The Book of Berkshire, Describing and Illustrating Its Hills and Homes, And
mm Class Book - r - Gopyiiglitl^^- C£lF)a^IGHT DEPOSfK PRICE FIFTY CENTS. Clark W. Bryan & Co., Publishers, Great Barrington, and Holyoke, Mass. INJURIES RECEIVED IN Tra?elM Sport or Biisioess ALL AROUND THE GLOBE ARE INSURED AGAINST BY TIE TEIVELEE OF" HARTFORD, CONI»f. ORIftlNAL ACCIDENT COMPANY OP AMERICA, LARGEST IN THE WORLD. ALSO, A LARGE AND SOUND LIFE COMPANY. With larger Assets in proportion to its Liabilities than any other Successful Company. 35 Cents a Day, Si4.50 for 30 Days, insuring *3,000 with *15 Weekly Indemnity, for sale at iOGIDENT TICKETS all LEADING RAILWAY STATIONS. Paid Poliey-Holders over $11,500,000. All its Policies Contain Liberal Non- Forfeiture Provisions. Pays AliXi CLAIMS immediately upon receipt of Satisfactory Proofs. Rates as low as will PERMANENTLY secure FULL PAYMENT ot the Face Value of Policies. ASSETS, $8,417,000. SURPLUS, $2,096,000. JAMES G. BATTERSON, President. RODNEY DENNIS, Secretary, JOHN E. MORRIS, Assistant Secretary. on THE BOOK OF BDRKSHIKE. TUE BOOK OF BERKSHIRE. THE BOOK OF BERKSHIRE DESCRIBING AND ILLUSTRATING ITS HILLS AND HOMES AND TELLING WHERE THEY ARE, WHAT THEY ARE AND W^HY THEY ARE DESTINED TO BECOME THE MOST CHARMING AND DESIRABLE SUMMER HOMES IN AMERICA. By CLARK W. BRYAN. /y*-^I CLARK W. BRYAN & CO., Publishers, Great Barrington, Mass., and Holyoke, Mass. New York Office, 239 Broadway. \ Copyright, i8S6. All Rights Reserved. : AN INTRODUCTION. The Reading Public ALLOW US TO INTRODUCE YOU TO The Book of Berkshire. BERKSHIRE, by common consent, is not only a good place to be born in, but a good place to live in, and a good place to die in, as well.
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