Research Report No. 15 Literacy in Early Childhood and Primary Education Eithne Kennedy, Elizabeth Dunphy, Bernadette Dwyer, (Geraldine3-8 Hayes,years) Thérèse McPhillips, Jackie Marsh, Maura O’Connor, Gerry Shiel. Boyd Freeman Design
[email protected] + 353 (0)87 0536995 Literacy in Early Childhood and Primary Education (3-8 years) Commissioned research report Eithne Kennedy, St. Patrick’s College, Dublin Elizabeth Dunphy, St. Patrick’s College, Dublin Bernadette Dwyer, St. Patrick’s College, Dublin Geraldine Hayes, St. Patrick’s College, Dublin Thérèse McPhillips, St. Patrick’s College, Dublin Jackie Marsh, University of Sheffield, UK Maura O’Connor, St. Patrick’s College, Dublin Gerry Shiel, Educational Research Centre, Dublin 2012 Research conducted on behalf of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment Literacy in Early Childhood and Primary Education (3-8 years) © NCCA 2012 ISSN 1649-3362 National Council for Curriculum and Assessment 24, Merrion Square, Dublin 2. Literacy in Early Childhood and Primary Education (3-8 years) Acknowledgements The Education and Special Education Departments in St. Patrick’s College, Dublin City University, the Educational Research Centre, St. Patrick’s College and the University of Sheffield, UK, thank the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment for commissioning and supporting this project. In addition, we are indebted to Sarah FitzPatrick and Arlene Forster of the NCCA for providing detailed feedback on earlier drafts of the report. Reading Note Readers should note that this report is one of three research papers published in 2012 in support of the development of a new primary language curriculum, as Nos.