Kwang & Kim with Pastors and leaders of EMP Methodist Bishop Kwang with the Pastors and Leaders of the EMP Methodist Church taken after the Book of Discipline Training Session. Church taken after the 1st Local Conference. 法规训练完毕,官会督与Kim和福恩堂教牧同工及领袖 福恩堂举行第一次牧区议会后与官会督和领袖们合影。 们合影。

All Australia South District Pastors with Bishop Kwang and guest The Disciple Green Facilitators in the Australia East District with speaker, Rev. Dr. Joshua Ting. Bishop Kwang at EMP MC after the training on 27th February. 全体澳南教区牧者与官会督及外来讲员陈世钦牧师合 于27/02澳东教区在福恩堂青本门徒导师训练后与官会督 摄。 同摄。

Bishop Kwang and Kim with Pastors and facilitators of Disciples Australia West District Disciple Red Facilitators’ Training Red and Purple for 2015 of Immanuel MC on Sunday 8th March. participants with Bishop Kwang and Kim taken on 12th to 14th 08/03主日官会督与Kim在神恩堂举行2015年红本和紫本 March. 门徒导师训练后拍照留念。 12-14/03澳西教区红本门徒导师训练参于者与官会督和 Kim 合摄。

Bishop Kwang and Kim with facilitators, Pastor Shirley & Mrs. Hannah Nee with Disciple Red and Green participants of Grace Australia West District Pastors’ gathering on 10th March. MC for 2015 on Sunday 15th March. 澳西教区教牧团契于10/03聚会后同影。 15/03主日官会督与Kim和导师、良敏传道及林师母与 2015年感恩堂红本及青本门徒们合影。 More photos front inside cover for Chinese 更多相片在中文版的封面背页 Bishop Exhortation

The 18th century founder of , , said that a "Methodist" was nothing other than a plain “scriptural Christian”. Wesley therefore, emphasis on inviting people to experience God’s grace and to grow in their knowledge and love of God through disciplined Christian living. They placed primary emphasis on Christian living, on putting faith and love into action. This emphasis as referred to by Wesley as “the religion of the heart” (which I expanded briefly in the August 2014 issue of the Methodist News). This is the hallmark of Methodism which is our distinct heritage.

Our theological heritage can be seen not only in this emphasis on Christian living, but also in Wesley’s distinctive understanding of God’s saving grace. Although Wesley shared with many other Christians a belief in salvation by grace, he combined them in a powerful way to create distinctive emphases for living the full Christian life.

So we ask, therefore, as Methodists what do we believe in regard to the teachings on the doctrine of salvation. Here is an extract from an article written by a Wesleyan the- ologian which I find it helpful. He also used the acronym of the word TULIP to defence against the Calvinist doctrine of salvation.

Total Depravity: Mankind is totally depraved, but God has extended His common grace to all so that every man or woman can search and find God.

Unconditional Election: Before the foundation of the world God elected all men to salva- tion but most refuse His offer.

Limited Atonement: The atonement of Christ is open to all men everywhere and is lim- ited only by our refusal to be saved.

Irresistible Grace: The “common grace” [prevenient grace] of God is given to all men everywhere and it is irresistible, but saving grace can be refused by a stubborn heart.

Perseverance of the Saints: Once saved, a person will always be saved unless by defi- ant, continual, purposeful, rebellion he or she refuses God's grace and chooses apostasy. Though relatively rare for a truly saved person, apostasy is possible.

He concluded that we must be careful not to run off to extreme which is man-centred humanism. And he added that, “If you want a name just “a hair's breadth from ”. This is the Wesleyan-Arminian teaching on the doctrine of salvation.

Servant of the Lord,

1 Chief Editor’s Message

Praise be to our God of Revelation, Who has communicated with mankind through many channels to clearly reveal His will to us. Jesus Christ, the Word, was incarnated into human flesh and dwelt among the human being, which became a historical reality, that He can show us how we can receive eternal life through Him. Ultimately, God commands all believers to preach the Gospel to the world. Undeniably, this is the greatest commission to all Christians.

Methodist News is an official publication of the Chinese Methodist Church in Australia (CMCA). This bi- monthly magazine serves as a means to “broadcast” truths and shoulder the responsibility of conveying the message of God’s love to all. Its mission is to help enhance the spiritual development of brothers and sisters in Christ, and also to proclaim the good news through writing. Since it’s inception 20 years ago, Methodist News has documented the people and events of each local Methodist church in Australia, which serves as a testimony of the wonderful grace and works of God through many lives and events. It not only emphasises the provision of spiritual nourishment, but also provides special columns for family relationships and parenting education, questions and answers on our faith, etc. In addition, it includes a separate forum to provide spir- itual sharing among youth.

The ministry of writing is far-reaching, powerful and effective, transcending time and space. We sincerely invite all co-workers in Christ to support this ministry through various contributions, such as submitting articles, giving financially, or praying for us. We pray that our joy may be full in His presence, with eternal pleasure at His right hand.

Rev Wen Ping Loi


By Roselind Chan, Kingsway Methodist Church

I must admit, prior to the joining of the Disciple Red Facilitator Training, I was quite reluctant to commit myself to it. Being a fulltime working mother of a fifteen months old daughter and with a busy working routine, I felt I was taking this too much on myself. The course fell on my rest days after three consecutive days of night shift work, so I was really looking forward to a good break after the three days stretch. However, after deep consideration and encouragement from my church pastor, and my husband who was willing to babysit Gabrielle, I decided to take up the challenge to be equipped through this facilitator course.

The course, with twelve participants, took two nights and a full day to complete. The time we spent together was not only about skills and techniques for facilitating the course. It was a reminder of the importance of the need to help the disciples to develop a close and consistent relationship with God in their daily lives. We were also introduced the concept of the covenant group which consists of two to three people. This aims to strengthen the relationship in Christ among one another within the group. It also helps the covenant group members to keep in touch even after the disciple course finished.

After the course, I realised that, in the past, I took the course as a way to increase my Bible knowledge. With this attitude, I gained the head knowledge but I did not feel the weight of the teaching and motivation in my heart. I guess most people who were involved would have this similar mindset. I realised now the importance of the role of a disciple facilitator. It is to equip believers not just on the head knowledge of the Bible but also the internal motivation of the heart and the working of the hands in ministry for God. It is ultimately a course to help be- lievers to develop a constant and close relationship with God through their daily reading of the Bible and prayers.

2 District Superintendent’s Message

District East Superintendent Rev Alexis Lui (Eight Mile Plains MC)

Habakkuk 3:17-18 are familiar verses to us:

17 Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, 18 yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.

When we face difficult moments, we may find comfort and spiritual support in these two verses so that we have faith and hope to carry us through the tough challenges ahead of us.

Before the fall of Judah, Habakkuk knew that there would be no human way to turn the tide. His heart pounded, his lips quivered at the sound of war; decay crept into his bones and his legs trembled. Yet he waited patiently for the day of calamity to come on the nation from the invading Babylonian army.

Habakkuk understood that the nation would be desolate. In the aftermath of war, the fig tree would not bud and there would be no grapes on the vines; the olive crop would fail and the fields would produce no food; there would be no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls. Yet the prophet still believed that God was His strength and that of Judah. The Lord God would make his feet like the feet of a deer; God would enable him to tread on the heights. Habakkuk gave his song to the director of music, to be accompanied by stringed instruments.

The Book of Habakkuk recorded the sins and violences committed by Judah, which triggered God’s judg- ment by using the Babylonians, who were more wicked than the Jews, as a tool to punish His rebellious people. Given this context, it may not seem appropriate to apply the above two verses to our difficult mo- ments, as in some instances such moments may not necessarily be induced by our sins.

When we talk about ‘applying the Biblical Teachings’, we must consider that our current scenarios will not always correspond directly to the biblical events of the past. The principle of application focuses on properly applying the Biblical teachings in today’s contexts.

Let us demonstrate the principle through the following example:

The conclusion of the Book of Habakkuk is recorded in these two verses: “Though the fig tree does not bud … and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.” The main teachings here are:

the manifestation of God’s greatness, sovereignty, righteousness that Habakkuk feared and trusted the Lord that Habakkuk turned his doubts to praises and cries to rejoicing

The application of these verses today is to speak as Habakkuk did, saying, “Lord God, though our believ- ing community or ourselves encounter difficulties and great troubles, we do not have any doubt of Your righteousness. We may experience losses in this world but the most important thing is that we have YOU as our GOD whom we fear and trust. We will turn our doubts to praises and cries to rejoicing.”

The Book of Habakkuk also records the following important message:

Those Babylonians who were more wicked than the Jews would be punished (2:1-4). God would remem- ber and punish their sins. They would face the five calamities which would come to them because they kept on doing things which were not pleasing to God’s eyes (2:5-20).

With this message as a foundation, we can apply the teachings in the Book of Habakkuk to our own be- lieving community or ourselves --- God may use the wicked people as a tool to let us know that HE is our LORD in all difficult moments.

3 Rev Dr Albert Chiew

Every year on Easter, Christians celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many churches greet worshippers on Easter Sunday by proclaiming: “Christ is risen!” The congregation would respond: “Christ is risen indeed!” It is not known when this Easter greeting tradition actually started, but Today in the Word tells of an incident in the early 1920s when Communist leader Nikolai Bukharin was sent from Moscow to Kiev to address an anti-God rally. For an hour he abused and ridiculed the Christian faith until it seemed as if the whole structure of belief was left in ruins. Then the audience was invited to ask questions. An Orthodox Church priest rose and asked to speak. He turned, faced the people and gave the Easter greeting, “He is risen!” Instantly the assembly rose to its feet and the reply came back loud and clear “He is risen indeed!”

The risen Lord lives in the hearts of His people and no matter what the world may say, that reality can never be taken away.

Relationship restored

The Lord Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” The risen Lord makes it possible for those who trust in Him to come to the Father. There is no other way except through Him. Romans 5:10 says that if we are reconciled to God through the death of His Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life! Once we were hostile to God but through the living Christ, we are reconciled – how wonderful that is!

Dr Seamands tells of a Muslim who became a Christian in Africa. “Some of his friends asked him, ‘Why have you become a Christian?’ He answered, ‘Well, it’s like this. Suppose you were going down the road and suddenly the road forked in two directions, and you didn’t know which way to go, and there at the fork in the road were two men, one dead and one alive – which one would you ask which way to go?’” Christ is the risen Lord – He is the one to ask which way to go, and He is the only way to the Father.

New Life in Christ

Because Christ is risen, He also makes possible a new life in Him. The life that is restored to the Father has been made new. Apostle Paul in Romans 6:4, when he explains the meaning of the baptism, says: “We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” Apostle Paul then had more to say about this new life in Christ. It is a life that is:

Dead to sin and alive in Christ Rom 6:11 Free from condemnation Rom 8:1 Free from the law of sin and death Rom 8:2 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit and able to cry “Abba, Father” 1 Cor 6:19 & Rom 8:15

It’s an intimate life with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and the wonderful thing is that it begins the moment a person receives the risen Christ into his or her heart by faith.

Risen Christ, the first fruits of resurrection

The Bible says because Christ is risen, one day we will all be assured of our resurrection. After His resurrection, Christ appeared in the midst of His disciples and they were terrified. He invited them to touch Him and He said, “Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have” (Luke 24:39). One day, when the risen Christ comes again, we will all be resurrected, with a glorified body like His, not a ghostly existence in eternity!

Philip never felt like he belonged. He was pleasant enough but he looked a bit different and sometimes seemed unusual to his eight-year-old classmates. There was a reason. Phillip was born with Down's Syndrome.

In his Sunday school class several weeks before Easter, Phillip’s teacher introduced a special project. He gave each member a plastic “egg” – the kind pantyhose used to come in. He explained that each child was to go outside, find a symbol for new life and put it into the egg. Enthusiastically, the class responded.

Back in the classroom the eggs were opened one at a time with each child explaining the meaning of his or her symbol.

In the first egg was a pretty flower; in the next a beautiful butterfly, while green grass was in a third. The chil- dren “oohed” and “aahed”. In another was a rock, which prompted loud laughter. Finally the last egg was

4 opened – there was nothing.

“That’s stupid,” said one child. Another grumbled, “Someone didn’t do it right!”

The teacher felt a tug on his shirt. It was Phillip, who said, “That’s mine, and I did do right! It’s empty, ‘cause the tomb was empty.”

There was an unusual, thoughtful silence. And strangely, from that time on, Phillip was accepted as part of the group.

Phillip continued to struggle with many physical problems. That summer he picked up an infection which most children would easily have shaken off. But Phillip’s weak body couldn’t and a few weeks later, he died. At his funeral nine eight year-olds with their teacher brought their symbol of remembrance and placed it near his coffin. Their unusual gift of love to Phillip wasn’t flowers. It was an empty egg – now a symbol to them of new life and hope.

It was Phillip, the “different” child, who had helped his friends see the wonderful hope in the message of East- er.

In the fact of the empty tomb is the truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the promise to every one of us that we too will be raised to eternal life.

One day Phillip will inherit a wonderful resurrected body—no more sickness and no more pain.

Easter season is a time of hope. Christ seemed to be defeated on the cross on Good Friday, but God raised Him up by His great power on Easter Sunday and through Him offers all a new life of a restored relationship with the Father and a place in heaven in the glorified body.

Praise to the living God!

MY TESTIMONY George Zhu (Eight Mile Plains MC)

I come from a pretty normal upbringing, although none of my family are Christians. Growing up, by most standards I should’ve been a content little boy. I excelled academically and I wasn’t terrible in other departments – with some luck I could even make friends.

But I was not content.

I tried to find gratification and self-worth in personal achievements – whether it was being good at academics or good at games. But any pleasure that I got from these pursuits was empty and short lived, since I was content only when I was ‘better’ than my peers. I was a slave to my overinflated ego, and when my ego was deflated I would lash out or slide into depression.

I tried to follow the misguided morals of my peers, I both despised yet craved the opinions of others, and I had immense pressure to perform well academically. There was no way to please all these masters, and I often felt like a huge failure.

During senior high school God reached out to me continually. A Christian friend invited me to their youth, where I learned about Jesus, and joined a very loving and welcoming community. All the while, the universe testified to the Almighty God.

God convicted me of my countless sins against Him, myself, and others. I longed to be set free from sin and to live in the way that God meant for us. One youth camp, I put my faith in Jesus Christ, pledging to die to my old life, and to live instead for God.

The Holy Spirit now works in me to refine me, old habits die hard but I am no longer ruled by sin. Temptation ex- ists everyday and I still struggle hard with sin, but God has shown me that he answers my prayers and delivers me time and time again.

Late 2012, I was invited to EMP Chinese Methodist Church. It has since become my spiritual home. It’s a place where I am regularly encouraged and supported by fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. It is a place to worship and praise God. It is a place to feed on spiritual milk, to become godlier disciples of Christ together. It is a place to serve for the glory of God. God’s people will be there to lift me up in dark times. And I pray that it is a light that shines to anyone who comes, so that they will see God’s love. 5 Dorothy Ang (Trinity MC) Translated by Melody Tay

There is a Chinese saying that goes, “Pity the hearts of all parents!” which is used to describe the universal nature of parents’ love. All parents are intrinsically concerned about their children, especially traditional Chinese parents, who uphold the concept that education is superior to all things. Thus, receiving an education is equated with going to school, and parents will go to great lengths to send their children to elite schools, registering as early as during pregnancy!

Most people regard education as confined to institutions and neglect training their children at home, abdicating the responsibility of child-raising to their schoolteachers. In our technologically advanced times, Satan is active and aggressive in wanting to damage our families. Many families are separated because of parents’ work commitment(s) and their children’s education, giving Satan an opportunity to sneak in.

However, learning to live uprightly is far more important than remarkable academic results; indeed, it is more crucial in determining the happiness of our children’s lives.

If a tree is a metaphor for education, then training children at home is the basis for all education which may go unnoticed by the average person. However, we know that if the root system of a tree is good, the tree will be healthy; conversely, if there is problem in the roots, the tree will not grow well.

I would like to use the example of elite school suburbs. As many Chinese families have moved to these suburbs closer to select, elite or Christian schools, this phenomenon has caused a rise in the property prices in those regions. Some non-Christian parents have also started attending church in order to enroll their children in a Christian school. Indeed, most Chinese parents place utmost importance on their children’s education, and many perceive that Christian education helps to develop character. Personally, I deem the best school to be home school, the most suitable teacher for the child, the parent. In making such a statement, I am aware of its controversy!

What is homeschooling/home education? This is no longer a new topic. Some may say that homeschooling is like keeping our children in an incubator, treating them like flowers in the room and taking good care of them, protecting them from being contaminated by the bad influences of the world. Are there parents who do not care about their own children? Poor influences in our society are just like viruses that hide in our surroundings, waiting to invade the naïve spirits of our children when they are not alert. All parents wish to give the best to their children, yet what is the best?

“Fearing God” and “keeping your children’s hearts”. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” (Proverbs 1:7) “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” (Proverbs 4:23)

Safeguarding our children’s hearts should be our first and foremost priority. We often lose our children’s hearts to the world, rather than winning their souls for the Lord. Parents, not school teachers, should be the ones influencing the spiritual lives of our children. Parents should be the role models, because their impact on their children for six hours per day should be stronger than the influence of the world on their children in school. Here, I want to clarify that I am not against any educational system in school. In terms of moulding children’s faith and character, homeschooling is merely a means, not the only path, and definitely not the absolute one. Nevertheless, it is a difficult yet blessed path. God uses home education to refine the perfectionism and self-centeredness of parents, so as to let them perceive their own inadequacies in a way that will cause them to look to the guidance of God with humility. Successful homeschooling needs dependence on God’s grace and help and will serve as a foundation for blessings throughout the children’s lives. In addition, it helps parents grow tremendously and creates a loving family environment.

Can anyone home school? My answer is “Yes” as well as “No”. Why? Because you need to have God’s calling in order to home educate!

6 I remember a friend once told me that I need to have God’s calling in order to home school. I thought in my heart that God’s calling was very real to me when I was called to serve in full-time ministry, even without dramatic signs. However, that was the very first time I was told that home education needs God’s calling as well!

Indeed, it is true! Without God’s calling, it is impossible for us to continue on this journey…

Ten years ago, my husband first came across homeschooling, and he shared about it with me excitedly. Although I did not take it seriously at the time, the idea stayed on my mind. Over the years, the Holy Spirit continually reminded me about it, but I worried: “Can I do it? What will happen to my church ministry? How will brothers and sisters regard it? Will they think that the pastor’s wife simply stays at home educating her children and not serving in church? Will I ruin my children’s future?” These questions and others similar to them lingered in my mind. As time went by, God continued to imprint the calling of home education on my heart. When I began the journey of full-time ministry, it was strictly as a response between God and myself, despite all difficulties. However, embarking on the journey of home education required me to bring my children along in facing unforseen challenges. While parents were planning pathways for their children to proceed to secondary schools, I quietly brought my children home to educate them. It was the outcome of much struggle and many prayers over time. Though I occasionally have fear in my heart, I believe that the mighty arms of God will carry us through. He was ahead of us to strengthen our path and rid it of thorns and thistles, and our children’s futures are in His hands. All I have to do is to obey God’s will. Nothing is set permanently, and it is not the right time to judge whether it is a success or failure. This is just the beginning.

In reality, although the children are the ones being home educated, the first issue that needs to be tackled is the lives of the parents. God grants a unique purpose (Jeremiah 1:5) to individual families, and parents are accountable to God for how they train their children (Ephesians 6:4). Parents have no choice but to raise their children according to God’s teachings and warnings so as to protect them from the influence of the world.

When we are willing to obey God’s commands in educating our children, rather than making academic studies our priority, God will provide us with everything that we need. We believe that when our children fear God and develop character qualities such as meekness and humility, they will be able to do all things wholeheartedly, instead of merely focusing on academic results. The goal of education is to lead our children to God, then allow God to lead them in their future so that we can confidently let them go with peace in our hearts.

It has been said that in home education, the mother is the teacher and the father is the principal. The key to success or failure lies in the quality of teaching, hence the heavy responsibility of the teacher. However, now that God wants our children to be home educated, He has become the of Education, the highest teacher. Thus, He holds the plan, which He passes on to the principal, who then passes it on to the teacher. In the end, the teacher will become the most relaxed. As long as the teacher works with God, his or her burden will be immediately lightened to a great extent. The teacher just needs to be a faithful servant, for God will not let His own education method fail!

“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” (Galatians 6:9)

Frankly, it is more difficult for pastors’ wives to home educate their children than others. Unlike others, they cannot simply lay down their work to home educate their children as they cannot forgo their ministries - they need to undertake multiple roles in serving. Thank God! Despite only two years in my homeschooling journey, I have experienced God’s grace and mercy bestowed on me countless times. I have tasted the goodness of God-centred ed- ucation. Whenever there was a need, God would send His guardian angels to me, who became my help and strength for my ministry. I whole heartedly thank my husband for giving me the greatest support and trust, and every friend who has journeyed with me, especially Pastor Ruth Tham and Mrs Amie Chew. I also thank the brothers and sisters in Trinity Methodist Church for their acceptance and prayers.

This is just the beginning, and there is still a long way to go. However, since the seed of hope has been sowed, I will cling on to the promises of God in faith so that I will be able to “take root downward, and bear fruit upward”. If I patiently wait for the seed to germinate, I will see it bloom and bear fruit one day. This is because we strongly believe that raising our two children in God’s way will establish two godly families in future, which in turn, will produce more kingdom warriors for generations to come. It is the heavenly business worthy of continuous operation!

7 By Rev. Meng Tee Gan (Camberwell MC) People who have nothing to live for often look for something to die for. That’s what drives terrorists, suicide bombers and their types. In their drive for death, they destroy and kill others along with them.

What a big contrast with the Christian life! For, when we dedicate our whole life to following the Lord Jesus, we find the life that is worth living for. And we become bringers of life rather than death.

Now, most people think that life is worth living only when they are happy. And, in our secular materialistic world, people usually think of happiness in terms of objective factors. For example, in September 2012, the UN declared March 20 as “International Happiness Day”. According to the United Nations Happiness Report 2013, the twenty nations rated as the happiest …

… have a robust combination of higher life expectancy, gross domestic product per capita, social support, generosity, freedom to make life choices and lower perceptions of corruption.

What is often missed is that so many people living in the countries that have achieved all these factors BUT are still NOT happy. In the top rated happiest country in the world, Denmark, slightly over 70% of the people reported as feeling happy. Yet, almost 30% are still not happy despite the reported environment for social happiness. And of the 70%, many report being happy only by refusing to face the harsh realities of the wider world they live in, or by depending on medication and drugs to lift their mood. Like most people, the United Nations have gotten their equations wrong.

Indeed, because the world links the worth of life to these external “happiness” factors, many people feel they have the right not to be happy when they do not possess these factors. And if they cannot find their worth and happiness in this life, it is no wonder that they will seek their worth and happiness in another life.

Even the sense of self-worth is not the necessary factor in predicting personal well-being. So many people have achieved much in life, yet felt a great sense of emptiness in the end. The significant factor leading to happiness is not personal achievement either.

What is the source of true happiness?

True happiness comes from knowing that you and I are living for a worthy cause beyond ourselves, beyond this corporeal world, beyond time.

It is not happiness that makes life worth living. Rather, according to the word of God, it is in loving God and living the worthy life, fulfilling God’s purpose, that gives us happiness and joy. It is when the people of the nation have the reason and the drive to live this worthy life that will make the nation truly harmonious and happy.

The apostle Paul is a great example of a man who knew his life was worth living. He encountered great challenges and problems in his life as an apostle. He experienced shipwreck and he lived through hunger and thirst. He was threatened, beaten, stoned and imprisoned many times. Yet, from his prison, he writes to call on us always to be happy, to rejoice in the Lord always (Philippians 4:4). He lived a life of ultimate purpose and meaning. And he tells us his secret very clearly in Galatians 2:20,

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

And in Philippians 1:21&22, he writes,

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labour for me. … .

If you read these verses repeatedly, you will get a sense of the great enthusiasm that Paul has for life. These are not the words of a desperate and depressed man wrestling unhappily with the problems of his life. These are not the words of a man who finds life so painful that he wishes to die and to take others with him in death. No! These are the words of a man who, despite encountering serious challenges to his life, yet lives with a sense of hope and triumph. Thus, even when his life was about to be ended by Roman execution, Paul could say in 2 Timo- thy 4:7-8,

7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.8 Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.

Paul could look forward to his eternal reward because he knew he had lived a worthy life. What was his motivation of life? Let’s listen to the apostle as he presents to us the bases of a worthwhile life:

Firstly, the life worth living is the life which has been offered to Christ.

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God. (Galatians 2:20).


For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:21).

Every wise person knows this: the more a man lives for himself, the more miserable his life will be. The person who is never satisfied, who frets the most, and who complains the most is also likely to be the person who lives only for himself.

But, on the other hand, we cannot simply live for anyone else randomly. Wisdom tells us that we must seek to live for the highest cause. And what cause is higher than the Lord Jesus himself, who has saved us from our sins? Who has reconciled God with us? Who has made us the children of God? It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. (Galatians 2:20).For to me to live is Christ (Philippians 1:21). Here is the wonderful paradox of salvation. The more we cling on to our own selves, the less we make of it. But if we learn to deny ourselves and to offer ourselves to Christ, the more we let him live through us instead, the more we will gain than what we have giv- en up for Him. He will multiply the worth of our lives.

For to me to live is Christ. Let us live only for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Secondly, the life worth living is the life driven by the love of God.

And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)

Love is such a wonderful, powerful and beautiful force. The love of Christ is greater. For he not only loves us in a kind and affectionate way. He loved us so much that he gave himself for us (Galatians 2:20). He who is the Beloved of heaven came to be a man for our sakes. He who is the source of life to all came to lay down his life for us. He who is the most Holy One came to be a sacrifice for our sins. He, who was a stranger to all of us, came with love to make us children of God, and to bring us into the house of God. There is no greater love than the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

When we are fully aware of His tremendous love, and of what he has accomplished in us by his love, we will never again treat our own lives carelessly. We will not waste the time of our lives, because we know now that we belong to Him and we are precious to him. We will strive to make the most of the time that we have. We will be motivated by His love to live wisely and worthily. We will love God wholeheartedly. We will do our best always to bring honour and glory to His name.

Thirdly, the life worth living is the life lived to its fullest for a higher purpose.

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labour for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. (Philippians 1:21-22)

Observe. The apostle Paul says, “For me to live is Christ.” The Lord Jesus Christ is the purpose of his living. He is the higher cause for Paul’s life. And what happens because of pursuing this higher cause?

If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labour for me. (Philippians 1:22)

As Christians, we want to make sure that what we do in our lives will be fruitful.

You know, we could labor all day through all the years of life, and yet discover at the end that all the toil has been meaningless because we have labored for that which is quite meaningless in the scheme of the eternal. We wish we would not have to confess what the preacher in Ecclesiastes says, “Vanity of vanities, all is vani- ty!” (Ecclesiastes 1:1).

But our labour in the Lord is never in vain, for the Lord sees all things and will reward us for our faithfulness. When we live for Christ, we know that what we do in the flesh, what we do in our lives here on earth, will be fruitful. Since we know this, we will be driven like Paul to fruitful labor, to works that are worthwhile, that will bring light and love and blessings into the lives of others. We will, indeed, live as the true image of Christ himself on earth.

Fourthly, the life worth living is the live lived in the awareness that there are even better things to come.

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:21)

When people live in the feeling that death ends everything, they have no reason to live usefully or fruitfully. But we know that, after this life, there is a life to come. So we confess in our Creed, “I believe in the Resurrection of the body, and in the life everlasting.” There is a life to come. That is why we can say with Paul, “For to me, to die is gain.” But we can only say that truthfully and meaningfully when we have said with him, “For to me to live is Christ.”

If we love God and strive to be worthy of his calling, whatever we do sincerely today in the name of Christ and for the cause of Christ will not be empty. It will bear fruit in due time if we work with love, faith and patience.

Our Faith is a Faith for Life. Let us live worthily for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Some countries have now lifted their security warning to high alert. We are faced with the prospect of people who find worth not in living, but in dying, and who are determined to take many others along with them to the grave. We are also made very aware of people who have no reason to live themselves, but who will deny others their reason for living.


All who are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, let us remember this: Our faith is a faith for life. It is a faith that calls us to live in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Let us therefore answer that call to live worthily.

When you feel your life is worth living, you want to make it count. You want to achieve significant aims with your life, whether in academics, or in economics, or in your chosen profession. With such a drive, you begin to do all things better than others, and you will very likely become a leader who influences others. And so, those who feel life is worth living will accomplish important goals in life. The accomplishments improve not only their own standard of living, but also that of others in their community. Here then is the drive that creates all the positive factors which leads to happiness.

Let us therefore dedicate our lives to Christ. Let our lives be driven by the love of God. Let us live life to its fullest for a higher purpose. Let us live in the awareness that there are even better things to come. Life in Christ is the life worth living. Glory be unto the Lord!

Reflection on the Disciple Red Facilitators’ Training (Melbourne)

By Charlie Lee (Trinity Methodist Church)

Three-Character Classic (三字經), has been a required text for all Chinese children and was taught in most Chinese schools in South East Asia as late as the 1960s. Students would recite it as a group, accompanied with the swaying of the body to give it a proper rhythm even before they could read and write.

For example, “Three-Character Classic” such as…"养不教,父之过。教不严,师之惰." It means, “To raise a child without teaching him is the father's fault. Teachers must take teaching seriousness, else it is the teacher's fault.”

In essence, the duty of teaching falls within the responsibility of the teachers. Looking back at our own youth, while it is hard to remember much of our younger student days, most will remember their favourite teachers who have helped planted and groomed their thinking over the years. Such is the impact of teachers on their students.

We, as Christian, has the Greatest Teacher of all who came to live among us in order to teach us the true way of being an obedient creation of God. His teaching has been passed on and spread to all corners of the Earth for generations till now.

We are now faced with the challenge of competing with multi-medias for the attention of the people; youth in particular in carrying out our mission to spread the Word to all nations.

It is with that in mind that we need to be an effective teachers. To that end we need to be well equipped with effective skill of teaching to spread the Good News.

Disciple Red Facilitators' Training course – conducted by Mrs. Kwang is one such course which is able to do just that – equipping us with the skill needed to teach Disciple Red. It was conducted in most practical manner with lots of real life examples helped by studied aids, many of which were developed in-house (by Bishop and Mrs Kwang).

I highly recommend such course to all who are burdened with the mission to teach (be it Disciple Red or not), so that the lost sheep may hear the voice of the Shepherd spoken through the anointed mouth of the teachers.

Bishop Kwang and Kim with the participants of Disciple Red Facilitators’ Training in Melbourne on 27th and 28th March. 10 Youth Fellowship Corner EIGHT MILE PLAINS MC Benjamin Tay

We are university students and fresh graduates that meet regularly on Saturday nights. The focus of our fellowship is to grow Christians in maturity in Christ and to preach the gospel to non-believers. A regular part of our Saturday night involves meeting together with our Junior Youth Fellowship. Before we have our separate programs we usually engage in songs of praise, a short message, offering and announcements alongside the high schoolers.

This year we have had a large influx of year 12 graduates and so we have been very intentional with our programs, attempting to ensure the new MYF members will have a solid grounding for their university years. For example, we will be providing information and a rationale for attending Christian groups at university, having a couple of social orientated programs (with evangelism opportunities in mind) and touching on topics such as prayer and mission. We have also started a week-night Connect Group this year that shares the same focus as our Saturday night programs but in a more intimate setting where we can focus on bible study, prayer, encouragement and sharing.

As we have done for many years, we will be running our annual mid-year Youth Camp which is the largest single event of the year for our fellowship. Preparations are well underway and we hope that it will again be an opportunity for further spiritual growth of believers, new believers to come to Christ and deeper bonds being formed between our youth all for the glory of God.

We would like to ask for prayers that the gospel of Christ will always be at the centre of our fellowship as we work in obedience to build up His church for His glory. Prayers specifically for our new MYF members, the leaders of the MYF, the running of the new Connect Group and our Youth Camp would be greatly appreciated.


My name is Pastor Dexter, and I currently oversee the youth group at Grace Methodist Church (GMC). I joined GMC on 1 January 2015, so as you can see I have only been with them for about 4 months now. The youth group here meets every Saturday night at 7:30pm, and each week we get around 50 participants. Our family has been steadily growing within the past few months. I am also very impressed by the evangelistic hearts of the GMC youth. On 29 March 2015 we had our first Gospel Sunday for the year, which is evangelistic in nature, and the congregation is encouraged to bring their non-Christian friends to the service. In the course of the service the Gospel of Jesus Christ is emphasised and there is an altar call. Normally for a Sunday service we have around 50 attendees; however, with the efforts of the youth, as well as the other fellowship groups of GMC, we had a total of 101 people who attended. The Lord was faithful that day, and about 15 to 20 people accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

Testimony by Dave Rebbello (GMC)

Over the course of this part year, I have seen Grace Methodist Church undergo several minor changes which nevertheless play large roles towards fulfilling a greater plan. The biggest of these changes is the newest addition to our community, Pastor Dexter, whose goal for this year is not only to help the church grow closer as a family, but also to reach out to those who lack Christ in their lives. It has been an abso- lute blessing to see the youth invite their friends and siblings to fellowship evenings with them. This is not something we have emphasised greatly in the past, so it is most definitely a positive change for the future. It is also good to see God challenge us by placing these new- comers in our youth, subsequently enabling us to grow closer to Him. As youths, we needed that nudge out of our comfort zone to go out and make disciples of all nations. Likewise, in terms of running the youth fellowship, we have started to make changes to our usual sched- ule, changing things up so that they are not repetitive. Even though this is an experimental stage for our youth, we are delighted that God has enabled us to run the youth nights smoothly and without trouble that we cannot handle.

Although these small changes may seem insignificant from a greater perspective, I can see how God is working through the worship team, my fellow leaders, and collectively through this youth to help us grow as the family that we are.

11 Youth Fellowship Corner CAMBERWELL MC

Greetings from Melbourne Camberwell MC!

Esther here, sending my regards on behalf of the English Methodist Youth Fellowship at CMC (Camberwell Methodist Church). Like most of you now (or always will be at heart), we are an ordinary bunch of youths who come together on Friday nights to learn about one ex- traordinary God. Our youth fellowship is divided into two age groups: JMYF (years 7-12) and EMYF (tertiary students). Each group has delegated advisors that oversee the youths, facilitate discussion and lead bible study.

Typical Friday nights consist of: worship, games, bible study, and glorious food. We also encourage testimonial sharing among our youths once a month. Currently we’re learning the “Lessons of ” where we go back to the roots of our faith through topics such as: the Assurance of Salvation, Assurance of Answered Prayers and so on. Reviewing these topics has helped us not only to be reassured, but also to renew our love in Christ, equipping us to share the gospel. Alongside our biblical activities, we also have our fair share of fun- themed nights. So far this year we’ve organised: Chinese New Year “bainien” visitations, a Worship and Prayer night, our very own Es- capism event at Camberwell, and many other church activities beyond just our fellowship.

Activities aside, the core focus of our youth, and of our Christian faith, is summarised in Matthew 28:19,“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” We aim to not just be a group of youths, but a family that walks this journey together. We aim to not just be hearers of God’s words, but doers, and lastly, to not just be believers of Christ, but followers of Christ.

Esther Liong (EMYF President, Camberwell)

When I was in Year 12 in 2009, which has been the lowest point of my life thus far, I joined the Camberwell Methodist Youth Fellowship through a family friend, to seek a life purpose. Through a friend, I met Pastor Liong, whose daughter Grace happened to have graduated from the same school as I did. Never have I felt such generosity as I did from Pastor Liong, who went out of her way to take me to youth group every week. Normally most Year 12 students would no longer come to youth because of exams, but I continued to come before God at youth every week all year, right up to before the exams. I had been seeing myself as a failure all my life, until the point when I fin- ished high school a high achiever, something I would never have dreamt of. To this day, I continue to do what God has set me out to do, which is to inspire high school students going through the same life hurdle.

This testimonial is but a mere glimpse of God's work in my life thus far, as well as an example of His abundant love for His people. God's love works differently in all of us, and it will be revealed to you at times when you least expect it, just like it was to me.

Eddy Wong (EMYF, Camberwell)

12 AUSTRALIA WEST DISTRICT CHURCH NEWS GOSPEL METHODIST CHURCH 1. Believer Class: Held every week after the Sunday Worship 6. Welcoming Night: To welcome new families and friends on Service 10:25-10:45am at “Room C” in church (Total 12 21th March 6:30pm at Church. There was singspiration and lessons teaching believers about church activities, how to other programs to introduce GoMC. serve with church workers, and equipping them to join groups). 7. Street Evangelism: On Sat 14 Mar 2:00 pm, at the State Library of WA (25 Francis St Perth WA 6000) 2. Disciple Course: Disciple 1and Disciple 2 classes commenced on 10th March. 8. District Combined Youth Outing: On Sat 11 April 9:30pm at Gospel Methodist Church. 3. Scripture Copy: This year the Board of Christian Education Ministries is encouraging brothers and sisters to take part in copying the Gospel of Mark. In 2015, the plan of GoMC Christian Education is to encourage brothers and sisters to take part in copying the entire Scripture.

4. The church celebrated Chinese New Year and also held a farewell party for Pastor Kam Loong Lee’s family on Sat 14th February at 6:30pm at the church.

9. Holy Week & Easter Ministry A. Holy Week Fast & Pray: GoMC encouraged all to fast for at least 3 meals & pray during this period. B. Maundy Thursday (Love Feast & Pray Meeting): 2/4 5. Worship and Servant Training on Sat, 7th Mar 9.00am in (Thu) 7:30pm at GoMC church. C. Easter Sunday Sunrise Service: 5/4(Sun) 6:00am at GoMC.

13 KINGSWAY METHODIST CHURCH 1. Chinese New Year Celebration. KMC celebrated the 4. Palm Sunday and Holy Week Services. Our children’s Chinese New Year on 28thFebruary 2015 with a love feast choir brought their offering of song during our Mandarin and and a light-hearted programme of praise, music, skits and English Palm Sunday services on 29th March. We observed quizzes. Our local preacher, Sean Kao, shared a gospel Holy Week with a bilingual Maundy Thursday service on 2nd message to an audience of about 180. April which included the Lord’s Supper and feet-washing ritual. Separate language services, conducted on Good Friday, 3rd April, included reflections on the suffering and death of Jesus and what they mean for us.

 Guests enjoying the Chinese New Year programme, 28th Feb 2015.

2. Welcome Dinner for New Worshippers. A special dinner with icebreaker games was organised on 15th March 2015,  to welcome newcomers to the church. We also took the opportunity to farewell several worshippers who were re- 5. Church Family Camp. Some 115 participants turning to their home countries permanently. attended our family camp at the Orchard Glory Farm Resort from 3rd to 6th April 2015. Rev. Joel Siew was our theme speaker while Mr David Leong and his wife, Cynthia, were the speakers for our children ministry.

New worshippers pose for photo with their hosts at KMC, 15th March 2015.

3. Kingsway Hosts District Children Ministry Training. KMC hosted this training for our Sunday School teachers on 1st April 2015. Thirty five participants from the district churches, the Nedlands Uniting Church, and New Life City Church attended this training conducted by Mr David Leong Participants of our family camp pose for a group photo, 5th April 2015. from Singapore.

Participants give thumbs up to the District Children Ministry Training, 1st April 2015.

14 IMMANUEL METHODIST CHURCH 1. 28-Feb IMC English Minis- 6. Thank God for guiding us throughout try Chinese New Year Cel- the holy week. This year Immanuel ebration Methodist Church and Hope Method- ist Church organised a combined Maundy Thursday Service at IMC.

2. 1-Mar IMC English Adult Fellowship Inauguration. 7. Good Friday Service

3. 8-March First Disciple Red class for 2015 8. Sunrise Service

4. 13-March IMC English Adult Fellowship First Gathering with 9. Thank God for giving IMC the opportunity to do some out- Bishop and Aunty reach work within the local community. We visited Kim Brightwater Group on Easter Sunday to share the Gospel with the residents there.

5. 4- April Combined Youth Fellowship Easter egg distribution to the church’s 10. Curtin Immanuel Club first fellowship gathering at the neighbourhood campus of Curtin University on 11thMarch 2015.

15 AUSTRALIA SOUTH DISTRICT CHURCH NEWS CAMBERWELL METHODIST CHURCH 1. The Church Camp was organised on 6-9/3 at The 4. Camberwell Nepal Short Term Mission Team started on Adventure Resort, Phillip Island. The speaker was Rev. Dr. 26/3 and ended on 6/4. Ministry include Medical Missions, Joshua Ting (General Secretary of CCCOWE) and the Children Gospel Meetings and Pulpit Ministry. Team theme was “Seeing the Future Me”. At the same time, we members: Rev Alvin Liik, Dominic Chin, Isaac Ling, had “No Apologies” for the Youth and “Character First” for Michelle Ting, Cecilia Yong, Robin Lim and Steven Yek. the children. The participants came from all 4 congrega- tions and we had around 350 participants. We all benefited 5. Sacred Music Camp of Camberwell Junior Youth Choir was tremendously from the Church Camp. We thank God for held on 8-10/4 and the speaker was Chia Wee Kiat. The His abundant providence, and we also thank the Church Choir also organised a Musical Evangelistic Concert on Camp Organising Committee. 10/4(Fri.) at 7.30pm (Theme: The Path of Grace). There was also a Vocal Training on 11/4 (Sat.) from 10- 2. Courses for the Adult Sunday School started on 15/3 after 12pm.Venue: Camberwell Methodist Church. the Sunday Worship Service (11-12pm). Courses for this semester (15/3-24/5) are : “New Life and New 6. A combined Good Friday Holy Communion Worship Service Living” (Pastoral Team, James Ting) and “Why Do We (combining 4 congregations) was organised on 03/04 (Fri.) Believe” (Pastoral Team, David Chieng, LP Joo Soo Lim). at 10am. Theme: “Amazing Love – You Thought of Me!” A Gospel Sunday was organised on Resurrection Sunday. 3. The First Local Conference for Camberwell Methodist Church was conducted on 21/3(Sat.) by DS Rev Tiong Ting 7. In order to foster the development of the whole person for Ling at 9.30am at the annex. the children within our community and to provide support and assistance for parents, we will start a playgroup ministry “Garden of Joy” on 22/4.It will be on every Wednesday from 10.30am to 12 noon and the target group is children between 2 to 5 years old. PRESTON METHODIST CHURCH 1. On 22nd of February, we celebrated the Chinese Spring Fes- 4. The 2015 first local conference was held at the home of tival by having a feast after the Sunday worship. brother Youli Liu and sister Rose Liu on 6 March 2015.It was hosted by District Superintendent Zhong Bin Lin. 2. Priest Ha went to Hong Kong and Taipei during 7 February to 15 February to raise funds for the purchase of our new 5. Brother Zuguang Zhang’s daughter sister Sumin Zhang church building. married brother Jingfu Chen on 14 March 2015. Congratula-

3. Sister Jiang Hua Liu & sister Helen Wang were baptised on tions! 1 March 2015. TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH 1. On 7/2/15 we had 14 brothers and sisters who joined the 4. On 21/3/15, 7 brothers and sisters from Persia were bap- “Leadership training program” at Camberwell Church. tized at Noble park swimming pool, may God help them grow in their new life. 2. On 21/3/15 we had a Chinese New Year (CNY) Evangelical night, 150 people attended. We invited Rev. Lu to preach 5. On 23/3/15 Iranian brothers and sisters the Gospel and introduce the edited bible by the HK Bible celebrated their New Year, and cooked Society. lots of delicious food to share after the service. 3. On 7/3/15 there was a Sunday school teacher training pro- gram. We invited Mrs Lawrence to be our speaker, 25 peo- ple attended.

16 MONASH METHODIST CHURCH 1. A child, Moses Kuy was baptized on 15/2. 4. This year’s First Local Conference was held in the evening of 24/3. 2. During Clayton Festival on 15/2, our church and MCF rented a stall to distribute the church leaflets. 5. We distributed the church leaflets at Monash University Clayton campus on 26/3, inviting people to join the activities 3. Three brothers and sisters, Jonathan Liik, Michaelle Wong of MYF. and Rou Min Chok were accepted as church members on 22/3. Four brothers and sisters, Vincent Goh, Eva Wu, 6. Cambodian short term mission team shared their stories & Jason Ting and Jenny Yek transferred their membership to testimonies on 27/3. MMC. We welcome them to join our big family. 7. We distributed the church leaflets at Clayton town on 28/3, inviting people to join the Gospel Sunday on 29/3. GOODWOOD METHODIST CHURCH 1. Welcoming Night:Youth group kicked off their first 5. Good Friday Combined Service: combined with Holy MC. meeting on 3/13. The focus was on campus evangelism; The whole service was designed to meditate on the theme: reaching out to new friends and inviting them to join the The Sacrificial Love of Jesus which was carried out via fellowship. hymns, violin solo, scripture readings, choir, video clip, ser- mon and Holy Communion. 2. 1st Local Conference: was held on 15/3 conducted by DS Rev ZB Ling. Prior to the meeting we had our PPRC 6. Easter Baptism: We had 1adult and 3 children baptism. meeting. They were Giselle Chen, Holly Xie Sheng Jie, An Yang Hii and Elyse Tan Yan Xuan. May God bless them abundantly. 3. AF Outing: was held on 21/3. The fellowship was blessed with songs, food and games that helped us bond. There 7. Prayer Time: On Easter Sunday, we started corporate were3 new families who joined us on that day. prayer time together at 10 am, prior to worship, to encourage every one to join and experience God through 4. Fasting and Praying week: it was held during the Holy prayer. week. The church provided prayer guidelines to help every- one involved, experience God in a personal way. BOX HILL METHODIST CHURCH 1. Thank God for His guidance and grace, on the 13th Annual 4. Congratulation to Mr and Mrs William Lee on the arrival of Conference Box Hill Methodist Church was formally accept- their first born baby boy Oscar. ed back as a full member of Chinese Methodist Church in Australia. On 01/03 Rev Wen Ping Loi was appointed on a 5. An adult baptism & membership confirmation ceremony part time basis to be their pastor. was held for Wang Ling on 05/04 Easter Sunday

2. 1st Local Conference was held on 29/03 conducted by Dis- trict Superintendent Rev Tiong Ting Ling at 12 noon at Church.

3. Holy Week Ministry:  02/04 Maundy Thursday, combined “Love Feast” was held with the Wesley Uniting Church at 6:30pm followed by Holy Communion Service in remem- brance of the Last Supper.

 03/04 Good Friday Service at 10am, there are about 30 attendance.

17 CITY LIGHT METHODIST CHURCH Fast & Furious is 2015 on its way… Small Group Ministry After the summer lull, people have returned to Melbourne and Thanks be to God that various groups have been gathering to ministries at City Light are off to a vrooooming start. Right out help one another grow and keep each other accountable. of the block have seen City Lighters – both lay & clergy – English groups are made up of smaller groups under benefiting much from the Laity Seminar (7/2) and Pastors respective coordinators, where they gather for fellowship Planning Forum (9-11/2) organized by AC & DC. Then there’s meals and similar activities, alongside spiritual reinforcements. also the DC planning forum (21/2). The smaller sized groups make it easier to coordinate gathering times. Chinese New Year 22/2 Ushering in the Year of the Lamb, Additionally, there’re 2 other groups for which we’re particularly the whole church came together in grateful. God has brought into our midst this year quite a few a combined worship service, Uni students as well as adults (ie. ‘those young @ <3’)! This is followed with a Chinese New Year such a blessed change of demographic from one of mainly pot-luck lunch. (ok… maybe young adults in recent years. We covet prayers that God will traditionally it’s the Year of the goat keep these gatherings going, especially for or sheep; but as Christians, we like Ps. Peter who’s leading them. the Year of the Lamb better.) What a time of joyous celebration to give thanks Meanwhile, Rev. for the year that’s past and commit our hopes & Ling is leading wishes for the year ahead unto the Lord’s the Chinese hands. group which gath- ers regularly on RMIT Orientation 5/3 S a t u r d a y As in years past, a handful of City Lighters set nights. up a table to introduce the RMIT CMCF (Chinese Methodist Christian Fellowship) to new students. Holy Week May the 20 or so friends we made catch the call of God to Following tradi- receive his good news and be part of the City Light tional practice, family. Thanks to Chai Jie and crew’s hard Holy Week sees City Lighters gathering on work to keep this ministry going. Maundy Thursday (night), Good Friday (morning) and Easter Sunday (combined morning service). It is such a good reminder 1st Local Confer- that Jesus’ path to glory is through suffering ence 22/3 and sacrifice. May our Christian walk be To better align strengthened by our faith in the Lord & Sav- with our Book of iour who always with us through good times Discipline, this is the & bad. Glory, glory Hallelujah! Christ is year where the LC’s risen!! He’s ALIVE!!! attendance is for LCEC leaders, l o c a l p re a ch e rs a n d PPRC Chairperson. Chaired by Rev. Alvin Liik as DS’s representative, the plans of the church have been given the go-ahead. Please remember to pray for God to lead and guide us as we serve him whole- heartedly.

Pulpit Ministry This year’s pulpit ministry constitutes 2 components, driven both from the AC as well as by respective pastors. AC has asked pastors to preach 10 of Wesley’s sermons for this year A special blessing on Easter Sunday: our dear Sister Connie to reinforce our Methodist roots. This aims to stimulate the Lau was received into membership! congregation’s spiritual well-being of ‘Being Methodists, we love God wholeheartedly”.

In tandem with Wesley’s sermons, the English service is working through a sermon series on Chronicles aimed at helping our congregation live out our Christian lives in a world system that is quite ‘foreign’ to Christian ways. The Chinese service is working through a sermon series on Malachi.

18 AUSTRALIA EAST DISTRICT CHURCH NEWS CARLTON METHODIST CHURCH 1. Rev Ernest concluded his pastoral ministry with Carlton 7. Families of the pastoral team had a wonderful picnic and Methodist Church on 29/3. On 15/3, the English family day on 6/4 to Kuring-Gai National Park. We enjoyed congregation held a farewell gathering to thank him for all the beauty of God’s creation, went hiking and enjoyed each his years of faithful service. We pray that our gracious Lord other company and had a great time of sharing. Praise the will continue to guide him in his future ministry. Lord that our co-worker of PPP for the English ministry, Bro. Phoon’s family, also joined us. 2. We thank our Lord for the provision and unity of our pastoral team (Rev Samuel Chiu, Ps David Tiong and Ps Kam Loong Lee). On 16/3 our pastoral team and their families, together with some of the youth of the English congregation were invited to a barbecue dinner at Ps David Tiong’s house. We had a great time sharing with each other about our families, ministries and thoroughly enjoyed each other’s company.

3. We thank our DS Rev Alexis Lui’s visit, for coming to chair the first Local Conference at Carlton Methodist Church on 21st March. The LCEC members and local preachers had a 8. We are thankful for the visitation of Bishop Dr James Kwang planning day, and we spent time in prayer and committed th th our plans for the year 2015 to our gracious Lord. Pray that and Mrs Kwang from 10 to 12 April to CMC and PPP our gracious Lord will guide us to carry out our plans, and despite their heavy work schedule. We appreciate their serve and build our church, and the greater Sydney area sincere heart in caring for CMC and PPP. Our Bishop faithfully. conveyed his vision to us and we also thank God for him and his wife who came and proclaimed the word of God at 4. We started the Disciple Red course in CMC with 14 disciples both the Chinese and English worship services and also at committing themselves to journey together. PPP. The pastors and lead- ers had a training session on the Book of Discipline, and Mrs Kwang facilitated the Disciple Red Class.

5. Praise the Lord that on the Gospel Sunday on 29/3, 2 people accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.

6. CMC and PPP had a combined Good Friday Service on 3/4 (10am) at CMC to commemorate the suffering of our Lord. Many turned up for the solemn service, and many people’s hearts were touched by God and they responded by renewing their heart to live for our Lord. Praise the Lord, 5 brothers and sisters (adult baptism: Sherry LEI, Feng CHEN, Michelle FANG; Children: Eric WEI, Ellie WEI) were 9. Ps Kam Loong Lee will lead a baptised into the name of Christ at the combined Easter team of 8 brothers and sisters in July S u n d a y to Taiwan on a short term mission S e r v i c e trip. this year. 10. Rev Albert Wong will be coming to CMC on 18/4 to conduct an information night for LAMM ministry. He will also share with us the Annual Conference vision on LAMM.

19 EIGHT MILE PLAINS METHODIST CHURCH 1. Minister Away 4. Children Baptism Rev. Lui conducted the First local Conference at Canberra A total of 6 children was baptized by Rev. Lui on the 29th Preaching Centre on 15th March. He also preached at the March at the Main Sanctuary of EMP Church. Sunday Worship. On 21st March, he conducted the First Local Conference at Carlton Methodist Church, Sydney. He 5. Special Good Friday Worship preached at Carlton MC and at Parramatta Preaching Point Special Worship was held on Good Friday to remember how the following day. our Lord suffered for us at the cross. It was well attended and a special offering was collected for the Disaster Relief 2. Evangelistic Film Show Fund for Vanuatu affected by the current typhoon. EMP Church held a joint evangelistic ministry with The Media Evangelism Limited on the 27th March at the Main 6. Minister on annual leave Sanctuary of EMP Church. The name of the film was Rev. Lui is currently on annual leave from 7th to 28th April. “Reserve more time for my son”. Rev. Tay is the Acting Minister in Charge while Rev. Lui is away. 3. LCEC Meeting LCEC Meeting was held on the 29th March, 7:00 pm at the English Sanctuary.


 25/04/2015 Methodist Medical Mission team traveling to Cambodia via .  26/04 to 08/05/2015 Mission work with the Methodist Medical Mission team and training Pastors in Cambodia.  09/05/2015 Traveling back to Melbourne from Cambodia after the Mission work.  15 -18/05/2015 Ministries in Hobart PC and preaching on Sunday.  22/05/2015 Board of Missions meeting in Melbourne  24/05/2015 Preaching at Box Hill Methodist Church in Melbourne  26/05/2015 Pastors meeting for all Pastors in Victoria.  28 to 31/05/2015 Ministries in Sherwood MC and preaching in the Church on Sunday.  01 -03/06/2015 Disciple Red facilitators’ training for CMCNZ Pastors, Auckland.  07/06/2015 Preaching at Camberwell MC both in Chinese and English and at Knox PP.  12/06/2015 Board on the Ministry meeting  13/06/2015 Executive Board meeting.  15/06/2015 LAMM Board meeting  19 to 22/06/2015 Travel to Darwin to explore possibility of starting Church planting.  24/06/2015 Pastors meeting for all Pastors in Victoria.

20 THANKSGIVING  For all the various boards meeting coming up in May and Thank God for: June.

 All the safe travels for Bishop Kwang and Kim and for all co  God to open the way for us to start Church planting in - (both ministerial and lay) who travel to carry out various Darwin ministries.  The Lord to provide the monthly expenses of Board of  New students settling well into the new environment and Missions for mission work around Australia and overseas. into local churches. Pray that His people will continue to support and give $1 a day to the Mission fund.  Providing a full time Accountant Cum office Assistant, Sister Chin Moi Lee in the AC Office starting on 8th April. Local Churches – Pray for:  All the Disciple Red and Green facilitators who were trained that they are excited and willing to facilitate the disciple  The Disciple Facilitators’ to have continued enthusiasm and class. passion for the Disciple ministry.  The smooth settlement for the purchase of Preston MC  The remaining building fund required for the Holy Methodist Church building on 21st April. Church, Gospel Methodist Church, and Preston Methodist Church

SUPPLICATION CMCA Pastors and their families – Pray for: CMCA – Pray for:  The physical, mental and spiritual well-being of all the  Methodist Medical Mission Team going to do medical pastors. Pray for God to use his servants to minister to His mission work in Cambodia from 25 April to 9th May led by people and to further God’s Kingdom. Bishop Kwang with Dr. Francis Loh coordinating.  Bishop Kwang & Kim for good health, and sufficient grace  All the CMCA Local Churches / Preaching Centers to focus and strength for safe travel and to cope with the many on the importance of prayers, to catch on the vision of ministries engagement. Disciple making and the need to be involved in Missions, and to form Covenant Disciple Groups.  Our 3 District Superintendents, Rev. Milton Nee, Rev. Tiong Ting Lingand Rev. Alexis Lui for grace, wisdom and  The Lord to call young people to take up LAMM Courses to strength to co-ordinate the ministries in each district. equip themselves to be local preachers, or to be fulltime workers in God’s Kingdom.  Rev. King Ming Wu, Ching Yi Kwang, and Pastor Xiao Min Cai &his wife, Vanessa, who are serving in our Mission  God to provide the remaining funds needed for the Stations in PNG and all the brothers and sisters in PNG. Methodist House Project. Please pray for protection and good health.  God to provide good tenants for the remaining rooms in the  Rev. Peck Kui Kwang and for Rev .Elijah for God’s healing. Methodist House.  Mrs. Laura Su and Mrs. Pang for God’s healing.

澳洲基督教华人卫理公会文字事业部 Chinese Methodist Church in Australia Board of Christian Literature 2015年04月出版

文字事业部编辑委员会 Publishing Team 编辑委员 Board Members | 督印人Adviser | 官佰全会督 Bishop James Kwang 康祥文牧师 Rev. James Kong 总编辑 Chief Editor | 雷雯冰牧师 Rev. Wen Ping Loi 方友义牧师 Rev. Yu Ngee Houng 执行编辑 Executive Editor | 于建华牧师 Rev. Jian Hua Yu 夏雷弟兄 Frank Xia 电邮 Email | [email protected] 设计 Design | 林语芩Ling Yeu Chyn/张永欣 Amy Tiong

发行 Publisher 澳洲基督教华人卫理公会 Chinese Methodist Church in Australia 地址 Address 1219, Dandenong Road, East Malvern 3145, VIC, Australia 联络 Contact 电话/传真 telephone/facsimile : (+613) 99 947 250 电邮 Email [email protected]

21 2015 LAMM Courses (Melbourne)

1. The Gospel of Mark (Rev. Dr. Lim Kar Yong) 5.基督教神学 (候定) March 21, 28(9:00AM – 8:00PM) Nov 13 (7:00-10:00PM), Nov 14 (9:00AM- Apr 11 (9:00AM – 6:00PM) 9:00PM), Venue: Methodist House Nov 20 (7:00-10:00PM), Nov 21 (9:00AM- (Conduct in English) 9:00PM). 地点:年会大楼 2.教会历史(廖玉強博士) 以中文教课 April 10, 17, 24, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 and June 5,

12.每个周五晚上7时至十时。 地点:年会大楼 2015 LAMM Courses (Perth)

以中文教课 1. 基督教经学(黄永森牧师) May 16 (8:30AM – 6:30PM), May 17 (1:30PM – 3. Introduction to Old Testament (Rev Dr Michael 6:30PM) Tan) Jun 20 (8:30AM – 6:30PM), Jun 21 (1:30PM – May 23 (9:00am-8:00pm), May 24 (2:00-6:00pm), 6:30PM) May 30(9:00am-8:30pm), May 31 (2:00-6:00pm) 地点:蒙恩堂 Venue: Methodist House (Conduct in English) 以中文教课

4. 宣教学(Dr. Johan Ferirra) 2. 讲道学(林宝强牧师) July 10 (7:00-10:00PM), July 11(9:00AM- Aug 22 (8:30AM – 6:30PM), Aug 23 (1:30PM – 9:00PM), 6:30PM) July 24 (7:00-10:00PM), July 25 (9:00AM- Sep 18 (8:30AM – 6:30PM), Sep 19 (1:30PM – 9:00PM). 6:30PM) 地点:年会大楼 地点:蒙恩堂 以中文教课 以中文教课

22 23 澳洲基督教华人卫理公会澳南教区主办 十一天以色列之旅行程 11 DAYS 8 NITES Footstep of Jesus Pilgrimage Tour

Tentative Departure : 18th Sept 2015 to 28th Sept 2015

Day 1 Be ready to Assemble at Kuala Lumpur International Airport 18/09/2015 Evening flight to KL 傍晚班机飞往吉隆坡 Day 2 KUL ~ Doha多哈 ~ Amman阿曼~ Jericho耶里哥 19/09/2015 00:30 am assemble at KLIA counter H for flight check in.3:30am QR851 flight to Doha. Arrive at 6:00am. DOHA CITY TUOR. Transit 12:25pm QR400 to Amman. Arrive Amman airport around 3:05pm. Transfer to Allenby Bridge, cross into Jericho. 00:30am. KLIA 柜台H 集合办登机手續乘搭3:30am QR851 飞往多哈。约6:00am抵达后,游 览多哈市区。12:25pm QR400转机飞往阿曼。约3:05pm抵达阿曼。前往亚伦比桥关口办入以 色列手续,进入耶里哥。 Day 3 Jericho耶里哥 ~ Mt. Tabor大博尔山 ~ Nazareth 纳匝肋 20/09/2015 JERICHO:view Mt. Temptation and Tel Jericho. Lunch in Jericho. Drive via Jordan Valley road to Mt. Tabor. Then drive to NAZARETH to visit the Church of Annunciation and Mary’s Well. 耶里哥:Mt. Temptation和Tel Jericho。午餐后往大博尔山。之后往纳匝肋,参观圣母领报 堂、玛利亚之井。 Day 4 Nazareth纳匝肋 ~ Galilee加里肋亚 ~ Nazareth纳匝肋 21/09/2015 Visit Mt. of Beatitudes, Capernaum, Tabgha. Boat ride on the Sea of Galilee.St. Peter’s Fish lunch. Drive to Banias (Caesarea Phillipi). 参观山中圣训的真福八端山、葛法翁和元首堂。St. Peter Fish午餐后,乘船过加里肋亚海,前 往凯撒肋雅菲立比(立伯多禄为宗徒之首的地方) Day 5 Nazareth~Cana加纳~Emmaus厄玛乌~ Ein Karem艾殷卡陵 ~ Bethlehem 22/09/2015 Visit Wedding Church in Cana. Drive via coastal road with visit to Caesarea. Continue to Jaffa for lunch. Then to Emmaus and visit the area. Continue to Ein Karem and visit the Church of the Visitation. Overnight in Bethlehem. 加纳是耶稣显第一个奇迹—将水变成酒—的地方,参观加纳婚宴堂。前往厄玛乌—耶稣复活后 显现给两位门徒的地方,途中往艾殷卡陵—圣若翰的故乡,参观圣母往见堂。之后前往白冷 城。 Day 6 Bethlehem白冷城~ Jerusalem耶路撒冷 23/09/2015 Visit Bethlehem where Jesus was born, Shepherd’s Field and Church of Nativity. Lunch enroute. Visit the New City of Jerusalem, View of the Mt. of Olives, Pater Noster Church, the Garden of Gethsemane, David’s Tomb and St. Peter in Gallicantu. 白冷城—耶稣诞生的地方,参观耶稣诞生地、牧童村和Nativity Church。午餐后,参观橄榄 山、天主经堂、革色玛尼山园、达味王坟墓和鸡鸣堂。 Day 7 Jerusalem Old City旧耶路撒冷 24/09/2015 Full day visit to include courtyards of the Dome of the Rock. Enter the Old City of Jeru- salem with St. Anne, Ecce Homo, Via Dolorosa, Holy Sepulcher and Wailing Wall. 参观圣亚纳堂(圣母玛利亚诞生处)、Ecce Homo、苦路十四处、耶稣圣墓和哭墙(耶稣时代 圣殿的旧址)。 Day 8 Jericho耶里哥~ Dead Sea死海 25/09/2015 Visit Bethany and Lazarus Tomb, Jericho and Dead Sea. Khirbet Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. 参观圣墓大殿、拉匝禄坟墓和死海。 Day 9 Jordan 约旦~ Mt. Nebo乃波山 ~ Airport

24 澳洲基督教华人卫理公会澳南教区主办 十一天以色列之旅行程 11 DAYS 8 NITES Footstep of Jesus Pilgrimage Tour

Tentative Departure : 18th Sept 2015 to 28th Sept 2015

Day 8 Jericho耶里哥~ Dead Sea死海 25/09/2015 Visit Bethany and Lazarus Tomb, Jericho and Dead Sea. Khirbet Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. 参观圣墓大殿、拉匝禄坟墓和死海。 Day 9 Jordan 约旦~ Mt. Nebo乃波山 ~ Airport 26/09/2015 Transfer to Jordan via Allenby Bridge. Visit Mt. Nebo. Transfer to Amman airport. 15:55pm QR401 flight to Doha. Arrive at 7:15pm. 8:00pm QR844 transit back to KL. 亚伦比桥关口出境,往约旦。参观乃波山。之后往阿曼机场。4:35pm QR401 飞往多哈。约 7:15pm 抵達. Day 10 DOHA 多哈~KUL 吉隆坡~ East 东马 27/09/201501:30AM. QR 848 FLIGHT TO KL Arrive KLIA at 14:10PM.Evening flight back . 約下午 2:10pm. 抵逹吉隆坡. 乘搭傍晚班机回返.

ESTIMATED TOUR FARE团费: RM12,800(EX.KL.)(32 Paxs and above); RM15,450(EX MEL)

*Tour fare is subjected to change due to US$ rate (RM3.70: USD 1) and fuel surcharge. *由于汇率(RM3.70: USD 1)及油价附加费,团费有待调整。

Tour Fare: International Air Passage, Fuel surcharge, 3* to 4* Hotel (Twin or Triple, Single Room Includes : additional RM1,500), Meals as Specified, Tip for driver & Tour Guide, Spiritual Director, Visa fee to (a) Israel (b) Jor- dan, Departure Tax (a) Israel (b) Jordan, Certificate of Pilgrimage to Holyland, Apply Permit to ISREAL 团费包括:国际机票、油价附加费、3*-4* 酒店(双人或三人房,单人房需多付RM1,500)、行程里标明的膳食、导游及 司机小费、随团神师、签证及入出境费(以色列、约旦)

Exclude: Expense from any occurrences beyond its control. 不包括:由于任何无法控制的情况所造成的损失

Paying procedure upon confirmation of the tour:-  Deposit RM1,500 + Photocopied Passport + Photocopied identity card + Photocopied Baptismal Certificate + Two passport size photographs + Father’s Name + Mother’s Name + Grandfather’s Name for applying Israel’s Visa.  Second payment RM4,500 upon approval permit to ISREAL  Final payment on or before one month of the departure.  报名时请附上定金RM1,500 + 国际护照副本 + 身份证副本 + 领洗证副本 + 2张大头照 + 父亲、母亲及祖父姓名  第二次付款:RM4,500用于申请前往以色列的准证.  余款请于出发前的一个月前还清。

Suggested flight schedule from Melbourne connecting flight to Israel:- 18 SEPT 2015 MEL/KUL MH148 ETD: 1430PM ETA: 20:40PM 27 SEPT 2015 KUL/MEL MH147 ETD: 2015PM ETA: 0610AM(28/09/2015) ESTIMATED AIR FARE : RM2650.00 PER PERON

FLIGHT DETAIL TO ISREAL:- 19 SEPT 2015 KUL/DOH QR853 ETD: 0300AM ETA: 0530AM 19 SEPT 2015 DOH/AMM QR402 ETD: 0750AM ETA: 1030AM 26 SEPT 2015 AMM/DOH QR401 ETD: 2045PM ETA: 2325PM 27 SEPT 2015 DOH/KUL QR846 ETD: 0110AM ETA: 1410PM

若愿参加者请于五月16日前向夏长华牧师 (0452 986 281),林忠傧牧师(0405 651 123)报名,以便尽早申请签证。

25 澳洲基督教华人卫理公会通讯录 Contact List for Chinese Methodist Church in Australia

会督 Bishop 墨尔本 Melbourne. Victoria (VIC) 澳西教区 AUSTRALIA WEST DISTRICT

官佰全牧师 Rev. Dr James Kwang 谢恩堂 Camberwell Methodist Church 教区长:林宝强牧师 Rev Milton Nee Mobile: 0414 073 737 58 Cooloongatta Rd., Camberwell, VIC 3124 0457 068 108 Email: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (03) 9889 0702 柏斯 Perth, West Australia (WA)

卫理办公室 CMCA Office 陆同佑牧师 Rev Alvin Liik 0426 817 818 1219 Dandenong Road, East Malvern 3145, VIC Email: [email protected] 感恩堂 Grace Methodist Church 226 Anstey Rd., Forrestdale, WA 6112 Australia. Tel/Fax: (03) 9994 7250 周家熹牧师 Rev Elijah Chew 0421 468 655 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 林宝强牧师 Rev Milton Nee - 0457 068 108 Email: [email protected] 年会会友领袖 CMCA Lay Leader 方友义牧师 Rev Yu Ngee Houng 0430 576 633 Email:[email protected] 林良敏传道 Ps Shirley Ling - 0434 225 199 陈守仁 Joseph Ting 0413 866 887 康祥文牧师 Rev James Kong - 0413 953 238 阮伟德传道 Ps Dexter Nguyen 年会文书 CMCA Secretary Email: [email protected] 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: 林国地Thomas Ling 0403 250 373 钟美琼传道 Ps Christina Bee Kheng Cheong 9:00am / 11:00am (英语 English) 0421 993 927 Email: [email protected] Monday Service 7:30pm (华语 Mandarin) 澳东教区 AUSTRALIA EAST DISTRICT 驻任会督:官佰全会督 Resident Bishop: Bishop James Kwang - 0414 073 737 教区长:雷少康牧师 Rev Alexis Lui 0402 419 361 神恩堂 Immanuel Methodist Church 附属:颜明智牧师(退休) Rev Meng Tee Gan 33 Cloister Ave., Manning, WA 6152 布里斯本 Brisbane, Queensland (QLD) Tel: (08) 9450 7700 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: 彭能顺牧师 Rev. Neng Soon Pang - 0450 065 775 福恩堂 Eight Mile Plains Methodist Church 9:00am (华语 Mandarin)11:00am (英文 English) 5 Levington Rd., Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113 Werribee Preaching Point 蔡佳熹传道 Ps Charles Choy - 0452 522 523 Tel: (07) 3841 4483 200 Tarneit Road, Werribee, VIC 刘孙宏传道 Ps Alan Lau 0448 259 566 雷少康牧师 Rev. Alexis Lui - 0402 419 361 2:30pm (华语 Mandarin) 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: Email: [email protected] KNOX Preaching Point 8.30am/7pm (中文 Mandarin)11:00am (英语English) 郑日强牧师 RevDavid Tay - 0422 091 598 1393 High Street Road, Wantirna South VIC 张功荣牧师 Rev Kong Eing Tiong - 0432 949 122 2:30pm (华语 Mandarin) 信望堂 Hope Methodist Church Email: [email protected] 28-32 Nicol Rd, Parkwood 6147, WA. 沐恩堂 City Light Methodist Church 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: Mail address:10,Helsall Court, Willetton 6155,WA 717 Flinders St., Docklands, VIC 3008 (华语 英语 ) 苏本仁牧师 Rev. Allen Su - 0424 685 582 9:00am Mandarin / English 林忠傧牧师 Rev Ling Tiong Ting 0405 651 123 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 主恩堂 Sherwood Methodist Church 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: 4:00pm (英文 English) 405 Oxley Rd., Sherwood QLD 4075 鄢礼银牧师 Rev Peter Yong - 0429 030 390 Tel/Fax: (07) 3278 6899 Email: [email protected] 蒙恩堂 Kingsway Methodist Church 王连进牧师 Rev. Paul Wong 0413 993 292 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: 38-40 Kingsway, Nedlands, WA 6009 Tel: (08) 9389 9248 Ps Sean Kong 0431 346 138 11am (英文 English)5pm (华语 Mandarin) 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: 蓝秉贤牧师 Rev P.H. Lam - 0422 199 980 思源堂 Monash Methodist Church 9:00am (华语 Mandarin / 英语 English) 黄敬平牧师 Rev Wong King Ping 0405 088 979 118-122 Wellington Rd., Clayton, VIC 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: 黄永森牧师 Rev Dr Albert Wong 0433 015 363 坎培拉 Canberra, (ACT) 9:00am (华语 Mandarin)/ 11:15am (英文 English) Email: [email protected] 坎培拉佈道所 Canberra ACT Preaching Ctr. 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: 4:30pm (华语 Mandarin) 宣恩堂 Gospel Methodist Church Corner Launceston St. & Melrose Dr., Lyons ACT 2606 Venue: 62 Royal St. Kenwick, WA 6107 Tel: (02) 6247 6249 怀恩堂 Preston Methodist Church Mail Address:2 Oberthur Crescent, Bull Creek, 周丽芳本处传道Supply Ps. Zhou Li Fang (0402 387 614) Corner Grimshaw St. & Monckton, Bundoora. WA6149. Mail Address: C/O 2/95 Seven Street Box Hill,VIC 3129 Tel: (08) 6161 6247, (08) 6261 2052 P.O. Box 201, Dickson Tel: 0451 986 281 Email:[email protected] 丁华镇牧师 Rev. Dr Hwa jin Jung Mobile: 0402 141 544 夏长华牧师 Rev Dr James Ha Tel: 0451 986 281 崇拜时间 Sunday Service:1:30pm (华语 Mandarin) Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: 崇拜时间 Sunday Service:2:00pm (华语 Mandarin) 悉尼 Sydney, New South Wales (NSW) 8:45am (华语 Mandarin/English英语)

三一堂 救恩堂 Carlton Methodist Church Trinity Methodist Church 157 Kidds Road, Doveton, VIC 3177 Morley 佈道所 Morley Preaching Centre 17 Planthurst Rd., Carlton, NSW 2218 3, Chertley street, Morley, WA 6062 Tel: (02)9546 2632) Tel: (03) 9794 7525 洪南明牧师 Rev. Scott Ang - 0423 519 531 周政强牧师 Rev Dr Albert Chiew(0420 844 278) 丘品尧牧师Rev Samuel Pin Yao Chiu 0450 003 447 Email: [email protected] 刘晋福牧师 李金龙传道Ps Kam Loon Lee 0430 369 382 Rev Michael Lau 0413 233 222 Email: [email protected] 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: 2:30pm 张济富传道Ps David Tiong 0433 749 238 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: 巴布新几内亚 Papua New Guinea 9:00am (华语 Mandarin)/ 11:00am (英文 English) 10:30am (华语 Mandarin / 英文 English) Berwick Preaching Point 天恩堂 Methodist Church in PNG Parramatta Preaching Point 21A,Bemersyde Drive, Berwick, Vic 3806 46 Sorrell St., Parramatta, NSW 2150 Lot 29-33, Section 171, Malolo Estate, 8 Miles Port 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: Morseby, NCD, Papua New Guine 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: 3:00pm (华语 Mandarin) 2pm(华语 Mandarin/英语 English) Mail Address: P.O.Box 374, Waigani NCD, Papua New

Guinea 澳南教区 AUSTRALIA SOUTH DISTRICT 循道堂 Box Hill 吴庆明牧师 Rev. Ngu King Ming - (075) 7000-8798 教区长:林忠傧牧师 Rev Ling Tiong Ting 0405 651 123 6 Oxford Street, Box Hill, VIC 3128 (Uniting Church Premise) Email: [email protected] 阿得雷德 Adelaide, South Australia (SA) 雷雯冰牧师 Rev Wen Ping Loi 0412 182 088 陈美花牧师R ev Chen Mei Hua

崇拜时间 Sunday Service : 10am (华语 Mandarin) 蔡晓明传道 Ps Xiao Ming Cai 思恩堂 Goodwood Methodist Church Email: [email protected] 158-160 Goodwood Rd., Goodwood, SA 5034 Tel/Fax: (08) 7123 3723 塔斯马尼亚 Tasmania (TAS) 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: 9:30am (华语 Mandarin) Vanimo Preaching Centre 林文光牧师Rev Gloria Ling 0420 227 956 荷伯特佈道所 Hobart Preaching Centre Email: [email protected] 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: 7:30pm 239 Sandy Bay Rd., Sandy Bay, TAS 7005 Kimbe Preaching Centre 叶吉福传道Ps Kiat Hock Yap 0410 191 491 Mail Address: 32, Pine Ave., Kingston, TAS 7050 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: 7:30pm Email: [email protected] 于建华牧师 Rev Yu Jian Hua 崇拜时间 - 0417 479 734 所罗门岛屿佈道所 崇拜时间 Sunday Service: Email: [email protected] Solomon Islands Preaching Centre Sunvalley Cross Rd., Lungga, Honiara,Solomon Islands 10:30am (英文 English / 华语 Mandarin) Sunday Service:2:00pm (华语 Mandarin) 杨小琳传道(677)7405054 颂恩堂 Praise Methodist Church 圣恩堂 Elite Enterprise Ltd., PO Box 1388, Solomon Islands Holy Methodist Church 100 Invermay Rd., Invermay, TAS 7248 崇拜时间 (华语 ) 7 Churchill Road, Ovingham 5082 Mail Address: P.O.Box 357, Mowbray, Launceston 7248 Service: 2:00pm Mandarin 吴玲玲传道 Ps Ivy Ngu 0430 052 288 Tel: (03) 6326 4303 (T) Email: [email protected] 官清忠牧师 Rev Ching Jong Kwang 0433 533 907 本会在神学院服事的牧者 Ministers serving in other Organizations 崇拜时间 Sunday Service : 9:30am (华语 Mandarin) Email:[email protected] 附属:官佰威牧师(退休) Rev Peck Kui Kwang 陈周荣牧师 Rev. Dr. Michael Tan - 0414 639 859 Email: [email protected] 0413 861 508Mandarin) 陈廷忠牧师 Rev. Dr. Justin Tan - (03) 98 817 800 廖玉强牧师 Rev. Dr. Yuk Chong Liong - (03) 9881 7800