Curriculum Vitae July, 2020 Name: Barbara C. Lust Address: Cornell University Department of Human Development/Cognitive Science Program Graduate Fields: Developmental Psychology, Linguistics, Psychology, Asian Studies, Cognitive Science Ithaca, New York 14853-4401 E-mail:
[email protected] Fax: (607) 255-9856 Phone: Office: (607) 255-0847 Home: (607) 387-6124 Cell: (607) 279 4786 Web sites: Orcid Education 1974-1976 Postdoctoral Study in Linguistics and Philosophy of Language Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 1970-1975 Ph.D. Developmental Psychology City University of New York. Graduate Center 1971 M.A. English Literature Fordham University. Bronx, New York 1968-1969 Study in Developmental Psychology L'Institut des Sciences de l'Education University of Geneva, Switzerland 1965-1966 Study in Psychology The New School for Social Research New York, New York 1965 Study in Developmental Psychology Fairleigh Dickinson. Rutherford, New Jersey 1959-1963 B.A. English Literature 2 Manhattanville College. Purchase, New York Professional Experience September 1 2017-2019 Visiting Scholar MIT July 1 2017 - current Professor Emerita Cornell University; Graduate Research Professor Fall 2015 Visiting Scholar MIT 1990-current Professor, Cornell University; Human Development. Fields of Linguistics, Psychology, Cognitive Science and Asian Studies. Joint appointment with Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics, 1990- 1995; Department of Modern Languages, 1996-1999 Spring 2010 Visiting Scientist MIT July 6-27, 2007 (co-organized with S. Flynn; taught with M. Blume, C. Foley, Y-C Chien, K. Drozd, C.