Shapwick Bunny Hop 2017: The 10th Anniversary Record-breaking Success. By Teresa King

The 10th Shapwick Bunny Hop took place on Easter Monday. Unlike last year, the day dawned bright and clear and the course was in great condition. Not only that, but thanks to the use of online entries for the first time and a superb publicity drive amongst local clubs, there were nearly 140 participants from far and wide – a record by over 50! Around 30 walkers set off with Ali Luckins and Steve Dunster for the 4 mile walk.

Prior to the main race, over 40 children lined up eagerly to run the Junior Hop. KS1 youngsters ran one lap of the two fields and KS2 had to run double the distance. Winners received a certificate and chocolate bunny, and all finishers received an engraved medal and an egg.

The main race started at 10.30 in Vicarage Lane. The procession from the Village Hall to the start in Vicarage Lane was quite an event in itself. After negotiating the kissing gates in the first two fields, runners soon spread out on the course to achieve some really fast times. The overall course record was beaten by both the first and the second finishers, Chris McMillan from Weston AC (first) with a time of 42:36 and Kurtis Gibson (second) with a time of 43:21. Close behind was Ashley Mansfield (third) in45:30. The women’s race was won by Melanie Redwood from Southville Running Club in 55:22. Second was Victoria Plummer in 56:14 and third Kayleigh Warren from in 58:35. It was great to see 10 runners from Shapwick (either residents or members of Shapwick Runners): in no particular order, Adam Smith, Tom Mills, Kayleigh Warren, Steve Campion, Will Rogers, Jen Tweedy, Anthony Lipmann, Jo Horn, Graham Tuttle and Jim Bell. First home was Tom Mills in 53:51.Full results are on the Shapwick Runners website

All finishers received a bottle of ‘Bunny Hop’ cider to celebrate our 10th Anniversary. The bespoke labels were designed by John Anderson, who also designed our striking race posters as in previous years.

As always, Shapwick Runners wish to pass our thanks to all the marshals and all those who helped at the hall, including Nerina, Claire, Helen and Bente who provided an amazing brunch. As well as local landowners who were happy for us to run through their land and put up signs in their fields. A particular thank you to the Jenkins for mowing the Village Green just before the big day.Race proceeds will be donated this year to Dorset and Air Ambulance, and this is likely to be in the region of £400-£500.

We’ve now made it 10 years (as a race and as a club) and are still going strong. Let’s hope we continue the tradition for generations to come. Anyone is welcome to come along to Shapwick Runners – we meet on a Sunday morning for a jog round the lanes (8.30 at the corner of the cricket pitch). Many of our members run independently at other times. Check out our website or phone Teresa on 01458 210107. Otherwise, please do come along and join the Bunny Hop fun next year, either as a runner, a marshal or a supporter.


Hi folks, On a bright Saturday st During May, I’ll be completing my first year in the in March, 1 Poldens Polden Wheel… and I think the only thing I’ve broken cubs joined other during the year was the bell-rope at Chilton Polden… cub packs from all over Somerset to As I’ve gone through the year I’ve become increasingly take part in County conscious of how many people give so much of their Day, which this year time to enable church ministry to happen. was at Wookey Hole Each of the six churches has a group of people Caves. dedicated to keep the buildings functioning well – chief On another amongst them being the church wardens, but there are Saturday, our pack many others, not least those who belong to the various took part in a Forest church friends groups, and the pastoral team who look School day with a group of Chinese youngsters at Knowle House. It was out for those who are unwell or struggling. Others have a great opportunity for our young people to work and play outdoors roles across the parish, such as our indefatigable with children from another culture. treasurer, Brian, and our readers Jan and Ann. We’re also indebted to Polden Praise, led by Rowena, who do Our final meeting of the Spring term was at Burrington Combe where so much to enable a much livelier musical sound. I’m cubs donned wetsuits and helmets and negotiated part of the cave also greatly indebted to Sue, the parish administrator. system there. For most it was their first caving experience and they are all looking forward to the next The new ministries all depend on the passion and time! commitment of volunteers – for example, our Messy Church leaders Fiona, Rowena and Rachel, and the Adam and Brin Assistant Cub various kitchen teams at Café Church. Scout Leaders I’m conscious that this is a very incomplete list… but church ministry today is, necessarily, far more of a team effort than it used to be. Although in years gone by the vicar-does-everything model may have worked, it can’t today with parishes being amalgamated… but I think we have a much healthier model for doing church, now that others with gifts are able to serve both God and Ralph Richardson the community with what they have. I would like to thank all the kind people of Shapwick who I’m looking forward to continuing to serve the Polden sent cards of condolence and also for visiting me on my Wheel! recent sad loss of my dear Ralph. Every blessing Rich Tweedy [email protected] Pauline Richardson

Curry Night A very successful Curry Night was enjoyed recently by villagers at Shapwick Village Hall when Bridget Dawes, Claire Brown, Helen Watson and Nerina Scott produced a tasty and varied assortment of Indian dishes including Lamb, Chicken & Vegetable. Thank you to all those who supported the event and the profits went towards Village Hall funds.

Millie Edits the News! Well rotted farm manure (sheep manure rotted to black manure/soil For the next 3 issues I will be editing the like) News alongside Sue for my Duke of £2 per bag or 3 bags for £5 delivery in Edinburgh Bronze Award. Shapwick

Large amounts available Please Call Tracey TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS [email protected] 01458 210553 evenings or call at Bowerings Six months £40 :Twelve months £70 Farm (available for own collection) Shapwick Starlets WI step back in time

Flags out, bunting up, tables beautifully decorated, and all in aid of a special lady who was unaware that a surprise 90th birthday party was awaiting her. Dora was born in 1927, the year when a loaf of bread cost 1d, Britain’s first automatic traffic lights were launched and the first transatlantic telephone call was made from New York City to London. In Somerset, a daily all year round rail service ran between Manchester and Bournemouth via Shapwick and in 1927 it was given the title Pines Express, pine trees being a distinctive feature of Bournemouth. It was this train for which the Somerset & Dorset line became famous. There were plenty of nibbles, Spam sandwiches, Honey biscuits, Carrot scones and Welsh cakes accompanied by a glass or two of white wine. We were entertained by playing Make Do and Mend Pass the parcel which involved 1940’s forfeits including make a hat out of a piece of newspaper and whistle God Save the Queen. Everyone dressed appropriately, there were Land Girls, some well to do ladies, and an air force captain. Next, it was 'Question Time' with our youngest member (30 ish) asking the panel of more senior members (total age of 280 ish) what it was like in the war, in Shapwick. Was there a home guard and what was the best ration recipe? We also heard stories from Joan who was evacuated from London to Somerset and from Bente who shared her war time memories of what it was like in Norway, who remembers her Mother making shoes out of fish skins. So interesting, and we learned lots about the history of the village. The village had its own Home Guard and one night, in 1941, in the early hours a British bomber limping back from a raid, crashed on its way back to airfield in thick fog. Sadly it crashed with the loss of all its crew. The evening was bought to a close with Dora cutting the superbly decorated birthday cake and then opening her gifts which were presented in a magnificently embroidered gift box. A lot of hard work went into bringing the whole thing together, so thank you team, it was a spiffing evening. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 9th May which will be our AGM followed by a fish and chip supper and the first of this year's team quiz. For more information contact Sue Sellick 01458 210357.

Shapwick Churchyard Working Party

Very many thanks to all those who helped with the churchyard working party! We had a great team, and I was amazed how much we achieved in one morning. It is now looking much more orderly! The next working parties will be on Saturday May 20 and Saturday June 24, both from 9 to 1. (Any time which you give would be much appreciated).

For more details, contact Rich on 01458-210260 or [email protected].

Church Table Top Sale Annual Parish meeting: Saturday 13th of May 2017 10am to 2pm

£5 per table Tues 16th May 2017 Contact: [email protected] 7pm village hall, all welcome.

Parish Council Website -—minutes, agendas etc. What’s On in Shapwick

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council Polden Wheel Church Services in May 2017 will follow the annual parish meeting Sunday 7 May – Easter 4 9.00 Holy Communion(BCP) on 16th May. 10.30 Ashcott Informal Worship with baptism 10.30 Edington Family Communion Shapwick and Polden CC Home Fixtures: 6.30 Ashcott Revive (1st XI) Sunday 14 May – Easter 5 10.00 Shapwick Café Church May 6th Ilminster 10.30 Chilton Polden Informal Family Communion May 14th Congresbury 6.30 Holy Communion (CW) May 20th Taunton St Andrews Sunday 21 May – Rogation Sunday 10.30 Ashcott Rogation Service (this service will be May 21st / held at Millslade Farm, Station Road, Ashcott 20:20 followed by a meal at Ashcott Village Hall.) Thursday 25 May – Ascension Day Lite Bite Lunches 10.00 Ashcott Holy Communion (CW) The next lunch is on 15th May, 12:30pm-2pm in Sunday 28 May – Easter 7 St Marys Church. 9.00 Shapwick Holy Communion (CW) Everyone welcome 10.30 Burtle Family communion 6.30 Edington Evensong (BCP) For further information please contact Helen on 210885 Sunday 4 June –Pentecost 9.00 Catcott Holy Communion (BCP) 10.30 Ashcott Holy Communion (CW) Tea & Cakes 10.30 Edington Informal Worship St. Mary’s Church 6.30 Catcott Revive Friday

26th May 3.00pm to 5.00pm Useful Contact Details

Parish Council - Clerk -Sue Williams 01458 210749 [email protected] Clubs Village Hall - Secretary Claire Brown 01458 210784 Cubs—Adam Smith 07508 468173 [email protected] Cricket Club—Martin Baker 01458 831131 Hall Bookings—[email protected] or 01458 210329 Friends of Shapwick Church—Jane Walker 01458 St. Mary’s Church - Jan Jones 01458 210804 210137 Edington Doctors Surgery 01278 722077 Prescriptions 01278 723459 Pilates—Lita de Alberdi 01458 446883 Bridgwater Hospital 01278 436555 Shapwick Runners— District Council 0845 408 2540 WI – Sue Sellick 01458 210357 0300 123 2224 Yoga—Mel Blackshaw 07812 667911

Published by Shapwick Parish Council. Edited by Sue Williams and Millie Oaten NB Copy for the next Issue of the News should be sent to: Sue Williams by 20th May or to [email protected]

There is no guarantee that all material submitted will be used - publication is at the Editor’s discretion and articles may be amended or condensed. We do not print anonymous contributions but are prepared to include items under a pen name, if so desired, on condition that we are given the name and address of the author(s). Opinions expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the Editor nor Parish Council.