China Highlights 1st to 15th May 2019 (15 days) Trip Report

Cabot’s Tragopan by Stephan Lorenz

Trip report compiled by Tour Leader: Stephan Lorenz

Trip Report – RBL – Highlights 2019 2

Tour Summary

Our China Highlights Tour was exactly that, a journey through some of China’s best birding sites in Fujian and Sichuan with plenty of highlights along the way. China is the cradle of pheasant and partridge diversity and our dedicated searches turned up no less than 14 species, with Lady Amherst’s Pheasant, Cabot’s Tragopan, and Chinese Monal being especially noteworthy. Of course, six species of , including the Short-tailed, ten species of laughingthrushes, including the critically endangered Blue-crowned, and twenty-five warbler species was also memorable. Some of the other highlights included Spotted Elachura, Pied Falconet, White-browed Tit-Warbler, Bearded Vulture, Snow Pigeon, Grandala, Fire-capped Tit, Chinese Wren-Babbler and three species of forktails, plus many stunning rosefinches. The favorite as voted for by the participants Bearded Vulture by Stephan Lorenz were Lady Amherst’s Pheasant, Spotted Elachura, and White-browed Tit-Warbler. The clear mammal highlight was a Red Panda watched at length in Labahe. We will never forget the landscapes, ranging from ancient bamboo forests to the snow-covered peaks of the Balang Shan Mountains. The food along the way was always plentiful and delicious with that extra spice in Sichuan. ______

Tour in Detail

After everyone arrived, we united for a welcome dinner near the hotel and enjoyed our first taste of Chinese cuisine, which would always be varied and delicious throughout the tour. We got acquainted, talked about the plans for the upcoming 15 days, and then got some rest.

We started the day with an early breakfast and then transferred a short distance to the Minjiang Estuary. Here we boarded a fishing barge, a bit rusty but floating, and then steamed out into the estuary. As we motored along the channel, we scanned the reed beds and muddy margins, picking up the first Common and Terek Sandpipers, Spotted and Common Redshanks, and plenty of Common Greenshanks. Little and Eastern Cattle Egrets were also common, but one of the best finds was a single Chinese Egret right where the channel opened into the bay. We motored back and forth in the bay for two hours, Collared Finchbill by Stephan Lorenz scanning through all the terns and gulls, but

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didn’t locate the critically endangered Chinese Crested Tern. We did see good numbers of Greater Crested, Common, Gull-billed and Little Terns. The boat got us closer to the sandspit where shorebirds often roost, and two Peregrine Falcons kicked the flock up into the air. At a great distance, we could make out Grey Plover, Greater Sand Plover, Whimbrel, Bar-tailed Godwit, Ruddy Turnstone, Great and Red Knots, Red-necked Stint, and Dunlin, plus a Black-faced Spoonbill that took off from a wetland. We also noted two Black-tailed Gulls, while two Oriental Pratincoles were less expected. Back on land, we checked several ponds and impoundments, enjoying a spectacle of dozens of Whiskered and White-winged Terns foraging right in front of us. We also added our first here in the form of heard only Brown-flanked Bush Warbler. There were great views of a family of Masked Laughingthrushes, Oriental Magpie-Robin, Chinese Blackbird in a fruiting tree, Daurian and Black-collared and White-shouldered Starlings, Crested Myna, and Eastern Yellow and White Wagtails, Richard's Pipit, Oriental Greenfinch, Eurasian Tree Sparrow, and Grey-headed by Stephan Lorenz Scaly-breasted Munia.

We then returned the short distance to town and had lunch before driving towards the Fuzhou Forest Park. The park was full of people enjoying the national holiday, but we persisted and eventually found a quieter corner of the park that held plenty of new birds. A careful scan of the stream below us yielded great views of a Slaty-backed Forktail, and then we turned our attention to a clearing and nearby canopy. Here we scoped massive Great Barbet, stunning Scarlet Minivet, vociferous Red-billed Blue Magpie, Grey Treepie, Japanese Tit, unique Collared Finchbill, and Red-whiskered, Black, Chestnut and Mountain Bulbuls, Japanese White-eye, Blue Whistling Thrush, Plumbeous Water Redstart, and Fork- tailed Sunbird. A great start to the local woodland birding. In addition, a Rufous Woodpecker showed briefly, while a Crested Honey Buzzard and Mountain Hawk-Eagle soared above. After such a full first day we happily returned for dinner and rest.

We spent the morning back at the Fuzhou Forest Park, and with more time we tackled one of the trails going uphill from the valley. It was a memorable climb, involving more than a thousand steps, but the birding was magnificent. Some of the highlights included, Barred Cuckoo-Dove, Grey-chinned Minivet, Elliot’s Pheasant by Stephan Lorenz secretive Grey-sided Scimitar Babbler, several Huet's Fulvettas, and a Grey-headed Parrotbill came in right over our heads. After some effort, we also managed good views of a Large Hawk-Cuckoo that flew into a high tree where we could see it well. This species is commonly heard but usually sits on a concealed perch. We hiked back down for check out and lunch and then carried on towards Emei Feng, where we hoped to encounter the first pheasants and

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partridges of the tour. The transfer was smooth along excellent highways with countless tunnels, and by early evening we started the drive up the mountain. It didn’t take long before our driver spotted the first partridges, a pair of Chinese Bamboo Partridges with chicks along the edge of the road, and everyone got good views before the birds scampered into the undergrowth. We reached our accommodations near the top of the mountain at dusk, settled in, and had dinner before retiring. Oriental Scops Owls called in the distance as we went to sleep.

We started before first light, with a quick breakfast in one of the bungalows, and then drove to the lowest part of the road with plans to drive back up slowly, looking for pheasants. On the drive down we didn’t see anything, but hit the jackpot on the way back up. First, we spotted three immature male Silver Pheasants cavorting in the middle of the road, and careful scanning revealed a male Rufous-faced Warbler by Stephan Lorenz Elliot’s Pheasant by the side of the road. The views of this rare pheasant were incredible, and it even did a wing display as a female ran across the road nearby. Incredibly, a pair of Chinese Bamboo Partridges were foraging in full view in the same spot, what a start to our pheasant quest! We drove higher to a good lookout point to have a full breakfast in the field and picked up, singing Rufous-faced, Chestnut-crowned and Sulphur-breasted Warblers here, plus the common Indochinese and Black-chinned Yuhinas. After lunch, we did a short walk along a trail above the accommodations, and in a clearing found a responsive Buff-throated Warbler and the range-restricted Hartert's near the rooms. A singing Blyth’s Shrike-Babbler was another great find, and then we set out to look for the endemic Cabot’s Tragopan along the higher parts of the road. Our plan worked and we ended up seeing two females with chicks and hoped to find the male the next day.

The next morning, we started to walk down the main road after a quick breakfast to look for more tragopans, and the plan worked perfectly. By the end of the day, we had seen no less than 15 Cabot’s Tragopans spread out over six sightings, including displaying males, several females with chicks, and males just standing in the middle of the road in the afternoon, fantastic! Along the way, we found several other quality species, including a Black Eagle soaring along a hillside, a flock of active Black-throated Bushtits, a close Russet Bush Warbler, the scarce Buffy Laughingthrush, and a White-crowned Forktail. The best find, though, was the monotypic Spotted Elachura that showed very well in its brush pile after we had walked a bit into the bamboo.

For the final morning at Emei Feng, we hiked up into the forest above the accommodations to look for the endemic White-necklaced Partridge, that remained heard only up to that point. After much effort, we heard one close Blyth’s Shrike-Babbler by Stephan Lorenz by and some were able to catch a glimpse of

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the jumping across an opening. During the walk back, we ran into an active feeding flock that held Moustached Laughingthrushes. We then packed up and drove down the mountain, bumping into another family group of Cabot’s Tragopans! On the drive out, we picked up the first Chinese Sparrowhawks and the only Asian Barred Owlet of the trip. We had a lengthy drive again, along excellent highways, before we reached the Wuyuan area. Incidental birds along the way included Eastern Spot-billed Duck, Common Kingfisher, and Red-billed Starling. Before we reached our hotel for the night, we made a stop in a small village, where locals have protected ancient camphor trees that are home to one of China’s most endangered birds, the Blue-crowned Laughingthrush. The total world population is estimated at only 200 individuals. Fortunately, we were able to visit a terraced rooftop that overlooked a garden, with a massive camphor tree that the laughingthrushes use for nesting. During an hour here, we enjoyed the spectacle of around fifteen of these social birds foraging, bathing, and calling right in front of us. A roosting Northern Boobook in the same tree was a welcome bonus. After such quick success, we carried on to our hotel for the night. Blue-crowned Laughingthrush by Stephan Lorenz

We left early in the morning to drive a short distance to Shijian Village, where we birded along the river and down a short trail leading into a good bamboo forest. A little bit of time staking out the bridge area resulted in good sightings of Black-capped Kingfisher, close Swinhoe’s Minivet, and Yellow-bellied Prinia. We spent the remainder of the morning combing through birds along the trail in the dense bamboo, and while we failed to find any parrotbills, we did encounter Crested Serpent Eagle, Rufous-capped Babblers, Moustached Laughingthrush, and had great scope views of a singing Chinese Hwamei.

In the afternoon, we drove to another nearby village, where we again climbed to a rooftop to enjoy the great views of a pair of Pied Falconets. A Crested Kingfisher along the river was a welcomed bonus. We did not want to give up on the parrotbills and tried a secondary road nearby. It only took a few minutes of dedicated searching here and we finally found a pair of the rare Short-tailed Parrotbills. A few hundred metres further, we found a flock of Vinous-throated Parrotbills, Pied Falconet by Stephan Lorenz things were looking good. Along a small stream, we spotted a Black Bittern flying past, a very rare bird in this part of China and a lifer for our local leader. We then finished the day with a Common Pheasant on the edge of a field as we drove out, celebrating our clean-up of the major target species.

We finished our visit to the Wuyuan area by birding near Wangcun Village. In the open agricultural area,

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we added Pacific Swifts, Grey-headed Lapwings, a pair of Grey-capped Woodpeckers, surprisingly late migrating Amur Falcons, Ashy Drongos, and enjoyed more views of the endangered Blue-crowned Laughingthrushes, near one of their major colonies on a river island. A careful search along the edge of paddy fields and dense woodland finally resulted in good views of the skulky Dusky Fulvetta before we had to pack it in and head for the airport. The drive took a few hours and we stopped for a late lunch before catching our flight to Chengdu in Sichuan, where lots of new species were waiting for us. After arrival, we checked into our comfortable hotel in the city center, and then had our first taste of Sichuan’s famous cuisine.

We started before breakfast and walked to nearby Baihuatan Park. A pleasant morning here of birding resulted in a couple of new species including, White-browed Laughingthrush, Chinese Grosbeak, and a migrating Common Rosefinch. We then started the drive out of the city towards Labahe Reserve. Along the way, we stopped for lunch and birded a short trail and village area across the river. New species that we picked up here included excellent studies of Black Short-tailed Parrotbill by Stephan Lorenz Baza, Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher, and a pair of very close Ashy-throated Parrotbills, making this a very productive stop. For the remainder of the day, we drove into the mountains, and after some delays due to construction, reached our very comfortable hotel set right amidst the forests and streams of Labahe Reserve.

Before breakfast at the hotel, we walked along the main road and our sunrise start netted us several new species including, our first Claudia’s Leaf Warblers which proved common, a Brown Dipper along the stream, and a single Yellow-throated Bunting that showed briefly. After breakfast at the hotel, we took the earliest shuttle up the mountain, and this strategy paid off dividends when we spotted a male Lady Amherst’s Pheasant walking across the road. The bird stayed around for a few minutes, allowing us to study its improbable plumage at length. For the remainder of the day, we explored along the main road up and down the mountain, including some side trails, and racked up an Ashy-throated Parrotbill by Stephan Lorenz impressive list of species. Some of the best finds included Long-tailed Minivets, Spotted Nutcrackers, the diminutive Fire-capped Tit, and Yellow- browed, Coal, Grey-crested, and Green-backed Tits, Grey-hooded Fulvetta, Brown Parrotbill, Stripe- throated and White-collared Yuhinas, Elliot's Laughingthrush, Verditer, Slaty-backed and Rufous- gorgeted Flycatchers, Blue-fronted Redstart, the beautiful Gould's Sunbird, and Collared Grosbeak. We

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also found another Lady Amherst’s Pheasant that we could study in the scope for minutes on end. The mountain forests of China are famous for the diversity of warblers, and rightly so. We were able to admire singing individuals of several species, including Aberrant Bush, Ashy-throated, Sichuan Leaf, Bianchi's, Large-billed Leaf and skulking Brown Bush Warblers. Another highlight was seeing a Red Panda very close, this climbed out of the bamboo into a conifer where it went to sleep, allowing us to have endless scope views, what a find! We hopped onto one of the last shuttles that was heading down the mountain and returned to the hotel after what had been one of the biggest birding days of the tour so far.

After another short birding session before breakfast that yielded Red-billed Leiothrix, the endemic Yellow-bellied Tit, and a Kloss’s Lady Amherst’s Pheasant by Stephan Lorenz Leaf Warbler, we returned to the hotel for an elaborate buffet, and while eating, we even added the only Blue Rock Thrush of the trip in the clearing just beyond the windows. We then took the shuttle back up into the main part of the reserve and took a loop trail through extensive sections of a forest filled to the brim with bamboo. We concentrated our efforts on some of the skulks that prefer bamboo and kept an eye out for parrotbills. We were amply rewarded for our efforts, and during the hike found Chinese Wren-Babbler that hopped into the trail twice, Chestnut-headed Tesia, Yellow-bellied Bush Warbler, and the beautiful Golden-breasted Fulvetta. Some tapping led us to a Crimson-breasted Woodpecker and on a distant ridge, we spotted a calling Himalayan Cuckoo. We explored another stand of bamboo along a small side road, and finally found a pair of Fulvous Parrotbills that showed well. Unfortunately, a calling Firethroat nearby refused to show in the increasing rain. We gladly took the last shuttle back down to dry out in the hotel and dig into another delicious meal.

For our final morning in Labahe, we stayed with the routine and completed a short walk before breakfast that got us onto a very responsive Martens's Warbler. After breakfast, we walked up the eastern fork of the road, and Red Panda by Stephan Lorenz then hiked down a pleasant trail on the far side of the river. Despite having only a few targets, we still added a good variety of species to our list. Best of all was a male Slaty Bunting in a ravine that required a bit of off-trail walking, but this uncommon endemic showed very well. Other good finds included a calling Fujian Niltava, Indian Blue Robin, and a Little Forktail along the river. A Common Kestrel was seen during the drive out. We stopped for lunch in the first village outside of Labahe, and while the meal was being prepared, we walked into some secondary forest, adding the only Grey-crowned Warbler of the trip. From Labahe, we drove north for several hours, made a brief stop to resupply, and then headed towards the Wolong area. We reached the hotel at dusk, checked in, and had an early dinner in anticipation for tomorrow’s outing to the Balang Shan Pass area.

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It was a predawn start for the drive up the winding mountain road, that got us into position early to scan for pheasants since we had several on the list for the day. We set up near the tunnel where we had a field breakfast while scanning the slopes above and below. The first pheasants we saw was a pair of White Eared Pheasants on the green slope far below. The scope views were excellent, and they foraged contently the entire time we were there. Koklass Pheasants called but refused to show, and then we were alerted that Chinese Monals had been spotted. We moved quickly into the right spot and soon enjoyed scope views of a pair walking up a distant ridge, a magnificent bird even at a great distance. After such success, we walked along the tunnel area, adding several passerines, including great views of impressive Giant Laughingthrushes, Himalayan Bluetail, White-throated Redstart, Chestnut Thrush, Maroon-backed Accentor, White-winged Grosbeak, and Chinese White- browed and Dark-breasted Rosefinches. Yellow-bellied Bush Warbler by Stephan Lorenz

We continued to higher elevations around the actual pass and made a stop along the roadside, where fresh snow covered the slopes above and below. While we could hear Tibetan Snowcocks calling repeatedly, it took nearly an hour of dedicated scanning before we found them on the slope high above. Once we had located the pair, we were able to follow them and obtain great scope views for several minutes. Our success here was accented by a Bearded Vulture that drifted past at eye level, and Himalayan Vultures took to the air as the morning progressed. A bit higher, we carefully searched for Snow Partridge, finding Red-fronted Rosefinch and eventually a partridge that showed briefly atop a ridge right above us. At the highest point in the road, Alpine and Red-billed Choughs were wheeling in the clear air. We crossed the pass and began birding our way downslope on the far side, picking up another Tibetan Snowcock, Alpine Accentor, and Brandt’s Mountain Finch. Our most productive stop was in drier scrub further down, where two dozen Snow Pigeons fed on the slopes. We scoped three male Grandala feeding on the other side of the valley, offering superb scope views of their intense blue plumage against the green pasture. We walked to a particularly productive patch in the scrub and saw White- browed Tit-Warbler, Alpine Leaf Warbler, Chinese Rubythroat, Rufous-breasted Accentor, and Pink-rumped Rosefinch. A bit of extra time along a stream nearby resulted in great views of a confiding White-throated Dipper. As we crossed the pass again and descended on the far side, we finally got onto a flock of Plain Mountain Finches. We gladly rested a bit in the rooms and then had an early dinner after spending all day at relatively high Golden-breasted Fulvetta by Stephan Lorenz elevations.

This was our final morning of the main tour, and we returned to the tunnel area at Balang Shan Pass in order to look for some of the pheasants we had missed the previous day. It was difficult going for most

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of the morning, with dense fog coming and going, but we did manage to find some great birds in the intermittent clear patches. We did see a brief Koklass Pheasant that flushed all too quickly and after much effort and patience, a pair of Verreaux's Monal-Partridges flew downslope and showed well. Other highlights as we worked our way down the road included a Golden Eagle, Northern Goshawk, uncommon Chinese Fulvetta, a pair of Golden Bush Robins near the tunnel with the male hopping into the open, two secretive Chinese Thrushes further down, and singing Common Rosefinches. We all agreed that it had been a challenging morning weather-wise, but we still nabbed some excellent additions for the list. During the afternoon, we returned to Chengdu and enjoyed a celebratory feast, reminiscing about the adventures, and going through the difficult task of picking everyone’s favorite birds. The following morning some continued to Xining for the Qinghai Extension while we wished others well for their journey home. Slaty Bunting by Stephan Lorenz

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Annotated List of species recorded Note: Number in brackets ( ) indicate number of days on the tour the species was recorded. List powered through the report generator of our partner iGoTerra.

Birds (270 in total: 262 seen, 8 heard) Nomenclature and follows Gill, F and D Donsker (Eds). 2018. IOC World Bird List (v8.1). Status codes: E = Endemic, NE = Near-endemic, I = Introduced IUCN codes: CR = Critically endangered, EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EW = Extinct in the Wild, NT = Near Threatened, DD = Data Deficient

Ducks, Geese & Swans Anatidae Bar-headed Goose Anser indicus (1) 1 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. One flying over at the Minjiang Estuary was out of place. Mandarin Duck Aix galericulata (3) 5 Emei Feng 4.5, 1 Emei Feng 6.5 and 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. We saw them in the Emi Feng area, but the best scope views of a male were near Wuyishan. Eastern Spot-billed Duck Anas zonorhyncha (3) 4 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5, 4 en route 6.5 and 2 en route 7.5. Pairs seen well especially near Minjiang.

Pheasants, Grouse, and Allies Phasianidae Snow Partridge Lerwa lerwa (1) 1 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. After much effort we finally spotted one as it looked down at us from a steep ridge, the views were brief but we all got onto it. Verreaux's Monal-Partridge Tetraophasis obscurus (1) 2 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Finally a pair responded well and came downslope near the tunnel at Balang Shan. Tibetan Snowcock Tetraogallus tibetanus (1) 3 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. Great views of three in the end after much scanning of the snow covered slopes either side of the Balang Shan pass. White-necklaced Partridge (VU) Arborophila gingica (3) Up to 5 Emei Feng 4-6.5. We heard them often around Emei Feng, but after much effort in the denser forest only managed a glimpse of this secretive species. Chinese Bamboo Partridge Bambusicola thoracicus (4) Up to 2 Emei Feng 3-6.5. Great views of pairs along the road to Emei Feng, feeding right in the open. Blood Pheasant Ithaginis cruentus (1) 1 heard Balang Shan Pass 13.5. Heard only in the Balang Shan area. Cabot's Tragopan (VU) Tragopan caboti (3) Up to 15 Emei Feng 4-6.5. We enjoyed many close views and an incredible number of sightings around Emei Feng.

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Koklass Pheasant Pucrasia macrolopha (2) Up to 2 Balang Shan Pass 13-14.5. We heard them near the tunnel area at Balang Shan and some caught a glimpse of one flying off. Chinese Monal Lophophorus lhuysii (1) 2 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. A pair scoped as they walked up the slope and then the male was seen brilliantly standing still on a ridge above us. Silver Pheasant Lophura nycthemera (2) 4 Emei Feng 4.5 and 1 Emei Feng 5.5. Great views of several immature males on the road up to Emei Feng. White Eared Pheasant (NT) Crossoptilon crossoptilon (1) 2 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. Distant but good scope views on the grassy slope at Balang Shan. Elliot's Pheasant (NT) Syrmaticus ellioti (1) 2 Emei Feng 4.5. Fantastic views of a male and female along the main road to Emei Feng, the male even briefly displayed right by the side of the road. Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus (2) 1 en route 3.5 and 1 en route 7.5. Seen well in a field along the road. Golden Pheasant Chrysolophus pictus (1) 1 heard Balang Shan Pass 13.5. Heard only once calling lower down the mountain at Balang Shan. Lady Amherst's Pheasant Chrysolophus amherstiae (3) Up to 4 Labahe NR 10-12.5. Great views of a male from the shuttle while going up at Labahe and then another scoped well while walking down the road.

Grebes Podicipedidae Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis poggei (3) 1 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5, 2 en route 7.5 and 1 Chengdu--Baihuatan Park 9.5. Good views in the wetlands at Minjiang and then seen well in the park at Chengdu. Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus cristatus (1) 3 en route 8.5. Seen only while traveling through a large wetland.

Ibises, Spoonbills Threskiornithidae Black-faced Spoonbill Platalea minor (1) 1 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Seen distantly in flight at Minjiang.

Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns Ardeidae Black Bittern Dupetor flavicollis flavicollis (1) 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. A surprise addition to the trip list while searching for parrotbills one flew over giving good flight views. Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax nycticorax (4) 2 Emei Feng 3.5 and 2 en route 8.5. Widespread and several seen in Fujian.

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Striated Heron Butorides striata (1) 3 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. Seen only in flight along the large bridge near Wuyishan. Chinese Pond Heron Ardeola bacchus (6) 2 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5, up to 20 Emei Feng 6-8.5 and 1 Labahe NR 12.5. Common and widespread. Eastern Cattle Egret Bubulcus coromandus Observed 6 day(s) in total. Widespread. Grey Heron Ardea cinerea (2) 2 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Seen well at the estuary. Great Egret Ardea alba (4) 2 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5, 1 en route 3.5 and 3 en route 6.5. Fairly common and widespread. Little Egret Egretta garzetta garzetta (6) 20 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5 and 1 Emei Feng 6.5. Fairly common and widespread. Chinese Egret (VU) Egretta eulophotes (1) 1 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. One of these rare egrets was seen along the beach from the boat as we were leaving the river mouth and seen again near a pond at Minjiang.

Osprey Pandionidae Western Osprey Pandion haliaetus haliaetus (1) 1 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Seen briefly at Minjiang.

Kites, Hawks & Eagles Accipitridae Bearded Vulture (NT) Gypaetus barbatus barbatus (2) 1 Balang Shan Pass 13.5 and 1 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Great views at eye level as one soared right past our vantage point high in the Balang Shan Mountains. Crested Honey Buzzard Pernis ptilorhynchus (2) 2 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5 and 1 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. Seen soaring high above Fuzhou Forest Park. Black Baza Aviceda leuphotes syama (1) 2 en route 9.5. Great views of a pair near our lunch stop when we walked a short trail across the river. Himalayan Vulture (NT) Gyps himalayensis (2) 10 Balang Shan Pass 13.5 and 20 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Common in the Balang Shan Mountains. Crested Serpent Eagle Spilornis cheela (1) 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. Good views of a calling bird along the river trail while we searched for parrotbills. Mountain Hawk-Eagle Nisaetus nipalensis nipalensis (3) 2 Emei Feng 2.5, 1 Emei Feng 3.5 and 1 Labahe NR 10.5. Not uncommon but distant views in the mountains.

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Black Eagle Ictinaetus malaiensis malaiensis (4) 1 Emei Feng 2.5, 1 Emei Feng 4.5, 1 Emei Feng 5.5 and 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. Great views in the Emei Feng area as it quartered along a slope in typical flight for this species. Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos (1) 1 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Distant views of one individual along the lower slopes of the Balang Shan Mountains, soaring with vultures. Chinese Sparrowhawk Accipiter soloensis (4) 2 Emei Feng 6.5, 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5, 3 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5 and 2 en route 9.5. Fairly common and perching conspicuously along roads and field edges. Besra Accipiter virgatus affinis (1) 1 Labahe NR 10.5. Seen distantly in Labahe. Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus (1) 1 Labahe NR 10.5. Distant views of a soaring bird in Labahe. Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis (1) 1 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Great views of a perched and hunting bird right by the tunnel at Balang Shan. Black Kite Milvus migrans (1) 2 en route 3.5. The "Black-eared" subspecies was only seen in flight while traveling. Upland Buzzard Buteo hemilasius (1) 1 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Distant views soaring on a high ridge at Balang Shan.

Rails, Crakes & Coots Rallidae White-breasted Waterhen Amaurornis phoenicurus phoenicurus (2) 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5 and 1 Labahe NR 11.5. Seen briefly in a roadside wetland and then surprisingly one flushed across a stream in Labahe. Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus chloropus (3) 4 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5, 2 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5 and 2 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5. Widespread in wetlands.

Plovers and Lapwings Charadriidae Grey-headed Lapwing Vanellus cinereus (1) 3 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5. Seen in one field near Wuyishan as we birded the edge of town. Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva (1) 1 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. A single noted at Minjiang Estuary. Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola (1) 20 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Distant views among the large shorebird flock that was being harassed by Peregrine Falcons at Minjiang. Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii leschenaultii (1) 10 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Distant views in flight only.

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Sandpipers and Allies Scolopacidae Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus (1) 2 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Good views along the edge of the river mouth as we motored into the estuary. Eurasian Curlew (NT) Numenius arquata orientalis (1) 1 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Brief flight views right over our heads at Minjiang. Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica (1) 3 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Distant views in the large shorebird flock at Minjiang. Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres interpres (1) 6 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Distant views in the whirlwind of shorebirds kicked up by the Peregrine Falcons. Great Knot (VU) Calidris tenuirostris (1) 2 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Picked out among the distant shorebird flock at Minjiang. Red Knot Calidris canutus (1) 5 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Distant views in the Minjiang shorebird flock. Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis (1) 50 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Common and numerous at the Minjiang Estuary. Dunlin Calidris alpina (1) 20 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Numerous at the Minjiang Estuary. Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus (1) 5 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Good views along the banks of the channel as we motored into the Minjiang Estuary. Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos (1) 2 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Seen briefly, but well along the muddy margins in the Minjiang Estuary. Common Redshank Tringa totanus (1) 1 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. A single seen well Minjiang. Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus (1) 1 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Great views of a breeding plumaged bird at Minjiang. Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia (2) 20 Minjiang Estuary 2.5 and 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. Fairly common at the Minjiang Estuary with many good views.

Pratincoles and Coursers Glareolidae Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum (1) 2 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Two flew past the boat as we waited in the Minjiang Estuary for terns.

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Gulls, Terns & Skimmers Laridae Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris (1) 3 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Good views of at least one individual in the Minjiang Estuary. Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica (1) 2 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Feeding above the freshwater marshes at the Minjiang Estuary. Greater Crested Tern Thalasseus bergii (1) 30 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Common at the Minjiang Estuary as we scrutinized every tern in sight. Little Tern Sternula albifrons (1) 10 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Fairly common in flight at Minjiang. Common Tern Sterna hirundo (1) 10 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. A few scattered birds seen at Minjiang. Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida hybrida (2) 50 Minjiang Estuary 2.5 and 5 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5. Abundant at Minjiang with large flocks feeding above the impoundments. White-winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus (1) 20 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Common and mixed in with previous species.

Pigeons and Doves Columbidae Rock Dove Columba livia Observed 3 day(s) in total. Widespread, but not common. Snow Pigeon Columba leuconota gradaria (2) 40 Balang Shan Pass 13.5 and 3 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Incredible views of a sizable flock as we descended the far side of Balang Shan Pass with several birds allowing close approach as they fed on the ground. Oriental Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis (4) 6 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5, 4 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5, 1 Labahe NR 10.5 and 2 Labahe NR 11.5. Widespread, but never numerous yet many good views of this large dove. Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis (5) 2 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5 and 8 Chengdu--Baihuatan Park 9.5. Common and widespread. Barred Cuckoo-Dove Macropygia unchall (1) 3 Fuzhou--Forest Park 3.5. Seen in flight at Fuzhou Forest Park and seen perched briefly as we reached the far end of the trail.

Cuckoos Cuculidae Large Hawk-Cuckoo Hierococcyx sparverioides (8) Up to 3 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2-3.5, up to 1 Emei Feng 4-6.5 and up to 1 Labahe NR 10-12.5. Common and widespread by voice, we heard the call nearly daily and seen well once at the higher part of the trail at Fuzhou Forest Park.

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Himalayan Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus (1) 1 Labahe NR 11.5. Heard in the distance and picked out on a bare tree on a high ridge, we could clearly see and hear it vocalize. Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus (1) 1 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. Great views of one calling from a wire high up in the Balang Shan Mountains.

Owls Strigidae Oriental Scops Owl Otus sunia (2) 2 heard Emei Feng 3.5 and 1 heard Emei Feng 4.5. Heard only near the accommodations at Emei Feng. Collared Owlet Glaucidium brodiei brodiei (2) 1 heard Fuzhou--Forest Park 3.5 and 1 heard Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. Heard only distantly at Fuzhou and Wuyishan. Asian Barred Owlet Glaucidium cuculoides (1) 1 Emei Feng 6.5. Great views of one on a wire as we were leaving Emei Feng. Northern Boobook Ninox japonica (1) 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 6.5. Great views of a roosting individual in the large camphor tree that also held the laughingthrushes, we scoped the snoozing bird from the elevated terrace.

Swifts Apodidae Pacific Swift Apus pacificus (1) 5 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5. High flying birds on the outskirts of town in the Wuyishan area. House Swift Apus nipalensis nipalensis (5) 1 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5, 1 Emei Feng 3.5, 1 Emei Feng 6.5, 2 Emei Feng 7.5 and 4 en route 8.5. Widespread but never numerous.

Rollers Coraciidae Oriental Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis cyanocollis (2) 3 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5 and 2 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5. A few seen well in the open lowlands around Wuyishan.

Kingfishers Alcedinidae Black-capped Kingfisher Halcyon pileata (1) 2 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. A great surprise along the river where we hiked the trail to the bamboo patch outside of Wuyishan. Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis (3) 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5, 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5 and 1 Chengdu--Baihuatan Park 9.5. Uncommon and seen in the Wuyishan area and close views at the park in Chengdu. Crested Kingfisher Megaceryle lugubris guttulata (1) 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. Another surprise and seen well at the Pied Falconet site where a bird flew in and perched on a wire across the river for great views.

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Asian Barbets Megalaimidae Great Barbet Psilopogon virens (3) 6 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5 and 1 Emei Feng 5.5. Common at the Fuzhou Forest Park where many calling birds were scoped.

Woodpeckers Picidae Speckled Piculet Picumnus innominatus (1) 1 heard Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. The drumming was heard only along the bamboo trail outside of Wuyishan. Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker Yungipicus canicapillus (1) 2 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5. Good views on the edge of town in the Wuyishan area. Crimson-breasted Woodpecker Dryobates cathpharius (1) 2 Labahe NR 11.5. Excellent views along the loop trail in Labahe. Rufous Woodpecker Micropternus brachyurus (2) 1 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5 and 1 Fuzhou--Forest Park 3.5. Good but brief views in Fuzhou Forest Park, first perched and then seen in flight the following day.

Falcons and Caracaras Falconidae Pied Falconet Microhierax melanoleucos (1) 2 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. Great views of a pair from the rooftop of a local restaurant where the birds regularly perch on provided branches. Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus (1) 1 Labahe NR 12.5. Seen along the main road as we were leaving Labahe. Amur Falcon Falco amurensis (1) 2 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5. Good views of birds perched on tall wires outside of Wuyishan, an uncommon migrant through the area. Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus (1) 2 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Seen distantly harassing shorebirds at Minjiang.

Cuckoo-shrikes Campephagidae Swinhoe's Minivet Pericrocotus cantonensis (2) 2 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5 and 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5. Great views of a pair coming close and even perching on the bridge right in front of us outside of Wuyishan. Grey-chinned Minivet Pericrocotus solaris (3) 1 Fuzhou--Forest Park 3.5, 1 Emei Feng 4.5 and 1 Emei Feng 5.5. Good views in Fuzhou and Emei Feng. Long-tailed Minivet Pericrocotus ethologus (4) Up to 6 Labahe NR 10-12.5 and 2 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. The common minivet of higher mountains in the west. Scarlet Minivet Pericrocotus speciosus (2) 2 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5 and 2 Fuzhou--Forest Park 3.5. Great views of this stunning bird in Fuzhou Forest Park.

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Shrikes Laniidae Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus (2) 2 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5 and 1 Labahe NR 12.5. A few sighted in lowland agricultural areas outside of Wuyishan and Labahe. Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach (4) 1 en route 2.5 and up to 2 en route 6-8.5. The most widespread shrike of the tour. Grey-backed Shrike Lanius tephronotus (4) 1 Labahe NR 10.5, 1 Labahe NR 12.5, 1 Balang Shan Pass 13.5 and 1 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Fairly common at higher elevations.

Vireos, Greenlets Vireonidae Blyth's Shrike-Babbler Pteruthius aeralatus (1) 1 Emei Feng 4.5. Great views of a singing bird on the edge of the open area at Emei Feng and we enjoyed unbeatable scope views.

Drongos Dicruridae Black Drongo Dicrurus macrocercus cathoecus (3) 1 en route 8.5, 1 Labahe NR 11.5 and 1 en route 12.5. Seen while traveling and then the best views from the hotel parking lot at Labahe. Ashy Drongo Dicrurus leucophaeus (1) 4 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5. Good views during our morning session on the outskirts of Wuyishan.

Crows, Jays, and Magpies Corvidae Eurasian Jay Garrulus glandarius (3) 2 Emei Feng 5.5, 1 Emei Feng 6.5 and 4 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5. Good views in the Emei Feng area and the outskirts of Wuyishan. Red-billed Blue Magpie Urocissa erythroryncha (9) 6 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5, 2 Emei Feng 5.5, 1 Emei Feng 6.5, 4 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5 and up to 6 Labahe NR 10-12.5. Widespread and common in the mountains. Grey Treepie Dendrocitta formosae (3) 4 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5 and 2 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5. Seen very well at Fuzhou Forest Park. Eurasian Magpie Pica pica (2) 2 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5 and 2 en route 8.5. Best seen near a probable nest at Minjiang. Spotted Nutcracker Nucifraga caryocatactes (2) 3 Labahe NR 10.5 and 4 Labahe NR 11.5. Great views of perched birds at the higher spots along the road in Labahe. Red-billed Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax (1) 20 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. Excellent views at the highest point of the Balang Shan Pass, feeding with Snow Pigeons! Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus forsythi (1) 5 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. Seen well in the Balang Shan Pass area.

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Large-billed Crow Corvus macrorhynchos (5) Up to 10 Labahe NR 10-12.5. Common and widespread in the foothills. Northern Raven Corvus corax (1) 2 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Seen well at Balang Shan Pass.

Fairy Flycatchers Stenostiridae Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher Culicicapa ceylonensis calochrysea (3) 2 en route 9.5, 2 Labahe NR 11.5 and 1 Labahe NR 12.5. Frequently seen in mid-elevation forests.

Tits, Chickadees Paridae Fire-capped Tit Cephalopyrus flammiceps olivaceus (2) 4 Labahe NR 10.5 and 2 Labahe NR 11.5. Multiple great views of this stunning small bird in the forests of Labahe. Yellow-browed Tit Sylviparus modestus modestus (2) 4 Labahe NR 10.5 and 4 Labahe NR 11.5. Common in Labahe where it often responded to the owl calls. Coal Tit Periparus ater (3) 3 Labahe NR 10.5, 2 Labahe NR 11.5 and 1 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Uncommon in Labahe with several good views. Yellow-bellied Tit Pardaliparus venustulus (2) 2 Labahe NR 11.5 and 3 Labahe NR 12.5. Great views of this endemic around the cabins in Labahe where one came in and almost landed on our heads. Grey Crested Tit Lophophanes dichrous (1) 1 Labahe NR 10.5. Brief but good views along a side trail in Labahe where we had a large mobbing flock come in to the owl calls. Japanese Tit Parus minor (6) 4 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5, 2 Emei Feng 5.5, 1 Emei Feng 6.5, 4 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5, 4 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5 and 3 en route 9.5. The most common and widespread tit species on the tour. Green-backed Tit Parus monticolus (5) 2 en route 9.5, up to 6 Labahe NR 10-12.5 and 1 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Common and noisy in the mountains with a pair nesting in the visitor center parking lot in Labahe. Yellow-cheeked Tit Machlolophus spilonotus (3) Up to 2 Emei Feng 4-6.5. This stunning bird was seen well around the Emei Feng area.

Bulbuls Pycnonotidae Collared Finchbill Spizixos semitorques semitorques (8) 2 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5, 3 Fuzhou--Forest Park 3.5, 2 Emei Feng 6.5, 8 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5, 4 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5, 2 Labahe NR 10.5 and 1 Labahe NR 12.5. A really neat looking bulbul and common in low to mid-elevations. Red-whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus (2) 1 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5 and 1 Fuzhou--Forest Park 3.5. Only seen a few in the Fuzhou area, but the views we had were excellent.

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Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis (6) 2 Fuzhou--Forest Park 3.5 and up to 4 Wuyishan--Nanping 6-8.5. Common in lowlands. Mountain Bulbul Ixos mcclellandii (4) 1 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5, 1 Fuzhou--Forest Park 3.5, 4 Emei Feng 4.5 and 4 Emei Feng 5.5. Many noted in Fuzhou and Emei Feng, often in fruiting trees. Chestnut Bulbul Hemixos castanonotus (5) 1 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5, 2 Fuzhou--Forest Park 3.5, 6 Emei Feng 4.5, 2 Emei Feng 5.5 and 2 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. Great views of this colorful bulbul in various mid elevation forests. Black Bulbul Hypsipetes leucocephalus (5) 6 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5, 4 Fuzhou--Forest Park 3.5, 2 Emei Feng 4.5 and 4 Emei Feng 5.5. Common and noisy in mid elevation forests.

Swallows Hirundinidae Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica (9) 1 Emei Feng 4.5 and 2 Emei Feng 5.5. Widespread and common. Eurasian Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris (1) 5 Labahe NR 12.5. Flying high above our hotel at Labahe one morning. Asian House Martin Delichon dasypus (6) 10 Emei Feng 4.5, 20 Emei Feng 5.5, 40 Labahe NR 10.5 and 10 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. The common swallow species in the mountains, with birds trying to nest at the temple in Emei Feng. Red-rumped Swallow Cecropis daurica (5) 4 Emei Feng 5.5. Seen well at lower elevations with the best views of several perched on a wire at the lowest part of the road at Emei Feng.

Cupwings Pnoepygidae Chinese Wren-Babbler Pnoepyga mutica (2) Up to 1 Labahe NR 10-11.5. Great views of one repeatedly hopping into the trail in Labahe. Pygmy Wren-Babbler Pnoepyga pusilla pusilla (1) 1 heard Labahe NR 11.5. Heard only distantly in an inaccessible patch of forest in Labahe.

Cettia Bush Warblers and allies Cettiidae Rufous-faced Warbler Abroscopus albogularis (4) 3 Emei Feng 4.5, 1 heard Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5, 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5 and 1 en route 9.5. Common and vocal. Brown-flanked Bush Warbler Horornis fortipes (2) 1 heard Minjiang Estuary 2.5 and 1 heard en route 6.5. Heard only near Minjiang and another while making a fuel stop. Yellow-bellied Bush Warbler Horornis acanthizoides acanthizoides (1) 1 Labahe NR 11.5. Great views of one that came in close in the dense bamboo in Labahe.

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Aberrant Bush Warbler Horornis flavolivaceus intricatus (2) 2 Labahe NR 10.5 and 5 Labahe NR 11.5. Common in the bamboo in the higher portions of Labahe. Chestnut-headed Tesia Cettia castaneocoronata (2) Up to 1 Labahe NR 10-11.5. Eventually we all managed a view of this skulker along the loop trail in Labahe.

Long-tailed Tits Aegithalidae Black-throated Bushtit Aegithalos concinnus (5) Up to 15 Emei Feng 4-6.5 and 10 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. This flocking bird showed well several times. Black-browed Bushtit Aegithalos bonvaloti (2) 4 Labahe NR 10.5 and 2 Labahe NR 11.5. Picked out along the road in Labahe for great views. White-browed Tit-Warbler Leptopoecile sophiae (1) 2 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. Wow, this neat bird came in close in the dry scrub on the far side of Balang Shan Pass.

Leaf warblers and allies Phylloscopidae Alpine Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus occisinensis (1) 1 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. The bird perched up and sang in the scrub on the far side of Balang Shan Pass. Buff-throated Warbler Phylloscopus subaffinis (1) 1 Emei Feng 4.5. Great views in the higher clearing at Emei Feng where it eventually sat on top of the small conifers to sing in full view. Buff-barred Warbler Phylloscopus pulcher pulcher (3) 1 Labahe NR 11.5, 5 Balang Shan Pass 13.5 and 1 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. One seen well in Labahe and then common in the Balang Shan area. Ashy-throated Warbler Phylloscopus maculipennis maculipennis (3) Up to 2 Labahe NR 10-12.5. Uncommon in the Labahe area, but we saw them well, often responding to the owl calls. Hume's Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus humei (2) 1 Chengdu--Baihuatan Park 9.5 and 1 Labahe NR 12.5. A migrant seen briefly in the park in Chengdu and another seen in Labahe. Greenish Warbler Phylloscopus trochiloides (2) 1 Balang Shan Pass 13.5 and 1 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Only noted in the Balang Shan area next to the tunnel. Large-billed Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus magnirostris (3) Up to 6 Labahe NR 10-12.5. Common and vocal in Labahe. Claudia's Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus claudiae (4) Up to 10 Labahe NR 10-12.5 and 2 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Abundant in Labahe where it was the most widespread warbler, also noted in the Balang Shan area. Hartert's Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus goodsoni (2) 1 Emei Feng 4.5 and 1 Emei Feng 5.5. Great views near the accommodations at Emei Feng of this range-restricted and distinct warbler, it came in and sang right in front of us.

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Kloss's Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus ogilviegranti (2) 1 Labahe NR 11.5 and 1 heard Labahe NR 12.5. Good views of a singing bird around the cabins in Labahe that eventually came in and showed well in a tall tree. Sichuan Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus forresti (4) Up to 20 Labahe NR 10-12.5 and 1 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. This small species was common in Labahe with many great views. Sulphur-breasted Warbler Phylloscopus ricketti (1) 1 Emei Feng 4.5. One responsive bird seen well along the road in Labahe. White-spectacled Warbler Seicercus affinis (2) 3 Emei Feng 4.5 and 2 heard Emei Feng 5.5. Seen well near the highest point at Emei Feng. Grey-crowned Warbler Seicercus tephrocephalus (1) 2 Labahe NR 12.5. Seen well in the shrubby lower portions of Emei Feng as we were leaving and did a short walk before lunch in the village. Bianchi's Warbler Seicercus valentini (2) 2 Labahe NR 10.5 and 5 Labahe NR 11.5. Common at the higher elevations in Labahe. Martens's Warbler Seicercus omeiensis (1) 2 Labahe NR 12.5. Good views of a singing bird along the road below the hotel in Labahe. Alström's Warbler Seicercus soror (1) 1 Labahe NR 9.5. Brief views along the river at the lowest portion in the road as we began the drive up towards Labahe and had to wait for construction. Chestnut-crowned Warbler Seicercus castaniceps (2) 2 Emei Feng 4.5 and 1 Labahe NR 12.5. Seen well along the road in Emei Feng.

Grassbirds and allies Locustellidae Russet Bush Warbler Locustella mandelli (1) 1 Emei Feng 5.5. Great views of one singing in a low bush right by the accommodations in Emei Feng. Brown Bush Warbler Locustella luteoventris (2) 1 Emei Feng 4.5 and 1+1 heard Labahe NR 10.5. Good views for all as one emerged along the roadside in Labahe.

Cisticolas and allies Cisticolidae Zitting Cisticola Cisticola juncidis (1) 1 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Seen in flight in Minjiang area. Yellow-bellied Prinia Prinia flaviventris (2) 2 Minjiang Estuary 2.5 and 2 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. Seen in reeds and scrubby areas Minjiang and Wuyishan. Plain Prinia Prinia inornata (2) 1 Minjiang Estuary 2.5 and 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. Seen in reed and scrubby areas Minjiang and Wuyishan.

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Common Tailorbird Orthotomus sutorius (1) 1 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5. One seen well as we walked into the Fuzhou Forest Park.

Babblers Timaliidae Grey-sided Scimitar Babbler Pomatorhinus swinhoei (2) 3 Fuzhou--Forest Park 3.5 and 1 heard Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. Great views along the trail in Fuzhou Forest Park. Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler Pomatorhinus ruficollis (1) 4 Emei Feng 4.5. Good views in the Emei Feng area. Rufous-capped Babbler Stachyridopsis ruficeps (2) 6 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5 and 1 en route 9.5. The best views among feeding flocks in Wuyishan.

Fulvettas, Ground Babblers Pellorneidae Dusky Fulvetta Alcippe brunnea (2) 1 heard Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5 and 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5. Eventually we lured one into view on the edge of dense forest our final morning in the Wuyishan area. Huet's Fulvetta Alcippe hueti (6) 2 Fuzhou--Forest Park 3.5, up to 2 Emei Feng 4-6.5 and 2 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5. The most common fulvetta.

Laughingthrushes Leiothrichidae Chinese Hwamei Garrulax canorus (3) 1 heard Emei Feng 4.5, 2 Emei Feng 5.5 and 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. Great scope views of one singing along the edge of a field as we hiked towards the bamboo in the Wuyishan area. Moustached Laughingthrush Garrulax cineraceus (2) 2 Emei Feng 6.5 and 2 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. Brief views in the forest patch above the accommodations in Emei Feng and better views in the bamboo forest near Wuyishan. Giant Laughingthrush Garrulax maximus (2) 4 Balang Shan Pass 13.5 and 4 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Multiple great views of this massive bird near the tunnel at Balang Shan. Masked Laughingthrush Garrulax perspicillatus (2) 3 Minjiang Estuary 2.5 and 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. Good views of three in Minjiang that perched in the open in a willow. Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush Garrulax pectoralis (1) 3 Emei Feng 6.5. Brief views of a group flying downslope in the clearing above the accommodations at Minjiang. Blue-crowned Laughingthrush (CR) Garrulax courtoisi (2) 15 Wuyishan--Nanping 6.5 and 8 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5. Fantastic views of this critically endangered species in the camphor tree from the terrace and again on their protected nesting island in the Wuyishan area. Buffy Laughingthrush Garrulax berthemyi (2) 2 Emei Feng 4.5 and 2 Emei Feng 5.5. Good views in the forest patch at Emei Feng.

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White-browed Laughingthrush Garrulax sannio (1) 15 Chengdu--Baihuatan Park 9.5. Common in the Chengdu Parks with birds on the open lawns. Elliot's Laughingthrush Trochalopteron elliotii (4) 2 Labahe NR 10.5, 2 Labahe NR 11.5, 2 Balang Shan Pass 13.5 and 2 heard Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Common by voice and several good views in Labahe and Balang Shan areas. Red-billed Leiothrix Leiothrix lutea (1) 1 Labahe NR 11.5. Great views of one near the cabins in Labahe.

Sylviid Babblers Golden-breasted Fulvetta Lioparus chrysotis (1) 4 Labahe NR 11.5. Wow, a stunning bird and it came very close along the loop trail in Labahe. Chinese Fulvetta Fulvetta striaticollis (1) 1 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Brief but good views by the tunnel in the Balang Shan area with the bird popping into view just downslope from us. Grey-hooded Fulvetta Fulvetta cinereiceps (2) 2 Labahe NR 10.5 and 1 Labahe NR 11.5. Seen well a few times in Labahe. Brown Parrotbill Cholornis unicolor (2) 2 Labahe NR 10.5 and 4 Labahe NR 11.5. Seen well in the extensive stands of bamboo in Labahe. Vinous-throated Parrotbill Sinosuthora webbiana (1) 8 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. An active flock found at the Short-tailed Parrotbill site, the birds came close and offered great views. Ashy-throated Parrotbill Sinosuthora alphonsiana (1) 4 en route 9.5. Great views along the stream near our lunch stop where we took a walk along the edge of the village. Fulvous Parrotbill fulvifrons (1) 2 Labahe NR 11.5. After much effort scouring the endless bamboo at Labahe we found a pair along a side trail near the end of the day, success! Short-tailed Parrotbill Neosuthora davidiana davidiana (1) 4 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. After much searching at the traditional site, we switched tactics and found at least two pairs along a side road near Wuyishan for great views of this rare parrotbill. Grey-headed Parrotbill Psittiparus gularis (1) 4 Fuzhou--Forest Park 3.5. The first came in right above our heads on the small bridge along the trail in Fuzhou Forest Park.

White-eyes Zosteropidae Indochinese Yuhina Yuhina torqueola (2) 6 Emei Feng 4.5 and 5 Emei Feng 5.5. Fairly common around Emi Feng with multiple good views.

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Stripe-throated Yuhina Yuhina gularis (2) 4 Labahe NR 10.5 and 4 Labahe NR 11.5. A few seen well along the road in Labahe. White-collared Yuhina Yuhina diademata (2) 10 Labahe NR 10.5 and 4 Labahe NR 11.5. Seen well in Labahe where it was fairly common. Black-chinned Yuhina Yuhina nigrimenta (2) 15 Emei Feng 4.5 and 2 Emei Feng 5.5. Common in flocks in the Emi Feng area. Japanese White-eye Zosterops japonicus (3) 2 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5, 4 en route 9.5 and 2 Labahe NR 11.5. The only white-eye of the tour, uncommon.

Elachuras Elachuridae Spotted Elachura Elachura formosa (1) 1 Emei Feng 5.5. After we worked our way into the bamboo and got better views of the brush pile, we had excellent studies of this small secretive species.

Nuthatches Sittidae Chestnut-vented Nuthatch Sitta nagaensis (2) 2 Labahe NR 10.5 and 1 Labahe NR 12.5. One or two responded to the owl calls at Labahe.

Treecreepers Certhiidae Hodgson's Treecreeper Certhia hodgsoni (1) 1 Labahe NR 11.5. A treecreeper seen briefly along the loop trail in Labahe was likely this species.

Starlings Sturnidae Crested Myna Acridotheres cristatellus (6) 1 Emei Feng 3.5. Widespread in towns and cities, common. Common Myna Acridotheres tristis (1) 1 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. One seen in the wetland and agricultural area at Minjiang was out of range or maybe spreading. Red-billed Starling Spodiopsar sericeus (3) 10 Wuyishan--Nanping 6.5 and 2 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5. Common in open lowlands in the east. Black-collared Starling Gracupica nigricollis (3) 4 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5, 1 en route 7.5 and 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5. Seen well in open lowlands in the east. Daurian Starling Agropsar sturninus (1) 1 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Seen briefly in flight in the wetland and agricultural areas at Minjiang. White-shouldered Starling Sturnia sinensis (1) 2 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Seen well in the wetland and agricultural areas at Minjiang.

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Thrushes and Allies Turdidae White's Thrush Zoothera aurea (1) 1 Emei Feng 5.5. A rare and surprising find along the road in Labahe, at best an uncommon migrant in the area. Grandala Grandala coelicolor (1) 3 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. A fantastic bird to catch up with as we scoped up to three males foraging on an open slope on the far side of the Balang Shan Pass. Chinese Blackbird Turdus mandarinus (6) 2 Wuyishan--Nanping 6.5 and 2 en route 12.5. Fairly common and widespread. Chestnut Thrush Turdus rubrocanus (2) 2 Balang Shan Pass 13.5 and 1 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Repeated good views in the Balang Shan area. Eyebrowed Thrush Turdus obscurus (1) 1 Emei Feng 4.5. Leader only, seen briefly in the Emei Feng area. Chinese Thrush Turdus mupinensis (1) 2 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. We found two of these shy birds foraging on the slope below the road at slightly lower elevation in the Balang Shan area.

Chats, Old World Flycatchers Muscicapidae Oriental Magpie-Robin Copsychus saularis saularis (4) 1 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5, 1 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5, 2 Wuyishan--Nanping 6.5 and 2 Wuyishan-- Nanping 7.5. Common and widespread. Fujian Niltava Niltava davidi (1) 1 Labahe NR 12.5. We tracked down a singing male during our final morning in Labahe along the riverside trail and it offered great views. Verditer Flycatcher Eumyias thalassinus thalassinus (3) Up to 2 Labahe NR 10-12.5. Seen well perched up in Labahe area. White-browed Shortwing Brachypteryx montana (2) Up to 2 Labahe NR 10-11.5. Heard in the dense bamboo along the loop trail in Labahe with birds flushing briefly across the trail. Indian Blue Robin Larvivora brunnea brunnea (1) 1 Labahe NR 12.5. Fantastic views of a male singing along the riverside trail our final morning in Labahe. Chinese Rubythroat Calliope tschebaiewi (1) 1 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. Great views of one perched up in the dry scrub on the far side of the Balang Shan Pass. Firethroat Calliope pectardens (1) 1 heard Labahe NR 11.5. Heard loud and clear in Labahe, but the bird would not emerge into the open in the heavy rain.

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Himalayan Bluetail Tarsiger rufilatus (1) 2 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. Good views in the Balang Shan area. Golden Bush Robin Tarsiger chrysaeus chrysaeus (1) 2 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Great views of a pair with the male eventually coming into the open at the tunnel area Balang Shan. Little Forktail Enicurus scouleri (1) 1 Labahe NR 12.5. Eventually we found one that showed well along the rushing stream far below us as we walked the road back to the hotel on our last morning in Labahe. Slaty-backed Forktail Enicurus schistaceus (1) 1 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5. Great views of a bird foraging in the stream right below us at Fuzhou Forest Park. White-crowned Forktail Enicurus leschenaulti (3) Up to 3 Emei Feng 4-6.5. Excellent views on the road along the lower portion in Emei Feng with birds repeatedly showing well. Blue Whistling Thrush Myophonus caeruleus (3) 1 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5, 2 en route 9.5 and 1 Labahe NR 12.5. Widespread with good views. Slaty-backed Flycatcher Ficedula hodgsonii (2) 1 Labahe NR 10.5 and 2 Labahe NR 12.5. Good views in Labahe, especially during our final morning as we chased after the bunting. Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher Ficedula strophiata strophiata (2) 6 Labahe NR 10.5 and 2 Labahe NR 11.5. Excellent views of several in Labahe. Slaty-blue Flycatcher Ficedula tricolor diversa (1) 2 Labahe NR 11.5. Good views of this secretive flycatcher along the trail in Labahe. White-throated Redstart Phoenicurus schisticeps (2) 1 Balang Shan Pass 13.5 and 1 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Great views of males near the tunnel Balang Shan. Blue-fronted Redstart Phoenicurus frontalis (3) 4 Labahe NR 10.5, 4 Balang Shan Pass 13.5 and 2 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. The most common redstart in open areas from mid to high elevations. Plumbeous Water Redstart Phoenicurus fuliginosus fuliginosus (10) 1 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5, 1 Emei Feng 3.5, 2 Emei Feng 5.5, 2 Emei Feng 6.5, 2 Wuyishan-- Nanping 7.5, up to 4 Labahe NR 10-12.5 and 2 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Abundant and widespread along streams at all elevations. White-capped Redstart Phoenicurus leucocephalus (4) 2 Labahe NR 11.5, 2 Labahe NR 12.5, 4 Balang Shan Pass 13.5 and 4 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Common along rocky mountain streams. Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius (1) 1 Labahe NR 11.5. Seen well from the breakfast table in the clearing right next to the hotel. Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush Monticola rufiventris (1) 1 Emei Feng 5.5. Good views in the sharp curve at Emei Feng, perched up in the rain.

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Grey Bush Chat Saxicola ferreus haringtoni (1) 1 Labahe NR 10.5. Seen briefly along the road as we walked down in Labahe.

Dippers Cinclidae White-throated Dipper Cinclus cinclus (1) 1 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. An uncommon species on this itinerary, but seen well in a stream on the far side of the Balang Shan Pass. Brown Dipper Cinclus pallasii (3) Up to 2 Labahe NR 10-12.5. Seen well in Labahe where one was usually present right in front of the hotel.

Sunbirds and Spiderhunters Nectariniidae Mrs Gould's Sunbird Aethopyga gouldiae dabryii (2) 5 Labahe NR 10.5 and 1 Labahe NR 12.5. Many great views of stunning males in Labahe. Fork-tailed Sunbird Aethopyga christinae (3) 1 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5, 4 Fuzhou--Forest Park 3.5 and 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 7.5. Seen well in Fuzhou Forest Park where a male eventually perched right above us.

Old World Sparrows Passeridae Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus Observed 8 day(s) in total. Common and widespread.

Waxbills, Munias and allies Estrildidae Scaly-breasted Munia Lonchura punctulata (1) 1 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Seen briefly in the Minjiang area.

Accentors Prunellidae Alpine Accentor Prunella collaris (1) 1 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. Great views at the highest point in the Balang Shan Pass area where one foraged right by the side of the road. Rufous-breasted Accentor Prunella strophiata strophiata (1) 5 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. Common in the Balang Shan Pass area in the dry scrub. Maroon-backed Accentor Prunella immaculata (2) 1 Balang Shan Pass 13.5 and 1 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Great views at the tunnel at Balang Shan and another seen at lower elevation.

Wagtails, Pipits Motacillidae Forest Wagtail Dendronanthus indicus (1) 1 Wuyishan--Nanping 8.5. ‘Leader only’ of one flushed near the laughingthrush island Wuyishan.

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Eastern Yellow Wagtail Motacilla tschutschensis (1) 4 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. Seen briefly in flight in Minjiang area. Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea cinerea (2) 2 Labahe NR 10.5 and 2 Labahe NR 12.5. Seen well by the hotel in Labahe. White Wagtail Motacilla alba (10) 1 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5, 1 Emei Feng 4.5, 1 Emei Feng 5.5, 2 Labahe NR 10.5 and 2 Labahe NR 11.5. Widespread. Richard's Pipit Anthus richardi (1) 1 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5. One seen well displaying above the wetland at Minjiang. Olive-backed Pipit Anthus hodgsoni (2) 1 Balang Shan Pass 13.5 and 1 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. One on territory in the tunnel area Balang Shan sat up repeatedly singing from a conifer. Rosy Pipit Anthus roseatus (3) 10 Labahe NR 10.5, 6 Labahe NR 11.5 and 10 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. Common in the mountains.

Finches Fringillidae Collared Grosbeak Mycerobas affinis (2) 1 Labahe NR 10.5 and 1 heard Labahe NR 11.5. Great views of a bird flying in and perching for scope views in Labahe. White-winged Grosbeak Mycerobas carnipes (1) 2 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. Great views of a pair by the tunnel Balang Shan. Chinese Grosbeak Eophona migratoria (1) 2 Chengdu--Baihuatan Park 9.5. After much searching, we found a pair in the Chengdu Park. Grey-headed Bullfinch Pyrrhula erythaca erythaca (2) 1 Labahe NR 10.5 and 1 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Flight views in Labahe and glimpses for some at the tunnel Balang Shan. Dark-breasted Rosefinch Procarduelis nipalensis nipalensis (2) 3 Balang Shan Pass 13.5 and 1 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Common and vocal around the tunnel area Balang Shan. Plain Mountain Finch Leucosticte nemoricola (1) 15 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. We finally found a flock foraging by the roadside in a small field as we descended from Balang Shan Pass. Brandt's Mountain Finch Leucosticte brandti (1) 4 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. Flight views near the top of Balang Shan Pass. Common Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus (2) 1 Chengdu--Baihuatan Park 9.5 and 2 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. A migrant seen in the Chengdu Park and then singing males by the tunnel Balang Shan.

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Himalayan Beautiful Rosefinch Carpodacus pulcherrimus (1) 1 Labahe NR 11.5. A surprise find at low elevation of a male perched in a tall conifer in Labahe. Pink-rumped Rosefinch Carpodacus waltoni (1) 4 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. A small group noted in the dry scrub on the far side of Balang Shan Pass. Vinaceous Rosefinch Carpodacus vinaceus (1) 1 Labahe NR 12.5. A female bird seen briefly below the hotel one morning in Labahe. Chinese White-browed Rosefinch Carpodacus dubius (2) 2 Balang Shan Pass 13.5 and 4 Balang Shan Pass 14.5. Several seen well in the tunnel area Balang Shan with a pair bathing right in front of us. Red-fronted Rosefinch Carpodacus puniceus (1) 1 Balang Shan Pass 13.5. Great views of this rare rosefinch just below Balang Shan Pass where a male fed contendly by the roadside, Asia’s highest breeding . Grey-capped Greenfinch Chloris sinica (2) 4 Min Jiang Estuary 2.5 and 1 en route 9.5. A few seen well in Fuzhou and in agricultural areas around Minjiang.

Old World Buntings Emberizidae Slaty Bunting Emberiza siemsseni (1) 1 Labahe NR 12.5. After some dedicated searching, we found a responsive male in a small valley above the trail the final morning in Labahe. Yellow-throated Bunting Emberiza elegans (1) 1 Labahe NR 10.5. Very brief views one morning along the road below hotel in Labahe.

Mammals (6 in total: 6 seen) Status codes: E = Endemic, NE = Near-endemic, I = Introduced IUCN codes: CR = Critically endangered, EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EW = Extinct in the Wild, NT = Near Threatened, DD = Data Deficient

Old World monkeys Cercopithecidae Milne-Edwards' Macaque Macaca thibetana Observed 3 day(s) in total.

Squirrels Sciuridae Pallas's Squirrel Callosciurus erythraeus flavimanus (2) 1 Fuzhou--Forest Park 2.5. Himalayan Marmot Marmota himalayana Observed 1 day(s) in total. Swinhoe's Striped Squirrel Tamiops swinhoei (1) 1 Emei Feng 5.5.

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Red Pandas Ailuridae Red Panda Ailurus fulgens (1) 1 Labahe NR 10.5.

Deer Cervidae Sambar Rusa unicolor Observed 1 day(s) in total.


Rockjumper Birding Ltd The Hive, Lot 23 Tel: (USA & Canada) toll-free: 1-888-990-5552 Centre Commercial du Barachois Email: [email protected] La Place Cap, Tamarin Alternative email: [email protected] Mauritius Website:

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