Molecular Evolutionary Routes That Lead to Innovations
International Journal of Evolutionary Biology Molecular Evolutionary Routes That Lead to Innovations Guest Editors: Frédéric Brunet, Hideki Innan, Ben-Yang Liao, and Wen Wang Molecular Evolutionary Routes That Lead to Innovations International Journal of Evolutionary Biology Molecular Evolutionary Routes That Lead to Innovations Guest Editors: Fred´ eric´ Brunet, Hideki Innan, Ben-YangLiao, and Wen Wang Copyright © 2012 Hindawi Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved. This is a special issue published in “International Journal of Evolutionary Biology.” All articles are open access articles distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Editorial Board Giacomo Bernardi, USA Kazuho Ikeo, Japan Jeffrey R. Powell, USA Terr y Burke, UK Yoh Iwasa, Japan Hudson Kern Reeve, USA Ignacio Doadrio, Spain Henrik J. Jensen, UK Y. Satta, Japan Simon Easteal, Australia Amitabh Joshi, India Koji Tamura, Japan Santiago F. Elena, Spain Hirohisa Kishino, Japan Yoshio Tateno, Japan Renato Fani, Italy A. Moya, Spain E. N. Trifonov, Israel Dmitry A. Filatov, UK G. Pesole, Italy Eske Willerslev, Denmark F. Gonzalez-Candelas,´ Spain I. Popescu, USA Shozo Yokoyama, Japan D. Graur, USA David Posada, Spain Contents Molecular Evolutionary Routes That Lead to Innovations,Fred´ eric´ Brunet, Hideki Innan, Ben-Yang Liao, and Wen Wang Volume 2012, Article ID 483176, 2 pages Purifying Selection Bias against Microsatellites in Gene
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