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Volume 54 ~ No 9 May 28, 2020 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED

Murdered May 25th, 2020 25th, May Murdered

The “Gentle Giant” “Gentle The Mr. George Mr.

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The California The Volume 54 No. 9: May 28th, 2020 28th, May 9: No. 54 Volume Page A2 The California Advocate May 28th, 2020 Police, experts condemn knee restraint used on George Floyd By LISA MARIE lis police custody this Deeply disturbing down on Floyd’s neck on the scene apparently look at that video, they PANE week, was restrained video shot by a by- for nearly eight min- did not try to intervene are shocked that those Police around the by an officer who stander shows Floyd utes. even as Floyd repeat- tactics were used.” nation and law enforce- dug his knee into the handcuffed, lying on Some police officials edly cried out that What’s more, of- ment experts on Thurs- man’s neck, saying no his stomach and seem- and experts said equal- “Any officer who ficers are taught to day broadly condemned circumstances war- ingly subdued as the ly shocking was some- abuses their power or get a suspect up from the way George Floyd, rant such a dangerous officer trying to arrest thing not seen in the stands by and allows the ground as soon as who died in Minneapo- technique. him pressed his knee video: Other officers it to happen does not possible, either sitting deserve to wear the or standing, since lying badge, period,” Chi- on one’s stomach can cago Police Superinten- cause breathing prob- dent David O. Brown lems, especially for said. larger people. Floyd, 46, was ar- “If what we saw was rested Monday after an a continuing, ongoing employee at a grocery fight, I could see how a store called police to leg, for example, could accuse him of trying to slip to the back of the pass a counterfeit $20 neck. But this is not bill. The cellphone vid- what I’m seeing,” said Who Cry eo shows Floyd, who John Bostain, a former is black, face-down officer and president on the ground with his of Command Presence, hands cuffed behind his which trains police back, as officer Derek around the country. “Wolf” Chauvin, who is white, “I’m seeing a fight that Editorial uses the knee restraint appears to be over.” By Doris Ellenwood, VP on his neck. Floyd’s case and the Advocate Newspaper Floyd’s head is recent shooting death turned to the side and of Ahmaud Arbery When a White person’s he does not appear to in Georgia have once White privilege is threatened, be resisting. As the again laid bare the the most liberal and progres- minutes tick by and divide between minor- sive White person’s racial bias Chauvin continues to ity communities and will be exposed. Social media hold him down, Floyd’s law enforcement that is riddled with videos of White complaints about not grew to a nationwide people exposing their racial being able to breathe uproar following the bias by calling Wolf, (AKA) stop as he falls silent officer killings of Eric the police on Black people. and motionless. Toward Garner and Michael From Black people barbequing the end of the video, Brown in 2014 and the in a park to a young Black girl paramedics arrive, lift death of Freddie Gray selling bottled water to raise a limp Floyd onto a in police custody in money for a trip to Disneyland. stretcher and place him 2015, among others. When a White person calls in an ambulance. Videos from bystand- “He wasn’t actively ers and police cameras the police on a Black person, resisting, and he was have helped elevate they know it could lead to the saying he couldn’t such cases to national unjust treatment, or killing of a breathe,” said Charles scrutiny. Black person. P. Stephenson, a former Law enforcement White people use their police officer and FBI officials often ask that White privilege as their per- agent with expertise people reserve judg- sonal weapon of choice against in use-of-force tactics. ment in such cases Black people. In the case of “You have to under- until all facts — what Amy Cooper, Amy used her stand that possibil- transpired before or af- White femaleness as a weapon ity is there (that Floyd ter what a video shows against Christen Cooper, a couldn’t breathe), and — are known. But the Black man, (unrelated) know- you release any kind of Floyd case has drawn ing that her cries of a Black restriction you might swift and widespread man threating her would be have on an airway im- condemnation. perceived by the White police mediately.” The Fraternal Order as a threat. Chauvin and the of Police, for example, three other respond- issued a statement say- ing officers have been ing in part: “The fact On May 26, 2020 In New fired, and the FBI is that he was a suspect York Central Park Amy Coo- investigating whether in custody is immate- per exposed the reality of how they willfully deprived rial — police officers White people use their White- Floyd of his civil should at all times ness and the White police rights. Chauvin has not render aid to those who as their weapon of choice spoken publicly, and need it. Police officers against Black people. I find (Top) Amy Cooper charges at Mr. Christian Cooper, a Black man, his attorney has not need to treat all of our it disturbing how Amy, who and demands he stop recording her. responded to calls seek- citizens with respect was illegally walking her dog (Above) Amy Cooper concocts a story and calls police to say that ing comment. and understanding and without a leash in Central Park “An African American” man is attacking her and threatening her Police recruits learn should be held to the felt she was being threaten by and her dog’s life. a variety of use-of- very highest standards Christian Cooper for calling force techniques at the for their conduct.” her out on it. White privilege ened by Christan Cooper’s Black people. academy, all with the Law enforcement is a product of White fragility. Blackness, Amy’s White I don’t know if Amy Cooper idea that any force em- experts say tempers can White people are so afraid of privilege was being threaten. is a liberal or conservative. ployed may equal but flare when a suspect losing their status as being the Amy was put in her place by What I do know; even the not exceed the physical resists arrest, but it’s superior race, (which they gave Christan Cooper, a Black man. most liberal and progressive resistance offered by a incumbent upon fellow suspect. officers with cooler themselves), that they resort to At that moment Amy Cooper White person cry Wolf when One technique is to heads to defuse the doing unspeakable things, like did not feel any physical threat their White privilege is being restrain someone on situation and put a stop in the case of Amy Cooper. by Christian; her White privi- threaten. For information and the ground face-down, to excessive force. Ms. Cooper, was obviously lege was being threatened. In understanding on racism and but officers are taught But there’s no sign not in any danger, but she was order for Amay to regain her White fragility, to press a part of the from the video that any annoyed by Christan Cooper’s White status and put this Black I encourage you to watch lower leg, such as the of the officers at the audacity to tell her; a White man in his place, she did what Dr. Robin DiAngelo’s You- shin or top of the ankle, scene with Chauvin woman what to do. most White people do; they tube Video, “White Fragility” across the shoulders or tried to intervene. For Make no mistake about it, Cry Wolf, call the police and at the back. In some cases some that had chilling Amy Cooper was not threat- make false accusations about watch?v=45ey4jgoxeU officers will “hog-tie” echoes of the police suspects’ legs to pre- beating of Rodney vent flight or violent King in Los Angeles in Attention resistance. 1991 despite the pres- To advertise or subscribe call the Advocate Advocate But “no police acad- ence of a supervising emy that we know of officer. @ (559) 268-0941 or visit our facebook page Reader teaches a police officer “That bothered me On Page 8 of this to use their knee, to greatly,” said Stephen- (The California Advocate Newspaper) issue there is a put it on their neck,” son, the use-of-force The California Advocate graphic photo of said Chuck Wexler, expert. “They all have the of Mr. executive director of an affirmative duty and w.c.b.p.a. (West Coast Black Publishers Association) George Floyd at the Police Executive obligation to uphold the hands of the Research Forum, which the law and uphold the N.N.P.A (National Newspaper Publisher’s Association) researches and advises procedures and to stop Mark Kimber • Publisher police. 1555 E Street • Fresno, CA 93706 We print this photo on police practices. any violation of law or Doris Ellenwood •Vice President in the vein of Emmit “That’s just not taught excessive use of force Lesly H. Kimber • Founder (559) 268-0941 because that can impact that they’re a witness Pauline Kimber • Founder Fax: (559) 268-0943 Till and the positive their breathing and to. ... It didn’t look like Julease Graham • Webmaster Email news stories to: impact towards their carotid artery those officers were Taylor KImber • Communications [email protected] change certain (a crucial vessel that making any effort to go Marty Solis • Photo Journalist For Ad inquiries email to: images have on supplies blood to the over or say something Whitney McPherson •Office Management [email protected] society. brain). So when police or do anything.” Page A3 The California Advocate May 28th, 2020 May 28th, 2020 The California Advocate Page A3 Page A4 The California Advocate May 28th, 2020 The George Floyd murder by Minneapolis police sparks protests across the U.S. and globally. (SEE PHOTOS BELOW)

ABOVE: George Floyds two brothers and cousin Tera Brown, center, Philonise Floyd, left, and Rodney Floyd, right. George Floyd Family Still Demands First- Degree Murder Charge Against Chicago, Illinois Police Officers The family of George Floyd interview. We didn’t expect them to is calling for an upgrade in the be so confrontational and right off criminal charges against former the bat charging police officers and Minneapolis police officer Derek pushing police officers.” Chauvin, from 3rd degree murder In Los Angles on Thursday, for to 1st degree. the second night in a row, a small The family also is calling for group, some shouting expletives charges against the other officers at directed at police, gathered outside the scene when a handcuffed Floyd the Los Angeles Police Department begged for his life as Chauvin headquarters. They chanted “we pressed his knee into Floyd’s neck. want justice” and “black lives “We call on authorities to revise matter.” the charges to reflect the true On Friday, the LAPD released a Los Angeles, California culpability of this officer,” the statement that affirmed protesters’ family statement reads. Later in the First Amendment rights but also statement, the family says, “For contained a warning: four officers to inflict this kind The violence involved dangerous of unnecessary, lethal force – or projectiles directed at our people watch it happen – despite outcry as well as some property damage from witnesses who were recording to businesses in the area. While the violence – demonstrates a isolated, if left unchallenged we breakdown in training and policy face the potential of those actions by the City.” expanding and hurting innocent “Today,” the statement says, individuals. This Department will “George Floyd’s family is having continue to facilitate spontaneous to explain to his children why their and planned protests. However, father was executed by police on dangerous behavior will not be video.” allowed, and the LAPD will take This morning after protesters set enforcement action on anyone Seattle, Washington fire overnight to a Minneapolis who endanger fellow peaceful police station, Chauvin was protestors, police officers, and the arrested and charged with third- general public. Houston, Texas degree murder and manslaughter. Chief Moore stated, “We stand The key to an upgrade in charges with our communities and rebuke revolves around a determination of any instance of as Chauvin’s intent and premeditation well as acts of violence or property to cause Floyd’s death. damage.” In footage of Floyd’s arrest, Finally, in Minneapolis Floyd pleaded to Chauvin as the demonstrators set fire to a police officer pressed his knee against building that had been abandoned Floyd’s neck. Floyd screamed, “I by officers, after which CNN can’t breathe!” before he died. correspondent and County prosecutor Mike Freeman his crew were arrested. spoke out on Friday, revealing that governor Chauvin, whom he called “the apologized on Friday morning most dangerous” officer, had been before saying, “None of us can charged with manslaughter and tackle these problems, if anarchy third degree murder. Freeman said reigns on the street” that the case was moving along Presumptive Democratic very swiftly and that the other presidential nominee Joe Biden three former officers are under spoke out, saying he had been in investigation. touch with the Floyd family. Biden The third night of protests, which said officers deprived George Floyd sometimes turned violent, saw of his humanity. “The original sin demonstrations spread beyond of this country still stains our nation Minneapolis. today,” he went on, “and sometimes On Thursday night, New York we manage to overlook it…But it’s City police arrested 72 people always there. Weeks like this we during a protest that began in see it plainly: That we are a country Manhattan’s Union Square; with an open wound.” five people were charged with Black leaders in Minneapolis assaulting officers with street held their own news conference debris. “We didn’t expect this,” on Friday, calling for justice and Chief Terence A. Monahan the arrest of all four of the former said Friday morning in a radio officers.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Minneapolis, Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota Page A5 The California Advocate May 28th, 2020 May 28th, 2020 The California Advocate Page A5

Manhattan, N.Y. residents, protest the killing of George Floyd.

Pictures in the life of Mr. George Floyd “The Gentle Giant” Page A6 The California Advocate May 28th, 2020 Page A7 The California Advocate May 28th, 2020 May 28th, 2020 The California Advocate Page A7 Page A8 The California Advocate May 28th, 2020

On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, died in Minneapolis, Minnesota, after , a white police officer, knelt on Floyd’s neck for almost nine minutes while Floyd was handcuffed face down in the street. Two other officers further restrained Floyd and a fourth officer prevented onlookers from intervening. During the final three minutes Floyd was motionless and had no pulse. Officers made no attempt to revive him, and Chauvin’s knee remained on Floyd’s neck even when emergency medical technicians attempted to treat him.