M& VOICI.S on the sound~tmck fnded down and T died. While the people on the 'Cr«n moved their lips in ai!cncc, a m:m•s deep voice cut in nnd nskcd, .. h there a doctort in he the<'ttrd rr there is. will he plentc come to the manager'a offitc risht ll wtty~ " A tnll young mo\n arose in tl1e $Cmi -dArknc:s..~ of the thentrc nnd bqvm cdgins- his way townrd the :ai11le. Batt l:'is.her watched him go UJ'I the aisle with lo11g, swift atridcs. His wife leaned coward him and whis­ pued, '"Wasn't that youngAifrM Buna~~·· Da" noddtd. ''Probably his fine movie in months.•• The voices eame back to the SC'ttn and the audience: ruttled for a moment and then scni«l back to listen. lt wu a~ movie, but now O;m's mind w.as w~tndering f:u from t he screen. He was thinking of Alfred Barnes-and wondcrina, as no doubt others in the nudience were-what emergency hnd called him to the bnck of the theatre. A hcllrt nttnck . .. 1t fnincina sp-ell ... :tn nccidenc . .. these thing.!! hAppen. 1t w11s fortunA.te th:tt young Bnrnes WAI there , . . And yet it was something more than "fortune" that h.Ad Jet the boy re:~li"tt hi• ambitions tO be a phyaidan in the first place. Bart smiled t·o himJCJ( u he rcnlled how seriously the lad had tpoken of his ••career in medicine.. the tint rime he stOOPed at the Barnes home to talk about insunnc~. nc boy was only about founeen, then, and his (uher was pcartly amusul at his seriousnea-and partly proud, too. And he had the foresight to b."'lek up cl1c boy's plans with a New York Life policy,juttin case •.• J n the haU.d arkness of the thent.re, B:trt nodded thouahcfully. Yes, he decided. it wa.a ll wonderful ex~ nmpfe of life insurance at work . . . of ll f~tth er helpin.s hi.s ton ntt:tin his ambitions . , • of one aeneml,i on hc:J pin& the next go a little higher, do a little better in h(c ... T he picture wu over. a.nd the theatre' li~;hu arew bria·hc. AJ Bart reached ovtt to help his wtfe p,ut on herooat she said, ""How did you like thettoryl' He shook his ht2d and smiled. ••1 rtally wasn~t paying too much attention. I've been enjoying another one." Then he chuckled and said, "Even had a smaJI part in it mysdf!"


Paw OOCUPA1'10NS offer a man 10 much io the way of ptorsont l reward as life underwriti ng. Many New York U(e agents ace buiJdio.g ~ery J"ubsuncial lutu.cu fortbtm1elves by hdpiogochers plan ahud (or theirs. J{you would Hke to know more abouc a life insurance c:al'ffr. r..J.k it OYer with the New York Life muager in your eommunicy-or .-rice 10 the Home OWce ac the addccu abon . Missouri UllH l~ l~ f Alumnus mm~ g;~ ~·· · "'The melancholy days -.re come, The ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE The uddest ol the y~r •.."

Bu1 noc until Ott®cr pve us a burSt of brilli:mcc :~~nd bcbtcd summer, rtmindin& us to ttorc up be:luty to arry through approaching winter, much :.s the ronctrt m:..ner closes a prOgram with :. a:r:uHI finale of musie On Campus ...... Pages 2-3 so be:nuiful 1lmt the melody lingers in our mindt lo11g nftcr. Ch .. ractcristic or Mi.ssouri ~ re :~ few h:.bi •~ llOted e:tth year. The man next "How Wide is our Campus" ...... Pages 4-5 door g;tthm:d hl:.ck wa1nun on S:~rur­ day .aftemoon, &prt.ading them out in his boc:ky>rd tO hull r.. dryinJ. Un­ mjndful of the Sabb:uh a squirrel be­ Missouri Headliners ...... Pages 6-7 gan early the nn:t mornina., hulling :md storinc them in the hoUow ttee on the school y:ard while Gcorce ovenlept ' ror S11nday School. The Bains Make Apple Butter ...... Page 8 They tell ut poor aoil makes good 5orghum, but the ca.ldum content seemed unimporu nc aince the A11vor Sports ...... Pages 9-10 :uld arom:. were plenaing. We watched the mnkinl' or our "bucker'' of sorg­ hum, bourht along the highway, from the c:me through the hu~e rollcn to the Classnotes ...... Pages ll-20 boiling p:ms and inc·o the pails in the shed. The sign ak>nc the road, '"T umips for Sale."' settned to remind ut they were planted '"2Sth of July, wet or NOVEMBER, 1950 dry." The leaves on the l:lwn, the storm VOL. XXXIX N UMBER 3 window5, that bn bit of p:.inting, all these oome in for a bit of attention. Mom hu a wintel' bouquet of bitter­ THE COVER-The University of Mi11ourl Football Band under the direc­ swett on the mnntel. There's fresh don of George C. Wilson (inset) 1ivea one or itt many aplendid performance~ in apple butter and sweet cider in the: re­ Memorial Stadium between halve• of a game. In addition to the home football frigmtor. eehedule, thia band. composed of men only, makes out-of... town t:ript with the football team, this year's trip beinc to Lincoln. Nebralka. The Home


November 20~23

Monday. November 20 7:.i0 P. M.-Coron>tion ol Homecom­ ing S)Jcc:n, Bre-wer Fidd Howe

Tuesday, November 21 8:00 P. M.-Cuncut~ Norman Gran:& and '•Jan at the Philh:umonic,'' Brewer field Hou$e

Wednesday, November 22 Silver Annivuury Closs or 1925 Rcginr:ation in Alumni Offici! 110 Jesse 1-1•11 2:00 P.M.-"Get Together," Gwynn Holl 3:30 P.M.-Tour$ or the C:.mpus 6:00 P.M.-"2Sth Annivc:ranry Re. Ullion Oi1lner," Danid Boone Hotd In behalf of the University of Missouri, I wish to exte1ld a sincere 7:15 P.M.-Pep R' lly, Obsc:rv:'lcory welcome home to all of our alumni and forn\er students. \Ve want you to Hill keep in touch with the Univer11iry'M steadily developing J>rOgr;am in order 8:00 P.M.-Homecoming Onncc: (in· formal) Rothwell Gymn:llium that you may always feel ac home on che c:lmJ)US. During the present year we have completed two more l::arge dormitories for men, a large dormitory for freshmen women, a large addition to Rothwell Gymnonium, a1'1d a new T h ursday, November 23 chemistry building. We :are completing the first large section of the new 8:00 A.M.-Open House, Division of Agricultural College Planr, and we are erecting a large classroom building Agriculture. Office o( the De:.n, which will also house the suA' of the College or Education. And finally the Mumford H:a11 Union Building is really on the way. 8:30 A.M.-Morur Boord Dreakfm, The Inglenook: These are all d reservations ing eonsundy to make it even nronger. 9:00 A.M.-12:00 noon-Open House, I wish to extend a special word or welcome to the members o£ the College ol Art$ •nd Sc;.na:, Jesse Class or 1925 who are celebrating the twenry-fifth Anniversary. Holl 9:00 A.M.-12:00 noon-Open House, We hope you reull your yun on the campus with pleaunt memories College of Eng;neerinc and have treasured your associ:uion with the University as it has taken 9:00 A.M.-I :00 P.M.-Colfee Time, Law School, T>te Hall pride in your career. From your anduation day until this, I a.ssure you 9:00.11:00 A.M.-Collee Time, School welcome, still rhat the old charm or tradition, loyality, and the friendly of Journalism, Nell Hall persists here in undiminished strength. 9:00 A.M.-12:00 noon-B. & P. A. School (corridor) \Ve shall look forward tO your vitit tO the c~mpu.s on Homecoming 9:30 A.M.-Home

The Missouri Alumnus Geologist$ to Washington Oak Hunter o£ Moberly, chairm:.n Coun­ A Missomi Breakrast is being held or the Alumni Athletic Advisory :t repreunt:.tive M this yeAr by gr:.du:ues <>f the Univer­ cil, was n:•mcd as Athletic Committee :1.t ol Missouri in ::att~ndancc ~t the the UniverJity sity in Columbia annu:.l meeting or the Geoioaial So­ a mttlinc o£ the Council 7. ciety of Americn in Washington, D. C. on October Elmer Webber ol St. Louis w~s nbo J~mes Steele W ill i:<~ms, rnnking Dr. on the nth· with the U. S. Geological chosen :u; re1)resent:1rive gto!oein Dutton Brook· for the mec:ting 3t lc::tic committee and Survey arranged City W:tJ named as af.. 8:30 A.M. o• Friday, Novtmber 17, t;dd ol Kanw representative. in the Lafayette Hotel. u:rnate the meeting of the A .A.~ of Mis­ Following Members of the University A.C.• members or the Council met in a :tre profes­ souri l:lculty in :attc.nd:mce joint a.es.sion with the University Ath· D. Kelfu, Ot:auncey D. son W:~lter lctic Comn,itt~. Holmes. Cl:.yton H. johnson, Wilbrd B. Phelps ond Athcl G. Unklesbay. to Journalism Staff (The :tctivitics of our geology de­ Votaw putment extend af:~r--be sure t'O re:ad Maurice E. Votow, B.]. '19, A.M. the story of C:lmp Br:uuon, "How ~J. has b«n .-ppoffl:ted usistant p~ wide is Out C:.mpus.") r.... r or tht School o( Joumolism or the Univcraity of Missouri. He will ses, Editorial Writin ~; "High Green-" by R. M. Neal te:1ch two cour Today'a Problem.s, :~nd Editorial HELEN M. BUCKNER ond the Bork Peelers" :md "Hich G,.... Pa•e Dir«tion. of the new, non-:u:ademic is the tide Votaw spent twenty-teven yc:::tn in puhlic:.tion by Professor R. M. Neal Director China :u :'Ill educator, newspnper cor­ W omen's l or Joul'll:tlism. Taking of the Schoo rea:pondent And government in(orma· Dr. j :tck M:ttthcws, De:~n or Stu· from nailro:.d j:.r~ton, thi~ itt name He was :11 member o( at the University, announces a.n the Uoston and tN>n offici:.!. dents book is a story or bcufty ol Sr. John'• Univenicy in expandtd prognm (or the supc1'Vi,io.t in which Professor the M:aine R:tilro.,d continuously (rom 1?22 to student :.fr:.irs. Director o( student horh his r:.mili:.rity with Sh:mgh:ti or Neal thows 1939, the last (ourtetn years :~.s pro­ affaira (or men is Rohert G. Zumwinkle che rnilroad and hh1 voc.ahtll:try style rcssor of journalism and registrar. Dur­ and MI 'J, Helen M. Ouckner is :1c:ting and strength. · ing J lc::wc or absenee th:at extended director of student alain (or women. nine ye:trJ he was :~~dvlscr to the The ALUMNUS introduced Mr. Zum· A new m~ber of the horticulture Chinese Mininry o( lnform:nion ~nd winkle to our re:ulcn recently ;md we: lri is St31T nt the Univenity or MiJsot the Government lnform:uion Office of now t~•ke pleasure in inn·oducing Mrs. Haro lcl E. Mosher, instmctor :111d l a n d~ China. In 1948-49 he re~ u med hit Buckner . .sape :.rt.hitecr. A n;~tive o( Maua­ Unive,.. (onner posit~on at SL John's Mra. Buek.ner is :1 native Missourian, and a. andu:;ate with two de­ dun of the: chuunt airy. :tnd wu also eJected born :~nd r:tised in St. C1u.rfea. She University o( MaS$:il­ grees: (rom the: College or Aru. received her B.S. dcaree in education Mosher hns been IIU!H!rinten­ chusent, Mr. Voe:tw returned to the United at indcl'lwood College in 1923. Aher l;mdsc:tpe :.rchi­ L dent or ground! :.nd last year. He w:ts elected pres­ te:tchins: (our ye:ara i1l the secondary the p:tSt St:ues teet (or the Wlce Pl:add c-lub ide.nr of the class or 1919 during Home· schools in Kans:aa, she was married and three •nd • h•lf yeors. coming activitirs. mchinc rank or :..ssi.tt:mt. professor. i,g the wat yean. still remember Suter received his B.S. degree from Arter the death or Or. Buckner in Cornell University in 1947, an M.S. 1944, t he retumed to school ror arlld· way back when from the University or lllinoi& in 1948, uate work. receiving her A.M. degree •nd h;. Ph.D. rrom Comtll in 1950. at Peabody in N:uhville, Tenn., in He will te:~ch brm man:agcmtnt 1949. Her cradu:tte W'Of'~ W'3.S in the courses at the University. field or counseling :md guidance with speci2l work in the area or residence ls. Mn.. Buckner served at head Laite reainrations have brought the hal one of our . ol We" Donnitory wn~c a total enrollment in the Unive:rsity o( resident :It Peabody. Missouri's Calumbia divdions to s,.n2 student greatest pleasures h=-s two dnu&hters, dents. Ml'l. Buckner stu are both students is when you The School or Mines ond Mmllur&y Ann :.nd Nancy, who University o( Missouri. in RoU:t h:~• 1,685 srudt:nts enrolled, in the stop in and see us. brin1ing the tot:tl enrollment of alt di. visions o£ the Univenity or Missourl to 10,407 this semester. Dr. John Rufi, pro(cssor of educntion STORE :tt the University. is retiring a(ter IS , CAMPUS DRUG Presidtnt F...derick A. Middlebuoh years :u chairnun o( the state commit­ Conley 806 or the Univertity o£ Mluourl was elect~ tee of the North Central As.socUtion ed president o£ the American Associ:a· of Colltgeo and Stcondory Schools. Dr. tion or Univenities :~t the 6£cy-first Charles W. Mc.:L;:me, director. of ad­ :tnnual meeting of the Auociat:ion in miuions or the Univcnity. is his suc­ Rochester, N. Y. late in O.tober. cessor.

November, 1960 3 . How Wide IS Our Campus? By M. G. MEHL and C. H. JOH NSON

To many people the sfog:an ''WMder­ even wonder why he w:~s t:.ll:ed into ful \Vyomi•lg" is quite appropri3te for t:.lcing the •'Circle Drive." However, that state. Certainly the most c-;~1- within :\ few miles he will cross a cle.:tr louscd traveler or booster lor another rushing strc::~m ;~nd begin co rhink of st~• te will :~ dmi t that there arc many those "pan rrics" with the r::t inbow delightful surprises in store: for the stripe along their sides. Then sudden­ vi$itol' to Wyoming-sur,)rises that are ly he re:.li~es that Oil his right-where not :~ II to be fnt~nd in the much·publi­ the stream shottld be-there is only .:ized attractions. c:myon w:tll; Below. to his ldr, is rhe ! If you tr;tvcl in che viciniry of the srre.1nl t1nd it is bouncing :tlong in the to wn of l.,.;nder about J2S miles south same direction :1$ where he crossed it! ;mel a little c:otst of Y d lowstone Nntion­ This i.s Ripley's "strc::~m th:tt Row$ ouc :~1 P:.rk, your car radio may pick up of a mountain.'• Locally it is know•~ the local station, and, along with ''the :ts the Sinks :md Rise or the Popo Agie latest f:-tshions at llaldwin's, 6ne roods R iver. The ch:mcc$ :1re that while he :1 t Charlie's Sul)t.r-Marlr:et, and the is still puzzling over the l)('culi:•r bc­ high sehoul footbnll scores,'' you :.re h:wior of the sti'C:'II11 he notices :1 l:•rge likely to heilr an invit=:~tion co follow rustic sign t'The University or M i:~­ the "Circle Drive," a 60-mile tri1) souri-Geology-C:.mp Edwin B. Br:m­ through rhe Wind River Mountains :~on," and he is about to enter the from Lander :md rcwrn. Whether you gate into the U•liversity ()( Mis:.~ou •·i This is the way it's done. A work are from Illinois or Tc l:tho the drive will C:unpus which he SIIPI>Osed he had left crew of fo ur or fiv e students and a prove co be alm0$t breatiH:tking par­ many miles behind! Here :1t l:lst is faculty supervisor goes to camp a ticub rly as you round the end of Red somethiug to brag :tbout- ;1 campu$ week early to gd the camp ready. C.·myon :md vit.'W the p:mor:tmn or bril­ mote than eleven hundred miles across! This year the mes.s hall had to have a liant colltrasting colors ;md f;unastic­ Hc•·e is chc unexpected thrill ! new roof, and Professor M. G. Mebl :.lly c:trved rocks or the sky line that T here is no 'm i sr~ke-chis is re:11ly put aside his hammer long: enou.gh to stretches before you. parr of the University Campus :.nd ;~s take this picture. Even the impressive beauty of the be:eu tirul :1 part :'IS the most cherished l:lndscape is likely to become h:l'i'.. cd in spot in dte Columbi<~ area. education system and dt:.. c idecl to do t he mind or the Missouri Grad touring As he moves :1long the winding road wmerhing about it. He determined t he •tCircle Drive" because he h:~s in through silvery aspens :md tall, state­ th:'lt he would combine cbss room work store :1 grcattr thrill-to be experienc­ ly pines bene:.th which the sc:•ttered. with actual experience, under super· ed in the least expected pbct. As he rtd-roolcd, sturdy, log-construction vision in the: field. He saw in tht area leaves this last ol the ol

4 The Missouri Alumnus This problem of an out-of-doors not hear such <1uestions :.s "how many fundament:1ls of field work :It the Wyo­ class room w;1s I)Ot easily settled. In cuts are :1JIOwcd?" ming camp would be si1... 1b le and would those early days or pionee•·ing field Some of the work is pretty strenuous re;~ch imo all the m~ j or oil companies, courses. are-as all over the cou1ltry were in spire of the trii>S by car to and £rom the mining industry, the Ul\ited St~ttes investig:.ted; possibilities _ in M:~ine. work, and at the end of seven to ten Gc.'Ological Survey. sever-al state geo­ Mi.ssouri 1 Arizon:l, New Mexico, Utah, hours in rhe held all ate ready to uun­ logical surveys, :nul among the teacht.'TS and even C:.lifornia were tried. The ble Out of the cars and into a hot or a la.·ge numbc.'f or colleges :md uni· trial of a diffe•·ent region was usui\lly shower where they are sometimes versities. All are enthusiastic about followed by another season in Wyom­ caught by the supper belli There is old Camp Lander- as it was formerly ing, and in 1925 it was decided that usually sorne time for reerc:nion after called-and all ;~ re delighted with the rhe Lande•· arc::• was the ideal spot. the evening meal and before darkness. new Camp Edwin ll. Branson. Tl1 ey In that year the firs t $tt:I>S were t:1ken Horseshoes, , fishing, or some­ feel thi\t rhis ~'I small tribute to the in the plnn for a permanent c:~mp. A thing not so strenuous such ;~s bridge man who g-;1ve $() m UCh Of himself tO SO single building, a simple log strucrurc, m:1y occupy this l)eriod. It seems diffi­ many yo\•ng men. was at that timt: erected at the pre.~­ cult to believe that :1 few sc:em m fin d ent site. The f:1ct th:1t this crude great enjoyment in climbing the Stef..'ll j ames W. Price, B.j. '25, editor ;~n d srructu re w:~s designed :'IS the l.:• bo r:~ ­ ca.nyon w:•lls in their free time. published of 'llle Posr-Telegr:oph of tory is a fair index of the seriousness When the sh:•dnws bc.-gin to Fi ll the Princeton, Missouri, claims to be the with which these fie ls, o•· perh:1ps hear your "green srory about fl'eshman gc.'Oiogy" as they c:1lled it. For several sc:.rchi•lg the litcr:n urt for some help days"- maybe we could publish some years :•fter the e•·ection Qf the fi ~t un :1 particul:1r knotty problem. '*S:1ck of them. s tutle.us building the and faculty conk­ rime" come.~ fa irly early and it is sel­ Jim II;IS long been .. booster or the t(l, :lte, and slept ouhi is divirl· ed into units of eight to fi fteen stu· dents, depending on the problems for the day, and with their instructor start fo•· the fi eld at 7:30a.m. Rarely is a man left behind because he is slow, and never the same m>'!n twice! This view of Sinks Canyon, in which Camp Branson is located, was taken On the Camp Branson Campus we do nearer Granite Knob, more discernable in the upper right background.


The proceeds :tre used to provide c: le:Hl dent or K:1n1+11 Wesleyan U1liversity recreation :wd certain essentials for the in Salina on Oct. 18. Mr. W:~ dd ell'a pri.sonen. wire, the fonner Katherine A. Davis, Mr. Windtor is a membtr ol the Oi:­ also received her de&ree from (he Uni,.. rec-ton of Hockaday School for Girls vet~ity o( Miuouri, an A.B. dqrce in in D~Uu. An elder in the Prdbytet­ 1922. i:tn O'lurch of Tyler, he it ch:~irm::m of the building committ« which is com· Leland W. H a~ud repres-e-nted the pletin~t :m $800,000 church. University :It the: inauguration or Or. While :t Student at the University, John Christinn \Vnrner ns the presi· Windsor w :IS a member or Sigma Nu, dent or CMnecic 1•llfitutc or Technol­ nnd one of the ch:'ltcer members or ogy ac Pin.tburah. P:t., and at the ob-­ Sc:abb:~rd :md Bbde. He is currently servnnce ol the f\ft itth ;mniverury of president ol the Sigma Nu Alumni AJ. the (oundin.c of the institution on Oct. sociatton in Texas. • 27 and 28. Mr. Hn•rd, who r«eived W. C Windtor, Jr., who goduoted an A.B. decree £rom the Univenity in in 1?46 in Business Administro1tion :It 1918, is vie:e-presidtnt and general the University or Ml.ssouri, ia now in coun&el of the Pitrsburgh Plate Glus Nav:tl Service :tt San Diego with :1 Company. Nnvnl Air Squadron. Prior t O reenter­ ing itl'vice, he was •·unning ~ manu­ John H. Wolper, , member or the rac:tming busineu :md looking :thtr a Board of Ct~r:.ton and c:hairnum of the r:.rm W. C. WINDSOR adjacent to the eity l im it~ o( Exttt.~tlvc Jlo.-.rd or Columbia, repre­ D:~llat, where he wu maldnc his home. sented the: Univertity of Missouri at the twenty-cichth W ind.sor·Texan or annual mectinc ol Missourian? M. U. Representatives the Auociattoft of Goveminc Boards Lined in "Who's Who in the South. ot St.ate Universities TI\c Univenity of Mlssourl wu rep­ :md Allied J nsti­ west" is .a 19J.f. gradutte or the Uni-­ rutions :tt Charleston, resented by alumni :tt :mnive S. C., November venity o£ Missouri who lives :and works rury a1ld I, 2, ond 3. in:•ugur:•l ceremonies held :tt 11ix col­ in T yler, Tex:~s, bu t h:•• !'rever lost leges n1HI universities rec:endy. his lnrercs:t in Missomi. We, .el L. Stonge! M.S., 1916, now Nursing School Accredited Wilbur C. Windsor, b:~ nk er, agricul­ de:an o( ua:riculture :It Tex3& Techno-­ The School or Pr::~ctic-al Nursi;,C at tur:~litt :md oil man, m aint:~irts :m ac-­ logic;al :t.t Lubboc.k. Ta., represented the University or Missouri has bun tive interest in Missouri throuah the ~ccredited by the National Association old homepbco the Univenity on Oct. 20 :It the fint (Wind...- Pbco) which tor Practtcal Nune Educ-a.tton, fol· he still owns. This Iarm or 1800 acres t'Ytnt in a series beinc held by Texas Tech 10 observe its Silver Annivm.:try. lowinc a aurvey vis.it by the UIOC:i.a· of l:and it located seven miiCJ south of tion's executive aecrctary. The school Boonville, Mo. Windsor is :al10 chalr­ · Or. E. T. Gomez, who received his wlll begin itt second year in j O'I nuary m:m of the Board or N :~tion al Bank o£ by enrollinc its third class or trainees. Boonville. Maner of Artt degree in 1929, :tnd " Jn Texas, along with running an oil Ph.D. deg•·ee '" 1937, served :1t the Centennial Convocation or the Wom­ business, Mr. Windsor ia :1 director of an'• Medical the Citizens Nattonal Bank o( Tyler, College or Pennsylvania a director in the Independent Petrol­ Oct. 1• in Phib.ddphi:a. Dr. Gomez is aulnant phy1iolocist at the Univertity tum Association of Americ:~, the Mid­ of Pcnru.ylvania School of Veterinary Continent 0.1 & Gu A.aocia~ and Texao Independent Prodocen and Roy­ Medicine. alty Owners Assoe:i:nion. The~e duties, Ji"r:.n alcmg with a few odd jobs, consume k L. Loc:lwood, ., retired civil most of his time. encincer of C:aldwell, Idaho, who re .. However, Mr. Windsor finds time for ceived hit D.S. degree in civil enainecr· civic duties as well. He i& Chairman ing from the University in 1906 rep­ ol the Board or Tex:aa' two oldest in· resented his Afma Mater .at the inauc­ ttiturion.s that have beat in conrinuous uration or Dr. Paul Marsh Pitman as opcntion. One ol theK is AUJtin Col­ pruidcnt ol the College o£ Id.aho in Ieee. a Presbyterian J<:hool founded in Caldwell on Oct. 14. 1849, one or the (OUI\dtt1 being Sam HouJton. The other is the TQ:tS Pri..s­ G. W. Schaumburg, a graduate of President Frederick A. Middlebuth Ot\ System, which \VIII rounded the the School o£ Mines and Mmllurgy aneta Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Hall •~me year in Hunttville, Sam Hous. at Rolla, represented the Univertity :lt of Clinton, Mo., on September 20 at con's residence, and in which Houston Provo, Utnh, on October 16 and 17. the Annual Alumni Luncheon. Mr. j)rob:ably h:~d an intereat. The J9th Hall, who nrvea the M. U. Alumnl Annual Pri.son Rodeo, htld in October Gedald N. Wnddell, vice·president Auoci.ation wtU in Henry County, in Huntsville, ha..s a current annual or the Davis-Child Motor Compony or hu served tht A.&riculturaJ Extens.ion dnwin,c power of ovtr 100.000 paid Salina, K an.~ B.S. in C.E. "2•, repre­ Service of the University lon&e:r than 2dmissions and nation:a1 c:ovence by sented the Univcniry at the inaucura­ any othu aacnt, l\a9inc been on the preu, radio~ newsrc:tlt :and mapt.ines. ttorl o£ Or. Albert S. Trickett a1 presi- staff aincc 1911.

6 The Missouri Alumnus The Univers:ity Alumni As.soci:ation appreci.ues the s-plendid work which these people 2-rc dotna for the Univer­

sity :and for che Association, and e:x4 rends to :~11 cnduatet, forme.r srudents and friends ol the University ~ cordia! i.nvit

Alums in New York Area: Univenicy or Miuouri alumni who ;~re livins in the New York are;, are missing somtthinc if the.y can not at­ tend the 3C:tivitics of the New Yorl: Association. On S.ptembc< 22nd rho Association had a mckr:ail party IU the Club with over 150 persons in :llft:ntlance. Pl:lns for another party l'lre untler way for December 9, prior ro the MiHoui'i­ CCNY h:uohth:~ll Ql'lm<:. Intcrenc«t MiaKourinnK Khoulcl call R. A. " Red" Gr:1t!am :1t I. B.M.-Long­ acrc: 4--7700, or drop him :1 line: in c:are o1 tho Phi Delto Club.

Ebert to Veterinary Stalf Dr. F..lpr F. F.ben o( Konus Ciry hu bftn appointttl Pml~r of Vet­ terinary Medicine :md Surgery ;md Director ol 1he Veterinary Clinics :It Upper photo: Mr. and Mn. James E. Campbell or Kanut Chy (left) and the Univtnity or Mimuri. Mr. and Mra. F. P. Sizer of Monett enjoy the food, c.onverutJon 1nd 1un1hine l)r Ehcrt it :a ttrncluntc of Colorado in the gtrden ol the Middlebuah Home on September 30. Everett Keith (fating A ancl M. Cnlltp:t:, 'Jl. Be h::~s en4 the camera. right ee.nter) viaitt with Mr. and Mrs. Chester C. Calvert of Shel· g:~ge~l in priv"tt JU' t~crire in Om:aha, blna and Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Woodruff of Ashton. Nebr., :mel Kant:ll City. Mo., and Lowc.r photo: Standinr, extreme Jertf it Cloin Penner, Chrl1tian County servc:

N ovember, 19~0 7 The Bains Make Apple Butter By GE ORGE GOLSON, '48

If Elsa M:lxwcll, the world famous :erd . "92, 'a former professor of archeol­ party giver, eve-r neetls :my help in ogy at the Univenity. Mr. and Mrs. sr:~gi ng one of her shindigs she could Bain have one daughter, Mrs. George well ~ ftord w call on Mr. nnd Mrs. Rush of Columbia, who rtteived an P.-.uerson Bain, a couple of Utlivcrsiry A.B. at Missouri in '48. of Missou.·i Gtall u<•tcs. T he an nu al gathering w:'ls started 20 For whe-n it somes to pu ning o,-, a years ago when Mr. and Mrs. I3:tin successful soci:-.1 g:.rher in~. the Bains invited 20 o( rheir dose friends in to nre old hands. make cider. Each person brought Ele Butter Stir. W hen the Jlains held the modest· l11e event is he-l d nt the Bain's su m~ si'l.cd first affair. it is doubtful if they mer home in rhc orch:•nL This yC"ar rt:•li'l.ed ro what llroportion ir would llll\Wtrds of 500 persons were on hand grow by 19$0. T hey merely flgu rcd it the :tftcnmon o r October 22 to aid in was a nice m:anne•· in wl1ich to mc.•et mnl.:ing rhe apple buttt r :1nd to g•·eet rhcir r.·ic:nds e;ech )•ear. and be greeted by Mr. nnd Mrs. Bain. Bu t C::lCh b ll when rime ror the Most of the gu est~; were from Colum. evcn r rolled around th e inv itation list bi:1., Joc;~ ted only 13 miles northc:tst ~ rew longer until it rc:1chcd its $00 of McB:line, and included m:my U•li· total rhis yt:ar. T he apple butter finished, Adeline All the guests have an Opport unity vc:rsity faculty mc:mbcrs. ;~ l umni and Bain Ruth , better known to her s tudents. However. Mr. and Mrs. to help make the :tpple butter. Each £riends as "Pinky", ladles th e delicacy D:.in sent out 500 invir:1tions ro all person is allowed to s tir the butter for into jars. corners of Missouri :t1HI some of those a few minutes :1s i.t stciovs for :t 12-hour p resent (:lme from K:msns Ciry, St. 1}(!riod in a large copper kettle over an lltory, JO.room house, it is fl lled with J....ouis :md other parts ahour the state. open log 6rc in the orchard. m:.ny eye-catching antiques. A breath­ Prepar:.tion.s for making the butte-r tak ing v iew of t he Missouri river can T he Bains hnvc o perated the orch:lrd :1 re begun the night before the s tir be had f•·om a .small r o•·ch on the sec­ s ince 1921. Mr. Dili ill received :1 de­ when friends of tl1c Bai11S cnme to the ond Aoor. g ree in e•lginccr-ing in 1909 and Ml'$. house arid peel and t ore fou r bushels J r would Jtt(:m that the job of tak­ Dai11e gr-adu:1ted with :tn A.B. in 191 7. ol i1PI,Its. ing t:tre of 500 ~u ests would be enough Mrs. B :~in is the formt'r Marjorie At about 7 the next morning the to wear any two people to a literal Jones ~nd is :1 daughter or the late fire is su r-ted under the kettle and frazzle-. Bu r such is not tht c:tse with j ohn C:u lcton Jo•les, who served as eip;h t gallons of cider :a re put in :md Mr. and Mrs. Bain. 1lu!y seem :.s Preside•n of the University from 192 1 boiled U11til Ollly about h:tlf is left. fresh and gay at rhe end or the d:ty :1$ ro 1923. T h en the apples :e re added. T hese por· they do at the st:'lrt. l n f:tcr. t-he orch;erd was begun by tions m:1 ke :.bout eight gallons of apple look forward to the Stir each Mr. Jones and the late Dr. Jolul Pick· •·we butccr. ye:.r," Mr. Ba in s:•ys. Du ring the afternoon the guests take Probably the Bains, who make their tu rns stirring the butter with a long­ home in Columbi:'l during the winter handled paddle. T he stin·ing prevents arc alre:ady thinking about and Jllan­ the butter from burning. Some people ning for the l9Sl gnthcr-ing. toss pe11 nies into the kettle aher mak· ing a wish. The stirring keei)S the m ix­ Chunn to T. C. U. ture from $ticking to the kettle nnd Professor Ellsworth 01Unn, author the tossed penny insu res that the wi,sh and former Professor of J ourn:'llisrn at will come true. the University of Missouri, assumed The fi nalt step of he process is to :add his new du ties t his fa ll as Director of sugar ;~n d spict:. Cooking is c-ompltced Public Rcl:'ltions and Profencu- or Ad· about 7 in the evening. vertising fo r T ex:.s Chris tian Univer­ Guests are permin ed to wander sity ;t t Fort Worth. through· :1 portion of the orchard and Professor Chunn's latest book, "The pick u p apples for e:ating from the Publ ication Laws of Oklahoma," was t rees. T he B:•ins also see to it th:.t recently cited by Editor and Ptcblisher. plenty of cider i.'l on hand. T his year T h is summer Professor Chunn COn· guests consumed about 40 gallons. ductt d a tour of the United Stat C$: for T he Stir i.s held the m iddle or latter a group or IC-11 Austrian newspapermen. part or October each ye:.r. The weath· er at this seaso11 is usually favorable. All members o f rhe class of 1950 of and this year it was ideal. T he d ear the University of Missouri School of j us-t back of the old copper kettle. blue sky overhead w2s acc:omp a1\ied by Med icine h:ave successfully transferred a (amity heirloom i.n which the apple a mercury re:~ ding of 75. to other accredited medical s.choots to butter is cooked, are Mr. and Mrs. The Bain's home is open for inspec­ contin\te without interruptio n their Patterson Bain, the host and hostn s. tion by the guests. A rambling 2- work townrd an M .D. degree.

·.s The Missouri Alumnus SPORTS

FOOTBALL ror t.d.'.s on Jhc:N-t plunges:. with :II JJ.y:.rd run in 'he final qu:arter, ap. Klein·to-Bob Spocnem.:an p:~u for 13 pliH, whc:n Nchraska de~ two uf the villiWI'II ' ~<.·un.•s-imc un ;1 50- of one (oor. (c;ttt:d mu·cy Simpson'• y:•rd All l'iru-whilc lhy M:1thc..-ws :mel Cnach Cha Woeks fired :>w>y for 257 of the 27'1 tc:a m, U -20. cncl Glt:nn Smith al£ft 111Hued in Lhe yo•rd.s 1he low:mJ rnlk-clc:cJ by :.ir-and fivl"-ttluchdown victory. pegged ;.II rhrc:c: acorin~t p:IJ!IC:S to Dor· Sonw 25.(.X) f:mt~ w:atdu.'d MiSIO'Iri Cage Seoson Nears :an. The Ti~'-"''J huilt up :a 20-13 lod O( the Moving r:apidly row:~rd :t D«tmbc:r mak:t iU: dtcpcsl pt:ndfatitNl on a IS-y:arcl acorintt p:as.s from John 15-y::ard line in 7 opener with \Vas:hin-ron U. • :at St. :a£temoon to CkmJOn's Glorlnsu ro Gdt Sp:n\ y St>kup will mrt rhe fourth «ru:.rter. y..rd tuuchclnwn5 by (.1orioso :md f.d Loui& 1 ketball 1c.1:Mn equipped Srepl1ens-unly tu h:ave Weeks thnm· the 19~5 h:ts S.M.U. 21, Missouri 0 wirh :a thin sprinklint:: or VC:t~n hold­ the .::~me int() :1 deadlock with :a (ourth· Southern MethcKiitt prolonged the the rhre21 ol :a ~ood quarteT Jlt-y:•rd p:au to Than. overs. :md minu:~ T'igtn' tot1chdown l:nni11t, ::ar1d uncoil­ "'big man... The Ti~tera outgaincd Jow:a State. ed a sh:~rp JtWIIncl-:ultl-:~ir assault to Stalcup-lamlchin~ his Mth sc:»son 277·103 Oil rhc around- hur were deft:lt the Mi ~§CJu ri:mll before 3S,(XX} a1; Mi:n.ou's ca&ema:ner-will build rhi!l rhcmstlvc:~ outyarcled on p:u~c11, 279· (:IIlii. yc;~ r's tl!rd t.d. pl>y. >nd hit Ed 6gt•re to be the whcc:lhoraes tn Bi~t Henley to Harold C:.ner whic:h carried Stephy-<>11 p.us of eicht Seven competition. to the S.M.U. S-yord line just before yorcls. Klein picked up Miuou's thi

the h>ll. rally on a l·yard chrwt1 and Stephms rail- 2nd St:alcup, :.a;:ain KheOlfb>

November, 1950 9 cr; Geor'e Lafferty, speedy. dutch· The Tigers' last (:ar-Weatern trek was pl:aying gu:.rd and any one or sevenl to Los Angeles in 1937 when U.C.L.A Renew lt'ood rookie prospects including Gme stopped the Missourians. 13.0. Other Landolt, Gory Scllod!er or Lee Epley. inters«tional foes on the t9S2 Tiger Your Heincm:m, Suuffer and Lafferty are acenda indude So!.nhem Methodist, leucnnm :alon& with Abe Rubin, Inn 0\:l>hom> A & M and Maryland. Subscription Witt and Dick Adams. to -Dan-. Sign Grid Series Fenurc or the Penn•ylvanin mouth footb:a ll mectina: lau month was THE ALUMMUS Miuouri will make its 6rst appe:uance a reunion of Penn's nll-tillle grid grc:lts on the west COilSt si.,ce 1937 when the - both the t•Oid-Timcrt" nnd the HOW! Tigers meet C:1lifornia <'It Berkeley on "MOgement will ~ played pme ceremony. during his playinc days at MiUte in 1955. Bill Rope.r'a lamed 1909 dub, ond le<· De:ath am~ last monch to Wuten The Be:ars, co:ached by Lynn nP:ap­ tered tvo·o years, both in football :md , the West Coast's H. Roberts o£ Chlllk-othe, :1 nnndout py" Waldon were trncl:. Rose Bowl representative both. in 1948 gu:.rd on Missouri's unbeaten l909 and 1949-:.nd :tppear headed for a team, who w:.s fatally injutcd in a . Roberts wu gr:uluated from Mis· th il'd ttrnight cr·ip to P:uadena this highwny nccident in northwest M is­ souri in 19 11 with an engineering de­ year. souri on Oct. 13. gree.

Univer.ity President Frederick A. Middle:bush Oeh) looks admlrii\IIY at hit pi,cskin-bound copy of the Saturday E•enlnc Poat--the October 21 i11ue which rcatund Coach Don Paurot and Mi.uouri in an article entitled. ..The Old Mute:r or Old Mlnou.." Othen in the l'fOUp with Dr. Middlebuab are from Ide to rt:c·bt: J. A. Lawlor, Columbia d.iatributor ror Cutt:ia publia,· tiona; Paurot; Kmneth Richmond, atatt drculation director ror Curtlt pu.blieations; ~d Dun Sam B. Shirky, chairman or the athletic committee.

10 The Missouri Alumnus • CLASS NOTES

l'J$ 1'1'0RR 'J;O T ilE AI,UMNI OJ1J11CB Itt 44i0A )I<:PilQriMn A'l'c•., K1UUI1lll CU)', ?oJo. 0f't 4 1) t:r , 10® liiK& f'llll11m• Chumhlln Clf J(itiiMII Cit)', C. J. P~l·klnil, '2-'i, KRmu\11 City, Mo. a nti OH~JlEH'l' A. JIJ(.$I•::I!AXN on Octo· :11r. and Mr~:~. Ocorf!~ l\lucllcr, '::.5, 1\nnf!tl!l b~r 15, IOtO In KoniiJik Cit)', :\!o, 1'11clr CIH'. llo. lldd«'.llll II! 4112 Charlotte A\'C'., Knnl'lnll J~oy H. Purl:hlller, l .. nmdng, :\lic:lJIJ:"HII. City, Mo. JoJ., 111 un <'n~lnoor with tl•t.! \ 'It-till' :\1, llou11trm, ".!0, NcorJilltl, Ill. Hkt>ll;:lhl Dhltclon cot ~ll clly 011 CniiiJIII!l}'. Clnrk W, Jtlnnlu~ll. ·::J, Orll\nclo, Fla. t:c.. trJ.:••. Cllrulnotr, '4:?, St. T.nu!.t, llo. 1947 :\h1ek fo'. Ucnmnu, l•'llrmlnJ,:Ilm, lin. ~HIU J.. v.\· WHI'l'l!l rt1a!1 Hrzwe Hrntll'r· )It'll, tr, T•:. Srmrlnc:k, ':.!.i, C(llnmhln, :\1(1. >IIHI, ~'hey A r~ rt:lllcllnt: Ill •JJS ~til RIJ't'(•(, l·:•nl F. A hl(!ll, Slu,wucc, Ukla, N. 1•:. Mlnn<-•IIJKo li.ll, llhm. ,Jolm )lun~k l , •.to, Mllrtt)lnlltowrl, IIIWII, ,Jnck W c11t, l~W Ctwl~·lt , J\: nr111t1M c:uy, :Ita. 1948 "'· "'· :\h•ON:, •r.ct, llonu•l.un, Mu. ,J,\Nt-: ~\l•'l•'OUD Anti \VJI,f,JtUI BUC K. •rom Oswnld, •rJl, MmH~vlJWt)' {.'ih', :\I••· Cllt Octobr.r 7, lO.iO In St. J.ouhc, :u• •. Huh IIIIKIII', 'foO, \Vt•hlll<'l' IIN,.I•!l, :\ho. H1ly t:rJt lHtnl, '30, :\lllunt V(•I'JII)U, ;\lu, 1949 )Jr. :uul )II'K. CCI IH'IHI Nc·kNt, ·~. 1..:: !11\llttl'l l{A'l'IM T.OU KCO'J'T ttncl Cln-111cl the llnlvcr· lwth W(';fl.' UutrC'rlllly ur••duah'tC. ~;ley. Till! ~IU JJIC! Will N•!Clch! nt 11 Pnrl­ CMU)l.\'N !{\VAIN n ml ttlC:IIARn SIP· ( 'court lu Gc•lumlllft, wJ1cro Mr. )'hiii!JIIlC l•'AU\1, Au~u,ct Oh1 ShntX I''All.._, SON tn UHl hrlde'lf Jumu~ •and SrX!ncer J.nw Jllrll! 111111 will makCl lm'l'n ot Ncrttllt{! ne:nc•h, Jt lnrldn an Aug·. l1or home Jn Coluntlllll tt>nl[lornrlly, t•re. 1111t 10. )fr. Oordan 1M (lmpl oy('d h)• an )le Rrlctn lg ~~:tz1Uoncd In Cnmr) r.nJcun<:, lm•urnnce ancl rc:... t <:Ktltlc t•olllJ)IIIIY 1n Nnrth CarllliJut. Jn('kltanvlllc, F'lat. Ml~tll D(ll·olltr )(ttc O lafl'llt.':r nt J{.:>IRI), i\1(1. 194 1 t'Uu) UJ~N.JA)IIN" Jl, ''DIIO'.l"'l' , «Jt C;all'C! )JAUOUJ-:RI'I'" lU~A U NN'rT l·i ot llan· 01rflrdlli1U, :\ln., on Hetlttnlhl•l' ~. ltL"on. Mr. tllhnl, )ln. nnd DF.F. K . owsr.&Y ot Wca· AllbOII llllutllo.t nt tbe I,lnotnu:: ikbool bleau, Mn. fit H.cd~•lla, i\lo. an ~ptcmb<'r whltll I& lUJHOt-lntcd w1U1 tl•c Unh·~n~lt,v • 30, 10\)0, )h•, 11 ncl Ml'lf, Owt~h!Y wUI mnko Sel1nnl ot Journt~lhicm, • t holr !ultliC In St. J,()uhc, JON!·: Mc:l)ONAJ~D, tornwrly of .fot•lln, • )fo. nrut C:UAJtf, J•:s Lt-!F! lW'L"rEn or Wabash is a major link becween 1942 Co1umhla In JotJtlc• (I n Attltlol~'~t 20, 10".11). RE\'llURN Wl'JBD l'OLLOCK, of Uttr• 'l'ho COUJIIO will J"''!Mhll.'! I n J ctrl!l'Kon Cit)', the East and \Vest, North and l011Yillt'!, ~fo, 1111(1 Alnn T. MQ)'Ctfl, Of Mo. Dall n11, 'l'flXn~ tn Dall!\11., ltrs. McycrK N!· ~U11a nnu• ftldgwn.v or Cohuobtn, luo., South, offering you through «lved Iter U.J. dC;I:rL>C In 1M2 n nll her and ltUOEN J... . \' EJ~VJNCiTON ot Entt A.l). iiC'I(rce In 10·1:; from t110 Unlvflrii.Uy St. r.ouls on Sc!DU!mboer 0 Sn J•:r&Kt St. routes with 66 railroads. Ship Ot ~IJI!IUHl rl. J.. cluht, Yt!h' l n~ton Sa n N!(tortcr tor thq 1943 Eut St. LtHliJC Dn11,v Journal. 'l'bc,v wiU via Wabash for swift, sure hand­ 111'0 11t il:!A St. Loulfl E. St. )lhu& Until (J<'I"'C Stnturltl ttn(l Dt•, BEU· Ave., J.ouls, Ill. XARD 1>8 RO\'JTZ on Scptcmher 2 hi St. ling. For details, see the nearest MI~J.S Mnxinc Tho•nflt' ot Colnmbl!l, )Jo., LOIIIII. lJo. Or. De UoTit~. who tcct!h•ed 11111 flrc-mNHeal c

November, 1960 11 C1111tlt, •••1 .T Allt;~ w. ~o~Anr.t·!\' or t·'ar~t. lla.. NASC'\' 1'\\'JUitiNHRX (If YarnHJlllb. lllN lhllh Jl'lr•e1~•N1 or t;rf)cn n11 Allllfltt !!0 Jo l-.toor1a, Ill. 1-"arlr)· lll <"ft· )Jr., anti WIM~JA)J Jt. 1'110lii'AAN, N:lrk· )Jc.., ..11 )I'UANCUI U. JJJU.LXER ot 01~ niiN Ia UK- Uah~MtT llf lll..,..lr1 la• wood, lh._ • • S.ptpoa:"cor 11 I• K•••• toNI, .St!br.. oa Autra.llt 20 Ia K lrlt.n"ll,.._ ...... cur. llct. lff'lltw'1' I• IIIJta..,llilf'll with tM Mft• liAHY .BLlZ.\RIM'II JON~!' "' &nf'r• Bt:TTY T. LIND$.\\' •ad CUAJU,f:fl J . pa~h • f Taftt1 C•uatT, JJ•.. aa• I~ 1 W~l llle!h' bctmf' at Ura•11t111, "111f, l lg., • ml J,f.'STP.R A. fllo!AI 1tr~I~E. nRCHJIIt:T 011 (~taliC'r 'i. 1!1Ci0 Ill coup!~ will •nah .)fit(' Sl. l 'barlee, ·~ nt Hlvt'r FOI't'lll, Ill... on Fl•ll(l'ml)('r lJifn.Tf'Uf', OIIIIJ. )Jr. HrotiUf't Ill "''"' f'ln• i\111111 DorlltiiJ llllu ot nn AlllltiUt 3 111 l oplh l, Mo. 1• lur.:1l In 11111 lld,.t:rtlllhllt th•p•rlnll'lll tJI Mn.. lttlll t:O(IAR f;, I(IHI:-!E )11118 liNn Von Thurn nt fU. J.m 1l 11, :\h1., S.011ril llDI'lmek In Cl1h·n~n. Ill. lZ Ill St. ('llnrh•ll, wht'rt' till')' wilt m"kt• h tUn C), 1111d CUAJH,nS :mf,TON COUCIIIENOUR KlllllT.IIMNNI~ SC'IIJ. J.f~~ And ,J,\)11>!~ l ht-lr of W c>llnllk, Kftnna, nn t\111(11111 3 In F.JlWAnn WAOJ•: or C411umhl•. )Jo, 011 f'AU1.-A r,li1t1\ 11>'0\'AK nf tJn1vflult.r l-!1( l~ttll or Ce~ luiMhl•. llmtlllrk. lltdlltn•. o11 C~oi·t.,IK'r i', '" C"n1~ •. T.t. Rlllrcl I ll lllttll(ll,.... l "" I'(IJilnutntiiiiiC' !!0 In C•>l11tnhl tllrftr~h•ll . Mr11. 1'\n~lc 111 111 rnr1twr 10ll11l1•nt !It <'liiYiflll, Mn , nnd Jnr· ofi'I<'C!~ (If 1 ft"ft(htna rt•·r~ C"tltnJ.. nr. lnlcl1 T.to:t-: IU,\TIJAN n( Xlt'llllf'llll t'ttllt•gt•. 111\n \'n\•llx nt U nlvc rMIU• ('IIJ, Mu,, (Ill Mllllilr.Y l'nll• ~ httUnllom, MI~•JU rl Nn · \ 'lrJtlnl•' , ,..... llrnwn••. furlllt•rly ~~r ,\r· Alhtlllllt 0 l u K1. LOillll, l h•. \'IH'Ihl," ~ rn du· tlo11nl Cllltll'•l, 111 ('" " 'I' ltuo•kt>r. llnjj'IIIU, \'111, llu tl Jli)HMU'I' c•, i\1011N'I' 1111 IIIU nf W l'MtN'n Mlllfiii'J' Al'lldl'IIIJ', nt• HI.:UN I•:'I"t'A .I AN~ JIOnR0:\1 null 011· Or luht•r 1 Ill )C.t•thtlla, lh1. till' Jt l'fot~lll'll ill an tu-.•.nmll\111 lf'IHlNI uu, Unl'f' • t Fort R11ckn, .u•. , wiN-1'1! JU,\~~t-: \'Al'C:UN' 1tntl JUliN W . liAR\' CIA\• )ITRI'IIt:NSON 111.-..tlh•.~r --11.1 t-._. lflllllnn~l w iUI tllf! a ll• ntHa:wc, Jr., lmth nr Krwllllll'l:', 111111.,111 City. IU••.. 11111'1 IIA ltiH' C', Nl01'fo1U t~f l'lW f'IIJ', U111v,•rllli)'·Ot·llh1&(11111 "'llf'r1'1• 11nU. In t.i:t•wantot•, 1'1uo,r '"~ ll"hu: In Jolt, f,oulll :\ff'XIt'tl, i\lu., Dn AIHUII+t 1!'1 h1 Kallll U,\Hit\' nt UrttDih1f'"'• M,\ltJOum Ef,J... RN UHII.H nl folt. l'nul, wlwrl~ )Jr. ltu)tl'rlol bt c•IC J' Nlltnr nt llll' RAflllAH;\ nt:J\:00 ~ln., lltttl C"rrlt•k H!!/111 Willi~ (If IIIUilt'll• IIIII., lHIII W'Aitlti•~N U, Fl1'1il iNM!I, Okla., 1111 lf't' l lr, ~4'1ftlltkf't 111 f'lli iJio)'C'tl IIYK14 •~f ~"1111.11111 on Hrtnhtor• 1 In ~-.11111111, Ill(. 11'1•1., IUttl W.AJ,IJ.l'K O llt!o\ON J.RK., h.r th~ n11 l'on.t l'onlpaa)P, a•d 111"11. ,;t.-ln• llo. \'11111 Uykf' 111, •n c•11'f'lrlroal f'll(ll'hMoc•r IIIIM ttl llullftt~atllllllt en ~IUf!m~ JG In llt'll.f'~ worb t or ,... rltn"llil!!ll J'oW'dl"r Mllf!I•TN• br )11- tlrl l'lllillt' i'I'1'Ytrfo f 'or• lf""' l.....e 111 a s:,.ct•alf' C"CIMPftll:7• l*,.lktt~ h• 14f'dalltl. llnl. \'a• 071rf' b lacn.t.. IIOtl aa. 1•'1. ruiiii'D, )1,\llf:nmi TP. fOORDON C'IIRR\' fit hMil...... • • J•h•!!l .\alo Jlil'Mtlr ('•· ot Mll"l.lhf'nw )II,_ UIOt'llll Ann ~U •t St. KIUU•JI Clt7, )le,, a11tl llniiC'rt IAollbl Wlllr JI()N'NIK t"tH.U!t!S Y'TY.f,J. llf Mburr. I'M•,.· bttr~. I'Ja., anti P.UWIN ltOWF. WILMON nt Ill._ l'l.llhM'tll, Til,. illl }Cf>JII~'IIII.II•r !!3 til M••· and 1'JU:rmOJu: •1na-:NK 11,\.JHito~ 11f ll:u... , , lin., It; Jn•lt!~Wn<1~n<'f', :\14, Curalltnn, :HI.l. ut b'l, Mllllllt, Arkii.DIIIlll Ill .-\tlhUtJ lUI 'J'h~J' Will IIYt• In Xll"lu:t J,'a.tlll, H. 0,, Or l 11 h1•1' J.l, ,(IM, Tile colttlh• Will ll'f'l\ In wtwh' Wl!olflll Ill C'III IJ10)'1•11 t.)' tha Or1•MI 1950 l'tlllltl1, til 101'J North (', !ol ht•l•l, 1-'t. J,llkt'll l'IJH! J,lnfl C' IHilliRII )'. )1,\HOJ'J'II J\IWrHJ.\' 111 111.l 110 \' 'l'. I'I~Ofl\' ANN ' I' IIOJ.;J,J\1•:, nwl Alllllll"l' KCIIIU;rrY. nn An~UIII ::0 Ill M(ll'ln.tlt>M, T . U1U111MNO, l•••lll ot ~1 . l .t:• llh& 011 )Jo, 'l'hl'J' will ntak~ tbl'lr lll"llllf' 111 ('.,rpnJI C)riC•hM' H lh Ill1t11Rtr h1 CIIIICIIKO, nt. Tiger Tales 11lor.-.1. J.(IIM liAIIIR •:r...wornOT. •ad \'Kit NO~ 1896 )Jfllllll C..._rhmt• AJ~ nf f ..I.IIIH CliJ'. JIP.S'R\' KNt\llA.SS en Od.-r i •t Or. W. A. fH J~I:.O\M l'Jti. a lf'l"'lldldlf' of lllt•olll., IDI. RORF.RT F.. tH'I~KK ot SL llllf'IIW"-, u ... TII«"T •~ llrtaJl' a t GUO R&Y• tllfo ltat,...ntltr •t )lllll!ltl•rt ~lleol ot lfetll• 1... ll•. on Attau• r !G, ID."AJ. 'flkt eonpll.' t.u11 tmmrl A...,., Jl.t, Lout~~: 1!, llo. t•lnP, WJIII M"lif'Vtf'IJ' .,CIMu•r•t I•raC!UtloMY Iff' 111'1nJC In I•'•·r~nw~n. lin. WIIN"' tl•••J' .ll•:ANNI•! Jt.U;F.n of K RIIIIIU City, )h•., (If t-111'1 \'f'ar 1u.•o~r• for Orl en n.o~ t•ort,.b, lltl' IJtttll tl'lltllhg, IIUI Wllrrn Mr, lh'llnb nnjf flRVC~ 1), WOOD o( CnrlllVUIO. Ill,, w ltll'lt lnthHlc•• ttu• l'lt¥ (It New Orh:ll.llll, Ill llf h lt•U~ M IU:b. Dn A uJnllt JD In l'flnlln.o~ City. T.ll., 111111 Ollt1fllllf tl h1 lrtc•t:~~. J)r, (HIItl-"lllll, ~.1.\rt'rfiA JEAN IIUDfll' at Wt•h!l.tt•r wn11 11 n wmlwr JlA'l' ICWI A ANN NCJIOttlt ••I Chwhmnll, 11 1anth•c ot Colnml•ln, Mt~., llrti\'C'" anti ll~ty nmt Jll\1111. (If !ol•'(lnlln nn Uonrtl of 11o11Hl1 , m ul vuum cwr J. nrCIJK of l'ol>1•r l)f tht• New OriNuut ('lh' f4-JIIcombtr JO Ill Wf."hJIC'r Uron•. Mo. Tllf' cn.lu 2 In Clnf'lnllfttl, 1111d w11 11 lhC! X41w Orl~anw polltwMI• {"nlt.t:•. lJtu•!IW'kt, JOAS COSDO OIP'trO'• m•a•llftnt W'llllf'rtronL Tbb tilt')' ltltt:I.L SREPLF.R Oh AUJU•t ll•luott. 1\oth lrr. and lln, I'MI •rn nwm• JUI.T. IJA ('•11 thPir "ll rf'nln bOIIM,. •nd fnll• t tbeJ 11tAI1'. Tb~ COfiiiiC!. hall• (It lte'rll tlC tbf' Cnlumllta Trlllun.o •ew• ~ 1111 Rall'*ll CU.,r. llo. lll'e II~Ult>d fur 1\ll tlllll! U 20'.!(1 W . Call• In o f 1111~ llthoot ot Jour· 'rlw)' Ire ~l dl nt; lit 112 LMIUI Mtl'c'~ Wllllm 11re 1rAih1rtt~t1 ftlr r!l.ft Sr., H.Rn J)~f.lto I, Cl!ll. Dr. Poucr, Wi t\ 11'1'0 II' AUIItln, TNCQI, (\•h&ml•ln, )Ju. ltnlhllll, wt1o l't'l'dVNI ll l),K, ·dC'KI'W In 1001, 11 1111 A.M. mut M .U. IINtrl"<'ll h t JOOO, a ll trn111 t he tlnlnrMity ot ) l hu1ourl, JU"Art h:~ll liWtl· 1 c11u~ t blrl)' )'Nrll In Dulle, ~OIItllllft, re• tlrlnJt to 10.:~. 1002 Columbia Savings Bank JOS.!PR )1, fiWINN, LL.B. '!!G., h rt-• tired Ud ftOW 11 ..... at JOG So. Ha«"ll4 An.., 9TH AND BROADWAY Pe•cbona :\, C'l'lllt. Wl!.LJAM DRRT UOAU I• • ftorl•t ..ct 1 ::OLUMBIA, MO. IIVCI! 1\l 1R N, 1\CUIL 8t., WIMhC'IIttr, \ 1l, Ills &Oil, <.larland 11. Uaftjt, 111 In I n<1111 011 11111 t~et·on l1 U11! •• a utlqlon a r y. 1904 ORURUR <)1, NAHDIN t• an C'41tor wlllt llolltbteu·lllft'JI• ContPiliJ' of O..to•. ESTABLISHED 1186 Member Pedual Depoait lnrur&llce Corp. )fa~ Ia Ul.fl et~put~Dl ot ~at-mwurr Macatloa. l.fr. aad »-rt.. (£:U:ubt'tll 0,.. 'lT) iSa rdla MOYf'4 1• J'uae trom \l'lft•

12 The Missouri Alumnus 1•1w~r, 11\'l'll M IIQ) l 0('flllll*ttlJI IC" •\ff',, rC"I· Jo'alra•'"'"' JlriY;•, A .ttY•'1'1111.tt rr.nu wn.r.r.ut "· 1111.r• ..r btHII }(nnor G.1. N. \', T IM' U;•Y, fii>:NJAMIN Y.. ('JIAI'liAN 1"1"• r.nr. Zlllt ,\u•.. N' , M, 1'<111.UI1•, Wutl., I'S• 1916 • liNd IIU''I-.• 7f'IUII •~tn •t flw "ltl' IIIM'I."Il· et t~nd" ..OIH I W1"'b('tl I$ U..- )ll;~w.mrl 'l'l~ Wba, IIMC' t»r 4rsw, A,.Kifll \'I', (IRI!P.S)"!, 11. hill nrlllwr hl11 11¥1" 1u1r lit• ,..Urf'atf>'nt ... ,,. ~-. lifo , ...... lb~ p~ bJ nPf'rlnlt•d.. l'lt or l'wttt •nd ('01UPflt.11 I• Jlll't"lll f'\O'Id;•ltl, 114" "''"11111111 1111'11....,.. •oJlia~ f'lhllo brut~d.,.,o,t, 1\aia.. IJO flllll I,UIIIna few IIW'I )JI IIJIMU1 , ,. ,.. n• ,..,,. t• nl- hnar• PI""' •1117. 11 11 111 T•e 'J'1nn.. l.lr. alltl )Ina.. Hrf't'llf' a ..cl ewe Mpllll'tl... l I ..I._...INI ~·11117 l'lil"l'lf'll hllll 191Z du~lilf'nt u... at of211 flttD ~rkMI Or.. •• " JI•MNI'J' CaMII" 1111d hf' -•tl•..... 1.­ llr. ••d 11,._ US!'tlt\' YRIKI>K W'ft"t' Dan.-. 'hs-.. Tlte 0r'f'ft4"11 Tl.!iii• N •f , .. aJo••l .,... I• K4opt ....llt'f', JM.ft" bw4 Ia hf'IP h1 lhf' ••r"'""' 11f IM- ~11M .r JQ)O Tfoua al_.., lt:'i. 4"t!!IMIMIIIII..,..III II hi Hoi..-, ldallll. Whl-r'f' JMo llr. Yrlrotk>, a a.,.daatf' nl lllf' l.t!U~D.rl M U~~t ••n•af All-url llf'1.6.illaL C.n· Ill• Coi)H:I" ..r X•ttltlf'N'I•.:-. Ill IMW Pl"'f'llt1•~ u""'. ••htr'Hilll: uno•; Vruklln ru .. f('rttlft' bt-ltl lhi.J f•ll IIIII• JC t"t', JC. R. JIA\'· Jt.nl~r l•:nJ:III'Ih 111 \\'C"'fjlllllfl '"h'l' ('uiiNt<•, vr,UIIt·!Nt'f! HHihU·:\' luut l;ucl I wu t lutrt:•••l rmhl 1111' !;rill)' lu 1{)4(1, 1IIJ,!•! N X,·n· \Vihllh;lthu;, l'n. Alhl rt'IIJI: :tll:l N. 1111•1\•llllld 1u mkll llllhJIII IH'tl-"!flllllh•r nr till' K , w ,\l,f ,.\t:l~ 111111 ' "'''' " r~~rmllllt mul )!Jirkl'l ~1.. ~•·w WllmlnN it•ll. ~ 11 1111 11111 1 1' 1•1" ltl\11 "lluJul In lhr• ~·•t.'' fl llr. .JAliKK A, t)1'1SN, A.lt, "'!1, JIN(N• 11 .\ltll\' A, l'lllf,l,ll'"- .\,U. and U.K II)Jr1nt ""'1•111• l bl• lfto~llll'fl'llllf"*• .,.,., tllll' llntl l!Nit1 t1f liM• """'•lui411C7 lh'lt.ttiii'I..,U l11 t-:.1., 11Uitl!l Ill •'.·nlrt~l ll1111111111rl ~1•11• hM•ltlfllnc KI!'TJI(, .1t•r ;llhll!at•1"• lll'i'f'l'f', 1 ~:~ lltf' CCIII~· t1f l.llwr~&l A rill ••f ll!f' 111•1• C't*ll••,.i• 111 Wllrr.•n•I•Urlt (rum 111111, 1-tWifJU•rlllrlll liMO t'n! l~rt·, Tllf"lr lUI• IIIU!' II• 11117. wr•ll1 t~f C'h1rlnt1atl. ll.llfl 11111 fllrllll'l' •In• ;•)1,'"'111 rlor ll!t't'l• )'"111'111 Whl'll Ill' WUII I)JI llf'l'lC'OlUIIf'K ht rlt1Jd w•·l· 'nlll1'11 II lwwk - llllltll1111f'll Ill Ill~ ;1!11\\11 wltt•r•• h•• ,...,,...fvt••l hht A,ll, 1111 •1 l'h,IJ, ;1t>• r...... uiTI•"''' 'rh" o\uwrl.... n t••r Jot•tchm. llnu• nrul wu• 1111• IUIIIW' tlllt'. 1'11ttt flr11 1 .,,lot•li. hi 101:-t l11 • Wltlll tiUi rrh••l It• l\J11111 Hl-1•1. 11r Jll. I IIII lt€•1111' lltltlr;•llol Ill U:!:l ltQ'll11'1 nlltfr l•ookll I{! l•r wriCtt~n nu 1!11' l•: m mn I.ON Ill t1u• lll(ttiiU'tnllllt 111 Hor ~llt,ul At'IIYII Ica. Il l~ f)rhtf'fllnl rt-.•· hwrr 111 ,,.,,,., 111ul du llhm;c l11ht lnh•rt'tlt · eltnrJCc nf r.rm Cll..-ratlnll• In Mlllllll.c•ll•t•l rNtlon ht tbl'! m.aniiKMilNI~ M tltt" JIS,OOO ~llllt~ l'to~;IIN! II IH)' Ill f' llrf'lllnlln, )fllllt. ' "" 111111Jt••· l tiUUI ,.,..... h<•(lll't', • 0 • Thill' nr.rf' H11r·BX t nnrh nf WylllllfliiC Whf'rf' Ill' Jlint ;•htuc 1111, IIIII tll'll 1\ ltllll•l IUUIIWIII, f!tt· '!'hlol r1rm ••on11111111 or :li,CIOO " " "''"• wllh rllilll('tt ll('l'f!(ONI Cl&llll', Mr. 11 1111 ) 11"11, llh:loy llll('htll)' Wth•U ! t Uf JM'VI'II ~tftllt1thllih~•ll ~1'1 JB.CIOII Ill Nlllh'ilthHI, ' l'lW,Y l.lfCithl t'l' -40011· 11\'1~ Ill ;",()41) W~trllflll lhWIII. 'rlt4')' 1111\' C! tW;» tu.v•'l ln•r. 11••1"'' 111 INII'Il cuw of · th;•m \\' Ill Gi'OO h11 1••11 of t•~ttlf•rl 1 11 n nnllr, n n~l thl'lr 11mt.11, ,1•111~11• R, • n•1 W ~tHI!r H.. Jr. M''n "''tuh•um,• l•t• 11 ' l'lltt•r l•nlllll••r . , • , YnurJJ rnr h(o( tf•r ;llli .,, mHt, milk, rruu 1918 nntrtll.. u, wltl•·h wilt 11Uimnh·l)' lllt•nn 111\tl .,,.rtlt•t• Jln•ductt. Mr. •rut )hill. g,t~cm J.l~·i J\. {";\U\', )1.1),. Ill IIIIIIIUI'I' tbr JtN•IIII'I' I'IHIIIIIIII!Itlllll II( lllllk 111111 I)IIITT IUIVCI IWtl 1111 \ljl'bh•l'll I IIII IUIP j(riiiiiii•IJI!d . nr Yttf'ta!UI0 hDIIJII lnl lit lllltiJihll'l, 'r;•JIIII. flrtllhll'lll frmn 1111 ll•du,;tl')' whlrh n•tlr~· 'J'beh ;t... ~th h•r, M•rr Ktl!('l, 111 Chi" wlrn )JAR\" IIAitlt )ltiU~\'ONI, HK h 1 fl bn~••• · • ••1hl !In• lurtt•""' farm lllt'lltltf' e~r 1n1r •!:· o f Hr. II. •'· IINUif'tt nt 1111' )fi~II'IIUIPIII KXI>t-rlllltl'tll !St11Uon at Flllllf' l'~tiWC'f', ).1111"­ wife ltrlnx at ~ \'11rk til .• Q~tlnf')', 111. rii"IIIC •rnl ""'''l'llrl..,.ll.'" ltf!r Lu~r .\an I• tbt wlt>t ot llr. J1nlN ll•lk'T l•••INftll, Or. lta ll'll )l~ltt-JMhl-. lo1 llr, ltf"t"'l lutll "''""'"""'"tl tbl" U.S.A, at Prt'llldl'llt fll tilt YI..,.,P lPPI \'alk-J' )fed· ltlot'f'lhllil.. ef 1.... lnl«llatiOIUII of _.,.,.,_1 c·••,..••· ll'lll Sode()' Ul._ tl"'r, TMit •oa. Dr. n. U. l ..trr ''« h• IIH• lol'tNIIOI"k J1rof111...,r;c mf't"tlrut f'f'«'l ~ hbl H,M, tll'jCN'e at Cc'ntnl Colk'IU', Hll"lA tlOSS, h1 tllnlrMan, ~""-"1t4'11HII .. •t 'i'11rl'hl}hll, W'hr•"' 11 ll&tiiiUJI IIU-1. Ill Ulof' ¥arf!Ut', )It~. the 1•nhllc, .t tbc lllnlamn1 W aa e anti I•· IM'\\' AIU'IC'llll111'tll Jn"lllUit• fOI' f.llil11 .o\ JQI' T· QUIN('lo' IIAilHINU'J'ON Ia a htrnwor a o ..trl ll.l S.!•otr Bona .r IJI~ Olatrlel 11 t it'll. nnll Jlc.,.•rortl e llllfl hrt'f'•1rr, Ad;IN'II•: Rt. (."t•llunl•l•. Ill"!' TN't!Ho11 111 thllt ot IIOUIII·• 'I'IH• ltt•Nht llf'!l Ill .lt'J'i :'tOll; 1~111<.'1!, N. W,, 4, Attllntn, l).lo. WICe--~!ihlrellll flH:j IIIIWIIICiriiCI 81. N. \\' ., \\'•ldtiiiM'fOII, II, (', AJ~\'IX J. At'COJ... A, C.R, '11, Nf'W \'i'lrk Wul!!ntciOII l C. fl. ('.

November, 1950 I~ 1920 ('!At\"11 In ~:van11lli11, Ill, llr, IIIII Urll.. I'Jf'l• (Hf'li•Jt Clllllt)betn Jlulnday h&f't• • dll~tll:'- • IH'I'J{l'"" a n.t hT•~ ..nn11 IIY't! nt 27d'l! rwtro ter, .\1111. ~·h., INiduni(JII frum l.a,.ell Jtul• :0. 11•11, 11 11.\('1') I•'OUIU~ l'OOX. Willi hn11 ATC,, lh•an1110n, 111, l•n· c•uth•au In .-\ultnrndah•. l.lnu. • 111.a It I.IN>11 (lolnc "ocliel work 11lnt~ tb~ dNllll ol II<~~. tmt)•orM by nar,..rtl \JIII1"e0llt.r. OOr bu•l••ul, Olin I~UI'rhe Coen, '15, ha 1922 r.Ptlll#' _.., £S'tHII LHt: BRIDE 1.11 dll't'dor •t tl"le• Ulr38,. ""• a)lpo11'1tt'd U!k"n'bor Ia 1"- De· JOliN \\'. CUENK\' t• .....f'dl It: 1- li111'Jll'rt~at Of ...... -«cwat of n.._.t.r RelaUoas to l'ort· n.raow, Kntad,J'. Yidoa l11 a n-t~tAarn• f<'OOomtH for l'nlo• Eltt'tr~ eompo~~fiJ Itt land, O~COil In o\111'11•1. K•• ~I.-ttl hotr E, T . M.AJ,J,tN'CRrl:QOT )ln. St. r.o11111, lto. :\,lJ, d i!CJ(!(! In H"IMI Vt'tJrlt at Dt!n't~r Unl· t~ur tit •·r~tnlctlown, lilt w r lllt)' h1 IM7. For tho 114\'t II«! )'CflrM OfU.'An v . cor.N h nlllll l!llant to 1928 'J'c•hl• ', 11~11 AI 01111l• lllt.C bllll b(!(!ll lUIJWrYI-'Ol' Ol lota ke WICb 4'11ntt~lrollf!.r tit Sn••tlu''C!'fUt•r•• 81'11 SAlt "l', EVANf'(, I"WfN :ur11. Ka11Mtl C'l:llhlrt'll'• ij.rl'"ltoe I.A;'aQ'U~ h1 WICII• P114IIM! Co., St. J..ouiM,. llo. )Jr. 11114 tJn, l.IIMOurl. Ita. Kn••· RM" :uhl,._ Ia Ulf R. Dora• C.J4' b•~ f«Uir ~~11dl'C"'I: II d ..pbtC":r W~O Ia .\U:J"IIIIt Z.Ul£8 A. ATKI~S. ).f.O• • INS. • eo• In llld~. J ..rll.aaa lS. O"'c•n.. p-ad·urf'tl fto.~~~ In•• Star.. Ia btP.• prlnte IIHdJoNI pn.r-Uof"* c..... who h " H•lor ln. til• ICrh-1 .r J11ar"al· bfa, )Jo.. In ollii:C!Il fo»rt8PfiJ' OC'tiiiPie-11 bt 1921 bm nt MIMI'IOrl. ;t ~llllllfhh•r WIIB Ill A Dl'. Lloyd f!hl!ll)ll(ln, wllo luuc r1.1:ll'ofl1 . J~a t r ulllllllllfl In Arb 1111111 f4('1111we 1\f }lla~~ourl lllldllil)tl to IIIII h•th~lcll' at Ql'hl 11€'Wr~ };tlt 'l' ll rn r.r. l>t tf>n•·lllr•lt t•raCt• In 'I'Y· nnd " IIIII! Who Ill II J1hth lldlunl I"N'IIIIIUIIn, ~h·~{l Il l lltll Unlvcrllll)' fit Ml 111110ul'l, J)r, JUelrll' Dl~t11 h i KIIUhlllf', Tcnne._Of!, lo!Utl 'l'bt'lr IHhlf't'Oflll Ill '2.1 l.h1r11111111 N l«\ Web• Atkh111 1"1<4'C•h·N1 II hlldiC•Iur ttf klf'IU''f' lltlil tCYit"blnJt cl1111~, hi lldt'UIIOII to ber l't'l:!!lal' artor Ore\'t'tl Jl, 1.1... • llo.a.tn'll 4tKrt!t' Ia 1100, aD() r..tllr~ ~,.n. Ia tiM" actak e"t'alac ~ t.H~ ).fr. Ud )fN. 0..... 1 C, O..a ano tMt•• )!ere all IDIIt~r Ia flw- U•l...,..llJ' ~ da-c.. llttr ..d.....- I• 2'1~ td:rt. "C'hctl In;~' ttt 1... C'aJIItt.rll f ..lnl, lt•.. RIIOOI"'­ • f lletllC'hlle IIUrt•JO JDIS.1•.JI, He Dntf'tlnod it. Ollllii:IOttllt A,.._, l{ntUTIIk. lfr-. D~11 l11 H1~ fl)l'ti'M' J.OU ANSA lllt"'ltC"IACI at LIIIU;U, lfo,. f(lf t'h:;bt till) 1. • ntU).IJUt, A,)f. ':!'.!, c. naht nF:nm:nt 1 llAI.I•!, Mhf'! t\."'~h'll41 h~•r ,\,:\1. jJ('#'fOO hi lutlt )'Cur-., An d •·rvf'(l tnur )'l"ft rll \Tith tlu~ 'L'I;&:t'r"' In 10~1. l1•rt lit A11;rn"1 rar M llut todUHIIII'ln frMu Cc•hnlllo la tJnh·cr~lt)' 111 nrm.r. nr• .1\Cklmc., 11111 wlf4.1 ••nd l'l\•t~ t:hll· ldr It Y~tr'• INI\'41 ur nbse1w:e ffill)l nnwnll Xcw \'nrk In JO:tl. th'NI n•11ttl11 '" till Wen U4tulenu•l) .;o_,lll, Ill• (hill.,. •" a f•u•ttHr "k!m..,r ef c~o Colun•l•ta. • 192S t:ei.-.Ntr •f c••""*•' ~,.rc.-m •t llo ffOliHR Dl'RO, wll• "'""'"' lila )1.0. t ...t UHb I• l'fliL tiUII'ICB I• P'f.-rulh-e ti,..._ll,_.• do)O#J'. W~ are laf•rt~~H t.ke linlft'h1t7 ot LoolJIYIIte tba Roo~:~l' ("o ..t1 AlMtn~t cehl• ckt;l?o h'cl• fiOOib '" ...,loi••T· dPIIt ot worklr1r Gil *"""'"'' ,,.,.,. In 10.10, 111 • ttbtiiiC"hUI al\(1 •nr~n 111 I IHI C)Uit )tr.. Rl\lllll!l' I• rt't'UI)C!rnUniC fl'l)lll (IIIII)' '" C:ohu"bln, )lfl., nnd 111 nl~'r1111 ~11, Wbllll(l IIUIII.. IIt1 , r, fi, f.IIKhk"'!r "'lUI A1b~rt ltanit~ )II), Jlf! 111 till! C"Url't•Jil Df'lll41• BNitrll, Ill a11 h15tMact&l' Of EM%)0alinr at Ill CarctttMt•. ..-.dtllale !or tM •"'"' Gt I~Mto Uw t'nf...... lll' (II Alc:l'lla, Olilte! cad a ••· cntk ,\dtii"N''I: li31 Onuul .\T'Miaf', Car• Pllll!lp llolloe11, wbtl ~~~•.. t"l tre• tho JadJ:f'. U11h'tTIIIt1 or 1\Jltl!ioUrl Ill 11,).18, IIRIJ Ill C:OI!I• tiiAjtll'. nnAWNim t11 TC!Slrfl• ttnnln&: M .. wm·ll: lu nrl. 'l'f1 VltMt PAnRn tul' IJIC ]IUhllu rt!IIIIIOilll •l~ttnrt• CA ll(_. W. I ItWlN Ill ll1•lil Clli;hU.'t'l' tor ~.ol'llllh'fl <.t9t :;~ eo.. 11( 'l'hC! 'J't::JIIfl ( ' illlj)llll)'• ;\ tltlft>llll: J'ortlftllll ('.•tul'llt AIIIIIII'IMIIIIn, lihc Ath1r0fllll tl'll'!ll t111111 "'.. UCitltihlll G.. 'f't:sa,._ * .MISS 0 URI 111 tUl lki•U• l'lrkwtrk. Jl.t•rii!J[Il•ltl, lltt. :!'231 ftul lt 1924 1929 ,\LJ.J.:s muniUJ¥ 411' t'arf'tc,., El.-OON ,I, )IF.\'P.U !11 11 "'te ~tnd rtM• 1'.\l' L *B I L L lii'W fll'llt Vll'<'•t'r<'l'ldt•rtt Vf lftl'! ow-.or azul r••n1ut_.,, In 'V•u•llllrr· ;\(1)., Ill ltlt' ~·•rtult •Jn. IT!! 1ult h •n, Meo. A•Mreu: 701'1 •;. l:llh I'll. Nnt llm l l lCth••·•lorll llllilt!H'I"ti ARSITY uml wna n :ur•. J\nrl II, J\oer JICI', formerly Ji"EnOL l•w:ht In )IIMM(•Url •"'•llll'IC('M 1•rh..-tp11l tit llt'III)C•l~J 111 lhlhl~tvlllt', "f~bl1 ~TAUI\, Ia 1114l new C"dllor ot U1e: ..)J I•:K• A M I: JUC.\' 4 )CtotJaU• lW'G,. • oltttr tG Grulhl '****"' SESOER," a trl·ar11ual llt'W'IIPII.peOLLOCJ\, TJ•a ent.l.re !tinily ApL 4, .ullnJCton. \'a. Storage ll "UY lttl\'f! Ill 4·1f, f'bUrdl lllld M\1t ).lnc, J"••IH ll, Caltlpbf-11, CormtrlY 11A1t· atralr.,. "l"'M4r a.4dft!llll u Oox 108, R.I".D. G.AB.L"T rAR80NS.. I• JMu.•~ tar Xo. !, llnUI~t~rilll', Rae•.. tw• ..... , • ..,. Panou. towr .r•n old, and 1'bGmiU AIIC'!I'I, Oflt )'f'Clr: Ud a hllll· 19'21 hand who 111 In Ute wholcll•.le trult and 1 , tortrter MISSOURI Lt.·Co1. 'J. D0:\JAS 0. HEI'l'liL\" Vt't;Nnlllf! hullht('~U~. 'rlle.lr n(Hi ret~A: IIH.l ) Jo., ~nc·t aetr, a1u ttecu PH· Sprtnaftold, Kaac o!i(lth Jll nce, Cbll"lll(l n. llllliOII. motf'd to coloncol by tbo Army ot tl1o MOTOR CO. Uaii«''J S.tatN. lit Ill .._. a..S~ to t~ 1931 II! 1ln. E. 0. N. 7th St. Dial 3183 C ·S (Ttalah11 ) S«tS.a. Pc. ltoor•, \•a. EL17.AR£TU Jt, GLENS 15 Two C"blldt1:1t, AUU )1. and T'-omu G., Jr., @llatrer, "'' Nortb \'aa llnnt, Kauu Cltt Ray, 11 are •tutlentt It the Unl.,~:r•ltT ol )lletourl. 1, :uo, 'l'b•tr daoebter, )ftrlllll Since 1921 J'OSEPU M. ItOLADAY 1J tenlor I'G· C'ltl't'll ,...... olll. Lut yoar tl1e Sb •.treu ll· 11"-rtb t'lltllllh•t tor t hu J'l t)Otl Dullbn Cont· IHlrtltnlll)tl Cbfl Nortbenu ~·cw•, ll nelt pa.ny ot Wuertowu, )laM. 3Jr. an4 lin. OOrbood Wt.'CiklJ' neWIIJ)aper.

The Missouri Alumnu1 l•:'I'IH:J, 1'. Ar.l.i:SO;-: hal!l! rl'lln•d !rom tcoarhlnJ:' In ~t. JO!CC'I+h, )(.,., n nd I• ll\•lng st Cl4 N. 'J~jnn , Colorndn ~J+rlnll'lf, Cul(l· rtlfho. ltU1.'U RltANIJ.-\0 l•'cmtrl, IWI111(>"'1f~ anrl wrilcr. IIVCII at 2-1 IUackl nwu, MuiJII<', ,\Jalu.mu. IIC'r hu11htnul, ll umhc.•rto l•'cnsrl, !.1 Jl(lnoJUriUI Con!!iul h> Mololle. 1'IIO•I r c>hll· 111'<'111 Hff'k)" illld l:l'nl'(', Ill'<: h!ll ft iU) 11~\'('D .Yl!llnt .,r n::(·. Tl t\ltOLII .1. lHCUllll, li.O.. 111 c•lll1•f Cit U•e llCpltrtulcnt 1.1t n)Nllchw, 'l'hO!IlJ)IIOil· Rrumn~-H:u('I)J)(>f l'llnlc, ,:tc • .TMU>J•I•. ) II), Dr. and Mr.c, ltrumnl and (cour ch1111rl'n lll'(l Ill 11.:.!·1 N'onlll :!.Jth St .• ,:tt , .IO!Ulllh 2J, )fQ, Visit mountains or mai'iana. land via 1932 M ISSOURI PACIFIC's modern, streamlined lf. n. AMHI!W:J•:Y, art+•r ll•lrl)' )'t•nrlt 1111 Eagles. Luxurious coaches and t'(IUnl)' ••xto•eu•!un !IJtl•nt In 1'\"lllllll'o'lt ('(11111· I)' . m•n'o"CI to lllltlll..,.lpJol Ccountr tl•l11 YNif Pullmans . . . clean and comfort­ 11.1'1 AJ(o41KIIIIIt u~·ut , ll1• hllll l•l'l.!l1 Ill ftJ:"I'I• able as your living room ... cultu1'111 ~·l:lNl~l o +n "''r''IC':rt•ll•n•I•Pr. Aollln,•ll!j.: llli(•f & 'l'rlhune) In JO:IR Adcln-.": ll:!l l'{, l 'f'llll'nl Str<.'l.'l, H-t~ ) 'IIIII r., llhll1C140I!I. JIIH,r·:N IIO' L'f:N 111 hlllttory h1111rudor In lll'nlor h l~l• 11c•lnnl"(! Wrlt(lr 1111 t.l C'llrl't•IIJIIHIII<•nl !o>r 1-'1. \\'ort h 1'1·~. :'l lr,.,, llrau, nl11o 11 rr..-o• l ::~nC(l wrlh•r, 1111111 r~~·•• • •liY hc!Cn llnll1fl ll l'llnft Writer !nl' tha ' l' hul"" L 'uhll>~ll l nJ: CmUJIIlllY nt \\'l('l'lltu .Ji':\11.11 I'IIHI 111 alrt~-, ~~~·~IIJ>•lllllcnt rur I hr•'<' 11 111 !11•11 In tlmt llrl,.. Mr. n nd Mr11. llyntt II YC 11l Utr. J•: , 'J'IIrrllllt St., HOWI C!, 1'Nt1111. "ll'11 •n Ill wln1l - Nc•." \Vhllo ) fr. llf:IU \\'I'Uc l'l'f'UJK!l'lltitl# fr.Hil JHlC!UIIlilll lll n 'C'C•n t ly, hi) found t.hu1• In write 1111 lhe ltllci"CCMIIIII: IIIOrf (If 11(1 \Y 110 met II III n•lff!, rt JJetmM th1l he lllt\'1' Ll I>IO~~ J)III~n 1 note :tnd fllllll ll 1•tctnrc or tile nul1wr .,r a mn;::ttll-inQ IHI.h•ll'. IIC Wrvtc to tit£' Ltnllu+r. lt:1 time th~·r l~e-11 +11<1 nequnlntcll a nd nne lin)' w~·r•: we1l (M•r. '·1 ~} . Rlueo lhl\l thue 111<-lr ('(liUUUoll hltcrcMLS In writing h11~ lwcn J•n•lllttltle. W e nrc nlWII)'I'I "lnd to lmve uQt~, l mt )H)Ioo o11 r frh~1ul M won't Wflit unlll JILI!Y SU~l JH\I'IIIIlOIIIIl 10 write, WAJ/J'~:n Jl. ;\T,J•!XANIHm )'tlllgnNI IlK ICUJ)f'l'hiiNldent l)t 11\"bOOIIl In Bowie, 'J'exuo1, thl11 Tl'lll·, ult<>r •wrv!n)l: IWI'l'l'e )'t•urll In 1111.11 c>Oflllcll)', 1933 RIDE THE ROUTE OF THE .:J ;\.l! F.S K CMiP. Itt fll•l(!nl'l~ t~nrhrr In Wt:!b11ter Hrul'I'M hl~h llt'htwl, \\"('ltlll(•r (trovclf-, Mo. J\.(hlrell~: 782:'0 flnrdtm ,\vc.. Wclo.!IICr C:ri)Vti'l JU, Mo. Mr. tuul llrll. Robert Uoffmlln of W•~h· EAGLU tn;:aon, ].1(1. , tnmolu+((l ll1c hlrlh of a The MISSOURI RIVER EAGLE c.la ught.tr, Jlnrrlet Burns, on Mo~reh S. ]1).)(1. 1111'11. JIOfflnan will bO Nlmembe.rNL aa The COLORADO EAGLE JH.EANOR A?WEREn. HAilOr.o T JJO:\rM~ nmnr.. , ,\ ,:\1, ~. The VALLEY EAGLE rtc:c:lved ltht Doetor M PI•IIO!W t>ILY tiCJrrl!e lu IIOe10IOJtY from tile Unh•crllltJ" ot Sout.h • Tho TEXAS EAGLE er11 O"lllfowla 1n June, 1050. Tho DELl A EAGLE ltO IU•:ll'J.' t-;, HNAUQUt-:, IUt '30, l.f.S. 'oiB, 111 11 Jlllltmt altorncy for Carnallon COII)I>ICIIT, and IIVC8 al 0000 CoJitC!IIO Al'C!., lt. J. McDERMOn \'nn NuyiJ, CnlltOrJIIO. c.-oJ 'ouuo... rr.m( .M_,.., J>ICK S. OElUl!(: JIJ 111 RerJ;;

November, 1950 15 non 101111 otl'!e('r to•· F'ftrmer11' Ho m <: Ad· hla llO. ;\ll'lt. IC Om='lt•k, who wn11 torttl('rly m l nl~<~ln• thul, IJ.:U).o\,, In CIIIUmbltt, l.lo. Anm• Hrttll'rtlug, Ill n ~r•IIU II Ifl (o f S.h•J)ltt'l!>l ~Jr. llnll :\lr11. Uurdllt und twu YOUll"' IKliiiJ c;uth:·~o. live at J(ilG 1-l!nl:t~oD. \'IIU:IJ. ASl)J~ tt :;ON l,o; with th~ U. S. Ht•d umnllon Ren·lce In Plto.enlx, .\rl,;.­ 1938 :hlolrf'>llll: HtJJ n. sor111 IGII• l'ln•·t•. J;;Anr. L. OR.\\' 101 !UIII-I.'rlntt•ncl••nt of )lr, 1111d )frll. lJORTIN DF.U'L'Sc;l'l l1nva ~Jaoo l 11 llt UrOC'l kftC!hl, Mo. n.o«•ntl)' m(I\'C'll t() Ne w YfJrk ('II)' where \'O~A· VATU) $ n,\l,TZ. 111 im•trul"lor Ira Mr . DN!I)!C b, l nlllrul'!fJr In Pllft•holo~)' t!Otlll a~rl~u l htre nt C.boQI, :\tv. at ( I I~ 11nh'f'l'lllt>· nt )llll.llnurl. •.r;-.·o~-R:, " '!It 111~1.:\f, F.UNJI'1 nuannf•wtUN'f"'tt fl5:<'11 t. b~ dOhlf: n •Sill:lrd l In grout• prl)c;~ll('tt. lh'('lt nt 0011.1 lllmn..::t Lttm•, Dnllu10, 'l'Nttu•. ) l tlll. Di'IIHU,'b. whco will loc rif'Ul('lllh\•N!d :til Broadway at Eighth Mr. ttlul" M r~t. Jl~lm fill\'(' thr r..• dllltlrcn, Cl:Z.:'l'IIIJ\ I'HJC:I':, IM • fl'MNlr<-h Jlll,'('hoh•· h,., Klrl,. !lfld 1t hny. ~-ti n t )IOllllt S.irtnl h0111111 111 h1 N ~.: \\' \'orl:. YllUJI~tA I·'O l!S\''('l-11'! Ylnt hi nn C)•nlllht 111111. Jultt c••ml)llt! IC'Il 1\('r euur11c Columbia, Mo. nt hll lt~l 'J'~Xtlu 1dncc ~hl• tnnrrh•f! F.dwat'(l wnrk 1\lld exnmlnll l htl111 (o r 11 l 'h.D. of('· f ,, \ 'Int. wluo Ill \'IN•·!H'('ItiiiNit 11! ) lcr · ~~·~c I n o~•llnklll Jlll)'d!oln~f 111 tit<' l' nl· t:hunrlt Shltc llauk In llitllnl!., Jlc•r cwt:IIJiil• Yt'rltll,\' or Cttlc•!ll;lt, 1111•1 flla l\11 fo) rl't'C,'h'l' Uon 111 bt•lnf: 11 ltCllllit'!\1'lfe tutU tll, tor,tt. :\lo, II Art lt iJo~l' J\ND UJI,f, OBJ'! 11fl11d !rl'<'l.'t• U,\\';\)11,'\IJ ,\, W t;J,I,g l1111t N'l't'ltll)' IM·~·n ln~11 from llouolntu. lhll'rl~·t 111 111111 N·· BO OnE nRTIOnRL t'lllflltty~-.1 It)' tlto $tnnollnd Oil und 0AP tmrlhtJ: rur ' l' h tl l hntuln1u Slllt•llulh•tlu. ('nlltJtal\,\' lu Ill() t•X1110r(tlh.lll tlt•Vttrl llltmt 'l'lll'ft• nl'llll'i•lt.>l Ill ~Ui :>•Ill 81., 1111110h1lu, SRVInGS & LO Rn u! !he •.rnlll'lt JtNtt'rnl ctlflc.:\10:'\J) II, lfAIIUIS, ,\,:U., hi llnl~l· WI J, I,JAM 1~. JlUIHO::J•: Ill tlr,ldut>tiCln clt•ut Cof th~ Ahf'rtUIIhy ('ltlikt•t C'o m)IIIJl)', IU!IIlii"N' for Uollltt Ach'('r Uitlll!.{ .\~l• n ey, 14 North Ninth Street Jrol:' W, Ninth St., IO::nn ~~a11 Cll>' 7, )Ill. ·ltlt,.i J.tntlcll m,·cl., St. r.cml~t S. :\lo. )!rill, IUH\',\ItlJ N. t)IUt, J\' , 1>1 luu•.Y h1•11dn~ ! hulk(', rl)riiiCt'l;\' )IAJt't' fT.\ T.l~t': t>' lilllt, Columbia, Missouri llo•ll !o'lnrllltl tu• 11 yc•ttr•' rnun(l Vth:tallou li 1•lmlr •llrc•1•1Ctr fit the fh·c·rhtml 1' «-lth)'· WM. F. S·r. Ct.AUt, Secretary llhth! l hrOllltb l•:ll Orr tllllltH:Itllf'l•, JndUit· tcor1~n C'hn~~ ~til• Junior I1IJ:h 11dtOOI In llJ1UhnONl Cnunl)'. lhuwd 011 uu ,\rrny lualoW' (Orlh lllllt:C') In 'l'IJclr n1hlr<'11J1 h1 :,.':,11) Drun~twic•lo: H"~t l'ndflr., )lall will n -.dt 111m llnlthnn •·~· :!1. • It lllt'lll tel bl" ctld Junt~ at 1r.t1.1 K 1\:umms wn:.r.tAll r.. HOWl'! hi lllh'NII,.,In)l' .-\\'(•,, WldHIR, Knmo. mamt)l'C r tllul tmrl o\\'nf'o' ctt 11 \l't'l.•kl.r PUCKETT'S WAnR n. l~:r.r. r~. who 111 with l•'rnc•r 111.'\\'IIJIIIIII!r. 1' h~· Rlutlltrgdt ')'1:-XIln. Tlul lht\\'1.'11 hfl\' 1' n-tt•tHiy 1111•\'Col t1 I hb ltUillllW>r. JIJI,)'l' hOicll{f, WMI J!rllntf'C1 t\ ] ('oa \'tl nt ttlo• ~Ill'<' rrum th(' Httl n •l"'llt)' nt .\lllllll•url 111111 • C•\'l'H I~Jl!N'E WIJ.f.fA)IS I ~ j]lr('(•!o)r "'' Wmut'u'" Mc•tll'illt!ll t~1t: nr. a nd )11'11, ( 1\.A'rll r.t·: l•:!'\ J.::t~XDAt.r.) 1700 Ot•erton Pnrk. llllrx n r~ lh'htlt nt .liD Shn1hl'l'1l nrtve. )fr. n ml Mr)(. HOBNRT S. ,H) IINXON oC Stul ,\llt· 1nhnKOn wa s formerly SOPIIJI•: ANNFi tc•mbN' ft 1n ColumlHtll, l't:.Xa!!f. ;\II'"'· nntcs U I1S.SJ•:I. •J •• will h~ n•!nl'mht-rt!d n~ f::f,lXOH JA).IJ . Dependable Service ,\mong !he olumrtl of th~ liniv,.ully or SON. ' l'hC')' a rc now 11 \'"lr~~ tn K nllAAfl •UhiiiOitr ·f lh•htg In l)('nt'~r, CQI(J, Ar c )fr.ll. C!ly, )1(1., tuldn!ll:t:: (H:t(l \V;o;tlnchiCU• • Superi4r Quality l,..rnnk C. l•'lckel. ! 4rmerl)' :\IAlU:f."\;N .\IA Jt\1 1 ~ J.. LIT1'f.1UOIIN or l'hlltl!)l'l· ~r>lf:IDI'I"')'. who ll\'efl n.t 2.'127 Oe%t~r; >J rs. burg, 1\.a nf'., lit nn nudllor 111Ul lllllll)'~t for J t•ltn •rtt.ttOll, wllo Wtlll NANCY 'J'nOli P· lite Con•u ci'IC'no COO ilf'rnlll'e .\ K•mf'latton of :-IC)N 'H, tl(ltiN'IIll efO 0CIWCT POlll. and 1\:IIJttlllll Cit)'• ,\ln. ltobcrt .\mb~I'MOII (DJ;:\'ERLY HOHI·:tt'l' C. ~UII'L'Ji, Jr.. IM lltWCI!\1 lll'r· /lowers WALT.. '-1 8). WhOik'! :tthlt'C's.s Ill 1020 :[;her• \'It"' llntl lurormaUon twtl F;thwntl<•n otT!· mun, n~nl'(•r, ,:l'r tnr tllC! S).61lt l•'lelil ArtUI('r,\' Uattlll· t\UT H Ult H. McQVIODY 111111 lUGl'IHl llun. G.-.11111 ltUI'kt•r, Alii. frolll lliJII WCli, ::0:. ) IC.X ., CO l.c.t!f Allf;('lc,!-, NAN'C\' .\IAUPJN 111 •upcrt'I ~~Ctr ot ''O<'ttl C'allt., wlw ro he Ill 1)\lblle rt'l!ltlonll ftdd IIIUI'lc In llljJ ,f•'t. ;\lnt11~u, iOWII , t!lfllllCll• n•Jlrllfll'lllal1\'(' With tbll Wet~lf•rn 011 llnd cnrr ttuiJlh: ~hottl)(. Hnll .-\I!JI~>efnll'Ctl "" :t ~oc:rNar)' to 11• 1:! ct11tor ot lin• "''''"'lnry ctf llu• l'-'<'!( )ft•XII:'CI O il and llltl ,\muriCflu l)l('l~:-tlc.: .\liMn. Jouru:.J. 1:11~ AI!IIOd:ltlon In lto11wcll. llht homo l1EnSC11Ef~t, HOOOI\Jo\l•: Ill 1111 aclvtr• mllln~flfl In l..t)ll ..\nJ,-tl ll'll I t~ 3HJ Soulh Lo. t htlng co••rwrUer tor SCMII Roobuck & Co.. CI\IC'tl(;:n, lllluol11, Hl11 llchlreu 1!1 THE 1948 32-..h-. Weill Wtll St., CbtcA;o 32, llllnola. JUC HArtO .\, JIAf,r. Ill ~•c• mnnagcr J)0N J,, ,JOH~l:WN Ill clJt l.ocullt., Bloolnlugton, Ill. lJrs. Hull Ira .\leAIICll, 'J~t' X II"-. IS NOW Ill tl1e tonncr M·~f.A ARNP.'l''l', '-t'i. .TOE EOJl!LKO 111 employed IJ)' the AIR-CONDITIONED l lr. rtud Mr-.11. EDWAHO UO:\IACJ{, tor· llhtl:bamt OII l:.r<'~>ll In mn,1tnniton, Sew mer Cohtmhlnn•. Annouuco 1110 blrlb ot A )'ork. 114 South 9th Street )I(J tl, Ulcl1:1rd Hrownlng, In Idnl10 FaU1:1, ~ Eft. HARr.J•: b ~dltor a nd puiJilllhor

16 The Missouri Alumnus or til~ Cirnrul }lllline ::.:.uu In t:rnnol Rn· lin(', •rt•XnM. Jl(! 111 tho ,YI.>Uili;l~t (lwn,•r nrul We Sell the Famous and Dependable l'tliWr Sn 'l'CXIUI, JOHN n. I.I NJ)~AY , l(iQ!) llOIIC! ~t.. ~r.u l b Il~nd, llttllltna, Ill C!llli)IOYl'il In llul lftEN KLJTT£1( ee ad,·ertiMinj::' l.ll'fl!lrhlwnt o r tlw O'lh •if' ll •• Col'{,oorutiull, l'nlut 11nd \'nrnh•h~. LINE OF TOOLS AND CUTLERY JUCITARD nf·~N'I' J, JolY It! ti1Q CIWil('r f)f thl.' H ll\l!J!'I')W ;\litll(bllrhltl, (HIIIIJlOW, 1oho. l)o\ Ur~ I, HYHNJ•: ht lhl.' ltl:ttu rt'Jtrt't'l'll· HRYS HRRDUJRRE CO. lllll\'1' ltlr ttol til •II:?::! Hht•rlti!ltl Hottd, Missouri Alumnus . . . "OLDEST t'blt-A)tll J!t. ill. CONTINUOUS ADVERTISER" Norton B. Smith '22 UICIIAHO B. CI.AU K, :;~u SouUt 1Jnl· H. Ralph Ambruster '34 \'~·r>tlly, c·'hh-tt~B, lllllwl.>t , l >1 working: In llo<' t•l a lutll, 111\'t'tCII!... IInn 11111<1 lllljlllllllll•nt OUR MISSOURI ALUMNl------...J oh•Jtnrtm.:>nl or lhl• J,JI•l•rl,\' :'\Julmt l I n· II!IOUIO'!.' C'to , Gordon G. Moffitt '38 J , U. 11 11,\l l' ll l tl•:n~. Jr.. i11 I'IHJtlttyt•fl CONSTRUCTION ~j?.•! MA T ER I ALS loy Hc•n\'t't' \'nllt•y llndltl hw. (WUYO) In Robin E. Walker '40 l tf•tht•>~t• •r, l 'l'llrt>l,\'l1'nl'lllt. TERS ~IHNB \' U, :lh•:\I.J,JWI'HI'l l11 a Cu ll Tom Plunkett '48 1 111rln~: t' In Atl·llltc ntl\'t•rLhdnJ:: e~tnlt >!l'l • lurw iu :\llnml. J•'lt1rMn. 1111'1 fouKitl! th tlng rc· Give your clothes the best protection possible by letting J"trllttJ,: Wto r k f o1r tilt' f:mu:olfl) 'l'rtttUtl'rittl, us take over your laundry and dry~cleani.ng problems. Your Cmlt•o rl), <' nllfuruht , complete satisfaction will result. J.~un-:-s A. \\'AUNI·:u ••rr ., 1111 11 ri:!T>ort~r· f)llllhtJ.: t'O•J•Iwr l11r Nurlnlk J.c>d!:N•Pht· p at~:h. Ill>~ tldtlrt"IIK ht 1:11 Uo1'e_t• C ~l r~h·, Norrolk, \'lrJ!Inln, DORN-CLONEY LAUHDRY AKD DRY CLEANDfG CO. ta:N~ Wl'll W. liJ-:J,J,I•!U:-1, U.,l , '·10, Ill t' IUJtlf))'<'CI loy I h~ lillnul11 ,\~rkultunll 107 South Eighth Columbia ,\IJIII)I•I• t iftn fill 11 11 UIIKilllllllt t!dllnr. Ill) lh'<'H Ill !i-1:! W . 'i:3rol St•• C hlcn>;tt, l lllnoll'l, lll•!l'On' W l•;l!-1~ Ill t'ilil(ot• o[ lhr. M l r )'· \'lllc ( :Ito.) Unlly Porum. II(! Wlllt fnrm('rly emt.thtyNI u~t the tii'WII t•llltm · tor IJ•c Nod11· w•.r (!conn!)' ' l'rltoutt(' In )lur.n·IUC'. nocn,;Jt w. H:\IITJJ ' " dhtntt •·o 1 ')'1'~'rlt· Jng lind ltt)'OUt Wllrk fur lhf' fllltC•IJ llllh• hl!r C(ltnp any In n c•ll\'<:r, ('oll)rndu. JA:\11-:S W. 1•',\IUIJ•:J.t I t~ Whrkln~¢ for the J:OM'l " 'orllt 1' 1'«!1(11, l•'urt. " 'urth, 'l'~ICtltl, tl!l Jl(o llt·c t'~I)Orl l!r• •JO li N ~ . 4 1(1-J'Jio;JtY.t::~ IK ICIIcltln;: h­ lhll r.nN~I)I) JIUhlh t llt.'hoOIM In r .. nr~lo. 'J'(•X Ihl, .TUI IIIIIH!UN Ill lli!\\'M ·cdlte~r tor Lho l'tal( C ll,\•, :lll>lli(IUrl, In tlttl !Uh"C•ril>lhllf tl!![llt rC· tnC1 Jt "'llttrt•·r. PltANCl$ LEI.: lJNAf>OJt I" 3 IIII(I()'J'JO OJ)t'rutor lor lite Dtllly Olymphnl, Olym. The Southern Air l>la Wfl$1lthtl;tOit , Junction Highway 40 &: 61 Went%ville, Miaouri nnnt~Jl·r 11. JF.NNJNUS 111

November, 1960 17 1111d ~f'r.Hnl ""fNirlhur w11rk tor tlU! C'larJ.:•dale i"'I'M8 1t~1l1tcr t• Clarhllal~ llt.u!aaJppl. THP.ODORE A. CI RIVVIN Ia nd.. -.. tlon KSJU"a "atlultr dlr.rtor l.o Crft· toa, Iowa. PEOPLE ou~o~ ...ono n. IIA)IIl81URE 1" e~t~plor· C!d In llle Pui)IIC I{Oilllftn.l Snlet t)ept. of Jt,.lrdllltl Canwrn 1u1tl lo•trt~ment c.-.• SSOO , .All W)'c:k lllvll., J••nalta. L. 1., N. lo'. Alt1' HUH II'. 4'10Jti)QN, Jr., h1 1t rt>· tlorter f11 r tl•o J.!v~mlnl( O l>"e~ncr h t L:•· fJn,"fk F· O•·nn;t", Oroa-1)11. 1950 F.f.WOOD f;llAPPF:R lfl eu•J•Io)·rd 1,). U~ Lh1k lkoll ~J)N'drr C.rpon.Uon In Ct-llnr lta~thhc. l~w•. IIO 11\"C!III at J300 S.u•• g... , Jrd A.-t'. Rt'URS'K .fl, TIUJloiiJLK ill a ~IOn« wlUa tile Varp l'ot•• In l'arg•, North IMkora. CL.\UDE fWARR'S I• workllllf w1Ua tlie­ Dll'tbvllle Cuurl~tr Ntw• In Ul)'th.YUI~t, ._\r· k.antllll(, ft. WINl C"I IIUlr. ltOHJ•: Jt1' 8UH811 hll• a lloO.IIItlon wlcb 111c 1•:1r WJ•Ikc-r nr.r n ...H lll C:o. nt ~ ~ ­ l.ou t~. MIIIMI)Uf1. 1\tllll"t!IJJI-:tOfi S, IUI Ill ltJm:hamlfln, Nt!W YGrk. ~""1'111\IJ~ WJ•:tSfS"''ICIN, tlli l':lllll"llhowf'r Drh'e. Wt!lll llllll'llll"•d. :>OI"W l'Grk, I• ('m· JIJo)'ed •• • •111111«111 Nlll• r t• colt.ar~ of nrlo•• ~,,.....,.,_. fGr TI'OPit'll l'ulttl•h· In~ C•mt~DT. «a:ouu& r~ 8TE).U.U.Kit, .Jr.. 111 coa•· 11«ted wltb tt.e I>'Ah'T AiiYt-rtlata;:: Co. In l)t. T..OQIII, )UIOMIUU'I, .TOfiN 7,. MW\'UKit1', U, l1 111t1f~•ll · pJoycll In lo!lutlrl~ l "'ork In SocoiA, GcorJ;ti u. :r~u ll~f; )f, Fl lll·!l-:1'" IN work l ns:; In the Oklnh mllll C:IIY 0!1" l'h•L or Unlt.cd .Stnt~K Cl )•p!lnm Com111H11. IIIII nMirtll!ll!l Ill GSOO~ Santa Fe Nartll W~Ml l:Jth Ht, I~Vt;RW1".1' J\UOWN, 8 1C'RII\bollt Sprln;-a, Cohtnt110, II' C!111J)IO¥C!d b)' U10 Stcan1bo11t P e ople " on t h e g o " know f rom Sprlnj;"fl l'l111r. wn~~o·utm !'\\INN ha worldo.s- on bota. experi e n ee Santa Fe m ean s tile n.ur Ne-w• aftd Tho l'ldorlal SMP• r eal tra vel pleasure per Ia Kan.•• CU.J', ilo. nt• ~~~~ •dd~ Ia 310 N• u• Oaace. ladtPtad~. Ml!1a0Ur1. Whether you t ravel West to Lo

18 The Missouri Alumnus 1<11NNI•i1'11 JOH:\80N Ill t:tll lllOYl-~1 I•Y )'la lnM, tii~~~C~~u rl. 'l'b" tllant wlilcla wall Unlverlllty : Pt:.P. '90, D.fi. lln(l l'~.D. 'OCt Chfl Dl11t:luunto11 ili'NII 111 DlnJt1Ln.rnton, tlt'?ilruyc·cl by "'" fiMit 111 lho 1111nttt\oCr 111 uti 11.8.. 'M. New \'ork, ht•111JI' N•I!UIIl 1111d \\'Ill ICO IIIlO CtllefatlOD 1892 C lll11if curr.,cu•rr b Wt ll Or. WAJ.TRit 1.., 110WA it0 , llrnd of llav•• ht'i'\11 l'lllh•d lfl IICII'IIl dUly In tlul $UIO,U00 1•1 tltCI IJnly<-rllll)l tor i\IJII"'IUtl, litO COII"K., Clf A~ rl•' llll llrO nt, 011 \'111, t'•llt., nrm4ltl fOI'i'\'11 11111((1 th11t tim\•, lhuloh•h C. llfiWKI'd awny em Uct,.h('r ~• In 011k l~ nt1, trum J!Y.?tl until 10.11 a nti ft IUilltiiHVhla t ' N•tlllJ' 1u111 ncmr110 r.ulll:l'll ~~~ twll (.lllllhl'r C'UIIIIHIJI.)' ht Uroukftc•J(l, nt4!nt of t11e Un h r r•Uy of fiiiiiJoCIIIr'l frntu liM Wltll ttUfll rll"tl hi ,1 ulr. llh111011rl. II 11100 111 101;). llont 111 lt•tckC, Wl(fl Of II t(IN'IIf'l' ru.r.u~ v. JI U N 'J~. Jr., 111 working 1111: n . r~l •trnt tlt (' ltrl"tlan C(III<'Jif', 011 ~P­ Nllif'III'C!h llltlllhllnllt for tltu Arktuu••~ AKrl· 1 tC"ml ~o~•r lr.! In ~t. l .ouh1, Mr11 . f.oN!, tlto tor• t•tmottt un fit lJa h:MI\'IIIC, t•IIIIIIN I l ·~~~~e Hllttl mrr Jl lo!NNE'l'TA RARI\J,t}Y, Willi llflftl ArkAllllillt, trt Mexia., Mt, AJttnnJ tholll! aurvlvhak arc WAf. l,ACB ),f, J,liOCIITI Jut11 F'C'tll rrtM IIC"r tutii!JaJUl, wl!n Ill N'I'IIC tal t'lf'f'II CIY~ ll'f'• tu e •f'l l)loym~ttt wlllt tbe U••ton l'adRt' rt>tar7 M Ute tM Ro,vu )l.fallltfllcturi•Jr 1tallwa7 tn 1'"".. . Cltt, )JIM011rl. C'.A!m Jllli\J h1 St, J.. on111 : a 4auarMcr, • UIWJlOK W. LOJ)(JB toolt a pcu~:I Uon L. N. GRAY son •nd tou.r cra~tddtlktrn. wit}; tbo Sotttllt.rat Kmft DIY!.!!Ion Gt t.bo aal rapc:r C0n11•n7 at SJler'l· lhltoraalle 1910 dt~•, ,Arlta,... a. llr. ~;ray .,.,. IM,.. 011 I far• IK'!IIt Call• LF..STitR R, NATT 11 workln1 for the WAltRBN RODinTS tf C'lallll"lk, t•rala, Ia .\lult•• ~"•'-'· NI.Jlllt•rl. 11... wu kiUN Ia a coom•ua luoltln.r a Jlan1•a llardwort aad X..lllber Ccua· llNJblnar ..,...... ,, 1'1'17 .,.... bla ltttad aa41 ..,p ,. 81. l.o.1-. mctt•r car a•• a trat'k •• Ntft.la1Nt l ,., hlta ltuWI t•r a llvt•a. """'"... •f •• CARL A. atOJ:LI.. V.R. Jr., be · worklll;J' tlf'll:r w.,.trl)', :.Co. Mr. Rokria wu Lh• laJarJ u: a d1Ut1 whk.. ldrtf'd bl111 t• IILPC.Oa CouatJ' HJ'IM'f'f' •114 IUr'ftJOt, tor tiM U. M. lt'oN!IIIt Kt:t'flft OD the Whit. W'lllk oniJ wllh the alii of f'rttt~ratt., nra7 JUvf'r NalloNil lfotfWit. llt'l.r OJ-enwood aad had detl1#11ed ••111 or lho byll4ta.r11 l~an C!lll'17 Ia life " lltn,jtle wlllch n-~ ~prlnp, Colorado. In tbe tOOflt7, hscllUllrtl the tO•rthOiiH, •lalrt.-.1 will pawer, 4'6tttaJCit ami pco_r~~~t'l'f'r• HAIUt\' U. MOitAN I• worki111C for the Ute Cbtnleott.e tllY ball, ana 'he CbJlll• nn~e. H e rffCIIY~l ltl~ clt~rCM from the Mill uti 1.11mber Comi)RII)' I.D cothe bo•Pitll. ft.t•lllf'll ).ln. llobert•. wbo ('llkllJO Unl'f'i!1"111tt of )fi~~:IIOtlrl: l't.l'. '88, r... n. 'Dl tireen•lll«~, llhlllllllllll>l. will ba romf'Mbered a11 hen• WitUtb, Rllil A.M. detrl't'e h1 1~1. He nUrlbuCed IIIJJ t tiltllr' or UfliJI-: RT 1), ltAISCII 114 workl.-s; t..r UlC"Ir Claulbtf!r, :Oft•. ).lltdClln lrt~trrtfl' Ht llllffi'll:ll In 11!1:~1YhiiC IIIII ftr11t Hnuolulu. lllltv1'1'~"- tho J,.o r11•tr7 Dlvh•lon or tho M l11~n•rl t he Jamf'll tl. Rollhtll Sl\ltlt'llt Aid Jl'utul c •nn ~o~~•rvAII I) II l!utuml••lon .,, n r 11 rm Cor· n l tl1fl UIII V'CrJtllJ', 'l'hllll iiOYI'II)pel) hl11 h1t'n 191Z ).IIIIIOtlrl, l'lltOI' lit AfCIIilltl, or c.tt~IJlhthm c llt ut lltu Orn)' Mcmorlnl Un. A0Nl1$ WAJ~Kwn IU":O..IfOl\D, fur• on IJ.op ta•~t bt-r 23 In 10J-JN R. 8CIIIJ.,ONECU'l' I• C!tn J)loroll b'untl Wille)! IIRII IJOI)II h l O(tOrnUun 11111('(1 rnerlr M Clllurubln, 1•1 tho Lonr·DII II L11mber Cott'II)RnY a t J()t1. "nnau Cit.)', or • 11e11.rt ftltttk. 8ba '" Ill underKol n~; a rvlvt~d b7 a diiUJIIh ler, MIA KUIWibOtb B11ld, Oklnhomn, where he "'or many ye«r• Mr. Uray wa.• " tcncl1cr 11 for work 1111 ll ••Jelunao. Dcdtor4, or B•toa Ronre, La, tralnlne ftnt'l 'u"crhttentl~ut (I( ~~tboo111 ht Al1•11our1, :VR.AN'CI8 1, 8CitWEl'.l'ZBR h employed Ketlhtck)', an{l Oklahom•. Ilo went to 191S by t bo uter11:1 IJU IIIber u4 C6Al C 1.11 ttnOlo7ed b7 tlao ftvo )'tar• •xo. Oac:o .ceretArJ•Ireua~r ud L1.1utor<1. Uo M~eht-4 a cltll'to frotll Clond On.lr .,l" rlnr Cowpan.J wllere be Ill U1c llhiOurl Wdtc!r•' Ou1HI, ).fr•. Vrtu· tbe Ku•• Clt7 School p t '''"· 8ID¢e will bo tn cluueo or tlll!lr plant a t West denb~r~cr reectved fottr tiOifHI from the Ute deatb or )Jr. BrotSI.. •Uuth IOD, Bd·

November, 1950 19 W;trd, lHill lliO'I"Cd lllll'k frum olitttiHIJtil (.:(11111., to lll~ lumu• whb Mhl. llrt~•llu l&llti lltm,~tbtc-r, ~lll'llll, Ill!:'' hi, 111 Ioili' W, OOih :O:t• • I(.IUIQJ' Clt.r. BARTH JAliF.~ ll. llli8'J'UX, vlc'I'•Jirl.."llldc•Jll D( tb~ P C!4k•rnl l.a ltd Unnk Df ~t. LOIIIII llll CLOTHING COMPANY, INC. ~·tub~r :!l lu ~1. I.UUI.II, (OIIliWinl' a lOIII( tlllltfllt. iciiUII(OII jcllnl'll CJII' I ..IU] l~l hlc all 82 years Leaders in the field of Quality Clothing 1u1 "'''''"IJ~<~·r In ltrlll. 1918 NUNN-BUSH &: FREEMAN SHOES-KUFPENHEIMER CLOTHES Dr. JOHN' 1., XJio:IUJ.\:'>\, dll'\octor e~f 111.. (;l'fl;duat~ nt"1,.1~tn ot -r.•.:cu A . .&> 1. ,.. 1)1· STETSON HATS ARROW SHIRTS w,_.,_. .on O..tul•r 0 al hi_. bcmwo Ia lttl, ;\ 8011, II, M. l,ltJII• , Jr., Iii tu.lvc•rtlll.lnJ:" UUtrtfi iCf'r or the I.exlrt.IClOII AllvertiJier·N••\t'K. M n~, r.l lll~·. Rr., 111111 II THE lo rntJwr, Artlurr I.UIIe or Kt, t .oulll niJII• IHirVI\'(', 4-WAY 1919 DAniEL BOOnE UOUI•:n·1• 'J'J•: U.JtlJ, [, I'OWlo:US, l(ratht· FOOD 111e of tltc l'ull<'fl'(! ut Y.naln""rlna a1td a A Fireproof Hotel mNilhl'r of Plat ll••t• 1\111'1"'· Ull ~)t"toht•r 7 lit IIIII' ho•oC! lu I·;YanKHIIt, l ll, I 'IIWf'rK Wllfl PROTECTION IJU Jterfntelldt•nt of op.rullmua for Nntnnl t:al" I'IJif'lln(' COIIIJ!.ai:IY ht CIIIC'I.I(O. lie waiJ 2 natlre ot l''"'"• llo. 1924 TAYLOR ~ASDISON. fonn~r !lbtrll-t • !- Constant Cold Tem­ contor~•erat auorftt}' r•r 1M Off~ •t perature (Foods stay ~ A.dmtnl~ttn.tlon 1111 St. L•lllt~. '"' (~· natural longer) tebf'T lG In !-lt. Louls. &udiMD. a aall,.. Cit Haat•-rll~. lJe.. W'lllll •rael••tttl fM•I • Z-Pure Washed Air (No the Jar N>bOal aad ,...., ta Jdl'tonon transference of food Clt:J, wiMo~ b• 11"&11: a uorDtT fOT tbe l"ub· odors) J1t Sl>r"rkoe ('omlld•IOD. • 3-P r o p e r Amount of 1932 Moisture (No rap i d lin. WUiouC"IIbT H. J!Nln.. .D, Ole tarllliH" drying out of foods) I>OROTUr CONAN~ G( u ...u~. Ill., •• • '-Rapid Circulation (lm· Octobu 1.$ In Colu•bta. 1Ju,.h·ln,g are Make your Cotumbta hud· Jw-r hnltboaod ud t o11r dllldrHo. ~r. Jolin• purities speedily re· quarters htte. Clean, comfort­ •• I• aa a_hll-tant l)I'Cifeuor of Katlla.,, moved) able rooms and prompt service Dfi'N"IOr of l.bt V~tt'rAD• Sf.M1<-e Co•n•lt• PROVIDES FRESHER are our specialty. You will m­ tf'l' •lid Jforrl$:"n 8nadtnt Ach1.atr at tlle FOOD AT HALF THE joy the delkiout food in our t; IIIIVl'r ldty Of )di1".80Url. atr..conditloned coffee a hop. 1939 COST Wire, write, or phone for re&er­ :ur•. Rhuo U. HtUiter, torni>I.'TIJ .TANE valion. Rooms, $2.00 up. ·"-~N WJLLlA)lS, ot KlltUIU CilJ', llo., on COLUMBIA ICE and Oetobt'r !0 In Kana.11 Cll.y. lin.. IJutlter, 1u1 • lltudeut, '1'1'&& " formt!t pl'('ti'IC)ellt Gf STORAGE CO. Oamma Phi ~~· t~ororltr aoll o f liGrtar JIM NANSON &nrcl, Itt 1!»0 11bo wu ~~eL'TC'IAr-1 to tho llo.'ln or ''"omen. ).Jr. FJunter, IJIWTer 11ncl t Manager ·.,o,t•rotor member ot tb~ hoard t)t' pollee co1111tl lll· .. . ,olonerA in J-\n11111l.fl Ch)', 1111d llltlr da\IICb • ttr. NanC')' Ann, 7, 11ur-v1,.e,

The Missouri Alumnus The TIGER HOTEL COLUMBIA'S NEWEST HOTEL You are in the center of things when ;you atop at THE TIGER ••• The: wary lnvder ea.n Ru!ty aeccniblt to rthx an comfort a.t tbr aU Univtrsi~ and coUqe fun.ctioDL Pickwklt-K=s..Cicy'• Enjoy our AIR­ friendly hotc:l, when CONDITIONED nothangiso~ COPPEE SHOP. We hAvt 150 AIR· uc.~pt helpful aerv1«. COOLED ROOMS 1Q) ~- s-u _. ..,. ... MODERN .. . OONVI!NI.rNT LOCAT10N FIRE PROOF •.. kATI!S NEWLY lt!ASONABL! DECORATED AND FURNISHED. Your 1t1y at JW-t:t THE TIGER will bo a tomfortable and pltaunt one. CMUJI Write. wire or phone lor nurvations. R. L. Dudley Re1ldent Munger Make THE TIGER your headquarters in Columbia.

WAat i4 IJOU/1, neuu NEWS! &o"- tAe mo. .lleutrUtU4 NEWS! Here's a ready-to-use form we want you to fill out whh 'urrent personal news of yourself. your family or about other classmates you've recently seen or heard from.

Name ...... Class ......

Mailing Address ......

Occupation ······-·················· ·-··· ...... _. ___ ...... -...... - ...... - ...... - ..- ...... -·-··-··············- ·--

What is neyts? Change of address, or occupation, marriage or addition to the ram· ily. News of yourself or other members. (Use space below.)

Date ...... (Mail to 110 Jesse Hall) 0 THE STORY OF TEN LITTLE FREE WO~ERS 0

THE BE A ll£ THI: WOilKEil8

~ili'~!iillTen litlle free worker& In this counlly /ino and l•ir. But j/ you chorlfh your lrHdom- worlr.er have • ~:uel Ten 1Jtt1o frco workors-Roddy wu doi09 line fJnlll tho .oclall.st.s qot him-then thoro were nine. a l i ~ ~ J i 1 ~ Nine Jiitlolree wortora laughed at Reddy's /ate Nong came /edorel m.c]jdn.,_lhen there were ef,ght. l ! . ~ ~ J i 1 ~ EJghtJJtlle lrH workers ihoU9hl thll country benen Bullhe qovornmejook o~th e"idr, 'i rh"~"' ,.i', ~

Stnn Uulofroe worker,_'till the minOr$ got in • Hx. Uncle $ild co1rr euentl•l~ rooki' '''j sb<. ~ ~ 1 Six /itt!. lrH worlt.tm tili Ihe dey dkl tutivo Th

TbrH Urtle ltH wOthrs--Cbe numM.r b ~Uing lew, Bur wlllt go••nuDeol V"'"'rlea ..1/Jng food-a>•• rh•

Two lmletree worker~ur atory'a almost doM, ., Wltb clerb at work 1D federal .rotu-lhtt lene.a only one.

One UftlelrH wod:or-th. r•porter .on-ot.. .gun ·

~lfl&. Ten little worter&-bul theyi"l •r• no longerJrHlll& Tb•y work when and wber• ordered. and ala lind tale you .... ADd Jt aJ1 could han Men prevented if lhoy'd only ••n llt to agree And work togotber ln•Jead o/ uylnq "11 nevor can htppen to mer'