M H H |

s ' ^T illeTim ^8 Twin Falls, Idahoyio/92nd year, No. 151 Saturday," I M a y 3 i n ^ 7 50 ccnt;:nt.s

G o o d M O RR I N IN G ____ _ W e s t e i R N D a y s _ ' P r co s e c u t o r

W e a t h e r Today: Sunny this momjm in g , th e n Queens s e es k s h o l e s pardy cloudy with a ch;ch a n ce of thunderstdrms. HighsIS rn e a r 85. • ,111 I Southwest wind 10 to 1 testim on'^ Lows around 50. °^^SgeA2 C C ompeti I ® ; ' f k i u B ) ' ( b y 'T r e v i n o ) M a g i c V a l l e y HI S Happy trails: Crews areire a t w ork T / ^ W m : . ' By Kent MiMcCieary • adding a hiking trail in th e S o u th I I3 J r title Tlmw-Nmw writer______Hills. PageB l I FALLS - Prosecutor RiRich questionsqi Friday had a centientral Lawsuit: Family sues tw o com pa- ByJenniftnIfer Taylor anand an obvious point, drawniwn in nies, including Burleyy ffirm , over' lew« wrHat______^ broad strorokcs for the jury, “You aiarc a liar," he said FridayJay tu whey tank death. P ag e Bl- n ™IN FALLS - The competition RudolfoI Trevino1 m , who faces aI first- fir about we event juiy to accicccpt his word that he lay downdo\ ' Women of the star: The C n M ncibn ucti day.}:: V ChantellBahtaker, 12, to sleep onor the couch, got up to answciswero h e r e ’s a n 'i B S S right, tak,eiliehertum knock att thet door, and gave Cantutu t: the Eastern Star conventioid o n in tow n. ;p739fc',-- '•;* answering quesiestlontln key. Page AS ■ ■ ■ frontofthe]n judges. Muetwet im m /tm t m m “ Y ou wawane this jury to acccpt the!word wo Please seo TREVINO, Page>ageA2

C o m m u n i t y Club profile: The Allianiance for the T T t ' Mentally 111 of Mini-Ca:Zassiaoffers rilik e citiz(zens, Idalh o r e m a iins ] L i || help, support and eduou ca tio n . Tb find out more, see tods^ Community page. % g e A 8 U ni « d e c i d e d a £ b o u t t o• l b a c c o s ulit i H R bright of civil litiitigation for the Idaho AtiAttorney C o m i n g S u N DDAY / ^ I S m wrttor______General's OflDffice. B W B h - 1 ■ ThatfiguHire doesn’t take into accountnt 1the cost inside ISDB: New philo:ilosophy. sHOSiiiSHONE - Hoyt Pugh, owner of thcl MMn of health insnsurance for public employe>yees who hi^-tedi reshape tead:a c h m g a t . creek StVr.vWest Politics is changinglg 1both the . Ccilorado wtwas a Texah'wi'th a high-iK • ' remark drewIW 1some smiles from P PI lainclothes m arshals then thi sold a Honda M bim) blby using processis-ond * content of public policolicy- in the . rifle. Now it’sit a Colifor^an with ^ U‘Haul,_U- . jurors; who thethen left for the hotel escocorted the 29-year-old Persl;ersiaa th e Tlmes^tewa ClassHleIffled,. . Phil Burges^'the c e n ^ s pi^sident, d i said. said Greg WiWalcher,' ex ^ tiv e directorffo ( fO u b Where they >viyvill be sequestered Gulfilf.War veteran through a1 dootdo IS on the environment, fism resresponsibili- . 20, a 44-year-ir-old lobbyi^ organizatiohithatrep- tl until they reachachaverdicL . to hish cell in the courthouse.m. He1 *i C all 733-09 growth moRflgemeilt aro comp

i?- ' ■ J i . ' % Avt Tlme»M m, Turin Fan*.•Os. Idaho Saturday, May 31.199797 TF ,

W e a t h el rR ______

p i u i F o r e c a s t ]______Soutce: Natlooai WaotnerirSwvlco S I A CROSS TTHE NATION SttBrtay.M ayJI'::- ! ■ AOTWrttbff«fortctw fPT.ifgr^yilme c^itioBi aiiJ hlih tcmpcretur22221- M a^c Valley •• Rain dammpens Midwest, PPacific coast; sidessclbaroverW est,!t , Plains CAMAOA Sunny this momingIng becoming panly doudy duri ______afternoon with o slightight chancc of thunderstorms. H ''TlwA»wctat«iPrM>re»i ______Southwest Int ddie PadGc Northwest, a frontrental system thc mid 80s. Southwestvest-wind 10 to 15 mph. Tonight^it partly — pushed towariird the coast, bringing Ughlight rain to ; ^ cloudy with a slight[)t chancec of evening thunders5rstorms. Showers stretretched from the Carolinasas intoi New. Washington antmd Oregon. Lows around 50. S undanday coolcr. Partly doudy withh at slight England on Friu ire also falling on the northemlem Colorado [co«uf O'Aiene [ 75' | riday while the Plains andI mostm< of the Showers wer« chance of showers. HiglHighs 70 to 75. dear skies. moimtains andd 1higher points in the Greatt Basin.Ba • I The ultraviolet indexdex forecast is 9, a high cxposun Northwest and the Midwesttwereraihy. w« The nation’s!’s lowest wind chill was 32. ata t !Sault Ste. Extended regiononal forecast ' Tropical moistlisture m ixed with a low presjressure sys- Marie, Mich- llawlMon I 7 ? T i Monday through WeWednesday partly doudy withll ai s l i ^ t te m in southw/est es: Missouri to create a largeirge batch of In Idaho, ski. Nonnol 76 4515 .03 lower 80s. Southwest w ' Minneapolis 76 47i .04 st winds 15 to 25 mph. Tonighth t paiily New.Orloons 80 72 7 .01 Gooding m ' m .. Precipitation doudy with a chanceICC ofi evening thunderstorms.5. 1 M ostly Naw York 70 55 £ .03 Hagofinon 90 53 clear by sunrise. LowLows in the mid 40s. Sundoyy i m ostly OWotiomo City 76 6 € 5 .33 Monlh to doto: Idoho Foils 76 45 .< .85 sunny a n d cooler. H ighjighsinthcmld70s. Omaha 74 4 6 • ..... • Normol mo. to dote: ' . fB Sm SL Jeromo 81 52 .. 0 Pfioenlx 107 60 £ Wolor yeor to dole: irSI Northern Idaho -A-A.II. .y A y , X Plttsbuigh 68 55 £ . .03 Lowlston 81 56 .( 3 'q5 Increasing d o u d s todaytod leading to a chance of si •02 Normol yeor to date: J STAnONMY______C IB9r AccuWsslBsr. In Portlond. Me. 65 51 £ Malod 77 47 .. imd a slight chance of thunderstorms.i H i ^ in thche lower cw o . ^ Portlond. Ore. 76 61 e .03 Molto 82 50 .. Comfort factors> to mid 70s. Southeastist \wind 5 to 15 mph becomingIE south- «»*«»» . '-\ Reno 89 £ Humidity ot noon: 77S oet w est and increicrcaslng to 15 to 25 mph by rrmlddav. H L E2 H 3 E EZD (Zs3 _ i ,St.LoulS 63 ■ •£ ■U : i i ? | McColl 66 45 .. dy. Isolated evening showers.. ILocally www tew swowtijwtw ftw r-arowMS awwww icB auMwy pr.aoinv ctow Salt U ke City 84 55 £ ...... Pocatello 81 44 .. Barometer ot noon: 30 3C 12S Tonight partly doudy. breezy. Lows 50 to 55.>5. SundayJ cooler. Panly doudyly w ith a ...... San Francisco 78 ' £ ■ 59 Solmon 72 46 ,02 .( Pollen count: 28 (erosso! wers. Highs €5 to 75. Saonio 67 60 C .17 Stonloy 72 36 .. hlen. Molds: 2610 (smut Spokane 71 57 £ .03 ____ Woshlngton 76 59 £ .03 Sun Volley 74 40 .. high. ada H IGHS &LOWS& ______Co«n#»r A»uvn* «o9 * n ^ trnowo.tUki P a n ly d o u d y a n d breezybre today with a chance of sl and thunderstorms.. Wad reports is: httpyAvww.statcJd.cJd.us/itdAtdhmpgJjtm . 964-6000; the Elko, Nev.. area,a 702- . . visible. r chance of thunderstormorms, mainly mountains Highs 7 ■ 738-8888.

j j ' T r e v i n o□ ______^______...... W> e s t e r n _

• : Contlnuod from A l “You Uetlied to police about firing Continued Co fnm Al horsem anship youryc talent," 23- Joneses ffeel that there isn’t a lot of takes and the judges’COI’ comments, of someone who lied,led,? hc said. ■. 'ashotgun,”ii,”B G vansaid.-..^..M.Magic,V^ey for a spspeech . year-old Queen1 acandidate Shelly competipedtion betvraen the ^ I s . - ...... -Willlams^ feels that-tlat-the most ■ - “Your lie was convirivincing, and “It wasIS illei ^ , it was illegal to competition., co W illiams said, Thehe girls leam skills such asIS important thing for.u]T.upcoming ' (hat’s a skill youI have,h: don’t ' have it,”’Trevino Ti said. “There are a lot of houilurs of • The youngest!St c a n d id a te fo r publiclie rcladons, communicadonsIS pageant contestants toto i realize is ' ■ you?"' “You ne)never htmted with a shot- practice pr and work,” 17*yeaear-old -princess, Casey::y Ireland, 9, has and1 pipublic speaking, mostlyly that life goes on. “I wouldn't say it’it’s a skill,” gun,” Beva!von said, “yet your house Teen T« Queen candidate Me;leagan been competlniing in pageants througllUgh trial and errOr. WilliamsIS ' “If it’s not fun, it’s;’s nnot worth ; Trevino said. , ^ is litteredd withv shotgun shells, the Jones Jo said. “It’s a full-time 3®“jo - . s in c e sh e w as 3 1/2M years old. saidi shishe leams from her past mis-J- it,” Williams added. • ' Bevan also bore inn onoi Trevino’s sam e bra>rand found at Ryan Whether practicing on1 ttheir «i do it becausluse it’s fun,” she ■ ' signed insurance clclaim for a Wiggins’fe• feet.” horses, ho memorizing patternms, or said, I stolen truck. “I’d jusiust keep ammunition .expanding th eir knowIed{d g e o f E v e n th o u g h thethi contcst is ccn- I ( : . “You lied because y' the house just for going horses, 5 these candidateses are tered on havinging fun, the girls ^ o b a c c o _____ r it would help you,” Bev shooting,” Trevino said. always 2. preparing for com; have to deal witt “I believed the liei= would> help tion. kith nerve-racking ContlnwtInuedfrofflAl numerous advertisingng (and mar- - Tito,” Trevino replied. Bevan and Carlson have Horsemanship counts one- a n d sc a ry m om entents- lawsuisuit, and less to those tharar keting curbs, indudingng (an end to I The truth, Trevino tc I presenting witnesses. of their total scorc. CandicfdlS^s Tension buUdsIds as contestants stayed/ed out of it. High said. Thele youth-oriented pitchmeimen such as attorney Monte Carlso: give the jury their final compete ^ by riding a reining„g PM. "«■> for ihcir nainame to be called extrara money,ti a litigation “preml-ti- the Marlboro Manin andt Joe he did not shoot Wiggiiggins. argum ent!nts Monday morning. tem (ej which tests their horse:S i . p™!; 'he oudsp.speaker and with um,” goes( beyond reimburse-e- Camel, and an end to'to INASCAR Trevino admittedi ThursilayTl to ■h™ 1>» juryi" will get the cose for ship skills. Judges score the[,e can- hands shaking thi^ey step into the ments.Its. . sponsorships. having fired the saweTOcdotf shot- , delibemdoition. didates’ dii overall ability the.ic.rider arena. The girlsIs ease« tension by “WeWe are probably like many>y The deal also couldId b:ban smok- gun policc say wass usedu: to kill ------:------has ha to control her horse. talking withfrieniends and family. othercr states,s we’re looking at it ing In most public plac m e n t. a n sw e rin g th e qucjuestjonT acco companies have targetedxl rette makers'to pay forror tthe smok------Jones J p said the judges look; ata the —:‘It's—like :studying for lors with advertisements andid Ing cessation program:ams of poor ether they hid research;h would-be quitters, r Consumer andd ccomputor news. See theth< Money section riders* skills, not necessarilyily th e J e o p a rd y ,” s h e said.sai . horses. M a n y o f g ir lsIs |get together to regard:irding safer products, as and-d- In retum,'negodatorsors are near- h Tho:o 1TImes-Nows. Six d ays ac week.______“It’s like a beauty pageantnt with study and practioJice. Williams and “ ““acco “ groups daim. ' ing agreement on provisovisions that [f that is true, it would be a would make ic harder■der, maybe lificant thing that we wouldId even Impossible, forr sttsmokers to Circulation > Sunday SS.OOto perr week, dally only $4.00 ' r-jHi t • ll iii M ^ It to stop,” H i^ said. sue in the futiu«. lunday only S3.00 per week. I m m h ^ ' Idaho joins the suit, it may TyRansdeU. circulation MAY 28 NUMBERS j ly They include a barban .on the icluded in all above rates. A ' Have 1 you evor thought abouDUtWhat VreONESOAY.MA-l in lo o ld ^ at evidence locallyly class-action suits - the pooling Circulation phones lit lines a re open SIS.OO chargcirge will be levied Tor all' you yi vrauld do l(you vran the 1 “we havo not yet sorted outut ' th a t Is thc only woy wo many between 7 and lO a.m.I.m. only. If you reiumcd ehecks.cks. ' Don’t I forget to buy your Powr a ’ at actions took place inin Americans can affordord to sue - do not receive your pappa p er by 7 a.m.. call th e num ber for youi and Tri-West Lotto ticketsitsfor 6., 10 300 34 39 Idaho,’lio,” High said. and punitive ,damagnages, and Z ■ BurleyRupert- Mail infor•orniation tonight's drawing. POWeHBAU.I.MUMSKB H 1 9 Statetate attorneys are edging dos-IS- severe curbs on the ri^r i ^ t of any- • : Paul-Ookley...... 677.4042 The Times-Ns-News (UPS 631-080) il pub- ' :o sighing a peace pact withth one to sue if they startitarted smok- The new Instant Bingo Is HOlOT a n d VVEONESDAY.MA>«AY 28 NUMBERS * t Filer*Roaerson*Hollisteiister . 32G-S37S H.hed daily’ at 132 Third St. W.. Twin ' . , . , , CI80«'trette makers, but they firstst Ing after seeing thc newiew dgarette Twin Fails 0. 83301. by Magic Valley has even better odds than? ■■■■I havee a tall order. They must con-n- . warnings, and o th e r oreas ...... Ine. Periodicals paid at Twin Blngol The new Bingo gaZ T • t o 'I i T O VinceX aangry public health expertsts . -Separately, clgarett.«ett.e makers Falls by TheTi''Times-News. omcial city and ' fefeatures four different games,js.v^llha 3 9 13 2 t the secret deal-making isIS . already had agivM to ipay more Subscripdon ratc5it c a county ncwspappaper purauani lo Section 6C* (lbonus number grid. Simple) scratchs ------thwhfle. than $300 billion toI setsettle state ICSoflhe Idahclaho Code. Thursdtiy is hereby ,off tho ’Caller’s Card' to revi,veal 25 - frioay. m aYU y k NUMBERS The h e ' A m erican Lung>g lawsuits seeking reimbtmbursement llomedclivcty: daily and Sunday. S3.S0 dcsisnaied asithedayoflheweekonwhich thi numbers snd then scratch theihe corro- / f T ^ -V Assodiodadon alrrady has blasted a of Medicaid funds spent . per weelc Sunday only, S3 witl be published, ' S d ^ l K c e sponding numbers on yourlur.four * { £ S ) proposposed deal as “a bailout for>r- sick smokers. . ler. please tend change of the tol and an; available only whiwhere delivery is cards for a chance to win1 upi to tobacco industry,” and spentat' —...... • not mtinulncd. Mtil nies:es: All/ Idaho rates: I lo: P.O. Box 548. Twin Falls. ^ i S m T T Tuesdfisday lobbying other groups to • Timcs-News sta fff writerwi Liz daily and Sunday S4.00to 'per p< week, daily Idaho 83303, $10,000. The new Bingo haslas groat ose any broad settlement 2 4 2 5 31 Wright can be reaehec:hed a t 733- only S3.50 per week. SundSunday only S2.50 C« overall odds of 1 in 3.2121. 3 2 3 24 .s part of th e deal, tobacco■0 0931, Ext. 231. Thii AssociatedAs per week. Out of stalee rates:ra daily and ’ "iitoaxv* I m akkers er also would submit toto fVess.contnbiiiaftot/tissitisstorj;.

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I ■' 4 . I * . L • I ' Siturtfiy, May 31.1.1997 TImM«twt,TwlnFaSi.ldatodate M ______f ______t N a t ioO i N .

I Subscribe — 733-093 H u b a : C l ii n t o n b r o k e p r oD m i s e s HA-^lAVANA (AP) — Cubaba Europeanswho> olongo with Organlzadoiidon complaint over the REWARD!9! claimtimcd Friday that Presidentnt Canada, Mexico andd mosti other Helms-Burtcurton Act ond soid they For Information concemlnjTiing Clintointon has broken his promise totc U,S. allies arguet that a 1996 would discoscouroge private invest- a b ra n d n e w M arquis s p a n Europropean4 countries to try to easeise law, the Helms-Burtcuion Act, wos ment In CubonCu properties that ' with wood exterior and„T. . Washishington’s embargo againstist on attempt —by Washingilngtonti to die- were exprof>ropriated ft^m U.S. dd- - reen interior & a smalllall the communistcot island. tate polin. zens. ty trailer th at w as stoleilolen The'he accusation from Ricardcdo The administratiotion assured Alarconn saidst Clinton had foiled over Memorial Weekend)nd AlarcoLTCoh, president of Cuba’s poX'or- European countries in April that to m eett hish promise to the from Sawtooth Vacuum.n . If II liame:m ent, appeared to be an it would tzy to persuadlade Congress Europeans.ns. ]He dted 10 proposals you have any infomialionlion’ attemismpt to deroll U.S.;Europearan to amend parts of theie Ilaw, pardc- he said hadlad been passed by the please calI733-2504r th orth« e cooper ularly provisions to deny U.S. U.S. Houseuse Foreign Rel'otions Twin Falls Police Dept.Ot. Inn a news conference televiseded visas to executivess ofo corpora- CommitteeeeonMayS. < livee tlto much of the Spanish'lh- dons that have investiMtedinprop- ______X J-,. speaMaking world, Alarcon said conm* erw seized from Amernericans after \< servacvadves In the U.S. Congressiss Cuba's 1959 revolution W S j w K * werepre proposing “a frenzy” of newew . It also Indicated Itit wouldi con- s i tfiMH measuiasures to tl^ te n the embargo,}o, tinue to delay implemiBmentadon of a h no sign of opposition from tv that allows intlal hopeful Steve Forbea greatilaUguaataeta >m a section of the law t CUnton adminlstradon. former property ownwners to file n e p p e rR Waihlngton hotel Tuaidaywhwhareths Rapublloan NationalilCommlttaa C waa hold- I don't know of any step the>ey lawsuits against suchh ocompanies. L e m o3 ‘P Ing a fundralier. have'e ataken,” Alarcon said. “Thejey In exchange for ththe Clinton. • don'tI't eexist.'' administration's promise, "A N m O mlenufon .. NelghborhMd Bokery" lie Clinton administration haslas European Union offofficials sus- snniiatfKYUUTtuiwI amr ll Nkb t Ibi Um • ak tf k In '! • im U Forbe remaams *Ight to appease the anger ofol pended their Wor'orld Trade MCOfcUCwl•-mm Coilouple accusedi J politiczal foro: e o fF £ abusing their WASHINGTON (AP)I — Steve architects. AI ForbesF fax on the adcdoptedkids Forbes is d o ^ his best to 1keep a , subject caughight the eye of talk high profile in conservadvtdve polit* show host Rusiush Lim bau^, who EW YORK (AP) — An Ameri-£■ W BRANILND NEW AT KIMBERLY . icol m d es, and not onlylly on' his mentioned it onc his radio pro- couple coi bringing their newly LY NURSERIES & GRAPE pet issue of tax reform. gram, and onene of the callers to adopte.pted Russian chfldren back to In a warmup for his expectedex] respond was GGii ingri^ who heard ^.®.United States were charged Storical Docuiuments & Menm o r a b i l i a I hitting, choking and scream- run for the presidencyt in 2 0 0 0 , the broadcasttw w lSe driving. with hi Unique, one of a kim/nd g ifts fo r the bard to/i buy for. the milIioi\aire magazinecine pub' Last month,1, ForbesI weighed in ^ atat thet two 4-year«ld-girls dur- lisher is using o tax-cxempimpt foun- on the issue ofif cuttingc the cost-of- w av'?the fli^ t from Moscow, Availablible now: ichard Thorne, 48, and his dation called Americaicans for living formulaa forf Sodal Security Rich ^ ‘ • ‘ Amunclla Earhart • • Cari Lewisi Hope, Growth ond Opporportunity and a range ofof other( government wue,5, Karen,K 42, of Phoenix, were . to hold forth on issuess rangingrs benefits, callin.ling it a hidden tax arrestessted when the jet landed ot ' • XlnJncoln/Kenncdy Colncidcidcncc • Jacklc Joyncner-Kersee from abortion (o the chemical chc increase on sen!eniors. Kcnneinedy Airport Wednesday, imold Palmer • Gettysburgg AddressJ In I weapons treaty. And, of)f coursc,c Asked if hists critidsmc shows he Tlwywy were in Jail Friday on chargess V taxes. has Uttle conflcifidencc in G in ^ch o fissault, ^ i harassment and cndon- ^Ickcy Mantle ■ Lincoln’s HrHandwriting / “Sometimes you get monQoredone and th e othe:h er GOP leaders, gcringing tiie welfare of a chUd — all kllchael Jordan • Many more■e pieces! / . helping define thc agendimda than Forbes said thattha wasn’t the case, i ^ b l e by up to a year in jalL - simply speaking on a platilatform," and that his group gr will support Chilehlld welfare officials took cus- L e t tiss k u o i v y o u r in te r e s t! Forbes said in an interIterview. the-GOP leadladers whon their todyy ofol the two unrelated girls, “Regardless of who emernerges in stand is correct.Kt. > according to the Doily News the yeor 2 0 0 0 , they will w be “Thepressun;ure In this town is to had . be'become mends in an orphan- Ccf. N U R S E R^lES, ln c .« y responding to our agenda.”la.” always cut a deal,” d< Forbes said. ««eta]in Russia. Passengers accusede d - Forbes spent about S30S3 mil- “W e've got the th right policies, the ThThornes of choking the chil- Idaho's Oldest Nttrse'rsery...W itb The Netvese s t I d e a s / ______lion of his own moneyI scseeking we’ve got thele righti philosophy, dren,n, 1hitting them with eating 2B62 Addik)n Avc. ^hTuin F'ALLSall • 733-2717 • T o ll Furr l-SOO-II-U8-27I7 M tho 1996 Republican prepresiden- wc just have: toto leam better m w utensl.nsils and pulling their hoir NOW OPEN MONDAY • SATURDARDAY 8 AM ■ 6 PM & SUNDAY IWl_AM-8 PM ^^^^ tioi nomination in a camlampalgn to get our messtasage across.” througllughout the flight. emphasizing his pushh forf an “Wo want to tc fill the vacuum incomc “flot tax." He- gavegav Bob and give backbone ba' .to our - Dole a brief scare by wiwinning brethren on the thc Arizono and Delawaiware pri- Forbes and1 hish group have sig- L M ■ I I mnries, but he ultimtimately nificont reach.:h. Since the first of dropped out. the year, Ame[nericans for Hope, I H H I I For the rccord, Forbes;s sayss he Growth and OpportunityOp] has pur- won’t dedde until next yearyea if ho chased radio0 adst championing ■ ■ ■ • > 'Wiil makQ-BBother run for presi- ■ various.tax issues,isi applauding ..lE S S dent, but'he’s continuinging to act school choiceIce in Minnesota, e l m im SALEE ' like a candidate, porticultcularly in opposing “partial pai birth abor- ■ R BTLOCATION ••GRAND OPI two important states — lovIowa and tions,” protesd::sdng the lack of an -1 8 4 1 ADDI!>ISOni AVENUE ElEAST- I New Hampshire. Earlic-Her this in d ep en d enIt tcounsel for the I.H S month, Forbes returnedd to ti New Democratic fund-raisingfur investi- U | 8 Hampshire to speak befoefore thc gation and opp>pposlng the chemi- B H | Spas starirting at $ 9 ^9 5 New Hampshire Fedcratration of cal weapons tre r Republican Women. In Iowa, “ He has really rc moved to B B I ♦ Forocs telephoned report>ortcrs in where the shoo:loodng is,” said GOP K 9 Entiree Inventory iO n SA L N ow ! March to support an incoricomc tax consultant GroverGn Norquist of •• cut that loter bccame law.w. Am ericans for foi Tax Reform, a BEM H u r r y In ! Bill Dal Col, presideident of conservative’e research: group. H lfl ■INMCING AVAIIABI£ Americans for Hope, Grow:x)vrth and “It’s been very:ry impressive." Opportunity, says it hasi chaptersch Critics questestion thc acctuncy in five states: Ohio, Pcnnsylnsylvania, of some of Foriorbes’ remarks, par- l | | | | | New Hampshire, Oklahoirloma and ticulorly his allegational that the m jU j^ Colorado. Treasury rulelc proposal] on part- House Speaker Newt GbG in^ch; nerships amouiounted to a “stealth R-Ga., praised Forbes inI AAprili for tax increase.”t.” Thomas Ochscn- ^ 1 0 . olening conservative leadeaders to a .schlager, a axtax parmcr at Grant MMm ■ „ “stealth tax increase”i” by I thC' , Thornton in Washington,Wt said, “I |||y |i y I Treasury Department onin limited1 think he mistisunderstands the, partnerships, the corporaterate vehi- law,” a view expressedo other ' cle preferred by doctor:tors and tax professiona!nals. Connecticut woron’t n OH A U " y agree to limit tobiEibacco iHGlASSESf companies’ liabil3ility • ' WASHINGTON (AP)) —- Con- IB IH S T O C K ^ ■ necdcut’s attorney generaicral, one I ^ : of five lead state ofhdolsils negod-i I |P mB|I|m ating with the tobacco industry,inc «)id Friday any legal protirotection I Banqtk : for cigarette-makers shoihould be . || ' IU{R^L»>PS $ / | 0 Ray Ban P I redators J 6 8 taken off the table. • • - SUOO. M SUOO. nCTAIL IIM 8 The talks adjournedd forft the ^fheOaMind; weekend on a critical notelO tftA n d - ...S a vinbtgYouSincel978 g • Boio i u S W $ 1 O Serenceti tobacco attorneys pri\ BUOO. ■ m auoo. ReTAii.ti«c'1.,.______* 7 9 warned cigarette-maker Kids'/ JH ' e» oks 11 . Insistence on the liability p y BUOO.ReTAi 1 2 als probably would doom aj B M I .. ticm ent, said people faniilior fai •T!kgi?Jl;3PPM MIBHTLY | with'the negotiations. LASIrD A i Displeased,' the toboccocco linns pjnK Mountsaln could offer no immediatelate com- CHOP' JJhHnise, the sourc«.;^d. • 1^ I'*' ( ’After the^sessic^CctomM TOIDAY! V^est m Attorney General Ril±ar 1 - m • . mwtholsaidhehyfcfln^ not to supportjiny^ttlemenlientYhat PARKIHG. L O T S A U • ; rescdcted'&iokecs* abilityilytoW > ■.: DPflCiAL \-,Iectda3iagei •, . J I BarOpi _ A M ^2 P M O M H LAKES BLVD. M., TWINN FALLS - 734-3937 -• , : At. least sue other statesites/ave || O M n g ^ 1 0 .£ voiced similar misgivings.-' ...... * fi l 525 BtUg ®IAI ^ Why do mmore Come in xl ToThc Founlain ■ e buy carpeet af-, ■. ■ S J w urfsi)#iwnlown Twin Fills ^ iThtrucnllurcCainrf* r UK oor V HomeF! Furnishings • Ingcredltpian 3 3 - 2 1 0 8 I I aude 9rbwi & see V Carpet Is our€ Specialty!

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I ( ' • M tlm M ^awt, Twin F«Ut,hIdJho id SftunUjr,May31^1997

N a t i o n A = — = — i =

^ N a tlO i N I N B IRIEF-1 CG a m ^ a -i-carryinlg ^ c tinTl catcheSS flashesr REDONDO BEACH, Caliilif. (AP) — He ...... the back < i ofthe van, but Jewell badsacked up, Clinton to nomlminate ambassadoior to Russia lashed. Shc snapped. Police :e developed the 'Ijusttookthepkture ve onto the d d e w ^ and triecTied to run WASHINGTON — PnPresident Clinton said Fridayay he will nominate asc from there. < carccr diplomat Jamescs CollinsC as U.S. ambassador>r toc Russia, a diplo* A flasher pleaded guilty We You Park Scrvice said. Earhiirhart never finished is fightii I ^ t o A third climber thougought missing was located in a camp high on millicillions of dollars in violatioiions V . “ Ib meet tliee cKallengcs of a^in(’m g the mountain Friday.: I founund at one of the nursir Park Service spokesm:sman John Quinlcy said twovo membersi of the homeimes she owns. ItK ^^nity < foreign climbing teamim ran into trouble after theyth< reached the ’ LinLinda Finch; 46, is scheduled f. B 20,320-foot summit Thurhursday night. Two otherr membersn of the trialal ini September. State rcgul B —To o U o r rcrcsi fe-few nu rsra^ ^ other st^ . ^ ~Tb meet: Itke needs of our Ins [nspectors who visited theth rcfixJents, iw and in,tKc futurei r e Sergeant gets1 6 months for sex( s scandal iblin Nursing Center in 19S994 From tacMct loft cloclwiae; Rae Deno Id that patients had advanceced RoUiUon, R] ABERDEEN PROVIN/ING GROUND, Md. — Aft< RN, Health Caro Cooonllnato.ator.' * iftcr watching an bedd sisores and that some had lo: ToJM^ri.»A. Army drill sergeant burburst into teai^ and pound1 hish head on the largergc amounts of weight. Th Adminiitralor; Marty Hofima(man, stand in a plea for mernercy, a jury sentenced hinlim Friday to six homeme is near Stephenville, aboi Communlunity Service Repmentative months bcmnd bars andmd a dishonorable discharge-ge for having sex 60 mmil il^ from Fort Worth. with five women underirhis h command. SepSeparately. che Texaxus T klie e standard for ^ alality J of life in assistited living Staff Sgt. Vemoll Robinson Rol Jr., 32, of McComl)mb, Miss., is the Depaipartm ent of Human ServiccCCS T. third Aberdeen soldier;r tito be convicted in the sexX scandal& that led has5 askedas! the state attomey geneie r- Inform ation om& c c e o p e n 7 J a y s a. w> e e k ! to charges o ^ n s t 12 staffstal members and renewedd thei debate over al's ofl 5 office to sue Ms. Finch for dvdvil ^ to p in or call fo women ih uniform. ,{»nalinalties connected to the deatath I f o r m o r e i n f o r m al t i o n ! • a patient ar another one of theth Notorious sex of ir nursing homes she owns, offender convictedd In murder ils. Finch said Friday her homen<» TRENTON, N.J. — AAC child molester who livedI atacross die street. provic)vide high-quality care so thnhat was found guilty Fridayly ofc raping and strangling 7-ycar-old Megan: resideidents and staff “really fed likik e , Kanka and could get the death penalty for the crimecri that led to a famiunily when they’re here.” Megan’s Law. SheShe said that no life-threatenin, Jesse K. TimmendeqIcquas, a 36-yea'r-old laborlorer, looked on condididitions existed and that she wil qB ^G S blankly as he listened toto theI verdict in the 1994 slaylaying. fight i ht the potential fines, whid a t T ^ F a l l s The jury was toldd tot return Ju n e 9 to deidecide whether rangeIge 1 from SSOO,000 to S50 millioni a Timmendcqiias should be executedi by injectioa Notone on has been exe- A^t tl Ms. Finch’s Pecan Grovi 1 ^ cuted in New Jersey sinceICC capital< punishment was reinanstatedinl98Z Nursirrsing Home at Austin, \yher< 73.735-0700 •sasssr^ J After the murder, whiiwhich showed Megan’s neigl lighborhood, pco* 91-yeayear-old Cruz Santa Ana diei iation Ofi^icc H ours: M -F pie were further stunnedned to find Timmendequaai carriedct a record in FebFebruary, regulators sold stafi't -F 8:00-6:30,3.1. 10-- 5, Sun. 12-5 ^ of sex crimes against chilchildren. That led to a aunpsipaign — helped . metnbmbcrs failed to provide prope 1367 Locustti Si t. N . ■ Twin BiUs! by the little girl’s motheither,,Maureen Kanka — for.iar.laws r e q u ii ^ ,.. J treatmatment for his severe diabetc that communities be nodiodfied when sex offenders moveme in. and1 uiurinary tract infection. N< chargcL^cs have been filed in Ana’^ ■' J CaiiinpiedftomwlrBnpcita death.

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acKVen lM«na ■ INnenmutVKiiv»wao»*wi^>»WCanwWWC«»U»i>g . ' non* e< CoinnNM MiM ' ire.'!):**^ cwrving c H

f V ' " ' - ■ 'X' Nazarenrene student: I n s i d e gotngona Church News...... A6 misaon'ion'trip. C o m ic s ...... A7\7 »A6 . ! f , t ,1[GIC3 N C om m unity...... A^88 R Reli^on Etftton Daitrdv Tumrr- 733-0931, Ext..:v/. J-/3 Saturday,, iM ay 1997 PageLi t\A-5 The Timcs-Ncws ime S Findti] >hea aimazeid b y ‘wornid e r ojf i t allr 3 u r iary D. Robertson • Graham,n, 21 . The Awtotoclrted P ref______• ’'V’ ; ^ t v - - • : 'morning after I’ve beenI theretin for yoi ■'.'i-Vi- . ^or a cou|luple of yeare, there was a rap on a [ONTREAT, N.C. - From Cancanadian the dooror of the office. There’s; a t tall earns grant to America’s most recogirognized . '' young 1lad and blond hair,” Shea SI1 Ml soloist, George Beverly She:>hea can ■ | r recalled.J. “Our hands sliook.... ^Vee start-st; . owndreoh, what dreams aptlyy sums up his carccr with onele cof his ■ . ' II I ed a frierendsWp. I knew he \vas fromom the1 B with the Beach inspirolirational trademarks: “The WoWonder . S ; Souch. II ccould hear it in my ears. He wasv >ys. Led Zeppelin :AU." . 'vhat I colaiU a Southern gentleman.” I’m a dreamer. And adeoh, Choir. Pve hit Thefie man who, for many modendem Iis- l i f i I’ve dreamed. I’ve sung w r In 1943'43, Graham, then a pastorr of an ts, made spectacu* tencrsirs, immortalized the hymnn ““How »d w K /B i s li .' Illinois cichurch, persuaded Shea to per-p Boys, the Oak Ridge Boys,iries and barreled G reat'at Thou Art,” is diffident aboubout his [■■■*; ■ • andth© Mormon Tabemacl( form onn his Chicago radio show. Four Pc s Super Bowl. Pve place:e in music history. He exprt ! M i h n years latater, in November 1947,, SheaSli game-winning free throws,mre i films, written wondader at how a former insuranceICC < lar plays in the World Serie - ■ joined th(:he crusade team. heard my name endeded up singing in person before')re Shea Qalways performs a pcacelaceful into the end zone in thePrize Si winners. couldId be1 more people than anyorlyone starred in acclaimed feattm ■ hymn jusust before the Graiiam takesces 1tiie imegieJIaU? The iry — some 180 million at Grah ' podium,1. The idea is-to help the‘ aitdi-att Top-10 TV series and he crusadiadcs over the course of 50 years announced among Nobel Pri cnce prc]•epare for the message —• ivhenwh Atc 8188 , Shea’s booming baritones Graham1 0asks people to make JesusIS theirth The White House? Camt is StiU,ill going strojig. He recently’ re,” Shea said. “And if 1 gett awayi\\\ Inmydreams. adc events. B ut/or some rea- — irom on” wants to0 Iretire at “the right time." He I singer2T atI stations WMCA and WHNEiNand “He’s just a ph.phenomenon,” said Kun Shea recalls the first tirtime he met a hopes thjhat can be in 1998, when:n tiiutl shufflirfling paperwork at Mutual of 1New Kaiser, Shea’s accompanista over the lanky1 Wheaton Collegee student,si from Graham1 ocrusade team holds meetingsngs in York. past three dccadeiies. i Chariotte who came toI the th studios of Ottawa,, r not far from Shea’s boyhoi^hood jdience is moved Desp;ispite several chances to perforrform on Shea bccamcc famous through his WMBI ^ — Shea was 31, and Billy home- r, Amyjo. Pm not » I frec*throw line I } so powerfully that the auditne - it’s my son, I j cheran Churchz h " to tears - it’s my daughter,e onA stage at the A ^ the one standing at the fr )iary teljls colo ion thanking the )rful stcory of tltra il with the game on the line1 golden statuette gy rks anniversanir y Joe. And Fm not the one oi eniM Turner ■ Dorothy Chandler Pavilionin parental evolu- hWswi writer .______in]VI/lissouri synod3d Academy while holding aat go your children’s - it’s my daughter, Andrea. LER - Filer artist Joyce DeF The TImes-N>-New« ______It’s a startlutg moment inS i S r a ^ S she can’t ever rememlwr not hhear* tion when you discover that 3 stories about her grcat-grandm 1 not exacdy sure. TWIN hopes and dreams are moreble in virtue to love I laiy Powell « ^ ; FALLS,- The. Luther;leran than your qwn. But is it a good in, who 4/vOI ^ L J ^ ^ E n i Church-M-Missouri Synod is celehrattirating «iehis to me that f ISOthth anniversary during 199 thiiu? To tell the truth, Fmf ncwe don’t save a . 1997, While it is a great and noble lg to Pastor Larry Vedder of theiI Immanueiiel Lutheran Church of TwinTw others more Uian self, it seeiI ijumped into an >ve’re missing something if w h K Iten regaled me • fewdreamsforourselves.'—. 1 Therea are 12 L utheran Churcurch- n’s rich, full lives *J *i Synod congregations inn thetl A couple of weeks ago, iraced1 bi myself for m acquaintance who had oftei Magic Valalley, with a combined membember- noories and con- 17 ship of learly 4,000. with stories df his children’si about his chii- and accomplishments. I brae onwide, approximately 6,000^6 ,0 ( another litany of familial viame off. “They’re ® ..V haveu, congregatiations contain 2.8 million meimem-- quests, but when I askedidded al excitedly: ^er en e! tire 1 bers. )ry ,” said ^ V ' At thei beginningI of the 1800s, in tltiie. dren, he sort of brushed I’cme know. I guea OK,” he said. Then he add ord, who grew up in TwinI Ft . German region r of Saxony, governmc;iment. / pressure‘c was placed on Luthcrc “Guess what Tm doingl” ! was a liberated woman bef icra n ’ “You?” I asked. “I don’t 1 en were liberated.” Christianins to changc some doctrinirinai: jsleragmn." , dcFo ___ ^A ■■ positionss in order to achieve politicliiical' you’re working. And coachLI’m Inking piano Ford's n, father found Sabin’s didiary ^ Little League team. And ... DeFord’s grandmother movc(>vcd in hMacMMTkiMMM peace. Sa;laxon Lutheran leaders refusefused they made you the scoutmasti- , . w ith ththe family. It was a notebiebook Joyce DeFbrd's familyilly found her great-grandmother'sr's diary In an unexpected place.g ' to bend to such pressm-c and soughtght to “Heck, no,” he said. ‘TmIS I knew, there meltedid insidei an old tire repair kit. relocate instead.in lessonsl" Ford explained that Sabin’s fat)father- ingj some of themn would \ dance for joy. r------Saxon1 iimmigrants began to arri^irrivc ,.M, j_ One day we sa«1 I was stunned. As far as I kv manufactured the first naiti SV a speck like a doud Trairtalese in the minidwestern United Stateses 1 in - and that his family^tory is con a of dust miles behiihind us- The doud kept ® 1839. wasn't a musical bone in his bo In celebratfcn ofthe 150th annh hymns with him in 'church. He CD-Rom put out b y lh e Momomion m oving towardd us and increasing, mnhwsaryof By 1847,(7, Lutherans had settled inn susub-, , . Chureh.chi rs, an immense herd of the Mormbo Plorwer Trail, areaireafBsWerrts siantial mnumbers in Missouri, Iliinoiinois,; person I knew who could mak< I us. They did not seem are sharing stories about theirelrancestore i Ohio and! Thou An” sound like “Ina-GaJren are taking ^ widow,wi< DeFord is the mothciher of buffaloes passed u 1 Indiana. Iasked. four children,chi one still at home- Sheihfvhnc to notice us in thee least,I but moved right who made the trek to the Saltalt LakeL Valley On Apri3ril 26,1847, in Chicago, Dl.,1., tlthe: So I was sure I had misunderstc id dumb in one great in. search of religious fwlom.im. DiaiyI Evangelii “You mean your cftfWrei‘All my life Fve a son1 who’sv on a church missionion in solid and lical Lutheran Synodd 1 nf je I didn’t know x^xass anda two daughters who arc’ n „ mass. They passedJd us with a steady trot, exutiXs and historiesswlUappearin wt Missouri,-i, Ohio and Other Statess wiwas piano lessons, don’t you?” I as and not one soul w: The 7Ime9 ^M»HS Satud^ reilglieBglon section formed. “No - I am,” he said. “ALI vowed that my ried vithwitl children. Fve spent thou- jjerere arc some excerpts from SabSobin’s Within one dny’sy’s joumey of Salt Lake durfr«M^andAi>e.' The worord “synod,” which meanss “c“on been embarrassed becausenents I and music dairy; City, we ran out of provisions. Two men U the way, together,”tc describes the volu anything about music, and I vi .•olun- 5 attended more who had joined us at Fort Bridger were ' tary organiinization of individual congregyoga- kids would be different. keTvc a bassoon at. Somene days we traveled more thanhan 30 on their way to Sailalt Lake City. valley. vi Just as we were linc*6 an award don’t there are ddoing to make this conventiontion' fmflWwiwPaB teadiingngs and stories about women membersm< of Eastem Star,” s len in who is a Mason. ,” s a i d M ^ e a success., 1 am looking forward to beln>elng: th e Biblible as their basis for living'ing a “ We are men n and women with Machamer, M Past Grand Matfclatron. “Each • there ” ro m w S tfiittM christriii'rlike life. Doing good for otheIthers, Masonic reladonshiship, working together chaptcr eh can recommend1 .a young per. loving one’son neighbor and doing rightght by for benevolent pupurposes," said Willa son.” so ev. Bert Remaley, retirci:ircd: everyoneme ara emphasized. Rider, Twin FallsIs chaptcr secretary. Machamer explained thatjiat the mem- M ethodistst minister and past Gran,rand “W eai! are not any particular denotinomi- "We tcach charitjIty, truth and loving bers also contribute to3 cancerci and om Pennsylvania, will speakakat c nation,t, but t most of our membersrs are0 kindness." arthritisor research, the! hearth< fund, ? ^0 o-™- SSunday church scrvice setJt fofor; 5K«g-'Aiat‘lQg?M Very acti'ctive in d iffd w t ch u rch ^ ""said st ' During the convcivendon, to be held in Knights^1 Templar'Eye Foundation,Fo June 8 m1 tthe CSI gym. The servicecc iis; . Fron RidUder, convention publidty chachai^' the CSI gymnasiuuum, the Golden Stars Shriners h o s p i^ for cripple.pled diUdren, open to thele public. man. "Tt‘The Eastem Star.is not a seasecret; - those who have'e been E astem Star Scottish Rite Learning Cent«nter and the For morere information and a completplete; organizata tio n nqr a qjlt, as some peojteople ' members for SO y

1 • ' ■ ^ - M T1fflM«ein,TwlnFalbFalEi, Idaho Satunfay, May 31,1991,997

'R e l i g i o)N n . ■ P iit tthese g^reat beooks orQyour summie r reacding lisst By Tom Schaefer Johnson is a “scholarly replyjly to the so- And theren there is Derek Holee ( of Publishers). Previot'iously, he wrote “The .edid n paper dips and memoao padsp token Knight-Rlddw Newt Servic called 'Jesus Scholars’ who tryry toi confuse Wichita, KaiCan., who indudes the fol!o\low- Political Correctt Guide G to American froIrom the office supply cabinet.'aet." ------history his with faich.” ing three amimong his long Ust of favoritesites: History." A bonitt with the book is alistofpolid-a li: Let’s get the suminiimcr books-to-rcad list 2.2 “Calling Church and Semieminary Into 1. “All Goijod’s Children and Blue Suedjcde Moser devotess 121 chapters to Old calaiUy corrected proverbs, partsarts of psalms posted. Readers have/esent s in dicir choices: the th< 21st Century” by DonalnsBd M user Shoes” by KenK< Meyers. It has a “fasdnainot- Testament storieses ond three to New animd parables. Savor these: “Tha“Tl harvest , Irene Major, presceschool director and encouroges em churches and sem,eminaries to ing biblicalal analysis of contemporairary Tesmment. But eachich one factors in 20lh- tn:Tuly is plenteous, but thei laborersIal ore teacher in Andover,•r, 1Kan., offers two of rethink ret and redirect their effcefforts as we American popop culture.” centmy attitudes polidcallypol correct ories, fe»’ew, for they’ve bera downsize*sized.” her favorites. apiapproach d new millenniuxn. - 2. “For th«:he Temple: A Talc of the FallFa that is. “Yea, though I walk th rou u ^ ^ . the valley • ■ 1. “Guilt Is the Teacher,Te; Love Is the 3. 3 “Sacred Eyes" by L. Robilobert>iIcck of Jerusalenem” by G.A. Henrry. The seset- Some examples: InIr the creadon stoiy, of>f the shadow of death, I ^shall fear no Lesson” by Joan Bor;Joiysenko encourages contends cor that how we respondmd to people ting for thisis children’s• adventure story:ry is God saw that the• lightli| he created wos evisvil, for ‘evil’ and 'good’ oree meremi logical the reader t{>“be a spLspiritual optimist" and can car make all the difference in thei world, the Roman1 :sieges in 70 A.D.; it focuscuses good, “making an improvableimj vidue judg- coi»nstnicts.” focuses on contemplnplation. It’s a “mar« especially esp if we see them “wi"with sacred, on the leadeder of a bond of Jewish paaatri- ment.” “Eat no-fat food^ drink non-alcohoUfrnor velous book,” Majorrsays. sa eyes.” eye ots. “Cain was a pea.leoceful macrobiotic be'leverages; and tzy to be merry. 2. “Mothers and DaDaughters’; by Marie Ellen I Vogts of Newton, KarKan., recom- 3. “Holimness" by J.C. Ryle has boclocn farmer, Abel o jaileriler of iimocent sheep. It I can be irreverent, buc SMoi sargt tsat Chapian asks — andd answersa — the ques- mends me “Simon’s Night,” a nov'lovel by Jon called “foodod, drink,, medicine and vitinto- Each hod sexist attitutitudes." thehe hedrt of some of the sillinesiness of polid- tion: What are we te;teaching our daugh- Hassler. Ha She notes that Hasslessler’s books min tablets,5, iall in one.” Moses recreceived Ten col:ol correctness in a way’ that thi railing ters? It deals withh d discipline and the . '‘usually “us contain a bit of a surpiuprise at the Recommendations,ms, including “Thou ogiigoinst it can’t. For thot rea:reason alone, importance of forgivent-eness. end enc but alvtrays one that is reden:icmptive.” Now for sisomething entirely differcrrent shalt treot all gods,s, goddesses,gi demigods, thehe 128-page book is worth $112Z^_____ Orville Strohl, whcvho was president of Her I other recommendationn is “A Good in books... demigoddesses, cull:ults ond beliefs wilh — Southwestern College.•ge in Winfield, Kan., Husband” Hu by Gail Godwin thatliat recounts Edward MMoser again has used his con-cor c^ual respect and devodorL”de^ Tom1 Schaefer writes aboutIt rcrvf^'on and for more than 18 years,ars, has three books to [he the events in the life of a womaiman dying of siderable witn t to- tweak the politically cor-coi And then there’si’s the commandment eththics for the Wichita (Kan.).) EtEagle. Write suggest: concancer and three other peoplee whosew lives rect with hisis latest work: “Tlie Polidcallally not to steal, exccptpt when “charging S2 ro0 himJ at the Wichita Eagle,.P.O.Box P.C 820, 1. “The Real JesJesus" by Timothy intersect tnt« with hers. Correct Gu:luide to th e Bible” (Crow:jwrts for on ATM transactiiction" or ‘Svhen limit- WtViehita, KS 67201. J —C h lUR C H N ECWS------: duuxh. helphig in communitycy recreadonaln Church fun(nd-raiser .dmission is free, but donadons'IIS programs. She graduatedated from Buhl be accepted. For more informa-ia- High School in 1994, has compleied features coioffee house 1, call Kathy LaGrone at 326-!6 - her Junior year attt Northwest^ 11. Jomes Episcopal 4734.4. Nazarene College inn NNampa and esent an early ‘60s —. plans to return to NNCNN for her lage-style "Coffee Nsenior year in the fall.full, Nofziger liser from 7 to 10 w u iiiiriey Baptists plan attends the Filer: MennoniteM he church, comcr of w llfl Church. She is the: dodaughter of and West 20th. IdwestVBS Louise and Dan Nof&gerger of( Buhl. lie, poetry readings,. BUBURLEY - “The Wild ondtd ind other beverages Wondeaderful Good News Stampede” BURLEY-Sl..'crformers inciudc is thele t theme of this year's VocadoA;;; n/lethodlst womomen Church will prcsc•slie Crabtree, ihe Biblele I School, set for 6 to 9 p.m. Greenwich Villa;erday, Rick Dollar Monda;idoy through Friday at the First^ plan rummage!e sale House” (und-raisin Williams and oth- Baptistdst Church, 2262 HUand. TWIN FALLS - ThThe United . p.m. lonight at the Chillhildren ages 4 through sixthth Methodist Women havihave planned- ; Oakley Avenue andle donated to the gradele o arc enceuragcd to “p^ b yourur their scsni-annuol.rummatimoge sale for •Live folk music,}iiat for Humanity. gear ran and saddle up for a np-roaringng 9 tun. to 4 pjn. Fridayyand9a.m. an to desserts, coffee andlution, call the Rev. advententure.” Activities includeie 2pjn.June7inthebasenasement of the IB arc featured. Perlay at 678-5871 or BibIe-1le-leorning, “great vittles,"," First Uniwd Methodistst CChurch, 360 ’ Michael and Leslie ut 734-9622. music,lie, crafts and a worship rally.iy. Shoshone St. E. Rev. Pam Easierd CaU67i678-7613. The event Is part of tlthe group’s I and Friends, Ben \ I \ outreach to the communitunity. crs. ian Church ,. Funds will be i theranVBS theme _ ' Mini-Ca.dule, ui starling this Schoolx)l will be held from 9 to 11:30M ' HAILEY - Calvary’ BibBible Church Rabbi Shmarla Shore ftrokiraket the note of a KMnonUvold•Id redi hetfer natned Melody at Kfarfar tHasldim In northern Israel a.m. MondayMc through Wednesday at will hove a “hot airir ballooningbi Wednesday. Some claimn thetl It a b^rblnger of the Metilal•lah while many othera call for herer dr- adventure” for its Vaco'acodon Bible attention the it getting'ridlctilMit. rid a.m. und will be fol- ner ofof 21st 2 and Californio streets, School, set for. 8:45 a.m. a.n: 10 noon adds to schjwship coffee time • Thehe theme is “Let’s Followw Junc 23-27 at the church, chi 102 a.m. in chc home- Jesus.'as.” Children from preschool01 'Eddweiss Lane (one milemil north of ■ ■ RUPERT - Thelind the sanctuary. througllugh founh grade ore invited.d. Hailey on Highway 75). tf ^ Churdi has onnounschedule has not Call 934-5977.93^ Director Lucy Fuller■Her said the Red hcome* nctuj of- Author sidim^ Florianopolis 'I School, where•e church missionaries. Send informa- >r puts a ggospel Spi]lin on strij Mission. He wiil he was student« non re Ellen Thomason,m. The3 Times- minot- speak in sacra- ^ H p i body president,t. News. P.O. Box 548, TwinrWn Falls, ID The Attociated Prett. boy-and-tij•tiger strip from the every ev« strip. Thai’s whot Shoi3m an f >ment meeting at lettered fourir 83303, orjoev Bryant,It, 77ieT Times------1980s andd *1'90s the same type of about, abi and for three dccade 1 p.m. Sunday at LukakaMldtelton P years in foot­t- News Burleu Bureau, 3251251/2 E Fifth FALLS CHURCHCH, Va. - - theologicalal spin he found in the through thr five books and hundi Ith Word chopel on ball, basketball11 St AT., Burfcy, ID 83318.118. Deadline is Twelve-year-old Andredrew Mugler ‘60s with1 SSnoopy and Charlie of of lectures — he’s ^one aboi and will cmter tho ond track tri and was named to thele noon Thursdajf for publicatlication on the , sat riveted on the froifront pew — Brown, wilwith an uncanny ability to m g Cenier in Provo, All-Idoltdoho Fooiball Team in 1996.5. Saturday rdi^on page. not his usual seat at the Falls “For me,”le,” Short told the audi- even ev< the most secular pass Church Presbyterianin Church( —• ence, “man;any of the pictures we brim bri with gospel truth. i6 graduaie of Twin as his comic-strip hero<“roes flashed see in Calviilvin and Hobbes make While ^ Calvin and Hobbeslort 1 is Qreggory Miller }ol rond the son of before him. wonderful,ul, present-day para- scant sea resemblance to their ru) Brddpated in choir, des— coimtiy1 and JUMP “He's been followiiwing Calvin bles.” salsokes — cartoonist Bill Wotidreds the Twin Falls 9th • and Hobbes since he! couldco read,” Using sliut o it Elizabeth Street or • said his mother, Ann.I. . strip and1 rreading the parts of 16th-century 16i theologion mokeJ< Mission Training- C Elder Luke The slid e show was wt callcd both the misTiischievous boy and the Calvin Cai and 17th-century philissase Utah, on Juneeen 11. called tb serve . “Short MeditationsIS onc Calvin enigmatic: titiger. Short i^ e id off pher ph Thomas Hobbes — St Miller Is a 1996>n gfor the Churdi of and Hobbes and ChrJhrist.” The yet anotherier poignant punchline, has ha: found the precodous Cosbeor .FaUi High School!.atter-day Soinu in I ; speaker was authoihor R obert leaving AncAndrew and the rest of to to be a perfect exomple of^ e - Sue MiUer. He partiWorth Mission. He ■ Short, who topped thehe best-seller1 the Sundayay night packed-house laden lac man, .while the S v S 5 ; cross CO, J f '-. M agic Valley MMa all f" : lisrs 32 years ago1 w ith “The- audience fluflushing with laughter. Hobbes, Ho who comes alive onl.after g • i 734-6781 ^ Open 10 am to 9 pmiMon-Sot Mi I : Gospel According to Peanuts”: Laughterer with meaning. God Calvin’s Cd imoginodon, is ofte KIMBERLY - ^ Q u a d ; and was now giving: theth popular and the comics.co A sermon in metaphor me for Christ. MJckdson hns bed Short n two-year mission! .»olvin Jesus Christ of Lati W h o j ^ 'r ^ S l i )f sin .. the Texas Fort WoWIU ! I 5' ; Provo. 1TabemacL cle.gets aI new loo]w ise ■ one of thttt 12 Docudmma Videostosofthe oj I . ! j TheAttectotedPrew niy in rt ttndMriii.davs.of.tht.ehurehJEaillaith: ___i_ _ U ______cal focilitieties representative for . affairs, afi said the blackishften c 0 The Churd tgjoumeift through Church historj).orv. See i ,* ■ xch 0 ^ Jesus Christ of along ale the building was cause I locorfoni and dmmitiztd n mH m Now : for church meetings,, hih i ^ school tabem adee wos> constructed from new ne lights installed. sed by i m egutarty $ f%gs > and college commencericements and 1883 to 1898)98. PIIWWIWW ^ I i : jnusical and otherer cu ltu ral . Chemicals3ils were used to remove V T lu d ea lillliiillliliM I Each I , ; evOTts. a blockishh color< from the build- || m n n n n R H - ■ I :{■ ; The remodeling pnproject has ing's brick•Jc and limestone, win* A wood. Cera'S'* Valuable W^pwitheach'purchoMl ' ' • • ■ I 'r , I taken seven months ondont cost just dows weree reglazedr and a new air 16-vard |< loads @ *16**1organ : more than $ 1 million,m , said Bob conditioninglng system was installed. ' (most ( areas - call for quoti i M m m ; L b s & OTHER ,CHRIS[SHAN BOOKS & GIFiiFrs I ; Allen, a Provo.South StakeSti physi- KathiynAn Alien, Allen’s wife and , J - -i i i . the stake’se’s director of public 5* 4 3 - 9 1 0 S

_ ^ ^

I H S M K H m K 9 j ,S«tunJty,M*y3t.Jt.1 9 9 1 . T1mMMews,T«>tnFaa*,kM,M d » A7 . 1 COMKlies

Pt— tt ' • By Charles M.Schuhul2 FofBettW ofFofWofM ■as______, 1 ______By Lynn JohnJohnston I [ 6 0 Trii8 t6 MVlto>\>\NovJ?J OU*PB«CNT!!-rT&L 7 l SUPPOSE HAV1M6^ CNeO?1R086MM;> Lj^'SA U .M V CTS W P ? ] j Hl,HWB/ll-M«rasu /AD06HELP5TO ; laO KS^fFB I HO HlN» 5 ^ \|f IN BM f m ake VOU PEEL W 5Sl sTI»,^ IN ® 1 8 DOWN STOmmd. B l f i I BETTER lUMEN / iw o u l p iMX '‘eoope^e'TO 1 3 ^ 1 So--pBW»eeT^^ ^ ^ VALLEV . \ YOU’RE PEPRE55ED, \J j I k n o w . ^ ^ I Jm vt$L ■ P0R6B, \ HUH,CHUCK? I a ® p \ M E N .. ------W E 'R E • ^ cC . M 0 V I N 6 / r a S 1 ^ I r-v - - . - _ j x ^ D iU rt______• ' ♦ByScottAdam^ W^Tm' ^ ., ytiXilR llllt&l IkLXCC, t UNDER3ERSTAND ' " WE DONONT WANT TO i . j| I : ______By Dean Young 4 Sianin DrDrake ‘ '^OU HAD A COWONVER5ATION GIVE MfAIXEO MESSAGES. | G« iin r ^ — / THSthi IS THE ) 1 |TtX«V/ I'MVI &GOfMs TO he ouTS\oe | IthrHE P0C5H ) f OUO M A S IT S J- ( ■'^MB WtTH rw BOSS•SS WlTHO(/r IT COOU MB OP CW I ^ ACCOtfPLlS■LI5HINS THINGS.' A PERSON PEPEAB...HE<> PIE HARP OULD BE.VEPY BAD f AN HONEST | M X £ 0 m t s TAKE wy CAN CHAM5 REAUUY ) ------' KY APPROVAL. IF SHE\ t GOT ANY fAIXED \ ST/STATUS rAESSKGES ^P...»ur TOOAV i-n-— rm TRIBP _ ~ ■fA NOT eoiNs 3 • vS i m S fcGhGES. ^ I REI ■s' ^iS«' p ^ ^

I.C. ______By Johnny Hai HSrt P teklet- By Brianin CraneOr d< e f a u l t . n S e c v i i f l A \ I I ?N1E6^0N0N o . ^ FTHMFsiSoSi .M ip n i M (•WeyTZEHAl-4Al^ > VMWPCeS ^ J w ^ v a X ''“ l 6 e a o c i 6 . ( i W W M e A M ?

P B P U C e WWHERE H P6 qyAKE STARTS_ e e m n fr \ ■ • y i ^ 7

^ \ ] d ^ ^ c n cW^ ^ A l c v V . • 17j L ^'CTic^Witx' \ ^•»/| _____ f r r r - ‘ -______M OwfWd ______• ■ By Jtm Davi:avis . R l / LAUGH, ANPTMEWCWORLP A I GET A LIFE. J I ^ 1 DetmlstbeM«^ ; By Hank Ketchamiam The Tm lly CIrcu'CU* By BilI KetKeano V I LAUGHS WITH VOU/VO j WORLOi -d R. ‘'n n i '

^ ‘ y e /

, ; ■ m \ f J-31 US nf^ " ^ W * d L * ______By Chance {pfowntvne S S ^ W USTBJ,TW>OC,'TbLr b tT ^ ^ ^ n I THS oceceAN'sMorifj Ifte iTg ^j THa^TAt U-I ------j C/»N ME/VRTUff OCE3CSAM H S MGRE,.ITS IT OVER J p . Tbi3 MA E OfJ TWJS . R3RrA©LE .J ^ r ■ g f r ^JHSLL-PHONB. f c ' "M om mny, y know w h at s to p s painn n o fa s te}r r th a n aspirin, T ylenol , 'MlNDIFmPLA^ THROUGH?' orfi•A dvil? A P o p sic le ."

^ Waterbbeds debut(;tedin’68 H o r o s c o p e l»Whirtofld • By Brant Parker & Johnny Hanlart Young people inI ncnorthern Europe | Sydney Omarr chcw ed gum qs far backba« as 7000 B.C.. W w ^ h a t ’s V V H A T ? ^ V ' evidently. A.Britistish rcsearchcr I 1 IF MAY 31 IS YOUR BIRTIID/ T<7 rvTT MTKIP«■ THRW frHVAw^trjl-1I nam ed Elizabeth Ave!bveling says sped* L HOW: ' mens of prehistoric I You left home early, in spirit or actuali-actu /Mwerwi.t-HT - ic birch'bark tur ty. You crcote your own indiiion,ion, are TArBTo'ffiVB 1 show hum an te eth, m:marks. Of a size attractive, dynamic, impuliivo andmd eon-c ' , A*eTH'e5tfpr W r ' teenagers’ teeth mignight leave. She A. Onei CQ harles P. Boll is credited, trovcrslBl. tn You te ar down in orderirder to OFA \ was thorough, was M-Ms. Aveling. T he In 1968, whilewhi a graduate student at reirebuild. At times you might b« accusedaccu ff gum had a strange smsmoky flavor, she San Francisndsco State University, he of skirting the bw. Tounu, Leo, ScorpioSwr said. drew up thtthe-design, got on “A” on R«persons ploy interesting rolet in youryi “• E ven OS th c “Conconcord grape" was same, andd byb the time he completed iifo. i“' Current cyde relaies to ncccuecessity named after CorK»rd,ird, Mass., so, too, graduate sd for brinslng oraer out of chaos,, signifi-slgr ! school, the bed wos selling • cant business tnnsaaions, intenseu e ren b - ^ was the “curront”t” named after swiftly. tionship lhal could result in careerier pan-pi Corinth, Greece. A “poththerb" e is not an herb you nership. ne maniage or both.' 4 ' An ancient tribalal lawI b f th e A lt grow in aI flowerflo pot b u t an herb yoU ARIES (March 21-April 19): Inn streetttr iJ Haddiku people of MM(orocco perm its p u t in a cook»oking pot. paarlancc, “You've got it folngl"- YoYou'U GgftteHwTtile By Chris Brownomo a wife to divorce'herier husband any* Q. Whatat would> I sec if! scniped e at tho right place, clreumstanistances a time merely by returturning her mar- paint offth thc c W hite House? move In your f&vor and you exen: control corn I ( S e 'T KlMPA 3 riage settlement ahdid paying) a small A. Plainin brownstoneb and a secret ^over events. You’re doser to a sgod d than tl antldpaicd a fee. Correspondent:nts say it’s not serviceoge'ngent. TAURUS (April 20-May 20):0): S Sun r E f a unusual there for a> wwoman to chalk Oftenomefmes in th e literatiuv of log- keynote ke blends with your Venus, Von I PPASPIbI^/ME y u p 10 even 20 divorccsCCS. end,thegooigood characters hove nam es eqequates with hot love. H l ^ g hht t inde-in 3 . Item No. 1186B in our Love and — LittleR Rec ed Riding Hood — bu t th e pendenco, pe inventiveness, daringIng anda W ar m an’s Hies quote:Ites a wistful hus* bad animlals als don’t- th e wolf. exiexciting contacts with creative peo band: “T hree little wordswoi te ll it oIL'1 F irs t definition del of the word who acknowledge your capabilitl.C.' love you' turned into0 ‘Let's‘1 eat out."’ “embairass'ass" long was “to hamper Celobraiel , Q. W ho invented thethc water bed? thc movemei GEMINI (Mty 21-June 20): Inmitn tuidon tn e n t of.” hits home run. People ask. “How did you3 ACROSS B“ know what would happen?" Wishh UIs ful-1 1 MounlAin peak* 4 t _ rilled in an aitounding manner. You'UYo 5~colpa |>r Tm ™gain powerful allies. Leo, Aquariusius per-j a SluH i— sons in featured n)les. ” . IZVonlufo m '•ii------rH i ? ------[ CANCER (June 21-July 22): DivenIveidfy, ' tM ttoB aR cy ByMortWalher 13 Brilons k i- but avoid scattering forces. An indiiindivid- “ I 15 Memory 6(000 ual close to you is not lolling; entireem I ^ T~^\POWUTHINKI CAM V" n f OEPB>*Q£S 00N HOW MANY ' I T “ 16 PoioUon h | truth. Prot cct youndf at dose' quartcuarteis. —> iflnL.^ R RBACH THB 6 RBEN ^ : ] \ T JM E s yrtpU^PLANTO__^^ o u 17 Spood. ■ Career gets a boost at last minunlnute. ^ IN T H AN 8 -IR O M ? ^ leLabvouol a I n n ^ M j» s«) ^EO ^(TuSaw U g. 22) : Pavoral'orable s - aj i Mars indicator rd a ie s 10 philosopi 23 Mon«— theology, Journey associated withr edu j J S : 24 Mine cor ’* d o a Added recognidon gained asIS resresult 25 iniont 10 harm Jr- of completing pioneering projecttU Ul b n i 28SorKllo«nother _ Involved. VntCO (Aug. 2»«ept. 22): Be analyd-anal: aatwihoutholp " cal, but don't analyse eveiything to popoint 33 SodoUl division ■ of no return. Firumdal status o f oneme who*1 34 Modom:prel. ’ ■ makes promises should be Weweded wwith 5^1: 3SSonctrW( ** ikepddra. Partnership proposaldb b< c k s - - 36 PiMiOQOd-low? R - loUdity. Gemini represented. 371xvlr»g LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oa. 22); Sound)und of ftaakawdEmwt • ‘ ______• ’ ByBobThtwes» ■• 36 Artldo I T — r • 230Urw«ni»d Anention also revolves around lifestjifestylei ; 40 Hiawatha’s craft (T* love and marriage. Conquer aI swisweet r ■ W POZ./<.id HAVeiBAfFlCAP A FAtAOUf . ^ <410ptlmI«Je . L _ tooth. Product is ready for markedrkedng 'l 5 ^svifoffshofo ««" [)romodon.Doitl ^ HOTIT ff. F^OM ppeA/ZlfJ Alrverwww* i i ifD PfOTffTers- l i3 , • 4 4 P * n o lM A ' " SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov. 21); Nofomore rm H ^ 4 A t / A / ^ i l' Yesdn)n)«y'tPt^asoive± doiledgchaojner wotds. You did theM rirright H Y SttH A f 46 Boor, T A H T M * MA m ^thing and there’s no need fo r gul . iomoUmos , 00 1 Decay* Could be a case of lovo at first; !sig g : ■ A e H t i l l i i e^M ^ Ma (//litfp OFF I 49F^«d«don« 10 —- Umo (novor) ' Make penond appearances. Wearir vatvaria- S3Mor>yand lllnMOd ii | 1 P ■ e.llJ t w t AUmuk A H , dalions of green. Pisces invdved. ' ■ > 4 T I cohflor 13Runalier 1 3 1 | p | a | v | bl|DWM|A|T|B|WT|HtB)| d | ISAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec.IC. 221): 54 Byron'i muso . 14 Mak*I noleho* japliM AM offMlIM TUPlay wddng gatne. Take time n perfeap ^ i WAUVOKF g 56 Stoi'ttovonl 201» PlM*ani fvTnwyNi technitiues, get rid of unoeceisae isary AfTOHA ” ! “ • 57 Tarty 22122Slack*n V ri T|B|a1liQiH'lAlLyalalArvlaiBi «*lwpendlttires. Focus on organisaticsation, 58 S o t— for 24 Exam*.1 w e i b> y M A |tjL p n H M w A » A S')'totting priorities in order, halt!lalting ' J r »w>,x«.>«. ■•^a.v,5j» g -3 |I ' 4amiw*h) 2S8aB*u»port*is \ gL v affl n s l a i ^ t of chaos. • J S9.PartldpaUr>o 2612 6H ^ ~ M ' . ■ T 6 w » 1 CAPRICORN (De& 22-Jan. 19):> :LLa o ^ ByArtSansomiChip range prospects feanired - unsavory 1 .IteBon^LoNT' lip 60 •Whon you wUh ■ ( l l i i BV i S b upooa—• 27127 ^owy^rtal M PIClil ladon must bo brought (0 conduw 'V oote Nor&oiti&TD> Ww ef* ’’ ' ’-iDUP.TteTEJISIMOOmiN&KAs'’. • '’'rtXX) u U K E P IT w « N w e u ie ee£ ^ 61 Seabird . 26128EIMIO I'U H l'JEiA *! V aITItM t B Tffm OhObaequious iiuUviduarthould be rega; i[^i[T|o|uj«W TH[alB| ed TOC^ ! — ^ - r ------/AA«5ieO/. , 62 leod Ireat* '29^29Ahoio— °rr * “ ed as phony. Arie* involved. THKTN5E.YC07 .j —:------— r-\ ■ K C O IA E W K • ' 3 030 1 ('.olumbu*’ . K I BLN| | AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): A \ D o y w \ birthplace I l u k U r w.iI ■B —I—1—I—1—■a • ■ B t I —I—1—l—Jo N U v bribright light shines on o re u preriouTiously ' 1' Does sum* < 31)3 1 8lo.nJolntrf • )bscuzed fir in sight Relationship bo a 2Nv»oo'» lovo ,333 3 Tartan ‘ flioqpo . w m ^ip, could get too hot not to coolt dm e - ^ ^ T t t i a ^ i t ? , ■( 3Makoaforvont sei36 Ethiopian i « ^ ihon trip involves an Impulsive relati'eladve. •.'f*quo« 37137 Disney d a £ ie , LetLeo feanired. '/ 4Moevonl . 39139H*aJ-Tv ' 1PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20> Desp "-■ ' M S m L - I'' { InorodiM . 4014 0 P en n y -.’ ? • . 4 6 AnlmoUonuon unit* ’ 50 Maglo stid( «bj>biections from thoae wbo tU nW k th ' 5 SUDoi'a partner 42142 Romarkobla 47 Anger ■ 51—vera ■ k»0WW everything, proceed In derekipl eUonosaolnolo mbio'- I ^ ■46 Canadiantn ■ B2 ttch « «.aLQvadve ptoiectFundlng avdlable- TUwyonobbf.* 43143PabuHM prov1nca:ale:abbr. 55 Way to tako: • hui Inndthre InttlleUdlea. i S 6 B oM decisively 481

I ~il ^ ' . - ' ' I ■ J • • \ ■'

' S erving th(Jie Magic Valley o lO M ]MU NTTT Community Editor.^rilCmich-733-09.E ^-0931, E)U. 288 ■ •; Page A-8 Satu:urday, M ay 31, 1997)7 . T h e T im cs-News*

ii Ruralll youths ) f F p r i ^ ] .T h e n e x t gGENERATION,sr____ : s show oi livestocl \ The Magic Valleilley Juniors t ; have b e ^ 1997 COIcompetition. t* The first show,W, "SiylC In ■ -:r r : the Rockiesi" wasB5 heldf April f ' 11 and 12 in Pocat'Catello. Jo sh ' r . Mavencamp of the[ie Billingsley1 f: Creek 4-H Cluilub and a C: Hagerman Futuree FannersF of ' America member>er won the Grand Championon Prospect Steer. Laura Hooper, alsoals a mem- ewn-TK*. I ■ • ber of Hagerman1 FFAF and a , . ^ member of the Bliss Bli Brush MBvencancamp mow* hla ■ | | | | | : and Curry 4-H ^^b,wonthe itier that woiwon him Champion 2 Supreme Champioi?ion Female Proipact Steetear at the ‘Style (n for the show andnd th e All- tl» Booktai*!a'S tear and Heifer OMnMi ' around Exhibitortor Award, «hmv FromR left,lel lUly Eamea, MIohelle RuulaielU Uura Hooper and Heldl which consistsi of o points ~ ^ ^ Wllioniion were named tha top taam In 6 : totaled from teamn fittingfi ond The seco iBMfQuU Bowl competlUon hekneld - ■ 'SH ■ . a R B d i (cond show “The Anfliii111 and U In Pocatello. showing contest in which\ she Aggie ClassQssic" was held in ■ ^___ / rcccivcd third, thele 1Beef Quiz Logon, Utahah on April 19. _ _ _ Bowl in which shehe received Laura HoiHooper, won. Grand first and the Heifeifer Show • Championn FemaleI and won.' - where she won'on Grond second in showmanship.sh' Josh' 1 ^ Champion Angus HeHeifer. M avenencatcomp received Italy Eames receiceived third Reserve Champioj] C and plpce in team fittinfitt g ond senior divisicision showmanship. ' showing and wass JiJoined by Shdble Maviiivencamp received P / o f l team members! Michelle} Championn Ju n io r Russell and Heididi \ Wilson in Showmanshij ■ placing first In. Beef-QuizB« Others participatingpai from Bowl. the Magic VlVolley were Sarah Others partidpatiitating in the Fuller, Megicgan Mavencamp, competition fromn the tl Magic M ichelle 1Russell, -John Valley were Shelbie Rickottess and Natasha - M avencam p, Megan Rickettcs. Mavencamp, Trby W /McDonald, The Idohaho Junior’Beef p ||^ | The family of Beialele EBaaudett fathered recently toto celebrate the birth of a flfthh generation.ge Sara F u ller, Rob:obin Boss, Expo is plan lanned for June 13 H B Beaudette la ehownn oion the front right, holding herr great-great-granddaughter,g Char Sarah Boss, Danielleslle Thomas, th ro u g h JJune i 15 at the Bhantella Danae Leslie Thomas.IS, Shane Twin Falls Fo County Crown, who wai bomoffl April 1. Front left Is Chantellelle'e greet-grandmother, Rubyf QIandon.Ola In the Andreason, Natasha Fairgrouncmds' in Filer, back, left to right, la (Chantelle'e mother, Heldl Crovrown, and her grandmother, Monalona Brady. Rickcttcs, John R Ri ickottes, Anyone lnt

second and fourth Wednesdissdays at the Aging; Dr. r.: Keith Davis of the Shoshoi A l l i a n■JCE c FOR TH E o m m^ ^ U N I T Y Lincoln County Courthouse;'99o.m.tonoon a. Family Mt. Jerome’s CathoUc Churc Southem Idaho; 9 a.m. to 1 pan.par the third Phillip Gr'ec star Jeff referrals to community-basedsed organiza- PhlUp Kuhihn of the Christ and Trini ’ Carson will start at 7 (jg ders. “The reasonssns for fear of the m en^- tions. Episcopal\ ChurchesI In Shoshone andar ly Ul is ignoranceice of the disease. With p.m. Thursday in the Veterans are encouraged;d tot contact Gooding;;; and Anne Martin of tl Burley High School ac **'5 education we willvill be oble to let people ' Lee,i . left, and Kent Woodland celebratecele the Applewhite at any of the abovibove locations Unitariant Unlvcrsalist-FellowthipI ox jnjow that it is defdefinitely a b io lo ^ ^ Ul- qu, gymnasium, located at gp :hriatmaa aeaion at the 1996 Cor or at the Twin Falls Job Service'ice Office, 771 R efetralanUld Information Services, ness and can be3e treatedt just like any , . : Community ^ Paric Par Avenue and West N.m College Road. For more; information,ini The nonjnprofit Interfaith Voluntei *; 16th 16d Street ■ ^ other illness,”’ saidss Kent Woodland, Ictlon Christmas Party. call73M000. . . Caregiversra is'a coaUtion of 16 churchi oUloncememwu'.r. • Carson’s hits indude and numenerous sodal scrvice provideiders “Not on Your Love,” n iteers. It wiU be offering no For morc informadon contiontncC Kent “The C ar,” “Holdin* BuhlO Class of ’47 rte e u n i t e Meets: 7 p.m.I. thetl second and fourth vvcVoodland 654-2099 or 654-2099U)99. ;; jrt,c.».n. 2 1 in-home help to the disable Overland Ave. in Burley. onto Something” and BUHL ] - The Buhl High Schochool Class of froil elder!srly and chronically 111 anand’" Monday ot 13160V his new rdease, “Dolt•olt Again." 194719, has planned Its SOth dassISS reunionr for cheir caregl The evdit is'sponso igivers in Twin Falls, Jerom Dues: none l b ! \ nsored by Kat Kountiy July ju 18-19. Lincoln £and Gooding countieCiea. radio lo benefit partiiirtidpants from Burley Information ] is needed forr Bclk>Ks^ “ grand prize of familmily Lagoon trip get- 7984,543-5003791 or 543-5757. is happening in theirth( lives and what the : S •: away. • which helpsps communities stairt a volu3iun- • group as advocatesitw can do to hd^. Ihey ..C«hrmihfQ^ti])tbrrP.0,:9m teer core^v^vers program, “ : Advance tickets are S8 nnd availoblo ot n also discuss waysys tot educate the pubUc ' " Caregivers seek sS D a C e boarcird is seeking handicap-acce obout bmin disordeTders. ^ : • all Mr. Gas locationsts in Burley^ Rupert ond ^ ' sible officece space in Twin.Falls anand Twin Falls. Tickets at tthe door are SIO. 'TWIN FALLS - The boardord of direc- office jupplply donations or pledges. ForF< • >------torstoi of the Interfaith ViVolunteer niore infonirmation, contact any of ththe Caregivers electcd its firstst officers0 at board memi j V eterans’ heilelp available pj mbers Usted or call l^emmcn*®** The curriculumn indudedi 2 0 dasses two tw of her coUeogues for• coiconducting a its May meeting. at 7354)936. Job Scrvice reprepresentative Roy . Newly1 elected officersrs ;are Tom __ '6 - and 4 cUnicol affiliifiliations. Coursework research re project titled “A>CA-Comparison sist veterans at several Mahan Mi of the Jerome MMethodist t'/- throughout the projjrogram e n t^ e d such of Abdominal Muscle EM(:MG Activity • Magic Valley area locaocadons during June. Church', ch president; the Rev.V. Lawrence] J . Vj.O G U S O N topics as anatomy,y, physiology,f Wnesiol- B«Between the Ab RoUer and Shoulder I; A ^ to n ce is availalilable from 9 ojn. to 1 Veddor Vc of the Immanuel>1 1Lutheran ogy, onhopedlcs,8, neurology,n pharma* Curlups.” Ci The trio designee(ned and con- ; : p.m. the first ami thirdlird Wednesdays at the ChurcH Ch in Twin Falls, vicee ppresident; ^ cology, cardlopuinalmonary, geriatrics, diducced the study, the onlynly one of its ; * Gooding Qty haUj^faMirom 9 ojn. to 1 pjn. the -thithe Rev. Jomes Frisbie of the1 Twin P pediatrics, manuslual evaluation .and type, ty on 30 healthy subjects!cts within the ------^------1 FaUs Fa First United Methodistdist Church, P E O P L E ■ tre a tm e n t and a coursec in research . PocateUoPc community. Thele ipurpose of treasurer; and Phil PownaUlaU,a coun- _ _ methods. In additioition, each studenc was the th study was ;o determinele 11if there is a W e w a n in t ypiir selor with the Idaho Commiimission for C a f O ^ V required to spendd a total of six months difference di: In abdominal muscularmu: out- the Blind and Visually Impair Ivers seek space in the clinical setting.set Whiles per- put pi between the Ab RoUer,ier, a recently ■ n esw v s tary. Maya Lemmon, the gr< Whiles, daughter of Jim andan formed her clinicals:als at Logan R e^onol promoted pr abdominal devictvice, and the orforganizer and grancwriter, jis ic s S i rte of Buhl and a 1990 gradiadu- M edical C enter!r In : Logan, Utah, curl-up, cu a parrial sic-up.p. The1 group irn'tiwmtayeu.wamBinrttobaarateittlL dirdireccor of the four-county0 -c.regiver c hi High School, graduatelted PocateUo Regionalal Mediud] Center, St. plans pl to purse oprions of ppublishing W»mApiflCnilciiaidjMiJcw y ^R liew leb . grcgroup. ho S tate U niversity Mayly 9 Alphohsus >^bulatilatory RehabUltation their th results thi^ summer. tofatMtpaCiwnh Other board members of tl Hester’s of physic^ therap:apy. -S erv ices and1 the Veterans .Whiles . and her husband,id, Scott,i plan MwtabOBt I tecceer caregivers program ar f l i p IS one of 23 graduates of mth e ' •' Administration hospospital. to to rdocate in Boise. Jamii iisis the grand- • ConwurttyinwtlMi. I program. She finished withch a At graduation W:Whiles received the daughter da of Alma Monison)n anda Thaine • OiMntfcm. I AnArnold, senior representative;ive; Richard Boyd, director of the Area1 A|Agency on 3-86 gradeI ppoint average. Student Researchch award along with and an Frieda Roberts, aU of Buhl.Bui : S £ S a » (MRtS. I • YourMtendtMr I MtiVltiM I S(OMEBOD’)Y N E E D S3 Y O U ^ W*alM«BitiopMcte-l • The College of Soutl>uthern Idaho copjinftnuinoss mailings, apd asiristing:with' wi andaskforM ardeor'or Teresa or (208) 678-, hostet or hostess, showing visitDrsstothevari- to 1 ywrpMMOfspwW T Refugee Center assists familmilies and indi* fimdroisingg activities. i The dMdon s«vicivices ' 8844 and ask for Ida.u •- ousaiareas of the museum and assistingwlth s ^ I viduals in transition. The cenienter is cunent- iheNtogic.VValley and volunteov are necneed-, , . , spedidal activities. conauiMytMm *■ ly in need of dothing forir ntaU men and ed in all locations.loi Hospice ^ d OSKiSHA •. Are you inter^tessted in creating.new Ihc : Bo: he society would also like too hchear firom ki^HrtMttaovMrfi I women. The center also ne that would ables and chairs, and mattres:Tcsses (twin and volunteers.i. t^? Consider serving; onor the advisory couii- be iniInterested in woridng with the society full) with box springs in go<^3od condition. If For moree information, i call 734-0600lorl* or d l for the Retired amand Senior V o liih t^ In thehe preservation of die vast coUcaUection bf you can donate, call Gail HonHancock at 736- 800-3034)60202. . . Program. We'serve the eight counties the ‘. ortifaifacts in the museum. If interessrested, call* 2166. M ^ Valley and youou doi not have to be a Jeancnne Deim at 423-5907 or PhyUisi'UisPeirine • The Fos'oster Grandparent.PrognimB hhas , senior to serve on thishis boaixL If 'you have at 733330735. . , P.O.BOX&40 • ] • Volunteers ore needed1 to ossist on-site four positionons open fw anyotie.vmo iss ayage; any questions, caUI JudyJi Tipton at 736- TMiMl,IW»SS303 I manager at che VaUey Housouse: Homeless 60 or older,r, are lower inoomei,and .haveiv ea 2 122.. ______; -1Shelter. Volunteers wiU be trained1 and minimum of a high schod diploma'to woricwo couples are preferred. To apply,opr write to: In the juveisenile justice system la Twrwin • .The Retired & iSenior Volunteer TlnTlmiiNwri . I 507 Addison Ave. W.. TwiniFoUsID83301; Fo FaUs. If you3U want the chaUenge of a1 IUlife- Program offers ridess totc seniors for doctor 328V2e.nMiStN. I .or call 734-7736. Biatojr.kwiesms ; tim eandto» really nuke a di£ferenc^I, acaU appointments and neonecessaiy shopping at '|B@gg 73&2122andndaskforFGP. zio cost to tho% seniors.ors. Ih e program r ^ - . Ym can * 0 Mck M ^ tn • If you are caring and coicompassionate - burses the volunteerr driverchi at .20 cents per and would Uke to make a diffidifference-caU • The Sertaio r Companion Program1 hhas If'interested, call 73&2122 m d ask a gfl Susan Harris at Magic VaU^aUey Staffing .opening inn JShoshone, Twin FaU^ anddthe t! fcrShirieyorJudy. ' Service Hospice Division., Mini-ussia:a area. S ^or Comp^onj?are- a ■ OMttwlbrttonS^ Duties of a volunteer canUl cencompass a out there manake a difference in the lives•esof .:. •. The Twin FallsIs County( Historical^ dS £ £ S 2 S £ ^ variety of jobs such as supjuppon for the the older inctidividuals In the VaUe Soeieiy wdcomes volun>liu\teers to hdp at patient ond/or caregiver,'clid e r i ^ assis- If you are 606< or older and lower incotaot^. ^uisetim during thehe sum m er months, - - tance, assist In piteparationa oiof newsletter, you would1 qualifyg for SCP. c m 736-21:21^ /Diities would indudeeservingasawdoone se

rtBtA677-4M3er7S4- - y — — — - mkMonWUmdv. S 9 p a|th aoeRniair. v tt

■ S«airt*y.M«y3331,1997 TbTNt^ewt, Twin Falli.Ili.lilahg IC A-9 W o r l d — — - ]VM exican treoops w ary aftera rebel g^ r o u p g o e s5 o n offenshi i v e 4 COYUCA DE BENITErEZ, A m y troops in oliveoli drab have Tensiorsions arc already high here have increased their attoattacks on ■lexico (AP) — After monthsbs of stepped up theirr patrolsp along in the weekswei before congressional the center-left opposition,ion, accus- le'aceful propaganda, th t e the isolated dirt roa•oads criss-cross- electionions in which the ing it of lies to the rebeebels and ’opiilar Revolutionary Armyny is ing the hill country^ of the south- In stituutional ti Revolutionary drug traffickers. , Amei f l e e Iloing on the offensive; ;ricans western state. Policc icc in black uni- Party,or or PRI, could'lose the con- The rebels say thee armyai is ItsIu killing of at least five! sol-s forms crowd into pickuppic trucks to gressional)nal majority it has held for dien responsible for the violence,vio liers in a week has prompteced a cniise the highwaysys and look anx- nearly sevense\ decades. which also killed fourjr guerril-.g Siema Leprae rmtewide emergency in Guerrerero. iously.up into the mountains.mc HereinBln Guerrero, PRI leaders las. ;■ FREETOWN, Siefrerra Leone I— : { A P )-.T h e U .S .Embassy m t shut ^ - down operations in SiaSierra Leone 3L , / • - Friday and U.S. hclhelicopters r' Sl I t sw oops into the capita?ital to cvac- t-1 -uate more than 800i AmericansAi ; and other foreignersrs caughtc iii ; the violence following t m lg a mililoiy coup. ' I Tne embassy hadd urgedu all I : Americans to leave imnnunediatdy, ' ' saying that sccuriQ' wasvas “serious- i|H ||||_ . ^ Iy deteriorating" after:er Sunday’s [-.{hPm J f i i coup in this West Africaiican nation. 1 Departing foreignersers reponed A leacd in g cor•nsum er ; troops ransacking theiheir homes, robbing them of all belongings be and tht^tening to 1^ill themi and : their childfca m ag*lazine reeports: After hiding from looterslot and ' mutinous troops for sixax 1long days ■ ; ond nights, Americansins climbed • aboard U.S. military helicoptershe L that landed at a hotel:el near the k X y i ^ f l i Freetown harbor Friday.lay. i V V j f M ; Hundreds of foreignigners who >• were left behind when > evacuation ended mill< 'S i nT llfito m t the waterfront hotel,il, manyi of ■ | S> ; them weeping. “We are v e ^ sorryy wcv could go to Conakakry, the capital of not have everybodyi ono board neighboringg Guinea,( to wait out ; who wanted to go,” U.S.:.S. Embassy the crisis, heshe said. : spokeswoman Anneie_ W right Roger Coo m t ' :ookes, an American , before boarding the! finalfii heh- who mananages Freetow n’s (2 : copter flight to th e USS Mammy YokeDko hotel, said he dis- ' Kearsarge, 20 miles offff thetl coast. covered ana 18-month-oId1 child “We hope we have gotIt thoset} who with a Britishish passport and $130 have no way to sustaitain them- worth of Britisitish pounds stuffed in R O b SSEV ELT LUXURY l ■ selves here." her shirt wandindermg around in the- Mutinous soldiers.rs. ousted foyer, President Ahmed Tejanan Kabbah, He placedd thet baby ^ 1 in the saying he had failed to keep1 the arms of ishis fiancee, Vanessa peace under a Novembeiber accord • Schellad..andnd they were evacuat- ending a five-year warar withi the ed by Mariniines. Cookes stayed rebel Revolutionaryry United behind, m ED Front The Gght Iph doulowins dead The U.S.. helicoptershi arrived and ravaged Freetown,n, thet capi. despite the coupcoi leaders’ declara- , tal. tion late Thursursday they were dos- Nigerian peacekeepingjmg troops, . ing all borderiers and harming for- ';. who are pressuring the5 coupco lead- eign aircraftt ers to give tip power, gua:juardedthe Fighting spreadsp Thursday to hotel entrances whivhile 203 the country’;ry’s interior, where . Marines began evaivacuating coup leadersrs sents troops to try to Ameriptr^ and otherer foreign commandeerer the lucrative dia- nationi^ in batches of uptoSS.up mond industry:tiy. Clashes there left Helicopters ferried 843 people, at least 21 dealead. among them 2 0 0' toi 300 . Nigeria, whiwhich.had 700 pw)ps Americans, to the wan'arship._ At Freetown « f rn as p art.of.a.W est., , Ieast'2 2 other'goVe'fhmeiments had African p e.^keepingforee, a ^ sent asked the'United S&tes:es to move "an additional!al 900 troops and said their nationals out, Wrighight said. it might fightIt to1 restore the elea- U.S. Embassy staff plaplarmed to ‘ ed presidentt 1 Countries lob>bby for N A T O st£status pU Lu

■ SINTRA, PortugalIl (AP)( - Five East European countriesco L lobbied for NATO'memembership H | . Friday, hoping to bee ^ tl e first H m MHI invited to join the W alliance in J i^ . ALL At the same time, W f TOMATOES ■ officials meeting it r INSTOCK Portugese resort outsideiS v s h o n la u n u e d a new Euro-Ao-Atlantic - Partnership Council d ^ . forge doser ties betweiS nato and non-member countuntrioslo ISSlHSSt.„«a QJflont — many vi«1wl»t. I deal with continentalll securitys r .,: 98-» 13.89S9.. NOW 70 V $2.58 threats like Bosnia. As the new Partnrtnership thru Sun., Jum 1, 1M7 C oundl held its fir.scc meeting,m the race h e a t^ up amonj dates for NATO memb' , Poland, Hungary and the Republic are considerlered the ^H PH B frbnt-nihners, with Slovo)venia and ' U U p S tfi 1/ Romania given anI outsideo -HcIpIsJostAi: Around The Comer* chance of joining the 628 MainIn Ave. South . enlarged assodation 05 Wl L ^ o vrill ■nw lnFall!Ills • 736-0080 The final decision on w HOURS; MON-iN.-SAT. 8 «.m..«p.m.- b e invited will be mimade at SUNDAY1 ., NATO’s July S-9 summit.lit.

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' A-10 ‘nmwKmn.Twbirwbi Fad*, Idaho .Satutdiy.M ayU,:0.1 9 9 7 I Idaho ~ Sttate law;v m a k o ns s^rcl:h for pririvate pirisonid(leas VISION (AP) — Having clearc the we have co try to gett a Judidary Chairmann DentonE Darrington of “We are just looking at: thLthis as an infoK.! G em jujudges )r the sratc to contract with a p good handle bn che prob­ob- Declo and legislativeve budget\ aiuilyst Kathy mation m meeting,’' Gould said,lid. “Nobody has; • prison,1, thctl Idaho Lcgislatiuts's budgiidgct lems that the other peo­eo- Holland-Smith.. . an agenda. It is to bring us up Ito speed mdi] l/a-r* judiciaryory chairmen plan to visit seveU2ven pri- ' ple have dealt with.ch. HoUond-Smith saidlid the trip will cost thc what wl is going on. You wantmt ito know how. conside1 ^ 1 vate priprisons in Florida and Texasxas There are a lot of issuesjes state less than $7,500.50. they th can do it cheaper andam still make' wet^.' out there that wc needIto to The delegation willwi visit corrections money.” mi y also arc scheduled to mect-wit-with the H k be familiar with. operations rim by Wackenhuc'CorrectionsWa Darrington concedes privadz deport£Cation d.SS=”ncn of che Texas House Correirrecdons “I think it is great wc Corp. in Kylei Texasxas, and Moorehaven, uncharted ur territory for IdahiJjS o ^ T ^ h S jo; Commitilittee and Florida Senate CriCriminal ' are going now,” she wdd. d . Fla., and by. Correctio:rtional Services Corp. in Departmenc D( of Cotrection oineunently contracts POCATELLOI (A(AP) — Instead JusticoCe Committee, as well as the ex&executive ' “If we hiidigohe earlier!ler,' Mansfield, Texas, andand'Pahokcc, Fla. They onl^ on for medical and commissar:ssary services.' ' ors of che Texas Commissionin oon Jail we wouldn’t have knownwn . also will see operationions run by Correcdonu “Hopefully, our observationtions will be use-: ■ of giving jail or prisonpri sentences directors to some illegal aUensali who com-. Standarlards and Departm ent of Cri:Criminal what questions to ask.”" Corp. of America inn Taylor,T Texas; by U.S. ful, fu as well as what we findid oiout fivm l e ^ • mit crimcs, easternem Idaho judges Justicecc and Florida Correcrections CaHaOould Gould will be accom­im- Correctiotis Corp. in Quincy,i Fla.; and by lators lai about what they haveive learned,” he' are looking towaward deporting lissioiL panied on the trip by Capital Cdrrectionainal Resources Inc. in said. sa “I am interested in finding out them. [link we have done thc rightt ththing so Senate Finance:e Chairman'AtwcU Pany’ of Groesbedc,'Texas.. TheTh operations hold a whether wl these leraslatorsrs feelU it is cost' In a rccent couiourt appearance Idaho House Judiciary Chaihairman Parma, Housee Appropriations^ Chairmanlan variety,'of. inmates, includinginc men, women, * effectiveef and, if it is, how they do it and be' before District■X JJu d g e Randy Ceba Grking to have I ’ - D l i j them deported,”1,” Hiedemand I iR ilitH fi . said. In recent monthsichs, prosecutors I ^ I I have been askinicing judges to ■ ■ —- -&M impose jail sentimtences of sik months to a yearir COtt allow immi* [I m f; '. ^ ' I ' ' ' ■ gration officials timetir to proccss llT I the paperwork andmd then pick up ' 1 1 the illegal aliens. Most appearinglg ini local courts are from Mexico0 bbut Hiedeman said some come1 fromfr Asia and Africa. They have in common a basic underst:'Standing of English, but not enough to . 1 understand how)w the judicial system works. That means findi)nding competent translators to mainake'sure they ' understand theiiicir rights and .. understand courtirc proceedings, ^Vj Hiedeman ^ d .. I, who come to . • , • Pocatello are’Hafa'ifa^Voflang'iifar>-'‘^ law-abiding familyiily..people..wlio„ 4..... stay out of traubleiblei'die tor said. ' ' i l i ' T W I rl D r u g ddeals h 5 fo rce htiome V v / :v -f. i l fo r fe iaure EMM ■nttAuocUMPm* An Arizona busiiusinessman will forfeit three homomes in Coeur d’Alene along withith property and I ' millions of dollars■s o:of other assets ■ I - 0 ' ■ ! they said had beenen io p e ra ^ ^ for JYANEW ■ j f f n v BlBUY A NEW YOU BUY A NEWONE. iiS * a quarter century. 0^ ' ONE ONE Investigators saidaid a number o f - NEWONE the ring membersers met ih the 1970s as studer3ents ac Old WILtGtADlY [ 0 0 ' Dominion Universitrsicy in Norfolk • FOR YOUR OLD v K FOR YbUROLD Ij- lYOUR O lD I * 4; I ' • and began bringiniBing m arijuana —_ COFFEE OR i ruREWHEN lATE YOUR OLO ai'*- I I into the^area to «U, stashing the ■ ulAJHPWHEN ■ r J ENDYABU- V ■’•cTui’ YOU BUYA : ^ H U , iSB U M fl YOU *miREINYOUR s i ' .! profits in safety■ depositde boxes, ’ ■■— . ' " ' B m m S ' Y' WHEN YOU BU Y ^ TO THE CHARITY 'I j behind false wallsills and in lock . ■'•IT-• ■ 'NEWONE . r s i r I > M tr. : I boxes buried in theiheiryards. A NEW ON E ; ^ irOUR CHOICE. '; Sullivan allege*gcdly was the • •-i' II , gang’s milin suppli>plier, shipping j ■ f: Mexican marijuaiuana through . : I Tucson to his oldold cohorts in Virginia and to relaiplativw •• • of dealing it Chaiham paign, 111. ; Officials said hele Ibecame the m head of the ring inl!nl969. ■ ■ Drug Enforcementlent Admin-istxa- tion agem Mike KenComedy i ^ : l S^ che gang tried & nunlumber of smug-. ' i > ■ H IS gltng includJuding a CTiThnnf ' Tastsfully^k and trawler, beforeeit it settled on drv ■ . ving the nmrijtmnaa.finom fr Tucson to 2 0 4 M k nAvenue / (vnriawri.Tuvih - '20) ■ Hampton Roads inI a ^Winnebago. , -j - ; ppen.W eeknighohB-'til 6 ■ Saturda>«-‘tir£i‘5 :3 o - q d s ^ ^ C f p a^ ^ ;;.(j'Deliveiy JhTp.U There was no'estissdmace of how ' ' ■•Payatiit upon'approved cl^ llil'OfTer t' C tlrnited to only one trade allowance *■ e^irertien n«iy? ply ‘ ^ much marijuana1 tlthe ring deal- ' Ail^-not be comblqed viHth ariy.o^.othtf orrefs. Exclud« clearynen ^ mercnandUey during the 1970s: anand 1980s. But ^ V authorides b^eyeve the ring dis- ' ' t r ib u te d . m oreI tthan, 6,000 ; PQunds in f^niptonton Roads since 1989. A single rairaid in March ; 1996 netted 2,000)bO pounds of l i l l V j’ n^arfjiinnn. P i l l I n s i d e Fortf»i9cad:Gouite Cas^and Minidcdcakacounoes. ^ ' Obituaries...... B212 M oney...... BW■6 P ^ B 2 * ' 3 I G V a iLLEi:Y S p o rts...... B^-IO".0" VlAC Ixt. 234 ■ City Editor. KtV.evin Ric^ert— 733-0931, Ext. i

The Times-Newy Saturday, IMay 31,1997 Scccionion B

A r o u nN D r ' T H E V A LL ] L E Y ^ Hritic: ILoophloles iln custitody cxDntract:t worries that thete contract to house the Holley Homes operates f ct presented to commission*loners, T taiKHelnz'. es four extended- contract itHewiwrttw counQr’s protecditive-custody padents Iimi carc residences for the ddejderly in Jerome. But thcc contract details are openpen to D river pulled frotcm wreck as^ " Jerome apartmment owned by Holley The company also has a icontract with debater beforeb thc commission dcciileddes sROME •— A Jerome womann claimsd Homes Inc. wouluid put the padents and Twin Falls County to holdlid ]protecdve cus- whethertr to i accept it. at Shoshone Fai'a l l s ' i thas S found some worrisome looplwpholes elderly residenents of the company's tody padents In an apartnirtment set up in , Thc conimissionco wiU discuss thchc con-c in a prprotecdve custody contract JeiJerome extended-care ho[lomcs in danger, the basement of one of thehe residences.i tract tsefiefore the interested partiesisat at 10 TWIN.FALLS - A teen-a,n*age driver was Counnnty is considering with a local^ com- . Capps olso qucuesdoned commissioners’ ' Jerome County reccndyItly was offered a a.m. Mor[onday in the commission: cham-cht pulled, from,Q sport'udlit;/^ty w h id e Friday y. ■ daims that thc! ccontract could save the similar contracc bers at ththc Jerome County Courthouslouse. ev e n ^ « fter a roDover acddatotihmWeOy anae Capps said she got a coicopy of county money. Jerome County Deput;?uty Prosecutor Capps)S is one of several dtizcnsns whov .stopped traffic around Sliosli,oshone Falls’ aty p,, proposed contract from the JeiJerome HoUey Homes’s ’ manager Friday down* Loren Bingham said FriFriday that the PleosG seo JEROME, Page B3 mty commissioners. She saidaid she’ played the Capp^

Filer School Districrict delays | H ^ d e n t ’s s u s p e n ssion i c liearing ;,FILER — The Filer Scho(Jiool District has {>ostponed a hearing for a FilerFili ^ School -student who faces an autontomadc one-year expulsion because he had his father’s hunt- ing pistol in his truck. Matt Billingtoit, 17, a farmrm boy who hunts ' squirrels and rockchucks withrith thc pistol, was ^ ^ f l arrested briefly several weweeks ago after . school officials found an empsnpty 22 pistol in his truck. But the student,'nt, who was soon released, committed no crime,me, said he forgot it was there and will have: thithe gun returned .to him, thc school’s resourcerce officer, detec- 'tive Kelly Hassani of the TwiISvin Falls Coimty - Sheriffs Department, said earlierearl this week. ^ ^ f l M School omdals said thev'regret re{ the lack of 'leeway in tbeir school poli^,ky, which mimics „ : * e l9 ? 4 f e d .^ Gun,Free SdSdiools Act They : say chances are RG^ that BillilOlingtoh will miss ' ' ^hissenior year (tt school nextxtysar. y - <^^H r. BiU Feusahrens.,di4trictt sxsuperintendent, 'said the student’s hearingI probablypr will be scheduled for Juno 12. Feusa!usahrens said the district is consulting an attoritomey to find out - ^ f l l ’(whether there is any way .to0 hihelp the student . ^ ^ f l in spite of the polices rigidi^. HP Alleged em bezdersrsenteiiced

. to probation on 1^ ^rciiatge BOISE— A woman whoseDse alleged $9,037 Above. Miranda Bamitia,Bu 2 , is one of the more thantli 600 9 1 embeslement;from the U.S.t.S. Forest S ^ c e walker* to partlcl(tlclpate in the Relay Rir Life held>ld fn nier / j ^ H prevented the fromn hhiring i^ -d m e Friday. The evenivent,‘sponsored by the Amedcanin Cancer summer workers' in 'fwinil IFalls was sen-' ' fenced Friday to-five v e^rs*.'probadon, .'; the - Sode^i'n^ied»d $$70,000 leit year and orga'nlnilzerssald ' ' U S attonwy's office said. - thia year’s tumiumout was better.,U>cal buslnesifrsies . Camela Jo Schaar of Nam'paNa pleaded . .o^nlzatlone fieldneideil 60 teems, wjth' 1 0 mem^r - guilv in an earlier agi'eemeiment to a federal Teams mustist keepI a walker oii ^ e track un ■ misdemeanor charge of haihaving obtained ‘ SlSaturday. wages fraudulendy, the officiffice said. Schaar » ■ had worked for the U.S.1. FForest Service between 199S and 1996 andind obtained pay- - ; Rlfht, Connie GartQartner, a cancer sunrlvor, brougliIght along . inent for overtime hours1

W orktobieglnonS Sculptured I ■ Canyon interpr^tiviive center : SHO^Oi^>-Woric is expected'tol>e^"exp . Monday on ccnstructTon of)f aah intcnweDve , T T ' center for the Sculptured Can . .Magic-Reservoir, ihe Idaho 1 ■ H;like througgh the hiilils:NewtT£rail opens soons Faamily sue:es Department said. The center will be buUtto ol ff Cottonwood. . - ByWiniVIIUamBrock Road distance» bew een the two trajl- i ^Road, whkdi is off Idaho !^iway75.Aparic-' ■ TInwrti»Wew»wrKer ______' . ' • h c a ^ is about n:nine mUe^ Y in^t said. | r ' ing area and informadonaial^l^>^be d ^ ------He esdmated thehe elevadon diffmndal y O V^ I e r w ^ h e y ^ t , a picnic area created andindatraufrooithe HANANSEN — It’s not ready.yet;It; tbut a btetween the twovo traUhcads-ac 1,500 to I dRhrerpaved. new h«horse^ind-hiking trtiU is ichedheduled 2,000 vertical feeeet. The upper tnillhead .{ Jay Jadcson& Associatess is the contractor . to operpen soon in the South Hills: can be reachedI byb taking the Rogerson j for the $43,000 projecli Compinpledon is expect- Whehen completed, thcTUm.ViewJ!w .T ^ Road turnoff nea tarok death1 edbyJunc2S. N WiU strstrctch from Buckskin Ridgd'tc6 to the The R im Vieiew Trail is different I fluence-of Jlock Cijaek andd TThird from many othehers in thc.Sobith Hills j »fwnFaUs, Fe . Description: white' f l ■ vehicle:de^ m otor^des and even biqbicydes.' ness," she said,,nnoting that much.of the ^ H i H f l f l a is widow, Linda Phillipsips of . ffeniaie.5feet4ind)-'Jfl - wiUbabe prohibited...... ' - trail ia within eiearshot of Rock Creek - I • WendeU.U. also acting as guardian ofo ftl t h ^ :es, 116'pounds, .H Ve’re trying to accommodateate the Road. The trailill’s upper reaches are { three ch:±Udrcn. Named.as defendandarits . . brown hdir,-brown ■ othert;:r types of iisers, ahd give themimmore 1 ' crisscrossed wi^vith old logging roads | are Camimey Inc., a Burley trucking«com o r drttmides,” Yingst sud in an'in' Linter-' th roug the trees*s. I B ^ B f l H and S|iyder Industries Inc.,Inc a. . eyes; tatto o s on back | Washing!Igton corporation, • and on right-shoulder.; i , r. Friday. *51^8 geared for thatIt hhorse -We’re absoluliitely'thriUed to death •hiking ^ u p tha^s iookio^)g ifor a that there’s a nenew tnUl,” Bottinger said, ■tiM»oa/n.iMi.« Phmip!ips, 32, died June 6,1996,;, whenwl W^antM o n : original chargarbeofW ry; d to rescue a Comey empio; 7 ^ L a st k n b w n jo c a tto h : Twi : y “but I fed bad tlthat it^s.not open for all ’ Todd Su n n iierfieid ,teo tt WanI*.n««rd, Scott'. ^ u s e i^s a Point A-to FqIp I:B B lMU 6. . users.” . whey tank at the Greea Ri' : T ‘■‘HieT ^n’FaHs.Cour^Shf i userSiWiU'have^'' drbp a',shi.shuttiS.v.- 'I.'- ' '..i'.,i. ;■H ooklM derihdM elariletkmKmton t wo(k o n .th s D a ir y we:rest of Buhl, the lawsuit elatwixi{wi« d e jit the.foi-^^.before settini : Tqwnr:taki^M;of the' new.NiiiWtrtytaw'twR. V • Vernorion Dale Moor, 32, of Paul,u l,B i n d ;tlon onFHnn to.cairthe sheshefffr,^,offira m I ‘U -ornr retrsce their steips to their orii i" ,' ' ■ ’ ■ ' another!C man had climbed insideid e A e de.'.-;', canbem^edatit733!4)931,Ext264r Please see WKEV.P^ ' - s '

: ■ B4t T1fM*Mm,TMlnFA.h ■ ___ — i _

: M a g i c V a\LLEY/lDAHO i I ii'i s s s^=sass==L==s= . ,-M in i-C-i a s s i a FORTHEf ; R ECO RD)- Goodiing offieisialslook to c le ^ uup TWeThne»H«wt______detennlnato penitentiary time, three j ______M lnW bka[a C o u n ty ' indetennlnaie petdtcntiary timie. other RUPERT.• RcRcccnt activity in Sth Diitria 132S iw?' day*, two year*' driver** Ueen*. C assia County CounlnMinidotu pended. retained fentenee. tine i i long-s■standingI fairgrouinds confliElict To'five year* tetoi retained JurisdictionIon, ISO '—' BURLEY - Rctcfll »ctiviiyity IfIn Sth District Refucio F. Uo day* at Cottonwood: Oiitrict Judi Coun in Caula County ind iKlnLtlnl: Ige 21 dririnf 5S5!WitUruniUrt. “•‘“’ J- By Sharon M etcalfUf Osbosbome told commissioners's tee outlining his complaiiplaints. DcunkrtKlrli'lnC lentendnc ^ MjcLsnteJudeedee Nathan W.lU*er. • “ Tln>d*4<«w« cotwpoflpendant S she vira;viras willing to stay throughh In other Gooding Cou:County busi- TlmmL-MDnion. 31.523'5239 Woodtree Drwikea^ttrlirtvlncaciacndnts ' Circlc. W«t Valley. Utah; $500J$00 fine. $68.50 •. jodRomen.0n>Orteea. 24.1627 Albion Ave, O ------the sum nimmer but no longer.- ness: coun coia. SSO defender fen.r * 9 .9 0 < ^ l n i^ 8urier.»00firK.rme. S6tL50 court eoiti. 60 doyt theft . GOODING-ClCouncy officials. • “Iwa:want this resolved,” she said.L • Joe Herring of RegieegionlVhas with 70 tuipended. two yean'n p p r o ^ t ^ u x lnjallwld>43«uiI Rupended. 24 oooths-proba- Ma IJcnue uupeniip e t) ^ M dayi ,ion. 90 d«y»' dri*-driver'* Ucenie fuxpettde^ dtae Saiauel S< Weber, 23. m addicu civnCen:iheft agreem ents oveiver use of the thinkinking they've forced me to0 and JU B E n ^ eerso>f fT Twin i Falls credited durlnR Inpaileni;nt treatm ent; ^edited; Masinn l innie Judce Roy CitoUimay, . by leceivlng/poueulng itslea prop«p«nyr Gooding fairgrdu 0 Masfunte Judce Koy C IloUomUo*«y- Frtiylan Ca»trtutro VesB. 3C. lOS Reed Ave.. hu^jUagittrBta Judce Nathan W. i(iger. ‘dunds, and com- quit,, bibut Tm tired and ready to to research costs forr rehabilita-re! Felony disR ials I fine. S68.50 court costi. 180 Kroigk K tteiner, 22. 1402 A St.. Rupert;Ki misstoners are! pipoised to make go.” don of the old tuberculo!nilods hospi- Allen Jamei Oldham. 27. *i ith t» wspcnded, 24 month** bursburglary; Ma*i*trMB Judge Roy C ItoDoiDowey. newniles. e taL They also will findid realr costs View Lane. Burley; no-accountunt Cheeki fraud; probation. 180) days'driver’*da Ucenie (utpend- Relueluctant to meet with the ' M adunie Judge Nathan W. tUs ed.fi»eday»Minlklini-CoulalninateWorfcDetail '< County commiimissioners th is Ropinging Qub,' Commissioner Winn in tearipg down thele buildingfc Daniel Saplen. 31. Route : Rupert; ““rf'the ^ week heard Ropi>ping Club objec- Hoisleeslee said, “All I see out of a should rehabilitationn provepi too lieybumj poucuion o( controUe ‘T S S .'g S S » s insurance require- r-.. meetingting is personal attacks.” expensive. Ma«iurale Jud«e Nathan W. !Us Drive. Burley; drivin«d« under the influence » without induding insi Felony lent encing iattetitiY«/can:Ie«drivinc:$100 ■>«*>'owner** conient; S300 fine wilh StOflICO *ui. ments and inequiquitable fees for ^ “The:liey don’t want to hear any-I- •Planning andd Zoning Irene LouUe Bell. 33. 400‘W E- 2Sth St.. fiSr$S3.S0 mu;ourtco.t.;MaKlitr«tc! Judge oded. S53.S0 court coit*. $75 defro ’“*■ conflicts. She reqisquested commis* groundsnds,” H e ^ e e said, vision, llie right of wayray to sewer !te obituary will appear a t ,” sioners set up mneetings o with the In th s acccss has b e ^ sold, and 1997, at her home. of Shoshonele and Richfield, died f* ,'*er date. Arrangements ar the meantime, Rogers is and present The funeral will be held at 11 Friday, May Mc 30. 1997, in ' group and a fodlitalitator to resolve preparlaring a letter to thee subdivision residentsts'have h had der the direction of Whit the conflict Fairgtb t- probltois with the existin a.m. Monday ac thehe View LDS Springfield.** .. . Mortuirtuaiy in Twin Falls. grounds Grievance Commit- isting well . Church. SSO S. SOOI E. of Burley, Arrangememencs are pending and’ with Bishop Clark HatHarmon offid- will be annoilounccd by Dcmaray’s D nins n t M ary Forbes ating. Burial will followfoi at the Shoshone Chs:hapc. Pleasant View CerCemetery in rWIN FALLS - Doris Mar; Attorrney seek;K new tri . Tomchak fanmy fd t he boreI the funeral on Monday at tthe church. Funenneral Chapel in Twin Falls. might have had a conflictb of inter- ' Lundquiiquist least guHt for the crimele andan would est, so he’s askinglg for. a new trial “To0 me,n tUs is probably thei be the best prosecutionn witness.*wi for Thomas LuiodguIguist . most firivolous&ii motion Fve seen inI. ■ Prosecutors have portrayedpoi I Raymond W iifono rd U rb a n ------—. . Lundquist, 17,. wiwas convicted of the ent)intire trial,” said Jefferson1 Lundquist as the group•oup’s ring- I RACINE, Wis. - Raymond - ServicCES ------first-degree murdtrder in the 1995, CountyIty Prosecutor Robin Dtmn. leader. The defense said there’s | Wilford Urban. 70, < murder-robberyry of Tomchak. He haslas ai private law pracdce inX no hard evidence support!nrting those Ann (Bany) Lincoln, Allcidice Marguerite Butler KeU; r flnlttie , Wise., died May 20,), 1997,ll m die „( Bo ^y Chris Shanahann ands Benjamin . Rigbyy withv Deputy Prosecutor Beach. Calif., and for- Curtis,rtis, of Idaho Falls, intermenent “B.J.” Jenkins piepleaded guilty to ' SteveiClark. Q - Clark said he simplyply helped Rock Creek area. [win Falls, memorial servicivice, 1 p.m. today,- Falrfieli Arrangements'areepcndtagand p< eld related charges, ■ .Archichibald’s new motion said1 make some diDd supportport compu- 10 a.m . today. St. Ccmetnetery, {Wood Funeral Homime All three will be sentenced by Clarkk didd some legal work forr adons on a computer forfor. Jenkins’ ■ will be axuiounced by t Datholic Church, Twin in Idaldaho Falls). ■ Mortuary Burley Chap- Edwnrd's Cat 7th District Judgdge Brent Moss Jenkins’ins’ stepfather, Bryce Taylor, stepfather, and that hadtuid nothing Falls.Araccpreppon w ^ follow. Tuesday morning,i. Hesaidilid there’s no indicadon Clarkc to do with his dudes as a deputy 'eggy Joyce Hackworth, oof Jim Archibald,Id, representing didanyt!nything wrong, but Lundquist.t. prosecutor. Joseph Eugene9 E B a r r u s nianavoncaoN«.„aRad.a™n.. in FaUs, 2 p.m. todayay. Lundquist, filed:d ai motion this needss totc be guaranteed prosecu- "How that biased our)ur 1dealings WENDELL - JosefCAnh P.innnA Twin FallSills, 10:30 a.m. today, Reynoynolds Funeral Chapel, Twiivin week alleging pr(prosecutors had tors areire treatingi him foirly. \vith Lundquist is beyond□nd me,” he Barrus, 8 8 , of Wentr d = n ,“S 'VhitoMorm.t\iary. Twin Falls. PaUs.Is- done legal woric forfoi the fomily of Duimim said prosecutors made aI said Friday, May 30. 1997.97. at his resi- LeonardI Ray R Irish, of Buhl, Vmiam P. Novak, of Wendell dence. 1. today, Reynolds . TTie funeral will bcbe held at 2 Funeral Chap»pd,Twi„Falls. i.m. today, Reynolds FuneraS Land s w a p W O Uu l d protectt cedar groo v e apel. Twin Falls. p.m. Monday at chethe Wendell ^ COEUR d’ALIXENE (AP) — of cedaitdars at Upper Priest Lakei 'Comments coveredI economic,eo Church of Jesus Chrisiirist of Laner- . Dwight O. 0 Thom pson, of . Timber companiesties, environmen- by maletaking it p art of the Idaho*)' environmental and emotionalem day Saints. BuriaJ willwii follow at Jerom e, 1 p.m. p. today, Jerom e • Corelorolyn Semo, of Jerome ant Magic Valley area, memoria. , tal groups andd citizensc from Panhanilandle National Forests, ments of the proposal ' the Wendell Cemeter:tery. Friends LDS Stake! Center,C nonh of the the Mi ^ California to CoiConnecticut are . IlieS:e S20 acres is now owned byr 7heon-Qgain,o£f-Qgaineinexdiange may .call from 4 to 7 p.p-m. Sunday high schooLL FriendsF may call one serviovice, 11 a.m. June 7, Jeromi , supporting a proi metery. A celebration of Ufi roposed govern- Rileyr CrCreek Lumber Co. has been Eve years intthe th( worics. at Demaray’s Wendloyd Darrell Hodge and AuAustin Walker, both of Declodo; served four yearsrs ini the job and o /* ^ absolutely FREl? E E ! a and 0-11:30 a.m. Falls, diod Thursday, MayMa 29.1997. Ing to Buhl in 1960. Following the kihl B ^ e n ta ry Gxtrts . ^ at her homo. deathith (of her husband in 19SS, she 5 4 3 4306 Ms. Evans was bor3orh May 20. , t/ed to Ogden to live with hei 1933. to Bill R. andnd Margaret ighter. ' , • (WIN RALLS ' June 26th 6-7:30 p.m .. .V FInklemier Scott In1 Manitowac.M he was a 50-year-member o,o Lunch S[ ■lannonPark ' TWln Fails Qty Rec. 71 3 ^ ^ 2 6 5 I Wise. She married Jactlack Gollnskey Chaptfjpter No. 38 of The Order o in March ol 1959. Thoy The had two Easterrtem Star in Buhl. She loved tc Chlckei children, Brett and Brianrian Qeiinskey. ■ huntart and camp wilh her family. Hei■ler C aesar Sj fWINRULS June 28th . 8:30-10:00 a.m. Rosemary graduatedted Irom UW beautiflutlful ro^es and flowers were

jV lA G I Cs V a l l e y AV eEST; Sped:ial OlyiTOpiani IS trainL Burleyy foresterjrs, conseirvationist >ts 5 disputte interpDretationL o f appeaj a l ferldi By Jennifer Bunch in a letter i laho SUIimmer gamesJ ter to Hailey architect Jon expressed urgency for the pro­ DyKiranE.Nal«lnik also been very supportivrtive over the years.” TIme»W>w» writer Marvel. Ject to begin. . Tln»»Nfw» wrttho different interpretadations of whot group’s firfirst on a Forest Servicc of tho forest, with the bugsgs sistill in as an butreoch speaker.er. foresters must do to0 rrevise a plon project. ■ them, before the bugs cmemerge Forty.sbt Special Olymympic athletes are practic* “I try to get everyoryone involved in Speciaial to improve the healsolth of dying Marvelel pointedi to Me^Donold's and attack other trees," helesaid. si ing for four different sportssp< after qualifying for Olympics,” said Fronk,k, iwhose siblings have volunun- trees. dedsion,1, vtwhich mentioned sever- Morvel said McDonaldId ddidn't the summer games heldild June 6*7 in Boiife. Many teered and whose dadad has cooched Speciaial Idaho Watershedsis :Project and ol wildlifelife inventories Burley address several pointss oiof the volunteers and sponsorsrs throughoutt the communi- Olympics. ' ‘ the'Committee forr IeIdoho’s High forestersrs musti record. Surveys appeal bccause hc based his deci- ty have helped tho at!athletes, making Cassia ‘1 Kinkead said the partiartnership program at Burle: Desert, two conservaivotion groups, m ust bele conductcd e one year sion on procedural issuess reiregard- C ounty one of th e most mo successful Special peal\thot tem- before oi dedsiond< is made to treat ing wildlife assessments. : w ^pic pogroms in the state, head coach Terry High School has bridgeiIged some neat relationship: ^ between the SpecialI OiOlympic athletes ond higl e U.S. Forest tiie forestst withv logging ond bums, “There are a lot off th things school volunteers. Forr a break from training earii Service’s treatmentIt iplan on the In o ncnews release Fridoy, remaining i that could resu-esult in "When I look out I see>ee all kinds of people play­ er in the season, everyoryone got together for a bar Sublett Division 400 rmiles south- Peterson3n :said the agcncy will another i reversal,” Marvda saisaid. - ing basketball and h(Mn(ing fun together,” Kinkead east of Burley. need onlyily toi inventory one plant The two conservationI grgroups said during a basketbalball scrimmage with high Burley District RiRanger Pete jn the SuSublett area, the Ute announced : in a news releaserel< : school volunteers froirom the Burley Special , “High school kids geget such a bad rap but we Peterson dedded toto itreat o high ladies' tretresses, which recently Friday that a minimumn of two O lpipic Partner Program•am. “A lot of times the kidsj . think they're fantastic,”lc,” Kinkead said. “Everyone tree-mortolity ratete by logging was listedcd osi 0 threatened spedes years is required for thee F(Forest will come up to me andid aski me if they can bring just has a great time togups, the oppeal deciding thot i the conservation group:oups are' Olympians who only partlartidpated in downhill ski-j|. Olympics or sponsored:d aathletes. U.S. F orest Servrvice Acting officer ... deddede: to reverse my reody i to work with Peterscerson to ing. Sne had been invoIv<□Ived with Spedal Olympicic Still others ride sixix rmiles with the cyclists tote Deputy Regional Fo:Forester Jack decisionI basedbt on the fact thot I help 1 prepare a “reosonobleable and . programs in Michigan,I, AAlaska and Florida, andid keep them company so Kinkead can take it easj . W. McDonald in OgOgden, Utah, had^issuedled a dedsion bosed on a ]legal” proposal to restoreJ the fer- after she worked with othothers in Burley, the countyty from dme to time. ruled recently thott titiie plan did d ra ft biobiological assessment est’st ecologicol health. not adequately assessess die impact involvingng 0 threotened plant More than half of thee a:aspen now has 6 S athletes whqIQ ppartidpate in nine diffcr-•f- “Yesterday we just: leilet evenone go with Stever - ent spons year-round. f" of burning and 1logging< on spedes,”” PetersonP< said. (groves thot covered the forest'sfor because-he’s really fast,ust,” Kinkead said of Stever™ wildli/e. “Priorr totc issuing a new deci* Sublett : Division have diedd duringdi Ages 8 through adult id Torrez, who is au & ticic. .'“They were laughing anei ulthood are eligible, and The conservation gngroups'appeal e said loter m the rdeose, thei last century, and 50 to0 60 per- Special Olympions nowjw are considered varsitycy joking and having funfun, th a t’s w hat this is all questioned whetherer a problem a ftnal biobiological assessment for cent e of the older Douglas fir itrees athletes at Burley HighI ScSchool. about. It’s not an isolateiated thing anymore, it’s real“*■ really existed on thehe forest, but this plantsIt rth $750,000 ; ■ in the eariy 1970s and condwitinuesto and Switzerland.nd. in 197!977, court documents say.y. has been seized, ass hash land in R o m D i - taint this island of Idaho. It’s the onlyf n:major intemadon- Court:rt recordsi from the Partensn Fiji, Thoilond and tiiethe Howaiion D a lllCies , and Noble sponsisors reading progran’am Arrested May 21 were' MiMichael al dnig-smugglin^ g case ever pros* caseI saysa the Sun Valley Athletic3c islands of Oahu, Maui,lUi, Kauai and TWININ FALLS] — Bames and Noble3le is sponsoring a summer read-reae ' ' Gary MiUer, 48, of Oahu,, HiHawaii, ecutra in Id^o.10. More arrests are Q ub3 wasw built for $1.5 million in Molokai. Also, an unspecifiedui ing prognDgram. . and his brother, Paul E. MiU will meet Mondayay • • places throughout the world.rid. inonyaiminalaclacdviiy. and southern s< California in an Australian ranch.. ItIt is charged HAILE[LEY — Bloine County commi:nissioners will meet at 8:451 a.na.m. • AQchael Miller was airesti■ested by Also, Paul VlillerMil owns a lot in exchanjlange for cashier’s checks — (hat Miller money andnd drugs olso Monday,ay. - Indonesian police ih Balilali, and the Heatherlancuids subdivision in each1 worthw less than $10,000 — traveled to Califomirnio, Hawaii, A publiiiblic comment session is first onsn the agenda. Otheir items upipfor fo Paul Milter was arrestedted and mid-Blaine Coulounty adjacent to laterr usedus for construction mate- ;e- Hong Kong, Thailand, sion during the moming sessiodon ore a board of equalizatioradon, • arraigned May 21 in Hiwaii.mil Both the Ohio GulchIch Road. Michael rials; forfeu the othledc facility, Bali, Fiji. New Zeo|eoland and . • are en route to Boise. Afterer 8an ini' Miller also ownsvns property in the Checiecks for amounts less thanin Australia, Stiles said lation of taxes, public hearing; forfe the Tenny-Anderson subdivIjdivi- . tial appearance, a trial dateIte could Warm Springs1 village. vi] $10,OOC0 0 0 are not reported to thele All the property in tlie Miller G™Gannett Road update, indigent:It opplicadons and the Icose/pu:a/pur* . besetwitlUn70day8,Sdlesses said. These most: recentre arrests not IRS. case will face separateIte sail tiny in chase of o0 Mack truck for the road andnd bridge department. On ApHl 10, a federalII ggrand only tie the twovo brothers back to Thele Suni Valley Athletic: Clubib 0 forfeiture proceed!eding. II the A publiublic hearing on the Cove Cre induding John ] ' '>'»y Hotstene BMX in Parten, who was HowOW'Parten and the Millerer face minimum termsIS cof 20 years lemsc i„., negotiation. : teeiing enterprise since the■he early arrested and convictedcoi in 1994. brothechers are allegedly tied is to life, and forfeiturere iof $20 mil* . ' 1970s. The indictment, whidhich was ‘Ihen, Parten, illshis: mother and three uncleailear, because certain courtrt lion worth of personalnal property, ^ *. sealed last week,:chargei‘ges th e partners pleadedled guilty to money recordstrds have been sealed. Butit Stiles said. Uniteded Methodist youth!hs hold car wash GOODI3DING — Ih e United Methodisdist Church youth will hold a cacar j Jerome_ wash fronnnn 9 a m to 2 pjn. today in thehe parking lot at Demary Funertneral Home,, 73773: Moin Sl in Gooding, . CoRtlnwdffomBl But the com]tmpany can’t keep Bureai■eau of Facility Standardsds patients could preseisent to resi- Proceeereeds hrom the car wash will helphi the youth group go to> thithis questioned the need for- thithe con* tiie apartmentIt (open without the inspecilects the co;npany’s elderlyly dents in the homee iabove the retreat, “Grace In Faith (of dadaily living.” For more informs)rma- tract during two recent co:commis* m ontnly fee,e, Holley 'Homes cares residencesre: every year, opartment or people. iii n neighbor all die church at 934-4633. doners'public hearings. . Manager Careyey (Crist said Friday. But u t:since the apartment is a inghouses. During the first heehearing, Since tiie apaapartment is essen* separcarate, private dwelling,g, The proposed conantract would OoRTledhimtttfiqxilItpCftB . . Commisjaoner Roy Prescoticott said 'tially a pnvatete cuicustody operations, th'the fee takes the HoUioUey Homes had a privatete in crisis.” padents to C a i^ n View■Hospitu Hc ■ place of the renrai^^^partment many check the apartmentnt ' She also pointed out3ut a contract J —- ' U)wned V Air ForceI pilot) t ' - ■ and Counseling Center■ inIn T \^ ownerneeds, Gii ^ s i i e t y , Crist said. ' dause that allows lowi3wenrisk pro* , •' Halls, Prescott said. H olley' ' Commissionerier Emmett BroUier Faciacility Standards Bureaulu tecdveday Holley Homes has anin ill, potentially violent,It, or a poten- More th«than 400 people over* women’s v volleyball team. • small to allow an adult to escape. excelle:illent track record d u physical threat, flowed a chapel a t Davis* “Fve never known anyomyone to U Jerom e Counpr keepseps only ’ Jerome Cityy BBuilding inspector Hee alsoa didn’t know about-thele, “There's no need for us to take Montiiann AirA Force Base .to pay have h as many friends asas AAmy I ':. one patient in the apartmement for Hod Wilson andmd Citv Fire Chief procectecdve custody .apartment,It. those kinds of people,'1 e,” she said. tribute toto Svoboda,S 29, a&a joy- has,” h said Lt. Jim Vardet•den of I one dey over six months:hs -< as Jim AudaireI sosaid their depart* but saidsaii his agency probably hasas “There’s already a plae•lace for them f^ , talentedued, competitive, life- ov- Svobodo's S 354th Fighter SqiSquad- . I Twin Falls County has—•itwouU it 1 ments, have ne'never done safety nojurijurisdicdonoverit. at Canyon View.” - ihgwoman.an. ron. r “I feel fortunate to hoveave hod cost tbe county more, Cappspps said. inspections ofF tlthe Holley Homes CappapM said Thursday that shele ------;---- • Svobodfl ida was the Air Force’s her h as a friend, and FU alwaywoysbe ' , ■. ^ “We would have ^venI (t(Holley^ aparm ent and ouother Jerome residents arere • .Times-News staff wwi n t^ M a rk first womannan fighter pilot to die in thankful tl for diot” Homes) $1,900, instead of (^ving Crist said thrs i two • dangers th e totank posed. The of fajl[ailing to properly trainin to develop, lished pilot and volley- months n to determine the caus»use of 55,0Q0*'gaIIon tank to rep laimed Carney vio*' employiloyees regarding entry intoto ' A plaque on th e i lyer, hod touched and thecrash. tl : f faulty >^ve, but they colli iaborlaws by failing closedI'edf'ehvironments.'such asIS Snyder Industries was from fumes of.a potent whe]rheymix* -to prevent thele employees< from wheyly t tanks, and of ne^igence:e Yakima, W a ^ but thethere was no, - ture, county and federal1 auauthori- entering thetank tao without train- for fail]Failing to warn employees of3f tdephone listing for the company. C d ; ties said. PhiUips, who diidid not Ingcraspedolpil permit • potentiAtial danger. Snyder IndustriesBS ceased to Btii D istrict Hligh SchooT^ work for the company, juijumped FoUowuig ahh informal i hearing, Thetie fam ily accuses Snydei:it: exist ea rlier in Ma;fay after it into the tank to help the:heathen, OSHA reducedd the t fine to $2,500 Ipdustristries of negligence for thele . merged with smotherer company, gJA . R o d e o F while other w orkm cut a hihole in after Carney agreedagr to develcm a manuftlufacture and design of thele th e W ashington seclecretary of Rupert Foir■ Gi r o u n d , -.'the tank with a chain savir.t. training progra{ram and warning tank; state's office said. :• Phillips^ and Moor suffoiffocated ' system related,ed to'tank safety, Reedeed Gibbv, who said he wasiS .The family is rrtIJoH «a«fc. . - --J. failing tvw arn .^ k e r s abpiibwt;tbe-:: ; P ^ ^ ’fimiljoily.amuMiCarniv- - -ing projprogram his company agreedid jurytriaL '. • 'i

kWw SMurdtr. Utrt 3 L 1997------

W e s t

Tribe Sticks t i mthh nationalll phone lottery1 pl)la n D eead wolf foundf nejsar COEUR d’ALENE (AP)-P) — Even though th e ih«the last few years on the telephoneteli lottery transasactions will cake placece in Idaho, *\ I f Coeur d’Alene Tribe hass launchedla an Internet pisplan, which has been opposei3sed by attorneys Mathesleson said other states’. lavrs » againsti gam- j W l ^ gambling se n ’icc, tribal: officialsofl say they will geigeneral from several states. WiWith the Internet bling: wwill n ot apply. (jntana coDyote trap not scratch plans for a natilational telephone lot- syssystem, which debuted last we«nr^k, more money "We’e expect opposition to whauatev er we do," P tery; can come in forthe tribe. ' ' h e sai id ± ALDER, Mont (AP)— A radio- ‘ Augusta pack is partc of o f tb e Laura Stensgar, marktrketing director for “T “ h e re ’s a lo t th at need s to be done with Meaisanwhile, the company manamging Ihe collaredd femalefi wolf has been ]M ontana wolf populationn consid-co Coeur d’Alene Tribal BinBingo, said the tribe jobs job and sodal services,” Sten;tensgar said. Pius, tribe’s’s Internet operation promlm ises 10 tight fo,„d dentlead near a coyote tra p in < ered to be recovering natulaturally dccidcd to go fon\’ard wit with U.S. L ottery, an 5 S percent p of on-line revenuele v go to other attempipts to ban the game in Missd so u th westem est Montana's Ruby . i after migrating into northwettwestein on-line gambling sen'ice,:e, becauseI the phone tribes. tril Exececutone Information SyiSystems Inc. Reservoiru rarea. e ] M ontana from C anada morelore than lottery w-as tied up in coun.u n . Dave I Matheson, chief execuBcutive tofficer for , Presidedent Alan Kessman.^id hishi Colorado- a ronchiicher whose calves were 10 years ago. “ W e n eed ed to get son:some money ih,” she the the Coeur d’Alene Tribe’s gam;aming operations, basedi company< is on firm legalal groundj and . being killeilled by coyotes had set The wolves were held1 in pens • said Thursday. sailsaid h e expects some legal chaJiJuiUenges b ut th e chat MiMissoiiri has no jurisdictionnto ti keep state the partiirtially buried, spring* iin Yellowstone Nationallal P1 a rk More than S14 millionn hashi been spent over proposal pro has been c a r e ^ y scrscrutinized. Since residenents from playing. loaded tfaitraps on private property. ithrough the winter and relereleased T h ey dispiispense a lethal dose,of ithis spring. They had beenien stay- cyanide. iing ' around Hebgen L a k l D eath pennalty W on’tt b e sought; f1 o r C o s b y sslaying sus{s p e c t ^ng wolf was fo^d dead 1Biologists'lost track of theh e deadi earlier th;this month on private i wolf when she left that area.%a. LOS ANGELES (AP)P) — Prosecutors thehe dedsion. District attorney’siy*s spokesyvoman No tritria l date was sec. ' la n d southuth of Ruhy ReseiS'bir, Although traps andI sn;sn a re s announced Friday they »sill.ill noti seek the death San■andi G ibbons said th e re w/ould ou be no com-; In aa statement,\ Bill Cosby anand his wife, apparentlyitly killed the poison jmust be pulled when aI wwc olf is penalty against the tecrecn*age immigrant meinent o n th e fan o rs th at led to tthe dedsion to CamilleUc, said: * ^ e support th e distriadi anorr dischargedged from.a nearby trap, IUM[PEPSI H htfto tfMtait SwmB 'J B would be this weekendlat at the W lf I earliest, and it will take attieasta Ie rVllith Any Cominbo or Enchililada D inne. e r week to clear the roadway. •Offer good only Fridajday, Saturday tc Sunday, MMay 30 thru June 1 ' : Corps approval of thefe p] la n req u ires th a t once the higl:lighway is reopened, the state comMopSat-SuB. ■ ■ mize the need to push mudlud and JncmcinncCb>e>»4UHe

ruin P rta Aituli'i kn>enS4.»-KldiS).Cn S4J0rroml2-4PMonSu-SuA. n Hour Ad»lt>Oti]yS4.00 « a:sb y o 4^6 PM Every f i T*FB U M # U 4 2 S 0 * . In a Cijy of nine million people !> VACUU there room for one honeu man? Dtfly<:00-7:15-9:45 _gjtt-Sun l!lM!00-7;lS-9;45

T E M P O S / r #U4259s_ (A |S B m | J: UngcoRtWgulcknlgM (\ f ^ P l MuUplaMohtidjustment '■ MOEMM FffiCnVBCaPBIAMP IBS* D»ny4!j0^;4«:00 . _SMjugj2:3099^ I s - < - ^ ^ ( S S S S S r ^ • tNPOvvSy^lSod™S! ^ | * T riHSlsmiER!R0 R ^ , # U 5 0 ^8 3 0 M IC HHAEI/RICHIIRI i IDS . JE FF DANIELS I [p g h ThrHMMonhandfi^sjsisa-s— fjriCMMB / ' TBTIVaaSPERHMP jaaU!3Mj4S*0Mj3^4S___^ - X ■■ 129” - n t

IN-CTORE FIMANANCING iiMcMK:r : sIbI HH; fnoavBBcnriwp.#.. - .. §SSSS" ' ' P^CONVENrENI riy. HfP7UkiOfcrnuSf.n^l------iON & ares' i = 3 « m d l l J t 6 C > M ;iO NN.S i ' .tntWTun«A»fUAMeoiB ' . Auaitortmn «ti . 4 >TS.£JgiuifitKMi.r.MwliVtftfMAffnjULjSastmo^urroum W W M ^ ^ Dally 6 : ^ kklly 4rt)Q.75lM:45..\ ■ . nt^u n . v-;;-- m i ■ JSSiS-S2aO-3:1S-gaO<:1B^.-. I ‘SO ' BXPB^viaxm-%• BE'^nsraranuurain:.• iBOD»rtUM nKmH, 0JLC.L ' m m e m .. * 7 " ' A ! r'iy .' --gfl .'.'W ^ Mutual Interest::: KindI out I n s i d e how your funds petacifiMmcd Friday. Mutual funds ...... B6B6 Markets...... B6 PPage B6 Me)NE :y .86 The Times-News^s S a tu rd a yy, , M ay 31, 1997 P ag s c B -.S

______3 0 . 199'1997 ^ 3 3 1 . 0 4 I 7-385.!5:21 Highest closc 7 , 0 , . , P f i e nl o m e in a l I sl 3.-41 it-quair t e r +0.86 Low |7.203.«3.99 May:7. IW I------p750C^500 ------730C'300 g ro w i waIS too fast1 tc3 l a s t ------710CMOO ------6900■900 ThaAwoctotwlPrm ______------670G>700 ------65001500 WASHINGTON — Ecoiiconomic growth w ^ _J Gross domeslic___ __ H New-hoilomc -______------*------'— 63001300 skyrocketed during theth< first three 3/1/97 4/1/9797 5/1/97 6/1/97 7/1/97 m o n th s o f th e y e a r a t the mostn rapid rate Lvm| ~ II l e s in a de ca d e. p r o d u c t ___ Soasooailyly tadjusted onnuol rata. But it was too fast to lastlas and analysts The GDP measurcj bU Ihe goodsland and ^ I of unit* already sec abundant sigiuigns the cconomy services produced ^ wbikers and is com ing b a c k to e o ^ . capital located in the United States, T h e gross d o m e stic p r ooduct d i —the total W ^ k regardless of ov^Tiership. Stocks relsbound aftter taking o f all g oods a n d se rv ic e ss pproduced r in the J M United States — expandecd e ^ t a 5.8 p er-_ _ Pofconl ehango from provtout Quwltrtrior ■" cenfseasortally adjusied'a 3 . . ^ ...... r. d'annua rate m ' \|*J n g ^ - - the first quarter, even higherhi, than an 6 sob' “pltingeoim Intel prco f i r w a r n t n 6%...... earlier estim ate of 5.6.6 ]percent, the ' ■■ Commerce Departm ent saitsaid Friday. , The A»»oclated P m i______•. ______“ It’s5 0obvious we had some moneyney lurk- This year’s first quarteirter marked the- --5 , ; ...... It there dying to be invested,”L*d,” said fastest growth since the fourthfou quarter of NEW YORK — Frenzieizicd selling gave BiU M«fc« AP Soufeo:U,S.Oepl. olCoCommorco AP A rebound of that magnignitude would be sectors,rs. The m arket vva.s rattlectled on akin to thc Dow industrialsials e ra s in g a 250- ' Tliursda;iay by a profit warning from}m NikeI down from an 11-year highigh of 836,000 in than firecirst calculated. That, along willivith an stratospheric thouj)ugh still robust pace, M arch. improve point crash. a n d repcpons suggesting weak demantland for ivement in export growth,, morem And becausc shshelves and backlots are Broad-market indicatoiuors also rccov- comput Even the phenomenallyilly strong G D P than matnade up for downward revisioision in full, factory prod uter drive maker Sea(Seagate oduction probably will ered from' thc early slide,le, with thc New Technol maker m: report offered a sign of thethc moderation consumeiner spending. need to increaseie only modestly in th e ’ to come^ M uch of the upwai York Stock Exchange concomposite index Kimberl;rly Clark. ward revision in Withoi[lOut the inventory'accumulatiliation, current quarter toto meet demand. closing at a new high am GDP growth cam e becaus

H m D»» UM Chg tongW .OSmOSm 23H .W )Mi\ Ml tO .IM•IM nOCFd IJO* ... - H" -A* U*t Chfl C o ^ „. # 1 .^ ^ r ::: T, ^ 3 sssr's is a ■ ■ SSEHI imnKJl J»l« n,«nwM . 241 sffl. r ss X ST Active (tioKiww) Most AcActive <$ion»o«B| MosrAcTivtnVE(tlOKMOa) AOAM* ... 32V» J* 02 ' 59 V? lSs) i!!P? 2SH -H CrfUeUol _ tOM •10 uao 3 J S .H i IHoBtrtn - 2IH «1H N>m*I Vol 1001 tJ*t Chn Wim* Vo ^ m m E s m s s t .fi-a K ffif's.oa tH -M K*|«orp I.etl »4H «1V| '-|M> ■-«»t Chfl lg?gs‘ :: ^ITH .Vl Ci*reud .. IT',7 .t< u»u■»UJ n m;..-1>. sjme ... 12V AMR - WH •I'.l EXMhi - }IH >V> KnM .74 uUH ’12 .*• 221, 'Oaiiatwrnwrn 101177 ITI* ... SPOR 21433 2 85Hi *«IM iniS 57305:3952 191V: - •• ^J4V. -IH &MSr. ... u w ATiTl 1^ ,41 OdlM - m *«« NmeClil M UW •H .Vl Am '... 21M .H S«#g#t6»Itt* 02582 40H *'k TWA20458 2 8i'/>« *»/! 12‘f'** 1»H ... M rfit 100> 3»H -U Lfi*S! :. ”a .H |? 4 » ,,5 43”J: -*;• Ammi .13 l]!t _. DtyOMl MM 4tM .M Kent - .tO* IM - >aq 78179 lOeVi *0*t fvanCp 1 S2% .|H Crgnut _ 1S»> *m UgO !sr„r ..fd HS is ? 12140 iota *ii 3Com 17300<3090 48V9 *>'/* McS.‘ :: “ 4 S«iDI«kfl I4h AHUg 40* 16 -M Omt* JOJO 8IM -M lOVa .. J4U .M tb 77401 40h -.t PaxinC 10036 t 10’,t -V9 DenCptt 16360i3605 I12'/J *2',» AB.t«> _ 7v171. *.M CrniCp 1; 2SM *3'T ■ I4H '.H ' AccuSA .. 24 OMtAV SO.30 8M •! LSIUo .. • 42 s-iM say-a.'s 3 m j!It ! 7312S S7V: *2i4CdnOcelO09» 22)4 -e Cisco 15S37;« « 97ta *1 21 >H c»t^ . 34H .H UCI:i 05 JtH •’« sS^IS ■ ”»v A« ..... -40 *•» 0«lw - M-M- MM .M- LTV 11} 14 4Vl* -Vl* MRVIRVCnii . J4H .M jk ^ a _ JO«v ^ J7H..1M UbCp 2!* ...... J ” JS'.* -rt L*hmb 'J4 41 tr.t.. Gain>AiNERS(t2o«ito«) GainerERS (tzouMxtf) GainersS(t20l>HOM) 2'* *153 Mtiktlm 7Vj *1V» .25,0 XOXCwp 2tt 2ta *45*. .530 £,*?„„ ••• fSl»H -IH 0»k4 ... I2M UcA>« L4W OH _ LucUidU IM MH .H toC . m .12,0 ImpHly SS',> -W 0»nM .12* 40',» UcCoi? E?,. : .1; M »H >H iMxn .tte m .M eO*HoH I 24H .H NtlAutoC 12'/. .I t. *10.7 FiflsMtl 8V» 8'.» *2\^ *35.4 M 3ti^2>H *2 DtiOImn* -JOVi,.S<, um« /S j i ... J4'.iS'» Iw atkym .»( UM .IM UvtU 2H *V. .11,8 PresRA OVi -tv. .14.7 IDisTCM 4Vt 4V» *tV>t *34.7 A«>antB J] 27H.ITlMiav 0«*C|)II ItJVj .S'« U«niCSST ^ 51, ;; AHUi* M vHhi •9\t3 S OuPM 1 2.sa FS I4’4 «10.2 IntAUlSn 4W . t v *14.3 IrMpBnvn 2 2 .V, *33,J Agjn > •OVt .3T« OwiMI ... ISH •'.! Utrcli 30M .H tu 'Sm iz JMt *!!^ j£i MM.^vJ lOVt .M OuPomPn .. S4V. -iH Uwn. - 'H! t ” 21«<>.Ma S.” S5 M 2SM .H JO UM - SwiU* J4 . 40M *-.H I net oser tH .W OulSUr .. «-<•.>-» uum! - soypl tJJ> utOH .tM ‘-OSI.osERS(t3o«>oM) L ■RS(uovw■ ,S ja':5 SK ".'S SS..i 27H -IH -5.0 UnSTewl nVi 1 -Its -8.7 Uruvecwl 3Vt ioMM* ' M.t-a Suytwt 10* uM'lli.'* ’w AmMO .IM IJM EDS MM ' 37H -M MUM Jtl »M .H-S » 12u •'? 3V» -H -10.7 B," IS ntySI I4t 2SH .lh SumRTc - Tin ATMnn .. ISVi .. EUoua \33» i ; iiSiPT lS 22W j i TVXOWiU 6^ ^se RMtraTn4Vi -8.4 AccSdn 3H 3H -4» -198 aSSS:. ®,!! M't JpJln M'- 22* S2M .m M*,09 IJO 47M -M'7 S«<«>ni EmnCH IM 4V. .150 Aj«,i ... 27JJ ITY ■" 2JV» -H Affarfwi 126 eut eachu ija*s c S! s s a s i S .-J I2H .H CfcAn ... 32 .. HJtu•*»m M'l .Tm Su"iAw.M .. 3Hi 31'1 Amoo WH ^ EUMM ,I3« s ,s s a D l^ Y DDiARr Diar UH .M E^ll* ... jsr, .iH N*uU.uUl “ JJ'J »lO«Tc ! AMP IM 41 ^ Crov* IM '■ARr ^ItH ... E(i»>»SI» ... SA'* ->V NHO«0l» ... 21H .'.J 15". ' Aiulggi _ »W .. Enton JO' 1 a :s ^ ^ ss a c«d ' 1.002 Ai^ancM 289 Advanc«d . ISM -'/» En&idl ... 3TV. .V<. H*M|oUglcn _ u» .IM JJ-, ArliMi .M 42W 'IV* Envcfi JO m 2.1M » ®‘' .^2UV. -Vl EiieTtl JJ* 35M tKP* 29*^.1^ Sjti'nlc ijt* 10’''^ ' 1',) JO ^ .u UMinnc Jt ti74 . »d 033 Dtdined 239 DeciinM 1,640 g g g : iTM .H EueSrt ... 44V» .iv» UmQ IJO ttH .Vl IMenOk 2.641 «7M .H no» . uM'. AucO M 40V% ,4» ^.87 *SV» -M MonPur I.M 22H _ Sem IJO 4tM -*t A^wt .24 S i ^ :ili i gsfj?J8r» - 1W» .2M T*«^ 30* “" m s S S - a S2-WMII Nal % •*nAin IIM Ih JOustn j| it n .IH sS 10M OH loh Low Ninw______B r . ^ ::: viwrj ... IJU.H*. TrnjUMfi .ft) ITH ,v» antu* .. 4SH -iH Hioh U st Che Chfl ^ Tr*k ... 2SH TrquM 2»H 0^ i« iJw ■** S 8c** j j i 5 *m *‘t’! *il 7,394.85.05 S,ie2Jl Dow Jone* indMtriali 7J31A4 *88 *01 . *13.89 *20.91 DUclSi ~ “mm ' U _ T*^ .IH Tyiont .10 SOV) (Moe f!e4i «vi futm .44 1.14 1.922.02 Ooo Jonas TcinspoRttionXI 2.684.12 *7,00 *.20 . i-Sw s -H 'H b£SZ* " 47^ :m 2-SM-14 *18.90 *20.47 S*“ ^ ^ S)* ' .V, tunUn ._ 4H-Va 20.2SI.2S 203.32 OowJooesUtUltiM Si.. :E-S Sfl., : '!5Tl-j d •M TMW JO W .M 441.51 222.00 .1.06 ..48 -4.53 *9.73 g S S ^ U h SSS. iS .51 326.55 NYSECwnposKt 441.78 .2.92 * 87 . *12.61 *23.12 E k ^ i : ”S4H h -H Omnw ... 29M .4 ^ ISOdooi!sr. SS .S : --.t s s s 3 s s t c ” ■is.ri: SSSS*^ .£ 4S; !m a 60e«4 AineilniMx ' C09J8 .2.26 *J7 *9.77 -1.27 Beowi .. JJW . OMititf _ 31*2 W Oilsntwewi _ uTOM .*>* WF,..jhl 37 24% .H TiM*m .. I4M .a* 1,4t4j658 1,008.44 Nud«iCompo*>lt 1.400J2 -2.72 -.19 *8.47 *12.62 ■w .V . 0*«iNgB ... avi .1 UKftSO ... »H *M « * .* .* FMCO.A «M ss i S ! '“ *» 3.M TiOrul IMU197H.1*I« a51.S3.S3 60S.6S SAP 500 . 848.28 *4.20 ..50 . 4M -H 0*ft(U 4H -'/• unlonA _ diUi*.»SU«.jtv Bmtat U4I usm •Iti Fnnr^ J7 JT itH .M NPMUISiIM* 3t *14.52 *28.78 SSth^ t« * la 0*««ym» .. 23!» .H Pur&irSKt ... 14 .H UxmiMt .. i3\i 0«n»a .IS ZSVi -Vt Ftun.- J4M .M NA tVA -H Pkcv IS'.I .'.M Duw .1.19 lom M TttMi IJI* 44M .M t4 .IV, 0«)WM - 24H .?♦ OPU lo a BnoUP I 2»H ' & ■'.!irs:a ,'sIs- !^s:is SS4H DmCkPi I.U 31 •Vt QTe I.U JjngH _ 7V7.'» i)ttnn*i SW DMCkl 4SVi -U OlMa IM s ™ C-CUDE 20M «'.» •'.» EMU 2MI n “.. ITH .. mSEQ is 1.40 f 2IH i ^H T«moo 1J0 44H .IM rtoTD ' r ro eccwon _ i7v*.!S a S " = E® DM .-A Notr** .. 40M .HH JtVfi ■ _ 41 -IH ____ Div. pe ust Cho SChg[h£ Nam* 0I» PE Laal X : 1 : ” ts* Im Ow JO JO 34H .M N*«*i .64 JIM At !1— ^Tn ::: jo4.S :is ^ “ s s 'is S«ft*il J4 3«U Vl-. 24t^ _ ttH «|H N*«nUil Jt 39M ^ .641 .17 33VJ -V» -8.08.0 UlcronEI ... 15 15V>tVn -7/I* -21.9 C4S0> ,40 24VI W t . siH.iv* J r ^ M u21M 41H N*IM «oAn _ 2SH .m ■ J;?MM *.'m » i » 3 S ,S - 1: a 3JS :5 . 5r s j1 1.04 -"47 48H »t7^ “ S5 3 a s ? ''" ? '!S 32 ?S2 *1S '2J2 * «»«*" 7.8 MorrKnud 12W I— E- iS"’ :: «m -;h I ... 14 13V. «V» .8.28.2 PtdlCp 1.08 13 19',«r,« *vii -a!o c£S<" ''oav! * 8SS" 1,5 : - 2 » ;S S -3 S SS m ■ ^ IvI vSnlu"* Z 4tH DM*S !tO Jt *a OnMW 2MS S 3 a , " |Ki5sHlsi'ia EV .60 ... 38. *’’/» .I#.?9.7 PhartJpi 1.08 28 34^ S.f^ ssi- : ;,'S 3 S S 40V? Bouta m ZM -w o m M i m M Tm£?” ^ «M a BolsCOfl ... 22 IBVj .V» -6,08.0 Prtmaili .36a 17 27W ToNol . J4I 32H .M CINwgy 1« 17 39 . *4.04A SmifD .. .80 ... . 47V*“ ts -IS =iis-' ? iS t HE* - 1 IvI- ^ 'IA -*V> *84.9 n S S , : UM-^ M*T*W 1 ulm .2H 8£ £ : r * S - Vl Toui J6* ash .m Costco ... 25 33H *4l *34J4 J SpiakMP 1.88( 23 30’/»!’/» C««ufiSn -. «M .V V. ll* 40V« .M NotMr 3J0 2*H «Vi -W *i4 IVj 3 -Vu- - {2M -H NotTti M 64 -VlS !2 2 L . - JS -a 0W»*H1 ^^0 2S 37»» *m -to.t0.1 TJInU .22 21 23H s a KS r la's s '•Sr • '<’» . 2tM .4; S a ss’ ii ‘'S 3 .13t ’16 19>) ... Tortim ... 50 ' 414*? -lH *885 SSSro*»Te : 11M *® t i E ? * 'S "St ‘iv! I .08 19 24V} *6.B8.B Tuppmt .88 14 36V.IV. .Vi .32.4 cr2wt _ itMIS isia ; i.i -s sa5% : 'ii : 40M2 3 *3M; sus? *Jt uSJW *5? Mf ■4t!» .*H Hrm 2Jt van* .m ... 22 45’.t *Vt *29292 USBcOR 1.24 19 81^ IH *:V| 5«J?>1 .12 2t -V» PmvT M.M.. -f 5 S is ™ r ' l»* *1V. *38.8 «WJ - 4tH* •M UM *.Vl ... 14H S s s A SSI! ',» !JS 3 ; t.lS 23 43 .*41 *20.30.3 UnvFd 1.04 20 39’',1 *^ *1.8 Ssf^" ••• ♦ es ;;; 3 ...... | 5 OcdPISl 5.00'tlH -J* : I -'J8I-' 20 '• 91Vj V2i2S Valhl .20 38 8V« . . idOM .IH I .84 24 t8’4 *4« -8.292^ ZUog . ... 20 22V.:v. *V. -14,8 gSX t : 31^ Item _ 4SM -tM - *»jj34 .V. N sis'ir..:'.'.s--« s is''^^ .v« II ■ a - ’’ '^ n s 3 r n ^ m ^ InM ... 2TM ... Ouw^ ' T KM .Th wSSaS’ '*1»HISM -M ■ I 60 7» .2H PECO ■ IJO It .V*i* | uaAWtw _ 3tv* - nrti ... uJSH .IM WVJA»ft ... TM - nvt .H PtUECp IJO 2JM *H5 I w o JM 21V» .H - *1V» .M PWOP JO S4H -MI* , m n UT* All* n w era e Hith* S29 most ocUva ttocks on tha N«wlaw Yotl( Stock Exchai>oa.Uie 400 mosliotl acUvo on lha cSSS™ ~ '7^SI !mi JM .. r ! X«v« " 3*^ IM “ '"uH“mh „ uZiH .’4 PNC 1.44 4IH *Vys lOTM !.« a n .M NMdtqq NtSonalNa Mstktit and 100 moil acUvoIva on AmaAcan Stock Eichanga, Mutulutual'fundt ara Soft I zaSIM ,.H -hroU J2 It - FUmSA il It 43 .H ppll.n** l«7 » .M awLStoctolnboidchanoodaptwntint or mofo tn pnca. COTpMi _ |>I4HIH *2M•: JHF*«i .. I9H *H IHaSftl to S6M .H Pk£M IU J2H »Vt ■” Conmfi - 4SHM *1 IOAT*<« ... 4TV« .'/» AMOflc£ : ' i s _ uj4Vi .H Paaep tn i«H «vi! = ' S | s 3 s s: Stock* vo llsttd alphatMtlcaOy by tho10 eompany-i< run nama BM LM eiia ContCm - 1*l«l * a ? , s \ a -5 s a s . W sin PMiWati JO 3SVt .vt I j j Of* .. 32M -M Vurt*ar*n _ lev*i s £ : J C(i««Wlll.74 3IVt «U Mon* J2 ! * Ur£s IJO ^ .M (iKMIttabbI afcbfwlMon). Company names maOaI upu| o» mitlau appMT at a-a ssr •r's:-.'s a?-• 0> tH ... 2*0* 30Hsow .MV C Ci«>n J7 XU -Vt HtmCXp X» I : IMNV UM lOJH-iH Uwbaoinc*winning ofMChlttlert'IISL <*0r . 40H *H ZlonOcs* .44 JOH30H _. I- SSln - JtH -ivi Hjg. « J urrtnt annual dMdtnd rale paid on tbck.'4l'hau<1 nnlslaat miar. AOA ■2'S..! t IO ag : : BS-'lis-'s, a :: “S.;; aa ... .TH .M ZWi ... 23H i |. |^ ||i S S K . “ “ " ^ " I S f i l i f>i1ot aiocfc wat trMJng tii wlwi axtftangt}odoa*drcriheday. I atm*-- «• ni tJ _ FHmTr** - TH' A" USAhtw .. 94H -H Cho;lOM(owofOalfttofthedty.NochanQaloaouatadbvr.. mark. M 31H -Vt PoiMy 2.14 BlVt »Vt '' 17H *M P*md l£0 ttVt'^ N«fl»* Dhr Ulln CO»0 0*«ne JO 37 .V« Mim*o H .. 'It *h PfOpEn IJtl asvt «M ttVi .2V1 PtftCo JOI JtH ^ { •i UMI vakja. or prlca at MMch fund cnuU - 4M SPOR t.4I*utSVii Mi-'If I ssfiK s .s » : 'S -S Sfc, S S S t - ■ g s . SSS. IS ■ ZZ S r ’^ fii S ” SS .s IL'S. 3 3 il “■? 3« !S m S a m m oMieHv ce - PS g>M>« nn W. Dd - Lm* In I s r - A ’ :s S'- ”S.5 ^ J * VMro . J3 . 3Ht .H S ^ ' m*M«IIS n t a 4*y. 0 . OMMM M C*n«l« 1.1i S cI’iSSImuSSI'?- ^ y i g f f s ->! .a « its SSK la B paa SZiAt. 4 - CKMiMna muM tint n isilj ■ s! .v! s a s ;.a2tM - * 'XS" I 3», *!! SftSaila-ty w ft; •■V d Au»oi _ tv*2 .‘V* S tS i* I Im Uwomc™ “ "JS :S ssr :!"S Sl .1 “1 ss «■! AuBW* _ IM Cem .. 2H -Vn - WV. : SfSffi ^^*25 :2 ZiSISZ S-'J S5S. : 5.'S:S KS"HI _ t2’M _ T>imoi»* _ f4iv< ^ ■ 1 i :S .. Iiii. W*mL IU 101 . » S S n M !s£brjSsx;£5-!2d ^ ”w£2Sb! ninSfti''®^* itn " ' Vn** AU 4tl** -V« Thrmoti 2« gw* ,-gIt 4tHJ «H nwB« IJO TOM >M« « w*MWr IJ4 It .V* ; •- s srs; SS •-'5:. 14 21H -M mart) JO live -H « atngdMMvLa- tSSoM - 7l«^ -• owar* ._ 3M -'M KAVkc 1DH .M-'. 10 33 *H PWOC IJS 40 *M V ssaa-jaE ss-'jassIerpMdanarMtt Oom* Jt 2tM *i S " " !!S S SS* ” ••VaIZ • 12 US4H .Vfr PortOJS 2M . 2M _ V •l«M er ne •dtanUM M M -tMraderpMd Ortkx .14 13 •' ITM -vh: - S ! I &. a 3(H -! PieOOm IJO 13TM 4lH V sa vp-MWr.annu. CVOoas JO 22Ha is S E !SiS S s „ j ! - s r r z ' s : . ilKk (MMnd. I - M n Wx* «i m«0> .. H ., poe^ r>4Ml**nU.z. cniug Jl 4MM _ HM*n 4H _ PusfC g ,i."a : ssi"*:: 8 .W ^ b*rtinw w «»*># <• Hoii«Ma**>jrTMd Ch*dn> M |i/«;• -A. HUMI J2 29 .H P*«Qld Sd : tv5 ii: ^ - ««».I0V». -M*. C*IU - Ultv>*11 »M -Mt- t*.l*H MSn" ~ *H -v2 p S S ’i J4m ^ .W Vl*«0' i!!2t)«0(«g _ 2H -v% xa.i»i _ fta M 'nfiM»^«wi.Twlnr«Q>,litIildiho Saturdty,Kay3tlM7

m m m m ------l12monthB:DrPBllvPowJon-.doBW.]------pp 7 i 6 0 0 • in 22 OS 2300 23 OS 23.09 i M m > - ^7300 C losing futiTURES a i sar 22.08 Z200 33.08 33 00■' IS ' ‘’*niu.iMM39.a7i ^ ^ 5 H JT M.30 a x a M' :M.M Thu.‘.op«4 22 44 333 44 NEW YORK (AP) —Handy&H< r X i n , s » ° r s 5^”” g " EU.W>M1,I1B. Thu.'lHIM 1.092 adtfiMlontocSo*’' 7 33 3 3 ' 1 .0 4 ------6700 Aog Ln«ulM OSM M U C Thu.-. op.n m 13,704. up 344 TweSiS an«nnUindonS4 4970, -14 Awe FM4«uni* 7SM TrM 7 f i T s i ™ :1 ■’? ' ■ ------^ - - 6 4 0 0 EnMiard $4,790, on tOOlO,0,F.bne.«,9339,o« Fi , . M Uvtnogt #0 90 /»PtO « L i v e s t o c k n b rw c tk f Jul Por«b^ «f10 ’SJaS « ■ NY Mwc WMT Ipol monm Fndr'ndav 94 493, oR SO 1S3, - - 6'ioo : A,,} PokMiT, M»2 » :17 r tae jo .. es ^ 77 Wh..t JMO 3SM 3 ICATELLO (AP) - (daho Fami Our.au NEW YORK (AP) — Spo) non(«3n(wrou>matalpncm w " " ' ~ 7 ^ - - S 8 0 0 5 « Wt>M1 J710 3MW 3 wmeunt«M livntock rtpon fo> Frway. I . M SojttMfi 8 #M 8 7M14 A8M* . ’I'lO ^ ISIho Rang, pna FMdW RMon: No mon. ■ & n,-t73,c«.I.P-«..B.LcndonUMalEuh. A'!;*!")|.timc high: _____ 10 8 304 . <0 Thu.'a'opaniflljTT, 7J&J.417J# I----T“T----1 I —I— I— I— I— I— I— I—- {-i- 5500 * ) ^ S ™ !!!! s a \ mSTOCK AUCTION — DMy Aucuon Vwd V i0.lf97 a/1/96 11/1/90 ■ 2/1/97 5/1/B7 8/1/971/97 « 2M2 I 'm MMOurrMnunuiaicianttpwbuMMi ThurMiurMay. Utuiy and commarcMi cow. 34.00U41 n V k i? s s * F r mvy lM(Mr aIMn 88.00-74 00. Mhl tMdar iisiim Avg kUk — — 114 M .,18 »ip 18^*^ ! 0M7 00^ «to 8I.0O-M.9O: nht MnoiMin a le .’,Ml'^^t!M4349 40 boy 04.. Kandy•dy4Harmwi(oniy«aty ( ' , -V J S f S i - . jifJoijSj!00 2/040 .3840 T^hu/aaalM 1.922 .00-89 00. lai lamM NA. mUy and commmal 00-839: Maw (Md.f n«t«i 40 00-72.00;);»8« ^ Oo*d.*34480treyo4,NYM«t Jul Cooon 73 SO 7J 400 7 724J .M« SOrBEANS " rwitera 74 0 0 ^ 00. HoeKw IwOmi 77.00- Jul 770» 78S0lO } 78W .80 8.000 buiTMmum:LoanaiMrbuiM oar ' 00. dock eowt NA: ttoct coo. vMin c«y.i^ KA iS:SS'SX‘!I™. ■ Jul POUIOM _ — 7740 — JJ BM cnw hog. 42.00-99.78; iMdw IwnM noQwOM W w 9«B» Cho- C NEWY0RK(APJ-K.yeun.ne,.ne,..charv...« v b IUC,'in JuiM PoUIMt - — I ■ ^ l i '• ! CATTLE FrKMy. , initially tumbled near- lysts expected. Jun J-Yto #«»» »«M2 H 6 H . 5 S ? 7oT 7 DoBarvi ' E>cnano. Ra points, or 14.5 pcrcent, s SS £ :i! - | 3 Yan 11822 ' ly 24 po The markets havere i ra llie d • j “" IM ?8 183*48« IM t M .’lo 53* ® It!! sg Sil : >3 1 8808 to 140,to, but rebounded to since mid-April amid siss i ^ that • jlln S-fltfK 71 34 70 700 70®J 7 ■ 07 Nov 932 S 0430 4847 88 10 88 39 -— 02 Pound . S14410 }, still down 12 17/64 on .Ju fl US OOUi 0» oa M 488 04 0 77 ..21 TtHi'au>.*108.8J -0 2 SoHutrsnc 1.4129 *1 JtgS ISl.SO, s the vigorous economi)m ic p ace . Jufl CuntOKXKW 72 77 72)«8 7 7289 .1 4 Thu.'iopmifll I ti b 71.10 71.39 71,10 71.20 0 1.3403 -the day. may be easing enoughil to keep a - Jun 0»» J47M 343M 3 * 09 Mailcan p.t« 7.918S • Jul SO.*i 4«>00 4a70000 487M4. Vm ■' EM. UW. 14.483. Thu.'. uMt 12,973 MMal Pnc ‘“(tn^ (lit ox) P « ^ Leadirding computer-related lid on inflationary prep ressu res • Jul PHImum 411*0 3W 20 41 Thu'.ooanW 103.897. up948 NYMweOoid 3444< !8'*’4,t2 23M 23 74 -.10 pETOWEDER CATTLE RnuOlc Oolal.-OOUrral..inN«>Yo •09 Thinoay. I41299»n.li>'Mi.t 22.4i:.412 ■ 1 «Tnu’.op.ninl1B.9S9. . ; up34 ------assertionion that it couldn’t keep sharp downturn in thele n:markets, VaL«y liaini 'iV3,287 HOOS.LOa.L£AN .th.dcraand_tor..i,ts nev;, ____ PrcUiUgnalles'ff'r*'*. IDOpouoOi.a U i.u a.N o .i------aoYDE«ji«Ai^ ------MranSiCMNWnS^"Mj«ioci'!'2!f-l2ii___ up_wit h. . .InvestorsJudbeen-worriorried.that Man>. 'Sanfl oufl laa ang tlO'aQt.Q.0varon < tOOIorwilompwtoa , ^ ------J J O Or*^^"1 * . !S S r* A 0 3S 78 37 80.;-0 - . Low 8«M Chg. MMX Pentium Pc chips, which , . the central bank mightIt slowsl< con* !«• Pro0u»fi Jul JOJ M90 12«S 00 247 00 200 SO *2.40 Ju> :S uo^T.mtr'aSoe'* “ a computer’s video and x> tnouu coTMacI Xg 1T3 0000 327390 28880 00 80 .1.20 Aug ..07 1.00O6M.;OcMnp.rMi boost a c sumer borrowing too:oo m uch, f E E ais Sji «I.IO .i M 31.03 21 OS » 7 s 20 84 — 09 audio cafcapabilities. An lingering hurting company profirdfits, but CoalnonAort t20 00.pns Comompaq executive reas- last week. nonrwtnt KOOO J2100. pvitot UOOO(0 00-21 00, »m»n Tho.’t uM> 3»8M •” i i 1 |o« ».M •.« sured in'investors that demand r»0i 13900. Wanapdiif 'mWtflfSOO.•S <» imtu »«««• Thu.-. «p.« mi 112,9M.112,1 up1,»74 i-l-S miii At one point Fridayy mmorning, 1 ^ .0 *29 00 OucKM eufi»"l Ofl U*r ze E.l ui«. 10,794. Thu.'. uWi (0.498 I 3080 2070 I:08 fOr itS computersCOI has remained declining issues outnunnum bered MINNGAPOLIS (APJ — ; ”*5 |S« strong. advancers by more thanlan ia 3-to-l G r a in s5 • WHEAT ' 20i4 20si .09 “Whattat we have is a product margin. But by thehe ^lose, ------MOObumHcnuncoan .37 S' Jul E is I ■ Jvl 348 • 89 Aug 30 32 20 42 2(20 32 »43 Ml transitionion story for Intel, rather advancers led declinersers by a 5- p JS lS ’^ a l Ouin.im.w3 _ ___ 0.p 388 3i .r :g ' I J0I4 20M ..jl than 3a slowdowns. that could to-3 m a r ^ on the NYSE,rSE, whero Dk . 391 : ii i| 11 il >V39:i Oct an4Man*wfnundi»dw««tou1 no«» 7700 Ok 20 24 20 24 2C Sofl >rui> v^al. M«y Mi.vwy. S3 40. b« 14.307, up 289 2olt Ml *he spectrum sp to another,” lion shores. (48 oound UM). in>M Qfaifl. >9 M HOC :ew«pwbuw»l S.P 20 30 «:i2 said Meeteehon. .The Standard & Poor’oor’s 500- oalt. SO 50, com, JS 70 Pnc»»c».at.gManaaBy ■ jIj 4,j ' 4 : t>r ft*flO«n> in Dunl. 412 411 411 .1/1 No* HIi & Ml Compacpaq rallied back from a 4* stock list rose 4.20 to { EM u « . 3,133 Thu.'. laiM 4,183 Aw to 848.28, Stfnpiol AgnSouiM n MounUm Home,W,guolM(lamMr Owwwy, 1 10 9.0S0 Exchangenge, rising 6 3/8 to 108 1/8 Ra«4 dun tna Dtlfl m OuM and H«rmi JwSXoTB'MJoTi 290-310 U) 90 00-S3 00.200-00. HEi%.*0»0T-‘ ” '° " '« ’ * p o s ite in d ex ro s e! 2.2.92 to «49 0»40 00 4^000 gal. cMap.r gal on the: doy. da In Nasdaq trading, '441.78, beating Tue:'u e s d a y ’s J3 SI. f«»« OOP •rtMll. S»pl»mt>w'i)»Uy«k DTATOES srtirt 100-200KM.r.1-3300-900it>4900-480(9 00. Jun 94 29 94 99 99 S F ____ Pon------900-6001-600i»>4^(»-92 00, ac^wa*OOP s«“ s?8i® -M meanwhil^hile, rival Dell Computer record close. P0CA7EI.I.0 lAP) - isatw Fam Durcay IDAHO FALLS (APJ-I 98 10 54 39 - M SWUHg, fflfrom a nearly 11-point The Nasdaq composite•site index inttnnowntana'Xfl lapon ter fna»r y, T«nn^2s»l£n!^0rmen. ow™- *2 00. POCATCttO - WM. wf>.»13 7# ldo>Taii.y i 10 litaaor): 14 pwcaolil»p«>g4 tpr 00 Polaion.Oamandcout |8« M49 -,43 at 113 1/4. I0own4|. 11 cartafllwinlwJSS lOOiim 1 VlETALS/CURRENCCY E >!» jji; I The Russell 2000lO list1 of OOOCN — WM* MfHial 4.10 Oi.ady). rx *tt'S5K5r.ij S S ? S i K “ ' M 99 90 99 M -4 8 StOCkSks Idrew support through- smaller companies rose,)se 2.33 to ir«B 3 8S(do«ii9|, m.inwcu pa< ewt non»u.»40pwewilKiin*».non s,i^ « i ?t'yron?««w s’eeVdowim * >CIK »ond gwi P^«. Fnday. 97 84 MM “ 4“ out theJ daydj from the bond mar- 380.76; and the Amin 3 lo iK :asr,isrrss-i!' Soon morrWM rung I34S 79 up 9149 €•"1 tpnng 4 M (doarfi 4), 11 p.fcw^( win OonallwnoonfiMng U4960uoit.70. • I i i I I I Si! §!! & -S/orrisome levels after the index; which is dominainated by 199-nOl EM.M>k 34.4PB, Thu'.Mi.w*> 98.420 Commercerce Department report- sm aller companies, roseose 2.26 to CALDWELL — m u. xfiaai cot fi 02U8<^«3..,n.w (d» S« aftarwon Aur« WO 38 on 90 38 Thu ‘a opan ml 130,309 eroqS33,I>nr'.yMA ■ 40pOTnnl&«4minlrr ed thatc salessa of new single-fami­ 60S.38. ioToTlO.S^I^.’K h l o S ^ ^ n'vSUo ly homesnes fell 7.7 percent in, J.P. Morgan rose 3 3/8 to 107 PORTLAND lAP) — Moin April, the sharpest decline in sue nI0yia4,Uueko. too. 7,00-/s0, oee«« Engwntn S348.Muptl.71. ,'8 UNLEADED OASOUNE 3/4 as the biggest gainerjier in the oaro. PW bvtn.1. #00-#40.ocea»iona.yi eng«nan3labncalM 93M.1SupSl.79. monthss and a down from an li­ Dow, which on Fridayy trimmedtr * “ curt 8 M rmmrngm 300-390,mo;ffy3&0,f.«4.00,103 00 ny^M»o ooW »poi monm oom Fn. 4344 40 ofl tl No I wmt. Qub otiMi ' umnunumSOO-SM.i90.occ*w>nai)r400. NYR«WR.pubi« N.lcn.1 Dank 4 pm. Fn. $344.80 otloV’° **■ gh in March. - the week’s loss to 14.87. | s s p , | Commerce Department w SSm? C«ICAOO(AP)_USOUSDA-Ua)or potato maruit FOD O verseas, Tokyo’s’s IN ikkei lATHurMay 100 Ib tMU: NEWV VOi YORK (AP) —Futur*. tiad>no on tn. NY Mar ' B SSS Iis Hi98 89 98BS -19 alSO reported rC ‘that the stock average fell 1.22 pipercent, • PORTLAND (APJ - 0U> al IM p m.vMOTFnSaytor MQ uISSJ2uS00.9^*&C;CaWrMo400-4 90. Fnsay Nov 98 4 0 98 40 98. n’s ec o n o m ic g ro w th Frankfurt’s DAX indexex feU1 2.4 flrwn» »m».0 al PoBiana lor »ninon^.A:Cokn<9o290-3SO; ^ Op«i High Loo 8«9*. Ch(ry^ Dk “ ■’® 9770 —OS n a tio n ’s • Darg*. pw»u>n.l, .icptoaii. con, ban U*M.;Wlacsnwi3 00-400. OOLOD MK(44.i92 surgedI at a S.8 pcrcent annual percent, and London’sn’s FT-SE fli70^eoura:Cek>r»an.y,un4lrainisnab*^i 9 83 War>o pnca n unaiuUU ' 392.90 3S2.90 349 90 3SOJO —1 No. 2 Dariair 0#«vwrK) lo Mand at.ai 394.40 3SS 90 392 00 392.70 —1 . 1MM»tnMrMgone*Naw , Dk - BO Mar 3.239 3.290 3 3 /sts look for growth to slow raised short*term rate:ates by a tj^pa proiwn * 74 York CoOm. Si«w aratand Cocoa Eunang. Frt jmi -200 *P< 3.100 3,110 2.0fSJ ‘ I -Analysts 1 H«h LiMT Sao. Civ. Ok ■ -310 M«y • 30S| 30M 30loM 2 082 I 7 to aboutIt aa 2 percent pace in the quartor percentage pop o in t in 907 SUOAR-WOrSTiI ” Tliu'a1.' . -- 112.000 feu CM* PW I hu.-tOpw>lnl 193,449 3027 3 034 I 7 C u rren t: quarter.qu The^re divided March but at a meetin!ting last CKICAOO 380^ *2 Ell. Mm 23.434.4^ Thu.-i T 1^^4878 Ok 407,00 40700 478 00 478.80 -19 3.334 2.334 • 11 and othersiers predicting a rebound the first look at the qucq u arter’s ^ ^ m> 347/4 •! Thu'.cpw

.. Nam. Ban Cha iMin 31.17 .. 1944 .,12 FMMntMlF: SoftiirffT, S930 -Ja OaMMFunda: OrmOrnA 1388 .09 TlFtflOB 941 -.0141 Omin I3M .49 LmOun 1998n ...03 FmdanOalFunMA: SVCTnatiB^ ^ 7 *JM *,17 a^^ n n 10M .02 AALUutuWA? V4lan 129717 I'o! *1 M u a a«4 lio VtfUi 3?: c M.BS ..01 Aualpn 29.93 ..12 HYI ,14 'OuMn 24BS HTYIdn I1J1 . ■ oSw SM .04 *m«C4«>«»Dw

  • Mp B.73 .M SP940n 17 IS .02 MEsn I3n -13 D*lM««0(e< in 3044 ..18 OMixFund.RalaB: MunSS. !Sg:i; 33 Navb*mU«nTr; QatfCI 34J030 ..,13 MfYMAp ,40 .ai YUPI 10.1040 * - O o^n 1038 *!« ITCorpnKl'isil K c ;;{!:!! ffis,".s:s:;19 . « Bmey«ln 2#.lSV1(L/Tr.«dAp '^7*'... 15. & 1?5.J« ^ Turn r r . 11.11 ..02 LvpMn29M ..12 Sa< .13 OuiRlTtn I7M .32 0(««CI 24.42 . B QmMin IB91 *49 LTTwyn UuOa 11^8.03 niA: Dny»r.n 3 8 3 3 McpAp iO. s s * ,',n :S !S5 ,IS NawCnglMdFdtA: Tar^l 1943S;S . -SC! IJ!'.S K 5S. >9 .M BflAunFundt: DKlnApiX.• » S l : i ? SwiiS io 2 I S MvJtS i!S ToUM 1088 .«4 HaAMVMt: ' S s " i ; s : , s SJSf : s13 :.02 i CUoOMfl 1277 . 02 DaTRAp 17. tn BM .02 OUnnMMFiMd.: USCUSOmA 843 . 03 Eauty 1342 .«« ssa-i.si?’ s . IS [3 • « NVSCan 12.10 -.17 D.U1.AB 21.IJ S *'n WM io n *03 DStagA 4 i0.02 IbrahallFunda: J3 ,M «ajpi -W WMJn 1113.71iis is *M STOdn 9.78 *A1 SlATDWn ■ o S o r 'i s s i .10 o e S t. »'2 II 03 KkheUtOnws: ObaOv 774141 ..IB . IB3r..l3 SMeiBenBrMMhan: ToiMn 2934 *,13 U>min CaOrii 4#l9.21 j**};]S:S SS!, !: HOin , Tsfi ..44 CATFp 7S . SOM *.19 Twng^Claaal: tSiMAI ” II is ’11*^' EE" OrihOI - 1314 . 08 0M4 . 1334 . «Ot HenBA 3SJ9 .49 CapM 1439 * Mn 1448 r.07 S •" s r- s s ;;!! .!S2; 't htiYUOl 834 .41 CaaOd4 1041 .OS 5 S S ' “ -3 *S„S m n nM X *01 CaNMOrous: M^ooMTn irisis S' i!,sii Sr«moi 1084 .M ka(44 12.94-iM S:S S .S -g Bf«»S Erijsil gl sr!sf.<» ‘.■sr'ss'-o. s A-' SSSi ! «! *2 BeuddirFunCBrs w !iii| S !S *-§I T ^ sr^ ?i-2 I'i? 'S S ^ * ^ ^ 1 4 in 1844 .09 OuvdlanFund.; Kant s g ' i t s ; sI SL'S“" Sl'jft« •.ni mot 1134 ..03 rw.in 'S u .'i.i, S l S i ’S '" ! b ss; cn 1070 .M PartAA 42M .34 Orol ? STiZS~r' S j j 'I’? *"'' FiudanBalFundaZ: SoMn 14 ss; sii'S S* 41s3:? Kfl".?;?1?"'I!?1 F ^ A W w i r '’* Sffga". najn" 994 1.04 1w ST*T2.4s1S4 ^ Jams 1237 ..01 SSn j;s:s 3l! t'sz.isj”' skt.(mCn 2IJ8 Iill TiFDdfl "l?.## Ios *** ,« « ♦ ' S SSI ; : S.". ,!?!; 3943 ..II Forgrap IIM -.09 KtieMln ^^^1M8.07 - *"l'l*8S I’02 EoQrp^ l!l4 sSSS5n!^U;S 1X19 *M S 5 a p 2Ul - ttJuCA ” " FMSA 101S .M UUmVirifl14 ^ HanaLynehA: FvnOA .IOIS.07 JM n _ 10; ft ,!S:S So,. B “ S'.. ,sg;aa:i s s n2SV n i j l u ^ 'ff _ BWRatp 1044 .M lSce^n&isS H T s I t i ! w." OiaflJi I J l .'o» S s j;, * 2 ♦' nUSOy 844 Io2 D*>*nh K r * a . ...» E i! saii...i.ii sxs 'M:M .M sisie. *•?? »•3849 *3S ThrdArtt 24.79 * « S'*!" !!S:S SSS 5!S:S! S'.'lii ^ Tilil 11.10 -.M Th«i*tMBFda: III ! :« » '!.S:S !S,". K B42 * « LBiMp 1039 * « SW®" ;J • TiEAp 1344 .04 Drntua: » ^ p a™ rio ^oH^T.S ' ” ffl 19 OHUOAS 11,41 .43 ?.'& ^ S.'S s £ . :«j*9 t * « TnialFarCtMUK U jssjS®a"1*I7 is 2 ‘O' CaieMal Fundt B: A Bond n 14: llje'*.Q3 tMcMiaktVMiy; U u s_ S"ii1% OiSBAp 2304 .,13 'S S i t a=.. i l . . . e«*^p 1*.»T *4B £L'SSS.!L s3n 1 44 .41 SS::S '& |:s 'E"' ELi“- S ilii-08 UUOAp 104B .03 g £ ‘, * nFTn I M .M I ' l l 111 HYSacOI 8.M .01 C*«n 10.79 Im vSSi j":S e WW},' «»•' t^KTrp 3934 .37 HanHKiKhB: I7S3 41 **•“S * ' « ISSft. ilS iS >«n I M .M Valirp 32J3 .38 OS'®' :» ‘ f> l i o l ' 19« I.^ o ^ p n 14J ;s ja:s » isatlngwnOn; DtVSI 34JB .,1414 OatoiYtA J7 « .31 JgJ', * s s i s i a M ' . 17M ..02 CaUOl ll.a .M tS:S S Isa & ■ r K 5 . ? “ -” a , H ; i « '=■" •” S " liS^ s isS til IK S S..I ILPP '' ss.us.'i S l ' s j i ! MK S'iis':::OnaOravpFW s'-s.*SJS ^ * ’a il r § ? ! s r S ♦«"**” dIFib 1 4#l0S 1*J32 ♦.(* 2 UMrt" ll-lJ . « S l*JnOdt . 12;iii!S:g Sff"S3:lS SKfff is is ss;.is:s a S , l i |31 0KValinlt33->.13 * Jan IIBB .,10 s *-S* spldn 20.88 .«8 IUU<«irA12J1 u l . a D*"" ’>-<* ill I1S:S ssf" sa-s te It E4kttiin20at *M IS iS! * IhnOftfp 4M iS l^ ^ |‘f1niiM ItSA 37.14 *M CeranientwiMl: ftaurn 4£j )nO« '?»'U'I:04 ' 'olS'riS01 0^piA9«3.M J**?. P! i• ^ " KfiS^n" 'K! 12 oSSaFS!^ * .3 ^ ®kn 1833 -30 ITOUTinK 2ir,is:ss.,°“" 1 J9 •ej AnwrtsanFune»; . , 1 1 ^ : 3 ssas.r.3irij'g2sr5b 2 4 u to 9 ■f**" '9oeny.SaylM; ^ OMDl 1431 -.01 Wyn 3033 .,14 ; lAinCldn 1 04 •OJ }M p 1S4S 1?^ :s gsr." SIS :3 iSSg 5M J ’S : i WZ s «:s s Kin .-2 srE ^rni a lioi *M«ip a !nS *“ nJdc" 'o''DAI I h ErnUir 18.12 .» MTFIp | p s : : M n m n lio [P {I'S Tm Oo«e( «J7 *02 MDSAahAp 940 .02 UUSt 19J0 *,1« wKip‘»s:a -®P^«: S ''n s's:j; g ps isii E il '£!5""S i i S 't S — '•— 'OW}«vOMp'l230 .J» MaM I 100 *,02 I M E ' f l ®¥ iffi:s Ifs S ..r-" WK-s « i ^ l S i S . ' iIm 'JrX OntSen (.44 */a ORTFIp ! K m f f l ss :a S .!S is i|5"i sFisI!:{! H; 'iiiS IS SeSll S S ‘“iS PRm® ®' toO?5^**43S. • « 2 S c » / 0<«P 1»5‘* •jC COCtpHUrM PATlFl 10J I- | a g . S 3 1 : S . SLI'p 15»*5 ,f2£L‘ “ !!S?"" »•»« • « SCapOpI .i I I t i i 1SurT 441 I " SCi^l* I9J7 * _ I i n .a# E?9?J *SS USOovip SM i S BlInadA 1123 ..A3 HAIlAlFwda: Han* LynO 0:' i|s"iii:rsr? !: ^ l ii SK ' 2S;:I! HS.'Td l 3934 *.U 13il S’ l i* s SmCkw 182 •!!} FoundB 7; Eieuifc 521SJ4"n??2:S ^ ss::15 I0.IB - ErMp - 1844 *,07 Bqlnei . * *'S tnvn 1244 . J t Fcwtfr 1"! r: :S BK . 'B? is S , “ ^ ssii S'- •“ BS. i!S :s sknCBVIn 20M *M OAC 19,44 .,01I » i i s i“ i •» ss'i 'ja:s jSi.'iii ' TaMs SiS.ia 12.08 •J] S u UaOWA 1940 *M g j S , ! ^ Orlnen 2133 *,ll a«FiIpFIn 1230 .A4 (Mk«0 STM *M i i i m * BpadalpnlSJI -M RaOrMp ?“ «J * *-Jg li^ Z n IBM *M Tr* • E9,' 'ffi* ^ i'£ , „ e nSfi£u, V«u.V J2J ” S ^ lii ssr."^i:£ ■” SSS' S ffif 1" pr'iS^M ' " ‘ffia ni ! 2 ia ^ " l8 « * « l « » • " TFKVBt 1430 «a ••OwfMBdliiisJs ^ ’jiif E l".!li!:s sst-s;; S I - S r 'H i s » :S l --i i S “s In U it ^ g T i y A l«8, ,. Bor♦.« asSi 12i SSJS ^ :n S&"a S ’ S SIlS BaMMnlW *Bt BafOMn 3SJ« .,2 i“ -" w ss:s Sg«3^ OMi p -34 B.«nMp ^ 14,71 i .M i Valii I! KS SsiU” ’" SS' Si ZL40 *.10 imyn 17.71 ..II tmCVOr 1 5 £ ? r S i “Fd*>i"II OMMAp ILS3 *.12 BdTaen 'Sail .< g , " , l S ; a 17.19 * « VaMn F.XI *J4 1?'!!S:3 SE!S!1S:S » jm ..|2 ^^^^n^iig ^ 09 OManMmatllocK SKBdn 444.».:i! .j ;S ko,.s ^ ? « ! • '« S;" ^i.'ii S". ZUI o o kUtAn 17JT *.0 ’K?:s SSS." iS 3 a :;. VSMn 7,12 S : li4rf -.17 W#dA 10« ♦ « Toffl B iSia M) I«.I7'*.14 'iiJSoo eSSi x !m :;4« 'D 741 .JM Ktutnp - 4M *A2 HaM 'aS^n''l3.78 *!m tKwa (44 *J S ; i i a SMlpnl«.7l “ *.13 sai'. Its as s s i . eB: ‘ t r ^ l a t i - m OTOMMTtM narw KM^FundaA: CW II T«0

    , - i - *lty Pete:!'TTicNa 1 rami I n s i d e >bycr in thc worid still canlC:^ . .C Scores and stats...... B8 I vin at the FrendiQp e a ; ; BaseballI ...... :B9 I '• ‘ PageBlMD ^ ' kS p o )KI>S Golf,I tennis...... BIOI ______Sporp Editor. Broaid Bowlin - 733-0931, Ext.'J.229 2. 1 T h e T im es-N ew s • Saturday, MayW 31, 1997 Page B-7 B- M o r n in g3 LINE g i SportsQuoteE Lven Brigharr1 YounIgwoujld be JJazzedr T hla a t’s h o w b ig U tah u I > ta t 9 -B 8 I t r i p3 toI N B A F in a lsIIS is Matchups,!,pradldlon-B9 I " ’. ' k n o w I told him I don’i tsodstedPrw ‘______It all ^.emed’ fitting in' a year ; what he’s eatir .. s AL ti r LAKE CITY - Just howV bigb; a when Utah is to Utah is Korl Malpne andd JJohn celebrating the bieakfts'tibut)It keep cton’s first trip to the NBA Finalnals? sesqulcentennial Forr nmany residents of a states oftenol of the Mormoni eating it deridedled as a Rocky Mountain backdckwa- pioneers* arrival ‘‘it could‘ be thc most notevyorworthy In die Salt Loke ^ ^ eventt sincesi Brigham Young led wcweaiy Valley on July ^ y / . Mormo:non pioneers into the SalttL L a k e 24.1847. I Volleyy J150 years ago. “It really is ’ — ^nJoseStatebash was at least big enough forir CGov. history. I ju st i 'sketballcoadt M ike^iI Leavitt to consider doclarilaring think -it’s won- m Staji Morrison on recruit Im Friday*ly “Utah Jazz Day.” ' d erfu l,” said BtBrigham D. M adsen, cn-Lcavitt dedded Stockton’sI’s last-1 ' University of UtiJtah history professor R Tnmid,whowas5fa^feet7itihigt s e S ldid ibasket for a 103-100 vinoryry overc emeritife and devovoted Jazz fan. F rfSroHli' '■ ■uis6-7ata^. ston for Utah’s first West'estern “We’ve been ifignored long enough. ■ schooldut now stands crence tide was worth more. We’re still colonialials as far as the Eastern C j 2 2 “We'e cdedded to instead look at dedor-dec establishment is8 concemed.c This gives ______ing n-U'Utah J a a Year* after the'FinFinals us a little jump on the scale, a sign that Jazz Ji players ief( Homacek andId JJohn Stockton slowly drive throtrough a crowd of revelers In Salt>alt , regordltdlcss of the outcome,” said1 ViVidu maybe there is soisomething here beyond y I Lake city. About 16,000 Utahlh ftfans gave the Jazz a hero’s weUalcome homa early Friday. la, the govenior’s spokeswoman,tan. ...a state with anil, inferiprity complex.” Today’s scHEDiDULE a stopgap, Leavitt on Fridayay wasi Mayor Deedeele Corradini was busy •2002 '2i winter Olympics, “m“moybe some wagon. AL crowdc of 15,000 welcomedd theth . W astem Days hanginiing a “Go JazzI” banner on the Friday negodadneng the form of her bet brine bi shrimp from the Greatreat Salt Lake. Jazz whencn their flight from Houstoiston front of the governor’s mansion, with Chicago Mayoyor Richanl Daley. And A someone called this momingmo offer- landed in1 SaltS Lake City about 2:15 a.m.a.m b o sk c^ 01 Qty Paric, 9ajn.9 aj «Aweivesome! This ts tndy a page: in our “He offered meie an autographed pic- ing ir Utah honey. We’re goigoing to have ‘'Unbelislievablel” said league MV:MVP SoAboU nxnnainetu, Kitnnon PariPaik,9ajn. historyy Ibook. All Utahns are feelinging the ture of himself, bubut I said he had to do. somest fun with this.” Karl Malo:lone. “At three o’clock inn th e . ‘ B[kcnice,nearaiyPaifc.l!ajn.m. pride arand unity of the Jazz viaory,"ry,"he better than diot,”" Corradini ( said, StiU, politicians werer lalate hopping moming to have this many people herhere •gushed.kI. She may ante ti{up items related to the aboard al an already crowdedled Jazz band- is just unbeibelievable.” High school baseball - , ■ Idaho-Uc5»fl!l«afscrlcs(2)atCSlCSI,najn. Ej Irrors plaague Id: - S t a r s q uuad Raingers sign;n Football laho all-: Shriru AOSors oclVtn Fab ^SthoQl.7J0iua S Jtah wins, 11^-4; H C S ]!I pitcherr Rodeo Distria6 at Rupen, 7p.m more games By Bo\lowlln DisoiaSatJaDmc,7pm I ' 2r Tlino»Wewss twriter______onn tap for today TWIN FALLS - College of Southerthem ; S o cce r ly pitchcher Aaron Bond has takenin hish . - *I\wnFattilM6 gWsw.BuifcyatRctRobtSbnninDon first step towardto the big leagues, signinglinga ByDam UtahUi ■ strikeouts and posted H jH H H PiasbwghIO...... MoMonatalZ lynighL . iv an 8 -2 rec<;cord, with a N.Y.Meo7‘ ...... Phi e teams return to Frontier' FiiField J i regular-seaeason earned- .o S yr 'ft for a pair of games begihnineung at ’ geof285. StLoi4s2...... ’..„..L a i 1 1 ? average LosAiwJcs!, a.m.n. ■nleLas^5 Vegas nadve ;• Flooda'4...... :....ColColoiado3(F-12) By ththe time Minico’s Ben FraFrank ^ will headad eost to IV - &in Fnmdsco 2 relievedred in the sixth inning of Frida ■ ' t Pulaski, VaVa., where he ‘ ^ Houson2 seriess ?opener, Utah had taken an . : IV E. will startrt with the AaioaBoadnd .• BososnlO...... M.Y aided by three Idaho errorsrs c ' H e . Rangers' sisingle-A Appalachian Leaguague N .Y .Y m te4 well-placed base hits, BaIdmorc3...... Oe0 ^ 0 I p in k p itc h e d , th e fin al four fc ^ \ . He recdidved a six-figure signing bonuxinus • MawnukccS ...... ChiChlScDcO inningsgs and gave up two hits* thoi:hough • r:J^ from the RlRangers, according to CSI heahead KansasCltyS...... ToT eas 2 one waivas a two-out, 0-2 home run to coach Jim1 Walker.\ Walker declined toosay sa Minneso(a4...... j\naAnahcim3 firs t bobasem an Jared Richardss thatt! . spedficallyly how much thc bonus was. ■ DeaoitS...... 5eaiSeaBlc2(9) i in the final three runs of thei “Itw asala bunch,” he said, ■ Onkfand?...... Tg Bond couould benme the sccond formeirmer ink also had a two-run scori CSI hurlerr to break into thc majors. StevSteve s in ^ et(i to keep Idaho alive in thele bot-b as won three gomes forr th the tom offthe tl ninth. Pittsburgh!(i Pirates diis season, :|In BRIEF ‘Winniming pitcher Jeremy Lambert AsBondcd departs after a pair of excelleniUent I f ___ _ Kearnsns held Idaho scoreless throu seasons att CSI, Walker and his staff sweonveot Report: Sliawn KempK five inn:niUn^ of work, allowing thithree the upcipcoming draft to see which^ oof and strik in g out tv their early:y signees will still be aroundnd Lin has aslced to bee traded Toyio^'irsville’s. Brandon Lyon finish SEATTLE - Seattle AIl-Sil*Star forward ome, ^ving up four nms onn fifive Washington, a power hitter whwho . Shawn Kdnp, unhappy withlacontractttot a I showed unlinlimited potential during a so-soso-& paid him $3 million last season,«n,has-askedto gSkyhirline starting pitcher Hartmrtman freshman campaign,o could sign, as coul<»uld be traded, according to a newspwspaper report. ch received che loss, giving his youngei(cr brother Maurice and fcUotcUow Tony Dutt, Kemp's Hou:ouston-based ®®5samed runs on four hits in threetni outfidder AdamManley. - agent, conacted SuperSonic.nics president *iff,'gS. R eliever Andy Potter (6(6-5, Three Df CSrs pitchers could also>0 b'be Wally Walker just d ^ afterer thec team lost ell victim to three unearneddruns n drafted, WaiTalkersaid. Game 7 of Ae Western Confertference semifi- . P 0 innings before Frank came on Please see PrrCHER, PageeeB9 Bl nals to the Houston Rockets,sts, the Seatde : ! {gsixth. Post'InteUlmcer; said Friday. signated h itte r Chris Lui ;d the scoring for Utah, bdtinidng a Kemp h^.vowed ofter that?ati& y 17 game opened < MOTMI ; that there would be “a lot ofE changes”ch with- hung two-out,tw 0-2 curve ball overer tthe SpO!)rts aplenty ■ in the Sonics before next seosbiisbn. le ft field fie fence to make Itc 2-0.2 mail's Casey Nelson,n, 1 CSI recniit, cooiplates a doullouble play ovor Ben Johnson of Id Walker told Tbe Assodatiiated Press' oh Springvig ^ e ’s Mark Moyes doiibledled a t Saturday m ninf. Friday thac neither he norr SonicsS coach the nextext at-bat and scored on Orer(rem s w e e k e n d . George Kari has talked to Kemiemp since. Gary Brown’sBrt single. Idaho ninth off wiwidi an infield single, j flllv - in « Kdnp*^ tmhappiness stemsos fromf his cur- Threeee Idaho errors in the midcliddle and four batters laterla Frank slapped a i untM 1)01 (tl m uy. owtfr tow> TheTlme»Wei30. sports fanc]icy, it’s bound to be happening . low by NBA standards — asa part^ 6f a con-' nearby this : tract that ru is thxtnigh 20QI2«3.2« He is due With thcie arrivid of Western Days ii ; to receive $14.6 million in tha(ia( finalI season. Is, along^with some unrelateol grid stars from the Magii c ^ tbe course at 423-5800.. chase therly, takes die head coa>jacUagPotiddii.a^ Minico Mi kids and Jerome kidskid thac are ' around thoclo. Oaklekley, ' beingafirst-y^assissistant last season, r realfy physical” fences at HHarmon Park. The event con-con uejlont. , ' ■ ' • Murtaugtigh, Casdeford ahd Btuiey.. . “For the m ^ .p ai?svt, tbeyVe s t a ^ in A

    ___ \ • ' ■----- ;i‘„ - 'j- -r • ' / — T — ^ ' ^ . i -i 2 Z " V' • ...... -

    , ^ Tifflw4<«wi.TWln'Mn FiUt, Idaho Saturday, May 31,:U ,1997

    : S p o r t s ______

    S p o r t s .______5 ^ h ' i l ■bHH i- Continued from B7 Roiten (br dw 1997. Nortf» ' and prcpretty-darn good (35+) ciassi-I SMne f o o ^ ■'^nL'V‘lT«iln'im ittiKi] • Basketball1 - The,annua! 3- ficationions, and divisions for road ]* ; on-3 event, whichch seems to grow bikes,s, mountainn bikes, bmx bikess COUTH |- .* every year, raisesics money for the and even eve those old single-speed • - , CSI volleyball projprogram. You can cruisersers. ' saswissss ‘C • check out the acticiction around City Costst is SS for each roce you ZaifMioty(»o.ieo.WDE^ Z’ Park all doy todnjday, starting ot 9 enter,r, and you can ride in asI . iaew1W,Ki* tiShC ^w m ' a.m. monyo!/ as you wish. Races begin at ~ * Bike racinglg '- The onnuol about1 111 a.m. on Shoshone Street JsSe% 0(M e ^ [ Western Days1 CriteriumC has just easlast of City Park. uaiman (041, le s Re/oe),i I S I g f e i : given way to a slower,slo but more • AuAuto racing - The 10,160(tB/DB),N«tiUM« SSSSWS • indusive event,, in Which nearly Intermomountain Street Stocks rum- ot/iB). ••• an stay upright on ble intonto Magic Valley Speedway Raft RKw-Kp Ertchaon {6-]X: r • two wheels is invinvited to test his for theheir annual ?how. They’ll Rocky JoAM (8-3.290 OL/DU.X),.Mr V/-'.OwinneRM'(e>X. 'c ^ ;;aooodlMdhf’ltaMs HoMfMd'(e4 ; 220,.u; no HOtm«r(ed. le s wiVK), Luk-utaU4r.(S41,’V. :JOarnd(M,20S( J : or her skills o|against other join theh e local racers who are jock- 158VWV0B). ’ .: '• : cyclists. eying{ forft position in the season SOeock (M 200» 1oyog. Brad:..M M 'Z ■; io S i ■; * There are races:es for beginners points5 standings.s Racing starts at ; (ages 12-16), internermediote (17-34) 7 p.m.I.

    SCQRIE S A N D S nTATS n-n-i4s BasketiTBALL Ontheair SdiSSe ■ BBaseba ll ______R E Wl^ S 5 I rv7i~i4« . ___ _ TELEVISION ■ 74.73-140 • A L b o x scofD R i a AL sSTANDINGS t NL STANDINGS ^ (Solf. NCAA Men’sn's (championships ESPNPN 10:30 a.m. ' TI.7S-147 Royals 37Rang«n'or* 2 e-CMOMUcn ^ = « i ^•p ^ ' .aoH,Am*rnKhS«A Senior Opwi CBSIS lla jn . ^ wm«* KAKMOTY W L Pit GO t PH <30 wGSSv.J • tKtl ------t< on - uuh«cnMe».r^ Soaer, Canadaavs._U.S.women VS. ESPNW U a.m. S atS T ' 73.n-t47IsEii! iSISJ SI*»20 too 4J< . FMiy.An li 71.74-147 i s' .-iri si*f-ve>* it 2a m J Bssobtll, rationalxuricovertgo FOXIX H u n . ^ I S ? s? in Auto racing. GMW(5oodiweftcft/DeicoBane)y2()0 (ifl TNN r3.74-147 = ™ » « . » JU ir OMgottUM^»m ; iiii = ” ’’ ^ "• "L Pa 00 CTKaeOfltMvTpjn!.! Football. m«ln«tist BarcelonaI fX " uiolli Am(tt«lis«iI Sonlor Open acoTM - •.'«'»-B" ili ]IQ tAcWASi .ru6«». *M I f ili! SSS • }•*JT 7i M *M*^0 U- Houilc Pltlrti : f / 7 Bowling,-Hanislwrg;burgOpen. ABCc SoJHi y i s t o g i s r ' 3i V tie 4 Slsrs in s s^ J lit»«Cr»c4o!tl6pm! eai«6*ll,Colto«Bli{BlVorldS»rfM CSSs lum. jj-nojuiiaro ; !!!! S ? ll in i SSSS s . Open NBC WMDMHwi , ^ NBA Final* n ' iP”- SSSg” J!!S •tnFriMMS 30 3' s s iDII200 l • TNNN laonn. 1400-70 27 ;j MU A CoU»•MKU 3S 34 37.»-r0 SS K S J7 ii Jtt U iMAncaAngaMt » 2! 0 * M III ’i GoU. The Memoriaioriai ABCI ^'-i"- iSSK™- sr“l-UKHfjrmth s is ll }t U . MO u StflD- 21 X ^ ; Bwban,LoiAnUigeletatStLoda2« FOX UnutC«rr.ttu>l»-JMmi (I 2 1 ^ a s t ™«'■ . >7^7^il.1 III "H-OjihiUI nnatl at Chicago WGN l’)i »-rM>cMn ir-j^£ £ rfrtUftOmm Cinofinngmit S. Craeno CuM 1 Q M 2i It e8sebali,Cindnnat IN 2p.m. S2eS£«> 3M»-71 I-SSIOMinNalwluMd l>awvawvgniO.MofVN(2 %Vu'& ! Hono racing, ManHaiuchusetts Handicap ESPNPN 3:30 pjn. 2 I 2 > BMKttt}.O*>«M0 S^’lJH ;1 jailtyingforMliler200 ESPN: . : ! i i i*SeiO vu* 4, ColariM?^ mnrat c M n l^Bcing. quailty -’P-"’- SS£t^^.. • ' I S ” ' . • • • uniXS«iFranciKa2 ^ DratSw F^M»i! F B«HbatI,SanFraniPranciieo.st Atlanta TBS'5 5--05pjn. ' ITO^TI § ? ? 1 S iS 'T ’* S«iIX■nDwgsI.HouUai: II OWMyna C I JJI] ^usSnS^T""' tOSCOKKFMJcaai, c Mi» J Basebali.Col. World/ortd SeriesjUabsna vs. Miss. SL ESPN’N S:30p.m; ^ . J7.M-71 Hoctoy,St«nleyCu|rCupflnab,DetrDK>tPtil8delpNa FOX< 6p.m. S>nMU)«DoH Doucn (WtUlM 1 Jl. 11 U • m. ImM «/*itM (Htnmw Ml n o«w«»4)itOtU> 0 M U7 1 Hamosi racing,.AnwrlcanChanipkmhlpSertat Air ESPK?N2 eaopjn. • ^!sS,1 -~ 374J-7J OKMO ut 2iFM52»(vIrtSwgium • ]7.3»>n 5i”ffi:i. iissr' S s tl'iS 'i! Boxing,hemyweigWeights HBO0 9 p.m. SSfSJJT*'r U.94—73 OQO Gnvmi * T*ui(S«nm2C).e»pm . iull'OMm 0Mgs(MUKOdi 44)« HOMien (fUjrwdt 4-<|, s & a . ! ) MnKnk F u m 2 Horsoradni,TBABA ESPW»N 2 WO pjn. «h ■ »M7^ « !!!S» iin SLnH>ink;3ji.” wpm.______^ Anaheim al iowa ' ESPN: 3M7-73 . Cfurtntf ooe jjnt’c F tJ m I A'enaFoolbaii.Anai >N2 10 pjn. 3700-73 •MI 0 I 0 Miuai«< 0:1 TM jriTrri ------? c 2 £ r' U.W-7) I N T H E B L•EACHERS E i Bysm 3 DMEkMtiwpw !SJ? !;!SSS ij! S S Mitatoax. oSIrSSw I 000 utmtt S iS K S L ^pU(UMne*>.N*« KjKnlZjj^'■ • • i^s lew." agio TM* I 4103^74 I u ^ NBAChamplonit MKiMniM.Lo* a^Wrwtn 3707-74 „ ”r : . appearanc f i S f i s r 3707-74 a — ^ »rm) igSfrJ-DaMnCMC«ea(W.I«M>*M . s s TS OJ so (sPHiiTi(Elbci5,LII«,Vi6« ■ ' 1 * S i i THiSCM (Mr 1kN MkfKS. /WD BoSSSSi*’'^*” MW4rnenM.7««n CMaM.PTMMl CNCNRottlgtMl NnYMKiKM 1 i SssS.'.F z z r “** MoS-7* : " . rI . J J s °«!m . ® ® ■ BWj \T. I U ' a ». {MM).DaMonvt.8tlOM.UMi».ttlek< «0 tCT-n-ftirMWTroTiMDUMnM. Bsoe.smn ^ I : . ,A(rtia.i(«2[0T). 4-J DraOi4gl»i SRoWAfteW OHE. y • ! i siiirss^s S>w<0i«M«*t.8«MD« OruMSwnmMtiirt ; ; ' J.;: isfflssie.^ LL ‘ 4 f la»Arw*W«i.Boei»\J 3»09^7B 1 / ~ ^ J p a ^ S itS it-^ o lo^ff-TiSiA^ n 3rO*-7t ] SJJSifcS**' i-- - Rod Sox 10, YankMi<608 4 Brave«3,QIantiin t i 2 ' J T ^ ' J ■ i: -SSRifSSiSsi ’’SSSSsnfti* «WYW( I Minwi ^ ATUMTA J»V S5ST \ IMlCn.Rar*J^ r I- SSE ^p-jSlMhTHom**, = ^ 3«o»-7e * ffilwa :t?o 511? SM7-.70 I . tutu 1» 4 0 0 0 UVgm It *, "Ifl V W. i v i I 4107-70iSbl taMp oooo W««np il s i S s S” ^ 'T|°^IHinimi iSStSwrl^^S!!?’’* C.W, \ Jii 4t0^7t ' a r , s ss S - « • -« x ienIv».(u«a.N«Yi IM: 4|.^W toeri i™ul7S r ™ piH ED oot-} •;sh=2?.%l ?s£«T"' siBS~ Wl„., ST” g g imo-aawdetvPaunss i£2?E3^£.®^ el.l06-»iil ' S S ^ ' “ sH" wyjVr M ion—WMUftMM.WMN 1 iBukM.PnoMi vnnwjwMoiU 4830 H |r ' uKI lu 1 m n > 1 'iPfP T Itn —Ow««Jemen.B<« _ S S f f i WL K*S~ »« W2(W.OrtM)e H J —[SHBMG -.4i. ^ : j, ^c.ojogg. Swww ES3iSImM4^ , Kmrmrr>] 1 14 i 4 4 ^ 5 * S - :iButoM.aM8W UMMMRIMmMS i i f (5 i 1 ilESSs^ f e a r " MirdtfMMCaMI* tI iltl MgK7,PllllllM: ku I^5l?fJI5Sn5 » « « « PWA N i ■! i»=St'^WT1^“" . SgT;^.^ . H pTtS?**wtiA-jtiiioj HoaC l ^ •> - = : L . . . Atfmt 4 0 livMtf sililg»«ip oeoo FCijob OrlolotS, Indians» o0 g ; ! « k i i ^ SKEX.-.-aj . S OZVEMO WT I 0 ! i S ! '» i tSSm ss* ~ ' £ 's 00 A i I isEsss^gL®»5 = No.lv*,r I TM««. taQia 10M—tMMniOMMV (i.No.2 " I ! ] ® ! i n : ' . K 7rs]K"»'' £Se“ 0 LS St! !!!!= »»ii= . SfKSSFMMHwiMn ' E r « c s £ f T ^ s I i ^ ' “‘s fi' 11“ 4“S 1 ! ! ‘ ■ il g«J 41U100tO)) — m . m p th m h ied iS^ffiSESlp g ^ (4 M n , O.W«Pt*gJ|gjJp ; ■. a~ «i i i i > III PKfmS.Aitrotro.2 £!' !W"" ^ii' S* IH S? 000 BMOCdO siissrissu ■ iSACnONS ■ 2S»" ?oo 2S«» STiT jfiffia TRANSAI !«• aot«^“ M.lil srHi’w?-, T « I . . I . - 2, f MMtM mcmh>v ii!2ii?w>SwwimWaSSnM^*^ . S . S s f M i s S■OmmKt ; ovma eo owua, j S ■ SSsSEffl K III) SS-eiinMrMniD O-nSSv , |i KSW‘ ’ 'S S S K S S G o3 i I J ______sra» Eni s ? “ >0 X » •"MWWIM-.MI.asST ' C NwUM r I J I 1 * » 8n3* 1 ? JtaS* wGTiwS I 1 0 0 • I I ^ . "0 riii! , COLLEG IkiemMTh isssa""**" “ssssijit*iu iiy ,jiy c s s i s s r g£ ^ 5 ^ u55. s UiMW.M I ''10 0 •wR» 00 W»Ki eraMinrinasn. BHt(8H7)*t.tJ^ SSr^Jf iJSLfSKiS , K£K,"S3!1^.. ■ i ! iiiliii! WORLD SEt^txiL-o?mes «n.r»-ow»iie«iea< I tnr«.TM.UoCer T-ia A-ir,rNIgt>WT!i>«Mt)vi.PorMnd k SJi™"** S wpisssiM Sr’ BMd I to cwia < I ft5«!^uyiiWI»T»l»TUnn4H - sss!^s»«.- sass_ ...... I!!' & i illIli* ' 0>etnM J I i. tWMia. ‘i'i ■ oWdiwaMui, \'iU igU "“■*■•(5^ IwSafi^TSSl'SS'lBHM »iSr»Uih(»4.n),. S S i L '^ ■'irl jil ^ pin iliilsLi]|i.\f!;rEsk:oHMillei* ^ a - M W .^ ioLiioiMinsh NBAChamplonal:0MhlDS«rlM ..... - ■'! ' ■RenaS j < i I 0 »>or« 3I l*aMT-C«iWl8ll»Wi il i w SS’Siiyi' sUVMO n t m lowfiMp - .as J ; Hli S.':S£?S;p s is s ; s x s r ^ ■ . . -illl- r,:3 » H >PMnh4m ' ' IMMO-MnnMlxOU 'Mr lip' oooo IX»A !ssr-"sss., H i ' tt VaHiKNaa.4.3 I .tS s.« ssa‘.Sr; ’ isi? Tt^i E“ £Sfi«35nd(SiS^ f ' i @UL.I Z ^ ^ Z . a j s s s i . ) ! S a 2 i r " “ M a»-i om.i.m«a^o^irsB:.” i S w . - ; ; " ’ ii S S S M - . , ■,.] 1 2 0 s s ' ' ' '. . S W ; — SS** sfciif. a s s i s r ^ i"l P lit‘ i ImtOmr. M»l«llolWe«(iWBkiTlneav- iw4«7^e»»»cu»«wwa ' m IfS l. sffiS L'o-’oiSS;;,. MWtMonM.Pal. ' uue.« «9Umln4... »Mtaw.«M- ij5^^^p5i.^Wi liti S S ' 1 »a««8e«.ln MckMf.aiteiM . SStif^e i s l ^ ' iiinJ N A IA B ^ EiBALL t I'& S S S S S .^ i»Ki»nlnm »iiiiwid_ 0 ‘■•.■S" Unvn-MM. nw«.i-i!!' FM. Kmr. l«0t iS s 'S ^ ^ amnn TM. CMf* T-iM iwa.n: ' I assi-' ia,! i ! PM . „ . . :...... ,. TemUnMn MadKUmMMM _ jotnCoet ■ ^is. Sfflssssa^^sSaS'iS!' ■ - s ' 'NBAFInatorae 1 1 !, I IWkftaMn. . .• HDMOUU. MaM.ailM .tmiSSS^ ' NL'BOXSCORtIRES a ® ° '^ * ^ ’"*s * «>

    ______Sp o r t s Precdiction i: Jazz MarliniIS outlast)t Rockiees in 12;; Cards winv MIAM TAP) — Bobbyly Bonilla singled home ■ the winning run with oiione out in the 12th as I Florida overcame a three-re-nm dcfidt to win 4-3. I I^evon White, activatedxl frwn the disabled list K to taake titllein7 before the game, led off; tlthe Uth with a double I against Jerry Dipoto (1(1-1). Gary Sheffield ■ By Chris Sheridann Bullslls edge: Call it the “been walked, Xfoises Alou grourund^intoaforceoutat I T?wAt»oclrtedPrw»»•______there,!, d done that” factor. This is seconc^ imd Bonilla hit a highI hopper past first I Chicagoigo’s fifth trip to tbe finals in b n sion ^ Andres Galarraga. ■ A look at the! m;matchups in the the paslast seven years, and the I Marlins trailed 3-0 ■ NBA finals: a n cICAGO y (69-13,11. ■ BuUs areai used to the hype and c scoring twice in th e - J E 2)v&inAH(64-18,•18,11-3) the pre:tressure. Jordan presents a (UlIOlU) ' e i^ th1 againstI Roger Bailey. [■ Starters: Chica{icago — Michoel huge matchupm problem for the ■ ~ ’ They titied the game in the H Jordan (playoff avaverages of 30.5 Jazz,, whov will have to use ninth on Jeff Coninc’s leadoff ■ pts, 8.3 reb , 4.2I.2 ast), Scottie Hornaccacck as his primary defend- homerunm against Steve Reed, ■ Pippen (18.8 pts,5, 6.16, reb, 3.9 ast), er. RodxDdman has a way of distract- who blew, bl a sayc-{or the I Dennis RodmanI (S.O(S. pts, 8.8 reb), ing hisis opponent,< and. Utah will fourth time in 10 chances.s. ^ H Luc Longley (6.44 pts,p 4.7 reb, 1.0 have to tunc him out. Chicago Marie Hutton (3-1) pitchdied a perfea 12th for H bik). Ron Harpeip er (8.7 pts, 4.2 ' earnedid thei homecourt advantage the win. A day earlier. Coleolorado rallied for th r ^ H reb). U tah — K arl ____ by virtue of its 69 regu- runs in the ninth tb brat thethi Marlins 6-5. ■ Malone (26.9 p ts,ls.11.9 iar-season wins, and &e reb, 2.6 ast), JoJohn ir- Bulls have.an astonish- Padres 9, Astros 2 B Stockton (16.6 pts,its, 9.9 ^ ^ ing 47-2 record at the HOUSTON-WmCunnarmne was a big hit in his . B ast), Jeff Hornacnacek United Center. fim mojorleague start, pitcItching six strong innings H (15.6 pts, 4.9 reb,:b. 4.3 Jazz edge: The 2-3-2 and driving in three nms for:srSonOiega ■ ast), Bryon Russussell format can.benefit the Steve Finley added a t\two-run homer for the H (12.6 p ts, 4.1 rereb), Jazz if they somehow' Padres, who snapped o fiv[ivc-game losing streak. W Greg Ostertag (4.9 ] manage to win one of Cunnone had a two-run tripriplc in a Hvc-run founh E 6.6 reb, 2.7 b0<). and added an RBI single in1 ti:the fifth. K CHICAGO the first two games. Tim Worrell pitched thele final three innings in B Key rcscrv They are no slouches at S K ^b u l l s a relief of Cunnane for his5 ffirst save. The Padres (3iicago— ToniKul )home either, having scored five runs in the fofourth, highlighted by I__ (21.8 mins, 7.8 pi compiled a 46*3 record Cunnane’s two-nm triplele and Finley’s two^run Jason Caffey (1: at the Delta Center. homer. Tha Cardinals' Dmitri Ycune (24)!4) IIs thrown out at second base) a s Los Angeles shortstop Wilton mins, 3.4 pts, 33 rc Malone gives Utah the In the some inning, Tony GwynnC left after an RBI Iton Guerrero Steve Kerr (172;mim, mi scoring edge in the low single because of a minorr rright hamstring strain. makes the throw to first to nabb QaryQi QaettI and complete a doutluble play Friday. 5.3 pts), Brian Bri post, and Stockton Gwynn, v^4io had cwo hits, Is batting .408 and is list- the pbtc by left Hddtsr Todd HoUiloUandswonh. The!le surprising Mcts opened a scvtm-ivcn-gome homes- Williams (16.5 roins,roi should have his way ed os di^r-to-day. With runners on sccond andd Uiird.tli Willie McGee tand wwith their eighth win in 11 gargames. Everett 5.8 pts, 3.9 reb). UtUtah — Antoine againstist Harper. Although they was intentionally walked to0 rtre-load the bases. added)d an RBI triple and Hundley hadliad ia run-scoring Carr (15.8 mins, 5.7 pts), Shandon are firstrst-timers in the finals, the Braves 3, Giants 22 Guthrie gS relieved Hall, and wallwalked DeShidds to single.c. Anderson (15.1I mins, m 4.7 pts), . Jazz arear a poised team that •' ATLANTA - Michael TuFucker singled into the force . home the winning nm. MlidJcki (1-4) earned liis first victorytory as a staner Greg Foster (15.2:.2 mins,i 3.6 pts), shouldd I be able to overcome the right-field comer with one outot in the ninth, scoring ^ TJ. Mathews (2-2) pitched a1 perfeapc ninth for the sincefScpt. S 19, 1995 — a span off 14 stans — by H o w ^ Eisley (11.0II.0 mins, 5.7 pts). jitters."s. They should be able to Kenny Lofton with the wiiivinning run as Atlanta victory. allowining sbe hits in 6 2-3 innings. Therhe right-hander,i Season series: Tied,Tie 1-1. createJ o) open shots — even against edged San Frandsco. makingng his Ilth stan this year, fvasis usused primarily . The Ja s handedcd the Bulls their Chicagoigo’s tenacious half-court Lofton walked with one otout againti Doug Henry Reds R* 5, Cubs 1 as a milTiiddle reliever in 1996, Edgar RanRamos (0-2) was first loss of the season'backse on defense.se. (2-1) and stole second. OiiJ thet next pitch. Tucker CHICAGO ( - Bony Larkin homilomered and doubled, Kcr. sent a liner over the dove Nov.,23, lOS-100,10, as they over* ' Storylrylinc: Did Malone really /e of first baseman J.T. and ani Mike Kelly and Jeff Bran:ranson each hit RBI Plratirtes 10,.Expos 2 came a 44-point,pe.performance by deserveve to win the MVP award Snow and Lofton trotted hom' really was threateruened. The first the motitotidns, espedally in the con­ was intentionally walked. RiRoyce aayton followed York's Yo; Dave Mlicki his nrst winvin as a staner since Darlingng ruled Brown safe on an slow-h half featured two0 shovingsi match- ferencece finals against a Miami with a single, but Mabry wavas easily thrown out a t' 199S. 19£ Replayslys appeared to show Brown wasas oiout. a between’Stocktokton and Brown,' team' ththat didn’t belong there.— ind one betweenlen Jordan and - The BuLJuUs haven’t had their ‘A’ Stockton. “We don’ion’t wont to lose game .inin quite some time, and :wice to a team. Wc don’t want to they’ree i fadng an opponent that M u s s i n aI misses nclo-hitter; VV a u g h n s o3cks 3 din^igers :eel like any teamun has our num- won’t layloy down and roll over. 3er," Jordan said.L -• Jazz in:in7. BALtlMORE (AP) - _ last Sept. 17. to-lostlast ot bat Thursday night, tyin;ing lost despite pitchingJ a ssbc-hitier in Mussina camc within rwo■0 outs of ^ The Orioles’ theB go gome 1-1 in the ninth before tlietiti his first carecr completeIctegame. J a perfea gtmc, losing it on Sandy first three bot- Chicolicogo White Sox won 5-2 in 111 White Sox star FranVank Thomas, Alomar’s single Friday nightn: as ters got hits inninglings. called out on strikeses iin th>: first S i g n i nlg g bonusess h i t t i n g the Baltimore Orioles dedefeated '/J\ against Charles Wilfredo Cordero, Troy O'Lear;ary inning, was ejected by Ihome plate the Qeveland Indians 3^. i Nagy (6-3), who* andd ScottS Hatteberg also homere(red umpire Tim McClellaelland in the The Indians had not comime dose struck out Pete “ the YanktMis allowed six homericrs foui^ after arguing aboiitabc a callcd b i g - t i m to getting a hit off Mussinnna (7-1) Incaviglia andd 1Tony Tarasco with 0 “ game8 for the first time sinciice third strike, n e in am at(teur draft ' :when Alomai' lined a 1-1I ppitch to the bases load>aded after Rafael J ‘"'“nu 17. 1977 when it also hopap- ned in Fenway Park. • teight-«lp draft picks after the 10, Yankees 4 the White Sox to three single ;les seven innings.! right-hander The rig tfcDonald. After a lon&1 hardball PhiUIeSS n;make tlu ^ selecdoii, wide- one-hitter. ' The right-h 0 EtA *The BOSTON - Mo Voughn hit three andjed Jeff CiriUo hit a grand slam. hadn’t won sincc shutihutting down legodadon, hM)oaa!inald agreed to a lyexpeatKted to be Florida State out- entered ' with a 4.26 ER> Indians had been averagirring 10.S Boston’s sbeX hhomers, giving him Alb{ hhis cartMiT and gave * 1996}6 aftera undergoing major elbovow second complete gome.ne. He1 allowed landed out to unprc■proven amateur the positisidon that they are merely Dodgers | pitched the m ajors’ him 14 for the seaseason. surger nine hits, suuck out twowo and< walk trd •layers in 1989 areart considered receivinging what the market will last 1 no-hitter, beating Co:'olorado Vaughn alsoI hehomered in his next- Chii: ^ a g o ’s Jomcs Baldwin (2.7.7) one. hump change'toda;)day as baseball bear, jrds itself for Tuesdasd i^s draft. Theree c can be little ^ ^ l e , how- Inflation has hitlit the amateur ever, onin ithis: The p u i^ se of the anks, w4iere b o h1 u^ ^ have escalat- . draft wasms to levd the playing field ------SP':>ORTS INJ BRIEF - d even more wildl:Idly than major ' betweenn winning \ and losL^ teams, »gue salaries, betwiitween 20 and 3S betweenm ixidi and poor franchises. IMuni to. hold couplele s women in1 NMarch while danc-' TwIHvln Falls Recreation or Saturdays. Games!s ststan Junc 9 „ ing at a Temp'npo nightclub. He » , and end July 9 withh a jamboree «rcent a year,, accordinga to When teafeam.t drafting at the top of tournament\ Sunday apt. needs coaches ’hillies scouting} directordi Mike the Erstt nround shy awoy fnun play- ' faces four countmts of fdony sexual w opi .TWIN FALLS-The TwiijTO Falls abuse and a misnisdemeanor assault rWIN TW FALLS - Tlie Twin Fallills " * ^ c third-grad boysloys’ pitching irbuckle, Even a1 lowlo first-round ers diQ-y bbelieve are b e ^ beanise Munidpal . Golf Course will m-figurebi± theyareale afraid they won’t be able to \ ill host a co u n t th at cocould put him in Rtscrtscrcation Department need:ids m achinc games will''rill'Tuesdays ick expeos a seven-1 Couples Golf Tourni aches for the youth basebal: And why not? Clemson’sCl< Kris signthem,3n,thesystemdoesn’twoik. , nam ent prison for morere ithan eight years. coach all and Thursdays at Harmarmon Park. Sunoay begiiming at 4:30I pjn.p • progn) g i^ . Fourth-grade boys’3ys’ p itch in g , lenson, the first playerpit selected “The di> draft is getting away from ' The 2-person scramble w Due to late registration, then ist>ear..got,$2,mil]million from the_ what it: wjwas m ^ t to be,” Ihomas _ . B u rie y G o lfIf es with league play startiarting June 9 nter a profes^n ths ^ ^ s hop by noon Sundayy oti 733. BURLEY - TThe.profcssional arene! need to ^et the teams going.^ and ending July 18 for both staff a t the BuiSurley Golf Course \nyone Anj interested in coaclch leagut^s. will hold a juniimior clinic for 6- to seconcond-grade co-cd tee-ball oior W o m e n t o te s t i ly ag a l l ^ 18-year-olds frotrom 9 to 10:30 a.m. third-ird- and fourth-grade boys S t a n f o) i r d , L S U aa d v a n c e ] pitchi)ching machine, please contaa You can registerirh h o w P lu m m er, la w y e r s a*y® y , ■^'rhl'llS feeec includes range Mark:irk Bnmelleot 734-4831. ^ fbr swimming le^e t o o n s PHOENK - Four women, « balls and dubslbs for partidpants Therhe Recreation Department ijis TWIN FALLS - Sign-upsSig; arc l i e g e W o rId l Series ;allegedly, fondled by former f who need them,m. also>0 looking\ for sponsors foior being ^ e n now forr group,gn Semi­ i n C o l l Arizona State tjuonerbadick Joke Sign up at tthe golf course teamsims in the youth baseball/softift- private and privatete swimmings Rummer win testify in cour one error that led to a nm. ! urt,.even before 7 p.m.SuSunday. < ball pi lessons being given gi by OMAHA, Neb.. (AP)(J — Fitst- mitted on thou^ three of them have! readied'n c:oa^ d i e s be responsible foi ame jitters andnd two strong “WeVehi! had a solid d^ensive j for SwitnAmerica cenifieiified instnic- a caA settlement with him. t tor Twin Falls leduling practices and attend-id- tors. pposing arms p^o^iroved costly to club aU l l ;year. It’s ju st so bap- . "There was never an1 i signup sett :bllege World pened.w.we had a few mishaps , \ games. The second-^de tec-ic- For available timeses anda prices, Luburn in its Cbl ment to refuse to testify,y.” said JunlOfgOlfclclinic Sunday SS®II games will be h d a at SouthIth call John or Laura TwTwi issat 73^ Series opener agalnslinst Stanford. ' today andinditcostusafewnins." Foster j Robberson^ an attittomey TWINFALLSXS - Siw-ups will Park I led to four But thethe-Tigers also managed ^ rk Softball Complex on 2650. Three, errors I< vdio represents the threei women\ be accepted SmSunday tor a junior Mondmdays, Wednesdays, Fridayslys -Compiled fromnstaff stt repotts neamedrons, induiduding three in only six( hhits and stranded 14 run- \Niio ^ made ^ out-of-courtt d( e a l. golf diruc spons pursue| held June 17-20. 17- Pros M ike X .* 1 i t c h e r ______8) move to Sundinday’s second- uphiSfoufourth'save. - . - charges « against Plurummer, HaabUn andI JojtnJt Wcekes wiU . nst LSU, which 1 can’tn’c remember when weVe . . ] Maricopa County Attorneyley Rick join M ike Magiagallan as instruc- CoirtlmTtlmMdfromBZ But teams generallyilly guaranteei eat r K s^ Fridaylay night Sixth- had'o gatsame w hen we didn't hit > nondey’S.dedsion ] to file a criminal'a tors, “Wt‘We may start recruiting all draftees a chance to attendattc a>Uege eeded Auburn (49-:49-16) will play . one balllU hard,** Auburn coach fnmplntnf c aaywav can fompcethem' Players ages:es 8*10 will go at 1 overa;!r again,*’he said. once their playing dayslays are over, icei in ah eliminadiation m atuiip Hal BairdJld said.-I didn’t have a: ' tompearatapieUininaiyhc t hearing p.m'. each oK a^ 11* and 12-year- EveSven if a player is drafted,, oa leaving them littleI incentiveinc to' undaynight (radar)I g<« in but I would expect ' Plummer, a h i ^ school}1 stand- olds will play^ ata 2 p.m., with 6- teamm mayt elea to let him play col-x)l. smyinschooL “It’s p r e ^ frustristrating,” said bodiiofm-mose guys w m throwing ' out c in Boise and second-:d-round - . and 7-year oldsIs and1 those 13 and legebifi ball to hone his skills and pve;ve , _ il-A m ericu -Timm 1Hudson, the . in the lowlow-to mld-90s consistent- .cdraft 'pick of the .ArArizona older.will playfatSpjn. ai thete! team more'time to evaluateitc Sports editor Brad BowlinBou can be Igers center fieldtslderwho.com- ly."- . is accused of gropinggi Si^ up at thehe course. him.-a.- • • reartof at 733^31, £«.,S«.229.

    4* . . ’ . . ------...... I ,, • t I ■■ ■ . • - ! MO -ni«»M»i.Tal,TMinFtnf.l(Uho StturdayrMajrai,31,J997 ------^ 5 . S p o r t s ______’Boys stillINo. 1 in\v a l u i ^ • TTie TTj Dilitt Moming News Jonetakesit^ aoocqiiiantL'Tfg DALLAS-The Cowboys c flan erin g ,” tHq bonte win ™ the Super Bowl last yeai Cowboys’ ownfer - - S i S ^ Sam]Lpras sctumbl(e s the team remains on top o: said Thursday. T sports world as America’s : bdieveif^aidlec: valuable fnuichise. tioaofalotcfpeo; * Falls to N om ian es pole ™ In its annual ranking of samsin pie that woric for die Dallas C o w ^ football, baseball, basketballall ntvt nfT.list for five straight years. everyone.” to Paris searchin,fling for the one jjroved againIn Friday] that he knows dde missing fromm hish Grand Slam HpF The fostestIt way> around one of . ;"J collecrion. Everyry yeor, he goes ' , NASCAR’snwmost difficult tracks. ■ ! * away empty. ■' • ■ Forthese 6 PM : “It seems likee there’stl always * overcome a sslick track. “Bur we ; ■ Come in and check outit our Graduation Specials.Is. W\ e h a v e • something thatIt comes up,” 9 1 ■ ■ had to do a little chasing today I Z laptops or PCs built to yoiiry( specs. Financing availoailab le o.a.c. • Sampras said. “Obviibviously, it's been l l j ^ 3 ^ becauseitwasvasn’t quite right when' S -r a continued struggleBle for me to win 3 ." • here. It’s not goingg totc be ea^. I feel J S^slickwawas the high-banked i I COMPUTEER CONNECTIO[ON 1 there are a lot of[yearsleft ye in my ^ . I 'f l concrete surfstrface that neither dri- I 2 1176 Blue L a teces Blvd. North 'T w in FallsIlls ■ , 5 career to break throughthr here. It ‘ V ver came doseose to Labonte’s Dover ■ wasn't meant to.beethisyear.” t): ' J qualifying startandard of 155.086, set :...... \ 2 [email protected] The 65th-ronI(cded Norman, who ■ * Seprembeiber for che MBNA 500. had never wdpa,‘a Grand Slam • I III Nor did theyly approach; Gordon’s ■ ■ match touitoumament,-said 154.785 eventnt qualifyingi record of ' beating, SAm^rss .in V, binhdaypi;esent);<"‘ / ^ -’ 1 1-to get through with “When I wol^-up'ljp'th&. iiio n ii^ ■ that lap,” saidlid Gordon, who hopes I was dreamingnbotbaucJc’lh e ^ d . ' i i to win for thee sixthsi time in 12 races “I was thinkinft ](l6w,aDo'utbea^ this year. “I‘I wasi more nervous ing Pete Samarashas on''m)r 2 1 st today aboutt qualifyingq than Fve H birthday?’ I neyerT thoughttl it was ____been in a long t lg time." H [HEWOFGC going tobcihie.” Labonte aUalso said the eighth PQ m M Sampras ivas one)ne of three big pole of his careireerwasnocasyrun. SI • A L L.GOLF ' b a g s names elim inated FridayF ofter'a “We had enoenough heat in the tires m relatively uneventiintful first four where it stuckck good for a lap.” he B J 0 % O f f __ days at Roland Gamur U.S. Opens, ^ th^val ancand the brushes with S • SHOES BY ETONIC l OR FOOTJr j O Y three WimbledonIons and two ‘SSlI'Snlemn MUM Sai«mWm. ■ ' iccond) faster than we H T ita n iu m & Steel 20% O ff i loss," he said. “I’veve 1lost at Slams M{lSl.SMMim.«<.UmiRw ' /s run well here. This H before. It will takee men: some time • A L L P U TTTERS IN STOCK to get over it. Fortt)rtunately, in a have us buffaloed a bit, IS abetterhandleonit.” H . : couple weeks there’sre’s Wimbledon • ...... - - 2 i 2 0 % O f f - •( to get ready for.” onhlsthirapole'lh'as....H' (A ion*. tgM. 74 ' 0 Dover. In addidon to ES Defending champitnpion Yevgeny ^ ‘51®'' . MEN'S SOUTHPORIRT COrrON PIQUE SHSHIRTS I 3 Kafelnikov — who'ho has said it t in the MBNA 500, ' H would take a “mirac s e ^ n s ^ ^ ^lalified s first for the B rade" to retain tSSoEiS ist June. B * 2 4 ” ea. a or 2 for his title moved1 ini nfim. t dttiflMB. *«. iMv,eM.OX4, IRoland Qarros. It was a bette from a sloppy start tc place used toloubted ^ i we could go t to beat Magui »?«««*!■?<» ^ IBrazil’s Gustavo Kuerten, abo Inm a decent lap,” he . B y Serna, 7-6 (7-4), 6-1.•1. iAlso advanc- butweVegotab'hen Bobby Labonte Q ing were No. 5 Lindsadsay Davenport ua»oii*fc ousted flfth2 on the turned a lap at 1 • Scottish RnliTE Learning Clinic under 132,32, two strokes better than racially r insensitive com:! the 36* Petty was sturim the list of drivers Tommy ToToUes. ,, about a him afte r th e Ma: possible “I don’t knoijp sttirting. positions 8 8 3 BlueIE Lakes Blvd. N. . “I ’ve bebeen fooling a bunch'Of ... Zoeller 2 left a 12-foot bii^e i le \Mnston Cup cham- was 15 stuff," he said. (On the corner o f BitHue Lakei Blvd. and Falls AveA ve.). ; . people,, ilincluding myself, this the tl final hole an inch ^ o r: was t ' his to concentratemhardt oi He was 40th ! L3E »•«- wcofc"H.»Hoch said after missing his Woods V would have been hi ir by two The surpris«alifiers in the round .t. 36-holhole record for the touma* home. h tions l-2S, 'and will ScottHochpond«nhIt'|Ws putt on tte ment by 0 Dave Mards, v S» y one stroke. “I’d like to “My swing is just realJds said. . fifth-fastest offmake a a field of 42 in 18th green In the MenioiimorJal Friday. feel bener:er about my game." tlthere," Woods said Terry La'bontcqualifying Saturday. ■ - There1 will also be a lid have wiU tiy to defer e cut by over teammate R ain y w ea;ather ET^ ho made 21st position oni raffle for a beaded cape mme'nts Missing from Itjsters. who locked up ■donated by Criquet's, • , su sp e n d s-p J lay e putt on was seven-timem \ m : I S T RUNNINQ >.N <0 F THE rt or elso pion Dale Eanih ------in -L P G AL-event~“ e r i l l heading among 45 qualli a new marketing and . that set positic 'I'I 1 1 ally not have»txytom< ST. LOUIS (AP) - SloshingS her i I I second-round qu promotion agency. ' way to five birdiess inii 14 holes, ' Ijvocsxi SUPEB I Annika Sortastnm wasivas one player f f i who didn’t want playly tot be halted a t the LPGA Michechelob Light C o m e a I Classic on Riday. \ND ^^.OP I 'was my day and I . . TIicScoKlsh Rite Leanaming Clinic is a non-profit clinli•linic ■ i i : ' j why I wanted to fin jlSi i THIS SEAS.OM whose mission Is to enableer children with learningsand am w ‘ Sorensam, who heldIth th e lead at 7* .behavior problemsIS toI achieve their fiill potential.al. • ;. I u n d e i ^ . ‘TEfcpefuIly,:ly, n i be even ■ ■ ■ U A AU services oHc better tomorrow.” ffcrisJ on a sliding fee scale. Play was suspendedled i^bout 530 l u U j U Ite m s avavailable fq r sale:* , ■% ■■ pjn.. following a 4^ouraurtiiin de^. ^^M niin \ m \ Cabin tc. B arn BirdhoiIpUSES • CoOkIeS • SUNCLAf . Weather permitting,J, competitiono - :lassbs was scheduled to resunnime at 7 am. • Shade Trees & BushiiHES *iLEATHERW0RK • NIavajo-aV/ Saturday with most of)f thetl field due, ■ ZuNi-Hon ART.* Coverered'Photo Albums • WooifOOD & 1 • • to complete the rounc und and then p i l i f m m Fabric Items • Beaoe3ED H aIRCLIPS * PlNE NEEIJ eedle . ■; move on to thie third n d round. Only' s r M C O O N A L O ’S A T 6 : 3 0 P M Baskets • Aprons • W reaths •. Magnets * ,H orseo . . ■ M ^ % ers completed t td their round ”* ^ ^ 2 Items • Blown Glam» Jewelry • Sewing M a o i TOMPINO ON \O iIN E • ; Covers • Crochet Snoiiowrakes . • Chess Sets (cerCERAMi.> ' Tournament officiaUqU tried to re; ^ F U ^ j lUMBUROERS, start play twice beforeIB detoniiningd • j 1C) '• C;:ANDV, FRUtT‘& N•J luts • T-Bhirts> Svmis, •H• Hats lEN TO F. . . t b « w a s just" too mitdiitch moisture. _ _ _ • 6t Shorts *. Gandlbses; S ac^ btc: • Dolls &t TT( o y s' - i . Rain&U FMday was onlyonl .81 of an i O Jh \ ftO ’S if MM. • Handcrafted FrctwoVORK iQxxaffi' ■ • ■ ■ ‘ indl, but it's been rainirining mudi of 1M.Y' M A S C A the week and .effons H f H ^ l , ■ 'course ready were futile. m m a f M m ym iFWRACEl i M l For niore infommation, call^34-39144..' ' ‘ S T I M E T R I A L S A ' ’- i ' -.-T.------.T—. ''v----- '-.' k ; > i; URE YOUR FAMlLrCHO BRAND HOT DOGS & HA JOYING THE.EXCITEIIIIEI M T t t M a m YSPEEim — - S'' ' / I n s i d e FcXIU S ANDCCLASSIFIED ■ C lassified' : : . . . .C2-D1010 ■ TheJTim^-New^S • • ■ . Saturday,, M1 a y 1 9 9 7 Scctionion r C r e cd i t c a ]i r d C O• I m p a ia i e s , n o w h e a r t h i s !

    Card compaiany drops law;vsuit over bankikrupt man’s debt,id thenjiicidge orders firirm to pay maim’s court cost>t By James RtOMlI ote in wlwhatever manner they like,ike, he KnKht-«lddorW«w»SeivlcB ______said, “(bubut) just don’t ride into towniwn fir- — — — Criiredit card debts sso o a r i n g ’ I uTs. credit card del itig blanl-nks and kicking up dusi in tilei If you arc among the millniUions besieged u g S. credit card borrowing h a s more th In billions of dollars rustling up a sctticment. by credit card solicitation!ions, you should q|T‘‘ B than doubled In the 1990s. -•00 It more more credit card debts a ne in armed with the factsicts to enjoy the outcome of thehe courti case of «3 a re n l being paid, and kn se s 0 soaring to fecort leveb. For the} tto o t Urrre, t»nkerB say bod .300 ______— prove fraraud,” the judge added, “or‘or youj AT&T vs. Miguel ChinchillaiUa- loansms are Increasing even as personalinal IIncome rises and may bc drivend: out of town with aI bulletbui 200 A few more judicial jucjudgments like unemlemploymenf Is down. The bottomn chartch show s loss rates for — I------in your tail.”tai this one and issuers of crecled it cards may cardfd I loans owned by banks; Investor-o'DT-osvned loan portfolios havo In the2 Chinchilla( case, it was a S2.600S2,( bc persuaded to change} ththeir sales tac> evenenhlgherlossos. I bullet ammd a stinging verbal rap from fron a tics. It’s a good example of tthe American I judge. Thrhe Miami court ruling andd com-cc consumer prevailing overver a corporate sounc —...------r- -n -in:AMgcMtn 1991 1992 1 1996 97 mentaryy were not the first timee cardcc ^ant> 1993 1994 1995 8%|~r------. companiclies have been reprimandedded in Hie Chinchilla episodes gtgrew out of his L M IJM i court for>r careless< behavior in tho higlilyiiigl filing for personal bankrupruptcy after the Bad credit card loacans I e% P ercen t of bank-owneded loans 'K K l r a I compedti'itive card business, family income suddenly wiwas cut in half J l . l “Examimples of such wounded crediicrc when his wife lost her job.b. I-He found him* ■ card cowl:wboys can bc found in numercnerous self unable to cope with $60,000$6( in unse- 4% —:------reportedd never ed off on the broa m card business are cuttinglg intoir oadcr matter of credit pureuits. p jfits. fight rather than yield. Hee wonw the battle shouldd have1 been filed, sincee t!the card iuuers floodin,ing the mail with solid- “(They) cannot issue a cardc without by default. Instead of pursDtfsuing the mat- debtor’s’s behaviorI showed nothing fraud-frai tations with apportirent disregard for the regard ri to financial conditiilition and then Call u; ppoetic justicc or the unpleasueasani ter further — $7,000 beingng ai rather triv* ulent. credit-worthiness of their targets. complain Ci they were defrcrfrauded when result of■ reapingn a bitter harvest off ps it’s a little of all of thoselha He had incurred $2,600 in costsc fighting make thethe minimum payments untilil ththat,, their financial abilbility, that is fine,” he Mark likened AT&Ts behtwhavior to that dcscriptioions — a three-gun volleyy thatih the card company claim againstaga him. He . cancellatilation,” Mark wrote. “TheseI fa(facts said. “What this courtco will not condone of o: “a gun-slinger in the WiliiVild West with- may limitlit the corporate enthusiasm?m fori asked the court to get it bad.tack for him. presentIt ao picture of bad luck, decencency' arc the different and,at indeed, hypocriti- out oi ammunition.” Card issuessuers can opcr- crcdit carcird issuance in lhe future.

    Debit (cards gi;ain in pc)opuiariiity despDite secip u r i t y C O)ncerns Knlght-RldtferNBwi Service The debit orr checkcl card looks perccnt:nt ini the past few years. Butt were new ATM cardsis thati dou* dollar amoulount, but not a huge ca::ards at the same timeim c.” like a credit cardard, but acts like a debitt card ca use rose 6 6 percentt bled as off-line debitc ocards. Off* percentage;e (of(i total fees),” said KriiCroening said. John Dahl of Mahtoiftomedi, check. It allowss theti withdrawal of from MarchMa 1995 to March 1996,, line means they can beae used sim- one TCF execxecurive. Debit1 card use has grown>wn at Minn, tucked his debit card back money from chehecking accounts, he said,lid, and rose SO pcrcent the- ply by swiping them1 tlthrough a Debit cardard fee revenue won't Cu'u b stores sincc Cub beg:Jcgan into his wallet and steer?rise about 14.5 percent of' sales.sali cards are convenient, he sajsays. John Hall, a spo;pokesman for the win oveover 26-year-oId CynthiaI mailing. TCF Finandalal has gone restaurantsts —- has the chicken- AV big I reason for the gap: WilhWi only write checks for bills.”.” American Bankinking Assodation in ’ Weiss:s ofo Sc. P aul, Minn. “It’si further, mailing free AlATM/check and-egg effec■feet of increasing con- ereTcdit cards, consumers cana rackra Bank customers'acrossOSS the Washington,D.C..C. ^ savedi me m a loc on checks,” sheI cards to about 80 perctTcent of its sum ers’ use of debit cards, upip points for free plane flighlights, country are behaving moreore and A D ecem ber!F survey by the said afteifter using her debittoI checking customers. bankers say.ly. disiiscounts on new cars nnd other oth more lUce Dahl, substitutinging plas- trad e newspap>aper Am erican buy groi^oceries at Cub Foods. A Every transaction macnadc with a Another• factorfa in debit’s rise: goc;oodics. tic debits for traditional.1 paperp. Banker and the} GGallup Poll found box of)f checksc costs about SIS. - . debit card instead of a checkc will, the check card’sca links to credit On C a recent day at Cub Foo(Foods, debits i.e. checks, accortuirtung to that 40 percentIt ofc U.S. financial Her debilebit card is free along withI cut costs for TCF and FiFirst Bank. cards. Mostost debit cards arc - pla>Iastic — be it credh or debit•bit — consumer surveys. consimiers had1 debitd< cards — up her Norvlorwest Advantage checking; Check transactions cost3St 10 cents branded with\ VISA or ^ wavasn’t getting much action.. MostMt And .banks are making Itit eieasier, from 32 percentnc from-1994.I And account,int. a t‘First Bank; debit trarransactions, M astercardrd logos, meaning ' cusustomers did what tlicy haveive forI for them by giving awayly ATMJ . they’re using thosethe cards more: Norw«rwest charges a $1.25! seven cents. they’re accepcepted wherever those dciIccodcs, whipping out their the cards that double as debitIt cards.a Consumers who0 uused their check monthlyhly fee for a debit card withI . And debit cards genernerate new crcdit cardsIs area allowed. (Checks chi:heckbooks when the cashiishier It makes sense for banks:s: debitd cards 1 0 timess pper month dou- its basicsic checkir^i account. But itsI fees for banks, even if theyt give are relegatedted more to local trans- ga>^tve them the bad news. , cards cut their costs and incrJicrease bled from 199<1)94 to 1996, th e biggestist competitors( in the Twin1 free car(!s to checking; cicustomers. actions.) Checkbook-toting shoon3oper • cheir revenue. American Bankercer survey said. Citiesi offerofl free debit carlis with1 That’s because bankscs icollect a And pointint-of-.sale com puter ShiIhirley Zarembinski of Roscvilcville, Still, cherc are drawba?backs. “Once peoplee gget the product, ' basic' checking,cl and they’ve processing fee fromm grocery equipment: neededne to read crcdit Mii'linn, said she got a chcck card:ard in Despite growing use off d debit they become ver;'ery active users,” broaden*iened cheir reach in recent scores, 'restaurants; and a: mer* . cards is esserisentially the same for thehe mail from TCF, but has nevernev cards, checks are a muchh rmore said Chris Roberlerts, a vice presi- months,hs. chants that honor checleck cards. debit cards,',!Is,'.said Ken Kroening, useised it. common currency. And cridciticssay dent and seniorr productpi manager Lacete last 1 year, Firsc Bank The fee runs from 1 to:o :about 1.4 Cub Foods’.Is’, vice< president for “We “ just cut it up," said sa ; free ATM/debit cards cncreate for Nonvest Corp.rp. Systemm beganI mailing out'debit percent of each transactiiction. finandal servisrvices. Zailarembinski, a senior citizetizen. security risks, since debitit ccards The percentaltage of Norwest cards —— unsolicited to select Banks aren’t keen onm breaking So, “oncee you'rey going to take “WWe just don’t need it.” don’t always require idcntiintifica- ' checking custon:omers who have customeimers (based on credit and out how much money debitde cards the step of acceptingaa credit cards, Several S other shoppers saidlid tlthe jion numbm^______debit cords hasIS 1held around 31 check.pa;>paying history). The cards can generate. “It’s a significantsi| you mightt asa well take debit sanamc.

    AARP t(tests Yelllow Pagees lawye listings;s, hopess idea cattches on1 . .theAswelatedPrm______' significanantly help somebody out," saisaid One.fourth of peoplepc 6 S and older will wi do more-complicatedI legalle work at issues ofwho’s w going to survive wholo aiand Chicago} lawyerk Nancy Fronks-Straus,lUS, a have no will, accordrding to an AARP sur- 202 0 percent below their regale;ular rates. relationshships with children. These:e area: • WASHINGTON — Somee peoplep avoid mem ber:r iof the AARP Legal Servlet^ices vey. Franks-Straus says theI vastvo majority not simplelc issues, and they can’t justlist 1bc writing wills or doing other[ier legal work Network;k; Three-fourths hailave not signed docu- of the calls she receives hav«lave been from ' brushed aside,”as he said. because they don't mow hohow to find a “I knowow they’re getting the right infoinfor* mencs authorizing; otherc people to han* women, w( and about a third go beyond the “Ultimatlately your goal is to help thesethe lawyer, But the American AssociationAs of mation andam not paying an arm and a leleg die their financesI shoulds they become free fn consultation to paid legaegal work. ' people plailan for living the remainderJer of Retired Persons is giving sonsome members for it,” sheshe said. incapacitated. “I feci thot Tm helpinglg women\ who their life,"},” Mariano said. “You're back.bai one less excuse fbr delay.. In 48i'communities c in New Yor)'ork, "Unless you havey cost too much.” . hahandled that for the last 3515 toti 40 years,” the four states,si all screened by AARARP. pie will for $S0, or a half.houiiour’s worth of heading[in in the Yellow Pages, Network lawyerss providet a half-hour’s shshe said. They muslist hove at least four yearsars of< . legal advice for free. • “Sixtyy Fpercent of older people whwho worth of free legagal advice to AARP WiUiam' E. Mariano of WhiteWl Plains, legal expeilerience in their areas of expejxper- And finding them is as easj as looking could bentenefit from use of a lawyer dondon’t members, plus otheher services at o flat N.'N.Y., said he docs not limitit thetl first free tise, hovee malpracticei insurance andnd be1 in the Yellow Pages. use them,’m,” says Wayne Moore, headid (of rate, including a documentd granting coconference to a half-hour. • in good ststanding with their localII barbi rOften in just 10 or IS miminutes I can ^ e AARP’U*’s legal advocacy group. power of attomey forfi $35. The lawyers “As we get into-wills: youyc gee inco assodationon.

    Reach more thann 53,000 readei}rs a day with justji one phoneicall! c • nTheTiroura-News—^ 3 TheHmesNews ■ r i L ^ ■ I C ] U S T O M E RR ’ S JSERVICE. M >4 R II C f t VCE ■ . L _ _ ^ 1323RDSTREET\BTWEST,P.0.B6X548 •TWIIWIN FAUS, ID 83303. • MONDAJDAY-FR1DAY8;OOT05:30 *S►SATURDAY 8:00-10:00 na iiP P J „ : | . ■ (208)!08) 733-0931 >.(FAX)1208)7:1734-5538 • TOU FREE BURl^/MUPERT 677*4042 •326-5r5375(RlER)

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    LOST: Malo noutorod col. 4 io6 I PREMEMBER M 'S HOUSE’ In hom>« ASSIST/iTANT CONTROL- SPECIAL NOTICES Thattla t birthday od you placod yjare.oKordabloralos.- l e r neededn« for largo. r ■ som e timo ogo In 7710 11734-5543. progrosrosslvo dealorshrp, ■ 77mM-A/»w97Nowistho TTiUyMrMrwBboourbosUUM Extoiwlvisivo knowlodge and ■ llmo to como pick up your Ctowt»»inod.7M-093t. oxporioirionco In A/R. A/P, • * “ ITS i . c - q - " ------payroll: — ^ ------jJlcturtw.g ; Stop byTho------olirpayroii taxes, d i ^ n w r Sorvlco Dopt B04>i-PEEPKIndorgartonA saloo&iI & use taxes and in- ■ M I I corroctnoss on tho (Irsil oycore has summer & comot taxesta is required. H H I I day that It runs, as Thcl d io i I — S??11 oponlntis. 2 yts.-& Humont(m'rosourco sklDs aro B ill **i I TImos-Nows Is not ro-l 107 ! I ___^up. Coll 733-5097. n e c o■ssary. s s All work Is** ^^^CTiFOUND I sponsiblo for errors oltoi — - I, — donoononamalnfromolBM T fvoi U o r c o m e b v T h e Trimes* im I I that Umo. ______I ■ - ABORTION ;CrMttvtKlds AS400.W. Sond resume to: ^on are mtable to call FOUND 3 or 4 Month Old A LTERNATIVES Homo>0 caro with exdting & P .O . B< Up and mall tbls ono r d e r fomalo puppy. Found “0 “ c . Box 2775. Twin IVeWStvs offlce, simpty oil noar Cfovor church,nd i 104 I lESEulcY^TOcSim Ijjl®I activities. Oponlngs Falls. IDID 83303. - f o r m to oar classifled- 6Apartment so thata t w e WhKo w/brown and blackh, L ^ p e r s o n a i ^ _ J FREE TESTING m o g o o ia u p .2 yoofa For ciiraira^umrner holp, run a g fl a t y o u r a d s ta r te d; w\ ith o u t d elay . spots. H as ralntww col* iching oxpor. 736-8364. „ I In m dassined. ffs iasl. « ^ PUBUC SERVICE i4‘7472-.eOO'371-7472 J 2 2 2 orod collar with no Info. nexpenslvo. and tt ' 7 w ith d ark p en c il o r penpen ?' MESSAGE CASH S srl«nc«d mother doing L Ca« 733-OTJt. • Please print cleariy Call 32S-^6S45. " ' > Fodoral law allows you to ” ^ 108 I Ild c o ro In my homS: * There are apprazlininately 23 characters FOUND WALLET __ corroct your crodit roport 4 U ? j p PROFESSIONAL °0”W O & up 543-2106 AUTOMOMOTIVE (Including Uiank spalac esl p e r lin e, for froo. For moro Inlor- SERVICES f . u e r diato opening. Lorgo Plooso call to idonllly. £R Abovo 4 Boyond 'S ttH I • Please p a r accordinging to ra te sch e d u le w h iid c h 733HJ501. motion about crodIt ropair giossco.noodsexp. hachool ond Chiidcaro. I G lass Instoller. scams, wrllo to tho Fod- , BANKRUPTCY K coir 326^1. is printed below. oral Trado Commission, IU G E T PAID BgOlChoptof&AQrolotod ■ t pay. Mon.-Frl. Must NooO e ath ? ToBtn up wlin good driving rocord ^ ' das«JIM and mako a lltUsn r Woahington. D.C.. 20580, ^ up to cases. cat Froo tolophono ru n pi«>»chootp r sctlvUissI ^ “vo g» prolii («Dtno Iho Hems youUs or coll Iho National Fraud $ 600 EVERY DAY consultation. 1 dO)loy trial... no charge. & P«fts nolonQOfneod. )u In fo rm o tio n C o n to r. Bocauso. I work froo for 638-:38-7760 800-548-2166 20 yrayn oxp. rofs. 73S0895 Cal’1-800-^'^64^' ,1------* 3 Iwe mlntmnm 1-800-876-7060. you...8-5...1-800-505-3SS3 i i Wm H. Mulbotry Z^ZTZloving mother would AUTOMOMOTIVE * I • Piirate Party OnlyrindasslircalFohI I FOUND iQdlos ounglassos exporioncod body Solve your cash How ptob* — p to tako coro of your Nood ex| I Qt th o P o s t O ffico. ToOS tems by selling Ihe Itoms BANKRUPTCY dron In her home. Coli person)n to I do hoavy and ______i l a y s . idbntlgy call 734-7030 collision work. Good . please run my ad 0 you no lonoor nood with a FAX jmpotttlvo rates on Chao- M594.TF/Fllorarea IIbW colli please, including blank spaopaccM.) j - loovo rnossago. 50 lan-acUnoctetllledBd. lor 7 banknjptdos. Call ■ , pay andmd benefits. Exporl- ‘* ^ ” 1 JoH Stokorat 734-64S2. ENSED CHILOCARE oncodi onlyor rued apply. # for LOST S/29 Qt Curry Cross­- 49 Ovorwslght People YOUR ichos & snacks. Lorgo ConContact Jim at in l one choractcr per spacc p: ing Black Ut> X. 1 yr.3- noodod to loso wolght & t C CLEANING SERVICE cod yord. 25 yrs. o*p„ G sry’jry’a W estland, ------fomalo. Call 738-3960. ft. oom oxtro Incomo. osldontlQl. oxpor., rofs. '<>■>•Is. All ages welcome. 733-1825, 7 _ ^ _ZZ' l-eOO-832-5973 AD ivall. Forfatos-736-2921. Cali * 3 2 4 ^ 8 4 ------STOKKEI Tbo flrst p lu s to took lor U>a TIMES CLASSIFIED KEEPER/ ______bost buya In anilquss ts“ HEARTQUEST hclplno T ^EE romovol of most LCV1NIPA firm noods ;ro- — ^ _ two today. Can 733-0931. i. nors sinco 1990. Froo 208-734-5538 ■33-9063. Nowtxvbom-7 Coll 734-4070 coptlonionist/bookkoopor. ~ * ” ~ l inlo. Call 1-800-949-0411 C o ^ ^putor u t proficient In — — — ------1 HOUS)USE CLEANING >^frorv I ■ Iporfoct/Wlndows. I lion'on (to dalall. Twin Foils I ill lox oxporionco o I nly. c:all 735-0677-Joonn. I l g Will troln tho right I lANTTORlAL SERVICE >n. Bonofits. Sond • Hama I V no, references and nomo CloonlngHousos& I ■ I 3fflcos. ATTN.: to Rotall I M i y roquiremonts to: AddfO only. Catl 734-3017. me ______^ ’s^,^Faiu,' City/S ____ I . ^ PAINAINTING Inside & Out. PUIUSUC SERVICE dr6ss______i T 3 Jso. O dd Jo b s & Yord ______Phone ■ Also, MESSAGE CABLEITVTECHNICtAN T\ ______ir/Statefflp______s a >rotk. Ffoo Est 543-5122 Don1 paypi to find work be- H « tn ^ r/i Work ir/loch. noodod for i' ■ Ilf ISHoolUiolob.Fo, of « systems In South P a ym e: Nninlier______QUALTTYHOME froe^rI information about ^lr(?ic i A ds iMuat b a Prapsi CLEANING ovokflr II Idoho. Exporionco I rod. Opportunity for ------ring cleaning. Senior at- vico s(' S ^ ' “a r s 7 o :on discount. lOyoors in Fodert ncomont, Oood flnrIf S clted u lo - All , oral Trodo Commis- K«„nniBis. Sond resume to Charge per lineine I orvlco. Insured & bondod alon , V W oshlngton. D.C.. 14. Rier. ID 83328. ilnlmum I 1-800-987-2897 or ' aosco50. or call tho Notion- l e r e 34-222S.Callforfrooost oud Information Con- CHILOCAi lum ber ol Days 734-2 : a r e " T T i T ...... ^.$3.09 p e r linei n e " TREE HOUSES 1-800-676-7060. Dopondablfable porson nood- 1 ^ M 3 line mil The od for summSU er childcare ...... $4.76 per lineline WS ~ 733-9063. ACCOul eTim es-Nev lUNTANT , In my horr■rome. Coli 734-4389 8 - 13 5d ai y s ...... $7.95 per lineline Established CPA -______16-3C ...... $14.40 per llnC‘&' Illusion lor oil your ■ bMkkeil sonricos ond IRS .(.J3 I osslstnitance. Wo ore look- □ Bill myotel amount ciue (CIrdeone) >r a CPA with o mini- - check or monay o'rdar Is encli Ia < CHILD C A RE of ' I two yoors oxpori- CLERICAL ------i SERVICES on„in |®' public accounting. - A Pius BoneflisBei Is occopt- Tty ^ VISA or Master Charge (ci munications skills. Inn oppiljpilcotions lor tho Credit Card Numbar Im K tN rnv ClAPE SUMMER DAY dodlct AGAP c o tio n . a n d solN following;ng: Expor. escrow Expiration Date______STOMER P.O. Boi 541 CAM:AMP. Enroll your chil- motlvQi.>Qtlon Is ossontlai. person.n. Gi oodino a re a. o rd e r fon dronron Inow for our oxclting W o >iro r( v id o ox c o llo n t expor. ShipplngfiRocolv-Shi paym onl u m m o r c h l l d .c o r o ' bonofitsfits. Sond rosumo to ing w /' comcc putor skills. r" rogrom. Coli 734-3693. CPA. PP.O, Box AN, Twin Please 0| progr31 Morrison, Twin Falls. Falls, IC ■ 181 ^ ID 83303-1275. St'N .,v Tw s a , " ° = " ’ ______s

    .-I HHI I n ...... " le y P a nib ie r ! Rito p s Onl e o f Th l o s e Gf a ls 9 Wl l o o d D o s m Tlid t a y ! IS e e th ee G ood IG u y s aIt T h e t le ! H C a r S t o i ir r -"""i ■11^ H s f a 85 Foi >2 Merwry Cougar <93 Buldc Skylark 9 4 Geo Tk-ackcker ,’2 Piymo Ismobile Ford Bronco II 92 85 *13^ 1 ^

    V ShBiit stark KelwH ■ p jP iV p i^ GenefolMflnoaef; Biaineg &| 3 2 SQ Mrt JoMi , Pavla 1 4 8 6 1 EE•^34-380t)«l-«800-636:8879 negMmogef-■■-.Woojy;.-,:. . > N. Blue L ak^ BlBlvd. Twin Falls • i

    f ixeluslva .written’ warrantnty w hl^l'piim 'iiod^^ '* J K WARdAN ANTy; JMMt used vehtohlolaa a ra sold %vlth our.axe ' 5 ® o f ^ e rmad wtthin th e warnuity.jty.pariod. You may obtali Hh .ourllmla eost of rapair* parfom i th.oonfldanoa. Conipara"« ilm t^tw arranty.from ouiKir salaa offleak^ Buy with < ur parformanoa; Prfeasamand.unit* n a .u l^ ^ to \ ------i _ _ , • -R od''.. P J I

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    CLEMCAt. . G 3RIVER DRIVER/ERS LABOR' LABORERSn s MAILROOMM MANAGER MANAQEMENT rriKk driver wanted haul- ATTN:rT N :o m DRIVERS A P Iu a SB e a ^ t a Is current- . p r ioORITY r ONE ThoTTmes-No'•News mallroom Largo SouthernI Idahoid pivot BURGER KINGUNG 'Xis!fisr«‘S i a' ” company needa outgoing Ini s A. CDL Lara mod- iy acceptjpUng applkatlons la Current Commercial Insuratics ently Accopling is currently w pany seek- TVrtn Falla and BurfBuriey io- customer aerviee rep. tbr d convenf/onaf with forthefofoPowing: Forestry Apdlcodlcations For: cants for evei f c n S »d. motlvat- ' eatlona now hiriniilrtng Aa- hospKaUphysidan bllllnoI Pleasant paraonality. ~ Mng floors, hoppers & w o rk e rsirs. Warehouse, Oeneraltrai Laborora earty morningning hours. Must od. sell starier»r for parts alatant Managera.ira. mquirwL Computer axpft. Good English & phone g™>RIVER UthagoSothar Mptyale 440 3rd 2t2^!2ncfAve.W. able to standand lor long po- Qualified IndMd/idual must WE'NEEO: Enthuslasjslastic in- ’ poaUvscustomaraaivlM required. P ittin g expert- , haul tnJck drtver. P lea se 20»i7»>i7Jf J0a2. s t N..TyTwinFalls. TWlr a must Sand raauma to rwin Falls riodsol timo.mo.Musthavea bo able to supeiMTvlse and divlduals wlih m anoge-ar ence & or knowledge a call 206-324-7148. iving re c o r d , communlca'te ofoffectively. m ent experionco i tnstiraneaCle(k,P.O.Box i = 7 ------' LABOR LEGALSEC ico and a plus. Sond resume to: qrt) RIVER ^ DRIVER>ERS Construe lECRETARV ^oosestoDop bby tho Times. Working knowloclodge of lr- commltmoni to) superiorsu; M gJatom e, ID 8 3 ^ . I^ 09218.%Tl»Tlme8- KS. uctlon Labor,COL needed for k Vanted, ajmerienced over T n c k;k didrivers needed for 1 ^ 4 i.Facto«y-allp shlRs. NO lfW«ulanappU- rigatktnpartaand Nows. P.O. Box 548. TWki Jling livestock. Musl send resumo to:, ory a m u st. Exco& E> nt and fast food exper the rood to travel hauHnj 734-6452 1-1 xpertonce CONSTRUCTION Falls, I idaho 83303-0546. 11 Western statea. Com- ^aveCm CDU cktaning drtv = A M ig v ^ ^ ^ ThrT°ri;"?;os-News. P.O. compensationin f o rlS o g ? a plus, Exparlancadaynthetlc n rSOO or 678-4040 AMERICAI■>AN STAFFING gox 546. Tv. ' DETAItfR P«lpetillve w ages, vacation ■''0I record and 2 years' , Twin Falls. ID h o u rs a n d dedsdicatlon.' atuccoapplcatef.736-1664 lorience. CaD 837-4531. T!y77553i 548 Attn: Moll- EO E Sond rosur . OetaOers needed. Expert- a Insuranco beneflta. r'tsli^f tS O N N E L ^ tt ciuslIled'sT’ 83303-0540 uimeto: WE OFFER: Compeimpeiltivo Please call 208-834.6688. PLUS w % .cofl790733-0331. room.W oarcI are a drug free compensation. InconllvoIncc . ; CONSTRUCTION ' ' ence ' preferred. Ucense ______work onvlronr • Fencing contractor for vinyl | EDUCAICATION ______ronment Monai^Qor plan, modlcal. dental bIring e le m e n ta ry LABOR MANAGERiR What Dts r'eiiyou walimo lor? 540 Bluo LakessB fi vd.N o. training ond advanc®arw w ^ ! arm V iSi* p 529 potential. t o p q u i l % _ chars, ^ d resum es. Labor posIJslUons In Stool lob- Nowacceptiripting oppllcailons, Placo lhat e. UNIVERSITY to Can;:anyonslde Christaln rication)n shop. Various loroffteom9 manager Form- tottnr. great dealer program,; nORtVER OB ' Contact Qreo at VIny n Ofnce of Center for Stu- School1001,100 E. Ave.'.D, duties., COpenings on day or s Insunluranco District ______D. thriving WOCM1-80&-768-2103. I Class , A COL w/tanKsr & dents wtth Oisabilflles Jeromesme 63338. 4 ,wlngig shllts. Call 733- ollico. PloPloaso send ro- franchiso with 3010 rostau-ro doubles endorsemonts. Ur^ ranis In 4 states,I. andon. stui I Z------2554 to;o :se t jwpolnlmont «umo to:: 45451 Eastland Dr. m mwwm N ights. FT, lo c al haul K Poi s M s w r trvlow .^ ■ TwinFolls.lls. ID 83301. I 1 | | V I l l * growing. To conilnui(llnuo our A gstoDe u i e |u»t tin 'l a 'wrtwfwfte. Can 324-4431 1997.Dutias:lntemret Want*inled experienced TO MECHANIlAIV success, we noodood cro- ' gataovMtowtmoutanBtfIn _ acadomicclasso8.loo- swathoiithor operator. < I ■ ■ ■ » team-criontodnlod Indl- dw B ed. CoB us (frit, 739> D lures, siudont activi- Can011208-324-7146 2 raiVER JO BS AVAILABLE! L E R •vWuals with managevigomonl 0 » f ^ ^ • r O ■ a n d AI ■ M IS experionco and an entre-o Drtvers wanted to haul cat- M *^ MAQICVALLEYMAajODFAllFAIR ^ WTO DETAILI tlo in & out of stale. Exp. g^nouriol approocroach to steff meetings, staff Person9n nneeded to work on SATURDAY, JUNE 7 .1M7 constructto JT ” only I need only. Coll 934- devolopmoni.Hnter- ranchch r noor Mackay, IrrI- WANTED Journeyman roofers and 6632ore00-782-9261 ' preter in-sorvica train- gating.ng. 1 fofxdr>g. & farming. laborere needed. Muat « DRIVERS Ira programs and on- C^l IMil MIko ot 554-4006 or M anyly of the department stores artare currently M U S t haveh 3 valid driver's liceiiSnSe. Come in and checkta c k ou t hove toola 4 tf a n e p ^ tf- “ >portunl- • : on. 734-0305, (only). ARLO a LOTT ______hirfnj.ig. W e a ra looklr>g for all a g e9S s . 'hnrt exciting oppor TRUCKINQ INC. n t S ^ e ^ i ® S ^ and levels A D DIVr ifin person to Gary Shinort. tiasl Pieaat a^iip p iy i n Uve support and othor FARMM o f OXFixperlence. Please feel (roe9 10li vlt.lt the ' , construction tats expanding. Have bnmo- person or aend yyou o u rre - d u tie s a s a s s ig n e d . SorrwomBono to move pipe, re- ta b leles t located outside Ihe enlr Needing carpenters, diate openings for ovor nirancesof _ _ - r-if-Y — e u m e to :______Communicate and in- lie f Imi milk & operating partidiidpatlng merchants. Some slotMores will bo H ( . y * ^ ry i SBOBIueLeksaBVBivdT^ framera, concrete wofkofs the roi^driverB.S 30.000 teract offoctlvoly with machlnibinary. 324-4101 fortocalprejocts. Some members ol tho uni- ducting on-slte Interviews..The T Magic lQf*l* riW i'l North,Twin Falls.Is. IdahoI< esslgnments potential for load pay and bonus. Con' versity community. FARMM Valleyay Mall's 58 stores pro\ride over/ertoooiobs U lk l ggoi; Contact:: DebbieDe lemp-to4)lre1 tactJlmat324-S053. Provide quality Inter- SwathorherOporator.423-4269 I to thle e 7 3 3 ^OOO Fax (208)734-515715 7 . No ■ 734-64621-800-731-TEMP DRIVERS ^ escro'fi'sg RALDESiONER ------1 phono calls oleaMaM . : AMERICAN STAfTINO D&DTrsnaportsUon porience necessary. ______Services - ■ Mln!nwTO:^w(^M Pontlmttlme,B-24hra/week. CONSmUCIKMOPERATOR OoodIng,ID Oegroo supplementod Salarylory i DOE 423-»175 I ______A Plus Benellta, Ine. Is wllh two years inter- currently taking applica- Nood ^ drivors with CDL/A u n d s k e e p e r “ I m m . tlons for R n h h l ^ o Op- and < good driving record. M r K j ' s a =inef ' & Malnt porson, orator. Crusher Opera* 48 < stales, homo rogularty. preferably 01 Iho seasoiisonal work. Semi- tor/Foroman.c(8aaACDL I se c o n d a ry lev el, o r retired«d < oncouragod a ^ . l ' w /tanker required. Possi- t>ono^!l§mo t by at fiveyoras workOMXiri- S o nnd d i rosum o to Box. ble pennanent poslllon w/ S.i Main, Gooding. ID or onco IntoiprotingTor a 91027.127. C/O T he Tim es full modlcal benefits. call ( 1-206-934-44S1. variety of education News.Fn , P.O. Box 548, Twin i Ploaso opply at 440 3rd and community sltual- FallsS 10 ID 83301. I ^ “ • S t N. In Twin Fails. ff lons. Knowlodge of — —— nSRITERS------1 d e af culture a n d Is- HOTELEL ^ — I ' CORRECTIONS - sues commonly faced The Besl9est Wostom Canyon . I Juvenile Corrections Spe- EXPERIENCED ® FLAT- by colloge students SpringsIngs Port( Hotel is oc- J * BED DRIVERS NEED* who are deaf or hord ceptingting appllcaUons for a ^ dallst • Twin Falls County. i! Must bo at least 21 yoars EO to drhw for Ogden, ol hearing. Flexlbillly pan-tlm<:-tlme front desk derk. Z ero Down! Utah basod company. to wortt unconvonllon- couldId wworit Into full Ilme. of age. profMent in read­ Established over 20 i l W * :eplionai Customer ing and writlng.havo a yoars with the rocord high school diploma or i Svicesldlls'Solkl 'S ' com­ ^ 1997 SPORTITSMASTER 195 of no layoffs. Minimum er skills are requlre- squivalent, valid Idaho of 2 yoars OTR oxpe- dnver's llcenso or able to nisol tho position.' _ - ^ YKIT rtonco required. st bo oble to work ? B Y obtain snd successfully ; Air, Microwave, AvOwning...Rooney and comploto a background • Oporato in 11 western hts and weekends. H k Investigation including stales. u o opply in porson at | a Very/ INice! criminal. Submit applica- • Company contributed 7 Bluo U k o s Blvd. N. Ikm to Twin Falls County proftt sharing plan. •Sk>;k«7X00:MSItP,J13.411Pr>c.i •Paldvacatton. ELS H Birnen^htem. Zcred^raqMnd P £ Human Resources.P.O. • ; Clerk.'full lime'and endS49^DnU< Box 126, Twin Falls, ID *• Quarterly fud bonus. • Drtvof recruiting t»nu8. 1 timo. Night Auditor. 83303. Deadline June 9, * time. W eston Plaza. 1997. EEO______;• Tarp/stop pay. ’ r^MTie'and the name! ■J 'H ealth insuranco. 0 Blue Lokes Blvd N. • CUSTOMER SERVICE. • Lato modol Potorbilt « 2s??/. HOUSEHSEKEEPINQ : AAA Oregon/Idaho is sook­ cabovors...... erson needed forhou- ing candidates for on Aulo • * Qflt homo on an avor- ageof7-10day9. ol eeplng. Gooding Re- i----- Travel counselor poslUon & U % g Conter. Con- j ------In our Twin Falls offlco. * ■ 'inm ess of ^ ^ 0^ S n a re ? ^ *Octt RiRobin Walker at 2 Customer ssrvlce exp., •5601.______^ gonoral office skills and •Our *' drtvers make .27-.30 IdIdaho S tW h « » ra lty 934-S6C Knowfedge of Nonh Amor­ cpm Average wage. iCampus Box 8107 luerA i I Zero Down! I>ocatellori083209-8107 ALLER lcan geography desired. , d stovaS. flroplece $6.77/hr. plus excollont CALL ' 800-453-2227 Re\Review of applicatlona V®” ,®* . r ^ for an Application. v :ollor. O as products benefits pkg. Completed erienco a plus. Qood 1997 NORTHS1STAR POP-UP - l l ______------applicatlens'aecapted'ai' — —untn"p61ition is fillda. ‘ “w ig10 o ;pO.OiE'Call W armi------— . .. 670 B lue L a k e s B lv d .. .. --l.8.U.isanAA/E0E • • - ^ TTrend r j In Ketchum a t ...... i p w T — .— ~ Suite 3,Twin F a U y ^ E L ■ —I 208*7^•729-0051. Sleaps 4 Comfortably,ly, Stove, Furnace J an d MO on re l I -KsssEtinit mI I ■

    . I?" i&i 1 at J r i M S J " ZeroI Down! □ T 0 * - ThlsP''pf*'® J f r ’ 1 9 9 6 B L UlE I W A T E R I FALCOI O N ■ 190 HP Stem Drivo Inbcboord/Outboord, H AM/FM Cassette...i...Fish & Skil -H 19971Ford Fli x 4 a H I —I m ! % z § ^^ Zero Down!i !

    1 9 9 7r P O I A R I S 9 0 S L T i B r a n d N , /atercrofr, 700cc Engine, lTank...Ready toGo! g g L 7 0 i ^ • X a P a c i Engine B i ■ S pw Automdfic Trahsr 3*Person Personol Wa hsmission■ ' i 14.5 GoIIon Fuel T r lidiHoning • AM /FM Ca OAC «0 msn#i tvm. ^ £ mi r* Cassette kB.M((nlUP0 ^ • W r o u d h t A luJumlnurtoVheeU i • Povw ear W indow • TowingivrerMirrors P i i s S « 5iB ljP -fei^ijjliaftg Reo 3 Package EEWAY

    JSS mS s MeMsnpnM., p g p R EIV A M o m b'jor e o f tha W osH an i l e r s h i p s , BB APblarisSi

    X IT 182 OFF INTITERSTATE 8 4 • ! 1-800-826-53366 tntf Fam ily o f Deal R V A N b MMARINE PartsW < e• S u p p l i e s ' O ne of the LaL argest InventorieiStar Dealer untain W est. Anpriee.pl« plui tax. tillo & M 9 Deder Doctim p r to r « k 733-6756 • 1-

    ( • A ccessories • i ■ ies in th e Interm oui

    wnintation (ee. AD uniH w bjed to prt C-4 ThM»NMn. Twin Fall*,s.kW Id w Saturday,Mir31.1997 , ...... '

    ' MANAQER MEDICAL I MEDICAL MISC1SCELLANEOU8 MISCEl:e l l a n e o u s r e s t aAURANT u i SALES 8UPEBVW0R • 'S o * /to new holflhtB. Ex-ix- Part timo CNA's noodod Buhl E School District Is ao- 8TUDEDEKT8 -PtaaHutH utisnow accoptingr Looking) forfoi 1 top notch - Malntenanoe i pandina company (ooMnong Imnmflatoly In Magic Val- cooling applications for o WHTTECLOUD. TiredI oof nowhere Summer. appllcaticatlons for delivery saloa perseerson to wortt with' Knowladgablelie In fabrica.. I ■ s ' (or offico manoQors to10 ley area Including Burioy C .N A Studont Aido. Ap- Cotu:otiaulUnp » P erw nrw l joba?I? This aummer. gat carriere.srs. Must bo 18, fn- . tho •firetjretailer of menu- tion, TIG welfl opon offlcao throughout'>ut' & Ruport. p lic a tio n s m ay bo o b - Current Cui Job Openings - Into> ahaffoa and learn a aured&1 & reasonably de an facturodsd h1 o m e s fn th e cal, e ta Able t . or your-area. No ox-IX- Jowors Homo Caro tolnod at Iho district offico, skiH.T!. The pay la good and drivingig record.i Also, ac- country.y. BoatG wages & wllh people.(. Potato1 pro- .11 ^ ■ ^ T n n ^ n j n porionco nooftsaary.y. ll39FnilsAvo.E 920 Main. Buhl. ID or by *FuUFull Charge Bookkeeper the bonefKs^ailfelimo.bo coptingIng aopiications for bonofltss In tho industry, c e s s in g oxpxpoflence ■ I Training pfovlded. Fooao SultoA calling (208) 643-6436. •irrigallon *lrr Pipe Mover ThoI IcIdaho Army Nationol w ait staff.'sta C om petillvo Call for app roq.for backgroundId Twin Foils, ID 83301 Appllcationa aro to bo InBu1 Bunoy, houso indudod - Guardird, CALLSFCBoriow pay. greatgrei tips & bonofils. 733 SS?i."SSS!rS^i^S dSd! g . ' ".','301. ■ • chock. Call a08-234-24S4. aubmlllod by Juno 19, 208-7:-734-9171. Applyyin li personal tho — H , MEDICAL 1997 at 1p m EO E -WhNo Cloud . L«j(os Blvd. and Ad- >eod to o«l your,home r — . 73mo9-NwNaM 9?Nowlsthe Farma, «1 Poa r p i s •nMT»ci»«»aod.7a3-owi. “J fI isT” i. 733-1359/733-4952 SALES* . tlmotocofficome pick u p your W innem ucca lAGB • Work hard, but know you iation about oro approciatod by rosi- ' - ...... 5 ? S HCE i _____ picturos.r0S.St0pbyTh0 B9445. MANAQER TRAINEE , ^ ^ ( £ .,0™mor , Sorvtco Dopt ,, ■■----- . ■ = ' buying a businesi Join tho winning loam.n. dents &stoIf? •. " MEDICAL ' fflce porson wanlod. 0 ^ >o(lbakid«s«l- ' tutttiy or franchise Certified Nurse Asslstonts 1-1 B.m. ° & 1-3 p.m. D ol^, Unltod Furnlluro Waro-0- •Havo input in tho polides C lod duties. Must bo 4 4 - - . " a a a s73»«g3,. getting scammod.T)od.wrheto: or & procedures Ihot offoct noodod tor all shifts'. Ap- nowbiiwboal. csnoo. tallboat. doioiiIII iorionlod. Offlco ox- , , Trade Com- houso has oponlngs for > gforthat o n e tim e SUPERVISO - the F lo ral Trad dynamic, solf-motlvatod,d, you? ply at Snake River Rihsb. pow«loworboat-ifyoudonluM porienonco required. AmII- n s mlasion. W aihl n- * Have advanced oduco- 820 Sprapuo. Buhl, ID .. tt.*olt. soa It vrlOi an economkal calionisnsovoilablaatl^ •ntastiasUo]ob?Uketo ■ PUBUC ambitious manager train- your vocal eorda Townol Around Tho D-C« 20560,*or o'r o1 S n h e 009 who aro commlttod to tional oppoitunltlos? u lossinodad. KLIX,X AM/FM, 415 Park “ ••y® ' ftil^auiM rV ' National Fraudud llInforma- MEDICAL • - .. Twin Falls. E.O,E. I over the phono? Elko Countunlylaaoeking an oxdtlng lor>g torm ca*Q. ‘ Enloy yoor work again? ?Full timo Llconsod Nurse MISC ' oxperienco «on Center. 1-800-676-1.8( c- Find this, CNA classes, , tSCELLANEOUS ^ E n:ouragoa « minority you're tho right ono ' quailflod>d ODDi0 cants for visors. No o roor. no oxporionco noc­ position avoll. Muat bo ss s looking forf Como th o poslllislllon of Public gacos^.FRFREfetrammg. 7060. ossary but must bo willing:)g: plus moro Bt Ooodlng j Ucalions. S' Rahab & Uving Cantar. |oblo 10 work oil shirta.Ap- Collocollogo students wolcomo' ~ ark with tho best W orks Suporvlsor.Sup This Samploe proITl»"einKS 'ESPRESSOSOCART to start at Iho bottom & ply at Snake Rlvor Ra- (or t >mmunlcailons toom condWalolie v^llv tw rosoon- Invostm ent.^all 1 Cindy ^ work hard. 736-9200. Contoct Janice Balioy oi or sum m or work. Con- Ouy, son,g r a n to r swap with a - 934-^1. .______J hab.BuNorcaa54»6401. struiitrucllon. Landscaping, dastlfk I wosL Talk to Sandl sibleforlhcr^omalntoniw 1-000-743-?« - Grinder, refrlg., J J-733-0931, OXL 273 of Oil pubikubIic worka func- , MECHANIC MEDICAL ~ Varehouso, Variety _ _ _ SS Exp. Form oqulpmontI t MEDICAL . ' S \ssignmonls, PLUMB r walk in: To tho tions forN, CNA; Acute coro/o- , UilERICAN STAFFING p S lstaroa. a Call 734-6778. • utilltlos, pari i T ^ P o r ^ ' sirc"o?t«.?.?; utUng the Magio Valloy M ust booaconacionco a ry-»comm.Ap ummer timo . - or 324 2252 Of 733-2684( xtor>ded cam faculty offort Kai>agor. . Prefer 2 years - 0 team oriontod. friondly ! to Woric F o m Yearst RESTAI'AURANT — ® self-starter.ier. Starting sala- Kimberly R d .. G I n T w in . . MEDICAL oxporionco. Must bo wUI- ' • ry S30.4S.4 S 3 - S 3 2 .3 1 8 S. Paul, Falls. For Informatinnatk}n,call 4 prolosslonai almospho- ing ■ to cook. Applications u i«;------r p ------Cashli FT posltton for clinic olflco» to. Salary commonsurote , SCELLANEOUS , PT. ovoaov & wookonds. . . , basod on o> ------Bob at 736-6702i702 or Sue nurso w/ IV coniflcation.f'- w/exp., oxc bonoflts. , oons Koopor, oxperl- Apply!lylnporsonaftorSpm, utakosonixorrge K‘a FIim Food - your datiJaullled ad . . . Iho County Pold Ploaso call or submit ro­ >ukeabnk>f>oer. Package.S S z S s y- ■ Keri PenfQOl MEDICAL M Ferryerry. (206) 366-2614. 1719IB Kimberiy Road rowiuuk aumo to: Sandy Schnro.a. HRDIroctor(206]436-SI24 Rock Ri Crook Modicol Re* , • Obloin appll. w t a t a t e £ is ;.M 3 Sngexporior>c- i TF Clinic & Hospital. PO0 or fax (208) 436-0500 hobt Contor is looking lor }CEtXANE0US Bko Hums Box 1233. Twin Folls. lD. •Lookino for eiira vacation highly f dedlcolod & coring * * * * 83303-1233. 733-3700, e h t .THETIMES-N544EWS money? Why r»l »«l lho*a indlvlduols • to work ao *SUMMER' CCAREER OPPORTUr O H l T Y . f e intorspcUm of CURRENTI.Yn .Y H A S oxt. 340. EOE.______UB-fiOOd Item* youVe boon Nursingf Aoslatonts. prolorrod but will WORK (702)7: TH E FOLLOVLOWING MEDICAL •lorlno? O uinod wn $9.S0 toslart. S e e l Crt73M33l. Itmin OS noodod. Wo offor ' . leking professional, expjxperienced (702)738- trailer. Muat3?pas7pro’^ INDEPENDINDENT Idaho Homo HoaRh is sock­ on doadiino; 5i00 „ > i _ . ___ _ lO ‘an oxcollont bonofit pock- [I'i,®’ lespeople, bilingual skiikills a plus. X - i"Juno 10,1997 employ drugtte«. te JUNIOR ROUlO U T E A ing an oxporioncod homo osoSeompoMv.w!5o.. S K . r i ' i K i hoolth RN tor our Ketchum Filling 28 positkjns E xcellen ce t co m m issio n istructi.icture, health akoCouni;lunty is en EOE ' TWINFALLSiLSAREA offlco, Full/part timo0 COME JOIN OUR TEAM If Jnlorosiod appfy in por- , ^ aon o t 640 Rlor Ave. W , Immodfotoly. 733-2929 ( nlurance s u benefits and 401K 4C plan. ______• I ^ postlons. Ploaso sondd Idaho Homo Hoallh & Hos- 3 it^ARATlON ROUTE 814 rosumo to; Idoho Homo0 pico Is currontly rocniltlng „ **** P tejase a apply in person at al Gary's [jPuiurn= = = ^ ' I r e s u h e p r g Hoalth, Attn: Nursing,I, for Physical Thoraplsls. Ml I 202-801 Sndd AAv ve. N* MISCELLANEOUS 9 'stland Oldsmobilel l o B u l e k lie word 226-562 3rd1 Ave.Av N -■ 1910 Chonning Way, Ida-1- Excellont benellts. Modi- p.P arta Peraon wiih knowl- “ 'SCEJCELLANEOUS ■™F?o5Sl“e'h SIDING CREWS f s u ^ 1310 Potelino Aro.dE., m ask gggOME& 1 s hours ho Falls. 83404, EOE col. Oontoi, vocation & odgo o ol aulo. truck, ond ,, ^ERCY w - 8 2 personal timo ofl. 401K fi ist havo own tools. Top ( n r R ! 2 I ______^ R O tn m s is farm oqulpmont. Cum- Muotr RIck Long or D aye Herman:ansen. A wellI esiestablished " " MEDICAL plan. Excellent opportuni- puter n oxporionco a musi, ”og “ *1® o s. Coll W hilohoad ------327-612 4lhi AA<» ve. N * omo&Enorgy-733-968e. Qm m s ------■ local blbusiness I Immodialo opening for FTr tlos. Interested parties Coilc 324-7148 »omo II ^ ^ j A v e . N ‘ . rog. nurso for clinic floatIt piooso opply at; . — ...... is seek eeklngan .1 iJwiEHT 2«-5615mA,. position. Ploaso cell forr IDAHO HOME HEALtH & ■ M18CELLANEQUSMl I . i icrgetic ^PPORTl Info, or submit application1 HOSPICE • Shool Motol Workers ROUTE B21 ■ to Sandy Scharo.TF Oin- 200 2nd Avo. North • «E Expor. Concroto Rnishor ^ f e A U T O M OBILE i Sales ProfeiISSIONAL esperson p u b u c sESERVICE 121-743 2ndd AAn v e .E : lc& Hospital. PO BoxX Twin Falla, ID 63301 •COLTruck Drlvor join their m e ss^ SAGE _ ^ 144-304 .Blueu e LI a k e s 1233,Twin Falla, 103 206-734-4061 ' ApplyAp In person oi While ' T are looking1 ffor entj^gslastic, self-mi•motivated^ compimpany. loymont Infor- -givd B3303-1233, 733-3700, An Equal Opportunity Cloud C Porsonnol. 460 Im oxt 340, EOE______Employer Main W Avo. S„ Twin Falls. indtviduals who wouldMike i to earn up to $5C>50,000 in A comnprehensive pn .KnSonetS‘IS n 'S S i 700 Bik 3rd AAv« ve. E . : their 1 st year, of saless with the largest invei/entory of trainingng 1 p r o g ra m you 0 federal |< MEDICAL '■* H€ :ed or not, is offeretBred w ilh a Infonnation abru.'^S^lSfS «0tHES22 Immodloto oponing for cor- new and used vehicless available. Experiencec base saii iroor America 14&-1663rdAvlA v e . e : Uliod modicol a s s t In clin­: f S A L.E E S - ccconne Join our team of piprofessionals. 912-757-3000 136-652 4th Av ic olflco. Ploaso call or commi lA v e . E .: submit rosumo lo: Sandy' Full time automobile salt«Ies person needed. .E)EXCELLENT. BENEIEFITS: •Exceilerlle n t . PUBUC SESERVICE Schofo, TF ain ic & Hos- Potential for an above/e average Income^ .coi benefits.fits .MESS/SAGE . - rttol, PO Box 1233, Twin ' COMPLETE m iNING PROGRAM •VACATION PAY lb placement It you livo In) thatht Twin Falls, ID. 83303-1233, Company benefits ininclude excellent *520■ 52000 GUARANTEED WHILE YOU TfV•RAiN •401KWITHC0MPANYCiYCOmiBUTION • O P ^ortuniUes 'J & ‘'fiSillDhitiSSi.ork to fill spo- fii«a area AI araa n Intar' 733-3700. oxt. 340, EOE. 'BLUE CROSS INSURANCE •HOUDAYPAY It p o te n tia l . clfic poaltlorIona cannot eatatf In boIngng a1 Inda- 1 commission structure,a, health insurance __ mI, , forsucceKCess. charge an upfnDfront foo. For pondontjunforifor roiila MEDICAL Apply In Porson B ra n soo n n A t : PlecaeitndKnd/esumcfa fre e Informatlation about cvrttr.^ - I benefits and 401K plailan. Hard working LPN noodod for modlcai W hlite ite h e a d . avoiding ompieploymentaor- Pfaaaa eorXactet DIatrletD offico. Roxlbio schoduloI Individuals, plea^apapply In person at . wrlto to tho Smtoa Uanagtrigar, U alt • wfthoccoslonolwooiiondj H o m e 6 Ide Commis- Radmall 733-09;U0831 axt. & ovonings. Sond rosuirio» CarMart 664 MainWenutnue South. 1 P .O . BBo: o x I B M slon, WashlncIngton, O.C.. 948 to: Box 97730, CAJTVnos T w in Fi ■ ■ s o J T.’i! UM*(a • J»rewe I F a lls , ID 20580, or calilill tho Naiion- Nows. P.O. Box 385. TVvin! Ask for Clay M cC om bs. 1 3 3 0 3 . , al Fraud Inforrr Falls, ID 83303. ______aia a 4 « 3 9 0 0 ______• tor, 1.800-876-

    g ^ M V \ Z * 7 ^ -

    m m l I

    ^ SHORT Tl -^ PRICED': jm jJ jiC

    i;sSiH aar!»iy..:- A T O Kr^EAn';'oy^ I CARiUNDeRSi ti^MpW EV DOW B M PggggggW JS! II n p n E ^ ‘V- I'.: I. ■ :PeiVf. > m /^UICKCENTURY B n n i ^I'oosAABgi:9000TUiaOM?n:f f n ! i M l fer^ i i fg i l i lODbwn 'V ., . WASS79M <1|W J L U m $ ' WDown --'":.' . i WASS10,466 H «aC703lA.^ -NOW $598611 E i l H S g : a c p 8 8 F O R t> T E M P O ^ if - H m j j j j i H ^ ■; »OT707aA ' • MOown . WAS9 § | |f95 CHEVYBIREHA ‘ I f l I jffii.:D0ii6t iwKMi iw i i a a A NOWDW$ao42|- ^ ^ ^ :: ^tOOom. . WA8SW9S ■ fci ■■ «OT72iOA ‘ ■ - • HOWSTSW I | '85PIYM 0UTH LASER ;■ WDown WAS^ ^ 0 6 j pw'»l:triEVYBEiltTlA:i\tSi-|(g Ql^RDUS^ *MT6012L» n o w I WDown' #01744OAK; * I ’ NOW S 6 M 7 ;p | , [ FORD TAURUS lODoiPlt., . ...,W A8 ^55 FO^RD ESCOWWAQOHti^iffl I »DC7ooeA ^NOW so oerfs) ji> • <7 J .>/A8 «« 9»,kJI } r*88iA O LE PREMIERS SODowr>' '■ ..WAS j E E J V Ri : • (JCCTOOOBj . -.‘HOW. loDMm ,VvsWm sm sllV » a jCTjtWZDA-^Wi f

    p 8 8 MtTSUBISHI STAITORioNu y n ' Ml ^ roiU>TAURUS SHO jH . MOown " i. WA#fA siaiesllkz^ - I m d ^ i s i i l a OWt t ^ l h^lttEwlA;l{yfcT;r^ B|| ip^wfcaiMfe [■ w w a a u R y t i A g I m H f l | Q T y ] | i •• •• .»»oT7oeai<^- •NOW

    P 8 9 CHEVY StI oH a /»a',N i5SA N ^iiial MOoUrt'^ ^ .^ ..':':-.s::WA8 W *B ® n|j ^oWMsseLB a S i. g i|m*06iiMK!r--f.v^v ;;..H 0w yw g3,l■ I r # it!!' ; Ow 'D eim <7';-l; h B i S K ' i i l £ 22^ y £ ^ i n i H i i W S P QQQSlilS Srtufdsy.hUyai1 1 9 9 7 TliM»Nm,Tw1nFdis,lda^,ldat»o C-5 — m FUNBUSJNE881 NETWORKER A t£R T ----- Franchlta olr«ady moUng Save S money « oom $3288 peopk>hapmlfl35BtBlM . .| por month w/only 12 - axponds to Idaho. Homo pooplo. | Unlquo co. pro- b asod wholft.«a]e distri-. vidod < matrix local ID co. button buaifMss. FuD timo 733-2231/IO.e. 736-0980 , Of part Umo. R ulbla hr». - ■ Tafk to ALL ot our frm . VENOINQ VI R O tn ^ for sale: ,Mwltwrfot^wddcMe. ‘ ' oroat I cash bualnass. eOI-295-2242. ^ CaB 1-e00-791-9t2e. so T " I ■ . ' ■ Ploase ctwck your ad foil L^^OPDIHOUSESJ correctness on tho flnd ^SHOSHONE (N. ol town) Now 3 bdrm. 2 bath on ^ ?KrN5.TSS,f acroan; w/water shares; $S^,900(A«^$I30.000) ^ H Y Ui n o n il a n v 253 E 520N..Sat7Sun7- THETIME&tJEWiS- Mon., an doy. 829-4262. CURRENTLY HAS 4 070 Blue lakes BlBlvd. N. » 733-18;825 » 1-800-390->-8632 1^ ^ ^ THE FOLLOWING I j j o n e y t o w ^ INDEPENDENT . ■ TWIN FA U 5 OPENHOUSE R H J U N IO R R O U T E A PUBUC SERVICE------SaLS & Sun.'1*4pm I WENDELL AREA .M ESSA G E------2112121 R ancho VIsU Dr. E ^ l FtFodoral law allows you to By owner. A splash of ROUTE 510 cofTOCt youf crodit roport eeuntjylnClty.1972sq.eo* I i ^ | 1 0 0 -6 0 0 E 2 n d Ave. fbr froo. Credit repair din- f lt IN.& location. 3 bdrm., Ica that do business by 2 bbath, malnt., free skiing. C H 70-100 Idaho St. N. phono cannot r'o<|uost or lar|lorgo family room w/inson . N ^ B ' rocolvo poymont until ste firoploco. flro spa & oxordse P ^ B L iR O U T E SII months afler thoy perform-----room,ro( redwood deck. 100-500 bik East Ave. (heir services. I^or moro-----largoian dotochod garage. C Information about crodit 100X306 I 0i ft. foncod loi, b ^ E 2 0 0 -5 0 0 E a s t A ve. D repair scam s, write to tho-----RVRV parking, boautilui Fodoral Trado Commis------landscapedlan yard w/oulo 6 0 0 bik E a s t A ve. E. sion, Waahlnoton, D.C.,-----sprtnkior.sp< SI 49.000. 200- bik East Ave. F 20560, or call tho Nation­ Csil 733-4321 4 0 0 -5 0 0 bik M ilner St. al Fraud Intofmotlon Cen------S. ter. 1-SO(Ke76-7060. 400 Pocatello S “ . SS O -100K » -FAX 9 S i^ M P l 200-500 bik Wendell Purchase &roflnanco S. lobns. Dhrarsined Capttal. 208-734-8727 YOUR ■ ROUTE 512 ~ M NEED CASH? B^Ziizni 1 0 0 -3 0 0 W . 2 n d A ve. V/ow, buy notes & roai osuilo AD 9 . , 100-400 W. 3rd. Ave. contrncts. c Creative Tl^TIMES CLASSIRED E S 100-300WAve.A&B J nnance.1-800-W»460B DEPARTMENT ffW EASY TO OWm I ! FUN TO DRI 208<734<5538 e M R 0 t/T E 5 1 S •syMONS'’ssR - 5 Ss ^ 100-600 E.18LSL Your ^ Ijx a i Real Estate — iDlM H m i g i 1 0 0 -6 0 0 E M ain Ave. Uwn Specialist: ^I 5 0 2 I -*i•» Poor Credit & Bankruptcy iHOMESFORSALfl I ROUTE 517 -» "1 Zoro Oown Puichosos ■* Homo Irnprovomont & 1 100-500 W. 3rd. Ave. 1 PUBUC SERVICE h ^ l -» Dobl Consolidation MESSAOE ' ■ ■ 100-500 W. 5th. Ave. ->125% -» Equity Loon Solllioiling propony? Don't pay 5 lOOBlk. W. 6lh A v e . -»MobUo •» Homes CK ^any foos unlll It’s sold. For | Quick/^pr^s froo fro information about | 73.73M 033 or 600-742-0456 qvc m • ' S«^ avoiding timoshoro and 1 tfyoutlv9lnih9W«nMI ^ real ostoie scams, write « rM A t n Initrttttd In to iho Fodoral Trade b tin g a Indapandoht ★★★★★★★**★** u ‘c®oICommission. Washing- h S Junior roufcarrtBr... When " the Bank Says ton. ton O.C., 20560, or call Pl0»K0 eontaet DIatrlet •N O ’ tho the Nollonol Freud Infor- Wa Say 'YES* m m i otionContor, OtOn A £ A L £ ^ A 7 E Loons 1-80Q:676-7060. 1-8 •No Money Down • ZJiZ(hy keep 11 whon you no 0 0 . Purchases lono«r noed tIT SeU ll vrith ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ *3%Down ■ Undrt^obllo an Mty, InsztMtuIvs dassi- Only per Month!" Homo Rnanclng fledad.Cd73M»31, S A O O *125% Equity Loans ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ *Homo Improvement Loons BUSUSS/OOODINQ By own- O nly ^ 1 5 W O p e r M oronlhr ^ S Sporiorty 5-speed with Airlr Conditioning, *Dobt Consoiktallon Loans JT. or. 22 OC., 4 bdmi. bolh, C H 9 ■Bankruptcy & Poor Crodit g76.900. $75 Call 352-1930. Sporty,5-Speed, Roc3o m y H atch , C ustom S Sti trip es ’ w er W indows & Loc5cks, AM/FM THETIMES^EWS ^ buhiUHL ^ S lassette, Spoiler andI IM uch M creL CURRENTLY HAS & W/heel f Covers S te lla r M o rte a g e 'M u s tS B lir K S , THE FOLLOWING S»ek •7H029 SbKVt7H032033 ' B o ise . Id a h o Tliiirhis 3 bdrm, 2 balh with p S -MSAP $9.01 i. Price ollw^ dlKOunTt er l(Kto7r«bcx«$U,396.80, INDEPENDENT ★★★★★★★★★★★★ family room, sprinklors, ' 72nwnltilemi. $500de^erlred org o ^ oquily r»q|iitod, Poymoni JUNIOR ROUTE A — ottochod garage can bo Old $69.00 D ucludet tax, Klis, ond $69.00 Oeoler I JEROME AREA AVOID « BANKRUPTCY yoursr..Cal1 Jim Freo dept consolklatiotf. Aaking S85,000 Appiieation with isofvico. e R O U T E S29 * 1*800'673*6207 EBARKER n 1 0 0 -6 0 0 W . A ve. Q — -CaII543^71-newl------— ^70o:9oo'grFi? ------■'•‘•■800-900 s Lincoln A ve $106^$7MTODAV?' $1 . ,..,200 BIK-W. Ave. L .. . JHL ^ R ^ H co^?^2SSnC o :roogo, Ig m aster sullo, R 0 U T E 5 1 7 . ^Uconsodbytho^tooi omodolcid ook kllehon. A . U H 100-500 W. 3rd. Ave. ____ muinust sool Coll Oaylo 733- l666or P 9 100-500 W. 5th. Ave. ^i 304 ~\ 400-500 S. Fillmore I MOUNTAIN VIEW . f S ! l ' L|NVE^JEMreJ REA LTY w m R O U T E S33 . PUBUC SERVICE 11216 ^ ' FILER AVE E c S ■ 1 0 0 -6 0 0 bik 7 th W M E ^ O E ____ 734-1898 tS 100-500 bik 8th W r w •il | n D oni pay for a promise. Ifs UHL-’79 2 bdrm. 2/3 l a i i B 1 900 Bik N. Birch ^ illegal for companies do- P®’">smt, hoat pump, lrg lot, H h 1 9 9 6 T O Y O T A Ti 96 FORD F280 8UI 1 9> ! 9S N I S S A N ■ 900 Bik N. Uncoln . iniing business by phono to oncod yrd. canal occoss. I | H promlso you a loan and ^3bl motor homo gorago. R i f I iXTENDED CAIU L X C A B 4X 4 POWER5TRCR O K E S 4 XX 4 P IC K U P ask you to pay for it be- >53-572-3033 Oxt 650 or E K I R O U T B S24 « S3-565-49t3oves. B H #09237-0, v-6 , Air, AM/Fj^FMCoiuillo, *09213212-0, XLT Pkfl-. 5-Spood, 40/2(1/20/40 S . #08975-1, Cu*u*tom Whool*, Custom Sforoo, ,100-400bIkl8tW . foro they dofiwBc. For freo ^ Crui*o, Till...Many Extroilb Scon,ifj, Mog Wheas. Only 22,0000 NMiles S 9,600>OMilo*...NicoTrucki Information obout ovoid- » •UHL.Redueedto . l h S „ 300-400 bik 2nd W . Ino advonco foo loan .ia S WAS 1 0 0 -4 0 0 bll( 3 rd w ' u (180,000. Nowor homo P S Y scom s, wrtte to tho Foder- in 23 acres wilh wator b jH 9 , a a o » w s S $14,995...... ■ M 2 , 9 9 5 1 0 0 -3 0 0 bik N. A lder at Trade Commission, “h'‘iharoa south ol Buhl. ^ 300 bik N. Cedar w idrms. S'A bath, approx.' 100-400 bik W. Main !100 sq.n. Booutlful view l l Information Center, •f tho voiloy: C A U RON S t ' I"l-eOO-676-7060. PPP R 0 U T E S 2 9 . -1:1 ■REEMAN 734-4206 or 100-600 bIk W. Ave. PUBUC SERVICE •37-3915. UCENSED TO { r M MESSAOE SELSELL #9600904 K S Big profils usually moon 200 bik W. Ave I ®i*l,big risk. Before you do J 700 bik S. Birch • . gubusiness with a company, 1 700-900 bik S. Rr ehchock ii out with tho Bot- ^GEM I 8 0 0 -9 0 0 bik S . Lincoln ter Business Bureau. For STATE REALTY. INC. E S ' fr*froo Information about 734-0400 C S. « . . • avoidingov investment • 1995 TOYCO T A 1 9 ' 9 6 FORD RANGES E R 1 9 9 1 ClCHEVY CAMARO JRLEY- MUST SACRI- aoacam s, write to the Fod- EXTENDEOCABLB 4 X 4 SSUPERCAB I LT 4XM 4 R XC 3 5 0 V - 8 oral Trade Commission. 1CEI Movlng-doni want ttyou'Uva /n Jarom* • .Sa Washington, D.C., 20580, 55*^a tako withus. 1994 h H ■#09219-0,'5-Speod,Cuitom' « 67-0,4.0 V-6 ,5-Speod, bodecdedwirfi . #09229-1,/, Automolic, T-Topj, Mog a n a a ara Intaraatad In or call tho Natlonol Fraud leotwood monufocturod ' 26,000 Miles, Lots of E .Extra*, Only 12,000 Milo*!;l Wheol*,*,Only65,OOO^Milotl : talag a Indapandant information Contor, «mo, 14x66, new carpel Junior routa earrtar.^ 1-600-876-7060. JJ*™iroughout. may holp wHh VWAS . 6 « B « Plaaaa contact DIatrlet — Inoncino forquolifiod <$17.745...... ’ 1 9 / J l ^ , 9 97 iS ...... ^ 6 , 9 9 S . Salaa'Managar, Bruea 4 — r 9 9 S 8t9y9na733-ilomWtKcU, ■ »0e789 led with #09187-0, 5-ScSpeed, Cutlom Wheel*, Low Box 2672. Sherm an; ,7X ■ 89'0,'CD, Power Seat*. Loadod' ■ •' ' • 76091., 76( - ■ 1 Loaded wilh Exh^s ana Onl)^y 12,000 Milei ■ ' Extra* and Low Mile*l Milo*» ond Run* Greoll • - R 0 U T E 5 5 6 ~ IQUAL'HOUSINQ R S^ k e WAS - '. C e n t e r S L W . ' H 11 i M ' S^ I : » ...... » a 5 ^ 5 9W i 9 $20,995...... ■ MadibonStW ' ' || O PP O R T U N IT Y b S $: » i 7 , 9 9 5 ' S p r u c e S t . Ir I d ^ m s . - . ..BwnlngStC II m ROUTE 5S7. ■ : - ll ■ ffllflfflg S j •■••■CenterSt.EV-.V.v.^,-:.' ■ U W P iW i nSim ^bimSal’iS ^ ' ■ p s & _ '"V J^rsonStv.ry l; 'y.i SS MB •r»r*not,.llmliiiien er B I RO U TE 5 5 a •crnnlnstion.* Familial B ; • A d a m s S L 'E ’. . 1 3 •tu t Includa* ehlltfran h ^ | ■ ; ' W a s h in g to n S t VUncoInSt- . 1985 roRP r i 5 o 11984 FORD PiSO6 1 9 8 8 DtebD O E CLUB CAB1 B d ,:,;^B|fCh^S. iu?lnUi**you*t^'e^^ :'5iv! 8 UPBRCABXLT. T 4 X 4 8 UPBPERCAB XLT 4.60 414 X 4 4 XC < 4 P I C K U P •avlnga: Beforeyou . kncmiilt'niiW tptptr will nol ^ e n d S o n 'a scholarship Mvir #09091-7,351 V-S.AotomsmdKe, Shell, ' #088)884 M ; Automo«c:'. tMdedland- an #48077-2,55-SMod, Pu*hbar, d e a n ' 75,000ActuolMi!«lilesi ’ . VofyCIeanI onondl^Milsal :']balpgmlndap9ttaanr-rtC-\S^iSwfhTfoSK"- 00^ the (federalTrade tSiMn WAS ' 'i'i'-.'i WAS eoptaet DIatrlet Com ^ m lasionat' '■ ra.« ■ av»llaWaenan«qual H W $10,995...... $ * 0 #,^ f 5 $6,995------* 4 , 4 0 5 :J,8Mh9 Uanagar, Hobart httthtoVMww/no.gov • ggg^ ■ iRIahtrdaotf 73S-0»ai . o r i 69 Deoler Documentotion fw. All unit* jubioct prior *alo. j| O roall the Natkmai Frwjd ' {•'•stloplMA* nuRitw ler th«.': )nfermatlon Center, . fWfff?ilHR7yWFP. to . v : ; j ______.Kf ■------iS___ ^ _ ___\Y.______, • V t' I

    \ M ■nm«»K#w», Twin Falli.alls, Maho Saturday, May 31,199797

    . ■ I 50 OIBTWCH JEROME. $49,500. Cuto> SHOSHONEs 3 bdrm, 1 TWIIrwiN FALLS TWINNFALLS I C ^ •' 5 0 2 ■ ■ tf I602 “ B TWHFAUIISHIMIES I I -mlil fAltSIK.3 HOMES . ZK stanor or empty-nostor REDUCED FOROUICK r bolh home, g as hool, AC. |NINCREDIBLE C PRICE PRESESIOENTIAL STREET ' I -nMUWHFAIXSHOIIES I | TWINIFA FA tlSH OM K 8ALE1U Ono ooro lols lor homo. Lxxotod In Joromo» 686-7671/Bob. 866-2903. faM 2 bdnn. 1 both homo. ^ iS iS S i d 2 this 2 bdrm hos spoce In - (orthlsnow1560sq. (L3 only$4S00ofhomeancl2 bdnn. 2 balh virlth vaulted wior Is making ropalrs . • '■ ------. aoreS'for S€5i000; Call-loll— tho-baBomont.>or.aJrd_it_TWIN_FALLS Lovely -b« roody (or you— Charming 3 b3mi. 1 balh. TiHlfnpg/fptipof'gftmiT^fn* ^ - -*o-bJ David 324-4603. bdmi. Siool sided homo, aide, hugo foncod yd. SS?’*8,500. Call Jim Hoag ■ . 1 .1 .1 now carpet and palm plus, 2 cor gor.. 217 Caswell.' 3-1278. »JH-961 BRAWLEY REALTY , $69,000. Call 731-4900 *£aprlnklora. oxcol. 734.6658 doublo sized garago (only .nolghbor-hood. Plooso |y |o 1 oldo has door). CALL. , ^734-6626, loovo msg. agIc valley J P j — JO H fm S J2 Z 2 or PAT- -I P1LER~3 bdrm on aero:re TY 324-1113. (»970il74. molntolnod, 3 bdrm., 2 w/out buildinos. S5S.000. bath., nreploce 2160 sq. ‘WNPAU3 “ ■' _ Ownofcany. 326-5494 fl,w/tuil finished basomo. ilOVE RIGHT INII This 4 734-1991 /< WM nLRV pod. quiet NE loco- bdrm, 2 bolh hom o wilh RLER. Vlntago S bdrm. 2 b GEM tion. close to shopping , sun room, (ull (Inished tMth.211 SmStrool. STATE REALTY. INC. basomont ond ovor 2.000 t Win f SI 30;p0<^0wfw 32S-J043, pooi&schoois.15toPtln- ^ {FALLS ^ H H y - 734-0400 colon $96.500 733-4636 sq.(L ol IMng aroa is only' r b d mUCEO, FOR OUlCK ■ B H $95,000. Call LII today l-EI 3 bodrooms. don ^ m t e l JEROME. Now listing. Nico TWINFALLS-136Uncoin. i 733-9642. 733 . FO R SA tE B Y BUILDER i jfllco, 2 bolhrooms, ■ ■ U U sot up on two dty lota io-• Nico 3 bdrm.. 1 both. 61BRAWLEY REALTY “I J,lovol dramatic njsllc W =yUj^ If ^ jlCHtKRRAlHOMESCO. 3 txjrm. VauRod colllnos coiod In Joromo. Homo Is» $87,000fflnn. 734-1010 many extras & upgrsdos chdr. Natural rock fire- It'T lfffH ” a 19B5 Kaufman modular • placoCO with pollot sieve. □ulotrul-do-ftoc homo with 3 bdrmo. 2> TWIN' FALLS-By owner. 3 IBNLSHEILMpillEL $106,900 Go'unurmot kitchon with . boths. Homo is In goodt yr. old 4 bdrm., 2 both. 2 iiro. Woli landscaped ^ ^B B j 731^6030 or 837-6313 car florogo. goa firoploco 'yWIN { " FALLS Joniir OPEN D A Itir^ i _ shopo wilh tola of oxtiaa. IEW ON THE'M ARKET yard.d. covorod dock, de- ■ ■ ■ no. Dolochod garogo with, In fomlly rm. 0 ‘Loory AY-FIUDAY2-7;SAT.&SUN.1IN. 12-5 OOODING. 1 bdrm. nomo. , School $113,900 733- Well maintained, updated , tachohod shop wilh oddl- 3 yrs old. complolo wilhyjih shop, iots of garden spaco 3 bdrm homo with fully lk>noliol carport. $121,885. WW RICES STARTOIGW $84,150 ^ and fruit troos. Jusl like a, . 5645 914AsponwoodU I Robin Mo((lit 324- — W /0. stovo. rolrlg. AC. foncod, porleclly land- Call F m n l M l somo lumlturo. S3S.S00.00 country sotting in the dty.• TWIN- FALLS - For sale by seascopod yoid and mony; 0778.8. *97-00506. Ovmof 934-4766. C/U.L PEGGY 737<3925.- ovmer. Prime N .E locati- m a — «970t065 on. 3 b d rm -2 bolh. 2200 $ 9 ! C A\NYONSIDE t ■ ■ I OOODINO. 2 bdrm. 1 batti REALTY, INC. K b # / i 1 f e K " * sq. ft. Many desirable RmROOVOS423-6167.' Hi Kej»toqe.tollTTWaPUI».U1S.UC homo, oxcolloni condition, foaturos. Drive by 610 BRAWLEY Bl REALTY 73735-0590 Office ILUCJ nico location. SSS.SOO. Ballingrude Dr. Pioaso 734-5858 . 324-61-8778 Homa Office E M H JANE GEORGEGE Ovynor.934-4766. GEM Call 734-5674.______• o r MARY MAIRUR STATE REALTY. INC. »l 6 U'«BOfna:75W80»0fn(l:7Fia:T5)4»0 H M j H — 7^4-0400 TWIN FALLS - N.E. By kith******** ovmer. 3 bdrm., 2 both, *I sSHARP! SHARPt SHARPI:'I 3 OEonooM (w/ 2 * K a f l ^ KIMBERLY 2 bdrm. Now“ ISOOsq.ft-.fuliunfinishod ** 0 ON1 MAIN FLOOn 1 In oa siw h t)I HOUEh ON riEASANI ” corpol. rool ond paint. bosomonL $119,000. *I ^pncsfljcwiiAL stn ter. Lmkse eat-inINMrCHE'N. , WONOCn- ? ' GUARANTEEDT Fenced yd. siorago shod,[j Call 734-2927 • *I n.rw. Kcon. Bo lmno room ano0 PAMtLYf noOM. Gas 7 dock, garago. Assumable J MCAT. SiNOic OAJiAoe. Fenced v*wU10. *79,900. A : . ADS loan. S70.SOO. 734.2449 TWIN FALLS S y Owner: ★ )PEN HOUSEI F l : 2300oq(t.6bdrm.3both. l! DOWNTOWN CORNER BlBUILDIHQ LOT i KIMBERLY. 2 bdrm. 2‘ ,AC, QOS, hottub. molnto- * r, URDAY 1-4 PMP Buy the Guaranteedf° bolh.o)dorhomow/31X56 f, REAtTort owrJCD. Exceucnt locai>TION ON SHOSHONE ^ nonce (reo. primo NE *I, siraETT EASI. TenMS coNSiMniD, ••! 8 5 ,0 0 0 . ; M c k a g e a n d T h'6 e shop with 3 phoso powor-; locaiion. Ban-733.6331 J T im es N ew s g u ar­ir- «5 cor garogo bn Ig. com- a n te e s to sell m er­)r- moricol lot. 506 Westt TWIN FALLS By. owhor; *AJ a i m d e r i c a i ^ ch an d ise or • Contor S(. 576.500. Quality 3 bdrm. 2 bam. *J REAL ESTATE f$> ,g ; Pioaso coll 206-423-5467. groat tocolion. Opon floor *^ ai A P P R A I S A L J “ * ^ 34! ^ ? * * " * ‘ K i i M plon wlih vdultod ceilings * j ^ OMtaVenimr A- U liS U in^zSavS'ancfSala l KIMBERLY. 2,240 sq. t t . & conirotV aouum . llTo *t *734-5650* ' 733'OtOO, ' ' estateln‘lSdays:fs; ; 4*^(lrmfl.'.3.6flK*yiin.J floors, natural gas-^ro^ k *'A*.* * 4 o r we'will rerun1 ■ -Hih*dlb«mt.48fa.900 the ad an addition­n - sprtnklory. patW:-423W 4„ $167,000 Soo at 1109 c SAUNA DRWE-1WIN iFAIf a l l s : Woodrlvor Dr. 736-9452. ✓ | U 0U8 CUESJESn m nita nfco & ipockxa homoe witwim over al 7 d ay s. T h eree LAND/HOME PACKAGES [ndw atch^lH 1977 sq. . v>with mo looowlno; 3 beOtoomt.I. 2.62.5 bathi is a ^ extra Stoning Undor $60,000111 TWIN FALLS ~ hom o loccc o to d In oxcluilve tubdlvUlonllion. This c h arg e (or the Coll todoyl EXCEPTIONAL VALUE In leal Estate- l|B i coniampofoKory homo buUt In 1995. hot malntoalntononce OAKWOOD H^OMES this 4 bdrni homo vrith lull e e fr nS'^ :H I fteodrtvetikildnQ, 3-cor oorooo. potto. & guaranteed 733-7755 SELUHQm BUYING? _ automaticc IiptTnklort. Beoutlful home package. Ads finished basement. Moln- S199.900. fNH-945 M }d MURTAUGH . Country^ lonance (roo siding and • Serving tho Mogic Volley m ay b e cancelled ^ great location lor growing early for customo er r homo on 't'/t ocros, must .gM lnn^rol SCO. $45.000.432-6634. “ '. family. $74,950. Coll Jim P co n v en ien ce but ■ 733-9633. th e ch a rg e will[ OWN FOR THE PRICE OFF BRAWLEY REALTY . Clmr^ln Idaho H-! 1286AildlMnAv*.E. e RENTINOI Build yourr 734-5658 SNovoda We've Cot ntMnflel , ^VauiHeat: remain the same. ♦ Tax dolorrod exchanges | U MMHwpMr. homo NOW, without the» • down paymont banks dom and. Complolo con-! TWINFALLS . J ophn h ft Toll^ @ Mollon Morfgage Com(om pony __ struction ond pormononl FANTASTIC COUNTRY V 7«oaMUfeMnTobwdi’<^ te ture natural landscaping. t jftr I CallJIm 934.602301 ; StAckland R«al E aUioia • ' ■ * 7 ^ 934-4231 hW K»ki mi le« *.0 HAQERMAN Cuto. now, IV" »t coiMw f*'® rf )«i/ counlry homo. W ocro lot. *iccr»iao«Uikrx"TO 3 bdrm. 2 bath, ook trim, $95,600 - 637.64022 ' j HAILEY Now hom o. By J N 8 0 M M 8 4 74_ buildors, 931 Snownair bolh. motal siding, vrood off Fillmore Streetset. Behind Costco. stovo. many oxtros. By Greater Valley p'lProperties 9 W ' indows, Locks a n d J B ownor. $61.500 324-7901.(01. pfiMtratCwtm* Mirron...Duol — 1 6 1 5 Addison A>iNiJ{MJB Bast • 733-5336 HM JEROME. 3 bodroom. 452

    SieEASTUUD^ $6^00 D^pbcuihwldtkw ft ' DRIVE NORTH ^ - i i M HY! I i *89,900 B& i vyM ' r,

    SAturtn.M «y31.1W 7 TltBOS^Ii■os^lm. Twin Fads. Msho 0 7


    x n ^ : d z : :>

    1 9 9 6 G eo M e tro 11996 Geo Ifepacker ;- 1 9 9 6 F o rd WiW indstar 1996 1 Buick R iv ie ra n . > . _ -- ^—^"''^ £ m ^ M

    5 9 2 $ 4 9 7 ^ 1 3 1l e ^ 3 2 9^ per rao. /7 ’ p e r* rao. mo. doM(l-«nil Im m . JIO.BOe.OO mklualdual valuel'SOOO ocquluilon W mo.TO, clo*M4nd Im m . $12.eiB.OO reiWMl«dMlvthio.SOOOsanjItlUon T®nn: hica d m not Indude ul«« S1T.9I'.siS'M^fV^M Pri^d ■ poymoiffnonL FInonco cftarga of$1240.9Z,9Z «10as mm poymenment. Finance charge of $3617.04. C.«1032 tax.THTIM a fl«il«(doc. fM olSr9.0S OAC. II 1994 Chevii^rolet 1 9 9 4 F or i d 1995 Cheviv ro le t 1994 C hevrv ro le t M-Cab 1 Tonn D u ally F - 1 5 0 Si]ilverado 1/2! ^T o n 4 x 4 S u b u rb>an a . 4 x 4

    ' - I' I S .1 i

    '6 Cyt;AT;PW/PDL,Cusloo Wheels.Wl # n 0 2 ‘ 1■ni.Tohe, Auto.. PW. AC. AM/Fl«/FMC m s ; « I 0 2 6 ...... Full Pow er. «104;1042

    One-of-a-kkMtad, * A1 ll th e P o w e r O p tioDIIS. n #1108 ^ 1 3 , 9<6 0 fl n 9 , 9 > 3 5 * 2 3 ,8} i 8 8 I

    1995)5 Chevrolet x . i6Ciiewolet * . _ 95 Isuzu - A - - ?7 M ercury deo 4x4 ?1 J luntaineer 4x4 : '. C o rKlca s l H8 o g o i n0 ' $ 1 2 ■ ; .*oo,JUr,ilr; 11016..,.,...... AU . jy l^V r wt/c«CiapttaMU.IlOSl.... 5,500 S[IOHllcs.llOtf...... JLK.8,550 =Pmtr.teftttlllXJ ...... SAVE 1994J4 Buick ■ ; ^ iSPontiM, * ’ ^■* m m m 96 Chevrolet * . 9 5 D o 4 e . Skylat e k ? C ndAmSB v l 2z 7 7 7 Ext-(l-Cabl/2T6n ? 1 l r D i e s e l HUaM;pw/FLimo... M m ,41)r,AC,,AC,AW020...... --J lrCoodilloiilit.11109.. i / j / I I « .«DHllet«006.; « » ...... X8 I ,8 0 0 s 12,900 1995 C h e v r o l e t 15Cli^let ‘ / 94 Ford F-150 ^ . 97Chevrolet - ComrvetteCoav.’ lie Carlo IS ? 1 4 L-Cab4x4 ® 1ji i z e r 4 x 4 ^ i v / rSffDtM,l««linef.«I008 m ...... : : . : S A V E ^p.faWflOM,.! ^ ------i , 8 9 0 ? SbeU.11034...... X.8 I O j t880 J l J V 7.000W) Miles, Pt/POl/FM. 11092 ^13,780 ^ 1994 15 Ford : . . . HGMCStepsid^ , , 199‘9 5 I s u z u A Picku 504x4 H i iExt-Cab f 1 ( )oper4x4 ^ /4 «uo,AT,ni,n.iioo9.. M j . ^ u , , > Hii^WMllIJS..... X J5,888 “ Power. 11033...... X ^9 ,8 9 0 lOKMlI 14,300 1995 ■6 Dodge A 96 Chevrolet * _ > ioe4x42Dr. f'/f-' Dako - k ^id H i AU/FMaHa*l,55pd.ll072...... :. /y( HUa,b»il<,l.IllOS... A l16,890 i v :|l99T (4 Toyota * . . 199595 Chevrolet ^ . 97 Chevrolet x i T o n 4 x 4 i d e 4 D o o r ^ E k'T‘ d t .♦i{ viaVaa ? 1 7i W,Sttno,l»il«l.ll(l!9. C, PW/»L ...... v.X ^^w«w7. ;X,./ 200 UI/ni,10KHllei.fl023 . ila10,590 X i 10,870 ii99&?6 Pontiac a . >6 liocbln ■ 9 5 Chevrolet 96 Chevrolet ind Am S B ? | 1 t - C d ) 4 x 4 burban4x4 ? 2 '1 ±-Jl , 7 8 p . . | ieiAiS^ IIO S T ...... ^11,495 -i s »ime*,RcirAlr..lll03.. 12,333 95 Chevrolet 9 7 T o y o t a J _ 1 9 9iffjClteroia- 6 1 ; liG dr if : . H O taro RS S l n ! Ton 4x4 ? 2 ' M)maU: Pickup C D : ^ M o o ra • - ■ M l ' ;X;/7 | i i .10KHaa.ifhDPonr.ISOM i r f! . l , 8 7 7 s/C,4^l«Il..'lI0<3 ...... L j JPECIAL I . 9 6 Chevrolet , ::;i994M N i s s a t t ^ . lidievrolet * ■. _ : !iEjpCa^ ' W & D !2C 4tQ t|:rE xt^iCab ? i n B e r 4 x 4 : •ijiirs^ At iio!*., - X 77 i 9 8 a #,n,UHHIa«lcd.tlOCS 12,550 1______------^------P e n ln o '* V . AT WAYr TO BUY A < Bridflo • V ______Blue Lakes N

    i l i M g COSTCO 5 = 5 X i z : : < . L _ J | _ ' Fllmore SL______CARCO IndWaremart* 7i735-2127 1487 Fllmore * A pm 'lridajrSiuii. ■ 8pm •SaturdqS’'8'ajn.'-6p.m. M Ttaw«m,r«*iFeni,sas,Wiho Srtintoy,Msy31.i997>7

    TWIN FALLS. V CottageI0« MELON VALLBV . 5.S wtth new kttch«n, 1 bdtm.tm. acres with 2 bdrm, 1 bath BtBuM u! »o.*. Lots. of homo, cormls & outhulidi- trees. $47K .» 733-2Cp3. — M^^^ALLEV.Socres *rWIN FALLS. $174,900•• with frontage on Mud C o itn ^ o ly remodolod and>nd Crook. 8 shares TFCC . sharpl 3 bdrm. 2 bath3th wator. $80,000. . homo on 2H acros. Thishis HOLUSTER . (15) 1 acre hom e has a llttlo bit ol lots *1- indudir>g dly wo- everything from a brand■fid tor. powor & tolophone t r ■ new kltchon to a 24x36c36 cablo. Groat for manufac- shop, outbuildings, cor­ ■ or- tured homos. O&W Sub- rals. garden area, fruitult division located on Ook- trees and moro. CALLLL loyAvohuo. DEANNA 733*063Soror RLER. 72.97 ocros on Ce- RALPH 733-&S76.6 . dor Omwl Groot dovolop­ *9701322 mont polenllal. Beginning 1/4 miles South from Jor­ dan's Comor. GEM LANDWATCHI s t a t e REALTY, INC. -REAL ESTATE- 734-0400 Office 733-3667 Soa dawJllod^s builAsu am7S ______sotvlea dlredory lor lh» hdp^ BUHt_ Melon VaUoy, spa- you n»od lo got your horns"• clous 5 bdrm. homo on 5.0 sconlc oc. with slroom. — $169,500, Can 543-8641. TWIN FALLS. SSB.900. Groat Irwostmoni propor­or- BUILOINQ LOT ty or firsl homo. 3 bdrm.m. with city sorvlcos. 75' x 125' now corpoting, Iroshly» slor or iBsy Gibbs 734-. GEIST737-3903.3 - 1991.»NhMQ-948 *9700710 magic valley GEM re a lty . • STATE REALTY. INC. 734-1991 734-0400 . K. TWIN.FALLS. By Ownor. HAGERMAN - acro lot, 706CyprossW ay.3> 3 $17,000. $4750 down & ' bdrm. 1 bath. dbl. garogo.JO- $127/mo. 837-6402. S67.S00. No Roaltoro. I I THE PERFEa Rottsocoll 20a-734-7a26.>6! HAZELTON AREA 1 ac. & CAR FOR SUMMERAERI — 1.5 oc. porcols w/now 3 TWIN FALLS. By ownor.> 3 bdnn, 2 bath homo. Com- yr. old homo, vllta Vista XA ploto pkg Irom $72,900, pM With AM/FM CD,-:D, v/ith A ir C o n d itio n in g , Tilt, :ll 3 .8 L V^ 6 ,, Cruise,' aiQ nd;M uch M oreil!- ■; Subd. 3 bdrm. 2 both,n. Valley Schools. Sunriao vaulted coUIng, 2 car go-in- Cuatom Homos. A2ywS9 rago. covorod patlo, W A 5S 18,154 > 1 6 > 9 9 8 foncod back yd. Sprin­n- HAZELTON Homo silo, M , O N E L O W VALUEUE PR IC E ^ 1 <4 ^ a i d l l klers. curbod landscap-p- pastures. 20 oc. $14,900. ______•5.9XAPR,APR.OAC«)moftlhl«nn. Spodol Koondf . Bl . • ■ ♦S.A3.AAFW.6*C60i^Nnn.5pwfalfe»ofaciK^»pfcw9-30-y7;-- .■ k • bomos, $75,000,423-4355. M VortecVS. | 1392 sq. fl. 3 bdrm.. 1 I H A utom atic w i^ B H B A u to m a tic w ith I bath, gas hoat, targocov-v- PRAIHIE • Groot mountain 3 0 /« rd n/o,A v e, J ir,-n!t,^F^CG S*etteleandMorelli ■ I Overdrive, Air,kir. Till; O u i» ,-A M /F » /d 3 :a Morelil!^' v'-' ofod patlo. S36-201B, ...... reUeot location ii¥/ponora-,.^ — mic vlow, oosy access to ------S a v m O'0 yv « r - $ 6 . 0 d 6 :m i^ 1 h l« ‘ WENOELL Cornor lol.> 3 powor. 26 ocros. Plcturos bdmi. 1 bath, gas hoot. ot- al www.twoolks.com/cos- M WAS $23,340 .....______NOW-% smoll garago. 536-2492i tlo.htm or Jo at 2 o ' , 7 7 f : I I WAS$3^,340 ...... N O W .^ , ~ 1-800-916-2800 4^»AP^OAC«riwn*ilj»^&jej^^ i s i o I Castterock Rsolty I OUT-OP.AHEA-HOMESy SHOSHONE - By ownor. CAREY Exqulallo ond olof Rare olfor. 2 city Cldg lots.' road privacy. 4 ocros wilh $18,500 or bost olfor. Coll A d > 3,000 sq. It. houso.^ 788-5883 oltor 4:00 p.m. Witdlifo. % ml. to LltlloJJ.® SHOSHONE 20 ocro's with Wood. Goolhonnal hoot­“*• wotor shares. ffS .900 ing cooling, homo thoalro. SunHse Custom Hom ss Hundreds of roses, po- ronnlals, ostablishodsd • troos. Unique location.in. TWIN FA L L S • 1 a c r o , J «195,000. 208-823-452626 Hoolhotwood subdivision. for brochure or Informaiion.XV S35.000. Bart-733031. SALMON River Front 2- TWIN FALLS - 20 view bdm i.,l both, vlows. mustjst acres. SW ol town, dilch see: 20 mis. Soulh of water only, oldor mobile ' ; t ^ 55 I S U Z U Salmon. Idoho, $47,50000 OK. S25K. 208-934-8027. l i 1993TOYOtA 3 JEEP GRAND I s cash. (208) 894-2479, . 4-RUNNER SRS CHERCKOKEE LAREDO ROD!OEOLS Z ; TWIN FALLS - 6 acros • ff73073 0 7 5 -1 , S harp AuJ with V6 ... -ff72006-3l•3 Shorp 4x4. Automatic, #07007-0, V^> 512 n I Canyon Hldo-A-Woy. 1 N ico fruckl l o oJed.ondVer^Cleanl ^ r block trom Shoshono FARiM/RANCHES/ WAS DAIRIES Falls. Lots moto plusos. J $69.500. Coll 733-7769. $ 1 5 ,995 9 5 : ...^13,9955 ^ ^ ^ ■ $16,995 ..■ ...* 1 5 ,3 9 5 PUBUC SERVICE ; . TWIN FALLS - 6 bdrm . MESSAGE split-lovol hom e In quiot SooIng Is bollovlns. Qon’iI '' country sotting. Ootachod buy properly based on 4 ♦ cor garogo. 5 irrigated pteture or ropresontalions.“ ocros. ready for horsos. Por froe Infomiollon obout many extras. Must bo avoiding tlmosharo and soon to be opproclolod. roal ostato scams, wrilo $265,000. Coll .734-2063 lo tho Fodoral Trado Commission, Washing,g- TWIN FALLS • SW 1 acre ton, D.C., 20580, or callall building lot Nk» Views tho.Nalional Froud Infor-If- $30,000, Call 734-5322 XT 1995 CHEH E V R O L E T . m olionC onter. 9 s 1993CHEVRVROUET 199-9 4 GMC SIERRA EXI ■ I 1-800-876-7060. TWIN FALLS 3 ml. So. 10 9 SUBURBAN SILVER^ R A D 0 4 X 4 C A B 4 X 4 C H E Y EN rN E 4 X 4 B L A n R 4 X 4 — acres, lOshorosolwator. ,Bed‘ #75007-2,5-Speodvxlwil(,Bidlio.r;.W; :.'.«09027*pi Automdtic, Cuitomom BUHL70 acre farm wAwmeW Call208-733-15<0. n «7326M,V8.U»therlnhf Inlorior. Running, i;- .'# ^ 2 22T-1, 1 W Tor, V a, B< slto & gated pipe w/full ■ 6oord>...Loooc Capi,.Bed Un9iH BUHL Dairy. Dbl. 8, freest-it* can rent or buy for a 1970 alls, 80 acres w/ watorsh-h- 12x64'. Dmooouo. Witt bo ares. $250,000,637-8533.3. /wme/OM. Call 324-2844. DAIRY FOR RENT ' j g ISO cow set-up, automated)d i 5 1 4 I parlor, lockups, freestalls,s. IlNCmiEPROPER^ commodity shed. 2 bdtm. homo. Call eves. (208)?{ TWINFALLS B68-1434. ' inveatmeni Properties: 7 Rontal Units, $93,900; 6 ^ Rontal Units. $79,900;ond HAZELTON 270 acres,*• 3 Ronlol UnlU, $60,000. fenced pasture. $59,000.0. Cali Larry Lattin at 1994lSMOBILE V Call 6 2 ^ 1 7 . 9 1991 NISS COLDWELL BANKER C U T tA S Si'SUPREM S E',,,'- 'viV. = WE8TERNREALTY733. 9 4 X 4 XXE' 1 BONNEVILU h #72083-1, Nica oh . W A S - BUSS. Land Investmoninl I COMMERCIAL 9 $ 1 0 ,9 9 5 ...... % 5 9 5 - $ 1 3 .9 9 ■:S9,495''.v.V ii,:‘. opportunity, 1 group of I p r o p e r ^ ^ ^ undeveloped residential tota & 1 com m ercial lotot BURLEY.2500sq.it-track wtth bulling. Snake Riveror term inal buitd(/ig a, rkn view; PIm so coll 208-8- propeny. Zonod commer- ’ 362-6201 or ^Oe-352^297.17. dal.541-8e9-3111. Jerry. MAMUFACnRWmFADILITY 29,000 B 18.600 st(. ft. ructed In 1695. Steel span 9 1984CHEVR( M M A R K V I I I , construcUon, 22‘ 41 eavelaves. Steel sitting, 6* reln- 9 B LAZER1 4 X 4 ' forcdd concrstt. 5 ovsrtiieftiud doors; one 18', four r^'Aut^atiCi.ln’ ■ 16VS00 amp Blktrlcalal ssatvlce. tn tloor water & airirnes. PLEASE CALL.LJOHN Jl FORBES 737-3919 OR 734^572 FOR VIEWir ■1 ^ 5 : 1 ...... g t ' I V i445Addl*ooAn A v*. E ast • 7 3 4 -0 4 0 0

    r " • ■■■

    ------J ------H

    ■ ■ \ • 1 Saturdq^Miy.31.]U1997 TbnesMtw*. TWM Fads,Itildsiw Idj D-i:

    TWIN RALLS Ju K Re.-1 t f— ^— 521 — n •^^Tc:TCHUM > Alfordttbt. TWINF/FAU£.Now4bdrm. JEROME(E3-bdrm.,oos TWINFALLkLLS.2 bdrm. JEROME-2 bdijdmi.. 1 bolh TVifIN FALLS • for aale; $10,000. ■ misino3 bdnn.,2 balh.3 2 bath. oraoo, nlco, 604 N. stove, rofrigifrlgorator. laun- d u p le x G oraca g e w /outo 'v/^TKM raOP^ th. DoUverotl & Sot. hoau oora •.t076Tltari14x62.2bdmi, I MANUFACTURED rs. old, exc. evos. Call . Urtdar:■r$45.oootii Clevelaniland. S450/mo. * dry hook-uk-up. Foncod oponor. Very nice.nl $475/- Laurel ParfcAp . HOMES M27-7215 r ' days or 726- . OAKVKWOOD HOMES dep. 324-:?4-2634.______bockyard.!. (2((208) 585-2422 - » 0-Caa-543-<3.4030------176Jhath. Acrossa fiofiom Por-: .forS7,000.8«aforS4.000. ’ wner '96 Champion mi,"'"lufocturod homo — . ™ .$42S:Cont» TRAILER 32 ft. I Jl aODlB. ' Trade for 21 '4Uavel trir.?: . 7 $ $ $ C A S H $ $ $ lanulacturod homo. 2 ractors. exlrocllnafy J e ro m e . ^ homo. Will con- “ T^WToflown. i- i ^ C . flos: '530*2324 tor USED Mobne Homes YOUR = ) and sorvlco, S HB. V no pots. $565. sidor smallall pot. p 1337 eih oklnod. InsuolKmod. AC. oil h e al, $525/mo.no.' ♦ d o p .: I. * 1976orNower) ' Ise Custom Homes 637-9166.66. loovo mossego. avo. East,1.0011543-8761. a hook-ups. $2( 2 5 0 ^ 0 + Coll 737-3916 all 423-9762 or 324- ■ dop. No drinklm >l«asa chock your ad (OilJ 1-e00-978-43S0 ^ 911 loavo msfl. WMBERLVILY - Ouio. prhrolo ' octonong..onU>,cUn camera I AD ^ PAY RENT? Can 324.; corroctnMS on th a tlrsfl4 WENDELL 1971 14x60 ' 1 bdimn. . ccottoge w/lolt. WHY PAY — oqulpmsnl yau-vs(■vs slnars1 • day that 11 curb, s a Thai VINFALLS.3L0T >. oppls.. forrol (or Whon you canan(^04bdm^ 1 jerom e. 1 bbdrm aot wanlod. Road dasslNod.clas * "I Fleetwood. S2000 or bast TIMES T CLASSIFIED "^MOC\ODEL&. Mual soli W— ress2. i ottor. S3S-6666. . Refs. & domoQo 2 balh home '5*1 $300 0 montn“ 4 $ 3S o Coa 733^)031 p ,« . 5 a p c n ^ for orrors atM DEPARTMENT ASMSAP//Coll (or Info. I . 475.734-0455 or »00down.$3;».OAC. 324-3161. ' ■ ■ OAKWOOD HOMES ^ llo v o s& w k n d s Call Mr. P» TWINFALLS Noargear CSI. 2 I J i i i I 208-734-5538 733-7755 WMa - 733-S33-2224 JEROME. 1 bdrmb opt. bdrm, 1V< both,h. g; gorogo. - ^ $300 a montn th ■►$300 $500/mo. rols. 734-5565734 ■ I 51B 1 I L£gJ2252i£IL plloncos^ ^ . J i S S S i K TWmFAU.SNk»1lk»1 bdrm,; ■ m o b i^ h o m e s I Tcomotei^otrirsunny Dots. $375/mo.*S200 S3' >> Slopo section ol Sunset dop. 543-<*3-6277. loovo msg S45(Vmo.*d» . ■ . J ' $325 ♦ dop. No potsf o r . A U O '93 Porit modo). 40’0- Momorial Pork. $700 oa. RlMBERLj^. 1 t 736-1654 : front Bay window, AC, 2 Call 423-6044. . •______No pots. $290/ 5. . j n f u f SS s h e d ALLS-Culo,doon ^ 0 3 dop. 734-1663.3.736-5982. TWIN FALLS -1 1 bdnbdmi. opt. r tip oula, W/D. $13,905. y.-2 bdrm. 1 1/2 I ® Call 324-1099.______HOUSES . rnuPAoe ^owly rolurblshoIshod. No I small yord. $550 I FURNISH TWtNFAUS.C ig. Utillllos.. - I0t11. blic 14 plot. $325 >p. 32^6694 : o .,JS poi* Of amoklng. U . BUDDY 7 4 12-X60'tipoutJ t)OStOfier.(40e)476-54Q2. ^ H o S I ^ S i e O P'” JP LE X E S -Summer R. pold, $325/mo + dop.do Coll: wood stove includod. To >6-4894. ■ [1;:^‘’Sli twin FAFALLS-Nice 2 EDEN. Lrg.g. sludlo.a Ullls. ' ^ is H h T w aiShlnglM s l 735-0300 or 736-4f bo movod. 2Q8-eag-2aiB Iftno * dop. 543-6^ t L I" ”520 I 1 bolh S475/mo. * pold. S75/wl5/wk + $50/dop. . 73M'740* 74 T W IN F A L L S -1- 1 1 bdrm . BUHU-Buddy72.1bdmi.n. I . REAL ESTATE IL • 2 stoiy.'S bdmi. dop-NoosmoMng.no si pols. 825-9199> or 62S-5354 ■" «' ■ R - - opt,. opplJ. ind. $2<. $260/mo. ' - a stovo. no Dots. $500 C0II733-S13-5165 OV08._____ KIMBERLY-:.. „ ^ TWIN FALLS A' appla & furniture, goodid I • WAHTED . ^ * 2 r o w Idich- (xjrm. 3 both S'iimor ? 734-3173. cond, $6500.643-8386. ■ - WANTED Exacutlva needs FALLS 2 bdrm., onollo. *275$27 plus dop. imporiol St..(n (I o o r col- TWIN FALLS - 22 (3)(3) bdrm. • BtiYINQ OR SE L U N Q a ow n. S>>65/mo. + Call 423-555S550. logo). Includ.idoB rongo, apt. $650/mo. I.1 1I bdrm . I a home to ioaso w/optJon to a g . manufacturqd/mobllo0 purchase. CaII736-1170. Tw in FALLS± S 'Ven nlcolv dishwoshor.rolrolrig,. A/C. opt. $375.1 bdrm.rm. t houso. - homo? We offor (bumdno?I’ • . o k .th ..Jih tw in FAUALLS 3 bdrm, go- (urnlshod,jlmolM 0 bdrm *6500 mo..1 5650 $350/mo. No pols,«ls, loaso.: Oraen Tree R nancial foncod. splnktor utillllos pakl.i w S ^ r e boih --P -N o smokin, Avolloblo T W r n i A L L ? ^ bdrm, 2 bath, flroplaco. p.R oforoncosroa TWIN FAL'ALLS 3 bdrm ., 2 TWIN FALLS^ Voryntoply immodloioly. T hrirm 9 woshor/dtyor. AC. AC, oI p p ls.. S7,000. Call 324^t36^ irfl*«nor»5 2 ^BCI||& ' RLER - $6900 < ^ - 2 bcjfm.. 1 bolh. f tiiR , TWIN FALLS $550 mo., bdrm, 1 wook froo.froo AC, • 5% Down O A C . PajfflBiB. ' S400/I0/mo. ♦ S200/dop. ib»pSS“ s2S MsiraSp'NoJo smoking. VVO hook-up. $450450 * • dop, CoH32i3 2 a.5 T O ‘gloM;;dnor. 2 bodroom. 1 Utils, & coblo <250trwistaChoosaR(ni sSUMMER jmo. S495/mo plus /mo* S50 dO| - a J / A d a m crodrt chock. 324-t'24-tt65. Soo Norm dso n at ? 3V 3gi;.' V FII-ERR • Smoll 2 bdrm. deposit.Bit. N o w ta k in g ------^ N FALLS ■ Rodlnodueadl • BROCKMANS A N r )/mo,3 bdrm.. S400. oppllcailorIllons. ______INIVERSARYI • S300/n ------1 TWINFALLS p J ^ 2 bdmi. 1 bolh.bolh ; . 1-600-978-4380 Wolor.K. sowor a sonltoUon Coll SlovoSii Hollows i 6 0( 4 Bost voluo In Twi (toPsiFromClndy-i.JOTiw) rwin. NEW 2 Near Porrino Elomoromonlory. •• SALE pold.NNo pots. 326-3659 W INIDERMERE D I I U^URiURNISHED bdrni. 2 both.' c( Storting at S400/nlOO/mo. : JEROME rty Management | APTS/DI>/DUPLEXES opplloncos includudirio W/D. We Otfer IncontlventlveFor • \ ^ H r 3 bdrm, Corpoit. wolor. sonlloiloili^on.aiown- TImolyRont. HOBtL£ HOME LLC. \ ^ (onco 4l H l k $300 d< romodoloc am. Slovo, ro(rig. d o p . F R E E1 J- HEALTH TWIN FALLS tIbd bdrm. 1 • boths. Ownor mollvotod HAGERiIRMAN - 3 bdrm., 2 point. 3 b 30ld. cloon ond CLUB MEMBIBERSHIP bath, off siroolll porking.po t ara'Jrii S Sorpotod floors. INCLUDED. to sell. S16.SOO. CallII H m M bathcccounuy homo w/ qo- raoo. spi . MOVING b rick , clo o olo l o parks. p - Gone or Bllo Sharp 733- lodel 605 at ‘iOiSOO o a c . rego/s>i^shop & gordon S7S0/ S650/mo.S 'S< .”™!?!;;?’- >p.Bon734-6614 ALLOWANCEE $300 oft shopping, 8i schoo:hoola. A ll; 5559.»QS/ES-963 Stx.*NH6-26 m o*$l.SaiM ..0,934.5125 5; ; ; ^ —— ------lo t mo. Coll 72733-2983 or utils, pd. $420. NNo o p o iso r- VLLS Nice 2 bdrm,. 3 bdrm.Jrm. 2 balh town- 734-8674 smoking.'Call 733-5'33-5766. : magic valleyf • 2 Plan 80 Singlevddes HANSEtlEN - Nice 2 bdmi., 1 lg. bdrmn .,2 ..: both, w/acre ■ bath In counlry. (ull baso- ol ground. realty Starting at * t% 9 0 0 wI n o e l i :* Sm.fNH7-l8*SK.*NH7-23 . . 50X75i 5 'a s 'i i j ; “*nss M I Moy 1. 4-pl iPil^Im w A w irte ldonilalSl..2 bdrm. ovoll.. 2 bd 734-1991 Cf tx: h homo w/loncod W/D hook-upS"k-up. AC. ?”S roliig - IMEffl _ , 'iew 16 Wide X 72 1,116 Sq.<1- Irt. more In yofd,1. slstorogo shod. /stovo/DWV Inc..In $475/mo. M A K E YX o c m M o v e I n M jl s yI / TWJN FALLS ^ Six. «KH7-10 * 3 5 t9 0 0 OA C.. (mo plus deposit. S400dop..3:>.. 326-5047. . PRICE REDUCED on a ■ H T HAZELTLTON 2 bdrm, stovo. S525/mc asw7 epsrmMf fcomn a/U s «M - I FrMMivtiy — I JmmnSi storogo. 423-5104 . OHISti■ g r s ' s r ’- bodroom, 2 bath homo. I2 ^ I u«hln75n»lctOA.C, led. 62 or oldor J&2bedroomim Bpartxoent hom ee featurioItring: : patios. AC. bullt-In oppU- .ME-2bdrm..tb0.h pW'NDIIDERMERE fi'."drdingtoIncomo. ! ' __ ■ = = = L . J S B Q r JEROMI : onces, asphalt rooi & ?5/mo. * S300/dop. ny Monogomoni avoII. now.>w. W osl Sido . storago ahed. Now ONLY \ Exit 168. JeJ e r o m e ^ A Coll 733-4093. 73 3 4 ^ 3 3 4 Court Apts..Its.. 1447 Idoho •CtnlrclLirt $24,900. Will consider ail ------SI. 934-4986986______• n r tp lM A ofiorsj Call, Latry Latlln w l 324-66|622 JEROM)ME - Nico 2 bdrm. TWIN FAUVLLS. 1 Ixlrm. 449 1 4234044 o r COLDWELL 0. 2 car gorago. just 3rd Avo.J. W.V S275 ♦ $250 HAZELTONN Nk;ot 1 bdrm, 6 6 1 S a r a U BANKER WE8 IERN RE­S: ^H «0»M »EE«S l LC 800-311-1:-1687ny S™no. $4S0mo. * $450 dop. No0 pots.p« Ploase call S235/moW 4.«- $200 dop. a w■SSS, s “ ALTY 733-2368.; , • • • . No pets, 655-4162. 734-1663163 or 736-6962, , Coll olter4 4 pm. p 733-6663 I nbaW hM -an. I'i

    WE NOVlA^HJKVE lEI i S s E ? J » S l Ll 5 v B L ? |f f L A T E M O D»EI^¥ElllCLES I ■ V N ^ I s ] IO W piM m U I E N t S iA N D d l l K Yr i s T m u i 9 1 1 1 W l lUiENT i D U E OC N D E L I V EiRY! R ® Com* In and lot mtm* show you hew «»oa>osy and affordablo IIt Is to drlvo a now> w Toyota.Y eu'll notot only hovo.a lowr fpoym ont, but.you'll'II alao truly on|oy TOYOTArA QUAUTY, MUABIUilUTY AND RISALII V A L U I I g g i c CAJMRY LEE ■ B r TOYOTA I iHc, Air, ARri'lock Bnikas, PP.e w e r W in d o w s, TIH, C ni ib b e« , , 1 9 9 6 MERCUCURY TRACER 1 9 9 6 CHEVY TAHOEE I I S 4 - D 0 0 R m 3 Disc Cfaaager, O dd Padichoge. W ood Dosli lln k r 17,000

    ' S / m o . ‘ » 3 9 9 /''M « O .* ^ w * 2 9 *' 9 / M o ' aSiSKSKW i!S«l«g;sssssfessK m > MH M kr |I3S» O o n rr. Wi s s i s ipvcMM SI waM ena ie> iZiJSs. cumiiw im m H ssB aM 'a?aiia5ra.w ' UM ow iStfO n<*M p*< y«ti. cTMrgtol itepwinwlwiMevo liMO , _

    1 9 9 4 M I T SrSUBISHI I GALAIIN t 4-D R ...^199 9 / m o .* M 5 » 7 T AHCOMA i XTRRACAB 4WII f D Miu.OoreniopurcAaMai .r='”^£5SJ»« iSW ,Sg?SS«3?«ai!K.! 190 H.K Vo«,

    uZ5!w C* w/ 1 m m l ? * 1 9 9 6 TO YrOTACAMRYLE C 1 . . — M 2 A4 8 / m o .* 4 lMttwC«td1*,ChN«. J i« rO W i8et«n»»o« • ■ ..lU qlM fW lalnr 2 9 9 / mno* . ssisraea'ags«r.ssffsi» '7 i? ji‘siu“.s“,asrsy QK gfflSs.ftiiaM assaeW '?! 8B“" “ 1 9 9 5 G M CC XCAB 4X 4 SLHE..:______^ ^ 7T 2 / H 6 . ' tnSlSSSS.'SSl^lS^^,sBsw aw jsfssfK St

    IIU a m coma i99irouiu«ix[r % 8 5 0 ^ _^»9,950 ^ iiM inroitonEm 1993HKEUUVUISI i I " immtiuM iai m iuK uirviium viui i J i i , 9 5 0 I ------L- __*5i85fl J! i H i m i n N H i . miaM ucaHiuo ■■■i ' 9 / M o - ______‘ 5 , 9 5 0 -|iri|(m,Mi^9irrUUIisU0> 5 , 9 5 0 i ! J 1 6 , 9 5 0 T - IHIDtHliUNyCOf ;mjT0TMIIH4 ,i > N - 7 , 8 5 0 MIUMi^jUKiHr,rMrliHl#teT- » 3 6 , 9 5 0 f 1 ^ ^ 7 « O l M 9OLLANORTHrHWEST ClASSSKJDITrai jN iinM nsuuM ii 1995 »U M 50S T ^ • J f' ■ m i VI Love What‘ Y I o u £>0 F o r M e l Li>ye If^a t You D o FcF o r M e l " - -'.;;'‘53 ’6 s H o s h o n e s tTREET r i W EST, •' TW IN , FALLLLS- ■ ' REETVVESry TW lN .f^ • ' 733-289V73 - r t ^ 2 1 - 5 2 ^ i ; ; : ^^^-733^2891^e.r-a00-621r5247. . ' m Ttow#lws,n*W s,ld*ItfM SatvtfRMay31,X997

    •TWIN FALLS* Roomy 2! 'TWIN FALLS. 2 bdrm. 1 g* 607 ■ ' M rm upstakrs opt. csnvo-' bath, appls. ind. W/0. No | O F R C E & ^ ■' niont location, stovo &, ., pots. 837-4100,733-2441. 1 ■ rotrig. (urnlshod. laundry : ’ TWIN FALLS. Clean ~ hook-up. $400 dop. rof. RETAIL S P A C E ’ : roquirod. 6 mo. loaso. No; ibdrm.. $27SM»a+dop. TV pots, no smoking. S395) Qulot. no smoking, no a m o plus utumos. gas hoal.; . pots. Caa 734-9263. TWINFALLS 7 202Ssq. (L 35S4lhAva.W. S600/mo I TWIN FALLS. ConvOnient. T\734-3070 or 733-2424 . fumlshod. Call 734-2558 ^ quiol amall 2 bdrm & Qt ^ayr^W -0648 ovos' carport. $360 ♦ dop. no TWINFALLS u j k pots. CaD boforo 5 M pm OfTk» a spaco avallablo. An K S l i & loavo msg at 733-3669. uUOthisc Induded. Located TWIN FALLS - studios. . al252 0ooroSt..TF. ■■ $285.1 bdrms. $295. UUs‘ iTWIN FALLS. Cuto. 1 T>Corwact Walt 737-3839. fw • c ra iFn i H T j 85 CHEVROLET IMI Ind No pots. 733-9583. bdrm. dupiox apt. $325/- c SSSI P:k #929C ______, mo. ♦dop. Ca0734-2822 TWINC FALLS-GREAT OFFICE SPACE, LOTS < TWIN FALLS 1 bdrm. a p t; TWINi FALLS. Largo & OFI PARKING. 640 aq. 11. !■ on W ost sido. Incl. util' doan 1 bdrm. S340/mo. « $300/mo. 734-7956. 3 olflcoa plus rocoptlon H lYCGUQAR SSTHH'U . Hoatind.Call733-3151. aroo ; and storaoo spaco. “• 1981 ■ MERCUR' ■ k m \ i c TWINFALLS SesOAno.Anutd&npakl. Stocfe#754G I • ■ •’ s n n , trseasyloadvoitlMlndasr At f the VAULT Storago c 2 M rm Townhous*. S440I Bad.Jus>aa73M93l. j| 3 bdrm Townhouso. S4»5 Ollico Comptox on N. ^ ************** Z Washington. 736-9919 TWIH FALLS. Nowor 2 ^ i m r m n m m fl 1 bwlroom, $335 ' S l S I IiiM89 SUBARU JU8TY 2 b«>room, $440 bdrni. 4-plox, oxtra nice TWINFALLS v stock # 4 8 8 0 : * # 7 6 9 G ■ Movo in spedal 'A* monlh, $475 ♦ doposK. Call 734- OFFICE SPACE . Rant Fra*, bright, spa-1 0427 for Intormatkxi. Varfous sizos&locatiotts ^ CaastevoHollowa ■ S dous & doan. wdl main-: TWIHi FALLS. Vory nico 2 tab>od. somo w/sman yard fOf moro Infofniotion 1988 i FORDlTAURUS I bdrm. 1 bath, no pots. Stocft#330G ______& storago. Somo wAVO’ Fully oqulppod kllchon, WINDERMERE SUB hookups. Friondty' W/0. garago. $585^dop. —Property Managomont c atmosphoro. No pots. Would nagoOMtm to right T> 734-4334 *Call 734-eeOO* . party. 143 Rktgowoy. « l. c lidddHYUNDAsrE M r?|i Ploaso can 208-734-8377. TWIN I FALLS Offico space, * IBS NISSAN PUL downtown, on upstairs Stocfe#752G I s to c* f tt 0 i 8 1 I G ______TWIN FAU.S 2 bdrm town- isn HOMES FOR SALEI lovol.\ 3 oflfcos, rocoption ^ houso. appls. Incl. No' < 3 a 4 bdrm. Low downi Low oroa, | and bathroom. ^ pots. Court yd. storago. paymonti Bad crodit-no $375/mo. ♦ Eloctridty. ^ $440 ♦dop. rpts. 736-7222 crodtt-no problom. Q A C . OougorOoAnna. 19824 NISSAN 4X4;4 KING CAB S | lS ftS l jgg SUBARU XI .TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm.. 1 . CallMr.PrieoTOOAYJ AnMrtcan Real E stata Stock1 # 4 7 0 9 \ stockk Ua b -ilC - bath, Ig. opt., patio, no , -733-2224- _ &Appra!aal J pots, no smoking. Call1 ^ ■ = = T> TM itCO_. L i 733-6348 or 7y-aS26. Ii 6 M TWIN FALLS OtAcos Cor- r H w i n ) i s « 173 CHEVROLET I I IROOM^ORRDJT Jnor ot Addison/Locust 1 TWIN FALLS Ouplox 3 I stock «4885 s1 # mO T I \ ii^ stock■k #4859a Ven/ Cleanl c-n»2981 bdrni.. 2 bath. dW. garogo. TWIN l FALLS Capri Molot, ' «12S-$7S0/mo 736-8022 ' 3 3 • No pots/smoking. S69SI- Wkly. rate s starts $130. ' TWINFALLS vv Ll mo.1yr.loaso.S43-60B1.. Klldwnotlos. 733-6452. ” Prim e Offlco Spac* r— Wo prosontly havo several 1986 ^ FORD RRANQER ITftSj [iisis t ik ™ T'i TWIN FALLS IJERO M E Holiday Motol. oflico* spaces trom 500 Stock #4875______I m W W I Istoc/c#k #4821 .. Honoy L ocust ApartmontI Romodolod room s. Somo sq. f ft. to &600 sq.ft. avail- - now8vsllablo.S450«depI kllchonottos. S375/mo or oblofor ' purchase or s lor 2 bdmi, an appllancos\ SIOOAwk. Can 324-2361. J ' ' & noarly now opahmont. loaso. Ideal condominium mm locations with handicap r W m u i i ™ i K E i n ^ • Small 1 bdrm. upstairsI TWIHj FALLS M 0TEL3 ( ' unil. S32S includos allI Wookly^ rates starling al faclllliaa. I grounds and Stock | #A564 r $ 120.00. 2 4 8 2nd Avo. common I areas main- _ VANs»dc.«»5-*488 '.. yard caro. sowor, wotor loinodbythaassodatkxi. S m r 9S1 DODGE CONVERSION V WosL Call 208-733-5630 | : and trash. Perfect for Doctors.'Law- ^ • NIC* T o w n h o u sa a l 776 : ■ I North Washington «2.^ TWIN ' FALLS Quiet motoi ( Accountants. Sokts, 1979CHEVR0LE d ET BLAZER W i 990 GEO STORM s.od.isisc. ______* 9 8 8 L-* $450 deposit Tor this 2: $95Awk. $375Ano. ind. ml- Dental | and othor usos. Sf734-2223.______u r * sowor, wotor, trash and m m n r a5MWISr SfJ 389 TOYOTA lERCa Slock 14! ______J 1 2 8 8 ^ $210Ano. Call 733-7434. | • ' Iawncaro. TWIN FALLS. Main Ave. Stoc/f#847GI ‘ - BRAWLEY REALTY TWIH FALLS Furnished. E ‘ a a t, 3000 aq. It. up S c 980 TOYOTA 4X4 PlCKOPs's to c k I4B67------* 1 3 8 8 ; : 734-6858 laundry. TV. phono, utils., 3000aq.tL 5 bamt Soeutify ^ Si sharod entry, kllchon,. _ayatam. Olflco or rotall. #— bath, $25(Vmo. 734-6190. g$72S/mo. Calt 734-8753. 1986 M OLDS C 385 CHEVROtET S-10 BtAffiEER Slock i4 S 7 6 . * 1 8 8 8 StockH 9\2C z - : TWIN FALLS Lg. 1 bdnn , 981 r . apt. $295«d0p. Pots - 606 1 c . J okay, call 53&6616. • jI HOBijHOMEsi I COHMERCtAl.; > AllUatttSablsdloPriwSila.:- Sala P ile n Oo Not Intlsda Salesile sT n . TRIa Faa ((8.0Q) or Dealerilec Oocnmntilloii F ies (Sai.aa) -. PF rim good tm iD ts tfa r. JBoa 3.1 ^PROPCTT^r . ^ f ■ TWIN FALLS Lg. 2 bdrm.r BUHLI Country. 2 bdrm; . •: townhouso, No pols.:! carport. S3S0/mo ^$200 *HA1LEY* , : ^ $4S0ftno. Call 734-4120. dop. No pots. 543-4744 I Doing f buslnoas in Ihe ■ Wood Rlvor Valloy? Rare- ■ TWIN FALLS. 2 bdrm bsmtrt IEOEN - 2 bdrm. 12x55 on c 0 prlvato lot. $300/mo ly < avail. Prim o U ght In- : . apt. W/0 hookup, $400 dustrtal/sh9P spaco now- ♦SSOOflop. Sm anibdrmL . +$200 dop. Incl. wator, t garbage&Wncaro. Sor- for > loaso. Approx. 1100 1 - a - M l I ; houso.$325. 736^)054 8q.(t. + 2S0sq.R.k)fl.gas M lOM - rynodogs. 825-5231 * • ; TWIH FALLS. 2 bdrm. 1 • radian noor heaL 220 V r - balh unit In nowor 4^lox.t 'JEROME. Nice 2 bdrm.-2 ‘ alec..(unylnsU { alod.2 lg. 6 6 3 MAIIN AVE. EiEAST,JIWIIIN FALLS J Nico noighborhood.1 bath in park. Central air. overheadi doors, good | : * S47S^dap. Avail. 6-1.I. gos heat.’oppls. $500 per '' j Sghting ond Btrool fro n ta l' {Call 1 -8C0 0 - 2 2 7 - 5 t6 f 2 « o r 7 3 6 - 0 3 6 0 } _ _ | Ploaso can 206-733-3264.4. mo.^$300dep. 324-306#. QO.CIoa»toHwy75.' ( ' S775Aiio. J o a s o .^ 7 8 8 - 0812or7BS-9054.

    T H E i s3 i E N ; I U S E D c /i w M m imrm 9 185 SUBARU IMPREZA 7 1993 MERCURY Tl nd Kn,MiMB.MOVE ...... ff rr«l7, IMIIUiMH.P«B E L"JIS.-».....*69!9 9 5 | IM GEO METRO 7 1993MERGURYTI 00, f a n M B MIE. r a n STOH .*4487ff *«77,rwreieeBaws,Ai ....^515 0 0 | 191 HONDA cnnc _ lowniPOMnocu.cwuiCi •14, n iT M ra w iE , r a a s m 7 1992 HONDA ACCf CONTINEIItAL . .*7987 fr-em , u e titr e e e i IT ■ ...... ^ 99 i 8 7 | 199195 BEREHA SPORT C EXCHlfilT QMBirai uTt, MmNune. AM ca n rn^.^..*9871 n I f - C T P R h B IL ^ Tijtr tm n . cnoE com n. u » I 1994 NISSAN PICK 8 7 1 1 m CADIUACBEVllJJ IT4BI7,4M. 10«B . W MBL"!^.^««*10.81 #r-«7il7SZ,aVBIMETUllC, ..... *10,8711 1995 KIA SPORTA! 9 8 7 1 I IT tfAna uuaa «mirra o rT M n «T-«at.4X4,tniaus ...... *13,9J I94F0RDIEXPLORER] 4 1994UNC0UIT01I I WreFpHDI n i . j n a m 4 Mm.aH«E.ISL. I h 5,9711 #r-6s n . v u a metmuc, ieiIMMMTMCntSSL'illL.. *19.51 L . jsssm ssssisii FiFACTORY PROGRAMI M& LEASI»E RETURNNS| * » E l IRY l ^ f ORDID I R R I :

    - m m i| 1 995 MERCUR I fr*i2i,^^8wTHwm| hm

    I m m m sn $■

    , , ABprtcMpkn >'f m and Dealw Oocloe o( $29.7; S ' - )' p l .1 i'M yu £ es ^ { m i s d'ort i s . >lM cm'idaiM SaJM^^ TWa'F* vcomms...oiiRJi |k;: ^ .J-* I S I lEi: N I j iTtl --■niEEASIB^P W b R U I T O B U Tl / i s SEI Mi ' A C A R M M k S ;7 3 j^ ^ a - 3 1 6 - 7 7 0 3 ______M u w a x * ^ i wee news, Twin mwns s , Mano M

    TWIN FALLA KORSBTRAILER- 1996I 1TRACTOR Kabota, small, tf T NQER rocker tKllner ^ ------I .CUTT1NOCHSHAIRB HOT TUB B.O . C a ssk :. Shop. 2700 iq.n.. hsittdted ' L e ^ S horse, slant load. .8 1 1 ...... I 8 1 4 I I “ 3.cyl. Diesel 4X4, n e ed s ■ » ; Ur. Uke new condition. I ifHSceniiiBUBUT ATTN;HAIRCRDReSSERS Can 734-634-6134. m : only used 3 tlmaa, save) WOI«. $2100? 734-2388. [RWWnjREicAR^ gJS;80. Call 734-6416 ^ J E WEWElflYiFUR|M j laSEEQUIPHEOT 31iQ h t.g r* i?.-J5£SSlia:4Saoe over SI 000 over rtew. Call ' ______BEDI lEDROOM SET - CalKor- IkV nK offi HOT WATERBR HEATERI •ct 734.7004;- : rTRESSEB. Full size RINOM (4 S Ig a g e m e n tn * HEALTHH RIDERfl Achieve A*^ l 7afl^1W 3 e lectric, usedised 1 yr.. 60 TRAILERS nia.Klng. nia 2 nlghtsUnde, w $t$99. hotel rotume. Cali koratIt princessp cut. only your fitneiitness goals. Brand “ W e a .C^ a l7 6 B -1 0 e J. qH,. $70. Callm i 4423-4043. HORSE V ery.gentle kids'I H orse* 8 tock*Cargo . dresserdrai headboard, dark 7^<-6681. ______*900.5). Call Kamron at 73 ^ new. »50 S35< or beet ofler. oesKlo met ? TWINFALLS horse or beginner rider, Utility Trailers pine, pIm red rose etched ml^ > or 734-1943. Caii lor,f info.Inf 734-5716, S c ^ eMwriur** *rai « ‘8C. 3 30x39(39 Ift 1 48x60 •: Wh«t8li#OoYouN*«t7 Trud«beds & Pans rora rors ft g la u Inserts. $225. MATnrrnESSES. Mno Ml.. -Sy ° " d? $1200.643^123 after 6. f player In dark Vn ?2?7ime windows,I Kmavutotyofstzn Q uailtyTrallerSetee Pleaseeail206-324-013e. Pie) Hotel n4K - I Por^dirtriB th rail 4. Call * HORSE WsntM Pinto r ^ . ■I I I 734-S *9 thi pur^sM o( a wood cabin ■ndlocaUont. i t ;: hocA out dsitillsd. hardtnute..;i ' - M S ’ "'- OasttvtHalkiwa lUNK BED FRAME Ai-______W H r ^ D E N I3-0S3I. most new. metal, w/ top piMno > WINDERMERE lion for bresdhig. 734.7876 - nOsnsdlnDiedastined ______i FAST TREESEB-Grow 6-10 WW.FORSALSALE: ’ WANTED Immediately, now nev mattress. Metaiile cduirumn» U ■ plK* ol cake. I PROTOTILUNQ ------14.96-S6.46. HTonprassI Property M*niQ«ment\ HORSE- Nice sorrell QH ' palm. $170 nrm. 734-6366. C tf7 irdens. lawns, lots -A'"' I ft./yr.. $4, S en d ers. JO-or IH, any pair #733-09317^ 817 delivered. I :: 734-4334 mare.6W yearsold.: ^ ^ 7 , « - ^ - CalM208^ ^ Tractor Tiller ■ , __ -$1100. Call 4IB7-2980, SC FO H SA ^ Brodiura.1-oroughbred.' er. dump truck, c o m - _ MESSAGE f ^ A iowns TOT I resdsrs « ■ undorsUnd your ~ ire no ‘free rides’. * ' lOlst eyra.OH,$2600,326-46U ;LINER - Blue Lazy a 'MV area 326-4631 There are 1 AX ISS CUSTOM " I S h ■ — ...... Before ycI you do business : k ft b a r r e l WAREHOUSERENTAL^ HORSES Standing at stud. FARM SERVICES — ^ tr.$176.Glaastopovai nuSHHH HOQ. mower • 42' with a corcompany, check it Y l / i _ 6 stallions to choose from. BUNIlUNKBED FRAME wood. 7ee table. $75. 733- ® nn 1 hp elec. start out with Ih tl the Better Busi- )UR . * o r mats ' 1 Secure, dry, clean bate* » «n»r4pm.- H ondi r ^ Top working bloodlines. ALL > THRESHINQ, Chop- bottom bOtt pan Is a dbl bed. 2 ja motor. S350/offer ness BureSuresu. For free in- . IA Pleas* call 643-4M3-46t0days ment etorage In new pro-' 3 - quarter horses, 1 . ping. Swathing. Baling, yre. yrs. oid. excel, shape. 80FAA greon. exc. cond. ^Can 352-4679 formation:lon about avoiding > 4\/J J or 543-66766 oror 643-5460 • . (essional office bidg. on paint. 1 -warm blood. Houlinp, Rock Picker. $32 r weekends. Cali 543-6663. $145.15.^-8864. nHdiHT /vacation ecams. t i m b c JLASSIFIEDr^i •vn‘nn»orwe« Z' Falla Ave Period (or Horses for sole. 644-7525 Randy Weaver. 543-6886.' ------a tho Federal Trade ' 9 k < reoorde, equipment, ■ ■ COUlOUCH • 2. your choice. soF A . ARTMENT POOL-Oo« :• aupptlee.734>e680 Iv. A. Velour,autumn coi- mission. W ashing. D E P A R - W R S E S -e y r, old AOHA ‘CHEMICALAPPUCATION $50 $50 each. Call 736-9171. ors, 6 6 (I. *225/offer. Call '.C.. 20580, or.caii 2 0 B - 7 3 - M S . - - ;; m»«*age.______Anywhere In Magic Valley ____ t 3 4 - 5 5 3 8 .....- t(orm.$400. ______' 324-4: EItional Fraud Infor- Leslie R .J o n e a -7 3 > W e — ______COMPCIPOST DEUVERED S4-7S32 :• TWINFALLS. ! DAYBED, Whits. With ]ht backhoe work. lonC enter. FITNESS CC LU B MEM. STORAQE FOR RVSmh ter horso Arabian cross, CUSTOM 3 Tie msttress, ^ exc. cond.. 1-9109 or 420wt522 876-7060. B E R SH IP I J ! Brunswick ;• Outside,fenced,$10/monmble 12 yr. $1600/offer. Both $128. Call 423-4370. '■..‘i. v j i ; ? ; ; : 1 cond. $600. good horses .678-8799. . rOM ROTOTILUNG rY SHOP EQUIP. £ ?“ PlVnV.‘ • ; W arehouse space avaJloMe .Call35^-Vl^or961.1754 INiNQ ROOM TABLE ft exc. c ullc chair, chrome Can Steve or Julia ns ft gsrdene. Rea. f K s a . H O RSES. Reg, Foxtronor - DARREN WERNER CHAIRS. CH> Antique, cheny ■- — sonablou,i.ni..,3aiM;7G ■>"•■»$400. StCiing sla- WINDERMERE Stud. Qolden Qovonor , i CUSTOM STACKINQ flnlsh.Tablehas2leaves. J"'* 4 ------!200. Both gray in access. Call REMEMEiM B E R “ Property ManoflemeM line. For Sale Arab.Trotler 6 chairs. $460/offer. I 'JMOW ERig8 8 Hon- color. Nev«rr Ne u sed , Wiil q a r A O E D ad you placed Four high big bale H E A ^ N O & “ D D O B ieX T ;; 734-4334 = OH a crosses 423-6366 stacking, small balo Please FIX call 208-734-0963. ■ lower. $150. Needs a take $50aSOOmolh, 676-3326 aooav.1600. Teppon elec. I ago in 77>e stacking, big & small bale IRCONDmONINQ iSbw s? Now Is the NTERTAINMENT CEN. ^ . Minolta. $1000/ /micro. SlOO. tl^ X we pick ^ up your r HORSES. Reg. QH stud & retrievftig. Cali 625-4166 i - 6 1 2 ^ 6 yr. thoroughljred mare. . TER oak, $300. Full-size AIR CCCONDITIONER Ken- Expectt rarsipoM i whtn you offor. DayiDaybed w/reol mat- Call 734-383 atop by The re 10.000 BTU. 1 yr. advenii.iniM in duainsd. c*n tross. shoi :• I^MTUHMTORBEH^J i Both $2500.643-4852, tHAYftORAIN'CHOPPiNQ ^52 ihoets. comforter ft VteuH neverw knt w Iht valua of (justomer Sei^Servlco Dept 3S.tke newS300 734-9544 733-0930031. skirt. J l5150/offer.324-4111, a dttMiriodunUmtlyouuMlL todavlSavi •: CASTLFOHD Intensive Duane's Custom Forming HORSES .Standing at Cail J 326-4506 or 676-1666 1- managed posture for stud, •ngor Joak McCue* i k q z x s s s x i SZSE] • : daJty or young beef stock'■>' AQHA. boautlful Qruilo. 3 HAYSTACKINQ t 3 | :■ on gain or per daliy basis.__ yrs. old, throws color. Two wide. t - V V S37-6647 orS37-691^ =: 15.2. 1250 lbs. Three • Call436-4181. P M \ Bars Impresslvo Brooding. - ROCK PICKER Custom H I T i 3 m HPYYnooaUvo. 324-3301. F mochonlcol cock picking. G f l PMTUREWAWT^BB H O R SES. Two Eyod Jock S43-6719or 731-6719 jy rog.QH.Allaoos.Palomi- - HOLUSTER. 1,000 acres STACKINQ. big boles. e M w an ted . Wiiilng to payJ, no. Dunn.. Half Moon ^ w Ranch. 366-2218 RETRIEViNO Ig. & sm . V $15,000. Undeveioperf. Call Bales Unlimited. C H P lease write 611 Callow HORSES. ALL TYPES Comp, covorod. 543-5368. :• Ave. Apt. #25, Bromorton._ Bought, aoid & traded. ~ WA 98310.______-I Call 733-6055. SWATHINQ&2 8 wldo STACKINO. 733-5839 or E f l } LAMBS 1 2-yr.-old ram. 1 733-1963. Comp covered. U M 4 :• 4 8 1 8 A m iLWincii IROOHIWE8WAKTEOJ l-yr.-old owe. 543-9231. - SADDLES • 125 In slock, i I M I; BUHL Roommate wanted._ Comparo prlcos and qual- I|_IRfllQAnON_J H fl 1070 Blue lakes5 IBlvd. N . « 733-181825 ■ 1-800-390-8 $300/mo. S37-6776. n. Ity before you buy. Moon p 1 * Croek Store, we buy or PIPE REPAIRS Hand linos, HANSEN - lemalo room- wheel lines or main linos. r ^ H . • mate wanted. Saoo/mo + trade (or used saddles or - tack. Call 208-686-2004. Ponablo hydroulic pross. p f l > t/3 util..Call 423-90Q0. G iyde'a Sprinkfer p J HANSEN Porson to share1/- WANTED ' Ig. country home. $300/- B aney Chicksns. " S i g g g mo. Ind. utils. 423-002710 CaH436^aB. ~ 7 0 6 ^ I 9 < TWINFALLS. Share homo FARM SEED & M with other singlos, noar5- i 7 0 2 I I < CSI, $300/mo. 735-6335.V I FARM/RANCH I ^ ^ ^ e r t i u z e r n : • TWIN FALLS. Male room-n |SUPPUES/EQ^ ALFALFA A SEED. 15 vari- H M 2-- m a te to sh a re hom e In etlos. pasture mixes & Camoo Trlr Crt. Utils. Incl.y 3.0 attachments. 7' box lawn | sood. Bob Homilion c H S270/mo-fdep.733-7S33. scapor. S4S0. 61^' adjust- Sood. ; Ploaso call 734- P H y able plow blade, S400. 3S87 or 733-1477. R H K g TWIN FALLS. Wonfedtsdy/* Good condition. 726-73S0 - roommate. S200/mo *■ 'U QENETiCALLY MODERN e B < util. No drugs. 733-0073 CHANOINQFARM GRASS SEED. B f l o p e r a t io n . a u . «ju/p. imported (rom Holland & sollt. Woll m elnialned. NowZeoland. Call 734-1100.731-3458. Makek m ore lbs. o( bee(. The Wooden Shoo. LLC h t M CORN c h o p p e r 650 In- ‘Progressive •] Seede* t S SS9B9 • •'•1em an»2.row eom chop* 543-8159or731-GqASS" i per.'hay hoad & oloc. — . contnis.$800. 2-rowcom M picker. New Idea: Puli I 7 0 S I H type. S2000. Both good ■ HAY..QRAIN c M T” ------1 I I I------J—--- ' 7 o r I condlllon. 934-8134. I FEED H J __UVE8T0C|^ CULTIVATOR Alioway. COTTON C> SEED 15 ton. beot/bean. 6 row. Oood you\ pick-up. S200 por ton. J p g - J :* HORSE cond. S2000. 432-5673. JCall 734-8300.______US AAA Customer Rated I I Featherine HAYHi 1997 1 et cutting, 2 g I Featherilte Sti. HAY FLUFFER Loly. duol string ’ bales. $135/per ton. ■ ■ - r Trails Weet wheels, 3-point lift. $425. Cali 326-6526. K B ; . Horee ft Stock Trailers _ , Heavy duty 5-row corru- HAYWAQON1047S, EH f l Gonerotor, Air Concmditienlng. Double Door Refrigeigerator, BasBasement Storoge, TV, Generatoiitor, AV, W olk-Around Q ueen, - : Gary's WasDond Motors ® gator. 3-polnt lilt on 2 V.' IB h : ^ 733-1823.1-800-333-2219 good cond.. S9900. l SI■ . D ow nB ed..d...all the Com fortj of Homel EnlortoinmenI Centpr... ToToo M any Extras to Lisll i. bar. $400. 6-row been Coll 436-0136. C H • : CATTLE - 40 good regis-0 cutter. JD arms. Massy — m S A VE IOVIR $7,0001 S A V I O V I R $i 1 3 , 0 0 0 1 : • tered Angus ^ r a and 10 Ferguson nosos,-$300. ^ l l yearling bulls. 436-9617. 4 B M I 9 ■ WAS s |_^PPUANCE^J £ L A - - ' I WAS : CATTLE-ARMOUR BUY.0 HAYMACHINEH&S, I f l $47,727 ...... H S62,W1,849 ...... ^ ,■ Windrowtumerifluflerin ■ »4l,6^ 19,870 INO STATIONS • Buying HiDE.A-BED (tan), S75. N S I - slaughter cows and bulls,). ono m achine. Like now. . ■ .______Shxk»7W\VOOA.______- cond. Prteo; $2700. (208) 1Entertainment center. C H ^11 : I open daily. Cail 324-3099. d 543-6319. $76. j Both good cond. Call' h H ' * CATTLE > Colstrum fed 735-8099 or 733-8345. " HAY TRAINS, 4 8 -X 24'. — Bull & Heller Holstein- : train, 40' X 24' train, 24‘ PRESSURE WASHER. W B . calls, call 934-5116, s I pup. New decks, ready to Hotsy. L 5 hp. 3 phaso. C ^ | $500. call 536-6034. • . CATTLE • Purebred AngusI- work. 6 7 7 -3 3 1 2 ,4 3 ^ 8 8 ^ i j i • : bulls for sell, call 208- REFRIQERATOR 326-357Sor206-736-7273- jINDOOR ARENA 20,000 , h . SQ R. Includes ali oloctri- 1 ^ yr. old. cream $450/nrm. c H • * CATTLE -roping, 3 monlh11 cal. plumbing, bleochors, _ Cali 733-0166 [ * H • old long horn WatusI and stalls. M7-6533. REFRIQERATORre Amana. R B cross bred. 934-8817. ~ LOADER (or small Tractor. upright H S200; w ater aoft- CATTLE 1 purebred Sim- ] Ford710e.Nowpalnt. ener, ! S76; dishwasher. $75; twin m attreeeee, g ' J l , mental bull, 1 yr. old, ' - hoses, repacked rams. i ; tested. 734-8042 eves. • Idaho Tractor Selvage $75. Cali 423-4867 eves. Call 733^)669 STOVE 81 1 -yr.-old rango. S inment Center, ' V-1V-10 Ford, Sleeps 8, Generator, - CATTLE Salmon Tract An- Generolor, TV, A ir Condiiditionlng, Overheod Enfertainm >r. Air Cof»ditioning„ BotemenI BE Glass top. seil-cieaning. E ^ | : * gua has yearllnp bulls.1 TRACTOR. . JD 3020 die- 5 Sle •. 1400 ItM. They are ready{ -TRACTOR JD1120,low Stock « 7 V t^ n . hrs., diesel, excel, condi. ' Kenmore £ S200. Waehor' to go to work on the desert i $100. Warranty. 736-4805 •. or on Irrigated pasture.f tion. 734-6969. _* : EPD'a avail. Reasonably TRACTOR- 1960 Massoy ^ . priced. Miche Angus, Em- : T o t I E l Ferguson. 4 WD. 62 hp, ■ PM Wil I : : mett, ID. 20M 68-7399. ) ^ Perkins dlasei with f236 K ' : • Q 0A T8 W e are proud to frontloaderandS.o.dean FOR FC WESTERN DAYS: • : announce that dall Bow-t $10,000.726-73W Men's W western dress suit. ‘ 7 JT* : • man Is the new Northwest size 48 long; Gray lizard 'Z. coordinator (or the Inter-! . western boots, Dan Post, [ Rnanclng-Financing sizo 2 lOVi; Woman'swest- .l national Boer/Qoat i •'? Assodation. For informa- ' Financing • OAC. ern ei brown boote. TonV C ^B i '' ^ tion, call {208)736-2575. * NEW Rhino 4x4 dlsei trao- U m a . All like new. Cafl Q B torsstartlngat]ust$7.395, 733-7050 7; ______19 9 7 STARCHiRAFT NOVA 1331I I 1 9 9>7 7 ALPINLITI DURiRANOO lO '^ s^ ''H O F E R S Holstein He»ef«. ^ #7P0677, Refrlgeroter,r, Fumoco, Stove, Jock*... # 7 A 003.33, Best Built C am perl AluminumimFrome... ^ ^ i . - 600-600 Iba. 120 head.. *SaUsin^orR«ntsli* ^ P e r f ^ For Your Famllyl r ' ^ ^ lo b of'E EiO i ^ s l ; . S44-2774pr 639-5333. ,.5RawCorruflators& i^COM ■ PUTCRSl- $ A ' WAS $7,597^..,....„.,. > # 8 5 0 WAS $$2 2 l , T 9 8 ...... NOW HORSBAPHABay V-Dltchers Arallable ■■ ...... ,.....:...... Now Q J ,w»lZ>760 r -Toblano.At,atud,*150reo. for Rent ond/orSalc 486'a. *f| $350. 386'e.-$260.. uiUhTroctora. New K S.VGA monitors. . F H 1997STARCRAAFT SPACIMASTIR 1 »7 ANOLIR 9D BY $100grKte.a06-733-7095. S229. We take trade-ins. F ^ l • 1 ® 9 7 «7P070, All-Newl Slidede:Out Spacieut and - Id) ^ 11* leng-B ed Trueki... AReid i-^HORSB Palomino maro & FREEH ■ BEconomy Radto. 733-9444 o M • * 3-wk. Filly. S2000. Butter- Tractor mounted ditch pump — U w d ^ with Extratl -Jig Com pingIng a t lit Basil mDk budtskin 1-yf. Geld- - ‘ for operaSnghandlne sprin- 0COMPUTER ° Brand new IBM ApUva. $1660/offer. C M WAS $ 9 , 9 2 7 ...... ______NOW ^ 7 0 4 WAS $$9. 9 , 4 0 5 ...... ^.N O W *8 , 3 50 , Ing. $1000.32»i313. Mersystemswithpurchase. .736-2613. evee. Usa. p S . theofanyNEWRhino. ' J l ;i:NORSE Single horse bug- Offer extras June f. - CYBERNET CY Intel Pentium h S f l 1996STARCIUlAFT SPACIFLYIR 1 1 9 99 7 7 TiRRY 38 D8 8 HOBBY HORSE RANCH 200 2( mhzw/color monitor. r i H ««P070, Refrigerator,, FtFum oco...S ovo Big >2BQr «7P057,I>7, Fiborgtoss-W olled, Dinette sSit ii d .o v i , licie D oor a n d M orel priced. 3Z4-426&' TRACTOR ' ft EQUIP. CO. fully fu loaded, software, ■ ■ onTWi lo»t'96 Model!’ 324-8868-Jerome wan’Anty. wi Retail. $2250. WAS $ 7 , 1 7 0 ...... NOW T S j $ 2 5 , 0 1 7 ------NOVA ':-IO R8E Standing at stud orlntemet ' aaM e lng.SI 295. ,w»19,9TO : *:Cofiwt. beautiful blad< a ,.t-800«2^10...I* . white.'Triple reglsterad; I 1997STARCIUlAFT M iTIO Rm 81 >7TSIW YSXPO 1<* I N > Missouri F%x Trotter. Pin- ___ — . PENTIUM p i 133 E xa quail- B H TRACTORSCollectore. tyl ty internet readyli Win # 7 P 064, Fum oco, In &!. O< u t stovo, S l e ^ t . 3, Awning, Doublo-Door RafHgsgerolor, ^ ' C to, Spotted Hotm. He has ; 43JDQM, rough but runs. ‘61 dComfortoblyl- 1 A V A Steve.JocJocks a n d M orel it all. DIsposlUon. color. ^ ‘65. SVGA cokK monitor, R H $2600.: 39jDB. ;una 16 « MB ram, ^ 1 Gig HD, B H ;______f r y T O W A 5 $$13,644..... 1 : ...... ™ .N O W, W i * celt, confirmation. & - good. 36* faar.rubber 00 1.44 1. FDD, 12X CD.rom, B H WAS S5,52S ,...«__ .™^...... NbW 10,987 : - stands 16 hands: On/y ftctoiy flat apokos, $1600. sound sc card, speakere. $900. 734<2S7.73»640a . - 48IHC i-4, older restora- . 33.63: modem w/volcs.a ' , Uon. $2500.62MH44 gas morel m New In box, retail B> $69 Deoior Documentolion Fee.feo All units subjed to prior sale :-in S “ HOR8E8HOBNO latandard. great cond., $1860 $1 Now $1095 with E M Hot&Cokl,10yrs.'.exp. $1600. Call W 4-9068., warranty. wi Call 736-2403. w m

    i k>M s,kW M . SMurdm;M>y31.j1,1997 ------^------[ ^------p SALON & tanning oqiequip. 2 S P A . Coi-Spa 8X8 dolljeluxe T IC K E T S FOR SA L E= :• ORUM Accessories. Oaim* GUITAR-Washburn, ORi3RGAN • BoauUtuI newer p ialANONi - Howard Splnnet PIANO» Yamaha’ Clavlnova DRAfTIN Jy m e rs sp e cia l. High Hot base., exc. cond. 5300. ' fulfull size Kimball organ, modnodel. Exc. cond.. 5600/- p i ^0.1 year ok). 5600 Of ArehHocturKturai. 6 IL. bar 4 . . yra. old. Call Joan101567- at model. All footuree. 2 yrs.y - JAZZ.Rush*S«).Moody « cable. 5350/offer. 9236 Of Julio 507-291•2988. old « g u o b o . In Jeroi#rome Skies-S/26.601-«67-4119IB cymbols. medium rido (206) 436-9967. d t Jflut Call 324*2037. best of 52895. 764.2577 days — cymbola. Zlljon cymbol -— ex g g 424-4512. 3 g I . SCOOTER-Sacrtnco ___ TREES Live Scotch 4 Aus-a* w/Toma TKan atand. 3 pc trie mobility Rascal.icol. like 6no call-we-li do ItTTaiiT < trian Pines. 30* 4 up. Foror roto-Tom drum set. 5300 . ORGAN • u sed , Lowery, piANlANO Beautiful Console ^ naw..u#«(Ionly3tlmitlm esin ooMlOod. 733402G. prices 4 info 324*3734. lakes OIL 0011678*8151 KEYBOARD* Alesis QS6 ?Cdipnof a w s ^ CANn MALAMUTE Call Evelyn Ouggonjon273- er/Planer, Soars. ( y ‘Couniry Gontlomon* Gib- built-in computor inler- Showroom 0211 orAllonMt 1, son. oloctric. tn mint cond. . loco. Ind. stand, padded ^ loby Grond. 4 yrs. okS. reconclndllloned coplera, M o y e r $190: Obi bed box sprsprin* Summar It haia •> and II la 4ew.511.000. Must sell* fromS25295.1 yearwanan. . 536-2479.______._ gs 4 mattress; S75/8 Hardshell cose Is incl. bog 4 sollworo. 5750. Call Ca CtoMlliad. 733-002S. New w. 208*322*1839 5/SOt; garaoo aala aaaioni Find Coil 324-6346 leave msg. vWo-ra road/when you sral S46CM600 678-2717 tyovaiUliu>le. Coll 734-9966 5160/ea.2( Do you hava unuiodod tphoto Freexer. Soars. 20 cu.cu. fL. out wtwre thoy aro and laPgp Should soo to aj»rodoto. •qulpmont In yourir homa?h( 5180: T readm ill. CllcCllos* evoryona whaie routa wlDm . 51600/otlor. Qultarcon* Exchangs R lor cashish «with a ty lo r. 6 m p h . 1 .2 5 5h h p . bottvwghlhopoirarfullUolo n o is s e u r s p lo a s o coll qukfc-aetlngdaMinediIledsd. 5150. Call 733-9697. r. adsindaulDod. 786.9738. ^ f i A BUSS IN E S jS ^

    i Cav Callall 733-0931 ext 1 formomore Information or your■scrvlee j< representative FING mm A-COUS-TI-CAL^L F E N C E S| ~ L A W N C A R E ~ P O P W & DRYWALL— INSTALLED »IONAL IRECTORYj ------JT Reed Lawn M Dl 4 COATINGS Rospmy 4 Aeousticoi nionio FEAR ^ C I NNO G c o rin g Gooding 733-7221 or32]r32fr«857. I DfywaWianBn’opa/rextunture 25 Years Exp, All Typerypos Of WHI mow any sli h i! mu! Commercial,I. reeresidential, I Quality Wori( ♦ insuredId Wood. Chain Unk.nk. IEtc equlpmenL fi WIN PALLS 2122 Addi- I fs. Most minor I FILER - 420 •JorlhSL.SoLNon i RUPER!:R T100N 78W .SO L ■ TWII .'.R e a s o n a b le Ratos C u s ^ o r ^ ^ Maioi^aiorlols motes, mulchor tu ired In 24 hrs. I May3tBt.&iL6o.m.-? : only.. May M 31. 8AM .5PM. - I son Son Avo. W.. SaL. 7 om-1 I • Froo EsUmatoo « s C A LL 93 4 -5sI 2 m . .housohoid4 ■ 4>^amlamlly Salat Lodios. | pmpm. Fomlly Yord Solo. ■ ■ Cail Bob @734*00333 Call 208*734-4166 Lois of difloroni slzos- . ROTOTIUInUUNG ■ clothing. ood things at I monsIS 4 4 childrens dothlng. ■ Lot L A W N C A I groatpricos. prk I shoos.« s. walorbod. books. , babies', t>ab kids' 4 women's ■ ACOUSTICALL GARDEN &YA &BLADEVEWORK fS. 4 mlscollanoous. j clothing. cloi Skis, rocilnors, I & W E L D i r I QOOOING 192519: Wood < ___ Sloroo hulch. loys. goner- | DRYWALL ROTOTILUN AnyslzeicIze |ob. I Rlvor Road.j. Thurs.,T 10 I TWINF.i FALLS • F rodo's ■ olo'olof. new, reclining con- a UAPreftsikMtlVlIWaldino Freoestlmoitlmatos I am-6 pm. No10 oarlyo birds. | Mndoofo o r G arag e Salo*. * tour toui choir, 41013 ol misc. . A-1 DRYWALL RRSTCLASS,S S TeloaSprinldaisALan Blnghsm I Fri. & SaL 4040 yrs.V houso ■ 304Bluo Blu Lakes 734-9459 ~ Export hanging, tapirtg. 4 M-2429 , cloanlng. rhurs:Thu crafts ! rWIN FALLS. 2353 Twin | loxturing. S h ce 1976i* ROTOTILUNG ■ only, ovofyihlnj WIN FALLS-120 ! Ooks Qol Pork. E. of East. ■ Jobs iorgo or small. ♦Roar lino tiller. s a n d & gGRAVEL b : +FREE Estimatos I t>lo. Fabric galoi »ybum Avo. W. Sol. ? iontiond, comor of Slodlum 4 * Grog Lossing. ownor ” -Prurinlng — 73434-7898 I fromo. brond n( ’3lsL7o.m..2:30p.m. I Bucklnghom. bu( Sot. only, * 733-3579 ' 733-1168 — ------DEUVERE/ERED f panam s. ale. F I “ K:icrowavo. fumituro. | S*5. B.5 Leather reclinor. I LAW N MOW'W2NG 0ntvol,sond4t(14 topsoil for ! Gratis, (urnltirnlture. now ■ oddxtds 4 onds avail. | chachoirs. TV. golf bog, lots | ASPHALT “ HANDYMAfj " * driveways. pOfWrvarUngloU.etc. . * small bod campimoor shell. & I S*See you therel | &4 |p lols of misc.______I «■ You can haul too.00.0lWf/S«iM Ol PAVING AWORKOFART I ovofythlr>g I can IMN FALLS 290 Buchan. | ^ "RELIABl3LE NORTHWESTCS T CO, INC ! T S S TI FFALLS i • 195 Tylor | TWlf Handyman Service 733-123<■1234______I ------' ■ Fri. 4 4 Sat. ! Moy 30th 4 ■ on.on. Sat, 4 Sun., 9 om. R e. ! DIAMOND 07 PAVINGQ ‘Home Ropairs: Eloctr I HANSEN-373707 North I 31st. 7 fridgorotor. exercise mo. * Excellent Wori<-Foi t. 7o.m.*? 1st Yofd ! «'Wi Aspholt Poving Jose Alcalo-Ron s a n d)AND a I 4100EastSatl>ot4SunS/3l I Solo»for fc years. Lots ol ! chi'chine, pool toblo, toys. • Sool Cooling ^ " 2 ^ . & 6/1 9-? 42929 Fordf motor ' goodj stuff. sti I broibrookfosl sol, lots ol misc. I And RopolrMir ESTIMATES! 733-093.09se 420-8867 736- g r aWEL v i * lack, books,iks, clothos. * ------Moving Sole.______I Idaho Staio CoMrsaon (10810) I boby sufl. lohoui u se w aro s4 I TWINFALLS-1950 FA Poplnr ! — 536-5460. m T ~ l a w n c a^ i R E D.E.G. Construestruction inc. . 3 Blocks S. of Smith • TW1^'WIN FALLS 320 7lh Avo.. I HANDYMAN I pups. No oofly Moy30 4 31.YordSolo.7 | Gfovol,12yardiyards. 5125: I .Moy31sLOnly.TV, I BUSINESS — , SERVICE le'a lopaoil I2: yarcyards 585: > HANSEN 3 3)1 1 WV alnut Sl. ! VCR.s:t, sleroo cabinoL toon , | J’®'-households. Anilquos. > E L*w“l2al°^ furniture, collodlblos, wo. " nance detlverod by theIho titruck load. I W.. Sat., Bear a m -? B aby I dothlothos * lots more. a SERVICES We d o o variety ofiotIf lobs. FroeEstlmattotos within theoMVoreo. MV I clothos. Oobybab I te m s . | Don'lln-| Mies This Onell j j £tor U soltonor. ote. • Spring doan up. wlndirindows- Senior DIscouount . Coli423-6923or'3 or 731-4923 ■ wolflht equipiuip., lots of ■ — TWINFALL3 . rototllling, painting■ting. Affordoblo 4 Depo I FALLS *2044 Bitter- | 'WIN FALLS 3446 N 3000 . \ dothoa. toys,s. stovo.si oxer.J TWlNF/i E. (3*/^ ml. S. on Bluo * PLAN ROOM Cali u s to seeW Call 736-099 S H A R P>ENING E r ■ d so equip., iotslou or misc. ■ rooi.M(,Moy30431SI.7lo3 a =•'Lokos), Sot.'only. 7-7. 1 JobslobldlorGonorols.13. Ifwecanhslpyouyoul ------I pm. MOVINGMC * Appls. lur- ! ' !i“ * VICE Tako 0 short drivo S savo 1 Sub-contractors 4 Suppli.ipll. 733-9002 ______l a w n c a511“ i SERVIC I HANSEN 546'46 Wiseman ■ niiuro.ro. clothing, ovory* ■ ors. Eluopdnt coplos. ” . SL. Sot. only.ly. 9.4 9 .2 Fam- ! thing m' 0 loll Baby/kids clothos. a JOHN'S SH/XRIi/XRPENINCi J SohSolonox ond lots morell j 734-PLAN (7S26). HEATING &I AAIR LAWiPRO ■ lly Moving SalelSati Clothes. ■ > Mowin' . ___ WICE I rolrig. wotorb00 toblo. ion men ond worn- . andlota lota ot misc. I j £ “ ROD CLEANS WINDOW!iWS 438.5655 Mlnl.CassI •0771 ! on's dolhos. oti 543-2273 Buhl ______I TWINI FALLSFl - 451 Pace \ ’’'WlrWIN FA L L S 5 3 3 B oll. I SERVICING: ' ni P A I N T INN i G ~ ______IngrudoSot. May 3lst. | . Wood River *• Moglc Vollo>illoy Medicore/ModicoidMid _ _ ------3 Horse Shoe - e ^ri. May 3 0 .6 am to ? I • r r ...... T R E E S EiERVICS F .. . - I JEROME-13 Hi ...... Dr. Fri, 6-2 Huge Satal Antlqub . RosldbriUal •* Commdrdold o r ^ CofOflecWJcensed/Bor( ^ o d - ' * tir ! Circlo. Fri.. 4 & Sat. May ! Sat., MoyM: 31.8 om to 2 | r * * * oak bod. dothing. house- : Freo EsL - Coll Rod olai . Nationally Rocognizc S-R-US •' ■ 30th. & 31sL9(L 9a.m,-5p.m. ■ pm.Alrcondlllonor.wash. Air a Home Health LeodaSSSi CLAUDE’S PIPRO TREES-R- loosohoid lloms. loys., I hold goods.foncing. win- ■ 423*5576 PAINTINGI4Q Serving Mird-Casl-Casslo4MV I Lols of stutl.«II. Must S e e . I or. 1 ^ dows 4 misc — ' Home Grown in Idoh I Furn., clothoslos (infani on | oil size:Izos dothes. ■ ______I Exterior Houso' PPointingi ' * Stump Removimovol * Total I up) a baby Itom COMMERCIAL •AID Lowest Bid In Towjwn.HIgn- Landscapingig •Spedollzo•{ . rWINFALL3536 3rdAvo. . 3N HOME REPAI ) wood shake 1 2 :2 ^_____ ■ . FAILS - 624 Wash* | E.. Fri 4 Sal. 8*4. Moving ■ CONSIRUCTIOrj est Ouallty. Wori< Estimates Solol 2 s e ta W/D. King I ConwiUy.aoctrlcol 876*4182 eves I Fri. & Sat. ioMoy y 3 0 4 31SL I A L Si F Famlllea- i Juno 6 6 * ^bed. dining sot. comcord- | . J-CONSTRUCTION Free EsL 733-273735 eves. 431-5291 - 676-< ■ ■ eo.m .-S p.mn In/OIn utdoor ■ om lo0 7| 7pm 4 7.8 om to 2 ■ ^ Shops: stool, wood framed er. compressor, table ■ ies ***** I TREE SER' a moving aaleltl WomensV 4 I pm. Ne>New and usod lloms. - I ^saw. misc. dothes. misc. z 4 polo bom. Residential No Jo b too Small ERVICES :■ childrens clothlothos. turn.. ■ tools, 1.ar antiques, pius more. | ' ^gofogo 4 houso hold stufl. . • stool roofing. Commorcio Oepondabie-OualltyM“work PAINTINi •I collectibloa.&m4muci>moro. 4lndustrtolpa/n(/n0. AAA.1 8HELTON’S HEL : FALLS • 825 Moun- I • ^ Freo Estimates-734*6i-6299 rWIN FALLS 699 Alluros . 438-8594 o r 670-3K13 ...... Intertor - Exter t r e e 8ER\SERVICE S JE R O M E -2M8 1 8 Big View ! loin VicView Dr.. Sat, 5/31 I • Dr.-. 0 . Moy 30 4 01 . Fri. 4 ! logic Volley * W.MoySl.f1 . 8 * 4 p m . * 8o.m,-3ii,-3p.m. Moving Solo. | viDC FreeEstlmoli S at.. 8 om*4 pm. Multi- ■ CONCRETE ~ HOME REPAIF 30YoarsExperts : Iver Valley : I Books.X-Mo•M oa. lo y s . .1 Wds en fomlly. Lots ol good stuff. I .1 sporting, golfdf boils, b sew . 'I doonint* a & ” rn,;'v” 1 jiiL CONSmUCTION>N BENEFIEL'SHOMEC/ECARE Cali 733*212 FnEEESTIMSTIMATES • ■I ing itoms. coronironet.Tonk’8, ■ Ing on.>n. Firewood, rofirg.. I fvrWIN /ll FALLS 603 Groon- * Drywall ..Polming.Ofl. ______, 3 2 W-8483. B . ■' b ik o s. la rai^flrowood, ^ fl : 'clotheste a . wall hangings. I woiwood dr.. Sot,. 5/31. 6 > Cowboy Concrete LLC-C Carpentry. All hom .■ Playboys anaioiglota other. ■ furn.. . lo lovmmowor. lilkos, 1 amom-2 pm. 4*fomily solo. I Foundotkins, Drtvowaysys repairs Inside 4 ou1^10 t PAINTINGIGS,' TREE SER'ERVICES I 1 furn.. organ. Every- . pia Curb 4 Qutler, plono. hlde.Q.bed. mot- | yrs exp, Freeestlmal REMODEL *1 JEROME- 136636 HIghlond ■ thingI inIn' groat ahape. ! • tress, tres door rilio. pistols. ■ Sidewalks, Elc CallBruce 733-764; rr^EEUMB T •I Rd* |u s l off 4ti f 4th e. Sat. ■ ^ household miscollonoous. * Free Estbnoto m*. CHIPPINppiNQ. . ' : > May 31 Onlytyt e6 to 5 pm. I TWIN FALLSFf .1269 Can- a Darrin 736-8413 __ HOME REPAIF I Vertical bllndi dge C irde. Sat. Moy ■ t w ii ^ P a . n » rnc^eiina ; Formukrhordiordisposoi. ' - inds. c o u ch . I dioridgs rWIN FALLS 669 Caswell | Inder. Free I misc. lurnlturo,ure. clolhes. ■ 31.8-:8-3, Trampoline. • aw a .n « tr Ouallty Experience Ave. W. Sot. 4 Sun. 5/31 . CONCRETE Com plete Home Rep Coll 1(20B)73*- I houseware tem8.misc.Hem ■ .snowbovt>oord. Sego Solum I 46/17am..? Estate Solei ■ No Job Too SrSmall estimates. Coll ------• isystomom. plono. FURNI- ' I Tm CONSTRUCTION . Wodoftalill 2742wa06)T.08)733^123 ' Tnjcks.traHer, beds. wag. ■ — Small Ropoifs. Romodn^HAi. Pf*® EstlmaU .1 JEROME 1188 S.S. 100 W.. I 'niRE:E: S ^ lo n a l w/hido- ■ on whools. oppls.. shell 4 I ■ . (206) 934-53i I Sal.. 10 am-6n-8pn».An- | a’-bod. ____ T R E E S EERVICES R i >d. kids d e sk s. 00 k ! tootoo much mor* to mention. | D&M Doors. Windows. Point .| tlques. wosleriitern colloctl* ■ ‘bccoslcislonoi to b ie s. AN* ■ PA IN T IN G ) I bios, bom woocrood, walking ! TIO.UE.U E S : O o k d o s k . I TWIIrwlN FALLS Better than I CONCRETE 733-9275 ■ R& 'R T ree e e sService : ■ plowa. bottlestio8..booko.._ . ...woodonden.skis..olassware...... | ------.averevt Semi.annuoi rum-.. I . * Footings * Foundailona _____ CONTRACTs B u S ...... Custom YoreYordCare ' 1 cool decoratingIng stuff. i I Golf bog.bo scanner, silk ■ momage solo. Juno 6 4 7. ■ ------* Drtvoways * Steps SS”etc ------INNOVATIVE Quality. RMliR6llabillty4 I. w ading pooL Wili ! FinFirst United Methodist ! MO JOB TOO SMALU^ " TU TO RIN G g Mogio 4 AffordobleIbla IPrices : ■J JEROME 217 Eoi Ipen oarty. • ChiChurch Comor of 4th 4 ! Donnis-536-6705 ! 6 Boys. ^ Free EstimoUimote.CaU ■ Fri 4 Sat. 10<.s s a s 1 Shoshone. Fri.; June 6, ■ )|j Summor SessionIgn abo u to u r Sumimer m Ola* 3240667or800r8 0 0 8 7 5 « 3 3 I Moving Salallel Furniture.-{ I • TWIN FtFALLS 1065 Twin • ! 9.5. S at.. J u n e 7. 10*2. I CONSTRUCTION K.n c o u n t* on comnTimerclol, ■■ '■ ■■' I guns, kid/baby — , Indlviduolizod - K-8 aby clothes. | Porkss DDr. Sot.. 8.4 . Mov< ■ shrShop in cool comfort for 1 ' Rooding - Phonk» • M T R E E S EERVICES R ■ lo y s . k n ic kk knockski 4 .. ' ino Sali?aiel Fum.. toys, etc. I hothot borgalna.______I 5 4 S Dairy Constnjctlonon Call Becky 734-763 ■ misc. house hou Portage Woldlng faU TrwM S. S en ic * I FALLS 1150 Locust ! rwiN PALLS. 1S66.Prln* 1 I, Thurs. 4 Fri.. 8-5. > Concrete-CorraTs ------. Professional ca . J JEROM E 3222 W.W 350 S .. I SL N, T coton Dr.. SoL 5/31 7*? ■ ible'prk»l Fri-Sun.. 9.?> Hldem-bed. Hh I SoL. 6-6 -1 2 .9-famiiy yard I y*', W ater Tanks. Wator Unes,ies. e H ^ H s MulU Family Yard Salel . Drain Unes. ^ gmmllabhl * 3endtoblos.deadesl«4cholr. ’ solo.Loi■Lots of misc. Items, | U ts of women's 4 kid's * TONY'S LANOSCAP i :i kitchen (oblo & Froo Estimates 736-1115 a irs EVENT PHOTOQFORAPHY Fir****«mjtUmatMl dolhing. CD's, cassettes. ■ &Hom eRm 1n experience ' *1 redlnera/T.V.,/..*b2kSse* b I FALLS 124 More* < C'O' TrooTrinwnmg. ^ krinklofs. i Avo..Fri.4Sal.Moy I V"'yarn, housohold misc.. I 1-6718 .■ phone stand.,i.ridlnglown ric a khchen gooda. * iota more f — Hauling 4 Now Lawijiwns. v^nninr^l mowtr. 3-wheol-VourChok» ■ Fri.. S a t 4 Sun., ilngton. SoL 4 Sun.. ! N ow ilttrLnew 1-4 pm. Mounioln ! 'j*TV. troadmlll. eaicuiaior. ■ »w LANbSCAPINJING FRAM!N< NAA 4 powerwer lineI certi- I torcycles. Ilah ti ! » adull/baby dothes, toys. I deck or fonce. T “ fled. 20 yi».. expexper. - Refa. I erdse machine, I Front Susponslon, I call 733-0463 & LAWN CAB oriental rug, dining | “cooler, >o vacuum, copier. | Ca»tle Fram e A C luaranteedt a boby cockatlel t 1 K S orl-666-365-0049 . ‘fTnV MaT^^^T?iftYardCar* a of good stuffll11 CC o m . J ™«"’ ” WIN PA LLS, 6 4 4 Boll* J A iT iA W N C A R Imokttv. • . 734.132^1326 J ui.Calt3g4-13T IngrudeDr.. S«t. May 1 31at..‘6«6 Bar stools. | _ w i a s s i M ■ ' JEROME 925 E . V A C U U M SSALES ^ FALLS 161 Polk. ■ . homhwr e Interior, coffee ta- a C o m m erd d ft Reside .! SaL only. 6-3. t kIdS j ■™'“" ble'. celling fan, levla, ! DRYWALL 5 2 i i y r (Old Town*)-73«^ 7 3 6 9 &SERVIRVICE * c lo lh e s . cribb mattress.m ■ • »«*•«,4Sun..‘8-S.30 ' t>l«< RS Accumuiatlonl • wrestllftg shoos, misc. .. ■ '. REPAIR SERVICE■'E PiSrSSfirlauSleW .1 toys, craft Kemsn n s. tupper- I , ELECTBOIraoL ux. I ware.dlahiineannoI hea and' 1■ 4-H squlp..equ , portable DW. I WIN PALLS, 713 bel Mar ■ f.miac. clothing. | Setving Magk: Valley.r " LAW N & TRR E E E I ■ > ■ Vacuumde*ideanorv, I n'dsceUaneous. 3rlvo. Sot. M ay3lsl.. ! Compleia drywall sontee shampooors,a, cecentral vaca. | Z ______• snw llap[appls. 4 m ud. moS, J }a.m.-2p.m. B oat motor. ■ 30 year* experience. Q U A iH A N T I 'Ice and repair. 1 JEROM E-224\ 7tflTth Ave. W. I Ireplace. mower, book- I F E E D . >uBola ^ . :| May31.9to6pi FALLS 16S Pheos* I FreeMtlmatea — ?d.. SoL only. 8*12. • I ?iaae. * ? coolers, te n t booka. 1 > Call 731-7039 7am-7pm • a d s Call733«3 3 « i 6 ; :■ e s , f u rn itu re , Jolhlng. bicydcs 4 mjsc. | • ^ Mowkig4eddng.tre*tree trim* 2 books^lotsrn Jl 4 love, entertain- • ■ nUng.)^dean.u| IJJiSJi iThonmesNiN e m WEDDING:SIG:SALES ^ ; S I t wVIN in PALLS. 663 Blue I ECONOMY . reskMfmai-coinmen J ' KIU8ERL'flLY I babyltof .okos Blvd. North. Scot- I : CONCRETE SenforrvtM/wr guarantees,Bjbseii t & s e rRVICES v ; t 205MadlsonIsoo W. I ty/babyc Wl Rita OEftfe. SaL May i . F r e e ^ cap 206-326-ae-4522 ' . merchandlid is e , i SoL May 31sL 70.1 I TWIN FAIFALLS 1935 Poplar. J ilst.lBa.m. Broakfaat ! ' Spodallzl5iglnAllType»o Uf. automotive KQSNOP . a.m. Yard Solo & Flea ■ . flat wortc. concrete'°' LAWNANDM D . d a y s a n d i eiis: Wedding.. AorKet. T o n a o f a tu f f l I . I "'?c?sS:^ I “ -“s breaMno 4 removal | A R E . e s t a t e In-15 I Lnfge4Smalll Lota of misc. | Clothaothea. turn., etc, | ■ Exper. Free esLCaO nowliw QARDENSA! ffiSSSS. ■ for fast efficient secvico. ______orremritheie^an swonSlin^1 invttM ons. :■ K lU B E n L Y -S tS ENDELL • 334 N. Shos- ■ ^ g- BILi.8lAWNSEBV ;addltionaI7i 210S.Main , I Lane, SaL Oniy-7& ? » ! ■ ! FALL8201 10th I .WSJ? 733-2167 or734-4742_ Mowmg.Trimminfl 7 d ay s. . .733-8838-210 N.. 8aL. 7:30-1pm. | one Fri. & SaL May 30th I K ? ' . - T h e r e is a $ 3 .3lai;'8a.m,-6p.m:.t ■ i \ ■ a ? , B s i r F^NCESFENCES^ h S S S»d?^ie S feeforthegu !■ Eis i' FENCESlll , bpenlc5M*F.VftC8:ftcaiion > ^ t e e p a c k a g e FA)VC coverage avaa.3W I toddlerb ' I ' ■ >^133 maybecanc \ . Qu^ltyFenca ' ' TS m ? e a rly fo rc o s i •i KniBEm.y-7031tO B IrchS L I . TWIN PAi ENOELL-1 mi. North of | ' . No matter Rew yen sj S'?, \ YOU PALLS, 647 Palls I /WENO 73»«063 iiioSfiu , . cofivenlenoi c e b u t m i j :■ S ..8 « L O n ly J7 W .'S a L M a y S la t : l Wane/*ncM.Frt.SoL.4Sun. . ■ c an For Your Free Estimati : your days, dassllioc I ■ VerxUns maoNm 8 a m 10 6 pm . No ' I d)oltiM.-fumiiijre, o ^ house- iui*.put..‘ thechargeje w ll) A n ' ; i Mg afzo dothlngSSf'dTK: I > Birds'. pioAM. Ski . . ,1 hold,old.itams, household I ; r ’iSlSS •. rein^nthea> .8am e. . ! : . .ahot bMfcettwO; I ? , .UMotyel^arKl blkMV*f«rnllure.-.v,; ____ Z i 2 0 8 - 7 3 « I : I -* I ■ dotNng.i K S S ? ” ’*:"*'"*- I :' L v .^ :, . ... vkMtowoAforyWMM iodsy.:/ I

    4 ':'' V '— — 1 ------;------C------^ ------■■ ------7 < ------— j ■■ ■ ,

    T ■ . ' ^ r s - Saturda,; M«f 31, IS1997 Tbnas^lm , Twin FaBs..Idaho Ida! m '

    i i ------1 f r eEE* e . to loving home. TOOLS-(Craftsman 10’ ra- MOUNTAINUN BIKE wanted BADBOY ‘96'96 Low m iles, HARLEY DAWIV ID SON S VIRAGO '92 750.I. LowUn mis. Malo110 BorderE CoTilo /Gor- diai aawIW with aland; Moki- to buy.16 16 to 18* frame. Russell's CustDustoms, Coour . '91 FXR, 6Kmi.ni. $16,250. Call evenings. 734-1r34-1502. T H E A CES1 O( N b r i d g e ” B ob b y W o lff m win Shephards X puppy, ta 5 ' ranindomorbllsandor: Scott GT.t T. or othor quality d' Alone (208] 667-1542 -92 FXR, fully CU! WIDEGUDE *97.. RuiRussoll's gonUonUo d!spoaltk>n. It you Black & Dockeri 5 ' vibrat- framo. Pie Brnirrvoiia ISKml. $1B.S( " " c a nn glglvo him o loving Ingsondindor; Homo Craft 4* S34-5S34cr I M iSSS Qmom.,Co«,rd'.jr d'Alene Portod Cond l' 766-1006 - (208) 667-1542t542 order Uiat knowledge^beprop*' NCNORTH osoi.A me call 324-8460. loTnlorr w/stand;v United ' . :lo o r co m o & — . ■ .. -■ erly digested, it mxtat ha i a n o r w /s ta n d : PIANO •an an oldor abused chooso fromjm our( fIno so- HERFTAGE -97 S YAMAHA 7 4 GT80.T80. Exc. : have been ♦ RMAN SHEPHERD Cmftsmiman m hp router one, so i Inm ay refinlsh ll locUon In stocStock. Russell's Lots of Oplii swaOowed xvith a goodf ap p e tite " ^Vt A? Q 9 4 purobfrebrod pups, block & Conler h cond., runs grot,)t, oi osklng, r Machino 10* rota- fo^ my '7 yr yr old doughtor. Ojsioms. CoeurCoo d' Alone RussoU's Customs $400. Call 934-59115911 ovos. —ATiotoUioIefVance ♦♦ A 6 ailvor,!n>r,S200/oa. 366-2375 ty sando«Jor w/stand: Duro- “ • wo :an'lnlforOthecan (208)667667-1S42______d' Alene (208) » ♦ J I O 9 5 vood lathe: 4* bolt P ^ of0 ogi good usod ono. , YAMAHA-ee Trailwaillway 200 IMAN SHORTHAIRS- coll 735-1028 or FATBOY W'94 Russell's HONDA '8 5 QO ;c rog. pupa, oxc. flold J ^ ^ d orwAtand. ^ 934-8534. fiOMO coll K> mi. Coll WEST - EAST ------leave msg.u . ' Customs CoeCoeur d'A lene $3500. GOLDWorL® a% S43-6165 or 643-643-6479. ■ South dted the poncercentageta- a A K 7 3 111 hunting tMickground, ^ ------(208)667667-1542 $5000 or olfor, *»»< S Sd '.ahow quollly. $350 ■ 8 2 3 I PIANO BENIENCH. wanted to ‘ 33-6399 YAMAHA *90 YZ125Zl25,'exc. bles regarding his play'o of fth e club V 5 3 V 7 0 2 -M (5 ■a’l suit, and he was right. Hls .Coll 733-1398 ovoa or ■ VARIRIETY FOODS buy. In onyon condition. ... cond. Must sool90l J$950. His partner ♦ J 8 5 2 • Q 10 9 3 734-424-4280 daya. • g l> SER VICES Please ^735;,028call 0, TIO, very clean. HONDA '98 Shai 34074. had a different view. Nortlorth volun- K ’Q 6 4k 7 3 2 . ______ifofler. 733-4093 VLX Deluxe, blocJ^d f'T o tto r 326^ 6 5 5 or 543407 tecred, "Have you ever ^ALLS FARMERS r t A u i n e n u Chromo. 550 ml.,ml. $4975. Y A M A H A J2 )^16YZ-250, 8 |^ ver seen a an S O U T H Q E R^ANW M IroHBfr ™ a RKE D A V ID S O N C3S-A9aB ' percentage tabic that Inclindudes the J,® (ET Sol. 9 to 1 at Rowbaat. coi 825-5681 A J 0 2 Poinlot ty CutlotrtOnart powoitioai. 986,32Kmls, ff»»g- adverse bidding?" 2 V Tino volCh — R. solIltwHh 15,000. Please HONDA 1995 C8F West led three rounds rot of ’ ^ OSS Ktaus. 3 maloa Tiwvourcrcsnpertwonsoolng dasslOodad.lad. coll ovonlngs.igs. 678-4289. $5700. CoII Timn 733-1045 7 YAMAHA- ’81 850>0 S(Special. spades, and when thereere was no jf. kt ltl..$500/ea.27S-5666. tm ^driveway i than camp- N eeds work..$550. $5S I ]”' St ------HARLEY DAVIlAVIDSON-Sa. ___ ■ 0^1734-7493 leaveu v e msg. ruff, dummy won and SouthSou drew ♦ ^ ® ^ lOUAMflftMAS1lg.,2amali,ig. Sd«®c 8EMIGRA1RAIN TRAILER Ft.HRt Roodoad King, low HONDA 400 Hom BO & oil acceaaorioa. i.C aa73»ooai. Hopporbotibottom grain trail- i^lies, states t h r ^ ro u n ^ of trumps.B. AAfter this Vulnerable: EajB ast-W est te s poorl blue. Call 734-3173 altoron 5:30. YAMAHA.'62. 65050 MMaxim.' miscue, his only hope was BWQria, $70.735-8243. or self unloodlng many oxtraaras. $18,500/ ------, :B5. 750 Moxim.Im. Both vas to avoid Dealer: North “ ■ 1 tmller. 30-40-45' long. 2 or 3 olfor. Call 702-753-7013.702 KAWASAKI KX.^1|5^im 1: $2000.0011208-423-423-4520. losing more than one dublub trick. 208-366-2375 ' oxcol. condition.; ' Ejecting normal odd)dds. South Thc bidding: 50 EQUIPMENT HARLEY DAVIlAVIDSON '97. ffor. Cali 536-6731733. YAMAHA, Banshoo.100. 1993. Istaho'M a. OK. >23^72. JN SHELLS Old- H o rlla g o$17,650 $ i; Incl. ------took two flnesscs In^clulclubs. This IT—* " t e SY S T EM .o w h rs . st South West 0. also 2 ploco $1,000 worvortholads. KTM'92 300 E> : a l l 20 a- . gave him two club ioseiisorstoeo ■ B/X - R6g. 7 Wk pupa. comploK010,3 yrs. old. $800 shon tvwaaxos. writh or wim- Please collII 736-6702.73 cond., oxtros. Po 678-1632 oftor 5:005:00 p.m., ss 1 V Dbl, ^ cColl 738-1644. or bosto■toftor.324-7192. outmoshei w th two spades, and thele gamec fell j v passW 4 V All poss •____F ■hells. Coll oolloct 2 yrs. $2200. 54C one trick short ISION 25*.Q uasar 712-458-23 TELEVIS DAVIDSON • ^ SPRINGERi^93 4 Was North’s critica! : Spade king .TESE AKC. cute, oil co lo r TV.T W o rk s fin e. TOOLS 4I E« pment o rts to r 1 0 0 0 , Russoll a Cuslom}ms Coour ■ BICY CLESES . I justified? Hc made a goo?‘o?p"i^;^- Ms. wormod, m alo & $100. CoilCi 734.6131, ^ o S t w2at20l736.2a00 2 l l goodcinifln d ltlo n , r u n s d'Alono (208)1667-1542 ft When West made a takc( - romoie.laio. $300. 352-4466. ------— r Men's ond womon'an'a tbikes; S i d t h a BID WITIIT H T H E A C E S ______■ VIDEO s u n SUZUKI -92 Kaw balloon tiroa, foot3t bnbrakes, ble at this vulnerability an 825 EOUtPME AW possible, .ml., oxc. cond.,d.,$3500, Ukonow, S35 e00. a . Call passing partner, SouthIth should 0S-3I-D MASTASTIFFpups. (FILA). I ______324-9361. 423-5044. Big. loyal, protoctivo. m WAN>»TEDT 0 BUY I have antidpated both clubHub honors M7I5475. Will dolivor this •OSSS-______HARLEY DAD A V ID SO N . SUZUKI'95 GS>iSXR 750. ^ being«&ide. woohondoniy X L R C .b lo c k Yosh-rocingoxh,xhoust.K& i 9 0 3 o°& ^inoi'tor® bo- !® DOQO. $14,000. N lel kit & oir intolliorm ony I B O A T S & The alternative? Ann elimina-c y Call (408) 227-8297 ' j K>r l bond. Coll733- tion and throw-in play mignight work, Jii'” 1208-734-3071. oxtros. Verv fastast. $6700 I A C C ESSOIRIES R IE ♦ J 8 5 2 PYGMYJMY G oats - Pot/dltch 8636,03ask for Eric. must loavo Call 438-6827’ aneral 4:30 but not if South drawisws three - a4b K Q 6 grazorizora. Kids & up, vari- AMnotiP ——— — AAA SUMMER^FUN FU UEVi^oodenlcobox. ------4DS125, PolBri, rounds of trum ps. Afteifter South ■ phC..543.503.. 33-7S30..______g ------^— j a th FA .$1 795. PorsonolI ruffs a diamond In dummyimy to strip North South T TERRIERS 4 loJl, u< 4X RAT TJ diamonds, West will haveive an easy ^ T * ♦ WINDOW tor 72 I COLLE WoiorCroft.ft. )0I polsl Roady in 2 wk. S XECTIBLES I YOLV IP — ay RV exit when he wins his firstrst club, • t o5.543-6719 ovonlngs. Carry-all. Call / L / r i SUZUK11981 GS7iS750L»llh 437. BOTTLES,£8. Jim Boam. * w. L ___ lalrlnQ. 14K mik » The winning answer is at partial __^____ TTWEILERS for aoio' BA nnecr r r ------r ------w ontodIlo lo buy. aoll or A r 6336 : w only two ANSWER: Thn•hree no-trump. Take ER for 0 Murry or >„rtn rnii 7 I condition, $10Cz i - s f . strip. South must draw o I fomalos. 6 wooks old. all 733-7386. /\L\L/ 0011324-6423 odor0(1 7 pm AFFORDABLE FU ng this ex- tbe sh o rt rout)ute to game. Nine coiis: ir lypo riding lown sFUN ■ rounds of-trumps, hoping ■11324-7476.______orr. Coli 543-6925 OLD BOY>Y ScoutJ & Qlrl TIMES CLA;l_ASSIFIED — — — — BlueW aier BoataoaU ling the top tricks shouldId be easier to win hausts West After cashing MESEa BAUNESE o a c c >ina & Inaignla. DEPART>nTM PW T SUZUKI- MUST SSI E L U '94 • Qaiy's Frooway\yRV R\ diamonds and ruffing a dSamond Iban II. Kittoninons w/shots. Rooso- a®*®,guitar. boss/PA pn^lNu^nt Intruder 600. UniJndor2000 ! 733-6756} mlcs & mic stands. "■nfl-733-1691 * 2 0 8 - 7 3 4 abtyry ptpticod. 536-5750 ^ P - ^ 34*5536 mi. $4000. Coll1678-5446. 6: ] 1-600-826-5336336 In dummy, South' takess a club ri­ ------OLD MIUTAn-ARY uniforms. nesse and West is dtuck.sk. ’With no ------BUYING'a washors, dtyora, Insignia, patch- . trump to lead, he must offeroff( a ruff S h l h TTzu • AKC rog. 1 Konmo« os,letters.books, ^ — malo.lie. 1 fomalo. ion and working i So'hW oM and sluff or lead a club,lib. E ither sendbrtda.»«uomwilUDwAm. r’.O.IIailZMa. whilo,! way. South gets his lOth tr 110.5250.423-5393. h trick and i>4iu*.n73mMh8As 1 gnytlmo, fflSiilia Newv 1 9 9 7 ^ ^ ^ ^ earns praise Instead of critcriUcism. c2232 or 6 8 wka., lalla dockod. la t box bo: trolnod.hoolthy. boon y f j r . >^«h«Bu=»., VimME|.\ BARBIES AND 4 '} loitllino ovoa. &w>(ncH. 764-2903 ahotB 8 & wormod, nico oround ar< smoll chlldron. ' 'S™ ES. Will buy col- pels, $150. Tnmp, groat om (20BiBaa.'755a s I n v e n t o r y & mciune 1 AUSTRALIAN Shopherd cond..14'I ,$160.7334638. Ca PieosecColl 733- |||S| Rog. pupa. Beautiful, In- _ il® ; A imio 8 yr. old girl 9688 or733-1322 733 OVOS. O'irci » ______V^ElMAfMARANER pups. AKC ^ tellfoani, champion lino, DACHSUNO 0/ miniature, 3 ----- ivod hor monoy & Is ______S3S0.666-2644______nmos. Haa ahots. S250/oft-: FRE'REE to good homo Black ,. OFA cortiliod Cham- “ yj I l f JH : n bloodllnos. S350/00. g lor 0 gonllo horso Of. AftOf Spm 423-9663 U bl 4 Slephord X pups. '0 & tako caro ol. ■ j BOA CONSTRtCTOn • 2 — 7 wka. 324-2619 Iv. msg. 'B) 766-4549. |oJ°vo^ yoora old fomalo. Vory DALMATIAN (emalo. 3 yra. — acall 423-6173. I T ^ S f eIDIe iecu'ily gontlo. rod taBodS3fr6666 old, o Spoyod, good wilh FRE'REE to good homo, En- m 821 I «-HASA/^ APSO OR SHIH .U “& i S - L o o d o d w ith Lux.jxury: Sunroof, Leather Interior chlidron. all Shota current Olii PoTntor, Australian l e r n Q fomalo profor aduli H I M I P BORDER COLUE X • 1 yr oxc.I hoalth, has papora. sh hp m o io r, 8 For the<0 itight van tW//pay ASPENCAl:ADE-64 29 K H Rnd Hio^cq^mont you yrs. y old Brittany Spaniel, cat, cai fun loving and groot lumingling tools, ilko new. & up lo SSSOO. i Please caii mis., loadiaded. Roady to H i i l malo. Coil 4384990. ' with wit kida. 324-8230. manualnual,$175.736-7041. 420-6191196 cellular phono. go. $490lVol(Vofler. 678-8799. ' ^

    1 9 9n: Chevrc'olet Camnaro 1 1,956“0 I et Seats, 5-speed manual1 I iverdrive. Air, TUt, Cruise, ltcrV-6. AM/FM CassetteL- I

    Sala Prlca $21,966. Ptui tax and lltl«, Sub}«ct (o prtorrtalt. m

    ^8 ^ 19977 Gep Traacker 4x4 P ^ C o n d itHoning, t o 1.6 Liter EH, 5■Speed ^ f ^ . E v e r y o n e i si lihiinrying to the AU-NewA R andy Haiian sen G eo - Chevi v y munual a i u4th overdrive. or th e . . . 3,96800 0 i B e s t B u yJS in thcle Valleyyi,i * *13 SalaPrlcaSlI $13,968. Phil tax and llll«. AfKr FUbatiibat*. SubjMt lo prior uU . I Randy H ansen2n*s Y our H eadquailarters for... R jH I I GM C«tUI«d Hi 1Vehicles Indude a 48 month/SO,000m B l l i iI j Certifiecd m their orialna! new ln-*enerviM date. I U S E D v e h i c l e ; I ^ 1 9 9 i7 Chevy >Venture I I Mds Achieva ,4MHV-6.BudcetSeata I 1 9 9 6 0 1 1 9 9 6 0 1Ids d Cutlass Cie Automatic TransnUssion V-6 , Auto, Air, Power V-6, Auto, 2002004 Plo* t« s * $8S8 ClUttii t—. NO DOC FEES. SC oIts f l I 1 9 9 5 D o ( D a k o t a ; Toyota 4x4 « VaTIjKiw, v k . A n to i^ G e ^ 5Speed,AM-FMStStereo. _ _ _ Power Steering, Ctihamper g'lW lado^ Sliding tUarWlodoi I SheD,LowMU«iks N O P R E S S UJRE f - NO H YPl

    p In and see usi We're open« n Monda\f thru friday 8-88 • Saturday 8-6 10 jN srcc^pRii:u c L . SO 1854 Blue Lakes Bhd.i. IN. at PoteUne • (208)) 7: 3 3 ’3 0 3 3 f7 t994D 4 t '. tUk 8ttb}wt to prior m I«. *P19I905fc . NEVERERA DOC FEE H . H B m m m m m JI M TlnM»Wwri.TwhiFtnt.to*'hUhii SstUfdsy.Miy31.1997 •

    BAYLINER 1976 14 ft. CCAVEUANeVi'.soif-cont.. noC RO K W O O D '6 4 25 tt. DUTCHfCHMAN-96 1203 tarn NOMAD0 1982 24 fL Travol PROWLER'ifl'83 25ft 2df. 4 ^ i— r i - TO-hpMofcofy.Eoaylood . oil tho extras inci. lacks. 22K 22 -aif. p ortoblo gon. trallor.lior. 24*. king, quoon & iraijor.. hlully eoir-conL. ow- AC. dbl.I. b e d . c a ta ly tic ■ 1 0 2 0 I i 1 0 2io 0 ^ Toao trtr. Onuii shapo. Asking $1500, 423-43S6. Asking As $11.500,788-4206. (2)< hvinhvl bods, slove. Irlg.. ning. roofro AC. oqualizor hoaiers,,blgreW bl( g.now20' ■ AUT08RSTORSAI^J L ili! 2 2 £ 2m 2 s j u j ISALE - ' 324-S797.326 E. Ava. F. after 5 pm,______. — lining tables, 2 tanks, 2 hItcA incind. Sioeps 6. oxc. awning $51$5995 734-5789 RV BUYERSI Lite?tterlos. scroon room. cond. $ CRESTUNER1SfL.40hp 1ELKHORN 1096. 9 'A SAVE MONEY Excc coCO n d $6200 733-9102 ' 6856or ;R -ae 28' sloops Suzuki. New carpot & o x to n d o d . L lko n o w . a at t Iplommintain Motor . " 6. self com»nt.. good cond. fd | Boats. Hummlnoblrd nsh . - S9900/offor. Burloy 676- Homoa JAYCtYCO Tont Trailer oxc. N O M A^0 C 198630'Sth $6.000/ol/oKor. Contact T n g ™ findor. S1500. S36-2423. 2nd,. ail oxuas. $3350, >1. 2 5’ ' Sih5 whool. Excol. oxc condnd.. $2900. Coil nSERPORM , i r . w/70 hp SHASTA. S '92. 8'A‘. PL T/ Call 733-6564 C0nd.$8$^.00,676-3496 733:5^10 I ' motor, njns good. Has Irlr, campor. ' Oas/olec. rofrlg, Thor~ (manufacturers ol ^ 1 or 731.0899. Siovo/oven. mlcrowovo. AlrsUoam). KfT71. . $1800.206-7333153. 71.8oll-conl.,gaa/eiocl ponw iL ei £R 71.19'.8loops ROADRANC\NOER1974 20-. TV ontonna. lorcod-air Irig. hllch. siabilizor g 1997 HONDDA ACCORD FIBEROLASS 14’ fishing | Soo Sun& y's ad for hara^i ' conL oood cond flcod cond>ndiilon. $2800, hoal, thormol wlndowa. -6918 Iv. msg. ‘boat, now back 10 back |luggapo rack, foidlno complolo llsling *3000)asvriass-' ^ ,Call2(W-788-5438 ^IM 23-69 $ 1 0 0 000 0 ! ssots. EZ loader trlr. oIk - stop., dbl. baltorlos, aolf ca u so & ^r. - , ______PROWLILER'78 19-self BOOUE 1973I9; TL- trovoi' FU IHBSaFUII,.. I W W E ‘trfo start 40 hp Evinnjdo. contained, i hydraulic ft. Qroat cond. 5,995 s s TrtAVELCRAFT KIT'eOI’e016ft. aiovo.haator 'containlined. Equalizer HcuLvuaHauctHitaHnaai, ’S1600/oflor. 324-3160. jacks, excol. cond. $6250. , UOTORHOME,1993 & to'ofrlg.. it oxc. cond. Hitch,i.cornorlocks. i SiOOOTXi->33-1296. ■ Ploaso call 20e-432-5560, Qpl OLA8TRON. 16’wllh7S J Gon/AC, fiborglass oldos. $2600.300. Coll 543-5593, $3800/of/otfer. 324.5174. SCAMPERiR ‘86 24-ton! hp Chryalor. 9 hp Irolling si mado down roar bod ... SHELL - Standard aUo for J 24'. G os or Electric. KocptJas*.issUM In mind when Sos/oloc.. rofrig.. molor. wArlr. Incis somo {PU. Whlto w/black trim. JStop in and soo us at • «ant lo eichanoa lumaco. OXIoxc cond $3500- ftohlno andskJoQuipmont. j Bart Hsrbaugh Motors ops 6. Exc.Cond,.Solf- 70U wm $350. Cali 324-3704. B| nt.$4500.733 8838, um»»odIUJlU .« fo r« S l “ /oHor 324-3:4-3307 aftor 6pm $2000. Coll 324-3861, - Downtown Wandall Cont.$ SHELL - fitMrglass. fits '66 S36-6323 k it COF OWENS 16'. 70 hp Morcu- ( CORDOVA-94 33-5lh V M M ornov«irSBChovy,$600, ___ I whool.ool. dbl. gildos. W/O ' ry outboard, noods minor 788-0924 ; d a y s or 766- Ctas i Sauinod . . . the sdulton to optionr englno work. SlOSO/otfor, 1 ional. tako ovor pay- 19977ClOSEOtrT27n!^ ' 1230 ovos ask for Bront. pgbO rour nopdt. 733-0931. nfontttniaO,A.C. 734-1649 IMPJUnOHlI H f l 3 Ctttl 734-1133. — Quality Mado In Idahcth o . ' 2424l>knAUlU.SI57a.4IOMAIUMtnc«plli S4776 00, Cuttemn Ku Option To Purdan aTti a , ' PIPESTONE 17- w/trailor. i4 9 0 6 I ^YAMAHA Virago 750. OS, K/TCrr Companion S6‘ ' I U s s lhan 1200 mis. Ask- Bunknk bods.b Extra doan ^RwmttjjF«fUa«9iOj^^ PKUjllF«U«OjW^ 11S Johnson oulboord. I ■ HOT T U B S/PO O L S | $3000, Con 900 01 D 4 R ■ Ing $4000. 326-3662. $5995 Olosol Ropoir. 1196 Addi­ _ Bartrt HH arbaughi Motors son W.. Twin FoJla or call HI i 909 ^ BflWCowntown Wandall , 1 HOT TUB Taking bid s 6n | 536-6323 '• ' cnor6p,m, 543-6297. i1996 Hot Sprinos porta- ■I SPORTING GOODS ______1997 HON«DA CIVIC bio Spa. Coll 733-7205. 1I HUWTINGSUPPUES ( komfoIFORTJ -84 5lh whool. ' ^ w POLARIS • 1996 1050 J 0 SI.TX. 3 aoaior. low hours pt , awning. AC. oioct. POOL 2 4 'round abovo P0(POOL TABLE • 4X8' Em- jlVks. k ? "lots ol options. The Tlieisen Plan... 9 9 S S no. ' with trallor. $6000. Call ground. { Redwood dock, plipiro Good cond.. gocd !-,nntfn 733-7312. . ■ 3 at family troiior. $7257, FRO{ONT QUEEN BED. REAR BtmIUNRS.FG $2500.034-8560, <0folt. 1 sloio. $845,In -4775 Of 731-1134. EXTEl , Joromo 764-2577 doys — ■ •E R IO a LOADED W ITH EVERERYTKINGI ^ ^ ■ « S RAFT Non SOlf Boiling 14- ^ = J i w a ss23.sk Hypalon w/fromo & oars, ■ 9 0 7 SNCSNOWBOARD 144 VI, cm, , , , $750, Csll 736-449B. ^ bools, sizo 7. Porfoct for ust Soo ' 10 Bollovoi ]N O W $ 1 7 . 91 0 0 0 b o g ln n o rs. S 140, CaU md now ■97'Mallard ______ID« DOWN OAC SAN JUAN CRUISER '66 ClM 0 T O R ri0 M E S * R ^ bo W Sth Whool. Supor Flborfonn. fully oqulppod 2 324-1213. illdo, siWo Opilon loaded , 4 * i tCHINCOOK'72ClaBaA. ^ fishing boat wnrlr, ongino C I W asS26S26.900NowS17.250 m n m m A drIvo uaod 1 aoason. 20f fl. 413 Dodgo ong.. _ 910 BtriHtiHsrbauflhMofors .Will aorvico ongino & drivo Onon g 4000 gonoralor. Bwntovm Wendali AC. AT. CB. storoo. iorgo § ' onor salo, $5,000 or bosl K 536-6323 24 UoninUMJt 579.41 I>U« At IJMlncntCptOA. 24 Vhmhly piyiMRti of $1».00 TotaBng otfor. Colt 733-6973. gos $ tank, showor & tollot. I TTRAVELTRAILERS Down lola of storogo; CLEAN. u n iThi £nd 01 TM UM For tl2.S20Ja CwtonwK , : 55500, Tioga '79 22 -A'. AIR(KIRSTREAM 1985. 32 '. ' ir UM For Dw Our tlJOB Han Pw Ymt. SEA SWIRL 1969.19 ft. 2- c lono gray, gaa. Inboard, Arrow. r, Claas C. 400 AC. oloctric hllch, dinotlo. Chevy v a o n g ,. 33 Kofig. color TV. oxc. condition. . ^ mis, CB. cruise control. $12,500. Call 734-1231. : I b | | i STARCRAFT, B nnd N»w 1‘ AT. toiloi. tub & showor. 420 0771 or 788-8035. J & l l l ^ H biBRAND NEW HONEIDA PASSPORT EX ■ 1709 Flsh & Ski. Lhro wolls. largo )- awning; IMMACU- T Tt MSf4P.$a,42S ■ ski tow. AM/FM Storoo LATE. $9500. Musl soli kLPINLlTE '63 19' Sth I H ^ 75 HP More, Marino Molor cFono. 733-2500.______whool.'89GMC4X4S-15. f f ^ Thuninderbird ^ *10.935 A 43K mi. Boih $15,500 or Buy For Only... i 1 Bart H srbaugh Motors CRUISE r AIR '86 24' Class trlr $8.000. Coll 324-2642. 24,425 nc* UOS, MOI nor.r,umtTatacumn,tMiia^c^^ I UUT D o w n ^ l^ W s ndali A. 4 AC. crulso. AM/FM . . >■ - - r cass. gon. now awning. ARISTOCRAT ‘69 17 ft, . A I e 454 Chovy. 36K mi. ml- , Good cond,, $900. TRI.HULL. 16'A-. robuHt. _£cfovrave. CB, Excol. cond. Caii 326-4817 oves. " ' V . 130 hp. I/O, Volvo, must $>9.900-Coil 7 3 6 ^ 1 1 . a r i : r T a u ru s M sool $3900. Caii 655^212. ARISTOCRAT. 15'. Camp- DIPLOMAT '76 *2. 28 fl„ ing ' trlr. for salo, $400 or colored TV. micro, awning bost oflor. 673-6237. ovos & genorator. roof & dosh CAW:AMP TRAILERS 2 15-& ■ A PI I ■i —C A M P E R S ^ H E ^ J KTAC. $7500/oflOf 543-6183. 1 14';1 Take your pick. 5800-$1200.324-4911.- I f l CAMPERSHELL FIbor- Krr'77 rc 23n..ovmlng.groat — glass. 6-. fits full slzo PU. ahape. « self contained. Ig. CHAIHATTEAU '9 5 20' Per- croamcohsrod. 423-6916 rofrlg,. 01 good cond. Must manent ma bed. lack knifod L sofa, ioadodi Excol. CANOPY 3 door, sliding HUor bost otfor, 733-4691 $9.9SO/o(for. $9.! 536-6566 I C c ^ ^ u r ^ front window, linlad win- 2; dowB, roof rock. 75'x60*. MALLARD, $; 1990. Class A. : o a c h m e n c a t a u n a $295. Caii 208-352-4207. 27'.T. low mla, Excol. cond. '9212 Modolf 21-MB. Every ^ jiiL 'l; j|'J>'[li| $23.700/o>for. Call 208- luxury lux option. Approx. ^ CASCADE campor. Hordly PR73&0558 Of 208-733-2566, 6000, 600 all hwy, mis. immoc ; used. Q as & oloctrle. Fur* gi mint cond $9950 734-2032 inaco, frldgo. showor. PRELUDE, b 1986, 21'. AC, I balhroom, olc. $4000 or genorator.e awning, roor COUOLEMAN, 1996. 16' tont I tMSt offer. 676-2779. bunk Pl beds; 43K mis. Irlr. trlr Liko nowl Used 3 E xcel, c ond. $1 4 .0 0 0 , limos. timi Sloops 7. $6500, Roaso call 206-436-5573. Ploaso Pla< catl 208-733-4766. g g

    E ^ C A ^ C |ll ^ " a s 1993 GMC EXTEN w B B m 1 9 9 6 C I n m n r M CMmwoa, «M tCHEVY4X4 191996 CHEVY CORSICA cuscm. uouoa, n iuIND D CAB 199414F0RDF15O m «a>T.cunaiITtMCMFTAM/ntnntO' f itit, HtTBIEOCmfni,iURBA0, ! ■ i& ssss^^jsisa.. M SK5S” "•'•SSifSiRSiTMDCtUDUTIMn. ■ *18,385 $ 3 0 1 997 CHEVROLE <1261 i 0 3 1 * *11.999» * 1 8 5 " ; -s40oa.M icnamciMio.Mi/nnTBn BF u sn T i. ptiw a t m io m . FOOT WMtE W 7

    $16,936 ONI '

    1992 CHEVY CHE' M i l ’ 1994 OIDSM5M0BIUACHEIVA 1994 — - ~^imil^o,sSu^VitwEHEYENNE 1993 CHEVnnr 4X4 EXT. CAB ia u S5Nw S u S i% ^ 6 , 1 2 0 H i *9,801 ^ !0** *14,343 J 1 4 4 | -10.> . 4 5 5 ^ ^

    1997 GEO M AH M M ?M b u r m DOMU 126 H I 1990 CHEVY BEAUVI "10,639 ONI IPBIHO. 1996 CHEVI 19971rponucFueDiDFoiiM uu JVIliEVAN 1994CHE1T ftcbewcab - ® g ■DtmUM, CHRttCQmOl. scAncntTUMMnoL . f— “WSromiwTBun^^. uiin - » 5 i 6 4 1 * 2 0 , 1 “ *12,999' J IDBtASOIIMll

    i 1993 FORD FIM 1 9 9 7 CHEVRIlOLET S-10:4X4 1997 CHEVY 199] 4 ^SbSilSMTSSSISO XLT 1994 CHEW . "“lyassffi.'^SBSBsasr- «»•'! tf t JNSSSStiSUSt,. ^ 1*11,577 $ 1 7 7 1 1 5 . 9 2 1 ^ *19.799 ONIf e ^ 3 0)!£.. ~- »2l>6J96* ’23.8ir 901 SOUTH UNCIICDLN, JEROME 324-33900 J •AUI;OS:COM TDHIVEFROM' WWW.CONPAIiEMAeiC;VAiuyt iliSTA'SHORTDfll9*8ipM lfli5v;:: 1r a ANYWHEflEiNTHEI y p oraiMur-Hiiurii . ii ■■ ■ • t Jl . ______. I ■

    ______8«irtiiiiit3i.>wW : 7. *0 10.7 :

    S o v ^ t ^ T p i f t t r ^ n f FO o r d -66 Mustang. 6 c ^ . FORI3RD ‘88 Ranger. Exc. FORD) *77T V>8, 4x4, runs MAZDA 1996 19 SEB 4000. F O R D -82 Su]S uper Von. A CHEVY '80 Comasmaro, V-6.3 EAGLE 1993 blackick Talon FORD'83 UusUnoI Con*Cw •harp, runa great-sseoo eom»od.,newtlrssabr8kes. strono.no. $2100 or best 4.0ltier.6i6 Bpd,AC,cniise,' roal work hohorse. Price spd., body InI goigood cond., TSI, an wheel driv ‘:r ‘'W ».wr«kSd^id but Call 654-2048- . $41!t412S. Call736»1920 offer..Call736-4872:;' Ca ext. cablb . l 8 K m llo s , negotiable. Cal733-3I60. Cl $1000. Call 326-»6-S059. i toaded. Cali 67B-7<•7478. S^vable/ninsw/alioart “s S f e - 836028 : FORO-1966 FO Mustang, 6 FOR3RD’89 Rangor Ext. FORD3 ’89*8 Bronco XLT. tfudep.k»«ti.pv^,PW. 802Sor53»66t6. trade forr BE Camino. Call ------■ - Call 543-9123.5 •* . ostalfwlufflhioldadaiOiod. -13000/Ofler. 324-1213.113. MERCURY '67 Cougar. FORIORD *93 Ranger. Sharpi 12, QMC -92 V,. (i “ aAT. 269, body In good Asking $5495. FOROI *91“Ol Explorer Eddie — Tiara o k a , 35 CHEVY-84 EUE u ro sp o rt cond. Orlg. chrome rims, 324-2766 32 after 6p,m, B a uer, 10OK ml,, exo. TOYOTA-921 *9 owner, SOK V C R .o l^ wwindows. li CO Celobriiy. SilverIvor & black. TENTTnAILER. -S2000. $J Call 326-5059. — U k>aded. $12.90Wo- ml, sllll under ui warranty, playor. oxc.L acond. $13.9- auto, comosI w/ studded H | ■ 11 ■■ IU *94 etBTcraft. S2465. — 3RD -1979 Ranchero. 324;2037. AC, cnjisoIso. bodllnor, pro- OO/oflor. 734-914-9473, snows & ski rodrack. $1650. 1 1 1 d K l ■ CaH733-SB55 MlMUSTANQ-eeFastbacfc. newlew molor & trans, dean v h o e ls. AM/FM ------,— 734-4992. 289 auto. $6000/0f(or. car,a r,$ 2000/0ffe<; 536-2165 FORD-r.'MBn»eoll.Ed^ ‘8 ir,lrr?o'“T TERRY' 1976, 19’#olt- ,Vlllsgor.-93. CHEVY‘85Comi sholtIholl®sia®fl7B* $13,976. “ 42K ERCURY, miles. VI :amoro, now contalMcl.equa]tzerhltch. ------r - )R01990Fl5^.Ux2,su- S i must a]Mpse.$300Q/oflor.Call OLOS1868 Torooado, 454 portor cab, XLT u h a t Colt $12,500. C oi 735-9933 734-38S3 Isavs msg. »engine, vory good cond. 622122-7722 d a ^ e k lor •93 ox t cob, 4x4, Irade. Rupert- $2SOO/oftor. 4360199. Jimllm or oves 622-6542. ; fM 'lS ;,S 5 a“K!; tovota» TERRY 1996 Travrt Trail- — ■ ov'v'evw !'’rn!i PLYMOUTH. ( jjmlno. 4-dr, 4 or. 22' «lum; framo, nw rf” )RD1994F-2aXLT.2. r ------5 7 S S ------1 f o r i I -'S H A R P LOOK.- or.078-741 >C, PW, PL. k ^ one.-tufbo.dlMel**)"*- Z14.cltor6pm. ps. tilt, crulso.t Iso; AM/FM ' s e m iW e a v y ^ ixcellent c o n d j O ^ I S . 1993 F550 4x4. $ . I EQUIPMENT -~ : 460. AC-and lou of d ■, , , , cass. SLMS002/>)02A $9,895 TERRY Re»ort 19M. 24-, 5 " UC'95 PU, white, step - m omne e andI extras. Call ■ >/am 0 2 0 ' Mtn HomeneFord F I KJ326 self-conl.lU(«how,sloops FOR FOI LEASE • 3 axlo larm oldoiklo. AC, 6 .7 ttt e r .'5 ,^ 208-349-!U9-5576. I i a u t o s FOFOR SALE I »a. «7soo. 423-s6ee. >>.bods, with or wHtiout trac- chroiiromo wheels, like now, tors Id operate In Idoho SHit11.400/olfer.73»9293 1977V4ton4x4PU. A U D I 5000OOGoodlnlori------; ...... TEHRYTAUflU8*«1 2fln houling ho v u r frolaht. Call llenicond.l $2,650 «nii " 71*^040 ' * oxtorloror rnoods Irons, - u c w - a E a ..^ fSephiaRS4Dooror full rear bed. swnlng; Uko D.y^LLT,ucHn|, D i AZDA ’64 S-2000. Runs or best.otstoffer. 324-6566 -*“l 734-4848. mission $ 120(™ 733-31» ■ new. $11.500.843-6539 67 iood. rwea work. $995/0- 19e0Hton,35lOn.' C «E ^19 fef.Catl324t« 7y-6051,ofterSpin. Phpholtnoai. 1900 hrs; 1978 R f * ,‘92F150XLT,>X4. -aVi T. ------K HEM Peterbelt COE . 400 V "KIOO 8 bag £ Rayco *at 8-^ AC. tut, dulse. 9W i;;.«r,AT, ^ . 8 8 8B Cummins. 13 spd. $8500 ' ^sponsions. SQHO.. a M /^ :, PW, PL. PS. Mtn Horn DODQE, V aoilplomat,AT, iio i E^SMMLER ^ oach or ottor. 324-5477 nvi2510.825-6406 «wrMO :a s s , ABS, tilt, . ^ 7^'43*3326 8 -cy l. AC, lilt.lit. AM/FM I imUTY TRAILERS — . MtnItnhSSfFord I Intod windows. ..TT. . . . COSO. Low millmiles, one a TR/TRAILER -91 F ^ b o d . 42 t f ” ; 1009 800.300.7^ 6W10JO.,1$18,888 ------owner, P747AK *l$1,988 ARMY SU R PLU S Wlllys ii Home Ford CADILLAC.1. SedanS DoV- Mtn Home F. II.. tondum Bxta, 25* _ ■ _ A 4 X 4 ^ ^ ^ j le Ford ilnTlt**' Je e p utlllly trailer. 4X6. chjchain, gaa &0MIC. unload. ______800-7<-743-3326 Uld.-1989.-VS ^<>326 • $376. Call ^ - 5 2 5 7 . Now No brakes, drum, b w - 5HEVY’ CHI 79 Shortbox. ______* ...... arool. $4500. Ings & Boals. $26,000. 4i , '94 Explorer 4x4, UTILITY TRAILER 4'x6' J?* 4 spd;,'4X4 w/sholl, f o r d , 9< Call 629-5905. $2405. $24 Call S43-6316. •cyl, AC, m t crulso. I wllh 15* whoola. $400. _ PL, AM/FM csss. . .a a 736-4495, - ______. TRANSPORT TRJ TRAILERS CHEVlEVY 7 7 4X4,350. aulo, eVflOlBA,18A. st7,eaa I b B u J a Utility traner 8‘ l>ed. good MERRfTT **' Commodity Exc.xc. drivo tra^i 32* Soop. Mtn»Itn Home Ford ! & 3 B R shaptf, $400/o«or. Camp. Trire. orSwamporTires. r S KX>-743-3326 600- . H H V * ■ e r shell for m idsire PU. Now40x21 Aorollta sets, $1501500/ofler. Can 736-1656 ______• $47,650 FET Included. — noods sfdo window, rod IEVY78 'AT.AT,400. FORO., 19961< F -250 XL. ^ 9 7 ? p S ele cdor.$12S/offor 423-4585 TRAVIS ^ '96 End Dump CHEV Alum box. Alum wtioels Orloi•riglnal ownor. -$3495. powerr strokeair 4X4. AC & ZIEMAN Jot Ski traitor. Air.rido& vory IHO 011733-0797 Calf e x lraIS. a . 2 i 0 ,0 0 0 m iles. * i p s S3S0. Coll 736-7696. Uko now ~ $38,900 00. 206-726-2057.' OYfDYNAWELD-9650TLOW- lEVY *86 4X4. short bod. , 1 1 5 , 7 7 7J boboy Tri-nxlo. air ride, well sw tires, low mllos, sholl, FORO., RangorVxLT, Ra -89, oqulpd. Uko now. $44.9S0 ins ond look oroat. must extra cab.cab. AM. AT, excel. N $6300. Cdl 734-6429 cond.. ww/ /shoil. $7 5 0 0 . V 1990 ALLOY Hprd. FletS' 40- Long w/alum wheels c H E >. Courier, 7 9 , AT. fEVY'92Ext.Cab. SS'^cSCall 206-67»1659. ■ (3)Avollable. $16,90077 stotopside, p Uadod. 75 K . Cell 1-800-658-5084 mis!.lls., robudgoting. Trado OMC: -91*91 % Ton 4X4. ■ ^ I dowrown for late 80‘s com* Short box.box, extended cab, ■ I 1007 P«?;K t 4X4. Take over pmts. ono own S*15. 4 SIf ly w/AC. 4 spd, $10,600 dr, V6.1, AT.Al air, tut. cnjise. I l O S tin 1 1 . 1 * 3 2 4 / m o * . I A U TO PA R TS & sP' itfOf. Coll 934-4566. AM/FM^M cass.. 1 towing - m>Vi $7995. CHEVY '89 . rrt; BUhcoM /ravM ond/J I^CCESSOHIE^ ^ SVY 3/4 ton pickup. Ex- |« f e 4Sdo d o 2500. 35Q AT. ' nded cab. camper pack, ^ i r loaded,iq q $7995. 'bssubaruqlwaqon ; r : : ; IK. $19,000. Burioy. c H ^ 'l wrecked loft front, now OHICHEVY *78 High Slora, rY'88S/ararS-10. hoavy hall PU. Now 350, rs-2491 or678-8579. 4.3 . v^6, 6, AT, / air, loaded. ' ■ B 1 1 1 H p1 * ..... AT. AC,'$2000. 686^>85V q klEVY'O c v I BIazor SilO* I.-Call 324-7484 or Bhoe.-I ownor. Sharp. 099.DLR ■ CHEVY-91 SIO. 5 speed. I®h« ■ H Q n T M ^ atOroo'.'oxcellBnlcond.' - m3000/oKer.e68-7131. o o JEEP-S383 wmv8.-$3000/0f-...... V . 727 trans. 7a~s^-9466 J2!$3800. Call 686-7816. ------...... ------7 “ for. CallBll 733-6399.T | “ ...... ) CHEVlEVY, ‘85 Vl ton, oxt. jpep 'es ( /I 89 Chorokoo Umlt- • _____ :MERCURY’62 Grand lb, 4x4. AT. 8 . C4. 72K miles. Call i jl.Bpd. 4-cyl, AC. PS. !^t^^crulM.^bIg block. 934^^66166aflor6 , ; body. Call 825-6406. . AM^;cass,7X16025N ^^58 ^ I 5 5J0.68S »Mtn Home Ford • * JEEP -9494 CGrand Cherokee . I • T 1 005 ^ I . - Mtn Homo Ford 800.74^3326 . U ^.3:o,37Km]s.,to^ed, 4JiorsW EE S M A R | | | | . 1 A ^ Q U E AUTOS 800.743^3326 ••• and, 734-2229, ( m i | w 7 ^^colIecttb^ !___:____ 111:11------CHEV EVY, •91,;Sllverodo, . • •' CHRYSLER 1964 Crown FOPFORD -67 (2) 1 ton 2X>>»- sho/p«/p, loaded, great cond. MAZDA,'IA, '96 B-4000, ext -4 : Imperial, 4 dr.. hard top. stostored fislbods. Duol^s. Mustust soil. $10.400/cffer. cab. Ak* HI ; Inside like now. Must Seel , NlcNlco'83nowparts.^0 Pleasease call 206-766-7799- ■ .^AC.PS. . $6950.•Ctosafc*733-4453 : &g&3?00.e77-j3;2, om wheels. P799. t 9 » 7 >j l f p l S t e n * ^ DOE '92 Dakota 4X4 : “ *'“7$.$18,888 - JQ RD '61 PUtruck, FOIFORD'79 F-250 V< Ton Clublub C ab LE w /topper. - MtrrhItrr Home Ford , 1------• S t e p s l d e . R o s to ro d , looloadod. wHh 10Vi'. campor. 57K'K rmis. oxc cond $13,5. . eoo-'I00-743-3328 | 1 a : S3500/offot.Can423.573!«. Call Coll 208-436-3495. 00.3:1.324-3307 after 6p.m.' i 9 9 7 M A Z A m>ROTEGE LX |(| 1 9 9 7 JIM W>A 6 3 6 Ut. ~ I I i | Q g 1

    H W y

    M iMlMrt Mnt* hr eM 4«l \/ i!t I f c afev.jiia.'iaaaa|wm«»c»»ilwwHraiig. [ i>»

    I t e . ' '■ 996 i Fdrd :Cbhtdour ■■ r ~ 1B3300 . I “ 199yMAZP^23l300 SB EX. CAB I 4WbHlAnli-lDdBrak^ A!r,Cndst,CQa(a s m . ‘ Powef Wbi^. & locb. Aulo Trtnsnbsinbskn.

    ; ■lil

    ------~ >6 Foird^urusW ■ ' - - i o| m Y M E N T lI I ^ M i * inili>iii h O ^P IS M w• B DKlMMMMMrvkteWdri , 3 ^ 2 0 5 / * ® *O f ’ ■ i - l f g a \ l ■» «• 0.lxluB 4X 4~ : liigaihJCTI T A .a j L / - ; T > ^ n — wt----- {6 f drd Taurilii Wgn. X m

    i '' $ 2 2 6 ^ / * ® * WrgfWji<'i^8til^lil>lW MlK^^ P B I I i P 5 & 3 & I iSSiuS&’itti "1 : I a SHU j | t ^ 9M

    ’u;.’ ' ’’’ ii tetindey.MeyatlM1M7

    FORD ‘88 Tautu*., loMi»oded, FORD ’91 E sc o rt, LXC 56- . FORD-91 Tempo GL PW, gresLcond., r*t[ibli.»i. 90K door, 81 K,-4>tpd, auto. FORD. '98 Contour, 5-spd. pn HONDA'89B9 AACCORD LX, JIO. AT, AC, crulso. 4 dr. low ^ *qR 0,‘96Asplr»,AT,4-cyl, FORDRD. -96 Taunjs, AT, 6- FO R0 O ,-9 ,' 7 Escort o c A3i O E O .'98 I mis. $3000. 0 1 7 3i<3029. 3 ^ AC. 1 ownor, dark red.M - mls„ ve7 cloon. S8W0/- '4rcyl, AC, tilt, cruise , AC,t g r e e jf lm w . P809 ^ iL new tirae, very ------G reet car. 84200/offer. ABS. one owner, low i\. AC, tut. o:uita, PW, 4-cylyl, AC. . AM/FM cass, spd. 4-cv bla. 734-7986 FORD '69 Mtfcury Trac ofter, Ca/l 6 5 7 .2 2 8 5 .^ ; U AM/FM case. SLTAO- - lew mil.miles. 8WES003. ' 7 feo o i8 l x m : - miles. 8LWI007A«9,M« Mtn Hotne Ford 16.3. Waflon. 121K mli.. frontfre MtnHomeFord $12,999 ^9 ii,a$9 ■ .AHn»II Home Ford . HONDA '89‘8 9 Accord1 LSI wh#«l drivt. AC, tta ri 600-74M326 fcMtn Hdm* Ford Mti 10-743-3328 4 door. SunSun roof, n full pow- ‘" d S ’ 690-743-3326 MtnHomeFord 800- radio, n tw b rak ti, r«dl ------“....—“ 800-743-3326 800-743-3328 Bt , ______•__...... er. 8 epd.,>d.,AC. B«al. ior. mufflar, bailar;{J,y; FORD. -92 Teuroi.wagon cf'ORD. '96 Aerosler XLT. r oond. eeKm6Kmla. $8950. a i 7 i«J*n. AT. 6IXa da8iUHdad.73»0931,r- “'TSiiKfii?'" PU AM/FM cass. SLTBO- cruise. cn PW, PL. lowmlles. «>il do 1. sill' c “ d^tlSn”MX?: i ' FORD '00 ProDe. Sporty 01,«y««M. SLMU010.#fft4M 8L ______;______ertlble.ble. AT. AC, AM/FM O atsSMd.73WKI3l.rt2. : gSlSSeifi Mtn Home Ford - Lol your yo daily nowipspor ' CD, Bi Now UrM, Untod windowilows, ' Mtn Home Ford , Bilght.yellow, blaek ■ • 000-743-3326 80CV743-3328 worko(k for you. . , rasd snd top.. Great Qi cond 76K ml. HONDA'S'63 CMc, 60K mi Oot somaihhg u ...... umV lnglosM 7 8«Da »"**■ POHO.-M^underblrdLX,LX, >«lhedBHin«b. Books!>ks $8838 - Must sail, rebuilt emsnglna. New liras. Ihi loircost« — V6.AC, PW, PL; PS. S8868.>68. CaU733-6766 81X0(VoflOffw. 735-1844 ' ctsssHM.733^ F O R D ‘86 B ronco XL!XLT. m m cae«, cruls^, Unt^£ GUARANTEED 33K mf, oxtondaci warroiirran- edwlodows. 7MT001B ly.Sl9,OOP. 764-26677a av v e * S8,0Sa ' ' A D S ------MtnHomeFord F0RD'1Se9 TounjTAirth T h e T im e s N e w s bolls &.whl8llo'B, S470(in o . - KhtotsunOH BR^ 423-6614.______guarantees to sell — merchandise, FORD 1995 Tauru#toC. Gl ...... automotive In 7 n good condition. CaC e ll FORD, '94 Escort wagon.1- days and real 07BS224.______AT, 4-cyl. AC, till, cruise. ------AM/FM ca»«.SLCN013A.3: estate In 15 days Iffi FORD '91 Foatlva, goodgoo M .988 or rerun the ad an cond., now tires, ooodd CDO Mtn Home Ford addilional 7 days. |y^SELl>TilADE ployor. S3000. S38-666IS666. ; ^74M32fl T h e r e Is a S 3 e x tra _ feefortheguaran- ' S P E C I A L S . aD F T H E W111r E E E l FORO. '92 T-BIrdd L LX r r . 7 . . tee jiackage. Ads , coupo. AT. 6-cyl. AC. tiltilt, FORD. -94 Taurus. AT. 6- may be cancelled SUBARU ~ '■ * cruiso. PS.PB, PW , cyl, AC. tltt. crulse, PW,w. early (or customer AM/FM coss. 7MIDO10,IB. PL. low miles. P727A. Se.699 $10,499 convenience but . K .« m a . Mi Tn EXTRAI. tn c lro : m.#wrrMin!r • Mtn Horn* Ford Mtn Home Ford 't h e c h a r g e will 800-743-3328 remain the sam e. SOO-749-333e Iow^2995 Now^^ 1 9 9 5 hdw* 3\ S m 980 CADILLAC SEDAN I K.«T0272,CIEANUN1T...... | “ ^ . now* 11295 2 981 NISSAN 280ZX TUU I K . fT02$3, AUTOMATIC...... I59S IT, GOOD CREDIT, 985 FORD RANGER K. fT0292, eOOD RUNNWe PICKUPIIP...... NOW * 2119^ 1 982 LINCOLN MARK VI K. «TD289. BEAUTIFUL SHAPE, ONIL owiieii..... NOW * 2!29S 2 73 3 6 - 2 4 8 RAN r a E s p a r z a w i l l t a kKE e YOU THROUGH K. «TQ280, S SPEED, CLEAN, ...... now« 2 4I49S THE Ehe n t i r e a u t o b u y i n g p PR r o c e s s ! W e handle>LE LEASES, PURCHASES & COCONSIGNMENTS; 183 MERCURY GRAND MAH K. #P0200, LUXURY CAR THROUBHli5ST®.*:?...Now*27795 S aILES l i & F|NAN(ICING ON A GREAT SEL 986 CHEVY CAVALIE S E ira iO N OF N EW & USED:D CARS & TRUCKS I K. *T6056, V-i ENetNE. AUTOMAT!m ...... NOW * 31495^ 4 M ike EsparzaA h HAS 8 YEARS EXPERIENCE6 INII THIS PROGRAM Cau 2nd ChanceE Fuinance tooav for a n tNTOtviEwEW OR UINC THIS AD FOR i^M ofoRSOPR^iiiir $ 2 0 0 OFF THE njROiRCHASEMOCeOFAVEHiafl *ThIS OFFEROFI o o o o ONLvOAQ cffiprr PM 6iatt7 d o tt w r b t i c ity :______-_Zlpr..:puZZIZZ'. WHIHEN YOU ASK Horns Phono: ______: g S ; S S " Wof1(Phone:_^_Ll:.______WECMHE1FII0.A.C.I Social Security/______w signature:______laasasisra'.gasu ininp tills form I luUiottu Theiun Motonors Th«l$en ^olon*70l liwn Aw.^ t] to cntck my ertdii wtin a crsdit sgtncy.. Ii’a*: ii r-CONVEWEOTM m e is e T mT torsiMI reI sI rFdW])UIU I •EXTENDEDIVHRf 0 { A ^wteujOTW imEOMW

    m i i K gm K i*iH i i : B I - SsfiTiT'Ti 8TK.# — a a 198 P ^ K C T W > . H K iS i i i i l f lS grwdcarmSuarav^ f

    imm i i m S 9 " “ “ r - ’ ' UNDER^iiWOp*'v;-^ r I jNDERipicElp-- 1 ■ " ' 0 ■ IIMBB ■ j; ■ ||fu i l [ | | | m j | m m | | H I

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    ^nEOw^ EWORh DOO EsflpJBEnif i^B ■B ______8afarta?,ltoy31.1«LW Ttaistk«.Trt.Ftll^ldihoM 0-9I

    " ^ c t m . ^ c c y , w ; PLVi.YUOUTH’96 N eon. TOYOTA. . IjAQUAtC'^^Mdaa 4.000 mia.. AC. Am/Fm o a 4 M i 1053^ i ^ i«iwi ^ I 1099199 I i” 1099~ ^ 4 i w i . Loadwi - LokSmI & tow »S4»4t21.64»4747l»aa. ^aaa., $9800.423-4916. ' R eUMa.$137& iaJ 734-7782. Frrftspoflrrs I auto reREPAIRS I AUTO DEAIE A ^^ IjAUTODE^ I AUTO DEAI FRRUS ^ f A C CESSORIES K ' - sI^TSRoadM r.Vaiy PON')N TIA C’92 8 unblrd «»T4M3iS- d :omM«ia.t*anew.low TOYOTA.TA.*95Torc«l ao- r e Corvette £Stf? 460«3e0ENNOtNES.U90d Q lla.. murt ati 734-1940 i t m .6 ^ M«ft. «xL wananty. low ^ lia ia M a im ■■/ Bo«ton»r.733-7e63. CoB326-«2SOhir.nwa8ai|0 Co ml..ll.. *16.000. 736-0961 BOO-74M326 , C4II ClauUItUI«d. 733-0931. •■ tM «v*iabl«l>l«lrtendtoi& •loro 10pm.______^ ------______rntmnmt,■dy whan jfDU arei hQlLCdl73»43»« t3 l. MAZDA'84 Pli WMWB. SWAQENTBB^ I------S130a'S2Siinnj4X4, ^ vetilbla. new Ures. B f l n ' $650ortrailelDrflmno& * brakes, new top. D U3VIIEY0DBD1 I C f3a*< 250 l&XmM«T3^-t33< MMo'" lYA i H i W 88AN-gt Sortra S E ^ aya or 734-4471 « « a ^ 2 4 5 MAZDA *04 6286 cyL ^ NEVWD0D6ECABSOB 0 = 1 # . Afl «tiM .a5K mass % • Bus. Fresh paint. V D I E B B » J ^ ‘ C«im49a7a73»«5agSK-S&SS: :S ^ IDGKANVWHE > Cai 73»3t29avw.. ® »^cal2fl6--73Mi023. iSS!’i £ S ^ e ^ L MAZDA 626'90. Low m ir “ --- TOY<>YOTA *66 4 Runnor. p .. . Sunroof. loiKtod. $6000. 2fl angino, 5 apd. n n a ___^ :736-376a o l @ MERCURY-Tdoo Sablo. ° P! | » S S M i^r^dIhoi It nra. as TTm 80( — — IGE W m > - vory depandablo, n«w PtP813. «aM s Wiirir n II n di ow rlnm «tMn Tlmoa-Nla-Naws Is not re- . tiros and brahoa. good , MtnHomaFord .'jrouw icaniecataiw rtator spondblcaUetoromxaano condition.PW.AC. 800-74M32S autaulBnieUMfeitadmaad Ihattkm. AflUlatod with Sutton & S o n s S3SOOWfc*f.«i^1 ...... da.Cal73>««3t. adk. BSSBEBS&QBI I] i w iBSTXUKU i i P a h miMnbMT i o f U w W m IIw kIdI Fwnlly of DM lM shlps. r i f l 0 1 .U 1 D S n / I O B I LL E • B U I C W m ' ■ I ^ B ' 1 si tU Z U 733-48-8721 / *1-800-824-1521B 28 H AHH AFFORDABLiUS N E W ra U IM a HD. B. • TNM FAU* IWlicaaaa mam mam a WMimr u m F A M iL Y itO O0 M §

    f l QMUTMWIUUffiiirAVEir4ffi»u KACrOFMIN^J m m i l F o

    tmtmern ' |P~ Roomy onemd Affordable with 6-Paao ssen g er SeaHn'g, Front andd RearR Air, Power Sunroo)of, Pow or D river's Sftat a n d M uch M orore! ' sSAVE « OVER $5<5 0 0 0 ! 800M ies n Power and Perfisnncm once Pius ihe Comfert a n d Sofc M THIS i )f laSobrB...A5r, AM/FM Pbw«r:lirrlood 0 > , Thefl. Deterrent Systei^ ■ 1 ...... H rM S m r y ^ C m i^rtSo M CdM^’ t end More! Sov«$XOOO.<>.on TMs N e w U S o b ra l ■ ■ Power ynd Pttffernionwnco of tho 3100 SR V-6 wMi<^Automatw ■ I 11, MM m dM uA M onf / A S . - & d 2 7 ^ 7 9 ...... ^2 5 , 6 7 9 9^ II ■ ■ W A S 9 W A S f 77039 boRfatJpou* twd peorl) .....J I S , 6 B ■■$26,730 ...... *ai1 , 7 3 0 S9-I f 30. l997.lK»boMdor>EM«M'«Md^ ■ Ma»C Ld^ ______i66007[briQhp>«ptttne»dk> ■ *eraMtd»iiBby8ykt>itoaD>iakiie|^. S60O1I ifrouOiiBl

    i m B o k«llSABnilliUIID- x I i99«MnactKt K T u i l K iBUfTOM I » ■ * U O M D ■ ■ 1995 0LDSM0BIUu am jw cniiA I f?7(M3-1,3800V-«.DMirb■i I W Siok. Dud To n Cortd & Mnl•I f09l750,Autosi^Afc,AMy miBM.ltiiiOiitaaiLniid«i«i&«y«ing..>CcM ■ lOS7SI-0,V-i.AM

    • ' ■ ■ ■ j M s t e i g i ■ : ^ ^ 1 ' " ' i s M ' M j m M d o e « i 4 X 4 ■ ItMOSVTH.n u n n H M i T i « < 3 u iWZU n RO D IO H 'i994isinniU R O D IO U •r.C»kBWt«ik.J«c* *09181-9. V-4.ladtar, SurSumd,CDPI»w...Nk»t ;; WAS 5 $26,995 ,* ' ; $14,995 ■ WAS $2121.995 3 ^ 9 9 5 : ; : 2 . 9 9 5 B : W : » 1 8[ ,j 9 9 5 ^

    V. f :

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    ; i iiv«iiii’W i'i»iiii 'ii’i»rr M - :■■ i ' M ' j n m u M ■ ;'199BWiiJUl'M JuniiAOJci 3wooi.5,*^fa^.|ic ■ . M924l-0.Autaiidfe.Ak WESTPLA N B B OLOSMOBIilUE • BUICK I ,99(9y::j'^ri;' 'isiizii'''

    ■DaeCiWiahtdtibn fee- -

    • ' C. I - .

    D-10 Tlmi;rttow» T»lHlliFill«,'ld«bo Fi SKutdin Mty 31,3a,aw7 ______ISB i ii l l i i iHSMI i S w H t \ ■ - I I PPIBPi^ c n EHi^d\VALIEFER '" ’M I m IQiiwit'ii *99mo1 < K l i 9 8 8 S | Ills n b f ^ t b u U '& ai.T n, tUl« f» OCfM (injX irait Mt IndodMi in th« dx nt; Ffe ^ domb M B M ^ y p c p s M

    r ’^r^pS ”””

    rttop, Aulomiik,« C y i l n d c r '^ ^ 9 ^Hr*ln«,w/lowMdt.,.;' ^ I^ Y S L E F ^ V 1997 JEEP WR[ ^ G L E R 4 x 4.4 S P O R T S ^ 1 0 M iw e it ' iiiHissI W pORONtV._ H ||F ’ Unltnbl^toprteruteerli *259^ r IM*^ O X C n ic M t ^ TchUtn C I v ' \ Acqdltltlen tmitOOM. NrCrc «ipe eo tisiu e u o . Ci*ti en ddlvoyn q 'u s u a 60 month'• / ■^h BQHI ^ . ;. d y d ^ l(«M toulln^ru riM end of S6,SS(UXU ' • - ^ v S IH H iM srss.'sss.ii's^w i8ll«fer,w ,^r; V‘’-> -'rraiS >nn p«r yc V. T«xan4 lltit not inelndi dy pay^af; Dcilcr r ^ l i a ntutc*.'^a.'

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    iJbiiE J l ' 4'^' riD K :5 PPf) • z o L isv sn ^ I. 4 Cylinder EngiRe*R(• ROrWddot*,. -;.9 S ^TDefttMt •AlrCndiU^g • AM/FMStmbAM ! 0 W a Vw3fiWWU.WttHn«y> RMdtidcMcAmUUm C'. [

    •'••■-’,■■'1 ' ■■’: ! ^ki»7rfc4IlMIWKC4U. Celoti Cncn; Cm ^ i&prSM mo

    heeC',31fe«ikoOO Mile •^^«ar,36^M U ^ I $ 0 1 ^SiKH Q 0 W N ^ i 2 d o w n ’ ^ at m u prtcc. unu (U0|«cl to prior ul«l« orc U w . OJC c To IcaM th li'' V '' |h month d e•d*n|2^£a2B«nLDSlRnU|m^

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