Clayton News, 05-18-1918 Suthers & Taylor
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Clayton News, 1915-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-18-1918 Clayton News, 05-18-1918 Suthers & Taylor Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Suthers & Taylor. "Clayton News, 05-18-1918." (1918). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Clayton News, 1915-1922 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ill 6n N MEW VOLtTM! BLBTBIT UBicRirnoi ellTb Nl'XBFH TWEVTY OSE Clayton, New Mexico, May 18, 1918 ILN PER TKAV 5 I -- - ..' HAPPENINGS AND A Great Nit ofAiercy drawrvthroucriv ABOUT PEOPLE YOU Ocean of s WHEREABOUTS ncflUKeaU'oss KNOW ABOUT Gill Urges Community Organization Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Knowlcs, "of Seneca, spent Tuesday in Clayton. Itetórning from the' .late conven- Mrs. Francis J. Burghart, of Dal- tion of delegates from each County hart. spent n few days in Clayton Council or Defense hold in Albuqur-pv- e this week. lasl week, Joseph Gill, repre- :KRY FOOT OF COLO. TO GILF MI CH WORK ACCOMPLISHED BY Jose M. (ionales came in from his senting IIim local council, lirought a HIGHWAY IS TO ItK GRADED FOR THE INFORM TIOX OF .MEMBERS LOCAL CHAPTER R. C. ranch near Buyeros, Monday, on a nies?agiV to,. the., jyeople'of Clayton, THE PUBLIC THE LIST CF days business trip. Every foot Colorado to one whícíríie delivered at a meeting at nf the ulf CLAYTON STORES IIANDL-THRIF- T Seven hundred and thirty F. N. wwllartley, cattle inspector - the ,City Hal Tuesday night. The Highway in Union Cunly. fi'om the STAMPS IS knitted garments, W77 gauze ban- of Gladsotnc spent Wednesday here message was one urging further and point where it enters the county at GIVEN AS FOLLOWS: dage. Hi hosipiil bandages and on business. Dedman. .to the pohit it cros Otto-Johns- articles, havo more complete organization of all where on Merct. Co. a long list of other Mrs. Dr. Olbeater has returned community forces engaged ' in war ses into lesas, at 'lexlme. will be G. H. Holdsworlh been made and shipped to division from a two months visit in Michi- work, and was presented by Mr. Gill graded and placet! in shape for the 'Simon Herzsteiu headquarters by the members of the gan. in a few well' chosen words that will ourist trafile or to be a link in the Hotel Eklund Clayton Chapter, American Red Cross Mrs. Mary Jennings, of Florida, undoubtedly have the desired effect great Military Highway that is still Four States Seed Co. it is reported. will spend some time here visiting being discussed by many prominent W. C. Barnhart The report would indicate that her son, Dr. E. A. Jennings. Will Make Home in Kansas men. F. P. Kilburn the Red Cross is quite the busiest A. O. Brynie, of Pasamonte, was'in Federal and State aid has been Clayton Garage organi.ation in Clayton, and one has Clayton. Tuesday. Mr. and Hrs. Russel Henderson secured for a portion of this work Pioneer Garage oníy to visit the rooms at the Court J. M. Gibbons, of the Land OfOce, left Friday for Niotaze, Kansas, that in !to be of ivmre permanent (eorge Wade and Co. House to understand how such an left Monday for Raton, where Tie where they will make their home character, but the countv commis Lon Cash amount of work can be done. will act as court stenographer Dn in the future. They have Just made sioners plan to grade the road for Fruth's Farmacy Every day of the week one can account of the illness of the regular final proof on their homestead 8 l.s full length. Work on this pro M. G. Tixier find the women of the city, and often stenographer. nples north west of town. We re- ject will begin in a very few days. H. W. Isaacs visitors from the country, at the Fred Holderle, of Hayden, spent gret to see this family leave for As the appropriation for road work Mansker and. Corich rooms engaged in the work of a few days i Clayton during" the work 4 they are the kind of folk that make this year was only $3,000.00 there Other stores will If added to making hospital garments and other week. a community worth living in. The will not be sufficient funds available this list as rapidlv as they supplies. Fraternal organizations are Mrs. Alice Stone, one of the IbeM News will follow Mr. and Mrs. Hen to complete the work unless private join in the movemvut to sell doing their part in this work. I he f this community died Mav 14. at ilerson to their new home. individuals along the route of the Union County's nflottucnl of Royal NeighlMirs meet every Fri- the Clayton hospital. lealti followed Highway come to the assistance of live thousand dollars worth of day for gauze work and the Eas- long illness. We shall miss her as New Mail Route Established the board with funds. With this ob thrift and war saving stamps tern Star meets every Thursday for her snule and kindly words always ject in view Chairman Twin Edmond-- similar work. Church societies brought sunshine into any gathering. Bids have been coming in at the son has been circulating a netition and social clubs are all lending a he bereaved family has the heart ' Wai" Savings - Dalharl postofflce, gays the Dalhart during the past week and reports J T" 'f Stamps hand in the work. felt sympathy of everyon.- in tftts community. Texan of recent issue, for the con- that he is meeting with great sue-'- is in full swing in Clayton, and the Owing to increasing number the Smith was down from tract for carrying the mail on the cess in raising the additional fund? 5.0O0.O0 allotment of the baby of workers it has been necessary to J. Buck Dalhart-Thom- as . Grcnville the fore part of he wefck. route for four years necessary to insure the completion;. ... ,, , lww secure more room and the School Elf redo Salazar, of Moses, wa The service will begin July 1. A or tue wort. Hoard bas given the Chapter the use is Sedan time than was expected, if tWe pres- Clayton this week to file application number of citizens of the The amount to be raised by pri " of the frame building in the rear iwction have been in town this week ent .pace is maintained. :,. to make final proof on his home vante "Subscription is about 5,000. to torn, of the school. This room will be Due the cf of tb: Isaacs. stead. and all express themselves as be To this will be added county and used by the yarn and garment work- '.. ng highly gratified that the depart County Chairman of the. National Bert Harwod was up from Sedan slate funds sufllcient to bring the 1 Yv ers starting next week. Retail Merchants Mvision , oí ar Wednesday. ment has agreed to give them this fund to $16,000.00 which amount will Savings,,, eveiy merchant in Clayton Bob is riding a new service. be expended upon this highway (lur CLE AMP WEEK, MAY 3, Isaacs in has purchased the stamps to sell .to C, Mitchell, purchas ing the coming summer montlis. DESIGNATED BY TOWN BOARD Model which he Member IL S. Faculty Marries those who desire to buy them. ed from the Clayton Garage and Farmacy is the first local Fruth's The wek beginning May 27 was Yuto Co. Professor Earl Martin, of the local RED CROSS DRIVE STARTS IN concern to noiier over me iop , week by the Dick Burrage, who is now located two designated as cleanup High School faculty, and Miss Eva UNION COUNTY MONDAY MAY 0 having sold its allotment of their regular permjently on his ranch near Folsfim stamps tho board of trustees at Koonlz, of Bloomington , Indiana hundred dollars worth of meeting Titesday nijtht, when Trus was a Clayton visitor the fore pa'rt were married Saturday morning, May llrst week. of Ihe week. All is in for the. big tee 'Claggett moved that the Mayor 11, the Rev. F. E. Graham, of the readiness .Every store in the city has an Dr. D'Armmir. of Folsom stopped drive for Red Cross which designate a week in which the resi Baptist church, officiating. funds allotment of from two to llvehun-dre- d over in Clayton, enroute from Mes-- are necessary for the continuation dents will be urged to clean up the Prof. Martin met his bride in Ial- - dollars and all are pushing the yards alleys of the city. ico to Colorado, the fore part of the of the great work of the. organiza stamps vigorously. back and hart and accompanied her on the sale of these Tho city will bear tho expense of week. He made application for final tion. One hundred million dollars is A stores and places of last part of her trip from Indiana list of the hauling all rubbish to the dumping citizenship with the clerk of the the amount needed by the national business having the stamps for sale district court while here. Cross. Of this sum Union Coun- grounds, but the citizens must pay Entertainment at Mansker School lied is given in the boxed article that Mr. and Mrs. Berry Bivins, of Ke- - ty to for, or themselves clean up their is expected come across with accompanies this one.