Kamran Rabiei Kamran Rabiei 14115-139, Tehran, Iran ……………………….
[email protected] Education 2009-13 Ph.D., Economic Sociology and Development (1st Class), University of Isfahan Thesis: Socio-Economic Development and its Impact on Individual's Perception of Superstitions – Case Study: Isfahan Province, Iran Supervisor: Prof. Vahid Ghasemi 2004-7 M.A., Sociology, University of Tehran Thesis: Social Changes and their Impact on Socio-Cultural Policies in Post-Revolutionary Iran Supervisor: Dr. Mohammadreza Jalaeipour 2000-4 B.A., Social Science Research (1st Class), University of Isfahan Thesis: Measuring Social Capital - A Case Study: The Arab Slum-Dwelling of Malekshahr in Isfahan Supervisor: Prof. Rasoul Rabbani Honors and Awards 2014 2nd Place, Isfahan's Book of the Year in Social Science, Isfahan, Iran 2012 PhD student of the year; Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (highest nationwide award given annually to outstanding graduate students by Iranian President) 2003 Undergraduate student of the year; Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology 2004 Best Paper Award, Second Festival of Urban Research Publications, Isfahan, Iran 2004 Ranked 13th (top 1%) in the Iranian University Entrance Exam for M.A. Degree Research and Study Interests Sociology of Economic Development Comparative Middle East Studies Urban Studies Teaching Experience 2016-present Assistant Professor, Dept. of Sociology, Tarbiat Modares University Courses Taught: Sociology of Economic Development 2014-5 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Social Science, University of Isfahan Courses Taught: Political Sociology, Sociology of Islamic Countries, Anthropology of Shiites, Urban Sociology, Cultural Anthropology Supervised ten B.A. and M.A. Students 2012-5 Sessional Lecturer, Dept. of Urban Planning, Isfahan University of Art Course Taught: Urban Sociology Supervised two M.A.