Sustainability + Corporate Responsibility Report

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Sustainability + Corporate Responsibility Report 2020 MATERIALITY PROJECTS PEOPLE PRACTICES PARTNERSHIPS ABOUT THIS REPORT GRI INDEX APPENDIX Sustainability & Resiliency at HDR In 2019, we saw a definitive shift in the focus of • We helped the West Sacramento Flood Control sustainability conversation with our clients and peers. Agency achieve an Envision Platinum Verification Net-zero, regenerative design and resiliency became for the Southport Levee Improvement Project. The more than buzzwords as our clients started thinking California Department of Water Resources offers a even deeper about how their actions and projects cost-share incentive for projects rated Envision Gold impact the natural world and how climate-related and Platinum. For this client, that meant millions more issues are increasingly impacting their projects. in cost-share benefits. Climate events vary by geography, but it seems that • HDR’s Foundation gave more than $932,000 in grants all of our clients are finding a need to determine what to our communities. The environment is a key pillar their biggest climate risks are and which of their in the Foundation’s program. This year’s recipients assets are most vulnerable. included the Land Trust of the Treasure Valley in Boise, Some of the things I’m most proud of in this past year: Idaho, which received a grant to support building a new greenhouse for an environmental education • We completed a multiyear study of how the design of school program. It will serve 500 youth a year, our own office spaces contributed to the health and teaching them how to propagate, plant and maintain wellness of our staff. This was conducted by HDR’s 10,000 native plants for local wetlands restoration Research Team. efforts in the greater Boise area. Once plants are • We engaged our sustainability and resiliency propagated, they will be used for local restoration professionals in a Net Zero Community Feasibility Study projects. We also supported Engineers Without for Hamilton, Washington. The residents of Hamilton Boarders in the implementation of modifications to are impacted when the Skagit River crests its banks an existing water supply system in a town of 480 Net-zero, regenerative each spring. This study looked at creating a new town residents in Los Churuneles, Guatemala. The project design and resiliency center, further uphill, connected with nature and using included installation of a new water storage tank, water sustainable infrastructure. distribution piping and a water treatment system. became more than • Our global headquarters, designed to achieve a I see many great things on the horizon for 2020 and buzzwords as our clients LEED Gold and a Fitwel 3-Star Rating, received beyond, and I look forward to working toward a more the American Council of Engineering Companies sustainable and resilient future with our employee and started thinking even Nebraska Grand Award. client partners. • The Los Angeles Department of Public Works, West deeper about how their LA Power Yard and the Orange County Sanitation District Headquarters Complex won IAI-LA COTE Michaella Wittmann actions and projects NEXT merit awards. LEED Fellow, ENV SP, Fitwel Ambassador Director, Sustainability and Resiliency impact the natural world. HDR 102-14 02 MATERIALITY PROJECTS PEOPLE PRACTICES PARTNERSHIPS ABOUT THIS REPORT GRI INDEX APPENDIX 2019 Highlights TIFI ER ED Our C Scope 2 Sustainability is integral to our Sustainable Office Finish emissions new headquarters building, Standards outline use of low- have decreased C E D R which achieved both flow fixtures in office fit-out and E I T I by more than F renovation, with a emissions reduction 2011 - 2018 since 2011 and a With the largest savings requirement for newly installed fixtures reductions in purchased Emissions per FTE electricity. have decreased by more than The HDR global headquarters since 2011 Recognized as a Leader received the American Council in Sustainability and of Engineering Companies Nebraska Grand Award – the Corporate Responsibility highest honor. Much of the award application was focused on sustainability and health. Employees The HDR Foundation Volunteered provided Grants The Orange County Sanitation event District Headquarters Complex hours Workplace Excellence Seal of Approval won an AIA-LA COTE NEXT and merit award. individual Health & Wellness Seal of Approval activity hours EcoLeadership Award to totaling The LADWP West Los Angeles support Power Yard won an AIA-LA Organizations Engineering News-Record COTE NEXT merit award. No. 7 - Top 100 Buildings Green Design Firms - No. 1 - Top 5 in Green Buildings Healthcare No. 3 - Top 10 in Hydro Plants Holland Energy Park was the No. 7 - Top 10 in Solar Power winner of the 2019 ASCE award for innovation in sustainable In 2018, HDR started using Fitwel, a global building certification system No. 8 – Top 10 in Air Quality/Clean Energy engineering. Three HDR power that promotes health, signing on as a Fitwel Champion, and certified our Architect 50 projects – all with Envision first office in Arlington, Virginia. In 2019, we certified our Seattle office ratings – were the three No. 4 - Top 50 Firms in Sustainability (1 star) and the new global headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska (3 stars). finalists for this award. 03 MATERIALITY PROJECTS PEOPLE PRACTICES PARTNERSHIPS ABOUT THIS REPORT GRI INDEX APPENDIX Table of Contents MATERIALITY 5 PILLAR 3 - SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS PRACTICES 75 PILLAR 1 - PROJECTS 10 Our Commitment 76 Investing in Work That Matters 11 More Than 25 Years of Sustainability Leadership 77 Project Locations 12 Sustainable Business Practices 79 Global Issues, Impacts and Opportunities 13 Smart Solutions 81 Project Delivery 17 Our GHG Emissions 85 Technical Integrity 20 Controlling Our Energy Use 87 Community Impact 23 Decreasing Our Water Use 88 Sustainable & Resilient Design 26 Reducing Our Waste 89 Climate Change 33 PILLAR 4 - PARTNERSHIPS 91 Climate Action: Decarbonization 35 Partnerships 92 Climate Action: Adapting to Change 40 Corporate Citizenship 93 Water Stewardship 44 Local Community Engagement 95 Water Scarcity 44 Civic Affairs 98 Water Quality 44 Market Leadership 99 Waste Management 47 ABOUT THIS REPORT 101 PILLAR 2 - OUR PEOPLE 52 GRI Content Feedback 102 We Strive to Create Value 53 Ethics, Integrity and Human Rights 56 GRI INDEX 103 Safety Matters 58 APPENDIX 108 Workplace Culture 60 Organizational Chart 109 Learning and Development 62 Awards and Recognition 110 Wellness – Improving Quality of Life 63 Commitments and Partnerships 120 Recruiting & Retaining the Best 66 Employee Demographic Information 126 Investing in Our Employees 70 Diverse, Global Workforce 72 04 MATERIALITY PROJECTS PEOPLE PRACTICES PARTNERSHIPS ABOUT THIS REPORT GRI INDEX APPENDIX MATERIALITY What’s important to us? We’ve built our Sustainability + Corporate Responsibility strategy based on what has the most impact on our business and to exceed the expectations of our external stakeholders. By completing an objective and inclusive materiality assessment process, we focused on the issues that matter most to our employees, clients, and the industries and communities we serve. 05 MATERIALITY PROJECTS PEOPLE PRACTICES PARTNERSHIPS ABOUT THIS REPORT GRI INDEX APPENDIX Materiality Assessment Process engage identify assess prioritize external issues business impact issues stakeholders The content of this report is informed by the outcomes of The combined results provide a visual representation of the our first comprehensive materiality assessment, completed relative importance of each ESG theme when considering internally in 2016. Previously, we relied on insight from both internal and external perspectives. The results were other company-wide efforts, such as strategic planning and also applied to inform the content of our 2016 report, as well research accompanying rebranding activities, to identify as this report. For most aspects, we have had management topics to include in our report. programs in place for many years, and our approach is included in this report. Approach We began the materiality assessment process in March 2016 by convening staff from diverse functional areas throughout the company. Each brought forward a unique perspective as we evaluated 35 environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects that are relevant to our The Global business and the clients we serve. After gathering initial Environmental Reporting feedback using a survey, the group met in-person to share insight on specific issues and align the relative impact of Initiative defines each ESG aspect. The result was a prioritized list of issues materiality as based on the potential impact to HDR, considering both risks and opportunities. The outcome of this effort is Economic Social information represented by the horizontal placement of each theme that “may on our materiality matrix. reasonably be considered important Upon completion of the internal assessment, we identified for reflecting the organization’s key external stakeholder groups, ranging from clients to industry associations and government agencies to economic, environmental and competitors. Next, before engaging stakeholders, we social impacts, or influencing the determined a weighting methodology that represented the amount of influence each stakeholder has on HDR’s decisions of stakeholders.” business. Finally, we evaluated the relative importance of ESG aspects through online surveys and desktop research. The outcome of this effort is represented by the vertical placement of each theme on our materiality matrix. 102-46 102-48 102-49 06 MATERIALITY
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