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I R I D I U M G L O B A L P A G I N G S E R VI C E North America, Central America; portions of South America, the Arctic, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans 18209 Arctic Ocean 80¡ 299 GREENLAND 17215 Beaufort Sea 17212 17206 17 299 20 GREENLAND 70¡ Baffin Bay 3 ol d cr ow 16206 f t. good hope 704 18 Nuuk (Godthab) 16215 128 watson l ake 16203 60¡ Bering Sea hay r iver 16203 CANADA Hudson Bay tel egr aph cr eek f t. ver mil ion ur anium city Labrador Sea Gulf of Alaska 15205 15217 daw son cr eek thompson edmonton 16212 saskatoon 127 15204 15203 15215 r egina 124 15213 cal gar y 50¡ 15216 125 vancouver estevan mar athon medicine hat winnipeg 122 quŽbec kal ispel l sudbur y montr eal seattl e f ar go dul uth Ottaw a butte bil l ings 15 508 st. pier r e & por tl and boise st. paul 123 por tl and miquel on 14217 14216 14215 14214 14213 14212 r apid city milwaukee tor onto hal ifax 14204 14203 idaho fal l s des moines detr oit boston cheyenne 14 buf fal o new yor k 14206 14205 40¡ eur eka17 l incol n chicago 11 10 r eno salt l ake city kansas city cincinnati pittsbur gh phil adel phia denver char l eston st. l ouis l ex ington san f r ancisco U. S. A. Washington D. C. santa f e r ichmond l os angel es 16 okl ahoma city memphis r al eigh l ittl e r ock atl anta col umbia 13217 13216 13215 13214 13213 13212 phoenix al buquer que 13206 13205 13204 13 jackson 12 13207 13203 13211 tucson el paso dal l as montgomer y 13208 105 30¡ jacksonvil l e ber muda chihuahua 1012 MEXICO Atlantic Ocean tor r e—n Gulf of Mexico 12207 521 monter r ey miami matamor os 12208 BAHAMAS 12206 12217 12216 12215 12214 12213 12212 12211 dur ango 12209 103 12205 12204 cul iac‡n san l uis potos’ Havana TURKS AND CAICOS tampico ISLANDS 12210 tabasco mŽr ida 649 12203 mazatl ‡n pachuca 53 CUBA 20¡ 19 l e—n campeche DOM. REP. guadal ajar a Mex ico City 365 Hawaii 522 501 HAITI 809 284 1009 ver acr uz BELIZE JAMAICA 509 113 101 11208 115 102 johnson atol l oax aca 876 PUERTO RICO340 11205 acapul co 523 504 664 sal ina cr uz Guatemal a HONDURAS 590 11207 11206 767 11216 11215 11214 11213 11212 11211 11210 GUATEMALA Tegucigal pa 596 104 11204 11203 11217 505 Caribbean Sea 758 502 NICARAGUA 297 784 EL SALVADOR Managua 599 473 10¡ 11209 503 PANAMA 117 San JosŽ 507 Car acas GUYANA 10205 VENEZUELA geor getow n COSTA RICA 1 SURINAME 10215 0 par amar ibo 10204 506 2 Bogot‡ 58 cayenne 0 592 FRENCH GUIANA 10217 10216 686 10214 10213 10212 10211 10210 10209 7 57 597594 10203 KIRIBATI 10208 COLOMBIA st.-geor ges 0¡ bar cel os 1005 i• ana macap‡ how l and isl and ECUADOR Quito 20204 1007 593 fante boa manaus bel Žm 1000 jar vis isl and 593 santar Žm s‹ o l u’s 20203 baker isl and 551 f or tal eza l eticia tef Ž bor ba s‰o jo‹ o imper atr iz 20217 20216 20215 20214 20213 20212 20211 20210 20209 20208 do ar aguaia cr uzeir o do sul BRAZIL 690 TOKELAU ter esina r ecif e 10¡ 689 r io br anco WALLIS AND PERU car ol ina 552 FUTUNA FRENCH POLYNESIA WESTERN SAMOA 681 685 Lima 51 553 salvador Apia 684 amer ican samoa mato gr osso Br asil ia 21203 21217 21215 21214 21213 21212 21211 21210 21209 21208 La Paz janu‡r ia NIUE 21216 591 goi‰nia BOLIVIA bel o hor izonte 689 Pacific Ocean 21207 20¡ 683 cuiab‡ FRENCH POLYNESIA Sucr e 554 Nukual of a 682 ar a• atuba PITCAIRN ISLANDS PARAGUAY campo r io de janeir o 676 COOK ISLANDS 1016 CHILE 595 gr ande s‹ o paul o TONGA l ondr ina 22203 22214 22213 22212 22211 22210 22209 22208 22207 ponta gr ossa 22217 22216 22215 Asunci—n 22204 30¡ 555 ARGENTINA por to al egr e Santiago 598 54 URUGUAY 23207 23204 23217 23216 23215 23214 23213 23212 23211 23210 23209 23208 Buenos Air es Montevideo 23203 23205 40¡ 56 CHATHAM 160¡ 150¡ 140¡ 130¡ 120¡ 110¡ 100¡ 90¡ 80¡ 70¡ 60¡ 50¡ 40¡ 64ISLAND 24216 24215 24214 24213 24212 24211 24210 24209 24208 24207 170¡ 24205 24204 24203 22209 Maritime MDA 551 Land MDA For MDAs covering oceans, use degrees longitude and latitude (printed in white) Paging service may not be available in certain countries due to government restrictions. 2 to find your location and the appropriate MDA. For information on paging service availability check our Web site at 3.