Attanti Tis, Mir R Crews K Camp

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Attanti Tis, Mir R Crews K Camp J ' J . i ■ ■ c* . ___________________ ^ ' 7 ^ ......,„rsiAss& M. 1i t C J ! ^ ' ' ' ^ ...................... - • ' - ' C lb^inglarouncT^” n,•Eveniit G o o d mnorning H o r s ee ‘ . , Today’s forwas;ast: , ' r ■'*• - S u n iiy orid w a rmmer c with highs. 85 to ‘ help 1with 90; W cstwinds.5-15• 15 mph. Lows in the r o m pis j a t ; 50s. ■■ P a g e A z ' legal biUs 4 ) a i : £ ^1 ^ : — 'Friends^fafainilyrjoin-—^ Horsin’ aroundnd ByK fivini^cr •r teacher : Tlmes-Nftws writer forces' for i Rupert Downs mamay not be Churchill Downs, but it proviovides action-packed- it-sejccase • ■ RUPERT - Spooked by)y ccandy-grabbing in student- horse mcing.. , PageDI children, a horse pulling a :small buggy in B y F ra n k E . L oclcwwood oo . Rupert’s Fourth’o f July panparade bolted into Timcs-Ncws writerr ■ k ' the crowd - nyinlng overr ththree kids sitting The stuff of herleroes u n d e m e a th 'a w o o d en barric{!ricfldc. — TWIN FALLSr-r- FFor centuries. Chris* Levi M ay-intend(nded to fish the day • All three children were; fitfitted wilh cervi- -• tians have been raisinlising money lo feed the' away in.Challls. last.:51 year.. AlLhe caught, c a l c o lla r s a n d a ir c a s tss. , tlth e n ru s h e d by hungry and cloihc theth e naked. however,.was an.awn;wnrd for saving a,mon ambulance to Minidoka Me;Vicmorial Hospital But Thursday, a -bcne/frconcertfi at a -I - & om a b u rn in g c o r. - - early Tuesday afternoon., TlThey were treat- •Twin Falls church:h vwill raise money to . ■ ■ ■■ P q * B i ' - ed at the hospital, then releuleased . ease a distinctly 202 0 th ccniury burden: , -The'horse and carnage! ww< ere following a overwhelming lawyer•yer fees. • motorcycle whose rider waskvas th ro w in g can - Joe and M a^ Shav>haw. who attend Com- dy to the crowd gathered alongale the curb. A' munity Christian ChiC h u rc h , ra n u p a lu rg e . , crowd of about 25 kidsds :had swarmed legal tab when thcircir :son. Timothy Shaw, around the motorcycle, saidmid Rita Sullivan, was accuscd of a sexex coffense in Boise. O n a roll ■ a Gresham, Ore. woman whiwho witnessed the Shaw, a coach :andan teacher at Borah Professional bowleiviers filled the lanes at accident. ' High School, wasi s iiind1<?t«:d b y a n AcJa , the Twin Falls Seniorlior O p e n T uesday. “There were .a lot o f kidskid standing out County grand jury’ - i.iccujiid o f supplying • P a g e U there,” Sullivan said. “Tl“The horse, you alcohol to minors and of having scxqiil in-. could see it was getting jitteiittery; The minute tercoufsc with a 17-yeir-oldl7-> Borah htigh Boise on top? th e h o r s e sta rte d tu rn in g ,. pcp e o p le j u s t scal- School siudciii. ' te re d .” • I f S h a w . 2 6 . h a d bibeen elihoneratcd; ihe B oi^ squashed LetLcthbridge.for thetitle Pulling a whhc carriageje ^with three pco- Bpisc Education AssiAssociation would-have at ^ e 1995 Cowboy)v <Classic. \ pie in it. the horse {flowedd ininio the crowd at Pag*B5 > paid fpr Shaw's SI I10-an^hour attorney: ' the intersection of E Streetse t a n d 6th Streei.- Mark Manwcilcr. Bui Shaw pled guilty to Parade-watchers were slackackcd three deep. misdemeanor alcohi:ohol charges. And on standing on the sidewalk< atand in the street May 17, a 12-pcrsonjon jury found him guilty behind crowd barricades. o f sexual misconductuctwitharninor.' ' ' - The )cids - who were berbeneath the barri* On July 13. JudgeIge Daniel £ism ann will cades - never had a chancance to get away. BUOOYCOY CHARLES M*NOIMEm» -pmw 5. , deliver Shaw's senteintericc. The maximum She sewed^upttI the prize w itnesses said. The horse>rse and carriage r is in jail ond a S300’fine 3 (alias Jeannie and Wayi'ayne Vorse of Joromey , . ' penalty: six months ir . Cross Stitch isTrC^Cond here's a cross rollecl through a barricadec ara n d o v e r a c u rb . ' Clowns l o Blnky and Blllbo ior; life in prison for ihe disappearing dollar trick'[,• fo r th e m is d e m e a n o r: , stitch winner. Police pfficers were onn tl:the scene within entitertaln 3-year*old Brodydy Falconburg with axils felo n y . P ag eD I d ujring r Fourth of July festlstlv lties a t Je ro m e City/P P a rk . W hile fighting the charges.- the Shaws P l e a s e s eee e RUPERT///^ ______ _ — I ran up a SI5.000 legelegal bill. Joe and Mary - He’s making ththe stars bloom siiSw had to take outout loans lo pay for thcir a^ebt Timothy Shaw ■ This floral desigr;igner is in charge of son's defense - a^ plans ip repay. “Frier•riends of Joe and Mary decorating the sets; ofofthe TV soaps. S b r e a k Shaw" will collectt a Ifreewill offering dur- P ag sD I Attantitis, Mirr crews k camp) ing Thursday’s conccincen lo help ther^ The Last Gcneratioation, the Auftn ^piclers )(?okup'ends Adventoerss perform flyi^ g f ^ d a ^ • - ‘ .Geriiinn Bancl. andd hihalf-dozen otljer musi- — cal'guests'arc'scheduicdulcdtO'pcrformT'Tim*: ----------- The lyubingtOQ Post; • . _ P leasease see BENEFIT/A2 T-'. Rewrite theJftva w HOVSTON-'^ ThS^VoO'-i3t I 16W %a^e:I^&''' W ashington.doc:oesn’-t alw ays knc>w in.orbit broke camp Tucsda!sday, after dcclar- ' what’s bcit for thee r<rest o f America, and ing tbeir five days of workork together In the Study:: Drugs the Endangered SpcSpecies Act should be docked At!antis-M lr comomplcx a “pretty rewritten to acknowowlcdge that, tddtiy’s goo'd diy nin” for their plar)lan to make snace editorial says. a permanent human habitat. EHH need cl:loser - P ^ e A 6 “W e’re just shaking ouiour heads at how quicklythis has all gone:'by.”, by said Atlantis pilot Charics Precourt, ass hihis'crew watched medica:al care the Russian space stationn WM ir fade in to th e a d re a m ." distance. “Ifs been like a dr T h e A sso c iated P reess ss ition for Indians? No'compensatic S truggle fcfor a CHICAGO — SupSupermarkets track may- ; ■<P Rep. H elen Ch^ni^noweth said Idaho's space statlor Cl onnaisc more careful!ifully ihan some hospitals Indian tribes may noinot warrant compensa- track morphine, saidlid (the head of a Harvard ' tion for lost, w ater,cr, a position at odds leam thai analyzed;d ddrug errors at iwo top . As the two vehicles partelartcd company af- w ith o th e r s ta le G OOP P leaders. h o sp itals. inked in,'Space,the Page B2 ter five historic days link< “1 ihink that is prcttirctiy ridiculous," said Dr. of each, olhcr un* crews took snapshots of < L u cian L. L ea p e oofthe f ti Harvard School of docking and docking wHileiile ihey performed Public Health, w ho'alo'advocatcs o compuicr- a farewell tlying fandangogo :245 miles h i^ . ized bar code_ system:m l10 help prevent dosing ' ' eight oboard the ; W ith a rc to rd crcw. Qf-9ii -^Tmd-prescribing^rrors:•ors.----------------------- :— *--------------- massive U.S. shuttle Atlanilantis and two cos-- L e a p e ’s te a m fobund u n 334 drug errors at monauts in a snjall Russian>ian S o y u z la u n c h - Brigham and-Womcnncn's Hospital and Mas- Gabor dies ^ ^ and-landing cr&ft. theyey swooped 'and ' APpt sachuscits General HoHospital, both in Boston, A c trc s s fevd G aBBof, or best-known for her *' soared around the motherhership like birds jrov, right, waves goodbjdbya Tuesday:, to his com-O' in the six months cndii:ndinginJuly 1993. role in television’s’s *'Green Acres,' died around their nest, as they:y aall circled Earth Cosniimonaut Vladimir Dazhurc th e s p a c e sh u ttle Atlantistis’. Thirty-nine percent:cnt of errors were mad# T iie sd o y a t a g e 74. a t m o re th a n 17.0 0 0 m p h1 .. ■ ra d e s8 aboard the Russian spisp ace statio n Mir from thi lll'help bring Dezhurov by doctors who didid ssuch things as order 5*- ' PageA^ The formation-fiying phiphoto session had ' Shutti'ttie commander RobertI ‘H oot’ G ibson, left, wlll'h m th s ab o ard Mir. ^ drug that the patient:nt \was allergic to or pnS ! - been proposed by Russianan cofficials and ap* b ac kc tto earth afte r th e cosmTtonaut o sp e n t th ree m ont scribe the wrong; dodose: 38 pcrccnt w erj \ / Clinton moveses to center ^ proved by NASA afler a :safety analysis, ho made such mistakes n : i the station Houston aree ggo for separation.", m a d e b_y n u rses w h o r “ W hat NASA nighl mamlanagers'called a trollers:rs wanted to make sure th . , V/ith about a yMir w arid a h a lf to g o b e - itton, is pushed, the hooksi tarc administering the wrow ro n g 'a'liio u n t o r m ix in g .
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