, all four rounds will caught 1 bullhead catfish. fishing from shore caught no fish. The reservoir was be televised live on Golf Channel starting stocked with 1,700 8 inch wipers on June 9. An angler at 4 p.m. on June 25-28. The tournament is  recently caught a good-sized wiper at the North Marina, presented by Zions Bank. Kaysville Ponds: Fishing is fair to good. An angler recently caught 1 he was using mussels. 20 Friday, June 19, 2020 FREE C lassifieds Submit your classified ads at www.davisclipper.com or fax them to 801-295-3044 or call 801-295-2251 ext. 100. Deadline to place ads is Tuesday at 4 p.m. for Friday publication The Davis Clipper's free classifieds section is a service to the community and is not intended to be used by for-profit businesses. ADVERTISEMENTS ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ADVERTISER. The Davis Clipper HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE SUFFERED AS THE RESULT OF ANY ADVERTISEMENT IN THIS NEWSPAPER and IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CLAIMS OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE IN ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS NEWSPAPER. The Davis Clipper HAS THE SOLE AUTHORITY TO EDIT AND LOCATE ANY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT AS DEEMED APPROPRIATE. The Davis Clipper RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ANY ADVERTISING.

Yard Work Yard Work

JAMES & BILL’S LAND- YARD CARE Services! We SCAPING would love to take care of your General clean-up, Trees yard for you. We do aeration, S ervice Directory trimming & removal, shrubs, lawn maintenance, weeding, hedges, mowing, hauling, gardening, sprinkler work & sod, sprinkling system, con- repair, landscaping. Call today crete, flat work. 385-299-2566 for a Free estimate. 801-755- or 801-472-6743. 7706 or 801-295-8095. [email protected] SPRING IS COMING! LET RELIABLE LAWN CARE Mow- US CLEAN YOUR YARD, ing, By-weekly, service, weekly MOW YOUR LAWN. CALL service. Competitive Prices. US TODAY! 801-755-7706 or Call or text 801-809-7609. 801-295-8095. **GENERAL CLEAN-UP** • Weeding of Flower-Beds • Trimming of Bushes/Hedges • Raking up Leaves • Tree removal & trimming • New sod and sprinklers Free Estimates 801-328-3796 AFFORDABLE LANDSCAP- ING & Tree Service edging, trim- ming, pruning tree, trim hedges, stump removal, Landscape, Haul away. Concrete work, block wall, driveways. 25% dis- count. Tin 801-502-1919. AERATION BY KERRY AKA Peartfection, Lawn Mowing, Tilling, Aeration. Never Too Early to Aerate. Call Kerry 801-231-7364 Serving since 1986 MIKA LANDSCAPE All Kinds of landscaping, clean up, trees, sprinklers system, sod. All kinds of concrete. Free est. 801-708-9965. PRO LANDSCAPING General cleanup. Flower beds, shrub remov- al, weeding, complete tree Services service. clean and haul. MILITARY PLUMBER 30 WE DO IT ALL!!! years of experience. Will fix Free estimates. 801-888-1883 replace or install toilets, sinks, faucets, dishwashers, water ALL TYPES of yard work, SPRING clean up. Weekly heaters Call 801-598-0700 for Lawn mowing, both small and free estimate. large. Free estimates. Good HANDYMAN SERVICES. prices. AJ’s Maintenance Ser- Are you looking for someone vice 801-759-3631. to do your handyman work? Let us do it for you! No job too GENERAL CLEAN-UP big or no job too small. Senior Prompt Service Leaf raking, Flowerbed prep, citizen discount. Call today. Trees/shrubs, trim/prune/re- 801-295-8095. moval. Sprinkler installation & SEAMLESS ALUMINUM repair. Fencing, Cement work, RAIN GUTTERS Siding, paint- Driveways. ing, deck and fence repairs, Hauling (construction debris, tile, drywall repair. Lic/Ins. basements, garages, con- Call Jason 801-808-7056 crete). Call 801-688-0161 www.go2jasonhansen.com The Davis Clipper classifieds Friday, June 19, 2020 21 Services Help Wanted legal notices legal notices JEFF IVERSON’S PROFESSIONAL TREE AND the date of the first publication of this notice or be forever barred. 145.105 FT TO THE NW COR OF LOT 1, LAKEVIEW ESTATES STUMP REMOVAL SERVICE: Fall special. full maintenance Date of first publication: June 5, 2020. SUB; TH S 57°14’30” E 298.49 FT ALG SD SUB; TH S 89°53’29” E 40.86 FT; TH N 46°02’30” W 164.43 FT; TH N 24°50’23” W Pruning, topping, shrubs, dead /s/ Langdon T. Owen, Jr. Attorney for Personal Repre- 24.67 FT; TH N 38°47’29” W 230.98 FT TO SD SEC LINE; TH wooding. Senior and volume sentative 111 East Broadway, 11th Floor N 89°53’29” W 56.95 FT ALG SD SEC LINE TO POB. CONT. discounts. 801-298-1069 or 0.64205 ACRE. Parcel ID: 01-109-0003 801-540-2419. Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 (801) 363-4300 ALL OF LOT 5, AMENDED LAKEVIEW ESTATES, A SUBDIVI- C-5107 6/5-19 SION OF PART OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE For Sale 1 WEST, SALT LAKE BASE & MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO NOTICE TO WATER USERS THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN THE OFFICE The applications below were filed with the Division of Water Couch OF THE DAVIS COUNTY RECORDER. Parcel ID: 01-141-0005 MOVING SALE and Rights in Davis County. These are informal proceedings per Love seat $150.00 or make LOT OF 9, LAKEVIEW ESTATES, PART OF SECTION 12 Rule 655-6-2. Protests concerning an application must be legibly offer. Miscellaneous Kitchen TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH RANGE 1 WEST SALT LAKE BASIC written or typed, contain the name and mailing address of the AND MERIDIAN ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT OF ware and tools. Cash. 805- protesting party, STATE THE APPLICATION NUMBER PRO- FILE AND OF RECORD IN DAVIS COUNTY RECORDERS 428-5990 afternoons.. TESTED, CITE REASONS FOR THE PROTEST, and REQUEST And further described as follows: LOT 9, LAKEVIEW ESTATES, A HEARING, if desired. Also, A $15 FEE MUST BE INCLUDED A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 1 Garage Sales FOR EACH APPLICATION PROTESTED. Protests must be filed NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST, SALE LAKE BASE & MERIDIAN, with the Division of Water Rights on or before Jul. 9, 2020 either ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF ON FILE ESTATE SALE: Furniture, tools, electronically using the Division`s on-line Protest of Application AND OF RECORD IN THE DAVIS COUNTY RECORDER’S household items, arts & crafts. Sat- form, by hand delivery to a Division office, or by mail at PO Box OFFICE. Parcel ID: 01-115-0009 urday, June 21, 9:30am-3pm. 776 146300, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6300. Please visit waterrights. Address: 507 E Lacey Way, North Salt Lake, Utah E 300 S Centerville. Cash Only! utah.gov or call (801)538-7240 for additional information. PAYMENT TO BE MADE IN lawful money of the United NONUSE APPLICATION(S) States of America. 31-1947 (U7231): IHC Health Services Inc. is/are seeking a SUBJECT TO any liens. Want To Buy nonuse period for 0.045 cfs from groundwater (Woods Cross) Dated at Farmington, Davis County, Utah, and this 5th of for IRRIGATION; STOCKWATERING. June, 2020. BOOKS WANTED! I pay cash 31-1949 (U7233): IHC Health Services Inc. is/are seeking a Kelly V Sparks, Sheriff, Davis County for old LDS & other books. Also nonuse period for 0.022 cfs from groundwater (Woods Cross) By: Captain Kevin Fielding old photos & historical memo- for IRRIGATION; STOCKWATERING. Attorney: Halliday, Watkins & Mann, P.C. rabilia Call 800-823-9124 Teresa Wilhelmsen, P.E., State Engineer 376 East 400 South, Suite 300, C-5119 6/12-19 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 801-355-2886 C-5120 6/12-26 Instruction/Tutoring Notice: Autos for sale From: The Storage Place, 480 West Center, N.S.L. UT 801- ANNOUNCEMENT OF APPOINTMENT MARCIA ANDERSON’S PRE- 292-4696 AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS SCHOOL open in the Fall. Call The contents of the following storage unit will be sold at Public Estate of STEPHEN J. COBB 801-390-9149 or 801-298- Auction June 27, 2020 at 9 AM. Deceased Probate No. 203700234 KIDS(5437). Unit A6 rented to: Rocio Burquez, 2529 W Jordan Court, Tay- HEATH COBB, whose mailing address is 5878 S. 1325 E., South www.centervilleacademy.org lorsville, UT 84118 Ogden, UT 84405, has been appointed Personal Representative Contents: Flat bed trailer and 2 jeeps. C-5128 6/19-26 of the above-entitled estate. Creditors of the estate are hereby MARCIA ANDERSON’S PRE- notified to: (1) deliver or mail their written claims to the Personal SCHOOL open in the Fall. Call CENTERVILLE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Representative at his address above; (2) deliver or mail their 801-390-9149 or 801-298- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING MAP AMEND- written claims to the Personal Representative’s attorney of record, KIDS(5437). MENT Paul K. Bachman, at the following address: 2225 Washington Notice is hereby given that the Centerville City www.centervilleacademy.org Planning Com- Blvd., Ste. 200, Ogden, UT 84401; or (3) file their written claims mission will hold a public hearing, Wednesday, July 8th, 2020, with the Clerk of the District Court in Davis County, or otherwise beginning at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may present their claims as required by Utah law within 3 months after Duplex for Rent be heard, at www.youtube.com/centervillecityutah, regarding a the date of the first publication of this notice or be forever barred. Zoning Map Amendment for the property at approximately Date of first publication: June 12, 2020. SPACIOUS BRIGHT 2bd, 2125 N Main St, Parcel Numbers 07-072-0132, 07-072-0160, DATED: June 2, 2020. 1bth, W/D, A/C, dish washer, 07-072-0034, 07-072-0161,07-072-0175, from Agriculture-Low SMITH KNOWLES, P.C. storage, carpeted, kitchen to Residential-Low/PDO. /s/ Paul K. Bachman tiled, stove, refrigerator. Quiet If you have questions regarding this matter or would like further Attorney for Personal Representative neighborhood. No smokers/ information, contact Centerville City Community Development, at 2225 Washington Blvd., Suite 200 pets. Call 801-631-3787. 801-292-8232 or visit the City’s website at www.centervilleut.net Ogden, Utah 84401 Leah Romero, Centerville City Recorder Telephone: (801) 476-0303 Home for Rent C-5130 6/19 C-5117 6/12-26 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE OF STORED GOODS In accor- EAST KAYSVILLE 3bd, ON REAL PROPERTY dance with Utah Code Sec. 38-8-4 (Utah Self Storage Facility 2.5bth, new carpet, 2000+sqft. CIVIL NO. 170700313 Act) notice is hereby given that the contents of the following 2car/garage, fenced yard Consolidated Cases unit will be sold at public auction to settle delinquent accounts. No smokers/pets. $1650/ 170701276 Auction will be held at Main Street Storage, 585 N. Main Street, month plus utilities. Deposit 170700415 (EV) North Salt Lake City, Utah on June 19, 2020 at 4 pm. Unit will $1500. References/Credit Nick P Kelly, Plaintiff, be sold in its entirety to the highest bidder. Starting bid will be check. 801-458-2355. vs. $625 to cover rental cost and fees. Unit 3: James Taylor, 159 N. Coats Investments, LLC, Defendant. 3300 W, Layton, Ut 84041. Contents include: pallet jack, assorted Consolidated Cases 9 from Case No. 170701276): cabinets, hand truck, boxes, and misc. items. C-5125 6/12-19 Coats Investments, LLC, legal notices Plaintiff ANNOUNCEMENT OF APPOINTMENT vs. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Nick Kelly, NPK, LLC, NKW, LLC, Jerome Frydrych, Jr. and Estate of Donald J Smith ANNOUNCEMENT OF APPOINTMENT Vickie Sue Frydrych, as Trustees of the Jerome and Vicki Sue Probate No. 203700173 AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Frydrych Family Trust, Eric Peter Hopkins, Emi Hopkins, Michael Henry J Smith, whose address is 2523 West Ave, K12, Estate of BRADLEY GLEN ERICKSON, G. Seeley, Wang Xiao Yun, John Does 1-20, Lancaster, California 93536, has been appointed personal rep- Deceased Probate No. 203700185 Defendant resentative of the above-entitled estate. Creditors of the estate Lisa Enz, whose address is 1318 North 1500 West, Farr West, TO BE SOLD AT A SHERIFF’S SALE on the 2nd day of July, are hereby notified to (1) deliver or mail their written claims to Utah 84404, has been appointed Personal Representative of the 2020, at the hour of 1:00 pm, at the doors of Davis County Jus- the Personal Representative at the address above; (2) deliver above-entitled estate. Creditors of the estate are notified to (1) tice Complex at 800 West State St, Farmington, Davis County, or mail their written claims to the Personal Representative’s at- deliver or mail their written claims to the personal representative Utah, all the right, title, and non-exempt interest of the defendant, torney of record, Courtney Neves, at the following address: 991 at the address above; (2) deliver or mail their written claims to the Nick Kelly, in and to the following described real property, to wit: Shepard Lane, Suite 210, Farmington, Utah 84025; or, (3) file personal representative’s attorney of record, Langdon T. Owen, BEG AT A PT ON W LINE OF GRANTORS LAND S 89°53’29” their written claims with the clerk of the Utah Second District Court Jr. at the following address: 111 East Broadway, 11th Floor, Salt E 510 FT ALG THE SEC LINE FR THE N 1/4 COR OF SEC in Davis County, located at 800 West State Street, Farmington, Lake City, Utah 84111; or (3) file their written claims with the 12-T1N-R1W, SLM; TH S 22.89 FT TO A PT ON A 130 FT RAD UT 84025 or otherwise present their claims as required by Utah Clerk of the District Court in Davis County, or otherwise present CURVE TO RIGHT & NE’LY LINE OF LACEY WAY (RAD PT law within three (3) months after the date of the first publication their claims as required by Utah law within three months after BEARS S 41°46’46” W); TH SE’LY ALG THE ARC OF SD CURVE of this notice or be forever barred. C-5113 6/5-19 22 Friday, June 19, 2020 classifieds The Davis Clipper legal notices legal notices legal notices

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal bids or the award of a contract will be made within seven (7) and/or other charges arising from the Owner and Trustor, Kodie property belonging to those individuals listed below at the lo- days after the bids are opened. Wheelwright’s (“Owner”) ownership in the real property owned by cation indicated: LLOYD N. CHENEY, City Engineer Owner and encumbered by that certain Declaration of Protective Extra Space Storage - 1318 N 1075 W Farmington UT 84025, C-5131 6/19-7/3 Covenants, Agreements, Conditions, and Restrictions Affecting July 10th @ 10:00 AM the Real Property of Clifford Park Estates Homeowners Asso- Stephanie Kienle Unit #257 NOTICE ciation, Inc., recorded August 10, 2010, as Entry No. 2545292 The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetrea- A Notice of Intent for the following project submitted in accor- and any amendments thereto (“Declaration”). The real property sures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at dance with R307-401-1, Utah Administrative Code (UAC), has is purportedly located at 1076 West 900 South, Clearfield, Utah the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. been received for consideration by the Director: 84015, and more particularly described as: Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any Company Name: Linde Gas North America, LLC LOT 118, CLIFFORD PARK ESTATES, PHASE 1, ACCORDING purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the Location: Linde Hydrogen Plant - Hydrogen Gas Production – TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, ON FILE AND OF RECORD personal property. C-5127 6/19 685 S. Chevron Way, North Salt Lake, UT IN THE OFFICE OF THE DAVIS COUNTY RECORDER, STATE Project Description: Linde Gas North America, LLC (Linde) OF UTAH. Notice is hereby given that on the 26th day of June, 2020 at has requested a modification to Approval Order DAQE- TAX I.D. NO. 12-703-0118 10:00 a.m. in the Davis County Administration Building at 61 South AN130910006-14 to update emissions and source classification Also known by street and number of: 1076 West 900 South, Main Street, Farmington, Utah 84025, Room 131. The Davis County for the Hydrogen Production Plant. This permit change is updating Clearfield, UT 84015 Clerk/Auditor, Curtis Koch, will offer for sale at public auction and the source emission factors, which increases emissions. The emis- Subject to easements, restrictions and rights of way appearing sell to the highest bidder pursuant to the provisions of Section 59- sion increases are not due to production increases or operational of record or enforceable in law and equity and general property 2-1351.1 Utah Code, the following described real property located changes but updated emission factors for operations. This permit taxes for the year 2017 and thereafter. in Davis County and now delinquent and subject to tax sale. No action will also be updating the source classification from major The record owner of the Property, as of the recording of the bid less than the total amount of taxes, penalties, interest and costs to minor due to an Environmental Protection Agency ruling on Notice of Default is Kodie Wheelwright. the Greenhouse Gas(es) - 40 CFR 52.21 (b)(49)(i) tailoring rule. which are a charge on the real estate will be accepted. Bidders must tender to the trustee a $5,000.00 deposit at the The completed engineering evaluation and air quality impact 01-109-0003 NPK LLC, Property address: 507 East Lacey sale and the balance of the purchase price by 2:00 p.m. the day analysis showed the proposed project meets the requirements Way, North Salt Lake, UT .64205 acres $1,038.87 following the sale. Both the deposit and the balance must be paid of federal air quality regulations and the State air quality rules. 03-248-0005 Ensign Development Group LLC, Property ad- to Smith Knowles, P.C., in the form of a wire transfer, cashier’s The Director intends to issue an Approval Order pending a dress: Bountiful, UT .01 acres $518.48 check or certified funds. Cash payments, personal checks or 30-day public comment period. The project proposal, estimate 06-008-0110 Parrish Land Holdings LLC, Property address: trust checks are not accepted. of the effect on local air quality and draft Approval Order are Centerville, UT .033 acres $698.23 DATED: June 1, 2020. 06-008-0111 Parrish Land Holdings LLC, Property address: available for public inspection and comment at the Utah Division of Air Quality, 195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84116. Burt R. Willie, Esq. Centerville, UT .072 acres $1,257.26 Successor Trustee Written comments received by the Division at this same address 08-073-0052 Boyer Wheeler Farm LC, Property address: Telephone: (801) 476-0303 Farmington, UT .30 acres $711.44 on or before July 19, 2020 will be considered in making the final decision on the approval/disapproval of the proposed project. File No. 18.1119 10-089-0072 Pace, Kaye C & William C and Hunter Cathy P, THIS COMMUNICATION IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A Property address: Layton, UT .03 acres $147.83 Email comments will also be accepted at [email protected]. If anyone so requests to the Director in writing within 15 days of DEBT, AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED 12-015-0006 Gronau, Karren E, Property address: 384 South FOR THAT PURPOSE. C-5118 6/12-26 750 East, Clearfield, UT .18 acres $5,308.88 publication of this notice, a hearing will be held in accordance 12-050-0083 Ivory Land Corporation, Property address: Syr- with R307-401-7, UAC. CENTERVILLE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION acuse, UT .08 acres $2,182.05 Under Section 19-1-301.5, a person who wishes to challenge NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING CODE AMEND- 12-058-0036 Robertson, Dale B & Michele, Property address: a Permit Order may only raise an issue or argument during MENTS 1384 South Melanie Lane, Syracuse, UT .19 acres $6,043.61 an adjudicatory proceeding that was raised during the public Notice is hereby given that the Centerville City Planning The above amount is representative of the taxes, penalties, comment period and was supported with sufficient information Commission will hold a public meeting Wednesday, July 8, 2020, and interest through June 26, 2020. It does not include any or documentation to enable the Director to fully consider the beginning at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may costs related to the sale such as advertising, mailings or title substance and significance of the issue. be heard, at www.youtube.com/centervillecityutah, on proposed reports. For a current payoff, please contact the Davis County Date of Notice: June 19, 2020 C-5129 Zoning Code amendments to respond to recently adopted pro- Treasurer’s office @ 801-451-3243. Payment may be made in ANNOUNCEMENT OF TRANSFER OF PROPERTY TO visions of the Utah Medical Cannabis Act and related statutes. the form of personal check or cash. ASSET PROTECTION TRUST AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS If you have questions regarding this matter or would like further Once the County Auditor has closed the sale of a particular BRIAN AND EMILY OLEKSA ASSET PROTECTION TRUST information, contact Centerville City Community Development, at parcel of property as a result of accepting a bid on the parcel, DATED JUNE 5, 2020 801-292-8232 or visit the City’s website at www.centervilleut.net the successful bidder or purchaser of the property may not Brian Richard Oleksa and Emily Lois Oleksa, as grantors and Leah Romero, Centerville City Recorder unilaterally rescind the bid. The County legislative body, after as trustees, have established the above-entitled asset protection C-5132 6/19 acceptance of a bid, may enforce the terms of the bid by obtaining trust pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 25-6-502. The address a legal judgment against the purchaser in the amount of the bid, Davis County of the grantors and trustees of the above-entitled asset protection NOTICE OF THE FILING OF PETITIONS FOR WATER plus interest and attorney’s fees. Section 59-2-1351.1 trust is 884 East Fence Post Road, Fruit Heights, Utah 84037. Keep in mind that the sale is a “buyer beware” sale. If you CONTRACT BY WEBER BASIN WATER CONSERVANCY Brian Richard Oleksa and Emily Lois Oleksa transferred their DISTRICT purchase property you will later be provided with a recorded Tax interest in the following assets to said asset protection trust: Deed, which is similar to a Quit Claim Deed. It is your obligation All persons interested will please take notice that there have The following described tract(s) of land in Davis County, State been filed with the Board of Trustees of the Weber Basin Water to have researched each property you’re interested in. of Utah: All of Lot 208R, LANES END FARM SUBDIVISION C-5098 5/29-6/19 Conservancy District, petitions applying for the allotment of PHASE 2, Fruit Heights City, Davis County, Utah, according to the Weber Basin water, by the following landowners owning land in: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS official plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Davis Section 26, Township 2 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City County Recorder. Said real property bearing a mailing address and Meridian. Section 24, Township 3 North, Range 1 West, Engineer, 150 N Main St. Suite 103, Bountiful, Utah for: of 884 East Fence Post Road, Fruit Heights, Utah 84037 and Salt Lake Base and Meridian. 2020 STORM DRAIN PROJECTS Tax Parcel No. 07-263-0208. Copies of petitions containing the description of each tract Bids will be received until the hour of 2:00 pm Tuesday, Creditors of Brian Richard Oleksa and Emily Lois Oleksa are and the terms and conditions under which the water is petitioned July 7, 2020 at which time they will be opened and read aloud hereby notified to: (1) deliver or mail their written claims to both are on file in the office of the Weber Basin Water Conservancy in the office of the City Engineer at 150 N Main St. Suite 103, the grantors and the trustees at the address above; (2) deliver District, Layton, Utah, for public inspection. Bountiful, Utah. or mail their written claims to the trustees’ attorney of record, The names of the petitioners and the amount of water in Proposals will be in accordance with drawings and specifica- David T. Gustin, Esq., at the following address: 11650 South acre‑feet applied for are as hereinafter set out: tions prepared by the City of Bountiful Engineering Department. State, Suite 103, Draper, Utah 84020; or otherwise present a PETITIONER ACRE-FEET Project documents will be made available via email distribution cause of action or claim for relief regarding a fraudulent transfer Valley Meadows Subdivision 3.42 from the Bountiful City Engineering Department and through the of the grantors’ assets under Utah Code Ann. Section 25-6-502 Castle Creek Homes LLC 3.1 SciQuest website at https://solutions.sciquest.com/apps/Router/ within 120 days after the date of the first publication of this notice The Board of Trustees of the District will meet in public session SupplierLogin?CustOrg=StateOfUtah. or be forever barred. at District headquarters, 2837 E. Highway 193, Layton, Utah, Each bid must be submitted on the form provided as a part Date of first publication: June 12, 2020. 9:00 a.m., Thursday, June 25th, 2020, to consider each of such of the Contract Documents and shall be accompanied by a cer- DAVID T. GUSTIN, Esq. petitions and any and all objections that may be presented in tified check, cashier’s check or bid bond from a surety company, 11650 South State Street, Suite 103 writing by any persons showing cause why any of said petitions acceptable to Bountiful City Council, all made payable to City of Draper, Utah 84020 should not be granted. All persons interested may appear at Bountiful in an amount equal to at least five percent (5%) of the (801) 712-1122 such hearing and show cause in writing why said petitions, or bid. Said check or bid bond shall be given as a guarantee that C-5121 6/12-26 any thereof should not be granted. Failure of any person to show the bidder will execute the contract in conformity with the form NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE cause in writing as aforesaid, shall be deemed an assent on his of contract included in the Contract Documents, and furnish a The following described property will be sold at public auction part to the granting of said petition. performance bond within fifteen (15) days after notification of to the highest bidder, payable in lawful money of the United The Board will at such meeting or at a subsequent meeting the award of the contract to the successful bidder. States at the time of sale, at the Davis County Courthouse, 800 adjourned therefrom, accept or reject the petitions. Bountiful reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or any West State Street, Farmington, Utah 84025, on July 16, 2020, WEBER BASIN WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT part of any bid or to waive any informality in any bid as its best at 10:00am of said day, for the purpose of foreclosing its claim Tage I. Flint, Secretary interests may appear. A decision on the rejection of any or all of lien for unpaid homeowner assessments, fees, costs, interest C-5123 6/12-19 Posting Date June 15, 2020

1. U.S. STATES: Bay Staters hail from which U.S. state? 2. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital of Leb- anon? 3. HISTORY: Which major World War II bat- tle was known by the code name “Operation Detachment”? 4. MUSIC: Which rock group had a 1960s hit with the song “Incense and Peppermints”? 5. MEASUREMENTS: What does a chronom- eter measure? 6. ADVERTISING SLOGANS: Which automo- tive company had the slogan, “Quality is Job 1”? 7. MOVIES: Which movie won the 1991 Oscar for Best Picture? 8. SCIENCE: What kind of adaptation allows an organism to blend into its environment? 9. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin phrase “amor vincit omnia” mean?

10. TELEVISION: What is the capital of the

8. Camouflage; 9. Love conquers all; 10. King’s Landing King’s 10. all; conquers Love 9. Camouflage; 8. Seven Kingdoms in “Game of Thrones”? Wolves”; With “Dances 7. Co.; Motor Ford 6. Time; 5. Clock; Alarm

1. Massachusetts; 2. Beirut; 3. Invasion of Iwo Jima; 4. Strawberry Strawberry 4. Jima; Iwo of Invasion 3. Beirut; 2. Massachusetts; 1. © 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

Trivia Test Answers Test Trivia t The Davis Clipper

Some say the Monkey King could leap from cloud to cloud and © 2020 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 36, No. 28 travel through the sky. Help the Monkey King get through the cloud maze.

egend says the Monkey King was born from L a magic stone that sits atop the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. This stone is no ordinary stone. When the wind blows on the stone, it turns into a stone monkey that can crawl and walk. His name is Sun Wukong. WATERFALL n the mountain, Sun MOUNTAIN O Wukong becomes friends with a group of DROUGHT monkeys. M O N C Y S T A F F SMALLER L L A F R E T A W C MONKEY K V G E Y S K R G I WUKONG SHRINK E E K N H I E N N G G W N R O L I O O A One day, Sun Wukong and his friends STAFF Sun Wukong drew a series climbed the mountain to a waterfall. MAGIC F I I O L K L E G M pictures to show how he They STONE E N I A T N U O M I became Monkey King. But a decided strong wind has blown them KING away and mixed up the order. that whoever K D M N T S E W N D could go through Number them in the CAVE S S D R O U G H T G correct order. the waterfall and come out again would become their king. WEST Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recongized identical WIND words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. Sun Wukong jumped into the waterfall. And on the other side, he found a cave. un Wukong returned to his monkey S friends and convinced them to jump into the waterfall and then come to live in the cave with him. Find the Monkey King a Friend Look through the newspaper for a person you His friends joined him and declared him think would be a good friend for the Monkey their king. He took the throne and called King. Write a letter to the Monkey King telling himself Handsome Monkey King. he Monkey King found his magic weapon in the The strong Monkey King picked up the sta and him why this person would T underwater kingdom of the Dragon King. It became its master. The sta did whatever the be a good friend. was a long sta with bands of gold on each end Monkey King told it to do! Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate information. and weighed 17,550 lbs (7960 kg)! Big, Bigger, When the Monkey King lifted the sta , he said, “A smaller size would be easier to carry.” BIGGEST! Look through the t the Monkey King’s command, the sta Send your story to: shrank to become a shorter sta that was newspaper for an A adjective. Write the My Big Achievement much lighter. When he didn’t need the sta , he adjective three Tell about a time you did would shrink it down to the size of a tiny sewing something really great — needle. Where did he hide it? different ways, such as big, bigger and something you didn’t think Circle every other letter to nd the answer: biggest. Small, you could do, but you tried HOW MANY smaller and smallest. it anyway and succeeded. BANANAS CAN YOU AIKNWSPIBDNESHQITSKEDAVR Standards Link: Deadline: July 12 Published: Week of Aug. 9 Reading Comprehension: FIND ON THIS PAGE? Know the meaning of Please include your school and grade. adjectives.