Trans Inclusion Policy Manual For Women’s Organizations Julie Darke & Allison Cope for the Women/Trans Dialogue Planning Committee and the Trans Alliance Society Winter 2002 Copyright © 2002 Trans Alliance Society Trans inclusion policy manual for women’s organizations. ISBN 0-9730262-0-0 The contents and design of this manual are the copyright of the Trans Alliance Society and the authors. All rights reserved. You are welcome to reproduce this manual for educational purposes, in whole or in part, but please acknowledge the source. This manual was funded in part by the British Columbia Human Rights Commission (Commission). The manual expresses the views and opinions of the authors and the Project Advisory Team and does not necessarily represent the position or policies of the Commission or its Commissioners. For information on workshops contact: Trans Alliance Society c/o 1170 Bute Street Vancouver, BC, V6E 1Z6
[email protected] i Table of Contents Acknowledgements . iv Chapter 1: Introduction . 1 Purpose of this Manual . 1 Comments on Language . 2 Implications of Policy Development . 3 Organization of the Manual . 4 Limitations of the Manual . 5 Acknowledgements from the Authors . 6 Chapter 2: Feminism and Transphobia . 8 Chapter 3: Exploring Gender . 17 Defining Gender . 18 Gender and Biology . 21 Gender and the Brain . 26 Gender and Society . 27 Gender Complexity . 30 Chapter 4: The Need for Inclusion . 31 Need for Access to Organizations . 31 Housing . 32 Employment . 34 Health Care . 36 Violence . 41 Understanding Mutual Needs . 44 Chapter 5: Legal Aspects and Human Rights . 46 Legal Aspects of Gender and Sex .