Two Andover Girls Killed on Highway
7 *, -N Armcii Ikllf frtm Ron r«r «w WMk >ii«M 'ni itM ' . fNweeest •! IT. i t WmMtiit ' Otauf Mril «M»I toklKkC 13,705 to ML Slinajr, piMjMUrt; BlMObOT ' t t tiM AodNk n i^ to antor 7tA V , f'' BltfWIB •( CIlMlftttM Menehegttr^A City o / ViUagt Chirm VOL. LXXCTL NO. 284 (StXTEBN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 1, 1984 (OtoWfM AdVMiMar m P a f« M) PRICE SEVEN CEK fr Titan Up, Blac^Out ans CAPE KENNEDY,CENN Fla. (AP) — The Air Force launched a Titan SA mili tary space rocket on 'its maiden test flisrht . today, but lost track of it l3.min \ utes after lift-off. The 124-foot tall rocket biast' 8 ed away from Cape Kennedy'i^- Poverty Billi ;yV * Democrat 11 a.m. It* groal wa* to launch J It* third staae Into orbit a* a U i l l f l H C C S V f OOCI flying launch* platform. The y Backr Move platform, in turn, wa* to kick f loo*e a dummy -satellite into J O l l l l S O I l X O l v l separate orbit. In Caucus Within minutes, the second and third stages fired on sched WASHINGTON (API — Dem By GEORGE BAZAN ule. But, as' the rocket zipped ocratic congressional' .leaders 100 miles over a tracking sta- gave President Johnson an optl- HARTFORD" (AP) — A Uon in the West Indies Island ‘ mlsUc report today on prospects Republican leader said to of Antigua, radio contact was for enactment of his blllion-d<Jl-_ day that Republicans h»y« lost with the vehicle.
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