Minutes of the Town Council

Cowbridge with Town Council Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, on Tuesday 16th October 2018 at 7.00pm.

Present: Mayor – Cllr T L Williams MBE Deputy Mayor – Councillor A T Trousdell

In Attendance: Councillors: J M Andrew, Mrs M Arnold, Mrs G Baty BEM, Councillor G A Cox MBE, Mrs S M Cox MBE, R S Downe, C George, J R Harris.

Town Clerk – Ms Ceri Anderson Assistant Town Clerk – Ms Sia Hookins

Councillor A Parker – Representative

The Mayor, Cllr T Williams preceded the meeting with a prayer.

Item 1. Apologies for Absence. 87/18 Councillor J Andrew - Personal Councillor N C Thomas - Personal Councillor – S Vaughan - Personal Councillor – H Wright - Personal Councillor – A Burges - Personal

Item 2. Declarations of Interest. 88/18 None

Item 3. Vale of Glamorgan Council Matters 89/18 The Mayor Cllr T Williams welcomed Vale Councillor Mr A Parker to the meeting.

A) Section 106 Agreement

Cllr G Cox advised that he had been consulting with Town Council Members for the Ward, Cllrs C George and H Wright in relation to s106 monies from the Llanfair Meadows development which has been earmarked for sustainable development.

Cllr C George informed the meeting that consultation with the local community had resulted in an overwhelming response to improve pedestrian safety on the A4222 at Aberthin. Councillors were told that a site visit would be taking place on 31 October 2018 between fellow Vale Councillors, Cllrs George and Wright and with Mr M Clogg, Highways Officer, Vale of Glamorgan in attendance to establish which scheme would be the most successful, taking into consideration the financial constraints.

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B) Update on the Darren Farm development.

Cllr Parker provided the Council with a detailed response to the questions raised about the Darren Farm Development at the last meeting Councillors were advised that a fixed formula was used when working out the number of children to be consider in the relation to education and a 475 property housing development. Figures as follows:-

48 – Nursery School places 123 - Primary School Places 99- Secondary School Places (11-16 year olds) 19 – Post 16 year olds

Members were re-assured that the Vale of Glamorgan recognised that there was an immediate need for this to be progressed.

The meeting was provided with a further financial breakdown relating to the s106 agreement as follows:-

Sustainable Transport - £551,000 Public Open Space (Darren Farm) - £200,000 Community Facilities - £200,000 Public Art - £30,000 Administration Fees - £100,000

Councillor Parker referred members to a Vale of Glamorgan to a letter dated 6 May 2016 which indicated the strong opposition put forward to the development by Vale Councillors and their objections to the total change of policy especially given that a previous refusal for development had been supported. The letter is a matter of public record.

Cllr M Arnold raised a query in relation to footpath L50 however Cllr Parker did not feel that he was in a position to give an informed response to this matter.

The Mayor and members of the Council thanked the Cllr A Parker for attending the meeting.

Item 4. Community Police Matters 90/18 No police in attendance

Item 5. Road Safety 91/18 Cllr Cox advised members that the Clerk had forwarded him email correspondence from a resident of Primrose Hill raising concerns about speeding traffic. It was agreed that this was a police matter and the Clerk should forward the email to P C Elson for further consideration.

Item 6. The Financial Report – September 2018. 92/18 a) Financial Report It was noted that the bank reconciliation was missing from the report. The Clerk apologised for the omission. The reconciliation was produced on the night and members were given opportunity to consider it. It was noted that there was decrease in income received year to date. The Assistant Town Clerk confirmed that some of the regular hirers had cancelled their bookings which had impacted on income received.

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RESOLVED: To accept the Financial Report as presented.

Item7. To confirm the minutes of Town Council Meeting held on Tuesday 18th September 2018. 93/18 Resolved: To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 18 September 2018 as a true and accurate record with the following amendment:-

Item 13. 74/18 (2) Vale of Glamorgan Destination Management Partnership Delete “grant” insert “growth”

Item 8. Matters arising from Town Council Meeting held on Tuesday 18th September 2018 94/18 Page 11 – Minute No 81/18 (20.5) Post Office Cowbridge The Clerk confirmed that she had e-mailed Mr Taylor again re the post office situation and had not as yet received a response.

Page 11 – Minute No 84/18 (22a) – Limes Shed Agreed that the situation surrounding the Limes Shed Lease should be closely monitored.

Item 9. To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 24th September 95/18 2018

Resolved: To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 24th September 2018 as a true and accurate record.

Item 10. Matters arising from Town Council Meeting held on Tuesday 24th September 2018 96/18 None.

Item 11. Reports 97/18 (a) Mayor

Friday 21 September – Cowbridge Music Festival Sunday Cowbridge 10K – Rugby Club Thursday 4 October – Presentation of Certificates at Cowbridge Library Sunday 7th October – Atlantic Adventure 2 – Atlantic College Sunday 21 October – Samba Band Café Nero Tuesday 23 October – Judging of Cubs Cooker Competition Friday 26 October – CAOS Concert, Town Hall Saturday 27 October – RAF , Glen Miller Band Thursday 8 November – 25th Understanding Disability Awards Friday 9 November – Remembrance Service Cowbridge Comprehensive School Sunday 11 November – Remembrance Sunday Wednesday 14 November – United Charities Thursday 15 November – Annual Winter Art Exhibition Thursday 15 November – Scout Gang Show Sunday 18 November – Vale of Glamorgan Civic Service

(b) Clerk The Clerk confirmed that she had attended the One Voice Conference in Builth Wells.

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Item 12. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES 98/18 a. Leisure & Amenities. Councillor Spencer-Downe presented the report on the meeting held on Monday 2nd July 2018. Cllr Spencer-Downe advised members that the local primary schools had been given the opportunity to decide which play bench was to be installed in the Twt Park and the football design had been selected by an overwhelming majority. It was agreed that the process had been a good community consultation exercise.

Twt Park Members were further advised that a site visit had taken place at Twt Park in relation to the repair of play surface area. The contractor had advised that it would not be possible for concrete edging to be installed due to existing concrete in the ground and therefore it had been agreed that it was necessary to revert back to the original proposal to repair and graduate the surface back into the ground at a cost of £3650.00.

Members were further advised that unfortunately the contractor who had agreed to install the plinths under the benches at Twt Park had now informed the Town Clerk that he was unable to carry out the work. An alternative contractor had been found and agreed to carry out the work at a cost of £624.00.

Cllr Baty asked that for accuracy at Item 9 to delete the description “Boot Room” to entrance at Twt Park.

RESOLVED: To accept the report of the Leisure & Amenities Committee dated Monday 1st October 2018.

b. Planning. Cllr Mrs S M Cox presented the report on the Planning Meeting held on Monday 1 October 2018.

RESOVLED: To accept the recommendations of the Planning Committee dated Monday 1st October 2018.

c. Finance & General Purposes. Cllr C George presented the report to members.

Discussion took place about the necessity for the Town Hall and Leisure and Amenities Committee to prepare budgets in readiness for the 2019/20 Precept.

It was noted that the Clerk had prepared, in draft, updated Standing Orders for consideration at the next Finance and General Purposes Committee

RESOLVED: To accept the recommendations of the Finance and General Purposes Committee dated Tuesday 2nd October 2018.

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d. Town Hall. Cllr J Andrew presented the report to members.

It was confirmed that the new telephone system had now been installed.

RESOLVED: To accept the recommendations of the Town Hall Committee dated Tuesday 2nd October 2018.

Item 13. REPORTS FROM ORGANISATIONS 99/18 It was agreed that on the grounds of expediency only the members of organisations who had attended or had information to convey about meetings\organisations would speak under this item. 1. One Voice Wales Cllr A Trousdell confirmed date of next meeting would be.

2. Cowbridge Town Twinning Association Cllr George confirmed that fund-raising continues for the forthcoming Clisson visit.

3. Footpaths Committee Cllr Arnold confirmed that she had contacted the Vale of Glamorgan Council directly regarding concerns about footpaths in Cowbridge.

4. Chamber of Trade Cllr Andrew advised that there were only 5 people in attendance at the last meeting, and there had been a change of chair-person - Mr A John had stepped down and Ms K Thomas had now taken over.

5. Cowbridge in Bloom It was confirmed that the flower arrangements had now been taken down. The Mayor conveyed his thanks to all those people involved in Cowbridge in Bloom and noted the hard work involved on an annual basis by a relatively small group of people. It was agreed that the Clerk should investigate as to whether the Vale of Glamorgan Council assists any Town or Community Councils with regard to provision of floral arrangements.

6. Community Liaison Committee Cllr Harris confirmed he had received a last minute invitation to the meeting and as such was unable to attend

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List of Attendees involved in reporting back from outside organisations

1. Dementia Friendly Steering Group

Cllr Williams advised that Coffee Mornings and Training Session had been arranged for 28 September 2018 and 15 November 2018.

List of Representative Trusts and Governorships

1. Cowbridge Institute Charity

Cllr Baty confirmed the next meeting would be on Thursday 18 October 2018.

2. Governing Body – Y Bont Faen Primary School

Cllr T L Williams advised that the school were looking for 3 Governors.

Cllr Williams also informed the meeting that the school had reached the quarter finals of the Top of the Class competition and that every pupil in the school had made a poppy for the cascade.

3. Governing Body of Ysgol Iolo Morgannwg

Cllr A Trousdell confirmed that no minutes had been received for the previous month.

Item 14. Winter Maintenance Programme – Amenities Supervisor 100/18 The Clerk presented members with the Amenities Supervisor Schedule of winter work, to be completed by 31 March 2019.

RESOLVED : To note.

Item 15. 101/18 Update – Battles Over Meeting

The Assistant Town Clerk gave members a comprehensive update of programme of events for the forthcoming Remembrance Day Service.

The Mayor Cllr T L Williams thanked the Assistant Town Clerk for all her hard work in co- ordinating the organisation of the event.

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Item 16. 102/18 Pantomime

Cllr J Wallis advised members that he was this year able to obtain sponsorship for the Pantomime. It was noted that the event broke even last year and it was hopeful that an increased income could be achieved this year.

Following discussion it was agreed that the Clerk would seek clarification on the legalities of Council receiving sponsorship for the Pantomime and it being a free event.

Cllr Wallis advised that he would be able to provide poster to advertise the event.

RESOLVED : That due to the timescale involved a small working group would be set up and given plenary powers to progress this item.

Working Group: Cllrs Wallis, Baty, Trousdell and Williams with assistance of Assistant Town Clerk.

Item 17. Correspondence 103/18 17.1 E Mail – S Oaten, Chair, Sully and Community Council – Formation of Discipline Appeals Committee

Agreed that given the sensitive nature of this item would be discussed as a confidential item at the end of the meeting.

17.2 Letter – J Bader, Chair, Independent Remuneration for Wales – Annual Report

To note.

17.3 Quotation for Christmas Lighting – Floodlighting and Electrical Services

RESOLVED: To accept the quotation as presented for £2520.00 excl. VAT

17.4 Additional Item – Email Correspondence P Davies, Llanblethian Notice Board

Following discussion:

RESOLVED: That following the success of the refurbishment of the Town Hall Noticeboards Cllrs George and Wright would inspect the Llanblethian Notice Board and carry out similar refurbishment.

RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk contacts Mr Davies and advise him accordingly.

Item 18. Publications received 104/18 None

Item 19. Documents for Sealing Page 7 of 8

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105/18 None

That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest that the public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.

Date and time of next Meeting.

Tuesday 20 November 2018 at 7.00pm.

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